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What is the Difference

Between 'biodegradable' VOCABULARY

degradation parçalanma
and 'degradable' Plastics? process süreç
whereby sayesinde (Rcl Bağlaç)
Degradation is a process whereby very large break into parçalamak
molecules are broken into smaller molecules or fragment parça
incorporate stg into dahil etmek
fragments. Normally, oxygen is incorporated into
stg birleştirmek
these molecular fragments. Typically, strong, typically tipik tarzda
tough plastic films become weak and brittle as a strong güçlü
result of oxidative degradation. This outcome is tough sağlam,dayanıklı
because the molecules of which the films consist weak zayıf
become much smaller. Degradation can be brittle kırılgan
caused by heat, or exposure to UV light and is as a result of … sonucu olarak
enhanced by mechanical stress. outcome sonuç
consist of -den oluşmak
Biodegradation is the process by which be caused by …sebep olunan
microorganisms (microbes such as bacteria, fungi exposure to ...maruz kalma
or algae) convert materials into biomass, carbon enhance geliştirmek
convert stg into stg dönüştürmek
dioxide and water. Biomass is a general term
refer to atıfta bulunmak
used to refer to the cells of the microorganisms
source kaynak
that are using the material as a carbon source to grow büyümek
grow on. undergo geçirmek
significant önemli
“Degradable Plastic: a plastic designed to environmental çevresel
undergo a significant change in its chemical condition durum,koşul
structure under specific environmental result in ile sonuçlanmak
conditions resulting in a loss of some properties loss kayıp
that may vary as measured by standard test property özellik
methods appropriate to the plastic and the vary değişmek
application in a period of time that determines measure ölçmek
its classification.” [ASTM D883-99] – American appropriate uygun
application uygulama,başvuru
Society for Testing and Materials.
determine bilirlemek
classification sınıflandırma
When degradable plastics break down into break down parçala(n)mak
smaller molecules, eventually they will be small eventually sonunda
enough to be consumed by microorganisms and consume tüketmek
so biodegradation occurs. In essence then, all in essence gerçekte
degradable polymers need to eventually
biodegrade and so should be tested for
'biodegradability' than just 'degradability'.
Development of Gravitational
argue that ileri sürmek
Newton argued that the movements of celestial celestial göksel,gök sizmi
bodies and the free fall of objects on Earth are force güç,zorlamak
determined by the same force. The classical Greek on the other öte yandan
philosophers, on the other hand, did not consider the hand
celestial bodies to be affected by gravity, because the consider düşünmek
affect etkilemek ( effect : etki)
bodies were observed to follow perpetually repeating
gravity yer çekimi,ağırlık
non descending trajectories in the sky. Thus, Aristotle observe gözlemek
considered that each heavenly body followed a follow izlemek
particular “natural” motion, unaffected by external perpetually daimi olarak
causes or agents. Aristotle also believed that massive repeat tekrar etmek
earthly objects possess a natural tendency to move descend alçalmak,azalmak (ascend
toward the Earth's centre. Those Aristotelian :yükselmek,artmak)
trajectory yörünge
concepts prevailed for centuries along with two
thus böylece,bu nedenle
others: that a body moving at constant speed heavenly göksel
requires continuous force acting on it and that force motion hareket
must be applied by contact rather than interaction at external dış (internal :iç )
a distance. These ideas were generally held until the massive ağır
16th and early 17th centuries, thereby impeding an earthly dünyaya ait,olanaklı
understanding of the true principles of motion and possess sahip olmak (=own=have)
tendency eğilim (tend to:eğilimli olmak)
precluding the development of ideas about universal
concept kavram,anlayış
gravitation. This impasse began to change with prevail yaygın olmak
several scientific contributions to the problem of constant devamlı sahip
earthly and celestial motion, which in turn set the act on ----- bağlı hareket etmek
stage for Newton's later gravitational theory. apply uygulamak
contact temas
rather than -den ziyade
interaction etkileşim
distance uzaklık
thereby böylece,o yolla
impede engel olmak
preclude engel olmak
impasse açmaz,çıkmaz
contribution to katkı (contribute to :katkıda
bulunmak )
in turn sırası ile
In biology, extinction the dying out or termination of VOCABULARY
a race or species. Extinction occurs when a species extinction yok olma
can no longer reproduce at replacement levels. Most die out yok olmak
extinctions are thought to have resulted from termination sonlanma
race ırk
environmental changes that affected the species in
species tür
either of two ways. The doomed species might not occur meydana gelmek
have been able to adapt to the changed environment no longer artık değil (no more)
and thus perished without descendants; or it may reproduce üremek
have adapted but, in the process, may have evolved replacement ikame,yedek
into a distinctly new species. The effect of humans on result from --den kaynaklanmak
environmental çevresel
the environment, through hunting, collecting, and
affect etkilemek
habitat destruction, has become a significant factor in
doom ölüm, feci akibet
plant and animal extinctions. adapt to uyum sağlamak,uyarlamak
perish telef olmak/etmek
Although extinction is an ongoing feature of the
descendant soyundan gelen
Earth's flora and fauna (the vast majority of species distinct farklı
ever to have lived are extinct), the fossil record habitat mesken,yaşanan yer
reveals the occurrence of a number of mass destruction yıkım ( X construction :yapım)
extinctions, each involving the demise of vast significant önemli
numbers of species. One such mass extinction ongoing devam eden (go on :devam
occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period, some
feature özellik
66,000,000 years ago, when the dinosaurs and much
vast geniş
of the marine life of the day perished. Evidence majority çoğunluk (minority :azınlık)
points to the impact of an asteroid hitting the Earth extinct yok olmuş
as the cause of the Cretaceous extinctions. It is reveal açıklamak,ortaya koymak
suspected that catastrophic events—such as an occurrence olay
asteroid impact—may have triggered other mass involve içermek gerektirmek
demise ölüm
extinctions as well. In fact, mass extinctions appear to
at the end of sonunda
have taken place approximately every 26,000,000 (!! in the end : nihayetinde )
years, which has led some paleontologists to propose evidence kanıt
that a cyclical cosmic event causes these periodic die- impact etki (= influence =effect)
offs. suspect şüphelenmek
catastrophic feci, çok kötü sonuçlanan
event olay
trigger tetiklemek
appear görünmek (X disappear=vanish :
yok olmak
take place olmak,meydana gelmek
approximately yaklaşık
propose teklif etmek sunmak
cynical olumsuz
die-off ölüm

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