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Art, Design

I. Art of innovation
not important _Speaker (stanford, Cal, wildest dream) (Apple, venture capitalist, entrepreneur, advisor, Google )
_top ten format, high-tech speaker, audience track progress
_10 key points

General Innovation: theme of thinking, defining and creating

1) Make meaning _desire make meaning opposed to make money

_make meaning: change world
 start-off change world, make money
 start-off make money, no money, no meaning, no change world, will fail

 (example: Apple democratize bring computer to everyone

Google democratize bring inforation available everyone
Ebay make commerce small brand next to large brand toe-to-toe
Youtube everyone make, share video)

 Determine to make meaning

 Truely make meaning, first step innovation

2) make mantra _2 or 3 or 4 words explain why your meaning should exist

_misson statement of Wendy: “deliver surperior quality products and services for our customers,
communities through leadership, innovation and partnership”
_he drive, eat at Wendy but never see 3 points in the statement

_____oxymoronic, some example for changes

 Wendy: Healthy fast food
 Nike: Authentic athletic performance
 FedEx: Peace of mind

 Dont make misson statement, make a mantra

 Mantra: words determine what someone/brand trying to do
3) matter of _not stay same stupid curve, not trying do things 10% better
perspective, to _”when create Macintosh, not try make slightly better Apple II or slightly better MS-DOS machine but
jump next curve jump to next curve of personal computin

( examples: ice business: ice 1.0 in late 1800s to early 1900s

_ice harvest in USA, Bubba and Jr, in winter go to lake, pond cut block ice
_9 millions pounds in 1900
 innovation idea: bigger, more horse, bigger sleith, sharper saw
 but fundementally: live in cold city, wait winter, cut ice block
Ice 2.0, factory
_not need winter or cold city
_froze water, deliver via ice man by truck
_no limitation by climate, season

Ice 3.0, refrigerate curve

_own personal ice factory. PC: personal chiller

 Most company define themselves in term what they do, not benefit they provide
( define you cut ice block out of lake -> remain ice harvester
Define you freeze water centrally -> remain ice factory
Define you make mechanical gadget (refrigerator) -> remain refrigerator curve

 Great innovation occur when go to next curve

( telephone to internet
daisy-wheel printer to laser printer to 3d printer)

4) Roll the DICEE DICEE: 5 quality of great innovation

 Deep: lots of features, functionalities
(ex: picture of fanning sandals by Reef, deepest sandal with a metal clip (circle area) : normal
protect feet also open beer bottle ) => twice function, twice depth

 Intelligent: people understood my pain, my problem

(ex: GT500 Shelby Mustang 650 horsepower, 6.8 Priuses, MYKEY program top speed car into key
 Control 2 sons from driving immoral no matter how careful)

 Complete: totality of product

(in software business, not only software or DVD, it’s webinar, documentation, android/IOS

 Empowering: make you more creative, more productive, enhance and change meaning of life
(Macbook Air, if use Macintosh, it become one with you) (window have fight, wrestle ground,
defeat window)
 More creative, more powerful, more productive

 Elegant: care interface

(as going life, jump curve ask the DICEE)

5) Don’t worry be _from Bobby McFerrin, great song: don’t worry, be happy
crappy _innovators do is don’t worry, be crappy
 When have first refrigerator/laser printer, there crapiness elements
 First Macintosh, no software, no hard disk, not enough RAM, slow chip
 But if waited perfect world, till chips cheap, fast enough and everything in place, you never
 Jump curve, ok have crappy elements to revolution
( not ship crap, ship revolutionary, innovative on next curve have elements crappy to it)
6) Let 100 flowers _Biotech people ignore this
blossom _from chairman Mao
 Def: start great innovation, may thing have in mind EXACTLY who your user, your customer,
what they do with product
 But you surprise as people use product ways you not anti-participate and people you not
anti-participate use it
_”hallelujah, thanks god, occurring”

_positioning, branding ultimately come down to consumer decide, not you

 Macintosh: though of spreadsheet, database, word processing machine
 Zero for 3 there
 Make it success is Aldus PageMaker: created field flower called desktop publishing saved
 If focused on 3 above and ignore last, Apple dead today -> different world (phone real
keypad, battery last > 1 day, GPS actually work
 Gift from god
 Believe god because no other explaination for apple continue survive than existence of God

