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English Grammar - A Complete Guide

Are you a second language learner? Do you think the word ‘grammar’ literally scares you? Do
not worry. You have come to the right place.

How to learn English can be a question that keeps popping into your mind every now and then.
Learning English grammar is one of the factors that many second language learners of English
find intimidating. Though they start learning the language, they often seem to give up on
themselves when they start with the grammar. This need not be the case with you. The only thing
that a second language learner has to do is keep an open mind and cultivate the willpower and
determination to get through the English language learning process, no matter what.

Learning grammar need not necessarily be a Herculean task if you do it the right way. Instead of
learning all the rules of grammar by heart, try to understand how each grammatical component
can be used and how it works differently under different conditions in multiple contexts.

Here is a set order that you can follow to learn grammar effectively and quickly.

 Parts of Speech

 Nouns

 Common Nouns

 Proper Nouns

 Singular Nouns

 Plural Nouns

 Possessive Nouns

 Abstract Nouns

 Collective Nouns

 Compound Nouns

 Pronouns
 Relative Pronouns

 Reflexive Pronouns

 Demonstrative Pronouns

 Possessive Pronouns

 Indefinite Pronouns

 Personal Pronouns

 Subject Pronouns

 Object Pronouns

 Interrogative Pronouns

 Reciprocal Pronouns

 Intensive Pronouns

 Verbs

 Verb Forms

 Main Verbs

 Helping Verbs

 Auxiliary Verbs

 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

 Regular Verbs

 Irregular Verbs

 Modal Verbs

 Phrasal Verbs

 Finite Verbs

 Non Finite Verbs

 Linking Verbs

 Stative Verbs

 Action Verbs

 Adverbs

 Conjunctive Adverbs

 Adverb Clauses

 Adjectives

 Possessive Adjectives

 Interrogative Adjectives

 Compound Adjectives

 Demonstrative Adjectives

 Adjectives List

 Conjunctions

 Subordinating Conjunctions

 Coordinating Conjunctions

 Correlative Conjunctions

 Prepositions

 Prepositional Phrases

 Interjections

 Sentence Structure
 Types of Sentences
 Tenses

 Simple Present Tense

 Present Continuous Tense

 Present Perfect Tense

 Present Perfect Continuous Tense

 Simple Past Tense

 Past Continuous Tense

 Past Perfect Tense

 Past Perfect Continuous Tense

 Simple Future Tense

 Future Continuous Tense

 Future Perfect Tense

 Future Perfect Continuous Tense

 Active Voice and Passive Voice

All you have got to do is be determined and trust yourself and the process. Why wait? Begin
your language learning journey immediately.

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