Modern History MCQs Analysis

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● 1st leader to use word "Swaraj" - Naoroji

● Swami Ramanand : Hyderabad
● Abdul Hamid Khan : Assam
● Which congressmen participated in AIKS - J L Nehru
● Bhartiya kisan vidyalaya - N G Ranga
● Bengal praja party : Fazlul Haq
● Tebhaga movement, Bengal : reduction of the share of the landlords from
50% to 1/3rd. It was started by Bengal kisan sabha against Flood commision
● Acharya Vinobha bhave's Bhoodan movement @ Pochampalli, AP
● Tabernacle of New Dispensation
● Calcutta Unitarian Committee


● Voyagers & their countries - Christopher Columbus (Spain), Captain Cook

(GBR), Tasman (Holland) discovered Tasmania & NZ
● Pondicherry - Portuguese first, 2nd were Dutch, 3rd were British but later
handed over to France in Treaty of Paris


1. Vasco da Gama @Calicut (Kozhikode) in 1498, welcomed by Zamorin, Calicut

2. 1st Portuguese Viceroy in India was Almeida (Blue Water Policy)
3. Albuquerque is said to be the real founder of Portuguese power in India
4. The 1st fortress was built @Cochin
5. Nino de Cunha, moved the capital from Cochin to Goa in 1530 CE.
6. Territory - Goa
7. First factory in Bengal established by them was @ Hooghly (as their Piracy

Dutch Company

1. First one to start stock exchange with India

2. Territory - Madras
3. Trading centers - Cochin, Nagapattinam, Machilipatnam, Chinsurah,
Bharuch, Agra, Surat, Ahmedabad & Patna
4. They defeated the Portuguese and built Fort Williams in modern Cochin,

French Company

1. 1st factory @ Surat

2. Territory - Pondicherry
3. Founder of French company Colbert
4. French failed to establish power in the Deccan because the English had a
strong army
5. French EIC was formed in the reign of Louis XIV
6. Under the leadership of Dupleix, the French occupied Madras @1746
7. Carnatic Wars - F vs E
8. Reason for 1st CW - Capture of French ships by British
9. CW 1 - Ended by Treaty of Aix La Chapelle
10. CW 2 - Inconclusive (Treaty of Pondicherry)
11. CW 3 - Ended by Treaty of Paris
12.Dupleix was the first European to initiate the policy of taking part in the
quarrels of Indian Princes with a view to acquire territories

English Company

1. Set up their first factory in India (Surat), in 1613 during the reign of Jahangir.
2. 1st factory in South @Masulipatnam (AP), in East @OD
3. Levant company was the first British company to get permit to trade in India
4. During the formation of EIC, Akbar was ruling in India
5. Job Charnock founder of Calcutta

● Contributions made by foreign rulers in India

1. Assessment of land revenue on the basis of nature of the soil and quality of the
crop was introduced during the reign of Sher Shah Suri & Akbar.
2. Tobacco and red chillies : Portuguese
3. Mobile cannons in warfare : Mughal era

● Last governor of Bengal appointed by the Mughal emperor was Murshid Quli
● Battle of Plassey (1757) - Clive vs Siraj Ud Daulah
● Mir Jafar entered into conspiracy with the British for the defeat of Nawab
Siraj ud daulah in the Battle of Plassey (he was the father in law of Mir Qasim)
● Heaven Born General - Robert Clive
● William Jones - Founder of Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta
● Mir Qasim shifted the capital from Murshidabad to Munger
● Most decisive battle that led to the establishment of supremacy of the British
was Battle of Buxar (1764), in which British (Hector Munro) defeated the
allied forces of Mir Qasim, Nawab of Awadh Siraj ud daulah and Mughal emperor
Shah Alam II
● Diwani rights of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha was granted to EIC by Shah Alam II
during the tenure of Clive
● Mountain tribe Khasi headed British after they got the contract of Diwani in
● Chronology - Battle of Ambur - Battle of Plassey - Battle of Wandiwash -
Battle of Buxar
● Battle of Ambur (1749) - Combined armies of Muzaffar Jung, Chanda Sahib
& French defeated Anwar ud din, thus Muzaffar Jung became the Subedar of
● Battle of Wandiwash (1760) - French (Count de Lally) were defeated by
British (Eyre Coote)
● Battle of Khurda (1795) - Marathas (W) vs Nizams (L)
● Battle of Chillianwala - British vs Sikhs, undecided
● Marathas opposed British vigorously

Regional States : PUNJAB & MYSORE

Marathas (1674 to 1818) - Began with the coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji

Maharaj and ended with the defeat of Peshwa Bajirao II by the EIC


● Ranjit Singh kingdom included Srinagar

● Misl of Ranjit Singh - Sukerchakia
● Capital of Ranjit Singh kingdom - Lahore
● Ranjit Singh, "God sent me to look upon all religions with one eye, that is why
he took away the light from the other"
● He set up modern factories to make cannons @ Lahore
● Dalip singh (youngest son of RS) died in Paris, 1893
● Duleep Singh was the last king of Sikh empire
● Board of 3 to administer PJ after its annexation included Henry & John
Lawrence & Charles Mensel
● Sawai Jai Singh (Rajput ruler of Amber = Jaipur) had Euclid's 'Elements of
Geometry' translated into Sanskrit


● 1st AMW (1766-69) - Haider Ali vs British + Marathas + Nizams, Treaty of

● 2nd AMW (1780-84) - Treaty of Mangalore, Warren Hastings was GG
● 3rd AMW (1790-92) - Cornwallis vs Tipu, Treaty of Srirangapatnam
● 4th AMW (1799-1800) - Wellesley, British annexed Srirangapatna, Tipu died
● Tipu Sultan established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines
● Tipu Sultan defeated the British in 1780 @ Pollilur (TN)
● Tipu also gave money for the construction of the idol of Goddess Sharda in
Sringeri temple
● Treaty of Allahabad - 1765 (b/w Shah Alam II & Clive after BoB)
● Treaty of Mangalore - 1784
● Treaty of Salbai (MP) - 1782 (result of 1st Anglo Maratha war of 1775-82)
● Treaty of Madras - 1769
● Begum Samru constructed an important church @ Sardhana, Meerut
(NEWS 2019 - Begum Samru is the story of the dancing girl who ditched the
Burqa and other norms of propriety to head a very successful mercenary Army
of 4000 troops)
● In 3rd Battle of Panipat (1761) - Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated Marathas
(Extra - between the Maratha Empire and the invading Afghan army (of
Ahmad Shah Durrani), supported by 4 Indian allies: the Rohillas under the
command of Najib-ud-daulah, Afghans of the Doab region, and the Nawab of
Awadh (Shuja-ud-Daula)

● Treaty of Bassein (1802) - English vs Bajirao II
● N M Lokhande was the pioneer in organizing labor movement in India
● Chronology : Curzon - Hardinge - Chelmsford - Irwin

Robert Clive (1758-60 and 1764-67)

● Appointed twice
● Reforming the EIC civil and military services


● Was murdered by a convict in ANi islands while touring

● 1st Census


● Followed 'Forward' policy towards Afghanistan replacing masterly inactivity

policy (Lawrence)
● Vernacular Press Act, 1878 (Gagging Act)


● Transferred capital from Calcutta to Delhi

● Called George V to Delhi durbar, 1911


● Local Government institutions in 1882

● Opposed Ilbert Bill
● 1st Factory Act (1881) for restricting the working hours of women &
children, and authorizing local governments to make necessary rules. The act
prohibited working of children < 7 and focused on hours, children and not

Thomas Munro

● Governor of Madras from 1820-1827

● Introduced Ryotwari system in Bombay and Madras (along with Alexander
Read), (ryot = land owner)
● Ryotwari System - Rent was paid directly by the peasants to the
government. Government gave pattas to the ryots. The land was surveyed &
assessed before being taxed

Warren Hastings (1786-1793)

● 1st GG of Bengal, Pitt's India Act
● Laid the foundation of civil administration on which superstructure was
raised by Cornwallis
● Introduced Permanent Settlement in Bengal
● His reign included establishment of Asiatic Society of Bengal
● Great scholar and an ardent orientalist who used to encourage the study of
Sanskrit, Persian & Arabic
● Abolished Peshwaship in 1818 after 3rd Anglo Maratha war (1817-18) and
merged Peshwa region with Bombay presidency
● "Security Cell" & "Ring Fence"
● Anglo Nepal war took place during his reign which ended up with Treaty of
Sagauli in 1815


