One Last Time

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One Last Time

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi |
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin
(BTS), Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Cheating, Smut, Established Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga,
Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Kinda, Depends which couple you
ship, They will not end poly, Kim Taehyung | V & Min Yoongi | Suga are
Best Friends, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope & Park Jimin are Best Friends,
Jeon Jungkook & Kim Seokjin | Jin are Best Friends, Min Yoongi | Suga
& Kim Namjoon | RM are Coworkers, Content warnings on relevant
Series: Part 1 of One Last Series
Stats: Published: 2021-01-18 Completed: 2021-05-11 Chapters: 20/20 Words:

One Last Time

by 2019_0201


Yoongi felt his back hit the wall before he even realized Jungkook had been moving, before
he even realized he had been moving.

"T-this is the last time," Yoongi whispered, his lips already ghosting over Jungkook's neck,
revelling in the thrumming pulse he found there, "we can't—"

"Yea, yea, last time," Jungkook quickly agreed as he slotted their lips together, pulling an
eager groan from Yoongi. He knew he should stop. They both did. But as Jungkook lifted
him up and pinned him against the wall, Yoongi knew he wouldn't. They wouldn't. They
were going to hell, but when Jungkook held him like this he didn't care.


I've decided to continue this, so this chapter has been altered a bit and now there's more!
Enjoy and please let me know what you think!

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

[ moodboard by ponyo ]

If someone was to ask Yoongi how he got here, bent over a toilet in a less than nice club with a
man who was not his boyfriend fucking him, he wouldn’t know what to say. Or how to explain. It
started as all great love stories do: a few stolen glances, an accidental brush of hands or thighs
when seated too close, the build-up of tension that eventually resulted in clothes flying and
screamed out versions of one another’s names. Yes, it started as all great love stories do. Except, of
course, that Yoongi had a boyfriend.

He wanted to say it was an accident. That he didn’t mean to. But he wasn’t cruel enough to do so.
You couldn’t just accidentally have sex with someone and you certainly couldn’t sneak around for
months doing it over and over and over. So, no, it wasn’t an accident. It was a mistake though.
Yoongi knew that. And yet, he kept coming back. Kept throwing himself into someone else’s arms
while his boyfriend trusted him and loved him and did absolutely nothing wrong. Because he never
could. Hoseok was good and lovely and perfect. There was nothing about him that Yoongi didn’t
love. He was everything he’d ever wanted: a best friend and soulmate and lover all wrapped into

And yet.

And yet, Yoongi was currently crying around the shirt that had been shoved into his mouth in order
to keep him quiet as he was relentlessly fucked. It was dirty and terrible and they were in public but
Yoongi loved it. Thrived on it. As much as he hated himself, he couldn’t stop. Not when he heard
the door open and people come in. Not when he heard Hoseok’s voice over the din. Not even when
he heard his own name:
“Jungkook, have you seen Yoongi-hyung?”

Thirty Minutes Prior:

“Awe, hyung! Come on, dance with me!” Jungkook whined, throwing himself on the table with a
large pout.

Hoseok laughed, rubbing his hair vigorously, “I will later. Right now I just want to relax.”

“Who are you, Yoongi-hyung!? Since when are you in a club and not dancing?”

“Since I’m acting as Jimin’s very gracious wingman,” Hoseok explained, winking at Jungkook as
he titled his head towards Jimin, who was watching someone with an almost predatory gaze.

“I’m trying not to be offended here,” Yoongi commented, swirling his drink, “absolutely no
defence from my supposed boyfriend.”

Snorting, Hoseok turned towards Yoongi and rested his head on Yoongi’s shoulder, “defence for
what? You don’t dance and you do want to relax.”

Yoongi frowned, ignoring the way Jungkook’s eyes sharpened the second Hoseok leaned into him,
and muttered, “not like anyone asked.”

“Oh?” Jungkook asked, smiling like a Cheshire cast, “can you dance with me Yoongi?”

“Oooooh,” Hoseok snickered, “he went and dropped the honourifics, it’s on now.”

Narrowing his eyes Yoongi leaned forward, forcing Hoseok to move, “is that a challenge?”

“Only if you’re up to it, old man,” Jungkook returned still smiling.

“Oh my god, just go. I can feel the tension from here,” Hoseok insisted, waving his hands, “go
show him you actually have rhythm, hyung. Make me proud.”

Clearly victorious, Jungkook jumped up and held out his hand to Yoongi, who looked at it before
flicking his eyes up towards Jungkook, the warning clear, “come on, you got permission and

“Only because you’re a brat,” Yoongi said with a sigh before he grabbed Jungkook’s hand and let
the younger man pull him deep into the dance floor. He glanced back once, only to see Hoseok
wink at him before returning his attention to Jimin. A few seconds later their table disappeared
from view and Yoongi was pulled into Jungkook’s arms. He stiffened and turned so he could see
over his shoulder, “Kook, be careful. What if he sees?”

“He can’t,” Jungkook promised, his hands sliding down Yoongi’s waist and settling on his hips, “I
made sure before I touched you.”

Yoongi sighed, closing his eyes as a million emotions battered him. Guilt. Shame. Disgust. Desire.
Thrill. Hunger. He hated how quickly he shifted to those emotions but he could never stop himself.
Sometimes, just to make himself feel better, he told himself it was Jungkook’s fault. But it wasn’t.
He was just as bad. Just as eager. And he showed that in the way he pushed his ass back, grinding
against Jungkook in a less than platonic way. Jungkook hissed, his fingers tightening as he buried
his face in Yoongi’s neck, his nose and lips trailing up towards Yoongi’s ear before he bit down
gently, “that was a nasty trick.”

“Hmm? Trick? What trick? I was just showing you I have rhythm, right?” Yoongi said, beginning
to move his hips and body to the beat of the song. He wasn’t stupid. He knew this was a dangerous
game. Hoseok was within distance. He could see. But Yoongi couldn’t stop himself from pressing
harder, from moving in a way he knew would make Jungkook hard. It was a mistake. A mistake, a
mistake, a mistake. But Yoongi revelled in it. The way Jungkook’s breath would hitch. The way
his arms would tighten around Yoongi's middle. The way he’d whisper dirty things into his ear as
he pressed his hard dick against Yoongi’s ass, ever eager.

And, most importantly, the way Jungkook would inevitably whisper into Yoongi’s ear asking him
to hide away with him in a dark corner. That excited him the most. Even when he knew he should
say no but said yes anyway.

Present :
Right. That’s how this all started. Hoseok innocently spurring them on with no idea what was
about to happen. How could he know? Why would he even suspect? Yoongi would never hurt

And yet.

“F-fuck,” Yoongi moaned, the shirt falling from his lips, “god, please don’t stop.”

Jungkook smiled sharply behind him as he reached forward and grabbed Yoongi’s neck, hauling
him up until his back was pressed against Jungkook’s chest. The new angle just made Yoongi
more vocal, but Jungkook slapped a hand on his mouth just in time. He’d heard the door open, of
course he did, but he didn’t care. All he’d wanted was for Jungkook to fuck him until he was a
sobbing mess.

“Jungkook, have you seen Yoongi-hyung?”

Suddenly everything stopped. The movement of Jungkook’s hips as he slammed home one final
time and froze, Yoongi’s breath stuttered and stopped, his eyes wide and fear-filled. Jungkook
turned Yoongi’s head so they could make eye contact and they both showed the same levels of
guilt and fear.

“I know you’re, um, busy,” Hoseok continued, coughing a bit, “but you left him on the dance floor
and now I can’t find him.”

Letting go of the breath he’d been holding, Jungkook rested his forehead on the back of Yoongi’s
head, “he said something about it being too crowded before I, um, got distracted. Maybe he went
upstairs to the private bar?”

“He does hate crowds,” Hoseok agreed, clearly contemplating that.

“I’m sure he’ll come back down when he feels more comfortable,” Jungkook added, self-hatred
squeezing tightly in his stomach as lied once again to Hoseok. He hated this, hated lying, but he
couldn’t let go of Yoongi so here he was, lying again.

“You’re right. Um, sorry to interrupt,” Hoseok said, coughing again, “and sorry to whoever you
have in there. Have fun?”
“God, hyung,” Jungkook whined, seconds away from crying.

“Sorry, sorry,” Hoseok said on a laugh, his voice fading as the music got louder then suddenly
became muffled again as the door closed.

Moving quickly, Jungkook pulled back and peeked outside the stall, the movement shifting him
inside Yoongi and causing a groan. Once he was sure Hoseok was gone, Jungkook pulled out
entirely and grabbed Yoongi, spinning him until he slammed against the stall wall. Without pause,
he hefted him up and slid back in, Yoongi’s back arching at the surprising change of position.

“That was fucking close, ” Jungkook hissed, his movements harsh and angry now. Yoongi nodded,
his hair bouncing with the punishing pace. He’d gone soft when he’d heard Hoseok’s voice, but
Jungkook was quickly fixing that, his attention focused solely on his prostate until Yoongi was
once again sobbing, begging for release, “why do you make me do this? ”

“I-I d-don’t,” Yoongi denied, shaking his head, “Jungkook please! ”

“Fuck,” Jungkook cursed, wrapping his hand around the dick he’d had the forethought to cover
with a condom, “you close baby?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Yoongi chanted, his voice breaking as Jungkook stroked him in time with his
thrusts, “I’m going to— ah! ”

Jungkook rode it out, thrusting shallowly while Yoongi shuddered against him. When Yoongi
tapped his shoulder, he pulled out, letting Yoongi sink to his knees in front of him. Yoongi looked
up at him with tear-stained cheeks and sealed his lips around Jungkook’s aching cock. It didn’t
take long, the feeling of being buried in Yoongi and then the wet heat of Yoongi’s throat was too
much. With a hand buried in Yoongi’s hair, Jungkook thrust into his mouth a few times, then
spilled down his throat, “fuck, baby.”

Lapping up all he could, Yoongi finally pulled away and collapsed back against the stall wall
again, careful not to actually sit on the floor. He looked up at Jungkook, his eyes glazed with post-
orgasm bliss but also shame, “we can’t do this again. We can’t.”

“I know,” Jungkook agreed, his heart breaking. He wasn’t this type of person. He wasn’t. The
problem was he loved Yoongi. Had from the first moment he’d met him and he’d do anything to be
near him. Even if it meant hurting one of his best friends, “I know, hyung.”

Chapter End Notes

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Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

I was definitely not expecting as much support as this got but I'm super happy it did!
Here's the next chapter as a thank you. We're going back in time a bit so we can see
just how this all started!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Several Months Prior:

Feeling deep exhaustion settle into his bones, Yoongi rolled over in his bed, pulling the covers up
and over his head in protest. When that didn’t seem to work, Yoongi added a whine for good
measure, “but I’m tired, Seok. Let me sleep.”

Suddenly, the weight of a fully grown man was on top of him and this time Yoongi was whining
for a totally different reason, “god, why are you so heavy?”

Hoseok laughed, nuzzling Yoongi’s cheek and neck, which only served to make Yoongi bat at him
half-heartedly, “mmm, don’t be like that, hyung. You promised to come out with me tonight.”

“I know,” Yoongi admitted, finally moving so that the weight of Hoseok on top of him was less
crushing and more comforting, “but it’s been a really long week.”

“Has it?” Hoseok asked, leaning back so he could see Yoongi’s face. He’d assumed his boyfriend
was just being his normal homebody self, but if he was actually tired he wouldn’t push, “then why
don’t we stay in? We can get some pizza and just watch movies.”

Yoongi melted, “are you sure?”

“Of course, hyung,” Hoseok murmured, once again nuzzling Yoongi’s cheek, “just let me call
Jungkook and Jimin to tell them we’ll go out another time.”

“Jungkook?” Yoongi repeated, not recognizing the name.

Hoseok glanced over, already on his phone, “oh, the new kid at the studio. Well, not kid. He’s 23.
He just moved to Seoul and he’s painfully awkward. It actually hurts to watch. I promised I’d bring
him out and introduce him to some people but we can go another weekend, it’s no big deal.”

Immediately feeling guilty even though Hoseok had not intended Yoongi to feel that way, Yoongi
rolled out of his cocoon and draped himself over Hoseok’s back, “don’t do that. Let’s go out.”

“No, hyung, it’s okay. We can—”

“Seok, it’s fine. I’m tired, but I remember being alone in a city like this. It sucks and the longer it
takes to find people, the worse it gets. So let’s go, okay? One night won’t kill me.”

“You’re the best, hyung. I love you,” Hoseok praised, kissing him loudly on the cheek.

“I am the best.”


“I love you too,” Yoongi added with a laugh, burying his face into Hoseok’s shoulder. Honestly,
the last thing he wanted was to go out. His back hurt from spending the entire week bent over a
desk checking numbers and he had a throbbing pain behind his eyes that told him he needed to get
his prescription checked but he hadn’t lied. Moving to Seoul alone had sucked. If Taehyung hadn’t
followed soon after, Yoongi didn’t know if he’d have made it. Those times were dark for him,
painful, so if he could help one person avoid that, he would. What harm could one night do?

His previous thought echoing through his mind, Yoongi squinted into the crowd, trying to find
Hoseok. Maybe sending him in while he parked had been a bad idea. To be fair, he hadn’t been
aware the bar transitioned into a club after 10, so he’d assumed Hoseok would be easy to spot. He
was wrong. Now there was a large area cleared for dancing and very few tables were left along the
sides in a mock VIP style. Yoongi scanned the area again before he gave up and retreated to the
bar. He wouldn’t find Hoseok this way but Hoseok would certainly find him.

Comforted by his plan and the resulting freedom from the crush of bodies, Yoongi snagged an
open chair beside a hooded figure that honestly scared him a bit. The figure was larger than him,
not so much in stature but in size and he was wearing his hood up. Inside. In a bar. Where it was
easily 40 degrees. Yoongi blinked at the figure in confusion before shrugging his confusion away
and raising a hand for the bartender. When he arrived, Yoongi smiled “two fingers of whiskey,
please. Anything middle range is fine.”

“You got it,” the bartender said, turning to the hooded figure, “another coke for you kid?”

“Oh! Um, sure?” The figure answered, his shoulders rising as his head ducked down,
embarrassment radiating off him in waves.

Yoongi found himself staring at the figure again. His initial unease was gone now, replaced once
again with confusion. A coke? In a bar on Friday night? Why? It didn’t make sense, “um, you

The figure didn’t react to Yoongi’s voice, so he raised it, “kid, are you okay?”

Now the figure stiffened, his face turning toward him slowly. Yoongi first saw large, dark eyes that
practically glowed. They were hesitant and unsure but beautiful. Then he saw a largish nose and
soft, stress bitten lips, “um, were you talking to me?”

“Yes,” Yoongi said honestly, “are you okay? You look a bit… uncomfortable.”

The man blinked slowly, then nodded, “I am. I don’t usually come to places like this. Not alone
anyway. Not since I moved here.”

“Ah, new in town. Where from?”


“Hmm, nice place. I like the beaches.”

“Really?” the man asked, his eyes quickly darting over him, taking in his pale skin.
“Under full cover of clothing and an umbrella, of course,” Yoongi explained, catching the man’s
look. He and Hoseok had gone for their six month anniversary a few months prior. It had been
nice. Even if what he mostly remembered was Hoseok.

The man smiled, revealing prominent front teeth that overlapped his bottom lip a bit. It made him
look young. Cute, but young, “that makes sense. Where are you from though? You don’t sound
like everyone else here.”

“No? Damn, I thought I was blending in,” Yoongi teased, smiling once again at the bartender when
he placed their drinks in front of them, “I’m from Daegu.”

“I’ve never been. Heard the mountains are nice.”

“They are, but there are mountains here,” Yoongi said with a shrug, taking a sip of his drink before
glancing around the room again, hoping to find Hoseok. When he didn't see him, he sighed.

“Get ditched?”

“Nah, I just came in late. If I stay in one place, I’ll be found eventually.”

“Smart. My plan exactly.”

“Not to judge, but you’re entirely covered by a hoodie. How is anyone supposed to find you?”
Yoongi asked, spinning around so he could lean back on the bar and keep an eye out.

The man frowned, “I don’t think they're coming.”

“No? Why not?”

Shifting awkwardly, the man rubbed his nose, “he only invited me out because he felt bad for me
because I’m new. We barely even talk. I’d ditch me.”
Yoongi turned back to the man, “how do you know he felt bad?”

“Everyone does,” the man shrugged like it was common knowledge, “I’m awkward around new
people so they feel bad. Everyone loves hyung, he’s so nice and fun.”

“If he’s nice that probably means he was being honest.”

“Or he’s just too nice,” the man insisted, now visibly fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve.

Yoongi tilted his head from side to side, “you know, you don’t seem awkward to me. Okay, yes,
you’re clearly awkward but you’re conversing just fine and I’m a stranger.”

“You’re nice too,” the man muttered.

“Not usually,” Yoongi shook his head, “I hate places like this and I’d much rather be in my bed.”

“Me too,” the man whispered just loud enough for Yoongi to catch it. His eyes flicked over to
Yoongi then away, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. Yoongi saw it and wondered if perhaps he’d
finally gotten too hot under the sweater. As if confirming his thoughts, the man pushed down his
hood and turned toward Yoongi directly, smiling wide. Seeing all of him, Yoongi realized how
pretty he was. Classically beautiful like Taehyung was. Naturally gifted, as he’d often joke just to
needle the younger man. But unlike Taehyung, there was a softness to this man. Taehyung knew
he was beautiful and used it to his advantage. Not in a bad way, just in the way most beautiful
people do. But Yoongi didn’t think this man was self-aware enough for that. At least not right now.
Perhaps his awkwardness was overshadowing his self-confidence.

“If you hate it, why’d you come?” Yoongi asked.

“Why did you?” The man repeated back to him, leaning forward a bit, his smile teasing.

Yoongi raised a brow, “because my boy—”


In Busan, Jungkook had loved places like this. The heat of the people, the feeling of the beat
thrumming through his body, the way he could lose himself dancing. But that had been in Busan.
Where his friends were. Where his comfort was. Now, he was just awkward and alone and 90%
sure he was being stood up. Hoseok had told him to meet them at their table, but when he’d gone
there, it was filled with people he didn’t know. He’d panicked and fled, unsure what to do.
Eventually, he found himself sitting at the bar alone like a loser. Self-conscious, he pulled up his
hood and ducked down, hoping no one saw him.

The bartender, of course, still needed to do his job so he appeared and offered Jungkook a
professional smile, “what can I get you?”

“Just a coke, please,” Jungkook ordered, not seeing the point in drinking alone. The bartender gave
him an odd look before walking away. He either thought Jungkook was the DD or a loser and
honestly he didn’t care which. He was just biding his time before he could leave without it looking
like he’d bailed. His mind wandered a bit, lamenting his choice to move when he’d been offered a
job. He’d done that often since arriving in Seoul. It was hard to be alone and literally no one treated
him like a normal person. Even Hoseok had seemed like he’d only offered out of pity. Everything

“Two fingers of whiskey, please. Anything middle range is fine.”

Jungkook tensed at the sound of a deep, gravelly voice so close. He liked the sound of it, but he
kept his head down. Or tried to anyway before the bartender addressed him, “you got it; another
coke for you kid?”

“Oh! Um, sure?” Jungkook agreed, wincing at his own awkwardness. Why couldn’t he just act
normally like he did when he was out in Busan. He’d been a force then, not this awkward mess.

“Um, you okay?”

If only he’d tried to convince someone to come with him. Seokjin would have been great and
supportive and— “kid, are you okay?”

Jungkook tensed, slowly turning towards the nice voice from before. It belonged to a small, pale
man with delicate features. He was pouting, or rather frowning, Jungkook supposed, but his eyes
looked worried. No one had looked at him like that since moving here, “um, were you talking to

“Yes,” the man said, “are you okay? You look a bit… uncomfortable.”

Feeling a bit called out, Jungkook tried not to flinch, “I am. I don’t usually come to places like this.
Not alone anyway. Not since I moved here.”

“Ah, new in town. Where from?”

Home, god I miss home, “Busan.”

“Hmm, nice place. I like the beaches.”

“Really?” Jungkook asked in surprise. Nothing about the man’s pale skin screamed ‘beaches’ to

“Under full cover of clothing and an umbrella, of course,” the man said, making Jungkook duck his
head in embarrassment at being called out for judging him.

But after a moment, Jungkook straightened, was that an accent? Maybe he’s like me, “that makes
sense. Where are you from though? You don’t sound like everyone else here.”

“No? Damn, I thought I was blending in; I’m from Daegu.”

In his mind, Jungkook pictured green fields, mountains, and lots of streams, “I’ve never been.
Heard the mountains are nice.”

“They are, but there are mountains here.”

Jungkook found himself nodding, wondering if the man liked Seoul. Would he like Seoul one day?
While he pondered that, he noticed the man scanning the crowd. He felt a moment of guilt,
thinking he was bothering the man, but when he turned back to Jungkook, he felt more at ease, “get

“Nah, I just came in late. If I stay in one place, I’ll be found eventually.”

Feeling slightly validated, Jungkook smiled, “smart. My plan exactly.”

“Not to judge, but you’re entirely covered by a hoodie. How is anyone supposed to find you?”

Can’t miss me if they aren’t coming, “I don’t think they're coming.”

“No? Why not?”

Suddenly wishing he hadn’t spoken, Jungkook considered lying but something about the way the
man watched him patiently made him want to explain, “he only invited me out because he felt bad
for me because I’m new. We barely even talk. I’d ditch me.”

“How do you know he felt bad?”

“Everyone does,” Jungkook told him. It was no secret. People tended to whisper and they weren't
quiet, “I’m awkward around new people so they feel bad. Everyone loves hyung, he’s so nice and

“If he’s nice that probably means he was being honest.”

“Or he’s just too nice,” Jungkook muttered. Hoseok was nice. Too nice to tell him to stop
hovering. Too nice to tell him not to bother him and his friends. Just too nice in general.

“You know, you don’t seem awkward to me,” Jungkook threw him a look that had the man
clarifying, “okay, yes, you’re clearly awkward but you’re conversing just fine and I’m a stranger.”

You are clearly the exception, “you’re nice too”

“Not usually. I hate places like this and I’d much rather be in my bed.”

A feeling of warmth flooded through Jungkook. Before he’d loved going out but since moving to
Seoul, he’d found he liked his bed and movies more. Something was comforting about just being
with something familiar. He could Skype Seokjin if he was bored, read, practice his moves, it
didn’t matter because he was comfortable there. He couldn’t believe he’d met someone randomly
in a bar that agreed, “me too.”

“If you hate it, why’d you come?” he asked.

‘Busan Jungkook’ as Jungkook had recently dubbed the confident version of himself, came surging
forward, telling him to stop being a coward and hit on the pretty man who’d engaged him in
conversation. He wasn’t generally the one-night-stand type, but he wasn’t not. Either way,
Jungkook was enjoying talking to him. He liked his vibe, his voice just did it for him, and he was
nice to look at, so why not. So, leaning forward, Jungkook smiled, “why did you?”

The man raised a brow, “because my boy—”


Two pairs of eyes whipped around towards the voice and then Jungkook felt his stomach drop out
as he saw the man smile, seeing Hoseok and someone Jungkook didn’t know behind him, “there
you are yourself.”

“Sorry, hyung,” Hoseok apologized, placing a quick kiss on his lips, “me and Jimin got carried

“My bad!” Jimin called from just behind, laughter in his tone.

In dawning horror, Jungkook watched the man, Yoongi, who’d approached him and spoken to him
so softly, kiss his sunbae from work. Hoseok, the nice one who everyone loved. Including,
apparently, the first man Jungkook had ever had an almost instant attraction to. The first man to be
just nice to him without asking for something or giving him a weird look. Fucking figures,
Jungkook cursed to himself, slightly sad. But he didn’t have long to dwell because Hoseok rounded
on him, “I told you to meet us at the table!”
Jungkook blinked rapidly, “well, I wasn’t sure which one and I didn't see you so I just— the bar
seemed like a good idea.”

“Well, thank god Yoongi-hyung found you at least!” Hoseok settled on, smiling at the younger

Nodding, Jungkook returned his smile, his gaze dropping to the way Yoongi’s hand rested so
casually on Hoseok’s waist. Intimately. Because they were boyfriends. Of course, they were, “yes,
he was very nice. Thank you.”

“I didn’t even know who he was,” Yoongi admitted honestly.

Hoseok hiked an eyebrow, “ah, so you just started hitting on the first cute boy you saw?”

“Of course,” Yoongi agreed easily, smiling at Hoseok, “look at his face.”

“I understand,” Hoseok said sagely.

“Ugh, you two are gross,” Jimin stepped in and waved to Jungkook, “hi, I’m Park Jimin. I used to
work at the same studio as you guys. You can call me hyung.”

“O-oh, um, hi! Nice to meet you,” Jungkook greeted hastily, wiping his palms on his jeans so he
could awkwardly try and shake hands without it being a wet mess. But Jimin only laughed and
inclined his head, making his actions pointless. He was about to sink into the floor from
embarrassment when he felt a light touch on his elbow. Jungkook glanced down then followed the
hand up, seeing that it had been Yoongi. He smiled slightly, nodding towards Jimin and Hoseok,
who’d fallen into a conversation, then patted his arm once and turned away. Jungkook stared at his
own arm for a moment longer then forced himself to pay attention to the conversation he’d yet to
be included in. He could still feel the warmth of Yoongi’s touch though and he wondered if that
was going to be a problem.

Chapter End Notes

And so it begins...

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Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

CW: sexual content

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Saying he had a problem made him feel like an idiot, but it was true. Jungkook wasn’t stupid. He
knew Yoongi was taken but he was just so nice so he couldn’t help but linger. Yoongi talked to
him like no one else did. At least not in Seoul. Maybe if he was in Busan still he wouldn’t be
having this problem but as it stood, he was a chaotic gay mess and it was entirely Min Yoongi’s

“Ugh, hyung, you don’t understand!” Jungkook whined, throwing himself back on his bed
dramatically while Seokjin laughed on the other end of the video call.

“No, I don’t suppose I do. Please, tell me again, Kook,” Seokjin said, smiling as he leaned his head
on his hand. He’d been listening and reading Jungkook freak out about Yoongi for the past week.
He’d heard so much he practically felt like he knew him personally. But he was also aware
Jungkook didn't have anyone to talk to about his little crush yet so he’d oblige.

“Okay, first, hyung, first he just hangs out with me at a bar and doesn’t make it weird. And even
when Hoseok-hyung showed up he didn’t shrug me off. He still talked to me and everything.”

Seokjin sighed, “baby, I love you but that bar is so low.”

“Okay, yes, maybe, but he’s also like super cute and small? Like I could just—” Jungkook broke
off, making sounds as he made grabby hands Seokjin assumed meant ‘squish.’


“And he even offered to show me around! I guess he had a really hard time when he came here so
he wants to help,” Jungkook continued, sighing a bit, “he’s just so nice.”

“Maybe he wants the D,” Seokjin suggested, snickering.

Jungkook hesitated, realizing that he hadn’t actually mentioned that Yoongi was dating Hoseok to
Seokjin. That seemed like pretty vital information but he’d left it out, “uh, no, I think I’m
absolutely safe in saying he does not. Hoseok-hyung was the one who told me he had a hard time
and he wants to help, not him though. See, his friend moved with him, unlike someone.”

Rolling his head, Seokjin stuck out his tongue, “some of us have responsibilities.”

“Lame ones,” Jungkook muttered.

“Adult ones.”

“Why did you just repeat the same words I just said,” Jungkook quipped before automatically
redirecting the conversation back to Yoongi as he’d been doing all week, “so do you think I should
text him?”

“He gave you his number, didn’t he?”

“Well, no,” Jungkook admitted, shifting awkwardly, “Hoseok-hyung did.”

“Ah. I see. That makes it awkward.”

“You see my problem!” Jungkook whined, throwing up his hands.

Seokjin made a humming noise, clearly thinking, “maybe ask Hoseok. You work together, so you
can bring up wanting to go sightseeing or try a new restaurant or something and see how he reacts.
If he suggests texting Yoongi, then you should. He clearly knows him better than you.”

“Understatement of the century,” Jungkook muttered before he could stop himself.

“What was that? You broke up there for a second,” Seokjin called out, his voice stuttered and
“Nothing, hyung. Maybe we should hang up. You know how my internet gets once people get
home from work.”

“God, Kook, upgrade your fucking service. You have a real adult job now, spend some money.”

“Make me.”

“I will.”

Jungkook stuck out his tongue, “you’ll have to come here first.”

“Kook…” Seokjin said gently, his voice dripping with a sentiment Jungkook didn’t want to

Suddenly feeling bad, Jungkook rubbed his neck, “I know, hyung. I’m only joking. Talk to you

“Of course, you know I’m always here and you know I will come to you if you need me,” Seokjin
promised sincerely.

“I know. Love you,” Jungkook replied quickly waving his hand even as the video began to break
down even more.

“Love you too, brat.”

When Seokjin’s feed finally went dark, Jungkook closed his laptop and spread out on his bed,
looking around his bare apartment. He’d been in Seoul for a whole month, but he hadn’t moved in
yet. Not really. Maybe he was waiting for the second shoe to drop. He wasn’t really sure. But
making friends would be nice. He missed being able to see someone without setting up a video call
beforehand. He wondered if making friends with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin would give him that.
He’d had fun with them once he’d loosened up. He’d still been a bit awkward, and as Yoongi had
predicted, he’d been very hot since he’d worn too many layers, but he’d had fun overall. It made
him consider unpacking the box of his clothing that wasn’t workout gear.

The day he’d arrived had been a flurry of confusion and haste. He’d had time to find his dance stuff
and that was pretty much it. Since then, he’d unpacked the necessities for his bedroom and
bathroom but that was all. His living room and kitchen were still empty. There were several large
boxes of furniture yet to be built waiting for him, even a TV still packed up, that he’d only ever
glanced at. But maybe if he had friends to go out with, he would at least have reason to unpack the
rest of his wardrobe.

Oddly spurred on by that, Jungkook promised himself he’d talk to Hoseok about going out to do
something over the weekend. All causal like. That way he’d have an excuse to see Yoongi. No, no,
this is about making friends, not seeing Yoongi-hyung specifically.

Right. Of course. He was working on that part.

To no one’s surprise but his own, Jungkook did not ask Hoseok about going out on Monday. Nor
did he ask on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. In fact, by Friday, he’d avoided the topic so thoroughly, he
had convinced himself that it was never something he’d wanted in the first place. Until, of course,
Seokjin had asked point-blank about the outcome and Jungkook had been forced to confess he’d
avoided saying anything. Seokjin hadn’t even blinked. He had, however, pressured him into
virtually pinky-promising (don’t ask him how) he would ask, knowing full well Jungkook would
never break such a thing. No, Jungkook was not a man who believed in pinky-promises were
unbreakable bonds. But he and Seokjin had known each other since the day of Jungkook’s birth
and their pinky-promises just held more weight, okay?

Anyway, that wasn’t the point. The point was that Jungkook was a coward and Seokjin had made
him promise so now here he was hovering like the definition of awkward, hoping Hoseok wouldn’t
think he was weird.

“Hey, Kook!” Hoseok greeted when he noticed him hanging out by the door, “how’s your class

Jungkook brightened instantly, “good! It’s going great. I think they really like me!”

“I know they do,” Hoseok revealed, smiling warmly as he sipped some water, “they had to pass my
room as they left and they were gushing. Seems you’ve made quite the impression.”

“Really?” Jungkook asked, ducking his head a bit in embarrassment.

“Yup! I knew you were the best choice for the new position, I’m so glad you accepted,” Hoseok
added, still smiling.

“For sure,” Jungkook agreed, only partially meaning it. He honestly hadn’t concluded one way or
the other yet. He’d been part of a dance crew before and though they hadn’t made a stable income,
Jungkook had been comfortable and confident there. Something he was very not here. At least not

“What brings you by?” Hoseok wondered, idly scrolling through his phone. He saw a selfie from
Yoongi and smiled before texting something cheeky back and refocusing on Jungkook, who was
shifting from foot to foot, “Jungkook?”

“Oh, I was just— well you and Yoongi-hyung mentioned there were a bunch of really good
restaurants around and I was wondering if you could— um maybe give me a recommendation or
something,” Jungkook broke off, very much aware he’d chickened out of asking him to hang out,
“I’m craving meat cooked by someone else, you know?”

Hoseok blinked, “oh! I’m sure hyung would have an amazing list. Did you ask him?”

Jungkook winced, “well, I didn’t want to text him since he didn't actually give me his number. You
know… didn't want to be invasive or whatever.”

“I told him I gave you his number! He’s expecting a text, I swear,” Hoseok insisted, smiling softly
at Jungkook. He knew the younger man was having trouble making friends and he empathized. He
saw much the same shyness and introverted nature in his own boyfriend so he knew exactly how to
deal with it, “he’s even off today, so he’d answer right away.”

“Are you sure?” Jungkook asked, still hesitating.

“If you don’t text him, I’m going to call him right now.”

“NO! No, I’ll-I’ll text him,” Jungkook rushed out, flustered.

“Perfect,” Hoseok replied, beaming, “it’ll be great.”

“‘It’ll be great,’ he says,” Jungkook muttered to himself as he stared down at his phone which he’d
rested on the bed in front of him. He was currently staring at it with legs crossed. He’d been that
way since his last class ended a few hours prior. Hoseok had told him to text Yoongi. He’d been
given permission, encouraged even, but still, he hesitated. Partially because he had a little crush on
Yoongi and felt guilty and partially because he was a coward.

He was about halfway through that spiral for the third time that day when his phone lit up, drawing
his attention. Jungkook glanced over, fully expecting to see Seokjin’s name, only to let out a sharp
squeal when he saw Yoongi’s instead.

“Oh, god. Why did he— fuck,” Jungkook rambled to himself before diving for the phone and
pulling up the text.

Yoongi-hyung 6:43 p.m.

Hey Jungkook, it’s Yoongi.

I hope this is okay, but Seok said you were looking for food recs?

There’s this awesome lamb skewer place I know!

If you like that kind of thing.

Jungkook blinked at the message then re-read it over again. He had zero feelings about lamb
skewers. They were fine. He’d had them before but if Yoongi liked a place, Jungkook was already
preparing himself to eat there every week.

Jeon Jungkook 6:48 p.m

Hi hyung!

Of course it’s okay.

I’d love some suggestions. Nothing tastes the same here, you know?

I’ll for sure try a lamb skewer place.

What’s the name? I’ll tell you how it goes.

Yoongi-hyung 6:49 p.m.

Prepare for a long list.

I eat out a lot. Probably too much.

It’s called Skewered by Skewers.

We can go tomorrow! How does 6 sound?

Jungkook was sure his soul astral projected to the sun. Yoongi had asked him to hang out without
Jungkook suggesting it. He was going to have plans and he hadn’t guilt-tripped anyone into them.

Jeon Jungkook 6:49 p.m.

6 works for me!

See you there.

Yoongi-hyung 6:49 p.m.

Hyung’ll drive, don’t worry.

We’ll pick you up at 10 to 6!

Jeon Jungkook 6:50 p.m.

If you’re sure!

[location sent]

This is my place.

Yoongi-hyung 6:50 p.m.


See you tomorrow.

After sending a quick reply, Jungkook tossed his phone and rolled away in second-hand
embarrassment. Usually, he wasn’t so… formal over text. But Yoongi used punctuation and
grammar and he’d just ended up mimicking it. He hoped it didn’t sound weird. Like he was being
fake or something.

God, what will I wear?

Scrambling out of bed, Jungkook darted for the stack of boxes he shoved into the corner. Maybe it
was finally time to break out clothes that weren’t workout gear. He had his very first dinner in
Seoul with friends after all.

Friends? Bit of a stretch, no?

Ignoring his own slightly demoralizing inner thoughts, Jungkook cut open several boxes before
eventually finding the two he was looking for. Scanning the contents, he smiled, suddenly feeling a
bit more comfortable. Like opening the boxes had pushed him closer to making the apartment his

Now, what to wear?

Saturday was generally a lazy day. Yoongi preferred to just hang out and enjoy his own company.
Sometimes he tried out a new recipe, sometimes he binge-watched a show. It didn’t matter as long
as he was relaxing. This Saturday, he’d decided to spend some time just surfing the internet but that
hadn’t gone as planned. His intention had not been to lose so much time, but Yoongi had opened a
Word doc and that basically just meant time didn’t mean anything. He didn’t often get a chance to
write anymore. It was just a side project, a hobby of sorts, that novel he always wanted to write but
knew he’d never publish. It wasn’t his real job, but every once in a while, he’d find himself getting
antsy, the desire to write becoming overwhelming, and his day would be gone.

Hoseok hadn’t known Yoongi that long before they’d gotten together, so the first time he’d seen
Yoongi in the zone, he’d been quite surprised, but since then he’d grown used to it. He knew if
suddenly Yoongi wasn’t replying it was because he was writing or sleeping, so he never worried.
Usually, he’d just wait until Yoongi came up for air and returned his messages. But since they had
plans, Hoseok barged into Yoongi’s apartment in search of the long silent man.

“Hyung?” Hoseok called, glancing at his watch. They had a little over an hour still before they had
to get Jungkook so there was time, but if Hoseok knew Yoongi at all, which he did, he knew the
man hadn’t even started to get ready.

Without hesitation, Hoseok walked into Yoongi’s office and found him exactly where he’d
expected: bent over his laptop, eyes trained on the screen. He noted Yoongi wasn’t wearing his
glasses, which just meant he was giving himself a headache because he didn’t like to feel old.
Hoseok sighed and walked up behind him, draping himself over Yoongi’s back, “hyungggggg.”

“Shit, Seok. When did you— what time is it?” Yoongi asked, jolting at Hoseok’s sudden touch
only to realize the room was darker than it had been before.

“You’re good,” Hoseok assured, running his hands down Yoongi’s chest before hugging him
tightly, “we still have like an hour.”

“An hour, huh?” Yoongi asked, watching Hoseok’s wandering hands pointedly, “did you have
something in mind?”

“No,” Hoseok said with a hum, “wanted some Yoongi-hyung cuddles.”

“I see,” Yoongi agreed, lifting Hoseok’s arms so he could spin his chair around. Now face to face,
Yoongi looked up and opened his arms, “better this way, right?”

“Ah, you read my mind,” Hoseok declared, dropping down on Yoongi’s lap and wrapping an arm
around his neck. Yoongi’s arms instinctively went around Hoseok’s waist and he let out a low sigh
as he rested his head on Hoseok’s chest. Hoseok glanced down, “long day?”

“No, not really. My eyes just hurt.”

“That’s what the glasses are for, hyung,” Hoseok pointed out.

Yoongi huffed, “I need a new prescription. They give me a headache.”

“So does not wearing them.”

“I know,” Yoongi admitted, sighing again before he looked up, a sly smile on his lips, “so an hour,

Hoseok snorted, “yes, but I’m sure we both need a shower, so maybe that first.”

Yoongi raised a brow, “sure, Seok.”

“Come on now,” Hoseok prompted, jumping off Yoongi’s lap and grabbing his hand so he could
lead him towards the shower. Yoongi followed easily, enjoying the view. Hoseok always looked
good, but when he was dressed up it was infinitely better. He just knew what colours flattered him,
even when he was swallowed by the clothing options, it just suited him. But Yoongi couldn’t help
but think he looked even better as he stripped and threw a teasing look over his shoulder before
stepping into the shower stall, leaving Yoongi behind.

With a slight smirk, Yoongi undressed and followed Hoseok inside. He found him already
underneath the stream, his head tilted back. Yoongi took a moment to just stare and take in the way
the water trailed down his body, highlighting his tanned and toned skin. There had been a time in
his life when that would have made Yoongi self-conscious but that was long since gone. Now it
just made him horny. He had all that to himself and he was definitely going to show his

“Seok…” Yoongi said slowly, his tone low and easy.

Hoseok’s eyes popped open and he smiled, “now who has something in mind?”

“Don’t know what you mean,” Yoongi replied easily as he cupped Hoseok’s cheek and brought his
head down for a light kiss, “all I said was your name.”

“Uh-huh,” Hoseok laughed, his tone light, “then what’s that pressed against me?”

“Dunno,” Yoongi shrugged seconds before he dropped down and looked up at Hoseok playfully.
Hoseok shook his head, his fingers trailing over Yoongi’s cheek before burying in his hair.
Yoongi’s smile widened, “oh?”

“Don’t act all coy,” Hoseok chastised softly, his dick already twitching with more than a little
interest. Yoongi was beautiful naturally but on his knees? Fucking radiant.

Yoongi scrunched his nose before leaning forward, his hands grasping Hoseok’s dick tightly as he
stroked slowly, his lips dragging up and down in a similar motion. Every so often his eyes would
flick up towards Hoseok to make sure he was watching then he’d return to his previous actions.
Hoseok got hard embarrassingly fast, but he found he didn’t mind, especially not when Yoongi
swallowed him down with a low groan, the vibrations sending tingles up Hoseok’s spine.

Following a pattern they were both more than used to, Hoseok’s grip on Yoongi’s hair tightened as
he began to thrust into Yoongi’s mouth in time with his movements. He noticed Yoongi’s hand
slide down his own chest before he palmed himself and began to stroke. Hoseok moaned, “fuck,
just like that hyung. Keep going.”

Yoongi whined in response, his movements growing more sloppy as he tried to swallow Hoseok
deeper. He felt Yoongi’s throat spasm around his cock and Hoseok just about lost it. He only
managed to hold back long enough to give a quick warning which Yoongi ignored as he always
did. Seconds later, Hoseok came, his hand slamming onto the shower wall so he didn’t collapse.
Yoongi moaned around his cock, swallowing deeply before Hoseok felt Yoongi’s come splatter on
his shins.

“Remind me to always approve your ideas,” Hoseok joked, pulling Yoongi up and switching him
around so he was now the one under the water. Yoongi blinked at him lazily and smiled,
prompting Hoseok to kiss him briefly before grabbing some shampoo and washing Young's hair.
The older man simply stayed where he was, letting Hoseok take care of him.

Once they were both clean, well, once Yoongi was clean and Hoseok was double clean since he’d
showered earlier, they got ready quickly and practically ran from the apartment so they wouldn’t
be late. Yoongi’s hair was barely dry, only having time to rub it with a towel while Hoseok used
the blow dryer, but he looked cute in his overly large hoodie and skinny jeans so Hoseok didn’t
mention it.

Thankfully, Jungkook didn’t live that far away so they arrived only a few minutes late. Jungkook
was already waiting, standing at the curb, his shoulders hunched and general posture awkward, but
when he saw them drive up he straightened and smiled, waving shyly.

“God, he’s such a cutie,” Hoseok commented, returning his wave.

“Yup,” Yoongi agreed, only sparing Jungkook a glance as he got in.

“You’re wearing jeans!” Hoseok pointed out, spinning around in his seat so he could see Jungkook

Jungkook’s eyes widened, “oh, yes. I finally unpacked my clothes so I have non-work clothes

“You still haven’t unpacked?” Yoongi asked, glancing at the rearview mirror so he could see
Jungkook too, “haven’t you been here for like two months?”

“More like one,” Jungkook defended, then sighed, “I unpacked my bedroom, pretty much
everything else is just… waiting.”

“When you say you unpacked your bedroom,” Hoseok started, his eyes narrowed, “please tell me
that doesn’t mean every other room is empty.”

“No, of course not,” Jungkook assured, shifting awkwardly, “there are boxes in them.”

“Oh my god,” Hoseok whined as Yoongi chuckled, “don’t laugh! This isn't funny.”

“It’s a little funny,” Yoongi defended, “I did the same thing. Unpacking alone sucks.”

Jungkook met Yoongi’s sympathetic eyes in the mirror and nodded, “yea.”

“Then we’re helping. No arguments. You will have furniture if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Hyung, you don’t have to—”

“I think he said no arguments,” Yoongi interrupted, smiling slightly.

Ducking his head a bit, Jungkook nodded, “yea, okay. Thanks, hyungs.”

“Hasn’t unpacked,” Hoseok muttered, turning back around and crossing his arms, “ridiculous.”

Yoongi sent Jungkook another look through the mirror, this one laughing, before nodding, “uh-

“I know you’re just humouring me.”

“I would never.”

“Uh-huh,” Hoseok repeated, earning a laugh from both Yoongi and Jungkook. Meeting Yoongi’s
eyes yet again, Jungkook looked away quickly, suddenly feeling like they were making too much
eye contact. Maybe he was just being paranoid but he couldn’t help the slight blush that tinted his
cheeks as he turned toward the window. This is about making friends, nothing more.

When Yoongi had said he knew a great lamb skewer place, Jungkook had taken him for his word.
And he wasn’t wrong. The food was good, the serving sizes reasonable, and the price decent. He
understood completely why someone would recommend the restaurant. He had not, however,
expected Yoongi’s enthusiasm. He was just so bright. Jungkook had gotten the impression that
Yoongi was more mellow, soft-spoken and quiet. He was sure that was true, but right now? Right
now Yoongi was anything but. He was clearly very passionate about lamb skewers and Jungkook
couldn’t look away.

“Lamb is hard to cook, you know? It goes dry so easily but they never mess up!” Yoongi praised,
speaking earnestly.

“It is really good,” Jungkook agreed, his smile and eyes softening in a look of complete
endearment. He cast a quick glance to Hoseok who was watching Yoongi with much the same
expression. They met eyes and Hoseok simply smiled before returning his attention to Yoongi.
This was clearly not a new conversation for him, but Hoseok didn't look bored.

Yoongi nodded, not noticing the shared look, “I’ve tried a bunch of places but this one is by far the
most consistent. I love it here. Plus the ajumma who runs it is super nice and sometimes she’ll
give you extra if you're cute.”

“Ah, so the real reason you come here so often is revealed,” Hoseok teased.

“Oh shush,” Yoongi huffed, waving his hand, “and eat. Don’t waste any.”

“I won’t,” Hoseok promised.

Turning toward Jungkook, Yoongi pointed, “you too.”

“Me? But I—” Jungkook broke off, frowning at the pieces of kabob on his plate. He’d finished his
last batch. He knew he had. Every time he felt like he was done, it was like more food would just
appear, “I thought I was done.”

“Nope, eat up!” Yoongi ordered, leaning back in his chair so he could see them both better.
Jungkook frowned again, looking at his plate and then Yoongi’s. He spotted a pile of skewers
beside Yoongi’s plate and suddenly understood, his eyebrows smoothing out as it hit him. Yoongi
must have been refilling his plate when Jungkook hadn’t been looking.

“Thanks, hyung,” Jungkook whispered, digging in again. Truth be told he was hungry still but he
hadn’t wanted to order more if the other two were done. There was nothing worse than eating
alone while everyone else wanted to leave.

Shrugging, Yoongi didn’t comment on the implication of Jungkook’s words but Hoseok snorted,
“he’s trying to be caring but doesn’t like when people notice.”


“Why not?” Jungkook wondered, looking between them in confusion.

Hoseok pinched Yoongi’s cheek, earning a weak smack of his hand as he pushed Hoseok’s fingers
away, “because he’s shy.”

“I’m not shy. Just eat, okay?”

“Don’t you want more, hyung?” Jungkook offered, “I feel like you gave me all of yours.”

“I’m full, don’t worry. The rest is yours.”

Jungkook scanned his face for a moment more before nodding, “okay.”
“Softie,” Hoseok giggled, resting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder for a moment before straightening
up and grabbing another kabob, “like a teddy bear.”

“I swear to god, Seok,” Yoongi muttered, his tone threatening even as his expression was soft and
light. Jungkook noticed the blush tinting Yoongi’s cheeks and smiled. He was clearly embarrassed
about being called out but didn’t want to admit it. Cute. Everything Yoongi did was cute.

God, why are you like this!? You’re trying to make friends and he’s taken. Just be cool. Just once.
God, Jungkook chastised himself, even as he felt his little crush develop further. You’re fucked.

Chapter End Notes

Come say hi on Twitter

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

There was something to say about sitting in silence with your coffee while the word began to wake
up around you. The city would slowly grow louder and the sky would brighten. Yoongi preferred
mornings about pretty much all else. And nights for the same reason but in the opposite order.
Partially because it was the only time during the week he wasn’t at work and partially because the
world was so quiet. It made him feel calm in a way he didn’t usually feel.

Yoongi sipped his coffee as he scrolled through his phone mindlessly. Every so often he’d stop on
a news story that caught his interest before moving on. He could, and often did, lose hours like
this. He liked to keep up to date with the world at large, so he read pretty much anything and
everything. Hoseok joked that he was like an encyclopedia, a font of useless facts, but he didn’t
mind. It made him amazing at trivia.

He’d nearly finished a full pot of coffee when his phone vibrated in his hand, indicating he’d gotten
a text from Jungkook. Clicking it, Yoongi scanned the message and nearly choked on his coffee.

Seok’s Coworker Jungkook 11:54 a.m.

Hey, um, not to bother you hyung but Jimin-hyung is here

And he has paint? Did I pick paint?

He just keeps telling me I’ll get it when Hoseok-hyung gets here


But, um, when will that be?

Paint? Yoongi wondered, blinking at the message. He remembered Hoseok saying he needed to
stop at a hardware store vaguely but he hadn’t mentioned why. Yoongi had just assumed Hoseok
needed something for his place. Apparently not. He pictured poor Jungkook awkwardly asking a
near stranger why he’d shown up at his home with paint of all things and snorted. Confrontation
was clearly not Jungkook's thing. Left alone, Jimin would walk all over him. Not that Yoongi was
entirely sure having Hoseok present would be better but at least if he was there he could do
damage control.

After drinking the last of his coffee, Yoongi went to his bedroom where Hoseok was still sleeping.
He was still naked from their activities the night before but the sheets protected his modesty. Or
more accurately, hid the good bits. Either way, Yoongi shook his head and crawled into bed,
straddling Hoseok’s sleeping form. After a brief pause, Yoongi nudged his shoulder, causing
Hoseok to jolt awake, his eyes moving around wildly, before settling on Yoongi.

“Hyung, god, if you wanted to fuck you could have chosen a better way to wake me up,” Hoseok
whined as he rubbed his heart with a pout.

Yoongi smirked and leaned down, “but this is so much more fun.”

“Is it?” Hoseok wondered, immediately flipping them over so Yoongi was pinned beneath him, his
clothed body pressed against Hoseok’s bare one, “you know what? You’re right.”

“I do tend to be right most times,” Yoongi told him.

“That’s true,” Hoseok agreed as he nuzzled Yoongi’s neck, moving his shirt away so he had better
access to his neck and shoulder. Yoongi tilted his head to the side with a sigh then dragged his
hands up Hoseok’s chest, pausing so he could pay some attention to his nipples. Only when
Hoseok moaned did he squeeze hard, “ouch!”

“Seokie… did you send Jimin to Jungkook’s place without warning him?”

Hoseok pulled back, surprise on his face, “shit, what time is it?”


“Shit,” Hoseok said again, scrambling off Yoongi and darting toward the bag he’d brought with a
change of clothes. Yoongi rolled over and propped his head up on his hand so he could admire the
view. As Hoseok frantically got dressed, quickly pulling on boxers and pants in nearly one motion,
he explained, “I told Jimin to meet me there at 11:30! Shit. Jungkook must be so confused.”

“I’d say. Usually, people pick out the paint colour of their own place.”

“He did!” Hoseok defended, pulling a shirt on, “I swear. I just didn’t tell him Jimin would be
bringing it. Agh! Why did you let me sleep this late?”
Yoongi snorted and rolled out of bed, “you didn’t tell me we were going over early. I just assumed
it would be an afternoon thing.”

“It was until Jungkook mentioned hating the wall colour and then it kinda… devolved from there,”
Hoseok admitted before bolting out of the room toward Yoongi assumed was his bathroom. Once
again shaking his head, Yoongi grabbed the toothbrush from Hoseok’s bag and followed after. He
arrived just as Hoseok opened the door, clearing intending to go back to the room and grab his
toothbrush. Hoseok took it and beamed, “thanks, hyung.”

“Uh-huh. Now hurry. That boy is alone with Jimin and god knows what’s going on.”

“I will!” Hoseok promised, once again closing the door. Yoongi snorted and went to grab his shoes
and jacket. As he once again passed Hoseok's bag, he wondered if maybe Hoseok should start
keeping a toothbrush here. He wasn’t ready for the whole leaving clothes at each other’s places but
a toothbrush he could do. Maybe he’d bring it up next time he and Hoseok were alone.

Never, in Jungkook’s entire life, had he felt so awkward in his own home. He was aware ‘home’
was a very loose definition of the place where he’d lived and he wasn’t entirely comfortable here
yet but he wasn’t uncomfortable. Usually anyway. He was now. Mostly because he could feel the
judgement rolling off Jimin in waves.

“This is… worse than I expected honestly,” Jimin admitted scanning the boxes. Jungkook followed
his gaze, seeing the box for his coffee table, kitchen table, side tables, tv stand, and several
bookshelves leaning on one wall. The other was filled with randomly labelled cardboard boxes that
had his personal stuff in them. Three of which were open since he’d gone looking for nicer clothes
and he’d needed kitchen stuff. There were paint swatches stuck to one wall. The man had told him
to leave the colours up so he could decide what colour he liked during all the different times of the
day and associated lighting but he’d honestly forgotten until Jimin had shown up. He did have a
lamp plugged in though, so there was that. It was, however, on the ground, so, you know, not

“Sorry,” Jungkook muttered, shifting from foot to foot. Jimin seemed nice but they only spent the
one night together at the bar and that was it. He didn’t really know how to talk to him yet.

“Please just as least tell me your bedroom is set up?” Jimin pleaded, turning to Jungkook with
round eyes.

Jimin pursed his lips, “why… does it feel like you’re lying?”

“I’m not! I just haven’t, like, done anything with it yet. It’s still kinda generic.”

“Generic is better than this,” Jimin said, his hand gesturing vaguely to the room, “thank god we
have Yoongi-hyung.”

Jungkook blinked, “Yoongi-hyung?”

“Yea, he loves building shit.”

“Oh,” Jungkook said, once again looking at the sheer number of furniture that needed to be built,
“that’s probably a good thing.”

“Definitely,” Jimin agreed, sighing lightly, “should we start taping?”

“Uh, sure?” Jungkook agreed, nodding quickly.

Jimin smiled at him, then handed him a roll of painter’s tape from the bag of supplies he’d
purchased, “let’s get to it!”

Jungkook nodded again before picking a random wall and beginning the process of taping off the
floorboards. He was about halfway through a wall when his buzzer rang. Practically leaping
toward the door, Jungkook slammed a hand on the button, “hello?”

“It’s me and hyung! Let us up!” Hoseok greeted, his voice crackling loudly over the speaker.

“Sure,” Jungkook said, already pressing the button. He could hear a loud buzzing over the speaker
then nothing as Hoseok and Yoongi clearly entered the building. A few minutes later, there was
rapid-fire knocking at his door that Jungkook knew without looking was Hoseok. He was proven
right when he opened the door and Hoseok practically tackled him in a hug. Jungkook caught him
in surprise, his eyes meeting the amused gaze of Yoongi, “um, hi hyungs?”

“I’m sorry we’re late! Someone let me sleep in!” Hoseok said as he stepped back.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, “and someone didn’t tell me he wanted to be up early. How was I— my
god you weren’t kidding. Is that… all your furniture?”

Once again, Jungkook followed someone’s gaze to his embarrassing stack of boxes. This time,
however, he blushed, “it might be.”

“Alright, I better get started, you,” Yoongi said, pointing to Jungkook and making circles with his
finger, “are buying dinner.”

“I can do that!” Jungkook agreed quickly.

“Now, let’s discuss the colour,” Hoseok cut in, grabbing Jungkook’s arm and dragging him away.
Yoongi watched them go with a bemused smile then refocused on the boxes. He sighed a little,
recognizing fear where he saw it. Like he’d been before, Jungkook was afraid to settle in. He was
alone and unsure and that was clearly reflected in his living situation.

Yoongi felt a flash of empathy, remembering being in much the same situation before Taehyung
had shown up at his door with suitcase in hand. It was hard to move to a new place and even harder
to make new friends. No one told you how hard it was to make friends as an adult. Suddenly the
only place you saw people all the time was at work and that raised the issue of work friends versus
real friends. Yoongi knew Hoseok didn’t see it that way, he never would, and for that Yoongi was
thankful. Whether he liked it or not, Jungkook would make friends. Hoseok was not one to take no
for an answer.

Settling down beside one of the boxes, Yoongi used his utility knife to cut it open and pulled out
all the pieces and laid them out in order. He’d always enjoyed building and fixing things, so he
really didn’t mind helping Jungkook out in this way but he honestly hadn't expected this many
things. It seemed to Yoongi that Jungkook had been much more confident in his buying than his
unpacking. That was a little odd to Yoongi. When he said he didn’t unpack, he meant his personal
items. He hadn’t purchased anything else other than a mattress. When Taehynug showed up, he’d
had to buy an entire apartment worth of furniture. That was not the case here. It made Yoongi
wonder if the awkward, shy version of Jungkook he was seeing now was really what he was like.
Someone who purchased a whole apartment before moving in just seemed more confident than
Jungkook was acting.

Maybe he was just projecting, but it made him curious nonetheless. He’d seen a bit of it, but only
flashes. At the bar, as he’d grown comfortable his posture had changed and he’d seemed… bigger,
his expression more animated. He’s even seen Jungkook return a stranger’s flirty look, though it
had only been once. For the rest of the time though, he’d been quiet and a bit awkward. Maybe he’s
just not comfortable in Seoul? Yoongi pursed his lips as he righted the side table and began placing
the little stickers that hid the screws in place. That was possible. He had mentioned the food not
tasting the same, so maybe he was homesick. Grabbing his phone, Yoongi made a note to himself
to find some Busan inspired restaurants before shoving it away and refocusing on his task.

One side table done, a fuck ton more boxes to go.

Feeling more than a little overwhelmed, Jungkook looked between Jimin and Hoseok as they
discussed his colour choices. He liked yellow so he’d chosen that. The guy at the store said it
paired well with a specific grey so he’d picked that as well. Those were the swatches on his wall.
Now he was faced with two paint cans and various brushes and he was overwhelmed.

“Jungkook, what did you have in mind when you chose these colours?” Jimin asked, clearly
wondering where and how the walls would be painted. Jungkook, however, had not thought that

“Um, that I liked them?” Jungkook said hesitantly.

“Just like Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok said with a sigh, “okay, what do you think of accent walls?”

Jungkook blinked and scanned the living room. There was a large separating wall that led to his
kitchen and he figured that would look really good in yellow. But what about the rest? Would that
mean it should be grey? His furniture was all black, wouldn’t that be too dark? Jungkook frowned
at the paint can then looked around again. The grey wasn’t super dark but maybe something
different? There was a small wall where his bathroom was, maybe there? Jungkook bit his lip,
unsure, “um, I like it.”

Hoseok smiled, “hey, Kook, there’s no pressure. If we do it and you don’t like it, we can paint over
it with primer and start again. It’s not a big deal!”
“But that would be so much work,” Jungkook said, his eyes widening.

Jimin shook his head, “painting is fun. Plus, I helped Hoseok paint his place and he helped me
paint mine. You’ll return the favour eventually when hyung and Yoongi-hyung finally move in

“Oh shush,” Hoseok sighed, waving his hand, “we’ve been together like 8 months. I don’t even
have a toothbrush at his place. We are not moving in together.”


“Sure, Chim,” Hoseok said with a laugh, then refocused on Jungkook, “so, what were you

Feeling more confident, Jungkook pointed, “I think that wall and that one should be yellow. The
rest can be grey.”

“A great idea!” Hoseok praised, smiling wide, “now let’s finish taping so we can get to work.”

“Sure,” Jungkook agreed, returning to the wall he’d been working on before Hoseok and Yoongi
arrived. The process was mindless so it allowed his mind to wander. Which, honestly, wasn’t a
good thing. Not after what Hoseok had just said. Hoseok didn’t have a toothbrush at Yoongi’s
place. That meant something, right? Did it mean they weren’t as close as he thought?

And so what? Doesn’t mean he’d date you.

Jungkook frowned, knowing his own thoughts were right. Just because Yoongi and Hoseok
weren’t as far along in their relationship as he thought didn’t mean they would break up. If
anything, it just meant they were good together since Jungkook hadn’t noticed any of the new
relationship awkwardness. He really did need to stop fixating on Yoongi. He hadn’t done anything
to encourage him. He was just nice and Jungkook liked that.

Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-hyung are nice too.

And that was probably the crux of Jungkook’s issue. Everyone he’d met was nice but only Yoongi
held his attention. It wasn’t like Hoseok and Jimin weren’t pretty. Hell, Jimin was even single,
though he hadn’t shown any interest.

Neither has Yoongi-hyung.


“You okay?”

Momentarily horrified, Jungkook turned slowly to see Yoongi sitting in the middle of wood planks
staring at him with concern. Evidently, he’d spoken allowed. Moron, “um, yea, I just… hate

“Ah, fair. Me too. That’s why I had those two help me before,” Yoongi explained, gesturing
towards Jimin and Hoseok who were talking animatedly as they taped off their sections of the

“They do seem to enjoy it,” Jungkook acknowledged.

Yoongi nodded, “I can get you out of it, if you want?”

“You can?”

“I can,” Yoongi confirmed with a smile before raising his voice, “hey, Seok? Can Jungkook help
me build this shit? It’s going to take forever if I do it alone.”

Hoseok stood up his eyes wide as he looked between Yoongi and the stack of boxes behind him, “I
didn’t even think of that. Are you okay with building, Jungkook? I can do it if you want to paint?”

“No! I can— I can build,” Jungkook rushed out, seeing Yoongi hide a smile out of the corner of his
“Awesome, thanks!” Hoseok said before focusing back on his task, leaving Jungkook looking at
Yoongi with something close to awe.

Yoongi merely smiled and slid a box toward him, which Jungkook took gratefully, only feeling
slightly bad that he’d inadvertently arranged for more time alone with Yoongi. Or rather as alone as
they could be in an open room with two other people in it. Even knowing that, he found himself
smiling as he unpacked his box, which turned out to be his coffee table. It was stupid, so so stupid,
but he couldn’t help it.

“Hey, Jungkook,” Yoongi said, his tone casual as he screwed two pieces of wood together.


“Are you settling in okay? Like actually?” Yoongi asked, sincerity dripping from his voice.

Caught off guard, Jungkook looked down at the planks he had arranged by number and size.
Usually, he’d just say he was fine and move on but something in Yoongi’s tone told him to answer
honestly, “not really.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Jungkook flicked his eyes up, noting that Yoongi wasn’t looking at him but instead focused on his
task. That made it easier for Jungkook to continue, “I’m not usually this awkward.”

“I suspected,” Yoongi admitted.

“In Busan, I knew everyone and I knew the area and I had friends and I just— it was easy, you
know? But here? Here, I know no one. The city is so much larger and overwhelming. Half the time
I can’t understand people or they can’t understand me and the other half of the time, people just
ignore me. But I love my job. I love it so much. I’ve always wanted to dance and now I have the
chance but the city…”

“It’s a lot,” Yoongi agreed softly, “especially alone.”

“Yea. My hyung, um Jin-hyung from back home, he calls and texts when he can but he has a job
too and he’s still not here so it’s hard. I’m not used to being alone.”

Yoongi looked up then and smiled gently, “but you’re not anymore, right? You now how two loud
dorks painting your wall and one quiet, super amazing hyung building your furniture.”

Jungkook smiled despite himself, looking at Hoseok and Jimin before turning back to Yoongi, “I
guess I have to get used to that. I haven’t had to make new friends since kindergarten. I had the
same class pretty much all the way to graduation.”

“I know the feeling,” Yoongi admitted, “and honestly you’re stronger than me. I basically locked
myself away in my apartment until my friend Taehyung showed up and kicked my door in. He still
lives here so you’ll meet him eventually I’m sure. He’ll like you.”

“You think?”

“Oh, I know,” Yoongi said with a snort, “not that he really dislikes anyone but you two would get
along well.”

“That’d be nice,” Jungkook said quietly, now focusing on the allen key he was spinning in his

They continued to work without speaking for a few minutes more, the sound of Hoseok and Jimin
bickering about who knew more girl group choreos in the background and Yoongi’s quiet
humming in the foreground. It was calming. Jungkook hadn’t felt this comfortable since moving to
Seoul. It was nice actually. Even if he was a shitty person for wishing Yoongi would look at him

As if hearing his thoughts, Yoongi looked up and smiled, “so, tell me, what’s the real Jungkook
like then? If you’re not usually like you are now?”

Jungkook jolted, “I-I don’t know.”

“How can you not know?” Yoongi asked with a laugh.

“I just don’t!” Jungkook defended, a traitorous blush rising in his cheeks.

“So you’re saying I’ll have to track down this mysterious Jin-hyung to get the details.”

“Oh, god, please don’t do that,” Jungkook pleaded before he could stop himself, causing Yoongi to
laugh even harder.

“I won’t,” Yoongi promised, though he was still snickering a bit.

Jungkook licked his lips, “I have a video of my last performance…”


“I was on a street dance team before,” Jungkook explained, “we had like a ‘going away’
performance just before I moved here and left the group.”

Yoongi immediately put down the shelf he was holding and held out his hands, “gimme. Let me
see this infamous Busan Jungkook.”

For a moment, Jungkook just blinked at him in shock. He’d called himself that in his head as a joke
(it wasn’t, it was so, so real) but hearing it from Yoongi had thrown him off. In a good way. In a
‘he’s paying attention to what I’m saying’ way. He stared for far too long, because Yoongi’s hand
dropped a bit, clearly misreading Jungkook’s reaction, “you don’t have to—”

“No, I’m good. I just— that’s what I call myself now,” Jungkook admitted shyly, glancing around
to make sure no one else heard, “it’s silly but I kinda talk to myself a bit.”

“Ah,” Yoongi said, smiling, “I see. Well, Seoul Jungkook, let me see Busan Jungkook.”

“Okay,” Jungkook said quietly, pulling out his phone and bringing up the video Seokjin had taken
of the performance. He hesitated, then handed the phone to Yoongi and ducked his head, focusing
hard on the instructions in front of him.
Noticing his discomfort, Yoongi took the phone silently and pressed play. The camera work wasn’t
great, but it was clear and centred on Jungkook so Yoongi figured it was fine. The music was a bit
faint since it was in the background, but Yoongi could hear the beat enough to know the group,
Jungkook included, were riding it well. They moved seamlessly together, each person spinning in
and out of the centre spot so everyone had their time to shine.

It was about halfway through when Jungkook returned to the middle and the tone shifted, clearly
the ‘going away’ part Jungkook had mentioned. Prior to this, Yoongi hadn’t really noticed a huge
difference in Jungkook’s demeanour. He was more focused, sure, but Hoseok got like that when he
danced too so he wasn’t unused to seeing it. But once he re-took centre, it was like everything

He looked dead into the camera and began to move, hands and legs working in time with what
Yoongi could only call body rolls but knew there was probably a better name for. When Jungkook
flipped, spinning his body in a way that caused his entire shirt to lift, Yoongi’s eyes widened and
flicked to Jungkook, who was still staring at the paper in front of him. Realizing he’d missed some,
Yoongi rewound the recording only to catch the second movement where Jungkook just lifted his
shirt up. Yoongi blinked in surprise, once again shocked that Jungkook was so, well, fit. He knew,
theoretically, it made sense and he’d noticed Jungkook’s arms were well-muscled when they’d first
met but this was something else entirely.

Soon after, Jungkook spun back into position and the group finished their dance with one last
repeat of their synchronous dance. The applause was thunderous and even as the camera shook, it
zoomed in on Jungkook’s face which was absolutely radiant. He looked happy and confident and
in his element. Something he very much didn’t seem to be in Seoul. It made Yoongi feel bad,
wondering if maybe Jungkook had left something good behind when he’d left that he shouldn’t
have. But he’d never say that.

“That was amazing, Jungkook. You’re very talented,” Yoongi praised, handing the phone back.
Jungkook took it with an abrupt nod and shoved it into his sweater pocket. Driven by a need to
understand, Yoongi asked, “why move here? You seemed really happy there.”

Jungkook looked up and twisted his mouth, “I was. It was amazing but you don’t exactly make
money dancing on the streets. Not real money anyway. I knew I couldn’t do it forever so when this
position opened I just thought why not? I didn't think I’d get it and when I did it felt like a no-
brainer. Who turns down an instructor position and a reputable company in Seoul?”

“I suppose, but money isn’t the most important thing.”

“I know,” Jungkook agreed, “but I really do love my job, I swear. It’s just everything else.”
Yoongi snorted, “well, maybe I can help with that.”

Jungkook smiled, “I’d like that.”

Fucked. You’re so fucked.

Chapter End Notes

And now Yoongi becomes aware

Come say hi on Twitter

Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yoongi wouldn’t say he hated his job, but he absolutely did. Sometimes it amused him that he was
so well respected and had advanced into such a high position when he hated it so much. He’d never
actually told anyone that, that he hated his job. He suspected people knew, it’s not like he praised
his job at all or talked about it outside explaining what he did, but no one had actually asked so it
never came up. Which was probably for the best. He wasn’t sure what would happen if he said he
hated it out loud. At least now he could pretend. Even as he spent the entire morning pouring over
numbers and accounts, making notes to himself for follow up questions he’d have to ask various

Since last year, he’d been the head accountant assigned to the human resources division of his
company. It sounded fancy, but it really just meant he had to babysit a bunch of other accountants
and double-check their work. Which he was doing now. It was only the monthly expenditure, so it
could have been worse but by the time Yoongi had finished going through all the documents, his
back hurt and his eyes were throbbing.

Book a fucking eye doctor appointment, my god, Yoongi chastised himself as he leaned back and
rubbed his tired eyes. He knew he had to, but he kept forgetting until he inevitably gave himself
another headache at which point he yelled at himself only to do it again.

With that thought in mind, Yoongi returned his attention to his computer and searched for nearby
optometrists that took online appointments. It took more digging than he would have expected, but
eventually, he found one and booked himself for an appointment the following day. It was midday
on a Thursday, but he figured he could take a half-day. Hoseok would be so proud.

Feeling slightly accomplished, Yoongi glanced at his to-do list and realized he had some free time.
He couldn’t finish the accounts until Namjoon dropped off his department’s final numbers so he
was task-less. Deciding he was going to enjoy that time, Yoongi wandered to the staff kitchen and
made himself some coffee, pausing long enough to grab a cookie from the plate someone had left
with a little help yourself sign. The cookie was good so it improved his mood, as did the caffeine,
so when he returned to his office, he felt a bit lighter. Probably because he wasn’t actually doing
his job for the briefest moment, but he wasn’t going to address that.

As he sipped his coffee, Yoongi scrolled through the news as he always did. There was nothing
new or interesting since this morning, but that didn’t stop him. Eventually, he scrolled past news
into entertainment. By the third idol related story, Yoongi felt his mind wander back to the
It had taken two full days to set up Jungkook’s apartment though he still didn’t have a couch. He’d
assured them he’d order one but Yoongi would honestly only believe it when he saw the couch
actually there. But during those two days, Yoongi had seen Jungkook relax a great deal. Far more
and far faster than he would have expected. It really did seem that Jungkook was just shy around
new people and in new situations because by Sunday, his volume had increased tenfold and he’d
begun to tease everyone. Jimin specifically, which only served to irritate him and entertain
everyone else.

Yoongi supposed it made sense that Jungkook was more confident than he initially appeared.
When someone looked like that it didn’t really make sense for them not to be. Not if they had an
ounce of self-awareness anyway. Considering he was friends with Taehyung, a man who was very
much aware of his beauty, Yoongi was familiar with the type. Though, to be fair, Jungkook didn’t
seem to be quite as confident as Taehyung. At least not yet.

That video would suggest otherwise.

Right. The video. If Yoongi was being honest with himself that video had been… eye-opening.
Though he was objectively aware Jungkook was good looking and obviously talented, he’d never
really, well, paid attention. He was now. At least a bit. ‘Busan Jungkook,’ as he’d jokingly dubbed
him, was a powerhouse. The talent he’d expected to see was there, of course, but it was more the
way he carried himself. Confidence and sexiness had just oozed from him as he moved. Even when
he finished, the shyness Yoongi had come to expect from him hadn’t returned.

Yoongi had been thinking about that more than he’d like to admit. Especially when he spaced out,
his mind unknowing drifting back to the video, only to catch Jungkook watching him shyly. The
dichotomy was driving him nuts. Sure, that’s it.

Frowning now, Yoongi put down his coffee and phone and pulled up YouTube on his laptop. He
wasn’t exactly sure what to search but he started with Busan and street dance and went from there.
It took a few tries but he eventually stumbled on Jungkook’s crew. Or so he assumed because he
spotted Jungkook in the thumbnail. Now that he knew the crew’s name, Street Aristocracy, he
could find more videos.

And find he did.

As it turned out, Jungkook, and the rest of the group to be fair, had a bit of a fan following. There
were several channels with dozens of videos dating back years. Yoongi scanned the dates, realizing
that if Jungkook was in them, he would have been no more than fifteen. Curious, Yoongi clicked
the oldest video he could find. The quality was terrible but he could make out Jungkook dancing
off to the side. He was smaller, his presence less obvious but he was still clearly talented, if
Moving on, Yoongi moved through the videos in chronological order, literally watching Jungkook
grow up before his eyes. It was a somewhat weird feeling but why the time he got to videos from
the last two years, he began to recognize Jungkook more. Now he was at the centre more often
than not and he looked much as he did now. That confidence though. Yoongi understood where he
got it. It had developed slowly over time which was why it had been so radiant in the most recent
video. He didn’t have it now, not really. Yoongi realized that was likely because Jungkook
probably felt like he was starting over again, just like he’d done with Street Aristocracy.

Yoongi was watching the videos from this year, his attention rapt, when Namjoon walked in
carrying the files Yoongi was waiting for. He saw Yoongi staring fixedly at his computer with a
slightly shell-shocked expression on his face and snorted, “what’s got your attention, hyung?”

