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Cover Lesson

Task 1: (5 Min)
● Write the date and title in your exercise book → Title: How can I use feedback to improve my non-fiction writing?
● Fold your yellow sheet in half and stick it in your book.
● Stick in your assessment booklet (flat will be best).
● Fold and stick in the green sheet.
● Fold into a booklet and stick in the sheet with the ‘guidance’ on the front.
NB: There is no need to stick in this task sheet so please put it in the recycling at the end of the lesson.

Task 2: (5-8 min)

● Re-read your article. Complete the RAG column on your AfL sheet.
● Identify one sentence you think is particularly effective and one sentence you think could be improved.
● Annotate both sentences to explain why it is either effective or what you could do to improve.

Task 3: (5 min) Read the Whole Class Feedback sheet (green sheet). Use a highlighter or a purple pen to pick
out the bits of the feedback that are most relevant to your work - positives and areas for improvement.

Task 4: (10 min) Read and annotate the extracts from online articles about The Hate U Give. Make sure you
have annotated in response to the following prompts:

How have the writers used the conventions of an article and produced an engaging text for the reader? You may
wish to consider:
● Range of vocabulary
● Level of formality of writing style
● Use of rhetorical devices to engage the reader
● Use of perspective (e.g. 1st or 3rd person)
● Engagement with the reader through direct address
● The impact of the beginning and ending

Task 5: (5-8 min) Write a paragraph in your exercise book in purple pen in response to the following: What
differences/similarities do you notice between your article and the examples you have read?

Task 6: (20 min) Complete one of the below writing tasks in the space provided on the yellow AfL sheet, using
purple pen. You must write at least 350-400 words which will easily fill up the space on the yellow sheet and
likely require you to continue on the page of your exercise book.
a. Rewrite a section of your article making use of the feedback from this lesson.
b. Write a new opening to an article arguing for the insertion of a new text into the English curriculum (you
choose the text).
c. Complete the DTC → DTC: In your purple pen task write two different opening paragraphs to argue that THUG
should or should not be taught in schools: 1) a formal broadsheet newspaper and 2) an online magazine article. Use
the ‘guidance’ from the handout to help you.

Task 7: (5 min) Use a red pen to annotate your purple pen to explain how you have responded to the feedback
and what you learned from the example articles.

Homework: Use the mark scheme to make corrections to Q.1-11. Complete any other remaining tasks.

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