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Prepare a PPT slideshow with 11 slides.
1. The TOPIC/TITLE of the slideshow is INVENTIONS of the 19th century.

2. 1st slide: present the title/topic and your name and class

3. Go to the following link:

- You can find a lot of inventions of the 19th century in alphabetical order on this
- Look at these inventions and choose 10 of them about which you are going to give
a presentation on your slides

4. On the following 10 slides:

- show a picture of an invention on each slide
- describe the invention with a 2-3-sentence explanation (DO NOT COPY from the
wikipedia site!) – ex. how it improved life, how it affected everyday life of people,
when it was invented…etc
- also include the name(s) and the nationality of the inventor(s)

5. When you have completed the task save the ppt in the following way:
19th century inventions_your name_class (ex. 19th century inventions_Kovács

6. Send your completed PPT via Kréta, DKT (Digiális Kollaborációs Tér) to your teacher

7. DEADLINE: 6pm, 4 January, 2024

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