“What?” Yoongi jolted, turning toward Namjoon with wide eyes.

“You look more focused than I’ve seen you in your entire life,” Namjoon joked, dropped the folder
and rounded Yoongi’s desk so he could see. He rested a hand on Yoongi’s chair and leaned
forward. After a few seconds, his eyebrows jumped up, “damn, they’re good.”

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, feeling incredibly guilty that he’d wasted nearly an hour watching
Jungkook dance.

“Who are they?” Namjoon asked, still watching the video.

“Busan dance crew. That one,” Yoongi explained, pointing to Jungkook who was in the centre
doing something sinful with his hips, “just started at Seok’s dance company here in Seoul.”

Namjoon whistled, “he that pretty in person?”

Yoongi glanced at the video then nodded, “yea. More awkward though.”

“Makes sense. Performance persona and all that,” Namjoon agreed, straightening up, “anyway,
I’ve come to interrupt your little break. Those are the files you needed.”

“You always bring the best gifts,” Yoongi said, his tone deadpan.
“I live to please,” Namjoon agreed, “if you wanted to thank me, you could give me that cutie’s

Yoongi rolled his eyes, “you can go.”

Dramatically tasting a hand on his chest, Namjoon pulled open the door, “you wound me.”

“Go,” Yoongi ordered, shooing him away with his hand. Namjoon only laughed and did as he was
told, leaving Yoongi alone with his work. And his thoughts. God, his thoughts.

If someone had asked him last week if he liked Seoul, Jungkook would have said no. And that
answer was honestly pretty much the same now, but he was feeling a bit more comfortable. A large
part of that, he admitted, was due to the fact he actually had a place he could call home and people
who seemed genuinely interested in his opinions. They were such small things but it was helping.
Even Seokjin could tell.

“You look happier,” Seokjin commented, his smiling face filling Jungkook’s phone.

Jungkook returned his smile without thinking, “I think I am. I made some friends and my
apartment is finally ready. At least mostly. I still don’t have a couch.”

“I knew you’d make friends if you just tried,” Seokjin said, suddenly feeling a weight lift from his
chest. He’d been so worried about Jungkook. Even all the way in Busan, he could see that
Jungkook was struggling. Seokjin wished he could have moved with him but it just wasn’t
possible. Now, thankfully, it looked like he didn’t have to worry as much. Jungkook would be

“It was less me trying and Hoseok-hyung just kinda barrelling forward,” Jungkook admitted,
scrunching his nose, “I thought he was just being nice, you know? Taking pity on the new guy but
I think that’s just his personality.”

“That sounds nice,” Seokjin commented, once again feeling better.

“He is,” Jungkook agreed, a flash of guilt flooding his system. Hoseok was a good person. A nice
one too. He deserved someone like Yoongi. And yet ever since showing Yoongi his video, he
couldn’t help but notice Yoongi looking at him more and it made him giddy. It wasn’t with interest
really, Jungkook still didn’t think Yoongi saw him that way, but he looked more, well, interested.
Jungkook was aware that didn’t make sense but it did to him so he was just going to go with it.
Even if the idea that he was monopolizing the attention of his friend’s boyfriend made him want to
lock himself in the bathroom as much as jump for joy. They were conflicting emotions and
honestly Jungkook was doing his best. Or so he told himself anyway.

“So what about this Yoongi? How’s that going?” Seokjin asked, still entirely unaware of Hoseok
and Yoongi’s relationship status.

Immediately, Jungkook blushed, “I don’t know. Good, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“Well, I showed him my last performance. The one you recorded? And he really liked it,”
Jungkook told him, remembering the shock he’d seen on Yoongi’s face when he’d dared to look.

Seokjin snorted, “I bet he did. I’m pretty sure half the crowd fainted when you stripped near the

“I didn’t strip!” Jungkook defended, blushing even more, “I just lifted my shirt. It was part of the

“Uh-huh,” Seokjin agreed, only partially believing him. Jungkook was a man, or had been before
moving anyway, who knew exactly how good he looked and had no problem showing it. Seokjin
admired that as much as he feared for the general population that was attracted to men.

“I was!”

Deciding to give him a break, Seokjin laughed again, “okay, I believe you. So show me your
Excited now, Jungkook vaulted off his bed and scrambled towards his door, “you’ve seen my room
and that hasn’t changed, but this is the living room! We painted the walls. Look how pretty this
yellow is, I like it. Makes me happy. And uh, oh! I have all these shelves now, I can’t wait to fill
them. Yoongi-hyung built them for me.”

“The yellow is really nice,” Seokjin agreed, “adds a pop of colour.”

“Exactly. And here are the side tables and coffee table surrounding nothing because I still need to
buy a couch but you can imagine it here.”

“Very nice. Looks comfy,” Seokjin played along.

“Yoongi-hyung built those too, but he let me do the coffee table. I have this little nook thing with a
window I don’t know what to do with,” Jungkook admitted, directing the camera to a larger
window with an alcove, “Yoongi-hyung suggested I put like a chair there. He said he could make
something to fit the area if I wanted so I might do that. It’d be cool to just chill there and look
outside, you know?”

Seokjin smiled, noting that Jungkook had mentioned Yoongi repeatedly during his little tour. He
was aware that two other people had helped but it looked like Jungkook was, as Seokjin suspected,
still very much invested in his little crush. He shouldn’t be surprised given Jungkook’s reaction to
Yoongi liking his dance video but this was just more confirmation, “that would be nice of him and
would look good.”

“Yea, so I might do that,” Jungkook agreed, not noticing the tone in Seokjin’s voice, “and this is
the kitchen. Look! I have appliances and a table now. The table was a whole thing. Me and
Yoongi-hyung built it but it didn’t fit through the opening. He was so mad. He does this thing
where he pouts when he’s upset, it’s so cute. We had to take the legs off and there’s a scratch
underneath now but it’s fine.”

“Jungkook,” Seokjin called, forcing Jungkook to redirect the camera so it was once again in selfie
mode. When he could see Jungkook’s face, Seokjin smiled, “you told me more about Yoongi than
your apartment, hun.”

“No, I— did I?” Jungkook questioned, embarrassed.

“You did,” Seokjin confirmed with a laugh, “but it was cute. Your little crush is cute.”
“I hope he doesn’t notice,” Jungkook muttered, returning to his bed and throwing himself on it,
“that would be so embarrassing.”

“Why? Maybe he’s interested too!”

Jungkook’s immediate reaction to that was happiness followed by shame. Seokjin didn’t know
Hoseok and Yoongi were dating but Jungkook did. Jungkook knew and he still followed Yoongi
around like a puppy. Still thought about him as he laid in bed at night alone. Still… “no, I don’t
think so. He has better candidates.”

“Don’t say that! You’re great, Kook.”

“I know, but trust me, he’s not interested,” Jungkook said, his voice dripping with confidence.

“If you say so,” Seokjin agreed, narrowing his eyes at the tone in Jungkook’s voice. He wanted to
push, but Jungkook rapidly changed the subject.

“Do you think anyone would mind if I used the studio after hours?”

Seokjin blinked, thrown off, “what?”

Seeing Seokjin’s confusion, Jungkook explained, “I kinda want to dance, do you think they’d mind
if I used my studio?”

“Do you have a key?”

“Yea,” Jungkook confirmed, already eyeing his gym bag.

“Then I don’t see why not. How late do classes go?” Seokijn asked.

Unsure, Jungkook grabbed his workbook and flipped open the available class list, “it’s Wednesday
so… looks like Hoseok’s last class ends soon.”

Seokjin shrugged, “then go. You can ask him if you’re allowed to stay later if you hurry.”

“Yea, you’re right!” Jungkook agreed, jumping up and heading for his bag.

“Have fun, Kook,” Seokjin said, his voice soft, “I’m here if you want to talk.”

Jungkook paused and looked at the camera, “I know, hyung. Thanks.”

“Love you brat.”

“Love you too,” Jungkook replied, hanging up and grabbing his bag. The second Seokjin had
started to suggest Yoongi could be interested in him, he’d been driven by an overwhelming need to
go dance. That was how he dealt with his issues. Dance until he forgot. Seokjin knew that which
was why he hadn’t pushed, which Jungkook was thankful for. Hopefully, he was actually allowed
in the studio otherwise he didn’t know what he’d do. He needed something. Anything.

Wednesdays were always Hoseok’s long day. He did it to himself, but he had an inability to say no.
For some reason, mid-week was the best time for people to take classes and if he wanted to offer
ones for older people, he had to have times that were after a regular workday. Thus, his
Wednesdays generally went until 9 p.m.

The benefit of that was currently leaning against the wall beside the door watching him finish up
with a student who had hung back to ask a question. Yoongi tended to work late anyway, so he’d
sometimes come by to see Hoseok after when he did too. Out of the corner of his eye, he took
Yoongi in. His hands were shoved into his suit pants casually but he’d long since taken off his
jacket and tie, the top few buttons of his shirt undone. His hair was swept back in a style Hoseok
easily recognized as a result of running his fingers through it due to stress but it exposed his
forehead and made him look hot. He knew it too, if the way he smirked and crossed his feet at the
ankles told him anything.

“Thanks, seonsaeng-nim. I think I have it now!”

Hoseok smiled down at his student. She was at least fifteen years older than him with two kids in
high school but insisted on speaking to him formally. He didn’t make anyone do that but she
wouldn’t stop so he’d long accepted it, “no problem! See you next week.”

“I will. Thanks.”

Yoongi watched the woman leave with a raised brow before using his shoulders to shove himself
away from the wall so he could walk up to Hoseok. When he got close, Yoongi trailed his fingers
up Hoseok’s chest then leaned forward and rested his arms over Hoseok’s shoulders, “such a good

“Mmm, I try,” Hoseok agreed, watching Yoongi carefully. There was something in his eye.
Something a little wild and filled with desire. Hoseok’s body immediately responded to it, but first,
he tilted his head, his hands lingering on Yoongi’s hips before pulling him forward abruptly so
they were pressed together, “what’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing,” Yoongi denied quickly, already pushing himself up on his tiptoes so lips ghosted over
Hoseok’s when he spoke, “just want you.”

Hoseok hummed, “yea? You’re so riled up, hyung. What a treat.”

“Maybe I am, gunna do something about it?” Yoongi asked, once again dodging the question.

“How could I say no,” Hoseok teased, grabbing Yoongi’s jaw and tilting it up so he had a better
angle. Yoongi made a low sound of satisfaction which Hoseok swallowed, his lips devouring
Yoongi’s as requested. Yoongi pushed back, his lips moving quicker and quicker against Hoseok’s,
hitting a near desperate pace. Hoseok let Yoongi run wild for a bit, his lips struggling to keep up
but enjoying the feel of Yoongi pressing even more firmly against him as time went on. But
eventually, Hoseok reached down and grabbed Yoongi’s knee and pulled, effectively knocking
Yoongi off balance and sending him to the ground, Hoseok following him down to cushion the

“Neat trick,” Yoongi gasped out as he arched his body against Hoseok’s pointedly.

“Gotta keep it fresh,” Hoseok replied, his hands frantically unbuttoning Yoongi’s shirt at a pace
that now finally matched Yoongi’s. The second he had access, Hoseok leaned down, his lips
sealing around Yoongi’s nipple and sucking hard. Yoongi moaned loud, urging Hoseok on, his
hips never ceasing their relentless movement against Hoseok’s now hard cock, “you gotta slow
down, hyung, I don’t have anything.”

“It’s fine,” Yoongi burst out as he untangled his fist from Hoseok hair and dug into his pockets.
Feeling the small packet he’s shoved there, Yoongi pulled it out and held it up in front of his face.
Hoseok hiked a brow but didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed Yoongi’s hips and flipped them
over so he was sprawled out on top, “Seok?”

“Strip then I’ll give you what you want,” Hoseok said pointedly before crossing his arms behind
his head and smiling slyly. Yoongi rolled his eyes then shrugged his already open shirt off and
stood up so he could unbutton his pants. When he’d kicked them off, he paused and looked down
at Hoseok, his fingers teasing the top of his boxers, “I don’t see you undressing. Get to it.”

Smiling again, Hoseok pushed himself to his feet and walked around Yoongi, pressing himself
against his back. He shifted them so Yoongi was facing the mirror and smiled, “look how pretty.
You going to tell me what made you so horny, hyung?”

Yoongi watched Hoseok’s hand disappear behind him seconds before he felt the slow movement of
Hoseok’s hands pulling his boxers down. Once they were around his thighs and his cock had lept
out, already desperate for any sort of attention, Hoseok looked back up, making eye contact with
Yoongi as he tore the little packet of lube open with his teeth, “well? What was it?”

“Nothing,” Yoongi denied, his head falling back into Hoseok’s shoulder as he began to massage
his entrance, “just am.”

“Hmmm, that’s unusual but I’m not complaining,” Hoseok decided after a moment, then abruptly
slid his middle finger into Yoongi, who groaned at the intrusion, “and I’ll give you what you

“Shit, Seok,” Yoongi gasped out, his legs instinctively widening to give Hoseok better access. The
younger man grunted in response but didn’t say anything as he proceeded to stretch Yoongi and
add another finger. Yoongi knew this was probably a bad idea. They’d never actually had sex in
the studio before. Quick hand or blow jobs, sure, but never sex. But he’d been on edge all day and
needed something. Ever since— Yoongi’s mind halted, unwilling to admit what had set him off
even to himself. He just wanted Hoseok, that was all, so he told him, “I’m ready, fuck me, Seok,
come on.”

Hoseok’s head snapped up, taking in Yoongi’s image in the mirror. His skin was flushed and
damp, his cock dripping and begging for attention, his head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut,
and his boxers still wrapped around his things, digging in where Yoongi had tried to widen his legs
despite their restriction, “I think I need a picture of this, hyung.”

“Sure, whatever, just fuck me,” Yoongi demanded pushing back on Hoseok’s fingers as he spoke.
Hoseok laughed breathlessly then fumbled for his phone. Finding it in his pocket, he snapped a few
mirrored photos of Yoongi then shoved it back in place and stepped back to strip off his shirt and
pants. Yoongi had just enough time to whine in protest before Hoseok was back with his hand on
Yoongi’s neck and his condom-covered cock dragging along Yoongi’s entrance, “come on, Seok.”

“So demanding,” Hoseok teased, then thrust in, bottoming out before Yoongi could even moan. He
held still after though, giving Yoongi time to adjust. As he did so, he moved his hand around
Yoongi’s neck and cupped his chin, lifting it so Yoongi could see them in the mirror too. It was
hot. He didn’t know why they’d never done it before, “don’t you want to watch?”

Yoongi’s eyes glazed over, which Hoseok took as a yes. Spurred on, Hoseok finally began to
move, the pace as relentless as Yoongi’s demanding. He didn’t know what had gotten into Yoongi
today but he knew the older man wanted something quick and dirty, that much was obvious, and
he’d sure as hell provide. He had no issue with that, especially not when Yoongi was unabashedly
moaning as Hoseok fucked him, his eyes glued to their images in the mirror even as Hoseok
pushed him further down.

He could tell when Yoongi got close, because his pitch spiked, his moans turning into nothing but
drawn out whines. Hoseok loved that the most since it told him he was doing a good job. Deciding
to give Yoongi what he wanted, Hoseok removed his hand from where it had been holding Yoongi
down and grabbed his cock. Yoongi’s gasp broke on a moan as Hoseok began to stroke him
quickly. As he’d suspected, it took no time at all for Yoongi to come all over his hand and the
floor, his whole body tensing and shuddering as he cried out. Hoseok fucked him through it,
chasing his own end. When he felt himself get close, he pulled out, tearing off the condom, and
came all over Yoongi’s back, the older man moaning at the feeling before dropping to his knees
and rolling onto his back, smearing Hoseok’s come everywhere.

Hoseok followed him down and spread out, his breath coming quickly, “I don’t know what got you
so horny, hyung, but do it again. That was fucking hot.”

Internally, something in Yoongi’s mind screamed, but externally, where he was still very much
deep in denial, Yoongi laughed, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

In all honesty, any other day, Jungkook wouldn’t have noticed. The studio, though nice, wasn’t
made so that people could peak into different rooms. The only window was in the door and it was
barely five inches wide and the glass itself had metal wiring in it to prevent the glass from falling
out. What Jungkook was trying to say is that he would never have even noticed if he hadn’t already
been headed towards Hoseok’s studio. He’d had his headphones in, so he hadn’t heard what
obviously would have acted as a warning telling him to stay the fuck away. So, oblivious,
Jungkook wandered up to Hoseok’s door intent on asking him about personal use privileges, only
to catch a glimpse of Hoseok fucking railing Yoongi.

He had never run so fast in his life. One second he was looking in the window trying to find
Hoseok and the next he was flat out running towards his apartment, his breath choppy and cheeks
red. Jungkook wasn’t a blushing virgin, far from it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to see someone
having sex. Especially when it hadn't been consented. That was a private moment he’d accidentally
walked in on. Not something for just anyone to see.

To make matters worse it was Yoongi. By the time Jungkook got home, he was crying. Which was
stupid. He knew Yoongi and Hoseok were dating. He’d also seen marks on Yoongi’s neck so he
knew they were at least partially sexually active. He was aware of all this. But seeing it… that was
different. It was like a slap in the face. An abrupt reminder that though he could fantasize and feel
good when Yoongi smiled at him, at the end of the day, Yoongi went home with Hoseok, not
Jungkook. It would never be Jungkook. He felt so stupid. None of this was new information and
he’d known Yoongi a grand total of nineteen days (and yes, he was aware he was counting) so it
didn’t even matter and yet it felt like his heart was breaking.

Stupid, so stupid, Jungkook chastised himself as he rolled himself into a blanket burrito, tears still
dampening his cheeks. He wasn’t this guy. He didn’t form instant crushes or hide from people.
That wasn’t him. Two months ago, Busan Jungkook would have scoffed at the suggestion he’d be
that way and yet here he was, faltering on the unsteady ground of a new job and city and crying
because the hot guy who’d been nice to him was dating his friend.


And, if possible, to make matters even worse than that, Jungkook now knew what Yoongi liked in
bed. He’d never even thought about it, wouldn’t allow himself to, but now he knew. He knew
Yoongi was a bottom, or at the very least a switch, knew Yoongi liked a little bit of force because
Hoseok had sure as hell been using it, maybe he even had a voyeurism kink because there had been
a mirror. These were all things he didn't need to know but he did now. He was sad and a little
horny. Which, Jungkook sneered mentally, was just classy. Have a crush on a taken man and then
get horny when you fucking walk into them having sex. The very definition of classy.

Rolling his burrito so he was facing upward, Jungkook frowned at the roof like it had personally
offended him. The problem was that if he’d stopped to think about it, which he didn’t (he had, so,
so many times), Jungkook would have pictured himself on the bottom. Yoongi just gave off
comforting vibes. He was the type of man who took care of you, which was what Jungkook had
looked for in the past. He seemed like someone who could take control and make you feel good.


Now, Jungkook was bombarded by a whole new type of thought. Yoongi cared for other people all
the time so maybe he liked to be taken care of in bed. That made sense. Jungkook could do that.

Not you, what the actual fuck. Did you not just see him getting fucked by his boyfriend. Are you

Jungkook closed his eyes on a sigh, only to revisit that scene. He rolled over again, this time more
irritated than ashamed. In his haste, he rolled too far and ended up on the ground having hit his
head on the side table and his ass on the floor hard. He was sure his downstairs neighbour thought
he’d dropped a fucking weight and it was just his dumbass falling out of bed with no ability to
cushion his fall since his arms were wrapped up.

He felt even more like an idiot if that was at all possible. He’d moved to a new city alone without
thought to how hard it would be to get comfortable and make friends, he’d latched onto the first
man who’d shown him kindness, that’s not true, Hoseok-hyung and the other instructors were very
nice, he’d concocted this whole bullshit belief in his mind that Yoongi was actually interested in
him, and now he’d inadvertently inserted Yoongi into his own sexual fantasies, which he’d been
very good at avoiding so far (no, he really hadn’t).

Oh, and he was still on the floor. There was that too.

Jungkook rolled himself out of the blanket, ending up in the middle of the room spread eagle and
sighed as he rubbed the sore spot on his head, “alright, enough of this fucking bullshit. Get your
shit together, Jeon Jungkook. You are a fucking sexy, talented, funny mother fucker. You have a
great smile and an ass that won’t quit. You are above this!”

Was that supposed to make you feel better?

“AGH, FUCK!” Jungkook groaned, scrambling up and leaving his room. He didn't know when his
inner monologue had gotten so goddamn sassy but he was just about done with that. He was hot
and single and had a great job. He was a fucking catch and he was going to start acting like it.
Busan Jungkook had nothing on Seoul Jungkook. Absolutely nothing

Chapter End Notes

Can we feel the struggle cominggggggggggggg?

Come say hi on Twitter

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Hey everyone! After much pestering from my roommate and the help of a literal
angel, I made a twitter account that you can go check out if you're interested!

Someone also asked in the comments about what the endgame is. I hadn't really
thought about saying which couple it was, but if you're uncomfortable not knowing, I
can definitely tell you. Just DM me and I'll let you know there so it doesn't get spoiled
for the people who want a surprise!

Anyway, enjoy :)

CW: sexual content

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Like most things in life, change doesn’t come easy. Suddenly deciding you were going to be more
confident didn’t mean that it would actually work but Jungkook was nothing if not determined, so
he wasn’t about to give up. He’d been that way before; it wasn’t that distant of a memory. He just
needed to find himself again.

Dance was always something that spoke to him. For a long time, it had been all he wanted to do
and little had changed, though he wanted to have a more well-rounded life now. But to get that
well-rounded life meant that he couldn’t hide under hoodies and run whenever someone tried to
talk to him. It also wasn’t going to help him make friends either.

So, when he went to work the following day, he made sure he was standing tall. It was a small
thing, but it made him feel infinitely better. Since he’d already fallen into a comfortable routine
with his students, he found it easy to talk to them before the class started, which he didn’t usually
do. Some looked surprised, but no one told him to fuck off, which he took as a good sign. In fact,
by halfway through the day, he’d carried dozens of different conversations with almost all of his
students. Four of which asked him out for drinks. That had been a bit surprising if he was being
honest but he’d turned them down gently. First of all, they were all women, not really his thing,
and second of all, he didn’t really think it was fair considering he was still a little (lot) hung up on

That, unfortunately, hadn’t changed overnight either. He wanted it to, but it didn’t. He told himself
it was stupid and childish and based on nothing but it didn’t go away. He figured he’d have to work
on it but he was determined to do so. He was not a weak man and he would not give up!

At least that’s what he told himself until the man himself walked in wearing glasses. That just
wasn't fair and Jungkook was in the middle of mentally cursing anyone who would listen when one
of his students oh so helpfully drew his attention to Yoongi in front of everyone.

With a less than subtle sigh, Jungkook smiled at her and went to Yoongi, who was leaning by the
door, “Hey, hyung, what brings you by?”

“Oh, I had an eye appointment near here so I decided to come to take Seok to lunch but he isn’t
here,” Yoongi explained, his eyes larger behind the lenses of his thick-framed glasses.

Jungkook shook his head, “Nah, he’s one set with Jimin-hyung, I think. That appointment the
reason why you’re sporting those?”

Touching the frames somewhat self consciously, Yoongi frowned, “No, these are my old ones. I
need a new prescription but they gave me the lecture from hell about not wearing them so I’m
doing what they said.”

“It’s not like they can still see you,” Jungkook pointed out.

Looking him dead in the eyes, Yoongi widened his own eyes, “You don’t know that.”

Jungkook snorted, “Hyung, what the hell.”

Smiling slightly, Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, “Anyway, I was going to see if you wanted
to get in on the free food but you have class still, huh?”

“Yea,” Jungkook admitted. “Back-to-back until 5 today.”

“That can’t be good. When do you eat?” Yoongi asked, frowning now.

“I snack in between,” Jungkook explained with a shrug. “I pretty much never stop eating.”

“I did notice that,” Yoongi agreed. “You should still eat more if you’re going to be basically
working out all day.”
“Awe, hyung, I didn’t know you cared,” Jungkook teased, going for an easy atmosphere.

Except that Yoongi didn’t laugh. No, all he did was blink at Jungkook and reply in a soft voice, “of
course I care, Kook.”

Kook. Fucking kill me. That’s not fair. What did I do to deserve this?

“I— oh, I-I care too,” Jungkook managed to stutter out, very proud of himself but not entirely sure
it was as clear as it sounded in his mind.

Yoongi smiled softly, his earlier hesitation long gone, “I don’t want you to think you’re alone here.
You’re not. You can call me for anything and I’ll be there.”

Before he could even think about stopping himself, Jungkook smiled brightly, his eyes crinkling in
the corners and practically glowing with happiness. It was like a wave of warmth had hit him and
settled right over his heart. The exact thing he hadn’t wanted but at that moment, he didn’t care,
“Thanks, hyung.”

Not answering right away, Yoongi simply started at Jungkook unblinkingly. Normally, Jungkook
would have been concerned but he was too happy to let it affect him. You’re so weak! You lasted
exactly half a day!

“Jungkook-ssi! Are you done flirting? Break is over!”

Immediately, two heads whipped around to stare at the university-age girl who’d yelled at
Jungkook, a hand on her hip and a smirk on her lips. Jungkook could feel his whole face turn red.
He knew he was obvious but he’d hoped Yoongi never noticed but now someone had just pointed
it out! Chancing a look at Yoongi, he was surprised to see a matching blush on his cheeks. He’s
probably just embarrassed that someone thought he was flirting with someone not his boyfriend.

“S-sorry, hyung,” Jungkook whispered.

Shaking his head, Yoongi patted Jungkook’s arm, “Don’t worry about it. Can I hang out and watch
the class? I have the rest of the day off so it’ll save me from hiding in my apartment all day.”
“S-sure,” Jungkook agreed hesitantly, “make yourself at home.”

Yoongi nodded and moved to where the water tower and bags were kept. Even though he was in a
suit, he sat down on the ground and crossed his legs, leaning back against the wall. He smiled at
Jungkook then grabbed his phone and began scrolling through something on it. Jungkook watched
him for a few seconds more before returning to the floor. As he took up his spot, he noticed his
students throwing him looks and then Yoongi, clearly wondering why Jungkook’s entire
demeanour had changed when the small man arrived. Deciding then and there that his confidence
would not be so easily chased away, Jungkook rolled his shoulders back and smiled into the mirror,
“Alright, let’s start from the top!”

As Yoongi frowned bitterly at the midday sunlight, Yoongi remembered yet another reason why
he avoided getting his eyes checked. He hated when they dilated his pupils. It made his eyes hurt
for the rest of the day, even after they’d gone back to normal. Even with sunglasses on, he ended
up squinting as he walked toward Hoseok’s studio intent on taking the younger man to lunch. He
knew Hoseok usually finished early on Thursdays to make up for the long Wednesdays and
Yoongi figured after the absolute wreck Hoseok had made of him the night before, lunch was the
least he could do.

With that in mind, Yoongi wandered inside and went straight to Hoseok’s room, only to find it
empty. Mildly confused, Yoongi texted Hoseok asking where he was.

Min Yoongi 1:21 p.m.

I’m at your studio

Wanna get lunch?

SeokShine 1:22 p.m.

I’m with Jiminie at his work!

He wanted help today

Why are you off so early?

Min Yoongi 1:22 p.m.

Eye doctor.

Guess I’ll eat alone T-T

SeokShine 1:22 p.m.

As if you don’t usually.

We can do dinner?

Min Yoongi 1:23 p.m.

Works for me.

SeokShine 1:23 p.m.

So easy.

See ya later.

Shoving his phone away, Yoongi once again glanced at Hoseok’s studio, unsure what to do. He’d
planned on going to lunch with Hoseok so he hadn’t really come up with a secondary plan. He
could eat alone but he really didn't want to.

Jungkook works here too.

Pursing his lips, Yoongi considered it then walked down the hallway in search of Jungkook’s
studio. He found it near the back as he’d expected. Peaking in quickly, he saw the group dancing
along to a song he vaguely recognized from the radio with Jungkook in front. He was smiling, his
movements easy and casual. Totally different from the intense I will break you aura he’d had in all
the videos Yoongi couldn’t stop watching. He just looked like he was having fun and the students
were clearly responding to that.

Slipping inside, Yoongi made himself comfortable near the door and waited for Jungkook to have a
break. Nearly ten minutes later, the class broke and students began to wander around and grab
drinks. Jungkook still hadn’t turned his way, so Yoongi was about to call out when a student did so
for him.

“Jungkook-ssi, there’s someone here for you!”

Instantly, Jungkook straightened and smiled at her before coming over. He looked a little stressed
out and Yoongi found himself worrying that Jungkook was overworking himself. A full schedule
was hard enough without the added stress of settling in and trying to get comfortable.

Once he reached Yoongi, he smiled again, “Hey, hyung, what brings you by?”
Still vaguely worried, Yoongi explained, “Oh, I had an eye appointment near here so I decided to
come take Seok to lunch but he isn’t here.”

“Nah, he’s one set with Jimin-hyung, I think. That appointment the reason why you’re sporting

Yoongi felt himself fiddle with his glasses without meaning to. He was pretty self-conscious about
them. Hoseok always joked he looked like a sexy professor but he didn’t really like that so he never
wore them, “No, these are my old ones. I need a new prescription but they gave me the lecture
from hell about not wearing them so I’m doing what they said.”

“It’s not like they can still see you,” Jungkook teased, a smile on his lips that Yoongi found himself
staring at.

Then, realizing that he’d been staring at Jungkook’s lips, he redirected his attention upward and
played it off, “You don’t know that.”

“Hyung, what the hell,” Jungkook laughed, his expression brightening.

Pleased that Jungkook looked less stressed out now that he’d spent some talking to him, Yoongi
smiled, “Anyway, I was going to see if you wanted to get in on the free food but you have class
still, huh?”

“Yea, back-to-back until 5 today.”

Rounding right back onto the worry train, Yoongi frowned again, “That can’t be good. When do
you eat?”

“I snack in between. I pretty much never stop eating.”

“I did notice that,” Yoongi agreed, still worried. “You should still eat more if you’re going to be
basically working out all day.”

“Awe, hyung, I didn’t know you cared.”

He thinks you don’t care! Yoongi’s mind screamed at him loudly. Wanting to make sure Jungkook
didn’t think that was true, even though he was fairly certain it was a joke, Yoongi softened his
voice, “Of course I care, Kook.”

“I— oh, I-I care too.”

Yoongi smiled softly, happy that Jungkook felt comfortable enough to say that, “I don’t want you
to think you’re alone here. You’re not. You can call me for anything and I’ll be there.”

And just like that, it was like a light was flipped on. Jungkook’s whole face brightened, his smile
overwhelming his features and putting his teeth on display. Yoong stared at him, momentarily
stunned. He looked so much softer when he smiled like that. It was just so simple. A genuine smile
for someone Jungkook cared about and Yoongi was breathless. He felt a harsh squeeze in his chest
as Jungkook’s lips moved and he blushed slightly. Yoongi didn’t hear what he said, all he knew
was that he wanted to make sure Jungkook felt comfortable enough to continue smiling like that.

“Jungkook-ssi! Are you done flirting? Break is over!”

Pulled out of his thoughts, Yoongi turned to the voice, only to see the same girl from before. This
time she had a look on her face that he didn’t really understand but he found himself blushing
anyway, which only intensified when he saw Jungkook blushing as well. He’s probably so
embarrassed she thinks he would flirt with someone like me, poor guy.

“S-sorry, hyung,” Jungkook whispered.

Not wanting Jungkook to feel bad, Yoongi placed a hand on his arm, “Don’t worry about it. Can I
hang out and watch the class? I have the rest of the day off so it’ll save me from hiding in my
apartment all day.”

“S-sure, make yourself at home.”

Satisfied that Jungkook still looked more relaxed than he had when Yoongi arrived, Yoongi made
himself comfortable in what he deemed a safe area and grabbed his phone to entertain himself. He
really could just go home but he found he didn’t want to do that either. He just didn’t want to be
alone today it seemed, which was odd for him.
“Alright, let’s start from the top!”

Not really paying attention, Yoongi vaguely heard Jungkook begin the class again and the music
start. He was halfway through an article on stocks he didn’t really care about when he heard
Jungkook over the music, “No, not like that. Here, watch me.”

Intrigued, Yoongi looked up and watched Jungkook repeat a part of the dance they’d clearly gotten
wrong. Immediately, he noticed the difference in Jungkook’s demeanour. That confidence was
back but this time in the form of a competent teacher. It was something that Hoseok did as well and
it was hot. There was just something about watching someone grow serious and focused. His class
seemed to agree because they watched Jungkook with eager eyes then repeated it again until
Jungkook was satisfied. After that, the music started again, as did the dance. This time Yoongi
watched, his eyes fixed on Jungkook.

That turned out to be his undoing.

Not because Jungkook was amazingly sexy dancing like he’d been in the videos, but rather because
he was so attentive. He watched everyone closely and helped them make adjustments, his tone easy
and playful. Yoongi’d seen Hoseok teach a million times but this was different and Yoongi wasn’t
sure why. Maybe because he’d never really considered Jungkook in a leadership position or
because this was a new side of Jungkook, but it held his attention. He found he couldn’t look

It wasn’t until he felt a pull low in his belly that he realized what was happening. He was attracted
to Jungkook. Yoongi blinked, horror and shame rushing through him. Oh god, I’m attracted to
Jungkook. Unsure what to do, Yoongi ducked his head and grabbed his phone, his fingers shaking.
He could feel himself get restless, just like the day before. When he’d come to Hoseok’s studio,
there had been an itch under his skin he’d needed to be gone. He hadn’t thought about why but
he’d know Hoseok would fuck it out of him. And he had. God, did you fuck Hoseok because of

Yoongi rubbed his mouth, his eyes flickering back and forth nervously, no, no, of course not. It’s
not like you haven’t found other people attractive before. Dating Hoseok doesn’t make you blind.
Jungkook is pretty and you were horny. Unrelated.

Frantically trying to make himself feel better, Yoongi missed Jungkook approaching until he
touched the top of Yoongi’s head. Startled, Yoongi flinched away. Jungkook yanked his own hand
back, “Are you okay, hyung?”
“I-I’m fine. Just got called back to work, you know the deal.”

“Oh,” Jungkook began, “that sucks. Well, have a good day.”

“Y-yea… you too, Kook. See ya,” Yoongi said, waving as he darted from the room, his own
thoughts chasing him.

By the time Yoongi had finished making dinner for him and Hoseok, he’d managed to convince
himself he’d just misinterpreted his reactions. Yes, Jungkook was hot and he’d spent time watching
him dance the day before but that was neither here nor there. There wasn’t a problem with finding
someone attractive. That was okay. Dating didn't mean that you suddenly only found your partner
attractive. It was okay. He didn’t need to feel guilty. It was fine.

Or so he told himself.

That mindset lasted as long as it took for Hoseok to step into his kitchen and smile at him, his hair
ruffled and still a little damp. Suddenly, Yoongi felt a rush of guilt so overwhelming he was driven
by the need to prove to himself that it wasn’t Jungkook that had made him feel that way; it was
Hoseok. Of course it was. Yoongi took one look at him and without thinking jumped onto him.
Hoseok stumbled backward, his hands instinctively grabbing Yoongi’s hips and ass to steady him
since his legs were nowhere near the ground.


“Seokkkkkkkkkk,” Yoongi said softly, biting Hoseok’s ear, “I missed you.”

Hoseok blinked, “What have you been eating?”

“Nothing different,” Yoongi shrugged snuggling closer as Hoseok smiled against his cheek, “just
want you again.”
“Not that I’m not overwhelmingly willing, but I have some questions.” Setting Yoongi on the
counter, Hoseok stepped back, “What’s gotten into you? You’re not usually this needy, hyung.”

Yoongi frowned, another wave of something he knew was guilt but didn’t want to acknowledge as
such hitting him, “You don’t like it?”

“That’s not it,” Hoseok assured. “I’m just wondering why.”

“I’m not really sure,” Yoongi lied.

Hoseok titled his head, still confused. Yoongi wanting to fuck all the time wasn’t a bad thing, but
in the eight-ish months they’d been together, that just hadn’t been the way he was. They had sex a
ton but not like this. Usually, they had conversations first. The past two days, Yoongi hadn’t given
him the chance. Not until after anyway. Yesterday they’d gone back to Hoseok’s and cuddled the
entire night. Hoseok wondered if maybe Yoongi was stressed out. He didn’t talk about work a lot
but Hoseok knew it was near the end of the month which meant Yoongi was always more stressed
than usual.

Deciding to let Yoongi keep his secrets if he didn’t want to talk about his job, “Are you stressed
out, hyung?”

“No,” Yoongi denied, shaking his head until Hoseok grabbed his chin and tilted it up. “Maybe a

“Hmmm, well let me see if I can help.”

Yoongi smiled, relief flooding him, “Yea?”

“Of course, hyung,” Hoseok assured, his fingers sliding up the back of Yoongi’s shirt. “Just tell me
what you need.”

“Like this is good,” Yoongi decided quickly, pushing himself flush against Hoseok’s body until he
was barely still on the counter. Hoseok nodded his lips trailing along Yoongi’s neck before
sucking just below his ear harshly. Yoongi titled his head away, hoping that Hoseok would
continue but he only pulled away. “W-what?”
Hoseok pressed his thumb against Yoongi’s bottom lip, “I can give you what you want but you
have to get me hard first, hyung.”

Yoongi blinked at him for a moment then slid down from the counter and dropped to his knees, his
fingers already yanking down the sweatpants Hoseok had pulled on before coming over. With
practiced motions, Yoongi took Hoseok’s still soft cock into his hand and stroked gently, aware
doing anything more with no lube would just chafe. After a second, he began to lick and suck,
teasing Hoseok to hardness. It took longer than usual since he hadn’t been even a little hard before
this, but Yoongi was nothing if not dedicated so he managed to get him there by swallowing him
down until he choked and sucking harshly. When he was satisfied, Yoongi backed off with a wet
pop, saliva trailing from his lips and looked up at Hoseok. From this angle, with his head back,
Yoongi couldn’t see his face and he looked more muscular than he actually was. For some reason
that sent a flash of desire through Yoongi’s gut so with one last long lick he stood up on trembling
legs and hopped back on the counter.

“Done so soon?” Hoseok asked, crowding Yoongi and pulling his hips forward so Yoongi’s still
clothed cock rubbed against Hoseok.

“Y-you said hard. You’re hard,” Yoongi said, already trying to wiggle out of pants.

Endeared by Yoongi’s pout, Hoseok took pity on him and helped him take his pants and boxers
off. As he’d been the night before, Yoongi was pitifully hard. Hoseok wondered how long
Yoongi’s been horny for briefly before he stepped forward and wrapped a hand around them both
and sealed his lips to Yoongi’s. He jerked them both off quickly, making ample use of Yoongi’s
pre-come to ease the slide, as he used his free hand to tease Yoongi’s hole. He’d never do anything
without lube, but with every firm press Yoongi’s hips would kick forward and Hoseok liked that.

“F-faster,” Yoongi ordered, slapping Hoseok’s hand away so he could take over. His hands were
larger so he had a better grip. Hoseok moaned, burying his face in Yoongi’s neck as the older man
threw his head back and keened, his breath stuttering as his words failed him. It was better this
way. Hoseok pressed against him and nibbling at his shoulder and neck. Yoongi couldn’t see
anything but the room or feeling anything but his own hand and the cock pressed against him and
he found himself dangerously toeing the edge. Without meaning too, he managed to get out small
syllables that Hoseok was too far gone to notice, “Ju— Ju—”

Seconds later, Hoseok came, his teeth sinking into Yoongi’s shoulder just as Yoongi joined him.
Trembling, Yoongi collapsed against the cupboards, “Fuck.”

“Now I need to shower again,” Hoseok pouted, his forehead still pressed against Yoongi’s

“I’ll wash your hair, come on,” Yoongi offered, grabbing his hand with his non-come covered one
as he jumped down from the counter and carelessly stepped over their pants.

Hoseok continued to pout though he let Yoongi pull him, “My hair is already clean.”

“Oh, you don’t want me to?” Yoongi said, sending a teasing look over his shoulder.

“I never said that,” Hoseok defended, rushing forward so he could gather Yoongi up in a back hug
and drop his chin on Yoongi’s freshly marked shoulder. “I just wanted to make my cleanliness

Laughing Yoongi continued towards the bathroom, the movements slower now that Hoseok was
hanging off him, “It’s clear.”

“As long as it’s clear.”

Yoongi smiled without responding, content with how things had gone. They slipped into the
shower, the water far too hot for Yoongi since Hoseok liked it burning. Conversation stilted, both
settling into a quiet atmosphere as Yoongi washed Hoseok’s hair as promised and they both got
clean. Hoseok kissed him gently on the shoulder, feeling a bit back for biting him so hard without
permission, which made Yoongi smile slightly. Hoseok was a good person. A good boyfriend. He
knew that.

It wasn’t until they were lying in his bed hours later, Hoseok sleeping peacefully beside him, that
Yoongi allowed himself to think about what had happened. All his delusions from earlier crashed
down around his ears, echoing painfully as guilt rocked him to his core. It wasn’t that he was
horny, it was that watching Jungkook dance had made him that way. It wasn’t that he wanted
Hoseok, it was that he’d felt guilty for thinking of someone else that way and needed to prove
himself even if Hoseok hadn’t known why. And, worst of all...

You almost said Jungkook’s name.

Closing his eyes, Yoongi wallowed in shame, what am I going to do?

Though he’d told himself that he would let Yoongi keep his secrets, he hadn’t missed the way
Yoongi had been almost absurdly quiet that morning and the night before. He wasn’t the most
vocal person to begin with but that morning had been on a whole other level. Hoseok suspected
whatever had been bothering him that he’d been trying to forget the past few days was only coming
closer. Maybe he had a deadline or something.

Hoseok had never really dealt with stressed Yoongi. He didn’t seem to care about his job enough to
get stressed. Like sometimes he was more tired than usual after a long week or his hair would be
all messed up from running his fingers through it but that was basically it. Now Hoseok was faced
with an overly stressed Yoongi and he didn’t know what to do. So he sought out help.

“You three have been here as the people who know Yoongi-hyung best,” Hoseok began, clapping
his hands together, “and I need your help.”

Blinking slowly, Taehyung turned from Hoseok to the stranger sitting on the other side of the table
looking confused, “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“M-me? I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.”

“Oh, the new guy,” Taehyung realized, nodding. “Hyung mentioned you.”

“He did?” Jungkook asked, then sealed his lips closed.

Taehyung quirked a brow but decided to ignore Jungkook since he looked embarrassed and turned
back to Hoseok and asked, “What’s going on? Something wrong?”

“I don’t know,” Hoseok admitted, “but hyung’s been like super horny and I’m down but it’s weird
and this morning he was quiet.”

Once again ignoring Jungkook as he choked on his own spit, Taehyung frowned, “He’s usually
“More than usual,” Hoseok explained, tapping his finger on the table beside his fries. “I wouldn’t
have gathered you here for nothing.”

Jimin raised a hand, “Are you telling me you’re upset because you are fucking more?”

“Well, no,” Hoseok said slowly, “I just want to help if he’s stressed or something. Taehyung, how
does he usually react to stress?”

“Not by fucking, that’s for sure,” Taehyung said, shaking his head. “He’s more the ‘locking
himself in his room in the darkness until it swallows him’ type.”

Hoseok’s frown deepened, “Are you sure?”

“Well, it’s been years since he’s been really stressed so I don’t know. Maybe he’s using you as an
outlet. Do you mind?”

“No, of course not,” Hoseok said, waving his hand. “Who in their right mind would have a
problem with their hot boyfriend literally hopping on their dick?”

Officially as red as a tomato, Jungkook covered his face, “Can we please not talk about this!? Why
am I even here? I’ve known you guys for like a month!”

“True,” Jimin said with a snort as he munched on his fries and considered Hoseok’s problem. Not
that he really saw it as a problem, “Maybe he just needs to go out and relax. Leave that shitty desk
and get out of his apartment.”

Suddenly straightening, Jungkook hesitated, “Um, actually…”

“Yes, new guy, go on,” Taehyung urged, making circular motions with his hand when Jungkook
didn’t continue.

Jungkook’s eyes widened but he nodded at Taehyung as if he’d needed permission to continue,
“Well, he came by yesterday and hung out while I had class. He said he didn’t want to go back to
his apartment.”
Hoseok rounded on Jungkook, who recoiled at the swift movement, “He did?”

“Y-yea,” Jungkooks said, nodding quickly. “You were with Jimin-hyung so he came to offer me
lunch but I had class so he just hung around. He had to leave though. He got called back to work.”

Now Hoseok’s brows furrowed as he slowly shook his head, “No, he had the second half of
yesterday off.”

“How’d he look when he left?” Taehyung asked, tapping Jungkook’s shoulder so he turned
towards him.

“Um, upset actually. I asked if he was okay but he just said he had to go back to work and it sucked
and ran out,” Jungkook explained, eyes narrowed as he recalled the events.

“So something is bothering him,” Jimin decided, “but he clearly doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s
trying to distract himself. First sex, then lunch. When that didn’t work, watching Jungkook’s dance
practice and then sex again. Guess that’s the method that works since he did it twice.”

“I mean, I’m not complaining, it’s great. He gets all malleable and I just—” Hoseok broke off
when Jungkook groaned and slammed his head on the table. Laughing a bit, Hoseok patted
Jungkook’s head, “sorry, Jungkook. Anyway, I don’t care, I just wish I knew why.”

“Let’s bring him out,” Taehyung decided, clapping his hands once loud enough that other patrons
glanced over in confusion. “If he’s stressed, getting him to drink and dance and relax will help. If
he gets comfortable enough he’ll tell someone what’s wrong.”

Hoseok nodded with a serious look on his face, “Yes, good plan. Everyone, be on alert! He might
tell any of you!”

“Literally why would he tell me anything?” Jungkook protested, his face still mushed against the
table. He could handle a lot of things but he didn’t need to hear Hoseok talk about the sex he’d
literally seen. That was his line.

“He likes you,” Jimin said simply, making Jungkook pop up, confusion on his face.
Taehyugn nodded easily in agreement, “He does. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known who you are.”

“Yea, I told you that you guys are similar. He likes that. We,” Hoseok explained, gesturing to
Taehyung and Jimin before himself, “are extroverted as fuck. He needs someone like that, as I’m
sure you do, but I’m sure he also likes having the option of hanging out or talking to someone more
on par with his preferences.”

“O-oh,” Jungkook whispered, his mind screaming in happiness he really had no right to feel.

“Is that okay?” Hoseok asked, leaning forward in concern.

“Yea! Of course! It just— I didn’t think I’d make friends this easily,” Jungkook admitted, ducking
his head.

“He’s adorable,” Taehyung declared, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “We’re going to get
along famously.”

Jungkook leaned back, his wide eyes flickering between Taehyung and the other two, who were
laughing quietly, “okay?”

“Perfect! Now, what day were we thinking? Tomorrow so he doesn’t have time to say no?”

“Works for me,” Hoseok agreed.

“Same,” Jimin echoed. “I have a new shirt I want to try out.”

Three pairs of eyes turned to Jungkook, who straightened, “yea, me too. I haven’t had a chance to
wear my club clothes yet!”

“YES!” Jimin cried, far too loud for a restaurant in the middle of the workday, “I saw those leather
pants and I need you to wear them.”
“Sure,” Jungkook agreed, smiling shyly.

Hoseok smiled wide, clapping his hands together, “this is awesome! I knew you guys would know
what to do! Tomorrow we drag Yoongi-hyung to a club and Jungkookie wears his leather pants.
Amazing. Two birds one stone. Or rather, two introverts, one outing. It’ll be great!”

Chapter End Notes

And now the real fun begins. And by fun, I mean sexual tension.
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

It's been a hot minute, for me anyway, because I have done way too much writing this
week. I was going to hold off but I had this scene just burning in my brain so who
needs sleep when there's porn to write? Not me.

Anyway, if you're curious, I wrote a one-shot for Taegi Week 2021 this week called
No More Mistakes (hence the delay on this chapter) which you can read if you're
interested in fwb Taegi. If not, continue on below.... things are getting intense.

CW: sexual content (solo masturbation, butt plugs, and anal sex)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Perhaps because of guilt, perhaps because… okay, it was definitely guilt, Yoongi went to the club
with Hoseok without any protest or whining. It was so easy, in fact, that Hoseok was even more
worried. Yoongi did not do clubs. Not willingly. He’d go and he’d have fun but he didn’t just go.
He complained and whined and pouted until Hoseok kissed him and pouted back. Then he
relented. It was basically their routine at this point. Or had been since they got together eight
months prior. But this time he didn’t fight. Hoseok asked so he agreed, no questions asked.

Which, looking back, was probably a mistake.

But he didn’t ask, he just nodded and smiled sure, Seok and that was all. So, come Saturday night,
Yoongi found himself sitting in a booth dressed in his long-forgotten club clothes with Hoseok
pressed against his side. Jimin and Taehyung were on the other side of the booth, whispering about
something and laughing every so often. That worried Yoongi a bit, but he’d had a few drinks so he
was working with a pleasant buzz and the music was actually decent so he was beginning to enjoy

“Aren’t you going to dance?” Yoongi asked, noticing that unlike every other time neither Hoseok
nor Jimin was on the dance floor yet. Taehyung was a toss-up, sometimes he’d dance, other times
he wouldn’t but Hoseok and Jimin never missed a chance.

“Not yet!” Hoseok replied, elevating his voice so he could be heard over the music.

Yoongi nodded easily, not bothering to ask why since he was sure Hoseok was just waiting for the
right song or until he’d had enough drinks. Nothing to be concerned about. Turning away from
Hoseok, who’d gone back to looking out over the dance floor, Yoongi sipped his whiskey, his eyes
trailing aimlessly over the hundreds of people packed inside the club late on a Saturday. There
were always so many people pressed together all in search of something in the too-hot room. It
kept him entertained while he was here so he mindlessly watched the people move.

His eyes had drifted towards the entrance when he spotted Jungkook. He didn’t react at first. Just
realized that Hoseok must have been waiting for Jungkook after he’d gotten lost looking for the
table last time. He could barely see his head, which admittedly, looked different than usual. His
long hair was styled back, pushed behind his ears and swept away from his forehead. It was a good
look, but that was all Yoongi could see. He took another sip of his drink, about to raise his hand to
direct Jungkook to their table, when he stepped into Yoongi’s full line of sight.

Immediately, Yoongi sputtered, his hand flying to his chest and smacking as he choked on the
whiskey he’d been in the middle of swallowing. Hoseok turned to him right away. “Hyung are you

“Y-ea,” Yoongi said, waving his hand. “Just down the wrong tube. I’m good. Fuck.”

Leather pants and a fucking see-through top? Are we fucking kidding? Yoongi wailed mentally.
He’d only just managed to come to terms with the fact that he’d fucked Hoseok twice while
thinking about Jungkook. That’s he’d been on the verge of crying out Jungkook’s name as he
jerked himself and Hoseok off. He was only about halfway okay with that (see: not at all okay with
that) and Jungkook had the audacity to show up to the club in leather pants.

Yoongi felt his traitorous cock twitch in his jeans and he rubbed a hand over his face. This was a
disaster. A fucking tragedy of epic proportions. Jungkook was a nice boy who wanted to make
friends and liked Yoongi and here Yoongi was already physically halting his imagination from
doing all sorts of nasty things.

“Jungkook!” Hoseok yelled, waving wildly.

Hey, on a scale of one to the death penalty, what do you think the punishment is for imagining
what you were trying not to imagine while your boyfriend sits beside you worried about your
dumbass choking? Buried alive? Seems fair.

“H-hi hyungs,” Jungkook greeted shyly, tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear.

“Woooooooow, Jungkook!” Jimin praised, whistling loudly. “You look fire. Is that see-

Yes, it motherfucking is.

“N-no, it’s just, um, very thin so it clings. See?” Jungkook said as he lifted the shirt and put his
hand underneath so he could press against the material. True to his word, you couldn’t see his hand
through the material. Yoongi, however, could very much see his abs and a little trail of hair that
disappeared underneath his belt. He wasn’t looking on purpose. It was just the angle he was at.
Jungkook was standing. He was just eye level. It wasn’t his fault.

“Looking good, Kook,” Hoseok added. “I didn’t think you’d actually wear the leather pants.”

Jungkook’s eyes widened, “S-should I not have?”

“No! Of course you should have! I just meant I…”

“He thought you’d chicken out,” Taehyung added when Hoseok trailed off.

“Oh. Well, I didn’t! I’m going to be more confident!” Jungkook declared, straightening his
shoulders. Which, admittedly, would have been very impressive if he hadn’t pouted while saying
it. But, you know, baby steps.

Finally managing to drag his eyes away from how tight those pants were, Yoongi frowned at
Taehyung. “How do you know Kook?”

Taehyung smiled brightly. “We had lunch yesterday! I can’t believe you were hiding such a cutie
from me, hyung!”

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Hiding would indicate I have control over where he goes and who he

“But you didn’t introduce us!”

“Fine, I’m sorry,” Yoongi said, shaking his head as he turned away from Taehyung. Jungkook
laughed a bit, his eyes lighting up as they met Yoongi’s. Almost instantly, Yoongi froze, his eyes
widening a touch, which Jungkook noticed and mimicked unconsciously. Unsure, Yoongi licked
his lips nervously, only to watch as Jungkook’s eyes dipped to watch the movement. Yoongi was
about 94.5% sure he was about to pass out or have his boyfriend’s hands around his throat (and not
in a sexy way) when suddenly Hoseok’s voice broke the tension, apparently completely unaware of
the long, extended eye contact he and Jungkook had just shared.

“Now that Jungkook is here, we can dance!”

“Yes, finally!” Jimin declared, scooting out of the booth his hand latched onto Taehyung’s arm so
he could pull him with them.

Hoseok followed after and linked his arm with Jungkook. “Let’s go!”

Jungkook’s brow furrowed as he turned towards Yoongi. “You’re not coming?”

“Hyung doesn’t dance,” Hoseok replied for him. “At least not without a great deal of pestering.”

Yoongi smiled and nodded. “It’s true. I’m here to drink and watch.”

“Watch well, hyung,” Hoseok winked, then dragged Jungkook away, the younger boy still looking
back at Yoongi, something close to worry on his face. Yoongi simply raised a glass and smiled,
hoping to alleviate some of his worries. It seemed to work because Jungkook smiled slightly before
turning to the other three and saying something. After that, it was all moving bodies and smiling

There wasn’t much Yoongi liked about clubs in all honesty but he did like getting to watch Hoseok
in his element. It was different from his usual style of dancing. More sensual. Even when the beat
was fast and hard, Hoseok managed to ride it well, his body swaying and rolling just right. It was
especially nice to watch in leather— fuck.

Yoongi downed the rest of his drink and sighed, rubbing his forehead. He’d just spent however
long watching Jungkook dance. Not Hoseok. Not his fucking boyfriend. God, he was pitiful. He
couldn’t even control himself for a second.
Now might be the only time.

Frowning, Yoongi licked his lips, eyes darting to the dance floor and away. From here, he could
see both Hoseok and Jungkook dancing. Jimin and Taehyung were just behind them, mostly
blocked from view. That was why his gaze had lingered on Jungkook. Because they were so close
together. It wasn’t purposeful. Probably.

Pulling by some invisible force, Yoongi looked back out at the dancefloor, his eyes drifting over
Hoseok, admiring the roll of his hips, before they slid across to Jungkook. He was laughing, sweat
dripping down his neck as he said something to Hoseok before throwing his head back and
laughing again, Hoseok following suit. They looked like they were having fun but Yoongi couldn’t
really help but watch the way Jungkook's shirt clung even more now that he was sweating. The
way the leather never moved other than to tighten around his thighs and ass. They were basically
painted on and it was doing things to Yoongi. Every time he noticed he was staring, he’d drag his
eyes away but they’d inevitably end up back on Jungkook.

You’re going to hell.

Yes, I’m aware. Thanks.

Yoongi sighed, lifting his glass to his forehead and resting it there. The glass was long empty so it
offered no comfort, but for a moment he just sat there with his eyes closed, the music pulsing in his
ears and rattling through his bones. He honestly didn’t know what to do. He’d never had such a
visceral reaction to someone before. Not even Hoseok. He was attracted to him sure, but that low
pulse in his belly hadn’t started until he’d gotten to know him more. That’s just how it was for
him. He’d just assumed his sexual attraction was based on personality over looks but he was now
finding out that wasn’t true. Not that he didn’t like Jungkook personally, he did. Jungkook was a
nice guy, kind and caring, clearly passionate with a sense of humour that took some time to appear
but well worth the wait. But the attraction. Yoongi snorted to himself, realizing now how he’d
begun to drift towards Jungkook almost immediately. He’d assumed it was just because he wanted
to help Jungkook settle in Seoul but now he wasn’t so sure. Everything was tainted by the throb of
his half-hard cock in his jeans reminding him how fucking stupid he was.

Irritated now, Yoongi slid out of the booth and made his way to the bar, intent on getting another
drink and maybe drowning his libido in whiskey. It wasn’t a sure-fire method but at this point, he
wasn’t sure what else to do. He’d just managed to place his order when he felt a presence behind

“And we meet again, hyung,” Jungkook greeted, leaning against the bar with a shy smile.
Yoongi blinked, his eyes dropping to Jungkook’s chest where the shirt had gaped leaving his
clearly defined muscles on display. “It’s always the bar it seems. You think it’s an introvert thing?”

Jungkook snorted, “Probably.”

“Ah, thanks,” Yoongi said, taking his drink for the bartender. He took a sip, his eyes once again
sweeping over Jungkook’s form as he leaned on the bar and ordered his own drink. Those pants
really were a fucking sin. They left nothing to the imagination. Not that Yoongi was imagining.

“Are you okay, hyung?”

Tensing, Yoongi forced his eyes away from Jungkook’s belt, yea, his belt, and to his face.
Jungkook looked concerned but also a little uncomfortable. Like he wasn’t sure if he should be
asking. “Yea, I’m fine. Why?”

“Oh, well… you just look kinda upset, I guess. Every time I looked over you didn’t seem really
happy. Do you have a headache? I saw you rubbing your forehead.”

It felt like a hand had reached into his chest and squeezed. Yoongi had been sitting at the booth
desperately trying to stop himself from staring at Jungkook while he had a boyfriend and Jungkook
was concerned about him. Because he was a good person. Remember that hell thing from before?
So much worse now.

“I’m fine, Kook. Just tired,” Yoongi deflected, trying to smile reassuringly. It didn’t work based on
the look on Jungkook’s face, but he nodded anyway, his eyes darting away as he took his drink
from the bartender and sipped it. Or rather gulped it. Within a second, he’d finished half the drink.
Yoongi hadn’t watched his throat. He swore he hadn’t.



“Why do you come to places like this if you don’t like it?” Jungkook asked. “I asked when we first
met but you didn’t have a chance to answer.”
Yoongi pursed his lips. “Because Hoseok likes it here.”

“But you don’t,” Jungkook observed.

“Neither do you,” Yoongi pointed out.

Jungkook shook his head. “No, that’s not true. I’m… shy. And can be introverted, sure. But I do
like places like this. In moderation. I like to dance and find… people. I don’t dislike coming here.
But you do so why come?”

“I told you, Hoseok likes it,” Yoongi repeated like it was obvious.

“So that means you have to come too?” Jungkook asked, frowning into his drink.

If it had been anyone else, Yoongi would have assumed they were trying to make him stay home.
Implying he was a buzz kill or something like that. He knew that’s not what Jungkook was trying
to say though so he sighed. “Sometimes being in a relationship means you do stuff you don’t like to
make your partner happy. I don’t like clubs and bars, but Hoseok does so I come with him to make
him happy. He does the same for me. Sometimes we do stuff I like that he doesn’t. It’s the
compromise you make.”

Nodding, Jungkook bit his lip, his eyes flicking to Yoongi then back to his glass. “What does he do
for you?”


“You said you come here for him; what does he do for you?” Jungkook repeated, finally looking at
Yoongi dead on. Their eyes held and Yoongi honestly couldn’t think of a single thing. He knew
that wasn’t right. There was no way Hoseok didn’t do things for Yoongi even if he didn’t like
them. Yoongi knew that. But as Jungkook stared at him, his eyes wide and earnest, Yoongi had
nothing to say. That conflict must have shown on his face because Jungkook’s eyes dropped.
“Sorry. That’s none of my business. I’ll just—”

“Hey, no,” Yoongi protested, grabbing Jungkook’s arm as he tried to walk away. “It’s fine. I get
asking that. I just… can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but don’t worry. I promise it’s
not always just Hoseok dragging me around.”

Jungkook pursed his lips. “If you’re sure, hyung.”

“I am, Kook. I swear,” Yoongi assured. “I’m going to go back to the booth now. Are you coming?”

“Yea. Okay,” Jungkook agreed, letting Yoongi pull him through the crowd. Yoongi didn’t let go of
his arm and Jungkook didn’t mention it. Even if it burned.

By the time Jungkook stumbled home and fell into his bed, he had three distinct emotions warring
for dominance. 1) Happiness. He’d had a good time, danced with some people, had a few drinks,
and laughed with people he genuinely considered to be his friends. 2) Shame. Yoongi had looked
so cute and Jungkook hadn’t been able to stop staring. He’d looked so out of place even dressed in
club clothes and the dichotomy had sent Jungkook for a loop. How was it possible to look soft and
squishy in tight pants and a fitted top? Jungkook didn’t know but he’d seen it and he’d spent more
time than he’d like to admit staring at Yoongi more than a little hungrily. Even with Hoseok right
there. And finally, 3) he was horny.

At first, he’d thought he was imagining it. He was dressed up for the first time since arriving in
Seoul and everyone had been pretty vocal about good he looked so he’d just assumed Yoongi was
in shock. But then he’d felt eyes on him when he was dancing. That wasn’t something he was
unused to, he knew he was attractive, but they’d felt so intense he’d had to look around and find out
who it was.

It had been Yoongi.

God, the look on his face. Jungkook hadn’t been able to look away. Every so often, Yoongi’s eyes
would flit away and Jungkook would feel disappointment rise, then they’d be back just as intense
as before. Hence the shame. Jungkook had felt a flash of satisfaction at that. Yoongi couldn’t look
away. Even with Hoseok there, he was looking at Jungkook.

They’d made eye contact a few times and god just the thought… Jungkook groaned, rolling over in
his bed so he could stare at the ceiling, his fingers trailing down his stomach before freezing just
above his boxers. He hadn’t done anything like… that before. He’d been so careful not to.
Sometimes he’d catch his mind wandering but he’d shut it down as soon as he noticed. He wasn’t
the best at catching himself but he was doing okay. He liked to think so anyway. But now, having
seen that look in Yoongi’s eyes… Jungkook closed his eyes and gave in, his palm rubbing harshly
on the erection he’d been pointedly ignoring most of the night.

At first, Yoongi’s look set fire to his blood. He’d found himself moving slower, tilting his head in a
way that he knew showed off his neck and chest. He was teasing. He knew that but he couldn't
stop. Not with Yoongi looking at him like he was starving. Jungkook had gotten so hard just
thinking about Yoongi watching him. It had almost been too much to take.

But then Yoongi had looked unhappy. Pained even. When Jungkook saw him rubbing his forehead
he’d been immediately concerned. That’s why he’d left the dance floor and sought him out. He’d
expected his arousal to die down the more they talked but it hadn’t. If anything, that just made it
worse. He liked Yoongi. He was funny and nice and Jungkook liked talking to him. Even when
he’d come to dance so Hoseok would appear randomly to drag him back to the dance floor or kiss
Yoongi briefly. Either way, Jungkook always gravitated back to him. Hoseok and Jimin had teased
him, saying it was like introvert magnetism but Jungkook hadn’t cared. He just wanted to spend
time with Yoongi talking about whatever and watching as every so often his eyes would dip to his
lips and his eyes would darken.

It was so wrong. Jungkook knew that. But even as he pushed his boxers down and finally wrapped
a hand around his aching cock, he couldn’t stop. Behind his eyelids, all he could see was Yoongi
watching him dance. Yoongi licking his lips and smiling before sipping his whiskey. Yoongi
laughing and leaning into him like he couldn’t stop himself. Yoongi’s eyes fixed on his lips even as
he talked about something random.

Ah, Kook…

Jungkook’s breath stuttered, his hand moving faster and faster, the images of Yoongi from that
night flashing through his brain at record speed.

Would you touch me, Kook? Please?

“FUCK!” Jungkook gasped out, his hips lifting off the bed as he came all over himself and the
sheets below him.

Thanks for hanging out with me, Kook.

Dropping his come covered hand to the bed, knowing he’d have to change them anyway, Jungkook
sighed. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew something had changed. That by jerking off
to Yoongi, specifically to Yoongi in a normal (mostly) non-sexual situation, he’d tipped the
balance, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. His perpetual state was guilt-ridden now, but at that
moment, he allowed himself to smile just a bit. Just to bask in the knowledge that Yoongi had
wanted him. Even more a moment.

It was more than Jungkook ever thought he’d get.

“Did you have fun, hyung?” Hoseok asked, nuzzling his nose into the back of Yoongi’s neck as
opened the door to his apartment.

“Yea, it was nice to see everyone,” Yoongi agreed, dragging Hoseok slightly tipsy form into his
apartment. Tipsy Hoseok was a touchy drunk, so the man had been suction cupped to him since
they’d decided to leave. Tipsy Hoseok was not to be mistaken with drunk Hoseok. Those were
different beasts entirely. Tipsy Hoseok wanted to dance and cling to whoever was closest. Drunk
Hoseok wanted to ponder the meaning of life and watch paint dry. Very, very different.

So Yoongi was dealing with tipsy Hoseok which only became that much more apparent when his
arms drifted downward and snuck down the front of Yoongi’s pants without warning. Yoongi’s
steps faltered, not expecting Hoseok’s hands to suddenly be wrapped around his cock. “Fuck, Seok.
Impatient much?”

“Hypocritical,” Hoseok muttered into his neck as he nipped at Yoongi’s ear. “Give the way you’ve
been the past few days.”

At the mention of Yoongi’s previous actions, his dick twitched. He couldn’t help it. He
immediately thought about Hoseok fucking him, which quickly turned to why, which only served
to remind him how good Jungkook had looked earlier; how nice it had been to just hang out and
drink with him even if that shirt was a fucking crime.

“Hmm, you liked that, huh?” Hoseok teased, feeling Yoongi harden under the slow teasing
motions of his hand, not aware of the direction of Yoongi’s thoughts. “How about you fuck me
tonight, hyung?”

Yoongi’s breath stuttered, “Yea?”

“Yea, I think so. It’s been a while and you fuck me so good, hyung.”

Yoongi closed his eyes and leaned back into Hoseok’s hold, focusing on the slide of his hand on
his cock now that he’d opened his zipper and had more room. He was conflicted. On one hand, he
was hard and definitely wanted to have sex. On the other, he wasn’t certain he could do it without
thinking about Jungkook. That felt wrong. He knew he’d done it before but that had been
accidental. If he did it now, he’d be going into this knowing exactly what he was going to do. Hell,
what he was doing now. “I can do that, Seok. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

With a final lingering stroke, Hoseok kissed just below his ear. “I have a surprise for you too.”

“Oh?” Yoongi quirked a brow, following Hoseok as he shed an article of clothing every few steps.

“Mhm. I was thinking we might be a bit too drunk and horny tonight so I took the liberty of getting
ready,” Hoseok told him as he crawled onto the bed fully naked before resting his cheek on his
forearms. Yoongi stepped forward quickly, his hands automatically going to Hoseok’s ass and
squeezing before pulling his cheeks apart. Sure enough, just as he’d said, there was a pretty little
metallic-looking plug nestled deep in his hole. Yoongi groaned and pressed on it, making Hoseok
jolt. “You like it?”

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, his attention now on gently pushing the plug in and out as Hoseok twitched
below him. He still hadn’t undressed but his cock was hanging out from Hoseok’s earlier attention
and it was dripping. “Can we do it like this?”

“Fuck yea,” Hoseok agreed, widening his legs as he spoke. Yoongi smirked, his hand massaging
Hoseok’s thighs as he continued to work the plug in and out. Like this, it was both better and worse.
He couldn’t see Hoseok’s face, so he couldn’t see the man he was lying to. But he also couldn’t see
him and that made fantasizing a bit too easy. “Hyung, I’ve been ready for hours.”

Yoongi nodded, then realizing Hoseok obviously couldn’t see him, he spoke. “Yea, alright. Give
me a second.”

Fumbling with his bedside drawer, Yoongi grabbed his lube and condoms. When he turned back,
Hoseok’s face was shoved into his bed and his hand was stroking his cock. “Don’t come without
“Then hurry,” Hoseok whined. He was always so much more demanding when he bottomed but
Yoongi didn’t mind so he returned to his place behind Hoseok’s ass and, not bothering to undress,
slipped on the condom, his breath hitching at the feeling. He’d been hard for way too many hours
now and this was like instant relief. Or would be.

Pulling out the plug, Yoongi watched Hoseok’s hole gape as he poured more lube onto him and
lined up, dragging his cock teasingly over Hoseok’s hole but never pushing in. “Ready?”

“Hyung, I swear to— fucccckkkk,” Hoseok broke off, once again pushing his face into the
mattress as Yoongi slowly pressed in and bottomed out. Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut and began
counting back from one hundred. He really hadn’t topped in a long time and he was struggling to
hold it together. By the time he’d made it to forty, Hoseok wiggled. “I’m good.”

Instead of responding, Yoongi simply pulled out and slammed home, sending Hoseok’s body
forward before he caught on and matched Yoongi’s rhythm, which was brutal. Hoseok had cleared
edged himself and Yoongi had spent the whole night trying not to think about Jungkook so neither
cared to bother with a build-up. Instead, Hoseok just moaned, pushing back eagerly before his hand
returned to his cock and started stroking sloppily. Meanwhile, Yoongi fucked into him with little
restraint, his attention focused on his prostate and the finger he had placed just above Hoseok’s
hole so he could feel himself slide in and out two different ways.

Hoseok got more and more vocal, his voice cracking and thighs trembling as he got close but
Yoongi was barely paying attention. His mind had already drifted back to the club against his
better judgement. He could see Jungkook dance to the beat, his body swaying and bobbing, his hair
bouncing with every movement despite the product he’d put in it. He vaguely heard Hoseok’s
voice pitch even higher then he felt his body tighten, his hole pulling Yoongi in further and
clenching hard. At that moment, his memory shifted to Jungkook laughing, his hand running
through his hair before he glanced over and smiled, his nose scrunching up.

“I’m going to—” Yoongi managed to get out before the tension he hadn’t even really been aware
was building in his stomach snapped and he came, Jungkook’s name on his lips. He heard Hoseok
moan underneath him, clearly being pushed to over sensitivity by Yoongi’s slow continuous thrusts
as he drew out his orgasm.

Breathing deeply, Yoongi pulled out and tossed the condom. Hoseok rolled onto his back and
giggled, looking up at Yoongi with hooded eyes. “You’re not usually so quiet. Or fully dressed.”

“Huh?” Yoongi asked, only then realizing how close he’d gotten to saying Jungkook’s name again
and doing his best not to let his shame and guilt show on his face.
Hoseok shrugged sleepily. “Usually you’re naked around my cock, moaning and ordering me
around, begging for stuff. Not this time. I always forget you’re a quiet top but sloppy bottom. I like

Yoongi laughed, hoping it didn’t come off as awkward. He didn’t know if he was usually quiet but
he did know this time had been because his mind was elsewhere, stuck in looping memories of a
few hours prior. He really had to deal with this. He couldn’t keep sleeping with Hoseok in ways
that allowed him to avoid eye contact because he was fantasizing about someone else. That wasn’t
fair to Hoseok or even Yoongi. It was just a mess of hurt feelings and angry words waiting to

Something had to give and honestly, Yoongi wasn’t sure what it would be.

By the following week, that answer still hadn’t come to him. If anything, it had only gotten worse.
Since Yoongi had graciously agreed to go to the club he hated (Yoongi’s exact words), they were
doing a movie night. It was just a low key thing, hanging out at Yoongi’s place eating too much
take out and drinking too much beer, and Yoongi was pretty excited. He loved stuff like that. It
meant he got to snuggle into his favourite blanket and just relax without thinking about his terrible
job or having to interact with anyone he didn’t want to.

In theory, it was perfect.

Taehyung showed up first, as he usually did, with Chinese and a mildly concerning amount of beer
for a man that drank very little.

“That… is a lot of beer, Tae,” Yoongi said, eyeing the case on his counter.

“I know but do you have any?” Taehyung asked pointedly, folding his arms over the case so he
could lean on it.

Yoongi snorted as he opened the fridge. “Of course I… no, I don’t. How did you know?”

“I’m physic. Anyway, I figured we could share and I’ll just leave the rest here. It’s a waste
“Yea, okay.” Yoongi relented, still mildly freaked out that Taehyung had just known he had no
beer in the house. Highly suspicious.

Hoseok showed up next with chips and a few bottles of soju. He moved past Yoongi with a quick,
chaste kiss on the cheek before freezing just outside the kitchen. “Um, are we having a party I
don’t know about?”

“Oh my god, it’s literally one case of beer. You guys need to calm down,” Taehyung snapped from
his place stretched out on the couch. Yoongi could practically feel him rolling his eyes.

“Sorry,” Hoseok snickered. “You forgot to buy beer, didn’t you?”

“Literally how did you know that?” Yoongi burst out, embarrassed. That made two of his friends.
He almost wanted to ask Jimin about it when he came just to see if this was a common belief.

It was.

“Hyung, you’ve ended up stealing from us the last three movie nights,” Jimin teased as he opened
the case Taehyung brought so he could take one for himself. “I actually brought an extra six-pack
just in case too.”

“Is that why you brought more than one bottle too?” Yoongi looked at Hoseok, betrayal on his

“No?” Hoseok said, the lie so clear it was almost funny.

