Iit M Foundation An4 Exam Qpf4 29 Oct

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Indian Institute of Technology, Madras - BS in Data Science and Applications

Notations :

1.Options shown in green color and with icon are correct.

2.Options shown in red color and with icon are incorrect.


Question Paper Name :


Subject Name :

Creation Date : 2023-10-14 12:00:58

Duration : 240

Total Marks : 355

Display Marks: Yes

Share Answer Key With Delivery Engine : Yes

Actual Answer Key : Yes

Calculator : Scientific

Magnifying Glass Required? : No

Ruler Required? : No

Eraser Required? : No

Scratch Pad Required? : No

Rough Sketch/Notepad Required? : No

Protractor Required? : No

Show Watermark on Console? : Yes

Highlighter : No

Auto Save on Console? Yes

Change Font Color : No

Change Background Color : No

Change Theme : No

Help Button : No

Show Reports : No

Show Progress Bar : No

Group I
Group Number : 1

Group Id : 64065315360

Group Maximum Duration : 0

Group Minimum Duration : 90

Show Attended Group? : No

Edit Attended Group? : No

Break time : 0

Group Marks : 355

Is this Group for Examiner? : No

Examiner permission : Cant View

Show Progress Bar? : No

Revisit allowed for group Instructions? : Yes

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Group Time In : Minutes

Navigate To Group Summary From Last Question? : No

Disable Submit Button During Assessment? : No

Section Selection Time? : 0

No of Optional sections to be attempted : 0

Sem1 CT
Section Id : 64065344887

Section Number : 1

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 14

Number of Questions to be attempted : 14

Section Marks : 50

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395071

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 1 Question Id : 640653668215 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532238936. YES

6406532238937. NO

Question Number : 2 Question Id : 640653668216 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :

6406532238938. Useful Data has been mentioned above

6406532238939. This data attachment is just for a reference & not for an evaluation.

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395072

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 3 Question Id : 640653668217 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2
Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :






Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395073

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 4 Question Id : 640653668228 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395074

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 5 Question Id : 640653668219 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :




Question Number : 6 Question Id : 640653668220 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 7 Question Id : 640653668221 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4
Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :




Question Number : 8 Question Id : 640653668232 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

What will Count represent at the end of execution?

Options :

6406532238994. Number of words in which the same vowel occurs consecutively exactly once

6406532238995. Number of words in which the same vowel occurs consecutively at least once
6406532238996. Number of words in which the same vowel occurs consecutively exactly twice

6406532238997. Number of words in which the same vowel occurs consecutively at least twice

Sub-Section Number : 5

Sub-Section Id : 64065395075

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 9 Question Id : 640653668218 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 6

Sub-Section Id : 64065395076

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 10 Question Id : 640653668222 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :




Question Number : 11 Question Id : 640653668223 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :




Question Number : 12 Question Id : 640653668224 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 7

Sub-Section Id : 64065395077

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668225 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (13 to 14)

Question Label : Comprehension

Answer the given subquestions based on the above information.

Sub questions

Question Number : 13 Question Id : 640653668226 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 14 Question Id : 640653668227 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 8

Sub-Section Id : 64065395078

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668229 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (15 to 16)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestion.

Sub questions

Question Number : 15 Question Id : 640653668230 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 16 Question Id : 640653668231 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :




Sem1 English1
Section Id : 64065344888

Section Number : 2

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 25

Number of Questions to be attempted : 25

Section Marks : 50

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395079

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 17 Question Id : 640653668233 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532238998. YES

6406532238999. NO

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395080

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668234 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (18 to 22)

Question Label : Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the given subquestions.

When I first visited Gandhi in 1942 at his ashram in Sevagram, in central India, he said, “I will tell
you how it happened that I decided to urge the departure of the British. It was in 1917.”

He had gone to the December 1916 annual convention of the Indian National Congress party in
Lucknow. There were 2,301 delegates and many visitors. "During the proceedings," Gandhi
recounted, “a peasant came up to me looking like any other peasant in India, poor and emaciated,
and said, ‘I am Rajkumar Shukla. I am from Champaran, and I want you to come to my district’!’’
Gandhi had never heard of the place. It was in the foothills of the towering Himalayas, near the
kingdom of Nepal.

Under an ancient arrangement, the Champaran peasants were sharecroppers. Rajkumar Shukla
was one of them. He was illiterate but resolute. He had come to the Congress session to complain
about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar, and somebody had probably said, “Speak to

Gandhi told Shukla he had an appointment in Cawnpore and was also committed to go to other
parts of India. Shukla accompanied him everywhere. Then Gandhi returned to his ashram near
Ahmedabad. Shukla followed him to the ashram. For weeks he never left Gandhi’s side.

“Fix a date,” he begged.

Impressed by the sharecropper’s tenacity and story Gandhi said, ‘‘I have to be in Calcutta on such-
and-such a date. Come and meet me and take me from there.” Months passed. Shukla was sitting
on his haunches at the appointed spot in Calcutta when Gandhi arrived; he waited till Gandhi was
free. Then the two of them boarded a train for the city of Patna in Bihar. There Shukla led him to
the house of a lawyer named Rajendra Prasad who later became President of the Congress party
and of India. Rajendra Prasad was out of town, but the servants knew Shukla as a poor yeoman
who pestered their master to help the indigo sharecroppers. So they let him stay on the grounds
with his companion, Gandhi, whom they took to be another peasant. But Gandhi was not
permitted to draw water from the well lest some drops from his bucket pollute the entire source;
how did they know that he was not an untouchable?

