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The Chiron Key:

How to Find Your Karmic

Wound and Unlock Your
Cosmic Mission Statement

Chiron is known throughout astrology as the wounded healer. In astronomy, Chiron
was the first named asteroid of the centaurs, so named because they embodied
characteristics of asteroids and comets just like the mythical centaurs had characteristics
of beasts and men (Williams, The Chiron Perihelion Campaign, 2014). Discovered by
Charles Kowal in 1977 (Williams, Chiron Fact Sheet: Information on Comet 95P/Chiron
/ Minor Planet (2060) Chiron, 2017), in astrology the discovery of Chiron invoked the
mythology of the gentle, learned and gifted healer.

“Chiron, the wisest of all centaurs, was the teacher of the Greek heroes Jason, Hercules,
and Achilles. He was well versed in medicine, music, prophecy, and hunting, having been
raised and educated by Apollo... Chiron was the son of the god Cronus and the sea nymph
Philyra (Shampoo, Ph.D. & Kyle, M.D., February 1992).

Abandoned by both his parents, he was raised by Apollo and Diana to be wise, learned and
a healer (Shampoo, Ph.D. & Kyle, M.D., February 1992). Accidentally pierced by a poisoned
arrow shot by Heracles, he was trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain as the poison tried
to kill him, but being immortal he could not die. He finally realized the only way to end the
pain was to become mortal and decided to offer mankind a gift in exchange for his life -
he renounced his immortality to save Prometheus (locked up for stealing fire) and for his
sacrifice to better mankind, Zeus had compassion on his soul and placed him among the
stars as the constellation Centaurus (Gregersen, 2023) to live on forever immortal again.

So, what do a bunch of stars in the sky and a centaur have to do with you? The location
of Chiron in your birth chart is the location of your karmic wound. Your soul wound. The
deepest, darkest little place inside you that consciously or subconsciously is the root of all
wounding in your life (Lass, 2005).

Commonly people come to me to have their natal chart read because they’re curious
about one “issue” but through Chiron I’m able to direct them to the true root cause of their
pain: their karmic wound. Spending problem? Maybe. But there’s a high likelihood that’s
your coping mechanism for your Chiron wound and may have nothing to do with money at
all. Love life a mess? Whose isn’t, right? Well, actually, it may be your Chiron wound acting
up that you’re trying to soothe, or ignore, through looking for love in all the wrong places.
Struggle with your physical body? Likely you have a Chiron placement in Aries or the 1st
or 6th house. Family always been a struggle? Let’s look at your chart and see if you have
Chiron placements in Cancer or the 4th or 5th house (one is more parent focused, one is
more children focused).


The thing is – astrology can’t tell you what to do. It isn’t some great predictor of fate
responsible for any good or bad choices. But it is a very helpful imprint provided by the
Universe at the exact moment of your birth that can give you a set of instructions, written
as a beautiful map through the solar system, that can guide you to healing, your highest
purpose and joy. It’s all right there. But it’s totally up to you if you want to go along on the

Steven Forrest, co-founder of Evolutionary Astrology says, “The lessons of life seem never
to end. Astrology merely holds a mirror before them. It is not magical; it solves nothing.
But maybe, by gazing long and hard and bravely into that mirror, we can better understand
the point of those lessons and the patterns behind them. But it is hard work. If we choose
not to bother with it, the Universe shrugs its eternal shoulders. You are always free to
learn things the hard way.”

If you’re here, if you downloaded this and you’re still reading, I’m assuming you have some
degree of interest in self-awareness, in healing and in taking radical accountability for
your life and how you want to live it.

On the next page you’ll find a simple tool to help you draft your own Chiron Cosmic
mission statement with the Chiron key of your own birth chart, so that you can find your
karmic wound. Just like the Chiron myth, if you can find the source of your poison, you can
consciously make the choice to let it simmer in an eternal cycle of never-ending pain, or
heal it, and set yourself free so that you, too, maybe light the way to healing for others.
Heal yourself, heal the world.


What you’ll need to craft your Chiron Cosmic Mission Statement:
Your Sun Sign
Your Chiron placement by sign
Your Chiron placement by house

How do you get this?

Simple. First, I’m guessing you know your sun sign. A recent poll suggested that over 90%
of Americans at least do. If you don’t, simply google, “I was born on (your birthday by day
and month) what is my sun sign? Example. “I was born on May 9 what is my sun sign?
Google results say: Taurus.