Yoongi tossed up his hands and stormed away. He heard a tentative knock and wrenched open the
door. “How much booze do you have?!”

Jungkook recoiled and clutched a paper bag to his chest. “I-I just— just a few tall boys? I just—
wanted to try something new so I grabbed a few. Is that— is that not okay?”
“No, it’s perfect!” Yoongi praised, grabbing Jungkook and dragging him inside. “Some people
don’t shame me like everyone else.”

“Oh my god, hyung.”

“Yoongi-hyung, babe, you are so dramatic.”

“I am not,” Yoongi denied, pouting.

Jungkook looked around with a slight smile on his face. “I’m missing something.”

“You’re only missing that hyung forgets to buy beer every time and now he’s embarrassed that we
all bought more to make up for him. Just let him whine, he gets like this,” Hoseok explained,
laughing at Yoongi’s expression. Unable to help himself, Jungkook giggled, only to purse his lips
when Yoongi shot him a look.


“I invite you all into my home and this is the treatment I get,” Yoongi muttered, leaving them all to
go grab a drink in the kitchen.

Jungkook watched him go and snorted. “He reminds me of my hyung. Always had a flair for the
dramatic. Didn’t think Yoongi-hyung did.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes. “It comes and goes. The more comfortable he is, the more dramatic he
gets. This was my entire childhood.”

“Sounds fun,” Jungkook decided after a moment, drawing a choked laugh from Taehyung, who, he
supposed, did not agree.

“Alright fuckers, I get to choose the movie because you all suck. We’re watching Iron Man.”

A collective groan erupted, everyone voicing very loud, very pointed complaints. Yoongi looked
overly pleased with that response. Far too pleased for a man who had apparently just upset almost
his entire friend group. Jungkook however, was ecstatic. “I love Iron Man. He’s my favourite.’

Yoongi turned to him, his smile soft. “A man of taste clearly. Leave the rest to their complaints.
They’ll get over it eventually.”

“LIES!” Taehyung protested from the couch. “I will never get over it!”

“TOO BAD!” Yoongi called back, making Jungkook laugh. He’d never really seen Taehyung and
Yoongi interact before. Not for an extensive period of time. He could see how close they were
now. It really did remind him of how he and Seokjin interacted. It was nice and fun and just
radiated closeness. Even if it wasn’t Jungkook’s relationship he was seeing, the familiar
atmosphere made him relax.

Despite their claims otherwise, everyone did calm down as they ate. Yoongi had a table but they all
ended up sitting on the floor in a misshapen circle passing food around. Jungkook felt himself
smile, content. He liked this better than the club. He didn't think he would, he often got awkward if
silence fell for too long and he wasn’t comfortable, but this was good. He was happy.

Until, of course, the movie started. Then it got awkward real fast. Literally only for Jungkook but
still. Jimin had claimed the sofa chair Yoongi had placed off to the side while Taehyung and
Hoseok had taken the couch. Jungkook remained on the ground, assuming Yoongi would sit beside
Hoseok when he returned. Which was confirmed a few minutes later when Yoongi wandered in
carrying a bowl of chips and two beers in his hands. Jungkook tried not to stare at the way Yoongi
effortlessly carried the two bottles between his fingers. Something so normal can’t be hot. Pull
yourself together.

Once Yoongi had put the beers and chips down he settled in beside Hoseok, who put his arm
around his shoulders to pull him closer. Jungkook looked away, a stab of pain echoing in his chest.
He knew they were dating. He fucking knew. Why did it always hurt?

“Wait, Kook can’t sit on the floor alone!” Yoongi protested, looking at the back of Jungkook’s
head then around at everyone else.

Hoseok frowned, “you’re right, come sit here, Kook!”

“I can’t. There’s no— oh.” Jungkook halted, watching as Hoseok manhandled Yoongi so he was
sitting sideways, leaning into his chest.

“Where are my legs supposed to go!?” Yoongi protested, wiggling around.

“You don't mind if they’re in your lap, do you, Kook?” Hoseok asked, smiling obliviously.

“N-no, that’s fine,” Jungkook muttered, his eyes on Yoongi as he moved closer. Yoongi licked his
lips but didn’t protest, so Jungkook lifted his legs and made himself comfortable underneath. His
hands hovered awkwardly over Yoongi’s legs before lowering them, his eyes darting frantically to
Yoongi then away.

“I can sit on the ground if you’re uncomfortable, Kook. It’s okay.” Yoongi told him softly, but
Jungkook shook his head so Yoongi relented. “If you’re sure.”

“Everyone good?” Jimin asked, leaning over so he could press play on the controller they’d
carelessly left too far from any of them to reach easily. After everyone made sounds of agreement,
Jimin walked his upper body closer on his hands then hit play. He had to awkwardly shuffle back
which made everyone laugh at him, but eventually, he relaxed back into his chair and silence
cloaked the room, the only light from the brightness of the television screen.

Happy with his movie choice, Yoongi relaxed further into Hoseok, who began playing with his
fingers idly as they watched. They were about twenty minutes in when Jungkook finally relaxed
too; his body leaned back into the couch and his arms finally less rigidly placed on Yoongi’s legs.
The shift in position just made them press closer together, Yoongi’s butt now firmly against
Jungkook’s thigh. He could feel him twitch every so often but did his best not to think about it.

Read the subtitles, read the subtitles, read the—

Yoongi’s eyes widened and he slowly turned his head to Jungkook. His eyes dipped, watching as
Jungkook’s thumb moved back and forth on his thigh in small little circular motions. It would be
calming if he wasn’t within inches of his dick. He felt his breath hitch and Hoseok press a kiss to
his hair but his eyes never left Jungkook, who was watching the movie intently. Yoongi knew he
should look away, that it was probably just an unconscious thing, but he couldn’t.

Eventually, Jungkook felt his eyes on him and looked over, then immediately tensed, his hand
squeezing down accidentally. Yoongi’s mouth dropped open, almost moaning, then he snapped it
shut, his eyes widening even further. Jungkook looked just as surprised as he slowly relaxed his
hand but otherwise he didn’t move. Yoongi swallowed, then, without knowing why, he nodded and
turned his attention back to the TV.

Jungkook watched him a moment more, unmoving, then began his small ministrations again, his
eyes flicking to Hoseok, fully expecting him to be seconds from kicking Yoongi in the balls and
punching Jungkook in the face for whatever that just was. Yoongi had almost moaned, right? That
had happened? Jungook’s eyes dropped to Yoongi’s crotch but he couldn’t really tell anything
given the light and how bent he was. So, biting his lip, Jungkook looked back up. He saw
Yoongi’s eyes dart to him out of the corner of his eyes but otherwise, he didn’t turn back.

Behind him, Hoseok continued to play with his fingers and laugh along with the movie, casually
exchanging commentary with Taehyung. He was completely oblivious and that hurt Jungkook just
as much as it thrilled him.

You are a shit person. I hope you enjoy eternal damnation, you actual piece of trash.

Sighing, Jungkook finally started watching the movie again, that constant guilt spiking every time
he imagined what that gasp would have sounded like. He knew it was terrible but he didn’t stop.
Neither did his circling thumb.

Guess that was just the way it was.

Chapter End Notes

Can you feel the breaking point coming? CAN YOU!?

Chapter 8
Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Yoongi was stressed out, he had a system. A modus operandi if you will. Basically, he
turned off his phone and all the lights, wrapped himself up in his favourite blanket, and huddled in
the most comfortable place he could find. He’d been that way for years. When he was younger,
he’d hid under his bed. When he was older, he’d just cocooned himself on top instead. Now he
chose his couch. Or would, if he hadn’t forcefully stopped himself from doing that. It hadn’t really
been his choice actually. His therapist had expressed concerns about the frequency with which he
sought complete darkness and solitude. While he didn’t necessarily agree, he understood his point.
He’d probably been concerned if he found out one of his friends did the same thing. So he’d started
writing. Just a bit at first because he’d hated it. His therapist had suggested short poems about
things he was familiar with. In theory, a great idea. In practice, not so much. He ended up fixating
on the metre which made him more stressed which was the exact opposite of what was intended.

Then, he’d tried fiction.

Again, at first, he’d thought it was a bit stupid. Why invent worlds and people that were fake? But
the more he’d done it, at his therapist’s request, the more he’d grown to love it. Eventually, it had
become his sanctuary. The place he went when he was stressed or bored or just needed a break. It
was his happy place, even when unhappy things were happening to his characters. Then it had
become something else, a passion project, a thing he did not because his therapist told him to but
because he enjoyed doing it. No one actually knew why he wrote now, just that he did and
wouldn’t show anyone. But that was fine. He had his book and his characters and his place to hide
when things got too much.

Like now.

Everything was too much now.

Since the movie night, Yoongi has existed in a perpetual waiting game. He felt like he was
dangling off the edge of something and he didn’t know what. The way Jungkook had looked at
him… Yoongi didn’t know what to do with that. It had been dark, so maybe he’d misinterpreted,
maybe his own almost instant reaction to Jungkook’s hand tightening on his thigh had coloured his
memory of that night but it had seemed like Jungkook was interested too. Like he was thinking the
same thing Yoongi was. He’d certainly been watching him most of the night. And his hand had
never left his thigh. Not even when he’d grabbed a drink. He’d just drank it with his non-dominant
hand so he could keep rubbing small circles into the inside of his thigh.

Just thinking about it made Yoongi hard again, his imagination altering and extending the moment.
If Yoongi hadn’t been dating Hoseok, what would have happened? Would he have asked Jungkook
to stay? Would they have ended up rolling around on his floor, desperate to get at each other?

Yoongi shook his head and leaned back from his computer so he could rub his face. He’d spent
every day of the past week at work or his computer. He hadn’t seen Hoseok since the morning
after the movie night when he’d left. They’d been texting, but Hoseok always left him alone when
he got into moods like this so he was left to his own devices. This was probably for the best
because Yoongi was sure he’d only feel even more guilty if he saw Hoseok face to face.

Dropping his hands, Yoongi blinked at his computer screen then scanned the last few lines he’d
written. Most of them were fine, then just at the end: Jungkook picked him up and…

“Fuck,” Yoongi snapped, slamming his finger down and erasing what he’d written there. He
shouldn’t be surprised that Jungkook managed to sneak into his writing time. It made sense. He
was the reason Yoongi was doing it in the first place. But he was still disappointed in himself. His
lack of self-control was abysmal. One could even say pathetic.

The problem, as it had been since Yoongi met Jungkook, was that he didn’t know how to handle it.
He had never been a person who acted without thinking or planning. In fact, people often teased
him for taking too long to choose one thing or another. He’d just always been a deep thinker.
Which was probably the root of his problem now, honestly. He was thinking about it too much.
Fixating. What was the problem with finding Jungkook attractive?

That’s not the problem. The problem is fantasizing about him with Hoseok fucks you.

Yoongi frowned, acknowledging his own inner monologue’s accuracy. That certainly was a
problem. But he could stop doing that, right?

What about the way he looks at you? The way you look at him? Yoongi bit his lip and tossed his
laptop to the side so he could go search for something to eat. He wasn’t sure that Jungkook had
looked at him a certain way. Mostly when Jungkook caught Yoongi staring he just stared back.
Maybe he thought it was some weird powerplay thing because he was new and awkward.
Yea, sure, go with that.

Huffing now, Yoongi shut his fridge more aggressively than necessary. He hadn’t gone shopping
all week so he didn’t have anything to make. Which just figured. That was just the way his life was
going: hated his job, on the verge of destroying his relationship, fantasizing about a guy years
younger than him that probably just wanted a friend, couldn’t fucking write. Typical.

Yoongi returned to the couch in search of his phone, digging through the cushions and blankets. He
found it shoved down beside the arm and sighed, scanning the messages quickly. Or rather,
message. There was just one sent less than a minute prior.

Jungkookie 6:34 p.m.

Check your door

Confused, Yoongi shoved his phone in his pocket and went to the door, wrenching it open only to
watch as Jungkook vaulted himself away and fell on his ass, a panicked expression on his face.

“What the hell, hyung!?”

Yoongi blinked. “You told me to come to the door!”

“Yea well,” Jungkook pouted, still on the ground, “usually you don’t look at your phone right
away. I thought I had more time.”

“Time for what?” Yoongi asked, then looked down at his feet. There, just beside the door, was a
paper bag that was stapled shut. Yoongi could tell it was from the lamb skewer place Yoongi had
taken Jungkook when they’d first met. Furrowing his brows, Yoongi returned his gaze to
Jungkook, who looked embarrassed. “Why?”

Jungkook looked at him quickly then shrugged, his hands pulling on the strings of his hoodie until
one side was all the way down to his hip before pulling the other side to even it out. “Um, well,
you seemed stressed out when we talked yesterday and earlier, so I thought maybe you’d want
some food. I know you like that place so…”

“Oh,” Yoongi sighed, a small smile making its way to his lips. “Thank you, Kook. That… means a
lot. People usually avoid me when I get like this.”

“Hmmm, well, I don’t like it when people do that to me so I wanted to reach out,” Jungkook
muttered, then straightened up. “But obviously I’m gonna go and leave you to it! Hoseok-hyung
said you prefer to be alone.”

Yoongi nodded slowly, “That’s true. I do. But thank you for this, Kook. Seriously. I was just about
to order food. I haven’t gone grocery shopping.”

Smiling brightly, Jungkook nodded, only then realizing he was still on the ground. Scrambling up,
Jungkook coughed awkwardly. “Um, hyung?”

“Yea?” Yoongi replied, grabbing the bag.

“If you want to talk… I’m a really good listener.”

Yoongi shook his head. “I’m okay. I promise.”

“Yea, sure, of course. But I— it’s okay to hate your job, you know? You can talk about that. I
won’t judge.”

“W-what?” Yoongi stuttered out, his mind going blank. No one, and he meant no one, said that to
him. The closest anyone had gotten was Hoseok suggesting it stressed him out too much. That was

Jungkook flinched back from Yoongi’s expression. “Sorry. That was— I shouldn’t have said that.”

Yoongi blinked rapidly, then, seeing the look on Jungkook’s face, rushed forward to clarify. “It’s
not my job. At least right now. But… thanks. I’ll-I’ll remember that. For when it is.”

“Yea?” Jungkook said, a small hopeful smile on his lips.

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, mimicking his expression as he clutched the paper bag to his chest.
Neither spoke after that and they once again found themselves just staring at each other, neither
one looking away. Yoongi couldn’t help but think back to his half-assed excuse that Jungkook
thought it was a test of some kind. That wasn’t the way Jungkook was looking at him now. No, it
was like he was trying to tell him something that Yoongi just couldn’t, or wouldn’t, understand.

Just as Jungkook opened his mouth to finally say something, Yoongi felt his phone vibrate in his
pocket. Glancing down at his side, Yoongi fumbled with the bag and pulled it out. He read the
screen and licked his lips hesitantly. “It’s Hoseok.”

“Ah,” Jungkook said, more a sound than a word. Yoongi’s heart squeezed for some reason but
before he could ask why, Jungkook smiled briefly. “Then I’ll go. Eat well, hyung.”

“I will. Thanks,” Yoongi murmured as he stepped back into this apartment and picked up the call.
“Hi, Seok.”

“Ah, you answered! Are you done shutting yourself away? I miss you.”

Moving slowly towards the counter, Yoongi put the bag Jungkook had brought him down, his
fingers lingering around the edges. “Yea, Seok. I’m good.”

“HYUNG YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LAUGH!” Jungkook whined, rolling away from his
laptop until he hit the headboard of his bed. “THIS IS SERIOUS!”

“I’m not laughing,” Seokjin denied, clearly laughing. “I’m merely coughing. Loudly.”

Jungkook groaned. “Why are you like this!? I’m looking for help here.”

“Jungkook,” Seokjin said, exasperation in his voice, “it seems to me you’re overthinking this. He
clearly likes you!”

“I don’t know…”
“Jungkook! Literally what other explanation is there? Did he, or did he not, eye fuck you at the

“Maybe. I could also just be misreading it.”

“My god,” Seokjin cursed, rubbing his face. “Okay, let’s go with that logic. Why wouldn’t he like

Jungkook snorted. He was still staring at the ceiling so Seokjin couldn’t see his face. That was
probably for the best because if he could see it, he’d have known something was more wrong than
Jungkook’s sad crush.

“Well?” Seokjin asked, interrupting Jungkook’s thoughts.

“I think—” know, you know, “—that he has someone else. That he’s with.”

Seokjin nodded thoughtfully. “I see.”

Pushing himself up, Jungkook crawled back to the laptop and plopped down with his legs crossed,
his elbow resting on his knee to prop up his chin. “I just like him so much, hyung. I know— that’s
not right, I know that. But when I’m with him…”

“You can’t control how you feel, Jungkook,” Seokjin said after a moment, his expression
conflicted. “And if he feels the same way, that’s important too.”

“But I don’t know if he does,” Jungkook whispered his finger tracing shapes on his thigh now.

“Then you ask,” Seokjin said seriously. “You ask and see. And if he’s seeing someone, even
causally, you sort that out first then decide where to go from there.”

Jungkook flicked his eyes to the camera then down again. “You don’t think that’s wrong? That he
might have someone and I still… want him.”
Seokjin sighed. “I’m not the judge of that, Jungkook. This is your life and situation. Just talk to him
first. You’re making a lot of assumptions right now. You don’t even know if he’s seeing someone.”

“Right,” Jungkook muttered, feeling bad for lying to Seokjin. He just didn’t know how Seokjin
would react if he knew the truth. He wasn’t sure he could handle Seokjin being disappointed in
him. Jungkook just wanted to be able to talk about Yoongi and not feel that overwhelming, damn
near crushing sense of guilt that seemed to follow him everywhere now. When he talked to
Seokjin, Yoongi was just a guy he knew that he wanted to be with. Complicated, but not the level
of fucked up it really was.

“You’ll tell me how it goes?” Seokjin said, his tone teasing. “I want all the juicy details. My love
life is dry.”

“Well, if you moved to Seoul…”

“Aish, you brat,” Seokjin snapped, waving a hand even as he smiled. Brightening at Seokjin’s tone,
Jungkook smiled too and giggled, which made Seokjin’s expression soften immediately. “Ah, there
he is. I missed that smile.”

Jungkook looked up, “Do I not smile a lot?”

“Not this past week,” Seokjin admitted. “Is everything okay?”

“Yea. We just started about to start a new section of the courses so I’m a bit stressed but it’s fine,”
Jungkook explained. He wasn’t lying, but that wasn’t the only reason why he was stressed. The
whole situation with Yoongi was confusing and then there was the added worry of Yoongi closing
himself off. Hoseok hadn’t seemed worried when they’d talked about it, but Jungkook hadn’t been
able to let it go. Which was why he’d tried to bring him food to cheer him up.

That went great. Right up until his boyfriend called.

“Well, that’s good. I missed my smiley Jungkookie.”

“God, hyung, you’re not fifty. Close, but not yet,” Jungkook whined.
“WHY DO I EVEN TALK TO YOU!” Seokjin gasped out, his voice loud and mock offended,
which made Jungkook laugh so hard he snorted.

“God, I miss you.”

“I miss you too, Kook. I’ll come to visit soon, okay? When I can get vacation time,” Seokjin

Jungkook knew that was easier said than done. Seokjin rarely had time off, but he nodded anyway,
“Okay, hyung.”

“Now, back to the most important thing: me. This dude came in yesterday and I swear…”

Only partially listening, Jungkook watched Seokjin’s face as he spoke and sighed. He really did
miss Seokjin and Busan but he was starting to think maybe Seoul was home now. And if that had
more to do with a certain gummy smile and soft eyes than anything else, who had to know?

Sitting in the middle of his studio, completely alone, Hoseok tapped his pen incessantly, his eyes
fixed on the paper in front of him. The beginning of a new ‘semester’ as he’d termed it, was always
the most stressful. He had to approve new class sizes, times, choreo, allocate funds if necessary.
Usually, none of this was his job but he’d begun to take on more responsibility over the past year
and this was the culmination of it. He hated it, but that power had also allowed him to hire
Jungkook, so he couldn’t be upset about it. Plus, he did thrive in stressful situations so as much as
he hated it, he’d never give it up either. Even as he frowned down at a spreadsheet of available
instructors, time slots, and the interest checks they’d completed the previous month.

The issue was they had more interest than usual but in fewer classes. There was a noticeable uptick
in interest in his and Jungkook’s classes as well as the ballet instructor who’d replaced Jimin. But
three other instructors had a concerning drop. That meant he either had to cut their classes or
combine them, neither opinion was a good one.

Hoseok rubbed his eyes, his mind running through a million and one options. Perhaps he’d sit in on
the classes of the under-performing instructors and see if it was something about their attitude or
style. That could work. He’d just have to find time…

“Hmm?” Hoseok hummed, jotting notes to himself before glazing up. Jungkook was leaning
around the doorjamb with a smoothie dangling from his hands. “You better have one for me.”

“Strawberry matcha. The most appetizing brown sludge colour I can imagine,” Jungkook
confirmed, stepping into the studio and moving towards Hoseok so he could hand off the drink.

“You’ve tasted it, you know it’s good,” Hoseok reminded him, taking it gratefully.

Jungkook nodded as he took a seat, “I did and do but I can’t bring myself to drink something that

“Fair,” Hoseok acknowledged, taking a long sip. “You have a break now?”

“Uh-huh. For the next hour. Thought I’d come to bug you.”

Hoseok sighed and tossed the pen and paperwork aside so he could stretch out on the floor. “I
appreciate that. Nothing I hate more than paperwork.”

“You seem busy.”

“I am. But I have good news for you!” Hoseok said, rolling so he could see Jungkook directly.


“Your classes are all full. At least interest check-wise. In fact, if you wanted to run another one,
you could.”

“Really?” Jungkook gasped, his eyes going wide and round in shock.
Hoseok nodded, “Yup! You’re doing great!”

“Ah, I’m so happy!” Jungkook squealed before throwing himself on Hoseok and squeezing. “I
can’t believe people like my classes that much!”

Wheezing a bit at the strength of Jungkook’s hug, Hoseok patted Jungkook’s head. “Well, they do.
So you want an extra class?”

“Yes! Definitely! Please,” Jungkook agreed, nodding happily.

“Perfect, I’ll pencil it in. You’ll get a new schedule eventually but for now, I just wanted to let you
know,” Hoseok told him honestly. “Maybe now you’ll finally be able to afford a couch.”

“I have a couch!” Jungkook protested, pouting a bit. “It’s nice and comfy and real.”

Hoseok snorted, “I believe you.”

“I do!”

“And I said I believed you,” Hoseok repeated, his lips smirking as he jotted down Jungkook’s
agreement to the extra class. That did make his life easier.

“Ugh, you and Yoongi-hyung keep teasing me. I have a couch. Maybe I should just have a
housewarming party and prove it!”

Hoseok quirked a brow, “A party? You?”

Jungkook frowned and tilted his head, “Okay, fair. Maybe instead I have a housewarming gathering
of no more than five people.”

“So, me, hyung, Taehyung, Jimin, and you?” Hoseok clarified, laughing.
“Yes, perfect.”

Shaking his head, Hoseok smiled at the expression on Jungkook’s face. He looked serious, like he
was coming up with a very important plan. “Sounds fun.”

“We should do it this weekend! Before the schedules change and we end up busier than before,”
Jungkook decided.

Hoseok nodded happily then paused, “Well, Taehyung went out of town this week for work, but
I’m sure everyone else will be free.”

“For work?” Jungkook repeated. “What does he do anyway?”

“You know, I don’t actually know for sure?” Hoseok admitted with an awkward laugh. “Every
time I asked when we first met, I felt like the answer changed so I kinda stopped asking.”

“You’ve known him for like a year and you don’t know what his job is?” Jungkook asked,

“I think… it’s probably something in the arts? Model maybe? He did mention being on set once.
But that could be an acting thing. Or I guess he could be one of the staff. Or a photographer. He’s
always talking about fashion and those types of people are on sets too…”

“Hyung, oh my god,” Jungkook gasped out, cackling at the mildly confused look on Hoseok’s face.

“Well,” Hoseok snapped, embarrassed, “you ask and find out for both of us!”

“I will, oh my god. A year, hyung.”

Hoseok pouted, “It wasn’t a year! Hyung didn’t introduce us until we were already together for a
few months so it’s more like six months.”
“I keep forgetting you two haven’t been together that long,” Jungkook murmured.

“Do you?” Hoseok questioned, tilting his head to think about it. “I guess we’re nearing nine
months now? I don’t really keep track but our anniversary is in January.”

Quickly counting back, Jungkook nodded. “Depending on the day, then yea about eight or nine

Hoseok hummed, “Seems about right. So for your housewarming party that’s not a party, were you
thinking Saturday?”

“That’d make the most sense for hyung since he works a normal day job,” Jungkook rationalized.

“Yup, works for me. Should be fun!” Hoseok decided, smiling wide. “I can’t wait to see your
fictional couch.”

“I have a couch!” Jungkook protested again, though he laughed. It’d be nice to have people over
and hang out. Obviously going to other people’s houses wasn't an absolute indicator of friendship
but something about the idea of having people over in his finally completed space just to welcome
him made him feel warm inside. For once, he didn’t think about what Yoongi would do or say. He
was just excited to have people over. He couldn’t wait.

If writing and darkened rooms were Yoongi’s first comfort zone, home decor stores were the
second. He didn’t know why, he just felt comfortable in them. Perhaps it was the purposeful ‘at
home’ feel or they pumped something into the air. He’d stopped thinking about it a long time ago.

Currently, he was on the hunt for two things: 1) more candles because he’d run out and 2) a
housewarming gift for Jungkook. The first was easy and he already had five in his basket (they
were on sale, stop judging) but the second was harder. His first instinct was plants and this had
been encouraged by Namjoon, who had created a mini jungle in his office. But knowing his
schedule, Yoongi was sure Jungkook would have a hard time keeping them alive, so he’d decided
against it. Next, he’d played around with the idea of art and even called Taehhyung for tips but
he’d zoned out halfway through his very detailed explanation of personal preferences and that had
been crossed off the list too.
So, here he was, aimlessly wandering through the store looking at homey stuff trying to find
something that suited Jungkook and his home while he waited for Hoseok to call him back. He’d
been trying to reach him all morning, but so far nothing. That wasn’t unusual during the week but
on the weekend Hoseok was more prompt. Him not replying for hours concerned Yoongi a bit, but
there were only so many times he could call before it got ridiculous.

With his mind mostly wandering just as his feet were, Yoongi almost missed it. But, out of the
corner of his eyes, he caught sight of a large, fluffy looking grey blanket. Narrowing his eyes,
Yoongi moved forward and rubbed it, making sure it was as soft as it looked. Finding that it was,
Yoongi grabbed it and shoved it into his basket. It was the same grey as Jungkook’s newly painted
walls, so it’d match perfectly.

Satisfied, Yoongi went to pay, pausing only as long as it took him to grab a few more candles and
one last gift for Jungkook, before heading to his car. He’d only just started it when his Bluetooth
started to ring obnoxiously.


“Hey, hyung. Sorry I didn’t answer. It’s been nuts all day,” Hoseok explained, his voice low and a
little rough. He sounded tired.

“Today? Is everything okay?” Yoongi asked, slightly worried.

“Yea, it’s fine. I’ve just been overseeing those dance classes? The ones with the three instructors
no one wants to have? It’s been… interesting, I guess. I’m still there now.”

Yoongi frowned. “Okay, want me to tell Kook you’ll be late?”

Hoseok sighed, “I don’t think I’ll make it at all. I have at least one more class to watch over then a
meeting with the owner to go over my findings. If I’m not too tired, I’ll come after but I already
told Kook I wasn’t coming.”

“It’s his housewarming, Seok,” Yoongi reminded him, rubbing his forehead. “We’re like his only
“I know. I promised to bring him out next week as an apology. I figured me and Tae could do
something to make up for missing it.”

“Alright,” Yoongi relented, knowing there was no reason to push. Work was work. “Don’t push
yourself too hard.”

“I won’t. Have fun for both of us, ‘kay?”

“I will. See ya, Seok.”

“Bye, hyung.”

Hanging up the call, Yoongi pulled out of the parking lot. He felt bad that Hoseok wasn’t coming.
He wasn’t kidding when he’d said Jungkook didn't have that many friends yet. With Taehyung out
of town, it was already a small number so Hoseok’s absence would be easily felt.

Yoongi just hoped Jungkook wasn’t too upset about it.

Jungkook was, in fact, very upset about it. He felt like it had mostly been Hoseok’s idea so that fact
that he wasn’t coming hurt him a bit. But he’d also see how stressed out Hoseok had been all week
and the way he’d been pulled from task to task the second he had any free time so he wasn’t
completely surprised. He’d know some of the instructors he’d been monitoring worked on
Saturdays so it made sense. He was hurt, but not mad.

He understood.

Plus he’d been far too busy panicking and cleaning to really fixate on it. He’d spent the whole
morning making food while Seokjin laughed at him over a video call. Then once he’d finished,
he’d cleaned his entire apartment from top to bottom. Twice. He was fairly certain everything
looked okay but he wanted it to be perfect.

He was in the middle of refolding a throw blanket he’d placed on the top of his couch for the third
time when there was a knock on the door. Placing the blanket down gently so there were no
wrinkles, Jungkook ran to the door and pulled it open.

Yoongi looked up in mild surprise, clearly startled by the speed the door had opened but smiled
anyway. “Hey, Kook. Nervous?”

“A little,” Jungkook admitted, scratching his nose. “Come in, hyung! You’re the first one here.”

“I just got off the phone with, Seok. I’m sorry he won’t make it,” Yoongi said gently as he took off
his shoes and shrugged off his coat.

Jungkook took the coat, his attention on his hands as he hung it up. “It’s okay. He’s been busy all
week. He should rest.”

Yoongi pursed his lips, but nodded before holding up the gift bag he’d hastily made in his car
before coming in. “Here, this is for you. A house warming gift.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to—” Jungkook broke off, giggling at the affronted look on Yoongi’s face,
“right. Thank you, hyung.”


Not wasting any time, Jungkook opened the bag and gasped, already yanking out the blanket and
rubbing it on his face. “Oh, it’s so pretty! And soft.”

“Mmmm,” Yoongi agreed, smiling slightly.

“It’ll go great on my couch! It’s yellow! Like the walls!” Jungkook decided, already whipping
around and running to the couch. He grabbed the blanket he’d carefully refolded too many times
and tossed it in the general direction of his room then set the new one in its place. Nodding firmly,
Jungkook smiled. “Perfect.”

Laughing, Yoongi shook his head. “I’m glad you liked it.”
“I do!” Jungkook promised, then realized the bag was still heavy. Looking inside he saw candles at
the bottom. His first instinct was guilt. He hated strong scents, especially chemical ones which was
basically what all candles smelled like to him. Jungkook didn’t want to turn down a gift, so he was
already worried about that when he pulled one out and furrowed his brows. “Unscented?”

Yoongi nodded. “I noticed you rub your nose a lot when Jimin is close. It’s the cologne, right?”

“I— yea. It’s nice but too much after a while,” Jungkook admitted, frowning down at the set of
three candles he now held in his hands.

“I figured. I really like candles personally. Especially the scent. But these ones are just soy wax
and unscented, so you can have the aesthetic without the headache.”

Jungkook opened his mouth then closed it. “Thanks, hyung. This… thanks.”

“No problem,” Yoongi said, shrugging awkwardly as he looked anywhere but Jungkook. His eyes
settled on the couch and he smiled. “How’d I know you’d get a yellow couch?”

“I already told you it was yellow,” Jungkook muttered, carefully placing the candles on the side
table in a triangle formation.

“It looks good,” Yoongi admitted, scanning the room. “Ties everything together.”

Jungkook nodded, “I thought so. There’s— oh, that must be Jimin-hyung.”

Glancing backwards at the door where he’d also heard the knock, Yoongi nodded in agreement.

“I’ll get it,” Jungkook said unnecessarily. It wasn’t like Yoongi was going to open his door. Not
thinking too much of it, Jungkook left Yoongi behind in his living room to let Jimin in. He’d barely
opened the door when Jimin began to step in but that was enough. “Wow, hyung, what the hell?
You look terrible.”

“Thanks, brat,” Jimin muttered, his voice muffled by the facemask he was wearing. “Good to
know I look like I feel.”

“Hyung, are you sure you’re okay?” Jungkook worried, noting the pallor of Jimin’s skin and dark
circles under his eyes.

“I’m good.”

“You don’t look good, Jimin,” Yoongi interrupted, stepping forward and placing the back of his
hand to Jimin’s forehead, who tried to bat him away weakly. “You’re burning up, what the fuck.
Why are you here?”

“Jungkookie’s housewarming,” Jimin mumbled, blinking like he was trying to keep himself
conscious. “Important.”

“Hyung! Not if you’re sick! Go home!” Jungkook protested.

“Gift,” Jimin replied instead, shoving a bag at Jungkook.

Yoongi sighed, “How did you even get here? Please tell me you didn’t drive!”

Jimin’s eyes drifted to Yoongi then away. “Taxi.”

“For fuck— I’m taking you home. Now,” Yoongi insisted, grabbing Jimin’s arm and pulling him
back toward the door. Jungkook watched him go, the bag still hanging from his fingertips. Yoongi
glanced back, “I’ll be back.”

“O-okay,” Jungkook agreed hollowly just as the door slammed shut, leaving him alone.

What a great housewarming party! Fucking disaster.

Sighing to himself, Jungkook rounded his couch and sat down. He placed Jimin’s gift on the coffee
table and crossed his legs, staring at it. First Taehyung was out of town, then Hoseok couldn’t
come, and now Jimin was sick. What a disaster.
Still feeling sorry for himself, Jungkook opened Jiming’s gift. Finding an odd-looking rectangle
object in the bag wrapped in tissue paper, Jungkook ripped it open. It was two picture frames taped
together. Pulling off the tape, Jungkook flipped the top one over only to freeze. The bottom picture
was of them all when they’d gone to the club. Jungkook was laughing while looking at Hoseok,
how was teasing a grumpy looking Yoongi. Just behind, Jimin and Taehyung were making faces.
Jungkook vaguely remembered that photo. He’d been afraid the random girl Jimin had asked to
take the picture would steal his phone, but he supposed that hadn’t happened.

But that wasn’t what made him freeze. No, that was the photo on top. It was of him and Yoongi.
They were sitting in the booth, looking close and comfortable. Yoongi was talking about
something, both hands up even as one still held a glass. From the angle, only the bunching of
Jungkook’s cheeks was visible. Enough to let you know he was smiling but not enough to see his
expression. He knew though. He knew he looked like a love stuck moron. There was no way
everyone missed that, right? Not when Jimin had clearly focused enough to take a picture.

God, what a mess. You can’t even make friends right!

Pulling his knees up, Jungkook put the photos down on the coffee table again and wrapped his
arms around his legs. He really liked the photos. Both of them. It looked like he and Yoongi were
together. Like it was an intimate moment caught by one of their friends. But that wasn't what it was
and that knowledge hurt Jungkook more than anything else.

He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, staring at the photos, but eventually, Yoongi returned, still
muttering about how stupid Jimin was for showing up sick. He found Jungkook curled up on the
couch and took a seat beside him, his eyes settling on the frames still on the table. Like Jungkook,
the second one made him pause. He reached out and grabbed it, unconsciously biting his lip as he
scanned the entire image. While Jungkook saw himself looking besotted, Yoongi saw much the
same. He didn’t get that animated unless he was comfortable and talking about something he liked.
That was likely why Jimin had taken the picture but it just reminded Yoongi of his own failure to
control himself.

Looking up from the photo, he met Jungkook’s eyes, who was staring at him, his cheek pressed
against his knee. Yoongi slowly put the photo back. “It’s a nice picture. They both are.”

Jungkook breathed out heavily. “Yea. They are.”

“Are you okay, Kook?” Yoongi asked, noting how drastically Jungkook’s mood had shifted from
when he’d first arrived. Before he’d been excited and anxious. Now he just looked sad. “You can
tell, hyung.”
“I’m just thinking maybe I should cancel. No one came,” Jungkook said, an odd smile on his lips.

“I came,” Yoongi reminded him, squeezing his arm, “and so did Jimin. He was really upset that I
made him leave. He wanted to stay.”

“He was barely conscious,” Jungkook said with a snort.

“Which is exactly what I told him as I dragged his ass to bed but he still wanted to stay.”

“Maybe this was just a bad time. I knew Hoseok-hyung was busy and Taehyung-hyung was out of

“Maybe,” Yoongi allowed. “But that doesn’t mean it was a bad idea. We’ll hang out and then you
can have another housewarming when everyone’s available. Double the presents!”

Smiling shyly, Jungkook nodded. “I’d like that.”

“Good,” Yoongi said, pushing himself up, “now I smell food and I’m starving. Show me the

Jungkook snorted, “Okay. It might not be good but my hyung watched me the entire time over a
video call so it’s probably, at the very least, edible.”

“Such high praise, how will I lower my expectations?” Yoongi teased, following Jungkook into the
kitchen where he’d laid out some food. It wasn’t much, just some finger foods and dips but it was
clear Jungkook had put in the effort to be a good host. It made Yoongi incredibly sad to know that
all of that ended up just for him, but he didn’t let it show. Though Jungkook was smiling now, that
sadness still lingered around the edges, so Yoongi was going to do his best to cheer Jungkook up.

Which, as it turned out, wasn’t that hard. As Yoongi had noticed before, quite painfully, they had a
lot in common so it made conversation easy and the atmosphere relaxed. Plus, the food was pretty
good. A little unskilled, sure, some things were cut too big or not rolled quite right, but the taste
was good and Yoongi made sure to tell him so, which had made him blush.
That had been Yoongi’s first warning sign but he’d ignored it.

The second came in the form of the yellow couch Jungkook had so happily shown off earlier. It
was large and the cushions were deep and comfortable. And yet they’d both ended up sitting near
the middle. Neither said anything about it, but Yoongi noticed that both of them made the
conscious choice not to move the pillows on either side that forced them to sit closer together. His
heart rate kicked up a bit, perhaps from nervousness, perhaps from something else, but he didn’t
mention it. Instead, he just focused on the food and drinks that now replaced the pictures Jungkook
had hung up on the wall, while Jungkook searched through the Netflix catalogue for something to

After nearly a half-hour of mindless searching, they settled on a new action movie that both had
seen trailers for but never actually gotten around to watching. At first, it was fine, they’d just been
watching quietly. The plot wasn’t great, but the action sequences and explosions were impressive
so it held their attention. At least until the first improperly timed kiss scene, which made Yoongi

“What? Not a fan of kiss scenes mid-gun fight?”

“I mean,” Yoongi began, taking a sip of his beer, “I’d be fine if it was with her brother, they have
way better chemistry.”

“Hyung, that’s incest,” Jungkook said seriously, his eyes wide and teasing.

“Aish! I meant the main guy and her brother. Gross,” Yoongi admonished smacking his arm before
continuing. “If they’re going to do this romance, the least they could do is make her a real
character rather than just a person with tits who almost always gets hurt or cries.”

Jungkook nodded, “Explosions are still cool though.”

“They are,” Yoongi agreed with a sigh, smiling slightly. He was going to let it go, he really was,
then the main guy picked the girl up and started running with her in a princess carry. A princess
carry! “Oh, come on!”

“What now?” Jungkook teased, already laughing at Yoongi’s expression and waving hands.
“You can't just pick someone up and run like that! Do you know how hard that is?! There’s a
reason the fireman carries or piggybacks are the standard method! That shit is hard!”

Jungkook shook his head, his lips pursed. “Nah, it’d be fine.”

“Okay, gym rat, not even you could do that!”

“She’s what? Your size?” Jungkook said, eyes flicking between the movie and Yoongi quickly.
“So she’d weigh like nothing and he’s jacked. If I can do it, he can.”

“But you can’t,” Yoongi insisted, getting fired up now. “That’s just too much weight to deadlift
like that.”

“But I can.”

“No, Jungkook, you can’t,” Yoongi said, shaking his head. He didn’t know why they were arguing
about this but as he turned to focus back on the TV he felt Jungkook get up. “Kook?”

“Come here,” Jungkook ordered, rounding the table and pointing to the ground. “I’m going to show
you I can.”

“Jungkook, it’s not that—” Yoongi broke off, his voice dissolving into an embarrassing squeal as
Jungkook hefted him into the air high enough that he latched onto him out of fear. Before he was
even really aware of it, his hands were digging into Jungkook’s shoulders and his legs were
wrapped around his chest. “A LITTLE WARNING!”

“God, that scream was priceless,” Jungkook gasped out, his whole body shaking as he laughed. “I
wish I had it on camera.”

“Okay, this was fun, put me down!” Yoongi ordered, his eyes fixed on the ceiling anxiously.

“I thought I wouldn’t be able to carry you? Isn’t this a test?” Jungkook asked teasingly.
Yoongi huffed, “I admit you can.”

Shifting his hands from Yoongi’s waist to his thighs so Yoongi was more stable, Jungkook looked
up with a bright smile. “I can what? Remind me.”

“Oh my god,” Yoongi muttered, finally looking down at Jungkook, who was still smiling up at
him. All further words died on his lips then as he realized the position they were in. Yoongi was
pressed against Jungkook’s chest, with Jungkook’s hands gripping his thighs tightly. He’d never
had a muscle kink but as he stared down at Jungkook, seeing the way he wasn’t even struggling to
hold Yoongi up midair, he felt his dick twitch. Just a bit but it was enough. He saw the moment
Jungkook felt it because his eyes darkened and the smile slipped away, replaced with slightly
parted lips.

“H-hyung,” Jungkook said softly as he slowly lowered Yoongi down, never once pulling him away
from his body. Yoongi could feel everything, the ripples of Jungkook’s muscles, the peaks and
valleys of his chest, then the tops of his thighs when Jungkook stopped his descent and held him in
place again.

Yoongi swallowed, his eyes flicking between Jungkook’s eyes and lips. It was like they’d both
held their breath. Both waiting for one of them to make the first move or pull away. Something.
Like they were frozen, too afraid to move forward but too hooked to move back.

Blinking slowly, Yoongi lifted his eyes and met Jungkook’s dark gaze before he leaned forward,
whispering softly, “Jungkook.”

Chapter End Notes

*awkwardly fades into the darkness* I'm sorry...

Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Are we ready?

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Jungkook…” Yoongi whispered, his face leaning closer but not quite closing the gap like
something was holding him back. His conscience maybe, even if he wasn’t thinking about it at the

With eyes still wide and dark, Jungkook breathed out heavily. Yoongi looked so pretty. The second
they’d made eye contact, his pupils had blown wide and his face had flushed. Jungkook may have
been able to control himself, to think clearly, if he hadn’t felt Yoongi’s cock twitch with interest.
He hadn’t meant to press Yoongi so intimately to his chest, but now he knew Yoongi was
interested, for sure this time, and he didn’t know what to do. So, like Yoongi, he was in a bit of a
holding pattern, waiting for a sign, a yes or a no, something. But Yoongi didn’t do anything other
than lean close, his gaze fixed on Jungkook’s lips.

So, Jungkook decided he’d do one thing and one thing only: tilt his head. Since Yoongi had
already moved so close, the movement brought their lips into contact. Not a lot, nothing more than
a light brush, the vaguest hint of a kiss, something that most people could easily pass off as an
accident caused by two people standing too close. Just something to let Yoongi know he was there.

Just like before, everything froze, their lips barely touching. Slowly, Jungkook opened the eyes he
hadn’t even realized he’d closed and met Yoongi’s gaze. Then, suddenly it was a rush of motion.
Jungkook felt himself move forward at the same moment Yoongi’s weight shifted in his hands and
then they were kissing. Then Yoongi’s lips were on his, just like he’d imagined, moving hungrily
as if he’d starve without them. Jungkook let out a choked-off gasp before abruptly shifting Yoongi
in his arms so he could hold him tight against his chest with one arm, leaving the other free.
Yoongi moaned, surprised by the sudden change, and Jungkook used the opportunity to deepen the
kiss, sweeping his tongue in quickly as his now free hand grabbed Yoongi’s face, his thumb
pressed against Yoongi’s bottom lip and chin as if to hold his mouth open.

He tasted like the beer they’d been drinking a few minutes prior and the dip Seokjin had helped
him make. It wasn’t what he’d imagined, far from it, but he found he liked it better. This was
actually Yoongi. The real one. Not some fantasy he’d conjured up while lying alone in bed. This
was the real, warm Yoongi who was making little sounds into his mouth every time Jungkook’s
tongue rubbed against his or his arm squeezed tighter.
“Jungkook,” Yoongi finally gasped out the second his mouth was free. He pulled back just a bit so
he could see Jungkook’s face but the movement only pressed his lower half closer, causing his
dick to rub against Jungkook’s abs. Yoongi’s head fell back on a surprised moan, not having
realized just how strongly he was reacting to Jungkook’s kiss.

Without pausing, Jungkook dove forward, his lips attaching to Yoongi’s neck where he could lick
and kiss a trail up to his ear. Yoongi had such a pretty neck. What part of him isn’t pretty? You’re
so whipped! Somewhere in the back of his mind, he reminded himself not to leave marks, but that
was as far as his thoughts went.

Not until Yoongi’s hands grabbed his shoulders and pushed.

Horrified, Jungkook wrenched himself back, the sudden motion making him stumble backwards
and collapse onto the couch with Yoongi sprawled on his lap. He was about a second away from
apologizing when Yoongi’s lips covered his again and his hands tangled in Jungkook’s hair. For a
moment, Jungkook sat there, letting Yoongi press against him and kiss him desperately, then he
grabbed Yoongi’s waist and pulled him closer, tilting his hips up so they pressed together more
firmly. Jungkook moaned, the pitch of his voice peaking and breaking as Yoongi took control of
the motion, his hips rolling on top of Jungkook’s in a steady circular motion. It wasn’t that good, or
it shouldn’t be. They were both fully clothed, dressed in jeans that did nothing but restrict their
erections, but Jungkook couldn’t make his hands let go of Yoongi’s hips and ass, and Yoongi
didn’t stop moving.

After one well-placed swivel of his hips, Jungkook realized, with a vague sort of dawning horror,
that he was going to come in his jeans, untouched, like some horny teenager having his first
hookup. Just the thought embarrassed him but he couldn’t open his mouth to do anything but moan
so he let himself enjoy it. Let himself fall into the feeling of Yoongi pulling on his hair and tilting
his head to the side, the feeling of Yoongi’s teeth on his earlobe, and perhaps, most importantly,
the feeling of Yoongi shuddering above him and the sound of Yoongi’s small, broken cry in his
ear, “K-kook.”

“Fuck,” Jungkook gasped out, his hands digging into Yoongi’s ass with renewed vigour as he made
Yoongi move faster, the overwhelming tension in his belly threatening to burst any moment.
Yoongi collapsed into his chest, his forehead pressed against his shoulder as he shook against him.
Then, Jungkook’s vision blurred and he came hard, harder than he had the right to given he was
still dressed. “Yoongi, fuck.”

For what felt like a lifetime, neither of them moved. Both were still caught in the haze of their
orgasm and momentarily blissfully ignorant of the mistake they’d just made. Jungkook, wanting
the moment to linger, finally removed his hands from where they’d nearly left bruises and cupped
Yoongi’s face, moving him until they were looking at each other. Yoongi’s eyes were closed, his
skin flushed and lips red and slick. He looked beautiful, so Jungkook kissed him gently, just a peck
at the side of his lips at first, before moulding their lips together again. Yoongi responded slowly,
his lips moving languidly against Jungkook’s. There was no desire there anymore, just the soft
movement of mouths.

Which, as it turned out, was exactly what they needed to snap back to reality.

It came at nearly the same moment. Jungkook froze, his eyes snapping open and meeting Yoongi’s
seconds before he ripped himself away and fell off the couch, landing in a pile of limbs, the wet
come stain seeping through the front of his jeans. Yoongi scrambled backwards on his hands and
feet, his eyes never leaving Jungkook, who looked equally as horrified.

“Fuck, I— shit, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—” Jungkook stuttered out, feeling that ever-present
guilt return, nearly drowning him.

Still on the floor, Yoongi covered his face with his hands. He wanted to cry. He couldn’t remember
something as simple as kissing every feeling so good. But he had Hoseok. God, he had a fucking
boyfriend and he’d just dry-humped their mutual friend on his new couch.

You’re disgusting.

And now Jungkook was apologizing to him. Like Yoongi hadn’t been the one to move closer. Or
push him onto the couch so he’d have a better angle. Or, god, like he hadn't been the one to come
first. “No, no, Kook. It’s not— it’s not your fault.”

“But, hyung,” Jungkook pleaded, his eyes wide and glossy.

Yoongi shook his head hard. “It’s not, Kook. I— if hyung is honest, he likes you. And I’m
obviously attracted to you. I knew that so I shouldn’t have— this is my fault.”

“You… like me?” Jungkook asked, his eyes darting to Yoongi then away. He tried to ignore the
little light of hope that flickered in his chest, but he wasn’t doing a good job of it.

“I do,” Yoongi admitted quietly. “We have a lot in common so of course I do. But I have Hoseok,
“I know.”

“And… that wasn’t fair to him. Or you. Fuck,” Yoongi moaned, tugging on his hair as if the
momentary pain would clear his mind. “I’m so sorry, Kook.”

Jungkook smiled briefly, the expression coming quickly before falling away. “It was an accident,
hyung. It’s okay.”

“I think there were one too many steps to call that an accident,” Yoongi muttered. Though he knew
he’d very much like to pretend it was just that, an accident, he couldn’t. He’d made that choice and
now he had to live with that. “I’m sorry I put you in this position.”

“It takes two, hyung,” Jungkook told him firmly. “So I’m sorry too.”

Yoongi nodded before standing up slowly, purposefully moving his sweater to cover the stain on
the front of his jeans. He looked down hesitantly, unsure if he could meet Jungkook’s eyes
anymore. “Let’s just… forget this ever happened. I’d really like to keep being your friend, Kook.”

“Yea, me too, hyung. Let’s just pretend it never happened,” Jungkook agreed.

“Right,” Yoongi murmured. “Um, I’m going to go.”

“Yea. That’s… probably for the best.”

“Right,” Yoongi said again, still lingering where he stood in the middle of Jungkook’s living room.
Unsure what to say, Jungkook simply watched Yoongi without saying a word. Eventually, Yoongi
nodded again, as if talking to himself, and left the apartment behind, his eyes never once moving in
Jungkook’s direction.

Once he was gone, Jungkook remained where he was, his head tossed back and eyes fixed on the
room. It had all happened so quickly but thinking back, he knew he’d been aware of what he was
doing. Knew it was wrong but he’d done it anyway.

Did he regret it?

Yes and no. Which was probably what upset Jungkook the most. It was wrong and terrible and
Hoseok was nice but there was a part of him that didn’t regret it. That revelled in the thought that
Yoongi liked him and was attracted to him. The other part of him was upset, of course. It was
screaming that Jungkook had done a terrible thing and he should be ashamed. At the moment, both
sides were equally matched, making the noise in his head nearly overwhelming.

So, Jungkook did what any rational person would do: he stopped thinking completely and went to
go take a shower. This was a future Jungkook problem.

Yoongi, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking. He’d kissed Jungkook. He’d fucking come while
grinding on him. Every time he pulled up to a stoplight, Yoongi took a moment to just smack his
head against the steering wheel. He couldn’t believe he’d done that. One second they’d been
kidding around and then all he could think about was what those lips would feel like on his.

You say that like this is a new thing.

Making a frustrated sound, Yoongi stormed into his apartment, barely pausing long enough to tear
off his clothes and shove them into his washing machine, before jumping into the shower. The
water was cold when he turned it on, a result of his washer running and not having let the water
heat up, but he didn’t care. He just let the ice-cold water pelt him as he frantically scrubbed himself
with body wash. Only to do it again when he was done.

Eventually, the water got warmer, but Yoongi barely noticed. He was too far in his own thoughts.
God, Jungkook had kissed him so softly after, like he was precious. Usually when he and Hoseok
were done they just kinda rolled away and talked about whatever. Yoongi’s fingers touched his
lips, the movement shaky and unsure, before he just crouched down and covered his head.

What did you do? What did you do!?

Jungkook was a good guy. He was nice and caring and funny. He deserved to make friends and
succeed in his career and find someone who could make him happy who wasn’t dating one of his

You’re a terrible person. You hurt two people and for what? Nothing.
Yoongi held back a sob, only snapping out of his own thoughts when the water once again turned
cold. Pulling himself up, Yoongi turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. There wasn’t
even any steam, since the shower had been more cold than hot, so when he passed the mirror, he
could see himself. His eyes were red-rimmed, no surprises there, and his lips were still swollen
from Jungkook’s kisses. Like a beacon of what he’d done.

Slapping his hand on the lightswitch, Yoongi left the bathroom and dressed quickly, before fleeing
to his couch and wrapping himself up in a large, fluffy blanket. Once there, Yoongi found himself
fixating again, so he grabbed his phone and hit Call without really thinking.

“Hey, hyung!”

“Hey, Tae. How’s work?” Yoongi asked, rolling himself up into a ball.

“It goes. It’s taking longer than expected, but you know how artists are.”

Yoongi snorted weakly. “As do you, Mr. Artist.”

“I was never this dramatic,” Taehyung denied.

“A lie, but okay.”

Taehyung hummed. “You don’t sound good, hyung. Are you sick?”

“Nah, just tired.”

“Oh, right, Jungkookie’s housewarming was today. How was that?”

Yoongi stiffened. “Only I could make it, so we’re rescheduling.”

“That’s terrible! He must be so upset!”

“He was, yea, but we talked it out,” Yoongi assured, mildly surprised that Taehyung seemed so

“I’m glad. He’s a good guy,” Taehyung said, then “Hey! No! That does not go there! There’s
literally a sign— ugh, yes. There, thank you.”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you at work,” Yoongi said immediately.

“It’s fine. I’m just supervising the setup. Anyway, I’m glad we’re doing another one. That way I
can come.”

“Yea, that’d be good,” Yoongi murmured. “Hey, Tae?”


“Do you… think it’s bad if I’m attracted to Jungkook?” Yoongi asked hesitantly, his eyes squeezed
shut like that would stop him from hearing Taehyung’s judgment.

There was a long silence followed by an equally long sigh. “I mean, I noticed you were, obviously.
He’s your type and you’re not subtle.”

Yoongi bit his lip. “That’s not what I asked.”

“No, it’s not,” Taehyung agreed. “But I’m not going to give you the comfort or criticism you seem
to want.”


“Look, hyung, I like Hoseok-hyung. He’s a good guy and you seem happy with him. So I think,
rather than calling me, you need to deal with this yourself. If you’re just attracted to Jungkook,
then that’s whatever. I’m attracted to people all the time, like, say, your hot co-worker you refuse
to introduce me to, but that doesn’t mean anything.”
“I told you that Namjoon wants a family and a white picket fence with two kids and a dog. When
you want that too, I’ll introduce you,” Yoongi said, partially because they’d had the ‘Namjoon
discussion’ before and partially because Yoongi didn't want to address the first part of Taehyung

Taehyung huffed. “As I was saying, if it’s just attraction, that’s whatever. If it’s something more or
could be, you have to decide the value of that yourself. That’s not my place.”


“I’d do it quickly though. That’s not fair to anyone. Not even you.”


“Hyung…” Taehyung began, hesitation clear in his voice. “You know it’s— oh my god! Did no one
give you the layout plan? Shit, I’m sorry, hyung, I need to go.”

“It’s fine. Thanks, Tae.”

“No problem. I love you, bye.”

“Bye, Tae.”

“Say it.”

Yoongi groaned. “You are literally in the middle of a work emergency!”

“Which is why you should say it quickly lest something terrible goes wrong.”

“Ugh, fine. I love you too,” Yoongi muttered.

“Thanks, hyung. See ya,” Taehyung said quickly before hanging up, leaving Yoongi again with his
thoughts once again. That hadn’t helped. If anything, it made it worse. If Taehyung had noticed
that meant it was possible others had as well. It was true that Taehyung was more observant than
most and he had known him since he was a kid, but still. It was possible.

As I said, you’re hurting two people for no reason other than you’re a terrible person. Way to go.

Tossing his phone away, Yoongi pulled the blanket higher and pressed himself into the couch,
hoping maybe it’d just swallow him whole. Then at least he wouldn’t have to deal with this feeling

By the next day, Yoongi didn’t feel any better about it. As one would suspect. In fact, if anything,
he felt worse because now Hoseok was standing in front of him, a heart-shaped smile on his lips
and two iced coffees in his hands. Still wearing a blanket like a cape due to all the wallowing he’d
been doing, Yoongi blinked at Hoseok in confusion. “Did… we have plans?”

“No,” Hoseok admitted. “But I felt bad for bailing yesterday, so I came bearing gifts.”

Bailing. From the thing where you and Jungkook kissed.

“O-oh, well. It was Jungkook’s thing…” Yoongi murmured.

“I know, I already made plans with him. We’re doing lunch this week. This is for you,” Hoseok
insisted, pushing the coffee at Yoongi. “I know you hate going to that kinda stuff alone.”

Yoongi cleared his throat. “Well, it was just me and Jungkook so…”

“Yea, I heard! Jimin is still sick, he called me about covering for him on Monday. I can’t believe
he showed up anyway.”

Only then realizing that he’d been blocking the door, Yoongi stepped back and let Hoseok in.
Smiling slightly, Hoseok came in and shrugged off his coat before disappearing further into
Yoongi’s apartment. Following after, Yoongi picked up the conversation where they’d left off.
“Yea, I had to drag him home. He was barely awake.”

Hoseok dropped down onto Yoongi’s couch with a sigh and waved Yoongi over. Biting his lip,
Yoongi sat down as well, letting Hoseok pull him in so he was resting against his side. Yoongi
squeezed his eyes shut, guilt rapidly building in his chest, as Hoseok replied. “Typical Jimin,
putting others first. So what’d you and Jungkook end up doing?”

Yoongi felt Jungkook’s fingers dig into his ass, pulling him forward until his cock was grinding
against him rhythmically…

“Um, nothing. Just ate the food he’d made and watched a movie.”

“Oh? What movie?”

“Honestly, I couldn’t tell you the name,” Yoongi admitted, his cheeks flushing.

Humming slightly, Hoseok began to play with Yoongi’s hair, his eyes mindlessly fixed on the
blank TV screen. “Sounds like your kinda night.”

“Yea…” Yoongi agreed hollowly. It really was. Movie nights with good food were his ideal type
of evening. The clubbing and dancing were all Hoseok’s idea of a good time, not his.

“But I was talking to him this morning and he was saying he hasn’t really had a home cooking
meal since moving here, can you believe that?”

“Make sense I suppose.”

“I guess. So I was thinking, we should do that for him! And by ‘we’ I mean you. I’ll pay though!”

“Do what?” Yoongi questioned, not understanding.

“Make him dinner. If Taehyung is back in town and Jimin is feeling better, they can come too but I
figured a home-cooked meal would be nice.”

“Hoseok…” Yoongi trailed off. Tell him. Tell him right now. He deserves to know! Tell him! “That
sounds like a great idea.”


“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, once again closing his eyes.

You’re a fucking coward. And a liar.


Wincing, Jungkook pulled his phone away from his ear and glanced at the time stamp of the
voicemail. It was from an hour ago, but it was only the most recent of many. Jungkook hadn’t been
able to face him. He knew Seokjin would ask about Yoongi and Jungkook’s feelings were so
complicated that he wasn’t even sure how to even start. But ignoring Seokjin for several days
wasn’t going to make it better, so Jungkook rolled over with a sigh and hit Video Call.

Seokjin picked up on the first ring. “THERE YOU ARE!”

Jungkook winced again. “Volume, hyung, volume!”

Seokjin continued to yell, uncaring of the people around him.

“I’m sorry okay! A lot happened!” Jungkook defended.

Suddenly leaning closer to the camera, Seokjin narrowed his eyes. “You look sad.”
“I’m not sad…”

“Uh-huh. Sad. Why?”

Jungkook sighed, dropping his chin down on his arm and looking at the camera with round eyes.

“Come on, you know telling me will make you feel better,” Seokjin prodded, lowering his tone so
he’d sound more comforting.

Nodding weakly, Jungkook began to explain. “Well, I had my housewarming.”


“No one showed up.”

“WHAT?” Seokjin snapped, his eyes flicking around like he could see the people who’d left
Jungkook alone and hit them.

“Okay, that’s not totally true. Yoongi-hyung showed up. And so did Jimin-hyung, but he was so
sick he could barely stand so Yoongi-hyung brought him home.”

“And what about Hoseok?”

“He had to work. I told you about the section changes, right? He’s in charge of all that and he
ended up working on Saturday and he was too tired to come after.”

“I see,” Seokjin said slowly. “So you ended up alone.”

“Well, Yoongi-hyung came back after taking Jimin-hyung home,” Jungkook admitted, feeling a
traitorous blush rise on his cheeks.
“I see,” Seokjin said again, his tone doing a complete 180. “What’s that blush for, Jungkookie?”

“We… may have kissed.”

“FINALLY!” Seokjin shrieked, his video going blurry then focused on the ceiling before Seokjin’s
hand appeared to pick it back up.

“Smooth,” Jungkook snickered.

“I’m excited, sue me,” Seokjin snapped, then paused. “But why does that make you sad?”

Jungkook sighed and bit his lip, his eyes focused off-camera as he thought over the night with
Yoongi and his feelings over the past few days. “Well, we kissed and… other stuff happened…”

“Oh, my god, did you fuck!?” Seokjin gasped out.

“No, no. Just… other stuff,” Jungkook repeated, his blush deepening.

Seokjin cooed. “Awe, my cute, Jungkookie. Okay, continue.”

“But we didn’t talk, hyung. Not about the person he… might be seeing. It just happened and then it
was awkward and he was apologizing and I was apologizing and we kinda just… decided that we
were good friends and we should just forget it happened.”

“Oh, Jungkook. That’s not a good idea.”

“I know! And now he’s having me and Hoseok-hyung over for dinner and I haven’t seen him
since… then and I don’t even know what I’ll say! I know what he sounds like when he comes,
hyung! How the fuck am I supposed to just look at his face platonically!” Jungkook ranted, ending
only when he’d run out of breath.

“That’s why it’s not a good idea,” Seokjin muttered.


“Okay, okay,” Seokjin said, raising his palms in defence. “I get that you’re upset.”

“UPSET IS PUTTING IT MILDLY!” Jungkook snapped.

Seokjin snorted despite himself before his face settled into a serious expression. He wanted to tease
Jungkook about his crush, and would in the future, but right now Jungkook was upset and he
needed to deal with that first. “Look, Jungkook, this is a mess.”

“I’m aware.”

“Stop snapping at me and listen,” Seokjin interrupted firmly. “I have never seen you get so
attached to someone before, so I understand that you’re having a hard time dealing with those
emotions but I think you need to stop and think about what you want.”

“What?” Jungkook asked.

“What do you want from Yoongi? Do you want to be friends with him?”

“Of course. I love hanging out with him,” Jugnkook rushed to say.

Seokjin smiled gently, “I know, Kook. I meant do you only want to be friends with him?”

“Oh… no,” Jungkook admitted. “I don’t. I think— I don’t know. No, I don’t want to be just

“Are you okay with being just friends anyway?”

Jungkook nodded, but it looked sad. “If that’s what he wants.”

“Now, what do you want?” Seokjin asked again.

“I just— I want to be with him, hyung,” Jungkook whispered as he blinked rapidly. He wouldn’t
cry about this. He wouldn’t.

Sighing lightly, Seokjin nodded. “I thought so. But does he know that?”

“No,” Jungkook muttered, rubbing his eye stubbornly.

“Then you need to tell him. I told you to talk to him, didn’t I? I said to sort this out before
something like this happened! You said he apologized? Maybe he thinks he did something you
didn’t like because you aren’t telling him what you want.”

“But what if he doesn’t want me?” Jungkook asked quietly.

Seokjin tapped his screen in what Jungkook figured was supposed to be an imitation of the gentle
smack he certainly would have given Jungkook if he were actually here. “Then you’re right back
where you are now.”

“But he’ll know.”

“And so will you,” Seokjin pointed out.

Jungkook pursed his lips, unsure. It sounded so simple when Seokjin told him what to do. And
perhaps it would be, if Jungkook didn’t know for a fact that Yoongi was dating Hoseok and that
was the reason he’d pulled away. Seokjin thought it was just a miscommunication and perhaps it
was, partially, but that was the least of their problems.

But, Jungkook admitted to himself, Seokjin was right. He did need to talk to Yoongi. The awkward
denial of events and avoiding each other wasn’t going to cut it in the long run. He needed to do
something. They needed to do something.
So, Jungkook found himself nodding. “I’ll talk to him when I go over this weekend for dinner. That
way it’s face to face.”

With more force than necessary, Hoseok shoved Jimin into bed and placed a cold cloth on this
forehead. “Can you just stop moving?”

“I’m fine, hyung. It’s fine,” Jimin protested, his voice barely over a whisper.

“You are not fine,” Hoseok snapped. “Can you just let me help and then rest?!”

Jimin frowned up at Hoseok, who stared at him sternly until Jimin deflated, practically sinking into
the bed. “Okay.”

“God, finally. You are the worst patient,” Hoseok complained even as he poured some cough
medicine into the little cup and handed it to Jimin.

“I know. I just don’t want to inconvenience you,” Jimin admitted. “You’re already helping me with
my work.”

Hoseok sighed. “I’m barely doing anything. Literally all I’ve done is show up and watched them
dance. They said they’ll need you to work around the clock once you’re better to make up for the
lost time.”

“Yea,” Jimin said, “I figured. No more weekends for me.”

“At least not this week,” Hoseok agreed already eyeing the thermometer again. Jimin’s face was
really red and he was practically radiating heat. Hoseok could tell he had a fever but he wasn’t sure
how high it was.

Letting his eyes slip closed, Jimin sighed. “I feel bad for missing Jungkook’s housewarming. It
was just Yoongi-hyung there.”
“I know. Me and hyung are making him dinner this weekend to apologize.”

“Mmmm, did he like my present?” Jimin asked. “He said he did over text but you know how easy
it is to lie about shit like that.”

Hoseok smiled. “He did. They’re both on his wall right now.”


“Yup. The picture of him and hyung is cute. How’d you managed to get one where hyung isn't
pouting?” Hoseok asked with a laugh.

“Got lucky,” Jimin murmured. “How is that by the way?”

“How is what?” Hoseok asked, his attention on fluffing Jimin’s pillows.

“You and Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin clarified.

“Oh, it’s fine. He’s been moody the past few weeks. I guess work is stressing him out. He doesn’t
talk about it so I’m just leaving him alone until he works it out.”

Jimin made a sound of disagreement, knowing his friend better than most. “Did you ask?”

“No? He doesn’t like to talk about work, you know that.”

“Might help though,” Jimin pointed out.

Hoseok pursed his lips, thinking about it. Yoongi really didn’t like talking about work. The most
he’d ever really said about it was that it was stressful and he’d been promoted recently. Other than
that, it never came up. Maybe Hoseok really should ask. “Yea, you’re right. At least then if he
doesn’t want to talk about it, he knows I’m here to listen if that changes.”
“Exactly,” Jimin agreed as he rolled to his side and curled up into a ball. Hoseok smiled slightly
and rearranged the cold cloth so it was still on his forehead and shifted the blankets so he was
tucked in. Jimin really was the worst patient, but Hoseok would be damned if he allowed that to
stop him from helping.

“Get some rest, I’m going to make some soup and leave it on the stove, okay? Eat it when you’re


Taking that as an agreement, Hoseok left Jimin behind and quickly made some canned soup. It
wasn't ideal, but it’d do in a pinch. When he was done, he put it into a Tupperware container with a
packaged of crackers he’d grabbed on the way over. Then, once again switching out the cloth on
Jimin’s head, Hoseok returned home, his mind automatically turning to Yoongi. Maybe there was
something Hoseok could do to relieve his stress even if he didn’t want to talk about it.

Content with that idea, Hoseok went about the rest of his evening routine quickly, humming all the
while. If Yoongi didn’t want to talk, that was fine, Hoseok would find another way to help.

Chapter End Notes

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, so much angst

Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals. This chapter is going to start on a kinda heavy note
because I've been dealing with some stuff in regards to this story. If you follow my
other story, you'll have seen that I mentioned having a terrible weekend.

That was because of this story.

After posting the last chapter, I got my first ever CC. Then another. And another. The
first wave was just four but they were all nasty, telling me I was glorifying cheating,
making Yoongi a villain etc. etc. I was upset by this, obviously, and confused. My
story is tagged, there are warnings, and the first chapter literally started with
Yoonkook blatantly fucking while Hoseok is oblivious. So I deleted them and moved
on. Then I got more the next day and the next. I honestly didn't count how many but it
was enough to make me hesitate about posting this chapter. I've had it written for days,
but I didn't want to get more hate. I'm sure you understand that.

I didn't want to reply to their CCs because I didn't want to give them the satisfaction,
but I did want to address it here. This story is fiction. It has no basis in reality. I and
everyone here know that cheating is bad and would never support it in real life. I have
been cheated on. I kicked my last partner out of our shared apartment and got another
job to afford it because he was cheating. They got engaged later. Good for fucking
them. The point is, I have been Hoseok. I know what that's like. I hated it and I was
crushed. I am not glorifying anything.

For me, this story is a way to explore the meaning of right and wrong. What does it
mean when the wrong thing makes you happier than the right? What does it say about
the people involved when the right thing isn't as right as you thought? If the wrong
thing makes you happy, is it still wrong? Is the wrong thing really better or is just
new? How does someone justify the wrong thing so they can keep doing it even when
they know they're doing the wrong thing? What does it mean to give up on a
relationship because of external forces? What does that take and can someone do that?
How does that affect you going forward? How do people handle the reality of that
betrayal going forward? Is there coming back from cheating like this? Is it worse if the
cheating is emotional as well as sexual? These are all the thoughts I had and wanted to
explore which gave birth to this story. Plus, I wanted to write some hot yoonkook and
sope smut.

I'm not saying I have a problem with the moral discussion in the comments here.
Those are fine. I understand that. Though I don't personally think it's necessary since
we all know it's wrong, I don't mind those comments. In fact, I encourage them,
because it just amplifies those questions I've been asking myself as I write. But to the
people who disregarded my tags and chose to use my CC on anon so they could send
me hate and nasty messages, I just don't get it. Why are you here? Why did you choose
to send me hate when you could have literally just not read the story? I'm sorry if this
comes off as bitchy and mean and callous to those who are just here for the story and
don't care about all this but I spent the whole weekend upset and trying to work
through this, abusing the DMs of my readers because I just don't understand. I'm new
to Twitter, and still fairly new to this. I've never gotten hate before and I just... don't
know what to do about it. I love this story. I enjoy writing it and I even have a sequel
planned for the one who ends up alone but this weekend has been really discouraging.

So, basically, to sum up, I'm a bit lost. I'm trying not to be sad, and I send out an
unconditional thank you to the people who heard me basically cry over this all
weekend and gave me words of encouragement and support. It meant a lot to me and
I'll forever be thankful.

I guess what I'm saying is after this chapter goes up, I'm going to see what happens. I
really don't want to spend every day deleting CCs that are attacking me. In all honesty,
I'll still write this story, but it'll be for me. No one can attack me if they don't see it. I'd
rather not do that. I like interacting with you guys and seeing your reactions and
theories and yelling at the characters as if they can hear you. I love that so so much.
But like most things, the hate is sometimes louder. So I'm sorry if it comes to that.

Enough of that. If you took the time to read all that, thank you. It means a lot and I
hope you enjoy this story and chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I hope you all have a good day!


See the end of the chapter for more notes

If Yoongi had thought he was stressed before, it was nothing compared to now. He tried to forget,
as he’d told Jungkook they should, but he couldn’t. The feeling lingered. Like a featherlight touch
dragging across his skin. Maybe it was worse because they hadn’t really talked about it further, but
Yoongi didn’t know how he’d react if they did. He was sure Jungkook was in the same boat. Or
maybe he was fine and had brushed it off. Hoseok hadn’t noticed anything off about him at work,
it was just Yoongi that was acting weird.

Or so Hoseok said.

It was just that he was, well, noticing things now. Like the way Hoseok dealt with his stress. As in
he didn’t. Jungkook had brought him his favourite food and offered to talk. Hoseok had sucked his
dick. Which, to be fair, was good but now it bothered him. Like a small itch that he couldn’t
scratch. He couldn’t help but remember how Jungkook had kissed him so softly after while Hoseok
usually rolled away or popped up and cracked a joke. It wasn’t like Yoongi didn’t like that. He did.
It was just now he knew there was another option.

Except there wasn’t.

Taehyung was right. He had been —was— happy with Hoseok. They balanced each other so it
made sense. He needed someone who forced him to go out and be social. It made sense. Which is
why he’d been with him for months, nearly a year. Sure, they hadn’t moved forward really in terms
of the actual relationship but they were happy.

Happy people don’t cheat.

Yoongi pressed his fingers into his eyes, one part of him hoping he’d press too hard and end his
own suffering. The worst part is he felt like Taehyung knew but wouldn’t say one way or the other.
Which just made Yoongi feel like his friend was continuously judging him via text and phone call.

As he fucking should, cheater.

Sighing, Yoongi stared blankly at his computer screen, an Excel sheet filled with names and
figures blurring together under his unwavering gaze. No, the worst part wasn’t that Taehyung
probably didn’t know, it was that Yoongi had done it in the first place. That, and he couldn’t bring
himself to regret it. He was disgusted at himself, horrified he’d done something so morally wrong,
but he didn’t regret it. Not when Jungkook had said his name so softly but held him so tight. Not
when he kissed lightly but thrust hard. Not when the dichotomy that was Jeon Jungkook existed
and was fixated on him.

No, he didn’t regret it and that was perhaps the worst thing he’d ever thought or done. He was
sure, in his life, he’d do or say things that hurt people, broke friendships, or ended careers, and he’d
feel bad for all of it. But this… this was so much worse. He knew that.

And yet.

