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Chapter 7 Respiration in Plants 10. " Hints and Solutions SECTION -A Answer (1) Emp pathway is another name of glycolysis Fructose-1, 6 bisphosphate is a 6C molecule. ‘Answer (4) Tripaimitin is a fat. Fats have RQ less than 1 ‘Answer (2) F, is a part of ATP synthase. ‘Answer (3) During fermentation CO, and ethyl alcohol are synthesized along with ATP. ‘Answer (3) Oxidative decarboxylation is link reaction. ‘Answer (4) On inner mitochondrial membrane, NADH + H* is oxidised to NAD* Answer (3) During lactic acid fermentation, CO, is not released, Answer (4) Oxalosuccinic acid to « ketoglutaric acid is catalysed by decarboxylase as CO, is released Answer (3) Complex II is succinate dehydrogenase of mitochondria where FADH, is oxidised to FAD. ‘Answer (1) ‘Answer (2) Pyruvate ——» Acetaldehyde + CO, “Tesholdehytrogenase > Ethyl alcohol Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone 12. 13, 14, 15: 16 7. 18, 19, 20. ‘Answer (4) ‘Two ATP molecule are required to break down 1 glucose molecule, So, 12 ATP molecules are required in total. ‘Answer (1) Pyruvate is end product of glycolysis. Answer (3) © is terminal electron acceptor and is found in mitochondrial matrix. ‘Answer (2) Citrate synthase is responsible for the rate reaction is the first step of the cycle. It is inhibited by high concentrations of ATP, acetyl CoA and NADH which indicates an already high level of energy supply. ‘Answer (3) acketoglutaric acid is SC molecule. ‘Answer (4) Substrate level phosphorylation is direct ATP synthesis. ‘Answer (1) Pasteur effect states that on being switched over from anaerobic to aerobic mode of respiration there is reduction in the amount of consumption of respiratory substrate, ‘Answer (3) Beta oxidation consists in breaking down long fatty acids that have been converted into acyl CoA into ‘smaller fatty acyl chains. ‘Answer (2) ‘One a-KGA yields > 2 NADH, + 1 FADH, + 1 ATP 3 2*3+1%241=9ATP So, 2 x 9 = 18 ATP molecules. 011-47623456 172 Respiration in Plants 2 22. 23. 24, 26. 26. 27. 28, 29. 30, 31. 32. 33, 36, Hints & Solutions Answer (3) HMS is hexose monophosphate shunt Answer (2) Both fumarate and malate are 4C containing molecules. ‘Answer (4) Cyt. a, is a copper containing cytochrome and O,, is final electron accepter. Answer (2) In muscles and nerve cells, NADH, produced during glycolysis forms only 2ATP. NADH, ~> FAD > FADH, ~» 2ATP ‘Answer (3) ATP is formed by the reaction ADP + ip ‘Answer (4) In fermentation, pyruvic acid is reduced by NADH, regenerating NAD, C,H,OH and lactic acid contain much energy. ‘Answer (4) ‘There is ETS in inner membrane of mitochondria. ‘Answer (3) Succinate dehydrogenase is found in attached to the inner mitochondrial membrane. ‘Answer (3) In prokaryotes it is found in cytosol ‘Answer (1) Reduced coenzyme i.e, NADH,, Pyruvic acid is an organic acid. Answer (3) NADH, as reducing agent reduces pyruvic acid to lactic acid or alcohol. Answer (4) UQ and PQ both are electron accepters. ‘Answer (1) Complex |, II, Ill and IV are present in inner membrane of mitochondria, ‘Answer (4) Mitochondria in animals while peroxisomes and glyoxysomes in plants oxidise fats. Sphaerosome stores fats / oils Answer (1) Fumaric acid 425 matic acid 36, 37, 38. 39, 40. a 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ‘Answer (2) Succinyl CoA > Raw material for chlorophyll Oxaloacetic acid > Raw material for alkaloids and pyrimidines ‘Answer (4) Mitochondrial and thylakoid membrane are required to synthesize ATP. ‘Answer (3) Mg** is cofactor of PFK. ‘Answer (1) Acetyl CoA is 2C molecule. It requires 2 steps of oxidation. ‘Answer (3) It is glycolysis (cytoplasmic respiration) and its 3- C product is pyruvic acid. ‘Answer (2) When NADH, is oxidised it sends 6H” to PMS (Peri mitochondrial space), 2H’ its own and 4H" additional ‘Answer (3) itis substrate level phosphorylation. ‘Answer (2) itis not a part of Krebs cycle. ‘Answer (2) NADH, > 3ATP, requires 6 protons FADH, > 2ATP, requires 4 protons ‘Answer (2) itis PQ — in photosynthesis, and UQ —in respiration Answer (2) Ais Fo that is an integral protein that forms the proton channel and B is F, component of ATP synthase. ‘Answer (4) AGTPIATP is produced through each Krebs cycle. ‘Answer (3) Link reaction occurs in mitochondrial matrix and it involves first decarboxylation reaction. ‘Answer (3) Volume of CO, evolved Volume of 0, consumed Opuntia and Bryophyllum are CAM plants in which stomata are closed during night. So no Co, evolved in night. So, its zero Answer (3) First oxidation happens in Glycolysis during formation of 1, 3 bisphosphoglyceric acid. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Hints & Solutions Respiration in Plants 173 51 52. 53, 56, 56. 87. 58. 