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Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer and wake at low Reynolds


Article in Physics of Fluids · April 2006

DOI: 10.1063/1.2187069

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3 authors, including:

Serhiy Yarusevych Pierre Sullivan

University of Waterloo University of Toronto


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Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer and wake at low Reynolds
Serhiy Yarusevych, Pierre E. Sullivan, and John G. Kawall

Citation: Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 (2006); doi: 10.1063/1.2187069

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PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 18, 044101 共2006兲

Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer and wake at low

Reynolds numbers
Serhiy Yarusevycha兲 and Pierre E. Sullivan
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario M5S 3G8, Canada
John G. Kawall
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto,
Ontario M5B 2K3, Canada
共Received 9 September 2005; accepted 16 February 2006; published online 4 April 2006兲
Boundary layer and turbulent wake development for a NACA 0025 airfoil at low Reynolds numbers
was studied experimentally. Wind tunnel experiments were carried out for a range of Reynolds
numbers and three angles of attack. Laminar boundary layer separation occurs on the upper surface
of the airfoil for all Reynolds numbers and angles of attack examined. Two flow regimes are
investigated 共i兲 boundary layer separation without reattachment and 共ii兲 separation bubble
formation. The results suggest that coherent structures form in the separated flow region and the
wake of the airfoil for both flow regimes. The formation of the roll-up vortices in the separated shear
layer is linked to inviscid spatial growth of disturbances and is attributed to the Kelvin-Helmholtz
instability. Linear stability theory can be employed to adequately describe the salient characteristics
of such vortices and the initial stage of the separated shear layer transition. The development of the
roll-up vortices leads to boundary layer transition, and the vortices break down during the transition
process. Vortex shedding also occurs in the airfoil wake and vortices form in the near-wake region.
It is shown that the boundary layer behavior has a profound effect on the identified coherent
structures, and each of the two flow regimes is associated with distinctly different vortex shedding
characteristics. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2187069兴

I. INTRODUCTION have proven to be challenging, largely because of the com-

plexity of the phenomenon and its sensitivity to test section
Low Reynolds number flow is of interest in connection environment.
with a variety of engineering applications that include the Recently, there has been increased interest in laminar to
design of micro air vehicles, rotor blades, hydrofoils, and turbulent flow transition and organized structures that de-
wind turbines and the operation of low-speed/high-altitude velop in the separated shear layer at low Reynolds
aircraft. In general, airfoil performance starts to deteriorate numbers.6–10 Laminar separated flows that develop due to the
when the chord Reynolds number 共Rec兲 decreases below application of an adverse pressure gradient are inherently
about 500 000.1,2 共Rec = cU0 / ␯, where U0 is the free-stream unstable. Past the separation point, the boundary layer under-
velocity, c is the cord length, and ␯ is the kinematic viscos- goes transition due to amplification of flow instabilities.
ity.兲 The laminar boundary layer on the upper surface of the Growing instabilities cause the shear layer to roll-up and
airfoil becomes subjected to an adverse pressure gradient, form vortices that have been shown to play a dominant role
even at low angles of attack, often resulting in laminar in bubble formation.7 Most of the numerical research on the
boundary-layer separation and formation of a shear layer. subject has been performed for the flat plate geometry, with
Laminar boundary layer separation has a significant detri- an externally applied adverse pressure gradient. In a detailed
mental effect on airfoil performance, adversely effecting air- experimental study, Watmuff8 found good agreement be-
foil lift and drag. Hence, it is not surprising that airfoil tween experimental and numerical results. It should be
boundary layer development at low Reynolds numbers has noted, however, that according to the findings of Lin and
been the main focus of the research in this field.1–7 Previous Pauley,7 characteristics of the vortices formed in the separa-
experimental results suggest that below Reynolds numbers of tion bubble depend on the surface pressure distribution.
about 50 000, the separated shear layer does not reattach to Therefore, these characteristics can vary when an airfoil
the airfoil surface, and a large wake is formed. In contrast, at boundary layer is considered, since the pressure distribution
higher Reynolds numbers, the separated shear layer may re- will depend on airfoil geometry, Reynolds number, and angle
attach to the airfoil surface, resulting in a laminar separation of attack. Several experimental studies confirm the existence
bubble. It should be noted, however, that investigations of of organized coherent structures within the separation bubble
the separation bubble formation, as well as its characteristics, that forms on an airfoil but did not investigate their behavior
and characteristics in detail.5,6 This serves as a motivation for
Telephone: 共416兲 978-6444. Fax: 共416兲 978-7753. Electronic mail:
a兲 the present experimental study. Although the research in low-Reynolds number flows