“Hey, Yoongi-hyung, you coming to lunch or what?”

Dropping his hands, Yoongi glanced over at Namjoon, who was leaning into his office with an
open and questioning expression. “Lunch?”

“Yea? It’s Jinae’s birthday today?” Namjoon reminded him, frowning now. “You good, hyung?”

Yoongi sighed. Everyone kept asking him that. He clearly wasn’t as good at hiding his emotions as
he thought. “Yea. Just tired, I guess.”
Namjoon sent him a sidelong look. “You’re always tired, this is different. What’s wrong? Problems
with Hoseok?”

“Problems would imply we talk about things,” Yoongi muttered.

“Okay… and have you mentioned that to him?” Namjoon commented.

“No, god,” Yoongi rubbed his face again. “I’m just grumpy and bitching. Ignore me. Hoseok is

Namjoon narrowed his eyes but let it go. He’d known Yoongi for years, but they’d never really
progressed outside of their work friendship. Namjoon wasn't really sure why. They went out for
drinks after work sometimes and they got along well enough, but it just hadn’t flourished.
Namjoon found himself wishing it had now, if only so that he could push a bit more since Yoongi
looked miserable. More so than usual. “If you’re sure.”

“Yea, I’m good, I promise,” Yoongi said, the sentence sounding hollow even to him.

Letting the subject drop, Yoongi and Namjoon went to the nearby restaurant where the birthday
lunch was going on. Jinae looked ecstatic. She was a social butterfly so tons of people showed up
to wish her well and share a midday drink. It was the exact type of thing that Yoongi hated and
made sure was never done for him, but it suited Jinae. She was like Hoseok in that regard.
Beautiful normally but radiant in a spotlight. He did better in the shadows. Always had. There was
just something he didn’t understand about people who were comfortable with talking to multiple
people with dozens of eyes on them. It made him antsy just thinking about it.

But this wasn’t about him, so Yoongi slapped on a smile and greeted Jinae warmly, wishing her a
happy birthday, before taking a seat with Namjoon and ordering some food. Once the initial
awkwardness was over, Yoongi relaxed. He had no issues being around Namjoon and no one was
focused on him anyway so he was able to enjoy lunch. At the very least it kept his mind occupied
and away from Hoseok.

Or, more accurately, what he’d done with Jungkook to Hoseok.

Yoongi had no idea how Jungkook was handling all this and that just amplified his guilt. He was
having a hard enough time being around Hoseok when they’d had time to see each other over the
last few days but Jungkook worked with him every day. Yoongi couldn’t even imagine the
emotional toll that would take.

And you did that to him. It’s your fault he’s suffering.

It was like Yoongi’s mind was a race track. Just as he thought he’d run fast enough to turn a
corner, he’d end up right back where he started. It was an endless loop: Hoseok, Jungkook, guilt,
cheater, Hoseok, Jungkook, guilt… He couldn’t escape it.

Perhaps he wasn’t meant to.

He’s almost told Hoseok a few times, whenever they were together. The closest he’d gotten had
ended in the aforementioned blowjob. He’d ended up getting so upset, Hoseok had offered to make
him feel better and Yoongi was a fucking coward so here they were, a full week later, and Hoseok
didn’t know and Yoongi was avoiding talking to Jungkook even though he’d told him he wanted to
be his friend. And he missed talking to Jungkook. So, so much. He didn’t realize how often they
texted. Just little memes or reviews of the restaurants Yoongi had told Jungkook to go to. Simple
stuff, but it had made Yoongi happy. Which was something Yoongi should feel when talking to
Hoseok; when spending time with Hoseok. But suddenly all those happy months, happy people
don’t cheat, Yoongi, were dull in comparison to Jungkook and Hoseok didn’t deserve that. He
certainly didn’t deserve someone as terrible as Yoongi latching onto him because he couldn’t let
go; someone who—

“Hyung, seriously, where do you keep going?” Namjoon asked, exasperated.

Yoongi blinked, then smiled hollowly before deflecting. “Can you pass me the other bottle?”

Spinning quickly, Jungkook kept his eyes fixed on his own movements in the mirror, critiquing
and evaluating his own style as he went. Since he’d been officially offered another class, he had to
come up with a whole new set of choreography to teach them. Which was fine, but it took time and
he needed to make sure he had every step mastered. He couldn’t very well teach something he
himself struggled to do. So he’d been staying late and coming in early. But only because of the new
class, not because he was fixating on Yoongi and worrying about how he was handling everything.
Of course not. It was purely work-related.

Missing a step, Jungkook stumbled and cursed. The music stopped almost immediately as he
slammed a finger down on the remote and started it again from the beginning. It was an odd thing.
To use work as a distraction from Yoongi only to have Yoongi be his distraction from work. Every
time Jungkook’s mind even drifted in that direction, he’d mess up something. Maybe he was words
or his steps. It didn’t matter what, just that whatever Jungkook was doing at that exact moment
would end up imperfect because he let his mind drift. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice.

Didn’t stop him from worrying though. Not about himself, he didn’t care about that. No one really
knew him well enough yet to notice when he had an off day or his mind wasn’t all there. Which
was why no one had noticed he was distracted. Yoongi, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. Or
perhaps he was worse at concealing his emotions. Jungkook didn’t know. What he did know was
that Hoseok had been grumbling about Yoongi’s mood the whole week and Jungkook couldn’t
help but feel guilty.

He was self-aware enough to know he hadn’t kissed Yoongi against his will, nor had he really
started it. Though he was the one who put them into that particular situation. But after talking
about it with Seokjin, Jungkook had thought back on all their interactions and he’d basically
concluded that it had been inevitable. They’d been drifting closer since they’d met. Didn’t make it
right, Jungkook admitted, but it gave him a bit of solace at least. After, he’d felt so guilty, so dirty,
especially when talking to Seokjin. But now he just felt guilty for a whole other reason. They may
have acted together but only one of them was cheating. Technically at least. Though the distinction
was vague, Jungkook knew it was that very distinction that allowed him to move forward every
day while Yoongi seemed to be stuck somewhere in the middle of wallowing. Hence his guilt
about how Yoongi was handling this.

They’d have to talk. Jungkook knew that. If they really did want to stay friends, they had to talk it
out and figure out what moving forward looked like. Not that Jungkook wanted to be just friends.
What he wanted was for Yoongi to be his. To bring him out on cute little low-key dates and let
Yoongi show him all the places he loved to eat. To wake up wrapped around him smelling the
calming mix of coffee and citrus that permeated Yoongi’s entire being. To hold his hand and walk
down the street. To hear exactly what Yoongi’s voice would sound like when it was truly wrecked
as he came underneath him. To have more of those soft, gentle, orgasm-dulled kisses.

He just wanted Yoongi and they needed to talk about that. He didn’t want to forget and move on.
He didn’t want to pretend it didn’t happen. He didn’t want that at all.

Now he just had to figure out how to do it. Dinner at Yoongi’s seemed like the best choice since
they’d finally see each other in person, which was why he’d told Seokjin that’s when he’d do it,
but Hoseok would also be there which meant it was obviously not the right time. He could arrive
early but if it went poorly that just meant they’d have to sit through an intensely awkward dinner
with oblivious Hoseok right there.

Maybe stay later?

Jungkook considered that then shook his head. Hoseok would probably stay over since it was at
Yoongi’s place.

Ask him if you guys can talk when you have a moment alone. That way he knows you want to talk to

Pursing his lips, Jungkook settled down against the studio wall and took a long drink from his
water. There was nothing worse than being given the ‘we need to talk’ message but Jungkook
wasn’t sure how else to do it. He could text him but he really wanted to do it in person so this was
pretty much his only option.

Somewhat resigned, Jungkook closed his eyes with a sigh and let his mind drift. At first, he went
over the choreo but eventually, Yoongi appeared, as he always did. He was looking down at him,
his cheeks flush and lips swollen, a small smile bunching up his cheeks. Jungkook could
practically feel his shallow breaths against him. Then, it shifted to Yoongi rushing away from him,
sadness and guilt on his face as he stared at Jungkook in shock.

Jungkook snapped open his eyes abruptly, earning a startled squeal from Hoseok, who’d come in to
check on him and thought he was sleeping. “GOD! I thought you were asleep, fuck.”

“Hyung?” Jungkook asked, frowning at him.

Hoseok rubbed his chest. “Gave me a goddamn heart attack.”

Snorting, Jungkook pushed himself up, his eyes still fixed on Hoseok. “Sorry. Did you need

“Oh, yea,” Hoseok said, turning towards him as Jungkook moved back to his position in the centre
of the studio. “I just wanted to double-check you were still on for tomorrow?”

Jungkook nodded. “As long as hyung still wants to have us over.”

Hoseok shrugged. “He hasn’t said no. You know he’s been in a weird mood all week. Hopefully
tomorrow will help.”
“Hopefully,” Jungkook agreed. “Will Jimin-hyung and Taehyung-hyung be there too?”

“Taehyung is still out of town. I think he’s back Sunday. Maybe Monday. Jimin just went back to
work today so he’ll be MIA for the foreseeable future as he catches up.”

“Only today? He must have been really sick,” Jungkook murmured.

Hoseok nodded. “I’ve been taking care of him on and off all week. It got really bad at the
beginning but his fever broke and he’s feeling better now thankfully.”

Jungkook smiled genuinely. “That’s nice of you, hyung.”

“He’s my best friend. Who else is going to take care of him?” Hoseok asked rhetorically, then
sighed. “Alright, I’m heading home. Don’t stay too late. I can see your entries and exits on the
security system so I know how much you’ve been here.”

“Ah, busted.”

“Just a bit,” Hoseok agreed with a small smile.

“I’ll go home within the hour,” Jungkook promised, already pulling the remote for the sound
system out again.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Hoseok called over his shoulder as he left, leaving Jungkook alone with the
music and his thoughts. Hoseok was so nice. He took care of everyone and checked in on them.

So what makes Yoongi-hyung special to him then?

Shaking off that judgemental and nasty thought, Jungkook pressed play and closed his eyes as he
waited for the first beat to drop. Tomorrow, he’d talk to Yoongi and then he’d know where they
stood. One way or another, this would be sorted out.

Hoseok was a person that believed, to the bottom of his soul, that there was nothing worse than
being woken up by an alarm when you didn’t actually have to be up. In this case, it wasn’t an
alarm but a phone call. The point stood though. Especially when he rolled over in bed, nearly
falling off the edge in the process, to grab his phone and pull it off the charger.

Squinting at the name, Hoseok yawned and hit Accept. “Hey, Jiminie.”

“Hi, hyung. Sorry to wake you up on the weekend,” Jimin said quickly.

“It’s good,” Hoseok assured, even if he’d been irritated when he’d initially woken up. “What’s

“I was wondering if I could ask another favour of you?”

Hoseok sat up, one hand idly trying to tame his hair, and grunted. “Sure, what do you need?”

“I know you have that dinner tonight but could you help me on set tomorrow? I don’t know if you
noticed but the ballroom dance couple is a fucking mess and I need someone to watch the others
while I try and sort their shit out.”

Snorting, Hoseok responded. “They’re a mess because they refused to practice without you there.
They were the absolute worst.”

Jimin sighed. “Yea, that’s the downside of these dance shows. Everyone thinks they’re the best.
Pays amazing though.”

“Don’t I know it,” Hoseok agreed, mentally going over his schedule. If he helped out Jimin that’d
put him at six days this week but he only had one class on Tuesday so he could probably make it
work. “But yea I can help, what time do you need me there?”
“Whenever works for you, honestly,” Jimin said quickly. “I’ll just monitor all of them like usual
until you arrive.”

Hoseok rolled his eyes. “What time, Jimin?”

“Morning would be best,” Jimin admitted, “but I can make do with any time!”

“I’ll be there in the morning then,” Hoseok said firmly, glancing at the clock briefly. “I have to go
though. I promised to buy all the ingredients and shit since hyung is cooking.”

Jimin huffed. “Can believe I’m missing two things.”

“We’re still doing another housewarming when everyone can come, so don’t worry too much.”

“I know,” Jimin muttered. “Alright, have fun. Thanks again, hyung.”

“No problem,” Hoseok assured. “See you tomorrow.”

“See ya!”

Tossing his phone away only to dive after it with a yelp with it bounced dangerously close to the
edge of his mattress, Hoseok yawned again. It was already mid-afternoon so he really had no right
to be tired but he’d worked his own job plus covered for Jimin part of the week so he was running
on less relaxation time than usual. Plus, he and Yoongi hadn’t really hooked up all week, which
was unusual for them, and that put a kink in his relaxation time. Frowning slightly, Hoseok
showered and got ready for the day, making a mental list of what he needed to buy for dinner.

Maybe if he got there early he and Yoongi could fool a bit like they normally would. He missed
that. Yoongi had been so distracted they hadn’t really been together since Hoseok dragged him to
the club last. They’d done some other stuff but nothing near as frequent as before, especially when
compared to the way Yoongi had been jumping him just a few weeks prior. Hoseok didn’t like to
think he was a horny person but when you went from having something all the time to almost not
at all, you take notice.
With that thought in mind, Hoseok brought all the groceries he’d bought for dinner to Yoongi’s
house, precariously balancing them in one hand so he could type in Yoongi’s code. He didn’t use it
often, but Yoongi hadn’t answered him all day so that just meant he was buried in his writing or
distracted some other way. Hoseok supposed that was good since he was usually much more
relaxed after spending the day writing. Which Hoseok honestly hoped was the case because
Yoongi had never been closed off for this long before. In bursts, sure, but never more than a few
days. It was nearing two weeks now and Hoseok was as worried as he was tired.


“Mmmm,” Yoongi replied absent-mindedly, his attention on his laptop screen as he leaned against
the arm of the couch with his legs stretched out.

Hoseok smiled. “I grabbed those groceries for dinner. Can I put them away?”

Yoongi looked up and nodded. “You can, or you can just leave them on the counter and I’ll deal
with them. Whichever works.”

“I’ll put the perishables away then,” Hoseok decided before heading into the kitchen. So far so
good. At least it seemed for now. Yoongi seemed more attentive and alert now. Which boded well.
Hoseok was going to go with the positive and assume Yoongi was feeling better.

Once the groceries were mostly away, Hoseok returned to the living room and wrapped his arms
around Yoongi’s shoulders, dropping his chin on his head. “I missed you, hyung.”

Yoongi’s hands froze where they rested on the keyboard. For a moment he didn’t move. “I’m
sorry, Seok.”

“It’s okay. Are you feeling better now?” Hoseok wondered.

“No,” Yoongi admitted quietly.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No,” Yoongi said again, then he sighed, “but I think we should.”

“Only if you want to,” Hoseok told him, not wanting to force him into anything. “I don’t want you
to get upset.”

Yoongi closed his eyes, feeling the way Hoseok’s hand mindlessly traced across his chest. “Would
you want to know something if it was going to make you upset?”

Hoseok paused, his brows furrowing. He’d assumed it was stress that was making Yoongi self-
isolate but was it something more serious? Did he find out something terrible? “What about it?”

“Would you… want to know?” Yoongi asked, his voice hushed.

Now that was a good question. Hoseok had never been asked something like that. His immediate
answer was of course he did, but for some reason, he hesitated. “Would I be upset as in sad or upset
as in mad?”

“Sad, probably,” Yoongi answered.

“Am I going to be harmed by not knowing?” Hoseok wondered, considering the implications of
Yoongi’s original question. They did say ignorance was bliss for a reason. Did he need to know
everything about everything if it was going to make him sad? Was it better not knowing if he knew
something was going to make him sad just by knowing it? An interesting philosophical question
and one Hoseok was only mildly surprised to hear coming from Yoongi’s mouth.

Yoongi furrowed his brows. “Not physically, no.”

Hoseok hummed. “Then no, I’d probably choose not to know. Why would I choose to learn
something that would result in my own unhappiness?”

“Isn't it better to know?” Yoongi asked, something near desperate in his voice.

“I guess it could be for some people,” Hoseok acknowledged. “You seem like the type who’d want
to know regardless.”
“Yea,” Yoongi whispered. “I am.”

“Just another thing we’re opposites on,” Hoseok declared, squeezing Yoongi tightly before
stepping back. “Have you been thinking about that all week?”

“Something like that,” Yoongi said as he turned around so he could see Hoseok’s face.

Hoseok nodded. “You think too much.”

“I get that a lot.”

“Well stop,” Hoseok ordered, tapping Yoongi’s forehead with his index finger. “Just for tonight,
stop thinking and relax. I want to hang out with you, hyung.”

Yoongi pulled his lips inward but nodded briefly, his eyes shining with something Hoseok didn't
understand. “Okay, Seok.”

“Awesome. Now,” Hoseok said, leaning forward suggestively, “do you want to know what I
missed the most?”

“I can guess,” Yoongi said, forcing himself into the present. “Do you want me to take care of you,

“Hmmm, I was thinking of something a little bit more… involved,” Hoseok admitted, then
frowned. “When is Jungkook getting here?”

Yoongi flinched a little but answered anyway. “You’re the one who told me he’d be here by 6.”

Hoseok glanced at his watch and sighed. “It’s 5:30 now.”

“Then let me take care of you,” Yoongi offered again. “To make up for being so distant this
Cupping his chin so Hoseok could drag his thumb over Yoongi’s lip, Hoseok nodded. “Okay,

Now that he had permission, Yoongi stood up from the couch and closed his laptop before shoving
it aside. Taking the open seat, Hoseok settled back into the cushions with a small sigh and waved
Yoongi forward, grabbing his hand to pull him onto his lap. Yoongi went easily, almost
immediately burying his face in Hoseok’s neck. This wasn’t what he intended. It was too close to
what he and Jungkook did. It was—

Stop. Stop right now.

Pulling back, Yoongi nipped at Hoseok's neck and let his hands drift down so he could palm
Hoseok through his pants. He could feel the chub of Hoseok’s cock already starting to harden so he
pressed down, rocking his hand back and force until Hoseok moaned and latched onto his neck, his
lips parting so he could suck a dark mark over Yoongi’s pulse. Yoongi’s breath hitched and his
head tilted back, allowing Hoseok more access as slipped his hands underneath the band of
Hoseok’s sweats and wrapped a hand around him, stroking briefly.

“Fuck, hyung,” Hoseok muttered against his neck. “How do you get me this hard so fast?”

Yoongi didn’t reply, instead relying on a small humming noise before he moved back and sank to
the floor between Hoseok’s legs. Looking up at him now, Yoongi grabbed his sweats harshly and
tugged them down, causing Hoseok’s cock to spring free with more force than necessary. Hoseok
hissed, one hand grabbing his dick at the base and the other cupping Yoongi’s face to draw him
near. The second he was close, he licked out purposefully, his tongue lapping at the tip before his
mouth encompassed the whole head. He felt Hoseok’s hand tighten in his hair and glanced up,
seeing that Hoseok’s head had fallen back and his chest was rising and falling sharply. Closing his
eyes, Yoongi sucked Hoseok down deeper, gagging slightly when he hit the back of his throat
before swallowing again. He felt a rumble of satisfaction from Hoseok so he continued to suck, his
head bobbing in a steady rhythm while his tongue traced teasing patterns along the underside of his
cock. It didn’t take long, Hoseok was already worked up and Yoongi had always been good with
his mouth. Muttering a quiet warning, Hoseok’s hand tightened in his hair again seconds before he
came. Yoongi missed Hoseok’s verbal warning, so he startled when he felt Hoseok come.

Coughing slightly, Yoongi pulled back and swallowed. Hoseok immediately shot up and looked at
Yoongi apologetically. “Shit, I’m sorry. I said— did you not hear me?”

“No,” Yoongi admitted. “But it’s fine. I’m good.”

Shoving his cock away quickly, Hoseok leapt up. “Let me get you water.”

“Sure,” Yoongi agreed, still kneeling as Hoseok darted away. Closing his eyes again, Yoongi
leaned his head against the couch cushion and sighed. He knew Hoseok was trying to be nice, but
he’d just left again. No kind words or kisses. Just gone.

He’s getting you water, asshole. Stop being a judgy prick.

“Here, hyung,” Hoseok offered, appearing beside Yoongi, who took the cup gratefully and
chugged it down.

“Thanks,” Yoongi said, pushing himself up. With another sigh, Yoongi stretched, missing
Hoseok’s quick glance at his crotch. “I guess I should start cooking.”

“Do you, um, want me to do you?” Hoseok asked.

Yoongi smiled briefly and shook his head. “Nah, I’m good, Seok.”

“Okay,” Hoseok agreed, frowning slightly before following Yoongi towards the kitchen. “I’m
excited about dinner.”

“Mmm, it’s been a while since I’ve really cooked,” Yoongi revealed, already pulling the vegetables
and meat from the fridge so he could prepare them. “This was a good idea.”

“I’m glad you agree. I’m sure Jungkook will love it,” Hoseok added before placing a quick kiss on
the top of Yoongi’s head and disappearing. The second he was gone, Yoongi stopped what he was
doing and rubbed his face. Everything was such a mess. Whatever that had just been wasn’t healthy
but Yoongi didn’t know what to do about it. Nor about Hoseok’s unwitting decision to not hear
what Yoongi and Jungkook had done. He just… didn’t have time, so he shoved it into the back of
the farthest reaches of his mind and focused on peeling carrots. Like Hoseok had asked: for
tonight, he was just going to forget it. Just for tonight.
For probably the fifth time in as many minutes, Jungkook spun away from Yoongi’s door and
paced down the hallway only to reach the end and be forced back. He’d told himself and Seokjin
that the dinner would go well and it wouldn’t be awkward but now that he was here, he was
nervous. He didn’t know what he’d do when he saw Yoongi again: laugh, cry, vomit. Who the fuck
knew? Certainly not Jungkook. The only conclusion that Jungkook had come to was that he
wouldn’t be normal which would tip off Hoseok who probably didn’t know since he wasn’t
missing any important body parts nor sporting a black eye.

You can do this. Think of it as a performance! Pull on that confident mask and go.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook knocked firmly, a bottle of wine clutched nervously in his free
hand. Within a few moments, the door opened, revealing Yoongi, who was dressed comfortably in
sweatpants and an overlarge sweater. Jungkook had expected something to happen when he saw
Yoongi again, something bad, but it didn’t. Instead, he just felt calm. His shoulders lowered and he
smiled gently. “Hi, hyung.”

Yoongi returned his smile. “Hi, Kook. Come in.”

Jungkook ducked his head as he stepped in, a small smile playing on his lips. He’d missed this. The
comfort that came with being around Yoongi. He’d forgotten about it during all his panic and
guilt-ridden spirals the past week. “I brought some wine. I hope it’s okay. The lady at the liquor
store picked it out.”

“This’ll be great,” Yoongi assured, taking the bottle from Jungkook’s offered hands. “Hoseok is on
the couch if you want to join him.”

“Sure,” Jungkook agreed, following his own memory of the layout of Yoongi’s apartment to where
Hoseok was stretched out on his phone. “Hi, Hoseok-hyung.”

“Ah, you’re here!” Hoseok praised. “Hyung is still cooking so we can do whatever.”

“Oh?” Jungkook said. “Shouldn’t we help?”

“No, he gets all huffy. I usually just clean up after.”

Still mildly distracted by the idea that Yoongi was cooking alone while they just hung out,
Jungkook hesitated, his attention flitting between Hoseok and the entry to the kitchen. He wanted
to help, but he also wasn’t sure it was his place since Hoseok didn’t seem to think it was necessary.
Deciding it was best to take Hoseok’s lead, Jungkook nodded. “Sounds fair.”

“I thought so,” Hoseok agreed, swinging his legs off the couch so Jungkook could sit down.
“How’s the new choreo coming?”

“Ugh,” Jungkook whined, settling further into the couch. “Fine, I guess.”

Hoseok snorted. “That doesn’t sound fine. Tell me about it.”

Grimacing, Jungkook launched into a not so brief tirade about his new dance choice and all the
issues he’d come across in the process. He was so lost in it that he didn’t notice Yoongi emerge
from the kitchen and sit on the arm of the chair. Nor the way Hoseok and Yoongi shared a short,
knowing glance as Jungkook continued to rant. He just kept going on and on until he was done and
out of breath. Only then did Hoseok speak.

“So it’s going well.”

Unable to stop himself, Jungkook laughed and shook his head. “Yea, I’ll have it down by

“Impressive,” Yoogni commented. “If I was that worked up about anything, I think I’d just quit.”

Hoseok rolled his eyes. “You say that but I’ve seen you just about toss your laptop out the window
when a character frustrates you.”

Yoongi hummed. “That’s true.”

“Character?” Jungkook repeated.

“Hyung writes,” Hoseok explained.

“What? You do?” Jungkook asked, eyes wide.

Yoongi shrugged. “A bit. Nothing fancy.”

“I can’t agree or disagree since he won’t show me,” Hoseok cut in, “but I doubt it’s bad. Hyung
does nothing halfway.”

“That’s amazing, hyung,” Jungkook said sincerely. “I wish I could do something like that.”

“You do,” Yoongi countered, pushing himself up. “With dance. What else is choreography but a
story? Dinner’s ready by the way.”

Hoseok leapt up immediately and ran for the kitchen. “I’m starving!”

“Hey, hyung?” Jungkook called out, drawing Yoongi’s attention back to him. “No one’s ever said
something so nice about my dancing before. So, thanks.”

Yoongi smiled softly. “Well, they should. Now let's go eat.”

Nodding happily, Jungkook followed Yoongi to the kitchen where they found Hoseok already in
the middle of setting the table. Jungkook quickly joined and before long they were seated and
eating quietly. It reminded Jungkook of their first-ever dinner together. How conversation had just
halted because they were so distracted by the good food. It made Jungkook a bit nostalgic, which
was ridiculous since it wasn’t even two months ago. But it had been a simpler time. Even if the
night had gone well and wasn’t nearly as awkward as Jungkook had feared, the lingering glances
were still there. The burning heat was gone now since they both knew what it could be, but neither
stopped looking. Jungkook could feel Yoongi’s eyes on him whenever he wasn’t looking and he
was sure Yoongi felt the same when he averted his gaze. It was like a game of who would get
caught first.

Hoseok, for his part, was enjoying the meal and time spent together. He was telling a story about
sick Jimin, completely oblivious, as Yoongi and Jungkook locked eyes for the first time since
sitting down. Jungkook wasn’t sure what was on his face, but it made Yoongi flush and look away,
his attention returning to Hoseok instead. They really did need to talk. This couldn’t keep going on.
Especially not with Hoseok right there, happily munching away.
That thought kept Jungkook occupied for most of the dinner, so he only caught the tail end of
Hoseok’s story about working on set while Jimin was sick. It was apparently funny because
Yoongi laughed, which was the only reason Jungkook had been pulled out of his thoughts because
he was a simple and pathetic man.

“Alright, Kook, it’s time for us to do our jobs and clean this place up!” Hoseok declared, once
again pulling Jungkook back to the present.

“I’m out, bitches. Have fun,” Yoongi teased, practically running out of the kitchen, leaving Hoseok
and Jungkook alone.

“Some things never change,” Hoseok muttered. “That man hates dishes.”

“Who doesn’t?” Jungkook wondered.

“Taehyung. I’m half-convinced it’s the real reason they’re friends,” Hoseok whispered

“A logical conclusion,” Jungkook agreed, smiling slightly.

“I know,” Hoseok agreed. “Now, wash or dry?”

“Considering I don’t know where anything goes, I'll wash.”

“Makes sense,” Hoseok agreed, grabbing a dishtowel and leaning on the counter. He crossed his
arms as Jungkook turned on the hot water and grabbed the soap. “I think he’s better, do you?”

Jungkook glanced up. “Who?”


“He seems fine,” Jungkook agreed slowly.

Hoseok nodded. “He does. Much better than he’s been all week. I think you helped.”

“Me?” Jungkook repeated, his voice cracking in surprise.

“Yea. He’s calmer around you. It’s like an introvert charging station,” Hoseok said with a snort. “If
I’d known it was that easy to improve his mood, I’d have dragged you here much earlier.”

“I don’t know if it’s that simple,” Jungkook said after a moment. “Maybe he just needed time and
that time had passed.”

“Maybe,” Hoseok allowed, then threw Jungkook a teasing look. “You should learn to take credit.
You can use it later.”

“I’ll remember that,” Jungkook promised, shoving a pot at Hoseok. “Now get to drying.”

“Bossy, bossy,” Hoseok muttered before doing as he was told.

To no one’s surprise, they made a pretty effective team so the dishes were done sooner rather than
later. Celebrating his freedom from dishes, Hoseok grabbed an ice cream cone from the freezer,
offering one to Jungkook who refused, before collapsing on the chair, his legs thrown over one arm
and his back stretching over the other until it cracked.

“Gross,” Yoongi chastised from underneath his blanket where he was tucked in the corner of the
couch on his phone. Snorting, Jungkook cracked his neck which made Yoongi whip around with a
grimace. “GROSS.”

“It’s a natural thing,” Jungkook protested, taking a seat at the other end of the sofa.

“For you freaks maybe,” Yoongi muttered.

“I feel like you’re outvoted here,” Hoseok commented, his attention mostly on the ice cream in
front of him now.
Rolling his eyes, Yoongi huffed. “My house so I get tripled the votes and thus win. Min Yoongi

“Sore loser,” Hoseok teased.

Yoongi replied by sticking his tongue out before snuggling deeper into his blanket. “Did you guys
want to do a movie or..?”

“I’m down,” Jungkook agreed quickly, not ready to say goodbye just yet.

But Hoseok shook his head with a sigh as he shoved the last of the cone in his mouth. “No, I
should go. I promised Jimin I’d help him out on set tomorrow morning and it’s already getting

“Oh, okay,” Yoongi agreed softly. “Maybe next time.”

“Definitely,” Hoseok agreed, crossing the living room and kissing Yoongi briefly on the lips, the
taste of vanilla and chocolate lingering, before he headed toward the door. “But you guys have fun.
I’ll text you tomorrow?”

“Yea, okay,” Yoongi said, his voice noticeably weaker than a moment before.

“See ya, hyung,” Jungkook called out. “Thanks for organizing this.”

“No problem, Kook. I had fun. See ya!”


And then the door closed and that comfortable atmosphere they’d been relying on vanished as if
it’d never been there. Suddenly the air was heavy and filled with unsaid words and feelings.
Jungkook wished he’d taken that offered ice cream, at least then he’d have something to distract
him. Yoongi started to fiddle underneath the blankets, his index finger scratching anxiously at his
thumb. Jungkook, equally as unsure, bit his lip and shifted in his seat. Now would be the time to
say something, to bring up his feelings on the whole matter, but he remained silent.

“Um, I’m going to make some tea. Chamomile, I think,” Yoongi muttered, tossing the blanket
away and fleeing the room. Jungkook watched him go before rubbing his face.

Tell him! This is your only chance!

What if he says no?

Then you know and can move on!

But what if he says yes?

Do I look like I have all the answers? I’m literally you.

Frustrated, Jungkook groaned quietly. He either went and told Yoongi the truth or he backed down
now and never spoke of it again like Yoongi had asked. This was it. After tonight, if he left without
saying anything, they’d have solidified their decision to not talk about it.

That can’t happen.

Nearly launching himself to his feet, Jungkook walked to the kitchen purposefully. He found
Yoongi by the counter on his tippy-toes, rummaging through a cupboard. Moving slowly,
Jungkook approached Yoongi, stopping just behind him so he could grab the box of tea Yoongi
was looking for on the top shelf. As he placed it on the counter, Yoongi’s hands lowered slowly,
but otherwise, he remained utterly still.

Jungkook considered his options. The tension was palpable, in no way helped by how close he was
standing to Yoongi now. All Yoongi would have to do is lean back, just a bit, and he’d been in
Jungkook’s arms. Deciding to take his chance, Jungkook tilted his head so he could look at the side
of Yoongi’s face. “Hyung? I don’t want to forget.”

“Please, hyung,” Jungkook said softly, his fingers reaching out of their own accord by halting
before they actually touched Yoongi’s face. “I like you too. I don’t want to pretend it never

Yoongi closed his eyes and breathed out heavily. The second Jungkook had spoken, a spike of
sheer happiness had rocked his system, followed quickly by lust. It was the worst possible reaction
to Jungkook’s words. He should be shoving him away. Telling him to stop because he had a
boyfriend. But he didn’t. Instead, he opened his eyes and turned his head towards Jungkook. “Me

“Yoongi,” Jungkook whispered, that hovering hand finally moving forward to span Yoongi’s neck
and chin, his fingers tracing over the large purple mark he’d been trying not to look at the entire
night. A mark he hadn’t left. That Hoseok had left. That he’d never be able to leave. But right now,
Jungkook shoved those thoughts away and leaned forward, using his hand to guide Yoongi’s face
towards his own.

Just as he’d predicted, all it took was Yoongi relaxing, simply sinking back into him, for
Jungkook’s front to be pressed firmly against Yoongi’s backside. For now, he wasn’t focusing on
that. He was focusing on the slow, unhurried pace of Yoongi’s lips on his. So different from the
mad clash of lips and tongue of their first kiss. Jungkook wasn’t sure which he preferred, but he
wasn’t complaining either way. Not when Yoongi relaxed further and sighed quietly, his lips
parting so Jungkook could sweep his tongue in. This time he tasted like the tea he’d been drinking
after dinner. Something leafy and fresh that Jungkook couldn’t identify.

Never once moving his left hand from Yoongi’s face, Jungkook wrapped his right around Yoongi’s
waist, pulling him even closer so his ass was seated right on his crotch. Yoongi’s breath stuttered
for a moment before he continued kissing Jungkook again, his tongue pressing more firmly into
Jungkook’s mouth and rubbing against his tongue. Jungkook groaned, a deep, satisfied sound in his
chest as his hand swept up towards Yoongi’s chest. On the way there, he grazed Yoongi’s left
nipple, causing the smaller man to jolt and pull away with a small gasp.

Spurred on, Jungkook buried his face on Yoongi’s neck and began to play with Yoongi’s nipple
through his sweater. It wasn’t enough, the material too thick, but it made Yoongi antsy, his hips
shifting and wiggling as he tried to get Jungkook to do what he wanted. Jungkook dropped his hand
from his face to his hip, stilling him, before shoving his right hand under Yoongi’s shirt and
returning his attention to his nipple.

Pleased now, Yoongi leaned back further, his head falling back onto Jungkook’s shoulder as he
moaned, his cock slowly hardening as Jungkook kissed and tongued his neck and tweaked his
“Jungkook,” Yoongi breathed out, pushing his ass back against Jungkook’s cock. “Please.”

“What do you want, Yoongi?”

“Feel you,” Yoongi demanded, grinding back again. Too far gone to comment on Jungkook’s lack
of honorifics.

“Fuck, yea, okay,” Jungkook agreed, pulling back slightly to pull off his sweater before doing the
same with Yoongi’s and then pressing himself against Yoongi again.

Yoongi moaned, loving the feel of Jungkook’s much harder body against his back and his lips
against his neck. But it wasn't quite what he wanted, so he reached back and blindly grabbed
Jungkook's belt loop and tugged downward. They were too tight to actually go down, but Jungkook
got the message, his hands leaving Yoongi’s nipples to unbutton his jeans and shoved them down.
Yoongi barely waited for his hands to pull away from his boxers before he pushed his own down
and leaned back. “Finally.”

“God, Yoongi,” Jungkook gasped out, his eyes rolling back as he felt Yoongi grind his bare ass on
his cock. It was barely more than what they’d done before only now with fewer layers but it felt
different. More coherent. They’d talked first. They knew what they were doing. So Jungkook
didn’t feel bad about crowding Yoongi into the counter and placing Yoongi’s hands on the edge.
Stepping back, Jungkook trailed his hand up Yoongi’s back, his fingers playing with the ends of
Yoongi’s hair. “You’re so pretty, baby.”

When he got a particularly vocal groan in reply to that, Jungkook surged forward. “Do you like
when I call you baby?”

“Y-yea,” Yoogni admitted, his breath coming fast. They’d barely even touched but he felt like he
was already dangling off the edge. His cock was hanging down, almost grazing the sweats he’d
shoved down his thighs, and dripping precome. The head was flush and shiny, just begging to be
touched. He didn’t even know what Jungkook looked like, but he could feel his cock sliding up
and down his ass cheek wetly so he knew Jungkook must be just as affected. It was madness.
Complete and utter madness.

And Yoongi needed more.

“I want to fuck you so bad,” Jungkook admitted. “See you fall apart on my cock while I call you
baby. Would you like that?”

“Please,” Yoongi begged, his arm snapping out and grabbing the first bottle he could find. Seeing
that it was olive oil, Yoongi decided he’d made worse choices and practically threw it back to

“Olive oil? I’m not going to fuck you with a cooking product,” Jungkook said, staring down at the

“T-thighs. We can’t— just thighs,” Yoongi tried to explain, his words coming out garbled as he felt
the head of Jungkook’s cock catch on his rim. He knew they couldn’t have anal sex. Somewhere in
the back of his mind, Yoongi knew that would be a line they couldn’t come back from.

“Fuck, alright,” Jungkook agreed, unscrewing the top and pouring some oil onto his cock and
hand. Reaching forward, Jungkook dragged his fingers up the inside of Yoongi’s thighs, making
the man shudder as he spread the oil around. Once he was satisfied, Jungkook stepped forward and
wrapped an arm around Yoongi so he could encircle Yoongi’s cock and stroke him. Yoongi cried
out, his body sagging forward before he caught himself on the hands Jungkook had previously
placed on the counter.

Satisfied, Jungkook fisted his own cock, stroking a few times before he slid himself between
Yoongi’s thighs. It wasn’t the best thing he’d ever felt, he knew that, but at that moment he
couldn’t think of anything better. So, making sure that his cock would slide against Yoongi’s balls
and cock with every thurst, Jungkook grasped Yoongi’s thighs and pressed them together, making
the squeeze tighter, before pulling back and slamming forward. Yoongi’s whole body jolted, his
voice cracking on a moan. “Yes, just like that, Kook. Please.”

“Hmmm, your thighs feel so good, baby,” Jungkook muttered, feeling Yoongi’s cock twitch at his
use of baby again. Smiling, Jungkook nipped at Yoongi’s ear as he continued to thrust in between
Yoongi’s thighs, his cock dragging along Yoongi’s over and over and over. “Can’t imagine how
good your hole would feel.”

“Kook,” Yoongi sobbed out.

Jungkook groaned, momentarily losing himself in the tight squeeze of Yoongi’s soft thighs and the
heady knowledge that Jungkook was making him such a mess without even fucking him properly.
Resting his forehead on Yoongi’s back, Jungkook began to thrust harder, feeling Yoongi
practically bounce in front of him, moaning all the while. He never wanted this to end. He wanted
to keep Yoongi hot and messy under him for the rest of his life, but he could feel Yoongi’s
precome dripping down onto his cock and his own orgasm barling forward so he began placing wet
open mouth kisses down Yoongi’s spine before he let go of one of Yoongi’s thighs in favour of
jerking him off. Yoongi’s reaction was immediate. His whole body stiffened as he keened, come
spattering all over Jungkook’s hand and the cupboards in front of them. Jungkook continued to
stroke him in time with his thrusts, his eyes squeezing shut as he finally came. “Baby, baby, baby.”

Not waiting a single moment more, Jungkook backed away and spun Yoongi around forcefully,
sealing their lips together in a searing kiss. Yoongi gasped in response, his hands flying to
Jungkook’s shoulders and latching on. Feeling his nails dig in, Jungkook restrained himself,
slowing his pace down as his clean hand cradled Yoongi’s head and tilted it back so he could trail
his lips over Yoongi’s cheeks, tasting the saltiness of tears there. Resting his lips just beside
Yoongi’s eye, Jungkook nuzzled his nose into Yoongi’s hair.

He knew the talk was coming. The reality. But he wanted to prolong it. Yoongi seemed to as well
because neither said anything for some time. It wasn’t under he felt the come on his hand begin to
harden that Yoongi sighed heavily, his eyes still closed. “Jungkook…”

“I know, hyung,” Jungkook whispered, hearing the resignation there. The guilt. Jungkook had
known that was coming. He just didn’t care. He wanted Yoongi and he wasn’t going to forget.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

First of all, I just want to say thank you so much for the outpouring of support for this
fic after the last chapter. I still got some hate but the positive far outweighed the
negative this time around so for that I thank you.

Now, enjoy

Oh... #teamoliveoil is the best thing I've seen all week, ngl.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Leaning against the back wall of Hoseok’s studio, Jungkook watched the students move in sync
under the sharp supervision of their teacher. Usually, he wouldn’t be here during a class, but since
he was taking on a more advanced group soon, he wanted to see how classes like that ran. He
noticed immediately there was less direct involvement from Hoseok. Aside from teaching them the
initial choreography, he often stood back and watched, correcting individuals he saw miss a step
rather than supervising the group as a whole. So far, Jungkook had spent most of his time teaching
the entire class, but he was seeing now that would be less necessary as his group became more
comfortable. If they stuck around that is.

Either way, it was interesting to see such a different teaching style in action. He didn’t think his
method was any better or worse, just different. Jungkook supposed that was why students jumped
around before picking one instructor. Find the person you vibe with and stay there. Which made
him wonder if his students were different personality-wise too. It’d make sense.

Jungkook spent the rest of the class analyzing the class and taking mental notes. He’d adapt it to
his own style eventually, but it was a good starting point. Only when Hoseok was alone did he
push himself away from the wall and join Hoseok at the front.

“Thanks for letting me watch,” Jungkook said sincerely.

Hoseok glanced over at him as he drank some water. “No problem. You nervous?”

“Nah, not anymore anyway. Just wanted to see the difference. I don’t want to baby my class, you
Do you like when I call you baby?

“Makes sense. More experienced people might resent it too. I think you’ll be fine though,” Hoseok
assured, kneeling down to rummage through his bag.

“Thanks,” Jungkook said, then scratched his cheek. “Hey, hyung?”

“Mm?” Hoseok responded, eyes on his phone.

Jungkook bit his lip, unsure if he should ask, then sighed. “How’s Yoongi-hyung?”

“Hyung?” Hoseok repeated, looking up with furrowed brows. “Fine?”

“Is he?”

“Yes?” Hoseok said slowly, his confusion growing.

Nodding abruptly, Jungkook smiled. “That’s good. I was just— after we talked on the weekend
about him doing better I wanted to know if it… stuck? I guess. If he was actually doing better.”

Hoseok’s eyebrows rose in understanding. “Ohhh, I see. Yea, he seems fine. I haven’t actually
been able to see him much but we did lunch on Tuesday and he seemed fine.”

Jungkook titled his head. “Seemed fine? He didn’t say?”

“No,” Hoseok admitted. “But he was talking more and spaced out less, so that’s good, right?”

“Right,” Jungkook agreed, frowning slightly. “Well, I’m glad he’s feeling better.”

“Are you two not talking?” Hoseok asked as he stood up, his arms elevated so he could stretch.

“It’s hard to tell over text, you know?” Jungkook deflected.

“Yea, that’s true. But the fact he’s responding at all is good. Usually, he’d just ignore you. That’s
what he does to me when he’s stressed or upset or whatever you’d call the mood he’s been in.”

Scratching his neck, Jungkook nodded with an awkward laugh. “Yea, true. I should go prep for
class. Thanks again.”

“No problemo. Have a good class.”

“You too,” Jungkook called back, heading towards his own studio. Now that he was alone, his
frown deepened. He knew why Yoongi wasn’t talking to him, they’d basically fucked and though
they’d agreed it had been wrong before Jungkook left, there had been no discussion about what it
meant. Yoongi had admitted he liked Jungkook, that he didn’t want to forget their time together and
that had to mean something, but they hadn’t decided on what. Jungkook knew what he wanted, but
he also knew he had to give Yoongi time to figure out what he wanted. It was much easier for
Jungkook to decide. He was single and probably more than a little in love with Yoongi. So, he
wanted Yoongi. Simple. Yoongi, on the other hand, had a relationship and friend group he’d
basically be leaving behind if he chose Jungkook. That was a hard choice for anyone to make and
even though a small part of Jungkook wished there would be no hesitation at all, he wasn’t upset
that there was. He was asking for a lot.

Or not asking.

He hadn’t actually said he wanted to date Yoongi.

Rubbing his forehead, Jungkook sighed to himself. He hadn’t told Yoongi that because he was
afraid of the rejection. He wasn’t stupid or that oblivious. If he asked Yoongi point-blank, the
chance of him saying no was high. He had Hoseok already and he’d barely known Jungkook for
two months. But if Jungkook didn’t ask for anything other than Yoongi’s time and attention, he
was less likely to say no.

It was wrong. So, so wrong. But that’s basically what he’d settled on. If he wanted Yoongi, he was
going to have to take what he could get. Even if that meant hurting Hoseok.
Would he even notice?

Jungkook shook his head abruptly. The more time he spent with Hoseok and Yoongi, the more he
didn’t understand their relationship. He wasn't sure if it was his own jealousy or what but they
didn’t seem to work. He figured they could, if either of them put in the effort, but it didn’t seem
either of them did. Hoseok prioritized work and friends over Yoongi and Yoongi didn’t seem to tell
Hoseok anything about his feelings or mental state. Maybe he was missing something since he
didn’t see them alone together but it felt… distant. Not the relationship of nearly a year together. It
was October now, which meant, according to Hoseok, they’d been together for nine months but
they seemed to seldom see each other.

Maybe they’re busy? Or maybe it’s because you keep inserting yourself into their alone time?

That was… possible, Jungkook admitted to himself. But then again, the only reason Jungkook had
been able to spend time alone with Yoongi was because Hoseok bailed!

Justify away, won’t make it better. They’re still dating and you’re still the other man .

Wincing at his own inner monologue, Jungkook sighed. The problem was he was the other man.
He knew that too. He just, well, he didn’t care.

That’s not true.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t super true. But it was mostly true. He wanted Yoongi. However he could
get him. If that made him the other man, so be it.

Then tell Jin-hyung about it.

Slamming his finger down on the stereo, Jungkook cranked the music up high so he could run
through his choreo one more time before going home and drown out his own thoughts. What was
done was done. Until Yoongi wanted to talk to him about it, he had to just wait. He knew his
feelings, he’d spent too long stewing over them not too, so he just had to wait until Yoongi knew
his feelings too.
He could do that.

“I don’t know what to say, Yoongi.” His boss, Hyeon Insu, said with a tone of mild confusion.
“You’re my best employee, that’s why I promoted you. I don’t know what’s going on. You don’t
usually make these mistakes.”

Yoongi nodded, his eyes on the folder in his boss’ hand. He’d approved the wrong month of
expenses. Not a huge issue, since his boss had caught it, but potentially devastating if it had gone
unnoticed. He’d never messed up like that before. Never. He was detail-oriented. It was the reason
he was so good at his job even if he hated it. “I’m sorry.”

Insu sighed. “I’m not looking for an apology. I know you didn’t mean to do it. I’m wondering

“I… it’s been a rough few weeks,” Yoongi admitted softly.

“I’ve noticed, so has Namjoon.”

Yoongi’s head snapped up. “You’ve been talking about me?”

“Not like that,” Insu said, waving the worry away. “Just in passing. I asked him how you’ve been
when I noticed the mistake. He’s just concerned, don’t be mad.”

“I’m not,” Yoongi assured. “Just… surprised.”

“Good. Now, I’m not going to dig into your private business because it’s just that, private, but I will
request that you sort it out. I understand home life can affect work and I don’t mind catching a few
errors here or there, but this…”

“I know, sir. It won’t happen again. I’ll deal with it,” Yoongi promised, his features settling into a
firm line.
“Do that. Until then, take tomorrow off. Rest up and come back next week with your head on

“Sir, I don’t—”

“It wasn’t a request, Yoongi,” Insu said firmly. “It’s nearly the end of the day anyway, so finish up
your tasks for today and go home. Enjoy a three-day weekend.”

Yoongi’s lips tilted downward but he nodded. “I will. Thank you, sir.”

“You can go now,” Insu said, then sighed at Yoongi’s back. “Yoongi? Seriously. Is everything

Glancing back, Yoongi nodded. “It will be. Thank you, sir.”

All but running, Yoongi fled to his office, resting against the door the second it was closed. He
knew he’d been spacing it more recently, everyone had noticed, but he’d never imagined it would
affect his work. He didn’t particularly care about his job, but he hated letting people down. His
boss had relied on him and he’d fucked up. Rubbing his face roughly, Yoongi threaded his fingers
through his hair and tugged.

Ever since their initial meeting, Jungkook had dominated Yoongi’s thoughts. That was nothing
new. But now it was becoming a problem. Not that it hadn’t before. Everything was a mess, his
life, his relationship, now his job. He needed to figure out a way to move forward that wouldn’t
lose him everything. You don’t deserve to keep everything.

Yoongi dropped down in his chair and grabbed a pen. With it spinning between his fingers, he
considered the past week. To be honest, it was all he’d been thinking about. He couldn’t forget the
feeling of Jungkook’s fingers trailing delicately over his neck and cheek. The way he’d held him so
close after they’d both come. The way he’d called him ‘baby.’ No one had ever called him that
before and he’d been too afraid to ask. It wasn’t the vibe he gave off, or so people said, but
Jungkook had just done it. Then continued to say it when Yoongi had said he liked it. Jungkook did
everything to make sure Yoongi was comfortable and cared for and it was just too much.

Always too much.

And Yoongi loved it.

Thrived off the feeling of someone wanting to take care of him, of being concerned for him. He
was always the one doing that. But Jungkook just stepped up and treated him well, never asking for
anything. Which made Yoongi feel bad since Jungkook deserved everything. He was so sweet and
gentle. He deserved someone who loved and appreciated that. Not that he didn’t value it, but
Jungkook deserved someone better than him. Someone who didn’t cheat on their significant other.
Someone who didn’t hate their job. Someone who didn’t spend most of their time hidden away in a
fantasy world because it was the only place he was calm. Just… someone better.

And, god, Hoseok.

Like Jungkook, he was a loving, caring man. He treated people properly and did his best for them.
He certainly did his best for Yoongi. Not once had Hoseok complained about his habit of
disappearing for hours, if not days, on end. Nor did he say anything when Yoongi didn’t dance
when they went to the club. Sure, Yoongi didn’t want to go in the first place, but Hoseok didn’t
complain when Yoongi hung back when they did go. He didn’t push Yoongi for more than he was
willing to give or ask questions he didn’t want to answer. Hoseok was a good boyfriend. He was.
And Yoongi should be happy with him.

I thought you were happy?

Fumbling his pen, Yoongi jolted when it hit his thigh, leaving an ink stain. For a moment, he
simply stared at it, the knowledge that he’d have to use stain remover nagging in the back of his
mind, then he picked up the pen again and refocused on his computer with the intent of doing as
his boss asked and finishing his day’s work. He’d gotten halfway through his spreadsheet when his
phone vibrated. Glancing over, he saw a text from Hoseok.

SeokShine 6:12 p.m.

Kook was asking about you

You should call him

Min Yoongi 6:13 p.m.

Asking about what?

SeokShine 6:13 p.m.

If you were okay

He’s worried
Min Yoongi 6:13 p.m.

What’d you say?

SeokShine 6:14 p.m.

Just said you seemed fine

Didn’t seemed convinced tho

Yoongi dropped his head to the desk with a bitter-sounding laugh. Jungkook had asked Hoseok if
he was okay and Hoseok had answered despite never actually asking him if he was. Why was
Jungkook so good? Why did just the thought of Jungkook worrying about him make him want to
curl up in a ball and cry?

Min Yoongi 6:18 p.m.

I’ll talk to him.

SeokShine 6:19 p.m.


Gotta get back to class!

Tossing his phone down, kept his head on his desk and let his eyes slip closed. He needed to do
something. Anything. Jungkook was asking about him. He was worried. And Hoseok was

By his choice.

That’s a weak excuse and you fucking know it.

He did. He did know it. Hoseok had told him he’d rather be happy than know everything but that
wasn’t what he’d been talking about. Yoongi knew that but he’d used it as an excuse then fucking
distracted him with a blowjob to alleviate some of the guilt. Which hadn’t worked, if anything he’d
only felt worse after. But Hoseok enjoyed it, so that’s what really mattered. Yoongi had been doing
it for him anyway.

You should enjoy your sex life, Yoongi.

I did, before.
Did you?

Letting out a frustrated growl, Yoongi slammed his hands down and pushed himself up. He’d been
happy before. Maybe it hadn’t been perfect but he’d introduced Hoseok to Taehyung eventually
and he’d even started to think about getting Hoseok to leave a toothbrush at his place. That meant
something, right?

Content and happy are different things.

Ignoring that thought, Yoongi shut off his computer and grabbed his jacket and bag. He only
thought he was unhappy because Jungkook made him feel better than he had before. He needed to
get his shit together and stop hurting Hoseok out of his own selfishness. And Jungkook. He needed
to stop hurting literally everyone.

Enough was enough.

One of Jungkook’s simplest pleasures was putting on warm clothes straight out of the dryer after a
shower. It felt like he was wrapped in a warm blanket even if it was only sweats. It probably helped
that these particular sweats were about ten sizes too big and old. They were basically just tents in
the form of clothes and he loved it. So, as he dried his hair, he was humming, a little bounce in his
stance as he watched his own movements in the mirror. His earlier worries and confusion lingered
in the back of his mind but he pushed them down in favour of enjoying the evening. It was the
weekend and he was going to spend the entire thing locked in his apartment watching movies and
eating junk food. No one could stop him.

Knock knock.

Groaning, Jungkook put down his hairdryer and frowned at his reflection. “You spoke too soon.”

When no one answered, as you’d expect, Jungkook flicked off the light and went to his front door.
He jerked it open aggressively, irritated that he was being disturbed just before the beginning of
his relaxing weekend, but when he saw Yoongi standing on the other side, wearing a nicely
tailored suit with his hair dishevelled, Jungkook decided it was okay. More than okay. Literally
anything Yoongi ever did was okay as he looked like that when he did it.

Yoongi blinked at Jungkook, seeing his happy expression, before scanning Jungkook quickly,
taking in the loose grey sweatpants that left nothing to the imagination and oversized sweatshirt,
and cursed. “Fuck. Mother fucker. I had a plan— fucking kiss me.”

Jungkook’s mouth dropped open in shock, then he lunged forward and grabbed Yoongi’s neck,
slamming their lips together as he pulled Yoongi further into his apartment. Yoongi stumbled but
kept moving forward, a breathy moan falling from his lips. He vaguely heard the door slam behind
him then he felt his back hit the wall before he even realized Jungkook had been moving, before he
even realized he had been moving.

“T-this is the last time,” Yoongi whispered, his lips already ghosting over Jungkook’s neck,
revelling in the thrumming pulse he found there as Jungkook tugged off his coat and blazer with
quick, aggressive movements, “we can’t—"

“Yea, yea, last time,” Jungkook quickly agreed as he slotted their lips together again, pulling an
eager groan from Yoongi. He knew he should stop. They both did. But as Jungkook lifted him up
and pinned him against the wall, Yoongi knew he wouldn't. They wouldn't. They were going to
hell, but when Jungkook held him like this he didn't care. Especially not as Jungkook spoke against
his lips. “Fuck, baby, I missed you.”

“Jungkook,” Yoongi gasped out, a low swoop in his belly sending tingles up his spine at the
feeling of Jungkook effortlessly holding him against the wall as he ground their hips together and
devoured his lips. This hadn’t been his intention. He’d come here to make this stop. To tell
Jungkook he should find someone else, someone better. But the second he’d seen him, his eyes soft
and happy, his smile wide and nose scrunched when he’d realized who was at his door, that had
been it. Yoongi’s brain had shut off and now here he was, pinned against a wall, moaning as
Jungkook nibbled at his neck and teased him to hardness.

“I want to take you to bed, baby, is that okay?” Jungkook asked, pulling back so he could see
Yoongi’s face clearly. He wanted this. He wanted it so bad. But he’d never do something Yoongi
didn’t want.

Yoongi took a deep breath. Then another, trying to stabilize himself. He was hot all over and more
than a little hard. He could feel Jungkook’s cock pressing against his own and it took all his self-
control not to rub against it. Jungkook was asking him something. I want to take you to bed. Fuck.
Bed meant sex. Was he ready for that? Was he okay with that? “Yea.”
Jungkook’s smile was blinding as he set Yoongi down slowly and placed a quick gentle kiss on his
nose. Then he grabbed Yoongi’s hand, intertwining their fingers, and led Yoongi to his bedroom.
He moved slowly still, clearly giving Yoongi a chance to change his mind. But he didn’t. He let
Jungkook pull him into the room, then his arms. Nuzzling his neck and cheek, Jungkook chuckled
softly. “I dreamed about this. A lot.”

“Yea?” Yoongi asked, tilting his head back so Jungkook had better access.

“Yea,” Jungkook confirmed softly, his lips trailing from Yoongi’s pulse point to collar bone.
“Since the day we met in that club.”

Yoongi sighed. “Why don’t you show me what you imagined?”

“I can do that,” Jungkook agreed quickly, before pulling back with a sharp smile that was more
than a little giddy. “I’ll need you on the bed then, baby.”

Groaning deep in his throat, Yoongi stepped back and crawled onto the bed. When he was in the
middle he leaned back on his arms and looked up at Jungkook. “I like when you call me that.”

“I know,” Jungkook admitted, taking in the way Yoongi looked so perfect on his bed. So perfect
with slightly red-tinted cheeks and swollen lips in Jungkook's place.

“No one else does,” Yoongi told him, as if that mattered. As if he was telling Jungkook this was
something they shared alone.

But Jungkook didn't take it that way. Instead, he paused his admiration of Yoongi and frowned.
“But you like it a lot.”

“I do,” Yoongi agreed, confused by Jungkook’s expression.

“Then shouldn’t Ho— shouldn’t other people call you baby too?”
Yoongi blushed. “No, I— um, I don’t really tell people.”

Blinking, Jungkook kneeled on the bed, placing his knee between Yoongi’s legs. “That’s a shame.
There’s nothing prettier than the way you blush and moan when I call you baby.”


“Yea,” Jungkook echoed as he moved up the bed so he could rest his hands on either side of
Yoongi’s head. Once he’d caged Yoongi in, he trailed his fingers down his cheek and neck,
moving slowly. When he got to Yoongi’s jugular, he felt his breath hitch under his fingers and
smiled. “What do you want, baby?”

Biting his lip, Yoongi raised a brow at Jungkook. “Make me scream.”

Jungkook’s smile immediately shifted, the tone changing from soft endearment to something
sharper with too many teeth, before he let his body settle onto Yoongi’s and once again claimed his
lips. Yoongi’s hands went straight for Jungkook’s hair and dove in, his fingers weaving through
the long, brown locks so he could gain some leverage. Jungkook groaned into his mouth when he
tugged, so Yoongi did it again and again until Jungkook wrenched himself away and sat back on
his calves. Still spread out on the bed, Yoongi looked up at Jungkook, taking in his now wild hair,
red, swollen lips, and eyes with pupils blown wide, and smirked. He’d done that. Jungkook was
nearly panting, watching him with a combination and shock and awe and Yoongi was responsible.

He had about five seconds to feel accomplished before Jungkook grabbed the neck of his shirt and
tugged it off. Now shirtless, Jungkook titled his head and smirked back, but Yoongi was barely
paying attention, his eyes and hands were already trailing over Jungkook’s chest and abs. “Fuck,
how can you look like this?”

Grabbing one of his hands, Jungkook brought it up to his lips and kissed the centre of Yoongi’s
palm. “I spend a lot of time working out.”

“A good choice,” Yoongi praised as he surged upward, using Jungkook’s grip on his hand for
leverage so he could sit up. He was much shorter than Jungkook, especially in this position, so he
was looking up, but Jungkook closed the distance quickly, licking into his mouth forcefully as he
pushed Yoongi back down onto the bed. Yoongi was about to settle back in when Jungkook’s free
hand snuck under his waist and pulled him tight, practically gluing their bodies together, then
rolled, until Yoongi was splayed out on top of Jungkook. “Fuck, god that’s hot. Fuck.”
“I’m glad you approve,” Jungkook muttered, rapidly unbuttoning Yoongi’s shirt and throwing it in
the general direction of his own, before unbuttoning Yoongi’s pants and pulling down the zipper.
Yoongi leaned back, his ass resting heavily on Jungkook’s straining cock, still encased in jeans.
His own was pressed visibly against his boxers, peeking out between the teeth of his zipper and
jumping whenever Jungkook grazed a delicate touch over top. Yoongi let his head fall back and
closed his eyes, revelling in the sensation. It was a tease, a build-up. Not nearly enough pressure or
friction to really get him off, but it made his body tingle and he loved it. “God, you’re beautiful.”

Startled, Yoongi looked down at Jungkook, who’d stopped moving in favour of simply watching
Yoongi. Blushing now, Yoongi scratched his cheek. “Thank you.”

Jungkook simply nodded, his hands following much a similar path as Yoongi’s own previously.
He didn’t have any abs or muscles to speak of. In fact, he’d gained weight recently. An office job
will do that, but Jungkook didn’t seem to mind. He could still lift him, obviously, and he seemed to
be enjoying squeezing different parts to see what Yoongi’s reaction would be. “Do you know what
I’ve been thinking about since last time?”

“Fucking me?”

“That too,” Jungkook admitted. “But you got so hard and wet for me with just a little nipple play. I
couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if I sucked on them,” Jungkook explained, feeling
Yoongi’s cock twitch as he spoke. Throwing a sly glance, Yoongi’s way, Jungkook sat up,
wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s waist, and pulled him even closer, groaning at the feeling of
Yoongi moving on his cock. Soon, but now this, Jungkook promised himself before he flicked his
tongue out and drew a circle around Yoongi’s left nipple. Yoongi sighed, his head once again
falling back, so Jungkook tightened his grip and proceeded to flick his tongue, teasing the bud to
hardness. Only then did he seal his lips around it and suck. Yoongi’s hand dug into Jungkook’s
hair again, tugging even as he pressed his head closer, then he started to move, his hips moving in
small circular motions just like when they’d made each other come on Jungkook’s couch.

“Stop, stop, stop,” Yoongi chanted, his breathing rapid and strained.

Yanking himself back immediately, Jungkook blinked at Yoongi owlishly. “Something wrong,

“No, I just want to suck your dick,” Yoongi confessed as he scrambled off Jungkook and tugged
him towards the end of the bed.

“Fuck, okay,” Jungkook agreed, moving closer and lifting his hips so Yoongi could pull his
sweatpants off.
“Fucking knew you weren’t wearing underwear. Could tell. You have a pretty dick.”

“Um, thanks?” Jungkook said.

Yoongi hummed in response, his attention already fixed on Jungkook’s cock. He could already feel
salvia building in his mouth and he licked his lips before shuffling closer. Tentatively, he traced his
index finger around the head then down to the base, watching Jungkook’s reactions all the while.
Jungkook’s eyes were wide and focused on him, his upper body raised as he leaned back on his
arms so he could see everything. Gripping him firmly, Yoongi thumbed the slit in a circular
motion, smearing precome everywhere as Jungkook’s breath hitched. Only then did he lean
forward, licking the come off his own finger, just by Jungkook’s cock but not touching.

“Baby, please,” Jungkook pleaded, his fingers gripping the sheets tightly.

Nodding briefly, Yoongi did as he was asked and flicked his tongue over the slit, copying the same
circular motion of his thumb before dragging his tongue and lips down the side, trailing the vein
there, his fingers still holding Jungkook’s cock in place. He felt rather than heard Jungkook groan
and smiled as he retraced his steps and sucked his cock head in abruptly. Surprised, Jungkook fell
back on the bed, his arms splayed out beside him. Yoongi snorted, then refocused and swallowed
Jungkook even deeper, taking in each inch slowly so that he could spend time teasing him with his
tongue too. But the time he felt his cock hit the back of his throat, Jungkook was practically
hyperventilating. “Baby, you’re so good.”

Moaning around his cock, Yoongi finally began to suck him properly, hollowing his cheeks
whenever he pulled back and then bobbing down quickly. When he felt Jungkook’s hips begin to
twitch upward, Yoongi increased his pace, matching the rhythm of Jungkook’s restrained thrusts.
Not once, the entire time, did Jungkook touch him. He didn’t force him down or guide him, nor
grab his hair. He just let Yoongi do his thing. It was a new experience for Yoongi, so he relished in
it, setting a bruising pace that he knew would make Jungkook come. He could already taste it in
the back of his throat and just the thought alone had him dropping a hand to palm himself through
his suit pants. His boxers were a wet mess now, but he didn’t care, the promise of relief was too
tantalizing to stop.

But just as he began to increase his pace, he felt Jungkook’s hands on his face. Suddenly, he was
tugged off Jungkook’s cock. He pouted for a moment, then gasped as Jungkook crashed their lips
together and bodily pulled Yoongi into his lap.

“Pants off. Fuck. You’re so good, baby. Let me show you how good,” Jungkook whispered, his
lips barely leaving Yoongi’s as he spoke. Yoongi nodded and stood up on shaky legs to kick his
pants the rest of the way off. Once he was fully naked, Jungkook breathed out heavily. “So much
better than my imagination. Come here.”
Crawling back into Jungkook’s lap, Yoongi kissed Jungkook again, already shifting so his cock
rubbed against Jungkook’s wetly. “Lube?”

“Mmmm,” Jungkook answered vaguely, his attention mostly focused on exploring every part of
Yoongi’s body he could reach with his hands.

“Jungkook, I want you to fuck me. Where’s the lube?” Yoongi asked more clearly.

Jungkook’s hands froze and he looked up at Yoongi in shock. Before, there had been an unspoken
agreement that anal sex would be a point of no return. They both knew that. And yet here Yoongi
was, perched prettily on his lap, his cock dripping and lips swollen, asking Jungkook to fuck him.
Jungkook grabbed Yoongi’s hips and stood, scaring the older man who latched on for dear life,
before spinning around and placing Yoongi gently on the bed. With a chaste kiss on the forehead,
Jungkook stepped back. “Get comfy.”

Yoongi nodded, unused to the way things were going. Already this had taken more time than he
was used to spending. Usually, it was just, well, fuck quickly and be done. But Jungkook was
taking his time, teasing and kissing and making every part enjoyable. Yoongi liked that, so he
smiled and shifted around, placing pillows where he preferred them until he was reclining in a little
‘C’ formation of pillows. When he was done, he looked up at Jungkook with a bright smile, only to
once again find the younger man watching him. He was standing there, lube and condoms in his
hand, cock an angry red and stretched outward, with this stupidly soft expression on his face.

“Nothing, you’re cute,” Jungkook said after a moment, deciding now wasn't the time to get lost
staring at Yoongi. He looked so small surrounded by pillows. Even completely naked, he looked
cute and, well, at home and Jungkook didn't have time to dwell on that so he smiled back at
Yoongi before climbing into the bed and situating himself in between Yoongi’s legs. Placing the
lube and condom off to the side, Jungkook palmed Yoongi’s calf and moved upward, making
Yoongi’s breath stutter as he got close to his dick before pulling away and spending the same
amount of time on his other leg.


“Uh-huh,” Jungkook replied, scrunching his nose at Yoongi. “Just admiring the view.”

“Do you want to fuck the view?” Yoongi asked pointedly, earning a chuckle from Jungkook before
he nodded and crawled forward so he could draw Yoongi into another kiss. Their lips moved
together languidly, the earlier sloppy heat gone. Yoongi sighed into the kiss, arching his back as he
felt a lubed finger trace up his thigh and prod at his hole. Automatically, he drew his legs up
further so Jungkook had better access. Jungkook hummed in approval before sinking his middle
finger in easily. Pulling himself away from Jungkook’s lips, Yoongi fell back into the pillows, his
eyes closed and lips parted. “I can take another. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

“You sure?” Jungkook asked, swirling his finger as he spoke.

“Y-yea,” Yoongi confirmed breathily, “it’s fi—ahhh.”

“God, you’re so fucking loud, I love it,” Jungkook confessed, scissoring his fingers as he thrust
them in and out quickly.

“S-sorry,” Yoongi apologized, his attention fixed on the slight burn of the stretch as Jungkook
fucked him open.

Thrusting his fingers deeply and moving in a circular motion until he found the spot that made
Yoongi arch off the bed, Jungkook shook his head. “Don’t apologize. Scream for me.”

“N-not yet,” Yoongi teased, lips smirking even as he began to meet Jungkook’s thrusting motions.
Stretching his fingers one last time, Jungkook slipped in a third, smiling at the broken cry of his
name falling from Yoongi’s lips already. Just like last time, Yoongi reacted to him so strongly.
They weren’t even fucking and Jungkook was sure, if he continued, he could make Yoongi scream
like this. But that’s not what he wanted. He wanted Yoongi to fall apart on his cock and he would.
If he was only going to get this once, he was going to take it all. As if reading his mind, Yoongi
began to nod rapidly. “Now, I’m good. Now, Kook.”

Not wasting any time, Jungkook withdrew his fingers and grabbed a condom. Slipping it on and
adding more lube for good measure, Jungkook hooked his arm under Yoongi’s left leg and lifted it
up. After a moment of consideration, Jungkook grabbed a pillow and shoved it underneath
Yoongi’s hips just in case before grabbing his cock and lining up. Pausing, he looked up at
Yoongi, finding his pleasure glazed eyes on him. He tilted his head a bit, making Yoongi smile
before he reached out to cup Jungkook’s face, his thumb grazing Jungkook’s cheekbone before
trailing down until his hand was on top of Jungkook’s around his cock. Gently, he moved
Jungkook forward until he was pressing at his rim, then dropped his hand away and closed his
eyes. Focusing on Yoongi’s face, Jungkook slowly pressed in, not stopping until he bottomed out.

For a few minutes, Yoongi’s eyes stayed closed, then they opened slightly, mere slits, before he
nodded. Taking that as his sign, Jungkook pulled back until he almost slipped out then slammed
forward, driving Yoongi up the sheets from the force. Yoongi moaned loudly and grabbed the
headboard for support with his right hand and pulling his other leg up with his left. This way,
Yoongi was mostly bent in half and the headboard banged loudly against the wall with every thrust
but Jungkook figured he could just pay the noise complaint fine, especially when Yoongi was
moaning so prettily.

“I knew you’d look good on my cock, baby,” Jungkook praised. “I knew it.”

Yoongi practically keened at that, his back arching further as he tried desperately to meet
Jungkook’s thrusts. Leaning back so he was sitting straighter, Jungkook grabbed Yoongi’s leg
from him so he was holding both and pulled him forward, drastically changing the angle now that
just his hips were elevated. This way, Jungkook could watch himself slide in and out of Yoongi
wetly but also hit his prostate. At this point, Yoongi was nothing but a moaning, flush mess, his
cock slapping against his stomach every time Jungkook slammed home but held him in place by
his legs. Taking it all in, Jungkook decided he didn’t need porn anymore. This was better.

For his part, Yoongi had very few coherent thoughts. Most of them centred on the feeling of
Jungkook’s cock stretching his walls and fucking him until he felt like a ragdoll to be moved. The
only thing keeping him from being lost completely was Jungkook’s expression. No one had ever
looked at him like that, especially not during sex. Even as he positioned Yoongi and watched
himself thrust into his hole, Jungkook’s expression was still soft. Caring. It made this odd warmth
bloom inside his chest just above where he felt his orgasm building. He couldn’t identify that look
but he knew it meant something. Every time he felt like he got close to figuring it out, Jungkook
would grind on his prostate and his thoughts would scatter, replaced only by the constant chant of
Jungkook’s name, which he wasn’t sure if he was saying out loud or not.

He was. Or mostly. It hadn’t been the full form of Jungkook’s name in awhile but Jungkook took it
as a compliment, especially when the volume and pitch of them got higher and higher.

“Are you going to come, baby?” Jungkook asked.

Yoongi nodded frantically, his hand flying down to fist his own cock and stroke in time with
Jungkook’s thrusts. “Jungko— Kook— fuck— Kook—”

“That’s it, baby, fall apart for me,” Jungkook praised, his pace stuttering as he neared his own end.
“Come for me, baby.”

As if responding to the command, Yoongi felt his eyes roll back as he came, his whole body
tensing and ears ringing. He distantly heard the sound of a broken scream and realized with horror
it was his own but that embarrassment was soon lost to the feeling of Jungkook coming, the feeling
of his cock pulsing deep inside and the sound of Yoongi’s name rolling off Jungkook’s lips like a

Collapsing forward, Jungkook dropped Yoongi’s legs in favour of cupping his face, placing gentle
kisses all over his eyes and cheeks. They were loud and kinda obnoxious, which made Yoongi
squirm in protest even as Jungkook giggled and continued his assault before settling on Yoongi’s
lips with a sigh. The kiss was chaste, simply the slow movement of lips moulded together but it
made that warmth in Yoongi’s chest swell again.

He ignored it.

When he felt his lips turn numb and the stickiness on his stomach start to harden, Yoongi relaxed
back into the pillow so he could look up at Jungkook. There was a hesitancy to his expression now.
Yoongi knew why. This was when reality kicked in. When they realized just what they’d done.
Yoongi could feel it clawing at the edges of his brain, even with Jungkook still buried deep inside
him, wanting nothing more than to beat him down and make him face what he’d done.

It must have shown on his face because Jungkook leaned back in and rested his forehead on
Yoongi’s. “I know… I know we need to talk about it. I know that. But just for tonight can we…
not? Just pretend, for one night, that this isn’t as fucked up and wrong as we both know it is?”

“Do you think it’s a good idea?” Yoongi asked softly, his own desire to do just that warring with
the looming shadow of guilt and shame.

Jungkook smiled sadly. “No, I don’t. I think it’ll hurt like a bitch but I want just one night, hyung.
Is that okay?”

“Oh, Kook,” Yoongi breathed, bringing his hands up so he could cup Jungkook’s face. Jungkook’s
brows furrowed and his eyes pleaded silently. It broke Yoongi’s heart. “It’s more than okay.
Hyung is sorry he did this to you.”

“It’s not just you, hyung,” Jungkook corrected softly, turning his face as he could kiss the inside of
Yoongi’s palm like he’d done before. “I want to be here. No matter what that means.”

