Qualitative Simulation For Process Modeling and Control - IEEE

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Qualitative Simulation for Pmcess Modeling and Contwl

D. T. Dalle Molle and T. F. Edgart
Department of Chemical Engg
University of Texas at Austn
Austin, TX 78712-1062

Abstract chemical engieng (Dalle Molie t al., 1988a;

Dalle Molle and Edgar, 1989). Other recent
Qualitative simulation is a promising technique for research efforts have developed new approaches to
analyzing dynamic systems with incomplete qualitative reasoning not aligned with any other
knowledge. The QSIM algorithm provides a technique. Sacks (1988) has developed a prgram
framework for constructing qualitative versions of for analyzing the phase plane behavior for nlinear
process models rmnally represented by ordinary systems described by ordinary differential equations
differntial equations. In this work, a qualitative using piecewise linear abstcion. Mavrovouniotis
model is developed for a fim-order system with a and Stephanopoulos (1988) present a formal
PI controller without precise knowledge of the analysis of order-of-magnitude reasoning and have
process or controller parameters. Simulation of the applied their approach to rason qualitatively about
qualitative model yields all of the solutions to the chemical and biochemical engineenrng systems.
system equations. In developing the qualitative Williams (1988) has developed a qualitative
model, a necessary condition for the occurrence of symbolic algebra for reasoning with algebraic
oscillatory behavior is identified. ntalizaBtions that equations.
cannot exhibit oscillatory behaviors produce a finite
set of behaviors. When the phase space behavior of This work is concerned with providing qualitative
the oscillatory behaviors is properly constrained, descriptions of dynamic systems with limited
these initializations produce an infinite but knowledge of process parameters. While other
comprehensible set of asymptotically stable methods of qualitative reasoning may also be
behaviors. While the predictions include all applicable to this type of analysis, qualitative
possible behaviors of the real system, a class of simulation (Kuipers, 1986) is used because it
spurious behaviors has been identified. When provides dynamic descriptions of systems of any
limited numerical information is included in the complexity. The metiods proposed by Oyeleye and
model, the number of predictions is significantly Kramer (1988) and Williams (1988) are limited to
reduced. steady-state, algebraic analyses. The work of Sacks
Introduction (1988) cannot express incomplete knowledge of
parameter values and fumctional relationships, and is
Recently, there has been considerable interest in restricted to second-order systems. Qualitative
methods for analyzing physical processes simulation allows for representing systems with
qualitatively. The goal of these qualitative incomplete knowledge in tenns of Qualitative
reasoning methods is to provide altemative ways for Differential Equations (QDEs) and is guaranteed to
understanding, representing, and analyzing the capture all possible dynamic descriptions of thie
function and behavior of physical systems when system.
faced with an incomplete description of the real
system. A variety of techniques for qualitative Previous work in developing qualitative models of
reasoning have appeared in both the artificial systems with feedback control consideredLonly
intelligence and engineering literature. Much of the proportional control (Dalle Molle et. al., 1988b).
recent work in qualitative reasoning has been based For this system, fte qualitative model captred all of
on the previous work of de Kleer and Brown the correct dynamic behaviors of the process,
(1984), Forbus (1984), and Kuipers (1984). For including offset in the controlled variable, without
example, Oyeleye and Kramer (1988) have knowledge of the process parameters. In this work,
combined the use of signed directed graphs with the dynamic behavior of a first-order system with a
confluences (de Kleer and Brown, 1984) to PI controller is analyzed. -Since this closed-loop
qualitatively analyze the steady-state effects of faults system can potentially exhibit oscillatory behaviors,
in chemical process plants. Qualitative simulation additional reasoning techniques are required to
(Kuipers, 1984, 1986) has been used to predict the reduce the number of spurious predictions. The
dynamic behavior of several systems of interest in incorporation of quantitative infonnation into the
tAuthor to whom correspondence should be addressed. qualitative model is also considered.

