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BINUS University

Academic Career: Class Program:

Undergraduate / Master / Doctoral *) International / Regular / Smart Program /
Global Class / BINUS Online Learning *)

 Mid Exam  Compact Term Exam Term : Odd / Even / Compact *)

 Final Exam  Others Exam : _____________ Period (Only for BOL) : 1 / 2 *)

 Kemanggisan  Senayan  Semarang Academic Year :

 Alam Sutera  Bandung 2023 / 2024
 Bekasi  Malang
Exam Type* : Onsite / Online Faculty / Dept. : Binus Online / Industrial
Day / Date** : Senin-Senin/ Code - Course : ISYE6194037 –
30 Oktober - 6 November 2023 Environmental
Engineering and Waste
Time** : Pk. 12.00 WIB Code - Lecturer : D6712 – Ir. Suhenra
Maulana S.T., M.T., IPM
Exam :  Open Book  Open Notes BULC (Only for BOL) : All BULC
Specification***  Close Book  Submit Project Class : TIDA
 Open E-Book  Oral Test
Equipment*** : Student ID *** :
 Exam Booklet  Laptop  Drawing Paper – A3 Name *** :
 Calculator  Tablet  Drawing Paper – A2 Signature *** :
 Dictionary  Smartphone  Notes

) Strikethrough the unnecessary items **) For Online Exam, this is the due date ***) Only for Onsite Exam
Please insert the test paper into the exam booklet and submit both papers after the test.

The penalty for CHEATING is DROP OUT!

No. Learning Outcome Weight (%)

LO1 Explain the emerging environmental issues in the environmental engineering 15
process with scientific fundamentals: chemistry, biology, physics, and
LO2 Apply the fundamentals of air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise 30
Pollution, and Soil Quality to solve a basic environmental engineering problem
LO3 Explain waste treatment techniques and waste management technologies 25

LO4 Apply the principles of environmental engineering and waste management in 30


Verified by,

[Maria Loura Christhia,S.T.,M.Sc.] (D6789) and sent to Department/Program on Oct

06, 2023
Page 1 of 6

Soal 1 Studi Kasus (LO1: 5%), (LO2: 10%)

Salah satu industri yang berkembang di wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi adalah industri pengolahan makanan
dan minuman.

a. Sebutkan jenis dan karakteristik limbah yang dihasilkan dari sebuah industri pengolahan makanan
dan minuman? (LO1, 5%)

b. Jelaskan dampak dari limbah industri pengolahan makanan dan minuman tersebut terhadap
ekosistem dan lingkungan sekitar (air/tanah/udara)? (LO2, 10%)

One of the developing industries in Banyuwangi Regency is the fish processing industry. The activities of
the industry include canning fish, fish flour, cold storage.
a. Explain the types and characteristics of waste generated from a food and drinks processing industry?
(LO1, 5%)
b. Explain the impact of that waste on the ecosystem and environment (into water body/soil/air)? (LO2,

Soal 2 Pencemaran Air (LO1: 10%), (LO2: 10%)

Terdapat hasil pengujian kualitas air sungai di bagian hulu dan hilir pada gambar dibawah.

Verified by,

[Maria Loura Christhia,S.T.,M.Sc.] (D6789) and sent to Department/Program on Oct

06, 2023
Page 2 of 6

a. Jelaskan analisa dari hasil sampling parameter kualitas air sungai bagian hulu dan bagian hilir yang
berada diatas baku mutu kualitas air sungai. (LO2: 10%)

b. Sebutkan sumber pencemar yang menyebabkan beberapa parameter diatas melebihi baku mutu dan
apa dampaknya terhadap lingkungan badan air sungai yang ada, bila ditinjau dari lokasi pengujian
kualitas air sungai di bagian hulu dan bagian hilir) (LO1: 10%)

There are results of river water quality testing in the upstream and downstream of the river, which can
be seen in the image below.

Verified by,

[Maria Loura Christhia,S.T.,M.Sc.] (D6789) and sent to Department/Program on Oct

06, 2023
Page 3 of 6

a. Explain the analysis of the results of sampling of the upstream and downstream river water quality
parameters which are above the river water quality standards. (LO2: 10%)

b. Explain the pollutant sources that cause some of the parameters above to exceed the quality standard
and what impact this has on the environment of the existing river water bodies, based on the location
of river water quality testing (in the upstream and downstream of the river) (LO1: 10%)

Soal 3 Pencemaran Tanah/Kerusakan Lahan (LO2: 10%), (LO4: 20%)

a. Jelaskan polutan berbahaya yang mampu mencemari tanah/kerusakan lahan. Apa dampaknya
polutan tersebut? (LO2: 10%)

Verified by,

[Maria Loura Christhia,S.T.,M.Sc.] (D6789) and sent to Department/Program on Oct

06, 2023
Page 4 of 6

b. Jelaskan contoh implementasi dari upaya pemulihan kualitas tanah/lahan yang tercemar dari
Perusahaan yang bergerak di industri pertambangan. Jelaskan proses pengolahan kualitas tanah/lahan
yang dilakukan perusahaan tersebut (LO4:, 20%)

a. Explain the pollutant that can contaminate the soil. What impact do these pollutants have on the
environment? (LO2: 10%)

b. Explain examples of implementation of efforts to restore the quality of polluted land/land from
companies engaged in the mining industry. Explain the process of soil quality restoration carried
out by the company (LO3:, 25%)

Soal 4 Waste Management and Industrial Hygiene (LO3: 25%), (LO4: 10%)

a. Apa yang dimaksud dari upaya pengelolaan sampah dengan prinsip 3R (Reduce, Reuse dan Recycle)?
(LO3: 7%)

b. Sebutkan contoh kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendaur ulang sampah kembali (Recycle)
(LO3: 8%)

c. Jelaskan proses pengolahan sampah organic dan anorganik yang saat ini banyak dilakukan di TPS
3R? Jelaskan pemanfaatan dari hasil produk pengolahan sampah tersebut? (LO3: 10%)

d. Apa upaya yang Anda lakukan secara mandiri untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah di lingkungan
tempat kerja Anda? (LO4: 10%)

a. What is the definition of waste management with the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)?
(LO3: 7%)

b. What are examples of activities that can be carried out to recycle waste (LO3: 8%)

c. Explain the process of processing organic and inorganic waste which is currently mostly carried out
at TPS 3R? Describe the utilization of the waste processing products? (LO3: 10%)

Verified by,

[Maria Loura Christhia,S.T.,M.Sc.] (D6789) and sent to Department/Program on Oct

06, 2023
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d. What activities do you do to reduce waste generation in your workplace? (LO4: 10%)

===== GOOD LUCK =====

Verified by,

[Maria Loura Christhia,S.T.,M.Sc.] (D6789) and sent to Department/Program on Oct

06, 2023
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