Question 1215450

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Class 09 - Science
Time Allowed: 5 hours Maximum Marks: 250

Section A
1. Explain why there is no rise in temperature of a substance when it undergoes a change of state although it is still [2]
being heated.
2. Solids are normally not compressible. Why can a sponge be readily pressed? [2]
3. Define latent heat of vaporization and latent heat of fusion. [2]
4. A compound is regarded as a pure substance while the mixture is not. Give reason. [2]
5. Colloidal solution show Tyndall effect but true solutions do not. Discuss. [2]
6. Sucrose (sugar) crystals obtained from sugarcane and beetroot are mixed together. Will it be a pure substance or [2]
a mixture? Give reasons for the same.
7. Give the formulae of the compounds formed from the following sets of elements. [2]
i. Calcium and fluorine
ii. Hydrogen and sulphur
iii. Nitrogen and Hydrogen
iv. Carbon and chlorine
v. Sodium and oxygen
vi. Carbon and oxygen
8. Write the cations and anions present (if any) in the following compounds: [2]
b. NaCl
c. H2
d. NH4NO3

9. Which postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory can explain the law of definite proportions? [2]
10. Write the molecular formulae of all the compounds that can be formed by the combination of following ions: [2]
2+ + 3+ − 2− 3−
Cu , Na , Fe , Cl , SO , PO
4 4

11. Why is not possible to see an atom with naked eye? [2]
12. The atomic number of lithium is 3. It's mass number is 7. [2]
i. How many protons and neutrons are present in a lithium atom?
ii. Draw the diagram of a lithium atom.
13. Calculate the number of neutrons present in the nucleus of an element 'X' which is represented as 31
X . [2]
14. Hydrogen has three isotopes. State the composition of their nuclei and write their mass number. Also represent [2]
them in the form of symbols.
15. What do you think would be the observation if the α-particle scattering experiment is carried out using a foil of a [2]
metal other than gold?

16. What are the colours absorbed by plants? The green light of the sunlight is blocked. How will the phytosynthesis [2]
be affected?
17. Why is cell called structural and functional unit of life? [2]
18. If cell of onion peel and RBC are separately placed in hypotonic solution, what among the following will take [2]
place? Explain the reason.
i. Both the cells will swell
ii. RBC will burst early while cells of onion peel will resist bursting to some extent
iii. Both a and b are correct
iv. RBC and onion peel cells will behave similarly
19. Draw a labelled diagram of mitochondria. write the functions of mitochondria. [2]
20. Why is the epidermis present as a thick waxy coating of cutin in desert plants? [2]
21. If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapours appear on the walls of the glass jar. Explain why? [2]
22. Write the differences between xylem and phloem. [2]
23. What will happen if [2]
(a) Ligament gets overstretched ?
(b) Heparin is absent in blood ?
(c) Striated muscles contract rapidly for longer duration ?
24. How do insect pest damage crop plants? [2]
25. Define eutrophication. [2]
Section B
26. Give reasons [3]
(a) A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept.
(b) A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container.
(c) A wooden table should be called a solid.
(d) We can easily move our hand in air but to do the same through a solid block of wood we need a karate
27. Why are gases compressible but not liquids? [3]
28. Liquids generally have low density as compared to solid. But you must have observed that ice floats on water. [3]
Find out why?
29. Differentiate between metals and non-metals based upon the various properties that they show. [3]
30. Differentiate between a saturated and unsaturated solution. How will you test whether a given solution is [3]
saturated or not?
31. Is water an element or a compound? Give reason in support of your statement. [3]
32. Write down the names of compounds represented by following formulae: [3]
i. Al2(SO4)3
ii. CaCl2
iii. K2SO4

iv. KNO3
v. CaCO3

33. Dalton's atomic theory is contradicted by the formula of sucrose C12H22O11. Justify the statement. [3]

34. Carbon dioxide produced by action of dilute hydrochloric acid on potassium hydrogen carbonate is moist [3]

whereas that produced by heating potassium hydrogen carbonate is dry. What would be the difference in the
composition of carbon dioxide in the two cases? State the associated law.
35. What information do you get from the figure about the atomic number, mass number and valency of atoms X, Y [3]
and Z?
Give your answer in a tabular form.

