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Syllabus of

Basic Course in Motor \Vinding

(300 HOURS)

Underpinning Knowlec..lgc -~ Dm-·a- ti or

Sr. Practi1:: I Competencies
No. (Theory) in Jlou r~
--------------------4­ ---------~----~ -- -
22 I lours
I. l.lafety Precauti<ll • Identify dirlerent toolc; for 1
stripping old wi re
• First <I'd hox I

• Safe h tndling or • Practice proper and safe use

strip·)i 1glwinding tools of too ls
cs for \\·inding/re\\·indin!!
- - - • -I31S - -· t - Measurer rest single
30 l-lours 1
2. Electrical supply s ~ c;tem • I
• AC si n :le phase and 3-phase ph ase supply by
supp l:: multimeter/ test lamp
• DifTere 1ce bct\\'een sin gle and • Measure/Test three
three ol ,ase supp ly in respect phase supply h~
or volt; ~c.c urre nt and power multimctcrl double test
.\. Introduction to IC \\ inding • Identify diffe rent wi nding 28 J lour<; I
• Types Jf winding wires \VIres I
• T) pes Jf insulating materials • ldenti f) different insulati ng
• Tern i11ology used in material
wi ndi1 g like pole pitch. Dismantl e electrical
coil pi ~ h. etc. fi:111/motor
• Identify the
damaged/burnt part of
\\ indin ~ in fan/motor
------ ·- ­ - - Prepare the windi ng 28 I lour!:­
• Jvleth· ·d of ~tripping the old •
windi lg fo rm er ami the coi ls of
Meth• ds of preraring the eli fferent si 7e and shape

windi JtlI::' former and the • Record th e windi ng data
w il:;. like si7c/gaugc of\\'ire.
number of turn s. co il
I connection. coi l pitch. etc.

1-~-::'1 . Re\\' inding p occdurc of motor • Prepare insulati ng paper and

\\Ooden /insulating stick as
36 Hours
• Proccd1 1c followed for re­
winclin! ofn ll ki nd of electric per the slot of motor
motors ike single phase • Prepare the coil as per
AC mo ors. pump motors, size. number of turns anJ
cei Iing 1m motors. table fan coil pitch ofthe given
motor:;, submersible pump motor. lllOtCll'
etc . • !'est for contin uity
• Testing for comi nuity and and \V indin g
insula:i·1n insulation
• Assemble the motor and
run (with out varn ishingl_ - 1 - - - ­
- ----- • Practice varni shing ofre­ 30 Hours
6. Vmnishing and fi wl test
• 'l )p ~sofHunis hes winded motor.
• M~t 10ds of impregnation • tvlakc proper connec_tior__1s____._ ___
- ----
• hods or insulation
fv'c and check the pcrf0nnancc
res ;tancc of motor
in~ rovemcnl
7. J{ewinding proce lu re or transformer • i\·1casu re and determine thl: I 361 1Olll'!'
• Basic cons ruction and coil si7.e of \\'i nding wire/strip
arrange111e 1l in primary and for pri ma ry and seconcla r~ I
• rest and identif\' the faults
secondar/ ide t'ftransform er (single
phase & 1h ·ec phase) in coiI or primary and I!
• Procedu r·~ \1 r placing insul ation secondar")
between G< iIs and coreCon nccti on • Test the transformer for
and IR test ng 0 r primary and insu lation. transformation
secondar:: rati o and perforrmmce
• Varnish i1r pregnat ion and its
advanta~:: -­
8. Armature winclin '
• Di smant le the DC motor 42 ll u~s~
• Co1cept or DC supply and identify the parts or
• T:'r es of armature winding armature
lib: lap and wave windin g • Check and test the I
• Tn nino logy used in armature armature
Will jing li ke pole pitch, coi l • Record the
pitc \ back nnd front pitch, win ding data and
pro ;ress ivc nnd retrogress ive coi I connections
\'I' n ling etc. • Clean anu insert the
• In Ir rcgnati on and testing of in sul ation in the slots
ar•11 11ure \\ inding • Prepare and insert the coil
in slots
• I est fo r continuity and IR
ol'wi ndin g
I • Varn ish the armature

~ 9.--t--1-~-ep-air- =---o-f=--e,-le-c~t ric •I pO\\er tools

wind inu
48 Ho urs
• Types 1) l electri<.:al power tools as • Dismantling and
per their reassembling of electrical
applicati m like hand drillin g power too ls used like hand
machine angle grinder, rotary drilling machine, ang le
hammer. sander/po li sher, blower, grinder, rotary hammer.
heavy dt ty cutter. portable cut otT marble cutter. heavy duty
saw et(. mini grinder.
sander/polisher. blower.
heavy duty cutter. portab le
cut off sa\v etc.

