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s3 CATEGORIES at same date: 14/5/2022


Art, design

1. All this make up person I used to be, now, working to in future
A lot stayed same since kid, lot changed too

2. The only person I’m

I want you to be you

3. I want you to be you, be best version of you that you can be

4. Easy look those people, wish you had they had or were them
Thing struggle, think you could be different

5. Be easy compare yourself to people, you are best verssion yourself can be
Champion at being you

6. You are in competition yourself, stop comparing yourself to other

7. Wishing things different won’t change anything, time spend wishing is time you
could spent changing what actually in control

8. Like, never exactly like them, I had to work with what life gave me

9. There loads things you want to do, some you great at, some might be less good at

10. There 7 billions people with their own like, dis-like, favor color/fil/food/book
All going about life, try do best
Lots of similar you, not exactly you
Look hand, no one same fingerprints

11. Big thing change won’t shift who you are

Scary be you sometimes, no one done before, but ok

12. How unique, special

Not spend too much time worry, compare ourself to other people
 Think about all amazing things we can do

13. You only ever be you, why don’t spend time try become best ever version of you

14. Instead point they, “want what they had”

 Point yourself: I unique, special, if work hard, stay true myself => do amazing

15. You at most powerful when you are you

-anything possible
=> figure who, what good and where improve => stronger you
16. Start championing yourself, easy champion at other things

17. Never try compete any one else, awoke to be best version no matter happen that
day, can’t go bed as failure

18. Give your best doing thing you best at, be you then you done thing no one else can

19. _find champion in you

_enjoy competing yourself only (you today with you 2 years)
_Focus what you can do (focus what can control, normal for mind wander, but
remember you are boss) => focus inside circle (feel positive, confident) by practice

20. Dare to dream

Wanted to be best could be

21. Hard know what possible until start

Dream big, prepare toward dream

22. Big thing rarely happen overnight, good thing rarely happen if by magic

23. People life puzzles many small make big

Start, world and personality different pieces work with, up to you to make picture it
Dream as big as want to make puzzle
(puzzle, some bit understand right away, able put into place right away and put in
place quickly

24. Set smaller goal achieve bigger goal, then work step by step

25. Picture change, parts needed get there need teawrking

Never stop aim what want

26. Dream big possible you can

 Unlock potential
 No limit imagine
 Brain special effect
 Different paths as imagine

27. Dream big

Imagine world where you happy, more picture it more likeky happen
Paint most amazing picture, break into load small goals

28. Your life/dream/journey/big puzzle

Put all together

29. Break plan impossible to thing smaller and achieveable

30. Imagine, dream place people you care in there

31. Success not happen overnight

Good things take time

32. Never change who I am

33. Never lose sight who you are

And what important to you

34. Think about level success can reach, don’t put cap on it. Didn’t and still don’t

35. Understand about self, world, what to do => potential achieve

36. Not worry dream change overtime

37. Make sure never stop toward them, whatever

38. Get to final page by mastering everything else along way

39. Hard work, dedication => dream true

40. Good thing take time, practice

From you
Dream big, commit yourself to step toward goal whenever possible

41. Not do all time, tired/struggle just give 100% when possible

42. Dream big, think longterm when set goal, also have drive outthere and chase it

43. Luck happen when preparation meet right opportunities

44. Nothing plain sailing to top

Progress not straight line
Encounter difficulties as toward goals

45. When come up short challenge, important give up, stop there
But to look at what happened, think how overcome similar problem in future

46. Recognize moment of journey is important part of grow soul

47. Important true to yourself, dream special to you, plan works for you

48. Find out ways work for you, learn best, turn help find ooportunity good at
Better when enjoy it

49. Your journey, do it your way

50. No matter set back, always a way bacl
51. Hard work set up more challenge in future
Think it finish one adventure, getting whole new

52. When nervous thought other see you at not your best/clever/cool => feel
 Look silly, thought silly
 Loop of fear embaressed led to more embarrassed

53. 1) out comfort zone

2) start listen closely classmates
=> control could control, carried on (all can do)
=> many ways describe worried

54. Hard, natural stay comfort zone carry thing well, out comfort zone, develop new
skills, new area lifes
“not out comfortzone, wrong”

55. Stay in comfort zone for a bit then practice until uncomfor ->

56. Feel nervous as step out comfort, brilliant idea

57. Great but anxious, spend age wonder if thing good might happen, when does,
instead enjoy it, brain wonder when it stop

58. Do what you brought to dance

Dance one brought you
Dance like no body watch

59. Focus 1 thing, small can sort out, take from there

60. Not add more difficult by worry about out of control things

61. To stop and remember amazing things done, challenges overcomed

Think when got stuck and how past it

62. Building confident should not mean fake any part youself
Change, do new things, going back old things done all scary
Stay true to yourself

63. Nervous natural, no worry. Good try new but no dive-head in

Small steps out comfort until comfortable then give all when ready

64. Get confident in skill and practice whenever can, after while dive like champion
Confident come and go, about trust

65. Define confident as try best

Build belief
Is a behavior
 Confident and done your best

66. Navigate adversity

67. Keep ask same thing from same person, lot less chance get it
Same thing from different, likely get ask for

68. Can’t do same thing over again when stucked, try multiple approach to situation

69. Always more than 1 solution to pential problem

70. In life, recover from setback

Ok make mistake, but need right recovery, react setback well no body remember

71. Not need gold medal at end to done special

72. Sometime fall thing looked to achieve

73. Try not be jealous for too long, find hard

74. Good mistakes show how brain work, less likely same mistakes

75. Things in favor, you should proud and celebrate

Recover, reset, work hard

76. Go through thing can’t recover same way

77. If you give all whenever you can, surprise yourself with what challenge able go
through and how help other

78. Go fast, alone. Go far together

Always appreciate everything

Not let bad thing denie who iam

Never alone, one believe, root

79. Friend is family chose yourself

Surround in good friends, worries melt down, they remind those not matters
Stay friend, you to yourself, no troubles

80. Can change world if passionate, work hard, believe yourself

Think situations, everything impossible until done, turn big dream in realitlity
Background no reason can’t be heard,no matter start, not let that your finish
Don’t know answer but important to passionate, listen, take in understand people
 Listen, learn, mix great people, great thing happen

_your voice make huge difference

_voice power change world, up to you use that

_Never stop learning

_Can learn whatever right for you, not take lost take lessons
_nothing change if nothing change

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