Gandhi decided to go first to Muzzafarpur, which was en route to Champaran, to obtain more
complete information about conditions than Shukla was capable of imparting. He accordingly sent
a telegram to Professor J.B. Kripalani, of the Arts College in Muzzafarpur, whom he had seen at
Tagore’s Shantiniketan school. The train arrived at midnight, 15 April 1917. Kripalani was waiting
at the station with a large body of students. Gandhi stayed there for two days in the home of
Professor Malkani, a teacher in a government school.
- Indigo - Louis Fischer

Sub questions

Question Number : 18 Question Id : 640653668235 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Among the following words, choose the antonym for the word ‘tenacity’.

Options :

6406532239000. Persistence

6406532239001. Determination

6406532239002. Firmness

6406532239003. Timidity

Question Number : 19 Question Id : 640653668236 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

What is the meaning of ‘yeoman’ ?

Options :

6406532239004. A farmer who owned and worked on his own land

6406532239005. A person who is the owner of a house

6406532239006. A person who lends money as a business

6406532239007. A person who fits and repairs the pipes

Question Number : 20 Question Id : 640653668237 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Select true or false for the following statement.

Gandhi decided to go first to Muzzafarpur, which was en route to Champaran.

Options :

6406532239008. TRUE

6406532239009. FALSE

Question Number : 21 Question Id : 640653668238 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

To whom did Gandhi send a telegram?

Options :

6406532239010. Rajendra Prasad

6406532239011. J.B. Kripalani

6406532239012. Romesh Chunder Dutt

6406532239013. N. R Malkani

Question Number : 22 Question Id : 640653668239 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

At whose house did Gandhi stay for two days?

Options :

6406532239014. Professor Dutt

6406532239015. Professor Malkani

6406532239016. Professor Chowdhury

6406532239017. Professor Sharma

Question Id : 640653668240 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (23 to 27)

Question Label : Comprehension

Listen to the audio sample and answer the given subquestions:


Sub questions

Question Number : 23 Question Id : 640653668241 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

What do you hear at 0:13?

Options :

6406532239018. Sneer

6406532239019. Snare

Question Number : 24 Question Id : 640653668242 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

What do you hear at 1.53?

Options :

6406532239020. Clause

6406532239021. Cause

Question Number : 25 Question Id : 640653668243 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Select the antonym for the word ‘lofty’.

Options :

6406532239022. Tall

6406532239023. High

6406532239024. Towering

6406532239025. Low

Question Number : 26 Question Id : 640653668244 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank with the correct option.

The poorest way to face life is to face it with a _____________.

Options :
6406532239026. Smile

6406532239027. Sneer

Question Number : 27 Question Id : 640653668245 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Select the antonym for the word ‘disbelief’.

Options :

6406532239028. Doubt

6406532239029. Scepticism

6406532239030. Incredulity

6406532239031. Faith

Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395081

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668246 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (28 to 32)

Question Label : Comprehension

Read the following telephonic conversation and fill in the blanks with appropriate responses
and answer the given subquestions:

Sister: Hi bro, how are you doing?

Brother: Hey sis, (i)_____________________. How about you?
Sister: (ii)_________________. How is your preparation for exams going on?
Brother: Good, but I am really scared for my exams.
Brother: Because I think I am still lacking somewhere.
Sister: Don’t worry dear. You still have a month. You will do a better job!
Brother: (iv)_______________________. But I think I need more guidance.
Sister: For that, you can take coaching from the best institute which will help and guide you.
Brother: Yeah, this seems like the perfect idea. (v)______________________
Sister: There is a good coaching institute. It is called Genius Plus. Try to contact them.
Brother: Thank you, I will contact them immediately.

Sub questions

Question Number : 28 Question Id : 640653668247 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank (i) with an appropriate response?

Options :

6406532239032. My friend is playing a video game with children

6406532239033. My wife is cooking in the kitchen

6406532239034. I am cool

6406532239035. My father is working in the corporate sector

Question Number : 29 Question Id : 640653668248 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank (ii) with an appropriate response?

Options :

6406532239036. I am perfectly fine

6406532239037. The dog is playing in the room

6406532239038. The cats are alright

6406532239039. Mom is out for shopping

Question Number : 30 Question Id : 640653668249 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank (iii) with an appropriate response?

Options :

6406532239040. When is your exam?

6406532239041. Why so?

6406532239042. When are you coming home?

6406532239043. Why are you going to Chennai?

Question Number : 31 Question Id : 640653668250 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank (iv) with an appropriate response?

Options :

6406532239044. Good Morning sis

6406532239045. Bye sis

6406532239046. Thank you, sis, for your support.

6406532239047. Good night sis

Question Number : 32 Question Id : 640653668251 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank (v) with an appropriate response?