36. Study the data given below and answer the questions which follow: [3]

Particle Electrons Protons Neutrons

A 2 3 4

B 10 9 8

C 8 8 8

D 8 8 10

i. Write the mass number and atomic number of particles A, B, C, D.

ii. Which particles represent a pair of isotopes? Explain.
37. Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4 u and two protons in its nucleus. How many neutrons does it have? [3]
38. The following data represents the distribution of electrons, protons and neutrons in atoms of four elements A, B, [3]
C, D.

Element Protons Neutrons Electrons

A 10 10 10

B 11 12 11

C 12 12 12

D 13 14 13

Solve the following questions.

i. Write the electronic distribution of atoms of elements A and D.
ii. Element A is an inert gas. Why?
iii. What is the valency of element C?
39. An old man and a scientist were talking about a deserted house. The old man was sure that it was haunted by [3]
ghosts, but the scientist discarded the view saying no one had ever seen a ghost. The old man was annoyed and
challenged the scientist about existence of atoms, sub-atomic particles which also could not be seen.
i. Name the three sub-atomic particles and their discoverers.
ii. Whose viewpoint do you support and why?
40. How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell? [3]
41. Distinguish between Plant cell and Animal cells. [3]
42. There would be no plant life if chloroplasts did not exist. Justify. [3]
43. Observe the diagram of the cell below - answer the following questions. [3]

i. Label the parts of the cell
ii. what function does part 1 perform?
iii. If the organelle 2 is removed from the cell, what effect is it going to make on the functions of the cell?
iv. Identify, whether it is plant cell or animal cell
v. Which structure is called 'Powerhouse of the cells'?
44. Study the following diagram of phloem and answer the following questions: [3]

i. Identify A, B and C in the given diagram.

ii. What term is used for the end walls of the B?
iii. What are the two functions performed by C?
45. Observe the given below diagram and answer the following questions: [3]

i. What does A represent in the given diagram? How does cell 'A' of root hairs cells help in water absorption?
ii. How does B in the given diagram help the plants?
iii. Out of A, B, and C cells in the above diagram, which cell helps in the closing and opening of the stomata?
Write the name of the cell.

46. i. Identify the tissue given in the following figure. [3]

ii. Mention the characteristic features of the cells.
iii. Specify the function of this tissue.
iv. Name any one part of the plant, where these cells are present.

47. Observe the following diagram and answer the following questions: [3]

i. Identify the type of tissue mentioned in the given figure.
ii. Write any two characteristics of the type of tissue mentioned in the given figure.
iii. Where is the given tissue found in our body? What is the nature of the given tissue mentioned in the


Answer the following questions:

i. What is the main purpose of green manure?
ii. Name any two plants which can be used for green manure.
iii. What is the advantage of using biological manure?


Answer the following questions:

i. What do you mean by milch animals?
ii. How milk production can be increased?
iii. Give one example of cross bread to obtain desire quality milk production?
50. Observe the following figure and answer the questions that follow. [3]
A - First type of crop
B - Second type of crop
Box represents the agricultural field in which crops are grown.

i. Which type of cropping pattern is seen in the picture?

ii. Discuss this cropping pattern.
iii. What should be kept in mind regarding the types of crops, while following this cropping method?
Section C
51. Comment on the following statements: [5]
a. Evaporation produces cooling.
b. Rate of evaporation of an aqueous solution decreases with an increase in humidity.
c. Sponge though compressible is solid.
52. Tabulate the differences in the characteristics of states of matter. [5]

53. Non-metals are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity. They are non-lustrous, non-sonorous, non- [5]
malleable and are coloured.
i. Name a lustrous non-metal.
ii. Name a non-metal which exists as a liquid at room temperature.
iii. The allotropic form of a non-metal is a good conductor of electricity. Name the allotrope.
iv. Name a non-metal which is known to form the largest number of compounds.
v. Name a non-metal other than carbon which shows allotropy.
vi. Name a non-metal which is required for combustion.