 Don’t be proud, take best shot positioning, branding

 If customers use, say desktop publishing machine so it is (declare victory)

7) Polarize people _great product, services, innovation polarize people

_TiVo, travel a lot, 4 TiVo, time shift TV (like TiVo)
 People hate TiVo work large brands, advertise agencies
 People watch ad one day a year (superbowl a week ago), fast forwarding through ad
 Love or hate Harley-Davidson, Macintosh, Iphone
 Don’t afraid
8) churn, baby, _from black panther: burn, baby, burn
churn _innovators in business take version 1 then make 1.1/.2/.3/….. till hardest thing
 To be innovator, need to be in denial because naysayers tell: can’t, shouldn’t be done, not
necessary => ignore
 Soon start ship, flip that bit, listen people, change and change and change and keep evolving

9) niche thyself _marketing simple chart: vertical axis measure unique, horizontal axis measure value
 2 x 2 matrices
 When graduate, work McKinsey, charge 5 million dollar to people figure out they want in
right-hand corner

_bottom-right: great value not unique, compete price. Called Dell corner
(slap same operating system same hardware)
_opposite of bottom right (top-left): truthly unique, only you do it, no value, plain stupid
_bottem-left: USC corner, .com corner, not value not unique
(buy dog food online, paid ship, handling, when UPS drop dead cow in can) -> not convenient as
expensive, stupid people make profile, same money less convenient
_upper-right hand: unique
(go movie, tickets by Fandango, go with kid know have tickets)
(recommend lego movie, fandango: only way buy ticket)
(Breilting emergency watch: only watch save life, pull out big knobs, pull emergency signal)
(smart car: park parallel to curve when lots of parking, how many have car park perpendicular to curb)
 If engineer, make product unique and valuable
 If marketing, communicate world your product unique and valuable
10) perfect your _if you innovator, have to learn to pitch
pitch _2 key points:
+ customize introduction: start something customize audience
 (LG washer, dryer introduce speech in Latin America when speak to LG management) => in
Brazil think about it => send text to sons (Nic, older boy is cowboy and younger, Noah) =>
“get off call of duty, Xbox, house, Iphone I bought you, take pictures of LG stuff) => Nick said
Noah did and ask free TV
 Spoke Moscow, picture of cannon, cannon balls, “Russian have big balls”
 Istanbul, picture in Grand bazaar, happy shopkeeper think dumbass american will buy fez (3
generations, stupid enough to buy)
 Own audience
+ 10, 20, 30 rules presentation
 Optimum number slides is 10 (“you’re Cal, may call me hypocrite”)
 10 slides in 20 minutes (may have hour slot, 95% use windows, they need 40 minutes with
 Optimum size font is 30 (good rule thum to take oldest person in audience divide their age by
2 (60/2 = 30 size, 50/2 = 25 size, 16 VC/2 = 8 size)

11) dont let _bonus for Cal people

Bozos grind you _more innovative, more try grind you down
down  2 kind bozos: (“I’m expert”)
 “Slovenly, disgusting, pocket protector , body odor, just loser of person, rusty car, Japanese
watch” => look and say: “wow, what loser” => Not dangerours => obvious loser, only loser
listen to that loser, you’re not so not listen so no danger
 Dangerous bozos dress in black, own lots of stuff end in “I” as “Armani, Maserati,
Lamborghini, Ferrari, Audi ok, rare exception” => because think rich parses too smart =>
them lucky not smart at least half time

_bozosity like flu, you need exposed to bozosity so when encounter big, already built antigens

_”I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” Thomas Waston, chairman IBM 1943
(5 macintosh at home, all computers he anticipated in world in house today)

_”this telephone has too many shortcoming to be seriously considered as mean of communication. This
devices inherently of no value to us” -Western Union internal memo 1876, wrote off telephony
 Western Union should be Paypal today

_”There is no reason why anyone would want computer in their home” -Ken Olsen, founder, digital
equipment corp.
 He great innovator, was so success on not appreciate next curve (refrigerator and ice factory)
II. Celebrating the innovation of animated movies –
Zovinar Khirmian – Feb 2019, 9:28 PM
Topic Animated movie deserve same respect as live actions
 Reasons

_Point/time which movies from popular entertainment to art cinema describe as

 Artificial division between empty genre film and poetic, slow-moving indie flick
 Where do we place them?

