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9 text by henrik örnebring 9

“Hear ye, hear ye! Gather round everyone. You there! And you, good sir,
you look a little down and about. No offence, not at all, absolutely not!
But I do know that life in the mines can be taxing on body and soul.
Not just taxing, but a clear and present danger to your health! To breathe
in that pesky stone dust all day through can lead to pulmanitorus ruptis,
Lord knows, and carrying load after load of ores can lead to severe strain
of the pluxus maximus muscle! Do you ever feel the pain of a sore back
after a long day of labour? Oh dear, this is exactly what I am talking about.
It will eventually lead to many unpleasant ailings, hair loss, potency pro-
blems and heavens know what else. You sure want to keep that pluxus
maximum muscle fit and flexible, good sir. There is no better way of doing
that, than with Dr Wycombe’s Miraculous Elixir. Brewed from the patented
recipe by Dr Herman Wycombe, scholar extraordinaire from both London,
and the institute of vitaminology in Switzerland! Just one mere tablespoon
of Dr Wycombe’s elixir every day, contains all the vitamins and minerals
you need to keep your muscles spry, and your mind clear and sunny!”

a 6 a
9 illustrations by lukas thelin 9
Backstory Through the years, Herman was pulled deeper and
Herman Wycombe was born and raised in Margate, deeper into the criminal world of New York, and made
England, as the oldest son of a well reputed family of his money stitching up robbers and other riff-raff
doctors. Herman’s father is a doctor, his grandfather when they suffered gunshot wounds, or other crime
was a doctor, and all of Herman’s uncles and cousins related injuries. Soon he was in deep debt with loan
are doctors. There was no question about it, Herman sharks, due to his addiction and gambling. In the
would be sent to London, to study medicine at the end, life in New York was getting hard to maintain
Imperial College. The problem was, that Herman or even survive, and at the age of 45, he was forced
really didn’t have any interest in following family to move on. This time, his sights were set on the West.
traditions – and the Wycombe family had little to Aimlessly he travelled westward. When he passed
none understanding for this scandalous view of his. through St Louis, Missouri, he ran into a gambler, con
To begin with, Herman’s academic studies was artist and petty criminal called Charles Fairweather.
going well. He was clever and keen to keep his father Fairweather had procured a shipment of morphine
pleased. But soon enough, he could not find the will to that needed refining, in order to be sold at a higher
keep up with the boring medical studies, and he started price in total. Herman Wycombe needed money, so
hanging out with a group of young rascals that usually the two of them started working together. Regretfully,
frequented the entertainment and theatre districts of the duo had to depart St Louis rather hastily, as Fair-
London. His study results deteriorated, and when it weather failed to pay part of the proceeds from the
was discovered that he had been stealing from the lucrative morphine business, to the ruling gang of
university’s stock of medicinal alcohol, one time too criminals, that demanded their fair share.
many, he was expelled from the campus - discreetly of Pursued by criminals from St Louis, and New York,
course in regard of the Wycombe family’s good name. Herman and Charles soon realized that their best
Herman’s father was furious and had no plans to let chances for survival was on the road. Charles came up
his young son escape his destiny, to be a doctor as all with the idea, that they could be travelling salesmen,
the Wycombes before him had been, come what may. selling miraculous medicines. Herman would brew
He was sent to a university in Germany, to continue up some elixirs that would make people feel better,
his studies. The intent, and hope, was that Herman without necessarily damaging their health irreparably,
would settle down if he were far from his rowdy friends and Charles would sell them. All said and done; they
and the temptations of the grand city of London. Of got a wagon, vital equipment and started to roam
course, there was no one in Germany, who knew about the West, selling Dr Wycombe’s Miraculous Elixir.
Herman’s little faux pas back home - which in other As Herman was more proficient in mixing medi-
words, made it an excellent place to start anew. cinal compounds, than most other charlatans in the
This, however, was not Herman’s intentions. But Wild West, their small enterprise became an instant
he still could not handle the stress the family put on success. The Miraculous Elixir was a mix of opiates,
him, and it did not take long until he found a group of caffein, vitamins and various spices diluted in alcohol.
students that dedicated their time to wild parties and It made anyone who drank it calm and energized at
other loose living. Herman lost himself completely in the same time. Charles and Herman had no problem
the partying, and alongside vast amounts of alcohol, selling their elixir for $4 for each bottle (or $10 for
he started experimenting with morphine, opium and two, as a sSpecial oOffer!). Each bottle landed them
cocaine. Once again, he failed all his studies, and was a handsome profit, given that the ingredients they
asked to leave yet another university. used were not even worth 50 cents.
And once again, his father was infuriated. The old When the dynamic duo passed through the city
man sent Herman to a sanatorium in Switzerland, of Lafayette, Charles surprised a young man in the
where the son managed to get his drug addiction under midst of picking the pockets of an intoxicated sleeping
control. But he still did not have any wish of his own Dr Wycombe. Instead of turning the young man, a
to become a doctor. When his father sent money for certain mr Tim Biggins, over to the local authorities,
another six months stay at the sanatorium, Herman Charles offered him a job. Their elixir enterprise had
used it to buy a cruise ticket on a ship to New York. expanded enough for them to need an assistant, but
In New York, Herman had to struggle to survive it was also because Charles thought it would be nice
for almost 20 years. His knowledge of medicine was to have a second income source. Tim could relieve
enough to make him able to practice his trade, if he the pockets in the crowd from money and valuables,
did so discreetly. Still, he had not graduated as a doctor, while Charles and Herman presented their products
and was not licensed to practice medicine. His medical to the people gathering around them. Tim had no
work was mostly forbidden or frowned upon, such better offer at hand, so he agreed to the arrangement.
as abortions, assigning contraceptives and ferrying The duo behind Dr Wycombes Miraculous Elixir
drugs to the people on the shadowy side of life. became a trio.

a 7 a
9 translation by jenny bremberg 9
The Business behind the elixir doing – Charles and Tim especially suffer from this.
Herman, Charles and Tim recently arrived to Black It is just a question of time before someone realizes
Hills. They have been visiting Lead and Spearfish, there is always an increase in pockets picked whenever
stopping a few weeks in each of these communities on Dr Wycombe showcases his potions, or until Charles
their way to Deadwood, the number one boomtown is caught cheating in a game of poker.
in Black Hills. Up until now, Tim has been able to Charles is always on the lookout for new lucrative
keep his slippery fingers under control, and he has not scams and opportunities, and those are plentiful in
stolen enough from any one person or from any large Black Hills. You can sell false maps to deeds, claim to
crowd to make people suspect that a pickpocket could be a registrar and collect deed fees and so on. Charles
be part of the Dr Wycombe’s travelling sales company. has gotten used to living large, and wants more of the
He has made his share of earnings, without creating good life. If he gets a chance to start a new scam, even
any risk for the others. Tim also stays far from the if it risks his and Herman’s company, he will take it.
doctor and Charles while they are working. None of
them want people to figure out their little arrangement, the characters enter the scene
so it is better for everyone that they keep in contact If the players are in Black Hills they can run into Dr
outside of the communities they are working in. Wycombe’s Miraculous Elixir Company, when they
Dr Wycombe and his associate Charles has ma- are demonstrating the beneficial effects of the elixir on
naged to work up a fairly good reputation in Lead Main Street in any chosen mining community. Charles
and Spearfish. Herman has started the production of Fairweather is making a good show on stage, charming
a powder that cures constipation, and a more pure the crowd, joking and explaining the many perks of
vitamin tincture that helps against certain diseases the wondrous potion, while Dr Wycombe sits at the
stemming from vitamin deficiencies. Both of these back of the stage, serious and trustworthy with his
treatments are quite popular, especially with miners answers to questions on why the medicine works and
whose food supply has a tendency to be rather un- its ingredients. If the players are not paying attention,
balanced. Adding to the popularity, Dr Wycombe and Tim succeeds with his Sleight of Hand-check,
has treated more than a couple of ailments, such as they might walk away a purse lighter.
broken bones, abrasions and minor injuries, amongst By basic deduction and and asking around, the
the miners and farmers (for a humble fee of course). In characters can gradually deduce that pickpockets
an area where medical care is rare and often expensive, often are active while Dr Wycombe’s Medicine Show
this has provided the Elixir peddlers with quite a lot of is held, and a demonstration of his wares gathers a
attention and goodwill. The sales are going splendidly, crowd of people around him. If they choose to confront
and many come to the reputable Dr Wycombe’s tent Herman and Charles in the open, it can easily misfire,
and wagon, to get medical care and advice. as the charlatans has become quite popular in Black
The time has come for the company to move on to Hills. The grateful people who received help from the
Deadwood. Herman and Charles have even started Doctor and his friend in the past will not believe any
to consider settling down in Black Hills permanently, allegations of thievery and fraud without proper proof.
if business works out well. Herman, Charles and Tim want to avoid trouble.
The irony is that even though Herman Wycombe They are willing to pay the amount the characters
has spent most of his life trying to escape family tradi- have lost, if they do not cause too much of a scene, and
tion, he is now a far better physician than his father withdraw their accusations. Charles will be eloquent
ever was. Herman has picked up impressive skills as and charming, and the Doctor volunteers to provide
a druggist and he has long experience of practising the characters with free medical care while they stay
medicine in highly stressful situations, with meager in Black Hills. The best overall gaming experience
resources at hand. He could probably settle down would probably be if the player characters start out
anywhere, start a prosperous clinic and live a calm skeptical towards the Elixir trio, but eventually leaves
and eventless life for the rest of his years. But he their distrust behind and befriend them instead.
suffers from low self esteem and sees himself as a When they start to bond and become friends, the
failure – he doesn’t realise the it would be a simple gangs from New York and St Louis finally catches
task for him to practice proper medicine, instead of up with the travelling medicine show. While tracking
conning his way through life as a vendor of miracle their route through the West, the two gangs has ran
potions. On the other hand, Herman’s problem with into each other, realized they arepursuing the same
drugs and gambling is still ever present and makes it person, and decided to work together. Now rough
hard for him to save up any money. debt collectors from New York and street thugs from
The largest obstacle the trio faces has always been St Louis want to extract their revenge. Charles and
that they are not aware of their own limitations. They Herman pleads with the characters for help. A grand
also tend to marginalize the risks in what they are showdown will soon take place in Black Hills.