● 1st Viceroy
● Widow Remarriage Act, 1856 was passed
● Indian High Court Act of 1861 set up HCs in BMC
● GG who faced the revolt of 1857
● Made Allahabad as an emergency HQ in 1857
● Read Queen Victoria's manifesto in Allahabad on November 1, 1858

William Bentick

● 1st GGI
● Took over the charge of Madras on account of maladministration
● He and Captain Sleeman executed suppression of thugs
● Abolished Sati pratha


● Longest Viceroy tenure

● ASI was set up in 1861 and was appointed as the archeological survey of
India. Alexander Cunningham (engineer) is called the Father of Indian
● Passed Ancient Monument Preservation Act, 1904
● Gokhale compared his administration with Aurangazeb's
● Used Divide and Rule policy along with Minto

● Last major extension of British Indian territory took place in the 3rd Anglo
Burma war, 1885.
● Stated INC as a 'microscopic minority' of people

Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856)

● Was appointed under the Act of 1833

● Annexed Awadh (Wajid Ali Shah) for maladministration in 1856. He also
merged Satara {1st under DoL} (1848), Jaipur & Sambalpur (1849), Jhansi
(1853) and Nagpur (1854) under DoL
● 1st railway line (1853)


● Conquest of Sindh (1843) by winning 1st Anglo Afghan war

● Abolished slavery by Act V, 1843

John Lawrence

● Masterly inactivity

Lord Wellesley

● Subsidiary Alliance - to maintain a large standing army at others expense,

keep India safe from Napoleonic danger, establish British paramountcy over
the Indian states
● Chronology in Subsidiary Alliance - Hyderabad - Mysore - Oudh - Sindhia
● First ruler to join SA - Nizam of Hyderabad, Ruler of Mysore, Rajput of
● Holkar state of Indore never accepted SA


● Permanent Settlement (1793) aka Zamindari system under which zamindars

were required to issue pattas to the farmer which were not issued by many of
the zamindars because there was no official check upon zamindars
● Permanent Settlement - In Bihar, land revenue was constitutionalised
● Criminal, administrative and Judicial organization in India (ICS, PSC)
● 3rd Anglo Mysore War (1790-92)


● Home Charges - Includes funds for supporting Indian offices in London + Paying
salaries & pensions of British personnel engaged in India
● Home charges did not include funds used for waging wars outside India
● Staple commodities of export by the EIC from Bengal in mid 18th century
were cotton, silk, salt petre & opium
● Imperial Preference - Special privilege on British imports in India
● There was no independent development of industries in India during British
rule because of the preference of the rich to invest in land
● Economically, one of the results of British rule in India in 19th century was
commercialisation of Indian 1°
● 1st tea company in Assam - 1839
● Drain Theory
● Deindustrialization started in 1813 and led to abolition of monopoly trade
rights of EIC aggregated the process thus making it a purely administrative
body under Saint Helena Act of 1833
● Economic critics - Naoroji, GS Iyer, RC Dutt, MG Ranade, GKG.
● Syed Ahmad Khan opposed the Drain theory.


● V D Savarkar termed the uprising of 1857 as the 1st war of independence

● Official historian of Indian Freedom Struggle - S N Sen
● Mangal Pandey - Barrackpur
● Bahadur Shah gave a title of Saheb e Alam Bahadur during the 1857 revolt
to Bakht Khan
● Started from Meerut
● The 1st event related to the 1857 revolt was the marching of sepoys to Red
Fort & declaring BSZ as the emperor of India
● Symbol - Lotus and Chapatis
● Centre of revolt which got recaptured by British - Delhi
● Birthplace of Laxmi Bai - Banaras
● Hugh Rose fought Laxmi Bai
● Awadh was the center with maximum number of participants
● Tatya Tope (Ram Chandra Pandurang) was the commander in chief of Nana
Saheb, he was betrayed by a friend captured and put to death by British
● Scindias of Gwalior, Nizams of Hyderabad & Holkars of Indore supported
British during 1857
● Educated middle class in India remained neutral to the revolt
● Area that remained unaffected by the revolt - Chittor
● Canning was GG during the revolt and made Allahabad as emergency HQ
● British PM during 1857 - Palmerston
● British officers who died in Lucknow - Neil, Havelock, Henry Lawrence
● The Declaration of Queen in 1858 assured and implemented that the policy of
annexation would be abandoned.
● Leaders and their centers - Khan Bahadur (Bareilly), Gulab Singh
(Kashmir), Begum HM & Ahmed Ullah (Lucknow), Maulvi Liyaqat Ali
(Allahabad), Nana Sahib & Azimullah Khan (Kanpur), Kunwar Singh (BH
(Arrah), Jagdishpur), Maniram Dutta (Assam), Bakht Khan (Delhi)


● Chuar Revolt - 1776, WB (tribe, P type)

● Vellore Mutiny - 1806
● Bhil revolt, 1818-31 - Western coast (Khandesh) - agricultural hardships
● Ahom revolt, 1828 - Gomdhar Kunwar
● Kol Revolt, 1831-32 (MH + CHTN) - Budhu Bhagat
● Waghera revolt @Baroda
● Nil Darpan - Dinabandhu Mitra
● Theme of Anandamath of BCC - Sanyasi Revolt
● Chief center of Wahabi movement - Patna
● Kuka movement - PJ (now PK and Sindh)
● Pabna Revolt - 1873, Bengal
● Munda Rebellion - Birsa, 1899 (JH)
● Tana Bhagat movement, 1914 - CHTN region, Oraon tribe (T), led by Bhagat
● Eka Movement - Awadh, 1921
● Moplah revolt, 1921 - KR
● Bhil uprising (1922) - MH, in the hilly ranges of Khandesh (100 years
completed). The massacre, dubbed ‘GJ’s Jallianwalla Bagh’
● Pagalpanthi Rebellion, a quasi religious sect, by Karam Shah - Garo
● The word 'Adivasi' was used for the 1st time to refer to tribal people by
Thakkar Bappa, a member of Servants of India
● Birsa Munda (1899-1900) - Zamindars vs farmers, claimed to be 'messenger of
● Lasodhiya Movement - Guru Govind established Sabha Sabha in 1883 to
organize Bhils
● People known as Kallar belonged to Madurai region
● A common factor for a tribal insurrection in India in the 19th century was the
complete disruption of the old agrarian order of the tribal communities
● Leader of revolts in Sambalpur - Surendra Sai
● Chronology : Santhal Rebellion - Sepoy Mutiny - Indigo revolt (1860) -
Deccan Riot (1875)
● Farazi Rebellion - Followers of Haji Shariatullah (founder), Dadu Miyan
was also a leader
● Wellesley compelled the king of Travancore (KR) to join the Subsidiary
Alliance in 1805. Thus he (Velu Thampi) led a rebellion
● Gadkari (hereditary servants of the Marathas) Rebellion - Kolhapur
● Santhal Hool /Rebellion (Jharkhand)
1. Held in Bihar & OD, 1855-56
2. Against both British authority and zamindari system
3. Major Beroz lost the battle with santhals near Bhagalpur
4. Gokko was an important leader of Godda, another important leader was
Mahajan Deen Dayal Rai
5. Measures taken by the British after this uprising - Territories called 'Santhal
Parganas' were created + Made illegal for a Santhal to transfer land to a non


A) Education under the EIC

● 1st Madarsa (1781) - Calcutta, Warren Hastings - 1st educational
institution by EIC.
● Asiatic Society of Bengal & translated Kalidas' "Shakuntalam" into English
- William Jones (1784)
● Chalres Winkins - Bhagwat Gita -> English (1784)
● Sanskrit College, Banaras - Jonathan Duncan (1791)
● Fort William College - Richard Wellesley (1800)
● Michael Madhusudan Dutta was offered a membership of the Royal Asiatic
Society of Paris.
● Following led to introduction of English Education in India -
1. Charter Act of 1813 (₹1 lakh, promoted Christian missionaries to propagate
English & their religion)
2. General Committee of Public Instructions, 1823 (granted ₹ 1 lakh but
couldn't decide on a medium, so out of 10 members with Macaulay as
president, 5 - Anglicist aka English supporters + 5 - Orientalist, thus 3)
3. Orientalist & Anglicist Controversy

B) Education under the Crown

● Woods Dispatch, 1854 - Introduced Grant in Aid system + Recommended

establishment of Universities @BMC in 1857.
● 1st Women University in Bombay was the result of efforts made by D K Karve
● Tilak - Deccan Educational Society, 1880
● Hunter Commission Report - Special emphasis on 1° education + Rippon +
Recommended vocational education in 2° education + Was partially
● Macaulay's Minute of 1835 made English as the official and literary language
of India, thus laying the foundation of the modern education system of
India. William Bentick appointed him
● Hindu College @Calcutta - By RRR, David Hare & Alexander Dufferin
● MMM - Advocated the religious education in the Indian Universities
● BHU - Founded by Hardinge, 1916. It is also the 1st University to be declared
a Central University. MMM : 1st Chancellor
● Chronology - Hindu College (RRR, 1817, Calcutta) - Delhi College (1824) -
Mayo College (1875, Ajmer) - MAO College (1875, Aligarh).


