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Recommendation Letter \1am the most pleased to offer a strong letter of support for Eljan Aliyev, who has chosen to apply to your university. My academic and personal experience with Eljan in my capacity as instructor of Mathematics at the prestigious school Zekalar Lyceum has been superiative, | thus feel that | can recommend him without hesitation for admission. Eljan has been one of the finest students we have had at the Zakalar Lyceum, which is truly one of the most rigorous high schools in Azerbaijan. What | most note is thatEljan is indeed a renaissance student, who excels in all academic areas. And such an observation can be made of his life outside of the classroom. Eljan is an avid reader, who has developed a strong interest in economics and related fields. Thus, at the secondary level, he is already performing as if he were already a university student. Again, given the prestige of our school and its very high admissions standards, his academic excellence proves him to be the best of the bes Of all subject matters, | feel that Eljan’s passion for exact sciences related to healthy was especially, strong. In the classroom, he always went far beyond what we expect of students, and was especially, adept at solving very complex problems. Although he gravitates towards theory, he always seeks to find practical applications to what we are studying. | feel that he is thus very strong in both theory. and praxis, again a characteristic very rare for people his own age. Let me stress that Eljan is endowed with a very sharp and quick mind. He can very succinctly, put situations into perspective and find a viable route for finding solutions. What is most interesting is that, on many occasions, he has found solutions very distinct from those | expected, but equally valid. lam most impressed by his lateral thinking, which is at a level far more developed that that of his peers, Such a talent has rendered him a very special student, both in the minds of | and other instructors, but also in in those of his fellow students, who truly admire and look up to him. Ihave no doubt that by offering a seat to Eljan as an undergraduate, you will not only be gaining a fine student for the program in low, but moreover, you will be growing an excellent future professional and colleague. My recommendation for Elian Aliyev is thus both enthusiastic and unconditional. Sincerely, MrJavid Asadov Mathematics Teacher Email: Phone: +994508880282

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