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The QSIM Algorithm for behaviors. Kuipers and Chiu (1987) presented two
Qualitative Simulation methods for taming inractable branching caused by
under-consained derivatives. One method changes
The QSIM algorithm for qualitative simulation by the level of description to aggregate a number of
Kuipers (1986) provides a framework for behaviors whose distinctions are real, but are not
developing qualitative models of physical considered important. This approach amounts to
mechanisms. The algorithm is based on an ignoring the direction of change of a given variable.
abstraction of Ordinary Differential Equations Their second approach, discussed in detail by Chiu
(ODEs), and allows for representing incomplete (1988), places additional constraints on the
knowledge of funtional relationsips and parameter derivatives of variables that may otherwise be
values in the form of Qualitative Differential constrained only by continuity. These second
Equations (QDEs). Witdin the QSIM framework, a derivative , or curvature constraints, are applied
qualitative model consists of a set of variables (or when the derivative of a variable is ze roto verify or
pauameters)ofthe system and constaints da relate refute curvatures proposed by QSIM. Recent work
the variables to one another. Variables have by DaHe Mole (1989a) extended this approach to
quantity spaces with landmark (qualitatively automatically evaluate the value of the third-order
significant) values that represent the range of values derivative in cases where the curvate constraint
a vanable may have. The qualitative state of a vanishes. These various methods for taming
variable is a list of the qualitative value (at or otherwise intractable branching were summarized
between landmark values) and the qualitative by Kuipers et al. (1989).
derivative (increasing, decreasing, or steady) of the
variable. The constraints represent qualitative Another manifestation of the loss of knowledge that
versions of common mathematical operations such occurs when abstracting to qualitative models is the
as addition, multiplication, and differentiation. violation of phase space constraints between
Given an incomplete set of variable smtes and a set variables in systems that exhibit oscillatory
of constraints, QSIM determines all possible behavior. Recent work by Lee and Kuipers (1988)
completions of the state that are consistent with the and Struss (1988) identified system independent
constraints. global filters for qualitative simulation derived from
constraints that exists on the trajectories of variables
In detennrunng the dynamic behavior of a system, in the phase plane. Lee and Kuipers (1988) showed
QSIM uses a strategy of proposing and filtering sets how the Non-Intersection of phase-plane trajectories
of qualitative transitions to predict possible
al Constraint (NIC) can eliminate large classes of
subsequent states for the folowing time point or spurious behaviors in mass and spring systems. In
open interval. Therefore, it is an enumeration this work, the NIC filter is used to achieve a
algonrthm. Inconsistent states are detected by tractable qualitative simulation of a PI contoller on
application of continuity and system constraints. a lst-order system.
Global filters identify states as inconsistent,
quiescent, divergent, or identical to a previous state While purely qualitative models are useful for
(indicating cyclic behavior); the remaining states ar identifying the possible solutions of a given QDE
again subjected to the propose/filter procedure. A from a parficular initialization, the resulting set of
branching tree of states results, and each path behaviors may be too large to be manageable or the
through the tre constitutes a possible behavior of descriptions not detailed enough for the purpose of
the system. the model. In many situations, functional
relationships are known to some degree, and
Kuipers (1986) has proven that the set of possible parameter values may be known with some
behaviors generated by the QSIM algorithm is uncertainty. Kuipers and Berleant (1988) have
guaranteed to include all of the behaviors exhibited presented a method for representing incomplete
by the original ODE from which the QDE was quantitative knowledge into QSIM-type qualitative
derived. While this approach is sound, it is not models. Unknown functions are represented with
complete. The algorithm cannot be guaranteed to upper and lower envelopes, and parameters can
recognize and eliminate all spurious behaviors have ranges or precise numenrcal values. With this
(predictions that represent no real physical system additional knowledge, qualitative states with
behavior). Recent developments in qualitative inconsistent quantitative values can be eliminated,
reasoning have been aimed at reducing the number behaviors with quantitatively inconsistent states can
of spurious predictions in qualitative simulafion. be pruned, and models that produce only
Recent Extensions to the QSIM Algorithm inconsistent behaviors can be refuted. The
elimination of inconsistent models by using
While the QSIM algorithm provides a full language incomplete quantitative knowledge is discussed
for developing and simulating qualitative models, further by Dvorak and Kuipers (1989). Examples
many situations require additional qualitative of qualitative models with partial quantitative
reasoning techniques to reduce or eliminate spurious knowledge are discussed later in this paper.