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044101-2 Yarusevych, Sullivan, and Kawall Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

has been mainly focused on boundary layer development, The airfoil was mounted horizontally in the test section,
airfoil wake development and characteristics also signifi- 0.4 m downstream of the contraction. During the experi-
cantly affect airfoil performance. Structure and characteris- ments, the free-stream velocity 共U0兲 was monitored by a
tics of a bluff-body wake have been the subject of active pitot-static tube, with an uncertainty estimated to be less than
research for several decades.11–16 In particular, vortex shed- 2.5%. Spectral analysis of the free-stream velocity signal re-
ding and its interaction with shear layer instabilities have vealed that there was no significant frequency-centered ac-
been of major interest. The vortex shedding frequency is tivity associated with the oncoming flow.
usually scaled with global parameters to form a Strouhal Flow velocity data were acquired with hot-wire an-
number. In the wake of a bluff body, the Strouhal number emometry. A Dantec 55P11 normal hot-wire probe and a
does not vary substantially over a wide range of Reynolds Dantec 55P61 cross-wire probe were used during the experi-
numbers. Typical values of 0.21 and 0.14 were reported for ments. A hot-wire probe was attached to a holder mounted on
the case of circular cylinder and a flat plate, respectively.11 a traversing mechanism, which allowed probe motion in the
When transition occurs in the near wake of a cylinder, vertical 共y兲 and streamwise 共x兲 directions with a resolution of
Bloor13 showed that a separated shear layer instability fre- 0.01 and 0.25 mm, respectively. All hot-wire measurements
quency normalized by a corresponding vortex shedding fre- were carried out in the vertical midspan plane of the tunnel,
quency varies as Re0.5, where Re is based on the cylinder with the origin of the coordinate system located at the lead-
diameter D. This power law relationship has been supported ing edge of the airfoil. Based on the results of Kawall et
by the results of others; however, the exact value of the ex- al.,20 the maximum hot-wire measurement error was evalu-
ponent is a question of ongoing debate.15,16 ated to be less than 5% and is attributed to the high turbulent
The wake of an airfoil at post-stall angles of attack can intensities in the separated shear layer and near wake.
be expected to behave similar to that of a bluff body. At The airfoil was equipped with 65 pressure orifices con-
pre-stall angles of attack, however, airfoil wake characteris- nected to a pressure transducer through a Scanivalve module.
tics were shown to be quite different.17,18 Huang and Lin17 The uncertainty associated with surface pressure measure-
investigated vortex shedding of a NACA 0012 airfoil at low ments was less than 2%.
Reynolds numbers. Their results show a wide distribution of In order to visualize airfoil boundary layer development
Strouhal numbers based on vortex shedding frequency for and wake formation, a smoke wire technique was employed.
different Reynolds numbers and angles of attack. Moreover, A smoke wire installed 3 mm downstream of the trailing
vortex shedding characteristics were found to be closely re- edge was coated with smoke-generator fluid. The fluid was
lated to boundary layer behavior, resulting in several vortex evaporated by inductively heating the wire, which produced
shedding modes. Results obtained by Zaman et al.19 also clear streaklines in the flow. A thin 0.076 mm diam wire 共304
revealed vortex shedding in an airfoil wake at near stalling stainless steel兲 was chosen in order to provide adequate
angles of attack, though the focus of their investigation was a smoke density, while not introducing measurable distur-
different phenomenon, viz., unusually low frequency oscilla- bances into the flow field, with the corresponding Reynolds
tions. It should be noted that available results for unsteady numbers being less than 40 for all cases examined. The flow
wake characteristics of an airfoil have provided limited in- was illuminated with a remotely triggered speedlight and the
sight compared to those concerned with bluff-body wakes, images were acquired with a Nikon D70s digital camera.
presenting an opportunity for future research.
The objective of the present work is to examine airfoil III. RESULTS
boundary layer and wake development at low Reynolds
numbers. Specifically, this experimental study focuses on the A. Boundary layer behavior
coherent structures that form in the separated shear layer and Flow visualization results presented in Fig. 1 provide
airfoil wake in order to improve physical understanding of insight into the boundary layer development and wake for-
these phenomena. mation at ␣ = 5° for several Reynolds numbers. These images
show two distinct flow regimes: 共1兲 boundary layer separa-
II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP tion without reattachment for Rec = 55⫻ 103 and Rec = 100
⫻ 103 关Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴, and 共2兲 flow in the presence of
The performance of a symmetrical NACA 0025 airfoil the separation bubble on the upper surface of the airfoil for
with a chord length, c, of 0.3 m was examined for a range of Rec = 150⫻ 103 关Fig. 1共c兲兴. In the former case, i.e., for Rec
Reynolds numbers 共Rec兲 and three pre-stall angles of attack = 55⫻ 103 and Rec = 100⫻ 103 关Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴, a reverse
共␣兲, 0°, 5° and 10°. It should be noted that similar trends flow in the separated region entrains the smoke in the up-
were observed for these three angles of attack; consequently, stream direction, showing the extent and structure of the
only the data for ␣ = 5° are discussed in detail. All experi- separation region. The boundary layer on the upper surface
ments were conducted in a low-turbulence recirculating wind of the airfoil separates at approximately x / c = 0.25 and a
tunnel, which has a 5-m-long octagonal test section, a wide wake is formed in this case. On the other hand, for
0.91 m ⫻ 1.22 m cross section, and a free-stream turbulence Rec = 150⫻ 103 关Fig. 1共c兲兴, the flow appears to be attached at
intensity level less than 0.1%. The flow enters the test section the trailing edge and only wake structures can be observed.
through seven screens and a 9:1 contraction. One wall of the The results reveal a Karman type vortex street forming in the
test section is made of plexiglas for operational and visual- airfoil wake for both Rec = 55⫻ 103 关Fig. 1共a兲兴 and Rec
ization purposes. = 100⫻ 103 关Fig. 1共b兲兴. An increase of Reynolds number is

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044101-3 Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 2. Flow visualization of the separated shear layer at ␣ = 5°. 共a兲 Rec
= 55⫻ 103; 共b兲 Rec = 100⫻ 103. Shear layer roll-up vortices are marked by
the arrows.