Options :

6406532239048. How long will you go to the coaching institute?

6406532239049. Do you have any good coaching institutes in mind?

6406532239050. How long will you stay there in Chennai?

6406532239051. When will you come home?

Question Id : 640653668262 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (33 to 37)

Question Label : Comprehension

Match Column A with suitable options in Column B. (Hint: Word collocation)

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 33 Question Id : 640653668263 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question


Options :

6406532239090. Card

6406532239091. Offer

6406532239092. Equipment

6406532239093. Rod

6406532239094. Hose

Question Number : 34 Question Id : 640653668264 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Library __________

Options :

6406532239095. Card

6406532239096. Offer

6406532239097. Equipment

6406532239098. Rod

6406532239099. Hose

Question Number : 35 Question Id : 640653668265 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Garden ___________

Options :

6406532239100. Card

6406532239101. Offer

6406532239102. Equipment

6406532239103. Rod

6406532239104. Hose

Question Number : 36 Question Id : 640653668266 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Job __________

Options :

6406532239105. Card

6406532239106. Offer

6406532239107. Equipment

6406532239108. Rod

6406532239109. Hose

Question Number : 37 Question Id : 640653668267 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question


Options :

6406532239110. Card

6406532239111. Offer

6406532239112. Equipment

6406532239113. Rod

6406532239114. Hose

Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395082

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 38 Question Id : 640653668252 Question Type : MCQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Identify the type of noun that is highlighted in the sentence.

The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter.

Options :

6406532239052. Collective

6406532239053. Abstract

6406532239054. Proper

6406532239055. Compound

Question Number : 39 Question Id : 640653668253 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Select the correct pronoun.

This is my letter and that is ________.

Options :

6406532239056. Your

6406532239057. Yours

6406532239058. Our

6406532239059. Ours

Question Number : 40 Question Id : 640653668254 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which one of the following words is a verb?

Options :

6406532239060. Usually

6406532239061. Slowly

6406532239062. Poorly

6406532239063. Solve

Question Number : 41 Question Id : 640653668255 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct option.

My new bike is __________ than my old one.

Options :

6406532239064. Faster

6406532239065. Fast

Question Number : 42 Question Id : 640653668256 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Identify the part of speech of the underlined word.

Amy bought ripe tomatoes at the store.

Options :

6406532239066. Noun

6406532239067. Adjective

6406532239068. Pronoun

6406532239069. Verb

Question Number : 43 Question Id : 640653668258 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the appropriate option.

________ my opinion, she is a very clever girl.

Options :

6406532239074. For

6406532239075. Of

6406532239076. In

6406532239077. With

Question Number : 44 Question Id : 640653668259 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the appropriate option.

Tomorrow will be ________ cold day.

Options :
6406532239078. The

6406532239079. An

6406532239080. A

6406532239081. No article

Question Number : 45 Question Id : 640653668260 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the appropriate option.

She behaves _______she was the captain of the team.

Options :

6406532239082. As

6406532239083. As if

6406532239084. That

6406532239085. No word needed

Question Number : 46 Question Id : 640653668261 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

They usually spend their holidays in _____mountains.

Options :

6406532239086. A

6406532239087. The
6406532239088. No article

6406532239089. An

Question Number : 47 Question Id : 640653668268 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Select true or false for the following statement.

The phrasal verb ‘lay off (something)’ means to ‘to stop doing something.’

Options :

6406532239115. True

6406532239116. False

Question Number : 48 Question Id : 640653668269 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Consider the following sentence:

The party was a little slow at first but Kate broke the ice by offering everyone wine and beer.
The phrase ‘broke the ice’ means ___.

Options :

6406532239117. To remove the tension at a first meeting

6406532239118. To tell the truth about something that was kept a secret

Question Number : 49 Question Id : 640653668270 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0
Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

The phrase ‘to get out of hand’ means ___________.

Options :

6406532239119. To become difficult to control

6406532239120. To calm down

Question Number : 50 Question Id : 640653668271 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

He told me that he will stay for a ___.

Options :

6406532239121. Weak

6406532239122. Week

6406532239123. Wick

6406532239124. Wake

Question Number : 51 Question Id : 640653668272 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

The ___ was unsold in the auction.

Options :

6406532239125. Whether
6406532239126. Wether

6406532239127. Weather

6406532239128. Wither

Question Number : 52 Question Id : 640653668273 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the word with an “aa” sound from the following.

Options :

6406532239129. Hoard

6406532239130. Board

6406532239131. Hard

6406532239132. Teeth

Question Number : 53 Question Id : 640653668274 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Pick the odd one out on the basis of the similarity of sounds: knit, pit, kit, neat

Options :

6406532239133. Knit

6406532239134. Pit

6406532239135. Kit


Question Number : 54 Question Id : 640653668275 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which semi-vowel occurs in the transition between the words “go” and “out” in the sentence “go

Options :

6406532239137. /w/

6406532239138. /y/

Question Number : 55 Question Id : 640653668276 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which among the following is a word without a diphthong?

Options :

6406532239139. Snout

6406532239140. Stout

6406532239141. Sport

6406532239142. Shout

Question Number : 56 Question Id : 640653668277 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0
Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which among the following is the correct way to read the following phone number: 8637681134?

Options :

6406532239143. 8637/6811/34

6406532239144. 863/768/113/4

6406532239145. 86/37/68/11/34

6406532239146. All of these

Sub-Section Number : 5

Sub-Section Id : 64065395083

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 57 Question Id : 640653668257 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

‘Rinku reads quite clearly’. In this sentence which of the following is an adverb?

