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Guiding students to use the principles of "what," "where," "when," and "how" can

significantly enhance their problem-solving skills. Allow me to elaborate:

1. What (Identify): Encourage students to first identify the key elements of the
problem. What is given? What are they asked to find? By clearly defining
the knowns and unknowns, students can establish a foundation for their
problem-solving approach.
2. Where (Locate): Emphasize the importance of locating relevant formulas,
theorems, or concepts that are applicable to the problem at hand. This
involves understanding where to find the necessary tools within their
mathematical toolkit. This step enhances their ability to connect theoretical
knowledge to practical problem-solving.
3. When (Timing): Stress the significance of considering the appropriate steps
and order of operations. Timing is crucial in math problem-solving. Discuss
the sequence of steps needed to reach the solution and the importance of
performing operations in the correct order to avoid errors.
4. How (Execution): Guide students in executing the solution with precision.
Encourage them to apply the identified concepts and formulas to the given
problem systematically. Emphasize clarity in their workings and expressions
to enhance understanding.

By incorporating these elements, students can develop a structured approach to

problem-solving that involves clear identification, effective location of resources,
strategic timing, and meticulous execution. This approach not only promotes
mathematical proficiency but also cultivates critical thinking skills.
Example 1: Calculating Speed
What: Suppose a car travels 120 kilometers.
Where: Utilize the formula for speed: Speed = Distance/Time.
When: If the time taken is 2 hours, the problem requires understanding when to
apply the formula.
How: Plug in the values into the formula: Speed = 120 km / 2 hours = 60 km/h.
This example demonstrates identifying the knowns and unknowns (what),
selecting the relevant formula (where), considering the timing aspect (when), and
executing the solution systematically (how).

Example 2: Geometry Problem

What: Given a right-angled triangle with a base of 8 units and height of 6 units,
find the hypotenuse.
Where: Utilize the Pythagorean theorem: �2=�2+�2c2=a2+b2, where �c is
the hypotenuse, and �a and �b are the legs.
When: Apply the theorem after identifying the right-angled triangle.
How: Plug in the values: �2=82+62c2=82+62, �=64+36=100=10c=64+36=100
This problem showcases the application of the Pythagorean theorem,
emphasizing the importance of where to find the relevant formula.

Example 3: Financial Mathematics

What: A sum of money is invested at an annual interest rate of 8%.
Where: Employ the compound interest formula:
�=�(1+�/�)��A=P(1+r/n)nt, where �A is the future value, �P is the
principal amount, �r is the annual interest rate, �n is the number of times
interest is compounded per year, and �t is the time in years.
When: Apply the formula when calculating compound interest over a period.
How: If $1,000 is invested for 3 years, compounded quarterly, calculate �A by
plugging in the values.
These examples illustrate real-world scenarios where the "what," "where,"
"when," and "how" approach proves valuable in solving mathematical problems.
For further practice, platforms like Brilliant offer interactive problem-solving

Example 1: Calculating Speed

What: Suppose a car travels 120 kilometers.
Where: Utilize the formula for speed: Speed = Distance/Time.
When: If the time taken is 2 hours, the problem requires understanding when to
apply the formula.
How: Plug in the values into the formula: Speed = 120 km / 2 hours = 60 km/h.
This example demonstrates identifying the knowns and unknowns (what),
selecting the relevant formula (where), considering the timing aspect (when), and
executing the solution systematically (how).
Example 2: Geometry Problem
What: Given a right-angled triangle with a base of 8 units and height of 6 units,
find the hypotenuse.
Where: Utilize the Pythagorean theorem: �2=�2+�2c2=a2+b2, where �c is
the hypotenuse, and �a and �b are the legs.
When: Apply the theorem after identifying the right-angled triangle.
How: Plug in the values: �2=82+62c2=82+62, �=64+36=100=10c=64+36=100
This problem showcases the application of the Pythagorean theorem,
emphasizing the importance of where to find the relevant formula.
Example 3: Financial Mathematics
What: A sum of money is invested at an annual interest rate of 8%.
Where: Employ the compound interest formula:
�=�(1+�/�)��A=P(1+r/n)nt, where �A is the future value, �P is the
principal amount, �r is the annual interest rate, �n is the number of times
interest is compounded per year, and �t is the time in years.
When: Apply the formula when calculating compound interest over a period.
How: If $1,000 is invested for 3 years, compounded quarterly, calculate �A by
plugging in the values.
These examples illustrate real-world scenarios where the "what," "where,"
"when," and "how" approach proves valuable in solving mathematical problems.
For further practice, platforms like Brilliant offer interactive problem-solving

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