59, 60. ‘Answer (1) Photophosphorylation only occurs in chloroplast of green cells. ‘Answer (2) CAL —y——* Pyruvie acid — 2ATP 1 NADH +H NADH HY Acetyl CoA c0,+,0¢—, 1ATP 1FADH, 9 NADH [2+1x341"3+3x341%2 44] = (24343494244 = 20 ATP ‘Answer (2) 4, 3-biphosphoglyceric acid Glycolysis| >2ATP Pyruvie acid Link reaction] > 1 NADH, Acetyl CoA Krobs cyclo |__ 3NADH, +1 FADH,+1ATP co, +H0 24 (1x3) + (3x3) 4 (1x 2)+1 17 ATP Answer (1) Reducing agent is NADH, in fermentation. ETC is absent in fermentation. Answer (1) During formation of fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate ATP. is used. ‘Answer (4) Cytochorme ¢ is mobile e carrier. ‘Answer (4) ‘Two molecules of G-3P produces total 40 ATP molecules. So one molecule will produce 20 ATPs. Answer (2) Carbohydrates are preferred source of respiratory substrate, ‘Answer (2) Pyne acl —T> Acad Coh ———T*C0, NADH, SNADH, 1FADH, ‘Answer (2) Efficiency of aerobic respiration is"= 45% 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 1 72. 73, 74, Answer (2) ‘Two hydrogen atoms removed from PGAL to form one NADH + H* ‘Answer (3) While formation of PEP and succinyl Co-A, ATP or GTP is produced. ‘Answer (1) For carbohydrates RQ is 1 During alcohol fermentation acetaldehyde oxidises NADH + H* ‘Answer (2) CH,CHO + NADH + H* > C,H,OH + NAD*. ‘Answer (2) Glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle is present in nerve cell. In this NADH, is converted to FADH, in matrix and then FADH, is oxidised via ETS. Answer (3) Fatty acids are first converted to acetyl CoA then enter respiratory pathway. ‘Answer (2) RQ for fatty acid is less than one. ‘Answer (3) Two oxidative decarboxylation reactions occur during oxidation of pyruvic acid |= During formation of acetyl CoA. II = During formation of succinyl CoA. ‘Answer (3) Coenzyme is NAD* ‘Answer (3) From one NADH, there is formation of one ATP and from 1 FADH,, 2 ATP molecules are formed, ‘Answer (2) The net gain in lactic and fermentation is 2 ATP, ‘Answer (2) Lactic acid is produced during lactic acid fermentation, ‘Answer (3) ‘Anaerobic respiration or fermentation is not found in all organism. Answer (3) Link reaction is oxidative decarboxylation step where pyruvic acid is oxidised to acetyl CoA Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 174 Respiration in Plants 76. 76. 77. 78. 79, 80. 81. 82. 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, Hints & Solutions ‘Answer (4) ATP synthase is found in both mitochondria and chloroplast ‘Answer (3) OAA + acetyl CoA is first step of TCA cycle. ‘Answer (2) ‘Answer (3) Ubiquinone receives electrons from FADH, via complex I! ‘Answer (2) ‘2Cs{HygO,) +1450, —»102CO, + 98H,O + Energy 102C0,, 1450, Answer (4) + Glycolysis is present in all living organisms. + TCA-cycle = Amphibolic pathway. Answer (2) NADH but not NAD* Answer (1) PGA is 3C whereas o-ketoglutaric acid is 5C, Answer (3) Mitochondria are absent in monerans where shuttles take place. Answer (4) ‘The diagram shows the metabolism of fats during respiration ‘Answer (4) Citric acid starts with condensation of acetyl group with OAA to release citric acid but requires water. ‘Answer (2) ‘There is incomplete oxidation of glucose. ‘Answer (4) No decarboxylation occurs during EMP pathway. ‘Answer (2) Ais inner mitochondrial membrane, B is F,, C is inner mitochondrial membrane and D is F, ‘Answer (2) Respiratory quotient depends on the type of respiratory substrate used during respiration. 90 "1 92, 93, 95, 97. 98, 99, 100, 101 ‘Answer (4) 4 tum of Krebs cycle yield = 3 NADH, = 1 FADH, =1GTP It produces by ETC = 11 ATP. ‘and four turns will yield 11%4 = 44 ATP. Answer (3) Frucones phosphate 2% Fructse-1, 6 biphosphate Answer (3) Pyruvie acid (3) —> Acetyl CoA (2C) + CO, ‘Answer (4) For two molecules of Acetyl CoA, 1 glucose needed hence for 10 molecules of acetyl CoA, 5 glucose will be required, ‘Answer (2) Metabolic water. in ETC. ‘Answer. (1) Complex V is ATP synthase. ‘Answer (4) Carbohydrates are the most preferred respiratory substrate. ‘Answer (1) BPGA PGA ADPHPI arp. 2PGA —_ 2PEP Ho Fructose 6-phosphate Fructose 1, 6-bis, 7, phosphate ATP abp Answer (4) Complex IV has two copper centers. ‘Answer (3) Pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid ‘Answer (1) Complex Ill provides e~ to ubiquinone ‘Answer (2) In respiration 4H* move to synthesize one ATP. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Hints & Solutions 102, 103, ‘Answer (2) Triose sugar is PGAL which produce 20 ATP, Answer (1) Complex | is NADH dehydrogenase. It has FMN and Fes. SECTION -B Answer (3) «. ketoglutaric acid is used for transamination reaction during nitrogen metabolism. a a Respiration in Plants 175 ‘Answer (2) Answer (3) AA is the acceptor molecule with ketone group in this cycle that is Acetyl.CoA Answer (4) It would enter the respiratory pathway after being converted to PGAL. Answer (4) Glucose the favoured substrate for respiration. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456

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