Easy. Now, for your Chiron you’ll need to get your date of birth, place of birth and
exact time of birth from your birth certificate. Then google “how do I find my Chiron
placement?” And hit enter. A myriad of birth chart calculators that are free and self-
explanatory to use will pop up. I really like AstroDienst and AstroStyle, but you can choose
your own preferred user experience. Using my birth data and the Astrostyle calculator
(Edut & Edut, 2023). I got my Chiron by sign and house. It should look something like this:

Now you have the three key elements you need to craft your Chiron Cosmic Mission

You’re going to use the following reference sections to fill in your Chiron Cosmic Mission

I am a (your sun sign archetype), working on (your Chiron sign healing statement) in
order to (your Chiron house unlocking statement) in my life.

I am a , working on in
(your sun sign archetype) (your Chiron sign healing statement)

order to in my life.
(your Chiron house unlocking statement)


Your Sun Sign:
Your archetype in this life. Pick one that feels right for your sign.

Sun Sign Archetype

Aries Warrior, Pioneer, Survivor
Taurus Storyteller, Peaceful Witness, Earth Spirit
Gemini Witness, Student, Messenger
Cancer Healer, Mother, Caregiver
Leo Noble, Performer, Artist
Virgo Mentor, Servant-Leader, Perfectionist
Libra Diplomat, Peacemaker, Advocate
Scorpio Detective, Truth-teller, Shaman
Sagittarius Scholar, Pilgrim, Teacher
Capricorn Parent, Elder, Judge
Aquarius Genius, Rebel, Revolutionary
Pisces Poet, Visionary, Dreamer

Your Chiron Sign:

How your core wound is expressed. What it feels like.

Chiron Sign Healing Statement

Chiron in Aries Healing Myself
Chiron in Taurus Healing Security
Chiron in Gemini Healing Communication
Chiron in Cancer Healing Belonging
Chiron in Leo Healing Confidence
Chiron in Virgo Healing Perfection
Chiron in Libra Healing Relationships
Chiron in Scorpio Healing Control
Chiron in Sagittarius Healing Ideals
Chiron in Capricorn Healing Recognition
Chiron in Aquarius Healing Authenticity
Chiron in Pisces Healing Faith


Your Chiron House:
Where your core wound is causing you suffering. And also, where you’re being
called to transform pain to power.

Chiron House Unlocking Statement

Chiron in the 1st Unlock Myself
Chiron in the 2nd Unlock Abundance
Chiron in the 3rd Unlock My Voice
Chiron in the 4th Unlock Family
Chiron in the 5th Unlock Joy
Chiron in the 6th Unlock Imperfection
Chiron in the 7th Unlock Relationships
Chiron in the 8th Unlock Vulnerability
Chiron in the 9th Unlock Adventure
Chiron in the 10th Unlock Recognition
Chiron in the 11th Unlock Community
Chiron in the 12th Unlock Intuition


Sun in Taurus, Chiron in Taurus, Chiron in the 5th (My Chart Placement)
I am a (Storyteller), working on (healing Security) in order to (unlock recognition) in my life.

Sun in Pisces, Chiron in Scorpio, Chiron in the 3rd

I am a (Visionary), working on (healing control) in order to (unlock recognition) in my life.

Sun in Capricorn, Chiron in Sagittarius, Chiron in the 11th

I am an (Elder), working on (healing ideals) in order to (unlock my voice) in my life.


Interested in learning more?
I periodically teach a multi-week live course on Chiron every year. Staying on the
Newsletter list ensures you’ll get the announcement on that Chiron deep-dive Live course
when it comes out.

Don’t want to wait?

The same Live Chiron Course is now available as a self-paced, self-study video course.
Purchase, download and enjoy at your own laptop and your own speed. Head over to the
Course Page and look for the Chiron Course, here .



Works Cited
Edut, O., & Edut, T. (2023, August 1). What’s My Chiron Sign? Retrieved from AstroStyle:

Gregersen, E. (2023, August 23). Chiron: Greek Mythology. Retrieved from Encyclopedia
Brittanica :

Lass, M. (2005). Chiron: Healing Body and Soul. Woodbury, Minnesota: LLewelyn

Shampoo, Ph.D., M. A., & Kyle, M.D., R. A. (February 1992). Medical Mythology: Chiron the
Centaur. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 67, Issue 2, 158.

Williams, D. D. (2014, August 20). The Chiron Perihelion Campaign. Retrieved from NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center:

Williams, D. D. (2017, December 28). Chiron Fact Sheet: Information on Comet 95P/Chiron
/ Minor Planet (2060) Chiron. Retrieved from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: https://


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