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Model Development and Initialization
Y"(s) kess +

Tic block diagam for a first-order system with a PI
controller is shown in Figure 1. In this particular Figure 1: First-Order System with a PI Controller
configuration, only changes m the process variable initial states, Equation 1 eliminates the possibility
set point, Ys, are considered (servo problem);
controlling the process with load changes at whie u is dec, dy/dt cannot be inc or std. The
(regulatory problem), is not considered here. The values of the qualitatively valid 15 initial states are
time domain equation describing the open-loop shown in Table 1. Dalle Molle (1989b) has shown
process is that four of these initalizations (I1, 12, 14, and
15), while satisfying the constraint model, do not
T ku -y
= (1) represent any real system described by the model
Equations, 1 - 3. However, these spunrous initial
where k is the process gain, z is the process time states can be eliminated when quantitative
constant, a is the process input, and y is the information is added to fte model. This approach is
controlled vanrable. For a PI controller, fte process discussed later in the paper.
input is calculd as fouows: Simulation Results
a kc(e + 1 Jeot)
= (2) When successor states are generated for the 15
initial states in Table 1, 10 of the initial states
where kc is the controler gain, 'c is the integrl fime generate finte sets of behaviors. For example,
constant of the controller, and e is the error in the initial state 7 generates five behaviors, four of which
prcess output from its setpoint, ys: are genuie for that analytical system. Figure 2
shows one of these genuine behaviors of the input
e = ys-y (3) and output The variations on this behavior that
In developing a qualitative model for a first-order
make up te other3 genuine behaviors are al due to
differences in the behavior of the input, ua, as shown
process with a PI controller, Equations 1 - 3 can be in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows a numerical simulation
translated directly into qualitative constraints. for the case where u has the trajectory of behavior I
Previous modeling expenrence suggests that in Figure 3 (see also Figure 2). For this simulation,
curvatu constrains should also be developed for k =r= 1, ti = 2, and kc = 0.8. As the controller
the highest-order derivatives in the system equations gain is increased from 0.5 (at or below 0.5, du/dt is
(Dalle Molle and Edgar, 1989). These constraints zero or positive and is described by initial sttes 8
provide knowledge of fte second-order derivatives and 9 respectively), the trajecry of u changes. For
that can be used to venrfy or refute behaviors example, if kc = 1.0 (and everything else in Figure 4
proposed by QSIM. The curvature constraints for remains the same) then u has the trajectory of
dy/dt and at are (Dalle Molle, 1989b): behavior 3 in Figure 3. For kc > 1, then u has the
d trajectory of behavior 2 in Figure 3. In the limit as
dU Table 1: Possible Qualitative ial States for a
k= rl (,q -T)t (5) First-Order Process with PI Control
The form of this curvature consraint reveals that Initia Intial
when 'C -t = 0, thn a higher-order derivatives of u bntial Value of Derivative Derivative
must vanish, and the simulation must be quiescent IL- ofLAYLB
Tins property of the system is exploited to eliminate 1 doc
otherwise spurious predictions. 2 sd dx
3 dxc
The initial conditons for a set poin increase are the 4 0 dc dex
setpoint variable, ys, taking the value ys+, while the 5 0 std die
process output, y, is at the value 0. Given this 6 0 Ur dex
initialization, the qualitative model based on 7 +
dac diec
Equations 1 - 3, and the curvature constraints, 8 rde
Equations 4 and 5, generates 15 initial states. The 9
variations in these imntial states comes from the fact 10 std
that the parameter 'l - r can be positive, zero, or 11 0
negative, and the variables dy/dt and u can each be 12 Ur rid
inc, std, or dec. In this particulr model, not every 13 frc
combination of these three distinctions is 14 0 std
qualitatively possible (or 27 initial states would have 15
been generated). For example, since y is inc in all

