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The Moodle page is called Chemistry and Chemical Hazards.

The link to the page is

This page is shared between Lisa Cronin who teaches the Theory Section of the Module and
ourselves (Ann Marie, Shane and Parnia).

The section at the bottom of the page is dedicated to Practicals and Practical 1 is outlined in the
screen shot below

When you go to the specified Section on the Moodle page (Practical No. 1. Health and Safety in the
lab), click on this Tile and you will see content on that page.

You will notice

1. The chemistry manual – you need to read the health and Safety Requirements in the lab
page 3-11 and Appendix 1 in preparation for your in-class test next week.
2. A powerpoint presentation and recordings- this covers the health and safety guidelines for
the lab. These are generally the same as you heard from your lecturer in the lab. But if you
want a short recap, these resources are there to help you
3. Some exercises (simulations) that you can use as a study aid
4. An upload area for et tasks that you were given yesterday

You have also been asked to submit the answers to the Exercises given at the end of Practical 1.
These must be submitted through the Moodle page. You can do this by clicking on the area entitled
‘Please upload tasks for Practical 1 here’. When you click on this, it will allow you to submit your
word document file with all of the answers to the exercises. Only one word document can be
submitted so please type your answers to the two sets of exercises in the same Word Document.

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