● Wellesley brought the censorship by the Press Act, 1799, Hastings

abrogated it in 1818
● Lytton - VPA, 1878 (DMs empowered w/o permission of government to call
upon a publisher to enter into a bond, undertaking or not to publish anything
that might 'rouse' disaffection, DMs could also call for a security deposit,
which could be confiscated if publisher violated the bond, in case of
repetition, his press would be seized)
● Ripon - Repealed VPA in 1882
● SNB - 1st one to go to jail as a journalist
● 1st newspaper in India - Bengal Gazette
● 1st Hindi newspaper Udant Martand, Calcutta
● 1st newspaper published by Indians in English - Hindu Patriot, whose editor
was Harish Chandra Mukherjee (supported indigo farmers)
● Devendra Nath Tagore & Manmohan Ghosh founded Indian Mirror, 1880 @
● Weekly journal 'Ghadar' was first issued in Urdu
● Magazines which criticized INC during revolutionary period - Bangawasi, Kal
& Kesari
● Newspapers that advocated revolutionary terrorism - Sandhya, Yugantar &
● Yugantar - B K Ghosh & Bhupendra Nath Dutt
● Som Prakash (supported indigo farmers) - ICV in 1858
● Indian Opinion was published in English, Hindi, Gujarati & Tamil (never in
● 1st editor of Indian Opinion - Mansukhlal Nazar
● English journal "Vande Mataram" - Arbind Ghosh
● Editor of Swadesh Vahini - Ram Krishna Pillai
● Newspapers and their language - Bharat Mitra (Hindi), Rashtra Mata
(Marathi), Nayak (Bengali), Praja Mitra (Gujarati)

Mirat Ul Akhbar", Samvad Kaumudi
& Pragya ka Chand

S K Ghosh
Amrit Bazar Patrika

Nav Jeevan, Young India & Indian

Independent Moti Nehru

Leader MMM

Pioneer Allen

National J L Nehru

Mook Nayak & Bahishkrit Bharat

Sudharak Gokhale

Bengali SNB
New India, Young India &

Bombay Chronicle

J L Nehru
Qaumi Awaz


Raja Rammohan Roy (RRR)

● Father of Indian Renaissance

● 1st society founded by him - Atmiya Sabha
● Akbar II gave him the title of 'Raja'
● Established Calcutta Unitarian Committee along with Dwarkanath Tagore &
William Adams
● Favored western education
● Founder of Brahmo Samaj, Calcutta (based on monotheism, opposed
idolatry, denied the need of high class priests for interpreting religious texts)
● In 1866, Brahmo Samaj got split : Adi BS (Devendra nath Tagore) & Indian
● Opposed the Jury Act, 1826 because it allowed Hindu & Muslims as jurors in
cases of Hindu and Muslims only not for Christians

Keshav Chandra Sen

● Tabernacle of New Dispensation & Indian Reform Association

● Under him, Brahmo Samaj campaigned for women's education
● Because of him, Native Marriage Act, 1872 was passed (14G & 18B, banned
polygamy, legalized inter caste marriages)

Swami Dayanand Saraswati

● Founded Arya Samaj @Bombay, 1875 that led to Shuddhi Movement in

Bombay to revert the conversions
● Popularized the doctrine that Vedas are infallible, thus led to the revival of
● Gave the slogan of "Let's go Back to the Vedas"
● Satyarth Prakash (sacred book of Arya Samaj)
● Aka Martin Luther King of India

Acharya Vinobha Bhave - Founded Sarvodaya Samaj to raise the living standards,
promote Gandhi's principles and work among refugees

Swami Vivekananda

● Best representative of Neo Hinduism in second half of 19th century

● Participated in Parliament of World's Religions @Chicago, 1893
● Wrote books like Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga & Raja Yoga
● Founded Ramakrishna Mission, 1897


● Dev Samaj - Narayan Agnihotri

● Nadwa-ul-Ulama = Darul Ulum- By Shibli Naumani, Lucknow (Muslim
● Satya Sodhak Samaj, 1872 (had the main aim of upliftment of lower castes, thus
was an anti caste movement in Bombay) - Jyotiba Phule (also wrote Gulam
● Dharma Sabha, an orthodox society, 1830 - Radhakanta Deb (he opposed
Sati and supported western education)
● Shivdayal Sahib - Founder of Radha Swami Satsang
● Lokhitawadi aka Gopal Hari Deshmukh
● National Social Conference was formed because INC did not want to include
social reforms in its deliberations & decided to form a separate body for it
● Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar - Led to the passing of the Hindu Widow
Remarriage Act & Religious Disabilities Act, both in 1856
● D K Karve - Welfare of widows
● M G Ranade - Prarthana Samaj
● Act V, 1843 made slavery illegal
● B M Malabari - A Parsi social reformist, editor of 'Voice of India' and 'Indian
Spectator' and helped in passing of the Age of Consent Act, 1891 (Tilak
opposed this Act)
● Sharda Act aka Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 (amended) - 14 & 18
(later 18, 21)
● Servants of Indian Society members - M C Setalvad, B N Rao & Alladi
● Deoband movement - Saharanpur, UP, 1866
● Tarkeshwar Movement, 1924 - Bengal, against corruption in temples
● Hali System - Bonded Labour


● 1st political organization in India - Zamindari Association (LS, later

became BIA), 1838
● Poona Sarvajanik Sabha by M G Ranade, 1870 demanded for India's direct
representation in British parliament
● Indian Association - SNB & Anand Mohan Bose, merged with INC in 1886
● SNB was dismissed from ICS by the British
● Chronology - Bangabhasha Prakasika Sabha (1846, RRR) - Landholders
Society (1838, Dwarkanath Tagore) - British India Society (1843, William Adams)
- Bombay Association (1852, Naoroji) - Indian League (1875, S K Ghosh, Amrit
Bazar Patrika) - Indian Association (1876, SNB & AMB) - Madras Mahajan
Sabha (1884, Subramaniam)
● Bombay Presidency Association, 1885 - FSM, K T Telang & Badruddin
● Radhakanta Deb - 1st president of BIA and founder of Dharma Sabha
● Gazulu Lakshmi Narasu Chetty - Founder of Madras Native Association


● Founder - A O Hume
● Precursor of INC - Indian National Union
● 1st session @Bombay, WCB (P)
● 2nd session by Naoroji
● SNB didn't attend the 1st session
● Viceroy during INC formation - Dufferin (called INC as a short sighted
minority of the people)
● 1st European president - George Yule
● Another and last European to be the president - Alfred Webb
● Never been a president - Tilak (attended the last session @Amritsar, 1919)
● Out of Lal, Bal and Pal, only Lal has been president
● Jana Gana Mana was sung for the first time @ Calcutta session, 1911
● Both INC & ML conducted in Lucknow, 1916 and concluded the Lucknow Pact
● Swaraj is my birthright… @ Lucknow session, 1916
● 1st woman president @ Calcutta session, 1917 (Besant)
● Youngest president - MAKA
● Curzon, "INC is faltering to its fall and one of my great ambitions in India is to
assist it to a peaceful demise"
● In the Amritsar session, 1919, INC decided to authorize its new
constitution by Gandhi, NC Kelkar & IB Sen. It was presided by Motilal
● Nagpur session, 1920 was presided over by C Vijay Raghav Chariar. In this,
INC declared its policy towards the Indian states for the first time
● CR Das was in prison when he functioned as president of INC @Gaya
session, 1922
● J L Nehru - Lahore session, 1929 and Lucknow session, 1936 (in this he
spoke about socialism as the key to the solution of India's problems)
● Sarojini Naidu - Kanpur session, 1925
● Sardar Patel - Karachi session, 1931
● SC Bose (Haripura session, 1938) - While being the president, advocated
the introduction of Roman script for the Hindi language
● Gandhi suggested winding up of INC after independence
● MAKA presided for 6 years (1940-46) and in a special session @Delhi in 1923


● The Swadeshi movement contributed to the split (because moderates

opposed the resolutions on Swaraj, Swadeshi & boycott of foreign goods but
extremists wanted it)
● Most of the moderate leaders were from urban areas
● Naoroji emphasized on the grant of 'self rule' since 1904
● Tilak accused INC of practicing the policy of pray, petition & protest and
eventually ended it
● Moderates - Gokhale, FSM, Naoroji, MMM
● Extremists - Lal, Bal, Pal, Aurobindo Ghosh
● Bombay Triumvirate - Tyabji, Mehta & Telang
● Valentine Chirol called Tilak as Father of Indian Unrest
● Max Muller said, "My interest in Tilak is that of a Sanskrit scholar"
● Tilak used religion as a political weapon
● Tilak got the epithet of Lokmanya during the Revolutionary Movement (got it
when he came out of jail after killing Rand)
● Tilak was deported to Burma and kept in Mandalay jail for 6 years along
with Lal, etc.
● Shaukat Ali, Saifuddin Kichalu & Gandhi lifted the bier of Tilak
● Indian muslims were in general not interested in extremist movements
because their policy was harping on Hindu part


● Abhinav Bharat, 1905 - Secret society organized by VD & GD (main)

● Mitra Mela - VDS
● VDS also wrote the biography of Mazzini, authored Indian War of
Independence - 1857.
● In order to escape the British captivity, he jumped into the sea
● RSS was founded by Keshav Baliram Hegde in 1925, with HQ @Nagpur
● Yugantar Party : AK & BK Ghosh, Jatinder Nath Mukherji (Bhaga Jatin)
● RPB was hanged @ Gorakhpur jail
● BS said, "Criticism & independent thoughts are the two characteristics of a
● Anushalin Samiti, 1902 : Aurobindo & SK Ghosh (Founders), P N Mitra,
JNM (Bhagha Jatin), Barindra Ghosh
● Doctrine of Passive resistance was propounded by Aurobindo Ghosh
● Barrah Dacoity (Dhaka), 1908 - 1st major venture of the revolutionary
terrorists led by Pulin Behari Das (founder of Dhaka Anushalin Samiti)
● Muzaffarpur (BH) Bombing Case, 1908 - Prafulla Chaki & Khudiram Bose
● Hardinge Bomb Incident - BC Vohra, died while testing a bomb near Ravi
● Alipore Conspiracy Case, 1908 - Aurobindo Ghosh was brilliantly defended
by C R Das
● Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) - Sachendra Sanyal (P, mentor
of CSA, BS and wrote Bandi Jeewan), RPB, JCC & CSA
● HRA organized the Kakori Conspiracy @1925. CSA was the only member
who escaped, Ashfaqullah Khan was the 1st Muslim to be hanged
● Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) @ Feroz Shah Kotla,
1928 by CSA, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Batukeshwar Dutt etc.
● 2 members of HSRA (BS & B Dutt) threw bomb @ Central assembly in 1929
(= Lahore CC)
● Jatin Das is related to Lahore CC
● Sarfaroshi ki tamanna … - Bismil
● Daro deewar pe hasrat… - Wajid Ali Shah
● Inquilab Zindabad - written by Hasrat Mohani, used by BS
● BS memorial is situated @Ferozpur
● Chronology - Howrah CC (1910) - Victoria CC (1914) - 1st Lahore CC (1916)
- Kanpur CC (1924) - Kakori CC (1925) - Meerut CC (1929)
● A committee was formed for Kakori CC enquiry under the chairmanship of
Govind Ballabh Pant
● Meerut CC became so popular that it even drew sympathetic comments from
Albert Einstein, H G Wells, Harold Laski & Roosevelt in favor of convicts
● PJ Naujawan Sabha - BS
● Chittagong Armoury Raid (1929-30) was led by Surya Sen (aka Master Da)
and included Kalpana Dutt
● Surya Sen also established Indian Republican Army (IRA) in 1930


Shyamji Krishna Verma (SKV) - Started Indian Home Rule Society (1905) & Indian
House both in London

Madam Bikaji Cama

1. Parsi
2. Private secretary to Dadabhai Naoroji
3. She first unfurled the National Flag @ International Socialist Conference,
1907, Germany
4. Mother of Indian Revolution

Ghadar Party

1. Founder : Lala Hardayal, in US

2. HQ : San Francisco
3. 1st Chairman : Sohan Singh Bhakna
4. These revolutionaries became active in West America during the WW I


1. Raja Mahendra Pratap was made the president of a provisional GoI

established during WWI in Afghanistan.
2. Madanlal Dhingra (Willie) & Udham Singh (Dyer) were hanged.
3. IIL - Rash Behari Bose, 1942
4. One thing common among MBC, M. Barkatullah, VVS Iyer & M N Roy was
that they were prominent revolutionaries outside India.
5. Komagata Maru - Was a Japanese streamliner chartered by PJ businessman
Gurdit Singh to bring Indian migrants to Canada (Vancouver). The ship
departed in 1914. Canadian police refused, protests started by M.
Barkatullah, etc. When Komagata Maru reached Budge Budge port @
Calcutta, a clash occurred, 18 killed, 202 jailed


Partition of Bengal, 1905

● Led by SNB
● Programmes launched against partition of Bengal - Boycott, Swadeshi &
National Education (BSE)
● In civil administration in 1905, Curzon decided to rearrange the provincial
boundaries. A new province was constituted, called East Bengal & Assam
● Anti Partition was initiated on 7th August, 1905
● 16th October, 1905 is when partition of Bengal came into effect
● Canceled in 1911, George V abrogated Curzon's Act at the Royal Darbar
● Lt. Governor of Bengal during its partition - Andrew Fraser
● Krishna Kumar Mitra was first one to suggest the boycott of British
goods in Bengal

Swadeshi Movement

1. The partition of Bengal was the immediate cause of SM

2. Contributed to the revival of the indigenous artisan crafts & industries
3. The National Council of Education (NCE) was established as a part of SM
4. Syed Haider Raja (painter) led SM @Delhi
5. Liaquat Hussain led the Muslims peasants of Barisal (Bangladesh) in SM
6. Vande Matram song became the theme song of SM
7. British journalist H W Nevinson noted SM
8. Abindranath Tagore founded Indian Society of Oriental Art to revive
ancient Indian arts (Swadeshi)

Banaras Session , 1905 - Presided by G K Gokhale (editor of Sudharak + Founder of

SoIS), Formal proclamation of Swadeshi Movement

Calcutta Session, 1906

● Presided by Naoroji (Professor of GJ University, London, laid the foundation

of women's education in Bombay, 4 times presided the INC, 1st Indian to be
elected to the British Parliament, first one to make the national demand of
"Swaraj" first time as a Goal)
● 4 resolutions - PoB, B, S, NE were passed
● These resolutions became the cause of a split at the next INC Session.

