RD Sharma CH 26 Part 3

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EXAMPLE5 farm is engaged in breeding pigs. The pigs are fed on various products groWT on the
the need to ensure certain nutrient constituents (call them X, Y
viewof products.
nadaitional say, Aand B. One unit of product A and Z), it is necessaryto
Pto One,unit of product Bcontains 6units of X, 12 contains 36 unitsofX, 3units of Y, and minimum
misof Z.
nyUiTementofX Yand Z is 108 units, 36 units and 100 units units of Yand 10 units of Z. The
productBcosts 40 per unit.
respectively. Product A costs ? 20 per
Formulate the above as alinear programming problemto minimize
'cost,and.solve the problem by using graphical method.
OLUTIONThe data given in the problem can be summarized in the following tabular form:

Product Nutrient constituent Cost in

A 36 3 20
B 6 12 40
MinimumRequirement 108 36 100
Letrunitsoof productA and y units of product Bare bought to fulfill the minimum requiremernt
Yand Zandto minimnize the cost.
The mathematical formulation of the above problem is as follows:
Minimize Z = 20x + 40y
Subiect to 36x + 6y >
3x +12y 36
20x + 10y > 100
The set of all feasible solutions of the above LPP is represented by the feasible region shaded
atkiy in Fig. 26.23. The coordinates of the corner points of the feasible region are A, (12, 0),
(4.2), P, (2, 6)and B; (0, 18). Y

20x + 36x
10y =
10 108

Z, =
20x+ 40y P,(2,6)

P{ 3x +
12y =36 A

Fig. 26.23
Now, we have to find a point or points inthe feasible region which give the: minimum
the objective function. For this, let us give some value to Z, say 20, and draw a dotted t: of value
20 = 20x + 40y. Now, draw lines parallel to this linewhich have at least one point common t
feasible region and locate aline which is nearest to the origin and has at least one point comn
to the feasible region. Clearly, such aline is Z=20x + 40y and it has apoint P, (4, 2) comme
with the feasible region. Thus, Z, =20x + 40y is the minimum value of Z, and the feacib
solution which givesthis value of Zis the corner P, (4, 2) of the shaded region. The values of th
variables for the optimal solution are x=4, y =2.Substituting these values in Z =20x + 40y, we
get Z =160 as the optimal value of Z.
Hence, 2 units of product A and 4 units of product B are sufficient to fulfill the minim1ne
requirement at a minimumn cost of 160.
EXAMPLE 6 Atoy mansfacturer produces two types of dolls; a basic version doll Aand a deluxe versiom
doll B. Eachdoll of type Btakes twice as long toproduce as one doll of type A.1he company have time to
make amaximum of 2000dolls of type Aper day, the supply of plastic is sufficient to produce 1500 dols
per day and each type requires equal amount of it. The deluxe version, i.e. type Brequires afancy dress of
which there are oniy 600 per day available. If the company makes a profit of? 3 and ? 5 per dolí.
respectively, on dol Aand B; how many of each should be produced per day in order to maximize profit?
Solve it by graphical method.
SOLUTION Let x dolls of type A and y dollsof type B be produced per day to maximize the
The mathematical form of the given LPP is as follows:
Maximize Z = 3x+ 5y
Subject to x+ 2y s 2000
X+y s 1500 (See Ex.2 on page 26.5)
y S 600
and, X, y 2 0
The set of all feasible solutions of the given LPP is represented by the feasible region shaded
darkly in Fig. 26.24. The coordinates of the corner points of the feasible region are O (0,0),
A, (1500, 0) P(1000, 500), Q(800, 600) andR (0, 600).
Now, to find a point or points in the feasible region which give the maximum value of the
objective function Z = 3x +5y, let us give some value to Z, say 1500 and draw the dotted line
3x +5y=1500 as shown in Fig. 26.23.

Z=3x +5y
B,(0, 1500)
x+2y =20 0
B1 Q
(800, 600)
y= 600
R(0, 600)
P(1000, 500)

3x +
Fig. 26.24

drawlines parallel to the line 3* +5y =1500 and obtain aJine which is farthest from tte
have least one point common to the a
feasible region. Clearly, Z4 ==3x +5yissuch
iin line has only one point P(1000, 500) common to the feasible region. Thus,
1000+5x s00 =5500 is the maximum value of Z and the onimal solution is X=1U007

1000dollsof type Aand 500 dolls of type Bshould be produced to maximize the prokt
imaximumprofitis 5500.
nd EXERCISE 26.4

youngman drives his scooter at a speed of 25 km/hr, he has to spend 2 per km on

Lpetrol.Ifhe drives the scooter at a speed of 40 km/hour, it produces air polution and
increaseshis expenditure on petrol to 5 per km. He has a maximum of 100to spendlon
petrol travel maximum distance in one hour time with less polution. Express
and a
problemas an ILPP and solve it graphically. What value do youfind here?
manutacturer has three machines installed in his factory. Machines I and II are capable of
beingoperated for at most 12 hours whereas Machine III must operateat least for5 hours a
The number of
day. He produces only twoitems, each requiring the use of three machines.
hours required for producing one unit each of the items on the three machines is given in
thefollowing table:
Item Number of hours required by the machine

A 1 2 1

B 2 1 5/4
He makes a profit of 6.00on item A and4.00on item B. Assuming that he can sell all
maximize his profit?
he produces, how many of each item should he produce so as to
Determine hismaximum profit. Formulate this LPP mathematically and then solve it.
stitch6 shirts and 4
3. Two tailors, A and Bearn 15 and 20 per day respectively. A can
days shall each work if it
pants while Bcan stitch 10 shirts and 4 pants per day. How many
minimum labour cost?
is desired to produce (at least) 60 shirts and 32 pants at a
the use of two
factory manufactures two typesof screws, A and B, each type requiring
A on the automatic and
machines an automatic and a hand-operated. It takes 4 minute
a package of screws 'A', while it
6minutes on the hand-operated machines to manufacture
hand-operated machine to
takes 6 minutes on the automatic and 3 minutes on the
for at most 4 hours on any
manufacture a package of screws 'B'. Each machine is available
profit of 7OPand screws'B' at a
day. The manufacturer can sell apackage of screws'A'at a manufacture, how many
profit of 1. Assuming that he can sell all the screws he can
a day in order to maximize his
Packages of each type should the factory owner produce in
profit? Determine the maximum profit.
3. A Ompany produces two types of leather belts, say type A and B. Belt Ais a superior
type of belt are ?2 and 1.50 per
quality and belt B is of a lower quality. Profits on each a belt of
much time as required by
velt, respectively. Each belt of type Arequires twice as
produce 1000 belts per day. But the
VPe B.If all belts were of type B, the company couldday (both Aand B
Supply of leather is sufficient only for 800 belts per available tor this percombined).
day. For
Belt A
belt of
qures afancy buckle and only 400 fancy buckles are
Ype B, only 700 buckles are available per day.