“We’ll talk tomorrow?” Yoongi suggested, his thumb stroking Jungkook’s cheek delicately.
“Yea,” Jungkook promised, his eyes slipping closed. “Tomorrow.”

Chapter End Notes

Now the point of no return has been crossed...... (I also promise they will talk soon
Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

This chapter is a little delayed, so I apologize! I've been working on something else
which I'll announce on my Twitter today or tomorrow, so I got a little distracted but
I'm back!

So, enjoy! :)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

‘Tomorrow,’ as it turned out, was probably the worst agreement Yoongi had ever made. Not
because he regretted it, but because he should. It wasn’t even the next day yet and already Yoongi
could feel the knowledge of no return hovering at the periphery. He knew the second they talked,
the second Yoongi left the comfort of this safe space, he’d be ruined. But until then, Yoongi let
himself pretend. He knew it was a bad idea, but he did it anyway.

“Hyung?” Jungkook asked, his chin resting on Yoongi’s shoulder and his arms wrapped around his
waist. At some point, Jungkook had manhandled Yoongi until he was settled between his legs,
leaning into Jungkook’s chest. He’d protested at first but quickly allowed himself to enjoy the
warmth and comfort Jungkook’s presence brought.

“Hmm?” Yoongi replied, his attention half on the movie Jungkook had put on his laptop and the
other half on Jungkook’s fingers intertwined with his own on his stomach.

“Can I ask you something? Something kinda serious?” Jungkook wondered.

Yoongi turned his head back towards Jungkook and nodded. “Of course.”

“If you hate your job, why do you keep doing it?”

Shocked, Yoongi’s mouth dropped open, only to snap shut as he turned back around and returned
to his earlier position. “I never said I hated it.”

Jungkook nodded in agreement. “I know, but you do. I can tell. So why? Or I guess what did you
choose that job?”
Yoongi bit his lip, conflicted. He didn’t talk about his job because that made it real. Made his
unhappiness an actual thing he’d have to deal with rather than just the illusion of being stressed.
He’d done a good job of creating that image over the years, or at least a good enough job that no
one had ever asked, but that didn’t seem to apply to Jungkook. Yoongi wasn’t sure why he was
surprised. “I chose it because it made sense.”


“Someone will always want an accountant,” Yoongi said after a moment, his eyes now blankly
focused on the wall in front of him. He felt Jungkook’s arms tighten a fraction and his hand flex in
response so he continued. “It made more sense to be practical.”

“Is practical what you wanted?” Jungkook wondered quietly.

Yoongi smiled a bit and shook his head. “No, not really. I wanted to be an architect.”

“That’s practical too. Why not do that?”

“Because the schooling is expensive and a year longer than most programs. We couldn’t afford it
and I wasn’t smart enough for a scholarship.”

“Don’t say that. You’re smart,” Jungkook defended immediately.

“Thanks, but that doesn’t change the fact that I didn’t get one and I had to pick something I could
afford. I was always good with numbers so accounting just made sense. My company hired me
right out of school and I’ve been there ever since,” Yoongi explained, trailing off before adding:
“they’re a good company.”

Jungkook frowned but decided not to push the issue. He knew Yoongi hated his job. When he’d
asked Hoseok about it, the older man had just said Yoongi’s job was demanding, but Jungkook
didn’t think that was the case. At least not all of it. It was clear in the way he held himself
whenever it came up that Yoongi simply wasn’t happy where he was. But Jungkook didn’t want
the night to be tinged with any more sadness so he shifted the topic slightly. “So, what do you do to
make yourself happy then?”
Considering, Yoongi shrugged. “I write.”

“Ah, yes. The mysterious book. Do you think I could read it?” Jungkook asked, knowing full well
Yoongi didn’t let anyone read his work.

“Maybe,” Yoongi allowed, smiling slightly. “It’s really gay and dramatic.”

“Just the shit I like,” Jungkook praised, snuggling Yoongi closer. “Now I can’t wait.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” Yoongi quipped.

“I do what I want.”

Shaking his head, Yoongi laughed. “Does doing what you want include getting me food? I’m

“Only if you come watch me cook and praise me,” Jungkook demanded.

“I can do that,” Yoongi agreed easily, letting Jungkook pull him out of bed and towards the
kitchen. He was about to protest halfheartedly when Jungkook sat him down at the table they’d
built together and turned towards the fridge, grabbing eggs and vegetables. “Omelettes?”

“You read my mind,” Jungkook agreed, smiling over his shoulder before refocusing on the counter
so he could begin cutting the vegetables so he could fry them. Yoongi made a humming sound in
acknowledgment but otherwise lost himself in watching Jungkook move around his kitchen
effortlessly. He hadn’t bothered to get dressed so he was only wearing some boxers he’d hastily
pulled on a few hours ago. Yoongi himself was in a pair of borrowed boxers since his own had
been ruined earlier and were currently in the wash.

What Jungkook was or wasn’t wearing wasn’t really important. It was more how utterly content
Yoongi felt just watching him cook as he sang quietly to himself. It felt domestic and safe and it
was something Yoongi had desperately wanted. No one sat with him while he cooked, instead
leaving him alone in the kitchen, so he’d never really had a moment like this.
But also, to be completely fair, Jungkook looked amazing cooking in boxers and Yoongi was doing
his best to keep his mind on his hunger for food rather than something else. He was doing a pretty
good job until Jungkook grabbed a bottle of olive oil to fry the vegetables. At that point, all he
could think of was the last time he and Jungkook had been alone in a kitchen and how he’d had to
scrub come off his cupboards once he’d regained some semblance of coherence.



“Is that olive oil?” Yoongi asked, his tone playful. He watched as Jungkook’s whole body froze,
his back tensing visibly before he took one long, deep breath.

“It is.”

“Hmmm,” Yoongi murmured, pushing himself up from the chair so he could plaster himself
against Jungkook’s back and nuzzle the dip of his spin. “You know, earlier you stopped me from
doing something I really wanted to do.”

“Did I?” Jungkook asked in a tone that Yoongi was sure was supposed to sound confident and
teasing but came off breathless.

“You did,” Yoongi confirmed, his fingers dragging along the top of Jungkook’s boxers.

Jungkook took another deep breath before reaching forward and switching off the burner. “And
what was that?”

Leaning up so he was on his tiptoes and could whisper into Jungkook’s ear, Yoongi breathed out.
“I wanted you to fuck my mouth until you came.”

“Jesus fucking christ, hyung,” Jungkook cursed out seconds before he whipped around, his quick
actions throwing Yoongi off balance. He stumbled back, but Jungkook caught him and dragged
him forward, his hand palming his head and pulling him closer until Jungkook could kiss him. It
was a touch too forceful. Too many teeth and too much haste, but Yoongi only moaned into it as he
grabbed onto Jungkook’s head and turned him until his face was at the angle he wanted. No one
had ever wanted him the way Jungkook did and it made him literally burn. Like he was the only
thing that matters. Like he was important.

He was just about to pull away so he could suck Jungkook’s cock like he’d requested when he felt
hands under his knees. Then, suddenly, he was in the air and moving quickly. Before he’d even got
his bearings, his back hit the plush cushion of Jungkook’s bed and hungry lips were on him again.

“Jungkook, what—” Yoongi tried to ask, but broke off when he felt Jungkook’s palm digging into
his cock, massaging pointedly. “Fuck.”

“God, how are you so fucking perfect,” Jungkook wondered as he pulled away and yanked the
borrowed boxers down Yoongi’s legs.

“I-I-I’m not,” Yoongi protested seconds before his eyes rolled back into his head, his thoughts
scattering at the feeling of Jungkook’s mouth suddenly hot and wet around his only half-hard cock
and sucking harshly. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this was the opposite of what
he’d intended but as he grabbed onto Jungkook’s hair and tugged, earning a low moan from the
younger man, Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to care. Especially not when he felt a finger begin to
massage his hole, still stretched from their earlier activities. “Jungkook, fuck.”

Humming around Yoongi’s cock, Jungkook continued to bob his head and tease Yoongi’s hole.
The lube was in his bedside table drawer again, so he wasn’t about to actually finger him without
it, even if he was still loose, but he could tell Yoongi was enjoying it regardless. Or so he thought
until he felt Yoongi’s hand leave his hair before suddenly returning to press a cold bottle to his
cheek. Startled, Jungkook pulled off with an abrupt pop and looked up at Yoongi with a raised
brow, his lips swollen red and spit covered. “Where’d that come from?”

“Bedside table. You were distracted,” Yoongi explained, shaking the bottle a bit.

Smiling, Jungkook took the bottle and poured some onto his fingers. Slowly, he rubbed them
together, his eyes never leaving Yoongi’s. He didn’t know why this felt different. Like doing it a
second time meant more than if they’d only fucked once. It didn’t make sense but Jungkook could
feel the shift. Like there was an unspoken something there that neither wanted to address.

Deciding that line of thought strayed too close to the reality of their situation, Jungkook leaned
forward and claimed Yoongi’s lips with his own. Kissing him back just as eagerly, Yoongi swept
his tongue inside Jungkook’s mouth with a moan, his left leg lifting up so he could wrap it around
Jungkook’s hip. Momentarily distracted by the feeling of Yoongi pressing against his unfairly
neglected cock, Jungkook missed the way Yoongi shifted until he was splayed out on his back,
looking up at a very smug-looking Yoongi. The second he’d gotten used to that image, Yoongi
pushed down his boxers and situated himself so Jungkook’s cock was rubbing against his ass.

It was a lot.

Titling his head, Yoongi smoothed his hands up Jungkook’s chest slowly as he leaned forward.
“Why do you look at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like that,” Yoongi emphasized like that would make it more clear.

It didn’t really, but Jungkook figured he knew what his expression was doing so he made an
attempt to explain. “Because you’re beautiful and I like you a lot.”

Yoongi frowned slightly. “You’re always saying things no one’s ever said.”

“No one’s ever said they liked you?” Jungkook asked, horrified.

“No,” Yoongi corrected with a laugh. “I meant the beautiful thing. Hot, sexy, whatever, sure, but
not beautiful.”

“Well they should,” Jungkook said seriously as he reached up and cupped Yoongi’s cheek gently.
“Just like they should call you baby.”

Jungkook felt rather than heard Yoongi’s breath hitch at that and allowed his smile to widen.
Yoongi really was simple. What he liked was so clear in all his reactions. Jungkook didn’t
understand how anyone could go on not giving Yoongi exactly what he wanted. Especially not
when he got that glazed look in his eyes and his breathing deepened. Jungkook would do a lot of
really terrible things to keep seeing that expression. Which, he supposed, he currently was. But that
was a Future Jungkook guilt trip. For now, he had other things to focus on. “Are you going to ride
me, baby?”

Yoongi blinked down at Jungkook, then he nodded. “Yea.”

“I can’t wait; let me prep you,” Jungkook prodded gently, pulling Yoongi into a kiss while
reaching around to finger Yoongi open again with his still lubed up hand. He grazed his own cock
in the process and groaned into Yoongi’s mouth, but otherwise focused on Yoongi and made sure
he was enjoying himself. Somewhere after he’d inserted finger three, he felt Yoongi’s hand on his
own pulling him out then that same hand on his cock slowly pressing him into Yoongi’s waiting
hole. Pulling his lips free, Jungkook moaned. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Worse ways to go,” Yoongi teased as he bottomed out and pushed back so he could adjust to the
feeling of being full again so soon. He closed his eyes and breathed deep, shifting slightly as he
grew more comfortable. Once he deemed himself ready, he looked down at Jungkook, who was
watching him with that same soft expression from the first time. There was desire there, but
something else too. Just like last time. Yoongi was more coherent now, so he took the time to try
and understand, but something in his brain seized whenever he got close, like he wasn’t ready to
understand yet. All he knew was whenever he saw Jungkook look at him like that his breath
shortened and his heart hurt. He didn’t know why but it was an almost instant reaction and as good
as it felt, it hurt just as much.

Intent on leaving that thought behind, Yoongi lifted himself up and dropped down abruptly,
causing Jungkook to moan brokenly and grab onto his hips. Yoongi felt Jungkook’s fingers dig into
the meat of his ass and whined, his head falling forward as placed a palm over Jungkook’s heart
and started to fuck himself on his cock. In this position, he could see Jungkook the entire time and
he wanted that. He wanted to see Jungkook’s face as he rode him to completion. See the way his
lips formed Yoongi’s name like a prayer.

And he wasn’t disappointed. Jungkook’s eyes kept slipping closed as pleasure blanketed his face
but then they’d snap open again and meet Yoongi’s, his pupils blown wide, like he couldn’t look
away. Spurred on by Jungkook’s reaction, Yoongi began to move faster, his cock bobbing between
them wetly, completely ignored. The faster he went, the more phrases that tumbled from
Jungkook’s lips. More gasps of baby and so good, so perfect. Yoongi was barely holding on. His
thighs were burning now too but it was worth it. Every time Jungkook thrust up to meet him, he’d
hit his prostate, sending a jolt of pleasure more than worth the muscle pain.

“Fuck, baby. I’m going to come. Fuck, you should see how pretty you look riding my cock,”
Jungkook praised again, his voice strained.

“Then come,” Yoongi ordered, clenching around Jungkook’s cock as he began to slide up and
down even faster than before. A few strokes later, Jungkook’s eyes slammed closed and his fingers
dug deep enough to leave bruises on Yoongi’s ass. It was only then, as Jungkook came with a
shout of Yoongi’s name, that he realized he’d forgotten to put a condom on Jungkook. Then the
feeling of Jungkook’s come hitting his walls and filling him with a warmth he’d never felt before
sent him over the edge, his hole spasming. Feeling Yoongi come around him, Jungkook’s hand
darted out and stroked Yoongi’s cock quickly, making the older man keen as his body shook and
come splattered everywhere, some even landing on Jungkook’s chin.

Exhausted, Yoongi collapsed on Jungkook’s chest with a sigh. Jungkook wrapped his arms around
Yoongi immediately, holding him tight, so he could kiss the parts of Yoongi’s head he could reach.
Eventually though, he felt himself slip out of Yoongi and jolted. “I forgot to put on a condom. I’m
so sorry.”

Yoongi shook his head, missing the feeling of Jungkook’s light kisses on his hair. “My fault. I’m
the one who literally guided you in. I forgot.”

Jungkook nodded, but still licked his lips in uncertainty. “I’m clean, if you’re worried.”

“I’m sure I would have been once my brain turned back on,” Yoongi admitted. “I am too, for the
record. I always use condoms. Or did, anyway. You’d be a first.”

“Really?” Jungkook asked, an odd note of pride in his voice before he cleared his throat. “Well,
that’s good. That you’re safe, I mean.”

Yoongi snorted, but let it go. “Yea. Still mad at you though.”

“What?” Jungkook asked, startled. “But I thought—”

“You didn't let me suck your dick again,” Yoongi complained.

Laughing, Jungkook kissed the top of Yoongi’s head. “Well how about we take a shower so we
can clean up all this come and have some dinner. That can be dessert.”

Pushing himself up, Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Jungkook, pointedly ignoring the come he felt
drying on his cheek from where he’d rested his head on Jungkook’s chest. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make,” Jungkook agreed solemnly.

And he did. But not before they fucked again on his kitchen table. By that point, Yoongi had gone
full pout and Jungkook had restrained himself from cooing. Which, of course, he’d forgotten about
entirely when he’d found out that Yoongi and gag reflex weren’t really something that went
together. He’d heard about deepthroating. He hadn’t ever experienced it. He’d be lying if he said
he wasn’t kicking himself for preventing Yoongi from blowing him sooner. A mistake he’d never
make again, he was sure.

If there was an ‘again.’

Of that, Jungkook wasn’t sure.

They hadn’t talked about it, as per his request, so they’d been existing in an odd limbo the entire
night. By the time they’d worn themselves down, which Jungkook was surprised to find was a real
thing that happened after a bunch of sex, they’d spent the rest of the night just cuddling. Yoongi fit
so well curled against him. Just like he’d known he would. In all honesty, Jungkook liked it just as
much as the sex. It was a different kind of intimacy, the kind that allowed him to hold Yoongi close
and pretend things were different but just as good. Especially when Yoongi decided to stay over for
the night though Jungkook hadn’t been able to work up the courage to ask. Now he had Yoongi in
his clothes, smelling like his body wash, in his bed, wrapped in his arms.

Like he was actually his.

Nuzzling Yoongi’s ear, Jungkook closed his head and sighed, content. Tomorrow they’d talk and
sort this out but now he was content.

“Kook? What do you want in life?” Yoongi asked suddenly, his voice soft and near sleep.

You. “To be happy, I guess,” Jungkook answered.

“Do you think you’ll get it?” Yoongi wondered.

Jungkook smiled, though it was a bit sad. “Right now, I already have.”

“Sometimes I think not all of us are meant to be,” Yoongi said after a moment.
Shocked, Jungkook sat up so he could see Yoongi’s face. “Everyone deserves to be happy, hyung.”

Yoongi smiled up at Jungkook then snuggled deeper into the blankets. There was a long pause
before Yoongi responded. So long that Yoongi wondered if he’d fallen asleep. But eventually a
small voice cut through the silence. “I think you’ll be happy.”

“We both will,” Jungkook insisted, but this time Yoongi didn’t respond. Jungkook told himself it
was because Yoongi had fallen asleep but he didn’t know if that was true. Another worry for
Future Jungkook. So he returned to his earlier position and let himself drift off with Yoongi secure
in his arms.

But just as Jungkook suspected, Yoongi wasn’t asleep. In fact, he didn’t sleep for a long time. If he
fell asleep that’d mean the next time he saw Jungkook it’d be when they needed to talk about what
they’d done and he didn't want to be there yet. He just wanted to stay here, happy and safe. He
could feel it coming, the ominous, every changing number on Jungkook’s alarm clock ticking
down the time until the end.

It had all been a mistake. He knew that. He’d come to tell Jungkook they needed to stop. That it
wasn’t fair to him or Hoseok that they keep doing this. Whatever this was. That Yoongi wasn’t
worth all this confusion and pain and guilt. Jungkook could find someone so much better than him.
Hell, Hoseok could too. He probably should. Both of them should. Yoongi had nothing to offer. He
was just a random guy with a well enough paying job that he hated, who needed the escape of a
fantasy land to keep him functioning, and spent more time in therapy than he did anywhere but his
own bed and his job.

Hoseok and Jungkook were the same kinds of bright. The type of people who lived their dreams
and made friends easily. Jungkook may have been struggling at first, but both Hoseok and Jimin
had commented about how much he’d come out of his shell. Yoongi could see it too. He could find
someone amazing. Someone who didn’t have a boyfriend he couldn’t bring himself to commit to
no matter how much he thought about it.

Because he did.

Yoongi wasn’t stupid. He knew they should be further along than they were. He knew Hoseok
should have a toothbrush or at least some clothes at his place. That Yoongi should have the same at
Hoseok’s, but they didn’t. The closest they’d gotten to real commitment was a vacation together
after six months. It was only then that Taehyung met Hoseok in person and he’d teased Yoongi
about taking a big step. But they hadn’t taken any since then. They’d just devolved into what they
always did: hanging out and having sex. And now they didn’t even really do that because Yoongi
kept pulling away. He was sure Hoseok had noticed, but he hadn’t said anything. He never would.
Hoseok was too good to complain about anything like that. He’d just wait until Yoongi was ready,
like he always did.

But why was Yoongi never ready? Why wasn’t he happy? He should be.

Maybe that’s what happiness is for someone like you.

Pushing himself even closer to Jungkook, who sleepily tightened his hold with a small sigh,
Yoongi closed his eyes tightly. He should just enjoy this while he had it and tomorrow, when it
ended, he’d go on and it’d be fine. It’d been fine before so why wouldn’t it be again?

When Jungkook awoke the next morning, officially in the position of Future Jungkook, he didn’t
know what to expect or feel. He knew Yoongi was still there, he could feel him curled up against
his chest, but he knew as soon as he opened his eyes things would be different. He also knew
Yoongi was awake. He could feel it in the tension of his shoulders and back. Neither of them
wanted to say the first thing and be the person that shattered the little bubble they’d been in the
past night but they both knew it needed to happen. They’d gone too long not talking about it.

“Are you awake?” Yoongi asked softly.

“No,” Jungkook replied, hoping to lighten the mood, but Yoongi didn’t laugh. In fact, there was a
distinct sound of a stuttered breath that Jungkook could only think came from tears and it made his
heart hurt. “I’m sorry, hyung.”

“No, it's fine. Um, I guess it’s tomorrow,” Yoongi said after a moment, his voice much more

“Yea,” Jungkook agreed. They hadn’t moved. Yoongi was still facing away from him, his back
pressing against Jungkook’s chest with their fingers intertwined. It was too domestic for the talk
they were about to have but Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to pull away.

“I don’t know what to say,” Yoongi admitted.

Jungkook rested his forehead on the back of Yoongi’s head and closed his eyes. “Say you’ll stay.”
“You know I can’t,” Yoongi said softly.

“I know,” Jungkook admitted, “but I want you to.”

“I—” Yoongi broke off. “I shouldn’t but I do too.”

Feeling his breath quicken, Jungkook’s arms tightened further, practically crushing Yoongi.
“Hyung, I— just tell me what you want.”

Yoongi shook his head. “That doesn’t matter.”

“Of course it does!” Jungkook snapped, finally pulling away and sitting up. For a moment, Yoongi
didn't move, but when he finally sat up, Jungkook saw that his earlier suspicions had been right.
Yoongi’s eyes were red-rimmed. He’d been crying. Didn’t that mean something!?

“It doesn’t. I have Hoseok—”

“Then why are you here?” Jungkook demanded. “Why are you always suffering alone? Why are
you always doing things you don’t want to do!? Hyung, please. Forget about him for just a second
and tell me what you want.”

Biting his lip, Yoongi’s eyes flicked between Jungkook and his hands, which were fiddling with
the blanket still pooled in his lap. “It’s not that simple, Kook.”

“Why isn’t it?” Jungkook asked, frustrated. He knew this wasn’t fair. But all his uncertainty about
his feelings and frustration at seeing the way Yoongi and Hoseok acted together had been building
and this was the result. Yoongi wasn’t happy. It was so clear to Jungkook and he didn't understand
why Yoongi was doing this to himself.

“I’ve made commitments,” Yoongi finally said, his voice sounding hollow even to himself.

“Commitments can be broken, hyung.”

Yoongi shook his head. “I can’t do that.”

Closing his eyes, Jungkook felt a flash of pain. He didn't know why Yoongi was clinging to his
relationship with Hoseok. He clearly wasn’t happy in it nor were they committed seriously. They
had no shared property or spaces nor were they married. A break-up would be simple aside from
the potential ire of Jimin for the foreseeable future. It didn’t make sense to Jungkook why Yoongi
was intentionally making himself unhappy.

Sometimes I think not all of us are meant to be.

Did Yoongi think he didn’t deserve to be happy? Was that why he was staying? Did he think
‘content’ and ‘comfortable’ were all he should have? Was he just willing to settle for ‘good
enough’ rather than ‘great’?

Or maybe he’s worried about taking a risk on someone he just met.

Jungkook wished he understood what Yoongi was thinking. Was it because they’d just met that he
was hesitating? Was he missing something about Yoongi’s relationship with Hoseok that made
him want to stay?

“Hyung…” Jungkook said slowly. “Are you happy when you’re with me?”

Yoongi looked up quickly, then nodded abruptly. “Yea.”

Feeling a tightness in his chest, Jungkook leaned forward and grabbed Yoongi’s hand. He’d
decided that day in the kitchen that, no matter what, he wanted Yoongi. He knew it was wrong and
terrible and literally no one on the planet would agree with his choice but he’d made it and he
wasn’t going to back down now. Not when he knew what he could have. Not when he knew what
being with Yoongi was like. “What if I said… I was okay with what we have now?”

“What we have now?” Yoongi repeated, his head finally rising in his confusion.

“This,” Jungkook explained, gesturing between them. “What if I was okay with this?”
Realizing what Jungkook was saying, Yoongi flinched away. “We can’t, that— Jungkook, no. You
deserve— God, Jungkook, you can’t— no.”

Suddenly feeling a resolve build so rapidly it was nearly overwhelming, Jungkook doubled down.
“What if that’s what I want?”

“You deserve an actual relationship, Kook. Not— not whatever this is. Fuck, you deserve someone
who’ll treat you right and love you and— someone better than me.”

“But I don’t want that, I want you,” Jungkook said firmly.

Snatching his hand away, Yoongi threaded his fingers through his hair. He could feel them
trembling but ignored it. This was such a mess. What had he done to Jungkook that he was offering
to be— what? His mistress? The other fucking man while he dated Hoseok because he wasn’t
strong enough to break up with him? What had he done? There was no way Jungkook would have
been okay with this before. Yoongi had broken him because he was a coward. And worst of all, he
wanted to say yes. He wanted Jungkook too, even if he shouldn’t. Even if it was terrible and
disgusting, he wanted to stay exactly where he was and go back to cuddling Jungkook, breathing
him in. Just… being happy where he was. But he couldn’t do that. Not to Jungkook. He deserved
so much better.

As if sensing his thoughts, Jungkook spoke again. “This isn’t your fault. This is what I want.”

“That can’t be true, Jungkook,” Yoongi protested quietly, his tone defeated.

“Maybe not,” Jungkook allowed, not wanting to lie, “but I like you, hyung. And you like me. I’m
willing to take you in whatever form I can.”

Yoongi shook his head. “That’s not fair, Kook. Not to you, not to Hoseok. I can’t—”

“Yoongi,” Jungkook said firmly, not continuing until Yoongi looked at him. “Do you like me?”

“You know I do.”

“Do you want me?”


“Answer the question.”

“Yes,” Yoongi replied, his voice small.

“Then think about that. Think about what you feel for me and what you want,” Jungkook told him
before his feelings just came rushing out like he couldn’t stop them. “I know what I want, hyung. I
know it’s fucked up and Hoseok-hyung is my friend too. I know it’s wrong. I know that, okay? I
know we shouldn’t be having this conversation. Fuck, we never should have gotten anywhere near
where we are. I know that. I do. Trust me I do. And I feel so guilty all the time. I know you do too.
But when I’m with you, it doesn't matter even when it should. I— god, hyung. I’ve never felt like
this before and I just want to be with you. So I know what I feel and want, when you do too, let me
know. If it's that you don’t want to see me anymore or want to just be friends, okay. I can live with
that. But I want you to actually think about it. Can you do that? For me?”

Yoongi licked his lips, his eyes scanning Jungkook’s face for any hesitancy or sign of deception.
He found none. He saw some guilt but mostly he saw the plea in Jungkook’s eyes. How could
Jungkook just be so sure? How could he know he wanted Yoongi enough to do something so
terrible. To ask Yoongi to do something so terrible. It didn’t make sense that he was asking Yoongi
to cheat.

You already are. What do you think last night was? Last week? A week before that? Fuck, what
about all the fantasies and idle thoughts? What about the feeling in your chest you’re ignoring?
That’s all cheating. And he’s not asking you to cheat, he’s asking you to be with him. You’re the
one cheating. You’re the one not willing to break up with Hoseok. That’s on you. Not him.

“Jungkook, I—”

“Don’t tell me now,” Jungkook rushed out. “Just… think about it. For me.”

Hesitating a moment more, Yoongi finally nodded. “Okay.”

Suddenly deflating, Jungkook’s eyes slipped closed. “I know it’s wrong, hyung.”

“I know you do,” Yoongi assured softly.

“But I want it anyway,” Jungkook added, opening his eyes again so he could see Yoongi. He knew
that Yoongi likely wouldn’t agree. Who would? He knew this might be the last time he ever got to
see Yoongi like this: wrapped up in his clothes with sleep still lingering around the edges, like he
was Jungkook’s and this was just a normal day. So he reached forward and pulled Yoongi to him,
burying his nose in Yoongi’s hair and breathing deep, before leaning down and kissing Yoongi one
last time. Just a simple, chaste kiss that lingered as neither wanted to pull away.

Soaking in the feeling of Jungkook, Yoongi’s brain started its predictable downward spiral. He
knew he’d been an absolute mess for the foreseeable future, he could feel it, but right now, with
Jungkook’s lips gently pressed against his, he etched every feeling into his memory. Everything
about this, from beginning to end, was so wrong, so incredibly fucked up, and yet, he’d never been
as happy as he’d been the previous night, even with the guilt hovering around the edges. He’d
never felt more comfortable and accepted. So… right. He knew he’d try and convinced himself it
was a fabrication once he returned to his apartment, a glorification of the thing he couldn’t have,
but for now, he allowed himself to remember the reality.

This was the last time after all.

Chapter End Notes

*inserts gif of Hoseok rapping bring the pain from ON*

Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

Helllooooooooooo everyone. Welcome back to the house of angst and smut. We're
taking a break from the smut this chapter (it wasn't actually supposed to happen that
way but the chapter got hella long so I broke it into two parts, my bad) but I hope you
still enjoy it anyway!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Yoongi wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of appearance. Nor was he a critic. It just was. He’d always
been small and slight, and though his weight tended to fluctuate pretty drastically, he’d never really
cared. Nor had anyone ever really commented on it. Maybe when he was in school some shitty
group of kids would tease him for having a round face but that was a long time ago and it hadn’t
even bothered him then so why would it now? His eyes were kinda small, but people said they
were expressive and pretty and Yoongi tended to agree. Plus, his nose was cute, if he did say so
himself. So, Yoongi liked to think he didn’t have any hang-ups regarding his appearance.

Or so he thought anyway.

It wasn’t until Jungkook started calling him beautiful that he realized he’d never really heard that.
People had told him he was hot, sexy, even cute, but never beautiful. Even days later, Yoongi
could still hear the tone of Jungkook’s voice as he said it over and over and over. He’d looked so
serious, so honest. And he’d showed him he’d meant what he said too, spending time spreading
gentle touches everywhere. He didn’t know why that, of all things, was the feeling that lingered the
strongest, but it was. It made his cheeks warm and a smile tug his lips every time he thought about

Other things held on, of course: the soft kisses whenever Jungkook could sneak them in, the
aftercare and cuddles once they’d come back down to earth, the whispered conversations and loud
laughter. It was all like a blur. A dream really. Something that Yoongi wished he could have but
actually couldn’t. A cruel fabrication his brain had thought up just to punish him. Whenever he
thought about it, the memory was hazy, like the edges were blurred and soft. Just further giving the
impression that it’d been nothing more than a dream. But there was one thing that kept him from
believing that.

The bruises.

They were hidden under his clothes most times, but Yoongi knew they were there. Jungkook had
been incredibly careful not to leave marks, which was more than Yoongi could say, but he’d
slipped. Just once. He hadn’t meant to, but he’d slipped and it’d been enough to leave ten small
finger-sized bruises on his hips and ass. At first, Yoongi hadn’t noticed them, but he’d caught sight
of himself on the way to the shower and there they were, clear as day. Since then, he’d spent more
time than he’d like to admit standing naked in front of his full-length mirror, staring at the bruises
as they slowly began to fade.

He had conflicting feelings about those bruises. They were a reminder of what he’d done, the line
he’d crossed. But they were also a reminder of Jungkook. Of the way he’d looked at him with his
feelings so clear. The way he’d asked Yoongi to stay. The warmth Yoongi’d felt whenever he
looked at Jungkook or caught Jungkook looking at him. The utter contentment he’d felt just
watching TV with him and saying nothing at all. Every time he saw those bruises, he remembered
what it had been like to fall asleep in the arms of someone who cared about him.

Or seemed to anyway.

The more time that passed, the harder it was to believe he did.

Jungkook had never actually asked Yoongi to leave Hoseok. Not once. He’d asked Yoongi to
cheat, but not leave Hoseok. He hadn’t noticed at the time, too fixated on all the conflicting
feelings and impending, horrifying reality, but once he’d gotten home and returned to his own bed,
it had hit him. Jungkook had said he cared, that he wanted Yoongi, but he hadn’t said that he
wanted to date him. He’d even said he was okay with what they had. Did he not want him that

Do you want him to want you that way?

Yoongi honestly didn’t know. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a tiny insistent voice was
screaming yes, begging him to take a chance, to listen, but his more logical voice overpowered it,
telling him to be happy with what he had with Hoseok, to not risk losing everything for a man that
probably didn’t want a commitment. Why would he want to tie himself to Yoongi of all people? He
wasn’t even faithful to the boyfriend he had as Jungkook was very aware. Why would he want to
put himself in that position with Yoongi? Why would he trust him? Why bother when he could find
someone different? Someone better?

Those questions started small, just nagging doubts in his mind whenever he found himself thinking
of Jungkook, but as the bruises faded and the memory grew dimmer, the questions got louder until
they were all he could hear, all he could think. So when the bruises disappeared entirely and
Yoongi no longer spent time staring at them in the mirror, he made a choice. He may not be as
happy with Hoseok as he could be, but that was okay. Not everything had to be perfect. It was fine
to be content and comfortable. He wanted Jungkook more than he’d ever wanted anything in his
entire life, but he couldn’t bring himself to take that risk. Not when he didn’t know where he’d end
up. So, he’d stay with Hoseok. It wouldn’t be perfect but it’s been fine. He’d be okay.

Though he’d expected to feel better once he’d made his decision, he didn’t. Perhaps it was because
Jungkook never texted him once he’d left so there was no closure. No chance to explain his
reasoning or perhaps ask what Jungkook wanted. He’d never actually asked that. But he was self-
aware enough to know he never would. If he asked and Jungkook confirmed his suspicions, that he
only wanted sex, Yoongi didn’t know how he’d handle it. Or if he could. It was much easier to
imagine Jungkook thinking that than to actually see and hear him saying it. But Jungkook never
texted or called, so that was a moot point anyway.

He’d have called if he was serious, right? Didn’t that just prove Yoongi’s point? It was all just a
mistake. A wonderful mistake that had shown Yoongi, even briefly, what real happiness felt like,
but a mistake nonetheless. He’d always have that memory, a bright spot for his dark days, but it
would be just that. A memory. Hoseok was his future.

That was the choice he’d made.

Now if only he could convince himself without that stabbing pain in his chest.

“Earth to Hoseokie-hyunggggggggg.”

Blinking rapidly, Hoseok looked down at the chopsticks hovering the air by his mouth, completely
devoid of the noodles he was eating, and put them down with a sigh. “Sorry.”

Jimin raised a brow, a flash of hurt in his eyes that he masked quickly. “It’s fine. I was only talking
about my future career choices. Not like it’s important or anything.”

“No, Jimin, shit. It is,” Hoseok rushed to say. “I swear it is. I didn’t mean to space out. I’m sorry.
Tell me again.”

Shaking his head, Jimin crossed his arms and leaned back. “No, you’re distracted. We’ll deal with
your thing first.”
“That’s not fair,” Hoseok protested immediately. “Tell me again.”

“Hyung,” Jimin said slowly. “You’ve been distracted all week. Hell, all month. Just come out and
say it. My thing can wait.”

Hoseok frowned and fiddled with his chopsticks anxiously. “Has it been that obvious?”

“To me? Yes. To anyone else? Probably not, no. You know I know you best,” Jimin replied

A smile flashed across Hoseok’s face before he sighed again. “It’s Yoongi-hyung.”

“I figured. Is work still bad?” Jimin asked, his brows furrowing in worry.

“I don’t think so, no. I think it’s something else, but I’m not sure what,” Hoseok admitted.

With whatever willpower he’d managed to gather after years of knowing Hoseok and months of
watching him date Yoongi, Jimin managed not to reach across the table and shake his best friend.
It was hard, but he managed it. The main issue was that apparently communication wasn’t a part of
Hoseok and Yoongi’s relationship and it was driving him nuts. He knew Yoongi wasn’t the
talkative sort. He seemed to have a hard time expressing his feelings with words so he often ended
up showing how he felt instead. That’d bothered Jimin at first but he’d started to notice how
attentive Yoongi was to the little things and figured that everyone’s love language was different so
it was okay. But Hoseok was not that guy. He talked about his feelings. All of them. He talked
about everything. He always had. But suddenly he just wasn’t and now, for the millionth time,
Jimin was going to have to ask a question that should be obvious but wasn’t. “Did you ask him?”

“Yes!” Hoseok defended quickly, knowing what Jimin was getting at. “I asked when we had that
dinner and he said it wasn’t about work.”

“Did you ask what it was?” Jimin wondered.

“Kinda. He asked me if I would like to know something that’d make me sad.”

Jimin frowned. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” Hoseok said with a shrug. “But he looked really upset about whatever it was so I
figured he didn’t really want to talk about it.”

Sighing, Jimin grabbed his water bottle. “So you didn’t follow up.”

“No,” Hoseok admitted.


“I know! Okay, I know. But he’s been so distant lately and Jungkook was coming over soon and I
just wanted to have a good night with him, you know? So I asked him for that and he was great.
Like before.”

Great but not honest, Jimin couldn’t help but supply mentally. He had a lot of feelings about
Hoseok’s relationship, most of which had been positive until a few months ago. Mostly. He did
think they were more of a ‘thing’ than a couple. Or whatever the fuck you call two people who are
dating without any of the actual relationship development. He didn’t really like that, but Hoseok
was happy and Yoongi seemed to be too so Jimin had kept his mouth shut. Mostly.

The problem was he did think they were good for each other. Yoongi slowed Hoseok down and
Hoseok pulled Yoongi forward. It was good. Could be great but for now, it was good. He and
Taehyung had talked about it extensively. It was funny, actually, to meet someone in such a similar
position but on the other side. Many of their thoughts were the same, but they both sided with their
respective hyungs. Either way, they’d both decided not to get involved. To let them develop at
their own pace. Which was basically stagnant, but Jimin digressed.

The point of all this was that Hoseok and Yoongi didn’t talk about their relationship, it just was,
which had worked for them until it very much didn’t. Hoseok was just now realizing that it
seemed. Jimin couldn’t help but wonder if Yoongi had figured the same thing out sooner and that
was the cause of his disappearing act.

“Hyung, I’m going to say something… well, mean,” Jimin said slowly.

Hoseok frowned, his eyebrows pulling together. “Okay?”

Jimin stared at him for a moment, a million conflicting emotions running through his mind, before
he sighed. “Are you and hyung like actually dating?”

“What? Of course we are,” Hoseok snapped.

“Are you sure? What relationship stuff do you do other than fucking?”

“We don’t even do that anymore,” Hoseok whispered, his shoulders rising out of embarrassment
and defensiveness.

Jimin blinked, momentarily distracted by that bombshell. “What? Really? You two?”

“Yea. Not since…” Hoseok trailed off, thinking. “Like a month ago. Not since we all went to the
club together.”

“Nothing? You’ve done nothing?” Jimin asked, his surprise evident.

“Some stuff, but not like… sex,” Hoseok deflected, suddenly shy for some reason. He’d literally
given Jimin detailed retellings of his sex life before but for some reason, this made him
embarrassed. It was weird. Yoongi had gone from attacking him at every moment to demanding
nothing at all. He hadn’t even gotten hard the last time he’d sucked Hoseok off and that was not
something that had ever happened before. Yoongi loved giving head. Like loved it. And he liked
sex too, so the whole thing was confusing.

“Huh,” Jimin said, still a bit stunned. “Okay, then what have you done that was couple-y at all
recently? Like even before all this went down.”

Hoseok tilted his head, considering Jimin’s question. Most recently, Yoongi had brought Hoseok
dinner when he’d been stuck going over the paperwork to officially hire Jungkook. Before that…
well, they’d gone on that trip to Busan. That had been nice. They did lunch and stuff whenever
either of them had time but considering Hoseok was currently out at lunch with Jimin, he didn’t
know if that counted. Plus he also knew Yoongi went out to lunch with Jungkook too so it
probably didn't count.
“This is taking you way too long,” Jimin pointed out.

“I was just thinking! I guess the most recent thing would be when hyung brought me dinner at the
studio because I was working late. He stayed with me until I was done and then we went to his
place and watched TV.”

“Domestic,” Jimin agreed. “When was that?”

“I don’t really know but the paperwork was to hire Jungkook.”

Jimin blinked. Then blinked again. “Didn’t he start in like August?”

“Yea,” Hoseok confirmed with a wince.

“Hyung, it’s fucking November,” Jimin snapped. “No fucking wonder— Jung Hoseok, what the
actual fuck!”

Hoseok winced again, this time recoiling a bit. “That’s no different from usual! We aren’t like most
couples. We don’t do all that stuff.”

“Have you ever thought maybe he fucking wants to?” Jimin demanded, pissed now. He loved
Hoseok, more than he should, but this was ridiculous. Hoseok had never acted this way with
previous relationships. It just didn’t make sense.

“Why would that suddenly change?” Hoseok snapped back.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you’ve been together for like a year and that's how things
develop? Did you even stop to wonder if maybe the reason he was all over you last month was
because he was trying to tell you that?”

“N-no,” Hoseok said, shaking his head. That had never occurred to him. If Yoongi wanted to
change things then all he’d had to do was ask! Hoseok didn’t mind couple-y things. In fact, he
loved them. He just assumed Yoongi didn’t so he hadn’t bothered but if that’s what he wanted,
Hoseok could do that.
“God, hyung,” Jimin moaned, his tone tired. “I don’t even know what to say. Seriously. Have you
two just been fucking this entire time without, like, actually talking about anything serious?”

“We talk,” Hoseok corrected. “Just not… recently.”

“I don’t know what to say to that,” Jimin repeated after a moment, utterly confused. Hoseok was,
and had been in the past, an attentive and caring boyfriend. The type that sends texts before
important things because he remembered dates and times. The type to buy something just because
it reminded him of his significant other. The type to plan the most ridiculous date just as an excuse
to spend time together. This entire time, Jimin had just assumed that was all happening with
Yoongi too. When he and Taehyung had talked about the stagnant pace of their relationship, neither
of them, not once, had thought it was this bad. How the fuck had no one noticed it was this bad?
How had neither Hoseok nor Yoongi asked for more?

“Do you think he’s unhappy?” Hoseok whispered, worry flashing in his eyes.

Snapping out of his judgmental zone, Jimin leaned forward and squeezed Hoseok’s hand. “Maybe,
but you can fix that, right? Find out what makes you both happy?”

“Yea,” Hoseok agreed. “I can do that. I’m good at that!”

“You are,” Jimin agreed softly.

Hoseok nodded firmly, his mouth settling into a line. “Yes. I can do that. I’ll take him on the most
romantic date! So couple-y it’ll make romantic comedies jealous!”

“Why…” Jimin trailed off. “Why romantic comedies specifically?”

“Because I’m funny,” Hoseok answered with a slight frown, like the answer was obvious.

“Right, of course,” Jimin agreed, pursing his lips so he wouldn’t laugh. “Hilarious.”

“I don’t trust that tone,” Hoseok decided, narrowing his eyes. “But I’m going to allow it because I
need your help.”


“Yes, you. If I’m going to pull this off, I’m going to need someone to bounce ideas off of,” Hoseok
told him.

Jimin rubbed his forehead. “Hyung, just take him to fucking dinner and buy him flowers. Have you
literally ever done that?”

Hoseok pursed his lips then shook his head slowly. “No.”

“God, I—” Jimin took a breath. “Do that. Don’t go all out when you guys don’t even have a basis
for what is okay and what isn’t. Just start slow, make sure it’s okay, and go from there. And for the
love of Park Hyungsik, talk to the man.”

“Yes, that’s a good pl— wait, Park Hyungsik?” Hoseok questioned.

“He’s very pretty and in all those dramas. He’d know how to get the girl. Or in this case, guy,”
Jimin explained, his tone completely serious.

“Now I’m the one who doesn’t know what to say,” Hoseok admitted, then shrugged it off. It really
wasn’t the weirdest thing Jimin had ever said to him. “Anyway, dinner and flowers. I can do that.
That’s easy.”

“Shoulda been doing it this entire time,” Jimin muttered quietly, too low for Hoseok to hear as he’d
already started searching for restaurants on his phone. Until suddenly he slammed said phone on
the table and lunged forward, his hands grasping Jimin’s tightly. Jimin’s eyes widened. “What the
hell— hyung, you good?”

“Your thing! Your work thing! Tell me! I can plan a date whenever, there’s no time frame for that.
Tell me about your work choices,” Hoseok demanded, bringing them back to the very beginning of
their lunch when he’d spaced out and hurt Jimin’s feelings.
“Oh,” Jimin said with a blink, then smiled slightly. “I just— another show offered me a job and I
don’t know if I should take it.”

“Is the environment better?” Hoseok wondered. “I know you have issues with some of the
performers, so that’d be nice if it was better. What about the pay?”

“It’ll be about the same,” Jimin replied, “but the pay is better.”

Hoseok nodded thoughtfully. “I think you’ll do amazing no matter where you are. What’s holding
you back from the new show? If it pays better, why not take it?”

Jimin bit his lip. “It’s in the US.”

“W-what?” Hoseok stuttered out before his mouth dropped open. “You’d be moving? To the
States? You don’t even speak English!”

“Well, no, but they offered to pay for my classes before I go,” Jimin revealed with a shrug.

“I-I see,” Hoseok said, his eyes flicking back and forth quickly. He couldn’t remember a time
when he and Jimin weren’t together, not for years. But this was also an amazing opportunity,
Hoseok was sure of it. He was such a different style of dancer from Hoseok, he loved designing
dances and seeing them on TV, loved the challenge of teaching amateurs complex maneuvers. So
he was sure, without a doubt, Jimin would do amazing, no matter where he was. So he told him so.
“I’d miss you, but I think you’d do great.”

“Yea?” Jimin questioned shyly.

“Yea,” Hoseok confirmed, squeezing his hands. “Of course you would.”

“I haven’t decided yet,” Jimin admitted. “They just sent me an offer yesterday but I think— I think
it would be good for me to get away. To see the world, I mean.”

Hoseok nodded thoughtfully. “You did always want to travel.”

“I did,” Jimin agreed, remembering a time when he and Hoseok would lay on his apartment floor
in some random student building and talk about the future. Not much had gone according to those
plans honestly, but he wasn’t upset about it. Not really anyway.

“You’ll let me know what you decide?” Hoseok asked, a serious pout on his lips.

“Of course,” Jimin promised with a smile. “You’ll be the first.”

“I better be.”

“Oh shush, eat your soggy noodles so you can go back to work,” Jimin ordered, pulling his hands
free and flicking them at Hoseok playfully.

“So bossy,” Hoseok commented but did as asked even as his mind drifted between two very
different topics. On one hand, he had a plan of action to save his relationship, how do you know it’s
at risk, and on the other, he was potentially losing his best friend to the other side of the world.

Focus on one thing at a time. Yoongi-hyung now, Jimin later. Plus, you don’t even know that Jimin
is leaving for sure. Focus on Yoongi-hyung for now. That’s most important.

Right. He could do that. He would do that. He’d make up for lost time. He would.

Not texting or calling Yoongi was probably the hardest thing Jungkook had ever done. All day,
every day, he just wanted to talk to him, see how he was doing. But he couldn’t. He’d asked
Yoongi to take time and think about what he felt for him so that meant Jungkook had to give him
space to do that. It hurt. A lot. But he could make it through. He had to give Yoongi space. He
didn’t want to influence him or change what he wanted by hovering. He knew that Yoongi had a
hard time focusing when he was around, so Jungkook didn’t want to interfere. He wanted Yoongi
to make the choice himself whether it be a yes or no.

Please god, let it be a yes.

Wow, when did you decide cheating was okay, huh?

Making a sound of frustration deep in his throat, Jungkook rolled over and pressed his face into the
back of his couch. He didn’t know when his morals had become so out of whack. Well, he did. It
was right around the time he saw a stranger he’d just met wrap his arms around Hoseok in a
random bar. Right about then, Jungkook had all but thrown his morals, conscience, and anything
else that would keep him from Yoongi out the goddamn window. Did he feel good about it? No.
Would he stop? Also no. Unless Yoongi asked, at which point he’d never bring it up again. The
last thing he wanted to do was force Yoongi into anything.

Which is, of course, how he ended up with his phone locked in the drawer of his bedside table. He
couldn’t be trusted, honestly. Every time he opened his phone, his finger automatically clicked on
Yoongi’s name like it was a magnet. So, for everyone’s sake, his phone was locked away.

That did mean he was going to deal with a very pissed-off Seokjin in a few minutes when he called
him on his laptop though. He’d gotten in touch with Jungkook via email since he was ignoring all
his messaging apps in fear of contacting Yoongi and Seokjin had been displeased, to say the least.
But maybe he was over it now? Maybe he would think it was funny.

He wasn’t and he didn’t.

“I’m sorry, hyung,” Jungkook apologized, eyes wide in a way he knew Seokjin was weak too.

Seokjin huffed. “I thought you were dead or something.”

“You always say that,” Jungkook said, rolling his eyes now.

“And I always think it! How the hell am I supposed to know what’s happening? Do you know
what the murder rate is in Seoul?”

Jungkook furrowed his brows. “Do you?”

“Well no,” Seokjin admitted. “But I’m sure it’s high!”

Laughing, Jungkook shook his head. “I’m sure it’s no higher than Busan.”

“That feels like it can’t be true,” Seokjin protested.

“And yet you don’t know for sure,” Jungkook teased.

“Are you going to make me look up murder rates? Is that what this is?” Seokjin demanded

Waving his hands, Jungkook relented. “No, I’ll just apologize again and promise to keep you better
informed, okay?”

Seokjin narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to the screen. “Promise?”

“Promise,” Jungkook agreed, waving his pinky finger around. They couldn’t actually do a pinky
swear, but the sentiment was there and it seemed to appease Seokjin, who leaned back with a nod.
Picky promises had always been their thing. Smiling, Jungkook grabbed a throw pillow and held it
to his chest. “So, how’s work?”

“Work is work. Don’t even try to get out of telling me why you disappeared off the face of the
earth, asshole. Go on, tell me,” Seokjin snapped playfully as he tapped the camera aggressively.

Jungkook pulled the pillow closer and ducked down until only his nose and eyes were visible, the
rest of his face pushed into the top of the pillow. “Um…”

“Now, Jeon Jungkook. Out with it.”

“Something happened with Yoongi-hyung.”

Seokjin froze for a moment then moved even closer to the camera, his eyes sparkling. “Oh?”

“Like… um… a lot of things.”

“Jungkook! You fiend!”

Blushing Jungkook smiled and shook his head. “It was kinda an accident but he looked so cute and
I just… reacted. But I told him I didn’t want to forget what happened and he said he didn't either
and it just… happened. But we didn’t talk after and before you say anything I know that’s stupid
but he came over last weekend and we did talk. Eventually.”

Seokjin sighed. “Eventually? What happened first?”

“Um… marathon sex?”

“Jesus, Kook. You two are animals, I swear. That’s how many hookups before you talked?

“Yea,” Jungkook confirmed, clearing his throat. “But we did talk.”

“And?” Seokjin prompted, frowning slightly as he scanned Jungkook’s face through the screen. He
didn’t look particularly happy and that didn’t bode well.

“It’s complicated?”

“Uncomplicate it,” Seokjin ordered simply.

Jungkook sighed, knowing he’d have to tell Seokjin the truth. Or at least most of it. He didn’t think
he could admit to Seokjin that Yoongi was a taken man but he could get close. “Um, remember
when I said he might be seeing someone else casually?”

“Oh, Kook…” Seokjin trailed off in a tone Jungkook couldn’t decipher.

Jungkook nodded. “Yea. So, well, we talked and he feels like he’s made… commitments to this
other guy because he’s known him longer and they’ve been sleeping together too so he feels bad
and doesn’t want to hurt this guy.”
When Seokjin didn’t say anything, Jungkook frowned, only then realizing that he’d been staring at
the top of the pillow since he started explaining. Now that he was conscious of it, he knew he
should look up but he couldn’t. The silence dragged on and eventually Jungkook began talking
again to fill it. “He said he’s happy when he’s with me but that hurting someone else isn’t good
and I should find someone else who’s better. Um, I told him I didn’t want that, obviously, but he
was super upset about it. Like I could tell he didn’t want to leave but this other guy is in the
picture, you know? So I told him to think about what he feels for me seriously and then to just, um,
tell me when he decides. One way or the other.”

“And that’s why you turned off your phone?” Seokjin asked, not addressing anything Jungkook
had just said yet.

“Yea, I, um, figured I shouldn’t text him or whatever so he’d have time to make the choice himself,
you know? But I really wanted to so I just— yea.”

Once again silence descended. Jungkook bit his lip and flicked his eyes up quickly to see Seokjin’s
face. He was watching him with a completely blank expression. He’d always been good at that, the
poker face. It was jarring to see and made Jungkook feel even more guilty so he looked away again
and fiddled with the pillow still in his arms.

“Jungkook…” Seokjin began, his voice gentle.

“Yea, hyung?”

“Do you want my honest opinion?”

“Always,” Jungkook said even though he was mostly sure he didn't actually want to hear whatever
Seokjin was about to say.

“I don’t know Yoongi,” Seokjin began again, “so I don’t know what he feels for you or how he
acts, but this doesn’t sound good, Kook.”

“I know,” Jungkook admitted.

Seokjin sighed. “But that raises the question, what do you think he feels? What do you feel from
him when he’s with you?”
Jungkook looked up in surprise. He hadn’t expected Seokjin to be, well, so understanding. Or at
least trying to be. “Um, love, honestly.”

“Love?” Seokjin repeated, clearly surprised.

“Or something like that,” Jungkook hedged. “He’s so attentive and sweet. He always checks on me
to make sure I’m okay and happy even when we aren’t together and when we are… it just fits. The
sex is amazing, mindblowing actually, but it’s more than that. I don’t know how to describe it. Like
it’s too much and not enough all at once.”

“I see,” Seokjin said, hoping Jungkook would continue so he could get a better idea of the

Jungkook licked his lips, his eyes drifting towards the wall where the picture of him and Yoongi
hung. “He said something. Something that worries me.”

“What was that?”

“That not everyone deserves to be happy but that he thinks I will be,” Jungkook revealed, returning
his attention to the screen.

“Kook,” Seokjin started, unsure how to say this clearly. “If Yoongi doesn’t know how to be happy,
it’s not your job to fix that.”

“I know,” Jungkook agreed quickly. “But the next morning after he said that, I asked him if he’s
happy with me and he said yes.”

“So he’s happy with you but thinks you would be happier elsewhere,” Seokjin summarized,
rubbing his forehead. This sounded a lot like a guy punishing himself, which made Seokjin wonder
if the other relationship was more serious than he’d told Jungkook and he felt too guilty to go for
what he wanted. It’d make sense, Seokjin decided after a moment of consideration, given
everything he knew. From Jungkook’s accounts, it sounded like Yoongi liked Jungkook a lot but
the hesitation hadn’t really made sense to him. When Jungkook had said he might be involved with
someone else, a more clear picture had started to form and now Jungkook had all but confirmed it.
At least as far as Seokjin was concerned.
Now the issue became how to deal with that. Seokjin’s gut reaction was rage and defensiveness.
He didn’t know this Yoongi, but he sure as hell would punch him in the face for making Jungkook
his mistress or whatever. Especially since Jungkook so clearly cared about him and seemed to be
well on his way to love if he wasn’t there already, which was a whole other issue. But at the same
time, Seokjin didn’t know all the details so he felt like he couldn’t decide one way or the other.

Yoongi seemed to feel guilty about what they were doing and was punishing himself for it. At least
based on what Jungkook had told him about his actions. If he cared for Jungkook and wanted to be
with him but felt like he didn’t deserve him due to this guilt, where did that leave him? Where did
that leave Jungkook?

Seokjin sighed and rubbed his forehead again, feeling a headache begin to form. If this was any
other guy, Seokjin would tell Jungkook to kick him to the curb and find someone else. But he’d
seen the steady development of Jungkook’s feelings for Yoongi. He knew how serious they were
and he’d never seen Jungkook anywhere near this deep before. That scared him a bit, given how
complicated the situation seemed to be. So he couldn’t tell Jungkook to just drop him and go and
even if he did, he knew Jungkook wouldn’t listen.

So that left Yoongi. He was the wild card in this. Did he care about Jungkook as much as Jungkook
seemed to think he did? Was he actually in a relationship but lying to Jungkook about the
seriousness? Was that why he thought he shouldn’t be happy? Did any of that fucking matter if
Yoongi was cheating with Jungkook? Any other day, any other person, and Seokjin would be
advocating for castration. But it wasn’t anyone else; it was Jungkook and Seokjin couldn’t do that
to him. Wouldn’t.

What a fucking mess. I need to get to Seoul ASAP.

“I’m going to ask you a serious question and I want you to answer it properly, Jungkook,” Seokjin
finally said.

Jungkook pursed his lips and nodded. He’d seen Seokjin work through something in his mind and
he’d been terrified to find out what it was. Still was. But he nodded anyway, needing to hear what
his hyung had to say. “Okay.”

“To me, it sounds like Yoongi’s relationship isn’t casual.”

“O-oh?” Jungkook managed to get out, his voice strangled.

Misinterpreting Jungkook’s response for surprise and denial, Seokjin’s brows furrowed
sympathetically. “I don’t know him, so I can’t be sure but that level of guilt… you don’t feel that
for someone you’re seeing casually. At least I wouldn’t. So, what I want to ask you, Jungkook, and
I want you to be completely honest with me, is: does that matter to you?”

A million thoughts ran through Jungkook’s mind. Fear and surprise that Seokjin had figured it out.
Guilt that even now Seokjin didn’t think he knew, that he assumed Jungkook must be ignorant of
the situation rather than the driving force behind it. Happiness that he was finally going to get
honest and accurate advice. Fear again that Seokjin would hate him for what he was about to say.
All those feelings flashed through him quickly before he tightened his grip on the pillow and shook
his head. “No.”

Seokjin’s eyes slipped closed, his chest noticeable deflating at Jungkook’s answer. He was
disappointed, Jungkook could tell. Seokjin wanted him to say yes. To say of course it mattered. To
be horrified and angry like any normal person would react. But he was well past that now. He’d
felt those things months ago when he’d first met Yoongi. Now, they were much more manageable.
Or at the very least he’d gotten better at burying them. Either way, he’d disappointed Seokjin and
that hurt him but he didn’t want to lie. Not now.

“Jungkook, that’s…” Seokjin trailed off. He’d known Jungkook would respond that way but he
was still saddened by it. He didn’t know if Jungkook didn’t value himself enough to be mad about
potentially being used or was so in love with Yoongi that even the possibility of it didn’t bother
him but either way, it made Seokjin sad. But that didn’t matter because Jungkook was looking at
him with wide, pleading eyes, looking for something and Seokjin was going to do his best to be
there for him. “This situation. If it is what I think it might be, it’s wrong. You know that, right?”


“But you still want it?”

“Yes,” Jungkook repeated firmly, not wanting Seokjin to see hesitation right now. He’d
misunderstand why he was hesitating and Jungkook didn’t want that. If Seokjin knew nothing else
by the end of this conversation, Jungkook wanted him to know that Jungkook was sure.

“Then all I can say is be careful,” Seokjin finally settled on, unsure what to say. Personally, he
didn't think there was ever a reason to cheat and Jungkook knew that. But he couldn’t say that now,
so he went with caution. “I don’t know if you know who this other guy is, but you are hurting him.
Even if he doesn’t know, you are hurting another person, Jungkook.”
“I know.”

“And Yoongi is hurting him even worse. A betrayal of trust like that…'' Seokjin trailed off again.
He’d been doing that a lot but he found he needed to, that his thoughts were coming too rapidly and
tumbling over each other in their haste to get out, “there’s no guarantee he wouldn’t do it again to

Jungkook straightened up immediately. There were a lot of things Jungkook wasn't sure of, but that
was one thing he knew without a doubt. “It’s not the same. I know you think— just trust me when I
say, if, um, if you’re right, it’s not the same.”

“I hope you’re right, Kookie. Because when this blows up in your face, and it will, the collateral
damage is going to be hefty and when it’s all said and done, you might only have him left. Are you
comfortable with that?” Seokjin asked, noting the way Jungkook was just accepting this possibility
as a reality. He wasn’t fighting it, wasn’t arguing that Yoongi would never do that. He was just
going with Seokjin’s assumption without issue. I need to book a flight to Seoul like fucking

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook considered that. He hadn’t actually thought that far. Was he okay
with losing Hoseok? With losing Jimin? There were very few scenarios, if any, where they all
came out of this as friends. It was very likely that this would end badly and Hoseok and Jimin
would cut him and Yoongi out of their lives forever. Would he be okay with just Yoongi and
Taehyung? That thought hurt, if he was honest. He liked Hoseok and Jimin. Hoseok was the
closest thing he had to a best friend here other than Yoongi. He was the first person to really be
nice to him. To take an interest. So the thought of losing him did hurt.

But what about Yoongi? Could he just leave Yoongi and move on? Jungkook rubbed his heart, the
mere idea making it hard to breathe. He’d do it, if that’s what Yoongi wanted, but the thought of
losing him made Jungkook want to cry. He didn’t think he could do it, not unless Yoongi asked
him to. He wasn’t strong enough.

“I am.”

Seokjin closed his eyes again and nodded. “I’m always here to talk, Jungkook.”

“Thank you, hyung,” Jungkook said softly.

“Please, just— I want you to be happy, okay? That’s all I’ve ever wanted. But please— just please
be careful, okay? I can’t— be happy but be careful. Promise me that.”

“I promise, hyung,” Jungkook agreed, though Seokjin couldn’t help but notice that Jungkook didn’t
raise his pinky this time. Whether he was aware of it or not, Jungkook knew this was going to go
badly. Seokjin knew it too. He just hoped he was wrong.

Chapter End Notes

How do we think that date is going to go? How will Yoongi react?
Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

Hello everyone! I hope the end of your week is going better than the beginning.

Ngl, this chapter got away from me in terms of length. I just wanted to include
something so specific and it just.... kept going lol. So I hope you enjoy something a bit
longer today

See the end of the chapter for more notes

From the dark space under his blanket where he’d been spending the majority of his nights since
returning from Jungkook’s, Yoongi heard his doorbell ring. His immediate reaction was confusion
since people usually warned him before coming to his house, then sadness since the last time
someone had shown up randomly was when Jungkook had surprised him with dinner. Banishing
that memory, Yoongi went to the door and whipped it open. There was no one there but on the
floor was a purple vase filled with roses. Kneeling down, Yoongi grabbed the card tucked inside
and flipped it open.

A rose for a rose.

Will you go on a date with me?

Love, Hoseok

Almost immediately, Yoongi felt like someone had kicked him in the solar plexus. The crushing
weight of disappointment was near immobilizing. Normal people would be happy, maybe have
little butterflies and feel giddy. But Yoongi just felt sad, disappointed even. Which in turn made
him angry at himself. He’d made his choice and Jungkook clearly agreed since he hadn’t contacted
Yoongi even once.

He’d known, without even looking, that Jungkook hadn’t sent the flowers. He’d have never chosen
roses. They were too generic, traditional. He’d have figured out what Yoongi’s favourite flower
was and sent that. So Yoongi had known they were from Hoseok, but that hope had lingered. Hope
that maybe Jungkook was going to reach out, ask Yoongi what his choice was with something
romantic. But he hadn’t and now Yoongi felt like crying on the floor of his entryway with his door
wide open where anyone could see because his boyfriend, for the first time ever, had bought him
flowers and he was disappointed.

Letting out a frustrated sound, Yoongi grabbed the flowers and brought them inside, placing them
on his counter much as he had the dinner Jungkook had brought him previously. Closing his eyes,
Yoongi hit Hoseok’s number and plastered a smile on his face, knowing it’d come through in his

“Hey, hyung, did you get my flowers?” Hoseok asked almost immediately after the initial greeting.

“I did,” Yoongi replied, his eyes fixed on the flowers in question. “I’d love to go on a date with

“Is Friday too soon?” Hoseok proposed.

“Tomorrow?” Yoongi clarified, looking at his calendar like he’d see anything there other than his
plans to cry over his own choices. “That works for me.”

“Great, hyung. Dress pretty for me, okay?”

Yoongi smiled despite himself. “I will. You too.”

“When do I not? I was thinking ab— shit, I gotta go. Sorry, hyung. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“It’s okay. I know you’re at work,” Yoongi assured him. “See you tomorrow.”

Hanging up, Yoongi set down his phone and sighed. Enough of this. Enough of all this. He needed
to pull himself together. If he was going to stay with Hoseok, he had to put in the effort like Hoseok
clearly was. They were nearing ten months together and it was time he took it seriously. Time both
of them did. He needed to stop thinking about Jungkook.

And he would. Even if it hurt.

That mentality carried him through the entire next day at work and the evening once he returned
and began getting ready. Hoseok had asked him to look pretty so he would. He spent more time
than he usually did showering and styling his hair, making sure it fell in a tousled curl around his
face and ears that he knew was flattering. Then he added some makeup even though he generally
couldn’t be bothered with it.
Only then did he enter his closet, his eyes scanning his outfits. They’d never gone out on a real
date before, not like this anyway, so Yoongi wasn’t quite sure what to expect. He figured Hoseok
would go with something traditional, just like the flowers, and take him to a nice restaurant where
they could talk quietly and enjoy the atmosphere. With that in mind, Yoongi chose a pair of black
slacks and a green button-down. Once dressed, he stepped in front of the mirror and frowned. The
shirt was too big so it looked more casual. More his usual style of comfort rather than dressing up.

Tossing the shirt on his laundry basket despite the fact he’d only worn it for a minute, Yoongi
returned to his closet only to emerge again with a simple blue button-down with a heart-detail on
the left side. Shrugging it on, Yoongi tucked it into his slacks and assessed the situation. He looked
better, more dressed up. Plus it made his waist look small since the shirt was tucked in, so he
figured that was good. Yoongi bit his lip, only to curse when he realized he’d inadvertently bit off
some of his tinted lip balm. He was overthinking this. He looked good. It was fine.

Shaking off his doubts, Yoongi grabbed his phone and keys, pausing briefly to check his messages
and disappointing himself once again when he realized Jungkook still hadn’t reached out. It’s been
two weeks now. Two weeks to the day.

Stop thinking about it. Hoseok is waiting.

Without another glance at his phone, Yoongi left his apartment and went downstairs where Hoseok
was waiting, as he’d assumed. He was leaning on his car, a smile on his face as he texted

“Hi,” Yoongi called out, suddenly awkward.

Hoseok glanced up, his smile widening. “Ah, you look hot, hyung. The eyeshadow suits you.”

“Ah, thanks,” Yoongi said, touching the corner of his eye. Hot, not beautiful. “You look really
good too. Only you could pull off tweed without looking like an out-of-touch professor.”

Laughing, Hoseok pushed away from his car and moved closer, placing a quick kiss on Yoongi’s
lips in greeting. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It was meant as one,” Yoongi said honestly. Regardless of his mass of confusing and conflicting
feelings, Hoseok was and always would be an attractive man with impeccable style. That’d never

“Ready to go?” Hoseok asked, smiling down at him.

“Of course, lead the way,” Yoongi agreed.

“This way,” Hoseok replied, sweeping his arm out before returning to the car and opening the door
dramatically. Yoongi laughed at the mock-serious tone on Hoseok’s face and slid into the seat,
turning towards the driver’s side as Hoseok joined him. Hoseok smiled again then started the car
and pulled out into traffic.

The drive was short, honestly so short they could have walked, but it was an area Yoongi didn’t
really frequent. Mostly because it screamed money and Yoongi had a million and one other things
he’d rather do with his. The area reportedly had good restaurants though, so Yoongi figured his
earlier suspicions about Hoseok taking him to a fancy dinner were right.

Less than a minute later, Yoongi was proven correct as Hoseok pulled up to a valet and turned to
Yoongi. “Ready?”

Yoongi nodded somewhat warily before getting out and rounding the car. The restaurant was
honestly beautiful. The entire outside was finished in stones of various coordinating colours that
made it look rustic but expensive with small lights illuminating the pathway from the valet to the
door. It made Yoongi feel like they were going to check his credit before they were able to enter,
but it was beautiful.

His awe must have shown on his face because Hoseok smiled down at him. “Nice, huh? Jimin
recommended it. He said the food is really good.”

“Oh? He’s been to a place like this?” Yoongi wondered. He didn’t know how much Jimin made
but he didn’t think it was enough to frequent a restaurant of this calibre.

“He came on a work function,” Hoseok explained.

“Ah, that— oh, wow,” Yoongi gasped out, his words slipping out the second he saw the interior. If
the outside had looked expensive, the inside was decadent. Yoongi figured if the food was half as
good as the interior was pretty, it’d be well worth it.
Beside him, Hoseok looked equally shocked. “They don’t have pictures of the inside since they are
big on privacy… goddamn.”

“You said it,” Yoongi agreed softly, his eyes flicking from one end of the restaurant to the other in
a desperate attempt to take it all in. There was just so much going on that all seemed to fit together
in a way only money could.

“Sirs. Do you have a reservation?” A host asked, smiling at them softly. Yoongi figured he was a
little disdainful at their clear shock but it didn’t show.

“Yes, under Jung Hoseok?”

The host scanned the list then nodded. “Follow me.”

Yoongi raised his brows at Hoseok. “Follow him.”

“Guess we should,” Hoseok whispered back before they both rushed to catch up since the man was
as quick as he was efficient. Within a minute they were sitting at the table, looking at each other
with wide eyes. Yoongi broke first, giggling until he had to cover his mouth. But Hoseok didn’t last
much longer. “Holy fuck, we are way too poor for this. Jimin did not tell me it was this fancy.”

Looking around again, Yoongi nodded. “Fancy doesn’t even feel like a fancy enough word.”

“Fancy isn’t fancy,” Hoseok repeated with a snort, shaking his head.

“Clearly not,” Yoongi replied, smirking a bit. They must look so out of place. Yoongi was sure
everyone else here had at least three generations of aristocracy in their veins. He might be
descended from a queen but that had sure as hell worked its way out of his bloodline by now.

Hoseok laughed again. “Alright. Let’s enjoy this and never come back. Not until our like tenth

Freezing, Yoongi felt like he’d been splashed with cold water. He’d been having fun, even if he felt
out of his depth, but that had catapulted him back to earth.

Tenth anniversary. Oh god.

Why is that a bad thing? You decided to stay, right? To be happy with being content?

“Ten years might not be long enough to save up,” Yoongi responded belatedly, trying to cover up
his hesitation with humour.

Hoseok didn’t seem to notice because he just nodded sagely. “Twenty-five years it is.”

Humming in reply because he didn’t trust his voice, Yoongi glanced down at the menu. The prices
scared him a bit but he figured just this once he’d enjoy himself. It wasn’t like he went out a lot.
“Um, Seok?”


“You know we’re going to have to split this, right?” Yoongi told him, laughing a bit.

Nodding slowly Hoseok grimaced. “I wasn’t going to say anything but… yea, this is a bit much.
It’s so expensive.”

“Maybe if you sold a kidney,” Yoongi suggested.

“I’ll keep that in mind for our twenty-fifth,” Hoseok quipped back, earning a laugh from Yoongi
even as he heard twenty-fifth echoing in his head like a threat.

“You do that,” Yoongi returned before looking over the menu again. The prices were high but the
food did sound good, so Yoongi found himself ordering a full meal when usually he wouldn’t with
a glass of wine. If he was only going to come to a place like this once in his life, he was going to
enjoy it. Hoseok seemed to agree because he ordered something similar. Once the waiter had
disappeared with their orders and returned with their wine, Yoongi leaned back in his chair, feeling
a bit more relaxed. “How’s the new section going?”
“Good! We added some more classes and my days are a bit more even now, no super long day on
Wednesday. I have a beginner class this time which is different for me but I’m really liking
teaching people from the ground up, you know? I forgot how much I liked that.”

Yoongi raised a brow. “Why’d you ever stop?”

“I don’t know,” Hoseok admitted with a shrug, taking a drink of his wine. “I just got caught up
with my more advanced classes, they take more time, and I just sorta stopped, you know?”

“It can happen,” Yoongi agreed with a nod. He’d never really gotten that invested into anything but
he figured watching someone grow and guiding them through it would be a heady feeling.

“But I’m enjoying the more relaxed pace of a beginner class,” Hoseok repeated, smiling brightly.
“It’s fun and sometimes me and Kook run classes together so we get to have a bit of fun with it.”

“O-oh?” Yoongi managed.

Hoseok nodded. “Yea. We both have beginner classes at the same time so we merge them in one of
the bigger rooms sometimes. It’s fun and the students like the change of scene.”

“I bet,” Yoongi said, trying to sound casual. Was that why Jungkook hadn’t called? He’d talked to
Hoseok and realized that Yoongi had chosen so he’d cut Yoongi out? Did he not want to be his
friend anymore?

“How about you?” Hoseok asked casually.

“Same old, same old,” Yoongi replied without really thinking. “More numbers, more spreadsheets.
You know how it is.”

Hoseok frowned. “I don’t know how you do it. That many numbers would make me cross-eyed.”

Yoongi smiled. “I like numbers.”

“Then the job is perfect for you,” Hoseok decided with a nod and smile.

“Yea… it is,” Yoongi agreed, trying to smile. It was perfect, wasn’t it? Stable, well-paid, lots of
vacation time, his own office, plus he got to deal with numbers and he really did like them. It was
perfect. Of course it was. He figured he should say more, be more enthusiastic, but he didn’t know
where to start. Thankfully, he didn’t have to because their dinner arrived and their conversation
shifted to that instead.

“This looks amazing. Would it be terrible if I took a photo?” Hoseok wondered.

“Probably,” Yoongi decided, “but do it anyway. It’s not like we’re coming back.”

“Not for the next twenty-four years anyway,” Hoseok teased as he snuck out his phone and took a
photo of his food then Yoongi quickly. As he scanned them, he noticed that his last two photos of
Yoongi were very different. “Oh wow. The last photo I have of you is from my studio.

Yoongi frowned, thinking, then his eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. “Oh, god. Really?”

“You look hot, wanna see?” Hoseok asked, waving the phone.

“I’m good,” Yoongi replied, the embarrassment making his ears turn red too.

