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Republic of the Philippines

Region VIII – Eastern Visayas
School Division of Biliran
Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades
Libertad, Cabucgayan, Biliran



A Quantitative Research Presented to

The Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades
Senior High School Department
Libertad, Cabucgayan, Biliran

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the subject

Practical Research 2
(Quantitative Research)


Ancao, Celso Jr. U.

De La Cruz, Joela Mae V.

Desoyo, Natasha Kim B.

Dumagan, Edralyn D.

Garcia, Yvrick O.

Tequillo, Jonard L.

Villamor, Mikka Antonia C

October 2023


The researchers would like to thank those who contributed for the completion of this

research. First and we would like to thank the Cabucgayan National School of Arts and

Trades (CNSAT) for giving us this learning opportunity that helped us develop valuable life

lessons of patience, perseverance, teamwork, cooperation, and most of all, the endless pursuit

of knowledge.

Second, we would like to convey our deep and sincere gratitude towards Mr. Ryan

Garcia for providing invaluable guidance, support, advises, comments, suggestions, and

provisions that help in the completion and success of this study. It was a great privilege and

honor to work and study under her guidance.

We would also like to express our greatest gratitude towards our parents for their

endless love, prayers, support, and sacrifices. This would not have been possible without their

unselfish love and support given to us at all times,

A big thanks to Almighty God for giving us the strength, knowledge, ability and

opportunity to undertake this research study. Without His guidance and mercy, we would not

be able to accomplish this research and all of our daily endeavors. To God be the Glory!

Lastly, our thanks go to all the people who have supported us to complete the research

work or indirectly.


This research is dedicated to the incredible journey of learning and discovery that has

shaped our Grade 12 experience.

To our teachers, we want to express a heartfelt thank you for being there for us every

step of the way. Your guidance, support, and unwavering belief in our potential have made a

significant impact on our research journey. From patiently explaining complex concepts to

providing valuable feedback, you have gone above and beyond to help us grow academically

and personally. We are truly grateful for the time and effort you have invested in us.

To our classmates, you have been more than just study buddies – you have become

friends and allies in this research endeavor. The countless hours spent brainstorming,

debating ideas, and working together have created bonds that will last a lifetime. Your

enthusiasm, diverse perspectives, and willingness to lend a helping hand have made this

research experience exciting and fulfilling. We are grateful for the laughter, camaraderie, and

support we have shared along the way.

To our families, we cannot thank you enough for your unconditional love, patience,

and belief in our abilities. Your constant encouragement, late-night pep talks, and

understanding when we were buried in books or engrossed in data analysis have been our

pillar of strength. Your support has given us the confidence to pursue our research dreams

and strive for excellence. We are truly blessed to have you by our side.

To the subjects, participants, or data sources who have generously contributed to our

research, we want to extend our deepest gratitude. Your willingness to share your

experiences, insights, or data has been instrumental in shaping the outcome of our research.

Your trust and cooperation have made our findings more meaningful and relevant. We

appreciate the time and effort you have devoted to helping us gain a deeper understanding of

our subject matter.

Lastly, to ourselves, let us take a moment to acknowledge our own determination,

resilience, and growth throughout this research journey. We have faced challenges,

encountered setbacks, and pushed through moments of self-doubt. Yet, we have persevered,

learning valuable lessons about our capabilities and the power of perseverance. This research

represents our passion for learning, our curiosity to explore new ideas, and our commitment

to personal and academic growth.

May this dedication serve as a reminder of the human connections, collaborative

efforts, and personal triumphs that have shaped our Grade 12 research journey. Together, we

have experienced the highs and lows, the joys and frustrations, and have emerged stronger,

wiser, and more empowered. May this experience continue to inspire us to embrace new

challenges, seek knowledge, and make a positive impact in our lives and the lives of others.


This study aims to investigates the relationship between exposure to online games on

the Filipino literacy level of elementary students. Concerns about internet games possible

impact on academic skills have been raised in light of their growing popularity among young

people. Using a correlational methodology, the study focuses on grade 4 students from Bunga

Elementary School in the academic year 2023–2024. The study attempts to find a relationship

between the amount of time spent playing online games and literacy levels using the

Phillipine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) tool and a survey questionnaire. The results,

which were examined using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (Person’s r), are intended to

provide important new understandings of the complex relationships between Exposure to

Online Games Influencing Filipino Literacy Level of Elementary Students. Future research

recommendations and ethical issues are also covered.



TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………………….1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………………….2

DEDICATON ………………………………………………………………………….3-4

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………….…..5

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………6-7

I Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….8

Background of the Study ……………………………………………………………8


THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK …………………………………………………10



Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………..11

Research Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………….12

Scope and Delimitation …………………………………………………………….12

Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………..12

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………………...13

II Method and Procedures …………………………………………………………….14


Research Design ……………………………………………………………………14

Research Locale ……………………………………………………………………14

Sampling & Participants ……………………………………………………………15

Research Instrument ………………………………………………………………..15

Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………………………..15-16

Data Analysis Procedure ……………………………………………………………16

Possible Ethical Issues ……………………………………………………………..17

III Results and Discussions ..……………………………………………….………18-24

IV Conclusion and Recommendation ………………………………………………25-29

Reference ……………………………………………………….………………..….30-31

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………...32

A …………………………………………………………………………………...32

B …………………………………………………………………………………...33

C …………………………………………………………………………………...34

Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………………………………35-40




Background of the study

In recent years, online games have gained immense popularity among children and

adolescents worldwide Granic et al., (2014). With the advancement of technology and easy

access to the internet, online games have become a prevalent form of entertainment and

leisure activity for many young individuals. However, concerns have been raised regarding

the potential influence of online game exposure on various aspects of children's development,

including their literacy skills.

Some studies have explored the relationship between exposure to online games and its

impact on the literacy levels of elementary students. Research conducted in different

countries has revealed both positive and negative effects of online game exposure on literacy

skills. Some studies have suggested that certain types of online games can enhance reading

comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills Peng; Gee, (2018), while others have

found a negative association between online game usage and academic performance in

language subjects Cheng; Li et al., (2015).

In the context of the Philippines, there is a growing interest in understanding the

influence of online games on the literacy level of elementary students. With the increasing

availability of internet access and the popularity of online gaming platforms, the country

ranked 29th in gaming revenues globally, with more than 29.9 million gamers recorded in

2017 Central Asian Glob Health, (2020). It is crucial to examine the potential effects of

online game exposure on the literacy skills of Filipino children. The Filipino education

system places significant emphasis on language subjects, making it essential to investigate

the relationship between online game exposure and the literacy levels of elementary students

in the local.

Related Review of Literature

The functional literacy rate of Filipinos who are exposed to different forms of mass

media ranges from 92.6% to 97.1% in 2019, with Filipinos aged 10 to 64 years old who used

the internet for research work and email having the highest functional literacy rate of 97.1%.

However, there is no direct evidence that exposure to online games influences the literacy

level of Filipinos. A study by Garcia, Jarabe, and Paragas, (2018) found that online gaming

can have a negative influence on school performance by displacing time that would have

been spent in other educational activities such as reading and homework. This suggests that

online gaming may indirectly affect the literacy level of Filipinos by reducing the amount of

time they spend on educational activities. A study by Aguilar, (2019) found that online

gaming can have a negative impact on the academic performance of Filipino students.

Bautista, (2018) found that online gaming can have a negative effect on the reading

comprehension skills of Filipino students. Cruz, (2017) found that online gaming can have a

negative impact on the literacy level of Filipino students. Dela Cruz, (2016) found that online

gaming can have a negative impact on the writing skills of Filipino students. Lopez, (2019)

found that online gaming can have a negative impact on the reading comprehension skills of

Filipino students. Mendoza, (2017) found that online gaming can have a negative impact on

the literacy level of Filipino students. Santos, (2016) found that online gaming can have a

negative impact on the writing skills of Filipino students. Further research is needed to better

understand the relationship between online gaming and literacy in the Philippine

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

A. Theoretical Framework

Flow Theory, also known as the psychology of flow, was developed by Mihaly

Csikszentmihalyi, a Hungarian-American psychologist, in the 1970s. The concept of flow

originated from Csikszentmihalyi's research on optimal experiences and the state of being

fully immersed and engaged in an activity. According to Flow Theory, flow is a state of

optimal experience where individuals are completely absorbed in a challenging but doable

task. In this state, people experience a sense of deep focus, enjoyment, and satisfaction. Flow

occurs when the level of challenge in an activity matches an individual's skill level, and there

is a clear set of goals and immediate feedback.