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:< f1
.0 7

06 Y,
Prc. SIS y Py twu
jg - - -

Figure 2: Behavior I for Initial State 7 0.4


0 5 10 15 20
Figure 4: Numerical Behavior of Inital State 7
responses and a method for constraining these
beh 3 W 7) teh 4 CM 7}
behaviors are discussed next
Conditions for Oscillatory Behavior
Figure 3: Four Behav'iors of u for Initial Ste 7 In general, determining Ut validity of the qualitative
kc t, the trajectory of u approaches thiat of
predictions is non-trivial especialy for systems with
behavior 4 in Figure 3. Later in the paper, unknown functionalities and a large parameter
quantitaive information 'is added to the model to space. However, when the system being modeled
reduce tfie number of possible behaviors. Ihe fift have a tractable solution under certain conditions,
behavior of initial sLue 7 has -a trajectory wit y then this solution can be used for comparing the
overshooting its final value before ultLimately alitative predictions to the analytical expectations.
achieving it. As will be discussed later. tis For Ue system shown in Figure 1 and described by
behavi'or is not possible for this 'm'tial state. An Equations I - 3, an analytical solution can be
analysis of te predictims for th other initial stes obtained when certain assumptions are made about
with fmnite. behaviors has been done by Dalle Molle the values of the parameters in the model.
(1989b). Performing block diagram algebra on the system in
Figure 1 yields the following Laplace domain
F:or ffie m'tal states withri -, < 0, an firztbe set solution for y(s) in response to a unit step in ys(s):
of oscilating behaviors is geneated. Intactable in
this sense refers to thie situation wbere a fimite set of --p,t
Ws =
kkc(Cis + 1) (b)
complete behaviors camnot be generated wit finite S(CrrIS2 + tI(kkc + l)s + kkc)
resources (computer memory, etc.). Figure 5 Solving this characteristic equation with the
shows two oscillatory behaviors genemted from quadmtic formula yields the two roots:
initial state I (of Table l) ffix illstate a cause of
the intractable branching. In Figure 5(a), the
contmlled variable y overshoots,thden undershoots
its final value before achievmg it at time point TIO
(decreasing oscilllation). However, the input u,
which starts out positive and decreasing, goes
negative to a mnuimnum, dhe goes positive to a value
greater ffa 'it had ixi'tially (increasing oscillation).
Other behaviiors (not shown) suggest tat u may (a) Behavior 102
reach a value less than it had initially. Figure 5(b
shows another behavior that exhibits oscillatory,
almost cyclic, behvlor. At time point TIO, bothi te r. s *64*
< ,t I,****4,.- _I,
process vanable y and th input u achieve the same

w~~~~~ rerl
. 1 1 4 t 9

values tha they had initialy. While thiis behavior 4! 1_4t_ T1 ;o 46 Proas , U . . .
, 4
may appear cyclic, it 'is not auy a cycle since u does PrOCM3 Std y
Ts v S1 n ?I
Prcss hqt u

not also have the samne derivative at TIO as it did

initially (while y does). The variations 'in these (b) Behavior 701
behaviors suggest tha the current qualitative model
predicts botli increasing and decreasing behaviors', Figure 5: Two Qualitative Behaviors frm Initial
andi 'inclasing aned decreasing osciflatons withiin th Stare 1
same behavilor. Tle criteria for oscillatory

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rl r2 a
*J .. .
'EI(kkc + 1) ±4i (kc )2 - 4VCIkc K
. *--: If N.
2T .

