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9 text by anders & tove gillbring 9

Lee Travers looked into the fabled Soul-Eater, the saloon mirror
rumoured to destroy men and capture their souls. Not that it
seemed to stretch out any unseemly tendrils towards him – quite
the opposite. When he looked at the bottles in front of the mirror,
Lee spotted the bounty hunters pointing their weapons at him.
He spun around, but to his surprise the bounty hunters were
nowhere to be seen. Just as Lee was about to relax, they entered
the saloon. It was obvious that they had counted on catching
Lee off guard, but they had no such luck. As soon as they went
for their weapons, Lee shot them dead. But he can still see them
with guns blazing when he looks into the Soul-Eater ...

There are plenty of adventures available when you offer, they end up where you want them to go next.
play Western. Åskfågeln has developed some and Instead of every new scenario beginning with luring
industrious Game Masters can put together others the characters to a new place of adventure, this will
themselves. They can take place in a wide variety function as a tie in to achieve that goal and deliver a
of locations, from the plantations in Mississippi to short stand alone scenario in the process.
the boom towns in Black Hills, from the bristling The delicate mirror is valuable and comes with
metropolis New York to the Kentucky coal mining a particularly interesting backstory, so it cannot be
districts and rural settlements south of the border. replaced by any other similar piece of furniture. Thus,
In game, you sometimes need a reason to make the it is important that the mirror arrives safely, without
player characters travel from one place to another. any mishap along the way. The person who hired the
This is a quest to get the players to break camp and characters can join in on the journey – partly to make
start travelling, literally by hiring them to transport sure that the mirror travels safely. Keep in mind to
a giant saloon mirror from one town to another. Here decrease the number of henchmen this person bring
you will find a number of ingredients that you can with him or her. Since we do not know who you will
apply as you see fit. We refrain from naming any places choose to hire the characters, and who will end up as
or locations. Instead, the locations will be determined their antagonists they all have about the same amount
by where the characters currently are and where you of firepower. It will not be as fun if the henchmen sa-
as their Game Master would like them go next. ves the day in all the trials that lies ahead. The player
Three Non-Player Characters are introduced at characters are meant to be the leading cast in this story.
the end. They all want to get hold of the mirror and Transporting such a large saloon mirror will test the
are willing to go to extremes to succeed. We suggest very spine of the characters. It’s an ungainly item,
that you use one as the person hiring the player’s and at the same time fragile and at risk of breaking
characters, thus becoming their boss. The other two if handled too brusquely. They will need to put time
will then become adversaries, trying to seize the mirror. and effort into securing the mirror while travelling,
ensuring it’s protected from both bumps in the road
THE quest at hand and the fury of the weather elements. They can’t put
The player characters are contacted by one of the just anything in the wagon with the mirror either, at
three NPCs who needs help transporting a newly least not without securing any additional cargo care-
purchased saloon mirror from one town to another. fully. These are just the hazards from the transport
Now it is close to where the characters are when they itself, not even counting possible challenges by the
receive this quest – and if they agree to take up the human adversaries they will encounter along the way.

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9 illustrations by lukas thelin 9