rated shear layer and are similar to those produced by the

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in free shear layers. As Rey-
nolds number increases to Rec = 100⫻ 103 关Fig. 2共b兲兴, the
length scale of these vortices decreases substantially and the
vortices are difficult to identify. This may explain why these
structures have not been detected in other flow visualization
From the flow visualization, Rec = 100⫻ 103 and Rec
= 150⫻ 103 correspond to two distinct flow regimes. In order
to perform a quantitative comparison of these two flow re-
gimes, experimental measurements conducted for Rec = 100
⫻ 103 and Rec = 150⫻ 103 are considered.
Surface pressure measurements were carried out to pro-
vide added insight into the boundary layer development. One
distinctive characteristic of the boundary layer separation is
the region of nearly constant static pressure downstream of
the separation point.2 If the separated shear layer fails to
reattach, the constant-pressure region extends to the trailing
edge of the airfoil. On the other hand, a sudden increase in
pressure following the constant-pressure region serves to in-
dicate the transition in the separated shear layer, which leads
to boundary layer reattachment and the formation of the
separation bubble. As noted by Tani,3 for a small separation
bubble, the location of the reattachment point can be esti-
FIG. 1. Flow visualization at ␣ = 5°. 共a兲 Rec = 55⫻ 103; 共b兲 Rec = 100⫻ 103; mated as the position where the pressure is the value found
共c兲 Rec = 150⫻ 103. The flow is from left to right and a smoke wire is in the absence of boundary layer separation. This value can
installed 3 mm downstream the trailing edge. be approximated by means of the inviscid flow solution.
Upper surface pressure distributions for Rec = 100⫻ 103
and Rec = 150⫻ 103 at the three angles of attack examined
associated with a decrease of vortical length scale and in- are presented in Fig. 3. The estimated positions of separation,
crease in shedding frequency. As the boundary layer regime transition and reattachment are marked by S, T, and R, re-
changes for Rec = 150⫻ 103 关Fig. 1共c兲兴, it results in a substan- spectively, with an uncertainty equal to 2% of the chord.
tially different wake development, with much lower coher- From a comparison of the experimental data and the inviscid
ence and length scales of the vortices. Note that, even though flow pressure distributions, a significant diminishment of the
the current flow visualization setup does not allow visualiza- suction peak is evident. This is typical for an airfoil operat-
tion of the boundary layer development for Rec = 150⫻ 103, ing at low Reynolds numbers and is due to boundary layer
it provides a high quality wake visualization and permits the separation. The constant pressure region that appears in the
visualization of the structures forming in the boundary layer pressure distributions indicates that a separation bubble
at the lower Reynolds numbers. The latter is illustrated in forms on the airfoil surface, even at ␣ = 0° for Rec = 150
Fig. 2, which shows flow visualization of the separated re- ⫻ 103 关Fig. 3共a兲兴. In this case, the bubble extends from x / c
gion on the upper surface of the airfoil for Rec = 55⫻ 103 and = 0.5 to 0.8. As the angle of attack increases, the separation
Rec = 100⫻ 103 at ␣ = 5°. Results for Rec = 55⫻ 103 关Fig. bubble moves upstream, extending from x / c = 0.4 to 0.65 at
2共a兲兴 reveal three eddies at the edge of the reverse flow re- ␣ = 5° 关Fig. 3共b兲兴 and from x / c = 0.34 to 0.54 at ␣ = 10° 关Fig.
gion, with the first appearing at approximately x / c = 0.5. 3共c兲兴. The size of the separation bubble decreases as the
These vortices likely originate due to the roll up of the sepa- angle of attack increases. The formation of the separation

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044101-4 Yarusevych, Sullivan, and Kawall Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