The sign of the term m the radical determines ' /

whether the system will be over-damped (+), 10 * . V. -
critically-damped (0), or under-damped (-). In all
cases, because of the real part of the root is always y-ES 0 U+ y-0
negative, the behavior is asymptotically stable. behlO2Oni) ywu
v 2 bhO (il) yvsu

Thus, all predictions from te qualitative model ffia

are not asymptotically stable are spurious. Since the (a) Behavior 102 (b) Behavior 701
point where oscillatory dynamics become possible
occurs when fte term under fte radical becomes Figure 6: y vs u Phase-Plane Plots for Behaviors
negative, Xt condition for oscillatory behaviors is 102 and 701 in Fgure 5
(after rangn
q ((kkc + )2) 1 closed path corresponds to periodic or cyclic
(8) behavior in the time domain. As discussed
previously, the time domain behavior for the phase
An interesting property of this expression is hat the plot in Figure 6(b) is not periodic since the variables
term in brackets in Equation 8 is always gratertha y and u are not in the exact same state ftat they had
or equal to I (for positive values of k and kc). the first time they passed through point (0, u-O).
Hence, in order for th overall expression on the left Hence, this behavior and others like it are spurios.
hand side of Equation 8 to be less than 1, the ratio
'1ft must be less than 1. This inequality, lfr< 1, In Figure 6(a), the trajectory of the y vs. as phase
represents a necessary condition for oscillatory plot interects itself (between time points 1T7 and T8
dynamics. However, this inequality is not a in Figure 5(a)). While the time domain plots of this
sufficient condition because even if 'r/tk < 1 is phase plane behavior in Figure 5(a) do not reveal
satisfied, the second term on the left hand side of any apparent inconsistencies, Lee and Kuipers
Equation 8 may be sufficiently greater than ¶/? so (1988) and Struss (1988) have shown that self
that the overall expression is greater than one. intersecting phase plane trajectories like that in
Figure 6(a) do represent spurious behaviors. These
The necessary condition for oscillatory behaviors intersections, caused by a loss of quantitative
derived above, 'cft < 1, has also been captured in knowledge in abstracting to qualitative models,
t qualitive model as the equivalent condition oc - suggest that one variable may be exhibiting an
r < a. Only thse ntial sates in Table l that had r increasng or steady oscillion at one period during
- z < 0 give rise to owritry behaviors like those in Xt simulation, and later change to a decreasing
Figure 5. All of these 'intal staes withiX -'c <O oscillations within the same behavior. The recent
also genrate non-oscillatory behaviors ilustrting developments by Lee and Kuipers (1988) and
that this inequality (ci - Xc <0) is not a sufficient Struss (1988) provide algorithms for identifying
condition. The sufficient condition, Equation 8, is these inconsistencies in qualitative time-domain
not explicitly captured in the qualitative model. simulation. These methods provide an additional
Nonetheless, the qualitaive model does identify the global filter for identfying and elimi ng spurious
necessary conditions, and predicts both over- behaviors. When the phase planes of the oscillatory
damped and oscillatory behaviors for those initial variable in the model are checked by te NIC fiter,
states. an intractable set of behaviors is still generated by
Constraining Oscillatory Behaviors the qualitative model. However, each variable in
each of these behaviors has an oscillatory tajectory
A common viewpoint for analyzing dynamic with decreasing amplitude. This feature is
systems is the phase space. This approach provides charaerized in phase space diagrams by trajetories
the "big picture" of the process dynamics. For the that spiral inward to an asymptotic value (the
first-order system with a PI controller, a phase quiescent point). This result agrees with the
plane can constructed between the process output y, previous analysis that showed that the real parts of
and the input u. Figure 6 shows the phase plane the roots to the characteristic equation for this
diagrams for the two time domain behaviors of te system were negative for all possible (positive)
PI controller system in Figure 5. The dashed lines parameter values.
indicate the values of the variables at the quiescent
state, should the system achieve quiescence. In While the qualitative model tor the controlled
Figure 6(b), the y vs u plot forms a closed path, system has correctly predicted only stable
intersecting itself at TIO where it had started at TO behaviors, an intractable set of predictions are
(at coordinates (0, u-0)). In phase plane analysis, a generated. The features ta distinguish the various