1) Intro _Proliferation of animation as major film-making medium had been long process primarily driven
by technology innovations
_Special effects in KINGKONG (classic film): need “Stop-motion animation” to make film possible

_Toy story:
+ one of early computer-generated animated film
+ Pixar’s first feature film
 Surprisingly held up despite leaps of CGI

_Spiderman: into spiderverse (2018), garnered significant acclaim: emulating visual style of comic
book through computer animation
 Contemporary 3D animation nothing less than awesome-inspiring
 Involve to innovation of artistic and technology level, medium of animation become
hotbed of inventive modes of story telling

2) process _Many greatest animated films in recent memory transcended genres and audiences we set on
flexible medium, use liberties of limitless visual invention to tell stories children hold into their

_”Most people have a favorite pixar movei, regardless of how old they were when they first in
love with it”
_Great pixar movie
+ begin with simple, universal notion about life, then transported in metaphorical framework,
where human experiences take non-human form
 The kind that bring people tears as watch lonely robot learn to love in Wall-e or
reminded of beauty and pain of growing up through Woody eyes in Toy Story trilogy
 Pixar charm us with inventiveness, but core of animated marvels is masterful hold
what matters to all of us, regardless our age

_used of animated worlds be looked at more than just way delight children with thing only
rendered in imagination.
 In great work of pixar, build animated world is capture a note on life resonates all of
Unimportant _ picture from Sony Pictures Animation
_video from Mr.Fox: My favorite movie

3) _While pixar construct 3D animated worlds, hand drawn and stop motion animation although it’s
older medium still deliver visual splendor and inventive story telling in equal measure

_come to visually-striking filmmaking, Wes Anderson come to mind

 Directed 2 stop-motion animated films: Mr Fox, Isle of the dogs.
 Both gorgeous to look at and finished with scored by highly decorated composer
Alexandre Desplat
 Give way to rich cinematic experience up to par with anderson’s live-action works

_fantastic, same way Pixar films personify objects/animals/manner of imaginary things
 Tell stories grounded in reality, renders world through trials of meticulous animated
world of animals

_video essay by Kartsen Runquist detail why in film: transport real troubles ordinary life into
animated fox come, accept his own existence as animal
 Take full advantages of what animation capable of
 By beautiful rendering imaginary, animated films shape complex, selfaware stories
beyond superficial entertainment

_Given boundlessness, animated films weave stories, build world haunt us

_No better example than Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece “Spirited Away”.
 Popular by Kami, spirit take numerous forms and doused in metaphors

_We often associate animation with children entertainment, and expect degree of whimsy, levity
in story telling, world building
 Spirited away has child protagonist and works as children movie, but also deeply
layered and occasionally disturbing
 It boast rich detail hand-drawn animation, known while inventing world full of spirits,
creatures, monsters that critiques effect of capitalism, over-consumption on modern
Japan society
 Child may not aware of specific theme, but motif of food throughout film
communicates how greed, consumption shape society.
 Medium of animation color film, ultimately create world we fully immerse ourself in

_Celebrating animated movies: integral appreciate full scope of motion pictures as art form and
mode of story telling
_Animation developed over-years, become innovative mechanism for distill meaning from lives
in some most creative, inventive ways
_Adult viewers, good animations offers so much experiences, reflect on and marvel at.
( wether Pixar classic or 2018 show-stopping Spiderman into spider verse, animated movies
provide no shortage wonder, cinematic innovation

(powered by Works by State News, 34th street, daily Pennsylvania)

III. Design thinking as strategy for innovation
_led-company: apple/Pepsi/procter and gamble/Sap
 Outperformed S&P 500 by extrodinary 211%
 Excute properly, strategically then impact business outcom and
result real competitive advantages
_design principles apply to strategy, innovation -> success rate for
innovation dramatically improve
1) distinct between design and design thinking