a 8 a
9 Dr Wycombe’s miraculous elixir 9

Herman is a short, rotund gentle- wants to be. Herman loves the
man, marked by the endeavours of company of miners, prostitutes
a hard life; a furrowed face, swol- and criminals.
len nose and deep set eyes. All that His ironic sense of humour and
makes it easy to mistake him for witty reparté, gives him more ap-
a man in his early sixties. He is preciation and admiration at sa-
always seen wearing a threadbare loons, and in rough company, than
pinstriped suit with a bow tie and it ever would in the finer halls of
a bowler hat. the city. Besides, he never did feel
It would be easy to believe that like he mattered much among the
Herman’s experiences had shaped finer folks, but he knows that he
him into a bitter man, but that is can make a difference in the lives
not the case at all. He has recogni- of the miners.
zed his own faults and errors, and
always tries to see the sunny side Age 47; 5’2; 198 lb; Brown eyes; Dark Grey hair;
of things. Granted, he has had a Place of Birth; Margate, England; Right-handed
rough life, but he has also seen and talents Demagogue/Medicine Man/Silver Tounge
obstacles Addict/Reckless/Drunkard
lived things that he would never
reputation 0/75 destiny p. 3 Obstacle p. 3
had the chance to experience in the
cool 10 con 8 dex 15 int 14
sheltered life his family wanted for qck 10 STr 11 vig 13
him. A life, which in the long run, guts 0 grit 2 combat exp. 2 defense 5
he would have grown to resent, as WEAPON TH DV CS A Q
it would be even more boring than Colt Police (converted) 13 - 10 2 ±0
Shotgun 18 - 8 1 ±0
watching the hands move slower Unarmed 13 13 7 1 -
and slower on a grandfather clock, SKILLS
until they finally stopped. Act 14, Appraisal 12, Arithmetic 22, Craft/Drug-
gist 19, Dance 8, Deal 16, Drive/Wagon 14, Elo-
Herman is an educated fellow, quence 15, Etiquette 18, Exp/Anatomy 12, Exp/
and he would easily fit in to any Criminals 16, Exp/Flora 10, Exp/History/English
15, Exp/Herbs 12, Exp/Medicine 21, First Aid 21,
socialite party - at least if he took a Game/Boardgames 13, Game/Cards 12, Game/
bath, shaved and changed clothes Hazard 5, Game/Pool 8, Language/German 13,
Language/Greek 6, Language/Latin 16, Quack-
before he went there. But that is ery 16, Read/Write 22, Religion/Anglican 22,
not where he feels at ease, or where Ride 11, Surgery 14, Scout 9, Swim 8, Stealth 7

