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1. Major Area: SMART TOWN/CITY

2. Problem statement: Many individuals struggle to effectively manage their nutrition and
fitness due to the lack of personalized, accurate, and easy-to-use tools for tracking dietary
intake and aligning it with specific health and fitness goals.

3. Total Cost: Rs. 6500

4. College Code & College Name: 1419 - Sri Sairam Engineering College.

5. Guide Name : Rashmi A

Designation : Assistant Professor, Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Mobile No. : 7200492231
Email id :

6. Student Team details:

Sl.No. Student Name of the Branch Mobile No. email id

Reg. No. Student

1 412520106105 Nithyasri J ECE 9025974345 Sec20ec102@

2 412520106084 Madhan Raj P ECE 9080979951 Sec20ec017@

3 412520106042 Gunavarshini S ECE 7200800923 Sec20ec040@

4 412520205124 Sneka L IT 7401085842 Sec20it033@

In a fast paced world everyone is busy with their daily activities and works to lead a
happy economic life by putting their health on the line. Now some have become
aware about how worse their health has become due to their busy life, so some have
started to do workouts on their own. A study says that in India about 10% of the total
population are doing workouts on their own and only about 0.3% are going to the
Gym which means those only have proper guidance and monitoring when they
workout. So we have come up with an idea of developing a Mobile Application
which acts as an AI fitness coach for those who workout on their own and they can
avoid injuries and do not need to worry about their body posture as some workouts if
not done properly can affect their body posture. For a nutrition analysis app module,
especially one involving image recognition of food items, Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNS) are commonly used. CNNS are well-suited for tasks like image
classification and object recognition, making them suitable for identifying different
types of food in images. This will motivate more people to do workouts on their own
without risk of any injuries and can see good results without the help of Trainers. Not
only online monitoring we will also implement a Voice assistant feature to help the
user to know whether the workouts they are doing are with correct posture or not will
be intimated to the users by voice assistant software so that they don’t need to visit
the screen for any information.


Gait Analysis Model: Develop or use existing machine learning models to analyze
gait patterns and detect abnormalities or areas for improvement.

Nutritional Analysis Model: Create models that can assess dietary intake and
provide recommendations based on activity level derived from gait analysis.

Integration: Develop a system where both models can interact and provide
combined insights.

App Design: Design an app that seamlessly presents both gait and nutritional
information in a user-friendly manner.

Result Interpretation: Ensure that the results are easily understandable and plan/Time schedule.

Widely used in machine learning and data science, Python is a suitable choice for
developing the backend logic, machine learning models, and data processing. These
frameworks are commonly used for developing machine learning models. You can
choose either depending on your team's expertise and preference, These frameworks
allow you to develop cross-platform mobile apps efficiently, reducing development
time and effort. Choose a database that fits your data storage needs. MongoDB is
NoSQL and might be suitable for flexibility, while PostgreSQL is a robust relational

Nutritionix API or USDA Food Data Central: Integrate with a nutritional database
or API to fetch accurate and comprehensive information about food items and their
nutritional content.
Cloud Services:

AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure: Use cloud services for hosting your backend,
storing user data, and deploying machine learning models. Cloud services offer
scalability and reliability.
User Authentication:

Firebase Authentication or OAuth: Implement secure user authentication to protect

user profiles and sensitive health information.
Frontend Development:

React.js (for web) or React Native/Flutter (for mobile): Use a framework that
allows for the efficient development of a responsive and user-friendly interface.
Real-time Communication:

WebSockets or Firebase Realtime Database: If your app requires real-time updates

or notifications, consider implementing technologies that support real-time
10. List of facilities available in college:

• Sairam Techno Incubator center available to develop the software model.

• There are experts for our domain who will guide us throughout the project.

11. Details of financial assistance required:

12. Results:

The implementation of the AI-powered fitness and nutrition application is anticipated

to yield positive outcomes across various dimensions. Users can expect improved
fitness through real-time pose detection and correction, reducing the risk of injuries.
The incorporation of a voice assistant will enhance workout techniques, fostering a
safer and more effective fitness experience. The AI-powered nutrition analyzer will
provide personalized dietary insights and meal plans, aiding users in making
informed choices aligned with their fitness goals. Community engagement features
will create a supportive environment, allowing users to share achievements and build
a sense of camaraderie. User support channels and in-app help features will contribute
to a positive user experience, addressing queries and concerns promptly.

1. The college will provide the basic infrastructure and other required facilities to the
students for timely completion of their projects.
2. The college assumes to undertake the financial and other management responsibilities of
the project.
3. The college will ensure that the funds provided are utilized only for the purpose provided
and any remaining amount will be returned back to the University after the time of
completion of the project.

Signature of the Mentor Signature and seal of the principal

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