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Bringing History Into Accord With the Facts in the Tradition of Dr.

Harry Elmer Barnes

The Barnes Review



Survivors of Atlantis: prisoner who actually existed. It is easy to forget that this story,
Their Impact on World Culture made famous by Alexandre Dumas, is that of a real person, Eu-
stache Dauger, who spent more than 30 years in the prisons of
Ancient Indian tradition speaks of fair-skinned mariners who Louis XIV. This is the true story of this mystery man and his
“dug out the shiny bones” of the Earth Mother. Plato, mean- journey through four prisons and decades of time. It details
while, recorded that “Atlanteans” had an exceptionally high those who shared his imprisonment, his jailers, those who decided
grade of copper no longer available in his time. Author Frank his fate—and why they viewed him as a threat. We see what life
Joseph argues that the real copper miners were survivors of a was like for state prisoners, why this man was arrested and why
great cataclysm and that the destruction of an advanced ancient his story would become one of France’s most intriguing legends.
culture by war and natural causes brought about the end of Hardback, 352 pages, #945, $29.
the Bronze Age. Survivors dispersed from their former empire
into Europe, the Near East and North and South America. America Before: The Key
Survivors of Atlantis provides an in-depth study of the four
great cosmic catastrophes and how this quartet of natural dis- to Earth’s Lost Civilization
asters was followed by mass migrations recorded by the Incas, Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm
Kelts, Greeks and Aztecs. Where science meets mythology, a that ended the last Ice Age? Bestselling author Graham Hancock
common thread is exposed: the legendary Atlantis. Softcover, has made it his life’s work to find out. Hancock draws on the
280 pages, #943, $16. latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a
stunning conclusion—one that could change the timeline of his-
Patriot or Traitor: The Life tory. We’ve been taught that North and South America were
and Death of Sir Walter Ralegh empty of humans until around 13,000 years ago. New discoveries
Sir Walter Ralegh—heroic, courageous, gifted, grasping, a poet, have radically reshaped this stale narrative. We now know that
politician and spy, an explorer, dreamer and schemer, an iconic the Americas were peopled more than 130,000 years ago. Han-
Renaissance man—lived an amazing life. He rose to become cock’s research takes us on a scientific journey from the Mississippi
Queen Elizabeth’s favorite, only to be charged with treason by Valley to the Amazon rainforest and reveals that ancient “New
her successor. Less than a year after the death of Elizabeth I, World” cultures share a legacy of advanced knowledge and spir-
Ralegh was in the Tower of London, watching as the scene was itual beliefs with supposedly unconnected “Old World” cultures.
set for his own execution. Patriot or Traitor tells the dramatic Have archaeologists focused for too long only on the Old World
story of his rise and fall. It is a beautifully written and researched in their search for the origins of civilization? Hancock offers
compelling proof from across the Americas that will make you

biography. Here is a fresh perspective on one of the most colorful
and controversial characters of his age. Historian Anna Beer wonder. Softcover, 608 pages, #949, $20.
brings Ralegh to life as never before with colorful detail and
astute interpretation as we follow Ralegh’s dramatic rise and dis- Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off
astrous fall. Softcover, 336 pages, #946, $18. prices above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S. add
$5 on orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from $50.01 to
The Man in the Iron Mask:
The True Story of Europe’s Most Famous Prisoner
By Josephine Wilkinson. Here’s a thrilling adventure story, a
$100. Add $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200. Add $20 on
orders from $200.01 to $300. Over $300, email Sales@Barnes or call 202-547-5586 for best S&H rates or for
foreign shipping rates. Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White
Nazi Pogrom or False Flag?
glamorous and all-powerful king, ambitious ministers, a cruel Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-
and despotic jailor, dark and sinister dungeons—and a secret Thu., 8-4 ET. See also
New! Race and Racial
Differences: A Handbook
for the 21st Century
How DNA Shapes Mankind Into Seven Major Races
Secret History of the Wild, Wild West: Outlaws, to make it a very worthwhile gift for a history professor,
The first honest, updated DNA/ revealing the exact genes and SNPs— Secret Societies & the Hidden Agenda of the Elites student or free-thinking young scholar. Find out about the
geneological study done on the by name and location in the chromo- biggest mistake the Ford Motor Co. ever made, why Eleanor
Drawing on his great-great-grandfather’s secret diaries, Roosevelt opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, the No.
human race in 50 years. With 64 somes—which determine the physical Daniel J. Duke unravels the hidden history of the Wild
differences we see before us as racial 1 bestselling American book of all time that was written in
photographs, 16 illustrations, West to expose the outlaws, politicians and secret societies one day, the bad investment the Dutch made when they
seven maps, six tables, and 11 types. who were pulling strings behind the scenes. He examines
Then the process whereby these bought Manhattan, how two young girls aimed to become
explanatory charts. Jesse James’s close ties with notorious outlaws like Johnny first lady—and did, plus dozens more little-known facts
genes are unequally distributed among Ringo, Jesse Evans and Billy the Kid. He demonstrates how about American history you may not know. Organized into
the seven major regions is discussed— Jesse faked his own death and lived out his life under an
By Arthur Kemp B.A. 10 thematic chapters, the book plumbs American history’s
and how this differentiated genetic dis- alias, and how Billy the Kid did the same. He also details least-known and sometimes shocking twists. Softcover, 432
tribution has created different races. how both Jesse and Billy continued their work for the

pages, #950, $20.
ace is real, it is biological in na- In this way, the genes which are re- nameless organization after their faked deaths. Also explores
ture, and it is shaped and deter- sponsible for eye color, hair color, hair how Jesse was related, by blood or marriage, to many pow-
erful people including Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman.
The Spy Who Changed History: The Untold Story
mined by genetics alone. This texture, skull shape, facial features,
book is the first to conclusively show skeletal structure and, finally, psychology Softcover, 208 pages, #944, $17. of How the Soviets Stole America’s Top Secrets
exactly how races are physically and and intelligence are all individually
War on the Border: Villa, Pershing, the Svetlana Lokhova takes us on a thrilling journey through
psychologically shaped by individual named, leaving no doubt as to the ge- Josef Stalin’s most audacious intelligence operation. In Sep-
genes. netic basis of race. Texas Rangers & an American Invasion
tember 1931, Soviet spy Stanislav Shumovsky walked off the
Using data and references from The seven different races are then Jeff Guinn tells the riveting narrative of Pancho Villa’s SS Europa and into New York, concealed in a group of 65
dozens of highly reputable scientists named. Then, in a first for this century, bloody raid on a U.S. border town that sparked a violent Soviet students. Stalin had sent him to acquire U.S. secrets
and journals, this fully referenced work these seven major races—and all their conflict with the U.S.A. The “Punitive Expedition” was to help close the USSR’s massive technology gap. The road
starts with an overview of the develop- subgroups—are reviewed in an illustrated launched in retaliation under Gen. John J. Pershing and to victory began in the classrooms and laboratories of MIT.
ment of the study of race, from the and autosomal DNA. When these three racial typology section which lays bare brought together the Army, National Guard and the Texas Using information gleaned from this mission, the USSR
earliest times up to the very latest ad- components are plotted according to the vast genetic diversity of mankind. Rangers—who were little more than organized vigilantes transformed itself into a military powerhouse able to defeat
vancements in DNA analysis. their geographic locations, they dra- Finally, the book ends with a defin- at the time. Opposing this brigade was Pancho Villa, a Hitler’s Germany. Later, other MIT-trained Soviet spies would
From there, it provides a compre- matically divide into seven distinct re- itive, fact-based, refutation of the five guerrilla fighter who commanded a motley force of con- acquire the secrets of the Manhattan Project. Lokhova pieces
hensive yet easily understandable scripts in Mexico. Curtiss Jenny airplanes did reconnaissance, together every aspect of Shumovsky’s life using American
gions. Each region clusters according major race-denial claims.
another first. But, despite some bloody encounters, the ex- and Russian archives—and offers a lesson on how America’s
overview of how human DNA works, to genetic similarity—the classic defi- There is literally no other book on pedition eventually withdrew without capturing Villa. Today, secrets get stolen. Hardback, 496 pages, #947, $30.
which is vital to any understanding of nition of race. the topic of race like this in the world. the U.S.-Mexico border remains as vexed and volatile as
how genes, at a Single Nucleotide Poly- This science of genetic clustering is It is a handbook on race, DNA, and ever. Hardback, 368 pages, #941, $28.
morphism (SNP) level, are responsible used by all the “home DNA testing racial typology for the 21st Century. Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off
for shaping individuals. kit” companies to provide “ancestry Softcover, 194 pages, #959, $22 prices above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S.
American History Revised: 200 Startling Facts add $5 on orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from
When large numbers of people share and origin” results. It provides un- minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus That Never Made It Into the Textbooks
similar SNPs, they form distinct groups $50.01 to $100. Add $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200.
equivocal proof of the biological exis- $5 S&H inside the United States from
which manifest themselves as “races.” Author Seymour Morris Jr. colorfully illustrates—via the Add $20 on orders from $200.01 to $300. Over $300,
tence of race, and definitively destroys The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 550,
200 historical vignettes that make up this book—that much email or call 202-547-5586 for best
Human DNA is made up of three any claims that race is a “social con- White Plains, MD 20695. Call toll free
of our nation’s past is quite different—and far more re- S&H rates or for foreign shipping rates. Order from TBR,
major components: Y-chromosomes, struct.” at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.- markable—than we thought. Though we do not necessarily P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call TBR toll free
mtDNA (which is inherited unchanged This work builds on the seven re- Thu. 8-4 ET or purchase online at agree 100% with every single conclusion contained in the at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-Thu., 8-4 ET. You may
through the male and female lines), gions reality by probing deeper and 200 tales presented, it is loaded with enough REAL history also purchase at
New! Race and Racial
Differences: A Handbook
for the 21st Century
How DNA Shapes Mankind Into Seven Major Races
Secret History of the Wild, Wild West: Outlaws, to make it a very worthwhile gift for a history professor,
The first honest, updated DNA/ revealing the exact genes and SNPs— Secret Societies & the Hidden Agenda of the Elites student or free-thinking young scholar. Find out about the
geneological study done on the by name and location in the chromo- biggest mistake the Ford Motor Co. ever made, why Eleanor
Drawing on his great-great-grandfather’s secret diaries, Roosevelt opposed the Equal Rights Amendment, the No.
human race in 50 years. With 64 somes—which determine the physical Daniel J. Duke unravels the hidden history of the Wild
differences we see before us as racial 1 bestselling American book of all time that was written in
photographs, 16 illustrations, West to expose the outlaws, politicians and secret societies one day, the bad investment the Dutch made when they
seven maps, six tables, and 11 types. who were pulling strings behind the scenes. He examines
Then the process whereby these bought Manhattan, how two young girls aimed to become
explanatory charts. Jesse James’s close ties with notorious outlaws like Johnny first lady—and did, plus dozens more little-known facts
genes are unequally distributed among Ringo, Jesse Evans and Billy the Kid. He demonstrates how about American history you may not know. Organized into
the seven major regions is discussed— Jesse faked his own death and lived out his life under an
By Arthur Kemp B.A. 10 thematic chapters, the book plumbs American history’s
and how this differentiated genetic dis- alias, and how Billy the Kid did the same. He also details least-known and sometimes shocking twists. Softcover, 432
tribution has created different races. how both Jesse and Billy continued their work for the

pages, #950, $20.
ace is real, it is biological in na- In this way, the genes which are re- nameless organization after their faked deaths. Also explores
ture, and it is shaped and deter- sponsible for eye color, hair color, hair how Jesse was related, by blood or marriage, to many pow-
erful people including Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman.
The Spy Who Changed History: The Untold Story
mined by genetics alone. This texture, skull shape, facial features,
book is the first to conclusively show skeletal structure and, finally, psychology Softcover, 208 pages, #944, $17. of How the Soviets Stole America’s Top Secrets
exactly how races are physically and and intelligence are all individually
War on the Border: Villa, Pershing, the Svetlana Lokhova takes us on a thrilling journey through
psychologically shaped by individual named, leaving no doubt as to the ge- Josef Stalin’s most audacious intelligence operation. In Sep-
genes. netic basis of race. Texas Rangers & an American Invasion
tember 1931, Soviet spy Stanislav Shumovsky walked off the
Using data and references from The seven different races are then Jeff Guinn tells the riveting narrative of Pancho Villa’s SS Europa and into New York, concealed in a group of 65
dozens of highly reputable scientists named. Then, in a first for this century, bloody raid on a U.S. border town that sparked a violent Soviet students. Stalin had sent him to acquire U.S. secrets
and journals, this fully referenced work these seven major races—and all their conflict with the U.S.A. The “Punitive Expedition” was to help close the USSR’s massive technology gap. The road
starts with an overview of the develop- subgroups—are reviewed in an illustrated launched in retaliation under Gen. John J. Pershing and to victory began in the classrooms and laboratories of MIT.
ment of the study of race, from the and autosomal DNA. When these three racial typology section which lays bare brought together the Army, National Guard and the Texas Using information gleaned from this mission, the USSR
earliest times up to the very latest ad- components are plotted according to the vast genetic diversity of mankind. Rangers—who were little more than organized vigilantes transformed itself into a military powerhouse able to defeat
vancements in DNA analysis. their geographic locations, they dra- Finally, the book ends with a defin- at the time. Opposing this brigade was Pancho Villa, a Hitler’s Germany. Later, other MIT-trained Soviet spies would
From there, it provides a compre- matically divide into seven distinct re- itive, fact-based, refutation of the five guerrilla fighter who commanded a motley force of con- acquire the secrets of the Manhattan Project. Lokhova pieces
hensive yet easily understandable scripts in Mexico. Curtiss Jenny airplanes did reconnaissance, together every aspect of Shumovsky’s life using American
gions. Each region clusters according major race-denial claims.
another first. But, despite some bloody encounters, the ex- and Russian archives—and offers a lesson on how America’s
overview of how human DNA works, to genetic similarity—the classic defi- There is literally no other book on pedition eventually withdrew without capturing Villa. Today, secrets get stolen. Hardback, 496 pages, #947, $30.
which is vital to any understanding of nition of race. the topic of race like this in the world. the U.S.-Mexico border remains as vexed and volatile as
how genes, at a Single Nucleotide Poly- This science of genetic clustering is It is a handbook on race, DNA, and ever. Hardback, 368 pages, #941, $28.
morphism (SNP) level, are responsible used by all the “home DNA testing racial typology for the 21st Century. Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off
for shaping individuals. kit” companies to provide “ancestry Softcover, 194 pages, #959, $22 prices above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S.
American History Revised: 200 Startling Facts add $5 on orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from
When large numbers of people share and origin” results. It provides un- minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus That Never Made It Into the Textbooks
similar SNPs, they form distinct groups $50.01 to $100. Add $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200.
equivocal proof of the biological exis- $5 S&H inside the United States from
which manifest themselves as “races.” Author Seymour Morris Jr. colorfully illustrates—via the Add $20 on orders from $200.01 to $300. Over $300,
tence of race, and definitively destroys The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 550,
200 historical vignettes that make up this book—that much email or call 202-547-5586 for best
Human DNA is made up of three any claims that race is a “social con- White Plains, MD 20695. Call toll free
of our nation’s past is quite different—and far more re- S&H rates or for foreign shipping rates. Order from TBR,
major components: Y-chromosomes, struct.” at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.- markable—than we thought. Though we do not necessarily P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call TBR toll free
mtDNA (which is inherited unchanged This work builds on the seven re- Thu. 8-4 ET or purchase online at agree 100% with every single conclusion contained in the at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-Thu., 8-4 ET. You may
through the male and female lines), gions reality by probing deeper and 200 tales presented, it is loaded with enough REAL history also purchase at

A History of the World

in 100 Animals—in color
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nating exploration of the 100 an-
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Now I Know: The Soviets Invaded Wisconsin?! Lawbreaking Ladies: 50 Tales of Daring, Defiant man possibilities” thanks to the oil made from • Camel
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Outlandish accusations or outlandish crimes?
The court trials, evidence and witness accounts . . .


Stalin’s War: A New History of WWII Classic Essays on the Jewish Question: 1850 to 1945
Sean McMeekin reveals how Stalin —not Hitler—was the driving Uncensored essays from such well-known figures as Richard Wagner,
force of WWII in this major new history. WWII endures in the Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Theodor Fritsch to virtual unknowns like
popular imagination as a heroic struggle between good and evil, Frederick Millingen and Wilhelm Marr discuss the most taboo
with villainous Hitler driving events. But Hitler was not in power subject of all. Their words are potent, compelling and “racist.”
when the conflict erupted in Asia—and he was dead before it ended. Now, for the first time, 16 classic essays on this issue are compiled
His armies did not fight in multiple theaters, did not span the into a single volume. These essays are difficult to find, even in the Jewish Ritual Murder: An Anthology —Volume 1 The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky
Eurasian continent, and he did not inherit any of the spoils of war. internet age, for obvious reasons. These kinds of essays are not only Volume One of the two-volume JEWISH RITUAL MURDER AN- By G.G. Zamyslovsky. Shortly before World War I, the Russian
Those belonged to Stalin. Drawing on new research in international frowned upon in America, several states are pushing for an outright THOLOGY SERIES begins with Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer Special Empire was shaken by the brutal murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, a
archives, Stalin’s War revolutionizes our understanding of this global ban if not future criminalization for those writing or distributing Ritual Murder issue and continues with Cardinal Lorenzo Gan- 13-year-old boy whose exsanguinated body, bearing all the traces
conflict by moving its epicenter to the east. McMeekin shows the them. In Europe, as we all know, dozens of nations have passed ganelli’s Report, Walsh’s Isabella of Spain, Neophytos’s A Testimony of ritual murder, was found in March 1911 on the outskirts of
war that emerged in Europe in 1939 was the one Stalin wanted, laws making open discussion of this issue a criminal offense. When of Ritual Murder and I.I. Lyutostansky’s On the Use of Christian Kiev. The ensuing trial, held in the autumn of 1913, attracted wide
not Hitler. So, too, did the Pacific war of 1941-1945 fulfill Stalin’s found, these essays are almost always incomplete. When found com- Blood by the Jews, with a few smaller items of interest. Volume One: attention not only in Russia but also in Europe—and even the
goal of unleashing a war between Japan and the “Anglo-Saxon” plete, they are poorly translated and edited. The aim of the present Softcover, 467 pages, #933, indexed, $30. United States. Mendel Beilis was the ony defendant. Although he
capitalist powers. Hardback, 864 pages, #927, $40. book is to alleviate this shortcoming and to offer full information was acquitted by the jury, the same verdict also insisted it was a
Mass Murder at Katyn so readers can decide for themselves if the authors contained herein Jewish Ritual Murder: An Anthology—Volume 2 ritual murder, one committed in a Jewish brick factory. Also included
are blazing “anti-Semites” or actually have a reasonable cause for Volume Two of the two-volume JEWISH RITUAL MURDER AN- in the book is the expert opinion of Roman Catholic priest I.B.
Here is the first-ever full English translation of the complete forensic Pranaitis. Softcover, 486 pages, #940, $35.
concern. Softcover, 370 pages, #931, $23. THOLOGY SERIES contains: My Irrelevant Defence by Arnold Spencer
report by the German government detailing the mass murder of
Polish citizens by the USSR’s secret police in Katyn Forest, originally Leese, A Short Demurrer by William Prynne (1600-1669), two ar-
Jewish Freemasonry ticles from La Civiltà Cattolica, a fragment from The Brothers The Life & Miracles of St. William of Norwich
published in 1943. Dismissed as “propaganda” and ignored for
nearly 50 years, this report was accurate, and, if anything, an under- By Édouard Drumont & Nicolae Paulescu. Introduction by Dr. Karamazov by Dostoyevsky, Murdered by Jews by Desportes—an Was an innocent boy in 12th-century England brutally murdered
statement of the Bolshevik crimes. The report starts with the dis- Alexander Jacob. The two principal anti-Masonic texts presented in account of the murder of a Christian boy in Damascus—and two by bloodthirsty fanatics? This book is the full manuscript of Bene-
covery of the mass graves and then produces a series of eyewitness this edition shed some light on the Jewish origins and ambitions of articles by Harold Covington. The volume concludes with a trans- dictine monk Thomas of Monmouth who, in A.D. 1173, chronicled
accounts of the captive Poles being transported to the site of the the Freemasonic organization. The first of the texts is taken from lation of Jewish Ritual Crime by Albert Monniot. Volume Two: the murder of William of Norwich. Thomas claimed William, a
executions. Next, the reader is given a thorough account of the en- the French journalist Édouard Drumont’s famous work on the Jews Softcover, 424 pages, #934, $30. 12-year-old tanner’s apprentice, had been ritually murdered by
vironment and its effect upon buried bodies—this establishes the La France Juive: Essai d’histoire contemporain, 2 vols. (1886) while Both JRM ANTHOLOGY VOLUMES as a Set: $50—#935. Jews in contempt of the Christian faith. It’s the first such account,
time of death—before providing postmortem studies. These post- the second is from the Romanian scientist and political activist Nico- specifically that of Jewish ritual murder of a child, in the historical
mortem reports—carried out by an unbiased international team of lae Paulescu’s The Hospital, the Koran, the Talmud, the Kahal and A Memorandum on Ritual Murders record. This edition is complete and unabridged as translated by
doctors, overseen by the Red Cross and Allied POWs—revealed Freemasonry (1913). Both authors discuss the contrast between the Cambridge academicians Jessopp & James in 1896. Softcover, 170
One of the most famous ritual murder trials occurred in the Russian pages, indexed, #939, $20.
that the victims had each been executed with a single shot to the “Jewish character” of the Masonic ethos and the social doctrines of town of Velizh in the early 19th century after the mutilated and
back of the head. The next section details the Allied response to the the Catholic Church. The authors allege a prime goal of Masonry exsanguinated corpse of a little Christian boy had been found in ———
revelations: The false claim that they had been committed by the has always been to replace Christianity as a political force in the the forest. Although the Jewish culprits would be eventually ac- Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off prices
Germans. Softcover, 290 pages, 8.5” x 11” format, #929, $28. West. Softcover, 136 pages, #928, $15. quitted, the ritual nature of the murder would still be firmly estab- above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S. add $5 on
lished. That trial is described in detail, along with many other cases orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from $50.01 to $100. Add
Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off prices above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S. add $5 on of ritual murder. Written in 1844 by V.I. Dal, famed for his mam- $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200. Add $20 on orders from
orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from $50.01 to $100. Add $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200. Add $20 on orders from moth explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Dal told the $200.01 to $300. Over $300, email or
$200.01 to $300. Over $300, email or call 202-547-5586 for best S&H rates or for foreign shipping rates. truth here because no one could censor him. In czarist Russia, one call 202-547-5586 for best S&H rates or for foreign shipping rates.
Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call TBR toll free at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-Thu., 8-4 ET. could speak freely on this subject, which is no longer the case in Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call
You may also purchase at the present-day “democratic” Russian Federation. Softcover, 141 TBR toll free at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-Thu., 8-4 ET.
pages, indexed, #937, $20. You may also purchase at
Bringing History Into Accord With the Facts in the Tradition of Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes

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stache Dauger, who spent more than 30 years in the prisons of
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while, recorded that “Atlanteans” had an exceptionally high those who shared his imprisonment, his jailers, those who decided
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Joseph argues that the real copper miners were survivors of a was like for state prisoners, why this man was arrested and why
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the Bronze Age. Survivors dispersed from their former empire
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Sir Walter Ralegh—heroic, courageous, gifted, grasping, a poet, have radically reshaped this stale narrative. We now know that
politician and spy, an explorer, dreamer and schemer, an iconic the Americas were peopled more than 130,000 years ago. Han-
Renaissance man—lived an amazing life. He rose to become cock’s research takes us on a scientific journey from the Mississippi
Queen Elizabeth’s favorite, only to be charged with treason by Valley to the Amazon rainforest and reveals that ancient “New
her successor. Less than a year after the death of Elizabeth I, World” cultures share a legacy of advanced knowledge and spir-
Ralegh was in the Tower of London, watching as the scene was itual beliefs with supposedly unconnected “Old World” cultures.
set for his own execution. Patriot or Traitor tells the dramatic Have archaeologists focused for too long only on the Old World
story of his rise and fall. It is a beautifully written and researched in their search for the origins of civilization? Hancock offers
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biography. Here is a fresh perspective on one of the most colorful
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brings Ralegh to life as never before with colorful detail and
astute interpretation as we follow Ralegh’s dramatic rise and dis- Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off
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orders from $200.01 to $300. Over $300, email Sales@Barnes or call 202-547-5586 for best S&H rates or for
foreign shipping rates. Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White
Nazi Pogrom or False Flag?
glamorous and all-powerful king, ambitious ministers, a cruel Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-
and despotic jailor, dark and sinister dungeons—and a secret Thu., 8-4 ET. See also

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Ewald has vanished into obscurity. There are no other English- with experts at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and elsewhere, for example, was responsible for the United $40 minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus $5 • Locust
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Outlandish accusations or outlandish crimes?
The court trials, evidence and witness accounts . . .


Stalin’s War: A New History of WWII Classic Essays on the Jewish Question: 1850 to 1945
Sean McMeekin reveals how Stalin —not Hitler—was the driving Uncensored essays from such well-known figures as Richard Wagner,
force of WWII in this major new history. WWII endures in the Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Theodor Fritsch to virtual unknowns like
popular imagination as a heroic struggle between good and evil, Frederick Millingen and Wilhelm Marr discuss the most taboo
with villainous Hitler driving events. But Hitler was not in power subject of all. Their words are potent, compelling and “racist.”
when the conflict erupted in Asia—and he was dead before it ended. Now, for the first time, 16 classic essays on this issue are compiled
His armies did not fight in multiple theaters, did not span the into a single volume. These essays are difficult to find, even in the Jewish Ritual Murder: An Anthology —Volume 1 The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky
Eurasian continent, and he did not inherit any of the spoils of war. internet age, for obvious reasons. These kinds of essays are not only Volume One of the two-volume JEWISH RITUAL MURDER AN- By G.G. Zamyslovsky. Shortly before World War I, the Russian
Those belonged to Stalin. Drawing on new research in international frowned upon in America, several states are pushing for an outright THOLOGY SERIES begins with Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer Special Empire was shaken by the brutal murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, a
archives, Stalin’s War revolutionizes our understanding of this global ban if not future criminalization for those writing or distributing Ritual Murder issue and continues with Cardinal Lorenzo Gan- 13-year-old boy whose exsanguinated body, bearing all the traces
conflict by moving its epicenter to the east. McMeekin shows the them. In Europe, as we all know, dozens of nations have passed ganelli’s Report, Walsh’s Isabella of Spain, Neophytos’s A Testimony of ritual murder, was found in March 1911 on the outskirts of
war that emerged in Europe in 1939 was the one Stalin wanted, laws making open discussion of this issue a criminal offense. When of Ritual Murder and I.I. Lyutostansky’s On the Use of Christian Kiev. The ensuing trial, held in the autumn of 1913, attracted wide
not Hitler. So, too, did the Pacific war of 1941-1945 fulfill Stalin’s found, these essays are almost always incomplete. When found com- Blood by the Jews, with a few smaller items of interest. Volume One: attention not only in Russia but also in Europe—and even the
goal of unleashing a war between Japan and the “Anglo-Saxon” plete, they are poorly translated and edited. The aim of the present Softcover, 467 pages, #933, indexed, $30. United States. Mendel Beilis was the ony defendant. Although he
capitalist powers. Hardback, 864 pages, #927, $40. book is to alleviate this shortcoming and to offer full information was acquitted by the jury, the same verdict also insisted it was a
Mass Murder at Katyn so readers can decide for themselves if the authors contained herein Jewish Ritual Murder: An Anthology—Volume 2 ritual murder, one committed in a Jewish brick factory. Also included
are blazing “anti-Semites” or actually have a reasonable cause for Volume Two of the two-volume JEWISH RITUAL MURDER AN- in the book is the expert opinion of Roman Catholic priest I.B.
Here is the first-ever full English translation of the complete forensic Pranaitis. Softcover, 486 pages, #940, $35.
concern. Softcover, 370 pages, #931, $23. THOLOGY SERIES contains: My Irrelevant Defence by Arnold Spencer
report by the German government detailing the mass murder of
Polish citizens by the USSR’s secret police in Katyn Forest, originally Leese, A Short Demurrer by William Prynne (1600-1669), two ar-
Jewish Freemasonry ticles from La Civiltà Cattolica, a fragment from The Brothers The Life & Miracles of St. William of Norwich
published in 1943. Dismissed as “propaganda” and ignored for
nearly 50 years, this report was accurate, and, if anything, an under- By Édouard Drumont & Nicolae Paulescu. Introduction by Dr. Karamazov by Dostoyevsky, Murdered by Jews by Desportes—an Was an innocent boy in 12th-century England brutally murdered
statement of the Bolshevik crimes. The report starts with the dis- Alexander Jacob. The two principal anti-Masonic texts presented in account of the murder of a Christian boy in Damascus—and two by bloodthirsty fanatics? This book is the full manuscript of Bene-
covery of the mass graves and then produces a series of eyewitness this edition shed some light on the Jewish origins and ambitions of articles by Harold Covington. The volume concludes with a trans- dictine monk Thomas of Monmouth who, in A.D. 1173, chronicled
accounts of the captive Poles being transported to the site of the the Freemasonic organization. The first of the texts is taken from lation of Jewish Ritual Crime by Albert Monniot. Volume Two: the murder of William of Norwich. Thomas claimed William, a
executions. Next, the reader is given a thorough account of the en- the French journalist Édouard Drumont’s famous work on the Jews Softcover, 424 pages, #934, $30. 12-year-old tanner’s apprentice, had been ritually murdered by
vironment and its effect upon buried bodies—this establishes the La France Juive: Essai d’histoire contemporain, 2 vols. (1886) while Both JRM ANTHOLOGY VOLUMES as a Set: $50—#935. Jews in contempt of the Christian faith. It’s the first such account,
time of death—before providing postmortem studies. These post- the second is from the Romanian scientist and political activist Nico- specifically that of Jewish ritual murder of a child, in the historical
mortem reports—carried out by an unbiased international team of lae Paulescu’s The Hospital, the Koran, the Talmud, the Kahal and A Memorandum on Ritual Murders record. This edition is complete and unabridged as translated by
doctors, overseen by the Red Cross and Allied POWs—revealed Freemasonry (1913). Both authors discuss the contrast between the Cambridge academicians Jessopp & James in 1896. Softcover, 170
One of the most famous ritual murder trials occurred in the Russian pages, indexed, #939, $20.
that the victims had each been executed with a single shot to the “Jewish character” of the Masonic ethos and the social doctrines of town of Velizh in the early 19th century after the mutilated and
back of the head. The next section details the Allied response to the the Catholic Church. The authors allege a prime goal of Masonry exsanguinated corpse of a little Christian boy had been found in ———
revelations: The false claim that they had been committed by the has always been to replace Christianity as a political force in the the forest. Although the Jewish culprits would be eventually ac- Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off prices
Germans. Softcover, 290 pages, 8.5” x 11” format, #929, $28. West. Softcover, 136 pages, #928, $15. quitted, the ritual nature of the murder would still be firmly estab- above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S. add $5 on
lished. That trial is described in detail, along with many other cases orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from $50.01 to $100. Add
Ordering from TBR: TBR subscribers may take 10% off prices above. Prices do not include shipping: Inside the U.S. add $5 on of ritual murder. Written in 1844 by V.I. Dal, famed for his mam- $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200. Add $20 on orders from
orders up to $50. Add $10 on orders from $50.01 to $100. Add $15 on orders from $100.01 to $200. Add $20 on orders from moth explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Dal told the $200.01 to $300. Over $300, email or
$200.01 to $300. Over $300, email or call 202-547-5586 for best S&H rates or for foreign shipping rates. truth here because no one could censor him. In czarist Russia, one call 202-547-5586 for best S&H rates or for foreign shipping rates.
Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call TBR toll free at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-Thu., 8-4 ET. could speak freely on this subject, which is no longer the case in Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call
You may also purchase at the present-day “democratic” Russian Federation. Softcover, 141 TBR toll free at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-Thu., 8-4 ET.
pages, indexed, #937, $20. You may also purchase at

the Barnes Review



4 The Night of Broken Glass, or Kristallnact

as it’s known in German, is presented by
Court Historians as a Nazi-backed and spon-
42 The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which
ultimately pits the collective West against
Russia and its allies, has increased the risk of
sored pogrom launched to exact revenge all-out nuclear war to a level perhaps never 20
against the Jews for murdering a German dip- seen before in history, including even the tense
lomat. There is much more to the story, as months of the Cuban missile crisis. Today,
Marc Roland explains in this article. Israel continues to be a wildcard with its not-
so-secret nuclear arsenal and “Samson Option”
THE FATE OF HUNGARIAN JEWS nuclear policy, as Marc Roland explains.
14 What really happened to the hundreds
of thousands of Hungarian Jews deported BY ANTONIUS J. PATRICK
to Auschwitz during WWII? Outlandish claims
made by establishment historians and organized
Jewish groups are examined and refuted.
50 TBR’s Antonius J. Patrick reviews two
critical books—The Disappearing
People: The Tragic Fate of Christians in the
Middle East by Stephen M. Rasche and The
FRENCH REVISIONIST ARRESTED Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe.
BY EUROPEAN THOUGHT POLICE These books both, in their own way, detail
BY JÉRÔME BOURBON how the Israelis are systematically wiping out
religious “competition” in the Mideast.
20 Vincent Reynouard, a leading French Re-
visionist, was arrested once again, this
time in Scotland. He currently faces extradition
to France for his “thought crimes,” as French
journalist and editor Jérôme Bourbon reports. BY MIKE MAINS

