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Christianity and her influence on her son's

1. Religious persecution policies.

- The act of mistreating or discriminating against 16. Rome
individuals or groups based on their religious - The capital of the Roman Empire and an
beliefs. important city in Christian history, being the
2. Episcopal Jurisdiction center of early Christianity.
- The authority of bishops within the Christian 17. Decius
church to oversee and govern specific - A Roman Emperor (249-251 AD) who initiated
geographical regions or dioceses. a widespread persecution of Christians.
3. Purgatory 18. Trento, Northern Italy
- A belief in some Christian traditions that it is a - The location of the Council of Trent (1545-
temporary state of purification and cleansing for 1563), a significant event in the history of the
the souls of the deceased before they can enter Catholic Church, addressing doctrinal and
heaven. disciplinary issues.
4. Catholic Dogmas 19. Diocletian
- Authoritative and unchanging beliefs within the - A Roman Emperor (284-305 AD) known for
Roman Catholic Church, such as the one of the most severe persecutions of
Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Christians in the Roman Empire.
Mary. 20. Biblical inspiration
5. Communion of Saints - The belief that the Bible is divinely inspired by
- The belief in the unity of all Christians, both God and serves as authoritative scripture for
living and deceased, as part of the Church. believers.
6. Missionary Church 21. Roman Catholic
- A church that actively seeks to spread its - The largest Christian denomination with the
religious beliefs and convert others to its faith. Pope as its spiritual leader, headquartered in
7. Religious persecution Rome.
- Refers to the mistreatment or discrimination 22. Communion of Saints
based on religious beliefs. - The belief in the unity of all Christians, both
8. Triumphant Church living and deceased, as part of the Church.
- A concept in Christianity that represents the 23. Doctrine of Justification of Luther
Church in heaven, comprising the saints who - Martin Luther's theological belief that salvation
have already reached their eternal reward. is by faith alone (sola fide) and not by works.
9. Christian persecution 24. Constantine the Great
- The persecution of Christians for their faith, - Roman Emperor (306-337 AD) who legalized
which has occurred throughout history in and promoted Christianity with the Edict of
various forms. Milan and the First Council of Nicaea.
10. Nero 25. Old and New Testament
- The Roman Emperor from 54 to 68 AD, known - The two main divisions of the Christian Bible,
for persecuting early Christians and famously with the Old Testament containing texts from
blamed for the Great Fire of Rome. before the birth of Jesus and the New Testament
11. St. Peter focusing on Jesus and the early Church.
- One of the twelve apostles of Jesus and a 26. Catholic Faith
prominent figure in early Christianity, often - The beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic
regarded as the first Pope by the Roman Church.
Catholic Church. 27. Christians
12. Domitian - Followers of Jesus Christ, the central figure in
- A Roman Emperor known for his persecution of Christianity.
Christians during his reign (81-96 AD). 28. Indulgence
13. Pilgrim Church - A remission of temporal punishment for sins
- A concept in Christian eschatology referring to granted by the Church, often associated with
the Church as a community on a spiritual acts of penance.
journey. 29. Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
14. Marcus Aurelius - A central ritual in Catholicism, where the
- A Roman Emperor (161-180 AD) and Stoic Eucharist is celebrated and the sacrifice of Jesus
philosopher known for his Meditations. on the cross is reenacted.
15. Helena – Mother of Constantine the Great 30. 95 theses
- Helena was the mother of Emperor Constantine - A list of propositions written by Martin Luther
the Great, known for her conversion to in 1517, criticizing certain practices within the
Catholic Church, often considered the starting 47. Ulrich Zwingli
point of the Protestant Reformation. - A Swiss Reformer who played a key role in the
31. Biblical canon/Canonical books development of Reformed Christianity.
- The official list of books accepted as sacred and 48. Apocryphal Books
authoritative in the Christian Bible. - Books not included in the Jewish or Protestant
32. Doctrine of sola fide Old Testament but found in some Catholic and
- The belief in salvation by faith alone, a central Orthodox Bibles.
doctrine of the Protestant Reformation. 49. "Consecration"