“Awe, sorry, hyung,” Hoseok apologized, though his tone didn’t quite convey actual remorse.

“Uh-huh,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, not mad at Hoseok’s teasing but still a bit embarrassed. He’d
forgotten Hoseok had taken a picture. It wasn’t the first time, so it hadn’t really mattered at the
time, but now that they were out in public and they hadn’t actually had sex in over a month, he
reacted more than he usually would.

Hoseok smiled again before he finally tried his food. Immediately he moaned quietly and gestured
for Yoongi to try some as well. Following Hoseok’s suggestion, Yoongi took a bite and sighed.
“Damn. Of course it’s good.”
“Right!” Hoseok whined. “It’s so good.”

“I hate it,” Yoongi admitted, taking another bite. Of course the most expensive thing he’d ever
eaten would be so good. Just another thing he couldn’t have.

Wow, you need to stop.

Ignoring his own inner voice, Yoongi continued to eat. Their conversation all but halted since they
were both too busy eating, but once they were done and their table was cleared, they began to talk
again. Conversation had always been easy between them, mostly because Yoongi was a listener
who made small but well-constructed comments while Hoseok loved to tell stories. It’s why they
worked. Neither was clamouring to be heard or understood, they just were.

“And then he tells me he’s probably moving to the States,” Hoseok finished, frowning now.

“Jimin? Park Jimin? Moving to the United States of America?” Yoongi clarified, shocked. “He
doesn’t even speak English.”

“That’s what I said!” Hoseok revealed, his eyes wide. “But he says they’re offering to pay for his
classes to learn.”

“Oh, wow. That’s… a really good opportunity, Seok.”

Hoseok sighed. “I know. I told him that too. I’ll miss him though. He’s my best friend, you know?”

“Yea, I get it. I have a hard enough time when Tae is out of town for a month, let alone if he
moved away entirely.”

“When is he coming back by the way? It feels like he’s been gone forever.”

Yoongi nodded. “Over a month. I think he’s coming back soon though. His job got extended but it
doesn’t look like that’ll happen again.”
“That’s nice. It’ll be good to see him again. We can finally do Jungkook’s house warming,”
Hoseok said, laughing as he realized that it had been a month since their last fail of an attempt.

Trying not to think about how he’d ridden Jungkook until he came in his jeans at the last
housewarming, Yoongi nodded. “I’m sure he’d like that.”

“You know what I’d like?” Hoseok asked, leaning forward and smiling at Yoongi.


“To go home,” Hoseok revealed.

Yoongi smiled and nodded. “Let’s get the bill.”

Like when he’d brought them to his seat, the host was equally as efficient at bringing their bill. He
was less good at hiding his reaction to their request to split the cost in half, but Yoongi figured that
was okay since they were leaving anyway.

So with a small bow of thanks, Hoseok and Yoongi left the restaurant behind, both mildly
mourning the hit to their bank accounts but happy with how the night had gone. It had been easy.
Fun even. Yoongi had forgotten how easy it was to be around Hoseok. They worked well together
and Yoongi never felt awkward around him. Not really.

Which was why when they pulled up to Yoongi’s apartment and Hoseok put the car in park, he
didn't say no when Hoseok asked to come up with him. He let the warm feeling he’d felt during
dinner guide his choices. Let it drive him to take Hoseok’s hand in his. To seal their lips together.
To tumble into bed. It was fine and okay because dinner had been good and he liked Hoseok. He
really did.

“Ah, hyung,” Hoseok whispered against Yoongi’s cheek. “I missed you.”

“Sorry, Seok.”
“Don’t apologize,” Hoseok replied, shaking his head gently as he kissed a trail down Yoongi’s
neck to his chest. “Sometimes people have a rough time. That happens.”

Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut, pushing back all the thoughts and contradictions that flooded his
mind. All the images of Jungkook giggling above him. All the feelings of Jungkook cuddling him
close. He willed all of them away.

This was fine.

It was.

“Hyung?” Hoseok asked suddenly, startling Yoongi until he opened his eyes to meet Hoseok’s
concerned ones. “Are you crying?”

Frantically wiping his cheeks, Yoongi looked at Hoseok with confusion on his face. “I guess so. I
don’t know why.”

“Are you okay?” Hoseok worried, trailing his fingers beside Yoongi’s eyes and the slightly
smudged makeup.

“Yea, Seok. I’m good,” Yoongi assured him before grabbing Hoseok chin and bringing Hoseok
mouth to his own. “I promise.”

“If you’re sure,” Hoseok relented after a moment, letting himself fall into the kiss. Yoongi’s
sudden tears had shocked him a bit, making him worry he’d made Yoongi feel guilt for going
through something the past month, but he was going to trust Yoongi when he said he was okay.
Yoongi had never been a good liar anyway so he was sure he’d see if Yoongi wasn’t being honest.

Shifting so he could touch Yoongi more, Hoseok took his time like he usually wouldn’t. Spent time
taking Yoongi apart with his fingers until he was sobbing for release. Spent time kissing and
licking every part of his body. They’d always been the fuck as soon as possible type of couple so
Hoseok wanted to show Yoongi he could do both. And he did. So slowly and thoroughly that when
Hoseok finally thrust into Yoongi’s gaping hole, it was like a sigh, an easy movement followed by
faster and faster slaps of his hips until Yoongi was screaming under him and his fingers were
digging into his shoulders. Only then did Hoseok come, filling the condom up as he moaned
Yoongi’s name. Only then did Hoseok collapse on top of Yoongi and roll off.
“Damn,” Hoseok said with a sigh. “Why haven’t we done that before?”

With his eyes still closed, Yoongi replied honestly. “Dunno. Too busy I guess.”

“Well, we should stop being busy,” Hoseok decided before kissing Yoongi’s hair and shuffling out
of bed, returning a few minutes later wearing his boxers and carrying a damp cloth. He wiped
Yoongi down gently then tossed the towel and crawled back into bed, pulling Yoongi’s still naked
form close. “I really did miss you, hyung.”

“Yea, Seok, me too,” Yoongi agreed, his eyes still shut.

Sighing in contentment, feeling like he’d accomplished the first step of his plan to move him and
Yoongi into a different phase of their relationship, Hoseok buried his face in Yoongi’s neck and let
himself relax. He’d been so worked up, so nervous about their date, that he’d spent most of the
previous day panicking and going over every detail. That only meant he didn’t sleep well so now
that he was post-orgasm and finally relaxed, Hoseok felt himself drift off quickly, utterly content.

Yoongi, on the other hand, waited for Hoseok to fall asleep and roll away like he always did.
Hoseok was a cuddler up until he fell asleep, then he wanted his own space. Since Yoongi liked to
curl up into a ball, he didn’t mind and it suited him now when nearly a half-hour later, Hoseok
turned over with a small, sleepy mutter, and allowed Yoongi to get out of bed.

Mindlessly, Yoongi put on his boxers and a large shirt from his hamper that he knew was
Jungkook’s since he’d taken it with him the day he’d left and slipped out of his room. Never
pausing once, Yoongi walked across his apartment to the other side and opened his linen closet and
stepped inside. Only when the door was closed did he let himself feel anything. Only then did he
let himself collapse to the ground and curl up, sobs wracking his body.

Hoseok had given him everything he wanted. A nice date, attention and affection, sex that hadn’t
been hurried and bruising. He’d even kissed him after, even if it wasn’t quite the same he was
clearly making an effort. And the sex had been good, Yoongi hadn’t faked that, so why was he so
hollow? Why did his chest hurt so much that he wanted to scream and cry? Why did he still want
Jungkook so bad?

Why couldn’t he just be happy with Hoseok? The night had been good. It had. Hoseok had done
everything right and Yoongi hadn’t even really thought about Jungkook all that much. Not unless
he was mentioned. But as Hoseok touched him, trying to be attentive and loving, all Yoongi had
felt was wrong. It didn’t feel right. Not like when he was with Jungkook. Even when they were
hasty and barely took time for foreplay, being with Jungkook had felt right. Even when it was
wrong on so many levels. He hadn’t felt that way with Hoseok. Even if he’d known he should.
Even if Hoseok was doing everything right and trying so hard and Yoongi had had a good time and
felt comfortable, it hadn’t been right.

Why couldn’t it have been right? Why was Jungkook the only thing that Yoongi wanted?

Slapping a hand over his mouth to muffle his cries, terrified that Hoseok would hear him, would
think it was somehow his fault, Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut. Oh god, what am I going to do?

Jungkook had been, to put it mildly, in better moods. Seokjin kept talking about taking time off the
following month to come to visit while giving him these looks Jungkook just knew were about
their previous conversation about Yoongi. And Yoongi hadn’t called. Or texted. Or sent a
goddamn messenger pigeon. Nothing. He’d thought giving him space would let Yoongi decide his
feelings but he’d also thought Yoongi would tell him once he’d decided. Even if it was a no,
Jungkook thought Yoongi would contact him. They were friends, weren’t they?

So no, Jungkook was not in a good mood. In fact, his mood was so poor, he’d scowled at the poor
barista when she’d smiled at him just out of pure anger that people were just existing happily while
his life collapsed around him.

And yes, he was aware he was being dramatic. That the guy he’d been fucking who had a
boyfriend not calling him was not the end of the world, but he was hurt and sad, so he was going to
continue to be dramatic until the sharp stabbing pain in his heart stopped trying to kill him.

He’d been doing a good enough job not taking his anger, frustration, and sadness out on other
people—other than the unfortunate barista, he was sorry—until about 2 p.m. Saturday when he
was laying in bed scrolling through Instagram and he saw a picture of fancy-looking food posted
by Hoseok. It looked like something in a magazine, so Jungkook assumed Jimin had taken Hoseok
to one of his work events like he’d done in the past and swiped to the next picture.

That’s when he realized the sharp pain he’d been trying to ignore hadn’t been trying to kill him.
That one had been mild in comparison to the near-crippling pain that practically lanced him in the
chest when he saw the picture of Yoongi, looking shy and small with his hair and makeup done
nicely. He looked beautiful. A little awkward, but beautiful and Jungkook hated it. He knew
Yoongi and Hoseok were still together. Even if Yoongi chose to stay with him, that wouldn’t
change, but seeing it was another matter entirely. Especially after Yoongi had ghosted him for two
weeks instead of giving him an answer. Didn’t he deserve that?
Sad and a little angry, Jungkook dialled Hoseok’s number without really thinking. He didn’t know
what he was going to say or ask, but he knew he needed to hear something, anything, about the
previous night.

“Hey, Kook!”

“Hi, hyung,” Jungkook replied, all the anger he’d built fleeing at the sound of Hoseok’s happy

“What’s up?” Hoseok asked, not unkindly.

“Ah… I was just looking at your post and I had to know where you guys went,” Jungkook said
after a moment, falling back on his original method of making friends with Yoongi: food.

Hoseok laughed. “Oh, this stupid fucking expensive restaurant. Like a rent payment for dinner
kind of expensive. It was super good but literally don’t go unless you win the lottery.”

Jungkook laughed too, even if it felt hollow. “Oh wow! Did you two have fun at least?”

“Yea, it was good to actually go somewhere and hang out and spend the night together, you know?
Hyung’s been so busy and stressed. It was a really good night.”

Closing his eyes as if that would help him fight off the pain in his chest, Jungkook nodded as if
Hoseok could see him. “I’m glad you guys had some time together.”

“Me too. What are you up to?”

“Now? Just relaxing.”

“You should come to hang out! Me and Jiminie are out shopping then we’re going to do some
touristy shit, you know, pretend we don’t live here.”
Jungkook was aware Hoseok was inviting him out. But all he heard was Yoongi is alone, you can
go talk to him. “Nah, I think I’m just going to spend the day in. Nothing is better than doing

“You sound like hyung,” Hoseok muttered, his tone light. “You should go hang out with him, then
you two can do nothing together at least.”

God, if only he knew. “Maybe I’ll call him.”

“Do that! Look, I have to go. Jimin is demanding my opinion on two shirts that look exactly the

In the background Jungkook heard Jimin protest and begin to talk about minute differences, so he
laughed and said his goodbyes. “Bye, hyung. Have fun.”

“You too! See ya, Kook.”

Dropping his phone onto his chest, Jungkook stared at the ceiling. He’d been giving Yoongi space
and in that time he made a decision. Maybe. Or maybe he was acting as he should since Hoseok
was his boyfriend. But he hadn’t messaged Jungkook. Not once. And Jungkook hadn’t messaged
him. This was the longest they’d gone without talking since they’d met and it made Jungkook ache.
Even if Yoongi didn’t want him that way, or just didn't want to leave Hoseok, he still wanted
Yoongi to be his friend. Isn’t that what he said he wanted too?

Jungkook bit his lip and once again pulled up the picture of Yoongi at dinner the night before. He
looked so beautiful, but the closer Jungkook looked, the more he frowned. Yoongi didn’t look
happy, not really. He didn’t look upset either but Jungkook knew what he looked like when he was
happy. When he was happy, his resting face looked different. Lighter. Not like it was in that

Making a split-second decision, Jungkook rolled out of bed and ran out of his apartment. He didn’t
change out of his sweats, didn’t even stop to see how he looked, just ran. If Yoongi wanted to stop
this, if he wanted to stay with Hoseok and settle, Jungkook could accept that. But only if Yoongi
told him so himself. He needed to hear Yoongi say it. He needed to know one way or the other,
once and for all.

So he ran and then he drove and then he ran again. He didn’t stop until he was standing in front of
Yoongi’s door, his breathing heavy. Then he simply lifted his hand and banged on Yoongi’s door,
desperate to know Yoongi’s choice. To see his face. To hear his voice. Something.

But it didn’t come.

Yoongi didn’t answer the door. Nor did Jungkook hear any movement. There was silence on the
other side. Jungkook furrowed his brows, confused. Hoseok had said Yoongi was home and
though he’d proven to not be the most reliable source of Yoongi’s whereabouts, Jungkook knew
Yoongi didn’t like to go out on the weekends. He was surely home, but he wasn't answering. He
worried for a second that Yoongi knew it was him and was avoiding him but he shook it off. There
was no way for Yoongi to know, which meant he was avoiding people in general.

Jungkook worried his lip, unsure what to do. He didn’t want to bother Yoongi but he also didn’t
want to leave him alone. Sighing, Jungkook banged on the door again, this time more insistent,
hoping that would force Yoongi to answer.

It did.

And honestly, Jungkook almost wished it hadn’t. Yoongi did not look good. His eyes were swollen
and red, his lips chapped and bite dented. There were dark circles under his eyes so bad Jungkook
couldn’t fathom how anyone could have left when Yoongi looked like that.

At first, Yoongi didn’t register who was at the door. He just opened it, wanting nothing more than
for whoever it was to go away. But the second he saw Jungkook standing there, his hair
dishevelled and eyes concerned, Yoongi broke. He hadn’t stopped crying since Hoseok had fallen
asleep the night before. By some miracle, he’d managed to hold it together that morning, obscuring
his grief with a facemask and humour, but once Hoseok had left, it had all come back. And now
Jungkook was here and he was concerned and Yoongi couldn’t handle it. The tears just started to
flow on their own with no regard for him.

Stepping forward without thought, Jungkook cupped Yoongi’s face and brushed away his tears.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Whatever self-restraint Yoongi had until that point dissolved and he collapsed into Jungkook, his
body shaking as he cried. Without hesitation, Jungkook hugged him close and kissed his hair. He
didn’t know what was wrong but he knew Yoongi needed some time, so he held him close and
swayed back and forth gently, whispering soft words until Yoongi stopped shaking.
“I’m so sorry, Kook,” Yoongi whispered.

“Why?” Jungkook asked, honestly curious.

“I-I decided to stay with Hoseok,” Yoongi confessed, his breath hiccuping as a new round of tears
flooded his eyes.

Jungkook closed his eyes as that lingering pain amplified. He’d suspected as much but it hurt to
hear it just the same. “Okay.”

“No, Kook, you don’t— I decided but he— it didn’t feel right and I missed you so much and I— I
can’t, Kook. I just want to be with you. I do,” Yoongi tried to explain. “I m-made my choice but I
didn’t want it, Kook.”

“What do you want, baby?” Jungkook asked softly, repeating the question Yoongi had been unable
to answer when they’d been together last. He’d said it was too complicated then. That it wasn’t that
simple. Now, Jungkook held his breath and waited.

“You. I want you,” Yoongi confessed, his fingers tangling in Jungkook’s shirt. “It’s wrong and I
should— I could be happy if I tried, probably. But I don't want that. I want you.”

“Then you have me,” Jungkook said simply, his chest expanding as happiness flooded him and
overwhelmed his worry and pain. That’s all he’d wanted to hear Yoongi say. He just wanted to
hear him be honest, to tell Jungkook what he wanted, not what he should want or what he had.

Yoongi shook his head against Jungkook’s chest. “But you— it could be better. Someone else.
You could have anyone else.”

Jungkook sighed and cupped Yoongi’s chin again, forcing him to look up. Yoongi looked bad still,
the tears had only made his eyes swell more, but there was a light in his eyes that hadn’t been there
before and that’s all Jungkook needed. He knew this was wrong. He knew it would likely blow up
in his face but like he’d told Seokjin, he wanted it anyway. He didn’t care. Maybe that meant he
was a bad person or that he was going to hell, but he was way past worrying about that. He’d made
his choice too. And that choice was Yoongi.

“I don’t want anyone else, Yoongi,” Jungkook said firmly, making sure to use his name so there
was no chance of miscommunication. “I want to be with you. I have since the first moment I met
you at that bar. Maybe I could have someone better, certainly someone single, but I don’t want
those people. I want you, Yoongi. Do you want me too?”

Yoongi blinked rapidly then nodded. “I do. I just— I want to be with you too, Jungkook.”

“Then you can be,” Jungkook promised, kissing Yoongi’s lips gently, careful of the marks he’d
clearly bitten into them.

“Jungkook,” Yoongi gasped out before burying his face in Jungkook’s chest again. Jungkook held
him close for a moment then leaned down and grasped Yoongi’s knees. Hefting him up like he’d
done in much more sexual contexts, Jungkook carried Yoongi towards his bedroom. Yoongi,
though he knew he should be irritated that Jungkook was carrying him around like a toddler,
couldn’t bring himself to care. He felt safe when Jungkook held him like this. Loved. So he
nuzzled Jungkook’s neck and sighed, feeling comfortable and at home for the first time in weeks.
This was where he wanted to be.

All too soon, Jungkook set Yoongi down on his bed and stepped back. Panicking a bit, worrying
that perhaps Jungkook had smelled Hoseok on him, sensed what he had done, Yoongi jumped up
and latched onto Jungkook. “Don’t go.”

“I’m not, baby,” Jungkook assured. “I’m just getting something for your lips.”

“O-oh, okay,” Yoongi said, feeling stupid. He’d panicked for no reason. He wasn’t usually like this
but suddenly the idea of Jungkook leaving when he’d just said he’d stay had scared him. He knew
it didn’t make sense, but he’d been scared anyway. But when Jungkook returned and gently applied
Polysporin to his lips, Yoongi felt that fear melt away. No matter what happened, Jungkook
wouldn’t disappear. He wouldn’t.

“There, that should help,” Jungkook said as he reapplied the cap and set the tube on Yoongi’s
bedside table, trying his best not to let his eyes drift to the garbage just to the side. He’d spotted the
condom there and knew that was probably a large part of why Yoongi was reacting so poorly.
Yoongi felt guilty. Both for not loving Hoseok and for sleeping with him when he cared about
Jungkook. That was a bad combination and Jungkook knew Yoongi needed to rest. To settle his
emotions. So he smiled down at him. “Why don’t we take a nap?”

Yoongi blinked before shaking his head. Standing up abruptly, he cradled Jungkook’s face in his
hands. “I want you to touch me. Please? Can you do that?”
Jungkook breathed out through his nose before grabbing Yoongi’s hands in his own and shaking
his head. He pulled Yoongi’s hands away and stepped past him so he could remove the covers.
Without looking at Yoongi, he crawled in and made himself comfortable. When he was settled, he
patted the empty side, smiling up at Yoongi until he joined him. Immediately, Yoongi pressed
himself to Jungkook’s side, clearly seeking some sort of validation, but Jungkook ignored it and
pulled the covers up and over their heads, encompassing them in warm darkness.

Confused, Yoongi pulled back and looked around. “What are you doing?”

“This is what you do when you’re stressed or upset, right?” Jungkook said, remembering
Taehyung’s previous comments nearly two months ago about how Yoongi liked to be in quiet
darkness when he was stressed.

“Yes, I— yes,” Yoongi admitted, nodding shyly. He wasn’t supposed to, his therapist hated it, but
he felt safe like this. It helped him relax. How had Jungkook known that?

Seeing his confusion still, Jungkook snuggled deeper into the bed and wrapped an arm around
Yoongi’s waist. “Taehyung-hyung mentioned it when we first met.”

“So long ago,” Yoongi murmured, letting himself fall into Jungkook’s embrace.

“Nah, not at all,” Jungkook denied, sighing in relief as he felt Yoongi relax. That tense desperation
to prove himself was gone now and Jungkook was thankful it had been so easily done away with.
He wanted Yoongi in a thousand different ways and positions, but not that one. He never wanted
Yoongi to feel like he had to make it up to him. When he’d slept some more and they had a chance
to talk, Jungkook would tell him that, but for now, he held him close in the cocoon they’d made
themselves and stroked his hair. For now, this was what Yoongi needed and Jungkook would give
it to him.

‘Nap’ turned into something closer to a full night’s sleep. Yoongi hadn’t been able to sleep for
most of the night, so when Jungkook calmed him down and held him close, his body just gave out
and pulled him into a deep, dreamless sleep. When he awoke, the artificial darkness Jungkook had
created him was replaced with actual darkness. It was clearly night now and when Yoongi shifted,
he realized that Jungkook was awake and likely had been the entire time, which just made him feel
guilty. Jungkook had stayed with him for god knows how many hours just because he couldn’t get
a handle on his own emotions.
“Are you awake, baby?” Jungkook asked softly.

“Yea,” Yoongi replied, tilting his head so he could see Jungkook’s face, who immediately smiled
and stroked his cheek.

“You look much better now.”

Yoongi winced. “Sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?” Jungkook wondered.

“Well,” Yoongi started, not sure where to even begin. He’d been thinking a lot the entire night,
finally sure of what he wanted, but he didn’t know how to ask for it, didn’t know how to explain.
Jungkook had been clear about what he wanted from Yoongi already and though it wasn’t exactly
what Yoongi wanted, he could be okay with it. He could make do. But how did he say that? How
did he tell Jungkook that he’d decided he could handle cheating if it meant Jungkook wouldn’t
leave his side? Yoongi didn’t know. So he told Jungkook that. “I don’t know where to start.”

“Why not from the beginning,” Jungkook prodded gently as he fixed Yoongi’s hair.

Licking his lips, Yoongi nodded. “Um… well, I went on a date with Hoseok last night.”

“I know,” Jungkook admitted. “He posted a picture.”

“Oh…” Yoongi trailed off, uneasy knowing that Jungkook had seen that. “It was nice. Good even.
We had a good time and the food was good, even if it was super expensive. We’ve always gotten
along well so talking and stuff was easy.”

When Yoongi didn’t continue, Jungkook nodded. “Hoseok-hyung is good at that. Talking to

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed. “Extrovert energy.”

“Must be nice,” Jungkook quipped with a smile, hoping to keep the tone light so Yoongi didn’t get
upset. He could tell Yoongi was struggling to find the words to explain why he’d broken down so
Jungkook wanted to give him the time, even if he felt like he knew the reason. It’d be good for
Yoongi to actually say it and Jungkook to hear it.

“Probably. But, it was good. He bought me flowers and planned it all out. He’s never done that
before so it was good,” Yoongi repeated before pausing again. Biting his lip, Yoongi’s eyes darted
to Jungkook but the younger man didn’t look upset. He just pulled Yoongi’s lip out from between
his teeth so he wouldn’t aggravate it more, prompting Yoongi to continue: “I should have been

“But you weren’t?” Jungkook asked.

“No,” Yoongi admitted. “I wasn’t unhappy. It was fine but I— it was only fine. And when we—
after, we— when we came back we—”

“It’s okay, baby,” Jungkook assured.

Yoongi met his eyes and nodded. “After we… had sex, I hid in the closet and cried.”

Jungkook made a sound in his throat, “Oh, Yoongi. I-I never wanted to make you sad, baby. I’m so

“It wasn’t you,” Yoongi assured him. “Not entirely anyway. It was me. When you didn’t call, I
decided that it would be okay if I just… stayed. That I’d be happy enough but I…”

“I didn’t call because I didn’t want to pressure you to choose,” Jungkook explained quickly, only
then realizing that his radio silence could have been misinterpreted. He’d only meant to give
Yoongi space, not make him think he wasn’t interested.

“Oh,” Yoongi blinked. “Oh. I thought— I misunderstood.”

Jungkook sighed. “We’re bad at this whole communication thing.”

“Apparently,” Yoongi agreed with a slight smile that finally reached his eyes.

“We’ll work on that,” Jungkook promised. “Why don’t you continue?”

Yoongi grimaced. “That was it. Mostly. I hid so he wouldn’t think it was his fault but I— god,
Jungkook, I don’t know. There was nothing wrong but it didn’t feel right. But this does. You lying
here with me feels right.”

Jungkook honestly felt like he’d run a marathon and come in first place. Like he was getting the
thing he’d worked for. But he knew he wasn’t quite there yet. He was within sight of that finish
line but if he slowed down or faltered someone would pass him. Hoseok would pass him. So he
ducked his head to force Yoongi to meet his eyes again. “So, what does all that mean? What
happens now?”

“I—” Yoongi hesitated before taking a deep breath. “Can you stay with me?”

“That was never a question. How I stay with you was,” Jungkook emphasized.

“Can we be together?” Yoongi rephrased, his face turning bright red. “Romantically.”

Smiling, Jungkook scrunched his nose. “I’d love to.”

Laughing at the sudden relief that flooded his system, Yoongi pressed his face into Jungkook’s
chest. “You knew what I meant.”

“I did,” Jungkook admitted, “but I wanted to hear it.”

“I get that… can you kiss me now?”

“Yea,” Jungkook breathed out, slotting their lips together for the first time since Yoongi had left
him behind two weeks prior. It held a lot of weight, both of them pouring all the emotions they’d
been bottling up but could now express. Jungkook leaned into it, pressing Yoongi into the mattress
and covering his body with his own. Yoongi accepted him easily, widening his legs and wrapping
his arms around Jungkook’s shoulders to pull him even closer. He heard Yoongi plead again, just a
simple please, and this time Jungkook didn’t hesitate.

Trailing his hands up Yoongi’s side, Jungkook did his best to imprint himself on Yoongi, to replace
the ghost impressions Hoseok had left behind. Maybe it was a bit selfish, a bit self-centred, but
Jungkook wanted to erase the whole previous night. The good and the bad. Especially the bad. He
wanted Yoongi to just think of him and not a night spent crying.

With that thought in mind, Jungkook continued to kiss Yoongi, conscious of his bitten lips, until
Yoongi grew more demanding. Until he started to arched against him, until he was pushing so he
could roll on top and look down at Jungkook with bright, glossy eyes.

Now on top of Jungkook, Yoongi settled back, resting his weight on Jungkook’s thighs, and
watched Jungkook watch him. He understood that look now, the one he’d seen repeatedly
whenever he was with Jungkook but didn’t quite get. It was a little bit of desperation but also
happiness, maybe a bit of love. It was all the emotions Yoongi made Jungkook feel and it made
him warm. No one ever looked at him like that and he didn’t want it to stop.

Darting his hands under Jungkook’s shirt, Yoongi pushed upward, pressing his palms along
Jungkook’s abdomen until his collar bones. Taking the hint, Jungkook pulled his shirt off before
doing the same for Yoongi. Torsos naked, Jungkook and Yoongi simply stared at each other again.
They’d crossed so many lines but this was a new one. An emotional one. Someone much worse
than anything else. But neither regretted it. In fact, they surged forward, their lips slamming
together hungrily now, the soft, slow tone replaced with a desperate need to feel each other.

Jungkook had never undressed someone so quickly nor had he been undressed with such haste.
Before either of them was really aware of it, they were naked and pressed together, both moving
rhythmically in search of some friction and relief.

But that wasn’t what Yoongi needed and it wasn’t what Jungkook wanted so Jungkook shimmied
down Yoongi’s body and grabbed his hips, flipping him over unceremoniously. With a small,
shocked sound, Yoongi looked back. “Like this?”

“No,” Jungkook denied. “I wanna see your face later but now I wanna eat you out.”

“Fuck,” Yoongi gasped out, his hand darting out and grabbing the lube from his side table and
tossing it towards Jungkook. “Yea, okay.”
“So relax,” Jungkook ordered as he reached out a palmed Yoongi’s ass. He had a thing for his ass,
but he figured that was understandable to anyone who’d taken the time to look. So Jungkook took
his time massaging and kissing each cheek, smirking when Yoongi began to whine below him,
clearly impatient. Only when Yoongi snapped out his name, his frustration showing, did Jungkook
spread Yoongi’s cheeks and lean forward.

His hole was loose, just further reminding him that Yoongi had slept with Hoseok the night before,
but Jungkook pushed that possessive thought away and leaned forward, dragging the flat of his
tongue over Yoongi’s hole. Yoongi’s answering moan reverberated through his body and spurred
Jungkook forward as he used his thumbs to pull Yoongi’s hole apart so he could tease the rim
further, swirling his tongue around the edge but never dipping inside. Breathing heavily, Yoongi
pushed back, his back bowing as he tried to get Jungkook to do something.

Chuckling, Jungkook relented and thrust his tongue as deep as it could go. It was an easy push so
Jungkook began a relentless rhythm, sucking whenever he felt Yoongi begin to tremble only to
hear him cry out.

By this point, Yoongi was barely holding it together. His cock was dripping heavily, the tip
rubbing somewhat painfully against the sheets as he tried to fuck himself on Jungkook’s tongue. It
didn’t matter though because all his attention was focused on the feeling of Jungkook’s tongue
pressing against his walls and his thumbs rubbing just around the edge of his hole. He was going to
come, he could feel it, but he wanted to do it on Jungkook’s cock, wanted him buried deep inside.
So he told him so.

“J-Jungkook, please, I wanna come on your cock. Please,” Yoongi pleaded, his words slurred.

Wrenching himself back, Jungkook tried to get control of his breathing. He was already painfully
hard at this point and he was mostly sure he wouldn’t last long once he was inside Yoongi but who
was he to deny his plea?

Leaning back on his calves, Jungkook poured some lube onto Yoongi’s hole before thrusting two
fingers inside, just to make sure. Yoongi mewled at the feeling, his eyes rolling back as Jungkook
nudged his prostate and scissored his fingers to make sure he was ready. Yoongi was about to
snap, to beg, when Jungkook withdrew his fingers and flipped Yoongi over again. He felt a bit like
a ragdoll but he loved it. Loved it when Jungkook manhandled him so gently. Like he’d break.

Intent on his own actions, Jungkook almost missed the look Yoongi was giving him. He was
sprawled out, his legs now on either side of Jungkook’s thighs, his cock resting weakly against his
stomach in a pool of his own precome, his eyes were glazed but intent. They were fixed on
Jungkook’s face, an emotion he’d never seen on Yoongi’s face before reflected in them. It threw
Jungkook off, unused to seeing so much on Yoongi’s face. It made him slow down, made him
move Yoongi slower, even more gently than before. Grabbing Yoongi’s hips again, he guided
Yoongi forward so his ass was propped on Jungkook's thighs then he intertwined their fingers and
pulled Yoongi’s upper body up until Yoongi was kneeling while straddling Jungkook’s thighs with
their cocks pressed tightly together between their bodies.

Jungkook dropped Yoongi’s hands so he could cradle his face, bringing his face down and their
lips together. Yoongi gasped against him, losing himself in the feeling the slide of Jungkook’s lips
and tongue against his own. He let himself enjoy it, savouring the kiss until the moment he felt
Jungkook’s hand glide down his back. Only then did Yoongi lift himself up, granting Jungkook
access to his hole. Jungkook continued to move slowly, dragging his cock back and forth over
Yoongi’s hole, letting it catch the rim but not entering. Widening his legs, Yoongi lowered himself,
pressing Jungkook’s cockhead inside before he let himself fall, practically slamming Jungkook’s
cock deep.

Letting out a choked grown, Jungkook’s head fell on Yoongi’s chest. “God, baby. You’re always
so perfect for me.”


“I got you, baby. I got you,” Jungkook promised, his hands falling to Yoongi’s hips so he could
help Yoongi ride his cock. In this position, Jungkook’s face was in line with Yoongi’s neck and he
couldn’t help but attach his lips there, nipping and sucking until Yoongi threw his head back and
moaned. “You ride me so good, baby. Feel so good.”

“Y-yea?” Yoongi managed, his attention scattered between Jungkook’s cock, lips, and the burning
in his thighs from moving his own weight.

“Yea, baby,” Jungkook confirmed. “But let me, okay?”

Dropping his ass almost immediately, Yoongi sighed in thanks. He didn’t know how Jungkook had
known his thighs hurt but he was thankful. Or was for as long as it took for his thoughts to
evaporate again as Jungkook gripped his hips to hold him in place so he could thrust up into him.
Yoongi heard the sound of Jungkook’s thighs hitting his ass seconds before his body jolted
upward. It was like he was disconnected, completely lost in the feeling of Jungkook under him,
around him, inside him. That was all there was.

Yoongi had absolutely no warning before he came. He was surrounded by the feeling, barely
registering his own continuous moans and Jungkook’s endless stream of compliments and praises
and then suddenly his body pulled tight and snapped. He felt his come coat his stomach and chest
and smear against Jungkook’s abs. He heard Jungkook’s surprised gasp followed by a somewhat
pained moan before he once again felt the warmth of Jungkook’s come filling him up. Then he
collapsed, his body draping over Jungkook’s, even as his brain struggled to catch up with the
reality of how quickly he’d fallen apart on Jungkook’s cock.

Jungkook eased himself down and stretched out his legs since they’d long ago started to cramp.
Yoongi followed him down, almost boneless. Shifting him slightly, Jungkook buried his nose in
Yoongi’s hair and took a deep breath, squeezing him tight. After a few minutes, Yoongi began to
move, making Jungkook slip out and his come leak from his hole. He didn’t know how he’d gone
his entire life without ever have unprotected sex only to do it twice with Jungkook but he couldn’t
bring himself to care. Not when he looked up, resting his chin on Jungkook’s chest, and Jungkook
simply smiled down at him and kissed his nose. Yoongi giggled and returned to favour, kissing his
nose and eyebrows before settling on his lips with a small sigh. Jungkook cupped his hand and
kissed him back, their lips moving chastely against each other before Yoongi pulled back, needing

“You’ll stay?” Yoongi asked almost hesitantly.

“I’m not going anywhere, Yoongi,” Jungkook promised, once again kissing Yoongi’s lips. He
wasn’t going anywhere. In fact, the issue was going to be working up the will to leave. But that
was a Future Jungkook problem. For now, he just held Yoongi close and kissed him gently
whenever he felt the desire to do so. If this was as close to perfect as Jungkook got, he figured
that’d be okay with him. Especially when Yoongi smiled against his chest and tried to hide his
face. Yes, this was fine and unlike Yoongi’s previous attempts to assure himself, he actually meant

Chapter End Notes

Chapter 15
Chapter Notes

HELLO! It's been so longggg. I got distracted writing a commission and a taegikook
smut so this chapter came later. But it's nice and long to make up for it

If you want to read the story that held my attention, it's called While You Were
Sleeping and it's self-indulgent smut. If not, no hard feelings.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

In stark contrast to the whole previous week, Jungkook was now on cloud nine. Maybe even cloud
ten or eleven—if that’s how that worked, Jungkook wasn’t actually sure. Regardless, he was
practically floating and it was obvious. So much so that the poor barista from before, who’d
greeted him warily at first, ended up smiling at him by the time he left with his order. He was just
happy. Sure, the whole cheating thing wasn’t ideal. He would obviously much rather Yoongi be his
and his alone, but he figured this was the first step. If he made Yoongi see just how good he could
be, how good their relationship would be, then he could make Yoongi confident enough to choose
him alone. Right now he was okay with the situation. For now at least. He understood Yoongi’s
hesitance to throw away a more long-standing relationship for something so new. Something so
hastily felt and started. He could wait. He’d show him the best possible things and wait.

Which was how he ended up at Yoongi’s company during his break on the following Wednesday.
He knew Yoongi’s lunch was earlier in the day, more in line with the standard nine to five
lifestyle, but he wanted to risk it. At the very least, he’d surprise Yoongi at work and improve his
mood since he knew Yoongi hated being there. Worst case scenario, Jungkook dropped off the
iced Americano he’d bought and left. Best case scenario, he got to spend some time with Yoongi
mid-week, which didn’t happen that often given their schedules and other commitments.

When Jungkook arrived at the proper floor, at least he thought it was based on the directory,
Jungkook immediately felt out of place. Everyone looked proper and well dressed and he was in
dance clothes. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him and though it was due to his sheer
attractiveness, he didn't realize that and worried it was because he looked like he was lost.

Thankfully, he saw Yoongi talking to a tall dimpled man and practically sprinted to him. “Hyung!”

Yoongi visibly startled and turned towards the voice but when he saw it was Jungkook, he relaxed
and smiled wide. Namjoon, who’d also looked for the source of the yell, recognized Jungkook
from the videos he’d caught Yoongi watching months before. He’d been about to make a cheeky
comment about introducing them when he saw Yoongi’s face. Namjoon had never, in all this time
knowing Yoongi, seen him look at someone like that and it shocked him enough that he didn’t say
a word until he was addressed.

“Jungkook? What are you doing here?” Yoongi asked.

Jungkook smiled down at him, his eyes flicking to Namjoon quickly then back to Yoongi. “I had a
break and wanted to bring you a coffee. Plus I’m supposed to get a bag from you?”

Confused, Yoongi’s brows furrowed. A bag? He didn’t— oh. Jungkook was making an excuse that
wouldn’t look suspicious. “Oh, right. It’s in my office.”

“Perfect,” Jungkook said.

Nodding slightly, Yoongi gestured to Namjoon. “This is my co-worker Kim Namjoon. Kim
Namjoon, this is Jeon Jungkook.”

“I’ve seen your videos!” Namjoon said immediately. “You’re very talented.”

“My videos?” Jungkook repeated, shocked.

Namjoon smiled and raised a brow at Yoongi. “Hyung was watching them when you first moved
here and I saw a few.”

“Was he now?” Jungkook murmured.

“Oh wow. Look at that? I have places to be,” Yoongi lied, embarrassment making his cheeks turn
red. Of course Namjoon would out him at the first opportunity.

Namjoon snorted. “I have to run to a meeting, but you can finish updating me after?”

“Yea, sure,” Yoongi agreed with a sigh. “Around 3:30?”

“Works for me,” Namjoon said. “Nice to meet you, Jungkook.”

“You too,” Jungkook replied, watching him go. “He seems nice. Cute dimples, killer thighs.”

“The fact he gets them into those slacks is a miracle honestly,” Yoongi agreed easily.

“So are you going to show me your office?” Jungkook asked, shaking the coffee he’d brought
Yoongi tauntingly.

Snatching the coffee from Jungkook’s hand, Yoongi immediately took a long sip then nodded.
“Sure, come on.”

Doing his best not to skip, Jungkook followed behind Yoongi, no longer aware of the eyes on him
as they moved through his office. He didn’t feel out of place when he was with Yoongi, so those
eyes no longer mattered.

So with little regard for anyone around them, Jungkook entered Yoongi’s office and looked around.
His first impression was that it was plain. There was no Yoongi here. The colours were bland—
though he didn’t think Yoongi could change those—and the walls empty. Nothing in the entire
room told him this was Yoongi’s space. It was just… blank.

Yoongi didn’t notice Jungkook’s confusion until he rounded the desk and took a seat. Only then
did he catch the slow way Jungkook was looking around and the frown on his lips. “What’s

“There’s nothing personal here,” Jungkook observed, finally turning his gaze to Yoongi and by
association his desk. That was where he found the closest thing to personal and it was only
Yoongi’s phone casually thrown on the desk beside the iced Americano Jungkook had given him
and some papers and a pen.

Blinking, Yoongi looked around his office as if he was seeing it for the first time. “I guess not.”

“Why not?” Jungkook wondered.

“I hate it here,” Yoongi admitted abruptly. Like it pained him to say it out loud. “I don’t want to
bring my stuff here.”

Jungkook nodded slowly as he moved toward Yoongi so he could stand beside him and lean on the
desk. Crossing his arms, Jungkook gazed out the window, noting the decent view of the Seoul
skyline. It wasn’t the best, but it was good enough to tell Jungkook that whoever had promoted
Yoongi valued him as an employee. Didn’t mean Yoongi had to like it though. “Wouldn’t
something personal make it better? Like, say, if you put a cute photo of me right there beside your

Yoongi smiled. “Maybe but what if I started associating you with my job?”

Humming, Jungkook nodded. “Guess we’ll have to create some positive associations then?”

“Like?” Yoongi asked, curious what Jungkook could come up with on the spot.

“Well, first,” Jungkook said slowly, tilting his head so he could look down at Yoongi. “I want you
to be perfectly honest with me.”

“When am I not?” Yoongi pointed out. He may lie to Hoseok, but he didn’t lie to Jungkook. He
knew that was a fucked up thought to have, but it was his reality.

“Do you, or do you not, have an office sex fantasy?”

Yoongi sputtered, surprised by the sudden shift in topic. “What?”

“Oh come on! You have to!” Jungkook insisted, waving his arm towards the rest of the office. “It
was the first thing I thought of. This place is so generic it could be a porn set!”

“I mean… I guess!” Yoongi admitted, his face turning bright red and only getting darker as
Jungkook moved closer and situated himself so he was standing in between Yoongi’s legs.
Getting a little kick out of Yoongi’s reaction to his question, Jungkook leaned down and placed his
hands on both armrests, caging Yoongi in. “Not once? You didn’t think about someone coming in
and fucking you on this desk? Their hand over your mouth so no one would hear you fall apart?”

Yoongi’s breath shortened, his eyes widening but never leaving Jungkook’s face. He was smiling
now with a glint in his eyes that told Yoongi exactly what he was picturing. Yoongi bit his lip, his
mind following the path Jungkook had created. He honestly hadn’t thought about it before but now
he didn’t know why. The image of Jungkook bending him over his desk and pounding into him
relentlessly while he desperately tried to keep quiet was enough to make his cock twitch with
interest. Maybe someone would hear and wonder what that sound was. The (minor) exhibitionist in
Yoongi loved that. Loved the thought of Jungkook fucking him until he was a sobbing mess before
leaving like nothing happened while the office continued on, oblivious.

“Jungkook, I— fuck,” Yoongi managed before he grabbed the back of Jungkook’s neck and pulled
him down, slamming their lips together.

Jungkook chuckled against his lips. “So you do like that?”

“I never— yes,” Yoongi admitted, biting Jungkook’s bottom lip before retreating and looking up at
him again. “I never really thought about it but you make it hot.”

“I like that,” Jungkook confessed as he moved further down so he could kiss Yoongi’s chin and nip
at his ear. He was bent in half at this point, hovering over Yoongi with just his arms holding him
up and in place. It was a bit uncomfortable, but it was worth it to hear the little sounds Yoongi
made as Jungkook’s lips moved from one place to the other. “But unfortunately I don’t have
anything with me so I can’t fuck you, baby.”

“That’s okay, just keep kissing me. I missed you,” Yoongi said quietly, turning his head to force
their lips together again. Jungkook indulged him, slipping inside Yoongi’s waiting mouth and
teasing his tongue with his own. When Yoongi started to push forward, started to get a bit
aggressive, Jungkook pulled away and stood up, causing Yoongi to blink up at him, his eyes round
and pleading. “Jungkook?”

Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement and swiped his thumb over Yoongi’s bottom lip, which
had jutted out in a small pout. “I don’t want to keep kissing you.”

“O-oh. That’s ok— what are you doing?” Yoongi questioned, his eye frantically moving towards
the door as Jungkook dropped to his knees in front of him and rested his cheek on Yoongi’s thigh.
“What does it look like?” Jungkook asked with a smirk, his hand already ghosting over Yoongi’s
thigh until he could press his palm down on Yoongi’s half-hard cock. “Hmmm, I love how hard
you get for me, baby.”

“Jungkook— shit,” Yoongi started to protest, only to collapse back into his chair as Jungkook
started to massage his cock more purposefully. He was going to get hard embarrassingly fast. He
could feel it. The door wasn’t locked, anyone could come in, and that just turned Yoongi on more.
Pair that with the image of Jungkook staring at his clothed crotch hungrily and it was basically
game over.

By the time Jungkook pulled the zipper down, Yoongi was long past thinking about anything other
than what Jungkook’s mouth on him would feel like. So when Jungkook sat up properly and
tapped his hips, Yoongi lifted them without comment, letting Jungkook slide his slacks and boxers
down to mid-thigh. The only thing that brought Yoongi back to earth was Jungkook’s quiet
command for Yoongi to unbutton his shirt so he could see all of him, which Yoongi followed
diligently, his finger stumbling over the small buttons.

Pleased, Jungkook sat back and took Yoongi in. His shirt and blazer were handing off the side of
his body, revealing his chest, which was already flushed. Jungkook hadn’t pushed his pants all the
way down, so they were pulled tightly across Yoongi’s thighs, digging into the fat there. And in
the middle was Yoongi’s already hard cock, dripping despite the fact Jungkook hadn’t even
touched it yet. Jungkook felt his own cock stir to life, the image of Yoongi turned on and waiting
for him doing more for his libido than any shitty office porn ever could.

He must have been staring too long, because Yoongi’s hand reached out and cupped his face,
tilting his chin up so they could make eye contact. Yoongi’s eyes were glazed but concerned.
“Everything okay, Kookie?”


Yoongi had never called him that before, so he blinked in surprise before shaking his head. “Yes,
baby. Just admiring the view. Don’t know how I managed to get someone so perfect.”

Yoongi snorted and rolled his eyes. “Uh-huh.”

“No, I’m serious,” Jungkook insisted, shifting closer and wrapping his hand around the base of
Yoongi’s cock. He stroked upwards once in a slow, deliberate move that made Yoongi’s breathing
halt. When he reached the head, he twisted his hand and pressed a thumb to the slit, digging in just
so he could see his breath whoosh out again. “See, so responsive for me. So perfect.”

“Fuck, Jungkook. How—” Yoongi asked. Or rather tried to ask. He wanted to ask how Jungkook
always seemed to know what to say, what to do. Yoongi never told him, not really, but Jungkook
just understood in a way no one else had.

“How did I know?” Jungkook finished for him, seeing the question on Yoongi’s face. With a
shrug, Jungkook picked up his pace, smearing Yoongi’s precome up and down his shaft to make
the slide easier. “I just watched what you do to yourself. You like a little… twist up here at the top,

“Yes,” Yoongi hissed out, his hips bucking up into Jungkook’s hand.

“You’re so obvious about what you like, baby,” Jungkook revealed as he leaned down and blew
some air over the head of Yoongi’s cock, making him jolt. “How could I not give it to you?”

Yoongi was sure he should respond to that but he wasn’t able to. He was sure if he did speak, it
would just be an order for Jungkook to use his mouth for better things. Namely, sucking his cock.
He was so close, his lips pouted and pink. Yoongi made a sound deep in his chest, making
Jungkook’s eyes snap up. When they did, that sound turned to an almost sob. Jungkook knew
exactly what he was doing. His eyes were playful and light even if his pupils were blown wide and
Yoongi could faintly see the outline of his own hard cock pressing against his sweats.

Deciding Jungkook was waiting for something, Yoongi sucked in a breath. “Please?”

“Of course, baby,” Jungkook replied with a smirk before finally flicking his tongue out and
swirling it over Yoongi’s cockhead. Since that was a move Yoongi did himself to tease, his next
sound was a combination of a moan and frustration, but thankfully Jungkook took pity on him and
swallowed him all the way down a second later, encompassing Yoongi’s cock in the wet heat of
his mouth. Yoongi’s hips bucked up again, trying to get deeper, but Jungkook grasped his hips and
held him in place as he bobbed his head up and down.

Taking the hint, Yoongi stilled his hips, which allowed Jungkook to reach up and trail heavy hands
over Yoongi’s torso and nipples, teasing him even as he continued to suck Yoongi’s cock harshly
like he was trying to pull the soul from Yoongi’s body. Yoongi was mostly sure someone could
walk into his office right now and he wouldn’t notice. The only thing that mattered was
Jungkook’s lips stretched around his cock. Nothing else.
But Yoongi wasn’t a man who liked to come alone, so he grabbed Jungkook’s hands and moved
them away, pushing them toward the ground. Jungkook glanced up in question, his eyes watering
now. Yoongi cupped his cheek, his thumb wiping away some of the spit that had leaked out of
Jungkook’s mouth. “I want you to come too.”

Jungkook, at heart, was a simple man and he could definitely do what Yoongi asked, so he grabbed
Yoongi’s hand and put it into his hair before shoving his sweatpants and boxers down until his
cock was free. Jungkook groaned loudly when he finally touched himself, the almost instant relief
of his hand moving on his cock making him shudder.

It was so good.

But Yoongi wasn’t moving. He was just watching Jungkook with a partially awed expression on
his face. Jungkook could feel Yoongi’s cock twitch in his mouth, so the older man clearly liked
what he was seeing, but he wasn’t doing anything.

Pulling off with a huff, Jungkook frowned up at Yoongi as he painfully halted his own hand on his
cock. “Why aren’t you moving?”

Yoongi blinked. “C-can I? I’ve never done that to you…”

Jungkook smirked. “So I can fuck your mouth but you can’t fuck mine?”

“No, I— I just didn't want to…” Yoongi trailed off.

Realizing Yoongi had hesitated since Jungkook hadn’t explicitly said it was okay, Jungkook
softened. “I want you to fuck my mouth, baby. Okay? Make yourself come.”

“Fuck,” Yoongi cursed. He didn’t know how Jungkook could be the nicest, purest person on any
normal day and then say shit like that to him the moment they were alone. If Yoongi hadn’t seen
and heard it himself he was sure he wouldn’t believe it. How could the doe-eyed dance teacher say
those things?

Not the thing to be thinking about right now.

“Can you do that, baby?” Jungkook asked as he dragged his lips down the side of Yoongi’s cock.

“Yea— fuck, yes,” Yoongi agreed hastily, once again maneuvering Jungkook’s face so he could
slide in and out easily. Jungkook opened his mouth and looked up at him, his eyes practically
daring Yoongi to thrust in. And like Jungkook, Yoongi was a simple man so he lined himself up,
resting the head on Jungkook’s tongue, before grabbing Jungkook’s head again and thrust his hips

Finally getting what he’d asked for, Jungkook groaned and began to stroke himself again. He’d
never particularly liked sucking cock, but there was something about Yoongi’s that made him want
to do it over and over. Maybe it was the size, not so big that it choked him but kept his mouth full.
Or the way he tasted. Or maybe it was just because it was Yoongi. Either way, Jungkook was
suddenly a fan. Especially when Yoongi started moaning, one hand tangled in Jungkook’s hair and
the other covering his mouth to muffle the sound.

There was nothing prettier than Yoongi mid-orgasm, so Jungkook started sucking harder,
hollowing his cheeks whenever Yoongi pulled out. All too soon, he felt Yoongi’s movements
begin to stutter, the thrusts turning jerky and uncoordinated as he tried to reach his end. He
continued like this for nearly a minute, then Yoongi’s hand tightened almost painfully in
Jungkook’s hair seconds before he snapped out a warning. “I’m going to come.”

Jungkook nodded the best he could and swallowed, pulling Yoongi’s cock even deeper into his
mouth. Yoongi’s answering moan was loud, probably too loud, and followed quickly by his come.
Jungkook swallowed the best he could, trying to catch it all, but some escaped, dripping from his
lips. Without much thought, he pulled off and lapped up the remaining come, making Yoongi jolt
with oversensitivity. Once he was done, he looked up at Yoongi with a smile, his lips still coated in
salvia and come.

Yoongi reached out and placed three fingers under Jungkook’s chin, tilting his head up further. His
eyes dipped down, clearly taking in Jungkook’s still hard, leaking cock, then returned to
Jungkook’s face. “Aren’t you going to come too?”

“Y-yea,” Jungkook agreed, his hand moving with renewed vigour. He didn’t know why it turned
him on to have Yoongi watching him so closely, his soft cock resting on his thigh still glistening
with spit. He’d never been watched like this before and he liked it. It was hot and it sent him high
very quickly.

Noticing Jungkook’s reaction to his attention, Yoongi decided fairly quickly to try something new.
He hoped it worked otherwise this would be embarrassing for both of them. But when Jungkook’s
arm started to lose rhythm and his breath came heavy on Yoongi’s hand, he smiled softly at
Jungkook, whose wide eyes immediately snapped up to Yoongi’s face. When Jungkook was
looking at him, Yoongi took his risk. “Are you going to come? Come for hyung?”

“Fuck!” Jungkook cried out suddenly, his body curling forward until his forehead was resting on
Yoongi’s knee. He watched himself come, watched as he coated his hand and stained the floor
between his thighs. At least I didn't get it on my clothes, Jungkook thought hazily, his brain foggy
as he slowly came down. He barely felt Yoongi clean his hand nor when he gently pulled up his
sweats. It wasn’t until Yoongi cradled his face between two wide palms that he came back to earth.
Then he just laughed. “Ummmm, okay then.”

“Hyung-kink, huh?” Yoongi wondered.

“I guess so,” Jungkook admitted, mildly surprised. He’d never come like that and he’d slept with
older men before but there was a first time for everything.

Yoongi smirked. “I can’t wait to work that into everything.”

“I’m sure you will, baby,” Jungkook replied teasingly.

“Hyung will do his best,” Yoongi quipped right back.

Jungkook snorted and shook his head. “So how was that for positive associations?”

Letting out a surprised laugh, Yoongi scrunched his nose. “It was the best. Don’t know how I’m
going to sit at this desk without getting hard now.”

Giggling at the mental image of a frustrated Yoongi just trying to get his work done, Jungkook let
himself relax into Yoongi’s hold. He was still on his knees and Yoongi still hadn’t fixed himself
up, but Jungkook was completely comfortable. So much so that he smiled up at Yoongi and asked
the question he’d been trying to work up the courage to ask. “Will you go on a date with me this

Yoongi’s first response was shock followed quickly by a near burning warmth spreading through
his limbs. “I’d love to, Kookie.”
“You’ve never called me that before,” Jungkook pointed out, nearly missing Yoongi’s agreement
to the date.

“Haven’t I?”

“Jungkookie, yes. Just Kookie, no.” Jungkook clarified. “Only Jin-hyung calls me that.”

“Oh,” Yoongi said, frowning slightly. He certainly didn’t want to call Jungkook something he
didn’t like or associated with a brotherly figure. Especially not when his dick was this close to
Jungkook’s face.

“I like it though,” Jungkook assured him, smiling wide. “I like nicknames.”

“Then I’ll keep using it,” Yoongi decided.

“So, you’re okay with Saturday? We could do Sunday…” Jungkook proposed, his eyes narrowed
as he tried to figure out if Sunday would actually work.

“No, Saturday is perfect, Kookie,” Yoongi assured before kissing Jungkook chastely before licking
up the come that still lingered there. “I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” Jungkook whispered against Yoongi’s lips, excitement for the coming weekend
already thrumming through his veins. Saturday couldn't come fast enough.

Yoongi didn’t want to say that getting a blowjob during work made him more diligent, but it
definitely didn’t hurt. After they’d cleaned up, his floor was never going to be the same, Jungkook
had hung around a bit longer, sneaking kisses and soft words, making Yoongi tingle and giggle
shyly from the attention. He’d never felt like that. So… happy. Especially not at his job.

In fact, it had such a positive effect on him that when Namjoon returned from his meeting and
sought Yoongi out to finish their impromptu update from earlier, Yoongi was still smiling. Just
sitting there, filling out a seemingly endless number of Excel cells, smiling.

“Hey, hyung, you good to meet now?” Namjoon asked, sticking his head in through a crack in the
now open door, further confirming Yoongi’s brief worry that anyone could have walked in earlier.

“Yea, sure,” Yoongi agreed, quickly glancing at the clock and seeing that it was near 3:30 like
they’d agreed.

Namjoon nodded and closed the door behind him. Taking a seat in the chair opposite Yoongi’s
desk, Namjoon leaned back and crossed his arms, his eyes scanning Yoongi’s still smiling face. It
wasn’t that Yoongi didn’t smile, he did, obviously, but this was different. Namjoon could
practically feel the happiness radiating from Yoongi. “Um, can I ask you something?”

Yoongi blinked. “Sure?”

“What’s going on with you and the hot dancer?”

“W-what? Nothing?” Yoongi hastily answered, the end lifting as if he was asking a question.

Namjoon titled his head, seeing the fear flash across Yoongi’s face. It took him all of five seconds
to understand. “Hyung, what the fuck.”

“What?” Yoongi snapped, immediately shifting some papers to distract himself. “Nothing is going
on. We’re friends.”

“Friends don’t make me look like that,” Namjoon argued, leaning forward. “Are you guys…
seeing each other?”

“No?” Yoongi replied half-heartedly.

Shaking his head, Namjoon leaned back again. “You’re a shitty liar.”

“God, I know,” Yoongi broke down, covering his face with his hands. “I know I am.”
“I’m going to ask you a very simple question,” Namjoon said, ignoring Yoongi’s pseudo-

“Which is?” Yoongi asked weakly.

“What about Hoseok?” Namjoon questioned, raising a singular brow. He may not know Hoseok,
but he was aware of who Yoongi’s boyfriend was. Yoongi had mentioned him enough times for
Namjoon to know about him.

Yoongi dropped his hands. “I don’t know.”

“That’s not the answer I was expecting,” Namjoon admitted.

“I know it’s not but it’s the one I have,” Yoongi explained.

“Look,” Namjoon said slowly, “I know we aren’t really friends—”

“We’re friends,” Yoongi interrupted.

“We’re work friends,” Namjoon conceded.

Yoongi grimaced. He hadn’t meant to make Namjoon feel like they weren’t friends. Yoongi liked
Namjoon. He was a good man. That’s why he’d never let Taehyung meet him. He didn’t want
Namjoon to get hurt because Taehyung wasn’t ready to settle down. But maybe Yoongi had been
purposefully separating himself from Namjoon so he wouldn’t have to deal with work once he left.
Yoongi didn’t want to be like that. “I— I didn’t mean for it to be that way. I’m sorry you felt like
— I think of you as my friend, Namjoon.”

“Oh,” Namjoon said, his expression surprised. “Well, I’d like that. I just thought— I assumed you
didn’t want to be friends with people from work.”

“Maybe I didn’t,” Yoongi admitted.

Namjoon nodded then sighed, getting back on topic. “So then as your friend, I have some
comments and then some advice.”


“First, cheating is a fucked up thing to do and you’re a piece of shit for doing it.”

“Ouch,” Yoongi winced. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that, but it hurt to actually hear someone say

Ignoring him, Namjoon continued: “I don’t know Hoseok, but no one deserves that. If you don’t
want to be with him, fucking break up with him.”

“I know, but—”

“That being said,” Namjoon interrupted, his expression conflicted. “Your face when Jungkook
showed up was… something else, hyung.”

“My face?” Yoongi asked, touching his cheek like that would tell him what Namjoon meant.

“Your face,” Namjoon confirmed. “I’ve never seen you actually look happy, hyung. I know you
don’t like this job, anyone can see that, but you do it well. You do what’s asked of you. When
Jungkook called your name… well, that was the first time I’d seen you show interest in literally

“But I’ve talked to you about Hoseok before,” Yoongi reminded him.

“I know,” Namjoon said, his tone level and serious.

“O-oh,” Yoongi stuttered out, realizing what Namjoon was getting at. That meant Yoongi had
never shown any level of interest when talking about Hoseok. At least not enough that Namjoon
noticed. But he’d seen Yoongi look at Jungkook once and he’d seen how he felt. As much as that
thought was horrifying—he really didn’t like the idea of being as easy to read as Jungkook said he
was—it also made him feel guilty. Had he really not been interested or happy when talking about
Hoseok, even before Jungkook had shown up? Had it been that obvious that he was just coasting?

“But you’re still a piece of shit,” Namjoon said firmly, his expression hard. “There’s no fucking

Yoongi winced, his shoulders rising in defence. “I know.”

“So fucking handle it,” Namjoon practically snapped.

“I-I will,” Yoongi promised.

Sighing Namjoon rubbed his forehead. This was not how he’d expected his day to go. He’d chosen
accounting because it was simple. Dealing with his co-worker slash new friend’s infidelity had not
been on the list of things to expect from this job. Especially not Yoongi. There were a few people
here that he wouldn’t be surprised to hear were fucking around, but he’d never expected it from
Yoongi. He was as level-headed and grounded as they come. Which was probably why he ended
up succeeding at a job he hated and staying in a relationship that offered him nothing emotionally.
Coasting that middle path, never happy but never sad either. Namjoon couldn’t imagine living that

But as he watched Yoongi pick up his phone and smile shyly as he typed a response to the message
he’d clearly just received, Namjoon figured Yoongi wouldn’t be living that way any longer either.
He’d finally gotten to feel that high of happiness and Namjoon would lay money that it was only a
matter of time before he experienced the low of sadness too.

His mind still filled with Jungkook’s soft touches and Namjoon firm words of reproach, Yoongi
finished the day in a fog. He was continuously alternating between happy and worried. Namjoon
was right, of course, he had to tell Hoseok. Had to come clean and end things. He’d known that.
Even if Jungkook didn’t want to date Yoongi, he had to say something to Hoseok. Maybe once he
was single, Jungkook would consider dating him. At the very least they could sleep together
without the risk of Hoseok finding out.

Yoongi considered calling Jungkook and asking him about his opinion on telling Hoseok. He
deserved to have input since they literally worked together, but Yoongi chickened out at the last
minute. He’d just gotten Jungkook, just agreed to a date and was finally within reach of getting
what he’d worked so hard to realize he wanted. He didn’t want to risk that. What if Jungkook said
he didn’t want Yoongi to break up with Hoseok? What if he said he didn’t want to date Yoongi?

No, Yoongi decided as he stepped off the elevator and headed towards his apartment, he would
handle this himself. For once, he was going to figure his own shit out and make a choice then go to
Jungkook with the solution. This entire time, Jungkook had been there, walking him through each
step. It was lovely and Yoongi really appreciated it, but this was his mess and he had to work it out

If the lingering fear that Jungkook wouldn’t want him when he was single, that Jungkook just got a
thrill out of cheating, influenced that choice, no one had to know.

His choice now firm in his mind, Yoongi entered his apartment with a sigh, practically shedding
his back, jacket, and shoes in an effort to get comfortable. He was so intent on this thought, that he
missed the smell of food being cooked and the sound of someone singing in the kitchen. It wasn’t
until he headed in that direction to make dinner for himself that he clued in.

“Ju— hello?” Yoongi called out, wondering who could be in his apartment. Jungkook hadn’t
mentioned anything about coming by after work.

“Hyung! You’re home!” Hoseok greeted, appearing just around the corner with a bright smile. “I
was going to surprise you, but you’re early.”

“Surprise me?” Yoongi repeated, confused.

Hoseok nodded, completely missing Yoongi’s awkward demeanour. “Yes. With dinner.”

“But Wednesdays are your long days,” Yoongi pointed out.

“Not anymore. I told you my schedule changed with the new classes, remember?” Hoseok
reminded him.

Yoongi blinked, remembering Hoseok telling him that at dinner. Yoongi knew Jungkook’s entire
schedule, but he couldn’t even remember that Hoseok’s had changed. Namjoon was right. You are
a piece of shit. “Right. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Are you hungry?” Hoseok asked, his smile never wavering.

“Yea,” Yoongi told him. “I just need to check something on my computer then we can eat?”

“Perfect!” Hoseok agreed, once again disappearing into the kitchen.

Watching him go, Yoongi felt like a monster. Here Hoseok was, clearly trying to put more effort
into their relationship, and Yoongi was going to break up with him and tell him that he’d been
cheating on him. Namjoon had told him that Hoseok didn’t deserve it and Yoongi had agreed, but
now it was like a slap in the face. Hoseok was good. He was trying to be a good boyfriend and
Yoongi was just… not.

With a sigh filled with self-reproach, Yoongi opened his laptop and hit the power button. He stared
blankly at the screen for a moment, then frowned when it didn’t flicker on. Pressing the button
again, Yoongi watched as a blue screen appeared briefly before his computer shut down again. For
a moment, Yoongi just stared in horror. All his writing was on there. His book. It was all on there.
He didn’t do it on purpose, but he let out a pitiful sound, a near desperate cry as he realized he
might have lost everything. It was so loud that Hoseok ran out, panic on his face.

“Hyung? What’s wrong?” Hoseok asked, running to his side.

“My laptop… it’s dead. It won’t turn on. I lost— I lost everything,” Yoongi tried to explain, his
eyes still fixed on the laptop.

“Oh no!” Hoseok gasped out, leaning forward and hitting the power button in a vain attempt to fix
the issue. The blue screen appeared again before it once again faded to black. “Did you lose
something important?”

“My story,” Yoongi whispered.

“Oh thank god,” Hoseok sighed, standing up. “I thought it was work stuff!”

Yoongi blinked. Thank god? Thank god? “What do you mean?”

“Like I thought it was important,” Hoseok explained, only to freeze, horror overtaking his face as
he realized what he’d just said, what he’d just implied. “Oh, god, hyung, not that your story isn’t
important! I just meant— like important documents you can’t recreate or that have private
information on it!”

“Uh-huh,” Yoongi said vaguely, his mind drifting back to Jungkook pleaded to read his story. To
the look on his face as he was finally allowed. To the ecstatic praise and demand to know how the
story would end. He’d never shown anyone his writing before and Jungkook had cherished the
opportunity. He’d been supportive and lovely and now… that wasn’t important. His writing wasn’t
important. Yoongi laughed, the sound odd, even to his own ears. “Yea, no, it’s not important. Not
like I’m going to do anything with it, right?”

“Hyung, that’s not what I meant!” Hoseok insisted, the horror now replaced with a look of pure
sadness and pleading. “I know you work really hard on that story, hyung. I know you do! I swear I
didn’t mean it that way.”

“It’s okay, Seok,” Yoongi placated. “I get it.”

“Hyung, I promise I—”

“Is dinner going to burn? I hope I didn’t ruin something,” Yoongi interrupted, his tone soft and

Hoseok bit his lip, his eyes scanning Yoongi’s expression quickly. He looked fine. His face was
impassive but soft. There was no lingering sadness or surprise from when Hoseok had first come
in. Hoseok knew he’d made a mistake. He didn’t really get Yoongi’s writing. He knew it meant a
lot to him, of course, had often found him buried in a writing mode, dead to the world, and he had
no problem supporting him through that. Even if Hoseok never got to see what he was so diligently
writing. But he shouldn’t have said that. Shouldn’t have implied Yoongi’s writing didn’t matter.
He really hadn’t meant it that way but it’d just slipped out and now he couldn’t take it back.

But maybe he could make it up to him.

“No, dinner is ready now so no harm was done! Maybe this weekend we can go out and get a new
laptop. One that you can set up so it has an online back-up,” Hoseok suggested, hoping to mitigate
some of the damage he’d done.
Yoongi smiled. “Thanks, Seok, but I have plans with Jungkookie this weekend.”

“Oh?” Hoseok asked, curious. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t know,” Yoongi admitted, tilting his head. “He just asked if I was free on Saturday.”

“I wonder what our little Jungkookie has planned,” Hoseok teased. “It’s like a date!”

Yoongi flinched, his previous decision to tell Hoseok the truth coming back full force. It was like
Hoseok was so close to getting it but he never quite made the connection. It’d be funny if it wasn’t
so sad. Licking his lips, Yoongi sighed. “Hoseok, I need to—”

“Let’s go eat, hyung! It’ll get cold!” Hoseok interrupted, worried Yoongi was going to say
something about how he’d dismissed his writing by accident. He didn’t want to talk about that
mistake again, not when he was trying so hard to move their relationship forward, so he grabbed
his arm and dragged Yoongi towards the kitchen.

Letting himself be pulled, Yoongi stared at the side of Hoseok’s face, taking in the heart-shaped
smile and bright, soft eyes, and felt his shoulders sag. He’d tell him. He would. Just… not tonight.

To say that Jungkook had never planned a date wouldn’t be an inaccurate statement. He’d taken
people out on dates, sure, but he hadn’t, like, planned one. Usually, he did the dinner and movie
thing. Classic. Or maybe the beach, if the weather had been nice. Why grow up in Busan and not
take people to the beach? The thing was, he’d just never put that much thought into them. The
dates hadn’t been tailored to the person’s interests. Most of the time, Jungkook honestly couldn’t
think of a single time it was untrue, he didn’t know the person well enough at first to put that much
effort into a date.

But he knew Yoongi and that meant he was going to make sure this date was perfect. He was a
little nervous, actually. He’d made a couple conclusions based on things he’d seen Yoongi doing
and heard him say so he wasn’t positive his plan would work, but he was pretty confident.
Nervous, but confident.
So, pulling on that confident mask Busan Jungkook would be proud of, Jungkook knocked on
Yoongi’s door and waited for him to answer. It took a few minutes, then Yoongi opened the door
and smiled at him. Jungkook breathed out, the final round of nerves falling away as he took in
Yoongi’s comfy sweater and beanie. He’d told Yoongi to dress comfortably, so he had and that
made Jungkook happy. He loved Yoongi in the tight club clothes that set fire to Jungkook’s veins,
but he loved this just as much. Soft, relaxed Yoongi was just as good and Jungkook couldn’t wait
to spend the day with him,

“Hi, baby,” Jungkook greeted, stepping forward so he could greet Yoongi with a gentle kiss.

“Hi, Kookie,” Yoongi whispered back, his lips smiling where they were pressed against

“Are you excited?”

Yoongi nodded briefly. “I am. I can’t wait to see what you have planned.”

“Hmm,” Jungkook replied, his lips moving with a little more purpose, too much considering they
had to leave soon and Jungkook couldn’t strip Yoongi of his cute sweater like he found himself
wanting to. “I hope you like it.”

With a shuddering breath, Yoongi took a step back. “We should go.”

“You’re right,” Jungkook agreed even as he chased Yoongi’s lips. “We have to be there by three.”

Giggling, Yoongi dodged Jungkook and ducked under his arm so he could leave his apartment.
“Then let’s go.”

“Fine,” Jungkook agreed, pouting, “but I want double the kisses when we get back.”

Yoongi raised a brow, his eyes sparkling. “I promise.”

Jumping forward, Jungkook wrapped himself around Yoongi’s back and nuzzled his neck. “Fine,
deal. Let’s go.”
“You’ll have to—” Yoongi began to say, about to tell Jungkook he’d have to let go of him first,
only to have Jungkook step back and grab his hand so he could practically drag Yoongi toward the
elevator and eventually to his car. Honestly, all the attention made Yoongi feel giddy, like he was a
kid on his first date. That feeling didn’t dissipate the entire drive. He just kept his hand intertwined
with Jungkook’s where it rested on his thigh and a smile on his lips. They hadn’t even done
anything and already Yoongi was convinced this would be the best day.

“So, this should be it,” Jungkook said after over a half-hour of driving, his attention on the generic-
looking building in front of them.

“Should be?” Yoongi repeated. “You haven’t been here before?”

“No,” Jungkook admitted, “but I’ve heard good things. A few of the guys in my class came here
last weekend and they really enjoyed it.”

“Where, exactly, is here?” Yoongi asked.

“It’s a brewery,” Jungkook explained, turning towards Yoongi with a nervous smile on his lips.

“A brewery?” Yoongi once again repeated, somewhat confused.

Jungkook nodded. “Yea, they run classes on the weekend to learn how to make your own beer.
You choose types and they help you make it and when it’s ready they’ll send it to you.”

Yoongi blinked in surprise. The thought of learning how to make beer actually excited him. It
seemed like such a cool idea and he was about to tell Jungkook that when the younger man rushed
on to explain why he’d chosen this as their first date. “You like building things, right? You said
that when you helped me build all the furniture in my place. And I know you like learning things,
you’re always looking up random facts or telling me random things. And, um, when we went for
dinner that time you tried that new in-house beer, remember? So, I thought this would be a cool
combination of all those things! Then we’d have something we made together too!”

Even more shocked than before, Yoongi’s mouth dropped open. Jungkook paid attention to
everything. Every small detail, every interaction. More than ever before, Yoongi was struck by the
reality that he didn’t deserve someone as good as Jungkook. He wanted him, but he didn’t deserve
Misinterpreting Yoongi’s silence, Jungkook winced. “Um, but we can do something else…”

“No! No, Kookie, this— this is amazing. I’m excited, honestly,” Yoongi assured him quickly. “I
was just so surprised you remembered all those things.”

Jungkook frowned. “Why wouldn’t I? They’re… like basic facts, hyung.”

Smiling somewhat sadly, Yoongi leaned forward and kissed Jungkook chastely. “And yet you’re
the first person to do it.”

“That makes me sad, hyung,” Jungkook whispered against Yoongi’s lips. “I want to do things for
you and with you, but it makes me sad that no one else has.”

“That just makes you unique,” Yoongi replied, trying to lighten the mood.

But it didn’t work, Jungkook continued to look at him sadly. “This is the one area where I’d rather
not be unique, hyung.”

Yoongi smiled, endeared by Jungkook’s softness and compassion. He really was a good person.
“It’s okay because you’ll show me what I’ve been missing, right? Show me what I should be doing
for you?”

Jungkook nodded slowly. “Okay.”