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be divided into two main categories. One
distnguishing feature of the various quiescent
behaviors is the number of time points ffiat make up
fte behavior. Some quiescent oscillatory behaviors
teminate after 10 time points while ofter trminate
after 20 (or more if the computer resources are
inceased). The various behavior lengths represent
various amounts of an oscillatory behavior. In its
present implementation, QSIM does not have the
ability to reognize (stable or unstable) oscillatory
behaviors unless they axe perfectly cyclic like the
frictionless mass and spring system (Kuipers, -1
1986). Hence, an oscillatory behavior can have 0 2 4
arbitary "lgts" in QSIM reping portons of TIME
the analytically infinite behavior.
Figure 7: Varying Phases in a Quantitative Behavior
The othersource of disdnguishing feaures in the
intractable set of behaviors is caused by a
phenomenon refenred to as "occrrnce brnching."
Specifically, when two variables are each
approaching a landmark value, either variable may
achieve their larkmar before tie other variable, or -27

they can achieve their respective landmarks a_4_^_s

1 4 fi _& 3_ IA2 ;S 411 ;7. -,
simultanously. For example, when the variable u TiT I1 iT if i4 1n . nTl134. 1 1 4g 4

approaches its la rk zero in the interval M T8)

in Figure 5(b), the variable y is also approaching a
steady point Without any additional constaints on a114

these values, the simulation branches and the 104

number of behaviors increases by a factor of thee. 7

In general, these distinctions are real, and depend

on the specific parameters of the model P kpdut
pi _p u
(Dale Mol}e and Edgar, 1989).
Analyzing the Phase Characteristics of the &*: 66 6 .4
~ ~
N -144
Qualitative Behaviors jIbq

Figure 7 shows a numerical simulation for the PI

contller that corresponds with initial state 13 in 3IaaIaa
Is 4S.
Error ..__ I
If J

Table 1 for the qualitative modeL For this case, the

0d -1 o f E""norn
T 4.t 2= 4D 1 1 X

parameter values are k = 1.l, X = 1,t = 0.1, and kc

= 0.8. The constant phase property of this
quantitative behavior is well defined. Specifically,
the order in which critical points (maxima and
minima) are achieved is constant: dy/di, u, integral
of error, y, dy/dt, u, integral of error, y, etc.. As the
parameters of the system vary, the precise amount
of lead or lag changes, but the relative order of these Figure 8: Phase Features of a Qualitative Behavior
events is the same. Figure 8 shows a qualitative
prediction from initial sate 13 that illustates thiatt The time domain solution of the response of the
relative order of achieving each critical point is the
same as the order prescribed by the quantitative process output y to a unit setpoint change (Equafion
model in Figure 7. If this analysis were done on 6) has been discussed in detail by Seborg et. al.
other behaviors from the same initialization, the (1989). One property of the time domain solution is
same phase order would be exhibited. If the that only when under-damped behaviors are
analysis were also done on behaviors from the other possible can the response ofy ever exceed its final
initial sates that generate oscillatory predictions, Xt value. Hence, behavior 5 from initial state 7
same phase order would exist, but may initiate with (mentioned previously) is spurious. Another
a different variable. important feature of the solution presented in
Seborg et. al. (1989) is that the process output, y, is
always positive. The results of the oscillatory
systems even with the properly constrained phase
plane behaviors still predicts that the controlled
variable may become 0 (but not negative as in

