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The Economy and Suicide

An Interaction of Societal and Intrapersonal
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Risk Factors
J. John Mann and Allison V. Metts

Division of Molecular Imaging and Neuropathology, Department of Psychiatry,

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

The debate about the impact of the economy on suicide nomic factors. In the 1997 financial crisis in South Korea
risk has progressed from untested theories to more com- (Watts, 1998) a woman indicated that she was going to kill
plex epidemiological studies and much idiographic data herself because the devaluation of the Korean currency
in between. The subject illustrates the interaction of so- meant she could no longer afford her son’s college tuition.
cietal effects with the individual’s personal risk profile This case and many other reports of so-called economic
and vulnerability. Early theorists proposed that econom- suicides lack a systematic review of the person’s psychi-
ic recession could increase suicide rates because of the atric condition and other factors that contribute to risk,
stress and hardship that poverty creates (Brenner, 1979; meaning we do not know why this specific life stress was so
Stack, 1981) as well as the potential loss of social status deadly for this person.
and connectedness (Durkheim, 1897). Some attribute Reports on groups at particularly high risk of suicide are
suicide to the interplay of economic and social factors sometimes more informative since more general factors
(Lester, 2001), while others focus solely on the econom- can be identified. Suicide rates in Canadian Inuit people,
ic contribution such as higher income decreasing the which are three-to-four times higher than Canada’s aver-
opportunity cost of suicide (Hamermesh & Soss, 1974). age suicide rates, have also been considered in the context
Conversely, it has also been proposed that the suicide of multiple socioeconomic factors (Leenaars, Anawak, &
rate would decline during times of economic hardship, Taparti, 1998). The impact of the fur trade collapse and
because individuals could blame the macro-economy for high unemployment rates are mentioned as potential con-
feeling miserable instead of themselves (Henry & Short, tributing factors but are not studied systematically in this
1954). Much research has examined the relationship be- idiographic report. Increases in Australian farmer suicide
tween personal income level, the macro-economy, and rates – which are higher than those of the average rural pop-
suicide rates, and a few studies have also examined the ulation and male national rates – correspond with declines
interaction of regional or national economic state with in trade over the same time period (Page & Fragar, 2002).
psychiatric illness. An increase in male unemployment – among increases in
How does an economic crisis affect suicide rates and violence, substance misuse, and alcohol consumption – was
which economic variables play a role? Does an econom- postulated as a potential psychosocial stressor to explain
ic downturn impact all social groups, regions within a the increase in male suicide rates in England and Wales
nation, and different countries similarly? How does psy- during 1975–1990 (McClure, 2000). Unemployment and
chiatric illness and its treatment interact with economic worsening poverty associated with neoliberal structural
variables and potentially affect suicide rates? An exami- adjustment following the 1998 economic crisis in South
nation of the available literature answers some of these Korea were posited as contributing factors of the increased
questions and illuminates the consideration of the best suicide rates observed (Khang, Lynch, & Kaplan, 2005).
approaches for addressing the increased suicide rates Similarly, benefits of economic growth – such as decreased
seen during recent times of economic hardship as in the unemployment – were proposed as explanatory factors
2008 recession. of the observed decrease in suicide rates in China during
The initial literature involves idiographic studies that 2009–2011 (Wang, Chan, & Yip, 2014). Unemployment,
consist of case reports of suicide apparently related to eco- change in income, and household debt were posited as fac-

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DOI: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000487
142 Editorial

tors contributing to the immediate rise in suicide follow- variables have been studied in many countries. National
ing the 2008 European financial crisis (Karanikolos et al., suicide rates in the United States during business cycles,
2013). Studies of this sort can suggest links between fac- 1928–2007, rose during economic recessions and fell
tors and suicide, but cannot estimate the attributable risk during economic expansions (Luo, Florence, Quispe-Ag-
of the suggested economic factors because other factors noli, Ouyang, & Crosby, 2011). Greater increases in su-
may be contributing to the higher suicide rates. icide rates were observed in the countries most affected
Analysis of suicide rates and economic variables at an by the Asian economic crisis of 1997–1998, with higher
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epidemiological level may allow consideration of more unemployment being most strongly associated with sui-
variables like psychiatric disorder rates, treatment, re- cide rate increase (Chang, Gunnell, Sterne, Lu, & Cheng,
gional income levels, unemployment rates, and demo- 2009). Similar findings have been reported in other time
graphics, but this analysis carries the risk of the ecological series studies (Andrés, 2005; Brenner, 1979; Ceccher-
fallacy and does not permit conclusions to be drawn about ini-Nelli & Priebe, 2011; Corcoran & Arensman, 2010;
causality. An examination of whether differences in the Corimer & Klerman, 1985; Kwon, Chun, & Cho, 2009;
structure of agricultural production explained inter-state McKeown, Cuffe, & Schulz, 2006; Motohashi, 1991;
variation in suicide rates in India found positive relation- Park, Lee, & Kim, 2003; Pompii et al., 2014; Ruhm, 2000;
ships between the percentage of marginal farmers, cash Stuckler, Basu, Suhrcke, Coutts, & McKee, 2009; Tapia
crop production, and indebted farmers and suicide rates Granados, 2005; Vigderhous & Fishman, 1978; Zhang
(Kennedy & King, 2014). Increased suicides in rural Japan et al., 2010). A minority of studies found the opposite re-
led to the consideration of the effects of industrialization lationship (Neumayer, 2004) or no association between
and urbanization as contributing factors; higher suicide economic fluctuations and suicide rates (Hintikka, Saari-
rates were found in areas with a sparse population and nen, & Viinamaki, 1999; Rancans, Salander Renberg, &
a non-prosperous economy (Kurosu, 1991). Higher su- Jacobsson, 2001).
icide rates and economic variables – unemployment and Other perspectives have emerged from comparison of
urbanization – have been studied in the context of other the effect of economic variables on suicide rates across
epidemiological studies, and relationships have been ob- different countries. The association between unemploy-
served between negative economic impact and increasing ment and suicide rates has been shown to be stronger in
suicide rates (Álvaro-Meca, Kneib, Gil-Prieto, & Gil de the United States compared with other countries, in which
Miguel, 2013; Otsu, Araki, Sakai, Yokoyama, & Voorhees, the effect of unemployment is weak or nonexistent (Yang
2004; Preti & Miotto, 1999; Thomas & Gunnell, 2010; & Lester, 1995). Economic factors were found to play a
Yip, Law, & Law, 2003). By contrast, an epidemiological role in influencing US suicide rates but not Taiwan sui-
study of Ontario farm suicides failed to find any associa- cide rates in the period 1952–1984 (Yang, Lester, & Yang,
tions between economic indicators – including number of 1992). The authors attribute this difference to the fact
farm bankruptcies, net farm income, and loan and unem- that being poor in Taiwan is not shameful, whereas in the
ployment rates – and farm suicide rates (Pickett, David- United States being poor or becoming poor involves more
son, & Brison, 1993). However, such studies cannot an- of a loss of place in society and has a greater effect in a
swer the question of whether there is a causal relationship consumer-oriented society. Similarly, a lack of common
nor do they provide any useful estimate of an economic socioeconomic predictors – unemployment rates, annual
factor’s potential importance in terms of attributable risk percentage change in gross national product, female labor
for suicide as an outcome. force participation, and divorce rates – of suicide rates has
More helpful are time series studies and correlative been observed in the United States and Japan (Lester, Mo-
studies of regional differences in suicide rates, per capita tohashi, & Yang, 1992). While a negative impact of unem-
income, unemployment rates, and economic state. Time ployment on overall suicide rates was found in both Japan
series studies have the advantage of examining the subse- and the United States, the relationships between suicide
quent impact of changes in potentially relevant variables to and the other socioeconomic variables differed in the
seek a possible causal relationship. A causal change must two countries. The correlation of GNP with suicide rates
precede an outcome attributable to that cause. The diffi- is negative in Japan and positive in United States. Female
culty in concluding that such a relationship exists is due to labor force participation correlation with suicide rates is
the need to have measured all the relevant variables and negative in the United States and positive in Japan. The
interactions. impact of employment conditions on suicide differed be-
A decline in the economy at a national or regional level tween Hong Kong and Taiwan: Suicide rates fell in Hong
is generally associated with higher suicide rates in time Kong but increased in Taiwan as employment conditions
series studies and cross-sectional regional correlative improved (Chen, Yip, Lee, Fan, & Fu, 2010). Such nation-
studies. Associations between suicide rates and economic al differences have been attributed to national income