“Yea, okay,” Jungkook agreed, still a little sad. How could Yoongi have been dating Hoseok for
like a year and he’d never done something like this for Yoongi. He’d just assumed the date Hoseok
had taken Yoongi on was of a similar type, something Yoongi would enjoy doing, but it seemed
that wasn’t the case. Jungkook should have known, Yoongi wasn’t the flashy, expensive restaurant
type, but Jungkook had figured that was a part of Yoongi that he didn’t know. A part that Hoseok
had seen during the extent of their relationship. Now he was wondering if Hoseok knew Yoongi at
“Let’s go?” Yoongi suggested, smiling at Jungkook, his face still within inches.

“Yea,” Jungkook agreed, kissing him loudly one last time before leaving the car behind. Once they
rounded the hood, he grabbed Yoongi’s hand and interlaced their fingers. Yoongi blushed, his eyes
a little wide, but Jungkook was sure it was okay. He’d made sure the place was queer-friendly
before deciding to take Yoongi here. Homophobia was not his idea of an ideal date.

And an ideal date it was if Jungkook did say so himself. He didn’t retain a single thing but that was
okay because he was 90% sure Yoongi could teach him the entire process from start to finish. He
was so attentive the entire time, his eyes round and earnest, his lips pouted as he nodded along and
took notes. Every so often he’d ask a question, making the instructor devolve into a tangential part
of the lesson that no one really needed to know for the basic process but Yoongi wanted to know
because why not? It was utterly endearing and if Jungkook hadn’t been mostly sure he was in love
with Yoongi, this would have confirmed it. He could sit there and watched Yoongi learn for the
rest of his life and he wouldn’t complain. He was a complete goner.


Game over.

R.I.P Jeon Jungkook, he shall be missed.

By the time they got to the actual brewing part, Yoongi was glowing and smiling at Jungkook like
he hung the moon and the stars and made the whole fucking planet rotate. It made Jungkook swell
with pride. He’d been the one to make Yoongi look like that. Not Hoseok. Jungkook. Him.

It only got better when that pride made him work a little more aggressively, his stirring becoming
quick and forceful while Yoongi’s was slow and gentle. He’d have been embarrassed if Yoongi
hadn’t giggled and asked him to help, a sly smirk on his lips.

“Help?” Jungkook asked, somewhat confused.

“Yea, help me stir,” Yoongi told him, his eyes flicking to the instructor who was focused on
another group who’d been less attentive than Yoongi and were struggling a bit. “You’re stronger
than me.”
Jungkook blinked then smiled. “Okay, baby.”

Yoongi’s cheeks tinted in response but he didn’t comment, just waved Jungkook over. Doing as he
was told, Jungkook slid up behind Yoongi and grabbed his hand, slowly stirring the boiling liquid
while his eyes remained on Yoongi’s face.

“I can stir like that!”

“Right,” Jungkook agreed, picking up speed, still never looking away from Yoongi’s face. Neither
were really paying attention to the actual process now nor was Jungkook concerned that his own
batch was definitely going to burn and be ruined. He didn’t care, all he could see were Yoongi’s
pink, bunched-up cheeks, and large gummy smile while he looked up at Jungkook. It was perfect
and he didn’t want to miss a moment of it.

“Um, Jungkook-ssi? Your pot is burning,” the instructor interrupted, a somewhat tired expression
on his face.

“Oh? Is it?” Jungkook asked, his eyes finally moving away from Yoongi to the instructor.

“Yes, it’s quite important to keep stirring constantly,” the instructor told him, earning a slight
giggle from Yoongi.

“This is your fault,” Jungkook reminded him, nudging him with his hip.

“We can share mine,” Yoongi replied easily. “It’ll be our beer.”

Jungkook’s expression softened. “Yea?”

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, nodding earnestly.

The instructor sighed again and turned off Jungkook’s burner. This was not the first time a couple
had done something similar, so he wasn’t surprised, but that didn’t mean the waste of perfectly
good products didn’t irritate him every time. “Please keep stirring everyone, we’ll soon move onto
the next step.”

Giggling again, Yoongi ducked his head into Jungkook’s chest. “We got scolded.”

“Do you think we’ll get detention?” Jungkook teased, even as he made sure to keep stirring, his
hand still over Yoongi’s on the spoon.

Yoongi laughed. “Another first for me.”

“You never got detention?”

“Nope,” Yoongi confirmed, shaking his head. “I never did bad things.”

“Hmm,” Jungkook replied. “I wonder what happened. I can think of a few bad things you do now.”

Yoongi raised a brow and leaned back so he could see Jungkook’s face. “Oh?”

“I think getting blown in your office is pretty bad,” Jungkook decided.

“That was your idea!” Yoongi hissed, his face flaming.

Jungkook nodded. “True. What about distracting me during dinner so I had no choice but to eat
you instead?”

If it was possible, Yoongi’s face got redder but he smirked. “I did do that.”

“Ah, my devious little hyung,” Jungkook quipped, his smile softer than the conversation or tone
would imply. “What will I do to you?”

“To?” Yoongi asked, raising a brow. “Wouldn’t it be ‘with’?”

Jungkook didn’t respond, he merely smirked and returned his attention to the pot of boiling liquid
he was sure the instructor named for him but he couldn’t remember. He felt Yoongi move against
him, clearly a bit frustrated by Jungkook’s lack of response, and his smirk widened.

This was the best date ever.

If Yoongi had been asked to describe his perfect day, it wouldn’t have included a brewery. He
didn’t even think going to one would occur to him. But now, he knew that was wrong. Though it
had been a date, the day hadn’t had that stiff, date feel. They’d joked around and listened to the
instructors, talked to the other groups in the class, and even went out for a beer with a lesbian
couple, who’d also found, like Jungkook, that the brewery was accepting of anyone, regardless of
orientation. He supposed it was odd to end up on a pseudo-double date during their first-ever real
date, but it just worked. Yoongi had never enjoyed himself more. In fact, he was still practically
vibrating as they drove him, his mind lingering on Jungkook’s suggestion to name their beer
yoonkook. Like a real couple name.

He’d just had fun. Real, genuine fun. He’s learned some new things, made a few new friends, and
got to flirt openly with Jungkook. What more could he ask for?

Yoongi was so happy that the second they stepped into Jungkook’s apartment, he jumped him,
pushing Jungkook against the door and crushing their lips together. Jungkook groaned in surprise,
his hands immediately grabbing Yoongi and pulling him closer so they were practically glued

“Jungkook— I— let hyung take care of you?” Yoongi gasped out the second he pulled his mouth
free. “I want— let me thank you for today.”

Though he shuddered at the idea of Yoongi fucking him, Jungkook shooked his head. “You don’t
need to thank me, baby. Taking you out on a date like that isn’t something that deserves praise.
That’s normal.”

“Not to me,” Yoongi insisted before kissing Jungkook again, like he couldn’t keep his mouth away
for too long.

“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook groaned. He wasn’t used to Yoongi being this… aggressive. It was like
something had set him on fire and only Jungkook could put it out. He liked it. He liked it a lot. “I
want to give you what you want, but I don’t need thanks, okay?”

Yoongi hummed then nodded. “How about instead I showed you how much I liked it?”

Hastily stepping forward, Jungkook backed Yoongi towards his bedroom blindly. “Yea, that works
for me.”

“Fuck yes,” Yoongi celebrated briefly, his hands digging into Jungkook’s neck and shoulder as he
moved backwards. He bumped into a few things, the wall, a table, but eventually they managed to
make it to Jungkook’s bed and Yoongi fell back onto it easily, dragging Jungkook down on top of
him. Barely pausing, Jungkook sat back and tore off his shirt then forced Yoongi’s arms up so he
could take off his sweater as well, just like he’d wanted to before the date even started. Jungkook
eyed him for a second, honestly unsure where to start, before he dove forward and latched his lips
onto Yoongi’s nipple, drawing a startled moan from the smaller man. “J-jungkook.”

“God, you’re so pretty. Always so pretty. Can’t get enough,” Jungkook mumbled against his skin.
He wanted to leave marks. Wanted to leave trails of red and purple for the world to see. Make sure
everyone knew Yoongi was his.

“Y-yea? M-make me yours?” Yoongi replied, making Jungkook realize he’d been speaking aloud
and not just in his head. “I am. I am yours.”

Jungkook growled, a wave of possessiveness he didn’t even know he was capable of washing over
him. Maybe it was because Jungkook knew Yoongi wasn’t his, not really, that made him feel like
that. Maybe it was because he wanted to be with Yoongi for the rest of his life. He didn’t know. All
he knew was Yoongi saying I am yours went straight to his dick and he was mildly concerned he’d
come before Yoongi ever got the chance to fuck him properly. “You’re mine and I’m yours.”

“Y-yea?” Yoongi asked, arching against Jungkook purposefully, loving the feeling of his hard body
pinning him down.

“Yea, baby,” Jungkook confirmed, moving back up so they could kiss again, so he could swallow
every moan tumbling from Yoongi’s lips as they continued to grind against each other.

With a final swivel of his hips, Yoongi pulled himself away. “Can I get you ready?”
His breath whooshing out, Jungkook nodded and rolled off Yoongi, spinning himself so he was
laying on the bed properly. Yoongi followed him, crawling over his legs so he could kneel between
them. For a moment, he just stared down at Jungkook, his hair splayed out on the pillow, too long
now but so attractive, his always wide eyes hooded and laser-focused on Yoongi, and those
muscles Yoongi was so incredibly fond of on full display.

Sighing in contentment, Yoongi leaned down and trailed his lips over Jungkook’s chest, letting his
tongue dip into the divots of his abs before flicking a tongue over his nipple and teasing him to
hardness. He purposefully kept his body elevated so there was no pressure on Jungkook’s cock. He
just licked and kissed before pausing and latching onto the skin above Jungkook’s heart. Flicking
his eyes up, Yoongi began to suck harshly, turning the skin red then purple while Jungkook

Once he was done, Yoongi leaned back and trailed his fingers over the bruise. He could feel
Jungkook's heartbeat just below it and felt satisfaction spread through his limbs. Jungkook grabbed
his hand and flatten it out over his heart and the bruise Yoongi had left there. His mark. Neither
said anything, they just stared at each other silently. Like they were having a conversation without
words. At least Yoongi hoped Jungkook was saying the same thing. He didn’t know if he could
handle finding out he wasn’t.

Bringing Jungkook’s hand to his mouth, Yoongi kissed the back of his hand before sliding down
and turning his attention to Jungkook’s dick. Nipping at the skin just above Jungkook’s jeans,
Yoongi quickly undid them and pushed them down and off, leaving Jungkook in just his boxers,
his already hard cock straining at the material and leaving a small wet patch at the tip.

“Hyung is going to make you feel so good,” Yoongi promised, smirking at the loud moan
Jungkook let out at that. So the hyung-kink really was a thing. Yoongi made a mental note to use
that as much as possible, wanting Jungkook to feel as good as Yoongi did when Jungkook called
him baby. So, licking his lips, Yoongi leaned down again and began sucking at Jungkook’s clothed
cock, making him twitch and moan in frustration.

“Baby, don’t tease,” Jungkook groaned out, the order coming off more as a plea.

Yoongi took pity on him anyway, finally removing his boxers and putting his mouth on him for
real. Groaning at the taste of Jungkook’s precome, Yoongi swirled his tongue over the slit before
pulling off with a pop. “Lube? Condom?”

Jungkook blinked down at him, then shook his head as if to clear it and reached into his bedside
table. Hastily pulling out a much-used bottle and a condom, he tossed them to Yoongi and leaned
back with a sigh. Smiling up at him, Yoongi poured out some lube and rubbed his fingers together
to warm it up. Only when he was sure it wouldn’t be cold did he lean down and reattach his mouth
the Jungkook’s cock, his fingers now prodding Jungkook’s hole gently. Unlike Yoongi, who
bottomed regularly, Jungkook didn’t. Not that he never did, he just liked to top. They’d talked
about it before and Jungkook had said he wanted Yoongi to fuck him, but they’d never done it.
Yoongi figured now was a perfect time, but he was going to take his time with Jungkook. Make
sure every moment felt good.

So, as he slid one finger in, Yoongi sucked Jungkook deeper, applying more pressure to distract
from the burn he knew Jungkook must be feeling. It worked, as Jungkook simply moaned louder,
his hips kicking up before falling down onto Yoongi’s finger.

He continued like that, working him open slowly with one finger, then two, before moving to three,
always making sure to be gentle. It took so long that Jungkook was mostly sure he was delirious.
Yoongi was so soft, so attentive, and it was all so much Jungkook was teetering on the edge, had
been for what felt like hours. He just wanted Yoongi to fuck him. Wanted to feel him deep.

“Baby, please,” Jungkook pleaded. “I’m ready, you opened me up so good.”

Yoongi looked up, scanning Jungkook’s face, then nodded and slid his fingers out and left
Jungkook’s cock with one last lick. “Okay.”

Acting quickly, Yoongi shed his own pants and boxers so he could slide on a condom. When he
added some more lube, he moaned, his neglected cock jumping at the feeling of finally being
touched. He didn’t know if he could make this last as long as he wanted, but he promised himself
he’d made Jungkook come first.

Crawling up Jungkook’s body, Yoongi smiled. “Hi.”

Jungkook snorted. “Hi, baby.”

“Tell me if it hurts, okay?” Yoongi reminded him.

“I will,” Jungkook agreed, a happy flush tinting his cheeks at Yoongi’s attention.

Taking one last moment to scan his face, Yoongi nodded again and leaned back to lift Jungkook’s
leg so he could push in slowly. His eyes never left Jungkook’s face, watching for any sign of
discomfort until the moment he bottomed out and Jungkook sighed, relaxing completely around

“Been a while,” Jungkook murmured, wiggling a bit on Yoongi’s cock, causing the older man to
groan and dig his fingers into his ass to stop the movement.

“You’re so fucking tight,” Yoongi told him, his eyes squeezed shut.

“Yea? Well, move then,” Jungkook ordered. “Make me come, baby.”

“Fuck,” Yoongi moaned, his eyes snapping open. “Hyung’ll do it.”

Jungkook laughed a bit, loving Yoongi's insistence to fulfill his very recent hyung-kink
development. And honestly, it was working, it made everything heighten just a bit more, made him
a little louder, a bit needier. He loved it. Even more so when Yoongi snapped his hips forward,
starting a steady rhythm that made Jungkook arch of the bed. It was slower than the pace Jungkook
fucked Yoongi at, but Jungkook realized that was what he wanted. It felt better than his experience
with hard and fast when bottoming had and it made him cry out, his fingers tangling in the sheets.

This must be what hyung feels like when I do what he wants without asking, Jungkook realized
hazily. Yoongi always looked so surprised when Jungkook read his body language and fucked him
appropriately and suddenly Jungkook was on the receiving end to that. It was like a drug. A high he
never wanted to come down from.

“Y-yes, baby, j-just like that,” Jungkook managed to get out, his thoughts scattering with every
well-placed thrust into his prostate.

Yoongi hummed, his nose nuzzling at Jungkook’s neck and ear. “Y-yea?”

Jungkook nodded. “Y-yes, hyung is good. So good.”

His movements stuttering a bit, Yoongi blinked at Jungkook in surprise. He didn’t particularly like
being called hyung in bed, that’s all Hoseok ever called him and it did absolutely nothing for him
sexually. But right now, when Jungkook said it, 'hyung' had a totally different effect. it told him
that Jungkook was slipping. He’d called him baby a second before only to switch to hyung almost
immediately. That was a good sign. To Yoongi at least.
Smirking, Yoongi picked up his pace, pushing Jungkook’s right leg closer to his chest so he could
target Jungkook’s prostate directly. The change was almost immediate, Jungkook got louder, his
cries more like sobs ending in some sort of garbled plea.

“Are you going to come for hyung?” Yoongi whispered into Jungkook’s ear, his smile widening
with Jungkook just nodded, his bottom lip caught between his teeth and his brows furrowed.

Never halting his movements, Yoongi reached down and encircled Jungkook’s cock, jerking him
in tandem with the thrust of his hips. It didn’t take long after that, Jungkook’s whole body tensed
and shuddered, Yoongi’s name, no honorifics, no baby, just Yoongi falling from Jungkook’s lips as
he came, his come coating them both as Yoongi fucked him through it, only stopping when his
own orgasm slammed into him with little warning, like he’d just been holding back until Jungkook

With a final groan, Yoongi collapsed on top of Jungkook, his much smaller body settling easily
into Jungkook’s chest, and began pressing quick kisses to wherever he could reach. The action
made Jungkook giggle, suddenly ticklish, before he pulled Yoongi’s face closer and slotted their
lips together. Yoongi sighed into the kiss, his tongue tracing the bite marks of Jungkook’s bottom
lip before dipping inside and tangling with Jungkook’s. They continued to kiss like that, slow and
easy, until Yoongi’s cock slipped out of Jungkook’s hole and they both pulled away with a hiss.

“I’m going to go get something to clean you up,” Yoongi told him, pulling away with a quick,
chaste kiss.

“Uh-huh,” Jungkook agreed, letting him go even as he watched Yoongi dart from the room,
completely naked. He was still thinking about Yoongi’s ass, he was a simple man, when Yoongi
returned, now clean and wearing a shirt and boxers Jungkook vaguely remembered putting in the
wash. “Are those yours?”

“Yea,” Yoongi confirmed. “They were in the dryer.”

Jungkook nodded, not really realizing the implication of that statement. Neither did Yoongi, both
too caught up in post-orgasm bliss for the fact that Yoongi had clothes at Jungkook’s apartment to
click. That was for another time. For right now, Yoongi wiped Jungkook down gently, making sure
to be extra careful around his dick and hole, before disappearing into Jungkook’s closet and
returning with some sweats.
Taking them gratefully, Jungkook changed, then grabbed Yoongi’s waist and pulled him into bed,
laughing at Yoongi’s surprised squeak. Manhandling him a bit, Jungkook pressed Yoongi’s back to
his chest then wrapped himself around him, his face buried in Yoongi’s hair. When he felt
Yoongi’s body settle, the feeling of all the tension fleeing Yoongi as he relaxed into him, Jungkook
knew he’d never be able to regret this. It was fucked up and terrible, but every moment with
Yoongi, happy and cuddling him, was a miracle.

Or maybe he was just sappy. Either way, he wasn’t letting Yoongi go.

Except when Yoongi began to grumble. “I need to get my phone.”

“Too far.”

Yoongi laughed. “It’s on the ground, just let me lean over.”

“Fine,” Jungkook relented, his pout out in full force.

Turning around, Yoongi kissed the pout away before hanging off the edge of the bed and grabbing
his phone from his pants pocket. There was a message from Namjoon about getting drinks, which
Yoongi replied to immediately, intent on pursuing the friendship he’d let flounder. Jungkook saw it
and smiled.

“Making friends?” Jungkook teased, kissing his ear.

“Trying to,” Yoongi admitted, not at all phased. He’d told Jungkook about how Namjoon had
thought they weren’t friends, so he knew Jungkook was being supportive. The next message was
from Taehyung and Yoongi immediately brightened. “Tae’s back in town!”

“Oh?” Jungkook asked, pulling back. “He’s been gone for like two months!”

“I know,” Yoongi sighed. “I missed him but that’s just the way his job is.”

Jungkook tilted his head. “What is it by the way? I heard it’s complicated?”’
Yoongi blinked and frowned. “Complicated? How is it complicated?”

“Um, hyung told me it was?” Jungkook explained, not wanting to say Hoseok’s name while he had
Yoongi in his arms.

Blinking again, this time even slower in clear confusion, Yoongi shook his head. “He’s an art

“What?” Jungkook asked.

“He’s an art director,” Yoongi repeated. “He travels with exhibits of his clients and makes sure
they are displayed appropriately.”

“An art director,” Jungkook repeated too, not understanding how Hoseok had not known that.

Yoongi nodded. “I don’t think it’s complicated. Unusual maybe, but not complicated.”

“No,” Jungkook agreed, not saying anything further. He was doing his best not to insert his
feelings into Yoongi and Hoseok’s relationship but it was getting harder and harder. The more he
learned the more he disliked. It didn’t really make sense to him. He didn't get how someone as nice
and attentive as Hoseok could be such a fucking disaster in his relationship with Yoongi but it just
seemed to be that way. Maybe Yoongi was unreliable, that was possible, but not knowing
Taehyung’s job had not involved Yoongi at all. That was something Hoseok had told Jungkook

“I can’t wait to see him,” Yoongi murmured, replying to Taehyung so they could set up a time to
go out for drinks or hang out. He had to go shopping for a new laptop tomorrow, so it’d have to be
next weekend, but Yoongi figured that would be okay. Which reminded him. “Um, wanna go
laptop shopping with me tomorrow?”

Any other time and Jungkook would have squealed at the fact that Yoongi was not only inviting
him out but indirectly confirming he was going to stay the night. But Yoongi’s face was serious, if
a little sad, and that concerned Jungkook. “Why? What’s wrong with yours?”
“It crashed,” Yoongi admitted, biting his bottom lip. “It’s— um, they’re trying to recover the hard
drive but I’ll need a replacement so— um, yea.”

Jungkook sat up immediately. “Your laptop broke? What about your story?”

Yoongi looked up in surprise before shaking his head. “I don’t know. They’re trying but— they
don’t know yet.”

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook whispered, gathering Yoongi close and offering a squeeze of

“It’s okay,” Yoongi assured him, even as he felt his chest tighten, thinking about what he might
have lost again.

Jungkook shook his head. “It’s not. I know it’s not. Your story was so good, baby. I hope they can
recover it.”

Yoongi let out a stuttered sigh. “T-thank you.”

“No thanks needed. We’ll go out tomorrow and find the best laptop and I’ll teach you how to use
cloud storage, leave the stone age behind, I promise it’ll be okay.”

Giggling now, Yoongi nodded even as he felt tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. Jungkook was
so good. Yoongi didn’t know how he’d ever do enough to deserve him but he wanted to. He
wanted it so bad. “Okay, Kookie. I’ll let you try.”

“I don’t try, I only succeed,” Jungkook replied confidently.

“Sure, you do,” Yoongi agreed.

Hauling Yoongi up and rolling them until he was pinned underneath Jungkook’s weight and
laughing loudly, Jungkook smiled down at him. “I got you, didn’t I?”
Suddenly sobering, Yoongi smiled gently. “Yea. Yea, you did.”

Chapter End Notes


Also, Namjoon out here telling Yoongi what we're all thinking.

And yes, I have used both Winter Packages in my ongoing fics and no, I don't have any
Chapter 16
Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

In perhaps the most jarring sense of deja vu, Yoongi found himself huddled in bed while Hoseok
shook him and pleaded for Yoongi to come to the club with him. And just like before, Yoongi
didn’t want to go to the club. What he wanted was to curl up in his bed and sleep for the entire
night and most of the next day. The entire week had been one train wreck after another and he was

“Hoseok, I don’t want to go,” Yoongi protested, burrowing further.

“Come on, everyone is going!” Hoseok insisted, shaking him again.

“Good, you can hang out with them!” Yoongi replied, not at all swayed.

Hoseok huffed and dropped down on the bed, crossing his arms as he looked down at his feet. He
wanted to say this was about spending time with Yoongi, that it was all a part of trying to move
their relationship forward, but it wasn’t. The real reason was that Jimin had been talking more
seriously about moving to the States and Hoseok was suddenly realizing that their chance to spend
time together as a group was growing short. “Hyung, please.”

“Hoseok, I had a really shitty week,” Yoongi admitted. “They can’t recover much from my hard
drive, I had to drop way too much money on a new laptop, work was just… terrible, and I’m tired.”

Biting his lip, Hoseok nodded. “I get that, but Jimin…”

Yoongi blinked, his eyes appearing from underneath the blanket. “What about Jimin?”

“I think… I think he’s going to go. For real.”

“Oh,” Yoongi murmured, sitting up. “I’m sorry, Seok.”

Hoseok shrugged it off. “I still think it’s a good opportunity and all and I want to see him succeed
but I just— if he goes, he’ll be leaving soon and I just want to spend time with him. All of us. It’s
been so long since we did that. Not since your movie night, remember? Like two months ago!”

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, remembering it well. Back before things had gotten really complicated.
Back before Yoongi spent every day being a cowardly piece of shit. “That was a long time ago.”

“You don’t have to stay long,” Hoseok pushed, “but Jimin wanted to go out and I told him we’d all

Rubbing his forehead, Yoongi sighed. “Aright, Seok.”

“Really?” Hoseok asked, spinning around and grabbing Yoongi’s shoulders. “You’ll come?”

“Yea. I should see Jimin before he goes,” Yoongi admitted, realizing then just how much harder
Hoseok was going to take all this if Jimin was leaving too. He’d have no one then. It wasn’t like
Hoseok would continue to hang out with Yoongi and Jungkook. Yoongi would never expect him
to. He was very much aware his choices were going to lose him both Hoseok and Jimin. He just
never considered that Hoseok would lose Jimin too.

“Thanks, hyung,” Hoseok said softly, hugging Yoongi quickly before pulling back. “You don’t
even have to get dressed up! I’m just glad you’re coming.”

Yoongi nodded as Hoseok ran out of the room, his phone already in his hand reporting the news.
He didn't know why, maybe it was the deja vu, but Yoongi had a really bad feeling about tonight.
The last time he’d been dragged to a club like this, he’d met Jungkook. And while that was easily
one of the best things to happen to him, it had also started an avalanche of bad. Yoongi wasn’t sure
why he felt like this would be the conclusion.

That feeling only got worse when, instead of the club, Hoseok drove to Jungkook’s place and
parked his car.

“Why are we at Jungkook’s?” Yoongi asked, following Hoseok through the lobby and towards
Jungkook’s apartment all the while praying someone didn’t recognize him from all the times he’d
stayed over.

Already knocking on Jungkook’s door, Hoseok smiled. “Motivation.”


“Oh my god, hyung, I’m coming,” Jungkook whined as he whipped open the door, a toothbrush in
his hand. “Oh, hi Yoongi-hyung.”

“Hi?” Yoongi said, confusion clear in his voice.

“You’re not the only one who was stubborn about tonight,” Hoseok revealed, following Jungkook
into the apartment.

“Did anyone want to go tonight?” Jungkook asked, his tone dry.

“Jimin did,” Hoseok said firmly, like that answered everything. Which Yoongi supposed it did.
Jimin was leaving and Hoseok seemed to be clinging to any form of normalcy he could.

“No Taehyung?” Yoongi wondered. He had plans with Taehyung the next day, they were getting
dinner, so Taehyung could, in theory, come to the club tonight, but even as he thought that Hoseok
was shaking his head.

“No, he has to do some sort of presentation?” Hoseok explained, trailing off uncertainty. Yoongi
hadn’t known for sure that Jungkook’s misunderstanding about Taehyung’s job had come from
Hoseok, but looking at the confusion on Hoseok’s face now, he knew it had. Hoseok apparently
didn’t know what Taehyung did for a living and honestly, Yoongi was beyond caring so he just

“Makes sense. He just got back in town last weekend,” Yoongi agreed.

“Be right back,” Jungkook muttered around his toothbrush before disappearing in the direction of
the bathroom.
Left alone, Hoseok started to wander and look around. “It’s so much more of a home now. He’s
added quite a bit since we were last here.”

Yoongi nodded. “Yea, I built him the window seat he wanted but everything else he added

His attention shifting to the window in question, Hoseok moved toward it and dropped down. “Oh,
it’s comfortable.”

“It is,” Yoongi agreed, very much trying not to think about the way Jungkook had eaten him out as
a thank-you while he cried into those very cushions.

“You should do something like this for your place,” Hoseok commented. “That window by the
kitchen would be perfect.”

“I’ve thought about it,” Yoongi admitted, “but I don’t know if I’m going to stay there long enough
to justify building something.”

“Oh? Planning on moving?” Hoseok asked pointedly, a look on his face that Yoongi knew the
meaning of but didn’t want to. Hoseok clearly thought he was talking about when they moved in
together. Yoongi was, just not with Hoseok.

Maybe now was the time. “Hose—”

“Alright, you’ve effectively bullied me into tight pants and a night out,” Jungkook interrupted,
clapping his hands. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

Smiling at Jungkook, Hoseok snorted. “Uh-huh. Can I use your bathroom first?”

“Yea, sure,” Jungkook allowed, waving in the general direction of the bathroom.

“Thanks,” Hoseok said briefly before darting off.

Jungkook waited until he heard the door close then slid up beside Yoongi and nuzzled his neck.
“You look pretty, baby.”

Yoongi giggled despite himself, the sound soft and quiet. “Thanks. You don’t look half bad

“Hmm. I’d much rather be curled up with you watching TV.”

“Me too,” Yoongi admitted with a small sigh. “But it looks like Jimin is leaving soon.”

Not moving away, Jungkook nodded. “I know. That’s why I agreed.”

“Yea,” Yoongi sighed, leaning into Jungkook, who pulled him closer and kissed his hair. That bad
feeling from before lingered, but he didn’t want to bring it up. Instead, he just let himself be held
by Jungkook until the door opened again, at which point they both stepped back and pretended
nothing had happened.

“Jungkookieeeeeee,” Hoseok called, a teasing note in his voice, “have you been hiding something
from us?”

Both men tensed immediately, wondering if Hoseok had somehow seen or heard, somehow figured
it out. “No?”

“Really?” Hoseok countered, rounding the corner. “Then why the two toothbrushes?”

“Two…” Jungkook trailed off, his eyes widening when he realized what Hoseok was talking
about. He’d seen Yoongi’s toothbrush.

Hoseok snickered at Jungkook’s expression. “Do you have a boyfriend, Jungkookie? Are you too
embarrassed to bring him around?”

Jungkook’s eyes darted to Yoongi quickly, unsure how to handle this, but Yoongi looked like he’d
been kicked in the stomach so Jungkook cleared his throat. “Um, yea? It’s a new thing, so I’m not
really introducing him to people.”

“Must be serious though,” Hoseok continued to tease. “Yoongi-hyung doesn't even have a
toothbrush at my place!”

Yoongi made a small sound in his throat. Most people would think it was a shocked laugh but
Jungkook heard the panic there. Jungkook had already noticed Yoongi’s things dotting his
apartment. He hadn’t at first, but after Yoongi had come back to bed in his own clothes because
he’d left some at Jungkook’s previously, he’d started to take notice. Clothes, books, an extra pair
of glasses, even a toothbrush. Half of the things in Jungkook’s apartment that Hoseok had noticed
made it homey were actually Yoongi’s. Jungkook had known that. It seemed Yoongi had not.

“Don’t I?”

“Nope,” Hoseok confirmed. “So Jungkookie must be very serious.”

“I guess I am,” Jungkook whispered, about a half-second from throwing himself out his own
window. How could Hoseok be so oblivious? How could he not know? It was practically painful.

“Will he come tonight?”

“Uh, maybe. I’ll ask,” Jungkook hedged, his eyes once again darting to Yoongi who was staring at
a book on Jungkook’s coffee table like he’d never seen it before. Which, considering it was his,
was unlikely.

“Awe, don’t hide him from us!” Hoseok needled, hip-checking Jungkook goodnaturedly. “Don’t
think I won’t tell Jimin about this too! We will meet the mystery man eventually.”

Jungkook laughed awkwardly. “Maybe.”

“Um, shouldn’t we go?” Yoongi interrupted, his voice level even as his mind screamed. “Jimin is
probably already three shots deep.”
Frowning down at his watch, Hoseok nodded. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

Hanging back, Jungkook waited until Hoseok had left and touched Yoongi’s shoulder. The older
man glanced back and smiled. It was pained but honest, so Jungkook let the matter drop. This was
not the way Jungkook had intended to bring up the fact that Yoongi was leaving his mark all over
his apartment but sometimes things didn’t go as planned.

Yoongi, for his part, was handling it better than he thought. Not great, but better. His first reaction
had been panic, followed quickly by surprise. He’d never even considered leaving things at
Hoseok’s place. Not once. The closest he’d gotten was thinking about asking Hoseok to leave a
toothbrush before he’d met Jungkook. That had never happened, obviously, and now it was even
more clear that it wasn’t that he and Hoseok didn’t work, or that Hoseok didn't put in the effort, it
was that Yoongi didn’t. He was doing all these things, taking all these steps with Jungkook that
he’d never taken with Hoseok and that wasn’t Hoseok’s fault at all. It was Yoongi’s. He’s the one
who fucked up their relationship so much that they’d barely moved forward. Him. Hoseok had
been fine, it was Yoongi who was the problem.

That thought held him captive the entire drive to the club and continued when they took their seat
at a booth Jimin had gotten for them. He was so preoccupied, he never once noticed the worried
glanced Jungkook was throwing him. It wasn’t that he’d decided to choose Hoseok over Jungkook,
or that suddenly the way Jungkook treated him wasn’t amazing, it was just that he was realizing
that if he’d given Hoseok the chance, he’d have done the same. He’d sabotaged his relationship
with Hoseok and he couldn’t help but worry he’d do the same with Jungkook.

Would he stop being attentive and loving one day?

Would Yoongi make him like that?

Yoongi knew he had to snap out of it. Knew he should be paying attention to Hoseok and Jimin but
he was having a hard time focusing. Thankfully, Jungkook had recognized his distress though he
didn’t know why and was on high alert, doing his best to intercept and draw attention to himself. It
was pretty easy, to be honest. He got along with Hoseok and Jimin really well so there was no
awkwardness or lulls in conversation.

But once they’d been there for nearly an hour and Yoongi had done little more than drink and stare
off into space, Jungkook knew he needed to get Hoseok away from Yoongi because he would
notice eventually. He’d been too distracted by Jimin so far, but even Hoseok wasn’t that dense.

So putting on his best pout, Jungkook called out: “Let’s go dance, hyung!”
Smiling briefly, Hoseok shook his head. “Not right now.

“Awe, hyung! Come on, dance with me!” Jungkook whined, throwing himself on the table with an
even larger pout, really milking it.

Hoseok laughed, rubbing his hair vigorously. “I will later. Right now I just want to relax.”

“Who are you, Yoongi-hyung!? Since when are you in a club and not dancing?” Jungkook
demanded, hoping to tease Hoseok into agreement, but it didn’t work.

“Since I’m acting as Jimin’s very gracious wingman,” Hoseok explained, winking at Jungkook as
he titled his head towards Jimin, who was watching someone with an almost predatory gaze.
Jungkook figured that made sense. Hoseok and Jimin had been whispering and scoping people out
since the second they arrived. It also wasn’t the first time Hoseok had filled that role for Jimin so it
wasn't shocking but it was inconvenient.

“I’m trying not to be offended here,” Yoongi commented, speaking for the first time since they’d
sat down with his eyes fixed on his swirling drink.“Absolutely no defence from my supposed

Snorting, Hoseok turned towards Yoongi and rested his head on Yoongi’s shoulder. Hoseok felt
the way he tensed briefly but figured it was from surprise so he ignored it. “Defense for what? You
don’t dance and you do want to relax. You even said so before we came.”

Yoongi frowned, ignoring the way Jungkook’s eyes sharpened the second Hoseok leaned into him,
and muttered. “Not like anyone asked.”

“Oh?” Jungkook asked, smiling. This wasn’t his original plan but it’d work. “Can you dance with
me Yoongi?”

“Ooooop,” Hoseok snickered, his hand covering his mouth as his eyes moved between Jungkook
and Yoongi, “he went and dropped the honorifics, it’s on now.”

Narrowing his eyes Yoongi leaned forward, forcing Hoseok to move. “Is that a challenge?”
“Only if you’re up to it, old man,” Jungkook returned, still smiling.

“Oh my god, just go. I can feel the tension from here,” Hoseok insisted, waving his hands, “go
show him you actually have rhythm, hyung. Make me proud.”

Taking the chance while he had it, Jungkook jumped up and held out his hand to Yoongi, who
looked at it before flicking his eyes up towards Jungkook, the warning clear. Jungkook understood
but right now his goal was to get Yoongi away from Hoseok and have Yoongi talk about what was
bothering him. “Come on, you got permission and everything!”

“Only because you’re a brat,” Yoongi said with a sigh before he grabbed Jungkook’s hand and let
the younger man pull him deep into the dance floor. He glanced back once, only to see Hoseok
wink at him before returning his attention to Jimin. A few seconds later their table disappeared
from view and Yoongi was pulled into Jungkook’s arms. He stiffened and turned so he could see
over his shoulder. “Kook, be careful. What if he sees?”

“He can’t,” Jungkook promised, his hands sliding down Yoongi’s waist and settling on his hips, “I
made sure before I touched you.”

Yoongi sighed, closing his eyes as a million emotions battered him. Guilt. Shame. Disgust. Desire.
Thrill. Hunger. He hated how quickly he shifted to those emotions when he’d been so upset just a
few minutes prior. “Okay.”

“Want to tell me what’s wrong?” Jungkook asked, his words as gentle as his hands.

“Nothing, it—” Yoongi broke off. He didn’t lie to Jungkook. He didn't. “I just— I didn’t realize I
was leaving stuff at your house. I don’t do that. I never did it with Hoseok. Not once. I never even
forgot a shirt but I just left so much stuff with you and I didn’t even notice.”

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook nodded. “Does that bother you?”

“No,” Yoongi assured him. “That’s not why I’ve been quiet.”

“Then?” Jungkook prompted, keeping their bodies swaying to the music slowly.
Yoongi bit his lip, unsure how to express where his thoughts had been. “I know you think Hoseok
doesn’t pay attention—”

“He doesn’t—”

“—But I did that too. It was me first and I just— I’m worried I’ll make you the same way, Kook.”

Surprised, Jungkook stopped dancing and looked down at Yoongi, who was pointedly focused
away from him and nibbling on his lip. “Hyung, baby, you can’t. There’s no way. I was doing
those things and acting that way before you even knew my name.”

Frowning now, Yoongi looked up at him. “That’s not true.”

“It is,” Jungkook insisted as he pulled Yoongi close again. “I’ve been pursuing you this entire time,
baby. I’m not just going to change the way I treat you. It won’t happen.”

“How can you know for sure?” Yoongi wondered.

“I don’t,” Jungkook conceded, “but I know me and I know what I like to do for people. I also know
how you are. I know how you show affection and I know you care so how I react to that won’t
change. Please don’t worry about that.”

Yoongi nodded slowly. It wasn’t everything he was worried about, but it was a large part of it so
he relaxed further into Jungkook’s hold. “Thanks, Kookie.”

“Hmmm, no problem. Now, are you going to show me you can dance?”

Arching a brow, Yoongi snorted at Jungkook’s challenge and clear attempt to lighten the mood. So
he pushed back against Jungkook and ground his hips deliberately making Jungkook hiss. He felt
Jungkook's fingers tighten on his hips seconds before he buried his face in Yoongi’s neck, his nose
and lips trailing up towards Yoongi’s ear before he bit down gently. “That was a nasty trick.”
“Hmm? Trick? What trick? I was just showing you I have rhythm, right?” Yoongi said, beginning
to move his hips and body to the beat of the song. He wasn’t stupid. He knew this was a dangerous
game. Hoseok was within distance. He could see. But Yoongi couldn’t stop himself from pressing
harder, from moving in a way he knew would make Jungkook hard. He just wanted to feel like he
was doing something right. It was a mistake, he knew that. The lingering fear he’d had before was
screaming it, but he did it anyway.

If Namjoon was here, he’d be screaming you’re a piece of shit loud enough for the world to hear
but he wasn’t so for that moment, Yoongi pretended it was just him and Jungkook and nothing else
mattered. Not when Jungkook’s breath hitched. Not when his arms tighten around his middle. Not
when he pressed his hard dick against Yoongi’s ass, ever eager.

“Baby, are you trying to make me hard?”

“Maybe,” Yoongi whispered, once again swivelling his hips. Or he tried to. He only got halfway
through the movement when Jungkook’s hand slapped down and pressed down on his dick,
pushing Yoongi back into Jungkook’s cock so he could feel how worked up they both were so

Jungkook laughed, his tone low. “Are you trying to get fucked in a dirty bathroom, baby?”

Yoongi’s breath hitched and his head fell back onto Jungkook’s shoulder. He had no idea where
Hoseok was now. All his thoughts were centred on Jungkook and the feeling of his lips on his neck
and hand massaging him purposefully through his jeans. They were on a goddamn dancefloor,
anyone could see, but that just made Yoongi like it more and Jungkook knew that too.

“Is that what you want to do, baby?” Jungkook whispered.

Even though he knew he shouldn’t, Yoongi nodded. “Yes.”

From that moment on, everything was a blur. Suddenly, Yoongi was being dragged through a
packed dance floor to the bathrooms at the back. There were some closer to the front but the back
ones were used less. Smart. Then Yoongi’s back hit the wall of a bathroom stall and Jungkook’s
lips were on his and his thigh was between Yoongi’s legs, pressing up and putting pressure on his
cock. It was all too much too quickly but Yoongi just moaned as he tried to grind down, seeking
relief already.
“Easy, baby, easy,” Jungkook ordered the second he was able to pry his lips away from Yoongi’s.
“I only have one condom. Do you have one?”

Yoongi blinked, his brain foggy as he tried to understand why they needed more than one. “N-no?
Why— is one not enough?”

“Where are you going to come, baby?” Jungkook asked, his lips finding Yoongi’s again and
swallowing his reply. Yoongi’s lips were so soft and pliant. So ready for him. He never wanted to
stop kissing him.

“O-oh,” Yoongi gasped out, realizing what Jungkook meant. He couldn't just come all over the
place or in his pants. They were in public. He needed to come inside a condom. But they only had
one. “I can use the condom.”

“What?” Jungkook asked, pausing his current path down Yoongi’s neck. They’d fucked without a
condom before but only when they had a place to clean up after. “Baby…”

“You can come in my mouth after,” Yoongi suggested as he nipped at Jungkook’s ear, earning a
strangled moan. “Wouldn’t you like that?”

“The things you do to me,” Jungkook muttered before he frantically began unbuttoning Yoongi’s
pants and shoving them down. He barely got them open before he started stroking Yoongi’s cock,
forcing the smaller man to push them the rest of the way down while he moaned against
Jungkook’s lips.

“L-lube?” Yoongi asked in between gasped breaths.

Never pausing his movements on Yoongi’s dick nor his neck, Jungkook grabbed the small lube
packet from his back pocket with his free hand and handed it to Yoongi, who tore it open with his
teeth and poured an ample amount on his fingers. As Jungkook watched, Yoongi reached behind
himself and slid a finger inside, his head falling back onto the stall wall as he slowly started to
finger himself, his cheeks flushing at the sensation.

“God, perfect, so perfect,” Jungkook praised as he peppered kissed all over Yoongi’s face and
shoulders and continued to work Yoongi’s cock. As per usual, Yoongi wasn’t quiet. It was like he
was incapable of it and by the time he was ready for Jungkook’s cock, something had to be done.
So, spinning Yoongi around and bending him over, Jungkook placed Yoongi’s hands on the wall
before shoving Yoongi’s own shirt in his mouth. “Gotta be more quiet, baby.”

Yoongi nodded and bit down, his moan trailing off into a groan as Jungkook lined up and slammed
forward, making Yoongi bounce dangerously. Maybe it was the setting, maybe it was the fact that
Yoongi was so worked up and just wanted to please Jungkook. Either way, Yoongi didn’t know.
All he knew was that he couldn’t focus on anything but Jungkook’s cock pounding into him. He
could hear the music and the people around him but he didn’t process it, just kept pushing back on
Jungkook’s cock and moaning his name into the shirt he was biting onto for dear life.

“Yoongi, baby, fuck. You’re so good. So perfect. Look so beautiful under me. Always so
beautiful,” Jungkook continued to praise as his hips snapped forward relentlessly. He wasn’t even
really sure what he was saying. It was all just coming out in a rush.

“F-fuck,” Yoongi moaned, the shirt falling from his lips. “God, please don’t stop.”

Jungkook smiled sharply. He’d never stop. Not when Yoongi needed him to continue. Not when he
looked so pretty fucking himself on Jungkook’s dick. In fact, he’d just make it better, so he reached
forward and grabbed Yoongi’s neck, hauling him up until his back was pressed against Jungkook’s
chest. The new angle just made Yoongi more vocal, but Jungkook had seen that coming so he
slapped a hand on his mouth just before a particularly loud cry escaped.

He’d heard the door open, they both did, but neither even paused. They just kept moving together,
desperately seeking their high.

“Jungkook, have you seen Yoongi-hyung?”

Suddenly everything stopped. The movement of Jungkook’s hips as he slammed home one final
time and froze, Yoongi’s breath stuttered and stopped, his eyes wide and fear-filled. Jungkook
turned Yoongi’s head so they could make eye contact and they both showed the same levels of
guilt and fear. This was an obvious risk of fucking when Hoseok was at the same club. Of course it
was. They’d know it could happen but they’d done it anyway. Stupid.

“I know you’re, um, busy,” Hoseok continued, coughing a bit, “but you left him on the dance floor
and now I can’t find him.”

Letting go of the breath he’d been holding, Jungkook rested his forehead on the back of Yoongi’s
head. He had to say something. He knew he did. And he had to lie. There was no other option.
Even if he wanted to tell Hoseok the truth, this was not the way. “He said something about it being
too crowded before I, um, got distracted. Maybe he went upstairs to the private bar?”

“He does hate crowds,” Hoseok agreed, contemplating that. Yoongi hadn’t even wanted to come to
the club, so it made sense if he’d found a private corner to be alone. Hoseok just wished he knew

“I’m sure he’ll come back down when he feels more comfortable,” Jungkook added, self-hatred
squeezing tightly in his stomach as he lied once again to Hoseok. He hated this, hated lying, but he
couldn’t let go of Yoongi so here he was, lying again.

“You’re right. Um, sorry to interrupt,” Hoseok said, coughing again, “and sorry to whoever you
have in there. The boyfriend, maybe? Have fun?”

“God, hyung,” Jungkook whined, seconds away from crying. This was the worst. There was
cheating and then there was talking to the boyfriend of the man you were in love with while you
were balls deep in said man and his boyfriend was none the wiser.

“Sorry, sorry. Maybe introduce us some time, huh?” Hoseok said on a laugh, his voice fading as
the music got louder then suddenly became muffled again as the door closed.

Moving quickly, Jungkook pulled back and peeked outside the stall, the movement shifting him
inside Yoongi and causing a groan. Once he was sure Hoseok was gone, Jungkook pulled out
entirely and grabbed Yoongi, spinning him until he slammed against the stall wall. Without pause,
he hefted him up and slid back in, Yoongi’s back arching at the surprising change of position.

“That was fucking close,” Jungkook hissed, his movements harsh and angry now. He didn’t want
to be doing this. At least not while Yoongi’s boyfriend wasn’t him. He wanted Yoongi to be his.
He wanted to be fucking his own boyfriend in a bathroom stall. Not someone else's. He’d been fine
with everything up until now. Now it was like a harsh reality check. This wasn’t okay. They
needed to fucking talk about it. But they couldn’t so Jungkook fucked Yoongi hard, making him
bounce against the wall while he practically cried and begged Jungkook to let him come.

Yoongi didn’t feel much better about it. He’d been trying to tell Hoseok all week but he was a
fucking coward so now all he could do was nod in agreement and let Jungkook fuck him, all the
while wishing he wouldn’t stop.
“Why do you make me do this?” Jungkook hissed, part pleading, part angry.

“I-I d-don’t,” Yoongi denied, shaking his head. It wasn’t him who wanted to cheat, it was
Jungkook! If Jungkook would just date him, they wouldn’t be doing this. “Jungkook, please!”

“Fuck,” Jungkook cursed, wrapping his hand around Yoongi’s dick. “You close baby?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Yoongi chanted, his voice breaking as Jungkook stroked him in time with his
thrusts. “I’m going to— ah!”

Jungkook rode it out, thrusting shallowly while Yoongi shuddered against him. When Yoongi
tapped his shoulder, he pulled out, letting Yoongi sink to his knees in front of him as they’d agreed.
Yoongi looked up at him with tear-stained cheeks and sealed his lips around Jungkook’s aching
cock. It didn’t take long, the feeling of being buried in Yoongi and then the wet heat of Yoongi’s
throat was too much. With a hand buried in Yoongi’s hair, Jungkook thrust into his mouth a few
times, then spilled down his throat. “Fuck, baby.”

Lapping up all he could, Yoongi finally pulled away and collapsed back against the stall wall
again, careful not to actually sit on the floor. He looked up at Jungkook, his eyes glazed with post-
orgasm bliss but also shame. “We can’t do this again. We can’t.”

“I know,” Jungkook agreed, his heartbreaking.“I know, hyung.”

Yoongi nodded, his hands covering his face. It took Jungkook a few seconds to realize Yoongi was
crying. Quickly shoving himself back in his pants but not bothering to do them up, Jungkook
dropped down and covered Yoongi’s hands with his own. Yoongi blinked at him, his vision blurry.
“I know— I know this is— this is what you want but I— I don’t, Kookie. I can’t do it anymore.”

“What I want?” Jungkook repeated, horror creeping in. “What do you mean ‘what I want’?”

Sniffing, Yoongi looked up at Jungkook. “You said that— that you were okay with this. That this
is what you wanted.”

“Baby, oh my god, no,” Jungkook cursed, his mind reeling. Had he never said he wanted to date
Yoongi? He felt like he had. He felt like he’d been pretty fucking clear, but now that he thought
about it, he’d never said those exact words. Had Yoongi just… oh god, Jungkook moaned to
himself, realizing that this entire time while he’d been trying to woo Yoongi, Yoongi had been
thinking Jungkook didn’t want a relationship. That he just wanted sex.

Moving quickly, Jungkook dressed Yoongi again. This was not a conversation they were having
half-naked, then pulled him up. Yoongi frowned at him, still confused, when Jungkook leaned
forward and rested his forehead against Yoongi’s. “Baby, the only reason I was okay with this was
because I didn’t think you were willing to break up with Hoseok-hyung.”

“Maybe at first,” Yoongi admitted, not wanting to lie. “I was… conflicted. But when I decided to
be with you, I wanted you but I didn’t think…”

“God, we’re both idiots,” Jungkook muttered, tilting Yoongi’s head up so he was forced to make
eye contact. “I want to date you, Min Yoongi. I do. We aren’t going to talk about this now because
we’ve been drinking and I want to be sober but just remember this, okay? I want to date you.”

“You do?”

“I do,” Jungkook confirmed, “and we need to tell Hoseok-hyung.”

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed quietly. “I’ve been trying to but it’s never the right moment.”

Jungkook nodded. “We’ll do it together, okay? Wait for me, and we’ll do it together.”

Yoongi bit his lip. “But you work with him.”

“Which is why I need to be there,” Jungkook said firmly. This was going to go very badly. He
knew that. But he wasn’t going to let Yoongi deal with it alone. He was the one that pursued
Yoongi. He was the one who suggested they sneak around. And, at the very least, it took two to
cheat so he was going to be there and take the inevitable punch that came with their confession.

“Okay,” Yoongi said after a moment.

“Okay,” Jungkook echoed, leaning down to kiss Yoongi one last time, his lips lingering. “I’m
going to go out, okay? Take your time.”
“Okay,” Yoongi repeated, chasing Jungkook’s lips for one final kiss. “I’ll be out in a bit.”

“See you,” Jungkook told him, his eyes filled with all the things he wanted to say, needed to say,
but wouldn’t right now. When they were sober, he promised himself he would. For now, he left the
bathroom and Yoongi behind, content that, for once, they were on the same page.

Heading to the bar first, Jungkook took his time going back to the table, making sure he was in a
decent state. He didn’t help the inevitable questions but it didn't hurt.

“So, was that the boyfriend?” Hoseok asked cheekily, his face resting on his palm.

“Yea,” Jungkook nodded. “He’s really embarrassed.”

“I bet,” Hoseok snickered.

“Yea,” Jungkook said again. “He left… didn’t want to meet you guys like that…”

“Awe, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about! Who hasn’t fucked in a bathroom?” Hoseok teased,
smacking Jungkook’s arm.

Jungkook winced, then took a sip of his drink. “Did you, um, find Yoongi-hyung?”

“Oh, no,” Hoseok said with a frown. “I checked upstairs but I didn’t see him. I figured if he was
looking for privacy, I wouldn’t so I’m going to give him some space. He’ll come back when he’s

“That’s probably a good idea,” Jungkook agreed somewhat weakly.

Hoseok sighed. “I should have let him stay home. He really didn’t want to come. I guess they
couldn’t save his story?”
“I heard,” Jungkook echoed. “We were looking for a laptop on Sunday when they told him.”

Blinking in surprise, Hoseok tilted his head. “You went with him?”

“Ah, yea. He crashed at my place on Saturday and I know a bunch about computers so I offered to
help,” Jungkook explained. He wasn’t lying per se but he still felt like shit about it.

“Oh, well, that’s good! I know he was really upset about it and I said something shitty so now I
feel even worse.”

Jungkook raised his brow. “What did you say?”

Wincing, Hoseok ducked his head. “I said that it wasn’t important.”

“What the fuck, hyung,” Jungkook snapped, forgetting himself for a moment. “Writing means a lot
to him. What the actual fuck.”

“I know!” Hoseok wailed. “I know. I didn't mean it. It just slipped and ugh, do you think he’s still

Jungkook shook his head. No wonder Yoongi was so upset and thankful for Jungkook’s support
when he mentioned it. “Probably not. He doesn't hold grudges like that.”

“You’re right,” Hoseok relented, even if he still looked upset about it.

“Uh, hey,” Yoongi interrupted, appearing at the table while scratching his ear awkwardly.
Jungkook looked up at him and immediately wanted to disappear. Yoongi looked fucked. He’d
clearly tried to hide as much as he could, but his eyes were red and his lips swollen. Even his hair,
though back in place, was sweaty and revealed what had happened. It was like a fucking billboard
sign that read ‘Yoongi just had sex.’

“You’re back, hyung,” Hoseok greeted, his expression fracturing just a bit. Anyone who didn’t
know him would have missed it but both Jungkook and Yoongi caught it.

Hoseok knew.

“Yea,” Yoongi agreed, sliding in beside Hoseok. “Just needed some air so I stepped outside for a

“Ah, good idea,” Hoseok agreed weakly, his eyes darting to Yoongi then away. The tension was
palpable at this point. Everyone knew but no one was saying. It was just a matter of Hoseok
accusing them, that was it.

But he didn’t. Instead, he just cleared his throat. “Did you meet Jungkookie’s boyfriend?”

“What? No?” Yoongi asked, turning to Jungkook with wide eyes.

“Oh, too bad. I was wondering what he was like,” Hoseok murmured, his expression distant. He
was doing a good job of acting casual. At least he thought so. But his mind was racing. He knew
what Yoongi looked like after he’d kissed someone. He knew what Yoongi looked like after he’d
come. Hoseok knew. So he knew, whatever Yoongi was doing, he hadn’t been alone.

You don’t know that. Maybe he just… jerked off?

Hoseok bit his lip, his mind practically eating itself in an effort to figure out what Yoongi had been
doing. He’d get it if he thought about it, but he didn’t. He let his own mind deflect and shifted his
focus to teasing Jungkook about his mystery boyfriend. That, at least, was harmless.

Because Yoongi wouldn’t cheat. He wouldn’t.


Startled but unsurprised, Yoongi turned toward the loud voice and smiled seconds before
Taehyung’s body slammed into him in what Yoongi was sure he considered a hug. “Hi,

“I MISSED YOU!” Taehyung yelled, making Yoongi wince at the proximity to his ear.

“I missed you too,” Yoongi replied, “but maybe inside voice?”

Taehyung laughed but nodded as he pulled away. “Sorry. It’s just been too long.”

“It has,” Yoongi agreed as they entered the pub and took a seat. “The show went well?”

“It did. The artist was a bit of a diva, but it went well.”

“Aren't they all?” Yoongi quipped, earning a mock offended expression from Taehyung. “Except
you, of course.”

“Excuse me, I am the most dramatic,” Taehyung responded, tossing imaginary hair over his

“How could I forget,” Yoongi said, his tone apologetic even as his eyes smiled. He really had
missed Taehyung. Things were so much easier when Taehyung was around. No one understood
him better. Which was why when they were nibbling on appetizers, the conversation having
quieted while they ate, Yoongi blurted out: “I slept with Jungkook.”

Taehyung paused, his fingers hovering over the fries he’d been about to grab. He didn’t move, just
froze. Then, he grabbed the fries and put them in his mouth. “Before. Right. Makes sense you were
attracted to him then.”

Yoongi closed his eyes. “Not before. Like… last night.”

“Last night,” Taehyung repeated. “As in the night you went out with Hoseok-hyung and Jimin and
Jungkook to a club?”

“Yes,” Yoongi whispered. He wasn’t looking at Taehyung. He couldn’t. His eyes were glued to the
table. The table was all he knew now.

“Was this the first time?” Taehyung asked.

Yoongi shook his head. “No. We’ve, um, been dating, I guess.”

“Dating,” Taehyung repeated again. Like he couldn’t comprehend what Yoongi was saying to him
without saying it himself first. “For how long?”

“Um, it's a bit complicated.”

“When was the first time then?” Taehyung clarified, irritation creeping into his tone.

“His housewarming party,” Yoongi admitted.

Taehyung made a sound in his throat. “That’s why you called me.”

“Yes,” Yoongi murmured.

“I knew you wanted condemnation but I never thought…” Taehyung trailed off. “For fuck sakes,
hyung. What the fuck were you thinking?”

“I don’t know but he—”

“I don’t want to hear a fucking excuse,” Taehyung snapped, interrupting Yoongi. “Not a single

“Not an excuse. An… explanation?” Yoongi offered, his eyes finally flicking upwards only to be
met with Taehyung’s impassive face. That was his worst face. Even Yoongi couldn’t read it. It was
“Fine. Go,” Taehyung said, waving Yoongi forward as he took a long sip from his beer.

Yoongi took a deep breath and fixed his eyes to the table again. “I’ll start at the beginning, I guess.
Um, I was attracted to him, obviously. Pretty much right away. I didn’t really know what to do so I
ended up jumping Hoseok a lot.”

“That’s why you were having so much sex,” Taehyung realized, his tone even.

“Yes. I needed an outlet I guess but it didn’t really work because he wasn’t— that’s not what I
wanted and I figured Jungkook wouldn’t— why me, you know? But he did. Um, want me. After
that it got awkward but I didn't want to just pull away so I went to his party but no one else went
and we… hooked up. Not all the way but we did. And I told him it could never happen again but it
did and then again and I— I tried to stop it. I broke it off, went on a date with Hoseok and it was
good but it hurt so much, Taehyungie. It hurt,” Yoongi emphasized, chancing a look up at
Taehyung. His face was still impassive but his eyes were gentler so Yoongi pushed himself to
finish. “And I realized I couldn’t just— I wanted him so I agreed to whatever he wanted and he
thought I wanted to cheat and I thought that’s what he wanted to and it was so fucked up but we
kept doing it and he took me to a brewery and held my hand and it was so amazing? But I knew I
needed to tell Hoseok but I didn’t know how and I— didn’t. I just didn’t. No excuse. I didn’t and
me and Jungkook, last night, he walked in and I think he knows? He didn’t see but I think he
knows. He was looking at me like he knows but he’s not answering me now so I don’t know and
Jungkook wants to tell him together and I just… yea.”

For a moment, Taehyung didn’t say anything. He just stared at Yoongi and thought it over. He’d
suspected something was going on, of course. He wasn’t stupid and Yoongi had sounded far too
happy for something to not have changed, but he’d never thought it was this bad. “I’m
disappointed, hyung.”

Yoongi flinched but nodded. “Okay.”

“I never thought you’d do something like that,” Taehyung said honestly. “Hoseok is a good guy.
He’s a shitty boyfriend but he’s a good guy and he doesn’t deserve you blowing his coworker
behind his back. No one does actually.”

“I know,” Yoongi whispered.

“Then why?” Taehyung asked pointedly.

“I don’t know,” Yoongi answered honestly. “There wasn’t a reason. I just… was drawn to him, I
guess. I’ve never felt like this before, Taehyungie. I think I— I might love him I think.”

“You think?”

Yoongi nodded. “My toothbrush, books, extra clothes, and spare glasses are all at his apartment.”

Taehyung blinked, surprised. “You’re serious?”

“Yea. I noticed last night,” Yoongi explained. “I didn’t even notice I was doing it. I just felt
comfortable and did.”

“That doesn’t mean you love him,” Taehyung said firmly.

“No, but I— when I think of him I get this feeling in my chest and just the thought of never seeing
him again made me cry in a closet. I was literally in a closet, Taehyung.”

Taehyung snorted despite himself then sobered quickly. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“I don’t either,” Yoongi admitted. “I just wanted to talk to someone about it. It’s been hard alone.”

Sighing, Taehyung nodded. “Does the love thing scare you?”

Yoongi nodded abruptly. “I’m terrified.”

“Are you going to run away then? Close yourself off like you do every other time?” Taehyung
asked. It may seem cruel, but Taehyung wanted to make sure Yoongi was committed. He hadn’t
seen the development, all he saw now was Yoongi’s regret and fear, so he wanted to make sure. He
loved Yoongi a lot but Yoongi was, at heart, a scared man. He never pushed for what he wanted
because he was terrified of not getting it. That’s why he’d ended up in the job and relationship he

Taehyung had no issues with Hoseok, other than his seeming inability to pay any real attention to
Yoongi. He hated that, hated seeing someone Yoongi was supposed to be intimate with stop at the
surface level, but he also knew Yoongi was difficult. He didn’t share, didn’t express himself. He
lived with the mindset that he needed to be as small and inconsequential as possible so he didn’t
bother others. It was why Taehyung followed him all those years ago when he moved to Seoul. He
saw how amazing and bright Yoongi could be. If he let himself. He’d thought Hoseok would help
him with that. Hoseok was so bright, Taehyung had hoped that would inspire Yoongi to shine
himself. But all it had done was make his shadow harsher. Yoongi could have fixed that, Taehyung
knew it, but he didn’t.

And now Yoongi was trying something with Jungkook and for the first time, Taehyung was seeing
Yoongi take risks. They were the worst risk and he was disappointed, but it was new. Yoongi
didn’t step outside the line and yet here he was basically setting the line on fire. For Jungkook.

“No, I want to try— I want to be good enough. He’s so good, Taehyungie, I don’t deserve him but
maybe I could try?” Yoongi answered hesitantly.

Sighing heavily, Taehyung crossed his arms. “Do you want honesty?”


“Right. Okay. First of all, if you’d bothered to put one iota of effort into your relationship with
Hoseok, it could have worked.”

“I know,” Yoongi agreed. He’d realized that last night.

“But that takes two and he didn’t bother either. Me and Jimin talk about it constantly because
apparently, that’s unusual for Hoseok, so do with that information what you will. But regardless of
that, you both let that relationship fail and that's on you. Switching to someone else won’t fix your
fundamental problem. You need to learn to open the fuck up with people other than me.”

Yoongi looked up and interrupted quickly. “He’s read my writing.”

Taehyung physically halted, his expression shocked. “What?”

“He’s read my writing. And he knows I hate my job. He’s planning ways to make my office
homier. He knows I wanted to be an architect. And about my crush on you when we were
teenagers. He— I talk to him.”

“I— okay,” Taehyung relented, a little thrown off. He had not expected that at all. Taehyung
hadn’t even read Yoongi’s writing. “Okay, so you talk to him. That’s good, hyung. I— I’m
honestly proud of you for that.”

“Thanks,” Yoongi whispered, even though he knew Taehyung was about to drop a hammer on him

“But the fact remains, you and Hoseok-hyung were good at the beginning too. You need to keep
that up. It can’t just be Jungkook. You need to fucking commit and stick to it.”

“I will,” Yoongi promised firmly.

“And most importantly. Break the fuck up with Hoseok-hyung. Like what the fuck, hyung? Are
you that selfish? Come on. You don’t get to have both. You don’t get to fucking cheat and then
hope you can come out of this with your friendship or whatever the fuck is holding you back.”

“I know that,” Yoongi countered. He wasn’t stupid. He knew he’d lose Hoseok. Of course he did.

“Then, as a person who loves you a lot, you need to stop being a fucking coward and talk to
Hoseok-hyung. I’m trying really hard not to be angry at you right now, hyung, and it’s not working.
I get that you’re happy with Jungkook and I’m happy for you, okay? I’m so incredibly glad you
finally found someone who makes you feel comfortable enough to talk to them but what you are
doing to Hoseok-hyung is not o-fucking-kay and you need to stop.”

Yoongi nodded slowly. “Me and Jungook are going to talk to him. To tell him. Together.”

“When?” Taehyung questioned.

“I don’t know,” Yoongi admitted. “Hoseok isn’t answering me right now but we’ll find a time and
do it.”

“I’m giving you until the weekend,” Taehyung told him seriously.
“What?” Yoongi asked.

Taehyung gave him a deadpan stare. “The weekend, hyung. If you haven’t then, I’ll intervene and
make you three talk and no one wants that.”

Yoongi recoiled from Taehyung. “You can’t—”

“Then fucking tell him, hyung. Enough,” Taehyung reiterated, suddenly wishing he hadn’t been
gone for so long. If he’d been here he could have stopped this before it got this bad. Back when
there would have been a chance for Hoseok and Yoongi to remain friends or at the very least
acquaintances. But that chance was long gone now. There was no way that’d happen. Hoseok
would, rightfully so, be angry and hurt and Yoongi and Jungkook were just going to have to live
with that.

“I’ll tell him. We’ll tell him,” Yoongi promised.

“Good,” Taehyung muttered, finishing off his beer. This is not how he’d wanted to spend his first
dinner back in Seoul with Yoongi and he couldn’t help but feel bitter about it. He was glad he
knew but he was still bitter.

“I’m sorry, Taehyung,” Yoongi whispered, his fingers picking at the edge of the table. “I don’t
regret what I did. I— all of that is worth it if I can have Jungkook but I’m sorry that I disappointed

Taehyung sighed. “That’s not a great apology, hyung.”

“I know,” Yoongi acknowledged. “I know it’s not but it’s the one I have. I’ll do better to not
disappoint you again.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Taehyung murmured, his expression conflicted. He loved Yoongi and he
wanted him to be happy above all else. He just wished the situation wasn’t as fucked up as it was.
But wishing didn’t help anyone, so Taehyung would just have to come to terms with the trash fire
his current reality was for the foreseeable future. He just hoped Yoongi was right and the end was
worth it. Otherwise, there was a whole lot of pain coming for nothing.
Chapter End Notes

Sooo what do we think Hoseok is going to do? Will Taehyung have to intervene?
Where is Seokjin? All this and more...

Also, I think finished a really soft taegi mermaid au commission if you want to take a
look called An Ocean Between Us.
Chapter 17
Chapter Notes

Welp, that was a long-ass wait. I'm sorry! I was having some issues following my own
plans for this story. Usually, I don't let myself be swayed by people's opinions on how
things should go but I found it affecting how I was writing regardless of my plans so I
took a break away from this story until I was sure I could come back and write it how I
intended. And now I'm here again, ready to bring you guys through the last arch of
this story! I hope you don't mind the wait.

Now, I'm just going to apologize upfront... my bad.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Jimin woke up, he knew instinctively that it was too early. Like far too early. He didn’t even
have to open his eyes to know that the sun hadn’t even risen yet. There was no reason to be up and
certainly no reason for someone to be knocking on his door. But someone was, so he cracked open
his eyes and sat up with a wince. His whole body hurt in the best possible way. Hoseok had helped
him snag one of the guys he’d spotted at the bar and they’d pretty much only just went to sleep.
The man was nothing if not committed and Jimin was very very happy about that.

Or would be if the frantic knocking at the door wasn’t making him pissy.

“You usually have guests this early?” A deep voice asked from behind him, making Jimin turn

“Not usually, no,” Jimin answered, his eyes trailing down the man’s chest before flicking back up
to his face.

The man smirked in response. “Well, why don’t you go deal with that and when you come back I
can show you a proper good morning.”

Jimin quirked a brow as he shuffled out of bed and pulled on some boxers and a shirt. He tossed a
flirty look over his shoulder as he left his bedroom, which made the man laugh, before he answered
the door. He didn’t bother with the peephole, instead just opening it abruptly in mild irritation
which immediately fled when he saw Hoseok standing there. He looked bad. His hair was standing
on end and his eyes were bloodshot. One glance at his clothing told Jimin he hadn’t gone home yet
since he was still in the clothes he’d worn to the club. Something bad had clearly happened.
“Hyung? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Jimin asked, immediately pulling Hoseok into the
apartment and leading him to the couch. He didn't even think about the man in his bed waiting for
him, he just kneeled in front of Hoseok and grabbed his hands. “What happened?”

“I don’t— I don’t know,” Hoseok confessed, his voice cracking like he’d overused it.

Jimin leaned forward, his eyes betraying his concern. “What do you mean you don’t know? Talk to
me, hyung.”

Hoseok’s eyes snapped up. “I think— I think hyung— I think—”

“You think what?” Jimin prodded gently.

“I think he’s cheating,” Hoseok whispered, his face crumbling and shoulders falling. It was like
saying it out loud took away his last ounce of energy. Suddenly he was crying, his hands flying to
his face, and his shoulders shaking.

“Shit, I—” Jimin began before his attention shifted to the side where he spotted his hook up
desperately trying to sneak out. He looked apologetic, like he didn’t want to interrupt. His eyes
darted to Hoseok and he nodded, making Jimin smile a bit in thanks before he held his hand to his
face in a phone motion and slipped out of the apartment. After he was gone, Jimin refocused on
Hoseok, who hadn’t even noticed the pause. “What makes you think that, hyung?”

“Last night— after you left, he disappeared for a while and I was worried, couldn’t find him, but
when he showed back up he looked… I know what he looks like after sex.”

Jimin blinked before he fell back onto his ass and looked up at Hoseok. Never in a million years
would he think Yoongi would cheat. Did Jimin think he was happy? No, not really. But he’d never
thought that was possible. Yoongi just didn’t seem the type. He was always so concerned with
what people thought or felt. Selfless, not selfish. But cheating was the opposite of that. He trusted
Hoseok’s instincts though, so he grabbed his hands again and pulled them away from his face.
“Did you ask?”

“No… Jungkook was there and I didn’t want to cause a scene. He left not long after and I just… let
him go.”
“Have you gone home, hyung?” Jimin asked softly.

Hoseok nodded slowly. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it though so I just— I walked around for a
bit, thinking it over and I— I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not.”

“I am,” Hoseok emphasized. “There were so many signs, Jimin. So many. I knew he wasn’t happy
but I thought— I tried to make it better. Doesn’t that count?”

“Of course it does,” Jimin insisted, his heart breaking as he watched Hoseok cry.

Hoseok sniffed and rubbed his eye again. “He’s been trying to talk to me for a few weeks. I didn’t
let him. I don’t know why. I just— didn’t want to hear it. You know he asked me like two months
ago if I would want to know something if it made me sad. Do you think— was that why?”

“I don’t know.”

“Doesn’t matter. He’s been all over the place lately. Super happy then super sad. I thought— I was
worried he had, like, depression or something. I never thought— and he’s been spending all this
time with ‘Jungkook,’” Hoseok said, his hands lifting to form air quotes. “Somehow I doubt it.”

Jimin had both a lot to say and nothing at all. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t mad. He was livid
and about a minute away from hunting Yoongi down and punching him square in the face. But he
also didn’t know what to say because Hoseok and Yoongi hadn’t been working. Anyone could see
that. Even with Hoseok trying harder it wasn’t doing anything. Nothing had changed. One fancy
dinner and more frequent texts didn’t change months of both of them ignoring each other and living
completely separately. Jimin had hoped it would work, but he hadn’t been optimistic. He’d never
thought Yoongi would cheat, but he had assumed they’d break up. Any normal couple would have
realized it wasn’t working months before but they were both simultaneously dense and in denial.

“Do you know who it is?” Jimin asked.

Hoseok shook his head. “No. I didn’t see. Jungkook was with his boyfriend so he didn’t see either.
Not that I think he’d tell me. He’s probably been covering for him this entire time.”
“Hey, you don’t know that. It’s not fair,” Jimin chastised gently, though he agreed. If Yoongi had
been using Jungkook as an excuse, Jungkook had to be aware of it. But he didn’t want Hoseok to
blow up his work friendship on an assumption. “You also don’t know what happened for sure.
You need to talk to him.”

“Right. You’re right,” Hoseok whispered, his shoulders once again falling. He was staring at his
hands now, the tears having dried up. That worried Jimin more than anything. He could deal with
crying and sad Hoseok. The look on his face now was something else entirely.

“I am…” Jimin said hesitantly.

“I don’t know what happened,” Hoseok repeated. “So I can fix this.”


“I can— maybe it was just a sex thing,” Hoseok rationalized, his eyes darting around Jimin’s
apartment. “We haven’t been having it like at all recently. We’ve been so busy and maybe he
just… needed something.”

“Hyung, what the—”

“So I can fix this. If I— if I show him I’m there for him—”

“Hyung!” Jimin interrupted desperately. “No. Literally no. Oh my god. No. When I said ‘you don’t
know what happened,’ I didn’t mean to go back, I meant that you need to confront him.”

Hoseok nodded. “I know but maybe I’m blowing this all up, right? Like, maybe it was just that one
time and it was with a random guy. Why throw away our relationship for some random guy? We
can work through it.”

Jimin made a sound low in his throat. “Hyung, he’s the one who threw it away! Not you!”
“Maybe,” Hoseok conceded. “But maybe—”

“Hoseok,” Jimin interrupted harshly, his lack of honorifics startling Hoseok enough to look up at
him in confusion. “I’m not going to argue with you but can you promise me you’ll think this
through more? Why don’t you get some rest, you’ve been running on adrenaline all night, and we
can talk about it when you wake up?”

Hoseok’s eyes softened and he nodded. “Okay, Jiminie.”

“Okay?” Jimin repeated, already pushing Hoseok down so he could sleep on the couch. Hoseok
went easily, his body automatically curling up as Jimin tugged the throw blanket down from the
back of the couch and covered him with it. He spent a couple of minutes tucking him in then stood
up with a sigh.

Just as he was about to leave, Hoseok caught his shirt. “Thanks, Jiminie. Seriously.”

“I’m always here for you, hyung. Never forget that.”

“I know,” Hoseok replied quietly, his eyes slipping closed. “I love you, Jiminie.”

