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hi everyone my name is veronica victoria

and i work with lead scholar as a master

trainer we are back with another ielts

speaking test video i hope you like it

we have conducted this as an actual test

environment and i have also done a

detailed analysis of the test towards

the end so please watch the entire video

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good morning my name is veronica

victoria what is your

good morning my name is tanya ray and

how can i call you you may refer to me

as tanya hi tanya

we're going to start this with

an introduction about yourself

where are you from

i come from a very small and quaint town

called bilay in the state of chatwiskard

and do you work or

study i am currently working and i have

been working for the last three years

where do you work

i work in a fintech based out of

bangalore do you like your job

i love my job it provides me a lot of

challenges and i'm also surrounded by

colleagues who make me

want to excel

let's talk about your home term now can

you please describe your hometown it is

a small and quaint town based in

chhattisgarh my grandparents stay there

and it's still a little bit older in

compared to the tier one cities in india

how long have you been living

i haven't lived there for the last 11


primarily my grandparents stay there at

the moment

have you observed any changes in your

hometown in the past few years yes i

have observed some drastic changes it

has modernized compared to a couple of

decades ago and i think that's a good


let's talk about houses what kind of

housing or an accommodation are you

living in right now i currently live in

a rented one bhk apartment

i live alone without a flatmate and

without my parents okay how long have

you been living there it's only been

about five months but i'm hoping i can

finish a year in the current department

okay let's talk a little bit about

teachers do you still keep in touch with

your teachers

i am in touch with a couple of my

college professors sadly i have not been

able to keep in touch with teachers from

my uh school okay

do you remember your favorite teacher

from primary school

i do not remember her name but i know

she was extremely kind and patient and

she made me feel comfortable being

myself which subject did she teach she

taught maths and i think that because of

her teaching style i also felt a lot


in the consecutive years doing maths all

right what qualities should a good

teacher have

that's a great question

i think a good teacher is definitely

patient and knows how to adapt her

teaching style based on her students


now we move on to part two

i will give you your question i'll give

you a notepad and your stationery you

will have to go through


all right you'll have one minute to

prepare in this round and two minutes to

your question for part two would be

describe a positive change in your life


uh this is a great topic for me to speak

in about a positive change in my life i

strongly believe that it is extremely

important for an individual

to grow professionally and personally by

making positive changes

over the last few years

i've taken on multiple positive changes

and i've also developed a lot of good


but by far the most impactful one

has been waking up early in the morning

and specifically for me 6 am

i've not always been

an organized person or a consistent

person and i've never really had a

morning routine

but the turning point came in my life

when i missed a morning flight simply

because i was not able to wake up on


that's when i knew i had to make a

change but not a drastic one

i made the decision to make smaller

incremental changes
and then started reducing my sleeping uh

started waking up early by 15 minutes


because sleeping early

is a two-fold process i was also

sleeping 15 minutes earlier at night

this allowed me over the course of two

months to wake up on time and also sleep

on time

when i started i never thought i would

be a morning person

but in doing so

i've been able to adopt a lot more

positive habits in my routine

like morning yoga journaling meditation

and i feel all of these have contributed

towards making a more impactful and

positive change in my life


it's not for everyone but i feel for me

it's definitely had a good impact

so tanya is your country changing


i stay in india which is a developing


naturally over the last two decades

there have been a lot of changes uh in

the country

how's your country changing

i feel there are different avenues in

which the country is changing

industrialization infrastructure

but one of the most significant changes

i feel has been how

internet has become accessible to a

larger population and this has opened up

a lot more opportunities for uh

individuals and businesses

do you think change is good if so

i think change is very necessary uh in

order to progress in order to move

forward it's extremely

important to have positive changes not

negative changes it is also a sign of

self-awareness which is critical in


is it important for people to make

changes according to their surroundings

absolutely and i don't think this is

just prevalent day but even in the early

days uh humans animals plants all


based on the surroundings to survive i

feel similarly today we need to change

our mindset we need to constantly grow

depending on how the situation is in

order to survive and better ourselves

do you think it is easy to accept change

i don't think it is easy to accept

change it's extremely difficult uh you

need to make you need to of course one

be self aware and you also need to


that in order to move forward it's diff

it's important for you to

accept surroundings and accept

that was the end of change speaking visa

thank you

now we will do an analysis uh based on

this candidate's interview on four

parameters that is fluency and coherence

lexical resource grammatical range and

accuracy and pronunciation

let us look at how she spoke throughout

the session she spoke really well she

spoke fluently she developed developed

her content quite coherently

and appropriately some at some places

however i felt that she could have

expanded her answers especially towards

the part three of the test her answers

could have been a little bit more longer

than what it was

during the test let us talk about her

lexical resource when it came to lexical

resource i think the candidate was using

very good vocabulary it conveyed a

precise meaning to her answers words

like incremental changes confident

consecutive quaint excel and there were

many other words and vocab even some of

some idiomatic phrases that really

helped her to develop her answers

beautifully especially in part two

now let us move on to grammatical range

and accuracy

she did produce a lot of majority of

error-free sentences but there were

certain occasional errors very few slips

not many at all i think this was

generally because she was a little

nervous at some point in time during the

interview but that is quite natural

but try to be a little bit more calmer

during your interview this will help you

to speak more

effortlessly with regard to her

pronunciation i was able to understand

everything that she spoke her words came

out of her mouth quite

fluently correctly every word every tune

you know her intonation the stress on

the words was really good so for this

candidate i would give her an 8.5

okay so now y'all must have you know you

must have analyzed yourself right now

you know what band you are at we have a

huge number of videos on speaking tips

you have practices different types of

words vocabulary idioms many many ways

we have in order for you to learn and

improve your english and your vocabulary

specific topics related to the ielts do

go and watch these videos and tell us

how you feel about it thank you

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