Ejaculation Questionnaire

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Ejaculation questionnaire
EjQ1: Over the past 4 weeks, how would you rate the amount of semen when you ejaculate?
0‑Could not ejaculate
1‑Very little
2‑A little
3‑Neither little nor much
5‑Very much
EjQ2: Over the past 4 weeks, how would you rate the strength or force of your ejaculation?
0‑Could not ejaculate
1‑Very weak
3‑Neither weak nor strong
5‑Very strong
EjQ3: Over the past 4 weeks, have you experienced any pain or discomfort when you ejaculate?
0‑Could not ejaculate
1‑An extreme amount of pain or discomfort
2‑A strong amount of pain or discomfort
3‑A moderate amount of pain or discomfort
4‑A slight amount of pain or discomfort
5‑Neither pain nor discomfort
EjQ4: Over the past 4 weeks, how satisfied are you with the quality of your ejaculation?
0‑Could not ejaculate
1‑Very unsatisfied
3‑Neither unsatisfied nor satisfied
4‑Moderately satisfied
5‑Very satisfied
EjQ5: Over the past 4 weeks, how much time did it take from intromission to ejaculation?
0‑Could not ejaculate
1‑An extremely short time
2‑A short time
3‑Neither short nor long
4‑A long time
5‑A very long time

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