Jimin winced. “I love you too, hyung.”


Jungkook stood, his mouth and eyes wide as he looked at Seokjin, who was holding a small
overnight bag and smiling at him brightly. “H-hyung.”

Seokjin pouted. “You could at least try to appear more excited.”

“I thought— you said— you said next month,” Jungkook said weakly.
“It is next month and this is the only weekend I could get off!” Seokjin explained, his pout turning
into a frown. “Is this not okay?”

“No, no! It’s fine. I just— I’m surprised is all,” Jungkook explained. “Plus, I’m a little hungover.
We went out last night since Jimin-hyung is leaving soon.”

“He decided to take that US deal?” Seokjin asked as he stepped into Jungkook’s apartment.

“Seems so,” Jungkook agreed, closing the door behind him. The second he did, Seokjin engulfed
him in a hug and squeezed him tight. Jungkook tensed for a moment then relaxed, his own arms
winding around his waist. “God, I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Seokjin whispered, his eyes prickling. It was easy to forget how much he
missed Jungkook when they talked on the phone and through video so often but having him in his
arms now, it all came rushing forward. He really needed to work out a way to come to Seoul more
often. Time off was almost impossible for him, even now he’d only managed to get Saturday and
Sunday, but he’d overcome the impossible before and he could do it again.

“How long are you here?” Jungkook asked as he pulled away, his hand darting up quickly to wipe
his cheek.

Seokjin sighed. “Just until tomorrow. I’m sorry, Kookie.”

“No, it’s okay. I know how hard it is,” Jungkook assured him. “Why don’t I show you around in

“That’d be great,” Seokjin agreed, letting Jungkook drag him around the apartment and point out
every little detail. By the time he’d gone over everything and they’d settled onto the couch,
Jungkook tucked impossibly close, Seokjin felt relaxed. And a little curious. “I can’t help but
notice all the decidedly not Jungkook things around the apartment.”

Jungkook tensed and bit his lip. “Ah, yea, that’d be Yoongi-hyung. He spends a lot of time here.”

“Does he now?” Seokjin asked softly, his lips quirking into a smile.
“He does,” Jungkook confirmed, his cheeks tinting red. “He didn’t even notice. He said he was just
comfortable so he did it.”

Seokjin raised a brow. “So things are going well then?”

“I think so,” Jungkook said slowly, his eyes darting away then back. “Hyung, can I ask you

“Of course.”

“What would you say if I said I think I love him?”

Seokjin smiled. “I’d say it took you long enough to notice.”

Jungkook blinked. “Really?”

“Really. I noticed pretty much right away this was different for you. I figured it would only be a
matter of time before you fell,” Seokjin explained, his hand reaching out to pat Jungkook’s
blushing cheek. “It looks good on you. This happiness.”

“Thanks, hyung,” Jungkook murmured as he buried his face in Seokjin’s chest and hugged him
close. Seokjin patted the back of his head gently, all too familiar with Jungkook’s style of showing

“So, are you going to introduce me to your friends?” Seokjin asked innocently, missing the way
Jungkook tensed in his arms. Jungkook knew that was a bad idea. There was no way Seokjin
wouldn’t notice that Yoongi was dating Hoseok, not Jungkook. But there was also no way to say
no that wouldn’t be suspicious. The time had finally come when Seokjin would find out the truth.
Jungkook didn't know if he was ready.

“Um, Yoongi-hyung and Taehyung-hyung are having dinner tonight. Taehyung-hyung has been
out of town for over a month so they wanted to catch up. But maybe we could do, like, lunch
tomorrow before you head back?” Jungkook suggested, only feeling minorly guilty that doing it
then would give Seokjin less time to be angry with him in person.
Seokjin nodded. “Sure. I know I kinda just showed up. Maybe you can show me your studio

“Yes!” Jungkook agreed excitedly. “I even have a new choreo!”

“Really?” Seokjin asked, genuinely excited to see Jungkook dance in person again.

“I do. I haven’t taught it to anyone yet so you’ll be the first to see it.”

Seokjin clapped. “Perfect, I’m excited.”

“Me too,” Jungkook admitted with a smile, the tension and worry about Seokjin meeting everyone
forgotten for now. “But first can you cook for me? I miss it.”

“I slave and I slave,” Seokjin lamented even as he stood up and headed in the direction of the
kitchen. “No one appreciates what I do and yet I continue.”

“I love youuuuuuuuu,” Jungkook called out, his smile teasing.

“Whatever, brat. You can help too.”

“Awe, hyung!”

“Up! Let’s go!” Seokjin insisted, his voice carrying from the other room.

Shaking his head, Jungkook jumped up and followed after Seokjin. When Seokjin met everyone,
their dynamic would change. Jungkook didn’t know why he knew that but he did. He could already
feel the disappointment so he was going to cling to this a moment longer. Just one more day. One
last time. Tomorrow Seokjin would know and soon after Hoseok would too and things would
change. He’d have Yoongi but everything else would be different. That made him sad, of course it
did, but the idea of having Yoongi made it better. Like a balm on a cut. It’d be worth it in the end.
He was sure of it.
But that comfort only lasted as long as it took Jungkook and Seokjin to eat and head to the studio.
Jungkook had been in the middle of giving Seokjin a tour that would end at his studio when he
caught sight of Hoseok dancing in his studio. He never came in on Saturdays, especially not after a
night out, so Jungkook froze in place, his confusion clear on his face. Seokjin had noticed
obviously, Jungkook wasn’t trying to hide his reaction, but maybe he should have.


Jungkook blinked. “Sorry, he’s not usually here on the weekend so I was surprised.”

“Oh?” Seokjin said, leaning forward so he could see in more clearly. He spotted a man dancing
alone, his face set and focused. “He’s good. And pretty.”

“Yea, he’s super talented.”

“What’s his name? Have you talked about him before?” Seokjin asked, his eyes never leaving the

Jungkook winced and rubbed his eyebrow. This was the exact disaster he was trying to avoid.
“That’s Hoseok-hyung.”

“Really?” Seokjin exclaimed, turning towards Jungkook with a smile. “Can I meet him?”

“Sure,” Jungkook agreed weakly. “Just let me see if it’s okay.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to bug him if he’s busy,” Seokjin said quickly.

“Yea,” Jungkook said before opening the door and slipping inside. Hoseok’s head turned towards
him immediately, clearly not having expected anyone to show up on a Saturday. Some instructors
worked on the weekend but they were mostly on the other side of the building. But Jungkook
wasn't thinking about that as Hoseok made eye contact with him. No, he was thinking about how
bad Hoseok looked. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked pale. It reminded Jungkook
of the look on Hoseok’s face when Yoongi had appeared from the bathroom. It was a clear
reflection of his inner turmoil and all Jungkook could do was pretend he didn't know. At least for
now. “Are you okay, hyung?”

Hoseok smiled wide. “Yes! Just tired. I didn’t sleep well. Came here to dance it off, you know?”

“Ah, yea, I get that,” Jungkook admitted with a small sigh. He often did the same when he was
stressed out: escape to the studio. He wasn’t surprised that Hoseok did something similar.

“But what brings you here?” Hoseok asked, his smile easy.

“Oh, my hyung, Jin-hyung, surprised me earlier and I wanted to show him around!” Jungkook
explained, his own smile brightening.

“He’s here?” Hoseok asked, already heading toward the door so he could whip it open. “Where is
the infamous Jin-hyung!?”

Seokjin jumped noticeably, but relaxed when he saw Hoseok standing there. “He is here.”

“I’ve heard so much about you!” Hoseok greeted. “I’m Jung Hoseok.”

“Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin-hyung.”

Hoseok smiled. “I will!”

“You’re really talented,” Seokjin praised. “I saw a bit of your dance.”

“Thanks,” Hoseok said shyly, his formerly pale cheeks tinting at the compliment.

“Awe, you made hyung blush!” Jungkook teased.

Hoseok tilted his head with a sly smile on his lips. “Don’t make me start teasing you about that
boyfriend of yours!”
Jungkook’s breath stuttered but before he could say anything, Seokjin laughed. “It’s cute, right? He
got all embarrassed when I noticed all the stuff lying around his apartment that wasn’t his.”

“He’s a shy one,” Hoseok agreed with a snicker, his eyes fond as they turned back to Jungkook,
who honestly wanted to vomit. It was one thing sneaking around. That was bad enough. But it was
another thing entirely to talk about Yoongi like this with Hoseok. He’d done it the night before out
of necessity but this wasn’t okay. He hated it. He hated it so much. But Hoseok didn’t notice his
inner conflict. He only smiled at Seokjin. “How long are you in town for? We have to do
something so you can see how well we’re taking care of Kook.”

“Just tonight I’m afraid. I have a hard time getting time off work,” Seokjin said apologetically.

Hoseok waved his apology away before spinning on his heel so he could grab his phone from his
bag. Once he was crouched down in front of it and digging through, he spoke: “That’s fine! We
can do a drink or something still.”

“But hyung and Taehyung-hyung are at dinner,” Jungkook reminded Hoseok.

“Sure but they’re just at a pub by hyung’s place. It’s super casual. We can drop by and get a drink
too. I’m texting him now.”

Jungkook wanted to die. “They won’t mind?”

“Come on, like Yoongi-hyung would miss the opportunity to meet your hyung!” Hoseok said with
a light laugh as he tapped out a message.

Coming up behind him, Seokjin hip-checked Jungkook with a sly smile. “Yoongi cares about
Jungkook a lot, huh?”

“Oh definitely. I’m glad I introduced them,” Hoseok agreed as he shoved away his phone and
stood up. “I texted Jimin too so he’ll meet us there!”

Jungkook smiled but it wavered. All his worst nightmares were coming to fruition right in front of
him. Yoongi didn’t know that Seokjin knew. Seokjin didn’t know that Yoongi and Hoseok were
dating. Hoseok didn't know that the man he was worried about Yoongi was sleeping with was
Jungkook. What a fucking mess. “Perfect.”

Seokjin threw an arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. “This is great! Lunch would have been fine but
I like the idea of drinks much better.”

“Of course!” Hoseok agreed, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Drinks always bring out the

Tensing, Jungkook’s eyes snapped to Hoseok but he was smiling, seemingly not meaning anything
by his simple comment. Maybe Jungkook was just being paranoid. Maybe Hoseok was even more
oblivious than Jungkook thought. Either way, he hated every second of this and was seriously
considering faking appendicitis just so he’d have an excuse to be anywhere but here. He didn’t
though. He just let Seokjin drag him back to his car. Let him start it up and follow Hoseok to the
pub he knew Yoongi and Taehyung were at. Let him pull him inside with a wide, excited smile,
unaware of what was to come. And let him jolt beside him as he watched Hoseok bound up to
Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin, and kiss Yoongi on the cheek with a wide smile devoid of his worry
and sadness from the night before.

“Jungkook, what—”

“Ah, Jin-hyung, come on and meet Jungkook’s friends! This is my boyfriend, Yoongi-hyung and
his best friend Taehyung. Beside him is my bestie for life, Jimin.”

“Jungkook, what the fuck.”

Taehyung sipped his beer, already having finished two more than he originally planned. He wasn’t
much of a drinker usually but this dinner deserved more alcohol. They’d long since stopped talking
about Yoongi’s infidelity but it lingered in the air between them. Yoongi knew he was upset and
Taehyung didn’t know how not to be. He wanted to be there for his friend but he was so
disappointed it was making his replies short and the overall atmosphere tense.

“Maybe we should just get the bill,” Yoongi offered, his smile small.

“No, I wanted to catch up with you,” Taehyung said.

Yoongi smiled tightly. “Maybe another day would be better.”

“Look, I’m sorry,” Taehyung started but Yoongi was already shaking his head.

“I get it, Tae. Seriously. I’m not happy about it either but I—” Yoongi broke off, his attention
falling to his phone. Seeing Hoseok’s name there, Yoongi scrambled to pick it up, hoping to see
Hoseok agreeing to meet him as he’d asked. Which he was. Kinda. “Um, Hoseok says he’s on his
way here with Jungkook and someone named Jin-hyung.”

“Jin-hyung?” Taehyung repeated.

Yoongi nodded. “That’s the name of Jungkook’s hyung back home in Busan but I didn’t think he
was coming to Seoul until next month.”


“I did,” Yoongi replied, eyes on his phone. A few seconds later, Hoseok confirmed that it was
indeed the Kim Seokjin from Jungkook’s hometown. “Looks like it is him. Must have been a
surprise. Jungkook didn’t mention it.”

“They’re coming here?” Taehyung asked.

Nodding again, Yoongi quickly typed out a message to Hoseok before putting down his phone.
“Seems he’s only in town for the night and he wants to meet Jungkook’s friends.”

Taehyung pursed his lips. “Makes sense. From what I’ve heard of him, he’s been worried about
Jungkook adapting.”

“Yea, he’s protective. Probably wants to make sure we’re treating him right.”

“Does he know about...” Taehyung said, his hand waving vaguely at Yoongi as if to say the
Yoongi blinked. “I… don’t know. Jungkook didn’t say he told him…”

Rubbing his face, Taehyung nodded. “So this could be a disaster.”

“No, Jungkook would have told me.”

“Does he know you told me?” Taehyung asked pointedly, making Yoongi wince and shake his
head. “A disaster.”

“Maybe it’ll be f—” Yoongi once again broke off as he was interrupted by Jimin’s bag slamming
down on the table. “Um, hi Jimin?”

“Whatever,” Jimin muttered, his expression hard and impassive.

Taehyung sighed. “A fucking disaster.”

Not really knowing what to say to that, Yoongi raised his hand and ordered another round of
drinks, figuring at the very least he’d need something to do with his hands.

It didn’t really help.

If he’d thought it was awkward before, it was stifling now. Jimin was sitting there silently drinking
his beer, not even talking to Taehyung. Yoongi kept darting looks at him, not bothering to ask why
Jimin was staring at him like looks could kill. If his suspicions were right and Hoseok knew, then
it was obvious Jimin would know too. There was no one else Hoseok would tell. But then, if
Hoseok knew why would he be with Jungkook? It didn’t make sense.

That question kept his mind occupied until he heard the door open and Hoseok’s loud voice
announced his presence followed by an equally loud laugh he didn’t recognize. Yoongi had enough
time to look up and see them moving closer before Hoseok was running towards them, his face
bright and happy, and throwing his arm around Yoongi’s shoulder. More than a little startled, he
heard Jimin curse under his breath and felt Hoseok kiss his cheek.
“Ah, Jin-hyung, come on and meet Jungkook’s friends! This is my boyfriend, Yoongi-hyung, and
his best friend Taehyung. Beside him is my bestie for life Jimin.”

Yoongi looked over again, this time seeing Jungkook, who looked small and worried, next to a tall
and frankly beautiful man who looked confused. He looked at Yoongi, then Hoseok, before he
turned to Jungkook and said something. Jungkook winced and grabbed Seokjin’s arm, his lips
moving quickly. Yoongi wasn’t great at reading lips but he saw the plea there and knew. Jungkook
had told him about Yoongi but not about Hoseok.


Turning around in his seat, Taehyung scanned Jungkook and Seokjin before sighing again and
turning to Yoongi with a raised brow. “What did I say?”

“A disaster,” Yoongi murmured quietly.

“Why would it be a disaster?” Hoseok asked, looking between Taehyung and Yoongi in confusion.
He was trying really hard to be normal, to act like he didn’t know what he did, and he thought he
was doing well so he didn’t understand what Taehyung was talking about.

At least not at first.

Once he focused on Taehyung’s face more closely, he saw the anger and sadness there. Maybe a
bit of pity too. He knows too, Hoseok realized with a sinking feeling. Taehyung knows and he feels
bad for him. How embarrassing.

Forcing himself to look away from Taehyung’s face, Hoseok refocused on Seokjin and Jungkook,
hoping to push through the awkwardness and continue like everything was okay. But they looked
upset too. Different kinds but both upset. Seokjin was staring at Jungkook with what could only be
disappointment, his lips turned down and brow furrowed. Jungkook, on the other hand, wasn’t
looking at him. He was staring dead ahead, his eyes round and somewhat pleading. There was an
apology on his face that Hoseok didn’t understand so he followed his gaze only to find it locked on
Yoongi, who was staring right back.

Hoseok blinked down at Yoongi, confused. Yoongi looked sad. Why would he look sad? Hoseok
turned back to Jungkook, realizing that he and Yoongi were having some sort of conversation
without words.
Why would they do that?

What was—

Nearly falling over, Hoseok yanked himself away from Yoongi, his head whipping between
Jungkook and Yoongi quickly. They wouldn’t— “No.”

“Hoseok—” Yoongi tried, going as far as standing up and reaching for Hoseok.

“No! Not— no,” Hoseok said loudly even as he stepped away from Yoongi, his hand coming up
defensively. “I need— I need to go.”

“Hyung, wait—”

“Don’t— don’t talk to me,” Hoseok hissed, his expression cracking as he darted away, brushing
past Seokjin without a backward glance.

“Shit,” Yoongi cursed, already running after him. He wanted to tell Hoseok but not like this. Not in
public surrounded by their friends. He knew he was an asshole, that he’d been hurting Hoseok this
entire time, but he wasn’t that cold. Hoseok deserved privacy. Not this.

But Jimin intercepted him and slammed his palm on Yoongi’s chest to make him stop running.
“Don’t even think about it, asshole.”

“Jimin, get out of my way.”

“You have been drinking and he’s upset. Sober the fuck up and let him calm down. Then you can
grovel or apologize or whatever the fuck you want to do. But not now. You come near him and I’ll
cut your dick off.”

Yoongi blinked. “Jimin—”

“If you think I’m kidding, try me,” Jimin threatened before spinning and running out after Hoseok,
leaving Taehyung at the table where he downed the last of his beer and muttered something to the
effect of disaster, Yoongi standing in the middle of the pathway between their table and the door,
and Seokjin and Jungkook standing awkwardly just in front of him.

“So you’re Yoongi,” Seokjin said, his voice an odd combination of anger and politeness.

“I am,” Yoongi confirmed, doing his best not to cower away from Seokjin.

“Jungkook, we’re leaving.”

“What— hyung—” Jungkook tried to protest but Seokjin simply turned and left without another

“It’s okay, Kookie. Go talk to your hyung,” Yoongi said softly.

Jungkook’s eyebrows snapped together. He could clearly see Yoongi was upset. Hell, Jungkook
was upset. He wanted to offer comfort, do something, but he couldn’t, so he just nodded. “I’ll call

“Okay,” Yoongi agreed quietly. Taking one step forward, Jungkook reached out and stroked the
side of Yoongi’s cheek. It wasn’t a lot, but it was all he could do right now. Yoongi seemed to
know that too because he leaned into it, just a bit, and sighed gently as his eyes slipped closed.
“You need to go, Kookie.”

“I know,” Jungkook agreed, his hand lingering for one last moment then he stepped back again and
left the restaurant without another word. Yoongi stood there for what felt like an hour more, almost
unaware of the people and noise around him before he returned to the table and met the sad but
knowing gaze of Taehyung.

“That,” Taehyung started slowly, “was not as bad as it could have been.”

Yoongi choked out a laugh, his head falling to the table with an audible smack before he started to
cry. “Bad doesn’t even begin to cover it.”
Jungkook was, at heart, non-confrontational. He hated fighting and arguing and everything that
came with it. Seokjin was not the same way. Not that he liked fighting, but he never shied away
from it and he always won. He was a master with words and expression and everyone who knew
him was aware of it.

Including Jungkook.

Which was why he ended up following behind Seokjin meekly as they returned to his apartment
and took a seat on the couch with his fingers intertwined on his lap. As he’d predicted, Seokjin
began to pace in front of him, only the coffee table separating them. His expression was conflicted,
like he didn’t even know where to start. Jungkook simply waited him out, not wanting to start what
would inevitably be an emotional conversation.


“Yes, hyung.”

Seokjin sighed, his hand threading through his hair and pulling. “Your boyfriend is Min Yoongi.”


“The same Yoongi that was at that pub and Hoseok introduced as his boyfriend.”

Jungkook’s breath hitched but he nodded. “Yes.”

“God, Jungkook. What the fuck?” Seokjin snapped. “You said he might have a casual hookup not
that he was already dating one of your best friends.”

“I know,” Jungkook whispered.

Seokjin made a low sound, almost a growl. “I don’t even know where to start.”
Jungkook glanced up, then, seeing the expression on Seokjin’s face, looked away again. “I’m sorry
you’re disappointed.”

“Disappointed?” Seokjin repeated, anger leaking into his voice now. “Try disgusted.”

“D-disgusted?” Jungkook echoed, his voice cracking as tears flooded his eyes. He hadn’t expected
that. Not even close.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Kookie,” Seokjin apologized immediately, nearly tripping in his haste to get to
Jungkook and wipe away his tears. “Hyung didn’t mean that. I’m just… confused. I don’t
understand, Jungkook.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Jungkook apologized, his eyes round and pleading.

“I know, Kook, I know,” Seokjin assured him. He really hadn’t meant to say that. It had just
slipped out in his anger. “Hyung is too. I didn’t mean it, okay? I just need you to explain this to

Jungkook wiped his cheek. “You know everything already.”

“You left out some pretty big parts.”

“Just the Hoseok part.”


“I know,” Jungkook said quietly. “I know it’s wrong and we shouldn’t have but I— he makes me
so happy, hyung. I’ve never been as happy as I am with him. Never.”

“How can you be happy with a man that chea—” Seokjin began to say but Jungkook interrupted,
his head snapping up in surprise.
“Do you think this was his idea?”


Jungkook only shook his head. He’d expected Seokjin to be angry but he hadn’t even considered
that Seokjin would try and blame Yoongi for this. “Don’t talk about him like that. It was my idea.
You know that. We talked about it. Don’t— don’t act like he’s some big bad villain that seduced
me while he had a boyfriend. That’s not what happened. We— we fucked up, yes, but it was us not
him. Don’t— don’t talk about him like that.”

Seokjin sighed, not entirely sure where Jungkook’s rant was coming from. He hadn’t even said
anything about Yoongi other than pointing out he was cheating. Which he was. “Only one of you
had a boyfriend, Jungkook.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“It does,” Seokjin said softly, his expression full of pity as he sat beside Jungkook on the couch. “I
get that you love him, Jungkook. I do. Trust me, I do. But he has a boyfriend. Or had anyway. He
made the choice to be with you despite that.”


“There’s a reason people say once a cheater, always a cheater, Jungkook.”

Jungkook’s head whipped around. “He’s not like that.”

“Your relationship would suggest otherwise.”

“Maybe if we had rushed into it but we didn’t. We struggled. Both of us. And he was upset! Just
last night he tried to end things because he didn’t want to cheat anymore. He only agreed because
he thought I wanted that.”
Seokjin smiled sadly. “A likely story.”

Pushing himself up, Jungkook walked away. “Why are you acting like this? You don’t even know

“I don’t need to, Kook.”

“Yes, you do! You can’t just make snap judgements,” Jungkook protested.

“Maybe that’s true but it doesn’t take extended contact to see that this relationship or whatever
you want to call it isn’t healthy.”

“You don't know that.”

“Jungkook, for fuck sakes, you’re cheating. You are fucking the man who’s dating the first person
to be nice to you after you moved here! You’re lying to your friends and hurting Hoseok. How the
fuck is that healthy?!” Seokjin practically yelled, frustration making him louder than he wanted to

“Okay, yes,” Jungkook conceded. “But it’s not like that all the time. When we’re alone, we’re so
good, hyung.”

Seokjin closed his eyes. “I’m sure you are. I can see how happy he makes you, Kook. I can. But
that doesn’t make it healthy. You need to stop seeing him.”

“What? No!”


“No, hyung. No. You don’t— you don’t get to come here and see him for five seconds and just—
no. I won’t,” Jungkook refused, already moving away and heading for his room.

Seeing where he was headed, Seokjin scrambled after him. “Jungkook, don’t! Please listen to me.”
“No!” Jungkook yelled back, the door slamming behind him, leaving Seokjin to stare at it sadly.
He didn’t know what to do honestly. He’d suspected something else was going on, even going so
far as to wonder if Yoongi was lying, but it had never occurred to him that Jungkook knew. That
Jungkook had willingly pursued a taken man and started a relationship with him. Seokjin didn’t
understand how the Jungkook he knew could do that. It didn’t make sense. Maybe Yoongi wasn’t
a bad guy, but in this situation that didn’t matter. Their relationship was unhealthy and Seokjin was
concerned about his friend.

Yoongi didn’t matter in that scenario at all.

All that mattered was Jungkook’s well-being. Period.

By the time Yoongi made it home that night, he was exhausted. It felt like he’d run a marathon.
The past twenty-four hours could easily be classified as the worst in his life. He’d had to lie about
Jungkook having a different boyfriend to Hoseok like this was some game; he’d messed up and
fucked Jungkook in a bathroom, only for Hoseok to notice; he’d told Taehyung the truth and gotten
berated for it, though he understood; Jungkook had shown up with his hyung, only for Hoseok to
finally figure out that it was Jungkook Yoongi was sneaking around with; oh, and Seokjin had
basically given him a look that could curdle milk.

All in all, a terrible day.

The worst part was that he deserved it. He didn’t feel pity for himself. He was tired, sure, but that
was all. He knew this was coming. He knew he deserved everyone’s disgust and anger. He’d
cheated. Reasons be damned. The simple truth was that because he was too weak to take a risk and
go after what he wanted, he’d cheated and ended up hurting not only Hoseok but Jungkook as well.
Neither of them deserved that. They deserved so much better than him and what he offered.

Crawling into bed, Yoongi pulled the covers up and sighed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He knew
he couldn’t sleep. He was exhausted but his mind wouldn’t let him rest. Hoseok must be so upset
right now. Yoongi wished he’d been strong enough to tell Hoseok sooner so that he could have
found out in private. And Jungkook. God. Seokjin had looked so upset. There was no way he
wasn’t getting a lecture right now. Or worse. He couldn’t help but worry about both of them,
wishing he could have been different. That he and Hoseok hadn’t decided to date after hooking up.
That they’d stayed friends so Yoongi could meet Jungkook that way. A perfect meet-cute. Not this
trash-fire of lies and pain.
Distantly, Yoongi heard his front door open. Only two people had his code and something told him
Jungkook wouldn’t be coming to see him tonight, so Yoongi closed his eyes and waited. After a
few minutes, he heard someone come inside and sit beside him. He could smell Hoseok’s cologne
so he knew it was him. Not that he hadn’t already known anyway.

“Can I ask you something, hyung?” Hoseok asked quietly, his voice almost hollow.

Yoongi opened his eyes but kept them on the ceiling. “Of course.”

“Are you happy?”

“No,” Yoongi answered simply.

Hoseok nodded, even though Yoongi didn’t see it. He didn’t know Yoongi wasn’t looking at him
because he was focused on a small dent in Yoongi’s wall anyway. “Are you happy with me?”

Yoongi’s breath stopped for a moment but he answered anyway. “No.”

“Do you think—” Hoseok stopped, pain lancing through him. “Do you think, if we tried, we could

“Yes,” Yoongi admitted.

“Do you want to try?”

“No,” Yoongi whispered honestly, his eyes finally moving to Hoseok, taking in his dishevelled
hair and stiff posture. Yoongi had done that. He’d hurt Hoseok because he was selfish.

But Hoseok only nodded. “I see.”

“Are you happy with me?” Yoongi asked gently, wanting to know the answer. Was it just him?
Was he the only one that felt like something was missing?
Hoseok’s head tilted down, the side of his face visible even if he didn’t make eye contact with
Yoongi. “I could be.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

“I tried to be.”


“No,” Hoseok answered finally. “I’m content. But not happy. Dance makes me happy. You…
make me feel… comfortable.”

Yoongi let out a breath. “I thought it was only me.”

“Me too.”

“Hoseok, I—”

“Don’t,” Hoseok snapped out harshly. “Please don’t. I’m not— I know, okay? I know. I just— not
now. I can’t— not now.”

“But Hoseok—”

“Please, hyung. Just— for once, do something for me! I’m not ready, okay? I can’t— just fucking

Yoongi’s eyebrows snapped together but he nodded. “Okay, Seok. Okay. I’m— I’m sorry.”

Hoseok laughed, the sound was bitter and ugly. “Yea. Aren’t we all.”
Chapter End Notes


Chapter 18
Chapter Notes

I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you again for reading this story! I know
we're into the part we've all been dreading, where reality comes bring the angst right
along with it. Hoseok's part, his reaction, was very personal for me and it's only going
to get worse before it gets better, so thanks for sticking around. I've said this in the
comments, but I'll say it here too: when I'm done with this universe, everyone will be

So, well, prepare yourself for this chapter!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Seokjin was not one to admit he was getting older. In fact, if you even suggested it he would
disembowel you with a look. That denial, however, didn’t stop his back from hurting after spending
the night on Jungkook’s couch. Jungkook hadn’t left his room once the entire night nor had he
answered Seokjin’s pleas to come out and talk.

Seokjin knew he’d been harsh, perhaps even a bit overly emotional, but he’d just been so shocked.
How could the man Jungkook had been gushing over for months be in a relationship with someone
else? How could Jungkook not only know about it but move forward anyway? It left Seokjin
reeling. He didn’t regret the suggestion that had made Jungkook lock himself away though. He
knew he was right, he just needed to make Jungkook understand.

With that thought in mind, Seokjin went to Jungkook’s door and knocked again. “Kookie? Can we


Sighing in relief even if Jungkook’s reply had been quiet and tentative, Seokjin stepped into the
room and closed the door behind him. On his bed, Jungkook was curled up in a ball, completely
surrounded by blankets that he’d pulled up around his face. Seokjin moved slowly, giving
Jungkook time to tell him to leave if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He just let Seokjin come to the
bed and lie beside him. To Seokjin’s surprise, Jungkook lifted the blankets and scooted closer, his
arms automatically going around Seokjin’s waist like they normally would.

Without real thought, Seokjin pulled him closer and began petting his hair. “I’m sorry I upset you,
“I’m sorry I ran away,” Jungkook whispered back, his fingers drawing patterns on Seokjin’s side.

Seokjin smiled briefly. “I’m just… I still don’t understand.”

“I know.”

“What about Hoseok? How can you just— explain that to me,” Seokjin asked, his tone gentle.

Jungkook licked his lips and nodded. “I try not to think about it.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I know,” Jungkook admitted. “But that’s how I deal with it. When I’m with Hoseok-hyung, it’s
just us, and when I’m with Yoongi-hyung it’s just us.”

“But you obviously hang out as a group,” Seokjin pointed out.

Jungkook nodded. “We do. Usually… usually I’m too focused on how much it hurts that hyung
isn’t with me that I don’t think of anything else.”

“That’s really selfish, Kook.”

“I know,” Jungkook said again. It seemed he knew a lot of things.

“How did you justify it then?” Seokjin wondered.

“I don’t think I ever did,” Jungkook explained slowly. “I just accepted it. I knew it was wrong, we
both did. Before we— before it got more serious, we talked about it all the time. Hyung even tried
to break it off and go back but that hurt so much. For both of us. We’re so happy together so we
just… lived in our own bubble.”
Seokjin closed his eyes. “That bubble just burst.”

“It burst before,” Jungkook admitted quietly. “Last night, or the day before actually, we were all
out and Hoseok-hyung almost caught us. I had to— I lied about having another boyfriend, that’s
why he agreed when you talked about the stuff at my apartment. He didn't know— he didn't know
who and hyung was so upset, he broke down and begged me to stop this because he couldn’t take it
anymore. That’s how— that’s when I realized he thought I didn’t want a real relationship. I’d
thought it was the other way around.”

“So what did you two decide?” Seokjin asked, deciding to take Jungkook’s explanation of why
Yoongi had agreed to cheat at face value. At least for now.

Jungkook burrowed closer. “We decided to tell Hoseok-hyung together in private. We decided we
wanted to be together so we had to tell the truth.”

“And then I showed up,” Seokjin realized.

Rubbing his eyes, Jungkook laughed bitterly. “Yea. I was terrified. Yoongi-hyung didn’t know I
told you so he was completely blindsided when you came in. I should have told him but I didn’t get
the change and then Hoseok-hyung figured it out too and it just— we never wanted him to find out
that way. I know what he did was wrong. I know that. But that doesn’t mean I wanted to hurt

“But you did, Kook.”

“Yea,” Jungkook agreed quietly. “I did. I did that.”

“Do you feel any guilt?” Seokjin wondered. Jungkook hadn’t shown a shred of guilt since he’d
arrived. Sympathy, regret, sure. But not guilt.

Jungkook sat up abruptly, his face morphing into one of anger and hurt. “Of course I do! It claws at
my throat every time I see him smile. Every time I saw him and knew he thought everything was
okay when it wasn’t. Every time I had to lie about where I was or who I was with. When Yoongi-
hyung was beside me, happy and content, and I knew Hoseok-hyung had no idea. Of course I feel
“You don’t seem like it, Kook,” Seokjin told him honestly.

“Because what does my guilt bring? Does it make Hoseok-hyung feel better? Does it change what
we did? Feeling guilty is just something for me. To make myself feel better about doing a terrible
thing. Hoseok-hyung doesn’t need to know that I feel bad about fucking up his relationship and
Yoongi-hyung doesn’t need to know I feel guilty for loving him. That helps no one,” Jungkook
ranted, his breathing heavy.

Seokjin blinked then sat up as well and grabbed Jungkook’s hands. “That’s not all guilt does,
Jungkook. It also lets people know you understand that what you did is wrong.”

“I know what we did was wrong, hyung. I know that. I knew it before when I started to fall. I knew
it when I touched him for the first time. I knew it when I ignored his plea to forget it and asked for
more. I knew it every time I brought him out and earned a smile or a laugh, every moment that
should have been Hoseok-hyung’s but was mind instead. I was aware every step of the way and I
did it anyway. Guilt means nothing if I don't regret it.”


“Hoseok-hyung doesn’t need my guilt,” Jungkook told him seriously. “He needs my apology.”

“Are you going to apologize?” Seokjin asked.

Jungkook’s eyes darted away. “I don’t know how but I will. It won’t change anything. I hurt him
regardless. But I want him to know I’m sorry for it.”

“Then what happens next?”

“I— we haven’t talked about it really,” Jungkook admitted. “We thought we had time before he
found out. But we want to be together.”

“Do you think that’s the right thing?”

“Hyung, I told you—”

“No, just listen, okay?” Seokjin interrupted, his expression earnest. When Jungkook pursed his
lips, he continued, “I’m sorry for attacking Yoongi when I don’t know anything about him, but I
stand by what I said. I think you two are in a really emotionally charged situation and you don’t
really know how you feel.”

“I know what I—”

“Jungkook, you have never been this attached to someone and in this situation, it’s a lot to sort
through. The same goes for him. How do you know what he feels isn't a result of all the tension
and sneaking around?”

“Because I trust him and myself,” Jungkook told him firmly, his eyes steady.

Seokjin scanned his face then nodded. “Then I’m asking you to take a break. To separate from
each other and figure out how you feel alone. If what you feel is real, then you’ll come back

“But I—”

“You trust your feelings, right?” Seokjin asked, earning a nod from Jungkook. “Then what’re a few
weeks to assess them when you’re both single?”

Jungkook frowned, his eyes dropping to his lap where he’d been fiddling with the blanket ever
since Seokjin started talking. His first instinct was to run away again, ignore what Seokjin said, and
run into Yoongi’s arms, where he felt safe. But was that a problem in and of itself? Did they need
time alone to figure out where to go from here? Everything had blown up in their faces, their
friends were mad, Hoseok was hurt. Nothing had gone the way they’d wanted it to. Was that a sign
they needed to take a step back and regroup?

He couldn’t help but remember the bathroom at the club. They’d been so wrapped up in each other
that they hadn’t even considered the fact that Hoseok was there, that he was looking for his
boyfriend. They’d both known after it was the worst of the mistakes they’d made, but at the time
that hadn’t occurred to them. Was that what Seokjin was talking about? The fact that they were so
lost to their emotions they didn’t think straight?
“You know I’m right,” Seokjin said gently, seeing the shift on Jungkook’s face as he slowly began
to realize what Seokjin was talking about. Jungkook had been running full tilt since he’d met
Yoongi, his emotions leading him, and Seokjin had no doubt he’d pulled Yoongi along until he
was doing the same. They needed to stop. It was the only way they’d think clearly.

“Maybe,” Jungkoook admitted, his lips trembling. “But if we— if I do this and we get back
together you have to— you can’t be mean to him. You have to accept it. Promise me that.”

Seokjin lifted Jungkook’s face so he could see his seriousness. “If you two decide to get together
after some time to think, then I’ll give you my blessing, okay?”

“I love him so much, hyung. It hurts to even think about doing this,” Jungkook whispered.

“That’s why you have to. You have to take a step back, Kook.”

“You promise?” Jungkook asked, referring back to offering his blessing.

“I promise,” Seokjin said firmly. He might not like it, but if Jungkook still felt this way after the
dust had settled, after the high of sneaking around and forbidden romance faded, then Seokjin
would support him. He was a good hyung after all.

After Hoseok had left, Yoongi had taken some time to reflect. And by reflect, he meant wallow.
He’d made a lot of mistakes in his life. So, so many. He regretted a lot of them. But Jungkook
wasn’t one of them. It was an odd feeling to be pressed down by guilt and regret but have the main
thing, the thing that was the root of all of it, not be a part of that feeling. He regretted hurting
Hoseok; he regretted breaking up their friend group. But not Jungkook. Never Jungkook. He didn’t
regret one moment or smile. One soft touch or heated glance. None of it.

In fact, all he wanted to do was hold him. He missed him. He knew he was probably feeling bad,
just like Yoongi was, and wanted to offer comfort, to be there for him. It was like an overwhelming
need that stayed with him the entire night and well into the next day. He’d ended up wearing one of
Jungkook’s shirts, hoping that would make him feel better. It didn’t really, since it had long since
started to smell more like Yoongi than Jungkook, but it helped. Made him feel a bit closer to him.

He was still feeling that way when a tentative knock on his door pulled him out of bed. He knew it
had to be Jungkook so he moved quickly, nearly ripping the door off its hinges in his haste.

“Jungkookie,” Yoongi breathed, stepping closer and cupping his cheeks. Jungkook looked terrible:
tired and sad. He had dark circles under his eyes and his lips were swollen from biting on them.
Yoongi figured that, like himself, Jungkook hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep the night before. “Oh,
sweetie, are you okay?”

“Sweetie…” Jungkook whispered, his eyes slipping closed. “You never call me that.”

Yoongi hesitated. “Is it not okay?”

Jungkook shook his head, his cheeks pushing into Yoongi’s palms even more. “I like it.”

“I’m glad,” Yoongi whispered, his thumbs moving along Jungkook’s cheekbones, amplifying the
anguish that had settled in his gut after his conversation with Seokjin. He hadn’t felt good about it
the entire drive here and now, with Yoongi looking at him so worriedly and holding his face so
softly, he felt even worse. He just wanted to be with Yoongi. Why was that so bad? Why did it feel
like everything was pushing for the opposite?

“Here, why don’t you come inside? Hyung’ll make you some tea and then we can—”

“No,” Jungkook cut him off abruptly, his words rushing out. He couldn’t go inside. Couldn’t let
Yoongi hold him, let himself fall into that happy place he found in his arms. “Not now.”

Yoongi blinked, his hands dropping slowly as he focused on Jungkook’s face more closely. He
looked upset. Really, really upset. Yoongi couldn’t think of one thing that would make Jungkook
that sad. Not unless— oh. “O-oh. I see.”

Jungkook bit his lip, not wanting to open his eyes and see the face he knew accompanied that
voice. Yoongi knew. Of course he did. No one but Seokjin knew Jungkook better. But he had to do
this. Seokjin was right. They had to sort through their emotions first and then decide where they
wanted to go with their relationship. It was the right thing to do. “I’m sorry, hyung.”

“No, it’s okay. You can come in another time,” Yoongi deflected weakly, hoping he was wrong.
He wanted to believe he’d misread Jungkook but he knew he hadn’t.
Finally opening his eyes, Jungkook met Yoongi’s gaze, saw the worry and the pain there, and
started to cry. He didn’t want to. He wanted to do this clearly and explain his reasoning but he
couldn’t. Not when Yoongi was looking at him like that. “I-I-I—”

“It’s okay, Kookie. It’s okay,” Yoongi assured him, slowly wiping away the tears that wouldn’t
stop flowing down Jungkook’s face. He looked so upset, like he was the one being told things had
to end. Like it had already been said. Clearly, it had taken him a lot to get here and Yoongi wasn’t
going to push him on it. If that’s what Jungkook had decided, despite how upset it made him, then
Yoongi would accept that.

Even if it hurt.

But it was funny, Yoongi decided, in a horrible kind of way, how wrong people were about the
sound of heartbreak. In every show and movie, it was shown as glass shattering, as that initial burst
and then the tinkling sound of glass falling. It couldn’t be more wrong. All he heard was
splintering and then a snap. Like when kids climb a tree and bounce on one of the branches. At
first, there’s nothing, then the small sounds of cracking wood, followed by the final loud snap and
splintering as the branch breaks and falls to the ground. That’s what the sound of Yoongi’s heart
breaking sounded like. He couldn’t help but think glass shattering was prettier.

“I want to be with you so much, hyung, I do,” Jungkook confessed, driving that pain even further
home, “but I think— this all went so wrong. We need— a break. We need a break.”

Yoongi smiled painfully, the expression more of a fragile stretching of lips than anything else, and
nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

“I don’t but I— it’s what’s best,” Jungkook managed to explain. He wanted to tell him he loved
him, but he didn’t. Not now. The first time he said it wouldn’t be in these circumstances. He’d tell
him when they came back together. If they came back together.

“Okay, Kookie,” Yoongi agreed, his voice deceptively level and calm. His hands once again
leaving Jungkook’s face. He scanned him one last time, remembering the awkward boy who’d
caught his attention at the bar and the smiling one who’d taken him on the best date he’d ever been
on, and smiled, his gums flashing. “Hyung’ll be here no matter what, okay?”

Hearing that, Jungkook’s face crumpled. He knew Yoongi’s acting when he saw it, knew the man
must be just as upset as he was but was pretending to be okay for him. That hurt more than if
Yoongi had yelled at him. Not that Yoongi ever would. He wanted to tell him to stop, to be as sad
as Jungkook felt, to show him the real emotions he’d gotten so comfortable displaying around
Jungkook. But he didn't. That wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to ask Yoongi to be emotional and hurt
when he was just going to walk away, unable to comfort him. All he could do was leave as soon as
possible to allow both of them the time to grieve. So he sniffed and wiped his nose. “I-I know you
will be. I’ll see you?”

“Of course, Kookie. Get home safe.”

“Okay,” Jungkook whispered before spinning on his heel and running away. He needed to get out
of here fast. Seokjin was gone now, he’d waited until he’d left to come, so he’d have the place to
himself. No one to judge him if he cried over the picture of him and Yoongi at the club. No one to
comfort him either, but maybe that was for the best.

Yoongi watched him go then closed the door quietly and leaned against it. Slowly, he slid down
until he was curled into a ball and buried his face into his knees. He felt his body start to shake, the
telltale signs of sobs trying to escape. It was like it was too big for his body, like it was fighting to
escape. All Yoongi could do was cover his mouth with his hand, feel one final shudder before he
broke entirely.

He’d lost everything. Jungkook, his friends, Hoseok. Jungkook. Everything. He was truly and
utterly alone now and that was his fault. It was shocking how quickly his life had fallen apart. In a
matter of two days, he’d lost everything he cared about. Even more surprising was that, even like
this, crying and broken, he’d still make the same choice. Still choose Jungkook. That little bit of
happiness, that pure, bright love, had been worth it. He’d always choose Jungkook. Even if
Jungkook didn’t choose him.

If that wasn’t pathetic, Yoongi didn't know what was.

Though, to be fair, he didn’t know much of anything at that moment. He didn't stop to think or
process Jungkook’s words, to think about why Jungkook suggested a break. To him, a break was
an end. People didn’t get back together after a break. It never worked out that way. Yoongi knew
that. Knew this was the end. The end of everything.

So he didn’t move. He just stayed curled up against his front door and cried his heart out. He was
still there, hours later, when the door opened, forcing him forward suddenly. He scrambled up, a
false sense of hope rising. Jungkook had his code, so he thought maybe it was him coming back.

But it wasn’t.
It was Hoseok.

He looked startled to see Yoongi there, his eyes dipping confusedly to the base of the door where
he’d felt the resistance when trying to open it. He wanted to ask, but he didn’t. Instead, he just met
Yoongi’s eyes and frowned. “Can I come in?”

Yoongi blinked at him and hastily wiped off his face, missing the way Hoseok’s eyes dipped to
Yoongi’s shirt and flashed with something akin to rage. Unlike Jungkook, who’d been too upset to
notice, Hoseok recognized the shirt Yoongi wore as Jungkook’s. Yoongi had never worn his
clothes. But he covered his reaction quickly and followed Yoongi further into the apartment.

Sitting in the single chair and bringing his knees up, a defence mechanism Hoseok recognized
easily, Yoongi watched Hoseok carefully, waiting for whatever he was going to say. Now that they
were sitting, Hoseok could see that Yoongi looked worse than he had the night before. A small,
vicious part of him was happy to see that. Happy that Yoongi had suffered the same way he was
currently suffering.

But Hoseok didn't want that person to be him, so he crossed his legs and narrowed his eyes on
Yoongi. “So you’re the boyfriend…”

Wincing, Yoongi nodded. “Yea.”

“How long?”

“I— depends.”

Hoseok’s eye twitched but he took a breath. There were things he needed to know and he wasn’t
going to get them by yelling. That would come later. “Pick the oldest date.”

“His housewarming.”

“You’re fucking— that was months ago.”


Rubbing his hands through his hair, Hoseok stood up and paced away. So he’d been right. The bad
thing Yoongi had wanted to tell him but didn't was the cheating. “So that’s why you didn’t have
sex with me. Because you were fucking Jungkook.”


Hoseok flinched at the straightforwardness of Yoongi’s answer. He was just watching him,
something near blankness in his eyes, and answering his questions. If anything, that pissed Hoseok
off more. “You’re a piece of shit. You knew that’s not what I meant when I said I didn’t want to
know about bad things.”

“I did,” Yoongi agreed softly.

“And yet you lied to me for months! Why didn’t you— why not break up with me? Why let me—
god, I took you on a date! I bought you flowers. I thought I was doing good!”

Yoongi met his eyes then. “You were. I wanted it to work but it just… didn’t. I wasn’t happy and I
didn't know how to tell you.”

“You could have talked to me,” Hoseok shouted, his voice cracking on a near sob. “You never
talked to me! I just had to guess all the time! Why couldn’t you have just told me? Why— why
cheat? Why with Jungkook? God, he’s my friend! Was my friend. I-I introduced you and you just
— fucked him. How could you do that?”

“Because I love him,” Yoongi replied, his shoulders rising and falling helplessly. “He didn’t need
me to explain, he just understood and that made me want to tell him things. Before I even— I fell.”

“You fell in love so you fucked him?” Hoseok snapped, throwing his hands up. As if that was an

“No. We— we fucked because we were attracted to each other and I was unhappy. I kept doing it
because I loved him. Didn’t know it at the time,” Yoongi admitted, his voice dipping low with
something close to regret. “Know it now.”
“You know it now?” Hoseok hissed, Yoongi’s calm and matter-of-fact demeanour doing nothing
to de-escalate the situation. “How convenient.”

Yoongi smiled, but there was a bitter edge to it, like Hoseok was missing something. He was
always missing something. But, like always, Yoongi didn’t explain so Hoseok just continued, “All
the shit at his apartment. It’s yours.”


“You couldn’t even let me have one toothbrush here and you moved half your life into his


“Did you—” Hoseok broke off, suddenly remembering Jungkook's reactions to Hoseok talking
about Yoongi’s writing and the replaced laptop. There was no way, right? “Did he read your

Yoongi’s eyes snapped up in surprise. He hadn’t expected Hoseok to ask that. “He did.”

Hoseok nearly choked, a sob bubbling up in his throat. He didn’t know why that was the thing to
set him off, but it was. He’d watched Yoongi lose himself in writing for months but he’d never
seen a word. Taehyung had told him no one did, so he’d resigned himself to not knowing but
Jungkook had. After a few months of knowing Yoongi, Jungkook had gotten to read those words,
to get a peek into Yoongi’s mind. It made Hoseok want to scream. “What is wrong with you?”

“I don’t even know where to start,” Yoongi admitted with complete seriousness. He was doing his
best to answer Hoseok’s questions openly and honestly. He didn’t know how else to do this.
Regardless of how he handled this, Hoseok would be hurt, would continue to be hurt. So Yoongi
settled on answering simply and watching Hoseok pace around, his mood fluctuation wildly with
every question.

“I just want to know why,” Hoseok bit out, refusing to cry now. He could feel it building but he
beat it down. He would not cry here.
Yoongi watched him for a moment, his expression conflicted. “I was afraid.”


“Of being alone. Jungkook, he—” Yoongi hesitated. “He offered me something but I was afraid of
it. Of him. You were… safe. I was content and that felt okay. So I stayed.”

Hoseok spun away, his thoughts nearly fracturing. He’d assumed as much. That’s why he’d come
to see Yoongi the night before. He’d spend the whole night crying into Jimin’s arms, asking all
these questions, when Jimin had asked one instead: were you happy? Hoseok had wanted to say yes
but he hadn’t. His hesitation had made him want to ask Yoongi the same. That need to hear
Yoongi’s answer had allowed him to pull on this deceptive calm so he could ask Yoongi what he’d
wanted to know. He hadn’t been ready to hear it all like he was now but he’d wanted to know a
few things. He’d thought, because of that, he’d be more equipped to handle this conversation, but
he wasn't. It still hurt. Still made his heart contract painfully with every word or look from Yoongi.
He didn’t love him, but he still hurt.

“I bet you both thought it was so funny how stupid I was,” Hoseok whispered, remembering all the
little signs that were so obvious now that he’d missed. The smiling at the phone, the late nights or
missed calls. The flushed skin or long looks. All of it was so obvious but he’d missed it. Or, rather,
chosen not to see it. “How I kept encouraging you two to hang out and be friends all the while you
were fucking behind my back.”

“No, Hoseok, no. It was never— no,” Yoongi rushed out, jumping up and moving closer to
Hoseok. “It was never like that, Hoseok. I promise you that. We never— not once did we think it
was funny or easy.”

“Sure,” Hoseok snorted disdainfully. “All those ‘Jungkookie’s boyfriend’ conversations weren’t
funny to you? You didn’t think it was hilarious that you could talk about your relationship without
me knowing?”

“Never,” Yoongi emphasized, grabbing Hoseok’s arm as he tried to walk away again. “Think what
you want about what I did. That’s fine. I deserve that. But never think you were stupid, Hoseok.
We never thought that. You’re a good person who wanted to help your friend. What we did doesn't
change that.”

“Don’t touch me,” Hoseok hissed, ripping his arm from Yoongi’s grasp. “You don’t get to stand
there and praise me like you didn't break my heart and fuck around for months! If I’m so great why
sleep with Jungkookie, huh? What did he give you that I couldn’t?”
“Attention,” Yoongi answered simply. “Attention and understanding.”

“I could have done that!”

“Not like he did.”

“Oh? How did he do it then?”

“On our first date—”

“You went on dates!?” Hoseok nearly screamed. “You two were actually fucking dating, weren’t
you? I thought it was just sex but— a whole relationship behind my back.”


“Fucking where? Where did you go that was so good?”

“A brewery,” Yoongi answered after a moment’s hesitation.

“A brewery. Why the fuck would you want to go there?”

Yoongi smiled bitterly. “He noticed I always try different craft and local beer and that I always try
to look up things to learn to do it myself.”

“Okay, and?”

“So he found a brewery that had a make your own beer class and took me.”

Hoseok blinked, his hand coming up to his mouth protectively. He hadn’t noticed that. He knew
Yoongi liked building stuff and beer but not… not the other stuff. “That doesn’t make it okay.”

“No. I’m just answering your question,” Yoongi told him. “We aren’t good for each other, Hoseok.
You know that.”

“We could have been!” Hoseok yelled, his resolve finally breaking as tears flooded his eyes. He
knew that. He knew all of this. He’d just wanted— he didn’t know what he wanted. A reason
maybe. A way to make one or both of them the villains. Not this… middle ground. He hated this.
But not as much as he hated Yoongi at that very moment. “We could have been good! You said so
yourself but you never— you never let us be that way! You always pulled back; you never told me
how you felt! The only time we even saw each other was for sex or when I was begging you to
spend time with me! You sabotaged us and now you’re standing there saying it’s because you
weren’t happy. You made us unhappy! You did that.”

“I know,” Yoongi agreed, his brows furrowed. He wasn’t lying because he knew that was true.
Hoseok was not a good boyfriend but neither was he. That realization was only a few days old but it
haunted him. He’d been terrified he’d do the same to Jungkook, but, he realized, his heart pulsing
painfully, he didn't have to worry about that anymore.

“You know but you didn’t stop it!”

“I didn’t know before. I thought— I didn’t even realize I was unhappy,” Yoongi whispered.

Hoseok froze, confusion flooding him. “What?”

“I thought— I knew I wasn’t happy but I figured— I thought no one really was? That what we had
was good and it was okay. I didn’t— I didn’t realize I was unhappy until he—” Yoongi broke off,
not wanting to bring Jungkook into this now. “It was too late by the time I realized.”

Turning away, Hoseok looked out the window. His emotions were a swirling mass and right now
he couldn’t identify a single one. They just were. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

Yoongi nodded. “After Friday we—”

Hoseok whipped around, his eyes widening in shock. He’d forgotten about that. How could he
forget? Almost mindlessly, Hoseok stalked forward. “How could you do that? I was there! Right
there! I heard— god, I heard you two fucking.”

“I have no excuse. It was a mistake,” Yoongi answered quickly, his eyes fixed on Hoseok as he
moved closer. Hoseok's eyes blazed and lips trembled in anger, like he could barely restrain
himself. Yoongi had never seen him that angry, not even during this conversation. He watched, in a
slow-motion type of shock, as Hoseok raised his hand.

Yoongi thought, for one moment, that Hoseok was going to hit him. But then he clenched his fist
and dropped his hand, his head shaking and expression seething. “You won’t make me into that
person. I won’t let you.”

“Hoseok, that was never—”

“Shut up! Just—” Hoseok broke off, his voice fluctuating between anger and sadness. “Just shut
up. I don’t even know why I came. I don’t know what I thought I’d get out of this conversation. I
hope you’re happy. I hope you and Jungkook get to sail off into the fucking sunset knowing how
badly you hurt me. I hope you two can fucking live with that.”

Instinctively, Yoongi flinched back and looked away, Jungkook’s tear-filled face still too close to
recent memory for him to not react. But this wasn’t about him or Jungkook, it was about Hoseok.
So Yoongi did his best to pull a mask on. “I’ll always be sorry for hurting you, Hoseok. I know
that doesn’t matter but I will.”

“No, what was that?” Hoseok asked, stepping to the side where Yoongi’s eyes were directed.
“What was that look for?”


“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Hoseok snapped, frustrated. Why was he always lying? Even now,
Yoongi was hiding things. If that wasn’t the basis of their entire relationship, Hoseok didn’t know
what was.

Yoongi’s lips worked, like he was trying to figure out what to say, then his shoulders dropped. “He
broke up with me. Earlier.”

Hoseok’s eyes shot upward, meeting Yoongi’s. Suddenly that blank expression and his position
near the door made a lot more sense. That sick satisfaction from before started to rise again but
Hoseok pushed it down. “He what?”

“He ended things. Said it was… too much,” Yoongi explained, then he smiled weakly. “But I
deserve that, I guess. Punishment, right?”

Hoseok frowned, that twisted feeling morphing to anger. They broke up? All this pain and hurt was
for nothing? What even was the point!? That hatred he’d felt, the one centred and his inability to
communicate narrowed down even further, focusing in on his penchant for just settling. That’s why
they were in this mess. Because Yoongi couldn’t ask for what he’d wanted—Hoseok hadn’t known
how to bring it up so he’d just avoided it—and it turned their relationship sour. “You’re a fucking


“A coward. You’re a coward. You never fight for what you want. You just settle and accept what
falls to you because you’re too fucking afraid of losing anything. You hurt me, destroyed our
friend group, and for what? For someone who won’t even fight for? You’re pathetic.”

A flash of a smile crossed Yoongi’s face. Just quick enough for Hoseok to catch it before it
disappeared. “I know that too.”

Hoseok stared at him a moment longer, trying to reconcile the man he’d been together with for
nearly a year and the man who’d hurt him so badly. This conversation hadn’t given him what he
wanted. It just left them more upset and hollow than before. He’d hoped, naively, that it would
offer him some closure, but it hadn’t. All he’d heard were weak explanations that settled nothing.
All it had done was almost make him the type of person who lashed out in anger, who hurt others.

That wasn’t him.

This wasn’t him.

Everything about who he was when he was with Yoongi wasn’t him.

It was time to end it. End it all.

“I hope you’re happy, Yoongi. I hope your middle ground keeps you safe and protected because
you’ll always be there alone.”

And with that, Hoseok walked away, leaving Yoongi standing in the middle of his living room.
Alone. He was supposed to be doing this with Jungkook. But he wasn’t. Because, as Hoseok said,
Yoongi was always going to end up alone.

Chapter End Notes

That chapter, honestly, was really hard to write. There's so much pain there that doesn't
have a good conclusion because there's no way to give everyone one and it just....
hurts. So yea. I hope you all enjoyed it despite all that.
Chapter 19

Namjoon frowned down at the folder in his hand, a flash of concern rising. Or rather rising further.
He’d been watching Yoongi for the past few weeks and the only thing he felt was worry. Every
time he asked Yoongi if he was okay, or if something was wrong, Yoongi would just smile and
nod, waving away any concerns. That was not behaviour Namjoon was unfamiliar with, it was
what Yoongi had been doing for as long as Namjoon worked at the company, but given what he
knew about Yoongi’s personal life, he couldn’t help but worry. This specific report was his final

“Hyung?” Namjoon called, knocking on the door even as he pushed it open and found Yoongi at
his desk, his attention only just shifting from the computer to the door. “Can I come in?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Yoongi asked easily.

Hesitating only a moment, Namjoon moved further into the office and sat across from Yoongi. He
placed the folder on Yoongi’s desk, his fingers lingering on top. “This is for next month.”

Yoongi tilted his head. “Yes. It’s the estimated output and allocated PTO hours.”

“For next month,” Namjoon repeated.

“Did I not send you this month?” Yoongi worried, already moving to sort through his stack of
completed folders. He’d done it already, he knew that, but maybe he’d forgotten to give it to

“No, I got it. Along with the completed and updated summary of last month,” Namjoon said, his
eyes on Yoongi’s face. “And the recommended raise list.”

“Oh, that’s good then,” Yoongi sighed in relief.

Namjoon’s frown deepened. “I also got your email about the new PTO reporting algorithm. You
updated the process?”
Yoongi smiled. “Yes! I just had to readjust some things but I think this will make it much easier to
keep track of who is where.”

“It will,” Namjoon agreed. “When did you have time to do all that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Hyung, you did all that in the last two weeks. In ten days. That’s… like a whole month’s worth of
work for you.”

“Is it?” Yoongi asked, turning back to his computer. “Maybe I just had extra time.”

“Hyung, come on.”

Closing his eyes, Yoongi took a breath. “What do you really want, Namjoon?”

“Why are you working so hard?”

“Why not?”

“Hyung,” Namjoon pleaded, causing Yoongi’s head to snap around in surprise. He looked
genuinely concerned, which was all it took for Yoongi’s carefully constructed calm to fracture. Not
all the way, but enough that Namjoon saw it and leaned forward. “What’s wrong? What

Yoongi laughed, the sound entirely self-deprecating, and rubbed his face. “I think a better question
would be what didn’t happen.”

“Hoseok found out,” Namjoon guessed, settling back into his chair.

“Yea,” Yoongi confirmed, his eyes travelling over the room idly. “It was… bad. He was so hurt
and sad and there was nothing I could do. I thought— I figured it would be easier if I just answered
his questions but I don’t know if it helped.”
“Nothing you could say would undo what you did.”

“I know that. Of course I do. I just— I don’t know. I wish I could make it better.”

Namjoon crossed his legs. “You can’t make cheating better.”

“I know that too. But it doesn’t stop me from wanting that. I never— Hoseok is a good person. He
always was. We didn’t work out, neither of us—” Yoongi broke off, remembering Hoseok
accusations that he never communicated. Hoseok wasn’t wrong. Yoongi didn’t know how to ask
for what he wanted. He’d never been able to do that. It was why he’d just settled for being content
with Hoseok. But just like Yoongi, Hoseok had checked out. He’d realized Yoongi didn’t say what
he’d wanted and he’d just accepted that, even if he knew it meant he wasn’t aware of anything.
He’d dedicated himself to other things, his work and friends, rather than pushing for what he
wanted too. Neither of them had asked for what they wanted. But only Yoongi had strayed. Only
Yoongi had fucked it up. Only Yoongi had caused hurt beyond repair. Only Yoongi had put that
broken look on Hoseok’s face. That was all him. They’d both taken their relationship for granted,
but Hoseok had never done anything wrong. “Neither of us spent any time making our relationship
work. We just… let it happen the way it was going. Or rather not going. But I— I should have told
him sooner.”

“Why didn’t you?” Namjoon wondered. He’d seen Yoongi’s conflict. When he’d realized Yoongi
and Jungkook were sleeping together, he’d seen it on Yoongi’s face. He didn’t understand how
someone who knew he was making bad choices had continued to do the very thing he knew was

Yoongi leaned back and crossed his arms. “Fear, I guess.”


“I didn’t want to be alone,” Yoongi admitted, immediately thrown back into his previous week. He
was doing better now, had managed to pull himself together, but the week right after Hoseok had
left and Jungkook had dumped him had been bad. He’d spent hours hidden under his blankets
trying to understand how he managed to alienate the people closest to him. How he’d convinced
himself that it was okay to hurt Hoseok like that if it meant he was happy. How he’d let himself
taint Jungkook’s feelings for him by forcing him into an affair. It was selfishness, pure and simple.
Somewhere around Thursday, he’d been drowning himself in a bottle of red wine and suddenly it
had all been so clear. He’d been justifying it by calling it love but it was just selfishness. He did
love Jungkook, that was true, but everything else… everything else was just greed. Even Taehyung
had noticed that, telling him he couldn’t have both. Well, now you have neither, just as you deserve.
“I didn’t trust that Jungkook would stay so I held onto Hoseok and hurt him more.”

“Hyung… that’s…”

“Horrible, yea,” Yoongi finished for him.

Namjoon grimaced because that was honestly it. What Yoongi had done was horrible. Period. Full
stop. Yes, Yoongi was happy with Jungkook, anyone could see that, but that didn’t stop Hoseok
from being hurt. Namjoon didn’t know him, so he couldn’t comment about their relationship but
cheating was cheating. “So what are you guys going to do?”

“Well, Hoseok is obviously not talking to me,” Yoongi told him, then quickly added. “Not that I
think he should! He ended things so that’s… the end, I guess. I want— I want to make sure he’s
okay but I— that’s not my place. I just— you know, it’s so stupid. I’m so stupid. I keep thinking I
never meant to hurt him, that I don’t want Hoseok to be hurting. Like I’m not the one who did it.”

“I think that’s called guilt, hyung.”

“I guess.”

“What about Jungkook? Doesn’t he work with him? That can’t be good,” Namjoon pointed out.

Yoongi nodded slowly. “I’m sure he’s handling it okay. Jungkook is strong.”

“You haven’t asked him?” Namjoon asked incredulously.

“Oh, no, we— he—” Yoongi bit his lip. “He broke up with me too.”

“He what?”

“Broke up with me,” Yoongi repeated, grabbing a pen so he had something to do with his hands. “I
guess he finally realized he deserved better.”
Namjoon rubbed his forehead. No wonder Yoongi had been throwing himself into a job he hated.
In what sounds like one weekend, he’d lost everything and it had been entirely his fault. But
Jungkook ending things didn't make sense to Namjoon. He’d seen the way Jungkook looked at
Yoongi. There was too much love there for Jungkook to just end it. Especially not after everything
they’d already done. Why end things when it was going to get easier? But it wasn’t like he could
ask Jungkook why, so he settled on checking on Yoongi. “Are you okay with that?”

“No,” Yoongi replied, a sad smile on his lips. “Not at all. I love him. But he— he asked me for a
break and that’s what I’ll give him.”

“A break doesn’t mean the end,” Namjoon told him, though he knew that was a flimsy hope at

Yoongi nodded, his eyes on the pen again. “Maybe not. But I’m just going to prepare myself for it.
He never should have been in this situation anyway. It’ll be good for him to get out.”

“What about you?” Namjoon asked pointedly.

“What about me?”

Namjoon sighed. “Don’t you think you deserve to be happy too?”

Without even thinking, Yoongi shook his head. “It’s not about that.”

“I know it’s not, but I’m asking you anyway,” Namjoon said firmly. If he’d learned anything about
Yoongi it was that he never fought for anything. He’d called it coasting the middle path before but
now it looked like Yoongi had chosen a side, it just wasn’t the one most people chose. Yoongi was
choosing sadness. As a form of punishment, Namjoon supposed, for putting Hoseok and Jungkook
in this situation.

Not answering right away, Yoongi considered Namjoon’s question. He never really thought about
if he deserved to be happy. Punished? Yes. Sad? Yes. Happy? No. But as he saw Hoseok’s tear-
stained face staring at him, asking him why he couldn’t just talk to him or Jungkook’s devastated
expression as he asked Yoongi for a break, Yoongi decided that no, he didn’t deserve to be happy.
Not when he’d made two good men look like that. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Everyone deserves to be happy, hyung,” Namjoon said after a moment. “You fucked up royally
and you’ll never be able to change that. But you can make up for it. With Jungkook.”

Yoongi licked his lips. “A clean break would be best for him.”

“What about what he wants?”

“I-I don’t—” Yoongi hesitated. The truth was he didn’t know what Jungkook wanted. All he knew
was that he still wanted Jungkook. Still missed him with every fibre of his being. Still wished that
when he was sad and retreated under his covers, Jungkook was there holding him tight just as he
had before. Whenever he thought about him, it was like a hand reached out and squeezed his heart,
cutting off air and leaving only pain. But even as he thought that, he saw Hoseok crying in front of
him again. How could he sit there, missing Jungkook, wishing he was back, when he’d hurt
Hoseok like that? “I don’t know.”

“Then talk to him,” Namjoon advised, grabbing the folder he’d brought in and standing up.

“I don’t want to influence him,” Yoongi murmured as Namjoon left, causing the younger man to
pause at the door.

“Telling someone how you feel isn’t influencing them, hyung. It’s telling them all the relevant
information for when they make their choice. If he wants to be with you after all this bullshit, then
he needs to know you feel the same. Otherwise you’re shooting both of you in the foot.”

Yoongi nodded at Namjoon slipped out the door but jumped up before it could close.

“Yes?” Namjoon replied, glancing back.

“Do you think— do you think it’d be okay? You don’t think it’s wrong?”

“It’s always been wrong, hyung,” Namjoon said simply, watching Yoongi face drop as he nodded
in understanding. But Namjoon wasn’t done. “Since the beginning what you two had and did was
wrong and should never have happened. This is the first time it could be right.”

Namjoon shrugged. “You’re both single now. This could be a fresh start.”

Yoongi scanned Namjoon’s face then returned to his seat. “Thanks.”

“Good luck, hyung,” Namjoon murmured softly before exiting for real, leaving Yoongi alone with
his thoughts.

Could this be a fresh start? Could they pick up the pieces and start something normal and new?
Would that be okay?

I was begging you to spend time with me! You sabotaged us and now you’re standing there saying
it’s because you weren’t happy. You made us unhappy! You did that.

Flinching like he could escape Hoseok’s words, Yoongi shook his head.

No. No, it wouldn’t be okay.

“How are you doing, Kookie?” Seokjin asked tentatively, trying to see Jungkook’s emotional state
through the small laptop screen.

“I broke up with the man I love,” Jungkook reminded him, his tone level. “How do you think I’m

Seokjin winced. He wasn’t going to lie and say he’d assumed this would go better. Part of him had
thought that once Jungkook was away from Yoongi, once he had time to think, he’d realize what he
felt for Yoongi was just hormone-induced. But that didn’t seem to be happening. He wasn’t as sad
as he’d been but he was still clearly upset. “Have you thought about what I said?”
“Which part?” Jungkook asked, his attention mostly on the ceiling above him.

“Assessing your feelings,” Seokjin reminded him softly.

Jungkook snorted, his eyes falling closed. “That’s all I’ve been doing.”

“And what have you found out?”

“What I feel for him is much different than I thought it was,” Jungkook admitted.

Seokjin blinked in surprise. That hadn’t been what he was expecting. He’d thought Jungkook
would go on a rant about how much he loved Yoongi but he wasn’t. “Which is..?”

“When we first met, I thought he was so pretty and nice, you know?” Jungkook reminded him.
“When we kept seeing each other, I wasn’t really sure what I was feeling, why it was so strong.
Was it because he was pretty? Was it because he was taking care of me? What was it?”

“I don’t know, Kookie.”

“Neither did I,” Jungkook revealed. “I spent weeks trying to understand but I never really figured it

“But you have now?”


Waiting for Jungkook to answer, Seokjin leaned forward. But nothing came. He just continued to
stare above him, only half his face visible. “Are you going to tell me?”

Jungkook’s head rolled to the side so he could see the screen and Seokjin. “He never once made
me feel like I was out of place.”
“Out of place?” Seokjin repeated, confused.

“Even when we first met, he didn’t treat me like I didn’t fit here. Everyone else did. Some still do.
Even you do. But Yoongi-hyung never did. He just went with it. Offered to show me around and
help me adjust but never made me feel like I had to. Everyone else was on me to make friends and
go out and find my place but he just let me figure it out myself. The other stuff helped too, of
course. But it was that feeling, that… comfort, that made me notice him. After that, I couldn’t help
but notice how he treated me, how cute he was, how unhappy he seemed.”

Seokjin sighed. “You told me that.”


“When we first ever talked about him,” Seokjin reminded him, “you said he talked to you like no
one else did.”

“Oh,” Jungkook whispered, trying to remember. “I guess it got buried under everything else.”

“Maybe,” Seokjin allowed. Or maybe, like he’d thought, Jungkook had fallen and moved forward
so quickly, he hadn’t had enough time to even assess his own emotions, let alone Yoongi’s.
“How’s work been?”

“Fine. I haven’t run into Hoseok-hyung if that’s what you’re asking.”

“It’s not not what I’m asking,” Seokjin admitted.

Jungkook turned his head away again. “We had breaks that lined up before but it seems we’re both
avoiding each other.”

“I thought you were going to apologize.”

“I am,” Jungkook promised. “I just— I want to give him some time. I don’t want to just show up
and force myself into his space when he’s trying to deal with all this.”
“Very considerate considering what you did,” Seokjin muttered, then winced. “Sorry.”

Not even blinking at Seokjin’s comment, Jungkook waved it away. “It’s fine.”

“Jungkook, I’m not going to lie. I don’t really know what’s happening with you right now,”
Seokjin admitted.

Jungkook nodded. “I get that.”

“So can you tell me?” Seokjin prodded. He wished he’d been able to stay longer. He’d come to
town, destroyed the balance Jungkook had made, then left. It felt like he’d dropped a bomb and
fled the aftermath. He didn’t regret what he’d done but he did wish he could be there with
Jungkook while he worked through his feelings.

“I don’t really know what—” Jungkook broke off, hearing his buzzer. “Someone’s at the door,
hold on.”


Pushing himself up, Jungkook rolled off of the bed and made his way to the door. Seeing a
delivery person through the peephole, Jungkook opened the door. “Yes?”

“I have a package for Jeon Jungkook?”

“That’s me.”

The delivery man held out a clipboard. “Sign here please.”

Jungkook took the clipboard and signed quickly before handing it back. Once it was tucked away,
the delivery man handed him a large, heavy package marked organic. Jungkook frowned down at it
in confusion but shrugged it off as he returned to his bedroom. “I’m back.”
“Welcome back. Who was it?”


“You’ve been online shopping again?” Seokjin teased, hoping to improve Jungkook’s mood even
just a bit.

“No,” Jungkook replied before grabbing a pen and stabbing the tape so he could rip the package
open. “I don’t know what this— oh.”

“Oh? Jungkook?” Seokjin called. He’d see Jungkook’s face change then he’d leaned out of frame.
“Is everything alright?”

Not answering, Jungkook slowly pulled out a stainless steel canister from the cooler box, his hands
trembling. He wiped away some of the condensation to reveal yoonkook written on the side. A
small, broken sound escaped his lips before he was even aware of it. He just pulled his knees up,
the canister still clutched in his hand and caught pressed against his stomach. It was cold but he
didn’t care. He felt the tears coming, tried to force them down, but it was no use.


“Hyung, I—” Jungkook tried, his head turning towards the computer. He realized then that Seokjin
could see him so he shifted backwards so he was in the frame.

“What was it? Are you okay?”

“No,” Jungkook whispered, his shoulders shaking. “It’s our beer.”

“Your what?” Seokjin asked.

“Our beer. When we went to the brewery, we made beer. We called it yoonkook. It’s stupid but I—
it’s ours.”
Seokjin blinked, finally seeing the silver bottle-looking object hidden between Jungkook’s chest
and thighs. “Oh, Kookie…”

“I miss him so much, hyung,” Jungkook admitted. “All the time. Not even just sex stuff. He likes to
eat out so I’m constantly wondering if he’s tried a place or not. I keep a list of places he hasn’t been
so we can go together.”


“And I wonder if he’s writing. It’s good for him, when he’s sad. It helps him cope. So I hope he is.
I want to read more of his writing.”


“And what about his work? It makes him so unhappy and now he doesn’t have anyone to talk to
about it. