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Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct . If you change your mind
about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .

Substances move into cells by several processes.

(i) Which of these processes requires energy from respiration?

A diffusion
B endocytosis
C facilitated diffusion
D osmosis

(ii) Which of these processes can occur against a concentration gradient?

A active transport
B diffusion
C facilitated diffusion
D osmosis

(iii) The graph shows the effect of increasing oxygen concentration on the rate of uptake of a substance
other than oxygen.

Which of these processes is shown by the graph?

A active transport
B diffusion
C facilitated diffusion
D osmosis

(iv) Which substance can enter a cell by diffusion?

A amino acid
B carbon dioxide
C glucose
D protein

(Total for question = 4 marks)


Substances can move into or out of cells by a variety of methods.

(i) A small ion is in high concentration outside a cell.

By which method is the ion most likely to enter the cell?

A active transport
B diffusion
C facilitated diffusion
D osmosis

(ii) Which of the following are required for active transport?


2 carrier proteins

3 cell membrane
A 1 only
B 1 and 2 only
C 1 and 3 only
D 1, 2 and 3

(iii) Which is a description of exocytosis?

A a form of active transport in which large particles move into cells
B a form of active transport in which large particles move out of cells
C a form of passive transport in which large particles move into cells
D a form of passive transport in which large particles move out of cells

(Total for question = 3 marks)


A model can be used to show the effect of surface area on the efficiency of diffusion in the lungs.

The lungs are modelled as two spheres, each with a diameter of 180 mm.
(i) Calculate the surface area in m2 of a sphere with a diameter of 180 mm, using the formula

Surface area = 4πr2


Answer ...........................................................m 2

(ii) The volume of this sphere is 3.054 dm3.

Calculate the surface area to volume ratio for this sphere.

Answer ...........................................................

(Total for question = 3 marks)


Molecules are transported across the cell membrane in a number of different ways.
(a) Describe the structure of a cell membrane.







(b) Cells were placed in a solution containing two different solutes, solute P and solute R.
The diagram below represents the concentration of the two solutes outside one of the cells, when this
cell was placed in the solution.
The cells were left in the solution for 50 minutes.

The diagrams below represent the concentrations of the two solutes, inside and outside the cell after 10,
20, 30 and 40 minutes in the solution.

(i) Using the information in the diagrams, describe the changes that have taken place in the
concentrations of solute P and solute R, in the 40 minute period.

Suggest an explanation for these changes.











(ii) Complete the diagram below, to show the concentration of solute P and solute R inside and outside
the cell, after 50 minutes.
(Total for question = 9 marks)

The fluid mosaic model has been developed from the knowledge of the structure and properties of cell
membranes. It can explain how molecules can enter and leave a cell.

(a) Describe the structure of a cell membrane. (You may use a labelled diagram to support your










(b) Suggest two properties of molecules that enable them to enter a cell by diffusion.
1 ....................................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................................

(c) Facilitated diffusion and active transport are two ways in which molecules are transported across
cell membranes.

Describe one similarity and one difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport.

(i) Similarity




(ii) Difference




(Total for Question = 9 marks)


The photograph shows part of one epithelial cell from the wall of the small intestine.
This cell is adapted to absorb substances by active transport.

State what is meant by the term active transport.






(Total for question = 2 marks)


Blood plays a role in the mass transport of substances around the body.

Explain why organisms need a mass transport system.




(Total for question = 2 marks)


Mineral ions are transported from the soil into the cytoplasm of plant root cells.

The table shows the concentration of sodium ions and chloride ions in soil and in the cytoplasm of plant
root cells.

(i) Give the ratio of sodium ions in the soil to those in the cytoplasm.

(ii) Which of the following describes how these mineral ions are transported into the cytoplasm of plant
root cells?
A active transport through carrier proteins

B diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer

C facilitated diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer

D mass transport through carrier proteins

(Total for question = 2 marks)


Answer the questions with a cross in the boxes you think are correct . If you change your mind
about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross .

Substances move into and out of cells by different mechanisms.

(i) Which of these mechanisms moves substances against a concentration gradient?

A active transport
B diffusion
C facilitated diffusion
D osmosis

(ii) Which of these mechanisms enables non-polar molecules to pass through cell membranes?
A diffusion
B facilitated diffusion
C osmosis
D transpiration

(Total for question = 2 marks)

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