"(; Prind~/
Govt. Industrial Trainin g Institute,
Bilaspur, Oi~tt. Bil~s.~ur H.P.
o.V-- \Y'
Syllabus of
Basic Course in Motor Winding
(150 HOURS)
--.------ ---- - ------ -----,-- - - -- - - - ---- - ---~ --­
S r. Praclic al Competencies Underpinning Knowledge (Th c01·y) Dnralinu
No. in H o ur~
I. Safety Precaution • ldenti!") dii"!Crcnt tools liw I I l loms
• First ai I box stripping o ld wire
• BI S rul ~s for '' inding/rewinding • Practice propel and safe use of
tools - --+-- ­
- 15 1 1om~
I· k ctri cal suppl ) : vstcm • Measur-e/Test single phase
• 1\ C sing c phase and 3-phase suppl y suppl y b) mul timetcrl test
• Diffenn ;c between single and lamp .
three ph 1sc supply in respect or
_ voltag<'.' urrent and pO\\ e r _____
J. Introduction to rc·- vinding • lde ntil~' diffe rent \\indi ng 1-l I lOLII \ I
• Types ( f wind in g wires w1res
• Types c r insulati ng material s • IJcnti1)1 d i ffcrent insul ati ng
• Tennin dog) used in winding materi al
like pi)[ · pitch. coil pitch. etc. Dismantle electrical fan/motor.

- -
I,, I Ioiii<;
• Metho I of ~ ln p ping the old wind ing • Prepare the \\'ind ing
tvlctl10 I ~ of preparing the former and the coi ls of
• different si7e nncl shape
windil <.! former nnd the coils.
• Record the winding data like
size/gaug1.: of \\'II"C. 1\ll lllber of
turns. co il connectio n, co il
pitch , etc.

Prepare insulating paper and 18 I lours

5. Re\\ inding pr >Cedurc of motor •
• Procedu e followed for re-winding \\ ooden / insu lating stick as per
of all ki1 d o r electric motors like the slot of moto1
single pi asc moltlr cci Iing tan • Prepare the co il as per si7c.
motors. abl e l~m motors, number of turns and co il
submers ble pum p motor, etc. pitch of the given motnr
• Testing or continuity and insulation • 1\ssem b lc the motor and
run (without varni~~2 - -·
- 14 I IOlii"S
() . Varni shing and f111 1ltest • Practice varnishing of rc­
winded motor.
• Typl " of varnishes
• l'vlctl ods of impregnation • Make proper connect1om
I and check the perf01n1<mte
I _I • MetI ods of in sul ation
rCSIS ancc improvement
7. I Rewinding proced 1re of transform er
or motor
• rvlcasu rc and
I ~ Ilours

determine the silc of

• Ba~ c construction and coil windin g wire/strip fi)l
arn' 1gcment in primary and
primary and
sec• •ndary ~1de of tran sforme r
S IJ' ' ~ l c phase & three phase)
secondary_ --­

Prm cdure for placing
in ~u ation between coils
and ;oreConnection
•Test and identify the
faults in coil or
primary and secondary
an.J R testing of' • Test the transfo rmer fi.Jr
prin ary and secondary insul at ion. tr:m"> l<mll at ton i /
-1-- _____ar~d 1~ rfo~n a ncc;-t_
_ _ _ __ rati(• ,
H. Armatu re.,, inding 20 I lour~
• Con e ·pt nl' DC supply • Di smantle the DC' motor
• I ype of sn nalure \\'inding like and identif) the parts of
lap :u d wa \ ~ winding armature I
• Term nolog) used in armature • Check and test the arm ature
wind ing like pule pitch, coil • Prepare and inse rt the co il in
pitc1. back and front pitch, slots
progr :ssivc and retrogressive • Test f'nr co ntinu ity and IR of'
'' in.Ji11g etc. winding

'). Repair of electri cal pow er tools 2 (l !l our-.

• l'ypes l1f t: lectrical power tool s as per • Dismantling nnd
their appli ·at ion li ke hand drilling reassembling orelectrical
mach in e.< ngle grinder. rotary hammer. power tools used Iike hand
sander/pol shcr, blower, heav) duty dril ling machine. angle
cutter. p(•r able cut o ff saw etc. grinder. rotnry hammer.
marbl e cull er, heav) duty
mini grinder.
sander/ pol isher. bJo,,er,
heavy duty culler, portahle
CUI 0IT SCI\\ etc

.- ~v
"'\\ Prindpal.
Govt. Indu stria l Trai ning Institute,
Bilasput·, Distt. 13ilasf'tr H.P.
~ "J,
I I.
- - ----
Perform app 1 opriate
sheet metal o pe ration to
Types o( seams and al1o_wanc~s. .
Types of flux and selectiOn crrterra,
-l-12 I lours

Types of rivets and

make differcn 1 shapes
(Shearing, Cu 1 .ing.
ri veting methods II
Bending, Fold ng.
Seaming, Wire edging) I
12. Perform sheet 1neta I joining Knowledge of Limits. Fits and I 46 [lou rs
operations, Tolerance,
Join sheets usmg folding Systematic steps of different
operations and safety considerations I I
and appropriat< seaming
(Single seant, Double seam. of each operation. I
Grove seam, L tp seam.
Dovetail seanD - - -
I J. Select appropr tate rivet for Arc welding- Equipments,
I -
24 Hours

riveting ope rat on (Snap Principles. Electrodes. safetv
applications, Advantages & ~'
bead, Pan he lei, Limitations ~ I
Countersunk r ead, I
Mushroom h<~: 1d, Flat head)
l4. Perform rivctino'=' USIIlg Gas welding - Equipments, 22 Hours
appropriate joi1 t Principles. Filler rods, Fluxes. safety, I
applications. I
Advantages & Limitations

(J\ ­
r-{ P rinl1p;.l,
Govt. Indust rial Training Institut e,
IJilaspur, Ois tt. IJilaspur II.P.
'l: - - ­

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