54. i. Under which category of mixtures will you classify alloys and why? [5]
ii. Whether a solution is always liquid or not. Comment.
iii. Can a solution be heterogeneous?
55. Classify each of the following as a physical or a chemical change. Give reasons. [5]
i. Drying of a shirt in the sun.
ii. Rising of hot air over a radiator.
iii. Burning of kerosene in a lantern.
iv. Change in the colour of black tea on adding lemon juice to it.
v. Churning of milk cream to get butter.
56. Write the molecular formulae for the following compounds: [5]
a. Copper (II) bromide
b. Aluminium (III) nitrate
c. Calcium (II) phosphate
d. Iron (III) sulphide
e. Mercury (II) chloride
f. Magnesium (II) acetate
57. Calculate the molar mass of the following substances. [5]
a. Ethyne, C2H2

b. Sulphur molecule, S8
c. Phosphorus molecule, P4 (Atomic mass of phosphorus= 31)
d. Hydrochloric acid, HCl
e. Nitric acid, HNO3

58. Write the formulae for the following and calculate the molecular mass for each one of them. [5]
a. Caustic potash
b. Baking soda
c. Limestone
d. Caustic soda
e. Ethanol
f. Common salt
59. Calculate the formula unit masses of ZnO, Na2O, K2CO3, given atomic masses of Zn = 65 u, Na = 23 u, K = 39 [5]

u, C = 12 u, and O = 16 u.
60. Fill in the blanks. [5]

i. In a chemical reaction, the sum of the masses of the reactants and products remains unchanged. This is called
ii. A group of atoms carrying a fixed charge on them is called ____.
iii. The formula unit mass of Ca3(P04 )2 is _____.
iv. The Formula of sodium carbonate is ____ and that of ammonium sulphate is _____.
61. What were the drawbacks of Rutherford’s model of an atom? [5]
62. i. An element X has an atomic number = 12 and mass number = 26. Draw a diagram showing the distribution [5]
of electrons in the orbits and the nuclear composition of the neutral atom of the element. What is the valency
of the element and why?
ii. If this element X combines with another element Y whose electronic configuration is 2, 8, 7. What will be
the formula of the compound thus formed? State how did you arrive at this formula.
63. A number of electrons, protons, and neutrons in chemical species A, B, C, and D are given below. [5]

Chemical species Electrons Protons Neutrons

A 2 3 4

B 10 9 8

C 8 8 8

D 8 8 10

Now answer the following questions.

i. What is the mass number of A and B?
ii. What is the atomic number of B?
iii. Which two chemical species represent a pair of isotopes and why?
iv. What is the valency of element C? Also, justify your answers.

64. i. Describe Bohr's model of an atom. Draw a sketch of Bohr's model of an atom with three shells. [5]
ii. What was the drawback of Rutherford's model of an atom?

Atomic Mass Number of Number of Number of Name of the atomic [5]

number number neutrons protons electrons species

9 - 10 - - -

16 32 - - - Sulphur

- 24 - 12 - -

- 2 - 1 - -

- 1 0 1 0 -

66. Write the main functions of atleast ten cell components. [5]
67. Grass looks green, papaya appears yellow. Which cell organelle is responsible for this? [5]
68. Why are mitochondria called powerhouse of the cell? Give three similarities and one difference between [5]
mitochondria and plastid.
69. What are cell organelles? Write the names of different cell organelles. [5]
70. Draw a neat labelled diagram of an animal cell. [5]
71. Describe the structure and function of different types of epithelial tissues. Draw the diagram for each type of [5]

epithelial tissue.
72. Briefly describe striated and smooth muscles with their functions. [5]
73. Differentiate between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissues. Draw a well-labeled diagram. [5]
74. Why are improved poultry breeds developed? Describe the desirable traits for which new varieties are [5]
75. Figure shows the two crop Heads [plots A and B] have been treated by manures and chemical fertilisers [5]
respectively, keeping the environmental factors same.
Observe the graph and answer the following questions.
i. Why does plot B show sudden increase and then gradual decrease in yield?
ii. Why is the highest peak in plot A graph slightly delayed?
iii. What is the reason for the different pattern of the two graphs?


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