Orata 1

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Dela Cruz, Rhizlyn Cassandra B.



Submitted to: Mr. Sony Soriano, PhD


Activity 1.1
For me, it is still relevant today because we all have the right to study,
and it is our own decision whether we will study hard. Through this study, we
gain all our knowledge about everything. On the other hand, some people
choose to become entrepreneurs because of their independence, passion for
their idea or product, and the opportunity for financial growth. But on my end,
education is important because I want my parents to be proud of me, and
through education, I will succeed. I want to gain knowledge through
education, and for that, I will become a successful person and a better version
of myself. I believe education is more important than anything else, and we all
deserve an education, whether we are from rural or urban areas.


Activating Prior Knowledge:

1. It was founded in 1966 by Dr. Pedro T. Orata, a world-renowned educator
and Ramon Magsaysay awardee, as the Urdaneta Community College (UCC).
2. The school was established to provide education to knowledge-hungry
youth and young adults and is considered to be one of the first community
college in the Philippines.
3. As the first community college in the Philippines, UCU, formerly known as
the City Colleges of Urdaneta (CCU) and Urdaneta Community College
4. Noteworthy was the contribution of Dr. Leoncio Ancheta, first dean of UCC
who assisted Dr. Orata in laying the groundwork for the College’s formal
5. The College started with an enrolment of one hundred forty-four (144)
students who came from the rural areas.

Activity 2.1
Module Quiz

A. True or False
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False

B. Multiple Choice
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D

Activity 3.1
Taking Stock
1. Integrity: I uphold integrity by consistently being honest, even in
challenging situations. For instance, when a colleague made an error on a
project, I openly addressed the mistake and collaborated on finding a solution
rather than concealing it.

2. Resilience: My resilience shines through my ability to bounce back from

setbacks. After facing a professional challenge, I invested time in learning new
skills and successfully tackled a similar task, demonstrating your resilience
and commitment to growth.

3. Empathy: I embody empathy by actively listening and understanding

others. In a recent team meeting, I took the time to acknowledge a colleague’s
concerns, demonstrating compassion and creating a supportive work

4. Accountability: I exhibit accountability by taking ownership of my actions.

When a deadline approached faster than anticipated, I communicated
proactively with the team, accepted responsibility, and worked collaboratively
to adjust priorities, showcasing my accountability.

5. Collaboration: My dedication to collaboration is evident in how I actively

seek and value input from team members. During a recent project, I initiated
regular brainstorming sessions, encouraging everyone to contribute ideas,
fostering a collaborative environment that ultimately led to a more
comprehensive and successful outcome.

1. Time Management: Developing better time management skills can enhance
my productivity and help you achieve a healthier work-life balance.

2. Critical Thinking: Strengthening my critical thinking skills will empower

myselft to analyze situations more objectively and make well-informed

3. Continuous Learning: Cultivating a mindset of continuous learning ensures

that I stay adaptable and relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Activity 3.3
Module Quiz
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A

Activity 4.1
Module Quiz
1. D 6. C
2. J 7. H
3. E 8. B
4. G 9. A
5. K 10. F


Activity 5.2
Module Quiz
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False

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