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DBT for Private Practice 724769004.


Supreme Concerns: Questions to Ask

7 How do I spend my time?

7 What would I miss if taken from me?

7 What creates the strongest feelings in me?

7 What upsets me when it doesn’t go according to plan?

7 What was drilled into me as a child as important?

7 What do I most admire or envy when others have it?

7 Where do I go when I need comfort?

7 What is so essential that I take it for granted?

7 What makes me feel safe?

7 What makes me feel threatened?

7 Is this my value, or someone else’s value?

7 Do I believe this, or do I think I should believe this?

7 Is this the “right” thing to say, or do I truly think this?

7 How often do I practice this?

7 Does it define who I am and how I wish others to perceive me?

7 Does it define a rule I wish to follow in my life?

7 Does it speak both to my heart and my head?

7 Have I been touched by another when they engaged in it with me?

7 Would my world be different without it?

7 Is it relevant to those I treasure the most in my life?

7 Is it important to how I define success in my life?

7 Would it be one of the things I hope I speak about on my deathbed?

7 Does it define happiness in my life?

7 Does it define fulfillment in my life?

7 Does it define meaningfulness in my life?

© Thomas Marra/New Harbinger Publications 2005 1

DBT for Private Practice 724769004.rtf

Possible Supreme Concerns

___ Being a good listener

___ Praying daily in thanks for what I already have

___ Having hobbies and interests that I routinely enjoy

___ Being devoted to my spiritual principles and beliefs

___ Believing in my strengths and attributes (having high self-esteem)

___ Participating in democracy by social and political actions

___ Feeling good about my body’s physical condition and health

___ Appreciating of the natural world around me, noticing beauty where it exists

___ Being kind to people

___ Helping people in need

___ Being independent

___ Enjoying the respect of others

___ Being well-informed on current events and social issues

___ Having opinions that are based on facts and knowledge and are well considered

___ Being able to see both sides of an issue

___ Being a good mother or father to my children

___ Establishing relationships with friends based on trust and mutual respect

___ Having a home that I am proud to share with friends, family, and neighbors

___ Living my daily life in a way mindful of my values and principles

___ Being scholarly and well-read

___ Being surrounded by friends I trust and am not afraid of

___ Not trying to control so much around me

© Thomas Marra/New Harbinger Publications 2005 2

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