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Figure 5). In general, the nature of these spurous
behaviors is atnbzted to th local natu of the limit
analyss approach to prpagation and the qualitive
descriptiont New techniques for copig with these
limitations are te goals of futuie researh.
Incorporating Quantitative Knowledge
into Qualitative Models
While the qualitative model captures all of the Figure 9: Urnque Prediction with Quantitative
behaviors possible of a gven system, fte number of Information
behaviors can often be too large to be manageable While the results of qualitative modeling appear
Furthermore, the resulting qualitative description promising, there are sill areas q ng additonal
may be too weak to be useful. When knowledge of research. As qualitative models become more
process parameters and functionalities is known, complex and generate larger and larger sets of
this information could be used in a qualitative model behaviors, techniques for automatically aalyzing
to reduce the number of predictions and to provide and classifying behaviors will be needed.
more descriptive result Kuipers and Berleant Automating the model buildig process would also
(1988) have develop a method for incorporating expedite reasomng with larger, more complex
limited knowledge of quantitative information into systems. In addition to dealing with th problem of
QSIM models. system dimension, stronger methods for reasoning
qualitatively and quantitatively about time are
As an example of this approach, the PI controller needed. For example, qualitative simulation
system can be given numerical information to currenty cannot represent and reason about systems
reduce the number of behaviors generated from the with time delay. Since this featue is common in
qualitative simulation. Since the process may not many systems, an approach for reasomnng about the
always be known exactly, ranges are imposed on effects of time delay on qualitative behaviors could
te process gain and time consnt. On Xt other have significant benefits.
hand, the controller parameters are usually known Acknowledgement
quite accurately. Figure 9 shows the unique
qualitative behavior predicted for the case where fte This work was funded in part by the Texas
process parameters are known to be within 10% of Advanced Technology Program (TATP). Portions
the nominal values k = 1= while the controller of this work took place at the Qualitative Reasoning
parameters are known exactly: 'r = 2 ,and kc = 0.8. Group in the Ardficial Itlligence Laboratory of Xt
By specifying quantitative information, three of the University ofTexas which. is funded in part by NSF
four behaviors of the qualitative model for this case gsant IRI 8602665 and by NASA grants NAG 2-
(Figures 2 and 3) are refuted by the quantitative 507 NAG 9-200.
reasoner. Furthermore the final values of the input References
and output have ranges, rather than merely
qualitative landmarks. Chiu, C., "Higher Order Derivative Constraints and
a QSIM-Based Total Qualitative Simulation
Conclusions and Future Directions Scheme," Technical Report A1TR88-65, University
In this work, a qualitative model for a first-order of Texas, Austin, Texas (1988).
system with a PI contoller was developed. The
model required the use of curvatre and phase space Chiu, C., "System Property and Third-Order
constains to make the set of qualitative peWdictions Constraints in Qualitative Simulation," Technical
manageable. Certain iniilizions of the qualitative Report AITR89-xx in preparation, University of
model satisfied the necessary condition for Texas, Austin, Texas (1989).
exhibiting oscillator dynamics, and these
initializations generated both under- and over- Dalle Molle, D. T., B. J. Kuipers, and T. F. Edgar,
damped behaviors. For fte caws where oscillatory "Qualitative Modeling and Simulatioof-Dynamnic
behaviors were generated, the qualitative model Systems," Computers and Chemical Engineering,
captured the proper phase relationships present im 12 (9/10), 853-866 (1988a).
the quantitative model. However, the behaviors
were not sufficiently constained to prevent a class Dalle Molle, D. T., T. F. Edgar, and B. J. Kuipers,
of spurious behaviors from being generated. These "Qualitative Modeling of Physical Systems," in
unexpected behaviors suggested that the controlled proceedings of the Third International Synposium
variable could become zero during the simulation. on Process Systems Engineering 1988, Sydney,
When partial knowledge of quantitative informaton rhe histitution of Engineers, Australia, (1988b).
was used in the qualitative model, a unique
prediction with quantitative ranges on the final
values of the input and output was generated.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nac de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Downloaded on February 03,2024 at 12:56:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Dalle Molle, D. T., "Automatic Evaluation of Sacks, E., "Qualitative Analysis by Piecewise
Third-Order Constraints in Qualitative Simulation," Linear Approximation," Artificial Intelligence in
Technical Report AITR89-98, Department of Engineering, a3), 151-155 (1988).
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Seborg, D. E., T. F. Edgar, and D. A. Mellichamp,
Dalle Molle, D. T., "Qualitative Modeling of Process Dynamics and Control, Wiley, New York
Chemical Processes," Ph. D. Dissertation, (1989).
University of Texas at Austin (1989b).
Struss, P., "Global Filters for Qualitative
Dalle Molle, D. T., and T. F. Edgar, "Qualitative Behaviors," In Proceedings AAAI-88, Minnapolis
Modeling of Chemical Reaction Systems," in AI (1988).
Applications in Process Engineering, M. L.
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