separates and fails to reattach. This leads to the formation of

a wider wake at all three angles of attack examined 关cf. Figs.
1共b兲 and 1共c兲兴 and results in much more significant deterio-
ration of airfoil performance. The boundary layer separates
near x / c = 0.37 at ␣ = 0° 关Fig. 3共a兲兴, and the separation point
moves upstream as the angle of attack increases, reaching
x / c = 0.3 at ␣ = 5° 关Fig. 3共b兲兴 and x / c = 0.2 at ␣ = 10° 关Fig.
3共c兲兴. For this Reynolds number, the large separation region
over the upper surface of the airfoil results in a dramatic
decrease in lift and a significant drag penalty.
To gain additional insight into the transition process and
formation of coherent structures, single hot-wire velocity
measurements were employed. It should be noted that a
single normal hot-wire probe is incapable of determining
flow direction. Nevertheless, important information regard-
ing the boundary layer separation location and the extent of
the separation region can be extracted.4 Of course, hot-wire
measurements within the separated shear layer, which is of
particular interest, can be analyzed without any restrictions.
Spectra of the boundary layer velocity data in the tran-
sition region were examined. Each spectrum was normalized
by the variance of the streamwise velocity component. The
velocity data at each streamwise location were collected at a
y / c position that corresponds to 0.5Ū / U0, where Ū is the
mean streamwise velocity. The duration of a sampled signal
segment was chosen to provide a frequency resolution band-
width of 1.2 Hz, adequate for resolving narrow peaks in the
spectrum. Based on the number of averaged signal segments,
the uncertainty of the spectral analysis is approximately 5%.
Figure 4 depicts spectra 共Euu兲 of the streamwise fluctu-
ating velocity component 共u兲 for Rec = 100⫻ 103 关Fig. 4共a兲兴
and Rec = 150⫻ 103 关Fig. 4共b兲兴 at ␣ = 5°. For clarity, the am-
plitude of each spectrum is stepped by an order of magnitude
with respect to the spectrum at the previous upstream loca-
tion. For Rec = 100⫻ 103 关Fig. 4共a兲兴, a flat “laminar flow”
spectrum is observed at x / c = 0.37. As the separated shear
layer develops downstream, a band of unstable Fourier com-
ponents, sometimes referred to as a wave packet 共e.g., Ref.
8兲, occurs centered at a fundamental frequency f 0 = 165 Hz.
Generation of harmonics and a subharmonic suggests the
presence of nonlinear interactions between the disturbances.6
Roll-up of the separated shear layer leads to transition, with
a “classical” turbulence spectrum observed at x / c = 0.72.
The spectral results shown in Fig. 4共b兲 indicate a similar
transition mechanism for Rec = 150⫻ 103. However, for this
Reynolds number, the band of the amplified disturbances in
the separated shear layer is centered at a higher value of f 0
= 455 Hz. Downstream of the separation point, a band of
unstable frequencies occurs from 360 Hz to about 500 Hz at
FIG. 3. Upper surface pressure distributions. 共a兲 ␣ = 0°; 共b兲 ␣ = 5°; 共c兲 ␣
x / c = 0.44. Further downstream, at x / c = 0.53, disturbances in
= 10°. S, T, and R mark boundary layer separation, transition and reattach- this frequency band are substantially amplified, and the band
ment, respectively. itself broadens, remaining centered at a fundamental fre-
quency; in addition, harmonics are generated. Following
rapid transition, a spectrum typical of fully developed turbu-
bubble over approximately 25% of the chord results in a lent flow occurs at x / c = 0.72.
decreased and broadened suction peak near the leading edge To study the spatial growth of the disturbances in the
for Rec = 150⫻ 103. As the Reynolds number is decreased to separated shear layer, streamwise velocity signals measured
Rec = 100⫻ 103, the boundary layer on the upper surface at y / c positions corresponding to the maximum rms velocity

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044101-5 Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 4. Spectra of the streamwise

fluctuating velocity component at ␣
= 5°. 共a兲 Rec = 100⫻ 103; 共b兲 Rec = 150
⫻ 103. Velocity signals were measured
in the boundary layer at y / c position
corresponding to 0.5U0. The ampli-
tude of each successive spectrum is
stepped by one order of magnitude.

values at several x / c locations were analyzed. These signals separated shear layer is linear, i.e., independent of their am-
were filtered using a narrow bandpass filter centered at the plitude, so that the initial stage of transition can be ad-
fundamental frequency with a bandwidth of 5 Hz. The rms equately described by linear stability theory.
value of the filtered signal 共u⬘f 兲 normalized by the free-stream
velocity 共U0兲 is considered. Figure 5 depicts the streamwise B. Linear stability analysis
growth of the disturbances for Rec = 100⫻ 103 and Rec It is of interest to model the boundary layer transition
= 150⫻ 103 at ␣ = 0°. The results suggest that, past the sepa- process and, in particular, predict frequencies pertaining to
ration location, identified in the figure by S, disturbances the most amplified disturbances in the separated shear layer,
grow almost exponentially, with the region of the exponen- important for flow control applications. As shown in a pre-
tial growth marked by a dashed line for each data set. The vious experimental study conducted with the same airfoil
slope of the dashed lines in Fig. 5 is proportional to the and flow conditions as those investigated here,21 matching
spatial growth rate 共−␣i兲. Note that an increase in Reynolds these frequencies with periodic excitation leads to significant
number is associated with an increase in the growth rate of improvement of airfoil performance.
the disturbances. During the last stages of transition, the dis- Stability of boundary layer disturbances was investigated
turbance growth is no longer exponential 共Fig. 5兲, which is in the present study following the classical linear stability
attributed to nonlinear interactions.6 It is reasonable to as- theory.22 The disturbances are considered to be two-
sume that the initial spatial growth of the disturbances in the dimensional spatially growing waves, with a real frequency
共␻兲 and a complex wave number 共␣*兲. The mean flow is
assumed to be locally parallel, which is reasonable for the
laminar part of the separation region. In addition, based on
the similarity of the roll-up vortices detected in the separated
shear layer via flow visualization and the vortices that form
in the free shear layer due to the inviscid Kelvin-Helmholtz
instability, viscous effects are assumed to be negligible. In
this formulation, the development of the disturbances is de-
scribed by the Rayleigh equation:22

v̂⬙ − 冉 ␣*Ū⬙
␣ Ū − ␻

+ ␣*2 v̂ = 0, 共1兲

where v̂共y兲 is the amplitude of the vertical component 共v*兲 of

the disturbance, v*共x , y , t兲 = v̂共y兲exp关i共␣*x − ␻t兲兴, Ū共y兲 is the
local mean velocity, and the prime denotes differentiation
with respect to y. Since disturbances must vanish at the wall
and in the free stream, the following boundary conditions
must be satisfied:

v̂共0兲 = v̂共⬁兲 = 0. 共2兲

The stability analysis is reduced to an eigenvalue problem of

FIG. 5. Streamwise growth of the most amplified disturbances in the sepa- Eq. 共1兲 with the appropriate boundary conditions 关Eq. 共2兲兴.
rated shear layer, ␣ = 0°. This can be solved to obtain the dispersion relation

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044101-6 Yarusevych, Sullivan, and Kawall Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 6. Disturbance growth rate from linear stability calculations at ␣ = 5°. 共a兲 Rec = 100⫻ 103, x / c = 0.37; 共b兲 Rec = 150⫻ 103, x / c = 0.44. Dashed lines mark
the experimental frequency of the most amplified disturbance. The maximum growth rate corresponds to 共a兲 ␣r = 0.4 共1 / mm兲, and 共b兲 ␣r = 0.79 共1 / mm兲.