The Pursuers bald, with big cauliflower ears and a lopsided grin. He
“Lips” McKenzie’s first name is Martin, but everyone built his considerable fortune on selling morphine to
calls him “Lips” because of the three scars running addicts, not the least war veterans. However, Breen’s
parallel on his lower lip. He got the scars when he position was challenged by his second in command
was scratched by a cat, but he will never admit to that. Vincent Deangelo, when Wycombe stole a substantial
Instead he claims that he got them in a knife fight ... quantity from the crew. Without the drugs to back him
“Lips” is second in command in a brutal gang of debt up and most of his money locked in his extravagant
collectors from New York. He and his two companions, home, Breen was driven out of St Louis by his former
Gus Kinsey and “Boxcar” Hank, got the assignment gang members. To add insult to injury, Deangelo now
to hunt down Dr Wycombe and collect the money he lives in Breen’s lavish home. The only loyal men he
owed. In St Louis they ran into Radcliffe Breen and his has left are Fred Hobbs and Quentin Lavery, who
men. After a small misunderstanding, that cost “Box- will help him exact his revenge on Wycombe and
car” Hank half his ear, “Lips” and Radcliffe realized Fairweather, no matter the cost. The revenge is the
that they had common interests and decided to band only reason he joined forces with “Lips” McKenzie and
together to track down Wycombe and Fairweather. his men, even though he neither trusts nor likes them.
Radcliffe Breen is a proper street thug that has Gus Kinsey and “Boxcar” Hank have game stats
reached the position of gang leader by being meaner like Ruffians in The Law of the Land. Fred Hobbs
and more ruthless than all the others. He is completely and Quentin Lavery have game stats like Bouncers.

a 9 a
9 bonus-pdfs for western backers 9
McKenzie is from New York, and likes
it there. But as second in command in
the gang, he has to make Wycombe
pay – and pay with interest. It is bad
for business if others think they can
evade their debts. That is why he is in
Black Hills with 3 thugs from St Louis
(but they won’t get any of the money).
Age 37; 5’5; 203 lb; Brown eyes; Brown hair;
Place of Birth; New York, N.Y.; Right-handed
talents Fearless Focused/Resistant
obstacles Atheist/Blunt/Wanted ($200 in N. Y.)
reputation -20/85 destiny p. 2 Obstacle p. 2
cool 10 con 15 dex 15 int 9
qck 13 STr 14 vig 11
guts 4 grit 10 combat exp. 8 defense 10
Charles keeps his hair slicked back Under a brown cap, Tim’s thick shoul-
stylishly, has rosy cheeks, a thin der length hair, frames a thin, scrawny British Bulldog 18 - 17 3 ±0
moustache and a constant smile on face. He has a long narrow nose, and Sawed Off Shotgun 20 - 14 2 ±0
his lips. When he is showcasing the sunken cheeks that make him look Knife 20 20 16 3 ±0
miracle elixir, trying to peddle their malnourished. His upper lip is crow- SKILLS
wares to trading posts and stores, he ned by an fuzzy, sparse moustache, that Acrobatics 10, Arithmetic 10, Coordination 10,
Dance 5, Exp/Weapons 10, Explosives 5, First
always wears a checkered suit and a never really thickens, no matter how Aid 10, Game/Cards 10, Game/Hazard 10, Game/
low black Stetson hat with silver con- much of Dr Wycombe’s Super Effec- Pool 5, Hide/Seek 5, Read/Write 5, Ride 10,
chos in the brim (all is Quality +1) In tive Hair Growth Stimulating Salve, Scout 5, Stealth 10, Survival/Cities 10, Weapon
Drill/Revolver 15
other situations he wears simpler, more Tim puts on it. He is dressed in brown
modest suits to avoid attention. baggy pants, a white shirt and a worn
He is a cheerful fellow, as untrust- leather jacket. RADCLIFFE BREEN
worthy as he is charming. He has never Tim is an orphan, and the life of a Respected street thug, and gang leader
had any close friends, since he sooner drifter has always come naturally to in St Louis – until Dr Wycombe tricked
or later tries to take advantage of them, him; he rarely thinks about what he him out of a large amount of morphine.
or trick them out of their money. Her- does, or how his life could be better or Breen’s gang was taken over by his
man and Tim, are the only exceptions worse than it is right now. He doesn’t second in command, and only two of
to this, and even if Charles often fan- like to plan for the future, and when his men stayed loyal. They have fol-
tasizes about stealing all their money he gets his hands on any money, he lowed him in the hunt for Wycombe.
and leave them behind, he would never spends it quickly. Much to his sur- Breen’s dream is to exact a bloody re-
do it. He has, against his own instincts, prise, he has realized that he likes the venge upon the Quack, so that he can
become quite fond of the old Doctor structured and disciplined life he has return in triumph and regain control of
and the young pickpocket, and if his together with Herman and Charles. the gang he lost. He doesn’t trust the
action would ever come to harm either For the first time ever he has a feeling ruffians from New York, but is blin-
one of them, he would be devastated of wanting to stay where he is, rather ded by the will to humiliate Wycombe.
and try his hardest to make amends. than leave at the first possible moment. Brutally and while grinning widely ...


Age 31; 5’8; 165 lb; Brown eyes; Brown hair; Age 18; 5’7; 154 lb; Blue eyes; Black hair; Age 29; 5’9; 180 lb; Blue eyes; Bald;
Place of Birth; St. Louis, Missouri; Right-handed Place of Birth; Lafayette, Indiana; Right-handed Place of Birth; St. Louis, Missouri; Right-handed
talents Liar/Lucky/Slippery talents Focused/Night Vision/Plain talents Hard to Impress/Night Vision/Slugger
obstacles Coward/Dandy/Tenderfoot obstacles Easily Impressed/Reckless/Spender obstacles Illitterate/Hot-headed/Vengeful
reputation -5/50 destiny p. 3 Obstacle p. 3 reputation 0/15 destiny p. 3 Obstacle p. 3 reputation -25/105 destiny p. 2 Obstacle p. 3
cool 11 con 11 dex 17 int 13 cool 12 con 13 dex 18 int 10 cool 11 con 14 dex 17 int 8
qck 16 STr 12 vig 14 qck 15 STr 9 vig 13 qck 17 STr 13 vig 13
guts 0 grit 3 combat exp. 3 defense 8 guts 1 grit 3 combat exp. 2 defense 12 guts 3 grit 8 combat exp. 7 defense 14
British Bulldog 17/15 - 15 3 ±0 Colt Cloverleaf 15 - 12 2 ±0 Colt House Model 15 - 14 2 ±0
Sharp, Derringer 16 - 15 3 ±0 Arkansas Toothpick 18 18 14 2 ±0 Arkansas Toothpick 22 22 18 3 ±0
Unarmed 18 18 11 2 - Unarmed 16 16 14 2 - Unarmed 21 21 18 3 -
Appraisal 14, Arithmetic 10, Craft/Forgerty 9, Craft/ Acrobatics 13, Appraisal 15, Arithmetic 5, Drive/ Acrobatics 10, Appraisal 12, Arithmetic 10, Craft/
Cooking 10, Deal 15, Drive/Wagon 13, Eloquence Wagon 10, Exp/Criminals 8, Game/Cards 8, Distiller 10, Drive/Wagon 8, Expertise/Weapons
20, Etiquette 13, Exp/Medicine 6, Game/Cards Game/Hazard 7, Hide/Seek 12, Lock Picking 12, 7, First Aid 5, Game/Cards 10, Game/Hazard
15, Game/Hazard 9, Game/Pool 14, Language/ Quackery 5, Read/Write 5, Religion/Methodist 5, Game/Pool 5, Hide/Seek 7, Ride 5, Scout
Latin 8, Lock Picking 9, Read/Write 10, Religion/ 5, Ride 10, Scout 6, Sleight of Hand 20, Stalk 12, 5, Stalk 10, Survival/Cities 8, Weapon Drill/
Methodist 9, Ride 13, Scout 8, Sleight of Hand 8 Stealth 14, Swim 10 Knife 15

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