Vote of Thanks Speech

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Vote of Thanks Speech

Chairman, distinguished visitors, ladies and gentlemen, and fellow graduates, it is a wonderful
and uncommon honor to be granted the chance to address you all here today. For all of my
fellow grads, there have undoubtedly been stressful periods, situations that forced us to step
outside of our comfort zones, possibly sporadic panic attacks, and really difficult experiences
throughout our academic careers. We have made it through each of these challenges, and now
we are being rewarded with opportunities that are truly fantastic and with recognition for our

Each of us will always cherish the time we spent within the UCC buildings. Because of this, we
are quite grateful, and I'm confident that all of the graduates present today can say that
choosing this university was the perfect decision for us by this point. It is a university that
unquestionably innovates and leads, and it has played a crucial part in preparing us for the
journey ahead. We have all made friends for life, dozed off in lectures, and perhaps believed we
knew more than our professors, but most importantly, we have learned how to excel as

Thank you to all of our professors and academic staff for making it possible for us to learn and
develop while also providing us with the skills we need to excel in our chosen fields of study and
employment. The men and women who have mentored us have taught us to put our beliefs into
practice each and every day. We shall always be appreciative of your generosity in sharing your
knowledge and your unwavering support.

I must also express my gratitude to our family members and friends. You are the ones who have
supported us during this emotional roller coaster that is college life. We appreciate your
tolerance and compassion in dealing with our erratic emotions during tests, presentations, and,
God forbid, creating those terrible dioramas throughout this trying journey.1

Anishka Brown

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