belts in order to have a

How should the Company manufacturethetwo types of
overall profit?
6. Asmall manufacturer has emploved 5skilled men and 10 semi-skilled men and makes an
model. The making of a
article in two qualities deluxe modeland an ordinary semni-skilled man. deluxe model
hrs. work by a skilled man and 2hrs. work by a The rules no
requires 2
model requires 1 hr by a skilled man and 3hrs. by a semi-skilled man. By union
man may work more than 8hrs per day. The manufacturers clear profit on deluxe model is
?15 and on an ordinary model is 10. How many of each type should be made in order to
maximize his total daily profit.
7. A manufacturer makes two types Aand Bof tea-cups. Three machines are needed fo..
manufacture and the time in minutes required for each cup on the machines is given below:

A 12 18 6

B 6 0 9

Each machine is available fora maximum of 6 hours per day. If the profit on each cup Ais
75 paise and that on each cup Bis 50 paise, show that 15 tea-cups of type Aand 30 of type 3
should be manufactured in a day to get the maximum profit.
8. A factory owner purchases two types of machines, A and B, for his factory. The
requirements and limitations for the machines are as follows:

Area occupied by the Labour force for each Daily output in

machine machine units
Machine A 1000 sq. m 12 men 60
MachineB 1200 sq. m 8men 40

He has an area of 7600 sq.m available and 72 skilled men who can operate the machines.
How many machines of each type should he buy to maximize the daily output?
9. Acompany produces two types of goods, Aand B, that require gold and silver. Each unit of
type Arequires 3gm of silver and 1gm of gold while that of type Brequires 1gm of silver
and 2gm of gold. The company can produce 9gm of silver and 8gm of gold. If each unit of
type Abrings aprofit of R40 and that of type B 50, find the number of units of each type
that the company should produce to maximize the profit. What is the maximum profit?
10. A manufacturer of Furniture makes two products :chairs and tables. Processing of these
products is done on two machines Aand B. A chair requires 2 hrs on machine Aand6 hrs on
machine B. A table requires 4 hrs on machineAand 2 hrs on machine B. There are 16 hrs of
time per day available on machine A and 30 hrs on machine B. Profit gained by the
manufacturer froma chair and atable is 73 and5 respectively. Find with the help of grap
what should be the daily production of each of the two products so as to maximiZe s
11. Afurmiture marnufacturing company plans to make two products: chairs and
its available resources which consists of 400 square feet of teak wood and 450: tables. r It
man hours.
is known that to make a chair requires 5square feet of wood and 10 man-hours andIyieldsa
profit of 45, while each table uses 20 square feet of wood and 25 man-hours and yieldsa
profit of 80. How many items of each product should be produced by the Company so that
the profit is maximum?

1manufacturesstwo products Aand B.