Surat Session, 1907

● Presided by RB Ghosh, INC divided into 2 wings - M & E

● Surat split was led by Tilak
● Split occurred because extremists lacked the faith in the capacity of the
moderates to negotiate with the British government


● Founder = Nawab Salimullah Khan, Dhaka

● 1st president - Agha Khan
● Hakim Ajmal was one of the leaders to start a nationalist & militant AHRAR
Movement (against partition and Jinnah)
● Sayyid Ahmed Khan opposed the formation of INC
● Maulana Barkat Ullah (PM) & Maulana Obeidullah Sindhi formed a
Provincial GoI @ Kabul (Mahendra was P)
● A London branch of AIML was set up in 1908 under presidency of Ameer Ali

MINTO MORLEY REFORMS (IC Act, 1909) - Gave Communal representation in

legislative assemblies


● Viceroy at this time was Hardinge

● In December 1911, a Grand Durbar, to welcome King George V & Queen
● He annulled the partition of Bengal on 12 December, 1911 and shifted the
capital from Calcutta to Delhi
● Now, Bengal was to be reconstituted, thus Bihar & OD got separated.
● Assam was restored to its previous position of 1874

LUCKNOW SESSION (The Pact), 1916

● Presided by - AC Majumdar
● It was signed between INC & ML
● Annie Besant was the chief reconciliator between the Extremists &
● Conclusion of Pact : Separate electorates for ML ✓ + Gandhi appraised the
problems of Champaran peasants

HOME RULE LEAGUE (Launched during WWI)

HRL of Besant

● Subramaniam Ayer was associated with HRL of Besant

● Published Commonweal & Young India to spread self governance
● Majority of India was covered by Besant
● Was a proponent of Fabian Movement
● INC President once, Calcutta session, 1917

HRL of Tilak

● MH, KN, Central Province & Berar

● He used Maharatta & Kesari


● His father was diwan of Porbandar, Rajkot & Bikaner

● Received early education in Rajkot
● Married to Kasturba @ age of 13
● Studied law @ Inner Temple, London
● Was most influenced by Ruskin Bond's "Into the Last", learned that Good of
individual is contained in the good of all
● Published a magazine, Indian Opinion, during his stay in South Africa
● He was a supporter of Philosophical Anarchism
● Prefix 'Mahatma' was added during Champaran Satyagraha, by R. Tagore
● J B Kriplani (teacher), Jamnalal Bajaj (merchant banker), A N Sinha, Braj
Kishore Prasad & Rajendra Prasad (lawyer) were some of his ardent followers.
● J B Kriplani was also Gandhi's colleague in the Chmaparan investigation
while Rajendra Prasad & A N Sinha were his associate in Champaran
● His Ram Rajya had twin principles of Truth & Non Violence (a way to attain
● He was an individualist among Socialist & Marxist among Socialist
● For him, the cruelest form of Violence was the persistence of poverty
● His Oldest ashram @ Phoenix (1904-05, re-opened in 2000)
● Was thrown out of Pietermaritzburg station
● Key role in the abolition of indentured slavery
● He supported the resolution of recruiting Indians for WW given by
Chelmsford 😒
● On breaking Salt Law, INC was declared illegal
● Gandhian Innovation = To produce more from less input for more people
● Gave his 1st public speech @BHU
● 1st session of INC attended by him, Calcutta session, 1901
● Once said, "Destruction is the best method of dealing with the foreign clothes"
● Chronology : Champaran (1st Satyagraha, but localized) (1917) - Ahmedabad
Mill Strike (1st hunger) (Jan & Feb, 1918) - Kheda Satyagraha (Mar, 1918) -
Rowlatt Satyagraha (1st national level Satyagraha) (1919) - NCM (1920-22)
● Rajkumar Shukla requested Gandhi to visit Champaran
● He was a member (not president) of Champaran Agrarian Enquiry
Committee along with F G Slay, D J Reid
● Tinkathia System in Champaran = Cultivate indigo on the 3/20 area of land
● Champaran Satyagraha was significant as it led to joining of peasant unrest to
India's national movement
● N G Ranga OPPOSED Champaran Movement
● On his demise, J L Nehru said, "The light has gone out of our lives"
● In Kheda (GJ), Gandhi organized Satyagraha here because the administration
didn't suspend the land revenue collection in spite of a drought
● Mountbatten called Gandhi as 1 Man Boundary Force
● G K Gokhale advised Gandhi to spend his first year in India with Eyes wide
open and mouth shut
● Gandhi once said, "Wrong means never take us to the right ends"
● Gandhi supported the principle, "Which is morally wrong, can never be
politically right"
● Before his advent, following international events influenced the course of the
national movement in India - Italian - Abyssinian War, 1898, Boxer
movement in China, Revolutionary movement in Ireland, Victory of JP in
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05


Kisan Sabha

● UPKS - 1918 - Indira Narain Dwivedi, Gauri Shankar Mishra, MMM

● 1st AIKS @ LKO in 1936 by SSS (P) and was attended by J L Nehru
● Bhartiya Kisan Vidyalaya - N G Ranga
● Bengal Praja Party - Fazlul Haq
● Bakashat Agitation - SSS
● The facts about AIKS are - AIKS is also known as Akhil Bhartiya Kisan
Sabha by Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (SSS) was the head, secretary was
NG Ranga.
● The motives of the AIKS - To abolish the Zamindari system, To reduce land
revenue, To institutionalize credit.

Peasant Movements (1920-1930s mostly)

1. Nehru had NOTHING to do with UP KS, but addressed the 1st meeting of AIKS
2. Sarabandi (no tax) Campaign of 1922 & Bardoli Satyagraha (1928) were led
by Sardar Patel
3. SSS led BH KS
4. Khudai Khidmatgar - NWFP
5. Swami Ramanand (founder of Uddhava cult and guru of Kabir) - Hyderabad
6. Abdul Hamid Khan - Assam
7. Eka Movement = Madari Parsi & other low caste leaders of UP (barabanki,
Hardoi etc) against Zamindars
8. Gandhi gave Patel the title of 'Sardar'
9. The TEBHAGA MOVEMENT in Bengal was initiated by BG KS = The
reduction of share of the landlords from 50% of the crop to 1/3rd
10.Bhoodan Movement = Acharya Vinoba Bhave, 1951 in AP. Later by the end of
1955, it turned into the Gramdan movement in OD


● India's 1st TU - B P Wadia, a theosophist, 1918 (Madras Labour Union)

● Ahmedabad textile labor association : Gandhi
● 1st to organize labor movement in India - N M LOKHANDE (father of TU
movements in India)
● 1st session of AITUC, Bombay presided by - Lala Lajpat Rai, 1920 (oldest
TU federation of India)
● AITUC Nagpur session, 1929 - J L Nehru
● Trades Disputes Act, 1929 : provided a system of tribunals & a ban on
● CPI was established in Tashkent, 1920 and Radical Democratic Party
were formed by M N Roy
● Revolutionary phase of TU movements : 1926-39
● Saumyendra Nath Tagore : Revolutionary CP (broke away from CPI)


● RA = Anarchical & Revolutionary Crime Act, 1919

● RA was based on the recommendations of - Sedition committee
● In Rowlatt Satyagraha, Gandhi tried to utilize HRL
● CHELMSFORD was viceroy (1916-21)
● 1st venture of Gandhi in all India politics was - Rowlatt Satyagraha
● Swami Sharadhanand : Launching a no tax campaign as a protest against RA
● Chronology : Satyapal's incarceration > Amritsar session of INC, 1919 > JBM
(Dr. Satyapal was medical practitioner and Saifuddin Kitchlew was Bar-at-law,
both were the prominent leaders of Amritsar who led the Satyagraha
movement in PJ)
● Saifuddin kitchlew & Satyapal were arrested before JBM
● Hunter commission : JBM aftermath
● Montague stated JBM as Preventive murder


● President of All India Khilafat Conference, 1919 : Gandhi
● Hakim Ajmal Khan : Renounced the title of Haziq-ul-Mulk during Khilafat
● Moplah rebellion, 1921 was an offshoot of : Khilafat Movement
● 1st mass movement by Gandhi : NCM
● Gandhi gave the slogan of 'Swaraj within a year' : NCM
● CR Das : Gave up his legal practice during NCM
● Chauri Chaura @ Bardoli : 4th Feb, 1922
● Dr. Moonje voted against Gandhi's decision in NCM suspension
● Chronology : Chauri Chaura > Bardoli resolutions > suspension of NCM
● All India HRL = Swarajya Sabha, 1920
● During NCM, following institutions were established -
1. BHU - 1916
2. GJ Vidyapeeth (AHM), 1920
3. Jamia Millia Islamia (ALG), 1920
4. Kashi Vidyapeeth (BNS), 1921