Different Styles of play influences on what happens

Adapt the obstacles with the Style of Play you se- When you play a journey, instead of the players stating
lected before your players created their characters. In where they want to go and then arriving there, make
Realism, the number of henchmen could be few, but it worth the added time. Add encounters and natural
the amount of practical problems from Mother Nature obstacles. Let the terrain change along the way. You
more difficult to handle. Stormy weather, panicked can draw inspiration on different terrain-types and
animals and a broken wheel can be major obstacles. their random tables in the chapter Chases & Mounts
Keep it interesting and challenging, even when they in Western’s Corebook II – The Law of the Land, or
are not encountering open conflict with others. decide on your own straight away. An ambush in a
In Campaign Play, spice up the events with friends mountain pass is exciting, but it doesn’t work if your
and foes from the characters past. A sour looser can players are nowhere near a mountain ... Trying to
hunt after them, demanding a chance to win back cross a raging river and keep from drowning is nerve
his/her money after a humiliating defeat at the gam- rattling, but impossible in the desert.
bling tables (that might have occured just a day or Just as the terrain will determine some of the events
two before the characters started their journey with and obstacles they encounter, so should the weather. If
the mirror). They could stumble upon a childhood it’s winter and cold, anything from hail-storms to icy
friend who lives along the road. That could be just roads can complicate things. Heavy rains can cause
a short encounter, or sprawl out to a side quest of its mudslides where entire mountain sides can peel off
own. A reporter who recognizes them from a previous and come crashing to the ground, and once dusty
adventure may want an interview when they reach a roads can turn to impenetrable mud several feet deep.
new town, and that in turn can stir up some emotions. When the heat of Summer turn the humidity in the
You never know who reads that interview, and want air to steam, no reasonable person pushes on at high
to make their sentiments known to the characters. To noon without a shadow to keep cool in.
just mention just a few of the options available to them.
If you all selected Action as the Style of Play, add more scenes and encounters
then let cinematic events follow one after the other. Add events along the characters journey. Even a short
The can encounter everything from robbers along encounter now, can prove valuable for future gaming
the way, to desperados with a posse in hot pursuit session. Begin with what you already know, and go
and even a prairie fire seemingly putting the entire from there. What time of year is it? Who else could
world on fire. Nothing is really too far over the top, be in the area at that time? A trading caravan? Or
as long as it calls for nerves of steel and fast reflexes . prospectors travelling to a new possible boom town

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9 bonus-pdfs for western backers 9
in the mountains? The cavalry patrolling the frontier AGENDAS
to keep order and peace? Or young braves hunting? At least three people wants this mirror. Let one hire
Bounty hunters chasing a lawless gang or surveyors the characters, and the other two be their opponents.
trying to calculate the best route for a new railroad? You can add other interested parties. Maybe the cha-
You can always find inspiration or randomize events racters wants to salvage the mirror for that saloon or
with the help of Western’s Corebook II – The Law of gambling establishment you usually feature during
the Land. their gaming sessions? Even fancy clubs or organi-
zations like the Cattlemen’s Association might want
THE soul-eater, a SALOON MIRROR this mirror, as it comes with a great deal of status.
A saloon mirror is never cheap, but this particular Not all interest in the Soul-Eater is benign, but in
one is more expensive than most and attracts a lot order to keep the gaming interesting you should let
more interest. It is surrounded with stories, rumours them all want to get hold of it. To just destroy it is
and myths. Some believe them all, or just a particular way too simple. For instance, a deeply devout priest
story they heard long ago. Others scoff at the super- or a sect might wish to debunk the myths or wash it
stition. Be that as it may, whatever truth lies behind clean with holy water. Others might want to taunt
the stories, they all make this saloon mirror special. the current owner by stealing something they desire.
The very first story dates back to right after the When it comes to henchmen, adapt how many and
Civil War. According to this tale, the brand new mir- how skilled they are by the Style of Play you selec-
ror had been purchased for the Lyon House Hotel in ted. If it’s Action, then let the characters try to shine
Springfield, Missouri. There it hung behind the bar against seemingly impossible odds. In Realism, or
in July 1865, when Davis Tutt and Wild Bill Hickock with less combat oriented characters, hold back on the
played poker at the establishment – right before their gunfights and let your players try to solve their pre-
notorious duel in the town streets. Some say that Tutt dicaments with cunning, negotiations or even bribes.
caught sight of his own reflection in the mirror, right
after seizing Hickocks pocket-watch – and lost his soul AUGUSTUS McPHERSON
at that very moment. That became his undoing, since McPherson’s Mobile Museum has not had a new sen-
he died in the subsequent duel between the two men. sation to display for a while. McPherson needs The
According to other stories, several people are said Soul-Eater to create new headlines, tell new tales and
to have seen strange shapes in the mirror, shadows attract more people to his mobile exhibition. If he is
that no human present could have cast ... Maybe they offered another crowd puller, he might back down.
are the last remnants of lost souls, trapped within the But he is to stubborn to change his focus initially. He
mirror? Their own vanity could have tied these souls wants the mirror and he is prepared to use violent
to the mirror, and shortly afterwards they lost their means to get it. Augustus can have all sorts of circus
lives. The mysterious shapes are all that is left of these people around him, should you wants a more light-
victims of the mirror, known as ”The Soul-Eater”. hearted tone to the adventure. His museum hosts both
Not all stories end badly for the people who en- wild animals and a freak show. A gang of tough Irish
counter this mirror. It is said to make a choice when a war veterans has also worked with him since the war.
new person show their reflection in the mirror. Just as
some are believed to get trapped and lose their souls, FARO FARRAH JOSEPHS
others are said to be treated more kindly and even Farrah believes in entertainment and the value of
gain benefits from it when needed. The desperado novelty to attract new gamblers to her establishment.
Lee Travers claims that he saw three bounty-hunters She has already made headlines claiming that the Soul-
draw their weapons at him when he stood at the bar Eater will soon hang in her gambling parlour, and she
in a saloon and looked into this mirror. Nothing spec- does not want to loose face by failing to procure it.
tacular about that, you might think. But according Typical henchmen Farrah would hire to help her
to his story, he saw them there – moments before get hold of the mirror could be gamblers, a gunfighter
they entered the saloon doors! This omen made the and a bouncer from her gambling establishment.
difference between life and death for Travers. Since
he knew what was coming, he was able to shoot his BENJAMIN ASHCROFT
opponents as soon as they went for their guns. Benjamin believes that his brother’s soul is trapped
The beloved actress and singer Samantha Starr also within the Soul-Eater, so he has to bring the mirror to
loves this mirror. She claims that it always shows her the medium Cassandra Delphi. Only she can release
best features, and even seems to suggest new hairstyles his brother. This fear makes him fanatically stubborn
or dresses as times. She would love to carry the mirror in his struggle to seize the mirror. He has slim to none
with her wherever she goes, but life on the road out in weapon skills, but he is rich and can hire Pinkerton
the west is not made for travelling with saloon mirrors. agents to help him get hold of the mirror.

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9 the soul-eater 9

An industrious man with a creative A skilled gambler who can play on Benjamin is not a brave man, nor does
conscience. He left the Green Isle and others weaknesses. Her inscrutable he harbor any illusions about his own
became a Union soldier before he got poker face reveals no more than she importance. Everybody believes the
ashore. The Civil War was raging and wants people to know. Usually she is wrong brother died, but few would
new recruits were in high demand. less strict, and prefers to convey herself say so to his face – except his father
Soon he was a Quartermaster and in the way she believes has the greatest when the old man is drunk. Benjamin
controlled the black market trade. His chance for success at the moment. never protests, he shares the sentiment.
road to success was to reward loyalty, Growing up in Baton Rouge has That’s why he needs the Soul-Eater!
accept the occasional loss to maintain taught her one thing. If you play your In his despair, Benjamin has con-
control, a good mood and cheap liquor. cards right, you can be whomever and tacted mediums to reach his brother
After the war he joined the Hell on do whatever you want, Provided you Archibald on the other side, but none
Wheels formed in the shadow of the are prepared to leave everything be- has succeeded. Until he met Cassandra
transcontinental railroad. His business hind and start over somewhere new Delphi. She told him that Archibald’s
sense and Union contacts proved should everything go to hell. soul had been devoured by the Soul-
useful. McPhersons Mobile Museum After some years on the road, she Eater and was trapped in the mirror.
was born, a circus with wild animals, has now won a gambling establish- It was almost impossible to reach him,
a freak show, song and dance, carnival ment in the city or town where the but if she had the Soul-Eater, she could
games and curious things. All is held player characters are heading. Its a perform a difficult and expensive ritual
together by Augustus’ well-oiled gift nice place, but it lacks something that to save Archibald’s soul.
of the gab and tough control. will seriously draw the curious crowd. Benjamin is neither charismatic nor
Augustus is a good judge of character The Soul-Eater mirror would be per- strong. He is a nervous and clumsy
and has an eye for peoples weaknesses. fect. Farrah is convinced none of the tenderfoot, spoiled since birth. But his
He can pay the characters well for their stories surrounding the mirror is true, despair makes him desperate enough
services or as a bribe, but will not tole- but what does that matter? Its enough to never quit, regardless of the risks
rate being double-crossed. That would that people will talk about it and want or circumstances. He must save his
trigger his vindictive and brutal side. to see it! In her gambling establishment. brothers soul and get that mirror!


Age 41; 5’9; 180 lb; Blue eyes; Red hair; Age 34; 5’4; 143 lb, Blue eyes; Black hair; Age 37; 5’6; 148 lb; Brown eyes; Brown hair;
Place of Birth; Cork, Ireland; Right-handed Place of Birth; Baton Rouge, La; Right-handed Place of Birth; St. Louis, Missouri; Right-handed
talents Business Sense/Slippery/Liar talents Charismatic/Cardsharp/Just Like a Man talents Artistic/Dilettante/Spoiled
obstacles Blunt/Vengeful/Judge of Character obstacles Dandy/Woman/Reckless obstacles Gullible/Pessimistic/Superstitious
reputation -15/95 destiny p. 2 Obstacle p. 3 reputation -5/125 destiny p. 2 Obstacle p. 3 reputation 5/50 destiny p. 2 Obstacle p. 3
cool 17 con 12 dex 14 int 15 cool 18 con 13 dex 15 int 13 cool 10 con 9 dex 15 int 14
qck 13 STr 13 vig 15 qck 14 STr 8 vig 17 qck 14 STr 8 vig 15
guts 2 grit 11 combat exp. 7 defense 10 guts 1 grit 7 combat exp. 3 defense 10 guts 0 grit 2 combat exp. 1 defense 8
British Bulldog 20 - 17 3 ±0 Colt Cloverleaf 20 - 16 3 +1 Colt New Line Pocket 15 - 12 2 ±0
Shotgun 22 - 15 3 ±0 Sharps Derringer 18 - 16 3 ±0 Unarmed 15 - 10 2 -
Appraisal 12, Arithmetic 17, Business/Enter- Act 10, Akrobatics 10, Appraisal 10, Arithmetic Arithmetic 15, Art/Draw 14, Dance 10, Drive/Wa-
tainment 15, Dance 5, Deal 15, Drill/Infantry 14, 17, Business/Gambling 15, Dance 12, Deal 10, gon 9, Eloquence 10, Engineering/Architecture
Drive/Wagon 12, Eloquence 10, Etiquette 10, Exp/ Drive/Wagon 10, Eloquence 12, Exp/Criminals 15, Etiquette 15, Exp/Economy 15, Exp/History
Economy 15, Exp/Mil. Strategy 10, Exp/Politics 10, Etiquette 12, First Aid 8, Game/Cards 18, 15, Exp/Literature 12, Exp/Politics 9, Exp/Spiri-
10, Game/Cards 8, Law/Military 10, Leadership Game/Hazard 12, Game/Pool 8, Hide/Seek tualism 10, Law/Civil 12, Music/Piano 9, Org./
10, Org/Army 13, Read/Write 14, Rel./Catholic 7, Read/Write 15, Ride 10, Scout 8, Sleight of Spiritualism 12, Photography 8, Read/Write
12, Ride 10, Scout 11, S/Forest 10, Telegraphy 10 Hand 18, Stealth 7, Swim 14 15, Rel./Christian 10, Ride 8, Sports/Tennis 8

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