Each product is processed on two machines
requires 4minutes processing
of iproduct
My. 4 minutes on MË and 4 min. on M,.Thetime
sd machine min..onforM, not more
on MM,andis 8available
min while
machine M, is
8 Aand Bare sold at a profit of available
20 for 10 hrs. during any working day. The
3 and 4respectively.
Formmulatetheproblem as alinear programming problem and find how many productsof
type produced by the firm each day in order to get maximum profit.
firm anufacturing two types of electric items, Aand B, can make a profit of 20 per
A and 30 per unit of B. Each unit of Arequires 3 motors and 4 transformers and
unit requires 2 motors and 4transformers. The total supply of these per: monthis
restrictedto 10 motors and 300 transformers. Type Bis an export model requiring a
stabilizer which has asupply restricted to 65 units per month. Formulatethe linear
programingproblem fo maximum profit and solveit graphically.
uses three different resources for the manufacture of two different products, 20
4Afactory resources A, 12 units of Band 16 units of C
units of the being available. 1 unit of the first
2 and 4 units of the respective resources and 1 unit of the second
productrequires4,2, 2and 0 units of
product requires respective resources. It is known that the first product
profit of 2 monetary units per unit and the second 3. Formulate the linear
gives a
programming problem. How many units of each product should be manufactured for
maximizing the profit? Solve it graphically.
edition of
Apublishersells,a hard cover edition of a text book for 72.00 andlapaperback
15 for 40.00. Costs tothe publisher are 56.00 and 28.00 perrbook respectively
the same ext
inaddition to weekly costs of 9600.00. Both types require 5 minutes of printing time,
although hardcover requires 10 minutes binding time and the paperback requires only
4,800minutes available each
2minutes. Both the printing and binding operations have
maximize profit?
week. How many of each type of book should be produced in order to
2grains of aspirin,
16, Afirm manufactures headache pills in two sizes Aand B. Size Acontains
8 grains of
5grains of bicarbonate and 1 grain of codeine; size Bcontains 1grain of aspirin, at least 12
bicarbonate and 66 grains of codeine. It has been found by users that it
for providing
grains of aspirin, 7.4 grains of bicarbonate and 24 grains of codeinepatient should have to
immediate effects. Determine graphically the least number of pills a
by patient.
get immediate relief. Determine also the quantity of codeine consumed
following table gives the
I. Achemical company produces two compounds, A and B. The
and B as well as minimum
units of ingredients, Cand D per kg of compounds Athe quantities of A and Bwhich
requiremernts of Cand D and costs per kg of A and B. Find
Would give a supply ofCand Dat a minimunm cost.
Compound Minimum requirement
2 80
|IngredientC 1 75
Ingredient D
4 6
Cost (in )per kg
B. A company manufactures two types of novelty Souvenirs made of plywood. Souvenirs of
eachfor: assembling. Souvenirs of
type A minutes each for cutting and 10 minutes
type Brequire 885 minutes each for cutting and 8 minutes each for. assembling. There are 3
urs 20 minutes available for cutting and 4hours available for assembling. The profit is 50
paise each for type Bsouvenirs. How manysouvenirs of each
type shouldforthetype
hach A and 60manufacture
Company in order to maximize the profit?
19. Amanufacturer makes two products Aand B. Product Asells at ? 200
1/2 hour to make. Product Bsells at 300 each and takes 1 hour to each and takes
permanent order for 14 of product Aand 16 of product: B. Aworking weekmake.
each of product Ais 20 and on product Bis 30, then how many of each
ConsiTherstprs oefioft ison40a
hours of production and weekly turnover must not be less thanà 10000.
If the
20. A manufacturer produces two types of steel trunks. He has two machines should
produced so that the profit is maximum. Also, find the maximum profit. be
completing, the first types of the trunk requires 3 hours on machine Aand 3and B. For
machine B, whereasthe second type ofthe trunk requires 3 hours on machineA
on machine B. Machines Aand Bcan work at most for 18 hours and 15 and
on hours
hours per day
respectively. He earns a profit of 30 and 25 per trunk of the first type and 2hours
type respectively. How many trunks of each type must he make each thhe second
maximum profit? day to make
21. Amanufacturer of patent medicines is preparing a production plan on medicines. A 1.
There are sufficient raw materials available to make 20000 bottles of Aand
B, but there are only 45000 bottles into which either of the medicines can be 40000 bottles
takes 3 hours to prepare enough material to fill 1000 bottles of A, it takes 1 put. .Furtprepare
her, it
enough material to fill 1000 bottles of Band there are 66 hours available forhour to
The profit is 8 per bottle for Aand7 per bottle for B. How should thethis operation.
schedule his production in order to maximize his profit? manfacturer
22. An aeroplane can carry a maximum of 200 passengerS. A proit of ? 400 is made on each firek
class ticket and a profit of600 is made on each economy class ticket. The airline reserves at
least 20 seats of first class. However, at least 4 times as many passengers prefer to travel by
economy class to the first class. Determine how many each type of tickets must be soldin
order tomaximize the profit for the airline. What is the maximum profit.
23. Agardener has supply offertilizer of type Iwhich consists of 10% nitrogern and 6% phos.
phoric acid and type II fertilizer which consists of 5% nitrogen and 10% phosphoric acid.
After testing the soil conditions, he finds that he needs at least 14 kg of nitrogen and 14 kg of
phosporic acid for his crop. If the type Ifertilizer costs 60 paise per kg and type II fertilizer
costs 40 paise per kg, determine how many kilograms of each fertilizer should be used so
that nutrient requirements are met at a minimum cost.What is the minimum cost?
24. Anil wants to invest at most 12000in Saving Certificates and National Saving Bonds.
According to rules, he has to invest at least 2000 in Saving Certificates and at least
4000 in National Saving Bonds. If the rate of interest on saving certificate is 8% per annum
and the rate of interest on National Saving Bond is 10% per annum, how much money
should he invest to earn maximum yearly income? Find also his maximum yearly income.
25. A man owns a field of area 1000 sq.m. He wants to plant fruit trees in it. He has a sum of
?1400 to purchase young trees. He has the choice of two types of trees. Type Arequires 10
sq.m of ground per tree and costsT 20 per tree and type Brequires 20 sq.m of ground per
tree and costs 25 per tree. When fully grown, type Aproduces an average of 20kg ot rut
which can be sold at aprofit of ?2.00 per kg and type Bproduces an average of 40 gof fruit
which can be sold at aprofit of? 1.50 per kg. How many of each type should be planted to
achieve maximum profit when the trees arefully grown?What is the maximum proit
26. Ausecottage industry manufactures pedestal lamps and wooden shades, each requiring e
of grinding/cutting machine and a sprayer. It takes 2 hours on the grinding/cutting
machine and 3hours on the sprayerto manufacture a pedestallamp whileit takes 1 houranyon
the grinding/cutting machine and 2 hours on the:sprayer to manufacture a shade. On
machinefor at
day, the sprayer is avalable for at most 20 hours and the grinding/cuting Assuming
most 12 hours. The profit fromthe sale of alamp is? 5.00 and a shade is73.00. he
that the manufacturer can sell all the lamps and shades that he produces, howshould
schedule his daily production in order to maximize his profit?
producer bas 30 and 17 units of labour and capital respectively which he can use units
A twotvpe of goods Xand Y. To produce one unit ofX, 2units of labour and 3
produce required to
capitalare required. Similarly, 3 units of labour and 1 unit of capital is how
of one1unit of Y.If Xand Yare priced at 100 and 120 per unitrespectively,
be producer Use his resources to maximize the total revenue? Solve the
manufactures two types of products Aand and
B sells them at a profit of ?5 per
ontwo machines
A and
A | 3 per unit of type B. Each product is processed
unitoftype and two
M,. One unit of type Arequires one minute of processing time on Mminute of
M of processing time on M, whereas one unit of type Brequires one
processingtime on Mand one minute on M,. Machines MË and M, are each type of
availablefor,t most 5hours and6 hours ina day. Find out how many units the problem
shouldthe firm produce a day in order to maximize the profit. Solve
graphically. Bthat it can
small Grm manufacturers items Aand B. The total number of items Aand item Btakes
29.Amanufacturein a day is at the most 24. Item Atakes one hour to make unit
halfanhour. The maximum time available per day is 16 hours. Iftheprofit onof one
item be
be 300 and one unit of item Bbe R160, how many of each type
ofitem Ato maximize the profit? Solve the problem graphically.
minutes each for
compny manufactures two types of toys Aand B. Type Arequires 5
A and 10minutes each for assembling. Type Brequires 8 minutes each for cutting and
30. ating
for cutting and 4hours available
8minutes each for assembling. There are 3hours available
each on type Aand 60 each on type B.How many
for assembling in a day. The profit is ?50manufacture
tovs of each type should the company in a day to maximize the profit?
B. There are two departments through which
1. Acompany manutactures two articles Aand (i) finishing departments. The maximum
these articles are processed: () assembly and hours
capacity of the first department is 60 hours a week and that of other department is 482 hours
requires 4 hours in assembly and
per week. The product of each unit of article A hours in assembly and 4hours in finishing.
in finishing and that of each unit of Brequires 2
each unit of B, find the number of units of A
If theprofit is 6 for each unit of Aand8for maximum profit.
and Bto be produced per week in order to have items it can make in a day is 24. It takes
number of
32, Afirm makes items A and Band the totalhalf an hour to make an item of B. The maximum
one hour to make an item of and
A Bis
on an item ofA is 300 and on one item of
time available per day is 16 hours. The profit produced to maximize the profit? Solve the
7160. How many items of each type should be
problem graphically. in a
A and B. The two products are produced
33. Acompany sells two different products,a total capacity of 500 man-hours. It takes 5 hours
Common production process, which has unit of B. The market has been surveyed that and
to produce a unit of Aand 3hours to produce a 70 and
of units of A that can be sold is
company officials feel that the maximum number
the product A and? 15 per unit for the product B,
for Bis 125. If the profit is 20 per unit forbe sold to maximize profit?
how many unitsof each product should boxes from alarge piece of cardboard. The large
A Abox manufacturer makes large and small boxesrequire 3 sq. metre per box. The
boxes require 4 sq. metre per box while the small large boxes and at least twice as many small
manufacturer is required to make at least three
large and
is in stock, and if the profits on themaximize
boxes as large boxes. If 60 sq, metre of carboard each should be made in order to
Small boxes are3and 2 per box, how many of
the total profit? /2
and B. Product Asells at 200 each and takes 1
Amanufacturer makes two products, A and takes 1 hour to make. There is a permanent
hour to make. Product B sells at 300 each
Order for 14 units of product A and 16 units of product B. A working week consists of
not be less than? 10000. If the profit
Whours of production and the weekly turn over must then how many of each should be
On each of product Ais 20 and an product B is ?30, maximum profit.
Produced so that the profit is maximumn? Also find the
36. If a young man drives his vehicle at 25 km/hr, he has to spend ? 2 per
drives it at a faster speed of 40 km/hr, the petrol cost increases to km on
petrol.HeIf he
7100 to spend on petrol and travel within one hour. Express this
same. 5/perkm.
as an LPP
and solve hasthe
37. An oil company has two depots, Aand B, with capacities of 7000
respectively. The company is to supply oil to three petrol litres and A000 itres
requirements are 4500, 3000and 3500 litres respectively. The distance (in D,E,F km) whosthee
depots and petrol pumps is given in the following table:
Distance (in km)
D 7 3
F 3