2) driving force behind design thinking

3) creative at Work Design Innovation Protocol

4) Frame work

5) Implementing

6) Standford model

7) Scaling

8) SAP has identical 4 critical success when


9) References
IV. 8 innovator changing art world
Intro _normal art hard get into
(spend $50 into exhibit only show huge block paint on wall, can’t help but wonder: what did just
pay, but tech added more interesting)

_considering modern world attention span goldfish, interesting and innovative twists 100%

1) Knot standard _by John Ballay, Matt Mueller, New York

 Simple: make men look like BAMFs without breaking bank
 Innovative fashion company take new approach that modernize tailoring by create 3d image
of clients measurement to ensure exceptional fit
 after 3-4 weeks, clients have precise, handmade suit perfectly fitted their body

 living Dubai, Mueller and Ballay constantly travel to and from U.S for various occasion
requires dress attire
 unable find thing fit exceptionally well in US, both get suited in Dubai and return home
to countless compliments on their styles
 never get what look for in U.S, wanted to sharp tailored suits more prevalent back home
without attaching the usual astronomical price tag
 borned in 2010, relieving bespoke suit junkies from $2800 to $4,800 fee become used to
and replace with more reasonable price average $1,200

_How improve fashion industry:

 first time history, men create, visualize custom suits, blazers, pants in lifelike 3d forms –
Glynn, director customer acquisition and growth marketing
 after 2 years develop, first company successfully launch real time visualization customers
 best thing is style advisor, and personalized experience that clients receive when walk into 7
showroom nationwide
 don’t have track down like 007
 virtual studio, another unique aspect with modern online shopping convenience,
 for quick custome, enter Virtual Studio, pick 4 starting points design
 then customize to their liking
 consider team end goal to change luxury menwear industry, they ahead of game

2) Spector _by Fiona O Leary, DUBLIN, IRELAND

 Changing way people create typography
 “most designers probably familiar with, tend be differences between digital design and
print, with typeface looking complete different on screen than paper”
 Is product relieve creative frustration, able to create finalized product originally digitally
without have print out several times as testers to see look like at finish
 Save environment (less paper, less trees)
 Save precious time

 Software, look hybrid between elaborate stamp and poke ball

 Is in design plugin also has live feed of camera
 After place over intriguing typeface, users able see directly transfer to computer for digital
design, fonts and colors more accurately analyzed for final product

 Contrary to popular belief, great things from being incredible irritated
 Idea from frustration with design for print on screen, never look like on screen as does
finalized print
 “if start design for print on screen, why not start print material and why not interactive”
 Designers always collect nice sample inspiration, and utilize them

_Why awesome:
 New way see how to understand typography, make typesetting more transparent
 By communicate invisible factors (Size, kerning, leading)
 New way taking guessing game out of typesetting
 “When print book/page from Adobe InDesign, already know what like because took from
printed material”

3) Caress of the Gaze _by Behnaz Farahi, LOS ANGELES

 Behnaz is architect, designer giving new life to fashion industry
 Is 3d printed garment detect person stare and react by changing shape
 Along with inadvertently warning off predators, high tech cape cool
 Camera lens smaller 3 mm embedded in garment, detect person stares
 Computer algorithm tell exactly where person looking
 Spine attached spot start move in response
 Reaction called similar to actual skin goosebumps
 Point out unlike conventional machinery
 Operate silently, organically

 Inspiration struck when look at behavior and properties of skin
 “our skin constantly in motion” => expand, contrast, change shape based on various
internal, external stimuli which include temperature, moisture, feeling
 Idea to create artificial skin enhanced functionality become extension of one actual skin
 While interact with body and environment
 Modeled after morphology on fish, snake scales
 Gaze one of elements in social life express, communicate meaning, intensions
 As well person current object of interest

_How change industry:

 Main promise to speculate future fashion, depend on interactive clothing that act as type of
 Eventhough approach speculative, it open up possibility radical new approach to interactive
clothing => reason project exciting for viewers

