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Subject: Information and Communication Technology Grade:4 th primary 2022-2023 Time: 1 :1/2 hours Model Exam(1) grade 4: primary First Term 2022-2023 Ministyer Education Choose the correct: 4- When searching for a specific sentence, we put this sentence between two signs, a. + b. - c. “ 2-The . is used to search for information on the Internet . a. SearchEngine b. Results c. Browser 3-When you. someone, he can’t communicate with you. a. Blocking b. Sendinga friend request c. Sharing 4- Text messages are Sent and received via the Internet by... a. E-mail b. Video chatting c. Digital Blogging 5- To download files from the Internet to the computer we use. a. Word b. spam c. download 6- The most popular social media sites is. a. E-mail b. Google c. Facebook is one of the positive services of the Internet. a. Searching for information b. Stealing information c. Identity theft Subject : Information and Communication Technology Grade: 4th Primary 2022 - 2023 Time : 1:1/2 hours Model (1) Ministry of Education| Put (V) in front of the Correct Statement and (X) in front of the False Statement: 41. PowerPoint software is a fun way to present ideas and results. () 2. Hearing aids are one of the assistive technology devices for people with hearing disabilities. () 3. When collecting data, you should review the data you collected. () 4. One of the advantages of the graph is easy to read the results. () 5. When you share information, its source must be credited. () 6. All information on social media is reliable. () Browser software tools can be used to prevent inappropriate ideos from being seen. () Computer is used to create and edit spreadsheets and - presentations. () Subject: Information and Communication Technology Grade: 4th primary 2022-2023 Time: 1 :1/2 hours Model Exam(2) grade 4: primary First Term 2022-2023 Nintstyor education Choose the correct: .. is considered from unreliable digital sources. a. Wiki b. EKB c. .gov 2- To share data via internet we use a. Email b. Excel c. word 3- The... a. Email b. Internet c. Video chat contains many published digital research and reports. 4- Unwanted message may include viruses is called .. zi a. Spam b. Social Media c. Personal information 5- Your name and address are considered as .. a. Spam b. Blogs c. Personal information 6- You can ..from the Internet and save it on your device. a. Downloadafile b. blockyourfriend c. deleteafile 7- When searching for information about an image, use a. Word b. Excel c. images 8- The program... used to enter and format texts and insert images. a. Socialmedia b. Word c. Search engine Subject : Information and Communication Technology Grade: 4th Primary 2022 - 2023 Time : 1:1/2 hours Model (2) Ministry of Education| Put (V) in front of the Correct Statement and (X) in front of the False Statement: 1. Choosing accurate and specific keywords helps us search online. () 2. Always respect the law when using the Internet. () 3, You must ask your friends for permission before posting any information about them. () 4. Spam includes unwanted messages. () 5. The search engine is used to find the answer to a question easily. () 6. Screen magnification software is an assistive technology. () 7 Communicating with an unknown person may expose you to * bullying. ()

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