● Reasons for establishment -

1. Withdraw of NCM by Gandhi
2. Entering the council & resection the GoI Act, 1919 by not letting them work
● Members of Swaraj Party : CR Das, Motilal Nehru, Vithalbhai Patel, NC
● NO CHANGERS = C Rajgopalachari, Rajendra Prasad, Vallabhbhai Patel
● Jinnah : Supported Swaraj party in CLA
● CR Das: "Swaraj should be for common people not only for classes"
● When INC condemned MC report, many moderates left and formed Indian
Liberal Federation
● Independent Party, 1922 : MMM & Motilal Nehru
● MMM founded : BHU, 1916 + Hindu Mahasabha


● To enquire the working of GoI Act, 1919

● Simon Report recommended : A federal government + replacement of
Dyarchy with responsible government in the provinces
● Punjab Kesari : Lala Lajpat Rai : SC lathi
● Recommendations of Nehru report, 1928 :
1. Joint electorates for reservation of seats for minorities
2. Provision of FRs
3. Dominion status of India instead of complete Independence
● Jinnah : 14 point proposal : 1929 : Protest Nehru report
● Wing of the INC with J L Nehru as leader founded IIL to oppose Nehru
report rooting for complete independence


● Maulana Hasrat Mohani (gave Inquilab Zindabad) proposed that Swaraj = CI (

Ahmedabad session, 1921 presided by C R Das)
● Lahore session of 1929 : 2 things -
1. Nehru on December 31, 1929 hoisted the flag of India's independence on the
bank of river Ravi @Lahore, thus declaring Poorna Swaraj as the ultimate
2. CWC was authorized to launch CDM
● Thus, on January 2, 1930, it was decided to celebrate CI Day = 26 January


● Began with the Dandi March (12 March - 6 April, 1930)

● Maximum women participation was seen in - Salt Satyagraha
● "I want world sympathy in this battle of Right against Might" - Gandhi
● When Gandhi got arrested during the march @Sholapur, Abbas Tyabji
replaced him (Gandhi called him GJ diamond)
● When a raid was made by INC @ Dharshana Salt Depot, Gandhi was in
Yerawada jail
● Acharya Vinobha Bhave got arrested 1st time during CDM
● Web Miller (journalist) stayed during Dandi March
● C Rajgopalachari broke salt law (Tanjore)
● Soldiers of the Garhwal Regiment refused to fire on revolutionaries @
Peshawar, during CDM (Peshawar incident) and was headed by Veer Chandra
● Dash Roja periodical : Abdul Gaffar Khan
● Jiatrang Movement : Manipur, Naga tribe, during CDM
● Agitation against Chaukidari Tax was a part of CDM

GANDHI - IRWIN PACT (March, 1931)

● Aim of the pact : Make the participation of INC easier in RTCs, End CDM,
Break the 💀 strike of Gandhi, End tax on salt
● In return -
1. All prisoners with NO case of violence to be released
2. Right to peaceful protest @ foreign clothes & liquor shops
3. Permission to make salt
4. INC agrees to attend 2nd RTC
● Crowd disappointed as it didn't include cancellation of the hanging of trio
● ALAN CAMPBELL JOHNSON : Called GI pact as a Consolation Prize


● Presided by Vallabhbhai Patel & was held 3 days after execution

● Jawaharlal Nehru drafted the resolution of FR for the Karachi Session, 1931
● S C Bose regarded Karachi Session as the pinnacle of Gandhi's popularity
● Chronology : GI Pact - March 5, 1931 - Execution of BS - March 23, 1931 -
Karachi Session - March 26-31, 1931 - 2nd RTC - September 17, 1931 - Poona
pact - September 24, 1932


1st RTC, 1930

● @London
● Aim was to discuss Simon Commission report & measures for improving
political situation in India, INC didn't attend it
● Ambedkar demanded separate electorate for depressed class
● Following attended : Tej Bahadur Sapru, Srinivas Shastri, Mohmmad Ali,
Homi Modi, Agha Khan, Fazlul Haq, Jinnah, M R Jaykar, Ambedkar, KT Paul
(attended on behalf of Christians)
● Operation Rubicon : by British related to Gandhi's fast unto 💀 in Aga Khan
palace jail, Pune from 1942-44
2nd RTC (October, November 1931)

● Attended by : Gandhi (INC), Sarojini Naidu, MMM, Annie Besant

● Not attended by : MAKA, Jawaharlal Nehru
● Gandhi went to London on SS Rajputana

3rd RTC (1932)


● Ramsay McDonald announced CA under which each minority group was given
some reserved seats in legislative assemblies & election to such seats was to
be held by separate electorate
● Before CA, ONLY Sikhs & Muslims were considered to be a minority, but
now Dalit, Anglo-Indian, Christians & others were also granted separate
electorate @ Provincial Legislatures ONLY
● Gandhi fasted in Yerawada jail against CA which ended with PP between
Ambedkar & Gandhi & MMM, M R Jaykar, T B Sapru, G D Birla, C
Rajgopalachari, Rajendra Prasad
● Also, 18% seats were reserved for Dalits in Central Legislature
● G D Birla was the first president of Harijan Sevak Sangh (founded by Ambedkar)
● Poona Pact : INC agreed that adequate representation would be given to the
DCs in the local bodies & civil services
● Former name of HSS - All India Anti Untouchability League
● Depressed Class League : Babu Jagjivan Ram
● Ambedkar said, "Gandhi like a fleeting phantom raises dust but not the level"


● Founded by J P Narayan (GS) & Acharya Narendra Dev (P)

● It was formed as a socialist caucus within the INC and as it's left wing
● 1st meeting of CSP @ Patna
● CSP advocated both armed struggle & non violent resistance + prevent the
youth from getting heavily involved in communist ideology
● Influenced by Fabianism as well as Marxism-Leninism
● Members : Minoo Masani, RML, Purushottam Das
● J P Narayan = LOKNAYAK. He secretly organized Indian masses during QIM
with the help of Aruna Asaf Ali & RML
● Bombay Manifesto, 1936 : It was signed by 21 industrialists against
rendering socialist principles of socialist as conveyed by Nehru in the
Lucknow session. It also evoked support from a large section of the business
community from pan India
● J L Nehru was ardent socialist and wanted to overthrow British rule, Princely
states, Landlordism & capitalism in 1933


● CLA elections of the year 1926 & 1945 was held under the provisions of
GoI Act 1919
● Whereas on the basis of GoI Act, 1935, elections in "provinces" were
held, INC got majority in 5 provinces - Madras, Bihar , Central Provinces &
Berar, United Province and Orissa
● INC emerged as a single largest party in Bombay, Assam & NW Province
● INC did NOT secure a majority in Bengal, PJ & Sindh
● In July, 1937, INC formed cabinet at 6 provinces - Madras, Bombay, CP,
Orissa, Bihar, UP, but these only lasted for 28 months because Britishers
included India in WWII without permission
● Jinnah was happy with resignation of INC cabinet, and thus called
December 22, 1939 as Day of Deliverance
● Reports made during the INC cabinets regarding grievances of muslims :
1. Pirpur report, 1938 (brought out by the League listed cruelties suffered by
Muslims in the Congress-ruled provinces)
2. Sharif report, 1939
3. Fazlul Haq report, 1939
● Finance portfolio of the UP government after the election of 1937 was given
to : Rafi Ahmad Kidwai


● S C Bose - President unopposed @ Haripur (GJ) session in 1938, defeated

Pattabhi Sitaramayya, again won @ Tripuri (MP) session, 1939
● Resigned later, so Rajendra Prasad presided
● Hence, after the Tripuri crisis, Bose formed Forward Bloc (leftist ideology)
● "Need of England is an opportunity for Ireland" - S C Bose

● Butler committee, 1927 = Indian States Committee

● Indian rulers elected Leslie Scott as their representative to put their view
● In December 1927, All India States People's Conference (AISPC) was organized
by Balwant Rai Mehta, Manilal Kothari & G R Abhyankar
● Jawaharlal Nehru presided AISPC in 1939
● By August 15, 1947, except Junagarh, J&K and Hyderabad, all PS joined the
Indian Union & these 3 joined by the end of 1948
● British lured to keep PS independent, thus complicating the situation, but
this was well dealt by Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
● On October 26, 1947, Kashmir king Hari Singh signed an instrument of
● Stand Still Agreement was signed between Lord Mountbatten (GGI) & Mir
Laik Ali (CM of Hyderabad) on November 29, 1947