4) cloudpainter _by Pindar Van Arman, Washington D.C

 bitPaintr is robot paint portrait, not just glorified robot, it’s AI
 goal to build system paint and understand portrait
 designed software use neural networks (algorithms imitate brain)
 create portrait eerily like real human work

 technology artist, create cool works inaccorporating technology
 most life as painter, 1 day decided bored tedious aspects use paint, brush
 not hire assistant, not living apprentice => no fun
 set designing literal painting robots
 Paintr: 5th generation
 Cloudpainter: website users submit image for bitPaintr to recreate
 After successful kickstart campaign, backed up with portraits orders that painting
almost non-stop till February

_why artistically awesome

 Build painting robot impressive by any metric, 5 would better
 Real genius of bitPaintR is in software
 It reimagine portraits use complex set algorithms, remaining way human would
 Impressive features like decide autonomously when portrait finish, choose between set
photos, decide which like best
 If one decide add few brush strokes of their own, bitPaintR can incorporate
additions to portrait, try paint new style

_get atten because teded talk, invited to attend White House tech and innovation festival
South by South lawn
 Goal: easier for people paint paint themselves, wether learning their own or having
talented bot take over messy work
 Currently work next, latest robot have more paint brush and even air brush that
paint faster, eventually take over world

5) iluminate _by Miral Kotb, New York

 Started of American Got talent act transformed into staple of NY off broadway scene
 Is entertainment technology company features group talented dancers decked out in
electrified glow in dark body
 suit performance choregraphed routine and illusion in dark
 Think Tron without robot move (and questionable acting)
 Constantly pushing envelop in term advance technology to last longer, brighter, more
illusion filled – Timothy Dorey, show digital marketing manager
 First come out technology
 Cause other companies in entertain industry see how they incorporate us into acts,

 While develop Iphone app
 Has vision of dancers wear costume illuminated wirelessly compliment music, choreography
 (wireless technology controlled from palm of one hand)
 Perfect combine uniquely different world, follow true passion

_What next:
 Pass on creative edge to future generation
 Through youngs (Easiest way), excited get involved in education as late
 Important for students: “art, technology aren’t mutually exclusive
 Combine things love and come up something revolutionary
 The more you know

6) Mayku Formbox __by Benjamin Redford, Alex Smilansky, LONDON

 Business dream, lack actual tools => make reality
 Building world 1st desktop factory
 Whole family machine enable people make anything at their home
 Is essential vaccum powered molding machine fit computer
 Get suction need from vacuum cleaner attachment, machine incredible easy mold 3
dimension object in short amount time
 Easy operated even technological challenge
 Heat up sheet you want make thing out of, start vacuum, stick objet want to moldin
FormBox, watch transform
 Work with every plastic, every kind flowing substances used for final product
 ( choco, wax, plaster,water all fair fame)

 Frustrated lack tools at university workshop, Redford take matters into own hands
 Not complain, opted to build new tools from domestic appliances around house
 First cobbled together from bit of wood, old floor heater, vacuum cleanr => worked

_How change industry:

 Bring making to masses
 Bring crazy techniques usually found in factory into people home/garages/kitchen/studio
 Give chance create own way in world
 Wether just make few chocolates friends or dominate phone case market, give leg up
7) threeASFOUR _by Gabriel Asfour, Angela Donahauser and Adi Gil, New York
 avant-garde fashion brand made name by implementing cutting-edge technology into
design create experimental, unique, and most important innovative fashion line
 lastest consist 3d printed dress dubed oscillation, produced from collaborate Strays (3d
printing) and Travis Finch (3d designer)
 dress debut 2016 fall fashion week New York
 base geometric patterns appear from vibration, at certain frequencies (Solfeggio),
astounding geometric pattern formed – Plum, brand communicator director
 Solfeggio frequency activate human Chakras
 Trio of designers and Fitch chose 2 of Solfeggio produce geometry pattern oscillating
around body in aquatic waveform shade blue and white