58 Few are familiar with Father James
Keller, an important American Catholic
thinker, activist and early crusader against
Communism. Researcher and author Mike
26 Rivarol, whose editor authored the pre-
vious article, is a leading French dissident
and nationalist newspaper. Despite outrageous
Mains provides the background, significance,
and legacy of Father Keller and his anti-Com-
persecution by anti-free speech actors deter-
mined to destroy the publication, Rivarol is
munist organization The Christophers.
still publishing, as Rémi Tremblay explains.
REMEMBERING A GREAT HISTORIAN: Personal from the Editor—2
A TRIBUTE TO UDO WALENDY TBR Editorial: Revisionist ally?—3
The myth of Oradour—23
Truth is now ‘misinformation’—38

BY ANGELA WOYWOOD Longtime Revisionist Carolyn Yeager pays History You May Have Missed—40-41

30 Longtime TBR reader and subscriber

Angela Woywood pens a genuine, heart-
felt, and quite persuasive letter to her nephew
tribute to one of the most courageous
and important Germany Revisionists in the post-
WWII era: the late Udo Walendy. Walendy was
Mordechai Vanunu: Israeli patriot—45
Christians attacked in Holy Land—56
Leaving your own legacy of truth—61
in an attempt to unpack and clarify all the lies tha author of multiple Revisionist works in- Classic essays on a taboo topic—62
endlessly disseminated about WWII and the cluding Truth for Germany: The Guilt Question Remembering Ian MacDonald—64
“evil Nazis.” Broaching these taboo topics is of the Second World War, Forged War Crimes The Hollywood origins of diversity—66
never an easy task, as readers well know. and The Brainwashing of the German People. Letters to the Editor—70-71
Executive Editor: PAUL ANGEL
Assistant Editor: JOHN FRIEND
Founder: WILLIS A. CARTO (1926-2015)

ill 2023 be better than 2022? A.D. 2022 will be remembered
TBR BOARD OF CONTRIBUTING EDITORS as the year in which: the establishment began the steady
JOAQUIN BOCHACA JÜRGEN GRAF RONALD L. RAY push to normalize “sex change” operations for children
Barcelona. Spain Moscow, Russia Topeka, Kansas who have not gone through puberty; we saw an unprecedented in-
MATTHIAS CHANG, J.D. MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II LADY MICHELE RENOUF vasion of illegal immigrants cross our southern border; the FBI
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Coeur d’Alene, Idaho London, England
was outed as a domestic terror group; fuel prices soared; inflation
Hernando, Florida Johnstown, Pennsylvania Port Angeles, Washington “slowed” to 7.1%; free speech was assaulted on a daily basis; and
THOMAS DALTON, PH.D. THOMAS KUES HARALD SCHARNHORST even more bad news I won’t bore you with. You know it all too well.
Chicago, Illinois Stockholm, Sweden Boise, Idaho But there was some good news, too. Gas prices have gone
SAM G. DICKSON, J.D. CLINT LACY PAT SHANNAN down a few cents recently, and bananas (at least in my grocery
Atlanta, Georgia Bollinger, Missouri Atlanta, Georgia
store) are at 43¢ a pound. That’s only 4¢ a pound more than they
Memphis, Tennessee Brookings, Oregon Woodridge, Illinois were 20 years ago. Other than that, 2022 was not a great year for
Ontario, Canada Corona del Mar, California Quebec, Canada
The rising cost of everyday items has gotten so bad, many
Tampa, Florida Palestrina, Rome, Italy Allicante, Spain people have been forced to find expenses to cut. I have gotten
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On a sad note, two members of TBR’s Board of Contributing
tBR SUBSCRIPTION Rates & Prices Editors have passed away. The first is Margaret Huffstickler, a
• U.S.A. talented vocalist and linguist who translated many articles from
Periodical Rate: 1 year: $56; 2 years: $98
First Class: 1 year: $80; 2 years: $144 the great Catalan Revisionist Joaquin Bochaca among others that
• CANADA & MEXICO: 1 year periodical: $75; 2 years: $150. have appeared in TBR. Margaret died after a long and courageous
• ALL OTHER FOREIGN NATIONS: 1 year: $90. Air Mail only. battle with cancer. She is survived by her husband—translator and
(TBR is accepting only one-year foreign subscriptions at this time. Foreign Surface Rates
no longer available. All payments must be in U.S. dollars.)
historian John de Nugent. I am sad also to tell you that the great
QUANTITY PRICES: 1-5 $12 each German Revisionist Udo Walendy—the elder statesman of the Re-
(Current issue—S&H not included)6-10
$10 each
$9 each
visionist movement and a pioneering researcher and publisher—
26 and more $8 each passed away after seven decades of truthtelling at the age of 95.
Expanded Issues (over 80 pages) 1-20 $15 each
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3-Ring Library Style Binder: $25 each; year and volume indicated. The good news is that you have another edition of THE BARNES
THE BARNES REVIEW was founded in 1994 by Willis A. Carto
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REVIEW just the turn of a page away. ❖
—PAUL ANGEL, Executive Editor

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s 2022 came to a close, those concerned with behind the scenes. “Colonel” Edward Mandell House
“bringing history into accord with the facts” did the same thing for Woodrow Wilson as have other
found an unlikely ally in the form of the popular powerful Jewish “advisors” for other presidents.
rapper, music producer, and fashion guru Ye “There’s a Jewish person right there controlling the
(pronounced “yee”), formerly known as Kanye West. country,” Ye said referring to individuals like Emanuel
Once one of the wealthiest Black Americans in the and Kushner before extrapolating that same point and
history of this country, Ye quickly found himself in the applying it to Hollywood and the entertainment industry
crosshairs of the well-financed and highly motivated or- generally.
ganized grievance industry, led by the infamous Anti-De- Following these controversial yet entirely legitimate
famation League (ADL), easily one of the most subversive and substantive comments, Ye had his bank accounts
and well-heeled organizations operating on U.S. soil. frozen and had contracts cancelled with numerous major
The controversy began in earnest in early October clothing and music labels, in addition to talent agencies
when Ye attended a fashion show in Paris sporting a and lawyers. Concerts previously scheduled were cancelled
“White Lives Matter” shirt, which drew immediate scorn as well. Seemingly overnight, Ye’s estimated net worth
and condemnation from a wide range of liberal activists, of over $2 billion shrank immediately, as Jewish pundits,
pundits and organizations. The musician then joined professional activists and business leaders demanded
Tucker Carlson on his popular nightly news program for his cancellation, which was quickly obliged by virtually
an interview, where he defended his beliefs and decision all of Ye’s former business partners of all stripes.
to wear the “White Lives Matter” shirt, a seemingly in- Exacerbating matters, Ye appeared on the Alex Jones
nocuous message that has been described as a “White program in early December, where he doubled down on
supremacist” slogan by the ADL. these taboo topics and went even further, openly disputing
Shortly thereafter, Ye, in an apparent gaffe, made a one of the most sacred narratives in modern Western so-
highly controversial statement on his now deleted Twitter ciety relating to WWII and the “Jewish Holocaust.”
account—which had over 32 million followers prior to The admittedly bizarre appearance on Jones’s hugely
him being banned from the platform—vowing to “go popular program—which is broadcast on hundreds of
death con three on the Jews,” seemingly meaning he radio stations across the country, not to mention to
would expose the crimes and wrongdoings meted out to millions of listeners online—totally shattered the post-
him by Jews he worked with in the past. WWII political narrative foundational to the current
In the weeks that followed, Ye appeared as a guest on world order. During the three-hour interview, which
several alternative media programs, where he insinuated quickly went viral online generating massive attention
that a powerful network of Jews control, manipulate and commentary on all sides of the political spectrum,
and exploit celebrities and also wield tremendous Ye praised Adolf Hitler and disputed the official Holocaust
influence upon society, particularly in politics and media. narrative, among other controversial statements.
He was quickly denounced as an “anti-Semite,” with “I like Hitler,” Ye stated early in the interview, a
groups like the ADL and other Jewish businessmen and comment that shocked Jones and no doubt much of the
pundits calling for him to be boycotted, banned, deplat- viewing audience, before noting that “Hitler has a lot of
formed and punished financially. redeeming qualities. … A lot of good Nazis were just
In an interview with Lex Fridman, a popular podcast fighting for their country,” he went on to declare. And,
host and computer scientist of Jewish descent, Ye Hitler “didn’t kill 6 million Jews.” Alex Jones, quite pre-
identified four Jews he worked with “that controlled dictably, condemned him in no uncertain terms.
[his voice]” before noting that “90% of Black people in Intellectual and historical inquiry are the bedrock of
entertainment—from sports to music to acting—are in all civilization. It is the foundation of all philosophical
some way tied into Jewish businesspeople.” He went on discoveries, the cornerstone of education and the pre-
to point out how powerful Jews like Rahm Emanuel and requisite for genuine freedom in any meaningful sense.
Jared Kushner operate similarly in politics. Emanuel, he Ye’s talking points are the same ones Revisionists have
says, guided former President Barack Obama while been making for decades, to little avail. But now we
Kushner steered former President Donald Trump, both have a very unlikely ally in our struggle for truth and
operating as “handlers,” controlling and manipulating justice to prevail in our world. ❖
the direction of policy and influencing these two presidents —JOHN FRIEND, Assistant Editor

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 3


Kristallnacht: Organized
Anti-Semitic Pogrom or
False Flag? You Decide …
was about to commence. Cairo au-
By Marc Roland thorities had followed one of the Jew-
ish conspirators to his intended victim,

eaders of THE BARNES REVIEW arrested the terrorist and searched
are no doubt unconvinced his apartment. There, they unraveled
that the official narrative of the entire strategem, discovering the
New York City’s World Trade names of other agents as well as ex-
Center destruction on September 11, plosive materials.
2001, is correct. They largely suspect Known as the Lavon Affair (after
the Twin Towers were demolished in- Pinhas Lavon, then Israel’s minister
stead in a false flag operation designed of Defense), it was just one of nu-
to usher in a “New World Order” of merous Israeli intrigues against the
global chaos, political and social tyr- lives of their own allies, though never
anny and state-sponsored terrorism, thereafter mentioned by international
all of which define the times we live journalists who censored the story
in today. with permanent neglect. Israel char-
A “false flag” is any atrocity dis- acteristically denied any involvement
guised to misidentify and conceal its in the bloody scheme until as late as
true source of responsibility, pinning 2005, when its intended mass-mur-
guilt for the outrage on some other derers were cynically awarded “cer-
entity or individual, making it appear Wilhelm Gustloff (1895-1936), tificates of appreciation” by proud Is-
to have been executed by an opponent a Swiss National Socialist fig- raeli President Moshe Katsav.1 The
of the actual perpetrator, thereby pro- ure, was gunned down and Lavon Affair was neither the first nor
viding a pretext for domestic repres- killed in Davos in 1936 by David last Jewish/Zionist false flag, as we
sion or foreign military aggression in Frankfurter, a Yugoslav Jew. will see in this article.
the name of self-defense or “homeland Known as Kristallnacht (“Crystal
security.” Night,” referring to all the shards of
A pertinent example came to light troops occupying Egypt’s Suez Canal glass from shattered store windows,
during the summer of 1954 when Jews Zone to cancel their previously pledged or the “Night of Broken Glass”), it has
residing in Egypt were recruited by evacuation. Their continued presence since become a centerpiece of Holo-
Israeli military intelligence officers to would embolden Egyptian President caust lore. Kristallnacht refers to an
bomb civilian targets throughout the Gamel Abdel Nasser to launch an in- event in which hundreds of Jewish
Nile Valley, killing and injuring as vasion of Israel, where a trap for his synagogues, businesses and depart-
many Americans, Brits and Egyptians forces had been prepared. ment stores were allegedly destroyed
as possible. Blame for this treachery The Israeli plot to ignite war in by angry crowds of Nazi stormtroopers,
would be hung on Egyptian nationalists the Near East was only foiled just as Hitler Youth and common citizens in
for the purpose of compelling British the murderous wave of bombings various parts of Germany on November

4 • T HE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRU A RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Above, a crowd salutes Ernst vom Rath’s casket as it passes through Dusseldorf, Nov. 17, 1938.

Ernst Vom Rath (pictured right) was shot at point-blank range in

the spleen, stomach and pancreas. “Adolf Hitler himself sent his
two best doctors, personal physician Karl Brandt and surgeon
Georg Magnus, to Paris to try to save vom Rath,” writes Ingrid
Weckert. He lingered for three agonizing days, before succumb-
ing to his wounds on November 9. “As the life of vom Rath,
Grynszpan’s victim, painfully guttered to an end,” David Irving
notes, “Hitler promoted him to embassy secretary, to ensure an
enhanced pension for his widow.” One of the most poignant
moments filmed in the Third Reich was captured by newsreel
coverage of a Munich memorial service, showing a downcast
Hitler comforting vom Rath’s grief-stricken mother, widow, son
and two weeping daughters. In his eulogy, Foreign Minister Joa-
chim von Ribbentrop referred to the shooting as an attack by
Jews on the whole German people. He was right: vom Rath was,
after all, an official in the German embassy in Paris.

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9-10, 1938. The official narrative claims ground of the outside world. But by
that German rioters damaged or de- way of comparison, how would Amer-
stroyed thousands of Jewish-owned icans react today if a secretary in a
buildings, resulting in the death of at U.S. embassy was gunned down by a
least 90 Jews. Russian supporter of Vladimir Putin
Reich Minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels on July 4, Independence Day, while
explained that these events exploded shouting “You filthy Gringo!”?2 Would
from popular rage accumulated over they be likely to coolly regard such a
the previous 20 years. Beginning im- deliberate affront with indifference
mediately after the end of World War or disinterest? Would television news-
I, large-scale immigration of foreign casters caution moderation? One can
Jews with liquid cash disenfranchised only imagine.
the already-impoverished German But Dr. Goebbels’s explanation for
people. The uninvited newcomers the “Night of Broken Glass” was not
controlled nearly every aspect of Ger- the whole story. Following WWII, the
man culture and debauched it with Jewish version of the event is all the
unprecedented vigor and degeneracy, world ever hears. The only strictly
openly vilifying their German hosts historical study of Kristallnacht is out
and organizing a huge Communist of print. With limited distribution, its
movement for re-building Germany original German-language publication,
into a Soviet state, a mere stepping- Feuerzeichen, was released in 1981,
stone on behalf of Vladimir Lenin’s followed 10 years later by an English
De Moro Giafferi: world revolution. translation, Flashpoint, by Munich li-
Lawyer to Assassins Adolf Hitler’s 1933 election as chan- brarian Ingrid Weckert.3
cellor swept the Jews out of power “Like a medal,” she explained,
Vincent de Moro Giafferi, a with an iron broom from Germany, “Crystal Night has two sides. One side
member of the International which flourished in their absence as lies in the shining glare of historical
League Against Anti-Semitism, never before or since. World Jewry research, while the other remains in
was somehow able to proclaim reviled the self-liberated Gentiles, the shadows. Until now, no one (at
himself Grynszpan’s defense at- menacing them first with economic least as far as I know) has examined
torney hours before anyone strangulation, then bloodshed and the hidden side.”
else—besides the French police war. They made good on their threat Weckert went on to note that, dur-
or officials at the German em- after only three years, when they mur- ing her research into this topic, she
bassy—learned of the assassi- dered Wilhelm Gustloff, a Swiss Na- “found many facts which do not agree
nation. An adherent of the tional Socialist. with the generally accepted thesis.”
Marxist Radical Socialist Party, During the following 20 months, “On the contrary,” she notes, “the
and a Radical Party deputy from their fanatical incitement to violence evidence which I have found gives a
1919 to 1928, de Moro Giafferi grew in volume and frequency. German completely different picture.”
took part in the “Rally of Left
restraint and self-discipline held firm After her book appeared in print,
until human endurance broke on the Weckert’s doctoral credentials were
Republicans” from 1946 to 1956.
Third Reich’s most important com- revoked by the German state, not be-
He volunteered to defend, with-
memoration, honoring the 16 men cause she published false information,
out pay, former news editor of who gave their lives for Germany’s but because the postwar law imposed
the Communist newspaper revival, 10 years before it transpired. by the Allied occupation authorities
L’Humanité Lucien Sampaix On that day of all days—the 15th an- forbids making defamatory statements
who had been charged with es- niversary of the attempted putsch in against the Jewish people. As dem-
pionage. In February 1936, de Munich in 1923 led by Hitler—Ernst onstrated by the trial of David Irving
Moro Giafferi hurried to Davos, vom Rath, a secretary of the German and others, the truth about WWII is
Switzerland to defend Jewish embassy in Paris, died of gunshot irrelevant. All that concerns post-
murderer David Frankfurter, wounds inflicted on him by a Jewish WWII Germany and Austria is pro-
who had assassinated a leading terrorist. tecting Jews from “defamation.”4
Swiss National Socialist figure Righteous anger subsequently di- “In February 1939,” Weckert wrote,
named Wilhelm Gustloff. rected against all things Jewish in “Chief Judge of the Supreme Party
Germany was and still is condemned Court Walter Buch reported his find-
from the self-satisfying moral high ings to Hermann Goering. From an

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examination of the Buch report, as
well as many documents from some
of the thousands of trials of so-called
Nazi criminals held after the war, and
corroborating testimony by thousands
of defendants and witnesses, I have
been able to gain a detailed and ac-
curate understanding of what actually
happened during those fateful days
and nights of November 1938.”
In that year, there were “approx-
imately 1,400 synagogues in Germany,
of which only about 180 were de-
stroyed or damaged,” Weckert argues,
challenging conventional estimates
ranging from 276 torn down and van-
dalized to all 1,400 lost.
Based on these inflated and un-
substantiated claims, “President of
the World Jewish Congress Nahum
Goldmann had the chutzpah in 1952
to claim $500 million from German
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, as rep-
aration payment for the damage done
during that November night.”
Weckert continues:
When Adenauer asked Gold-
mann for his justification for this
enormous request, Goldmann re-
plied: “You find the justification
yourself! What I want is not the
justification, but the money.” And
he got his money!
Goldmann may have interpreted
the willingness of the German chan-
cellor to pay a half billion dollars
as proof for the claim that all syn-
agogues had been destroyed. Why
else would Germany be so foolish
as to pay for something that never
More than 1 billion reichsmarks
in property damage (roughly $7 billion
today) were alleged by Holocaust
writer Alan E. Steinweis relating to
Kristallnacht alone.6
“All the same, the ‘historical truth’
that ‘all’ German synagogues were
destroyed is a lie,” Weckert writes.
“Furthermore, Jews owned approx-
imately 100,000 shops and department Famous newspaper photograph of the impoverished Herschel
stores in Germany in 1938. Of this Grynszpan incongruously attired in a “designer raincoat” immedi-
number, only about 7,500 had their
ately after his arrest for the murder of Ernst vom Rath.
windows broken. These figures show
just how much the so-called ‘historical

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truth’ differs from what actually hap- stream narrative of events.8 and did what he suggested. …
pened.” Typical is Kristallnacht: The Nazi Lutze ordered that under no cir-
That alternate reality debunks the Terror That Began the Holocaust, cumstances could SA men take part
Night of Broken Glass as Hitler’s pre- which tells how Third Reich leaders in any demonstrations against Jews,
ordained atrocity looking for the right whipped up anti-Semitic mobs with and that furthermore the SA was to
intervene to stop any demonstrations
opportunity. “The Nazi government fiery speeches as the entire German
already in progress. As a result of
had been planning violence against press inflamed public opinion to vio- these strict orders, SA men began
the Jews for some time,” the official lence.9 to guard Jewish stores that very
line runs in Wikipedia, “and was wait- Weckert tells how “Julius Streicher, night wherever windows had been
ing for a suitable pretext.”7 The German the so-called ‘No. 1 Jew baiter’10 for broken. …
embassy official’s murder was only example, was shocked when he first The SS and the police were given
an excuse to vent groundless prejudice learned about the demonstrations and similar orders to restore peace and
and economic envy on God’s so-called destruction the next morning.” If any order. Himmler [head of the SS] or-
“chosen people.” National Socialist had a hand in Crystal dered Reinhard Heydrich [SD, or
“It is generally accepted, especially Night, that man would have been security chief] to prevent all de-
by contemporary historians, that the Streicher. But he was never cited as a struction of property and to protect
Nazi gang organized and carried out major player or orchestrator in the Jews against demonstrators. The
the pogrom,” writes historian Martin telex communication of this order
events—by even his worst enemies.
still exists. It is in the files of the In-
Gilbert, reflecting the official main- Dr. Goebbels was instead sus- ternational Military Tribunal in Nu-
pected as the leading culprit, though remberg.11
his behavior at the time implied other-
wise. After the close of an evening Irving adds that the German police
dinner with veterans of the Munich “were to take care of safeguarding
putsch, he “stood up and spoke briefly Jewish property and the protection
about the latest news,” according to of the Jews.” Irving relates that the
Weckert. “gauleiter of Schleswig-Holstein, Hin-
She continues: rich Lohse, telephoned his chief of
staff in Kiel: ‘A Jew has fired a shot. A
[Goebbels] informed the au-
dience that vom Rath had died and
German diplomat is dead. There is to
that, as a result, anti-Jewish dem- be no plundering. There’s to be no
onstrations had spontaneously manhandling, either. Foreign Jews are
broken out in two or three places. not to be molested.’”12
Goebbels was renowned for his pas- Steinweis writes of “Hitler’s green
sionate and inspiring speeches. But light for Kristallnacht,” depicting him
what he gave that evening was not as the mainspring for the Night of
a speech at all, but only a short and Broken Glass.
very informal announcement. “‘What’s going on?’” rasped Hitler.
He pointed out that the times ‘Find out! I have to know,’” Steinweis
Friedrich Grimm were over when Jews could kill
explains in his narrative, quoting the
After Friedrich Grimm ex- Germans without being punished.
Legal measures would now be taken. German leader. “With rising anger, as
amined secret French police [the head of Munich’s police depart-
documents about Herschel Nevertheless, the death of vom Rath
should not be an excuse for private ment] Maj. von Below described to
Grynszpan and read the text actions against Jews. us, Hitler shouted: ‘I demand that
of the assassin’s interroga- He suggested that the gauleiters order be restored at once!’ He sent
tion conducted six years later and the head of the SA [Sturm Ab- Julius Schaub [his chief aide and ad-
by Adolf Eichmann, the Uni- teilungen, or “Stormtroops”], Viktor jutant] out to stop the looting and or-
versity of Münster professor Lutze, should contact their home dered special protection to Bern-
concluded that Ernst vom offices to make sure that peace and heimer’s, the famous antique dealers.”13
order were being maintained. It’s According to Weckert, “It was only
Rath’s assassination had
very important to understand that
been organized and financed after [Hitler] returned to his apartment
Dr. Goebbels had no authority to
by operatives at the Inter- give any orders to the others present. about one o’clock in the morning [of
national League Against Anti- As fellow gauleiters they were col- November 10] that he learned about
Semitism in Paris. leagues of equal rank. Anyway, what the demonstrations, which had been
he said was apparently considered taking place in Munich, during which
so reasonable that the others agreed one synagogue had been set on fire.”

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At Hitler’s explicit command, his Stormtroopers rescued books from Jewish libraries, homes and syn-
agogues imperiled by vandalism on November 9, 1938.

Weckert continues: Later that same morning, when German courts of murder, assault,
Goebbels first learned about the extent looting or other criminal acts by
He was furious and immediately
ordered the police chief of Munich of the damage and destruction of the Jewish or German witnesses to these
to come see him. Hitler told him to previous night, he was furious and crimes” were themselves arrested.
immediately stop the fire and to shocked at the stupidity of those who As Weckert explains:
make sure that no other outrages had participated. Goebbels announced
But before any of these cases
took place in Munich. He then called in a radio broadcast later that same ever actually came to trial, Hitler
various police and party officials morning that any action against Jews issued a special decree ordering
throughout the Reich to learn the was strictly prohibited. the postponement of all such cases
extent of these demonstrations. Fi- “At half-hour intervals throughout until after the accused individuals
nally he ordered a telex message the day, the radio transmitted orders were first prosecuted by the Su-
sent to all gauleiter offices. It read: for the mayhem to stop,” Irving reports. preme Party Court, an internal court
“By express order from the very “Fritz Wiedemann, one of the older concerned with discipline within
highest authority, arson against Jew- adjutants, saw Goebbels on the phone the National Socialist Party organi-
ish businesses or other property zation. The most severe punishment
frantically trying to halt the conflagra-
must in no case and under no cir- that the Court could impose was
cumstances take place.”14
tion.”15 Weckert explains how Goeb-
bels “warned that severe penalties expulsion from the Party. In this
Pursuant to the latest orders, any would be imposed on anyone who way, the Party hoped to remove
acts whatsoever of arson were to be any guilty members from its own
did not obey this order.”16
ranks before they appeared as de-
prevented, in conformity with political Goebbels was not bluffing. Weck-
fendants in the criminal courts.
leaders. All sub-offices were to ac- ert’s research found that “individual
knowledge to Hitler’s teleprinter in SA men who had participated directly By so doing, Hitler made examples
Munich receipt of this telex. in the pogrom and been accused in of these undisciplined men, and

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distanced them from all other National If the party official answered, carry out destruction against any
Socialists. Neither his actions to halt “Nothing, everything is quiet,” the Jewish property from the Gruppen-
the violence nor those of his closest telephone caller would then say in führer in Munich, but only from the
associates in stopping Crystal Night German slang that he had received telephone guard. Who he was re-
an order to the effect that the Jews mains a mystery. During the postwar
excesses were ever mentioned by the
were going to get it tonight and trials against members of this SA
foreign press, which continued to that the respective official should unit, none of the judges asked for
heap blame on him, his followers and, carry out the order. In most cases the name or identity of this telephone
in fact, the whole German people for the party leader, disturbed from his guard. This mysterious man was
not overthrowing their Nazi overlords. sleep, did not even understand what very probably an agent for those
But, if Hitler, Goebbels, Streicher had happened. Some simply dis- who were actually behind the entire
and other top National Socialist leaders missed the call as a joke and went Crystal Night Affair. …
did not instigate Kristallnacht, then back to bed. Based on all of the available ev-
who was responsible? Was it really Others called back the office idence, these demonstrations were
nothing more than impulsive mob ac- from where the telephone voice neither thought up nor organized
tion, as publicly stated? had pretended to be calling. If they by German [National Socialist] Party
managed to reach someone in or government officials. In fact, they
“Goebbels did not really believe charge, they were often told that were completely surprised and
this story himself,” Weckert points nobody knew anything about such shocked when they learned of the
out. “To several persons he expressed a call. But if they reached only a riot and destruction. The pogrom
his suspicion that a secret organization lower official they were often told: must have been thought up and or-
must have instigated the entire affair. ganized by those who actually bene-
He simply could not believe that any- fited from it and who wanted to
thing so well organized could have create havoc in Germany.
been a spontaneous popular outburst.” They were not
Their triggerman, a 17-year-old
His suspicions in part arose from the
inexplicable communications chaos
Jew-hating SA German-born Polish Jew named Her-
that rippled throughout Germany, be- men, enraged over schel Grynszpan who was then living
in Paris, was predictably lionized in
ginning November 8.
“It is not easy to untangle the jum- the murder of a the world press, which portrayed him
as “a poor Jewish boy who had been
ble of signals flashing across the coun-
try that night,” Irving confesses from
German diplomat. driven to despair by the injustice done
his own research experience. “In none to his family [in the Reich], and who,
of them is Hitler or Himmler seen en- in his deep depression, shot the young
couraging any pogrom … as a babel “Well, if you got that order, you’d German diplomat.”17 As a junior func-
of conflicting orders and reports tum- better go ahead and do what you tionary in Germany’s French embassy,
bled to and fro by radio, telephone were told.” These telephone calls vom Rath was never in a position to
and teleprinter, typed, retyped, en- caused considerable confusion. have harmed anyone. Personally, he
coded, and copied to lesser units, “expressed regret that German Jews
The behavior of the rioters them- had to suffer but argued that anti-
held up by system delays, and then selves also attracted suspicion:
found to be at variance with later and Semitic laws were ‘necessary’ to allow
conflicting orders arriving faster by Groups of generally five or six the Volksgemeinschaft [“racial com-
different channels or from other au- young men, armed with crowbars munity”] ‘to flourish’.”18
and clubs, went down the streets Common textbook explanations
thorities.” smashing store windows. They were
The confusion was deliberate, as insist that “Grynszpan shot the German
not Jew-hating SA men, enraged diplomat Ernst vom Rath in retaliation
Weckert discovered: over the murder of a German dip- to what they had done to his family.”19
Several district and local Party lomat. They operated too methodi- But all that had happened to his
leaders (Kreisleiters and Ortsgrup- cally to have been motivated by
mother, father and three sisters was
penleiters) were awakened from anger. They carried out their work
without any apparent emotion. Non- their deportation from the Third Reich.
their sleep in the middle of the night
etheless, it was their destruction If life for Jews was so horrible under
by telephone calls. Someone claim-
ing to be from the regional party that encouraged certain other indi- the Hitler regime, one would imagine
headquarters or the regional party viduals from the lowest social he did them a favor by removing them
propaganda bureau (Gauleitung or classes to become a mob and con- to Poland.
Gaupropagandaleitung) would ask tinue the destruction. … In reality, Grynszpan did not leave
what was happening in the official’s In fact, as already shown, there home to avenge his family against the
town or city. was no order to commit arson or Nazis, but to sponge off his uncle in

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Following Hitler’s direct orders, a German fireman—after extinguishing the flames that threatened a
Munich synagogue—rescued valuable Jewish property for its owners.