Options :

6406532239070. Reads

6406532239071. Quite

6406532239072. Clearly

6406532239073. Rinku

Sem1 Maths1
Section Id : 64065344889

Section Number : 3

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 12

Number of Questions to be attempted : 12

Section Marks : 50

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395084

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 58 Question Id : 640653668278 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question



Options :

6406532239147. YES

6406532239148. NO

Question Number : 59 Question Id : 640653668279 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :

6406532239149. Useful Data has been mentioned above.

6406532239150. This data attachment is just for a reference & not for an evaluation.

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395085

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668280 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Question Numbers : (60 to 61)

Question Label : Comprehension

In a survey among 140 people, it was found that 75% of these 140 people like playing cricket and
50% of all the 140 people like playing football. Note that, some people may not like both games
that could be 0 also.

Use this information to answer the given subquestions

Sub questions

Question Number : 60 Question Id : 640653668281 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Short Answer Question

What is the minimum number of people who like both games?

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 61 Question Id : 640653668282 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

If there are 10 people who don’t like both games, then what is the number of people who like only

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395086

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 62 Question Id : 640653668283 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 63 Question Id : 640653668286 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4
Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395087

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 64 Question Id : 640653668284 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :




Sub-Section Number : 5

Sub-Section Id : 64065395088

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 65 Question Id : 640653668285 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Sub-Section Number : 6
Sub-Section Id : 64065395089

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 66 Question Id : 640653668287 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :




Question Number : 67 Question Id : 640653668294 Question Type : MSQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Which of the following options is/are true?

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 7

Sub-Section Id : 64065395090

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668288 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (68 to 69)

Question Label : Comprehension

Sub questions

Question Number : 68 Question Id : 640653668289 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Which of the following options is/are true?

Options :





Question Number : 69 Question Id : 640653668290 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Which of the following options is/are true?

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 8

Sub-Section Id : 64065395091

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668291 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (70 to 71)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 70 Question Id : 640653668292 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following options is true?

Options :





Question Number : 71 Question Id : 640653668293 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Sub-Section Number : 9

Sub-Section Id : 64065395092

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668295 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (72 to 73)

Question Label : Comprehension

Sub questions

Question Number : 72 Question Id : 640653668296 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Which of the following options is/are true?

Options :

6406532239187. R1 is a reflexive relation.

6406532239188. R2 is a symmetric relation.

6406532239189. R1 is not a transitive relation.

6406532239190. R2 is a transitive relation.

Question Number : 73 Question Id : 640653668297 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following options is true?

Options :

6406532239191. R1 is a function.

6406532239192. R2 is a function.

6406532239193. R2 is not a one-one function.

6406532239194. R2 is not an onto function.

Sem1 Statistics1
Section Id : 64065344890

Section Number : 4

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 11

Number of Questions to be attempted : 11

Section Marks : 40

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395093

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 74 Question Id : 640653668298 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532239195. YES

6406532239196. NO

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395094

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 75 Question Id : 640653668299 Question Type : SA Calculator : None
Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395095

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668300 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (76 to 77)

Question Label : Comprehension

The Head of the transportation facility at the IIT Madras campus wants to conduct a survey to rate
the bus services offered to all the students. He randomly selects 100 final year students from the
campus. Based on the given information, answer the subquestions

Sub questions

Question Number : 76 Question Id : 640653668301 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Identify the sample and the population.

Options :

6406532239198. The population is all the students at IIT Madras campus.

6406532239199. The sample is all the final year students at IIT Madras campus.

6406532239200. The sample is 100 randomly selected final year students at IIT Madras campus.

6406532239201. The population is all the final year students at IIT Madras campus.

Question Number : 77 Question Id : 640653668302 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Identify the correct statement from the following.

Options :

6406532239202. Selected sample is a good representation of the population.

6406532239203. Selected sample is not a good representation of the population.

Question Id : 640653668309 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (78 to 79)

Question Label : Comprehension

Sub questions

Question Number : 78 Question Id : 640653668310 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

If a total of 500 fruits are sold on a given day, then find the number of mangoes sold.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 79 Question Id : 640653668311 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Choose the correct statement(s) from the following.

Options :

6406532239215. The slices of pie chart adds up to 100%.

6406532239216. Median of the data is Grapes.

6406532239217. Mode of the data is Guava.

6406532239218. The pie chart is misleading because it does not obey the area principle.

Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395096

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668303 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (80 to 81)

Question Label : Comprehension

Sub questions

Question Number : 80 Question Id : 640653668304 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 5

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Calculate the absolute value of Point Bi-serial correlation coefficient between the result and
number of hours spent. Enter the answer correct to three decimal places.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

0.04 to 0.05

Question Number : 81 Question Id : 640653668305 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0
Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Are the exam results of the selected students strongly influenced by the number of hours spent

Options :

6406532239205. Yes, because the absolute value of Point Bi-serial coefficient is close to 1.

6406532239206. No, because the absolute value of Point Bi-serial coefficient is close to 1.

6406532239207. Yes, because the absolute value of Point Bi-serial coefficient is close to 0.

6406532239208. No, because the absolute value of Point Bi-serial coefficient is close to 0.

Question Id : 640653668306 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (82 to 83)

Question Label : Comprehension

Sub questions

Question Number : 82 Question Id : 640653668307 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

What is the average annual package of the students if each observation is doubled after
subtracting 5 from it?

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 83 Question Id : 640653668308 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

What is the population variance of the given data if 5 is subtracted from each observations?