Assuming that thetransportation cost per km isT 1.00 per litre, how shouldthe
scheduled in order that the transportation cost is minimum?
38. A Small firm manufactures gold rings and chains. The total number of rings and bat
delivery be
manufactured per day is atmost 24. It takes 1 hour to make a ring and 30 minutes tomt
chain. The maximum number of hours available per day is 16. If the profit on aring is 2
and that on a chain is 190, find the number of rings and chains that should ko
manufactured per day, sO as to earn the maximumn profit. Make it as an LPP and solve it
39. A library has to accomnmodate twodifferent types of books on a shelf. The books are 6cm
and 4 cm thick and weigh 1 kg and 1 kg each respectively. The shelf is 96 cm long and

atmost can support a weight of 21 kg. How should the shelf be filled with the books of two
types in order to include the greatest number of books? Make it as an LPP and solve it
40. Afactory makes tennis rackets and cricket bats. Atennis racket takes 1.5 hours of machine
time and 3 hours of craftman's time in its making while a cricket bat takes 3hours of
machine time and 1hour of craftman's time. In a day, the factory has the availability of not
more than 42 hours of machine time and 24 hours of craftman's time. If the profit on aracket
and on a bat is ?20 and 10 respectively, find the number of tennis rackets and cricket bats
that the factory must manufacture to earn the maximum profit. Make it as an LPP and solve
it graphically.
41. Amerchant plans to sell two types of personal computers a desktop model and aportable
model that will cost 25,000 and 40,000 respectively. He estimates that the total monthly
demand of computers willnot exceed 250 units. Determine the number of units of each type
of computers which the merchant should stock to get maximum profit if he does not wa
to invest more than 70 lakhs and his profit on the desktop model is 4500 and onthe
portable model is 5000. Make an LPP and solve it graphically.
42. Acooperative society of farmers has 50 hectare of land to grow twO crops Xand Y.
profit from cropsX and Yper hectare are estimated as 10,500and 9,0001respectively.
control weeds, aliquid herbicide has to be used for crops Xand Yat rates of 20litresorderto
litres per hectare. Further, no more than 800 1litres of herbicide shouldbe usedin much
protect fish and wild life using a pond which collects drainage from this land. How
land should be allocated to each crop so at to maximise the total profit ofthe society?

eof Model A
cturing company makes two modelsA and Bof a product. Bach piece
labourhours for fabricating and 1
labour hour for finishing. Each piece of Model
12,labour hours
Brequires for fabricating and 3labour hours for finishing. For fabricating
finishing,the maximum labour hours available are 180 and 30 respectively. The
and makes a profit of 8000 on each piece of model Aand? 12000 on each piece of
company week to
ModelB. How many pieces of Model Aand Model Bshould be manufactured per
realisea. maximum profit? What is the maximum profit per week?
makes tennis rackets and cricket bats. Atennis racket takes 1.5 hours of
factory machine
L A and33hours of craftman's time in its making whilea cricket bat takess3 hour of
hour, of craftman's time. In a day,thefactory has theeavailability
a ofnot morethan
timeand 1
of machine time and 24 hours of craftsman's time. at full
42hours made if the factory is to work
number of rackets and bats must be
() What
10 respectively, find the maximum
A If the profit on a racket and on a bat is 20 and
profit of the factory when it worksat full capacity. desktop model and a portable
computers a
merchant plans to sell two types of personal
A respectively. He estimates that the total monthly
model that will cost ? 25000 and ? 40000 of units of each
250 units. Determine the number
demand of computers will not exceed stock
to get maximum profit if he does on
which the merchant should
type of computers desktop model is 4500 and
and if his profit on the
want toinvest more than ? 70 lakhs
portable model is 5000. dolls, A and B. Market tests and
manufactures two types of dolls
f6. Atoy company
that the combined production level should not exceed 1200 A.
resources have indicated for dolls of type
the demand for dolls of type Bis at most half of that production of
per week and of type Acan exceed three times the
Further, the production level of dolls If the company makes profit of ?12 andR 16 per doll
dolls of other type by at most 600 many of each should be produced weekly in order to
respectively on dolls A and B, how
maximise the profit? 6% phosphoric
consists of 10% nitrogen andtesting
fertilisers F and F,. F the sol
2. There are two types of 5% nitrogen and 10% phosphoric acid. After phosphoric
acid and E consists of that she needs atleast 14 kg of nitrogen and 14 kg ofeachtype of
conditions, a farmer finds and 5 costs 5/kg,determine how much ofcost. What is
Costs6/kg minimum
acid for her crop. If E that nutrient
requirements are met at a
fertiliser should be used so
Machines Iand I are
the minimum cost?
II and IM installed in his factory. for
machine Ill must be operated the
three machines I,
20 Amanufacturer has hours whereas
for at most 12 items Mand Neachnrequiring the use of all
Capable of being operatedproduces onlytwo
atleast 5hours a day. She
of.E Mand Non the three
three machines.
for producing 1 unit of each
The number of hours required table:
machines are given in thefollowing on nmachines
Number of hoursrequired
M 1.25
N Nrespectively. How many of each
and 7400 on items Mand assuming thattshe can sell all the items
She 600 her profit
makes a profit of to maximise
item should she produce so as be the maximum profit?
that she produced? What will
54. 53. 52. aeroplane51.An
cost. a 50. 49. 26.60
how farmer production
acid atacidThere Each each
machine The A
thatabove required
respectively, A, pays maximumprofit?
A prefer of
manufacturer respectively, executive should isEach A transportation
prpose A How
men manufacturer
2 each costwhile The eachThere
much for whereas 'B unit unit workers them machine manufacturer certain the
his are as to 7.50 is many of
two is and an to type at be the are
crops. level of 9
ofhours at travel manufactured
least class and and transportation
each types product product LPP produce
women howW andwhich the units production factories
commodity two
must can the
per produces and same
considers byticket
20 available
that for a From requirements
type 'A If
finds of per should 3 Types
Toysoftime cost
of he economy be seats carry on makes should is
B workerssolve one units uses rate. and B minimum. P
of that
fertilisers day requires day.
A sold each (in capacity
per is
fertiliser for is available two henit of He
for a aina
maximum types
two be To
nitrogen maximum
4% sold Each graphically. to that executive
class profit toy minutes) unit of
of be
10 he ar e use capital
produce has day transported the
'A' 2 products of men order maximum of of
perneeds unit
at capacity
hours equally his 30 than of? to What the one
should and B. type 100 160 A given depots
kg and and get 6 12
requiredfor of
7 of resources Ifare to by
and'B' 'B."A' A Dorequired two class. 600 200 of
maximum toys will factories place at
profit profit product on efficient 17maximize the is toys isB ? fo fron below: are to
least and
first ofand you
and Atypes women
units However, made
used first executive 5, 6
hours Abe Cost(in )respectively
kg 5%
consists and B showand Machines and the each at and P
each s 120 100 B p of
machine A Both B.andagree toarwhile
machine maximize e of
workers of on 18 mnimum and the
phosphoric thatrequires goods
workers the profit. B.
that of priced each that per
8 of the so
with profitclass. at toyThree Qthree
nitrogenper of should 3 day. are 5,
nutrient 12% and1 workers economy
least profit A 15 on
kg, products is If the to 5
respectively depots
Bhours 3 12
this the at and(male A are Determine
for 4 the transportation
machines each 100 150 and place at
then nitrogen be equally times 6
a hours view total B. of profit of machines units 4
and acid. paid 100 and and the situated R.
profit on are To class ? type depot
uirement on airline. as 1000 are From
graphisc:ally 12 After and and
bothprocessed revenue?
of and produce
1female)efficient on commodity the8of
kg second
of the unit how manyticket. is A
each is
needed in and
theselocations, at
of; 5% machines thatmanutacturer 120 many made given cos
same 30toy 6units.
The A,
4. of Form capital one
of and and Whatpassengers The
are machuie. per unicapital on of below: for and
the Find secona onrate t so tickets is airline each type funeof this
metat two ! the unit C.
soil the anu is of he the B
Tenis4.6)43.12 6Crop 3042. Z=20x
1, 40, From8 Product 36. 35. S2, S0., 9, 2027. 3 5. 4. 3. 2 . 1. 20. 48 1918. I.
At Large 4. units8 12 8 60 6. 2 24 2hairs5 Machintesype6 ordi£deluxe
200 4, LRPAA:500
Number ings
25 roduct units units 4lype 2000 Iype First 10500Trunks 3, type 8 19
toys items units pedestal
of of of of A:20Fertilizer bottles in class
2pil s 260
2units type chairs
kg, hard
units.of and s
0 25
Either.4 Belts aof
nd Au its
packages 0and
nn number tak akesAsmaolne
tis of firm 1
=4; of
maximize and
for rackets
Model model,
model50 chainslitres,litres,50/3 Small 25
A:48 =6, A
A of
ty pe
units, units, 16 and and Certificates,?
type lamps, X Saving
and trees
A 8 Type
units 4
tickets of
type type
100 = A, B, pills 8
of A,
; size of

