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Examen de ingles

Comunicación por radio

MV YASUNI : MV Tsunoda (x3). This is 112267859 MV YASUNI KAKA (X3)

MV Tsunoda: MV YASUNI (X3). This is 112911619 MV Tsunoda ACMD (X3)

• How do you read me?

I read 1/2/3/4/5 (en función del nivel de como se escuche siendo 1 la min calidad)

-I read you with signal strength 1/2/3/4/5

1= barely audible 2= poor 3= fair 4= good 5= excellent

What is your present course/position?

My course is 084º. My position is 72º(degrees)16’(minutes)44’’(seconds) N/S 160º28’21.4’’


My position is bearing 194º from … (demora), distance 12,4 miles.

I am in punta paloma

I am approaching reporting point number 2.

What is your speed?

My speed is 30 knots

What is your ETA?

At 18:00 hours UTC=/ local time=LT


a. MV ‘Casey’ on fire(after explosion).

b. No danger of explosion.

c. I am not under command.

d. I require foam

e. I require fire fighting assistance..

f. No injured persons.

g. I cannot control flooding.

h. I will send pumps.

i. MV ‘Casey’ is in condition.

j. Fire is under control.

k. I can proced without assistance.

l. MV ‘Casey’ requires medical assistence.


a. I have crashed with MV "Babieca". F I have COLLIDED with MV "Babieca"

b. Inform damage F REPORTED

c. I am not under command. T

d. MV 'Casey' can only navigate at slow speed. F MV 'Casey' PROCEED at slow speed.

e. What kind of assistance is needed? F What kind of assistance is REQUIRED

f. What part of your vessel is aground? T

g. Aground fore. F FOWARDS

h. Warning. UNCharted rocks in position 220º 46'39'' N 230º 60' 45'' W. F

i. Risk of grounding at underground water. F . Risk of grounding at LOW water.

j. Warning! Do not throw IMO-Class Cargo! F Warning! Do not JETTISON IMO-Class Cargo!

k. I hope to refloat at 12.00 h. UTC.

l. CAN you beach? T

I have dangerous/risky list to port.

b. I will transport/ transfer cargo to stop listing.

c. I am sinking/ flooding after grounding.

d. MV 'Casey' going/ proceeding to your assistance.

e. ETA at emergency/ distress position within/in two hours.

f. I am drifting/moving at 13 miles/knots to NW.

g. MV 'Starlight' was under violence/attack by pirates.

h. I have damage to navigational objects/equipment.

i. Could/can you proceed?

a) Fire is on deck
b) MV Cassey request medical assistance
c) MV... is under attack by pirates.
d) MV is aground
e) No danger of explosion
f) Number of injured persons 5
g) Crew of MV Babieca must abandon vessel after collision
h) Can MV proceed?
i) MV is adrift
j) MV is not under command
k) MV... has problems with main engine
l) MV requires tug assistance
m) MV has a list to port

n) When do you expect to refloat?

o) What is your position?

p) I have lost person overboard

a) Yes,
b) No, my EPIRB is not transmitting.
c) Wind north west force 4, visibility sea, smooth sea, heavy swell west.
d) Yes, I can proceed to distress position.
e) Number of Persons on board is 45
f) No, I will not abandon vessel.
g) Yes, I can pick up survivors

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