_why different:
 View 3d printed and textile weaves as advance wearable fabric properties drastically both
form, function
 Properties as stretch, wrinkle-free, heat-protect, cooling, bullet proof, fire resistant,
pressure protective, .. will improved dramatically though set 3d oriented fabric weaves\
 Envision 3d printing changing fashion industry tremendously by evolve material and shape
to drastic level can’t imagin

8) Duoskin _by MIT Media lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts

 Temporary tattoos evolved from scraps cartoon characters pull out arm hair
 Flashy design plastered music festival but Duoskin whole new level
 8/2016, unveiled Duoskin, project use temporary tattoos control electronic devices
 Number potential functions: communicate cell phone, control music player
 Fuse intriguing aesthetic with technology hard to imagine exist

 In paper to International Symposium of Wearable Computers in September
 Cindy Kao, graduate MIT explain creation use gold leaf paper as basic conductivity along a
vinyl cutter and temporary tattoo printing paper
 Can use any computer graphic create software to design circuit
 Once craft, feed design through vinyl cutter, labeled on gold leaf, apply to skin
 May look ordinary flash tattoo but embedded NFC chip allow information (ex: swip
left/right) to transfer to electronic devices
V. Where innovation architecture from next ?
Intro By Quang Truong • July 21, 2020 • Architecture, International, Letter to the
Editor, Technology
_author worked on design, construction Broad Museum Los Angeles

_now more than ever, architecture need innovation

 Pandemic made fundmentally rethink functioning of cities, public space, building, homes
 Mean while recent BLM, and radical justice protest questioning architecture complicity
in broader socioeconomic issues
 Challenge pressing, can’t put off changing any longer

_crises force many us re-examine architecture, industry in desperate need innovation

_McKinsey report global construct evolve at glacial pace
 Account great size sector $10 trillion annual construction but productivity decline
 How identify, develop innovation necessary to change notorious slow moving industry

_previous article, how to structure analysis of architectural innovation

_article main thesis born from my experiences in architectural practice, education
_As architect, designed , built projects use non-conventional materials borrowed from automotive,
aerospace industry

_fiber glass reinforced plastic, mass timber, cutting edge materials worked with remain uncommon
but not yet result show industry fail to understand innovation even when happen while producing

_to state of affair, proposed analytical frame work locating opportunities material innovation at
different design point: build process as 3 cornerstones:
 Architecture purpose, ambition: important clear declaration architecture ambition
and scope
 vital step, acknowledge incredible diversity purposes and goals, valid in own
way, inherent any design endeavor

 AEC process:
 Life cycle perspective
 Innovation come
 Better gasp method operate practice, worth discuss greater depth

_architect work on grand churches, civic build, commercial build, multi-family house, retail, interior
outfit, temporary disaster relief shelter => projects type vastly different things, demand vastly
different criteria judging success

VI. What will people wear in future, economist ?

Intro _new way innovation fueling radical change fashion
_wearable technology, data, automation, lab grown material => major impact on what people wear
in future
 Clothes of future

_birth sewing and weaving, technology lead development fashion

 Industrial revolution mechanize manufacturing and enable mass produce
 1960, synthetic material (polyester) took off, create new possibilities fashion
 Now convergence new technology open up previous unimaginable possibilities

New York, USA _self styled fashion scientist, Amanda Parkes

 Vanguard in industry latest reinvention
 Head up innovation (CIO), at Future Tech labs, venture capital firm invest primarily in
disruptive fashion tech start-ups
 “future fashion mixture of combine new material technology with all new form business

_among start up, race on find next generation renewable materials grown in lab
_ex: bolt threads, create lab grown spider silk
 Traditional: from insect larvae from cocoons, most common silk worm
 This: not rely on insects, create silk in test tubes
 take only part DNA create silk of spider
 transformed into microorganism
 to yeast (same brew beer)
 feed yeast, create silk protein
 bio-fabricated materials remove need for animal, insects and more sustainable and
efficient way produce raw materials
 able speed up process, put controlled environment in laboratory and have more control
over what growing and how

_Other companies create leather alternative

 rather than animals, create bio-fabricated materials from pineapple leave and mushroom
 ex: mycelium-based leather, root structure of strain mushroom grown synthetically in lab,
but are nature fibers
 “when think convergence of technology do, in term future develop materiality
 have opportunities make huge global change by change mean of produce materials
 provide opportunities transform clothes, and people wear them

