Hw11 Solutions-2

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Mat257 Homework 11 Solutions

4. (a) Proof. First, we compute the area of the triangle ∆1 (R) using the mean-value theorem from single
variable calculus, and a simple scaling argument regarding volumes1
v(∆1 (R)) = · V α(a + h, b) − α(a, b), α(a + h, b + k) − α(a + h, b)
    
D1 α1 (x1 ) D2 α1 (x4 )
= · V h · D1 α2 (x2 ) , k · D2 α2 (x5 ) (MVT 6 times)
D1 α3 (x3 ) D2 α3 (x6 )
= |hk| V Dα(x1 , . . . , x6 ) (scaling of volumes)
= V Dα(x1 , . . . , x6 ) · v(R), (∗)

where in the second equal sign, we have applied the mean-value theorem to the functions α1 , α2 , α3
along the line segment joining (a, b) and (a + h, b) to get the points x1 , x2 , x3 ; likewise we applied the
mean-value theorem to these functions along the line segment joining (a + h, b) and (a + h, b + k) proves
the existence of the points x4 , x5 , x6 .
The argument for v(∆2 (R)) is almost identical; we simply apply the mean-value theorem to the three
functions α1 , α2 , α3 along the two line segments (a, b), (a, b + k) and then (a, bk ), (a + h, b + k) to get six
new points y1 , . . . , y6 in R.

(b) Proof. The function Dα is continuous on Q since α is C in a neighborhood of Q, so the “volume”
6 1

function V (Dα) is continuous on Q6 as well2 . Since Q6 is a product of compact sets, it is compact, and
so V (Dα) on is uniformly continuous on Q6 , which by definition is equivalent to the claim.

(c) Proof. Let P be any partition of Q. For each subrectangle R, let XR = (x1,R , . . . , x6,R ) be six points in
R which make equation (∗) above true, and likewise let YR = (y1,R , . . . , y6,R ) be six points which make
the analogous statement for v(∆2 (R)) true. Also, for each x ∈ Q, let ξ = (x, . . . , x) ∈ Q6 be the repeated
6-tuple. Then, by integrability of V (Dα) (which allows us to perform the following simple algebra, and
the triangle inequality) we get
ˆ Xˆ X 1
V (Dα(x)) dx − A(P ) = V (Dα(ξ)) dx − [V (Dα(XR )) + V (Dα(YR ))] · area(R)
Q 2
1 X
≤ |V (Dα(ξ)) − V (Dα(XR ))| + |V (Dα(ξ)) − V (Dα(YR ))| dx.
2 R

This is a general estimate. Now, given ε > 0, choose a corresponding δ > 0 in accordance with uniform
continuity (relative to sup norm, say) of V (Dα) on Q6 . Then, for partitions with mesh at most δ, each
of the two terms in absolute values is bounded by ε, so the whole sum is bounded by ε · Area(Q).

1 Given integers 1 ≤ k ≤ n, a matrix X ∈ Mn×k (R), an index i ∈ {1, . . . , k}, and a number λ ∈ R, let us define Y to be the matrix
obtained by multiplying the ith column of X by λ. Then, Y t Y is obtained by multiplying

√ i row and column
both the t
√ of X X by λ.
Hence, by multilinearity of determinants with respect to rows and columns, we have det Y t Y = λ2 det X t X = |λ| det X t X.
2 We’re just composing Dα with the matrix map X 7→ X t X followed by the determinant map, both of which are polynomial functions

hence continuous, followed by square root.

• For part (a), one doesn’t really need 6 points in R; a single point actually suffices. For this, one doesn’t use
the differential mean-value theorem from Mat157, but rather a generalization of the (first) integral mean-value
theorem, as follows:
Theorem. Let K ⊂ Rn be a compact ´and connected rectificable set, and f : K → R a continuous function.
Then there is a point p ∈ K such that K f = f (p) · v(K).
Proof. If v(K) = 0, then every point p ∈ K works. Otherwise, note that by continuity of f and compactness
of K, it follows from the extreme-value theorem that there exist points a, b ∈ K such that f (a) ≤ f (·) ≤ f (b).
Integrating over K, and dividing
´ by v(K) (note we already dealt with ´ the case v(K) = 0, so the division is
justified) we get f (a) ≤ v(K)
f ≤ f (b), meaning the number v(K) 1
f lies in the interval [f (a), f (b)], and
so by connectedness of K and continuity ´ of f we can apply the intermediate-value theorem to conclude there
exists a point p ∈ K such that v(K) 1
f = f (p).

• I noticed that for part (b), many people said the claim follows trivially due to continuity (or uniform continuity)
on Q. This is wrong! It is a consequence of uniform continuity on Q6 . Make sure you get the spaces right,
and make sure you explain where compactness comes into play.
• For part (c), I don’t really need you to end up with a perfect < ε at the end. I’m fine if you end up with
a fixed multiple of ε (or even a fixed multiple of a function of ε which converges to 0, such as Area(Q)ε3 or
some other stuff like this). Also, I don’t really care about < ε vs ≤ ε at the end (but I do care about the
difference if your intermediate steps only imply ≤, but you write <). Of couse, if you prefer to have a perfect
ε at the end, then I won’t stop you ,.

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