In the context of our research on the influence of exposure to online games on literacy

levels, Flow Theory is highly relevant. Online games often provide immersive experiences

that can induce a state of flow. When players are fully engaged in the game, they may be

more motivated to read and understand game instructions, dialogues, and storylines,

contributing to the development of literacy skills.


Conceptual Framework


Exposure to Online Games Filipino Literacy Level of

Elementary School Students

Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the Study

In figure 1 presents the conceptual framework that explored the relationship between

IV ( Exposure To Online Games) and the DV (Filipino Literacy Level of Elementary

Students), this also investigate the amount of time spent playing online games. Suggest that

exposure to online games could influence the Filipino literacy level of elementary students

due to the time spent on gaming.

Statement of the Problem

The general objective of this study is the influence of exposure to online games in

Filipino literacy level of grade 4 students. It also establish the frequency on time spent

playing online games, and types of games.

1. What are the most commonly used online games among elementary students in

Bunga Elementary School?

2. If the student is more engage in playing online games is there any significant effect

towards their Filipino literacy level?

3. Is there a significant correlation between exposure to online games and the reading

speed of Filipino Literacy of elementary students?


Ho: Exposure to online games has no significant influence on the Filipino literacy

level of elementary students.

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this study only focuses on the exposure to online games influencing

the reading comprehension of senior high school. It consist the frequency time spent of grade

4 Elementary gamers to online games and the type of game they use.

The study will be conducted in Bunga Elementary School with the maximum amount

of respondents, 30 students either male or female grade 4 students. The researcher limited the

study, only the influence of exposure to online games in Filipino literacy level of grade 4

elementary students and this study only establish the result and could not provide an in-depth

information. Also the researcher did not specify what type of online games leaving a

research gap for future research related to this study.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

The school, this study benefits school by offering data-driven insight that allow them

to adjust their instructional approaches and support systems to the specific needs of their

students, resulting in improved academic achievement and well-rounded development.

The teachers, empowering teachers with information that can help them improve their

teaching skills, they will be able to support their students, and ultimately contributing to

student’s academic performance.

The students, provides them with information that allows them to make informed

decisions about their gaming habits, and establish a balanced approach to their academic and

recreational activities.

The gamers, this study assists gamers by providing them with knowledge that allows

them to make decisions that improve their academic achievement, well-being, and

responsible gaming habits.

The researchers, this study aids scholars by adding to academic knowledge, that can

be useful for the research, and providing insights that can impact policy and intervention

development in the fields of education, technology, and gaming.

Definition of Terms

Exposure. (Operational Definition) Exposure defined as amount of time spent playing

online games per day.


Filipino Literacy Level. (Operational Defination) Filipino literacy level based on reading

speed, we are looking at the rate at which an individual can read a text in the

Filipino language. This is typically measured in words per minute (WPM). A

higher WPM indicates that the individual can read and potentially comprehend

the text in a shorter amount of time, suggesting a higher level of literacy.

Phil-IRI. (Conceptual Definition) Phil-IRI refers to the revised assessment tool composed of

a set of graded passages administered to the whole class and to individual

students, which was designed to determine a student’s reading level. The Phil-

IRI used as a classroom-based assessment tool aims to measure and describe

the learners’ reading performance in both English and Filipino languages in

oral reading, silent reading and listening comprehension. These three types of

assessment aim to determine the learner’s independent, instructional and

frustration levels.



Research Design

For this study, the researcher will use a correlational research design. The purpose of

this design is to establish the relationship between exposure to online games influencing

Filipino literacy without delving into the cause and effect relationship between the two


Research Locale

For this study, the research locale was selected to include 30 Grade 4 elementary

students at Bunga Elementary School. These schools were chosen for their diverse student

populations, ease of access, and willingness to participate in the research. Permission was

acquired from the individual school administrations by emphasizing the study's goal and

advantages. Students and their parents or guardians were asked to provide informed

permission, ensuring their comprehension of the research objectives and their rights as

participants. Data collection times were planned to coincide with school schedules, causing

minimal disruption to students' academic pursuits. This school provided a study environment

that was both pleasant and discreet for data collection. By selecting these research locales, the

study aimed to collect a representative sample of grade 6 elementary students, increasing the

generalizability of the findings.