WWII (December 1939 - 1945)

● Starting : September 1, 1939 with Germany attacking Poland

● Ending : US bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki in August, 1945
● Winston Churchill was PM of Britain during this time
● Viceroy Linthingrow threw India in WWII
● INC condemned the attack of Nazi on Poland and dissed the ideology of
Nazism & fascism, thus resigned completely from government (28M)

Demand for Pakistan

● Idea of separate homeland for Muslims : Iqbal in Allahabad session (1930)

of ML
● The word "Pakistan" was used by a student named Chaudhary Rehmat Ali in
1933 as "Now or never, are we to live or perish forever"
● Pakistan = Punjab, NWFP, Kashmir, Sindh & Baluchistan
● Sarojini Naidu termed Jinnah as hindu muslim unity ambassador
● Two Nation Theory of Jinnah was accepted @ Lahore session of ML, 1940,
this proposal was drafted by Sikandar Hayat Khan & was presented by Fazlul
● Pakistan Day : March 23, 1943
● Mohammad Iqbal said, "Nehru is a patriot, while Jinnah is a politician"
● Jawaharlal Nehru book : Discovery of India
● Khaliquzzaman moved a resolution of Pakistan in ML session in 1940


● The August Offer was an offer made by Viceroy Linlithgow in 1940

promising the expansion of the Executive Council of the Viceroy to include
more Indians, the establishment of an advisory war council, giving full weight
to minority opinion, and the recognition of Indians' right to frame their own
● After rejecting the August offer, INC started IS under Gandhi
● Acharya Vinobha bhave : 1st IS, Nehru : 2nd IS
● Gandhi used the word "Sarvodaya". Vinobha Bhave established "Sarvodaya
Samaj" to propagate the ideals of Gandhi


● Gandhi called it a "post dated cheque"

● Linthingrow called the movements of Gandhi as "political blackmail"
● Nehru & MAKA were official negotiators from the INC for Cripps Mission
● Cripps arrived in India in March 1942 and gave the following proposals :
1. After war, India ~ Dominion status with no external authority
2. India to be given the right to form their own Constitution but after the war
3. Provinces will be given the Right to Secede
4. During the war, an interim government composed of different parties would
be constituted. But, defense & external affairs would be with Viceroy


● Wavell was the viceroy during 1943-47 and commander in chief during 1942
● Resolution of QI was passed in July, 1942 @ Wardha, presided by MAKA
in response to Cripps Mission
● Finally QIM passed on August 8, 1942 @ Bombay, Gandhi said -
1. Government working Indians should support the protest and not shoot
2. Students should quit studies only if they can do this until independence
3. Kings should accept the sovereignty of their people and join the Indian union
● Gandhi said, "I will not be satisfied with anything less than CI" & gave the
slogan of 'Do or Die' and said, "We shall either free India or die in the attempt"
● Not everyone supported the QIM : Hindu Mahasabha, CPI, Unionist party of
● In the early hours of the QIM, all important leaders were arrested in a single
● Gandhi and Sarojini Naidu were taken to Aga Khan palace
● INC committee members viz Nehru, MAKA, Govind Ballabh Pant, Prafulla
Chandra Ghosh, Pittabhi sita mariya were all arrested and sent to
Ahmednagar Fort
● Rajendra Prasad couldn't reach Bombay, so got arrested in Patna jail
● Shivkumar, JPN & Ramanand arrested in Hazaribagh
● MAKA was president in Ramgarh session of INC, 1940 till 1945 (6 years)
as no session was held during 1941-45
● Secret radio station : RML, Usha Mehta
● Louis Fischer (biographer of Gandhi) remained with Gandhi during QIM
● Louis, Pearl Buck, Adgersnow, M L Surmen & Norman Thomas demanded
India's independence
● During QIM, J P Narayan fled from Hazaribagh jail & got active in
underground activities
● Yogendra Shukla did the same but got arrested again in Muzaffarnagar and
was sent to Patna
● Aruna Asaf Ali hoisted the national flag @ Gwaliya ground (Bombay) during
● Parallel Government during QIM :
1. Ballia (1942) : Chittu Pandey
2. Tamluk (Midnapore), Bengal, 1942-44 as Jatiya Sarkar
3. Satara - Longest serving government (called Prati) till 1945
4. Talcher

● After QIM, C Rajgopalachari issued a pamphlet"The Way Out" which

proposed a solution on the Constitutional Deadlock, got rejected by both
Jinnah (ML) & INC

● Born @ Cuttack
● In 1942, the Indian Independence League was formed by R B Bose and a
decision was taken to form the Indian National Army (INA).
● On an invitation from RB Bose, SC Bose came to East Asia on June 13, 1943.
He was made president of the IIL and the leader of the INA popularly called
‘Azad Hind Fauj’
● Called "Desh Nayak" by Tagore and "Patriot of patriot" by Gandhi
● Bose formed The Free Indian Legion in 1942, by consolidating thousands of
Indian war prisoners from Africa
● AHF was formed by Capt. Mohan Singh (officer in British army)
● When the British were retreating from JPN, he joined with the Japanese so
they gave him Indian soldiers
● Japanese major Iwaichi Fujimura & Giani Pritam Singh (brainchild of
INA) encouraged Mohan to lead INA thus he became the leader/founder
● INA soldiers were recruited from the British army which went on a Malay
● 1st commander of AHF : Mohan Singh
● Ras Bihari Bose gave the command of INA to S C Bose
● Bose also established Rani Laxmi Bai regiment only for women within INA
apart from 3 battalions - Subhash, Nehru & Gandhi brigades, all these
during WWII (1943)
● Bose also established a temporary government (AHG) in Singapore,
● Singapore became a part of Malaysia in 1963 and became a free country in
● So, Singapore was a part of Malay when AHF was formed
● Soldiers + officers of AHF were trialed by the government@ Delhi Fort,
1945 :
1. Death sentence : Prem Sehgal, Guru Baksh, Shahnawaz
2. 7 years imprisonment : Rashid Ali
● AHF Day : November 12, 1945
● Azad Hind Rescue Committee : Bhulabhai Desai, T B Sapru, K N Katju, AAA,
● Due to their efforts & countrywide protests, viceroy Wevell got compelled
to pardon death sentence using special powers

● Cabinet Mission members : Lawrence (P), Stafford Cripps, AV Alexander

● Proposals of the Cabinet Mission Plan were :
1. 3 tier polity for India
2. Divide provinces into 3 groups A, B & C so that muslim dominated provinces
could form separate groups
3. A united dominion would be given independence
4. Union to have an Executive & Legislature constituted from British, Indian &
State representatives
5. Constituent Assembly to be formed with the representatives of State
legislature & PS
6. Reorganisation of VEC & formation of an interim government with all
ministries to be held by Indians
● INC (Gandhi) supported CMP but ML rejected it
● ML joined interim government in 1946


● 1st idea of CA was enshrined in Swaraj bill of 1895, prepared under Tilak
● Motilal Nehru demanded formation of a CA in 1924
● M N Roy officially proposed this demand & basic concepts of it got
prepared by Jawaharlal Nehru
● INC Faizpur session (1936) defined the idea of CA
● CA was finally formed on the recommendation of CMP
● As per CMP, for the formation of CA, each province was given the number of
seats as per 1/1 mn
● 3 voter groups were formed : General, Muslims & Sikhs (only in PJ)
● Elections were held in July, 1946
● Jinnah was not a member of CA
● 1st session of CA : December 9, 1946 with Sachchundananda Sinha being
the 1st president
● 2nd meeting : December 11, 1946, Rajendra Prasad was its president
● IC was adopted on November 26, 1949 but still wasn't a sovereign body
● August 14, 1947, CA became a sovereign body
● G V Mavlankar : 1st speaker of LS after independence
● Method of STVS of proportional representations.
● CA had 389 seats : 292 (representatives of states) + 93 (representative of PS) +
4 (chief commissioner of provinces of Delhi, Ajmer- Mewar, Coorg,
● INC (208) + ML (73) + Independent candidates (15)


● On August 12, 1946 Wavell invited Jawaharlal Nehru to form IG

● On September 2, 1946 India got its 1st IG in which ML didn't participate
initially, but joined later
● Ministry of Agriculture & Food : Rajendra Prasad
● Ministry of defence : Baldev Singh
● Foreign & commonwealth affairs : Jawaharlal Nehru
● Ministry of rail & transport : AAA
● Ministry of finance : Liaqat Ali
● MAKA wasn't a member of IG
● Number of INC members in IG : 12, out of which 3 (Sayyed Ali Zaheer, sharat
Chandra Bose & Safat Ahmad) have to leave to make room for ML
● August 16, 1946 : ML said Direct Action Day, riots started soon, with
Noakhali as the main centre
● Direct Action Day : ML demanded a separate Pakistan by rejecting the
interim cabinet decision of the Viceroy.