A,. machines
14 5 units 3 of
, 110
t3y0pescrewAof, the
model'B40s,41.00 sCrew
speed 'A
A,4! maxi30 hour. mace.sumhour
the neckl
profit? Formulate
availableThe to
units A and 34500
40, of
A, X, =4 litres, 3000 0 km, wooden kg, 3 A, Max A, of.B, and B
A ofB, make
20 Product box and 1516240
ofY B:40 Economy Trunks 16 of600 4 ;B uni100475tprofit
s Max MaxtypeA of It
Cricketpieces litres, Product Type 600
hectares Number 10s, + 0 40 12, = B.
the of toys6itemns
bottles unitsprofit size units Max
belts 40.0km/hr, 0
25 is an
per a
units being bracelet
litres B: of shadestrees,10,000 I ofB;Quantity
Machine models;
and 20 LPP
B> type of of day
subject km/hr:40/3
bats of 3500 Maximum Fertilizer of
Type =16 profit
of of =230
3 of
Model= for of litresto 16 of type
125product b type Max in class product B,
backsecond product =2200 =22,2 machines type given or is
12; cropY, bats D, units, 5 tickets max B, = 3 40 finding 16. and and
to E,to units, B National
profit edition, of km that bracelets
Max. B, 1.=5x 39.12, 6 D, profit 80profit Max B, product; 2400
type Max B;of If
the half
Profit Frespectively Maximum
12 km, B kg, = Max. codeine profit
Max B; of Max.
profit 3.with at
Profit Total + E, Maximum =? 160, profit
Saving type A:5 least howprofit on
3y Cost=7325500 Max. profit
=1,68,000profit Frespectively
S42, Maximum
=*42 2200 Profit profit
= Max = days, the many hour that
profit =92 profit=2880 = speed on it
200. Bonds, 165 50 = of of a can
=4, 3x
profit =64000.00 =1440 grains profit =* B:3 of each make
+ys =1440
Distance 40 handle
Income = days should
2375 = 16 km/hr must
and,24 monetary is per
= =?1160 bebe
30 produced. 100 day
kn produced
x, and is
units ANSWERS at
y0 that
moS 26.61
month daly ora
45. 200 units of desktop model and 50 units of portable model, Max.
46. 800dolls of type A, 400dolls of type B, Max. Profit = 16000. Profit
47. Fertiliser F =100 kg, Fertiliser F =80 kg, Minimum cost =1000 1150000.
48. Item M=4, Item N=4, Profit =4000.
Factory at Depot
p 5 3
5 1

Cost = 1550.
50. 400 tickets of executive class, 160 tickets of economy class, Profit = 136000
52. Let xuits of worker and yunits of capital are required to maximize the total
Then, the LPP is
Maximize Z = 100x+120y revenue.
Subject to: 2x+3y S 30
x20,y2 0.
Revenue is maximum when x=3, 1y=8 and Maximum revenue is 1260
Yes, because the efficiency of aperson does not depend on sex (male or female)
53. Product A: 2units, Product B:3 units 54. Fertilize A: 0.3 kg, Fertilizer F
55. Necklace = 16, Bracelet = 8 B:0.211
1. Maximum Z = X+y
Subject to 2x+5y s 100
8x+5y s 200
and, I, y 20
2. Suppose the manufacturer produces x units of item A and y units of item B. Then. the
mathematical form of the given LPP is
Maximize Z = 6x+ 4y
Subject to x+ 2y 12
2x +y s 12