Toronto, Canada _Myant, company pioneering create of clothing monitor your every move
_called Textile computing, some called Smart fabric
_Tony Chahine, Ceo Myant

_”essentially, an interactive fabric sense data from you”

 smart fabric touted next front wearable technology
 Yarns paired electronic sensors
 Essential data captured from human body
 (men boxer), sensors embedded on band and body, within seconds transmit ECG
as temperature, movement, respiration

_create monitor-wearer-health and fitness clothing, Myant brought together teams people not
traditionally work under same roof
 (advance research, engineer, scientist nano scale technology, electrical engineer,
mechatronic engineer, software AI)
 Want them interface, interact fashion designers, pattern makers

_Smart Fabric radically change consumers relationships with clothes they wear
_as technology increase, pace change, how industry keep track consumers really want ?

London, England _Francesca Muston, head retail at WGSN, world leading fashion forecasting agency
_”just see pace change, frightening also incredible exciting for fashion future”

_staff use big data to analyze political, social, environment trends in order predict hot new looks
_if think back over last 5 years at how fashion industry changed, think way shop compared used to
_technology drive explosion in consumer choice, as well bewildering array of clothing design and

 Keep up, industry turning technology

_”sure for midst of digital revolution”
_AI, idea machine learn and big data, how we start sort of synthesize all new technologies, start
make sense both in term industry and consumers
 Machine learn techno now central fashion forecasting, quickly spot patterns among
ever-growing volume data
 From bio techno to demographic shift, predict trend more than art, science

VII. Tips from designers about work in design industry

Stan Cheung _your fresh experience as much you can
(Wundermain Bienato)  Culturally from landscape from different perspectives, go out tribal
 as come up idea, you draw withat from within

_if you build, not come, take lot research, talking, users make sure product/service relevant, needed
 basically people want use essentially
Alexandrea Skougare _fail fast and often, never afraid thing not know
(altassian)  digging to that space, uncomfortable feel (like im just not sure) is where richest idea
from and where innovation happen when least expect it

_be proactive, be outhere, active engaging myself and team ensure work do on everybody road
maps. And im champion for them, work we do
_be yes person (At least at begin)

( all time started look at people calendar, understand type meetings having like, what talking about,
how you under
 as no set way no top down you do these, I kind of make work around right thing)

Jacob Miller _students these days:

(Altassian) _entirely okay with failure, gonna fall flat on face
( I ship window 8 huge failure, know what like to fail at that level but same time, developed from
that, learn and grown )
 as long okay huge failure, gonna be success move forward life
 not let them get you down

_when was study computer science way back day, teacher called Phillip door, thank you say to me
_You not cut out from computer science, I not have what took to pursue particular degree
 make me challenging him
 be: no, I can screw you, I got this
 (motivation need go forward and tackle something)
 Know someone say you can’t do, if have motivate tackle yourself then you can
totally do it
_motivation critical above all else

Murray Hunter _employ students, interns

(Design, industry) _person clears intelligent, clear thinking, great communication
 develop with us
 if not listen, poor communicate, harder

_actually came out what about designers as most career take serious
( 2 years ago David Jones turned around, said just game digit)
 bad debt, clients beat us up all hardship
 just laughter say just game
_put totally different perspective: just roll with it
Marvin Cheung _embracing absurdity, be loose and have fun
(Wundermain Bienato) (never know what bring to table that people not think of, as result letting go little bit

Kate Archbold _understand important metrics when test designs

(ALTASsian) ( easy take qualitative feedback, then let only thing think about but look at nitty-grityy, look at
metrics that you measure like have such big impact on design)
 make sure measure right metrics, help right steps forward

David Jones _apprenticeship, study beginning and have to learn, knowledge need times and experience
(design, industry)

Stuart May _can’t do all yourself, so many experts have deep knowledge in spaces, areas you not ability
(design, industry) understand, draw upon expertise, and know how to draw upon is critical