Paris by entering France “illegally in support on his uncle Abraham, who shop, he paid 235 francs cash (the
September 1936,” as Steinweis ex- was also extremely poor. His refusal equivalent of $175 U.S. dollars today)
plains. “He initially lived a carefree, to work caused tension with his for a 6.35-mm revolver, plus a box of
bohemian life there as a ‘poet of the uncle and aunt, who frequently told 25 bullets.
streets,’ spending his days aimlessly him that he was a drain on their “Although he had no apparent
finances and had to take a job. Be- means of support or even valid identity
wandering and reciting Yiddish poems ginning in October 1938 [a month
to himself. Grynszpan’s two greatest papers between February and No-
before he murdered vom Rath],
interests, other than exploring Paris, Grynszpan was in hiding from the
vember 1938, Grynszpan was never-
were spending time in coffeehouses French police, who sought to deport theless able to purchase [the firearm],”
and going to the movies.” him.20 Irving observes, before noting that
Steinweis continues: “the [Paris] police concluded that
In the two years leading up to the somebody had groomed him for this
The Paris Police Prefecture ruled moment of that homicide, his only job, but how had he got the money?”
in July 1937 that he had no basis concern had been continued room Weapon in pocket, Grynszpan
for remaining in France. Because and board at the expense of his im- caught the metro to the Solférino Sta-
his Polish passport had expired, the posed-upon relatives.
French government refused to renew
tion, walking the rest of the way to 78
Magically transformed on the morn- Rue de Lille. Entering the German
his residence permit, and he was
ordered to leave the following ing of November 7, wearing a new embassy at 9:35 a.m., Grynszpan asked
month. Grynszpan nonetheless con- designer raincoat, Grynszpan strode at the reception desk if he could see
tinued to live illegally in Paris. from his freshly changed residence the ambassador in order to hand over
Lonely and living in poverty on at the four-star Hôtel de Suez in the a “most important document.” The
the margins of French life as an il- fashionable Rue de Strasburg. Arriving clerk on duty asked Ernst vom Rath,
legal immigrant, he depended for at a Rue du Faubourg St. Martin gun the junior of the two embassy officials

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Conveniently, the ILAA’s Paris office
was just around the corner from
Grynszpan’s rooms at the posh Hôtel
de Suez.
Before his case could come before
a French court, war broke out, and,
after France fell, the assassin was ex-
tradited to Germany on July 18, 1940
to Berlin’s Moabit prison. Later trans-
ferred to Sachsenhausen concentration
camp and housed in a bunker reserved
for “special prisoners,” he “received
relatively mild treatment.”22
Adolf Eichmann examined him
during early 1944 at Gestapo head-
quarters in Berlin to learn more about
his handlers of six years before. Eich-
mann passed on the results of the in-
terrogation to a professor of Inter-
national Law at the University of Mün-
ster and a prominent German attorney
representing the bereaved vom Rath
These metal plates were installed by the fraudulent “German” Eichmann’s information, combined
government as public sympathy propaganda in the city of Han- with corroborative files seized from
over. They memorialize the assassination of an innocent German Giafferi’s Paris offices, convinced Frie-
by his Jewish murderer. The plaque at right reads, “Here dwelt drich Grimm (as were the French po-
Herschel Grynszpan, born 1921. Fled to France in 1936. Delivered lice before him, back in 1938) that
[i.e., “removed”] 1940. [Resided] 1943 to 1945 in a concentration Grynszpan had been funded and in-
camp.” Three question marks follow, indicating his unknown post-
structed by the International League
Against Anti-Semitism to originally
war fate, though observers assume he died in the concentration
murder Johannes von Welczeck. Un-
camp mentioned in the inscription. The adjacent plate states,
able to find the German ambassador,
“Here dwelt Ester Grynszpan [Herschel’s elder sister], born 1916. Grynszpan settled for killing his as-
Deported the 28th of October 1938 to Poland,” followed by three sistant. The text of Eichmann’s first-
more question marks, again implying she was a “Holocaust” vic- hand report and Giafferi’s secret files
tim. In fact, Ester Grynszpan was murdered in the Soviet Union. vanished after World War II.
Strangely, despite several attempts,
even by persons in authority, such as
available, to see him. Moro Giafferi [a leading Marxist and Friedrich Grimm and even Goebbels,
When Grynszpan stepped into his anti-Fascist activist], appeared at Grynszpan was never brought to trial
office, “Rath politely regretted that the police station a few hours after in National Socialist Germany. For
His Excellency was unavailable,” Irving the shooting and told the police that whatever reason, it appears he had
explains. “The Jewish youth rewarded he was Grynszpan’s attorney.
no one other than Adolf Hitler to thank
Nothing could possibly have ap-
the defenseless diplomat with five for having escaped prosecution.
peared about the shooting in any
bullets from the expensive handgun, newspaper before his arrival. How His family also escaped, leaving
pumped into his stomach.”21 Grynszpan then could Moro Giafferi have pos- Poland before that country was in-
was immediately arrested and confined sibly known about the shooting? vaded by Germany in September 1939,
in a Paris jail. crossing over the Russian border into
Weckert describes what happened Vincent de Moro Giafferi was a the Soviet Union, where the Grynsz-
next: member of the International League pans spent World War II. After the
Against Anti-Semitism (ILAA)—an im- conclusion of hostilities, they migrated
Although he was a totally obscure
portant and influential Jewish organ- once again, this time to Palestine, the
Polish Jew with no money and no
apparent supporters, nevertheless ization, a French version of America’s future Israel.
one of France’s most famous lawyers, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith. “Amazingly enough,” Weckert


emigration to the British mandate of 16. Weckert, op. cit.
Palestine. Facial recognition tests in- 17. Deem, op. cit.
18. Schwab, op. cit.
dicated a 95% probability, the highest 19. Gilbert, op. cit.
possible score, that the man in the 20. Steinweis, op. cit.
photo was, in fact, Herschel Grynsz- 21. Irving, op. cit.
pan.23 22. Deem, op. cit.
The demonstration in which he 23. Connolly, Kate. “Photo mystery of
Jewish assassin used by Nazis to justify Kris-
was photographed proved successful, tallnacht.” The Guardian, December 18, 2016.
with the Jewish protesters allowed 24. As a final note, November 9, 2022, Ken-
to settle in a soon-to-be Israel, where tucky Fried Chicken app users in Germany
he almost certainly rejoined his family were sent a message reading, “It’s memorial
under an assumed name and lived day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more
tender cheese on our crispy chicken.” An
out the rest of his ill-famed existence hour later, KFC issued a fawning apology,
Ernst vom Rath’s unpunished in protective anonymity. blaming the original message on a system
murderer, Herschel Grynszpan, The notorious murder he com- error. While German Jews went into emotional
photographed in Bavaria, 76 mitted with impunity was the planned meltdowns over perceived anti-Semitism, KFC
years ago, 14 months after the spark that ignited a false-flag terror franchise restaurants across Germany were
besieged by orders for “Kristallnacht Chicken
close of World War II in Europe. campaign on November 9, 1938. It fresh from the ovens.” See Lapin, Andrew.
hypocritically fanned the flames of “KFC Germany apologizes for ‘treat yourself’
international hatred against Hitler’s chicken promotion tied to Kristallnacht.” Jew-
writes, “this took place at a time when Germany that expanded into World ish Chronicle, November 10, 2022.
immigration to Palestine was limited War II less than one year later. 24 ❖
to persons who possessed at least
1,000 English pounds in cash. ENDNOTES:
Grynszpan’s father, a poor piece-work 1. Hirst, David. The Gun and the Olive
tailor, certainly never had a fortune Branch. London: Futura Publications, Ltd,
of 4,000 English pounds. How did 2. “According to the French police account,
they ever raise the 4,000 English he shouted right before pulling out his gun,
pounds only a short time later for ‘You filthy boche’ [a French racial slur for
their migration to Palestine?” ‘German pig’].” Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah. Hit-
Ingrid Weckert’s Flashpoint
Irving provides more details of the ler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans
and the Holocaust. NY: Vintage, 1997. was indexed by Germany’s Federal
Grynszpans’ mysterious behavior: 3. Ingrid Weckert’s original article on this Review Board for “writings harmful
“With brazen chutzpah in the circum- topic first appeared in The Journal of His- to young people” on June 16, 1994.
stances, in 1958, they asked a Hanover torical Review, Summer 1985 (Vol. 6, No. 2), The local court in Tübingen, where
court to declare [their son, Herschel] pages 183-206. Full article is available at
the banned book’s publisher was
dead, so they could claim financial by searching for “Ingrid Weckert.”
4. “David Irving jailed for Holocaust denial.” located, confiscated it by order on
compensation from Bonn. The court The Guardian, February 20, 2006. January 5, 1998, for “hate speech,”
granted a certificate of presumed 5. Goldmann, Nahum. Das Juedische Par- plus “insult and denigration of the
death on June 1, 1960.” Herschel’s adox: Zionismus und Judentum nach Hitler.
memory of the deceased.” A former
father Sendel Grynszpan, his wife and Cologne, Germany: Rassater Verlag, 1978.
6. Steinweis, Alan E. Kristallnacht 1938. tourist guide for travel agencies, In-
daughters knew otherwise, but cashed
MA: Harvard University Press, 2009. grid reads and speaks Hebrew. She
in on postwar Germany’s guilt-ob-
7. “Kristallnacht.” Wikipedia. Accessed No- knew Menachem Begin and other
sessed atmosphere. vember 17, 2022. Jewish leaders personally, and
Long after they themselves had 8. Gilbert, Martin. Kristallnacht: Prelude
frequently visited Israel. In 1998,
died of old age, the truth accidentally to Destruction. NY: Harper Collins, 2006.
emerged in December 2016 when a 9. Deem, James M. Kristallnacht: The she was tried, convicted, and fined
startling image was found among un- Nazi Terror That Began the Holocaust. NJ: DM 3,500 (U.S. $1,530) for writing
Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2012. a Revisionist article. Weckert has
catalogued photographs in the archives 10. Varga, William P. The Number One
of Vienna’s Jewish Museum. been subjected to police raids for
Nazi Jew-Baiter: A Political Biography of
Taken at a displaced persons camp Julius Streicher. NY: Carlton Press, 1981. expressing opinions outlawed in al-
in Bamberg, Bavaria on July 3, 1946, 11. Weckert, op. cit. legedly democratic Germany, and
the black-and-white shot clearly shows 12. Irving, David. True Himmler. UK: Focal now lives at the edge of poverty
Point, 2020. from a small pension.
a man resembling the legally dead 13. Ibid.
Grynszpan participating in a demon- See more at
14. Weckert, op. cit.
stration supporting unrestricted Jewish 15. Irving, op. cit.

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The Fate of Hungarian Jews

at Auschwitz-Birkenau
Court Historians claim that hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews
were systematically murdered at Auschwitz, one of the most iconic
“death camps” operating in Nazi Germany. But is the claim true?


By John Wear, J.D.
The official number of Hungarian

merican historian Randolph Jews allegedly exterminated at Ausch-
L. Braham wrote, on March witz-Birkenau is impossible because
19, 1944, without any resis- there were no homicidal gas chambers
tance, Germany occupied there. The first scientific study of the
Hungary primarily based on military- alleged German homicidal gas
strategic considerations. Hungary at chambers was made by the American
this time was a member of the Axis gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter in
alliance and had a Jewish population his Leuchter Report. Leuchter con-
of approximately 800,000. Braham cludes in his report that the alleged
wrote that, from May 15 through July homicidal gas chambers at Ausch-
9, 1944, approximately 440,000 Jews witz-Birkenau and Majdanek were
were deported from Hungary, with structurally unsuitable for gassing.3
more than 420,000 Jews sent to Ausch- Leuchter also researched the chem-
witz-Birkenau. He claimed that most ical properties of the Zyklon B fumi-
of the Hungarian Jews sent to Ausch- gant. Leuchter found that Zyklon B is
witz-Birkenau were murdered imme- Historian Randolph Braham a highly toxic compound that releases
diately upon arrival.1 says that most of the Hungar- deadly hydrogen cyanide gas. The re-
British historian David Cesarani ian Jews sent to Auschwitz- leased hydrogen cyanide gas clings
wrote that, in the unremittingly grim Birkenau were murdered upon to surfaces and reacts chemically with
record of the Holocaust, no single arrival. The physical evidence materials containing iron, forming fer-
chapter is quite so awful as the fate does not support that claim. rocyanide compounds that have a dis-
that befell Hungary’s Jewish pop- tinctive blue color called Prussian
ulation. He said, with the full cooper- Blue. Since building materials normally
ation of the local administration, the lected for work and, of them, only a contain a certain amount of rust (iron
Eichmann Kommando quickly set few thousand survived.2 oxide, usually between 1% and 4%),
about plundering and deporting Hun- This article documents that, con- repeated exposure to hydrogen cy-
gary’s Jewish population. Cesarani es- trary to the statements of most histo- anide gas would result in Prussian
timated that 437,000 Jews were sent rians, the Hungarian Jews were not Blue staining on the walls of the
to Auschwitz-Birkenau. He wrote that subject to a program of mass exter- alleged homicidal gas chambers.4
only a fraction of these Jews was se- mination at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Leuchter took forensic samples


Hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews, such as the ones shown above, were deported to the
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The sprawling camp complex included industrial and chemical
facilities where many inmates worked for the German war effort. Claims of mass gassings of Jews are
not backed by any legitimate forensic evidence.

from the alleged homicidal gas expanded on Leuchter’s work by writ- the alleged homicidal gas chambers
chambers at the visited sites and a ing the Rudolf Report in the spring of at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
control sample from the delousing 1992. The Rudolf Report, which has Rudolf also took samples from
facility at Birkenau. The samples were since been updated and revised several the alleged homicidal gas chambers
analyzed by an independent laboratory times, focuses on engineering and and the delousing facilities at Ausch-
in the United States. The laboratory chemical aspects of the alleged homi- witz-Birkenau. Similar to Leuchter’s
found no significant ferrocyanide com- cidal gas chambers at Auschwitz- samples, the chambers exhibit only
pound traces in the samples taken Birkenau. Rudolf observed in his on- insignificant traces of ferrocyanide
from the chambers tested, but the site examinations that all of the de- residue on the same order of mag-
sample from a wall of the Birkenau lousing facilities at Auschwitz, Birke- nitude found in any other building.
delousing facility had heavy concen- nau, Stutthof and Majdanek have one The samples from the delousing
trations of ferrocyanide compounds. thing in common: their walls are per- chambers, however, all showed very
Leuchter concludes that this result meated with Prussian Blue. Not only high ferrocyanide residues.
would be impossible if the alleged the inner surfaces, but also the outside Rudolf determined that, if mass
homicidal gas chambers had been walls and the mortar between the execution gassings with hydrocyanic
repeatedly exposed to hydrogen cy- bricks of the delousing facilities all acid had taken place in the alleged
anide gas.5 have Prussian Blue staining. Nothing homicidal gas chambers, the rooms
Germar Rudolf, a certified chemist, of this sort can be observed in any of in those chambers would exhibit

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similar ferrocyanide residue as the Morgue No. 1 of Crematorium II at search to show that more than 184
delousing chambers. Therefore, Rudolf Birkenau, which is said to have been bodies a day could have been cre-
concludes that mass gassings with the building’s homicidal gas chamber, mated at Birkenau. Kurt Prüfer and
Zyklon B did not occur in the alleged remains intact to some degree today. Karl Schultze, engineers who worked
homicidal gas chambers at Ausch- Contrary to the testimony of some for a German firm called Topf that
witz-Birkenau.6 eyewitnesses, this roof has no Zyklon- designed and built crematorium used
Chemists adhering to the orthodox B introduction holes. This has been at Auschwitz-Birkenau, testified that
Holocaust narrative have failed to ex- acknowledged by pro-Holocaust re- it took about 60 minutes to cremate
plain why the walls of the delousing searcher Robert Jan van Pelt. Since it a single body in the furnaces at Birke-
facilities at Auschwitz-Birkenau are is impossible to close holes measuring nau during their interrogations after
permeated with Prussian Blue, while 27.6 x 27.6 inches from a concrete the war by the Soviet counter-espion-
nothing of this sort can be observed roof without leaving clearly visible age agency Smersh. During his inter-
in any of the alleged homicidal gas traces, it is certain that Zyklon-B in- rogation on March 4, 1946, Karl
chambers. The only reasonable ex- troduction holes never existed at Cre- Schultze stated:
planation is that Zyklon B was never matorium II. Consequently, Zyklon B
Five furnaces were located in
used in the alleged homicidal gas could not have been introduced the two crematoria, and three
chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. As through the roof at this morgue, and corpses were introduced in each
Revisionist Nicholas Kollerstrom Crematorium II was never used as a furnace [one in each muffle], i.e.,
writes, “For any alleged human gas homicidal gas chamber as claimed by there were three openings (muffles)
chamber found in a German World pro-Holocaust historians.12 in each furnace. In one crematorium
War II labor camp, let us merely meas- with five furnaces [and 15 muffles],
ure cyanide in the walls. If it’s not one could incinerate 15 corpses in
there, it didn’t happen.”7 one hour.14
The alleged homicidal gas cham- The gas chambers at During his interrogation on March
bers at Auschwitz-Birkenau could not
have been used to exterminate hun- Auschwitz-Birkenau 5, 1946, Kurt Prüfer explained why
the cremations lasted so long in the
dreds of thousands of people as de- could not have been Birkenau crematoria:
scribed in pro-Holocaust literature
for numerous reasons: used to execute huge In civilian crematoria, pre-heated
air is blown in with the help of spe-
• They did not have escape-proof
doors and windows. numbers of people. cial bellows, due to which the corpse
burns faster and without smoke.
• They did not have panic-proof The construction of the crematoria
equipment. for the concentration camps is dif-
• They did not have technically ferent; it was not possible to pre-
gas-tight doors and shutters. CREMATORIA CAPACITY
heat the air, as a result of which the
• They had no provision to quickly Another factor making impossible corpse burned slower and with
release and distribute the poison gas. the official number of Hungarian Jews smoke developing. In order to re-
• They had no effective device to dying at Auschwitz-Birkenau is the duce the smoke and the smell of a
ventilate or otherwise render ineffec- fact that thousands of corpses could burning corpse, a fan is used.
tive the poison gas after the execution.8 not have been cremated every day at Question: How many corpses
By contrast, Germany built highly Auschwitz-Birkenau as is commonly would be cremated per hour in a
sophisticated and expensive disinfes- claimed. Ivan Lagacé, manager of a crematorium in Auschwitz? Answer:
In a crematorium that had five fur-
tation facilities at Auschwitz-Birkenau large crematory in Calgary, Canada,
naces and 15 muffles, one cremated
to kill lice and save inmate lives. By testified at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial 15 corpses in an hour.15
one estimate, the SS at Auschwitz that, based on his experience, it would
spent almost $1 billion in today’s values have only been possible to cremate a Thus, German engineers confirmed
to bring the typhus epidemics raging maximum of 184 bodies a day at that the cremation furnaces at Ausch-
there under control.9 Birkenau. Lagacé stated that the claim witz-Birkenau could incinerate one
An enormous amount of infor- that the 46 retorts at Birkenau could corpse per hour and muffle. Given
mation exists concerning the German cremate over 4,400 bodies in a day the capacity of one body per hour
delousing facilities10, but no similar was “ludicrous,” “preposterous” and and 20 hours of operation per day,
information exists regarding the al- “beyond the realm of reality.”13 the theoretical daily maximum ca-
leged homicidal gas chambers at Carlo Mattogno, with the assistance pacity of the Topf cremation furnaces
Auschwitz-Birkenau.11 of Italian engineer Dr. Ing. Franco at Auschwitz-Birkenau was 1,040
The roof of the semi-underground Deana, has performed additional re- bodies (52 muffles times 20 hours of

16 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Hungarian Jews march down Wesselenyi Street in the heart of Budapest's Jewish Quarter, on their
way to be deported to Auschwitz. Were they all executed immediately upon arrival at German camps?

operation per day).16 Main Office’s Office Group C, con- gary acknowledge this fact and write:
Mattogno, however, writes that, cludes that 4,756 bodies per day could “The Nazis’ main problem: they were
according to a German memorandum have been cremated at Auschwitz- killing more people in the gas
dated March 17, 1943, the normal ac- Birkenau.18 chambers than they could burn in the
tivity of the crematoria was only 12 However, even pro-Holocaust re- furnaces. The crematoria simply could
hours per day, of which the first hour searcher Jean-Claude Pressac does not keep up with the task.” Thus, the
was likely needed to bring the furnaces not give Bischoff’s letter any credibility. Germans decided to burn many dead
back to operational temperature. This In his book Auschwitz: Technique Hungarian Jews in open pits.21
means that only 11 hours per day and Operation of the Gas Chambers, However, as we will see in the
were available for actual cremations. Pressac says that the real cremation next section, aerial photographs taken
Thus, the actual theoretical daily max- capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau was during the height of the alleged ex-
imum capacity of the Topf cremation a much lower figure. Pressac writes termination of the Hungarian Jews at
furnaces at Auschwitz-Birkenau was that this “official” figure “had no basis Birkenau show an uneventful camp
52 muffles times 11 hours of operation in practice, and probably has to be without smoke emanating from the
per day equaling 572 bodies.17 divided by two or three to arrive at crematoria or from open pits.
Supporters of the official Holocaust the true figure.”19
story sometimes use a letter dated The authors of the book The Holo- PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE
June 28, 1943, under the name of SS- caust in Hungary: Evolution of a The photographic evidence indi-
Sturmbannführer Bischoff, the Chief Genocide write that at least 300,000 cates that Germany did not have an
of the Auschwitz Central Construction to 345,000 Hungarian Jews were mur- extermination program against the
Office, to prove a higher cremation dered in the gas chambers upon arrival Hungarian Jews. The U.S. government
capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau. This at Birkenau.20 The cremation capacity released wartime aerial photographs
letter, which was intended to be sent at Birkenau was not nearly enough in 1979 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau
to SS-Brigadeführer Kammler, the to cremate this many Jews so quickly. camp taken on several random days
Chief of the Economic-Administrative The authors of The Holocaust in Hun- in 1944 during the height of the alleged

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extermination period. Many of these mated on gargantuan pyres outdoors.
photographs were taken at mid-morn- Therefore, if the orthodox story was
ing on typical workdays. None of true, the area would have been blan-
these photos shows huge pits or piles keted in smoke. However, the Allied
of bodies, smoking crematory chim- air photo of Birkenau on May 31, 1944
neys, masses of Jews awaiting death shows a peaceful and uneventful camp
outside of the alleged gas chambers, devoid of any smoke emanating from
or mountains of coke used to fuel the the crematoria or open pits.23
crematoria. All of these would have Ball concludes:
been visible if Auschwitz-Birkenau The air photos of Auschwitz-
had been the extermination center it Birkenau known to date from the
is said to have been. period of December 1943 to Feb-
In his book Auschwitz: The End ruary 1945 show no signs of fuel
of a Legend, Mattogno writes in regard depots, massive smoke from chim-
to the Allied aerial photographs taken neys or open fires, burning pits or
Air-Photo Evidence: at Birkenau on May 31, 1944: pyres. The photos were altered:
fake Zyklon-B input shafts and
World-War-Two Photos It is pointed out also that the groups of inmates were retouched
of Alleged Mass Murder aerial photographs taken by the Al- onto the photo negatives. One must
lied military on May 31, 1944, at the assume that any actual mass-murder
Sites Analyzed crucial time of presumed exter- activities would not have escaped
Sixth edition. By John Ball, Edited mination, on the day of the arrival the notice of the air-photo inter-
by Germar Rudolf. During World at Birkenau of about 15,000 depor- preters, which would have resulted
tees, and after 14 days of intense in the bombing of the camp—but
War II, both German and Allied arrivals (184,000 deportees, aver- this did not happen. … To this day
reconnaissance aircraft took count- aging 13,000 per day) and with an there is no air-photo evidence to
less air photos of places of tactical extermination toll (according to support the alleged mass murder
and strategic interest in Europe. Pressac’s hypothesis) of at least of the Jews at any location in Eu-
These photos are prime evidence 110,000 homicidally gassed, which rope occupied by the Germans dur-
would have had to average 7,800 ing World War II.24
for the investigation of the Holo-
per day, every single day for 14 con-
caust. Air photos of locations like secutive days; after all of that, the CONCLUSION
Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka photographs do not show the slight-
The Hungarian Jews were not sub-
and Babi Yar permit an insight into est evidence of this alleged enor-
ject to a program of mass extermina-
what did or did not happen there. mous extermination:
No trace of smoke, no trace of tion at Auschwitz-Birkenau. No homi-
This then can be compared with cidal gas chambers existed at Ausch-
pits, crematory or otherwise, burning
what witnesses claim happened or not, no sign of dirt extracted witz-Birkenau to carry out such a mas-
there. The present book is full of from pits, no trace of wood set sive extermination process. The cre-
air photo reproductions and sche- aside for use in pits, no sign of ve- matoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birke-
matic drawings explaining them. hicles or any other type of activity nau was also not sufficient to cremate
According to the author, these im- in the crucial zones of the courtyard the alleged dead Hungarian Jews in
of Crematory V nor in the earth of the time period claimed by Holocaust
ages refute many of the atrocity Bunker 2, nor in Crematories II and
claims made by witnesses in con- historians. Finally, Allied aerial pho-
III. These photographs constitute
tographs taken at the height of the al-
nection with events in the German irrefutable proof that the story of
extermination of the Hungarian
leged extermination of the Hungarian
sphere of influence. Jews at Birkenau show an uneventful
Softcover, 8.5 x 11, heavily illus- Jews is historically unfounded.22
camp devoid of any evidence of a
trated with photos, 178 pages, John C. Ball writes that the Hun- mass extermination program.
#698, $15 minus 10% for TBR garian Jews arriving at Auschwitz- Historian Randolph Braham wrote,
subscribers plus $5 S&H inside Birkenau from May 28 through May “History is a formidable weapon that
the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, 31, 1944 are said to have been killed has been exploited by extremists, in-
White Plains, MD 20695. Call toll on the spot and cremated. Since the cluding chauvinistic nationalists, to
free 1-877-773-9077 to charge, crematories at Auschwitz-Birkenau justify their claims and aspirations at
Mon.-Thu. 8-4 ET. could have cremated only a small the expense of historical truth.”25
fraction of these bodies, by necessity In this author’s opinion, however,
most of them would have been cre- it is Zionist/Jewish historians and

18 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

organizations who have weaponized B and the Gas Chambers—A Crime-Scene
the so-called “Holocaust” at the ex- Investigation. Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Pub-
lishers, 2017, pp. 174-175.
pense of historical truth. The “Holo- 9. Ibid., pp. 175, 293.
caust” has been used to justify the Al- 10. Berg, Friedrich R. “Zyklon B and the
lied war effort, to establish the state German Delousing Chambers.” Journal of
of Israel, to justify Israel’s violence Historical Review. Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 1986,
against its neighbors, to induce guilt pp. 73-94. See
in both Germans and the Allied nations, 11. Rudolf, Germar. The Chemistry of
to cover up and ignore Allied crimes Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology
against Germans, to allow Jewish of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers—A Crime-
groups to receive massive reparations Scene Investigation. Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill
from Germany, and to create solidarity Publishers, 2017, p. 114.
12. Ibid., pp. 143-147.
in the Jewish community.
13. Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Feb.
The extreme importance of the 12, 1985, p. M3. See also Kulaszka, Barbara
Holocaust story in advancing Zionist/ (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of
Jewish interests ensures that this fal- Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial
sification of history will continue in of Ernst Zündel. Toronto: Samisdat Publishers
the future.26 ❖ Ltd., 1992, p. 270.

14. Mattogno, Carlo. “The Cremation Fur-
naces of Auschwitz,” in Rudolf, Germar (ed.), Germany’s War
1. Braham, Randolph L. Foreword to The Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Cri-
Holocaust in Hungary: Evolution of a Geno- tique of Truth and Memory. Uckfield, UK: The Origins, Aftermath
cide. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2013, pp.
xvii, xx.
Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, p. 392.
15. Ibid.
and Atrocities of
2. Cesarani, David (ed.). Genocide and 16. Ibid., pp. 392, 396. World War II
Rescue: The Holocaust in Hungary 1944. 17. Ibid., pp. 396-397.
Oxford: Berg, 1997, p. 5. 18. Ibid., p. 388. By John Wear. Germany’s War doc-
3. See the latest edition of Leuchter’s report: 19. Pressac, Jean-Claude. Auschwitz: Tech- uments that the Allied leaders were
Fred A. Leuchter, Robert Faurisson, Germar nique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. primarily responsible for starting
Rudolf. The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition. New York: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1989,
4th ed., Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, p. 244. and prolonging WWII—costing mil-
2015. 20. Vagi, Zoltan, Csosz, Laszlo, Kadar, Gabor. lions of lives. FDR’s numerous pro-
4. Rudolf, Germar. “A Brief History of Fo- The Holocaust in Hungary: Evolution in vocations forced Germany to declare
rensic Examinations of Auschwitz.” The Jour- Hungary. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2013, war on the U.S.A. despite Hitler’s
nal of Historical Review. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 218, 335.
March/April 2001, p. 7. 21. Ibid., p. 220. desire for peace. Also covers Stalin’s
5. Leuchter, Fred A. “The Leuchter Report: 22. Mattogno, Carlo. Auschwitz: The End plan for European conquest, Amer-
The How and the Why.” The Journal of His- of a Legend. Newport Beach, CA: The Institute ica’s second crusade, how WWII
torical Review. Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 1989, for Historical Review, 1994, p. 32. was planned and instigated, the
pp. 138-139. 23. Ball, John C. “Air-Photo Evidence,” in
6. Rudolf, Germar. “Some Technical and Rudolf, Germar (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust:
Allied conspiracy to prolong the
Chemical Considerations about the ‘Gas The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory. war, the Allied POW camps that
Chambers’ of Auschwitz and Birkenau,” in Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, pp. killed a million Germans, the ap-
Rudolf, Germar (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: 275-277. palling plight of expelled Germans,
The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory. 24. Ibid., p. 277.
25. Braham, Randolph L. and Pok, Attila
history’s most terrible peace, crimes
Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, pp.
356-365. (eds.). The Holocaust in Hungary Fifty Years committed in German camps, the
7. Kollerstrom, Nicholas. Breaking the Later. New York: Columbia University Press, alleged genocide of 6 million Jews,
Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality. Uck- 1997, p. 45. and more. Softcover, 514 pages,
field, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2015, p. 70. 26. Wear, John. “Why the Holocaust Story #717, $25 minus 10% for TBR sub-
8. Rudolf, Germar. The Chemistry of Ausch- Was Invented.” Inconvenient History. Vol. 9,
witz: The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon No. 3, 2017. scribers plus $5 S&H inside the
U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550,
White Plains, MD 20695. Call toll
JOHN WEAR was born in 1953 in Houston. He graduated with a degree in accounting
free 1-877-773-9077, Mon.-Thu.
from Southern Methodist University in 1974 and passed the CPA exam later that year. He
graduated from the University of Texas Law School in 1977 and passed the Texas bar in 1978.
8-4 ET to charge or you may order
Wear, who is currently retired, worked most of his career as a CPA. His most recent employ- at Email
ment was from 1994 to 2008 with Lacerte Software, a tax division of Intuit. With the help of for inter-
friends, John’s website is up and running again at national S&H.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 1 9


Vincent Reynouard Captured

and Imprisoned in Scotland;
France Demands Extradition
Peaceful French historian hunted down
and jailed by global thought police
about six miles from where he had
By Jérôme Bourbon temporarily found refuge, writing an
updated and heavily completed book

his time, [Vincent Rey- on the tragedy of Oradour-sur-Glane,
nouard] failed to escape which occurred on June 10, 1944.
them. While, on October 25, Ironically, when he was arrested
2021, he had been able to on October 25, 2021, he was finalizing
slip through the fingers of the British a pamphlet on the case. This time, he
police who came to arrest him at had just finished and sent to print a
his modest home in Greater London book of nearly 500 pages on Oradour,
by speeding out of the back of the a book where, he said, there would
building, running hastily like Forrest be not only deepening but explosive
Gump and thus deceiving the vigilance revelations. This book should in prin-
of the two inspectors, unfortunately ciple be available in a few weeks, un-
it was not the same on Thursday, less there is a new twist.
November 10, when he was captured The waterfront village of An- Vincent knew that, sooner or later
at five o’clock in the back of his struther, Scotland, the town near he would be captured, so he decided
lodgings in Scotland.1 which Reynouard had made his to double down. He had undertaken,
On that morning, in the small bed in parallel with the book on Oradour,
home and was recently arrested.
and breakfast he rented under a false to write a book relating the entire
identity, for 11 months, paying in cash, history of the 20th century, and par-
he was arrested. This was in the vi- Vincent Reynouard, deprived of almost ticularly the genesis, the course and
cinity of Anstruther, a charming little all his books and documents, as well the consequences of the two world
fishing port located on the east coast as his personal belongings, had finally conflicts, and thus imparting more
of Scotland, an hour and a half north managed to find this bed and breakfast than 30 years of research and Revi-
of Edinburgh, a few miles from the in mid-December 2021 by reading an sionist work. He was almost at the
very pretty town of Saint Andrews. ad. This tireless worker spent his days conclusion and the meticulous re-
After wandering for several weeks, and a large part of his nights (he reading when he was arrested abruptly
changing hiding places, sleeping in sleeps an average of four hours a in his tracks by this police capture.
dirty and squalid places, sometimes day), after cycling very early every He was also very interested in cur-
threatened by an underworld fauna, morning to the North Sea, close to rent events, and he had sent us, only