␣* = ␣*共␻兲, 共3兲 well with that obtained from the stability analysis. Also, for
Rec = 55⫻ 103, values of ␭ ⬇ 37 mm and f 0 = 55 Hz obtained
where ␣* = ␣r + i␣i, i = 冑−1, ␣r is the real part of the wave from experimental data provide cr = 0.53U0, with both ex-
number, and −␣i is the growth rate. perimental estimates close to the expected value of approxi-
The part of the dispersion relation 关Eq. 共3兲兴 that pertains mately 0.5U0.6 On the basis of these results, it can be con-
to growing disturbances, i.e., ␣i ⬍ 0, is of particular interest. cluded that the roll-up vortices are linked to the spatially
It was obtained by solving numerically Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲, growing inviscid disturbances in the shear layer, supporting
using experimental mean velocity profiles that are discussed the observed similarity of the vortex pattern to that produced
in detail in Ref. 23. Mean velocities within the separated due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. This agrees with the
region were estimated from the hot-wire measurements, fol- results of Watmuff8 for a flat plate in an adverse pressure
lowing the results of Watmuff8 and Nishioka et al.24 The gradient that also link roll-up vortices to the Kelvin-
numerical algorithm was verified using data in Ref. 24.
Helmholtz instability.
The results for Rec = 100⫻ 103 and Rec = 150⫻ 103 at ␣
The good agreement between the numerical stability cal-
= 5° obtained for x / c = 0.37 and x / c = 044, respectively, are
culations and the experimental data suggests that the initial
presented in Fig. 6. Note that both streamwise locations
stage of the transition process in the separated boundary
共x / c兲 are within the laminar part of the separated region,
layer of an airfoil can be adequately modeled with inviscid
where the onset of disturbances was detected experimentally
linear stability theory. Moreover, this approach can be ap-
共Fig. 4兲. Figure 6 shows the growth rate of disturbances
plied to model the characteristic of the roll-up vortices in the
共−␣i兲 as a function of their frequency 共f = ␻ / 2␲兲. The values
separated shear layer. It is interesting to note that inviscid
of the fundamental frequency 共f 0兲 obtained from the experi-
stability calculations by Nishioka et al.24 also produced ad-
mental data are marked with dashed lines in Fig. 6. For
equate results in the separated shear layer on a flat plate at an
Rec = 100⫻ 103, the highest growth rate of approximately
incident angle, despite significant differences in the geometry
0.2 mm−1 occurs at f = 180 Hz, which is about 9% higher
and experimental settings.
than the experimental value of f 0 = 165 Hz 关Fig. 6共a兲兴. As the
Reynolds number increases to Rec = 150⫻ 103 关Fig. 6共b兲兴, the C. Coherent structures
maximum growth rate increases to approximately 0.3 mm−1
and is located at f = 467 Hz, about 2.6% higher than f 0 Watmuff8 found that for a separation bubble forming on
= 455 Hz obtained experimentally. Note that an increase of a flat plate in the presence of an adverse pressure gradient,
the growth rate with an increase of the Reynolds number is vortices are generated in the separation bubble and propagate
in agreement with the experimental trend observed in Fig. 5. downstream past the reattachment point. Numerical results
The real part of the wave number 共␣r兲 can be used to by Lin and Pauley7 show that similar vortex shedding may
calculate the propagation speed of the disturbances 共cr occur in the case of the separation bubble forming on the
= 2␲ f / ␣r兲. The most amplified disturbance located at f airfoil surface and suggest that it is caused by an instability
= 180 Hz 关Fig. 6共a兲兴 corresponds to a wave number of wave associated with the fundamental frequency. Clearly,
0.4 mm−1, which yields a propagation speed of approxi- this phenomenon may have an effect on the formation of the
mately 0.52U0. On the other hand, the propagation speed of coherent structures in the wake of an airfoil, similar to the
the roll-up vortices detected in the separated shear layer can case of the circular cylinder.15
be estimated as cr = ␭f 0, with the streamwise distance be- In the current study, no evidence of vortex shedding was
tween the shed vortices 共␭兲 obtained from the flow visualiza- obtained past the transition for both Reynolds numbers ex-
tion results 共Fig. 2兲 and the frequency 共f 0兲 from spectral amined, as no distinct peaks appear in the corresponding Euu
analysis of the hot-wire data 共e.g., Fig. 4兲. For Rec = 100 spectra in Fig. 4. Similar experimental results were obtained
⫻ 103, this approach gives ␭ ⬇ 18 mm and f 0 = 165 Hz, pro- by Brendel and Mueller4 for a Wortmann FX63-137 airfoil.
viding a propagation speed of about 0.55U0, which compares This, however, does not rule out the existence of coherent