Options :

6406532239210. 78.6

6406532239211. 83.6

6406532239212. 88.6

6406532239213. 93.6

Sub-Section Number : 5

Sub-Section Id : 64065395097

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 84 Question Id : 640653668312 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4
Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

0.29 to 0.35

Sub-Section Number : 6

Sub-Section Id : 64065395098

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 85 Question Id : 640653668313 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?

Options :

6406532239220. Eye colour of a person has ordinal scale of measurement.

6406532239221. Recording the price of bitcoin every hour for 3 days is a time-series data.
6406532239222. Number of students present in a class is a discrete variable.

6406532239223. Amount of milk (in litres) is a categorical variable.

Question Number : 86 Question Id : 640653668314 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Sunidhi purchased 5 t-shirts of sizes M, L, S, XL, S for her cousins. Later she purchased one more t-
shirt of size M, then choose the correct option(s) from the following:

Options :

6406532239224. Median of the new data is same as of old data.

6406532239225. New data will be bimodal.

6406532239226. Median of the new data will change.

6406532239227. New data will be unimodal.

Sub-Section Number : 7

Sub-Section Id : 64065395099

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 87 Question Id : 640653668315 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :




Sub-Section Number : 8

Sub-Section Id : 64065395100

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 88 Question Id : 640653668316 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find the IQR (Interquartile range) of the data 14, 20, 40, 23 and 18.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Sem2 English2
Section Id : 64065344891

Section Number : 5

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 37

Number of Questions to be attempted : 37

Section Marks : 50

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395101

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 89 Question Id : 640653668317 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532239233. YES

6406532239234. NO

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395102

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668318 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (90 to 94)

Question Label : Comprehension

Fill in the blanks with appropriate options.

(1)_______, the city of Mumbai is known as the birthplace and namesake of “Bollywood” in India.
(2)_______, it is India’s commercial capital and is always buzzing with constant activity.
(3)____________, Mumbai might seem too much for first-timers, being the ‘maximum city’ that it is,
but on the other hand, the city also grows on one, creating its own love affair. (4)_________, a city
does not get large simply because of its big buildings, but because of its people, more

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 90 Question Id : 640653668319 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct answer for blank (1).

Options :

6406532239235. Secondly

6406532239236. Irreplaceably

6406532239237. Intentionally

6406532239238. Firstly

Question Number : 91 Question Id : 640653668320 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct answer for blank (2).

Options :

6406532239239. Always

6406532239240. Well

6406532239241. Moreover

6406532239242. Wow

Question Number : 92 Question Id : 640653668321 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct answer for blank (3).

Options :

6406532239243. On every hand

6406532239244. On one hand

6406532239245. Additionally

6406532239246. Expectantly

Question Number : 93 Question Id : 640653668322 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct answer for blank (4).

Options :

6406532239247. After all

6406532239248. After a while

6406532239249. Whereas

6406532239250. Right

Question Number : 94 Question Id : 640653668323 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct answer for blank (5).

Options :

6406532239251. Triumphantly

6406532239252. Important

6406532239253. Importance

6406532239254. Importantly
Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395103

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 95 Question Id : 640653668324 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

‘Did you know that Alex and John are moving to Bombay?’ If the emphasis is on ‘you’, then the
meaning is that:

Options :

6406532239255. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would not know that
Alex and John are moving to Bombay

6406532239256. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John are moving to a city like Bombay

6406532239257. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John, of all people, are moving to Bombay

6406532239258. None of these

Question Number : 96 Question Id : 640653668325 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

‘Did you know that Alex and John are moving to Bombay?’ If the emphasis is on ‘know’, then the
meaning is that:

Options :

6406532239259. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would not know that
Alex and John are moving to Bombay
6406532239260. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John are moving to a city like Bombay

6406532239261. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would react if they
knew that Alex and John were moving to Bombay.

6406532239262. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John, of all people, are moving to

Question Number : 97 Question Id : 640653668326 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

‘Did you know that Alex and John are moving to Bombay?’ If the emphasis is on ‘Alex and John’, then
the meaning is that:

Options :

6406532239263. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would not know that
Alex and John are moving to Bombay

6406532239264. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John are moving to a city like Bombay

6406532239265. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would react if they
knew that Alex and John were moving to Bombay.

6406532239266. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John, of all people, are moving to

Question Number : 98 Question Id : 640653668327 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

‘Did you know that Alex and John are moving to Bombay?’ If the emphasis is on ‘moving’, then the
meaning is that:
Options :

6406532239267. The speaker believes that it is unbelievable that Alex and John are moving to

6406532239268. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John are moving to a city like Bombay

6406532239269. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would react if they
knew that Alex and John were moving to Bombay.

6406532239270. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John, whom he thought would never quit
their home cities/towns, and moving to another city

Question Number : 99 Question Id : 640653668328 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

‘Did you know that Alex and John are moving to Bombay?’ If the emphasis is on ‘to’, then the meaning
is that:

Options :

6406532239271. The speaker believes that it is unbelievable that Alex and John are moving to

6406532239272. The speaker is amazed that Alex and John are moving to a city like Bombay

6406532239273. The speaker believes that the person they are talking to would react if they
knew that Alex and John were moving to Bombay.

6406532239274. None of these

Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395104

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 100 Question Id : 640653668329 Question Type : MCQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” The figure of speech used here is ____________ .