3. We have to minimize the labour cost. This means that the profit is to be maximized. For this,
suppose the tailors A and Bwork for x and y days respectively. Then the LPP is
Maximize Z = 15x + 20y
Subject to 6x +10y 60
4x +4y 32
4. Suppose the manufacturer produces xpackages of screws Aand ypackages of screws Du
day. The LPP is
Maximize Z =0.7x+y
Subject to 4x + 6y s 240
6x+ 3s s 240
5. Suppose the company produces xbelts of type Aand ybelts of type B. Then,
Profit = 2x +1.5y time
Since the rate of production of belts of type Bis 1000 per day. Therefore, asmuch
n time

produce ybelts of type BisAlso,

1000 sinceeach belt of type Arequiresstwice

typeB the rate of production of belts of type Ais 500 per day and consequently
gsatimetaken to produce xbelts of type Ais Thus, we have
otal 500
r. s1 ’ 2x +y 1000
supply sufficient only for 800 belts per day.
The I+ys 800
Since400hucklesare available for belt Aand 700 buckles are available for belt Bper day.
I S 400,y s 700
the mathematical formulation of the LPP is
Wazimize Z = 2x 1000
Gyubiectto 2.r+y
X+y s 800
X< 400
ys 700
and, then
che manufacturer makes x deluxe model articles and x, ordinary model,
Mexzimize Z = 15x +10x,
Subject to 2x4 + x S
2x + 3x S 80
per day. Then, the LPPis
Letxtea-cups of type Aand ytea-cups of type Bare manufactured
Maximize Z =0.75x+0.50y
Subject to 12x + 6y s 360
18x +0ys 360
6x + 9y s 360
and, I, y 0
to maximize the daily output.
&Letx machines of typeA and ymachines of type Bare bought
Then, the LPP is
Maximize Z = 60x + 40y
Subject to 1000x + 1200y < 7600
12x + 8y s 72
and, X, y 0
goods of type B. The mathematical
Suppose the company producesxgoods of type A andy
form of the LPP is as follows:
Maximize Z = 40x + 50y
Subject to 3x +y s9
X+ 2y s 8
12. The LPP is as follows:
MaximumZ=3x1 +4x2
4x + 4x, <500
8x1 +4x, s 600
n. Let xkg of compound Aand ykg of compound Bare produced. Then, the mathematical
Ormulation of the ILPP is as follows:
Minimize Z = 4x+ 6y
Subject to x+ 2y 80
3x + y 2 75
Bare manufactured. Then, the
18. Let x souvenirs of type A and y souvenirs of type
follows: LPP is as
Maximize Z = 50:x + 60y
Subject to 5x+ 8y s 200
10x + 8y s 240
19. Letxunits of product Aand yunits of product Bbe produced.
Then the
of the LPP is as follows:
Maximize Z = 20x+ 30y
Subject to 200x + 300y > 10,000
x 14
y 2 16
+y s 40
and, I, y2 0
20. Suppose x trunks of type A and ytrunks of type Bare manufactured per day. Then
mathematical form of the LPP is as follows:
Maximize Z =30x+ 25y
Subject to 3x + 3y s 18
3x + 2y s15
21. Let the manufacturer produce xbottles of medicine Aand ybottles of medicine B. Thern the
mathematical form of the LPP is as follows:
Maximize Z = 8x +7y
Subject to Xs 20000
yS 40000
X+y s 45000
< 66
1000 1000
and, X, y 0
22. Let xfirst-class tickets and yeconomy class tickets aresold. Then the mathematical form of
the LPP is
Maximize Z = 400x + 600y
Subject to x+y s 2000
> 20

23. Let xkg of fertilizer I and ykg of fertilizer I are used. Then the mathematical form of the
LPP is as follows:
Minimize Z = 60x + 40y
Subject to 5y >14
100 100
6x 10x
> 14
100 100
and, X, y 2 0
24. Suppose Anil invests xin Saving Certicate and yin National Saving Bonds. Then, the
mathematical formulation of the LPP as follows:
8x 10y
Maximize Z =
100 100
to 12000
x 2000
y2 4000
Let.rtrees type A
and ytrees of type Bare
heLPP is asfollowe: planted. Then, the mathematicalal formulation of
1Maximize Z = 40x + 60y -(20x + 251)
to 20x + 25y s 1400
10x+ 20y s 1000
lampS and u shades be
Let x
formulation ofthe LPP is
Maximize Z 5x+ 3y
manufactured by the manufacturer. Then,, the mathematical
Subjectto 2x + y s 12
3x + 2y s 20
unitssof Xand y units of Y be
1.Letx produced to maximize the revenue.
Mximize Z = 100x+ 120v Then, the LPP is
Subjectto 2x+ 3y s 30
3x +y s 17
x > 0,y 0
. letrunits of Aand yunits of Bbe
Maxinize Z = 6x+ 8y
produced per week for maximum profit. Then, the LPP is
Subjected to 4x + 2y < 60
2x + 4y s 48
X, y 20
KSuppose he travelsxkm with the speed of 25 km/hr and ykm
Then, the LPP is with the speed of 40 km/hr.
Maximize Z = x+ y
Subjected to 2x +5y <100
+ <1
25 40
X, y 20
hthis type of problems, we have to determine transportation schedule for a commodity from
itferent plants or factories situated at different locations to different markets at different
bcañons in such away that the total cost of transportation is minimum, subject to the limitations
(anstraints) as regards the demand of each market and supply from each plant or factory.
lowing are some examples on this type of problems:
EXAMPLE 1 There is a factory located at each of the two places P and Q. From these locations, a certain
ainmodity is delivered to each of these depots situated at A, Band C. The weekly requirements of the
gyilsare respectively 5,5and 4units of the commodity while the production capacity ofthe factories at P
are respectively 8 and 6 units. The cost of transportationper unit is given below:
To Cost (in)
10 15
12 10
How many nits should be transported from each factory to each depot in order that the transportation
COst is Sminimum. Formulatethe above LPP mathematically and then solve it.
SOLUTION For the formulation see Example 11 in section 26.4 on page 26.11
Let the factory at Ptransports x units of commodity to depot at Aand yunits to
depot at
as discussed in Example 11 on page 26.11, the mathematical model of the LPP is as
Minimize Z = 1-7y + 190
Subject to x+y s 8
X+y 4

and, x 2 0,y > 0
To solve this LPP graphically, we first convert the inequations into equations and
corresponding lines. The feasible region of the LPP is shaded in Fig. 26.25. draw the

B,(0, 8) X=5

B,(0, 5) Q3,5) y=3

B,(0, 4)
P (5,3)

A(5, 0)
A,(4, 0) A,(8,0)
x +y=8
Fig. 26.25

The coordinates of the corner points of the feasible region A, A PQ B B are A, (4, 0),
Az (5, 0),P (5, 3),Q(3,5), B, (0,5) and B, (0, 4). These points have been obtained by solving
the corresponding intersecting lines simultaneously.
The values of the objective function at these points are given in the following table:
Point(x, y) Value ofthe objective function Z = x-7y+190
A, (4, 0) Z = 4-7x0+ 190 = 194
A3 (5, 0) Z =5-7x0+ 190 = 195
P (5, 3) Z =5-7x3+190 = 174
Q(3,5) Z = 3-7x5+ 190 = 158
Bz (0, 5) Z = 0-7x5+190 = 155
B, (0, 4) Z =0-7x4+190 = 162