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044101-7 Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 7. Spectra of the lateral fluctuating velocity component at ␣ = 5°. 共a兲 Rec = 100⫻ 103, 共b兲 Rec = 150⫻ 103. Measurements were conducted at y / c positions
corresponding to 0.5U0 for x / c 艋 1 and to half of the maximum velocity deficit for x / c ⬎ 1. The amplitude of each successive spectrum is stepped by one order
of magnitude.

structures. Spectra of the vertical fluctuating velocity compo- frequency detectable at and beyond x / c = 0.72. As the turbu-
nent 共Evv兲 are more sensitive to frequency-centered activity lent separated shear layer evolves downstream, a hump ap-
in a two-dimensional 共2D兲 flow than are spectra of the pears in the spectrum centered at a much lower frequency at
streamwise velocity component 共Euu兲, as can be seen from x / c = 1. It grows into an unambiguous peak centered at ap-
comparison of the corresponding Euu and Evv spectra at proximately 20 Hz at x / c = 1.2. The energy content of this
x / c = 0.53 in Figs. 4共a兲 and 7共a兲, respectively. Therefore, a frequency centered activity increases as the wake evolves
cross-wire probe was employed for a detailed investigation
downstream, “saturating” at approximately x / c = 1.8. The
of the boundary layer evolution and wake formation. Mea-
peaks in the spectra are attributable to wake vortex shedding,
surements in the airfoil wake were conducted at y / c posi-
with the region from x / c = 1 to x / c = 1.8 representing a vortex
tions corresponding to the half maximum velocity deficit. It
should be noted that cross-wire measurements may be lim- formation region, similar to that observed in the wake of a
ited in the vicinity of the separation point due to the size of circular cylinder.13,14
the probe. However, this was not the case in the present For the case of Rec = 150⫻ 103, transition in the sepa-
investigation for the measurements within the transition re- rated shear layer results in boundary layer reattachment and
gion, because the thickness of this region was much larger the formation of a separation bubble. Nevertheless, similar
than the size of the probe. trends are observed for this Reynolds number 关Fig. 7共b兲兴. In
Figure 7 depicts the formation of coherent structures and the separation bubble, vortices shed at the fundamental fre-
their evolution in the airfoil boundary layer and wake. Here, quency of 455 Hz break down during the transition process,
again, the amplitude of each spectrum is stepped by an order and no distinct peaks are observed at the fundamental fre-
of magnitude with respect to the spectrum at the previous quency or its harmonics in the spectrum at x / c = 0.76, which
upstream location. Two distinct cases are considered for ␣ is within the attached turbulent boundary layer. Wake forma-
= 5°. These cases correspond to boundary layer separation
tion is associated with the growth of a broad peak centered at
without reattachment, Rec = 100⫻ 103, and formation of the
approximately 68 Hz. Coherent structures associated with
separation bubble, Rec = 150⫻ 103. Figure 7共a兲 shows Evv
spectra at several downstream locations for the case of Rec this peak appear to have fully formed by x / c = 2, which
= 100⫻ 103. At x / c = 0.53, a peak in the spectrum centered at yields a slightly longer formation region than that observed
f 0 = 165 Hz is attributed to the vortex shedding due to shear for Rec = 100⫻ 103. The peaks in the spectra for Rec = 150
layer roll-up. These vortices quickly break down during the ⫻ 103, however, are broader and less defined that those for
transition process, similar to the flat-plate results reported by Rec = 100⫻ 103, implying that the wake vortices for the
Lang et al.,10 with no peak associated with the fundamental former Reynolds number are not as coherent as those for the

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044101-8 Yarusevych, Sullivan, and Kawall Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 8. Cross correlation coefficient function of the streamwise fluctuating velocity components, ␣ = 5°, x / c = 1.3. 共a兲 Rec = 100⫻ 103, 共b兲 Rec = 150⫻ 103.
Probes #1 and #3 were located on the opposite sides of the wake, at the y / c positions corresponding to the half maximum velocity deficit.

latter Reynolds number. It should be noted that the spectral to develop in the upper-side separated boundary layer and at
results are in good agreement with flow visualization results the trailing edge. These vortices continue to grow until they
for both Reynolds numbers. shed alternatively into the wake. However, the results sug-
To further investigate airfoil wake vortex shedding, a gest that bluff-body vortex shedding becomes more domi-
rake of three equally spaced normal hot wires 共#1, #2, and nant with an increase of Reynolds number. Indeed, for the
#3兲 was used. The central probe 共#2兲 was placed at the po- Reynolds number range investigated in the present study,
sition corresponding to the maximum velocity deficit, and transition to turbulence that occurs in the separated shear
the outer probes 共#1 and #3兲 were positioned in the upper layer results in a different wake vortex shedding mechanism.
and lower parts of the wake at the locations corresponding to Vortices develop in the near-wake vortex formation region
the half maximum velocity deficit. Cross-correlation coeffi- and are shed alternatively on the upper and lower sides of the
cient functions of the velocity signals 共U1 and U3兲 from the turbulent wake. The similarity of the presented results to
two outer probes are presented for both Reynolds numbers in bluff body wakes suggest that vortex formation is caused by
Fig. 8 at ␣ = 5° and x / c = 1.3 关␳13共␶兲 = R13共␶兲 / 共␴1␴3兲, where ␶ a global instability in the near wake.26 The shear layer roll-up
is the time lag, vortices do not propagate in the near wake, as they break

R13共␶兲 = limT→⬁ 冉冕1

T 0
关U1共t兲 − Ū1兴关U3共t + ␶兲 − Ū3兴dt , 冊 down during the transition process. However, this does not
rule out the existence of other weaker coherent structures
that may affect wake vortex shedding characteristics. As evi-
with T being the averaging time, ␴ is the standard deviation dent from the flow visualization results 共Figs. 1 and 2兲, the
of the corresponding velocity signal兴. It is clear from the vortices in the separated shear layer become more pro-
oscillatory nature of ␳13共␶兲 that frequency-centered activity nounced and propagate further downstream as Reynolds
occurs in the airfoil wake. The frequency of the ␳13共␶兲 oscil- number decreases from Rec = 100⫻ 103 to Rec = 55⫻ 103.
lations increases and their regularity and amplitude decrease Thus, at lower Reynolds numbers, the roll-up vortices may
with increasing Reynolds number, consistent with the spec- extend to the near wake region and interact with wake vortex
tral results and flow visualization. The significant negative shedding, similar to a flow regime that occurs in a circular
correlation coefficient at zero time lag 共␶兲 for both Reynolds cylinder wake.15 Such a flow regime in an airfoil wake is
numbers signifies that there is a mean phase difference of certainly of interest for future investigations.
180° between velocity signals obtained from probes #1 and It is evident that vortex shedding characteristic can vary
#3. The implication here is that vortices are shed alternately substantially as a result of a change in boundary layer behav-
on opposite sides of the wake, as in the case of the Karman ior. Surface pressure measurements, not presented here, con-
vortex street behind a circular cylinder. However, the vortex ducted for a range of Reynolds numbers at ␣ = 5° suggest
shedding characteristics are different when a separation that a bubble forms on the airfoil surface at approximately
bubble is formed on an airfoil, i.e., for Rec = 150⫻ 103 at ␣ Rec = 135⫻ 103 at this angle of attack. To further investigate
= 5°, compared to the case when the separated shear layer the effect of Reynolds number and on the formation and
does not reattach to the airfoil surface for Rec = 150⫻ 103 at characteristics of the coherent structures in the separated
␣ = 5°. shear layer and turbulent airfoil wake, spectral analysis of the
For a laminar vortex shedding from a NACA 0012 air- boundary layer and wake velocity measurements was per-
foil at Rec ⬍ 3000, Huang et al.25 showed that vortices start formed for a range of Reynolds numbers at ␣ = 5°.

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044101-9 Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 9. Variation of 共a兲 Strouhal number 共St0兲 based on the fundamental frequency of disturbances in the separated shear layer and 共b兲 the fundamental
frequency 共f 0兲 with Reynolds number at ␣ = 5°. Plots based on Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲 are shown by dashed lines for the corresponding Rec ranges.

Variation of the Strouhal number 共St0 = f 0d / U0兲, based Reynolds number is depicted in Fig. 10共a兲. Clearly, boundary
on the fundamental frequency of the separated shear layer layer behavior has a profound effect on vortex shedding. As
disturbances 共f 0兲 and the length of the airfoil projection on a in the case of the separated shear layer, two distinctly differ-
cross-stream plane 关d = 0.25c共cos ␣兲 for NACA 0025 at ␣ ent trends can be identified in Fig. 10共a兲. In the absence of
⬍ 14°兴, with Reynolds number is presented in Fig. 9共a兲. The boundary layer reattachment, Sts increases from about 0.2 to
Strouhal number appears to have an almost linear depen- 0.28 with an increase of the Reynolds number from 55
dency on the Reynolds number from Rec = 55⫻ 103 to ap- ⫻ 103 to 80⫻ 103. Note that the lower value compares well
proximately Rec = 125⫻ 103, corresponding to the case of with that for the shedding from a circular cylinder 共0.21兲.
boundary layer separation without reattachment. Formation Further increase of the Reynolds number does not seem to
of the separation bubble drastically changes this trend as the produce any significant change of Sts, as it remains approxi-
Strouhal number remains almost constant at 4.4 with an in- mately constant until the separation bubble is formed on the
crease of Reynolds number from 150⫻ 103. Figure 9共b兲 de- airfoil surface. Huang and Lin17 reported a similar trend for a
picts the variation of f 0 with Reynolds number. Two distinct NACA 0012 airfoil. Their “scaled” results for ␣ = 5° are pre-
sets of data can be identified, which correspond to the two sented in Fig. 10共a兲 for comparison. Because the separation
boundary layer flow regimes. A linear fit, shown by dashed bubble formed at approximately Rec = 30⫻ 103 in their study
lines, can be made to each set of data plotted on a logarith- compared to the value of 135⫻ 103 in the current investiga-
mic scale. This signifies that the fundamental frequency ex- tion, the Reynolds numbers in their dataset were scaled with
hibits a power-law dependency on the Reynolds number of the ratio of these two critical Reynolds numbers, i.e., 1:4.5,
the form f 0 ⬃ 共Rec兲n. For the lower Reynolds number range, with the Strouhal numbers left unchanged. The two sets of
the relationship is results show the same trend. The higher values of Sts ob-
tained by Huang and Lin17 compared to the corresponding
f 0 = 10−7.130共Rec兲1.870 , 共4兲
values obtained herein are to be expected since they tested a
whereas for the higher Reynolds number range the relation- more streamlined body.11 It is interesting to note that Huang
ship is and Lin17 obtained no evidence of vortex shedding at higher
Reynolds numbers, which corresponded to flow with a sepa-
f 0 = 10−2.920共Rec兲1.078 . 共5兲
ration bubble. It was suggested that this flow regime is a
It is interesting to note that a similar relation between f 0 and transitional one that is not accompanied by vortex shedding.
Rec has been reported for a circular cylinder,13 with n = 1.5. However, since only a normal hot-wire probe was used in
In Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, the fundamental frequency can be ex- their experiments, it is likely that they failed to detect the
pressed in terms of St0, and a relationship of the following less coherent vortical structures identified in the present in-
form results St0 ⬃ 共Rec兲n−1. The corresponding plots are vestigation via spectral analysis of cross-wire data. As shown
shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 9共a兲 and show good agree- in Fig. 10共a兲, formation of the separation bubble is associated
ment with the data, supporting the power-law relation be- with much larger wake Strouhal numbers, which increases
tween the fundamental frequency and the Reynolds number. monotonically from Sts = 0.63 with an increase of Reynolds
The dependency of the Strouhal number 共Sts = f sd / U0兲, number starting from 150⫻ 103. The sudden change in the
based on the wake vortex shedding frequency 共f s兲, on the boundary layer behavior, resulting in the formation of the