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level: unemployment having a positive relationship with How demographic subgroups are differentially affect-
suicide rates in high-income countries, but a negative as- ed can reveal other factors that affect suicide rates such
sociation in low-income countries (Noh, 2009). Annual as social cohesion, religion, and the stigma of psychiatric
growth rates for industry and health-care expenditures illness. Until recently the main breadwinner in a house-
are additional economic factors that distinguished Euro- hold has been a male aged 25–65 years. Because the re-
pean countries with higher suicide rates (Ferretti & Coluc- sponsibility for supporting the family falls most heavily
cia, 2009). Countries belonging to the high suicide rate on this demographic subgroup, it is the group that may
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group had lower health-care expenditures, a lower at-risk- feel the most stress when an economic decline adversely
of-poverty rate, higher percent total unemployment, and affects their capacity to earn the same level of income as
higher annual growth rates compared with the countries before the recession. Suicidal behavior of older people has
belonging to the low suicide rate group. been shown to be more sensitive to fluctuations in unem-
How income level plays a role in affecting suicide rates ployment compared with the suicidal behavior of younger
during economic hardship is unclear. Some studies find people (Hamermesh & Soss, 1974), perhaps because the
that higher income is associated with higher suicide rates chances of re-employment are lower for older people, and
(Hamermesh, 1974; Jungeilges & Kirchgässner, 2002) the loss of income and social status is greater. More broad-
while others find that higher income is associated with ly, an economic decline may force a change in the social
lower suicide rates (Brainerd, 2001; Chuang & Huang, group to which the family belongs and impact the family’s
1997; Hamermesh & Soss, 1974; Neumayer, 2003). Oth- housing, schooling for their children, vacations, automo-
ers report suicide rates are insensitive to income levels bile ownership, clothing, and many other social-defining
(Andrés, 2005). Findings for unemployment as an eco- characteristics. It is therefore of note that many studies
nomic predictor are similarly mixed. Some studies find identify spikes in suicide rates to be more pronounced in
that higher unemployment rates are associated with high- males (Aihara & Iki, 2002; Berk, Dodd, & Henry, 2006;
er suicide mortality (Blakely, Collings, & Atkinson, 2003; Brainerd, 2001; Corcoran & Arensman, 2010; Huang,
Brainerd, 2001; Chuang & Huang, 1997; Hamermesh & 1996; Inoue et al., 2007; Pompii et al., 2014; Preti &
Soss, 1974; Neumayer, 2003), while others find no impact Miotto, 1999; Rancans et al., 2001; Schapiro & Ahlburg,
of unemployment rates on suicide rates (Andrés, 2005; 1982; Yang, 1992), and recently particularly in mid-
Hamermesh, 1974; Kunce & Anderson, 2002). dle-aged males (Andrés, 2005; Corcoran & Arensman,
Noneconomic factors such as rates of psychiatric illness 2010; Jungeilges & Kirchgässner, 2002; Khang et al.,
and their treatment levels should also be considered since 2005; Luo et al., 2011; Pompii et al., 2014; Schapiro &
untreated psychiatric illness is known to be present in Ahlburg, 1982).
most suicide decedents, and psychiatric illness can affect Life stressors can trigger a major depressive episode or
employment status and income. US county-level suicide other psychiatric disorders in vulnerable individuals (Van
rates are inversely related to median income with wealth- Heeringen, 2012). An economic downturn may be such a
ier counties having lower suicide rates (Gibbons, Hur, stressor (Dooley, Catalano, & Wilson, 1994). Significant
Bhaumik, & Mann, 2005). Importantly, authors noted that increases in the prevalence of major depression corre-
higher suicide rates in rural areas were associated with sponding with economic hardship have been observed in
fewer antidepressant prescriptions, lower income, and cross-sectional studies (Economou, Madianos, Peppou,
relatively more prescriptions for older antidepressants, Patelakis, & Stefanis, 2013; Lee et al., 2010). Measures
tricyclic antidepressants, a possible index of how up to of low-economic status, such as low income and unem-
date doctors were in terms of medical education on new ployment, have been found to be associated with a high-
medications. The findings suggest an impact of access to er incidence of suicidal thoughts (Gunnell, Harbord, Sin-
affordable, adequate medical care of major depression on gleton, Jenkins, & Lewis, 2004), increased risk of suicide
suicide rates. Lower per capita income reduces health-care (Gerdtham & Johannesson, 2003), and higher attempted
resources available to people. Lower per capita income suicide rates (Economou, Madianos, Peppou, Theleritis, et
may also mean fewer and poorer health-care resources in al., 2013; Ostamo, Lahelma, & Lonnqvist, 2001). Along
a community. Higher-income areas may also have better with unemployment, fear of losing one’s job has adverse
emergency medical care, increasing the chance of surviv- effects on psychological health (Reichert & Tauchmann,
al after a suicide attempt (Neumayer, 2003). Higher sui- 2011) and exacerbates depression and suicidal thinking
cide rates correlate with higher levels of rurality (Singh & (Gunnell, Platt, & Hawton, 2009). An economic recession
Siahpush, 2002). Rural areas may be vulnerable owing to can also trigger a review of workforce needs by compa-
a smaller tax base as a result of both fewer people and low- nies, and individuals with impairment due to a psychiat-
er per capita income, in addition to being less attractive to ric illness may be more likely to be laid off at such times.
doctors as a place of work and living. This process would be detected as a disease by economic

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on a nationwide register study. Health and Social Care in the J. John Mann, MD, is The Paul Janssen Professor of Translational Neuro-
Community, 22(4), 361–367. science (in Psychiatry and in Radiology) at Columbia University, and Di-
Preti, A., & Miotto, P. (1999). Suicide and unemployment in Italy, rector of the Molecular Imaging and Neuropathology Division at the New
1982–1994. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health, 53, York State Psychiatric Institute. He is a Past President of the Society of
694–701. Biological Psychiatry and International Academy of Suicide Research.

© 2017 Hogrefe Publishing Crisis (2017), 38(3), 141–146

146 Editorial

Allison V. Metts, BA, received her bachelor’s degree in psychology form J. John Mann
Princeton University in 2015. She is a research coordinator in the Mo- Department of Psychiatry
lecular Imaging and Neuropathology Division in Columbia University Columbia University
Department of Psychiatry at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. New York, NY
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Crisis (2017), 38(3), 141–146 © 2017 Hogrefe Publishing

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