20 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Vincent Reynouard, above, is a leading French Revisionist who has been prosecuted and jailed on
multiple occasions for violating France’s tyrannical Gayssot Act, which makes it a crime to “deny
crimes against humanity” as outlined in the London Charter of 1945. He fled France in 2015 and is cur-
rently imprisoned in Edinburgh, where he faces a final extradition hearing on February 23, 2023.

a few dozen hours before his arrest, The arrest of Vincent Reynouard planting and the maintenance of trees
two articles for Rivarol, one on the in deep Scotland is destined to strike in a concentration camp 80 years ago!
Lola case, the other, briefer, in the fear in people’s minds. LICRA, France’s However, the 53-year-old Revision-
form of droit aux lettres, on the Gré- International League Against Racism ist militant Reynouard had committed
goire de Fournas case, which we pub- and Anti-Semitism, which openly wel- no notorious imprudence. His com-
lished in full in our previous issue. comed the arrest, as did many com- puter was equipped with a VPN (a
Finally, he participated every week munity websites and blogs, tweeted virtual private network) which, in
for several months in the radio pro- on November 13, 2022: “The offender principle, does not allow the user to
gram of Participatory Democracy of Reynouard arrested in Scotland. A be located, and for his rare telephone
Boris Le Lay. And Vincent’s arrest ob- message to all those who think that a and electronic communications (to
viously reinforces fears about Le Lay flight abroad protects them from pros- three or four friends or family), he
because, if the French authorities ecution in France or from prison. It used exclusively the Signal network
managed to find and capture Rey- takes as long as it takes, but, in the which is said to be very private. We
nouard in a remote corner of Scotland end, they answer for their actions.” must believe that these protections
by obtaining the active participation It couldn’t be clearer. The lobby are not as secure as what they say or
of Scottish justice and police, it cannot practices neither forgiveness nor for- what we often believe in our circles.
be excluded that they may, one day, getfulness and goes so far as to pros- And, above all, it means that the
perhaps less distant than one imagines, ecute centenarians in wheelchairs, police did not do things by halves to
get hold of the main leader of Partici- like the German Josef Schütz sentenced track, identify and capture the “of-
patory Democracy, already sentenced on June 28, 2022 to five years in fender” of thought. The police officers
to nearly 12 years of prison in our prison—at 101 years of age!—whereas who arrested Vincent at milkman’s
country for various violations of the he had been a simple agricultural hour told him that they had [used]
Gayssot and Pleven laws. worker dealing exclusively with the “great means” to find him. We like to

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 2 1

believe them. “French” intelligence matized Memory. Note that at one time the generals
(who and what is it?) would have Reynouard is currently incarcer- earned their stars on the battlefield.
made it possible to locate Vincent in ated in Edinburgh prison in Scotland. Today they glean them, thanks to Ora-
Scotland this autumn. That is, very He tells us that he is doing well, that dour-sur-Glane, by ruthlessly hunting
recently. his morale is good, that his conditions down nationalists and Revisionists,
Reynouard was hunted down as if of detention are very good and that by making themselves the lamentable
he were a bomb-detonating terrorist. he gets along well with his current kapos of the thought police.
But, in reality, the System may be cellmate, even if he unfortunately Let us also remember the Maurice
more afraid of the historical and po- leaves the television on all day and Papon affair in 1999: the nonagenarian
litical bombs that his writings and vi- [watches] reality TV shows. But the had thought he could find refuge in
deos often constitute because, let us television perpetually on and with its Switzerland. In defiance of all legal
not forget, the Holocaust (and every- loud sound is nothing more and noth- procedure, and even though it takes
thing that surrounds it) is the keystone ing less than a form of torture. Vincent months or even years to obtain the
of the World System. has refused his extradition and is cur- extradition of dangerous terrorists or
Moreover, if this were not the case, rently receiving the help of a court- sex offenders, Papon was flown back
do we believe that they would have appointed Scottish lawyer. the same day to France.
deployed so many expensive means, The hearing to determine whether The president of the Swiss Con-
put pressure on the British justice or not he will be extradited is sched- federation at the time held a press
and police, most probably carried out uled for February 23, 2023. [The pros- conference in which she declared
long wiretapping, close surveillance, very tellingly: “The Swiss Confeder-
constant espionage, incessant hunting? ation is not willing or able to keep on
For Vincent was not and is not a its territory a man convicted of crimes
threat to anyone. Isolated, almost de- Vincent Reynouard against humanity.” In the same way,
prived of everything, without a penny,
almost without clothes, without bank
was hunted down we might add, the Swiss Confederation
is unwilling and unable to protect the
account, without salary, without job, as if he were a vaults of its banks when the major
without future, without hope of re- Jewish organizations demand account-
tirement, without social security, he bomb-detonating ability in hard cash! There is no need
was in a situation of great precar-
iousness, living only on donations
terrorist. to even rob them. Just claim and serve!
Reynouard was taken into custody
(since he could no longer, for security, on an arrest warrant dated June 25,
give private lessons since his flight 2021 issued by France, following his
on October 25, 2021). ecutor refused a first request for re- conviction by the Court of Appeal of
Objectively he did not represent lease given the risk of flight of the Caen on June 17, 2015, to one year in
any danger. He also has a relatively Revisionist activist.—Ed.] If British prison (judgment confirmed on June
limited number of followers and sup- law were applied, Vincent should be 21, 2016 by the Court of Cassation)
porters on social networks. And there released and under no circumstances for a 2014 video, now deleted and
are even fewer Revisionist sympa- extradited to France. There is no of- therefore not found, on the occasion
thizers in the UK than in France. But fense of “denial” in the United King- of the 70th anniversary of the D-Day
the thought police that continues to dom. There is no equivalent of the landings on the beaches of Normandy.
strengthen and extend its monstrous Gayssot law. This video stigmatized school propa-
tentacles no longer allows even the Gen. Jean-Philippe Reiland, head ganda, [the] brainwashing of children
buzzing of a mosquito. It must be of the Central Office for the Fight and teenagers but no hate speech,
crushed mercilessly, as Israeli tanks against Crimes Against Humanity contrary to what is said, was uttered.
regularly do with Palestinian children, (OCLCH), who led this hunt and who Moreover, all those who know
a kind of modern Gavroches 2 openly welcomes Vincent’s arrest, Reynouard well can testify to the fact
equipped only with a modest stone himself acknowledges “legal diffi- that he is extremely kind, that he is
facing the machine of death, facing culties” for Vincent’s incarceration incapable of hatred, vengeance and
the oppressor, and animated by the and extradition, since the offense for malice toward anyone, even toward
unyielding will to finally live free and which Reynouard was convicted in his fiercest, most unjust and most
standing after so many humiliations, France does not exist in Great Britain. vehement opponents, and even if one
harassments, injustices and crimes But no matter! They are not close to can rightly challenge some of his po-
that the occupying Power multiplies that! As the late Prof. Robert Faurisson sitions and statements, and in par-
with impunity and in good conscience, said, “in matters of historical Revi- ticular his religious and philosophical
protected and sanctified by a dog- sionism, there is no faith, no law.” evolution over the last 10 years, the

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The Myth of Oradour

Vincent Reynouard first caught the attention of the thought police for a book he
wrote correcting the historical record in regard to the “massacre”at Oradour-
sur-Glane in France. French terrorists captured and killed Maj. Helmut Kämpfe
(left). The Germans were then accused of murdering 642 French civilians in the
town in retaliation. The truth of the matter is far different from what history
books tell us, however. Charles de Gaulle made sure this myth stayed alive by
preserving the town as a “perpetual outdoor war crimes museum,” as shown in
the recent photo taken of the site above.

fact remains that he has accomplished that the great Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Reiland relies to ask Scotland for the
monumental work in the field of Re- already denounced in a masterful way extradition of Vincent because, ac-
visionism, that he has never called in his Harvard speech in 1975!3 cording to him, it took a sentence of
for violence (he is a pacifist) and Since he went into exile in Britain at least one year for the police and
that the persecution he has suffered on June 16, 2015, Reynouard had been the justice of Her Gracious Majesty
for several decades and which con- sentenced in all (including the judg- to agree to cooperate closely and ac-
tinues to worsen, to the point of be- ment of the Court of Appeal of Caen) tively participate in the hunt for the
coming completely delusional, must to 27 months in prison. If he were ex- Revisionist “militant.”
be publicly denounced. tradited, he should normally be able We will continue to denounce the
We can also regret, but here too it to oppose these judgments because unbearable injustices he endured dur-
is a sign of the time, that no major he was absent abroad. But there is ing his previous incarceration in Brus-
personality has so far denounced the nothing to say that he would be sen- sels, then in Valenciennes, from July
unjust and cruel fate that is done to tenced less heavily in the event of 9, 2010 to April 5, 2011. Also we will
him. Not among intellectuals, not new trials. remind people of the plight of the es-
among politicians, not among clerics, It is on his sentence by the Court sayist Hervé Ryssen, incarcerated for
not among writers. It is also by this of Appeal of Caen to one year in seven months in Fleury-Mérogis Prison
that we measure the decline in courage prison on June 17, 2015 that Gen. from September 18, 2020 to April 17,

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 2 3

2021. However, these men are not the
only ones currently suffering the wrath If we add to this already gloomy
of repression, even if they are currently picture that Revisionists are also perse-
the most persecuted. cuted in Italy, such as the lawyer
Our friend René-Louis Berclaz, Edoardo Longo, imprisoned following
courageous director of the Courrier a warrant of detention from the Trieste
du Continent and editor of the well- Public Prosecutor’s Office since July
documented Bocage Info, which offers 19, 2022 and for a period of four years
exhaustive news with metronome and 12 days, no less, and even in the
regularity about Revisionism around United States, like Germar Rudolf,
the world, was searched at his Swiss currently threatened with extradition
home on October 14, 2022, and the to Germany where he faces up to 15
police seized his sealed computer. years in prison, not to mention the
[O]ur friend can no longer write the identitarian and neo-rightist Pierre
very interesting and very valuable dis- Krebs, whose computer was seized
French Gestapo patches of Bocage Info, until his com-
puter is returned to him (if however
in recent days at his home in Germany
by hysterical police officers who bru-
Trials & Other [it] is returned one day!) because the
e-mail addresses of some 500 corre-
talized, beat and injured him, we say
that their world is decidedly a vast
Articles spondents of Bocage were inside.
The Swiss police acted following
prison and a life-sized nightmare.
To resist valiantly and durably this
By Vincent Reynouard. Translated by a complaint by CICAD, the Intercom- steamroller, it will take more courage
Carlos Whitlock Porter. A few years munity Coordination Against Anti- than ever, as Prof. Faurisson, who
ago, Vincent Reynouard—currently im- Semitism and Defamation, denouncing knew what he was talking about, said.
prisoned in Scotland facing extradition several articles in the Courrier du “Not only intrepid men but heroic
to France for the “crime” of publishing Continent. CICAD used a rather un- men champion the cause of Revision-
a Revisionist video in 2014—had a
worthy ruse. One of its members, cal- ism. May God, in His infinite mercy,
brainstorm. He would compare the ac-
cusations made against the Gestapo at ling himself Didier Deharme, having help us mightily.” ❖
Nuremberg by the French with the subscribed last March to our friend’s ENDNOTES:
postwar French trials of the same per- newsletter, using a discreet and very 1. Elias, Richard. “Holocaust denier nabbed
sonnel, involving the same cases, the little-known but existing postal address after two years on the run working as a math
same victims, the same witnesses. What of CICAD, asked to be sent the maga- tutor in Fife.” Scottish Daily Express, No-
he found was that the evidence and ac- zine each month. vember 14, 2022.
cusations were not the same: The accu- 2. Gavroche is a reference to the fictional
On March 9, 2022, praise was sent character in the famous French novel and
sations made at Nuremberg in these in an email addressed to Berclaz: “I play Les Misérables, and the name has become
same cases had already been investigated thank you in advance and at the same synonymous with a child that lives on the
and were already forgotten. This review time wish to express my gratitude for streets.
of the French Gestapo trials offers some 3. Solzhenitsyn’s commencement speech
the essential work you do.” In reality,
of the best proof that the “evidence” at Harvard University on June 8, 1978 is avail-
presented against the Germans at the it was a way to read the bulletin to
able on YouTube to view in its entirety. Much
Nuremberg trials was fabricated. The track down all the texts, all the pas- of his commentary centered on the decline in
articles in this book are scholarly, serious sages that could be prosecuted before courage and fortitude in Western societies
and well-researched and include ones the Swiss courts because of their al- generally.
covering: Gestapo behavior toward legedly hateful nature.
women and young girls; a summary of While awaiting trial, Berclaz, de-
Gestapo cases; legends about the Ges- Politically incorrect journalist
prived of his main working tool, now JÉRÔME BOURBON was inspired at a
tapo; the truth about Oradour-sur- under sequestration, was forced to young age by the political views of Jean-
Glane; the sea water medical experiments; reduce to four pages the Courrier du Marie Le Pen. Bourbon has been the
the origins of the emaciated corpses Continent, whose pertinent motto is publishing director of Rivarol and Écrits
and more. Softcover, 236 pages, #734, de Paris since 2010. This editorial ap-
$25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers
worth recalling: “When truth is not
free, freedom is not true.” For those peared in the November 16, 2022 issue
plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, of Rivarol, shortly after news broke of
P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. who want to help the brave Berclaz, Reynouard’s arrest in Scotland. See Ri-
Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, we give you the contact details of his for subscription details, ar-
M-Th. 8-4 ET. See this and other books newsletter: Les Editions de Cassandra, chives, and a sampling of articles and
at P.O. Box 46, CH-3960 Sierre, Switzer- hard-hitting editorials.
land. His email address is: editionsde-

24 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

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Killing Rivarol
Tyrannical French politicians and special interest groups are taking
aim at a popular nationalist publication because the “progressive” ruling
regime doesn’t like public criticism of its policies.

Rivarol was founded in January journalist Léon Camus), the nationalist

By Rémi Tremblay 1951 by the owner and founder of the publication managed to adapt itself

periodical Ecrits de Paris, René Mal- to current events and to avoid being
hen it comes to the dis- liavin, with the help of some young, stuck in outdated positions. Over the
sident press, French na- dedicated enthusiasts such as Antoine past dozen years, under the leadership
tionalists have several ti- Blondin, François Brigneau and Mau- of editor-in-chief Jérôme Bourbon,
tles to choose from. The rice Gaït. Over the years, it has wel- who took over in 2010, the newspaper
list of nationalist print publications comed talented and renowned authors adopted an openly Revisionist ap-
in France is impressive and reflects like Pierre-Antoine Cousteau, Lucien proach, as well as an anti-Zionist
the diversity of unorthodox views Rebatet, Robert Poulet, Maurice Bar- stance, breaking away from the original
composing the broader movement. position in favor of Israel that marked
Royalist, identitarian, nationalist the paper at its inception.
Catholic, New Rightist and neo-Fascist In their 70th anniversary edition,
movements and organizations all have The government Bourbon stated that Rivarol had been
their monthly or even weekly press.
Until very recently, the daily news-
of France does not a symbol of “commitment, loyalty,
and risk-taking.”
paper, Présent was at the forefront of like Rivarol, thus, The editor described the paper’s
this media constellation. However, philosophy as “a radical refusal of
like the rest of the printed press, the Rivarol must be the system inherited from the Second
nationalist press is currently in crisis,
especially with soaring inflation and
silenced. World War” which was “based on lies,
intransigence and radicality, but also
the increase in the price of paper. of hope.”1 And, indeed, it has followed
Several titles are in jeopardy, and to that hard line without giving up an
make matters worse, the government dèche, François Duprat, Paul Rassinier inch, as “nothing is more remote to
is currently trying to destroy one of and even Céline, who wrote at least us than the spirit of compromise, con-
the most iconic and hard-hitting pub- once in its pages. cession, moderation, which are words
lications: Rivarol. Originally firmly opposed to Gen. that often conceal compromises and
Rivarol, a weekly newspaper, is Charles de Gaulle, the leader of the sellouts.”2
the dean of the nationalist publications. French government-in-exile following In the land of Voltaire, these sorts
Founded 70 years ago, it has been the collapse of the Third Republic of bold statements are the kind of
the rallying point of the so-called “far- after Germany’s successful invasion things that bring you in front of a
right” for several decades, offering a in 1940, and supportive of an amnesty judge in modern France. Bourbon has
voice to anyone on the right of the for so-called “collaborators” of the been sued more than once, even risk-
National Rally, formerly the National Vichy French government (one of the ing prison for his political writings,
Front. reasons for its founding, according to just like Hervé Ryssen, the dissident

26 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Revisionist historian and writer who
found a friend and comrade in the
figure of Bourbon.
In 2021, the editor-in-chief of Ri-
varol was convicted of “contesting a
crime against humanity” for claiming
in a video that Marshal Philippe Pétain
had actually saved Jewish lives during
WWII, a statement with which honest
historians agree, and one that is ob-
jectively true. In the decade before,
Bourbon had been convicted countless
times, accumulating fines amounting
to thousands of euros for similar
speech crimes, as Revisionism is pun-
ished by law in France. On September
7, 2022, Bourbon had to appear before
the judicial court of Paris at Porte de
Clichy for charges relating to “homo-
phobia and contestation of crimes
against humanity,” which were pur-
sued by the French prosecutor at the
behest of organized Jewish groups.
However, Rivarol would not die
fast enough. Suits were won against
the infringing newspaper, but it refused
to vanish. Previously, on March 7,
2022, the left-wing daily Le Monde, a
leading French publication that once
claimed to support Charlie Hebdo
and freedom of speech at large, pub-
lished an open letter signed by histo-
rians “specialized in fighting revision-
ism,” such as the Israeli Stéphanie
Share, Emmanuel Debono and Cécile
Alduly, who demanded an end to the
recognition of Rivarol as a legitimate The front page of the September 21, 2022, edition of Rivarol,
newspaper. According to the peti- above, includes a politically incorrect cartoon accompanied by
tioners, it is “the most racist, the most Jérôme Bourbon’s editorial, “Immigrants poured into the coun-
anti-Semitic and the most negationist tryside and euthanasia for all!” In the article, Bourbon offers a
weekly that exists.” scathing critique of France’s political leadership, which has pre-
They demanded that the Joint sided over “an unprecedented regression of fundamental free-
Commission for Publications and doms.” The French state, Bourbon argues, is dedicated to imple-
Press Agencies (Commission pari- menting “the devastating measures” the globalist power structure
taire des publications et agences de has “chosen and mandated” for France and other Western na-
presse—CPPAP) revoke the official tions, including the nation-wrecking policies of mass immigration.
status of Rivarol, a move that would
Rivarol pulls no punches, offering an unfiltered take on the most
make it extremely difficult for the
controversial topics of the day. Glancing at their headlines, it is
dissident newspaper to publish and
distribute. Afterward, various organ- no wonder they are in the crosshairs of the thought police.
izations, such as the LICRA—the

French equivalent of the ADL—joined has powerfully argued.5
the fight and in May, they finally The future is bleak not only for
won: the Joint Commission ditched Rivarol, but also for the whole na-
Rivarol. tionalist media in France. The political
The persecution of the paper has victory in the spring of 2022 with the
only increased, as its presence in election of 89 National Rally MPs
kiosks, press houses, supermarkets does not make up for the crisis dis-
and other shops and newsstands has sident media outlets and publications
shrunk largely due to pressure from are experiencing. Not only do costs
LICRA and other activist groups. continue to increase, but younger gen-
“We have been banned since the erations get their news electronically.
beginning of August at Carrefour, Therefore, the number of subscriptions
Monoprix, Cultura, Cora and in the decreases. Some titles have already
Relay [strategic newsstands in train disappeared, like the iconic Action
stations and airports] and at a signif- française, Le Lys noir and Minute.
icant number of other merchants and Other publications have had to
brands,” Bourbon noted in an editorial change their frequency, like Présent,
published in early September. “We while others are now turning toward
resist as much as we can; we try to a model only based on subscriptions.
relocate where possible. But it’s not Still others, including Lectures fran-
easy.” çaises and Lectures et Tradition, are
What may seem to be a simple merging for cost efficiency. It is also
and trivial administrative measure ANTOINE RIVAROL likely that, after Rivarol, other pub-
may actually mean the death of the Defender of the Ancien Régime. lications might be targeted. After all,
historic newspaper. With the revoca- the French state has recently banned
tion of its “official” press status, it several nationalist organizations (Gén-
will then be impossible to sell in news- Emmanuel Macron’s government has ération identitaire, Oeuvre française,
stands. It will also suffer from a tenfold been actively restricting freedoms, by Troisième Voie, Bastion social and
tax increase, and it will lose access banning pro-Palestinian organizations, Alvarium), without anything remotely
to discounted postage fees for news- adding restrictions on homeschooling criminal to hold against them.
papers. Thus, the price of subscriptions and independent schools, and restrict- This is how “democracy” in France
will surely be hiked in the near future. ing what can be said on the internet. really works: Dissident voices and
It is likely that most of the current Additionally, organized far-left groups, publications are systematically si-
subscribers will accept to pledge the such as Sleeping Giants, an organiza- lenced, particularly those that openly
extra amount, but, in the long run, tion of “fanatical Judeo-Zionists,” ac- challenge officially sanctioned narra-
this business plan is doomed to fail. cording to Bourbon, are “putting pres- tives pertaining to WWII. ❖
This administrative move is more sure on press distributors to ban us
insidious and more efficient than an from everywhere, so that we are eco- 1. Bourbon, Jérôme. 1951-2021, soixante-
open ban that would raise questions nomically strangled and disappear dix ans de combats rivaroliens. Rivarol. January
about freedom of speech. But Bourbon quickly and permanently.” 21, 2021.
is perfectly lucid: “They want to choke “It’s as simple as that,” the editor- 2. Op. cit.
us, suffocate us, murder us. It is our in-chief explained. “They make no se- 3. Bourbon, Jérôme. Editorial. Rivarol.
March 30, 2022.
killing that is demanded; our murder cret of it. Anyone attached to his 4. Bourbon, Jérôme. Editorial. Rivarol.
that is planned.”3 roots, his land, his blood, his faith, March 16, 2022.
On March 16, 2022, the editor-in- his God, his traditions, his ancestors, 5. Bourbon, Jérôme. Editorial. Rivarol.
chief explained that Rivarol was is suspicious and potentially criminal September 7, 2022.
mainly targeted for its “independence in their eyes.”
and insolence.” Their goal is to target and eliminate RÉMI TREMBLAY is the editor of the
Its “very existence is unbearable “all dissidents” as well as “all those French-Canadian magazine Le Harfang
for the lobby we cannot name,” Bour- who do not resign themselves to the (“The Snow Owl’). He is also the author
of a book on the plight of the Acadians:
bon proclaimed. “For the last two death of our homeland and our civ- Les Acadiens: du Grand Dérangement au
years, it has waged an active, if not ilization, to the domestication of con- Grand Remplacement. In addition, Trem-
hysterical, campaign to kill this news- sciousness, to the lobotomization of blay is a popular freelance journalist for
paper.”4 minds, to the hardening of hearts and international media outlets.
He presented the larger picture: the enslavement of souls,” Bourbon

28 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

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What WWII Has Wrought

A “politically incorrect” explanation
TBR reader Angela Woywood pens a letter
to her nephew to set the record straight
that have in the meantime earned the
The following long letter, written name “Kangaroo Court” by Revision-
by a German American to her young ists for the blatant politicization and
nephew, is published here in full with unfairness on display throughout the
minor edits for clarification purposes. process, the Allies charged that the
It attempts to explain in layman’s Germans had gassed 4 million Jews
terms the reality of WWII, invoking at Auschwitz alone. This lie was ac-
numerous Revisionist contentions cepted by the court and was passed
on for years until, finally, in July 1990,
and perspectives with which longtime
the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and
readers of TBR are no doubt familiar. also the Yad Vashem Holocaust center
Unpacking all the lies associated with in Israel, lowered that number to 1.1
WWII—and other aspects of history, million inmates of all creeds.
for that matter—is never an easy task. What’s more, in 1993, well-known
This letter is an effective and quite and respected French Holocaust re-
persuasive approach to the contro- searcher Jean-Claude Pressac insisted
versial topic. We know you’ll enjoy it after extensive research, studying the
and maybe even pick up a tip or two list Germans had kept of inmates from
when approaching your family, friends, 1939 to 1945, that, altogether, only
and other acquaintances regarding JEAN-CLAUDE PRESSAC 775,000 people died at Auschwitz
this critical subject. Early French Revisionist. from different causes such as illness,
* * * old age and starvation, but not from
Dear Bradley, getting gassed as claimed by the Holo-
Since you have German roots, you over the years by historians and even caust industry. He stated that most
should know some details about by organizations that profit from the deaths happened during the last six
WWII and the Third Reich that have Holocaust, but the 6 million number months of the war because of Allied
mostly been kept secret, namely that keeps popping up again and again. bombings and the embargo placed by
the Allies did not always conduct Some of the reporters that help the Allies.
themselves in a noble way during and spread these outrageous stories may Zionists and their collaborators
especially after WWII. not really know the truth, either, since have been able to infiltrate the edu-
It has become a norm for the they have been brainwashed to be- cational system in the U.S. as well as
media and others to casually mention lieve in the Holocaust like much of in Europe and other Western coun-
the “6 million number” whenever they the rest of the world. tries to make sure that the wartime
can, even though it has been lowered At the Nuremberg trials in 1945, propaganda lies and Holocaust tales

30 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

continue to be taught in schools to
ensure that the money flow and other
favors from Germany, and also from
the U.S., will continue into the future.
Germany is seldom mentioned fa-
vorably by the media yet has contrib-
uted greatly to the growth and power
of the United States. Germans are still
the largest single ethnic group in the
United States, but this may change in
a very few years if migration from
Mexico and Central America is al-
lowed to continue. Some 46 million
people claimed German ancestry dur-
ing the 2013 congressional caucus,
more than Irish or English.
They are the “silent majority.”
They don’t take to the streets and de-
molish and set fires to buildings when
they don’t like something. Instead,
they most likely will send a letter to
the newspaper or make phone calls
to their representatives and settle a
problem or voice a complaint the
proper way.
They brought to America and the
many other countries they moved to
all sorts of inventions, food items,
customs and traditions, including the
Christmas tree, the Easter bunny, hot
dogs and hamburgers, bratwurst and
sauerkraut, beer and pretzels, pum-
pernickel bread, Christmas stollen,
Octoberfest, kindergarten, many dif-
ferent dog breeds like the Rottweiler,
Weimaraner, Dachshund, Doberman,
Great Dane, Boxers, the Spitz and Germans have played an important role in the founding and building
even the Poodle, among others. of America. The mass media, Hollywood, U.S. politicians and war
German Americans are quietly propagandists, including Harry R. Hopps, who drew the iconic World
successful. Their household income War I anti-German propaganda poster shown above, have inces-
is 18% above the norm and they are santly smeared the German people since WWI. To this day Germans
more likely to have a college degree are ubiquitously portrayed in Hollywood as evil monsters.
and less likely to be unemployed than
other Americans. They prospered on
their own without government hand- correct” subject and, unfortunately,
outs. You can be proud of your Ger- ANOTHER VIEW OF HITLER you have to be careful with whom and
man roots, Bradley. Disregard how Here is a little history lesson for where you discuss it.
they are being depicted by the media you that you did not learn at school. When it became apparent Ger-
and some German-haters. It is what they call a “politically in- many would lose the war, Hitler killed

himself after his wife’s suicide. Their where they lived, boycott German enough for Churchill. After the bomb-
remains were taken to Russia. I have goods and do their part in destroying ing, he sent low-flying airplanes to
come to the conclusion after much the German economy and its power. shoot at survivors who were trying to
research about World War II, Hitler So, when the war started, they be- reach the river, including doctors and
and the Third Reich, that he really came an enemy living within, but it nurses carrying patients away from
was a kind-hearted and sensitive still took two more years into the war the burning hospital. Even a children’s
human being, better than most and before many of them were incarcer- choir was targeted, the children hud-
certainly far superior to our modern ated for security reasons. The U.S. dled together, all shot dead, as were
political “leaders.” began incarcerating its German, Ital- the animals from the zoo.
I am convinced that he never or- ian and Japanese minorities by 1939, The present German government,
dered the extermination of the Jewish even before becoming involved in the controlled by the Zionists, is playing
people that were living in Europe. No war; 10,000 German Americans were down the number of people killed in
proof or any signed documents has put into camps. They were never com- Dresden and ordered the number to
ever been found that would substan- pensated for the lost years that they be announced to tourists to be 25,000,
tiate this accusation. Yet the Zionists were held and for losing their liveli- which is still a large number of people
have been able to convince nearly the hoods, as were the Japanese. to die in only two days. But there were
whole world that the “evil Nazis” thousands of unregistered refugees
gassed 6 million Jews during WWII. from the East in town who had fled
If one hears a lie over and over, no from the murdering, raping hordes of
matter how outrageous, he will start Images of dead the Red Army, so the real number will
to believe it, especially if it comes never be known. It is estimated to be
down from your own government, Germans depicted around 250,000 civilians killed. Images
which it does now.
Hitler was a vegetarian because
as Jews were used of dead Germans depicted as Jews
were used in the Nuremberg court
he loved animals. Laws were created in the Nuremberg proceedings as evidence to sentence
during his leadership that made the to death the Nazi leadership.
torture and mistreatment of animals court proceedings. When the war was finally over, Ger-
a capital offense. Throwing live lob- man soldiers did not want to give up
sters into boiling water, which is still and fought to the death because of the
being done today in the U.S., was out- Allied “unconditional surrender” de-
lawed. Factory farming, a big money- ALLIED WAR CRIMINALS mand, and most big cities in Germany
making industry in the United States, Instead of Hitler, the real crim- laid in ashes with a million innocent
never received a business license dur- inals, in my opinion, were Churchill, lives lost—women, children, and eld-
ing the Third Reich period. Stalin and Roosevelt. They ordered erly. [See TBR’s July/ August 2022
Hitler has been vilified by the in- the murderous slaughter of German edition “The Allies’ Surrender Policy”
visible power, the Zionists, whose sup- civilians by dropping bombs on them. by John Wear—Ed.]
porters and sympathizers are stronger Most big cities in Germany were The bombing of towns and the
today than ever. They want open bor- bombed and destroyed between 1940 shootings by low-flying planes target-
ders and a one-race (colored) human and 1945, resulting in the killing of ing farm animals and people working
population. He intended to stop their over 1 million women, children, and in the field were war crimes, but the
meddling in political affairs and in big elderly, mostly innocent civilians. perpetrators were never punished,
industry where they had managed to This, of course, brought on retaliation their crimes never reported. On the
occupy leading positions. He wanted from the German side and 60,000 Brit- contrary, they are entered in the his-
them out of the country and made this ish civilians lost their lives through tory books as the “good guys” that
known in his book Mein Kampf, pub- bombing, which Hitler reluctantly or- fought the “bad guys”—Hitler and the
lished in 1925. He negotiated unsuc- dered. But Germany bombed mostly Nazis. My mother—your grandmother
cessfully with England to move the military targets while the Allies con- —was a target of one of them while
Jews to Palestine or Madagascar and centrated on killing civilians. pushing a baby carriage with a nine-
was also in contact with South Amer- Dresden, the most beautiful town week-old baby, your Uncle Karl. She
ican countries to move the Jews there, in Europe and of no military impor- ran from house to house, but doors
but was not successful with these ne- tance, was bombed and nearly totally were locked. The pilot came circling
gotiations either. destroyed two months before the end back several times shooting at her.
Many Jewish organizations de- of the war. 250,000 civilians, probably When she talked about this experi-
clared economic war on Germany and even more, died during two days and ence afterward, she exclaimed, “The
demanded that all Jews, no matter nights of bombing. But that was not beast came back again and again.”

