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University “Goce Delčev” Štip

Faculty of philology
English language

The Importance of Being Earnest


By Marijana Delijanova
Strumica, May 2023

1. Excessively (adverb)
 Meaning - exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal
 Translation - крајно,прекумерно

2. Frantic (adjective)
 Meaning - emotionally out of control; marked by fast and nervous,
disordered, or anxiety-driven activity.
 Translation - Бесен,избезумен

3. Bunburying (noun)
 Meaning - Avoiding one's duties and responsibilities by claiming to have
appointments to see a fictitious person
 Translation - избегнување

4. Improbable (adjective)
 Meaning - unlikely to be true or to occur; also: unlikely but real or true.
 Translation - Неверојатен,невозможен

5. Guardian (noun)
 Meaning - an individual who has been given the legal responsibility to care
for a child or an adult who does not have the capacity for self-care.
 Translation – Заштитник,старател

6. Candidly (adverb)
 Meaning - in a way that is honest and true, especially about something
difficult or painful:
 Translation–искрено

7. Forte (noun)
 Meaning - a person's strong suit, or most highly developed characteristic,
talent, or skill; something that one excels in
 Translation – јака страна

8. Linen (noun/adjective)
 Meaning - linen fabric woven from flax yarns; made of linen:
 Translation – грубо платно, ленено платно

9. Propounding (verb)
 Meaning - to put forward or offer for consideration, acceptance, or
adoption; set forth; propose:
 Translation - изнесува,поднесува

10. Ailment (noun)

 Meaning - a physical disorder or illness, especially of a minor or chronic
 Translation- Заболување,болест,нерасположение

11. Expurgations(verb)
 Meaning - to amend by removing words, passages, etc., deemed
offensive or objectionable; to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.
 Translation– пречистување

12. Semi-recumbent (noun)

 Meaning - Semi-recumbent position is the elevation of the head-of-bed to
 Translation –полулегнати

13. Indecorous(Adjective)
 Meaning - not decorous; violating generally accepted standards of good
taste or propriety; unseemly.
 Translation– Неприличен,непристоен

14. Chiefly (adverb)

 Meaning - primarily, essentially or like a chief
 Translation - главно,првенствено

15. Poachers (noun )

 Meaning - a person who trespasses on private property, especially to
catch fish or game illegally.
 Translation- Криволовец,ловокрадец

16. The purple of commerce (noun phrase)

 Meaning - demands that audience understands the difference between a
man who is born into a respectable family and one who is 'self-made' by
his own efforts
 Translation – разлика помеѓу обичните луѓе и оние од позната

17. Rata bred (noun)
 Meaning - someone who is unusual in some way
 Translation - ретка раса

18. Nuisance (noun)

 Meaning - an obnoxious or annoying person, thing, condition, practice,
 Translation- напаст,непријатен и досаден човек

19. Profligate (adjective)

 Meaning - utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly
dissolute; recklessly prodigal or extravagant.
 Translation- развратен

20. Apoplexy (noun)

 Meaning - a sudden, usually marked loss of bodily function due to rupture
or occlusion of a blood vessel. Stroke a state of extreme anger.
 Translation – мозочен удар,парализа

21. Hereditary (adjective)

 Meaning - passing, or capable of passing, naturally from parent to
offspring through the genes: of or relating to inheritance or heredity:
existing by reason of feeling, opinions, or prejudices held by
 Translation - наследен,традиционален

22. Trot (verb or noun)

 Meaning - To ride a horse at a trot; the sound made by an animal when
 Translation – кас на коњ,потрчкува

23. Scrape (verb)

 Meaning - To rub against something gratingly
 Translation - Гребаница,струга

24. Indignantly (adverb)

 Meaning - with a sense of injury or strong displeasure at something
considered unjust, insulting, or offensive
 Translation - огорчено

25. Utilitarian (adjective)

 Meaning - pertaining to or consisting in utility: having regard to utility or
usefulness rather than beauty, ornamentation, etc
 Translation - практичен

26. Merriment (noun)

 Meaning - cheerful or joyful gaiety, mirth, hilarity, laughter
 Translation - веселба

27. Triviality (noun)

 Meaning - something trivial, a trivial matter, affair, remark
 Translation - секојдневие,безначајност

28. Irretrievably (adjective)

 Meaning - impossible to regain or recover
 Translation - ненаплатлив,непоправлив

29. Vacillating (adjective)

 Meaning - wavering between different opinions or actions; irresolute.
 Translation - Колеблив,неодлучен