minimun.at x =0,
y=5. The minimum value of Z is
optimal 155:
the 1 transportation
unitfrom the strategy
factory at Qto will
the be to
at A, B and
and 31units from the
Crespectively. Thefactory
Costin this case is 155,
Abrick manufacturer has two depots, Aand B, with stocks of 30,000 and 20,000 bricks
woneives orders from three builders P, QandR for 15,000, 20,000 and 15,000 bricks
tin transporting 1000
bricks to the builders from the depots are given below:
20 30
B 20
60 40
Ashouldthe,manufacturer fulfill the orders so as to keep the cost of transportation minimum?
KUTION The formulation of this LPP is discussed in Ex. 12 in section 26.4 on pagee 26.13.
depottA transport xthousand bricks to
deabove LPP can be stated mathematically
ethe Pand ythousand bricks to builder Q
Then, as follows:
Miinize Z = 30x- 30y + 1800
I+y s 30
XS 15
ys 20
X+y2 15
ad,x2 0,y
Tosolvethis LPP graphically, we first convert inequations into equations and then draw the
anespondinglines. The feasible region of the LPP is shaded in Fig. 26.26. The coordinates of the
r points of the feasible region A PQ B3 B, are A, (15, 0), P (15, 15) (10, 20), B3 (0, 20)
dB0, 15). These points have been obtained by solving the corresponding intersecting lines



B,(0, 20)\Q10, 20) y=20

P (15, 15)
B,(0, 15)

A,(15, 0) A,(30, 0)


Fig. 26.26
The values of the objective function at the corner points of the feasible
region are
following table given in the
Point (x, y) Value ofthe objective function Z=
Z = 30 x 15 -30 x 0 +
30x- 30y +1800
Ag (15, 0) 1800 = 2250
P (15, 15) 7 = 30x15 - 30 x 15 +
1800 = 1800
Q(10, 20) 7= 30 x 10 - 30 x 20 +1800 = 1500
B3 (0, 20) 7= 30 ×0- 30 x 20 + 1800 = 1200
B, (0, 15) Z = 30x 0- 30 x15 +1800 = 1350

Clearly, Zis minimumat x= 0,y=20 and the minimum value of Zis 1200.
Thus,the manufacturer should supply 0, 20 and 10 thousand brickssto builders
depot Aand 15, 0and 5thousand bricks to builders P, Qand Rfrom sP,Q andRfrom
this case the minimum transportation cost will be 1200.
B depot respectively. In
Two godowns, Aand B, have grain storage capacity of 100 quintals and 50
respectively. They supply to 3ration shops, D, Eand F, whose requirements are 60.quintals
40 quintals respectively. The cost of transportation per quintal from the godowns to h
shops are given in the following table:
Transportation cost per quintal (in )
D 6.00 4.00
3.00 2.00
2.50 3.00

How should the supplies be transported in order that the transportation cost is minimum ?
2. Amedical company has factories at two places, A and B. From these places, supply is made
to each of its three agencies situated at P, Q
and R. The monthly requirements of the
agencies are respectively 40,40 and 50 packets of the medicines, while the producton
capacity of he factories, Aand B, are 60 and 70 packets respectively. The transportation
cost per packet from the factories to the agencies are given below:
Transportation cost per
packet (in )
P 5 4
4 2
R 3 5
the COst
How many packets from each factory be transported to each agency so that
transportation is minimum ? Also find the minimum cost? ANSWERS

1. From A:10quintals, 50 quintals and 40 quintals to D, E,Frespectively.

From B:50 quintals, Oquintal and 0quintal to D, E, Frespectively.

A:10packets, 0packets and 50 packets to P, Qand Rrespectively.

:30 packets, 40 packets and Opackets to P, Qand Rrespectively.
Isupplies xquintals of grain to the ration shop Dand yquintalstoration
shopEThen,the mathematical formulation of the LPP is as follows:
AMinimize2Z=6x+ 3y + (100 - x-y) + 4(60- ) +2 (50 -y) + 3 (x +y-60)
+y s
Suljecttox xS 60
ys 50
x+y 2 60
x,y 2 0
be transported from the factory Atothe agencies Pand Qrespectively.
mathematical formulation of the LPP is as follows:
Then,,the -x-y) + 4 (40- x) +2(40 -) +5 (x +y-30)
rize Z =5x +4y + 3(60
s 60
Subjectto x+yXS 40
ys 40
X+y 2 30
x > 0, y 0
810 SOME discussing linear programming problems having have solutions or
Iotillnow we have been
we shall discuss some
problems which either do not
gutions. In this section, Consider the following linear programming problem:
ter have unbounded solutions.
Maximize Z = 2x +5y
Subject to the constraints
3x+ 3y >18 in
x, y 20 constraints and non-negativity restrictions is shown
So, the
of common feasible solution.
Ihe graphical representation
that the constraints do not have any
g 26.27. VWe observe
IPP does not have any solution. common feasible region may not be bounded and
Some linear programming problems, the
unbounded feasible region. Such type of problems are
M value in the programming problem.
de variables can take any
solutions. Consider the following linear
d to have unbounded

3+3y =18

X X (2, 0)\(3, 0)
x+ 2y =3
(4, 0) (6,0) X+y=2
y x+y=4 Fig. 26.28
Fig. 26.27
Maximize Z = 2x + 3y
Subject to the constraints
I+ 2y 23
X, y 20
The common feasible solution set of this LPP is the set of all points in the shaded.
Fig 26.28. We observe that the feasible region is unbounded.asSo, xand ycan take. region of
values. Consequently, the objective function can be made large as we please.
that the LPP has unbounded solution.
1. The solution set of the inequation 2x+y >5 is
(a) half plane that contains the origin
(b) open half plane not containing the origin
(c) whole xyplane except the points lying on the line 2 x+y =5
(d) none of these
2. Objective function of a LPP is
(a) a constraint (b) a function to be optimized
(c) arelation between the variables (d) none of these
3. Which of the following sets are convex?
(a) Kx, y):+y1} (b) {x, y):y2x}
() {x, y):3r+4y25) (d) (x,y):y22, ys4}
4. Let Xand X, are optimal solutions of aLPP, then
(a) X=X, +(1-1) X, heR is also an optimal solution
(b) X=AX +(1-) X, ,0shs1l gives an optimal solution
(c) X=1X +(1 + ) X,,0sslgivean optimal solution
(d) X=X +(1+ 2) X,heR gives an optimal solution
5. The maximum value of Z = 4x+2y subjected to the constraints 2x+3ys18,
x+y>10; x, y >0 is
(a) 36 (b) 40 (c) 20 (d) none of these
6. The optimal value of the objective function is attained at the points
(a) given by intersection of inequations with the axes only
(b) given by intersection of inequations with x-axis only
(c) given by corner points of the feasible region
(d) none of these
7. The nmaximum value of Z =4x+3y subjected to the constraints 3 x+ 2y>160,
5x+2y >200, x+ 2 y >80; x, y>0is
(a) 320 (d) 300 (c) 230 (d) none of these
8. Consider a LPP given by
Minimum Z = 6x + 10 y
Subjected to x > ; y 2; 2x + y 10; x, y 20
Redundant constraints in this LPP are
(a) x >0, y >0 (b) x>6, 2 x+y 10
(c) 2x+y>10 (d) none of these
9. The objective function Z=4x+3y can be maximised subjected to the constraints
3x+4ys 24, 8x + 6ys48, xs5,ys6;x, y20
(a) at only one point (b) at two points only
(c) at an infinite number of points (d) none of these
constraintsin alinear
programming problem are changed
theproblemis;to be re-evaluated
(b) solution is not
objectivefunctionhas to be modified defined
(d) the change in constraints is ignored
Which statements is Correct?
EveryLPP admits arn optimal solution
) ALPP.admits unique optimal solution
(c)IfaLPPadmits two optimal solutions it has an infinite number of optimal solutions