● The last opportunity to avoid the partition of India was lost in the
rejection of CMP
● Clement Atlee of Labour Party : PM of Britain during 1945-51
● Mountbatten replaced Wavell as Viceroy
● The plan was prepared for the partition of India, this plan is known as the
Mountbatten Plan (June 3, 1947)
● Following were the recommendations of Mountbatten Plan -
1. Sindh would take its own decision
2. Referendum in NWFP and Sylhet district of Bengal would decide their fate
3. Punjab and Bengal legislative Assembly would meet into groups, Hindus and
Muslims to vote for partition
● INC put forth following demands for a unified India -
1. Independence of PS ruled out they would either join India or Pakistan
2. Independence for Bengal ruled out
3. Accession of Hyderabad to Pakistan ruled out

● So, Indian Independence Act was passed on July 18, 1947

● Mountbatten reached on a conclusion that outline of Cabinet Mission
has been impractical, so he prepared another substitute plan for this and
turned it as Balkan plan
● Radcliffe was the chairman of the two Councils that determined the division
of land between India and Pakistan along Punjab and Bengal respectively on
the basis of Muslim and non Muslim majority population
● Each of these two councils had 4 members : INC (2) + ML (2)
● Gandhi suggested Mountbatten that the control of the IG should be handed
completely to Jinnah who was the leader of ML so that these communal riots
in India be stopped but INC and CWC didn't support this proposal of Gandhi
● Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel represented INC in the Partition Council
headed by Mountbatten
● J B Kriplani was the INC president when the INC general committee in
Delhi accepted the proposal of partition of India on June 15, 1947
● In Jaipur session 1948, Pittabhi Sitaramayya became the president of INC
● President of INC in 1950 : Purushottam Das
● President of INC from 1951-54 : Jawaharlal Nehru
● After this tradition started within ion where both INC president and PM were
the same person
● When INC agreed to partition, Saifuddin Kitchlew said, "Today nationalism
surrendered to communalism" , later separated himself from INC and joined
● On August 15, 1947 the midnight "Jan Gan Man" and "Sare Jahan se acha"
song was sung by M S Subhalaxmi
● Mountbatten became first GGI of independent India (1947-48) and C
Rajagopalachari became first & last Indian GGI (1948-50)
● Ambedkar became the President of drafting committee
● Indian national leaders wanted to make 26th January (recall 1930) a
memorable day this is why our constitution completely came into force on
26th January 1950 since it was fully prepared on 26th November 1949
● R Copland said, "Indian nationalism is an offspring of English rule"
● On the unification of India, K M Pannikar said, "The greatest achievement of
British rule is the Unity of India"
● Order of initial Presidents of India : Rajendra Prasad > S Radhakrishnan >
Zakir Hussain > V V Giri


Regulating Act of 1773

1. To curb rampant corruption & misgovernance by putting the activities of

EIC under the supervision of British government
2. Madras and Bombay came under Calcutta presidency
3. Supreme court to be set up @ Fort William (Calcutta) with chief justice and
three other judges (1st CJI was Elizah Impey)

● Cornwallis became GGI and got the veto power over decision of its
council in some special cases
● He didn't want the DM to be very powerful so he adopted the principle of
separation of power. Under this he made the DM only a collecting agent
and deprived him of his judicial powers

Charter Act of 1813

● Monopoly trade of EIC came to an end except trade in tea and trade with
● EIC was granted the control of revenue of Indian states for next 20 years
● It made a financial allocation for the education of Indian people
● Give permission of appointment of Christian missionaries in India

Charter Act of 1833

● All the financial rights of EIC were abolished and was only given political
● GGB → GGI, a law member was added as the fourth member of GG's
Executive Council (1st one being Macaulay)
● All the law making powers to be conferred on governor general council

Charter Act of 1853 : 1st time created a function in legislature council in India

GoI Act, 1858

● Took away the control of administration of India from EIC

● Now all the powers of court of directors and board of control were handed
over to Secretary of India

Indian Councils Act of 1861

● The Governor / Viceroy was granted the right to issue ordinances

● Viceroy's executive Council was given the law making powers
● High courts at Bombay Madras and Calcutta was published by Indian High
court act 1861
● Expanded the the executive Council of Viceroy up to 12
● Canning started portfolio system by giving departments to other members of
his Council and thus prepared the ministerial government system in India
● Aitchison Commission in the report of 1887 stated that Indian Civil services
exam should not be held in India and England together

Indian Council Act of 1892

● Rights of members of legislative assemblies were increased in two aspects -

1. Now given the right to discuss the budget without Right to vote or amend
2. After giving advance notice of 6 days, they were allowed to ask questions on
public interests

GoI Act of 1919 : Minto - Morley Reforms

● Dyarchy at provinces which divided the subjects into two categories reserved
(under governor's Council) and transferred (under the Legislature of that
● Recommended to hold Indian civil service examination simultaneously in
India and England (was accepted in 1922)
● In 1926 India's public service Commission was constituted
● Madras and Bombay presidencies were restored
● Read rest from Laxmikant !!!
● Jawaharlal Nehru (PM from 1947-64) said, "Act of 1935 is a car with brakes
but without engine"
● In the Lucknow session, 1936, Nehru rejected the GoI Act 1935 and
termed it as a warrant of slavery
● GoI Act of 1935 was the lengthiest in the history of laws made by Britain for
British India, it included 14 Parts, 321 articles and 10 schedules
● The Instrument of Instructions of the GoI Act 1935 was included as DPSP in
Indian Constitution in 1950
● Act of 1786 gave GG the right to reject the decision of the committee
● Ambedkar said, "I have not to beg pardon in connection with the allegation
that in the draught of the Constitution a major part of the GoI Act 1935 has
again been reproduced"


C. Rajgopalachari, Iqbal, Jayaprakash Narayan, Vinoba bhave, Guru Shankaracharya,

Bipin Chandra Pal, Aurobindo Ghosh, CY Chintamani, WCB, LK Jha, RC Dutt, Swami
Abhedananda, Mahadeo Desai, JB Kriplani, Surla behn, Mira behn, RML, Minoo
Masani, MMM, Agarkar

Wellesley, Cornwallis, Dalhousie, Curzon, Wavell, Mountbatten, William Bentinck,

Clive, Minto, Ripon, Dufferin, Warren Hastings, canning, Lord Mayo, Lord Lytton,
Lord Reading,Mao Tse-Tung

● Freedom at Midnight : Larry Collins & Dominique Lapierre

● New India : Besant
● Glory of Indian Art : H T Prinsep
● History of Indian Culture : John Marshall
● Nineteen eighty four : George Orwell
● Song of India : Sarojini Naidu
● The Arctic Home of the Vedas : Tilak
● India Divided : Rajendra Prasad
● The terrorists : Dilip Mukherjee
● A nation in the making : SNB
● Go back to the Vedas : Swami Dayanand Saraswati
● The purpose of Cripps‘ Mission was - To give India dominion status
● Modern Review : Ramanand Chaterji
● Hind Swaraj : Gandhi
● The Indian Struggle : SC Bose
● The Wheel of History : RML
● India Wins Freedom : MAKA
● Constituent Assembly was formed on the recommendations of CMP
● The system of Dyarchy‘ was first introduced by Montague-Chelmsford
● The Brahmo Samaj is based on the principles of Monotheism
● RRR mostly encouraged the remarriage of the widows
● Jaisingh, Ahilya Bai, Sarfoji
● Swaraj as a national demand was first made by Bal Gangadhar Tilak
● Railway and Telegraphy systems were introduced in India by Lord
● Lord Curzon said, "English men are more efficient partly by upbringing, partly
by race and partly by education"
● Winston Churchill said, "―I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and

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