Textbook Revisi 1

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Lesson 3. Let’s Clean Up!


k 11

Please scan the QR code on the below, and listen to the audio about daily conversations
cleaning the room between parents and children and answer the questions below!

1. What did mom order Davit’s to do?

Answer :

2. Why did mom forget the color of the carpet in Davit's room?
Answer :

3. Where are all the piles of Davit's clothes?

Answer :

4. What did mom say if Davit didn't clean his room?

Answer :

5. Did Davit clean his room?

Answer :

k 22

Please choose one of the dialogues below, and then practice the dialogue below with your
chair mate in front of the class!

Dialogue 1

Jeni : Hey, have you ever noticed how cleaning your

room is like a mini adventure?

Riko : Haha, really? I've always seen it as a chore.

Jeni : Well, think about it. You never know what

treasures you might uncover in the depths of that
clutter. It's like an archaeological dig in your own

Riko : Treasures, huh? Last time I checked, I found a

bunch of old receipts and a missing sock.

Jeni : Okay, maybe not literal treasures, but the

satisfaction of finding something you thought was lost is
priceless. Plus, there's the whole "out with the old, in
with the new" vibe.

Riko : True. It does feel good to declutter. But,

seriously, how do you make cleaning an adventure?

Jeni : Challenge yourself! Time yourself like you're on a mission. Pretend your vacuum
is a high-tech cleaning gadget. Trust me, it makes the process a lot more fun.

Riko : Alright, I'll give it a shot. Operation Room Odyssey, here I come!

Jeni : That's the spirit! May the dust bunnies tremble in your cleaning prowess

Julia: Cleaning the classroom today?

Dialogue 2
Julio: Yeah, it's just a routine.

Julia: Think of it as a mini-mission. Who knows what's hiding in those


Julio: Doubt there's anything exciting.

Julia: True, but imagine the classroom as a blank canvas, ready for a
fresh start.

Julio: I guess.

Julia: Treat the mop like a superhero's sidekick, and the trash bin as
the arch-nemesis. It makes the routine more fun.

Julio: Operation Fresh Start, then?

Julia: Perfect! May the dust disappear in your heroic cleaning quest.

k 33

Reading the following text carefully!

Tips to Separate Rubbish

There are some tips on how to separate rubbish at home. The most simple way to
separate your rubbish is by categorizing them into two types. First, you can collect
organic rubbish. Examples of organic rubbish are food scrap, leaves, plants and soil. They
can go into the composter. They are good to use as fertilizer. Second, you should collect
non-organic rubbish. The materials that belong in this category are paper, plastic,
cardboard, metal and fabric. Before we throw them into the recycle bin, we should clean
them. Then, they can be recycled into new products. Separating rubbish is very useful to
keep our environment clean. Read the text again and have a look at the rubbish collection.
Can you separate them based on the categories?

Read the text again, and answer the questions below correctly!
1. What are the examples of organic rubbish mentioned in the text?
Answer :

2. Where should organic rubbish, such as food scraps and leaves, be collected according
to the text?
Answer :

3. Name some materials that fall into the category of non-organic rubbish as per the text.
Answer :

4. What is the suggested step before throwing non-organic rubbish into the recycle bin?
Answer :

5. According to the text, why is separating rubbish into organic and non-organic
categories considered useful for the environment?
k 44

Look at the picture below and identify the word for the pictures!

2 3

…. …. ….

4 5 6

Organic trash …. ….

k 55

After you read the text above, separate the garbage below by category!

Plastic waste
Empty can

Egg shell
Banana peel

Apple trash

k 66

Please describe the activities carried out in the picture below. At least 4 sentences

Example :
Tidying up toys is an activity involving the collection
and rearrangement of toys to make them look neat.
Children can learn about orderliness and discipline
through this activity. While tidying, they can
recognize and organize toys based on their types,
helping enhance their cognitive skills. Additionally,
tidying up toys creates a clean and safe environment
for play.
k 99

Please write an essay about cleaning activities in your home. Write your
work here.

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