33. Hell - The act of making something sacred or setting
- In Christianity, the place of eternal punishment it apart for religious use, often associated with
for the wicked. the Eucharist in Christian liturgy.
34. Heresy 50. Original Sin
- Beliefs or practices that contradict or deviate - The concept that all humans inherit sin from
from established religious doctrines. Adam and Eve and are born with a sinful nature.
35. Sola Scriptura 51. Protestant Bible
- The doctrine that the Bible is the sole source of - The Bible used by Protestant Christian
authority in matters of faith and practice. denominations, typically containing the Old and
36. Altar of the Word New Testaments but with variations in the
- In Catholic liturgy, the lectern or pulpit where canon.
the Scriptures are read during Mass. 52. Clerical Discipline
37. Doctrine of Transubstantiation - The regulation and standards governing the
- A Catholic doctrine describing the behavior and conduct of clergy within a
transformation of bread and wine into the body religious tradition.
and blood of Christ during the Eucharist. 53. Plenary Indulgence
38. 7 Sacraments - A complete remission of all temporal
- In Catholicism, these are Baptism, punishment for sins, granted by the Catholic
Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Church.
Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and 54. Council of Trent
Matrimony. - The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was a
39. Altar of Sacrifice significant event in Catholic Church history,
- In Catholicism, the place on the altar where the addressing doctrinal and disciplinary issues in
Eucharistic sacrifice is offered. response to the Protestant Reformation.
40. John Tetzel 55. Mass as true sacrifice
- A Dominican friar known for his sale of - The Catholic belief that the Eucharist is a
indulgences, which sparked controversy and reenactment of Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
contributed to the Protestant Reformation. 56. Anathema
41. Council of Nicaea - A formal excommunication or condemnation
- The First Council of Nicaea (325 AD) by a religious authority.
addressed theological issues, including the 57. Excommunication
nature of Christ, and produced the Nicene - The expulsion of an individual from a religious
Creed. community, typically due to heresy or serious
42. Anabaptists/Anabaptism misconduct.
- A Christian movement that emerged during the 58. Council of Nicaea
Reformation, known for advocating adult - The First Council of Nicaea (325 AD)
baptism and separation of church and state. addressed theological issues and produced the
43. Pope Paul III Nicene Creed.
- Pope from 1534 to 1549, who called the 59. 12 Articles of Faith
Council of Trent and supported the Jesuit order. - A set of religious beliefs or doctrines, often
44. Doctrine of predestination associated with specific denominations or
- The belief that God has already determined who traditions.
will be saved and who will be damned. 60. Catechism of the Catholic Church
45. Pope Gregory the Great - A comprehensive summary of Catholic doctrine
- Pope from 590 to 604 AD, known for his and beliefs.
contributions to the development of the papacy 61. Validity of Marriage
and the Gregorian Chant. - The religious and legal recognition of a
46. Temporal Punishment marriage according to the principles of a
- Punishment for sins in this life or in purgatory, particular faith.
as opposed to eternal punishment in hell. 62. Second Vatican Council
- A significant ecumenical council in the Roman
Catholic Church (1962-1965) that brought
about major reforms and modernization.
63. Souls in Purgatory
- The belief in some Christian traditions that the
souls of the deceased undergo purification in
Purgatory before entering heaven.
64. God
- The supreme being or deity in monotheistic
religions, such as Christianity.
65. Selling of Indulgences
- The practice of offering forgiveness or
remission of sins in exchange for monetary
contributions to the Church.
66. Sacrament of Baptism
- A Christian rite of initiation involving the
application of water to symbolize purification
and entry into the faith.
67. Decree on Marriage
- Specific teachings or regulations concerning
marriage within a religious tradition.
68. Sacrament of the Church
- Rituals and practices considered sacred in
Christianity, often administered by the Church.
69. Marital Consent
- The voluntary agreement of individuals to enter
into a marriage.
70. Gregorian Calendar
- The calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
in 1582 to reform the Julian calendar and bring
the date of the spring equinox closer to March

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