Sample and Sampling

The respondents are the grade 4 elementary students of Bunga Elementary School,

school year 2023-2024. Random sampling was utilized. The study involved a total of thirty

(30) participants, based on the rules of thumb, including both male and female individuals

from Bunga Elementary School. The researcher personally administered the distribution of

the questionnaires during the available time of the students to ensure minimal disruption to

their classes. This was done also to ensure that the questionnaires would not be retrieved


Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher uses two main tools. The first is the pre-test post-test

design. Before pre-testing, participants are instructed not to engage in any gaming activities.

This is to establish a basic level of reading comprehension without being influenced by online

games. Participants can then play the game until after the test. This design allows researchers

to determine whether online games have a significant effect on reading comprehension. The

pre-test post-test design was adapted from a published study (author name).

The second tool used in this study is a survey. Researchers carefully prepared a

questionnaire consisting of 7 questions. These questions focus on participants' online gaming

habits and reading comprehension. The questionnaire was divided into two parts to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the participants' experiences and perceptions.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher-made questionnaire was validated, and the researcher multiplied it to a

sufficient number of copies to accommodate all the respondents. At the same time, the

informed consent form was distributed to the parent respondents. The informed consent and

the copies of the questionnaire were delivered personally by the researchers to the concerned

schools. During the delivery of the consent form and the copies of the instrument, the

researcher explained the details to help the respondents accomplish the questionnaires. The

questionnaires were retrieved on the same day when they were answered.

The results of the retrieved copies of the questionnaire were tabulated. Then, the data

will be analyzed and interpreted through the use of the most appropriate statistical


Data Analysis Procedure


In this study, Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to measure the strength and

direction of the relationship between the time spent on online games (variable X) and the

literacy levels of the students (variable Y). We conducted a data analysis to investigate the

relationship between exposure to online games and the literacy levels of elementary students

in Bunga Elementary School. Data collection involved using the Phil-IRI tool, a reliable

reading assessment tool, to collect data on the time students spent playing online games and

their literacy levels. After carefully cleaning the collected data for accuracy and reliability,

we calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) to measure the strength and direction of

the relationship. Interpretation of the correlation coefficients shows that a strong relationship

indicates that increased exposure to online games is associated with higher literacy levels

among elementary students. In contrast, the negative correlation means that greater exposure

to online games is associated with lower literacy. Additionally, correlation coefficients closer

to 0 indicate a weaker relationship between online gaming and literacy levels. It is important

to note that although there is a positive correlation that online gaming can improve the

literacy rate of Filipinos, social benefits do not contribute to the cause. More research is

needed to investigate this relationship in more detail. To provide a visual representation of

the correlation, we created a scatterplot illustrating the relationship between exposure to

online games and literacy levels among elementary students. This graphical representation

enhances the understanding of the observed correlation.

Ethical Consideration

The researcher will implement the principles of ethical considerations developed by

Bryman and Bell (2007). In relation to their involvement in this study, the participants will

not be subjected to harm in any way. Prior to the study, informed consent will be obtained

from the participants, the parents, and the teachers of Bunga Elementary School. In addition,

the protection of the privacy of research participants will be ensured. The voluntary

participation of respondents in the research will be treated as very important. Moreover, they

have the right to opt out at any moment without consequence.

In handling the data, an adequate level of confidentiality and anonymity should be

ensured. Any information gathered that may contain sensitive information about students'

literacy level and gaming habits should be kept private and utilized only for research

purposes. Furthermore, the study should be carried out objectively with no bias in data

collection, processing, or interpretation. Finally, the research findings should be reported

clearly and ethically to avoid misinterpretation or misuse, such as stigmatizing gamers or

making broad generalizations about the consequences of online gaming. These ethical

considerations should be incorporated into the study process at all stages, from planning to




This chapter provides an analysis of the students perspectives, investigating the

relationship between exposure to online games influencing the Filipino literacy level of

elementary students. The survey data was carefully analyzed to identify generative responses.

The results will be discuss individually.

I. Demographic Profile

Grade Lavel: Frequency

Female Male

4 22 8

Figure 1: Demographic Profile

In Figure 1, the demographic profile illustrates the distribution of grade 4 students,

showcasing a gender breakdown. Among the participants, 22 are female, while 8 are male.

II. Filipino Literacy Level

No . of words∈the passage
Reading Speed = Reading time∈ seconds
× 60
Participants Literacy Level
1 105 wpm

2 69 wpm

3 102 wpm

4 148 wpm

5 125 wpm

6 165 wpm

7 150 wpm

8 105 wpm

9 108 wpm

10 140 wpm

11 145 wpm

12 121 wpm

13 117 wpm

14 122 wpm

15 188 wpm

16 109 wpm

17 109 wpm

18 109 wpm

19 93 wpm

20 60 wpm

21 140 wpm

22 155 wpm

23 168 wpm

24 147 wpm

25 114 wpm

26 93 wpm

27 118 wpm

28 135 wpm

Grade Level Independent Instructional Frustration

female male female male female male

4 4 14 2 4 2
Figure 2: Filipino Literacy Level

This Figure 2, contains a formula and a table to determine the Filipino Literacy Level of

Elementary School Students using the Phil IRI tool. The Phil IRI instrument is a standardized

reading test used to measure and identify student’s oral reading, silent reading, and listening

comprehension skills. This formula is used to calculate reading speed, which is obtained by

dividing the number of words in an article by the reading time in seconds and multiplying by

60. Reading speed is then compared to the chart to determine reading level, which can be

independent. , instructional or frustration. The independent level refers to the student's ability

to read and understand a simple text, the instructional level refers to the student's ability to

read and understand the text with guidance, and the frustration level refers to the student's

difficulty in reading and understanding the text. . The Phil IRI tool is used to identify

student’s reading strengths and weaknesses and provide appropriate reading instruction and


III. Person’s r Correlation Coefficient

Subject X Y xy x² y²

1. 0.5 105 52.5 0.25 11025

2. 1 69 69 1 4761

3. 0.7 102 71.4 0.49 10404

4. 2 148 296 4 21904

5. 2 125 250 4 15625

6. 3 165 495 9 27225

7. 3 150 450 9 22500

8. 0.7 105 73.5 0.49 11025

9. 5 108 540 25 11664

10. 2 140 280 4 19600

11. 0.5 145 72.5 0.25 21025

12. 1 121 121 1 14641

13. 0.8 117 93.6 0.64 13629

14. 1 122 122 1 14884

15. 1 188 188 1 35344

16. 3 109 327 9 11881

17. 4 109 436 16 11881

18. 2 109 218 4 11881

19. 0.5 93 46.5 0.25 8649


20. 5 60 300 25 3600

21. 1 140 140 1 19600

22. 3 155 465 6 24025

23. 0.8 168 132 0.64 28224

24. 2 147 348 4 21609

25. 1 114 114 1 12996

26. 0.5 93 46 0.25 8649

27. 5 118 590 25 13929

28. 2 135 270 4 18225

29. 0.83 129 107 0.68 16641

30. 0.5 120 60 0.25 14400


x= 55.3

y= 3709

xy= 6706.5

x²= 158.19

y²= 481506













0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3: Person’s r Correlation


In Figure 3, it shows the relationship between two variables, X and Y. Each point on the

graph represents a pair of values for X and Y. In the calculation, the result of r is equal to -

0.11 which means that there is a very weak negative correlation between exposure to online

games and Filipino literacy level of elementary students. This means that as one variable

increases, the other variable tends to decrease slightly, but not in a consistent or predictable




Conclusion Section

In this concluding section, we provide a comprehensive summary of the key findings

and insights derived from the exploration of students perspectives on the relationship between

exposure to online games influencing the Filipino literacy level of elementary students.


As we delve into the summaries of our findings, it is essential to recognize that the

influence of exposure to online games on Filipino literacy levels in elementary school

students is a nuanced and multifaceted aspect of educational dynamics. This section aims to

distill the rich tapestry of responses gathered from our exploration, providing a

comprehensive overview of the implications and applications of our research.

The investigation into the influence of exposure to online games on Filipino literacy

levels revealed a predominant positive sentiment, with a majority expressing positive

impacts. However, a notable portion remained neutral, providing insights into potential areas

for improvement.

Exploring the impact of exposure to online games on Filipino literacy levels

demonstrated varying perceptions. While some students reported a positive influence, others

indicated a moderate impact. This suggests the need for a nuanced understanding of how

different aspects of online games contribute to overall literacy levels.

The examination of the factors influencing the relationship between exposure to

online games and Filipino literacy levels unveiled diverse responses. While a significant

number of students expressed positive outcomes, there were also those who reported

concerns. This range of perspectives highlights the complexity of the relationship between

exposure to online games and literacy levels, emphasizing the need to consider individual

preferences and experiences.


