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PLS1010C Intro to Plant Sciences Print or Type Name: Kevin Watts

Activity: Plant Propagation

Dr. Merritt
Due: Monday, 10/5/20


For this activity, you will be observing several different methods of plant propagation (both asexual
and sexual).

Seed Germination Test

In this seed germination test, a paper towel was moistened and drained of excess water. The seeds were
placed in half of the paper towel, folded over several times, and placed in a bag and kept in a warm
place. The number of seedlings that germinated was determined after 5 days. Based on the photo,
calculate the % of seed germination.
To calculate germination percentage: # seedlings counted divided by # of seeds = % germination
(_______21____# Seedlings / _______26_____# of seeds) x 100% = _______80.76____%

Why is it important to know what percentage germination you have?

To determine if that plant is valuable in seed germination for planting.

Asexual Propagation

Refer to Plant Propagation Techniques for the Florida Gardener.


1. Stem cuttings. Look at the photo below of how to do a stem cutting.

● Why would you cut larger leaves in half?

To help with new growth

● What is a semi-hardwood cutting?

Not fully matured hardwood, easier for cutting and propagation.

2. Leaf-bud cutting. Look at the sketch below at a leaf-bud cutting.

● What part of the plant produces a new shoot?

The bud

3. Root cutting.

● When are root cuttings normally taken?

Spring time or late winter.


4. Air Layering. In the UF/IFAS EDIS article (link provided above) read the section on air layering.

A technique to propagate and reproduce from a stem of a plant branch using peat moss to grow

● On what Florida plants can air layering be done?

fiddle-leaf figs, rubber plants, crotons, hibiscus, calliandra, oleanders, camellias, azaleas, and

5. Tip Layering. Read the section (EDIS article) on tip layering.

● On what Florida plants can tip layering be done?

climbing roses, jasmine, abelia, oleander, and pyracantha.


● What Florida plants are propagated through division?

Ferns, orchids, daylilies, liriope, and bulbous plants

● What is the worst stage in plant growth to divide plants?

Not when flowering.

Grafting and Budding

Refer to Propagating plants by Grafting and Budding Presentation:

Part One: Matching

Instructions: Match the term with the correct response. Write the letter of the term by the definition.
a. bark grafting d. grafting g. scion

b. stock e. T-budding h. patch budding
c. budding f. cleft grafting i. whip-and-tongue grafting

_____i__ 1. The process of connecting two plant parts to grow as one plant.
_____g__ 2. A short piece of stem with two or more buds used in grafting.
_____b__ 3. The lower root portion of a plant used in grafting.
_____h__ 4. Both the scion and stock have a slit cut that helps to hold them firmly together when
_____a__ 5. A method for joining a smaller scion to a larger stock part.
_______ 6. A more difficult method of grafting in which the scion is inserted between the bark and the
wood of the rootstock.
_____c__ 7. Similar to grafting, but only a single bud is selected from the scion to insert into the
_____e__ 8. The bud from one plant is inserted into a T shape cut through the bark of the rootstock
_____h__ 9. A method of propagation used when the plant’s bark is thick, such as on pecans and

Part Two: Completion

Instructions: Provide the word or words to complete the following statements.

1. Three common types of grafting are ______cleft______________, __________Bark____________,

and ____________whip and tongue____________________.
2. Grafting compound or wax is used to prevent the loss of ______drying out____________.
3. The root or growing part of the plant used for grafting is the _______stock___________.
4. The branch or stem portion used in plant grafting is known as the ____scion__________.
5. Two common methods of budding are __________T-budding_______________________ and
____________Patch Budding________________________.

Part Three: Short Answer

Instructions: Provide information to answer the following questions.

1. What is the main reason for grafting?

to create new growth in a plant.

2. List four factors that help insure that graft unions are successful.

wax making sure it won’t dry out

grafting tape
same type of plant.

3. What is budding and why is it done?

like Grafting but you take a single bud and attach it to bark or wood. used to form a new plant.

4. How is budding different from grafting?

like Grafting but you take a single bud and attach it to bark or wood. Grafting you connect two plant

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