32 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

The present German government, land stubbornly refused the offer with
under the watchful eyes of the Zion- the backing of England. The com-
ists, never mentions the crimes of the mander in chief of the Polish army,
Allies, such as the immediate ex- Edward Rydz-Smigly, declared in the
ecution by the “liberators” in 1945 of summer of 1939, “Poland wants war
560 former guards, doctors and other with Germany, and Germany won’t be
employees at Auschwitz. The German able to avoid it, even if she wants to.”
government does, however, obe- Approximately 59,000 ethnic Ger-
diently continue to accuse its own mans were slaughtered by the Poles.
people of war crimes. Individual pol- Lufthansa airplanes en route to East
iticians even kneel to apologize dur- Prussia were shot at. In August 1939,
ing these events. Disgusting! Poland closed Danzig’s borders, cre-
ating a critical shortage of food and
WHO REALLY STARTED WWII? other supplies imported from the
The Nazis are accused of starting Reich. Hitler again turned to the Brit-
WWII. It is true that Germany invaded ish to help persuade the Poles to re-
Poland on September 1, 1939, but did sume talks with Germany, but to no TWO BOOKS FROM UDO WALENDY
so only after many failed peace nego- avail. Poland wanted war with Ger- Truth for Germany:
tiations. The Poles saw little reason many and so did England. War was
to negotiate with Hitler since they had inevitable. Hitler was forced into it. The Guilt Question of the
a signed agreement with England and Shortly before war started, Smigly Second World War
France that would support them in said in a speech: The mainstream historical establish-
case of war with Germany. It was Soon we will be marching against ment insists that WWI and WWII were
England and France that declared the hereditary German enemy to fi- started by Germany. But what facts exist
war on Germany on September 3, nally knock out his poison fangs. to support this seemingly unchallengeable
1939. They started WWII and are re- The first step on this march will be hypothesis? In this book, the myth of
Germany’s guilt for fomenting war is
sponsible for the deaths of around 80 Danzig. Keep ready for the day of
refuted by famed historian Udo Walendy.
million people on all sides. They did reckoning with this arrogant German
Covers the allegations that Germany in-
not declare war on Russia even race. The hour of revenge is nigh.
stigated the war, debunks long-held fal-
though the Russians had also invaded Their hate for Germans, which lacies about German atrocities, the true
Poland two weeks after the Germans was really jealousy, was stronger than nature of Hitler and more. Softcover,
did on September 17, 1939. Why not? their want for peace. Germans were 535 pages, #648, $30 minus 10% for
Many historians now agree that the main landowners and richer than TBR subscribers.
Hitler had no choice but to invade Po- the Poles, and many Poles were em-
land because of the intolerable mis-
The Brainwashing of
ployed by them.
treatment of the German minority Poland and all of Eastern Europe the German Nation
there. England could have easily would have been better off had the By Udo Walendy. The author has
stopped these mistreatments and Poles accepted Hitler’s offer and re- been imprisoned because he refuses to
massacres and urge Poland to accept parrot the official lies of the German
turned Danzig to Germany. There
Hitler’s peace offer. Hitler wanted the and Allied governments. Here, Walendy
would have been no WWII, no Iron describes the hidden truth of the “legal”
German town of Danzig liberated, Curtain, no Berlin Wall and no nuclear origin of today’s German laws, forced
which was detached from Germany arms race with Russia. When Ger- on a defeated people, now stripped of
after WWI, and declared a free city. many was destroyed, England, France their history and their identity. If you
He also requested a strip of land for a and the United States allowed Poland want to know why the German govern-
freeway and railroad so Germans and Eastern Europe to fall under the ment is so intent on suppressing “Holo-
could travel to their relatives in East dominion of the Soviet Union. caust” research, then you need to read
Prussia. Not an unreasonable request Since then, nothing has changed this book. Softcover, #110, 64 pages,
for the sake of peace. $9 minus 10% for TBR subscribers.
in the relationship between Poland
Prices do not include S&H. Inside
In return he was willing to give up and Germany. Even though Poland U.S. add just $5 S&H for one or both
Upper Silesia and West Prussia and received large portions of former Ger- books. Order from THE BARNES REVIEW,
call the new borders that were created man territory where German farmers P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695.
after WWI permanent. This agreement had been very prosperous, Poles are Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge,
would have abandoned around 1 mil- still poor, and their country needs Mon.-Thu. 8-4 ET. You may also pur-
lion ethnic Germans, thus many Ger- help from the European Union. They chase at
mans were against this offer. But Po- now even demand reparations from

Germany for invading them. They are England and France declared war
not satisfied with what they already on Germany on September 3, 1939,
have received. Many Poles immi- and started bombing German cities
grated to Germany after the war, and shortly after. Hitler was against the
many continue to do so today. Ger- bombing of civilians but, finally, close
mans are generally accepting towards to a year following the outbreak of
them and are willing to forgive and hostilities and after many German
forget the past. cities had already been bombed by
the English, he gave the order to re-
AND DELIBERATE SABOTAGE The English city of Coventry, with
The Poles anticipated a quick vic- its important military industry, was
tory over Germany and thought they attacked by the German Luftwaffe on
could occupy Berlin within six weeks. November 14, 1942, resulting in the
Hitler’s Commando: But the opposite happened. Germany loss of 380 people. A big number in-
The Daring Missions defeated the Poles within five weeks, deed but small when compared to the
of Otto Skorzeny and the even though the Polish army was four number of people that were killed in
Nazi Special Forces times larger than the German army Dresden, 250,000, with around 2,000
at that time. The British also were wounded American POWs that were
By Otto Skorzeny. Foreword by Charles confident they could quickly win the hospitalized in Dresden’s 17 hospitals.
Messenger. Introduction by Dan Raviv. war against Germany but were de- The three-day Allied bombing of
Otto Skorzeny was Adolf Hitler’s fa-
feated by the Germans within a few Hamburg killed 70,000. Witnesses say
vorite soldier and Germany’s top com-
months and needed the Americans to that flames were rising up to one mile
mando in World War II. His extraordi-
help them out, just like during WWI. into the sky and that people got stuck
nary wartime career was amazing. It
The British had been in contact in the molten street asphalt and died
was Skorzeny who successfully led the
with disloyal Germans—traitors—led horribly. The bombing of Pforzheim
daring glider rescue of Benito Musso-
lini. Skorzeny was also sent to Budapest
by Adm. Wilhelm Canaris. He assured and Swinemuende killed roughly
to stop the Hungarian regent Adm.
Churchill that, if England would at- 20,000 each, or 40,000 total. By the
Miklos Horthy from signing a peace tack Germany, the German generals end of the war, more bombs were
treaty with Stalin in 1944. A few were ready to revolt against the Hitler dropped on Berlin alone by the British
months later, he took a critical role in regime and establish a new govern- and Americans than were dropped by
the Ardennes offensive with a contro- ment. Canaris supplied the British, as the Germans on the whole of Eng-
versial plan to raise a brigade disguised well as the Soviets, with classified in- land.
as Americans with captured U.S. tanks. formation regarding German defense
capabilities and details of submarine GERMANY SOUGHT PEACE
A fascinating depiction of commando
action, Skorzeny’s memoirs are a key developments. Hitler wanted peace, and that’s
addition to special forces literature. The Once the war started, these con- why he let the defeated English army,
author gives us fascinating details about spirators sabotaged everything from 300,000 soldiers, escape at Dunkirk
his many famous missions between weapons supplies, gasoline, medical between May 26 and June 4, 1940,
1943 and the end of the war and he supplies and delivery of winter cloth- against his generals’ advice. This was
offers a fair appraisal of the war situation ing for the soldiers, and provided in- a big mistake. The war would have
in Germany, as well as any tactical and telligence detailing where and how been over then, and the end result
military mistakes. Skorzeny also sheds the Germans planned to attack. The would have been more favorable for
light on several personalities in a new reeducated Germans built a monu- Germany instead of the “uncon-
way. The book also includes several ment for these traitors that were re- ditional surrender” that the surviving
pages of interesting photos. This is a sponsible for the deaths of millions German people had to endure.
great book for anyone interested in the of their own people during and after Hitler was hoping, when he let the
history of military special operations, the war. huge English army escape, that they
which Otto Skorzeny played a key role Two days after Germany’s inva- would finally accept his peace offer.
in developing. Softcover, 244 pages, sion of Poland, Hitler sent another He did not believe that England
#887, $20 minus 10% for TBR sub- peace offer to England and France would go to war with Germany over
scribers plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. and offered to withdraw his troops the town of Danzig. The reason was
from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, but insisted upon the return of Danzig not Danzig or even Poland. It was
MD 20695. and a strip of land for a freeway and England’s intent to destroy Germany
rail system. It was ignored. because it had become England’s

34 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

competition on the world market. sian-controlled camps, they at least
Goods with the stamp “Made in Ger- had a roof over their head.
many” outsold all others. Eisenhower should have been
Another reason for the war was punished and put in jail for the rest
the strong influence of the Zionists in of his life for these crimes. Instead,
the British and U.S. governments. he became president of the United
They wanted the total destruction of States of America. The American pub-
the German people. They needed Sta- lic never learned about the crimes he
lin and his criminal mind to help ac- committed in Germany, thanks to the
complish this. During his reign, Stalin Zionist-controlled press.
had millions of his own people killed,
mostly the educated and well-to-do. THE LOOTING & DESTRUCTION
He and his cohorts ordered the mur- OF GERMANY
der of 22,000 captured Polish army The Allies and Russia confiscated
officers in 1940 in the Katyn forest thousands of research papers, patents
and in other areas—and promptly ac- and technology from defeated Ger-
cused the Germans. The Allies knew many. Factories were emptied of their
that the Germans had nothing to do machines and tools and moved
with these killings, yet they collabo-
rated with him anyway to win the war
abroad. Even railroad tracks were dis-
mantled and moved to Russia. Ger-
The Holocaust
and used this accusation after the war man scientists were kidnapped and Hoax Exposed
to sentence to death innocent Ger- shared between Russia, the U.S. and
man military men. other countries. In Russia, the cap- Debunking the 20th
tured German scientists helped create Century’s Biggest Lie
the Sputnik satellite and, in the U.S.,
Dwight Eisenhower was not much they sent a man to the Moon. Most Victor Thorn’s The Holocaust Hoax
better than Stalin. On his orders, Americans don’t know this. Exposed dissects nearly every element
100,000 German POWs were pur- What’s more, libraries were emp- of what has become the most gro-
posely starved to death while being tied of 34,000 books that contained tesque conspiracy theory of the
held captive in the Rhine Meadows ancient German history. New books 20th—and now the 21st—century.
camps and elsewhere. They were sur- were printed in the U.S. and distrib- Covered in this book is the mythol-
rounded by barbed wire fencing, had uted to German schools in the fall of ogy surrounding “death camps,” the
no shelter whatsoever and were thus 1945. These books had no German truth about Zyklon B, Anne Frank’s
subjected to heavy rainfall and to the heroes and were meant to teach the diary, how the absurd “6 million” fig-
extreme freezing winter temperature children that they had nothing to be ure has become a laughing stock.
in 1945. There were no sanitation fa- proud of and should be ashamed of From eye-opening facts that not one
cilities. Sometimes food, which was their German heritage. But where autopsy exists that shows the use of
kept to a minimum already, was with- would the world be without German Zyklon B on work camp inmates to
held for two and three days in a row. inventions, literature, music, medi- zero photographic evidence of this
supposed enormous event to the lu-
The Red Cross was not allowed to cine and so on?
dicrous and licentious tales woven by
supply food or inspect the camps, and German POWs were used as slave
the “Holocaust” historians, survivors
people living in the surrounding area labor until at least 1950. Two million
and Holocaust Hucksters, Thorn’s
were warned not to bring food to the never made it back home and died
masterpiece should be required read-
prisoners or risk getting shot. Survi- during captivity. Thousands of Ger- ing for anyone interested in under-
vors claimed that between 50 and 100 man civilians died of starvation or standing the underpinnings of the
inmates died daily. were otherwise murdered after the Zionist power elite. New second
Eisenhower said to J. Kingsley war. Thousands of orphaned chil- edition. Softcover, 184 pages, #609,
Smith, a war journalist, when the U.S. dren were forced to beg for food $20 minus 10% for TBR subscribers
joined the war: “I expect to destroy from Allied soldiers. They learned plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from
every German west of the Rhine and the English sentence: “Have you TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains,
within every area in which we are chocolate for me”? MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077
fighting.” At war’s end, German sol- The stores were empty. Vegetable toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 8-4 or
diers tried to reach the American sec- seeds were withheld so people could visit
tor before laying down their arms not even plant a garden. It was the
hoping for fair treatment, but in Rus- Morgenthau Plan in action, created

The Morgenthau Plan in Action
Genocidal policies and crimes carried out by
Allied forces—the U.S., the UK, and the Soviet
Union—resulted in the systematic destruction
of Germany and its people during and after
WWII. Following the war, German civilians,
including children such as the young girls
in the photo, were destitute, struggling to
find the basic necessities of life, such as food,
water, and housing. While much has been
made about an alleged “genocide” of Jews
during WWII, purportedly carried out in a
systematic, organized campaign, little is said
about the total annihilation of Germany and
the horrific suffering of its people, which
is in fact well documented.

by Jews in high positions in the U.S. to blame Germany after the war for are asking for more. Even children
government. The plan demanded the the many deaths in the camps, an and grandchildren of former inmates
total genocide of all Germans by get- event now called the “Holocaust”? of camps are demanding money. All
ting the surviving population sterilized they have to do is ask; no proof is
after the war. It also wanted all indus- OFFICIAL ‘HOLOCAUST’ needed. Germany keeps paying be-
try removed and to transform Ger- STORY IS FALSE cause of the “Holocaust” lies.
many into grazing land. Coal and oil No Jews or others were gassed in The Zionists have been successful
were withheld to force Germans to these camps. There were no homici- in getting laws onto the books in Eu-
cut down their beloved forests to dal gas chambers, only delousing rope that forbid the discussion of new
keep warm during the winter. chambers. This fact has been proven evidence that has been available since
Hitler knew about their plan. Con- by several scientific investigations. No the Berlin Wall came down. The Zion-
sequently, many Jews were put into traces of cyanide have been found in ists have their offices in Berlin and
camps for security reasons. the walls of the shower stalls that are most other big cities in every country
During the last six months of the claimed to have been used to gas in- and keep an eye on everything that is
war, Germans were literally starving mates. However, it was found in the printed, announced or mentioned re-
to death, and so were the camp in- delousing chambers where inmates’ garding the “Holocaust.”
mates because of the Allied food em- clothing and other materials were One has to be very careful, espe-
bargo and the bombings of the railway treated for lice. cially politicians—and better not men-
system that made it impossible to The biggest lie in history—that 6 tion anything positive about the Third
transfer food and medicine to the million Jews were gassed or other- Reich. It could earn one a big fine,
camps. The Red Cross was also not wise deliberately murdered during could end a career or even land one
allowed to deliver food to the camps, WWII by Germany in a coordinated, in jail in Germany.
as mentioned previously. Even the Ca- premeditated plan—has been very They claim that by outlawing Re-
nadian trucks, colored in white, trying lucrative for Israel. The New York visionist perspectives about the so-
to deliver food to the camps were tar- Times reported in 2012—and that called Holocaust, they are “protecting
gets of low flying Allied airplanes. number probably is much higher by democracy.” How much sense does
This makes me wonder why this now—that the Germans had paid 89 that make? Isn’t democracy all about
was allowed to happen and who or- billion euros to Israel to compensate free speech? Free speech and discus-
dered and condoned this? Did the the victims for the alleged concentra- sions of any subject are essential to
Zionists intentionally sacrifice their tion camp crimes. Each Jew must be get to the truth and are essential for
own people to manufacture a reason a multi-millionaire by now. And they future generations.

36 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

sat the mass murderers of Katyn with
LIFE DURING THIRD REICH those responsible for the bombing of
But, except for the war, not every- Dresden and other German towns.
thing was bad during the Third Reich. Torture was used on defenseless
The crime rate was low, the youth German POWs to get them to sign
was kept busy with sports, while now confessions. They were kept awake
they are exposed to pornographic lit- day and night, beaten and tortured
erature and illegal drugs that they get until they signed a confession. If a
from Third World migrants. People prisoner fell asleep, the guard would
could go for a walk at night if they prod him with an ax handle, burning
wanted to and not be afraid to get matches were driven under their fin-
robbed or killed, but they would not gernails and most were kicked in the
dare do that nowadays. testicles beyond repair. Many died
Men earned enough money so from the results of their torture.
their wives did not have to go to work Hundreds of innocent and honor-
to help pay the bills, like they have to able men were sentenced to death
now. Women could stay home and and were hanged. Some had to suffer
take care of the children, which is a through an intentionally slow hang- BACK IN A NEW
very important task. Men earned ing. It is hard to comprehend that the
enough to be able to take their fam- U.S. allowed this to happen. SIXTH EDITION!
ilies on vacation once a year. Special
areas were created for this purpose
at the sea and in the mountains. They
The Germans have been taught by
The Six Million:
were able to buy an affordable car, their former enemies, starting in kin- Fact or Fiction?
the Volkswagen. Low-cost housing dergarten, to be ashamed of their Fa-
was available for working-class fam- therland and its past. This reedu- BY PETER WINTER
ilies. The mortgage was reduced by cation over the years has been
about 25% when a child was born. successful: Germans have become By Peter Winter. 6th edition. New
After the birth of a fourth child, the their own worst enemy and now wel- appendices. How Zionists and
mortgage was eliminated. That does come the invasion of their country by Nazis cooperated on Germany’s
not sound too bad to me! migrants from the Third World, racial laws; how Zionists offered to
All this and more was created and people with black or brown skin, take up arms against Britain; how
endorsed by one they call the most people with different languages, dif- Nazi policy was aimed at encour-
evil man in the world: Adolf Hitler. ferent cultures and religions who aging Jews to emigrate, and then
want to take over what Germans over evacuating them; how official Ger-
POST-WAR COVER UP centuries have created.
AND ABUSES man records show that there were
Eventually, because of their cul-
4.5 million Jews under Nazi con-
After the war, Germans were ac- ture and who they are, they will
cused of crimes that have never been change beautiful Germany and other trol, and 4.3 million lodged claims
proven in a legitimate court of law. European countries into a lawless, as “Holocaust victims” after the
Horror stories of former camp in- Third World hellhole. war; how the USSR used torture
mates during the Nuremberg trials This is what World War II has been to produce “confessions” from
and elsewhere were not investigated all about. The Allies did not win the Germans and so much more! Soft-
or scrutinized for truthfulness. war, the globalists did. They want to cover, 125 pages, large 8.5” x 11”
Germans on trial were not allowed change who we are. They will succeed format, 160 explanatory illustra-
to question their accusers. They were if we continue to let it happen. ❖ tions and captions, fully indexed,
systematically found guilty and sen- #604, $22 minus 10% for TBR
tenced to death. The Nuremberg trials ANGELA WOYWOOD, a longtime sub- subscribers plus $5 S&H inside
in 1945 and elsewhere were based on scriber to TBR and a supporter of Revi- the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box
hate and revenge. No surprise there. sionism, has a deep appreciation of 550, White Plains, MD 20695.
Out of 3,000 people employed on the European history. Fed up with the lies
disseminated by the mass media, Hol- Call toll free 1-877-773-9077 to
staff at the Nuremberg trials, 2,400 charge, Mon.-Thu. 8-4 ET or visit
lywood, and political establishment,
were Jewish. Courts in other areas she has worked tirelessly to “bring his-
also were dominated by Jews. On the tory into accord with the facts.”
bench in judgment of the Germans


Codifying War Propaganda:

Truth Now ‘Misinformation’
The German government wants to enact a law to criminalize
doubting any “official” war crime or genocide narrative

would rule the day.

By Paul Craig Roberts Germany also was blamed for dec-
ades as the government that caused

eutsche Welle, a German in- World War I, a war that put Western
ternational broadcaster, fi- civilization on an uninterrupted path
nanced by who they don’t of decline and collapse. In 1926, a dis-
say, reports that the German tinguished American historian, Harry
government is going to criminalize Elmer Barnes, put the lie to this false
denying war crimes and genocides. claim in his book The Genesis of the
Neither Deutsche Welle nor the World War. Marshaling enormous
German government reveals who it quantities of official documents and
is who gets to determine the unchal- telegrams, he proved beyond all doubt
lengeable war crimes and genocides. that World War I was orchestrated by
Germany gave in to the Jewish the president of France and ministers
grievance lobbies and long ago crim- of the Russian tzar.
inalized “Holocaust denial.” I have Germany was caught off guard by
wondered why. If everything we are the Russian mobilization, and Ger-
taught about the Holocaust is true, it many was the last country to mobilize.
can stand on the facts and remain HARRY ELMER BARNES How can it be that the country accused
undamaged by unsupported denials. Upset the Court Historians. of starting the war mobilized only
What the criminalization of inquiry after Russian troops were pouring or
and debate does is prevent us from about to pour into Prussia?
knowing the true dimension and his- oneting Belgian babies. (In the 21st Barnes upset the Court Historians,
tory of the so-called Holocaust. My century, a version of this falsehood who called him a “German agent”
understanding from reading is that was repeated against Iraqi troops in (the same ilk called me a “Russian
multiple European countries and Ca- Kuwait.) The propaganda created agent” for giving a truthful account
nada do not permit any examination enormous hatred for Germany. These of the Ukraine/Russian conflict), but,
of the Holocaust. We are simply told decades later, after the normalization in the 21st century, Cambridge Uni-
that it is true, but it can’t be examined, of mothers bayoneting their own versity historian Christopher Clark
and that is the end of that. babies, it might not have the same reached Barnes’s conclusion in his
The Germans have suffered sub- effect. But what if it had been legis- book The Sleepwalkers.
stantially from declared and unex- lated a criminal act to investigate Briefly, the Russian tzar was de-
amined “truths.” In World War I, Ger- whether German soldiers murdered ceived by ministers on whom he re-
many was accused of its soldiers bay- Belgian babies? The propaganda lied who had been conspiring without

38 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

the tzar’s knowledge for years with
France’s Raymond Poincaré to start
a war that would let Russia seize
the straits that connect the Black
Sea to the Mediterranean, and France
retake Alsace-Lorraine from Ger-
many. British Foreign Minister Sir
Edward Grey misled Parliament and
the British king, pushing for a war
that would rid Great Britain of Ger-
many as a rival forever.
The Russian-French excuse was
the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s re-
sponse to the assassination of the
heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
by Serbians . The war was disastrous
for all concerned. The Russian gov-
ernment was overthrown. The best
government Germany ever had was
destroyed. The Austro-Hungarian Em-
pire ceased to exist, the British were
financially exhausted and lost a gen-
eration of leaders, and the Versailles
Treaty imposing war guilt on Germany TWO FAKE WAR CRIMES IN ONE!
was so shameful and impractical that In the ludicrous anti-German propaganda poster shown here, not
it produced World War II, which fin- only are snarling and grotesque German soldiers holding up a
ished off the European powers. baby spiked on a bayonet, in the background of the falsified scene
Suppose some government had
is the infamous “Canadian soldier nailed to a cross,” yet another
criminalized doubting German guilt
myth created by war propagandists to demonize WWI Germany.
for World War I. We might today have
no idea of the true story. So, what In the center of the poster, it appears that the German military
are we to make of the German gov- man leading the way may himself be the Kaiser! Such absurd lies
ernment’s criminalization of skepti- were believed by millions at the time. What if we weren’t allowed
cism of alleged war crimes? to challenge the “official” line on history? The lies of the victors
What are we witnessing here? Is would be codified as authentic history.
the German government enacting
legislation to protect war propaganda
from skepticism? Is the purpose of against a White ethnic is considered tion of evidence to decide truth. Those
the law to make it impossible to un- a conviction. days are behind us. Today truth is
derstand the Ukraine conflict as any- Now we come back to the new declared from above and ensconced
thing but a Russian war crime? Is the German law against denying war crimes. in official narratives that cannot be
German government determined, by The law provides no criteria for deciding challenged. Truth is now “misinfor-
preventing any examination and pres- who—and what process in whose mation.” ❖
entation of the evidence, to blame hands—establishes the responsibility
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has had a storied ca-
Russia, just as the German government for declaring war crimes that are true reer in academia, journalism, public service and
blames Germany for World War II? by diktat. In other words, it is nothing business. He is a columnist for American Free
More generally, throughout the but a propagandistic law to apply to Press and also maintains
which features all of his articles and commentaries.
Western world, White ethnicities are whoever the West wants demonized, A former assistant secretary of the Treasury for
blamed for racism and slavery of sanctioned and overthrown. economic policy under then-President Ronald
Regan, Roberts is one of America’s most experi-
people of color, charges they are not The Western world in the past enced, knowledgeable and erudite commentators.
permitted to challenge. An assertion rested on open debate and presenta-

A digest of interesting historical ish Telegraphic Agency, the bill “would
news items gleaned from various nearly double the money the govern-
sources around the world that most ment had already set aside for resti-
likely did not appear in your local tution claims in a country where 90%
newspaper or on your mainstream of Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”
television broadcasts. Over 10 years ago, Lithuania dedicated
✠ ✠ ✠ nearly $72 million for the Good Will
Foundation, an organization managed
Combatting “Anti-Semitism” by the Foundation for Lithuanian
In the wake of “anti-Semitic” com- Jewish Heritage which receives and
ments made by Kayne West, the pop- distributes money from the central
ular rapper now known as Ye, leading Lithuanian government for “projects
officials in the Biden administration which deal with religious, cultural,
launched a roundtable meeting with health care, sports, educational and
a number of top Jewish groups where scientific goals pursued by Lithuanian
the “rising tide of anti-Semitism” was Jews in Lithuania,” according to its
characterized as “an epidemic of hate official website. The new legislation
facing our country.” Chaired by Doug- would allow so-called survivors and
las Emhoff, the Jewish husband of their heirs to apply for compensation
Vice President Kamala Harris, the for personal property allegedly stolen,
roundtable featured Special Envoy DOUG EMHOFF
seized or destroyed during WWII, a
to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism key goal of the Jewish World Resti-
Deborah Lipstadt and Susan Rice, December titled, “If Holocaust Deniers tution Organization, an international
director of the Domestic Policy Coun- Don’t Go to Hell, There is No God,” mafia-style racket that shakes down
cil, among other top officials in the demonstrating the utter hysteria that European governments for money
Biden White House. Described as a exists when it comes to the sacrosanct on behalf of “Holocaust survivors.”
“first-of-its-kind White House summit “Holocaust” narrative and anyone ✠ ✠ ✠
on anti-Semitism” by JewishInsider, questioning or disputing the officially
accepted dogma. “In the pantheon
Germany Arrests 25 “Terrorists”
a leading publication within the Jew-
ish community, the roundtable high- of evils, among the worst is Holocaust In early December last year, nearly
lighted the growing demand by the denial,” Prager argued, before insisting 3,000 German law enforcement of-
organized Jewish community for a that those who question the author- ficers participated in 150 operations
coordinated national strategy to “com- ized “Holocaust” story will go straight in 11 of the 16 states in Germany, re-
bat anti-Semitism,” which essentially to hell “if there is a just God.” Many sulting in the arrest of 25 individuals
amounts to any discussion of anyone critics and dissidents, including Jewish said to have been involved in a plot
who is Jewish. Representatives from author Norman Finkelstein, have to overthrow the German government,
the Anti-Defamation League, the argued that the “Holocaust” story according to the BBC. Many of those
American Jewish Committee, the has essentially become the new reli- arrested were reportedly involved
Jewish Federations of North America, gion for many contemporary Jews. with the Reichsbürger movement in
the Conference of Presidents of Major After reading op-eds like the one au- Germany, a group that has long been
American Jewish Organizations, and thored by Prager, it is difficult to dis- targeted by German intelligence and
at least 10 other organizations were pute that contention. law enforcement. Known as the Cit-
present at the closed-door meeting. ✠ ✠ ✠ izens of the Reich, members of Reichs-
bürger do not recognize the legitimacy
✠ ✠ ✠ Unending “Mafia-Style” Racket of the post-WWII German state. Ac-
Going to Hell for “Denial” Ingrida Simonyte, Lithuania’s cur- cording to German authorities, the
Dennis Prager, a leading conser- rent prime minister, recently intro- plotters, which included a former
vative intellectual and commentator duced a bill in the Seimas, Lithuania’s member of parliament, former military
who is also a rabid Zionist proud of legislature, that would allocate nearly officers, and a low-level aristocrat,
his Jewish heritage, published an un- $38 million to “Holocaust” survivors aimed to overthrow the government
usually unhinged op-ed in early and their heirs. According to the Jew- and install a former member of the

40 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

German royal family as ruler in a German prison in July 2022 after
newly organized state. Interior Minister spending nearly four years behind
Nancy Faeser described those arrested bars for publicly challenging the offi-
as “the enemies of democracy” and cial “Holocaust” narrative. Alfred and
vowed to continue the investigation. his sister Monika, who was also im-
One wonders if undercover operatives prisoned in Germany and who has
or informants played a role in pushing recently published a book currently
or even organizing the alleged seditious available from TBR describing the
plot, as is commonplace in the U.S. Schaefer’s persecution and experience
✠ ✠ ✠ with the German legal system, are
Record NDAA Passed powerful champions of the Revisionist
cause. Even after spending four years
Just before TBR went to press,
behind bars, including over a year in
the House of Representatives ap-
solitary confinement, Alfred continues
proved the largest ever National De-
to be an outspoken proponent for
fense Authorization Act (NDAA), an
free speech and thought, much to the
annual bill that sets policy and spend-
chagrin of the powers that be in both
ing priorities for the Pentagon and
Canada and Germany.
the U.S. defense budget. The House
✠ ✠ ✠
voted overwhelmingly to approve the
bill (350-80), far surpassing the two- “Person of the Year” Named Prisoner Swap
thirds majority required to pass the Shocking absolutely no one, The Biden administration and the
measure, which outlines priorities TIME magazine, a once respectable Kremlin reached a deal in early De-
and initiatives for the Department of publication, named Volodymyr Ze- cember whereby the accused Russian
Defense. The bill will go to the Senate lensky, Ukraine’s Jewish president, arms dealer and businessman Viktor
where it is expected to be approved as it’s “Person of the Year” for 2022. Bout would be released from prison
before heading to the White House Zelensky has been a darling of the in exchange for Brittney Griner, an
for Biden’s signature. The NDAA for Western media and political estab- American professional woman’s bas-
fiscal year 2023 authorizes $858 billion lishment since the Russian invasion ketball player arrested in Russia on
in defense and military spending, of Ukraine began in February of drug possession charges earlier this
which includes more money and mil- last year. Edward Felsenthal, TIME year. Bout was serving a lengthy
itary support for Taiwan and Uk- magazine’s Jewish editor-in-chief, prison sentence after being taken
raine—countries being used as into custody in a sting operation in
argued that Zelensky galvanized
proxies by the U.S. in its geopolitical Thailand in 2008. He was sentenced
“the world in a way we haven’t
struggle against China and Russia re- in 2012 after being convicted in a
seen in decades,” which was largely
spectively—as well as funding for New York court on charges of ter-
the purchase of military equipment due to the Western media’s fawning rorism and conspiring to kill U.S. na-
and a 4.6% pay raise for U.S. military coverage of Zelensky in its ongoing tionals, according to the U.S. Justice
personnel, Reuters reported. The information war against Russia. In Department..
$858 billion price tag is roughly $45 reality, Ukraine has systematically ✠ ✠ ✠
billion more than requested by the persecuted opposition political
parties and media outlets since
Musk Disbands Council
Biden White House. Where exactly
Zelensky came to power, while The mercurial billionaire Elon Musk
all this money will come from and
continuing its assault on the largely disbanded the highly partisan, pro-
how it will impact the inflationary
Russian-speaking people of the censorship Trust and Safety Council
pressures on the U.S. economy has
Donbass region in eastern Ukraine, in mid-December in yet another
yet to be determined.
which sought independence from move that has free speech absolut-
✠ ✠ ✠
the ruling regime based in Kiev. As ists encouraged about the future of
Orwell Free Speech Award 2022 Twitter. Since taking over, Musk has
TBR goes to press, it is estimated
In early December last year, Lady vowed to move the company in a
that at least 100,000 Ukrainian mil-
Michele Renouf, a long time dissident more pro-free speech direction, al-
itary men and tens of thousands
and supporter of the Revisionist cause, though critics have pointed out cer-
presented the annual George Orwell of Russians have lost their lives in tain topics continue to be censored
Free Speech Award for 2022 to Alfred the senseless and entirely avoidable and banned on the platform, includ-
Schaefer, a German-Canadian dis- bloodshed. ing those espousing Revisionist argu-
sident who was finally released from ments about WWII.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 4 1