Drawing from the findings, several conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, exposure to

online games has a positive impact on Filipino literacy levels, with the majority expressing

positive outcomes. Secondly, the influence on literacy levels is varied, indicating that factors

beyond more exposure may contribute to the overall literacy experience. Lastly, the factors

influencing the relationship between exposure to online games and literacy levels exhibit

diversity, emphasizing the need for personalized approaches to understanding this complex


Varied Levels of Impact on Filipino Literacy Levels


Our exploration into the impact of exposure to online games on Filipino literacy

levels revealed a nuanced landscape. While a majority expressed positive outcomes, a notable

proportion remained neutral or expressed concerns. This suggests a diversity of preferences

and experiences, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches in educational design.

Recognizing and accommodating this diversity can foster an inclusive learning environment

that resonates with a broad spectrum of students.

Moderated Influence on Literacy Levels

The impact of exposure to online games on Filipino literacy levels emerged as a

moderated influence. While some students reported a slightly positive effect, others remained

neutral or indicated no significant impact. This nuanced relationship underscores the

importance of considering individual differences and learning styles when exploring the

impact of online games on literacy levels. Implementing flexible designs that cater to diverse

preferences can contribute to a more inclusive and engaging learning experience.

Factors Influencing the Relationship

The factors influencing the relationship between exposure to online games and

Filipino literacy levels within various setups emerged as a key contributor to their overall

satisfaction. Our findings indicated varying degrees of impact, with some students expressing

positive outcomes and others reporting concerns. This highlights the interconnectedness of

exposure to online games and literacy levels, suggesting that optimizing this exposure can

positively influence the overall learning experience.

As we distill the multifaceted insights from our exploration into the influence of

exposure to online games on Filipino literacy levels, it is imperative to discern the practical,

theoretical, and methodological implications that emanate from our findings. These

implications serve as guiding beacons for educational practitioners, researchers, and

policymakers, offering valuable insights into the dynamic interplay between exposure to

online games and student experiences.


The study underscores the importance of tailoring exposure to online games to cater

to individual preferences, enhancing overall student satisfaction and literacy levels. Educators

and administrators can use these insights to create more student-friendly learning


The findings contribute to the broader understanding of the relationship between

exposure to online games and student experiences. The nuanced nature of these interactions

suggests that the impact is multifaceted, urging a deeper exploration of individual and

contextual factors. The research design and data collection methods provide a foundation for

future studies exploring the dynamic between exposure to online games and student literacy


The research design and data collection methods provide a foundation for future

studies exploring the dynamic between exposure to online games and student literacy levels.

Researchers can build on this study's approach to further refine methodologies in this field.


Despite the richness of insights garnered from our exploration into exposure to online

games and Filipino literacy levels, it is crucial to acknowledge certain limitations inherent in

the study. Recognizing these constraints enhances the transparency and reliability of the

findings while providing valuable guidance for future research endeavors. One limitation of

the study lies in its focus on a specific elementary school, limiting the generalizability of the

findings to broader educational contexts. The reliance on self-reported data may introduce

potential biases, as students might provide responses influenced by perceived expectations

rather than their genuine experiences. External factors, such as external events or changes in

curriculum, could impact student responses, introducing an element of unpredictability.


As we navigate the limitations inherent in our study, it becomes imperative to outline

recommendations that not only address these constraints but also guide future research and

practical implementations. These recommendations aim to enhance the methodological rigor

of studies in this domain and offer actionable insights for educators, administrators, and


Future Studies and Current Study's Limitations

Future research should expand the scope to include diverse educational settings and

age groups to enhance the generalizability of findings. Additionally, addressing the

limitations related to self-reported data and external factors will contribute to methodological

rigor. Practical Recommendation: Educational institutions should consider implementing

flexible exposure to online games that accommodates varied preferences, promoting a more

inclusive and engaging learning environment.

Theoretical Recommendation

Further theoretical exploration is needed to unravel the complex interplay between

individual preferences, learning styles, and the impact of exposure to online games on

Filipino literacy levels.

Methodological Recommendation

Future studies should explore a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative

data with qualitative insights to gain a more comprehensive understanding of student

experiences with exposure to online games.

In conclusion, this study sheds light on the intricate relationship between exposure to

online games and Filipino literacy levels. While offering valuable insights, the findings

underscore the need for ongoing research and a nuanced approach to educational design that

considers individual preferences and diverse learning styles.


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