eset of all
(d)The. feasible solutions of aLPP is not a
converse set
iidh of the followng is not a convex set?
la) (*, y):2 +5y <7) (b) (*, y) :*+y' s 4
(d) {(x, y):3* + 2y s6
s By graphical method, the solution of linear programming problem
Maximize Z= 3x +5x,
Subject to 3x + 2x, S 18

X, S 6
x120, x > 0, is
(a) x = 2, X, = 0, Z = 6 (b) x1 = 2, X, = 6, Z = 36
(0) x1 = 4, X, = 3, Z = 27 (a) xË = 4, X, = 6, Z = 42
14 The regionrepresented by the inequation system x,y > 0,y s 6, x+ys3 is
(a) unbounded in first quadrant
(b) unbounded in first and second quadrants
(0) bounded in first quadrant
(d) none of these
constraints x + 2y < 70,
15, The point at which the maximum value ofx + y, subject to the
Zx+y s 95, x, y 0is obtained, is
(a) (30, 25) (b) (20,35) (c) (35,20) (d) (40, 15)
under linear constraints
1D lhe value of obiective function is maximum
(a) at the centre of feasible region
(b) at (0, 0)
() at any vertex of feasible region
distance from (0, 0)
(4) the vertex which is maximum
determined by the following system of linear
Ihe corner points of the feasible region
inequalities: (0, 5). Let Z =px +qy, where
X+ys10, x + 3y <15, x. u 0are (0, 0), (5, 0), (3, 4) and
Z occurs at both (3, 4) and (0. 5) is
Pq>0.Condition on pand asothat the maximum of
(c) p= 3q (d) q = 3p
(a) p = q (b) p = 2q
18. The corner points of the feasible region determined by the system of linear
constrainthatts are:the
(0, 10), (5, 5), (15, 15), (0, 20). Letz=px+ qy, wherep, q>0.Condition on p and qso
maximum ofz occursat both the points (15, 15) and (0,20) is
(a) p=4 (b) p=2q (c) q=2p (d) q=3p
19. Corner points of the feasible region determined by the system of linear
(1,1) and (3, 0). Letz =px+ qy, where p, q> 0.Condition onpand qso that constraints (0,3),
OCcurs at (3, 0) and (1, 1) is
(a) p=2q (b) 2p =q (c) p= 3q (d) p=9 theminimumof
20. Corner points of the feasible region for an LPP are : (0, 2), (3, 0), (6, 0), (6,8)
8 and

Z=4r+6y theobjective function. The minimum value of zoccurs at (0,5). Let

(a) (0, 2) only (b) (3, 0) only
(c) the mid-point of the line segment joining the points (0, 2) arnd (3, 0) only
(d) any point on the line segment joiningthe points (0,2) and (3, 0) No.2
21. Corner points of the feasible region for an LPP are : (0, 2), (3, 0), (6, 0), (6, 8) and (0 s , InQ.
z=4x+6y be the objective furnction. Then, Max. z - Min z = No.2
(a) 60 (b) 48 (c) 42 (d) 18 Q.
22. The feasible region for an LPP is shown in Fig. 26.24. Let z= 3x-4s be the
function. Maximum value of z is objective
1. (b) 2
10. (a) 11
19. (b) 20

(12, 6)
1. Ina LPP
2. The feas
3. If the fe
(0,4) function
4. A feasib
(12, 0)
X 5. A cornE
Fig. 26.29 bounda
6. The
(a) 0 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) -18
23. The corner points of the feasible region determined by the system of linear constraints are 2x+3
1, The po
(0,0), (0, 40), (20, 40),(60, 20), (60, 0). The objective function is z=4x + 3y.
Compar the quantity in Column A and Column B
ColumnA Column B
Maximum of z 325
(a) The quantity in column A is greater (b) The quantity in Column Bis
(c) The twoquantities are equal greater has th
8. The n
(d) The relationship can not be supplied.
determined on the basis of information
24. The feasible region of aLPP is shown in Fig. 26.30. Letz =3x-4y be the objective function.
Minimum of z occurs at 9. The

(b) (0,8) (c) (5,0) (d) (4, 10)

(4, 10)

(0, 8) (6,8)


(0,0) (5,0)
Fig. 26.30
Maximum of z occurs at
. No. 24, (d) (4, 10)
(a)(5.0) (b) (6, 5) (c) (6, 8)
24,(Maximum Value ofz+ Minimum Value of z) is equal to
6 n Q. No. (b) 1 (c) -13 (d) -17

5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (c)

2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b)
14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (d)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (b) 26. (d)
10.(a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (a)
19.(b) 20. (d) 21. (a)
function is always
1. Ina LPP, the objective always a polygon.
2 The feasible region for an LPP is objective

LPP is then the optimal value of the

3. Ifthe feasible region for an not exist.
function z =0X+by may or may inequalities is said to be
if it can be
of linear
4. Afeasible region ofa system
enclosed within a circle. of two
a point in the region which is the......
region is
5. Acorner point of a feasible
boundary lines. the constraints
6. The maximum value Z=4x+2y subject to
>0, is ....
2x+3y s18,x +y s10, x>0,yoptimal problem
provides the solution of the linear programming
1. The point which
max z = 45x +551y
6x+ 4y S 120
3x+10y <180
x>0,y 2 0
has the coordinates 2y s60 x, y 0,
maximum value ofz 3x+
= 4v subject to the constraints x + ys40,x+
=2x+10y for linear constraintsx-y0,
9. The the objective function Z
minimum of
x-5y s-5, x20,y >0, is
10. The coordinates of the point for minimum value of Z =7x-8y subject to the
x+ys20, y 25, x 0, y >0 are
11. In a LPP, the linear inequalities or restrictions on the variables are called
12. In aLPP, if the objective function Z = ax +by has the same maximum value on tw
points of the feasible region, then every point on the line segment joining these corner
give the same value.
two points
13. In a LPP, the linear function which has to be maximised or minimized is called a
function. linear
14. The common region determined by all the linear constraints of a LPP is called th

1. linear 2. Convex 3. unbounded 4. bounded 5. intersection
8. 140 9. 15 10. (0,20)
6. 36 7. (10,15)
11. linear constraints 12. maximum 13. objective 14. feasible

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