Israel’s Samson Option and

Potential Nuclear War Scenarios
solely at invaders threatening the res-
By Marc Roland idents of Israel, but, in their own

words, against the entire outside world
am Death, the mighty De- and the rest of humanity.
stroyer of the World, out to “We possess several hundred
destroy. If the splendor of a atomic warheads and rockets,” claims
thousand suns was to blaze Martin van Creveld, a professor of
out all at once in the sky, even without military history at Israel’s Hebrew
your participation, all the warriors University, “and can launch them at
standing arrayed in the opposing arm- targets in all directions, perhaps even
ies shall cease to exist.” From The at Rome [the capital city of an Israeli
Bhagavad Gita, “The Song of the ally]. Most European capitals [and
Lord”, Chapter 11, Verses 31-33, 5th staunch allies of Israel] are targets
Century B.C. Hindu scripture.1 for our air force. We have the capability
Not since the Cuban missile crisis to take the world down with us. And
of 60 years ago has the world edged I can assure you that that will happen
closer to atomic war. That confron- before Israel goes under.”5
tation in October 1962 was inter- In a 2002 article published by the
nationally negotiated from the brink Los Angeles Times, David Perlmutter,
of nuclear Armageddon.2 But the pres- a Jewish professor who also serves
ent conflict in Ukraine is more perilous as the director of the School of Jour-
because it is nonnegotiable: Both Rus- nalism and Mass Communication at
sia and NATO, from opposing points Louisiana State University, wrote:
of view, regard the fate of Ukraine as Seymour Hersh, above, is one What would serve the Jew-hating
an existential matter, thereby creating of America’s leading investi- world better in repayment for thou-
an impasse from which there is no sands of years of massacres but
gative journalists. Of Jewish
diplomatic exit. But a silent player a Nuclear Winter? For the first time
sits in at this high-stakes match-game, heritage himself, Hersh wrote in history, a people facing exter-
an old swindler holding a card that The Samson Option: Israel’s mination, while the world either
could trump Vladimir Putin’s hand Nuclear Arsenal and American cackles or looks away—unlike the
with a global conflagration. Foreign Policy in 1991, expos- Armenians, Tibetans, World War II
Potential for that doomsday cata- ing Israel’s nuclear policy. European Jews or Rwandans—have
the power to destroy the world.
clysm rests at the present moment The ultimate justice?6
with nine countries pointing 13,080
nuclear weapons at one another.3 Rus- apart the pillars of an enemy temple, Apparently, mankind is not allowed
sia and the United States possess where he had been imprisoned, al- to live without Israel and the Jewish
most of them, but a decisive trip- lowing the roof to collapse in on him- people.
hammer is touched by Israel’s itchy self and his enemies, killing everyone.4 The Jewish-American historian
trigger-finger. It is known there as The “Samson Option” refers to a de- Ron Rosenbaum writes how, in the
b’rerat shimshon, named after the terrent strategy of massive retaliation “aftermath of a second Holocaust,”
herculean biblical figure, who pushed with nuclear weapons. It is not directed Israel could “bring down the pillars

42 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Israel’s original nuclear research facility, above, was built secretly in the Negev desert near the city of
Dimona with French assistance, completely outside the inspection process and protocols of the Inter-
national Atomic Energy Agency. Today it’s called the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center,
and Israeli officials have always claimed their nuclear program was strictly for agricultural and research
purposes. Israel is one of the only countries in the world that has refused to sign the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

of the world (attack Moscow and Eu- to the entire world.”9 offensive against Ukraine undertaken
ropean capitals, for instance),” as well As such and, as the name infers, by Putin’s armed forces claimed sig-
as the “holy places of Islam.”7 the Samson Option is not confined to nificant Jewish casualties, even col-
A former Israeli official, “who has a miniature state in the Near East, but laterally rather than deliberately, gov-
firsthand knowledge of his govern- much more. “Israel” is understood as ernment officials in Tel Aviv could
ment’s nuclear weapons program,” the whole Jewish people, everywhere feel justified in activating the Samson
according to Pulitzer Prize-wining on Earth. Accordingly, large-scale ag- Option against targets inside Russia.
investigative journalist Seymour gression against a Jewish community Doubtless, this is a contingency
Hersh, himself a Jew, told Gentiles, anywhere constitutes an attack on the already under serious consideration
“We got the message. We can still re- broader, worldwide concept of “Israel,” by high-ranking Israeli politicians and
member the smell of Auschwitz and or “Greater Israel.” Who can say what military officers, if not the general
Treblinka. Next time, we’ll take all Israeli officials might consider “a sec- population. Their Jericho III is a tri-
of you with us.”8 ond Holocaust” to justify triggering a ple-stage, solid propellant inter-con-
Itamar Yaoz-Kest, an Israeli poet global Holocaust of their own? tinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Car-
and self-styled “Holocaust survivor,” A harrowing example exists at this rying a payload from over 2,200 pounds
warned, “If you force us yet again to very moment in Eastern Europe. Uk- to nearly one and a half tons, with a
descend from the face of the Earth raine has a very large Jewish pop- range of 2,982 to 7,180 miles, it is ca-
to the depths of the Earth—let the ulation—approximately 360,000 to pable of delivering an atomic warhead
Earth roll toward the Nothingness,” a 400,000 persons, making it the eighth to any target across Russia.12 Israel is
reference, as Gil Ronen saw it, to most numerous after the United States, said to possess and operate 263 Jericho
the Samson Option, which The Jeru- Israel, France, Canada, Russia, the IIIs.13 As soon as their attack course
salem Post journalist described as West Bank, and the United Kingdom.10 has become clear, a Russian retaliatory
“taking out Israel’s enemies with it, There are 110,000 Jews in Kiev, the strike against Israel would prompt
possibly causing irreparable damage Ukrainian capital, alone.11 If a ground counter-launches from the United

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States, unleashing a full-blown nuclear with their own atomic armory. It would as to finance and fuel Israel’s first nu-
exchange. not be an easy task. clear reactor at Nahal Sosq, south of
Leaders in the Kremlin have quite World opinion, appalled by the Tel Aviv, where the country’s premier
a similar version of the Samson Option, specter of thermonuclear war looming atomic warheads were designed.
when their entire missile arsenal is in the postwar era, necessitated strict One year after the Israelis arrived
automatically triggered into an irre- secrecy and covert action, especially in Paris, they were alarmed when the
versible launch sequence.14 Although as international agreements for nuclear United States, United Kingdom and
most of its ICBMs target the United nonproliferation and even disarma- France vowed to mutually deny mili-
States, American military analysts are ment were being drawn up. Atomic tary assistance of all kinds to the Mid-
confident that only four to six of them energy research was expensive. Ben- dle East, for fear of igniting a wider
would actually pass through our de- Gurion and other Israeli leaders real- war at that immemorial hot spot. The
fenses, demolishing as many urban ized that they needed big money, and Tripartite Agreement meant that Amer-
areas, resulting in at least 12 million lots of it, to afford the scientists, ican, British or French citizens who
dead and three times the number in- equipment, facilities, heavy water and contributed to any Middle Eastern
jured.15 Even so, it is difficult to uranium necessary for developing a armed forces were in violation of the
imagine an aerial shield virtually im- nuclear bomb. agreement and subject to arrest and
permeable enough to mostly filter out From the start, it was confidentially punishment, including deportation of
the rain of 3,000 to 4,000 missiles financed by U.S. and European Jews convicted non-citizens.
falling simultaneously across America. often attending synagogue, where French President Charles de Gaulle
So, with the Samson Option, all man- not only disavowed CEA cooperation
kind must perish. with the Israelis, but demanded that
This is no Judgment Day fantasy,
but a very real possibility currently
From that point on, their laboratories be shut down, and
forbade further French assistance.
under grim discussion by military De Gaulle was kept His orders were ignored. He was there-
strategists everywhere. “Our armed after kept in the dark about Israeli
forces,” van Creveld boasts of Israel’s in the dark about weaponization of the atom with the
nuclear potential, “are not the 30th invaluable help of their Paris collabo-
strongest in the world, but rather the Israeli weaponization rators, who illegally supplied them
second or third.”16
How in God’s name did humanity
of the atom. with uranium ore and reactor parts,
minus international inspection, as re-
arrive at this stupidly suicidal and su- quired by international law.
premely abysmal state of affairs? The While many of these “French” part-
answer, like so many others pertaining fundraising could be safely conducted ners in crime were Jewish, most were
to the slide of Western civilization in the shadows of religious activity. not, though all of them passionately
from its preeminent high culture to- “American Jews were Israel’s life- believed Israel deserved and needed
ward an evolving dystopia, lies in his- line,” Hersh explains. “Hundreds of the atom bomb. When U.S. government
tory’s most decisive turning-point, millions of American dollars were officials got wind of Franco-Israeli
World War II. Its misbegotten offspring pouring in every year.”18 In a short collusion and brought it to de Gaulle’s
was modern Israel. Doubtless, had time—only months, in fact, after Israel attention, CEA spokesmen dismissed
that conflict turned out differently, was founded—Israeli physicists were it as a ludicrous, anti-Semitic con-
the instigative Zionist state would have participating in joint research with spiracy theory because the Zionists
never been born. Instead, immediately their French colleagues at the Com- were said to have been interested in
following Europe’s “Alamo of the Aryan missariat à l’énergie atomique et aux manufacturing better agricultural
race,” ancient plans were set in motion énergies alternatives (CEA), or the chemicals, nothing more. The same
for transforming the theft of Gentile Alternative Energies and Atomic lie was soon after repeated by Ben-
Palestine into world Jewry’s corporate Energy Commission, located in Paris. Gurion to calm anxious members of
headquarters based in Tel Aviv.17 United Nations inspectors were the Knesset, who were hearing dis-
From the moment America’s first shocked and suspicious when they turbing rumors to the contrary.
operational atom bomb killed 126,000 learned of foreign nuclear scientists No longer able to risk working at
Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in at work in France but were assured the supposedly deactivated CEA fa-
1945, and three years before Israel by the Israelis that their only interest cilities in Paris, the French fellow
even existed, Israel’s first prime min- in atomic energy was its purely agri- travelers relocated eight miles outside
ister, David Ben-Gurion, together with cultural application. the remote city of Dimona, 22 miles
his fellow founding fathers, swore by The gullible Americans swallowed west of the Dead Sea in the Southern
Yahweh’s beard to outfit themselves this bold-faced lie whole, going so far District of Israel, where, due to its

44 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

relative isolation in the desert, ground
was broken for the Negev Nuclear
Research Center. It was not long there-
after, however, that the Franco-Israeli
honeymoon began to sour.
“The French on the job at Dimona,”
Hersh writes, “were also a source of
turmoil.” He continues:
Hundreds of French engineers
and technicians had begun pouring
into the Negev [Desert], in 1957. …
Housing was also made available
to the thousands of North African
Jews (or Sephardim) who immi-
grated from Morocco and Algeria,
hired to do the digging and building
of the reactor and reprocessing
plant. European Jews were slowly
and carefully recruited from gov-
ernment and private businesses
throughout Israel to serve as scien-
tists and bureaucratic managers;
they too were provided with housing
in Beersheba.
There was a caste system in the
desert, and the French were on top,
as they repeatedly made all too clear.
“The French were arrogant,” said
one Israeli who spent part of his ca-
reer at Dimona. … Some of the
French officials were openly anti-
Semitic, the Israeli recalled, and
one—eventually ordered out of Is-
rael—was found to have collaborated
with the Nazis during World War II.
The French treatment of the Mordechai Vanunu: Israeli Patriot
Jews from North Africa who had
been hired as laborers was even
worse, the Israeli added: “They would Mordechai Vanunu was born in 1952 to an Orthodox Jewish
speak of Jews from Algeria and Mo- family in Marrakesh, Morocco. His family emigrated to Israel
rocco like they were stones—inferior where he would become a nuclear technician at the Negev Nu-
beings. It was Nazi-like.”
clear Research Center in 1976. He enrolled at Ben-Gurion Uni-
Even those Frenchmen who
were Jewish did little to ease the versity of the Negev in Beersheba a few years later, where he
tension; many considered them- developed left-wing views and an opposition to nuclear weapons
selves to be of a different class and proliferation. In the mid-1980s, Vanunu would leak information,
social standing than their less so- photographs and personal testimony concerning his work-related
phisticated Israeli colleagues. Iron- activities at Israel’s nuclear facility, exposing Israel’s nuclear de-
ically, the Algerian and Moroccan ception and pursuit and possession of nuclear weapons. He
Jews also were mistreated by their
would later be set up in a “honeypot” trap and was abducted by
Israeli employers. … The North Af-
rican Jews were “treated like slaves” Israeli intelligence in Rome in 1986, where he was quickly trans-
by French and Israelis alike. ported back to Israel to face trial on numerous charges, including
treason. He ultimately spent nearly 18 years in prison, much of
By the mid-1960s, the disenchanted it in solitary confinement, and was released in 2004, though he
French left the Negev Research Center, is still constantly monitored and forbidden from leaving Israel.
never to return. “Abraham Sourassi,
one of the senior Israelis at Dimona

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… endeared himself to his countrymen was a total surprise to the White of-the-art surface-to-air missile would
by declaring, ‘Good riddance’.”19 The House, intelligence community, and give Israel a qualitative edge over its
scorned and disaffected French were so forth. We decided that this was Arab enemies, but the sly prime min-
never credited by their ingrate bene- not what Israel was telling us.” 21 ister’s offer put Kennedy in a diplomatic
factors for having made Israel’s atom Kennedy immediately dispatched bind. His policy had been to equally
bomb possible from its beginning. a letter to Ben-Gurion, in which he refuse weapons to all Mideast gov-
The slack was taken up and ac- stressed that America’s worldwide ernments, without exception, because
tually anticipated and preceded by position on nonproliferation would that area of the world had too much
other foreigners, like Raymond Fox, “be compromised if a state regarded potential for conflict that could easily
who “had created high-level conster- as being dependent on us, as is Israel, spill over to other parts of the world.
nation [among his nuclear research pursues an independent course.” Ken- After long deliberation, he reluc-
colleagues] by emigrating to Israel nedy made “a demand for inspection tantly decided to pay Ben-Gurion’s
in 1957 from California where he had and the right to convey the results to price for a look inside the Dimona
access to weapons design information [Gamal] Nasser,” the then-Egyptian plant: Keeping a thermonuclear bomb
at the Lawrence Livermore National president and Arab nationalist. away from the Israelis seemed better
Laboratory, the nuclear research fa- “The idea was,” Hersh explained, than risking another war fought be-
cility operated at the University of “to reassure the Egyptian president tween them and their neighbors with
California for the Atomic Energy that Dimona was not a weapons plant conventional weapons. U.S. overseas
Commission. Fox’s secrets could be and to prevent Egypt from beginning policy had nonetheless been intimi-
invaluable to the Israelis at Dimona.”20 dated, coerced and ultimately dictated
Fox was joined by other Jewish phys- by a foreign power. It would not be
icists from America, Canada and
Great Britain. JFK reluctantly the last time.
Nor would the Israeli wheeler-
Their clandestine project faced its
most serious challenge in 1961 with a
decided to pay dealers—traditional past masters at
diplomatic slight-of-hand—concede
major shift in U.S. government prior- Ben-Gurion’s price anything, unlike the Americans with
ities directed by John F. Kennedy after
entering the White House. Horrified for a look inside the their magnanimous concessions. As
Abe Feinberg, Kennedy’s liaison to
by the prospect of a thermonuclear
exchange, the chief focus of his ad-
Dimona plant. the Israelis, admitted decades later,
“They gave him a scam job.”
ministration included: non-proliferation Hersh explains:
of atomic weapons; a halt to their
further development; international in- its own nuclear research. The inspec- The American inspectors—most
spections for limiting their mass-pro- tion of Dimona was to be carried out of them experts in nuclear process-
duction; an end to their testing; and by an independent team of experts ing—would be provided with a Po-
from the International Atomic Energy temkin village and never know it.23
marginalizing the dangerous potential
… A false control room was con-
for their deployment by improving Agency, the nuclear safeguarding structed at Dimona, complete with
relations between contentious coun- agency based in Vienna.” 22 false control panels and computer-
tries through peaceful resolutions. The gist of Ben-Gurion’s long, re- driven measuring devices that
After the Central Intelligence petitive, and rambling reply was that seemed to be gauging the thermal
Agency brought photographs to Ken- Dimona’s doors were forever closed output of a 24 megawatt reactor
nedy’s attention, he was horrified. and locked to nosey IAEA inspectors. (as Israel claimed Dimona to be) in
Their imagery suggested that Dimona’s Outraged by such arrogant defiance, full operation.
Negev Nuclear Research Center was JFK ordered the CIA to launch a spy There were extensive practice
engaged in the development of an raid into the Negev Nuclear Research sessions in the fake control room,
atomic bomb. Center. The attempt was successfully as Israeli technicians sought to avoid
William R. Crawford, a U.S. Foreign blocked at the facility’s defensive any slips when the Americans ar-
Service officer and director of Israeli perimeter. rived. The goal was to convince the
inspectors that no chemical repro-
affairs, recounted, “This was very hot Kennedy was at a loss what to do
cessing plant existed or was possible.
stuff. It was as if there was no previous next, until Ben-Gurion himself agreed One big fear was that the Amer-
information [there was none, as far that Dimona was open for inspection, icans would seek to inspect the re-
as Kennedy knew, because he had as soon as Israel was provided with actor core physically, and presum-
only been told that Israel’s tiny nuclear batteries of America’s latest MIM-23 ably discover that Dimona was uti-
reactor was strictly limited to agri- “Homing-All-the-Way Killer” missile— lizing large amounts of heavy
cultural matters], as if the whole thing the Hawk missile, for short. This state- water—much of it illicitly obtained

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from France and Norway—and ob-
viously operating the reactor at far
greater output than the acknowl-
edged 24 megawatts. It was agreed
that the inspection team would not
be permitted to enter the core “for
safety reasons.”
Another aspect of the cover-up
was made much easier by the fact
that none of the Americans spoke or
understood Hebrew. One former Is-
raeli official recalled that his job was
to interpret for the American team.
“I was part of the cover-up team.
One of the engineers would start
talking too much in front of the
Americans,” the official said, and
he would tell him, in seemingly con-
versational Hebrew, “Listen, you
mother******, don’t answer that
question!” The Americans would
think I was translating.24
Satisfied with their inspection, they
reported to Kennedy that Dimona was
incapable of producing a nuclear
weapon. Six years later, in early 1968,
the plant gave Israel the bomb. Since
then, it has not been detonated, but
has been used to intimidate the outside
A case in point occurred during
the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when a
coalition of 12 Arab states threatened
to overwhelm Israel. In a failed coun- Then-Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, left, is photographed with
terattack on October 8, the Israelis then-President Richard Nixon, right, in 1973 at the White House.
lost 73 tanks—mostly destroyed, but Meir served as Israel’s fourth prime minister from 1969 to 1974,
some captured—within a matter of becoming the country’s first and only woman to head the gov-
minutes. A panicking Israeli Prime ernment. Born in Kiev in 1898, then a part of the Russian Empire,
Minister Golda Meir ordered Simcha she moved to Wisconsin with her family in 1906. After getting
Dinitz, Israel’s ambassador to the married, she and her husband emigrated to what was then the
United States, to put through a tele- British Mandate of Palestine, which eventually became the state
phone call to the White House for
of Israel in 1948. Always a staunch Zionist and labor advocate,
emergency military aid in the form of
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II Meir and her husband joined a kibbutz upon arriving in Palestine
interceptors. in the early 1920s. In 1934, she joined the Executive Committee
President Richard Nixon truthfully of the Histadrut, the General Organization of Workers in Israel,
replied that he lacked the Congres- the leading trade union in the country, and eventually became
sional authority to honor such a the head of its political department. She would go on to play a
request, because treaty obligations leading diplomatic role in post-WWII Jewish refugee resettlement
with all Middle East nations forbade in Israel, raising money for Jews to emigrate to Israel and ulti-
America from arming any one of them. mately became a leading political player in the emerging Jewish
After Dinitz responded that a precedent state. She was one of 24 signatories of Israel’s Declaration of In-
had already been set, when then-Pres- dependence in May 1948 and would go on to serve as labor sec-
ident Kennedy dispatched Hawk mis- retary and foreign minister before becoming prime minister.
siles to Israel in a similar situation 11
years earlier, Nixon pointed out that

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the anti-aircraft MIM-23s had been drew Russian missiles from Cuba when Pres- June 5, 2020.
defensive, not offensive weapons like ident John. F. Kennedy ordered the removal 15. Ibid.
of American missiles aimed at the USSR from 16. Ladki, Nadim. “Israeli Prof Suggests Is-
the F-4 fighter-bombers.
Turkey. rael Can Destroy All European Capitals.” IAP
Unimpressed and impatient, Meir 3. Kartchner, Kerry M. and Larsen, Jeffrey News, January 2003.
put Israel on full nuclear alert for the A. On Limited Nuclear War in the 21st Cen- 17. Former U.S. Navy Commander George
first time in its checkered history and tury. CA: Stanford Security Studies, 2014. Lincoln Rockwell referred to World War II’s
activated the country’s officially non- 4. Judges 16:30. climactic Battle of Berlin as “the Alamo of the
existent atomic arsenal. She “used 5. Ladki, Nadim. “Israeli Prof Suggests Aryan race” in his autobiography, This Time
that alert to blackmail Washington Israel Can Destroy All European Capitals.” the World, originally published by Parliament
IAP News, January 2003. House in 1963.
into a major policy change” by having 6. Perlmutter, David. “Israel: Dark Thoughts 18. Hersh, op. cit.
Dinitz warn the president of “very se- and Quiet Desperation.” Los Angeles Times, 19. Ibid.
rious conclusions.” With that, Nixon April 7, 2002. 20. Ibid.
made an about-face by ordering the 7. Rosenbaum, Ron. How the End Begins: 21. Ibid.
Phantoms air-lifted without delay to The Road to Nuclear World War III. NY: 22. Ibid.
Tel Aviv. Simon & Schuster, 2012. 23. Ibid. In politics, a “Potemkin village” is
8. Hersh, Seymour M. The Samson Option: any construction whose purpose is to provide
Hersh quotes an American defense
Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American For- an external façade for concealing its true con-
analyst, who said, “It is terribly dan- eign Policy. NY: Random House, 1991. dition. The term derives from a fake, portable
gerous to stop Israel from doing what 9. Ronen, Gil. “Israeli Letter-Poem to Grass: village built by the Russian governor of Crimea,
it thinks is essential to its national se- Grigory Potemkin. In 1787, he set up “mobile
curity”—even, apparently, for the chief villages” of happy, prosperous peasants im-
executive of the United States.25
Today, Israeli government au-
It’s dangerous to personated by actors on the banks of the
Dnipro River for the purpose of misleading
thorities still neither confirm nor deny stop Israel from Empress Catherine the Great and foreign am-
bassadors into concluding that her realm was
their possession of nuclear weapons.
To even discuss the possibility in Israel doing what it thinks successful. As soon as the barge carrying her
and the foreign visitors arrived, the actors
is punishable by imprisonment. Before
any article so much as skirting the is essential to its would populate the phony village. Once the
barge left, the village was disassembled, then
issue is published in Israeli newspapers
or magazines, it must be first scruti-
national security. rebuilt downstream overnight for a similar
performance the next day, repeating the process
over and over for a week or more.
nized and cleared by military censors. 24. Ibid.
“Can the world afford to pretend 25. Ibid. There was an earlier close brush
that Israel is not a nuclear power,” If We Go, Everyone Goes.” Israel National with nuclear Armageddon. Referring to what
Hersh asks, “because to do otherwise News, April 8, 2012. is called “the last secret of the Six-Day War,”
would raise difficult issues? Can any 10. Karabelnicoff, Shaked. “Who are the an article published by The New York Times
international agreement to limit the Jews of Ukraine?”, reported that a team of Israeli paratroopers
March 24, 2022. was taken by helicopter into the Sinai on
spread of nuclear weapons be enforced 11. Ibid. June 2, 1967, three days before the opening of
if Israel’s bombs are not fully ac- 12. Lewis, Avi. “Israel’s new anti-ballistic hostilities. Their mission was to set up and
counted for? Can the Arab nations missile system ‘phenomenal’ in testing.” The remotely detonate an atomic bomb when Arab
truly be expected to ignore Israel’s Times of Israel, April 1, 2015. forces approached within the range of the
possession of atomic weapons simply 13. Prolific National Geographic Society blast. But the war ended abruptly before the
because the weapons are not pub- author Kenneth Brower estimated that Israel device could be triggered. Retired Israeli Brig.
stockpiled as many as 400 thermonuclear Gen. Itzhak Yaakov referred to this operation
licized? Should Israel, because of its weapons, each in the multiple-megaton range, as the “Samson Option.” See “Israel planned
widespread and emotional support in by the turn of the 21st century. This figure to detonate nuclear device in Sinai during
America, be held to a different moral supports van Creveld’s assertion that Israel is Six-Day War.”, April 6, 2017.
standard than Pakistan or North a nuclear power in third place behind the 26. Ibid.
Korea,” both nuclear powers?26 United States and Russia. See “A Propensity
The future of all mankind may for Conflict: Potential Scenarios and Outcomes
MARC ROLAND is a self-educated expert
of War in the Middle East” published by Jane’s
well depend upon the answers to on WWII and ancient European cultures
Intelligence Review in February 1997. In the
these questions, now made daily more past 25 years since Brower’s report was re-
but is equally at home writing on American
uncertain by events in Ukraine. ❖ history and prehistory. He is also a freelance
leased, Israel has increased its number of
book and music reviewer. Roland has
atomic explosives to approximately 700, given
ENDNOTES: written dozens of articles for TBR. To re-
annual production rate and “shelf life.”
1. The Bhagavad Gita. Translation by Ek- view them, access the yearly author/subject
14. Path, Neal. “Russia sets up ballistic
nath Easwaran. CA: Nilgiri Press, 2007. index found in the back of each year’s No-
missile early warning satellite grouping to
2. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev with- vember/December issue of TBR.
monitor the U.S.”,

48 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

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State of Israel Driving Multiple

Ethnic Cleansing Operations in
Holy Land, Across Mideast
Review & Analysis by Antonius J. Patrick

A review of Stephen M. Rasche, over a relatively stable multi-cultural

The Disappearing People: The Tragic and religious population, tore the
Fate of Christians in the Middle East country apart.
(New York: Post Hill Press, 2020) and The groups worst affected by the
Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of chaotic conditions, yet the least spoken
Palestine (London: Oneworld Pub- about by the press and Western poli-
lications Limited, 2007; reprint 2018). cymakers, are the Christian com-
munities of northern Iraq.
After Barack Obama’s promised

withdraw of U.S. troops from Iraq in
he Middle East is home not 2014, ISIS (the Islamic State, a militant
only to the first great civiliza- offshoot of al Qaeda and the CIA)
tion—Mesopotamia, “the land began attacking and pressuring Chris-
between two rivers,” the Ti- tian communities, mostly in the north.
gris and Euphrates—but, more im- Some of these persecuted peoples’
portantly, it was where mankind’s Sav- ancestors lived there as far back as
ior began and completed His redemp- the 1st century A.D., but that matters
tive mission in ancient Palestine. Meso- not. Today, Christians are being in-
potamia, which saw the appearance timidated and forcibly removed from
of such human inventions as the wheel, their ancient enclaves, most never to
a writing system, the concept of time, return. This population loss—not only
a calendar, astronomy, and a law code, in the northern region but all across
included modern day Iraq and Kuwait Iraq—has been so severe that Christi-
in addition to parts of Iran, Syria, and Ilan Pappe is currently the Di- anity could completely disappear in
Turkey. rector of the European Center the not-too-distant future.
Most of ancient Mesopotamia is for Palestine Studies and Pro- The sad story of the displacement
now Iraq, which was created in 1920 fessor of History at the Univer- of Iraqi Christians and other religious
by the British Mandate for Mesopota- sity of Exeter in the UK. minorities from Iraq is the subject of
mia. Modern Iraq, like most of the Stephen Rasche’s book The Disappear-
Middle East, was of little importance ing People: The Tragic Fate of Chris-
to the wider world until the creation world powers into the conflicts. tians in the Middle East.
of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in It is unlikely that the destruction
Ever since, there has been constant 2003 not only destroyed the country’s of Iraq, the depopulation of its Chris-
turmoil and strife, most of which has economy and infrastructure, but the tian communities in that country as
been caused by Israel, often drawing ouster of Saddam Hussein, who ruled well as throughout the region, or the

50 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Christians in the Middle East, not unlike those in the photo above, have faced severe persecution,
particularly since the founding of Israel and America’s disastrous, Zionist-oriented regime-change
operations following 9/11. A study in 2017 carried out by Dar al-Kalima University in the Israeli-oc-
cupied West Bank found that Israel’s occupation of Palestine is the “main factor behind the exodus”
of Christians. “The pressure of Israeli occupation, ongoing constraints, discriminatory policies, arbi-
trary arrests, confiscation of lands added to the general sense of hopelessness among Palestinian
Christians,” the study noted.

continual unrest and mayhem that more than likely, leave one incensed member of the Chaldean Catholic
has characterized the Middle East for about what has taken place, especially Archdiocese of Erbil, which is in the
the past 75 years would have taken since it has been Western inaction— northern section of the country. He
place had the Jewish state of Israel Great Britain—or action—the United has also given congressional testimony
not been created. The first unfortunate States—that has led to the creation of his experiences in Erbil.
people to feel the wrath of Israel’s ag- of Israel and its continued existence The author gives an account of
gression were the Palestinians, Chris- as a terroristic state. his official duties:
tian and Muslim alike. Their displace- I held a brief with significant
ment from their land and the creation DISAPPEARING PEOPLE
responsibilities in the stabilization
of Israel in 1948 has been courageously There is probably no American and restoration of the Christian
chronicled by Ilan Pappe in The Ethnic who has had more first-hand knowl- towns of Nineveh, as they were
Cleansing of Palestine. edge to discuss conditions of Iraqi slowly freed from the grip of ISIS.
While Disappearing People should Christians than Stephen Rasche. Ras- During this time, I lived with and
be widely dispersed and read, Ethnic che was educated at Boston University, among the priests and people of
Cleansing is more essential since it received a Juris Doctor degree from these ancient communities.
provides the background and cause the University of San Diego and, over My ability to move about in the
for why there is so much upheaval, the past two decades, has spent con- country, and be effective, lay in
not only among the vanishing Chris- siderable time, often in extremely large measure to the low-profile
manner I had adopted over many
tians of Iraq, but throughout the entire dangerous situations, on the ground years of working in the region.
region. Both books, however, will in Iraq assisting the country’s Christian (xviii-xix)
shatter any preconceived notion of communities. During the 2014 ISIS
the situation in the Middle East and, uprising, he was officially a staff Rasche wrote the book because:

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The sand has nearly run out in war hawks are ideological decedents ernmental groups amounted to $26
the hourglass that is Christianity in of the murderers and terrorists which million, far short of what was needed
Iraq. Many of the other Christian set up the state of Israel in 1948, rob- for rebuilding the abandoned and de-
communities of the Middle East are bing the Palestinians of their land and stroyed Christian communities.
not far behind. And although there property. Most of the Palestinians not While the Chaldean Church and
is still time left for small remnants murdered were forcibly relocated to charities did all they could, international
of hope, if they are not acted upon
the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, con- agencies and governments were of
now, this history of 2,000 years will
see its final chapters in our life-
demned to live out a miserable exis- little help either deliberately or through
times—much of it perhaps even tence in an open-air prison. Others bureaucratic bungling. In congressional
within this coming decade. (xix) fled to neighboring Arab states, where testimony in 2016, Rasche stated that
shoddy refugee camps sprung up as “throughout this entire crisis, other
The book is not a history of the the displaced Palestinians struggled than initial supplies of tents and tarps,
decline of Christianity in Iraq, but “is to maintain their very existence. the Christian community in Iraq has
meant to show what the situation has It has been estimated that the received no funding from any U.S. aid
been and still is for the remaining number of Christians in Iraq prior to agencies or the UN.” (xxi)
Christians of Iraq and, in a more an- U.S. military intervention was 1.5 mil- The reason for the lack of U.S.
ecdotal sense, for the Christians of lion and, by the time of the book’s and international aid has been that
the Middle East.” (166) publication, that number had dwindled funds had to go through the UN and,
Rasche mostly blames ISIS for the to a half million. Christians had either since the church and private charities
attacks on and the displacement of had done so well in support of Iraqi
Christians and other minority groups Christians, the UN’s “Individual Needs
and leaves out any longer-term his-
torical factors. He does, however, re- No U.S. funds have Policy” could not be applied. Thus,
Christian communities did not have
peatedly criticize U.S. policymakers
for their failure to provide aid to the
been used in Iraq for access to international aid. Since Oc-
tober 2017, the U.S. claims to have
threatened Christian communities. displaced religious and spent $340 million in Iraq but most
Rache rightly blames the U.S. in- has gone to infrastructure and building
vasion of Iraq and the toppling of ethnic minorities to up the Iraqi state and none to displaced
Saddam as the primary cause for the
decline and persecution of the Chris-
rebuild their homes. religious and ethnic minorities to re-
settle and rebuild their communities.
tian population in the country. Al- There was great hope among Iraqi
though no fan of Hussein, he admits Christians that the Trump administra-
that Christians, as well as the other been killed, disappeared or simply tion would provide at least some as-
religious minorities, such as the Yazidi, left for destinations outside of Iraq. sistance. In the end, however, Mr.
were far better off under the Hussein Naturally, under such chaotic con- Trump failed miserably. As he did
regime than what they experienced ditions, the reproductive capacity of with most of his campaign promises
after its ouster. The “anarchy” that families has fallen, adding to the de- and policy endeavors, he declared
followed, which was accurately pre- mographic implosion. victory before the battle was over.
dicted and warned about by those Things would have been worse— The president’s front man in Iraq
who opposed American intervention, if that is even possible—had it not was then-Vice President Mike Pence.
has tragically played out. been for the Chaldean Catholic Arch- The vice president promised that U.S.
Although beyond the scope of the diocese, private charities such as the aid would flow directly to the displaced
book, an aspect that should have been Knights of Columbus, and the intense peoples. Such talk buoyed the hopes
mentioned by the author was the over- faith of Iraqi Christians that allowed of Iraqi Christians. Pence, however,
whelming influence of American neo- them to persevere despite incredible could not deliver and, for many Iraqis,
conservative Zionists in the George sufferings. Rasche, who worked along- this was the last straw as thousands
W. Bush administration and its policy side the clergy, praises their efforts fled their homeland permanently.
toward Iraq. Israel-first neocons such and courage in attending and protect- Pence apparently was well aware
as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Wil- ing their flock against, in many cases, of the precarious situation of Christians
liam Kristol, and Robert Kagan, who lethal opposition. and proposed to directly fund religious
were closely aligned with Benjamin No government or international minorities through faith-based groups.
Netanyahu and the Likud Party, con- agency has been able to provide much In a 2017 speech, he asserted that,
vinced the younger Bush to destroy aid or assistance to besieged Iraqi “While faith-based groups with proven
Iraq in fulfillment of their cherished Christians save one—Hungary. As of track records and deep roots in these
“Greater Israel” project. These neocon 2014, aid from Hungary and non-gov- communities are more than willing

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to assist, the UN too often denies their negotiated with and are driven solely
funding requests. My friends, those by sectarian considerations.
days are over.” (145) And, prior to Rasche’s analysis leaves out the
visiting Iraq in 2018, Pence’s office re- fact that Iran and Iraq are bitter
leased the following statement: enemies who fought a destructive war
throughout the 1980s. It had been re-
President Trump and Vice Pres-
ident Pence made restoring the rights
ported that Iran lost 1 million people
and property of Iraq’s Christian and in casualties. The U.S., of course,
Yazidi communities a top and un- backed then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hus-
ceasing priority. The vice president sein with military hardware, making
will not tolerate bureaucratic delays the conflict even more lethal.
in implementing the administration’s
vision to deliver the assistance we ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINE
promised to the people we pledged Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, the name-
to help. (146) sake of this magazine, coined the
phrase “historical blackout” explaining
The Disappearing
Rasche believes, however, that, ul-
timately, the blame falls on America’s how academia, the press, book pub- People: The Tragic
lishing and the electronic media si-
chief executive at the time. Pence had
lenced World War II Revisionists back Fate of Christians
secured funding for aid, and all that
was needed was an executive order
then. Eventually, those who questioned
the origins of that conflict were able
in the Middle East
to make the transfer a reality. Despite
to break through and, after many By Stephen M. Rasche. The tragic
Trump’s issuance of dozens of these
years, have made inroads against the story of the looming end of Christi-
mandates throughout his tenure, none
official narrative of the war. anity in the Middle East. For 1,400
came for Iraqi Christians. Rasche spec-
Perhaps an even more effective years, the Christians of the Mideast
ulates about why it was not issued
blackout has been imposed surround- lived under a system of sustained
but has no firm conclusion. It may
ing the genocidal events which took persecution as a distinct lower class
have been that monies given to faith- of citizens under their Muslim rulers.
place in Palestine in 1948. Despite the
based groups had constitutional im- Despite this systemic oppression,
establishment of the United Nations
pediments concerning separation of and human rights organizations and Christianity maintained a tenuous—
church and state or, more likely, Jew- institutions after WWII, as well as the even sometimes prosperous—foot-
ish-Zionist factions within the Trump emergence of the internet and social hold in the land of its birthplace up
administration did not like the idea of media decades later, knowledge of until the past several decades. Yet
giving assistance to Christians. the mass murder and land grab com- today, Christianity stands on the
mitted by the Zionists remains largely brink of extinction in much of the
unknown and highly suppressed. Mideast. How did this happen? What
Exactly who ISIS is, how it came It is not likely that The Ethnic role did Western foreign policy and
about, and who backed it financially Cleansing of Palestine would have international aid policy play? What of
is not delved into by the author al- seen the light of day or would have the role of Islam and the Christians
though he places most of the blame received any mainstream reviews if themselves? How should history
for the latest round of Christian perse- the author was not Jewish. Despite judge what happened to Christians
cution at its feet. Rasche takes ISIS at his ethnic background, Pappe coura- of the Mideast and what lessons can
face value and lumps it under the um- geously presents an honest and well- be learned? This book examines these
brella of “radical Islam,” ignoring com- questions with firsthand accounts of
documented account of the grisly epi-
pelling evidence that U.S. and foreign those who are living it. Hardback,
sode and pulls no punches nor makes
intelligence agencies have been in- 208 pages, #890, $27. minus 10%
excuses as to who was to blame for
strumental in ISIS’s origins, devel- for TBR subscribers plus $5 S&H in-
the Palestinian holocaust:
opment and sustenance. There is also side the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box
no mention of Israel’s role in the In this book, I want to explore 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call
both the mechanism of the 1948 toll free 1-877-773-9077, Mon.-Thu.
Islamic State’s activities.
ethnic cleansing and the cognitive 8-4 ET to charge or you may order
Besides ISIS, Rasche blames Ira- system that allowed the world to at Email
nian-backed forces for the terror and forget and enabled the perpetuators for inter-
disruption of the Christian com- to deny the crime the Zionist move- national S&H.
munities. He lumps the Iranian proxies ment committed against the Pales-
as “Islamo-Fascists” who cannot be tinian people in 1948. (xvi)

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 5 3

He continues: into the Jewish consciousness and
continues to this day. JEWISH-LED MASSACRES
It is the simple but horrific story
of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Thus, the reaction of Golda Meir, Ever since WWII, the world has
a crime against humanity that Israel the brutal liquidation of the Russian been inundated by Court Historians
has wanted to deny and cause the tzar’s family or the countless other and Zionist propagandists about the
world to forget. (xviii) genocides, atrocities and crimes com- persecution, suffering, and deaths of
mitted in the name of Judaism can be the Jews which took place before,
While Pappe gives a detailed ac- comprehended. during and after that conflict. An
count of how the Zionists accom- No matter how they have at- entire industry—movies, television
plished their dastardly objectives, he tempted to spin their actions—either programs, books, academic courses,
does not delve into the whys and ulti- by claiming it was in self-defense, the music, plays, literature, museums,
mate motivation for their actions. He land was devoid of people or because public ceremonies and commem-
is thus perplexed as to how those of the need for a “homeland” to escape orations—has been constructed
who witnessed the mass murder of future persecutions—the Zionist around the supposed deliberate de-
Palestinians were indifferent to their cleansing of Palestine was a premed- struction of European Jewry by the
plight even though they themselves itated plan which had the deliberate German National Socialists. No other
had been persecuted or had family intention of driving the Palestinians— genocide, persecution, ethnic cleansing
members displaced. An example of Christians and Muslims alike—off or suffering of peoples in the annals
this is Golda Meir’s reaction to the their land through acts of murder, of man can even come close to their
Haifa massacres: suffering during this period, according
When Golda Meir, one of the to their version of history.
senior Zionist leaders, visited Haifa
a few days later, she at first found Pappe does not The mythology of the “6 million”
has given cover not only to Zionist
it hard to suppress a feeling of
horror when she entered homes
excuse the Zionists political aspirations in the Middle East
and to those living in Occidental coun-
where cooked food still stood on
the tables, children had left toys
for their murderous tries, but it has also been used to
justify the acts of violence and atroc-
and books on the floor, and life ap- actions in the ethnic ities committed by Israel during its
peared to have frozen in an instant.
Meir had come to Palestine from cleansing of Palestine. founding and those done up to this
very day. Although Pappe goes along
the United States, where her family
had fled in the wake of pogroms in with the Holocaust narrative, he does
Russia, and the sights she witnessed not excuse the Zionists for their mur-
that day reminded her of the worst terror, and intimidation. Without out- derous actions in the ethnic cleansing
stories her family had told her about side help from the West or the disor- of the Palestinians.
Russian brutality against Jews dec- ganized and pathetic Arab states, the Yet, it was European and American
ades earlier. Palestinians had little chance and the leaders, blinded by Zionist propa-
But this apparently left no lasting Zionists accomplished their wicked ganda, who gave the “green light”
mark on her or her associates’ de-
agenda with amazing rapidity. for the conquest of Palestine and the
termination to continue with the
ethnic cleansing of Palestine. (95) Once the decision was made, expunging of its people to Zionist
within a half a year of Israel’s founding, murderers and thugs. Pappe rightly
To look for motivations one would the Zionists had completed their mis- points out: “But worse was to come
have to consult thinkers such as Dr. sion with the following results: as Europe prepared to compensate
William Luther Pierce and Dr. Kevin • Half of the Palestinian population the Jewish people for the Holocaust
MacDonald for a secular perspective, (about 800,000) had been uprooted that had raged on its soil with a state
and from a religious standpoint the • 531 villages had been destroyed in Palestine, ignoring at the same
works of Father Denis Fahey and • 11 urban neighborhoods had time this could only come about at
Father Charles E. Coughlin should be been emptied of inhabitants the expense of the indigenous Pales-
read. What these writers contend is Pappe’s comment on the above tinians.” (26)
that the Jewish religion preaches that numbers is quite apt: “The plan decided Not only was the establishment of
Jews should consider themselves su- upon on March 10, 1948, and above an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine
perior to all other people. Thus, any all its systematic implementation in sold as a way to prevent future holo-
action or polices they pursue against the following months, was a clear-cut causts, but to arouse sufficient hate
non-Jews can be justified since they case of an ethnic cleansing operation, among Zionist sympathizers. Pales-
are convinced they are “chosen people regarded under international law today tinians were compared to the Germans
of God.” This mindset has been woven as a crime against humanity.” (xiii) and the crimes they allegedly com-

54 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

mitted against the Jews in WWII:
The attempt to portray Pal-
estinians, and Arabs in general,
as Nazis was a deliberate public The Mystery of the
Copper Scroll of Qumran
relations ploy to ensure that,
three years after the Holocaust,
Jewish soldiers would not lose
heart when ordered to cleanse,
kill and destroy other human
beings. Already in 1945, Natan
The Essene Record of the
Alterman, the national poet of
the Jewish community, had iden-
Treasure of Akhenaten
tified the impending confron-
tation with the Palestinians with Introduces a radical new perspec-
the war against the Nazis in Eu-
rope. (72) tive on the historical foundations
of monotheism, based on the
Probably the worst case of Zion-
ist-conducted genocide was at the enigma of the Copper Scroll of the
pastoral village of Deir Yassin, Essenes. The famous Dead Sea
which was situated on a hill west Scrolls comprise the oldest collec-
of Jerusalem close to the Jewish tion of Biblical documents ever dis-
neighborhood of Givat Shaul. The
covered. Of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
description of the atrocities com-
mitted by the Zionist armed forces none has baffled experts more than
and security teams can only be un- the 2,000-year-old Copper Scroll,
derstood as diabolical: discovered in 1952 by a team of
As they burst into the village Bedouins led by Henri de Conten-
[Deir Yassin], the Jewish soldiers son. Appearing to be a list of bu-
sprayed the houses with ma-
chine-gun fire, killing many of ried treasure engraved on copper
the inhabitants. The remaining pieces, the Copper Scroll is con-
villagers were then gathered in sidered to be the work of a secre-
one place and murdered in cold
blood, their bodies abused while tive Jewish sect of devout Essenes,
a number of the women were who lived by the Dead Sea around the time of Jesus. No one has been
raped and then killed. (90) able to explain its meaning or discover any of the 64 locations where
A young Palestinian at the time, the Biblical treasures it lists were buried. Robert Feather, combining
who luckily escaped the slaughter, his background as a metallurgist with his journalistic expertise, offers a
recalled the horrific scene:
fascinating study that takes the reader on a journey from ancient Meso-
They took us out one after potamia, through Canaan, into Egypt, and back to the shores of the
the other; shot an old man and,
when one of his daughters cried, Dead Sea. His exploration links the scroll to the ancient Egyptian king
she was shot, too. Then they Akhenaten, confirming a long suspected influence of this pharaoh's re-
called my brother Muhammad, ligious beliefs on those of the Hebrews. The author’s findings not only
and shot him in front of us, and,
when my mother yelled, bending reveal the locations of most of the treasures listed on the Copper Scroll,
over him—carrying my little but they also point to a radical new understanding of the origins of
sister Hudra in her hands, still monotheism—the basis of the three great religions of Judaism, Islam,
breastfeeding her—they shot her,
too. (Ibid) and Christianity. Softcover, 432 pages, #917, $25 minus 10% for TBR
subscribers plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550,
Similar atrocities took place in
both rural areas and urban centers, White Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge,
most infamously Haifa, Safad, Acre, Mon.-Thu. 8-4 ET. Purchase also at
Baysan, Sirin and even in the “Phan-
tom City” of Jerusalem.

THE B ARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 5 5

Jewish Extremists Attack Christian Sites in Holy Land
Assaults on churches and other Christian religious sites and shrines by right-wing Jews in Israel have
continued to raise concerns about radical and highly fanatical Zionist factions and their increasingly
aggressive tactics. Here, a nun surveys damage from the fire at the Church of the Multiplication of the
Loaves and Fishes in northern Israel, by tradition the place where Jesus performed the miracle of
feeding the large crowd starting with but a tiny quantity of food. Jewish extremists sprayed graffiti on
parts of the building reading in Hebrew: “False idols will be smashed.” A deliberate arson attack
carried out by Jewish terrorists on a Catholic church on the shores of the Sea of Galilee caused nearly
$1.8 million in damage just a few years ago.

consequences that would take place the Jewish state has been responsible.
CONCLUSION in its aftermath. Disappearing People and The Eth-
Like the destruction of Iraq and The overwhelming influence that nic Cleansing of Palestine should
later persecution of its Christians, Zionists have had over the U.S. gov- raise the indignation of their readers.
the Jewish state of Israel would have ernment, television, the press, enter- If things are ever to be turned around,
never become a monstrous reality tainment and academia was enough these books and others of their kind
had it not been for Western sup- to get America’s support and allow need to be widely read and distributed.
port—first with Great Britain and its for the cleansing of Palestine of its Until then, life in Iraq, Palestine and
Balfour Declaration pledging support rightful inhabitants. throughout the Middle East will con-
for a Jewish state in Palestine and, Placing the blame for such an atro- tinue to be under the suzerainty of Is-
later, with America’s massive and un- cious, unjust situation, however, should rael and its vassal protectorate, the
wavering financial, military and po- not be exclusively reserved for the United States. ❖
litical assistance. Most of the world Zionists. Instead, blame should also
was against the establishment of Is- be laid at the feet of Western politicians ANTONIUS J. PATRICK is the pen name
rael, rightly fearing that the region and policymakers who have supported of a scholar living in the Washington,
would become one of incessant con- Israel while closing their eyes to the D.C. area. This essay is dedicated to Dr.
flict and bloodshed. Even Israel’s genocide in Palestine and the eradi- William L. Pierce, September 11, 1933–July
original supporters and enablers prob- cation of Christianity in Iraq and 23, 2002.
ably never dreamed of the horrific throughout the Middle East for which

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End Times Warfare: The Eschatological in 1898, however, reflects barely one-quarter of the original manu-
Beliefs of the Great Religions script, which is now kept locked in the archives of the Board of
Deputies of British Jews. Softcover, 215 pages, #809, $20.
By Hervé Ryssen. Eschatology is the study of “End Times” doc-
trines. All three of the great monotheistic religions—Judaism, Chris- The Life & Miracles of St. William of Norwich
tianity and Islam—contain a belief that the world was created by
God, and that this world must come to an end. This theme of the Was an innocent boy in 12th-century England brutally murdered
end times and the coming of the Messiah are also found in Judaism, by bloodthirsty fanatics? This book is the full manuscript of Bene-
as well as in Islam, which also draws its inspiration from the Old dictine monk Thomas of Monmouth who, in A.D. 1173, chronicled
Testament. Yet, these three religions are completely incompatible. the murder of William of Norwich. Thomas claimed William, a 12-
Why? For the pure and simple reason that their vision of the future year-old tanner’s apprentice, had been ritually murdered by Jews in
diverges on this fundamental point: At the end of time, one—and contempt of the Christian faith. It’s the first such account, specifically
only one—religion is to triumph. In the end, the religion whose that of Jewish ritual murder of a child, in the historical record. This
goals are the clearest and faith most ardent will win. Softcover, 189 edition is complete and unabridged as translated by Cambridge ac-
pages, #855, $25. ademicians Jessopp & James in 1896. Softcover, 170 pages, indexed,
#939, $20.
Jewish Ritual Murder: An Anthology —Volume 1
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THOLOGY SERIES begins with Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer Special By Hellmut Schramm, Ph.D. Completed in 1941 and published
Ritual Murder issue and continues with Cardinal Lorenzo Ganga- 1943-1944 in Germany during the National Socialist regime. Many
nelli’s Report, Walsh’s Isabella of Spain, Neophytos’s A Testimony of of the accounts carry the semblance of verity in that they expose
Ritual Murder and I.I. Lyutostansky’s On the Use of Christian Blood Christian accomplices in the procuring of children for ritual sacrifice.
by the Jews, with a few smaller items of interest. Volume One: Soft- The bodies of the victims were often disposed of in a way that
cover, 467 pages, #933, indexed, $30. would actually tend to allow their easy discovery. The perpetrators
did this because burying the bodies would have given them respect.
Jewish Ritual Murder: An Anthology—Volume 2 This book forms an enduring legacy which has now been brought
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THOLOGY SERIES contains: My Irrelevant Defence by Arnold Spencer 477 pages, indexed, #810, $30.
Leese, A Short Demurrer by William Prynne (1600-1669), two ar-
ticles from La Civiltà Cattolica, a fragment from the novel The The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky
Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Murdered by Jews by By G.G. Zamyslovsky. Shortly before WWI, the Russian Empire
Henri Desportes (an account of the revolting murder of a little was shaken by the bestial murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, a 13-year-
Christian boy in Damascus, never published in English before this), old boy whose exsanguinated body, bearing all the traces of ritual
and two articles by late American writer Harold Covington. The murder, was found in March 1911 on the outskirts of Kiev. The en-
volume concludes with another exclusive translation of Jewish Ritual suing trial, held in 1913, attracted attention not only in Russia but
Crime by Albert Monniot (1862-1938). In this famous work, Mon- also in Europe and the U.S. Mendel Beilis was the ony defendant.
niot puts to rest the standard counter-arguments of critics—and Although he was acquitted, the verdict insisted it was a ritual mur-
more. This includes information on the poisoning of Roger Gouge- der—committed in a Jewish brick factory. The book also includes a
not des Mousseaux, another famous French murder investigator. detailed account of two famous ritual murder trials that took place
Volume Two: Softcover, 424 pages, #934, $30. in Velizh and Saratov in the 19th century, plus the expert opinion
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Father James Keller and His

Crusade Against Communism
founded in 1911. Maryknollers were
By Mike Mains known for landing in rough, hostile

areas where they established beach-
egular readers of THE BARNES heads of Christian teaching and charity,
REVIEW are undoubtedly fa- thus earning the name “Marines of
miliar with Father Charles the Catholic Church.”
Coughlin, a Catholic priest
whose fiery sermons on America-first MISSIONARY TO THE WORLD
populism resonated over the nation’s In 1928, Father Keller embarked
radio waves in the 1930s. But how on his first missionary expedition for
many readers have heard of Father Maryknoll, an ocean voyage from San
James Keller and the organization he Francisco to the South Pacific, Aus-
founded dedicated to fighting Com- tralia and Asia. Immediately, Keller
munism called The Christophers? found he was not a first-class sailor,
Father Keller was a Catholic priest, becoming seasick within hours of
ordained on August 15, 1925, although, leaving port.
according to his autobiography To A successful businessman and
Light a Candle, he almost didn’t be- friend named Mark Foy came to the
come a priest. Like many young men, rescue in Australia, providing Keller
Keller was confused about his place with a generous financial donation
in the world and what path his future for Maryknoll’s missionary work, along
should take. So, at the age of 18, he FATHER JAMES KELLER with a personal gift—a packet of
quit the seminary he was attending to Warrior against Communism. Mothersill’s famous seasick pills. Keller
manage a family-owned candy store was instructed to take one pill before
in San Francisco. sailing and a second pill an hour later.
Keller made an immediate success sear themselves into Keller’s memory, An hour after setting out to sea, the
of the job and, if not for a chance en- Father Ryan responded, “No, I’m not steward delivered a cable to Keller. It
counter with a customer, he likely going to take it on my conscience to was from Foy and read: “Time for
would have remained in the candy tell you not to go back to the seminary! your second pill.”
business for the rest of his life. The After all, in God’s plan, there may be Keller was impressed with the
customer that played such a monu- thousands of people whose salvation people of Batavia, Java, now known
mental role in Keller’s life was a priest depends on what you may do for as Jakarta, the largest city in Indonesia.
named Father Ryan. them as a priest.” Slightly built and brightly dressed,
Keller felt compelled to introduce Those words had a profound effect the Javanese smiled shyly at the priest
himself and did so. He told Father on Keller and would act as a guiding and touched him with their kindness
Ryan of his former years in the semi- principle for the remainder of his life. as he strolled through the local mar-
nary and his decision to quit. Then he He returned to the seminary and, after ketplace, dressed in clerical black.
asked the priest if he had made the his ordination, he joined the Maryknoll When Keller’s ship set sail again and
right decision. In words that would Order, a missionary organization he related the experience to his fellow

58 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

On the set of You Can Change the World (1950). Standing (left to right) are Jack Benny, William Holden
and Paul Douglas. Seated (left to right are) Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Loretta Young, Fr. James
Keller, Irene Dunne and Ann Blyth. CREDIT: LIFE PHOTO ARCHIVE

passengers, an American woman said greeted Keller on her knees with the year.” Keller did the math in his head
in a huff, “When I go to a new country, words, “Tin jee po yau, sen foo.” (“God and calculated that, in the 16 years
I don’t waste my time in marketplaces bless you, Father.”) The woman was Sister Elizabeth had been in Shanghai,
or watching dirty people. I’d rather shrunken and gnarled, her face a shape- she’d saved the souls of nearly 200,000
spend it seeing the beautiful homes less blob, but when Keller blessed her, infants, sending them ahead of her to
and gardens.” she looked up at him and smiled. Heaven.
The woman’s words stuck with In Shanghai, the priest visited an While traveling through China,
Keller. He considered her attitude rep- orphanage run by Sister Elizabeth young Keller was witness to the dev-
resentative of humanity’s greatest Praschma. Sister Elizabeth had been astating effects Communism had
challenge, the responsibility each per- in Shanghai for 16 years and would wrought throughout the country. When
son has to love his neighbor. remain there 39 years. She told Keller he returned to the United States, he
In Hong Kong, the young priest how her staff went out daily to pick began lecturing on the topic, stressing
visited a leprosarium and was startled up abandoned infants whose parents how Communist leaders instilled a
to find 200 leprosy patients being had left them in doorways and alley- sense of personal mission in their fol-
cared for by a single French priest ways to perish. Baptizing those infants lowers. Keller recommended Chris-
and three Canadian nuns. Even more who were on the verge of death before tians embody the same sense of per-
surprising were the smiles on the pa- they perished was a daily task. Others sonal mission. After one of his talks,
tients’ faces, despite being hideously were nursed back to health. a young woman said, “This is the first
distorted, many of them missing eyes Keller asked how many infants time in my life that I have really un-
or noses. they had baptized over the years. derstood what the missionary side of
A diminutive woman, 83 years old Sister Elizabeth said, “I’m afraid I our church is all about.”
and in the last stages of the disease, don’t know. Maybe 12,000 or 15,000 a Keller was transferred to New York

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 5 9

where he continued lecturing, always the Second Vatican Council in 1968. to restore to it the divine truth and
telling his audience, “No matter what human integrity as the other 1% are
your individual circumstances and striving furiously to eliminate these
surroundings may be, you—you indi- “Did you ever stop to think that values.”
vidually—can leave the world better the United States is being effectively In other words, Father Keller urged
for your having been in it.” undermined by less than 1% of the Americans to light a candle in the
people of our country, of whom only darkness—to do whatever they could
a portion are Communists?” Those from their own unique place in life to
To raise funds for Maryknoll’s mis- are the words that open You Can promote Christian principles, combat
sionary work, Keller thought of pro- Change the World. They were written Communism and make the world a
ducing a benefit concert. He thus met in 1948, but are as relevant as ever. better place. Like the Communists
with Earle Lewis, assistant manager Today, we have a tiny, infinitesimal themselves, Keller urged Americans
of the Metropolitan Opera House (the percentage of the population control- to go into one of the four key spheres
Met). When Keller arrived at the Met, ling the entire country. They are the of influence: education, government,
the huge auditorium was pitch black, ones putting violent rioters on the labor/labor management and writing.
but Lewis, while crossing the stage, streets, promoting transgenderism Wrote Keller, “Most good people are
lit a single match. and the mutilation of children, pushing taking care only of themselves while
The sight of that tiny flame made Critical Race Theory and forcing their most evil people are taking care of
an indelible impression on Keller and strange brand of “sex education” on everyone else.”
reminded him of the Chinese proverb: little kids in the schools. They are the You Can Change the World is a
“It is better to light one candle than ones controlling political discourse manual for everyday Americans, espe-
to curse the darkness.” That little say- in our country and silencing (cancel- cially those not aware of the vital role
ing became the guiding principle for ling) anyone who disagrees with them. they can play in reversing the down-
the remainder of Keller’s life and led They are the ones trying to rig our ward spiral of the country and of
to his forming an organization in 1945 elections and they have no qualms Christianity itself.
called The Christophers. The name about resorting to dishonesty or even Father Keller’s books are by no
comes from the Greek word Christó- to violence to attain their goals. And means perfect. He has some unflat-
foros, which means “bearer of Christ.” they are getting away with it. tering things to say about Germany
The goal of The Christophers was to How? They get away with it be- and the German people. And he makes
combat Communism through Chris- cause they are organized and possess reference to “our Judeo-Christian
tian principles. no morality in their goals or in the values” (an oxymoron). However, one
From that point on, Keller’s work tactics they employ. They get away must take into account the time period
expanded. Articles and books led to with it because they center their work in which his books were written.
radio, television and movies. Keller in the four key areas of influence There was no internet in 1948. News
likened the experience to dropping a that Father Keller outlined in his and information about the world was
pebble in a pool: “The circles just went book, namely: education, government, severely limited and censored then.
on widening outward by themselves.” labor, labor management and writing And being a Catholic priest, Father
Hollywood stars William Holden, (e.g., newspapers, magazines, books, Keller was almost certainly limited to
Bing Crosby, Jack Benny, Ann Blythe, movies, television, internet etc.). That newspaper stories and radio broad-
Irene Dunne, Loretta Young and others is the Communist way. casts in his quest for knowledge.
all volunteered their services to assist Father Keller’s solution to defeating If you decide to read any of Father
Keller in the creation of a movie based Communism, the solution he called Keller’s books, I suggest getting the
on his most famous and important the Christopher approach, was simple. originals, published from the 1940s
book You Can Change the World. He wrote: “It is our conviction that through 1960s. You Can Change the
Imagine trying to recruit today’s Hol- 1% of the normal, decent citizens of World was revised and reissued after
lywood crowd to appear unpaid in an America can be found who are willing Keller passed away, but with the ma-
anti-Communist film that promotes to get into the mainstream of American jority of the book’s most important
Christian values. life as Christophers and work as hard content left out. ❖
Father Keller continued his battle
against Communism all through the MIKE MAINS is an independent researcher and author of a number of books,
1950s, ’60s, and ’70s, inspiring millions including The Impostor Sister Lucy: The True Story of Our Lady of Fatima, which ex-
of others to do the same, until his plains why the Vatican replaced the real Sister Lucy of Fatima with an impostor. He is
death in 1977. It is, however, unclear also the author of The North Hollywood Detective Club mystery series for middle
whether or not Father Keller accepted schoolers and young adult readers
the subversive changes brought by

60 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

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Classic Essays on the

Jewish Question:
1850 to 1945
But I quickly realized that such works into a single work; it provides new
By David Skrbina, Ph.D. were not easy to find. In some cases, (or at least revised) English trans-
general searches turned up nothing. lations that are highly readable; and

or many years now, amidst Sometimes I found the foreign-lan- it provides, wherever possible, the
my various research and guage originals, but those were not complete unedited essays (full books,
readings, I would come ac- much help. Other times I found ex- like that of Drumont, obviously had
ross occasional critical ref- cerpts or long quotations, but I was to be excerpted).
erences to the Jews of Europe. People clearly missing the context and the In all, the book offers 16 entries,
would cite, almost in passing, older larger argument. And often frustrating arranged chronologically, from the
essays or books that challenged Jewish was the fact that the translations, time period 1850 to 1945. I would be
dominance or critiqued some particu- remiss if I didn’t mention them all:
lar social or moral aspect of the Jews. • Jewry in Music, by Richard
Some of the authors were well- Wagner (1850)
known—Richard Wagner, Fyodor Dos- Classic Essays on • The Conquest of the World by
toyevsky—but others were obscure: the Jews, by Frederick Millingen (1875)
Osman Bey (whose real name was
the Jewish Question • The Jewish Question by Fyodor
Frederick Millingen) or Wilhelm Marr, Softcover, 370 pages Dostoyevsky (1877)
for example. Many were German, but • The Victory of Jewry over Ger-
some, like Edouard Drumont, were #931, $23 from mandom by Wilhelm Marr (1879)
French. Yet others were Italian, as The Barnes Review • Jewish France by Edouard Dru-
with a series of three articles by the mont (1886)
Catholic journal Civilta Cattolica or • The Jewish Question in Europe,
certain essays by the noted American published by the Catholic journal La
poet Ezra Pound. The critiques when I found them, were poor—man- Civilta Cattolica (1890)
frequently dated to the late 1800s or gled English, or archaic “British-Eng- • Questions and Answers by Theo-
early 1900s, a time when critics of lish,” or crude literal translations that dor Fritsch (1893)
Jews could still write with relative were very awkward to read. Clearly, • First Letter on the Jews by Adolf
honesty and relative freedom from I thought, someone can do a better Hitler (1919)
persecution (unlike today). It was job than this. • The Core of the Jewish Question
also a time for which I had little Now, thankfully, someone has done by Theodor Fritsch (1923)
knowledge of what the Germans have better. Here’s an outstanding new • A Real Case against the Jews/
long called “the Jewish Question.” book entitled Classic Essays on the Commissary to the Gentiles by Mar-
The titles of these critical works Jewish Question: 1850 to 1945 from cus Eli Ravage (1928)
were intriguing: “Jewry in music” (by the intrepid publisher Clemens and • The SS as Anti-Bolshevist Com-
Wagner), “The conquest of the world Blair. In one stroke, this new book bat Organization, by Heinrich Himm-
by the Jews” (by Bey), “Jewish France” solves all the problems cited above. ler (1936)
(by Drumont). I wanted to read more. It collects all these hard-to-find pieces • The Jews and This War by Ezra