Options :

6406532239275. Paradox

6406532239276. Oxymoron

6406532239277. Irony

6406532239278. Antithesis

Question Number : 101 Question Id : 640653668330 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Dunkin’ Donuts, Best Buy, and Blackberry are examples of assonance. This statement is

Options :

6406532239279. TRUE

6406532239280. FALSE

Question Number : 102 Question Id : 640653668331 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Ravi waited impatiently for the results. Here the adverb is _____________ .
Options :

6406532239281. Waited

6406532239282. Impatiently

6406532239283. For

6406532239284. The

Question Number : 103 Question Id : 640653668332 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Unfortunately, the team was knocked out from the tournament. Here the adverb modifies
_____________ .

Options :

6406532239285. The team

6406532239286. Knocked out

6406532239287. The whole sentence

6406532239288. No adverb

Question Number : 104 Question Id : 640653668333 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Rahul is _______ talkative. Fill the blank with appropriate adverb.

Options :

6406532239289. Too
6406532239290. Very

6406532239291. Fully

Question Number : 105 Question Id : 640653668334 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose the correct statements

i) I read books
ii) She cook food
iii)You sit there
iv) I drives car

Options :

6406532239292. (i) and (iii) only

6406532239293. (i) and (iv) only

6406532239294. (ii) and (iii) only

6406532239295. (iii) and (iv) only

Question Number : 106 Question Id : 640653668335 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

The participle form of ‘cut’ is ___.

Options :

6406532239296. Cut

6406532239297. Cutted
6406532239298. Cutten

6406532239299. None of these

Question Number : 107 Question Id : 640653668336 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Fill in the blank.

Rise, Rose, ___

Options :

6406532239300. Rosen

6406532239301. Rosed

6406532239302. Rised

6406532239303. Risen

Question Number : 108 Question Id : 640653668337 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

By next week, I will have finished this painting. This sentence is in ___ tense.

Options :

6406532239304. Future perfect

6406532239305. Future perfect continuous

6406532239306. Future continuous

6406532239307. Simple future

Question Number : 109 Question Id : 640653668338 Question Type : MCQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

In the following sentence, identify the logical/semantic roles of the underlined word/phrase.
The worker oiled the machines.

Options :

6406532239308. Instrument

6406532239309. Recipient

6406532239310. Theme

6406532239311. Agent

Question Number : 110 Question Id : 640653668339 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

"The contract will be issued by the government." In this sentence, the verb 'will be issued ' will change
to ________ when converted to active voice.

Options :

6406532239312. Was issued

6406532239313. Is issued

6406532239314. Will issue

6406532239315. Was issuing

Question Number : 111 Question Id : 640653668340 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

From the following sentences, identify the one carrying a predicative adjective.

Options :

6406532239316. That girl Isabella looks rather dedicated.

6406532239317. These shallow shores stretch through to eternity.

6406532239318. These fellows with bad grades must up their game.

6406532239319. That corroded tap was cleaned by Praveen.

Question Number : 112 Question Id : 640653668341 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

In the following sentence, identify the nature of the adjective. The adjectives are underlined.
“I want to buy a large dog, which is also furry, as a pet.”

Options :

6406532239320. Predicative, attributive

6406532239321. Attributive, predicative

Question Number : 113 Question Id : 640653668342 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence.

Ameya was brilliant in today's class test.

Options :

6406532239322. Was, today

6406532239323. Brilliant, test

6406532239324. Brilliant

6406532239325. Today

Question Number : 114 Question Id : 640653668343 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Degree adverbs are used before verbs. This statement is

Options :

6406532239326. TRUE

6406532239327. FALSE

Question Number : 115 Question Id : 640653668344 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

I ___ enjoyed your performance in that movie.

Options :

6406532239328. Very

6406532239329. Very much

6406532239330. Both Very and Very much

Question Number : 116 Question Id : 640653668345 Question Type : MCQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Consider the following statements and select the correct option.

A: He was very much frustrated about the results.
B: He was very frustrated about the results.

Options :

6406532239331. A is true and B is false

6406532239332. B is true and A is false

6406532239333. Both are true

6406532239334. Both are false

Question Number : 117 Question Id : 640653668346 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Adverbs that indicate judgement of someone’s action is called ___

Options :

6406532239335. Viewpoint adverbs

6406532239336. Comment adverbs

6406532239337. Focus adverbs

6406532239338. Both Viewpoint adverbs and Comment adverbs

Question Number : 118 Question Id : 640653668347 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

In the sentence ‘Siva performs his dance to mesmerise the world.’, “to mesmerise the world” is

Options :

6406532239339. A verb

6406532239340. An adjective

6406532239341. An adjunct

6406532239342. A nominal clause

Question Number : 119 Question Id : 640653668348 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Identify the type of clause embedded in the following sentence.

“He is sure that Hari will walk in any time soon.”

Options :

6406532239343. Adjectival clause

6406532239344. Adverbial clause

6406532239345. Complement clause

Question Number : 120 Question Id : 640653668349 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1
Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Bergman, who made several acclaimed films, was felicitated in the event. The relative pronoun here is
___________ .

Options :

6406532239346. Was

6406532239347. Who

6406532239348. Bergman

6406532239349. No relative pronoun

Question Number : 121 Question Id : 640653668350 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

In the following sentence, identify the relative pronoun.

“I love the city where I was born.”

Options :

6406532239350. Was

6406532239351. I

6406532239352. Where

6406532239353. The

Question Number : 122 Question Id : 640653668351 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Choose an appropriate coordinating conjunction that can convert the following simple sentence
into a compound sentence.
Mary’s story is very long. It is thrilling.