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044101-10 Yarusevych, Sullivan, and Kawall Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

FIG. 10. Variation of 共a兲 Strouhal number 共Sts兲 based on the wake vortex shedding frequency 共f s兲 and 共b兲 dimensionless vortex shedding frequency 共Fs兲 with
Reynolds number at ␣ = 5°. Scaled data from Huang and Lin 共Ref. 17兲 are shown in 共a兲. Plots based on Eqs. 共6兲 and 共7兲 are shown by dashed lines for the
corresponding Rec ranges.

separation bubble, appears to have an effect similar to that of tally via surface pressure measurements, hot-wire velocity
geometry modification to a more streamlined body, which is measurements, and complementary surface flow visualiza-
associated with an increase of Sts.11 tion.
Another parameter of interest is the dimensionless shed- Laminar boundary layer separation occurs on the upper
ding frequency Fs = f sd2 / ␯, sometimes referred to as the surface of the NACA 0025 airfoil for Rec = 150⫻ 103 and
Roshko number.18 Fs has been shown by Roshko12 to vary Rec = 100⫻ 103 at all angles of attack examined. The sepa-
linearly with Reynolds number in the wake of a circular cyl- rated boundary layer undergoes transition and reattaches to
inder. Figure 10共b兲 shows the variation of Fs with Reynolds the airfoil surface at Rec = 150⫻ 103. However, for Rec
number obtained in the present investigation. A linear fit, = 100⫻ 103, the separated shear layer fails to reattach to the
shown in dashed lines, has been made to the data for each of airfoil surface, leading to significant degradation of airfoil
the two flow regimes considered. For the lower Reynolds performance.
number range associated with boundary layer separation Spectral analysis of the velocity measurements con-
without reattachment, the following correlation is obtained: ducted in the separated shear layer suggests that a band of
Fs = 0.0896 Rec − 2055.9. 共6兲 unstable Fourier components is amplified in the separated
shear layer, in accordance with linear stability theory. The
And for the higher Reynolds number range, when a separa-
comparison of numerical and experimental results suggest
tion bubble forms on the airfoil surface, the following corre-
that inviscid linear stability theory can be employed to de-
lation is obtained:
scribe the initial stage of the separated shear layer transition
Fs = 0.4559 Rec − 43412.1. 共7兲 on an airfoil at low Reynolds numbers.
Flow visualization and the analysis of coherent struc-
Equations 共6兲 and 共7兲 can be modified to get a functional
dependency of Sts on Rec, and the corresponding plots are tures provide added insight into the separated shear layer and
shown by dashed lines in Fig. 10共a兲. The results show good airfoil wake development. Vortices that form due to the
agreement with the data for each of the two Reynolds num- roll-up of the separated shear layer are linked to the spatial
ber ranges considered. On the basis of results shown in Fig. inviscid growth of flow disturbances attributed to the Kelvin-
10, it can be concluded that formation of the separation Helmholtz instability; consequently, the salient characteris-
bubble on the airfoil surface has a profound effect on airfoil tics of the roll-up vortices can be adequately predicted from
vortex shedding, as Sts and Fs each exhibit a distinctly dif- inviscid linear stability analysis. The roll-up vortices lead to
ferent physical dependency on Reynolds number for this boundary layer transition, and they break down during the
flow regime than that for the case of boundary layer separa- transition process, with no evidence of frequency-centered
tion without reattachment. activity found in close proximity downstream of the transi-
tion “point.” Evidence of vortex shedding in the airfoil wake
has been obtained for all cases examined. Wake vortices
form in the near-wake region located between x / c = 1 and
Boundary layer and wake development on a NACA 0025 x / c = 2. Vortex formation is similar to that for the vortex
airfoil at low Reynolds numbers has been studied experimen- shedding from a circular cylinder, and the size of the forma-

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044101-11 Coherent structures in an airfoil boundary layer Phys. Fluids 18, 044101 共2006兲

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