62 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Pound (1940) relatively unknown National Socialist,
• International Melting Pot or Robert Ley. His essay is a blistering
United Nation-States of Europe? by attack on Jewish behavior. Written in
Robert Ley (1941) 1941 when things were still going well
• Germany Must Perish! by Theo- for Germany, this piece by Ley tries
dore N. Kaufman (1941) to convince German workers that
• The War-Goal of World Plutoc- their future depends on defeating
racy by Wolfgang Diewerge (1941) what he believed was the “Jewish
• Never! by Heinrich Goitsch (1944) enemy.” It is a call-to-arms from a top
The essays are crisp and compel- government official—the likes of
ling. They are directly on target and, which are nearly unimaginable in the
in this translation, they read very well. present day West.
The editor Dalton makes a number of In the end, this book reminds me
technical corrections along the way: of the old saying: The more things
“Jewry in Music” instead of “Judaism change, the more they stay the same.
in Music,” for example, and the real The Jews one reads about here, from
name of Frederick Millingen instead 100 or 150 years ago, remind me of
of the pseudonym Osman Bey. All en- the Jews we see today in media, in
tries have concise introductions, and business and on the nightly news.
all are sprinkled with helpful notes. The issues are the same, and the
There were several highlights here methods are the same. One sees the
for me personally. Wagner’s essay, ini- Classic Essays on the Jewish same viciousness, the same vengeful-
tially published way back in 1850, Question: 1850 to 1945 ness and, indeed, the same hatred.
provides an astonishing anticipation Look what they did, for instance, to
Uncensored essays from such well-known
of Jewish domination in the arts and figures as Richard Wagner, Fyodor Dos- Kanye West for daring to talk about
culture. And part two of his essay, toyevsky and Theodor Fritsch to virtual taboo topics to a large audience.
written in 1869, describes in remark- unknowns like Frederick Millingen and In this volume you will hear about
ably familiar detail how he was tar- Wilhelm Marr discuss the most taboo brute power-grabbers and materialistic
geted by the Jews for his critical subject of all. Softcover, 370 pages, #931, money-grubbers using elevated status
stance, and how he was all but “can- $23 minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus and new-found power to attack West-
celled” by them. Some things never $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O. ern, Christian culture and society and
change, it seems. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. anyone who stands in their way.
Millingen’s “The Conquest of the The final third of the book outlines
World” and Marr’s “Victory of Jewry” the causal Jewish/Zionist role in WWII,
are virtual statements of surrender. It Catholic critiques of the past two cen- from a German perspective that one
is hard to believe that, already by the turies.” literally never encounters these days.
1870s, effective mastery over Europe Perhaps to circumvent accusations And this is perhaps the final lesson of
had been attained so quickly by non- of bias, Dalton has seen fit to include this lesson-filled book: that the masters
Christians. But Millingen and Marr two entries by Jews: Marcus Ravage’s of the world will stop at nothing to
make strong cases. “Real Case” and Theodore Kaufman’s further their interests, up to and in-
The longest of the essays is the “Germany Must Perish!” The Ravage cluding world war. Mass death means
three-part “The Jewish Question in piece outlines an early version of the little to them, as long as it advances
Europe,” penned by an anonymous “Jesus hoax” concept, and Kaufman’s their interests. And this is a message
Catholic researcher in 1890. It is an entry—originally published in 1941 one would do well to heed in the
impressive and well-researched essay, as a small booklet—caused huge con- present day. ❖
one that targets Jewish corruption in sternation in Germany with its call DAVID SKRBINA, PH.D., is a retired senior lecturer
traditionally Christian Europe. for sterilization of the entire German in philosophy (University of Michigan, Dearborn).
Here we see the classic Catholic population after the war. Talk about He has authored numerous articles and books, in-
anti-Semitism come to the fore. As genocide! No one does it better than cluding works on social and political philosophy.
His most recent books include The Metaphysics of
the editor Dalton says, “It stands as the chosen ones. Technology (Routledge; 2015) and several others
one of the strongest and most potent One other gem was the piece by a that can be found on Amazon.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 6 3

Populist Canadian Diplomat,
Statesman Remembered
RIP Ian Verner Macdonald (1925–2022)
posals, no matter how astute and pre-
By Paul Fromm scient, were opposed furiously by an
influential foreign-affiliated lobby (with

anada lost an outstanding free several moles in the DFA and the ear
speech warrior, historical Re- of the minister) who intervened to
visionist, and free thinker on have the policy advisor summarily
June 28, 2022, with the death dismissed from foreign service for
of Ian Verner Macdonald, well into his audacious devotion to duty. Mac-
his 99th year. A true patriot all his life, donald was tricked out of what would
he served in the Royal Canadian Air have been an easily won appeal of
Force and Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm his wrongful dismissal by a false prom-
during WWII and had a lifelong love ise of reinstatement “as soon as the
of aviation. With degrees in economics heat from the Jewish lobby dies down”
from Queen’s University and the Uni- on condition he neither appeal nor
versity of Toronto, he aced the Foreign seek outside assistance. Because of
Service Exam, placing second nation- his well-founded suspicion of foreign
wide, and then went on to a career as intrigue, he contacted the Royal Ca-
a trade diplomat that took him officially nadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Se-
to over 50 countries. curity Service (and subsequently the
His numerous and unprecedented Canadian Security Intelligence Serv-
career accomplishments made him ice), only to find that they were not
arguably the most productive trade IAN MACDONALD interested.
official in Canadian history. Always a Tireless Canadian activist. So ended his chosen career.
Canada firster, in the mid-1960s he Macdonald—a military veteran
urged taking advantage of trade op- with rich diplomatic experiences, jour-
portunities with the increasingly tisan foreign policy, was their trading nalistic training from Wayne State
wealthy Arab world. After six foreign partner of choice. Much to his dismay, University in Detroit, and a keen un-
postings on five continents, he was Canadair reported that the sale he derstanding of history—was drawn
appointed chief of planning and policy had negotiated for a supply of jet to study the history of World War II.
for export development, a position in trainers to the sultan of Oman’s air He produced hundreds of iconoclastic
which he was able to propose pro- force had been vetoed by the Depart- treatises on the war, Mideast politics
grams and policies based on practical ment of Foreign Affairs (DFA), an af- and history. He wrote numerous pub-
experience that would greatly improve front to Sultan Said bin Taimur that lished articles and was the subject of
the efficacy of government assistance cost Canada heavily in prospective articles written by others on his out-
to Canadians seeking to do business earnings. More importantly, his high- spoken patriotism and unflagging ef-
abroad. level discussions to train and equip forts to expose subversion and cor-
Macdonald also strongly rec- the embryo Saudi air force, for which ruption in government.
ommended cultivation of the lucrative a $400 million down payment was of- In the spring of 1987, he recruited
and receptive Arab markets where he fered, likewise failed to receive support a 96-member Canadian delegation to
had been assured by top-level officials in Ottawa and was never consummated. attend an international peace gathering
and businessmen that Canada, because To add to the folly, his Mideast called by Col. Muammar Qaddafi to
of its perceived independent, non-par- and North African trade policy pro- commemorate the previous year’s U.S.

64 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

Ian Macdonald is shown walking through an Arab town in Taize, Yemen, 1967.

attack on Tripoli and Benghazi in and was assassinated in Brussels) but crisp, well-documented letters to ed-
which the president’s two-year-old without effect, despite the availability itors on forbidden topics like Zionist
daughter was killed along with dozens of the prime witness (Victor Ostrovsky, influence in public policy, Canada’s
of others. Macdonald had assembled a former Mossad agent) in Ottawa. failed immigration policies and a re-
the delegation on behalf of the gov- Macdonald continued to be the consideration of Canada’s role in
ernment of Libya, with which he had victim of attempts to impoverish him WWII. Almost none appeared in Ca-
remained in contact since 1972 through and otherwise crush his spirit, includ- nada’s “free” press. They have been
Libya’s UN ambassador. ing several death threats, none of circulated on the internet and many
The conference was infiltrated by which had been successful, however will appear as part of a book being
Libya’s enemies intending to stage an disconcerting. Two of his houses were prepared for publication. On January
“ugly incident” to discredit the pro- destroyed by arson, and a third se- 14, 2010, the Canadian Association
ceedings, the main target of which riously damaged. for Free Expression honored him with
would be Macdonald, the high-profile Macdonald was convinced Canada a freedom award at a luncheon in To-
organizer of the Canadian delegation. was being betrayed by cabalistic pow- ronto, citing his “lifetime of dedication
When Macdonald was able to evade erbrokers and venal politicians ded- to freedom of speech and the preser-
the planned assassination thanks to a icated to trashing our priceless Brit- vation of our people.”
tip, the only journalist on the mission ish-French heritage while competing Intellectually active to the end,
(the perceptive, insightful young Chris- to sacrifice the country’s birthright Macdonald practiced Rudyard Kipling’s
toph Halens from the Ottawa Citizen and sovereignty for personal gain. advice to his son “to fill the unforgiving
newspaper, a graduate of the Carleton He feared that Canada today is no minute with 60 seconds worth of dis-
University School of Journalism eager longer a respected, confident, homo- tance run.” May Ian Macdonald, a
to make his mark by covering the con- geneous, independent, Christian union righteous son of Canada and a tireless
ference) tragically became the alter- but is becoming increasingly a dis- champion for truth and justice, rest in
native victim. possessed, demoralized, turbulent, peace. ❖
With the Libyan outrage in mind, unstable, lobby-driven, multicultural,
Macdonald vigorously petitioned the multiracial, Godless, leaderless, con- PAUL FROMM is the director of the
Commissioner of the RCMP, the DFA fused, disintegrating, Americanized Canadian Association for Free Expres-
and the Belgian Embassy to investigate sion and of the Canada First Immigra-
polyglot, essentially without national tion Reform Committee. A longtime na-
the subsequent murder by Israel of character, without cohesion, without tionalist activist and political organizer,
Canadian scientist and inventor Dr. historical integrity, without pride and Fromm remains committed to the Re-
Gerald Bull (who had contracted his without common purpose. visionist cause.
services to the government of Iraq Macdonald wrote thousands of

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Hollywood Has Been Pushing

‘Diversity’ Since the 1940s
except maybe to a Nazi, or somebody movie. He even got tossed out of a
By James Edwards that’s stupid.” theater for protesting the excision. But
Christians like to complain about the people that made the movie knew

nyone interested in the modern day Hollywood denigrating that America wasn’t quite ready for
origins of “diversity” and and downplaying Christianity. But a film promoting that much diversity,
“multiculturalism” in Amer- even back in 1945, Hollywood was at least not just yet.
ica—codewords for fewer giving Oscars to a movie that says No matter. They had plenty of
White people and the systematic pro- that anyone who thinks Christianity time, and now they push not only
motion and elevation of non-Whites is at least as important as other reli- racial integration but miscegenation,
and other sexual and ethnic minor- gions is either a Nazi or stupid. mass migration and other anti-White
ities—should watch a short film Sinatra then goes on to explain narratives and initiatives non-stop.
called The House I Live In. Starring that we’re all Americans, no matter And it goes without saying that, if
Frank Sinatra, it came out in 1945, what we believe, and “prejudice” and they were making the movie today,
and was created “to oppose anti-Semi- they would no doubt still leave in the
tism and racial prejudice.” It was line comparing evangelicals to Nazis
awarded both a Golden Globe and an
Academy Award in 1946.
“Look, fellas, religion for thinking religion is important, but
they would most assuredly take out
The plot is pretty simple. Sinatra, makes no difference the lines about “the Japs.”
playing himself, heads outside for a Nowadays, of course, the message
cigarette break in the middle of a —except maybe to of the movie is considered mainstream.
recording session where he happens Who doesn’t love “tolerance” and “di-
upon a gang of about a dozen young a Nazi, or somebody versity” these days? But, back then,
boys chasing and cornering another
kid, getting ready to pummel him. Si-
that’s stupid.” the idea that race and religion were
meaningless trivialities was only being
natra intervenes, asking what the trou- pushed by radicals, Jews and Com-
ble is. The ruffians explain that they munists. Forced racial integration was
want to beat the kid up because they “intolerance” are wrong, because even considered to be a Communist plot,
don’t like his religion. One tells Sinatra, though we all may not see eye to eye largely because it was in fact a Com-
“He’s a dirty…”—but Sinatra cuts him on religion, we’ve got to stick together munist plot. And if you think I exag-
off before he can finish the sentence. to fight “the Japs.” And, yes, he says gerate, just consult the history books.
Sinatra then has a talk with the “Japs,” repeatedly. The kids then stare Christians and conservatives of
boys and shows them how wrong wide eyed as Sinatra breaks into an today love to pretend as if they’ve al-
they are. Does he tell them that, while expurgated rendition of the title song. ways stood for and promoted inter-
religion is important, going around The film is based on the song of racial marriage, integrated schools,
beating up people with a different re- the same name, “The House I Live integrated churches, Civil Rights laws,
ligion is not appropriate behavior? In.” It’s all about America being a and that Martin Luther King was the
No, Sinatra cuts right to the chase. In multiracial, multicultural Disneyland. embodiment of Christian conserva-
one of the most memorable scenes But the songwriter was livid that the tism. But nothing could be further
of the movie, he tells the boys: “Look, moviemakers cut the verse that ex- from the truth.
fellas, religion makes no difference— plicitly refers to Blacks out of the Conservative evangelical churches

66 • THE BARNES R EVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

in the era between WWII and the Robinson also wrote the music for
1970s railed against racial integration other songs, like “Ballad for Ameri-
and opposed all efforts to mix the cans,” an anthem about how race and
races. Probably not five White religion don’t matter. It was performed
preachers out of a thousand would’ve at the Communist Party national con-
conducted an interracial marriage vention of 1940. (They also played it
in 1964. at the GOP convention that year,
Conservatives and Christians wer- which ought to tell you something.)
en’t “marching with Dr. King.” The Robinson also wrote “Black and
non-Blacks marching with MLK were White,” a celebration of the Brown v.
Quakers, liberal apostate “Christians,” Board of Education travesty of juris-
Commies, beatniks and, overwhel- prudence. You’ve probably heard a
mingly, Jews. (One of the rare excep- watered-down version of “Black and
tions was Billy Graham, and he cer- White.” Three Dog Night had a No. 1
tainly didn’t take a prominent position hit with their less blatantly political
in the Civil Rights crusade because version of the song in 1972.
he knew it would kill his ministry. So the guy who wrote the words
But he did invite King to pray at a to the song that inspired the movie
New York City revival and insisted FRANK SINATRA was an America-hating Communist.
on integrated seating at all his revival “You’re either stupid or a Nazi.” And the guy who wrote the music
meetings. He was widely denounced was another Communist. Anyone else?
by conservative Christians for these Well, there’s also the guy who
actions.) thal tells us that he was “a Jewish wrote the screenplay for the movie.
Again, just check the history books school teacher,” but there’s a bit more His name was Albert Maltz and he,
if you doubt that modern day shibbo- to it than that, quite a bit more. Re- too, “was a man on the rise both
leths on race were considered far out, member Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, inside and outside of the Communist
dangerous radicalism by Americans the nice Jewish couple executed for Party.”
up until quite recently, and that the giving our atomic secrets to the Soviet Yes, The House I Live In and its
people pushing such things were gen- Union? Well, after they were executed, message was a Communist production
erally Communists. Meeropol adopted their kids. Was that through and through. And make no
But if you don’t have time to read because he took pity on the orphaned mistake. The message of the movie
the history books, just watch the children? Possibly. It might also have wasn’t that people shouldn’t go around
credits for The House I Live In. It’s to do with the fact that the Jewish beating up Jews. We have no problem
like a “Who’s Who” of Hollywood school teacher was actually an ardent with that message as we oppose vio-
Communism and radicalism. Sinatra Communist himself. Funny how Blu- lence against anyone.
was just their front man. menthal forgot to mention that. But that wasn’t the message of the
Let’s start with the man who wrote We have seen that the lyricist for movie. The message was that religion
the lyrics to the song on which the the song that inspired the movie was and race are meaningless trivialities,
movie is based. In the movie he’s some strange fruit, indeed. What about and anyone who disagrees is either a
credited as Lewis Allan, but don’t pay others? “Nazi” or “stupid.”
any attention to that. His real name Earl Robinson wrote the music In 1945, that was a radical Com-
was Abel Meeropol. He also wrote for the song. You remember Earl, munist idea. Now, it’s a mainstream
“Strange Fruit,” the song about lynch- right? He was one of the notorious view parroted by nearly everyone. ❖
ing in the South that Billie Holiday Hollywood Ten who were blacklisted
made famous, and that TIME magazine for refusing to tell Congress whether JAMES EDWARDS is the outspoken
called the most important song of the or not they had ever been members host of The Political Cesspool, one of the
20th century. Holiday claimed she of the Communist Party. Of course, most potent live radio programs. It airs
every Saturday from 6-9 p.m. Central. Visit
wrote it in her autobiography, but every single one of the Hollywood for more and
that was a lie. Ten either was or had been a ded- follow his comments on Twitter @James-
So, who was Abel Meeropol? The icated member of the Communist EdwardsTPC.
investigative journalist Max Blumen- Party. Most still were.

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A Tribute to a Great Revisionist

Remembering Udo Walendy (1927–2022)
The sole reason was that it differed
By Carolyn Yeager from the official history in the way it
presented the events that led up to

here is not as much infor- World War II. In other words, it didn’t
mation on the internet as put the full blame on Hitler and the
there should be for Udo Wa- Third Reich.
lendy, one of the most im- After a long legal battle, this re-
portant Revisionist historians. But striction was lifted in 1994 on the
that’s the story of our time. grounds that Walendy’s constitutional
Walendy was born in Berlin on rights—as an academic—had been
January 21, 1927. He died on November violated.
17, 2022, in the same city at the ripe Walendy’s historical Revisionist
age of 95. His best-known book is the magazine series Historische Tatsachen
classic Truth for Germany: The Guilt (Historical Facts), continues to be
Question of the Second World War, published by the VHO in Flanders. It
first published in 1964, a book that began in 1974 with a translation of
remains a seminal work of Revisionist Richard Harwood’s booklet Did Six
literature that is as relevant today as Million Really Die?
it was when it was first written. Walendy was also responsible for
He served in the Reich Labor Serv- UDO WALENDY the German translation of Arthur
ice and then as a teenage Luftwaffe Daring German researcher. Butz’s groundbreaking book The Hoax
helper before being drafted into the of the Twentieth Century, which shed
Wehrmacht when he turned 18 in a shining light on so much of the
1945. Walendy completed his second- Historical Research) in Vlotho, which faulty, often concocted “evidence” for
ary education after the war, then at- continues today under his wife Mar- the “Holocaust.” Additionally, Walendy
tended journalism school in Aachen. garethe’s name. It maintains close authored Forged War Crimes Malign
Between 1950 and 1956, he studied contact with the Belgian Revisionist the German Nation, a very popular
political science at the Hochschule organization Vrij Historisch Onder- resource not currently available at
für Politik in West Berlin, receiving a zoek (VHO). online booksellers but it can be down-
diploma (a degree in Germany). For loaded online.
the next 10 years he was employed AUTHOR & PUBLISHER Udo Walendy was imprisoned in
as the director of a folk high school As early as 1964 he published his 1999 for 15 months for “publicly ques-
(adult education) in Herford and as own book, Wahrheit für Deutschland: tioning the Holocaust” under Ger-
business leader of an employer’s as- Die Schuldfrage des Zweiten Welt- many’s Volksverhetzung law (incite-
sociation in Bielefeld. (Remember, he kriegs (Truth for Germany: The Ques- ment to hatred).
was associated with “undesirable” po- tion of Guilt for the Second World
litical views in postwar Germany.) War), which in 1979 was listed by WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS
In 1965, Walendy independently Germany’s Federal Department for Walendy’s pioneering research into
founded the Verlag für Volkstum und Media Harmful to Young Persons as the World Jewish Congress (WJC),
Zeitgeschichtsforschung (Publishing material that could not be publicly which I have used to great benefit, is
House for Folklore and Contemporary advertised or given to young readers. summed up in an article still on the

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internet titled “Unity in Dispersion: A
History of the World Jewish Congress.”
I also published an article dealing
with the WJC titled “The Hoax That
Won’t Die—How the World Jewish
Congress Invented the Holocaust,”
which drew heavily on Walendy’s re-
search. That article is available on
my website,, and
includes a link directly to Walendy’s
article previously mentioned.
Walendy’s investigation demon-
strated conclusively that the “Holo-
caust” tale “was deliberately created
by a few men in the upper ranks of
the World Jewish Congress utilizing
their tight network of influential, well-
placed accomplices throughout Eu-
rope, Britain and the United States,” I
argued. I also noted that “the hoax of
the Holocaust can be attributed to
the World Jewish Congress far more
than any other single entity.”
Most critically, Walendy’s work
showed how “the very first uncon-
firmed reports of mass shootings of
Jews came from the World Jewish
Congress, and the first unconfirmed
reports of gas chambers and mass
cremations also came from the WJC.”
Walendy was honored with a leadership award at the 2001 free
TRUTH FOR GERMANY speech conference sponsored by TBR in Washington, D.C. The plaque
Walendy’s greatest contribution to honored his “50 years of bringing history into accord with the facts.”
Revisionism, however, remains his
masterpiece Truth for Germany, a
book that systematically debunks the instigator and aggressor responsible directly from the key players involved
outrageous lies spread about Adolf for initiating the fratricidal bloodbath in the conflict, as well as the personal
Hitler’s Germany, which have envel- known as WWII. Walendy disproves memoirs of some of the main political
oped the entire Western world. For that common assumption, demon- leaders, Walendy exposes the true
generations, mainstream historians strating that WWII was not the “Good origins of WWII and lays to rest the
and Western political leaders have in- War” we’ve been told it was. By relying slanderous falsehoods regarding Ger-
sisted that Germany was the primary on primary source documentation man war guilt that have been institu-
tionalized in the West.
CAROLYN YEAGER is one of America’s most dedicated and passionate Revisionists. We’ve now lost one of the best of
She is a writer, author, podcast host and investigator who has committed herself to re- the German patriots, who continued
searching various aspects of WWII and German history since 2005. Her website
to fight throughout all these years, contains numerous original articles, podcasts and other documen-
tation relating to Revisionism. She is the author of The Artist Within the Warlord: An
sacrificing personal material ambitions
Adolf Hitler You’ve Never Known as well as Auschwitz: The Underground Guided and comfort in the interests of justice
Tour. She also maintains the website Elie Wiesel Cons the World ( and truth for his so maltreated
and people. A true fighter.
Herzlichen Dank, Udo Walendy. ❖

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CONCERN FOR U.S. DOLLAR lose its status as the benchmark in- they do? Not much.
ternational reserve currency, very I fear disaster for the 90% of us
A word of advice to my fellow
dire consequences indeed would who do not have the financial where-
Americans: Be afraid. Be very, very
follow, especially for Americans. withal to protect ourselves from
afraid of the consequences of the
For example, if the dollar were the inevitable collapse.
soon-to-happen inevitable collapse
replaced as the sole benchmark in- VAUGHN KLINGENBERG
of the American dollar as the bench-
ternational reserve currency by the
mark international reserve currency.
BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India,
Given that very soon the Russian RITUAL MURDER?
China and South Africa), the demand
ruble (which is backed by gold)
for U.S. dollars would drop precip- I’d like to promote a subject as a
and the Chinese yuan (which is itously. As a consequence of this, topic worthy of further examination
backed by a basket of precious no one would want to purchase in the coming year: The Black Dahlia
metals and commodities) will re- U.S. government debt in the form murder in 1947 had all the hallmarks
place the U.S. dollar (which is merely of bonds and, if government bonds of a modern day Jewish ritual murder.
a fiat currency—backed by nothing), cannot be financed, there would be This includes an exsanguinated body
it would be worthwhile to briefly no money to finance the running of with barbarities and a “clown face”
outline the foreseeable economic the government, especially govern- contemptuously cut into it plus a
consequences for us Americans. ment programs and agencies. body further desecrated by burns
The American dollar is a fiat debt- Welfare, social security, housing and other butcheries, left deliberately
currency. For each and every dollar subsidies, as well as local services unburied in an open field with its
that is created by the Federal Re- (garbage pick-up, streetlights, police legs spread open to make her easy
serve (Fed) a corresponding and protection etc.) would have to be to find and to add to the humiliation
equivalent debt is created. If all cut. Unemployment would skyrocket, of her family. Perhaps a good project
debt in this country were paid off people would not be able to afford for author Hervé Ryssen?
completely, there would be no dol- their mortgages and widespread WILLIAM KUHN
lars in circulation. But it gets worse: crime, looting and rioting would Florida
in order to avoid an economic re- most likely follow in its wake. Rev-
cession, it is necessary for the Fed olution would almost certainly ensue. READ NEW TESTAMENT
to continuously inflate the money Since the dollar is a fiat currency The article “The Infiltration and
supply. built on a gigantic Ponzi scheme, Subversion of the Catholic Church”
The consequence of this is that the dire consequences outlined by Mike Mains in the TBR July/August
the value of the dollar is constantly above are inevitable. The U.S. can 2022 issue was very interesting but
and inexorably being eroded. The postpone the inevitable by punishing there are factual problems with it.
value of the dollar has fallen 86% and isolating the looming inter- He has lots of truths about the Cath-
since it was taken off of the gold national replacement currency na- olic Church, but even more errors.
standard by President Richard Nixon tions of Russia (hence our funding It seems the author does not know
in 1971. of Ukraine in its U.S.-orchestrated the New Testament.
The U.S. dollar can be likened to war vs. Russia) and China (by saber- First, I was born and raised a Cath-
a gigantic international Ponzi scheme. rattling U.S. support for an inde- olic and remained so until I was 31
In order to maintain its value, it is pendent Taiwan), and by going so years old. I am currently 84 years
in need of constant and continuous far as to covertly threaten nuclear old and a disabled veteran. I have a
investment by domestic and foreign Armageddon should the U.S. dollar B.A. in theology and a Master’s Degree
interests. This is no better seen than be supplanted as the international in Christian education. I preached
in the present employment of the reserve currency. for the Church of Christ for over 38
U.S. dollar as the international re- So, what can we do? Not much. years. I went to the Sunset School of
serve currency for the purchase of Of course, if you have money now preaching from January 1971 to Janu-
oil and gas. The current demand you could invest in gold and silver ary 1972 and studied every book of
for the dollar is high because foreign or, for that matter, in rubles and the Bible.
nations that want to trade in gas or yuans, but what about those who Here are a few errors I want to
oil use the U.S. dollar as the bench- do not have such disposable, inves- correct:
mark currency. Were the dollar to tible income or wealth? What can • The Catholic Church was not

70 • THE BARNES REVI EW • JAN U ARY/ FEBRUA RY 2 0 2 3 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O L L F REE

established as such until A.D. 606. the Times would have said so. movement of militarized mobs roam-
• Read carefully Matthew 16:18 So, in short, Mermelstein was able ing the lands. And they did it always
from a Greek Bible and you will find to survive Adolf Hitler, able to survive in the name of Christ. In Germany,
that Jesus did not declare Peter the Dr. Josef Mengele, but he was unable for instance, scars from centuries of
pope. Verse 18: “You are Peter,” or to survive Dr. Anthony Fauci and violence are still visible—from long
“Petros,” which means very strong his willing executioners Rachel Wa- before the world wars.
or a stone, but one that can be picked lensky, Albert Bourla, Tal Zaks, Timo- But the French and English can
up and cast. “Upon this rock I will thy Springer, Robert Langer and all sing a song, too, about what hap-
build My church.” The word for rock the other “Judenrat” establishment pened in their countries. Remember
in Greek is “petra”—a very large Zionist organizations. the “great” Oliver Cromwell and his
rock or bedrock, something that can- Too bad for Mel. If only he had pogroms? Of course, the hapless Eu-
not be picked up and cast aside. listened to the rest of us “anti-Semitic ropeans knew that whenever there
• Also read Matthew 23:1-12. The Holocaust deniers” and “vaccine de- was warring going on, there were
terms rabbi, teacher, father, reverend niers” (or, in my case, a “self-hating the agitators and financiers, facili-
… these are titles used mainly by Jew”) instead of the misanthropic tators, persuaders—the ultimate and
the Catholic Church. Read 1 Timothy Jewish Zionist organizations, he might primary if not exclusive winners and
4:1-8. still be here today. beneficiaries of war.
All of these practices preceded At the height of the pandemic I The story about Christianity would
the Catholic Church. saw advertisements offering “Holo- not be complete without the mention
A few more things. Catholic titles caust survivors” a free ride to a “vac- that, while many Christians looted,
for Mary include “Mother of God,” cine site.” raped and banned scientific research,
“Queen of Heaven” and “Our Medi- I would like to recommend to Mr. many others were quietly and mod-
ator” or “Intercessor.” But where are Mermelstein’s survivors that they estly doing crucial pioneering scien-
any of these titles found in the New should sue Fauci. What an incredible tific research, sponsoring architec-
Testament? Mary is also referred to Orwellian world of lies we live in. tural wonders and instituting ad-
as a “perpetual Virgin”—but the New YEHUDA LITTMANN vanced agricultural techniques, but
Testament clearly says she had seven New York also tended to the poor and needy.
children. FRED MILLER
Good article, but Mr. Mains needs AMERICAN MASONRY Tennessee
to read the New Testament more I am an American Mason, and it CAT’S WHISKERS
carefully and, preferably, from a side- always makes me chuckle when I
by-side Greek-English translation. read articles about how awful Masons I would like to express my sense
There are good reasons why the are. But, after reading the book Jew- of appreciation for the review of
Catholic Church was infiltrated so ish Freemasonry: Two Treatises by Rev. Fr. Denis Fahey’s book The
easily—and why I left it years ago. Édouard Drumont and Nicolae Paul- Kingship of Christ and the Con-
It is not the true church. escu, I’m beginning to see why Eu- version of the Jewish Nation in [the
ERWIN SICKINGER November/December 2022 issue of]
ropeans and Middle Easterners are
Missouri THE BARNES REVIEW. In my opinion,
so suspicious of their Masons.
Antonius Patrick is one of your best
This book shows in great detail
DENIERS writers and the cat’s whiskers. Keep
that the Masons in France were plain
up the good work!
I am not sure if you are aware of evil. French Masonry was a purely
this. It happened some time ago. In Torah- or Old Testament-based club.
Via email
February 2022, a New York Times Absolutely nothing in that book
obituary headline read: “Mel Mer- would even remotely remind one of
melstein, 95, who survived the Holo- Masonic teachings in our country. Send Us Your Letters
caust and beat deniers in court dies.” Those Masonic traditions in France
The article said he died of “compli- are the exact opposite of U.S. ones. and Your Emails!
cations from Covid-19,” but did not That still doesn’t excuse pontifi- Email your thoughtful letters to
say if he had been vaccinated and cating and moralizing Christians from or mail to
boosted. what they have done. They have TBR Letters Dept., P.O. Box 550,
Suffice it to say, if he was dumb raped, looted, murdered and spread White Plains, MD 20695. Please
enough to believe in the hoax of the general mayhem throughout Europe
include your phone number
20th century, then he was probably for centuries. If you know what to
dumb enough to get boosted. If he look for, you can still see today the if we have any questions.
had been unvaccinated, then I know traces of the seemingly constant

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3 • 7 1

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