Options :

6406532239354. But

6406532239355. Or

6406532239356. For

Question Number : 123 Question Id : 640653668352 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

In the following sentence, identify the noun the adjectival clause modifies.
“Those people whose names are on the roster will have to report early.”

Options :

6406532239357. Names

6406532239358. Roster

6406532239359. Those people

6406532239360. Report

Question Number : 124 Question Id : 640653668353 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

'The competition, which was postponed earlier, was held successfully'. Here the relative clause has
________ function.

Options :
6406532239361. Nominal

6406532239362. Adjectival

6406532239363. Adverbial

6406532239364. Object

Question Number : 125 Question Id : 640653668354 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

'Even though I arrived very early, the train was late'. Here the subordinate clause is _____________ in

Options :

6406532239365. Nominal

6406532239366. Adjectival

6406532239367. Adverbial

6406532239368. No subordinate clause

Question Number : 126 Question Id : 640653668355 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Reena wrote a letter. Here the complement is __________ .

Options :

6406532239369. Wrote a letter

6406532239370. A letter
6406532239371. Reena wrote a letter

Question Number : 127 Question Id : 640653668356 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

State whether the following statement is true or false:

There can be many adjuncts in a sentence.

Options :

6406532239372. TRUE

6406532239373. FALSE

Question Number : 128 Question Id : 640653668357 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

State whether the underlined phrase is an adjunct or a complement:

Mary helped her mother with the dishes.

Options :

6406532239374. Adjunct

6406532239375. Complement

Question Number : 129 Question Id : 640653668358 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

love/loves/Derek/Kate/very/much. Arrange these words into a meaningful sentence.

Options :

6406532239376. Derek loves Kate very much

6406532239377. Kate love Derek very much

6406532239378. Derek very much love Kate

6406532239379. Derek very much Kate love

Sem2 Maths2
Section Id : 64065344892

Section Number : 6

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 8

Number of Questions to be attempted : 8

Section Marks : 25

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395105

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 130 Question Id : 640653668359 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532239380. YES

6406532239381. NO

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395106

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668360 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (131 to 133)

Question Label : Comprehension

Consider the system of linear equations x + ky = 2, kx + y = 2.

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 131 Question Id : 640653668361 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find the values of k for which the system of equations has no solution.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 132 Question Id : 640653668362 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find the values of k for which the system of equations has infinitely many solutions.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 133 Question Id : 640653668363 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

If the system has a unique solution (a, b), what is a − b?

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Id : 640653668373 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (134 to 135)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 134 Question Id : 640653668374 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Choose the correct option(s) from the following statements.

Options :





Question Number : 135 Question Id : 640653668375 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find dim(W1 +W2).

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395107
Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 136 Question Id : 640653668364 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :

6406532239385. The figures (a) and (d) represent systems with unique solution.

6406532239386. The figures (b) and (c) represent systems with no solution.

6406532239387. The figures (b) and (d) represent systems with infinitely many solutions.

6406532239388. The figures (a) and (d) represent consistent systems of linear equations.

Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395108

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668365 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling
Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (137 to 139)

Question Label : Comprehension

Select the correct answers for the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 137 Question Id : 640653668366 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix such that AT = −A. Then det(A) =

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 138 Question Id : 640653668367 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix such that det(A) = 2. If B is a matrix obtained from A by swapping the second
and third row, and then multiplying the first row by −3, then det(B) =

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 139 Question Id : 640653668368 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Id : 640653668369 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (140 to 142)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions
Question Number : 140 Question Id : 640653668370 Question Type : SA Calculator : None
Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 141 Question Id : 640653668371 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

What is the dimension of the vector space W?

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 142 Question Id : 640653668372 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1
Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following sets form a basis for W?

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 5

Sub-Section Id : 64065395109

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668376 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (143 to 145)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions
Question Number : 143 Question Id : 640653668377 Question Type : SA Calculator : None
Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

What is the rank of A?

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 144 Question Id : 640653668378 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

What is the determinant of B?

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 145 Question Id : 640653668379 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0
Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Let v1, v2 and v3 be the column vectors of A and let u1, u2 and u3 be the column vectors of B.
Choose the correct option(s) from the following statements.

Options :







Sub-Section Number : 6

Sub-Section Id : 64065395110

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 146 Question Id : 640653668380 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Unless otherwise stated, assume that we consider the usual vector addition and scalar
multiplication. Choose the correct option(s) from the following statements.

Options :








Sem2 Statistics2
Section Id : 64065344893

Section Number : 7

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 12

Number of Questions to be attempted : 12

Section Marks : 40

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :

Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395111

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 147 Question Id : 640653668381 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532239419. YES

6406532239420. NO
Question Number : 148 Question Id : 640653668382 Question Type : MCQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :

6406532239421. Useful Data has been mentioned above.

6406532239422. This data attachment is just for a reference & not for an evaluation.

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395112

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 149 Question Id : 640653668383 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 150 Question Id : 640653668390 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

The joint PMF of two discrete random variables X and Y is given in the following table:

Find the value of Cov(X, Y).