30. Sows (noun)

 Meaning - an adult female swine;also : the adult female of various other
animals (such as a bear) : a channel that conducts molten metal to
molds. : a mass of metal solidified in such a mold
 Translation – свиња маторица

31. Reap (verb)

 Meaning - to cut with a sickle, scythe, or reaping machine. (2) : to clear of
a crop by reaping. : to gather by reaping : harvest
 Translation – добива плод, има корист

32. Mislaid (verb)

 Meaning - unintentionally put (an object) where it cannot readily be found
and so lose it temporarily.
 Translation- Заблудени

33. Metallic (adjective or noun)

 Meaning - relating to or resembling metal or metals; apaint, fabric, or
colour with a metallic sheen.
 Translation - Кован,метален,остар

34. Salver (noun)
 Meaning - a tray, typically one made of silver and used in formal
 Translation - послужавник

35. Inexcusable (adjective)

 Meaning - it cannot be justified or tolerated because it is extremely bad.
 Translation - Неоправдан,непростлив

36. Buttonhole (verb)

 Meaning - attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation,
typically against their will.
 Translation– здодева

37. Snare (Noun or verb)
 Meaning - a trap for catching birds or mammals, typically one having a
noose of wire or cord;catch (a bird or mammal) in a snare.
 Translation - Замка,фаќа во стапица

38. Womanthrope (noun)
 Meaning - someone who hates women; a misogynist.
 Translation - антифеминист

39. Interment (noun)

 Meaning - the burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb, typically with
funeral rites.
 Translation - Погребување

40. Susceptible (adjective)

 Meaning - likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular
thing.capable or admitting of.
 Translation - Подложни

41. Convulsively (adverb)

 Meaning - in a way that is sudden and impossible to control.
 Translation – Грчовито,конвулзивно

42. Scoundrel (noun)

 Meaning - a person, especially a man, who treats other people very badly
and has no moral principlesa disreputable person : rascal.
 Translation - Никаквец,подлец

43. Portmanteaus (noun)
 Meaning - a large travelling bag, typically made of stiff leather and
opening into two equal parts.
 Translation - кожен куфер

44. Equanimity (noun)

 Meaning - a calm mental state, especially after
a shock or disappointment or in a difficult situation:
 Translation - рамнодушност,спокојност

45. Bangle (noun)

 Meaning - a ring of stiff plastic, metal, etc. worn around
the wrist or arm as jewellery
 Translation – белезгија

46. Chafe (verb)

 Meaning - to make or become damaged or sore by rubbing:
 Translation - разлабавеност

47. Scornful (adjective)

 Meaning - showing or feeling scorn for someone or something:
 Translation - презрив

48. Ghastly (adjective)

 Meaning - unpleasant and shocking:
 Translation - Грозно,застрашувачки

49. Repentance (Noun)

 Meaning - the fact of showing that you are very sorry for
something bad you have done in the past, and wish that you had not
done it:
 Translation - каење

50. Effrontery(noun)
 Meaning - extreme rudeness without
any ability to understand that your behaviour is not acceptable to
other people:
 Translation - Безобразност,безобѕирност

51. Credulity (noun)
 Meaning - willingness to believe that something
is real or true, especially when this is unlikely
 Translation - лекомисленост

52. Mercenary (adjective)

 Meaning - interested only in the amount of money that you can get from
a situation
 Translation - користољубив

53. Ostentatiously (adverb)

 Meaning - in a way that is very obvious and is an attempt to
make people notice you, especially to notice your money or expensive po
 Translation- наметливо

54. Tutelage (noun)

 Meaning - help, advice, or teaching about how to do something:
 Translation - подучувањестарателство

55. Pew-opener (noun)

 Meaning - An usher in a church.
Translation – Воведник во црква

56. Vestry (noun )

 Meaning - a room in a church, especially one in which priests and
the group of people who sing in church put on
the special clothes they wear for church ceremonies, and in which things
used in church ceremonies are sometimes kept
 Translation - сакристија

57. Secular (adjective)

 Meaning - not having any connection with religion
 Translation- нецрковно,световен

58. Perambulator (noun)

 Meaning - Push-chair, baby carriage
 Translation – бебешка количка

59. Noble (adjective)

 Meaning - moral in an honest, brave, and kind way
 Translation - благороден, аристократ
60. Artistically ( adverb)
 Meaning - as regards art or artists, from an artistic point of view; in an
aesthetically pleasing way
 Translation - уметнички

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