_do and live it everyday

 as where ideas come from
 where creative exist

VIII. Tips from designers about work in design industry

1) design innovation:  generate idea know help customers as forward in their work
 not to be thing massive completely new, be more intuitive experience
 process go through extract insights to understand real worlds to deliver product/service
digital solution can taken, extracted commercial value from
 making sure that user who at end product/users everyday feel that doing best works

2) principle design  DU all about design excellence
culture  Care what doing, clients, projects, products and end-user
 Would not r2 one of manager is creative driven data inspired
 What truly mean is creative done is authentic and personal
 Come from any angle, it genuine, it has to reasonate user itself
 Last year, company, core company values: no bull-shits, good one
 Opening no company bullshit, about us make sure way communicate each other in company
and with people use product, always open and concept line communication
 Biggest is ship 24-hour hackathon where entire company together generate new
idea, build new things, try new -> see how things sticks
 When see company ship, no one at desk, every one forward drive projects, they themselves
come up with
 Innovation in DNA is designers, ultimate try bring better product improve users life
 Any opportunities we see possible improvement, we introduce innovation and part
of course

Bring innovation to _Drive innovation for designer at JIRA Service Desk is

design  concept of help
 how provide product encompass meaning of help
 find immersion in a help experience is extremely key create good experience for both
agents, help seekers for Jura services
 so we thought about emotions people experience when they ask help
 how design product that negate bad emotions, start celebrating when goes right
(make agents feel awesome when do great things
(make seeker feel confident when things wrong )

_DNI: 5 stages process

1. stage 0: discovery, us accumulating deep understand of every thing required to deliver on
project brief
2. stage 1: concept, creative section we got all creative juices flows, brainstorming, sketching,
visualizing design final embodiment
3. stage 2: design development, actual engineering
4. stage 3: prototyping
5. stage 4: designer review, prototype back
 test, look wether meet requirement were built part stage 0
stage 5: production implementation, normally product through factory to market

_3 main steps:
1. envision
 no idea off table
 learn thing fun
 insights from customers never imagin
 things learn impact next time, act as guardrails narrow down right idea, make sure
solve right problem
2. make
3. learn

_as prototype, IC design => 3 facts

1. design standpoint: addressing singular problem
2. prototype standpoint: create designs way of usable enough which can gather research
3. into research:
 cycle, when feedback on research, go back design, continue cycle over again until
find implementation works for customers

_tons prices can google until have thousands of them but for me same thing:
1. design right thing
2. design right way
(good head start to go smoothly) (farmer and health care clients want create awareness
about condition affect 1 in 9 adults worldwide, overactive bladder Rab)
 Rab is essentially debilitating bladder condition
 First fact research: people no want go to GP talk about embaressing problem
 => result essentially national campaign, outdoor prince2 bring awareness, get
people talk OAB
 Innovated because subject them tools help themselves diagnose online but push
further, developed IOT connective device pair phone, suffers track and monitor
bladder for real time result

_ex: Senba, cath tag which identify real-world problem track and monitor amount time that
indewlling intravenous cannula left inside patient
 Wound site critical area for acquire hospital, infection
 Track amount time catheter in patient quite hard
 Nurse now administer device to patient, small sticker on patient record
 Challenge is patients record in hospital usually reverse chronological order
(day 1 page 1 bottom folder, day 2 on top, day 3 on top. 3 days later, no body able
to track catheters gone into patients)
 Work different semver on whole range different options ideas, lots of technology
smart folders looking at why device could help
 Give nurse additional layer alert, understand
_borned and literally a little sticky label have smart little module inside battery timer once activated
and stuck in folder, little Led bleep
_since dormants not do anything then start flash red crazy, nurse look records 4,5 hours as soon
they know things to do to call to arm

Future design _regardless 5, 10, 20 years, creativity still going be heart of design process
(joke around future jobs quite not exist yet, ex: self-driving car mechanic/connected home handy
person. Not quite exist yet, if do we adapt, work those into journey and work out means customers
and use their endpoint)

_role design evolving, continue evolve

 Definitely forefront solutions enable people better life

_always problem to solve, if compete, make better, better quality life

 One of solution

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