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My Definition of Good Life

Let me start with a question, Am I living a good life? Is this what living a good life

From the time we are born till our death we are always seeking the good life, and for
the billions of people on earth, good life can mean many different things. There are also
circumstances in our lives that make us decide if we are living a good life. For many, having
money gives them the greatest joy. While for others becoming educated and giving back to
the society is the best life, and there are many more reasons.

As for me, a good life means being happy and fulfilled. It’s about finding joy in the
small things, like spending time with my loved ones, doing things I enjoy, feeling contented
and satisfied of everything. But with these practices, it comes with criteria from different
aspects to be encountered in life that may result to positive and negative outcomes. First, in
terms of success and material comfort, right now I have been studying hard as a mechanical
engineering student, putting extra efforts to achieve great success in my career. And hoping
someday, I may be able to afford such things that I want. Second, in terms of pleasure,
indulging to my hobbies like dancing, going to beaches and enjoying delicious meals bring
me happiness. Third, in terms of relationship, I am really happy and contented of what
relationship I have now towards my family, friends, and other people special to me. Then, in
terms of reason and virtues, volunteering at a charity event in our community allows me to
practice virtues like compassion, empathy, and generosity. I really love helping people and it
makes my heart happy, seeing others happy as I help them even in simple ways. Last, in
terms of character and spirituality. This is one of the important aspects that a person should
have towards living a good life. It embodies the positive qualities and nurturing a deep
connection with one’s inner self and world around them. To answer the questions, as for
now, I am contented and blessed in terms of these aspects, because I know and I believe
that God is always there to guide as long as I follow his path. And yes, I am living a good life
despite circumstances.

Living a good life is living with your purpose. As a human being, we always want
things to happen as we planned, and when something doesn’t happen the way we want it,
we start regretting it. But we need to understand that by regretting, we are wasting the
golden moments of our lives in pain and sadness. We should be happy in every situation and
accept whatever life throws at us, as this is the best way to enjoy life and learn something
new at every stage of life. To have the best way is to have God as the center of our lives and
we should believe in him in every way. As I believed that, nothing is impossible with God.

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