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 151 Question Id : 640653668391 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

0.10 to 0.14

Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395113

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668384 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0
Question Numbers : (152 to 153)

Question Label : Comprehension

A fair six - sided die is marked ‘1’ on one face, ‘2’ on two of its faces, and ‘3’ on the remaining three
faces. The die is thrown twice. Let a random variable X denote the number obtained on the first
throw and let a random variable Y denote the number obtained on the second throw. Define a
new random variable Z = X + Y .

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 152 Question Id : 640653668385 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Find the range of Z.

Options :

6406532239424. TZ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

6406532239425. TZ = {1, 2, 3}

6406532239426. TZ = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

6406532239427. TZ = {2, 3, 4, 5}

Question Number : 153 Question Id : 640653668386 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Find the value of P(Z = 3).

Options :




Question Id : 640653668387 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (154 to 155)

Question Label : Comprehension

A box contains 7 milk chocolates and 3 dark chocolates. Two chocolates are drawn at random one
after another without replacement from the box. Let a random variable X denote the number of
milk chocolates drawn.

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 154 Question Id : 640653668388 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

What is the PMF of X ?

Options :




Question Number : 155 Question Id : 640653668389 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 1

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find the expected value of X ? Enter the answer correct to one decimal place.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

1.3 to 1.5

Sub-Section Number : 4
Sub-Section Id : 64065395114

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668392 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (156 to 157)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 156 Question Id : 640653668393 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Identify the correct joint PMF table of X and Y :

Options :




Question Number : 157 Question Id : 640653668394 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find P (X + Y ≤ 2 | X > 0). Enter the answer correct to two decimal places.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

0.35 to 0.40

Question Id : 640653668395 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (158 to 159)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 158 Question Id : 640653668396 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Find the PMF of U.

Options :




Question Number : 159 Question Id : 640653668397 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Id : 640653668398 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (160 to 161)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 160 Question Id : 640653668399 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :




Question Number : 161 Question Id : 640653668400 Question Type : SA Calculator : None
Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Find P(X = 4). Enter the answer correct to two decimal places.

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

0.16 to 0.22

Question Id : 640653668401 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (162 to 163)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 162 Question Id : 640653668402 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Find the value of λ for which 3P(X = 3) = 2P(X = 2) + 4P(X = 1).

Options :


6406532239455. 4

6406532239456. 1

6406532239457. 0.5

Question Number : 163 Question Id : 640653668403 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Id : 640653668404 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (164 to 165)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 164 Question Id : 640653668405 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Which of the following is true?

Options :




Question Number : 165 Question Id : 640653668406 Question Type : SA Calculator : None
Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Range

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

0.39 to 0.45

Sem2 Intro to Python

Section Id : 64065344894

Section Number : 8

Section type : Online

Mandatory or Optional : Mandatory

Number of Questions : 15

Number of Questions to be attempted : 15

Section Marks : 50

Display Number Panel : Yes

Section Negative Marks : 0

Group All Questions : No

Enable Mark as Answered Mark for Review and

Clear Response :
Maximum Instruction Time : 0

Sub-Section Number : 1

Sub-Section Id : 64065395115

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 166 Question Id : 640653668407 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question




Options :

6406532239464. YES

6406532239465. NO

Question Number : 167 Question Id : 640653668408 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 0

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :

6406532239466. Useful Data has been mentioned above.

6406532239467. This data attachment is just for a reference & not for an evaluation.

Sub-Section Number : 2

Sub-Section Id : 64065395116

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 168 Question Id : 640653668409 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 169 Question Id : 640653668412 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Note: The index starts from 0 in lists.

Options :





Question Number : 170 Question Id : 640653668413 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 171 Question Id : 640653668414 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 3

Sub-Section Id : 64065395117

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 172 Question Id : 640653668410 Question Type : MCQ Is Question
Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Question Number : 173 Question Id : 640653668411 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Options :





Sub-Section Number : 4

Sub-Section Id : 64065395118

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 174 Question Id : 640653668415 Question Type : MSQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3 Max. Selectable Options : 0

Question Label : Multiple Select Question

Options :







Sub-Section Number : 5

Sub-Section Id : 64065395119

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 175 Question Id : 640653668416 Question Type : SA Calculator : None
Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :

Question Number : 176 Question Id : 640653668417 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 177 Question Id : 640653668419 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Question Number : 178 Question Id : 640653668420 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Sub-Section Number : 6

Sub-Section Id : 64065395120

Question Shuffling Allowed : Yes

Is Section Default? : null

Question Number : 179 Question Id : 640653668418 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 3

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


Sub-Section Number : 7

Sub-Section Id : 64065395121

Question Shuffling Allowed : No

Is Section Default? : null

Question Id : 640653668421 Question Type : COMPREHENSION Sub Question Shuffling

Allowed : No Group Comprehension Questions : No Question Pattern Type : NonMatrix
Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Question Numbers : (180 to 181)

Question Label : Comprehension

Based on the above data, answer the given subquestions.

Sub questions

Question Number : 180 Question Id : 640653668422 Question Type : MCQ Is Question

Mandatory : No Calculator : None Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction
Time : 0

Correct Marks : 4

Question Label : Multiple Choice Question

Select the correct code block.

Options :




Question Number : 181 Question Id : 640653668423 Question Type : SA Calculator : None

Response Time : N.A Think Time : N.A Minimum Instruction Time : 0

Correct Marks : 2

Question Label : Short Answer Question

Response Type : Numeric

Evaluation Required For SA : Yes

Show Word Count : Yes

Answers Type : Equal

Text Areas : PlainText

Possible Answers :


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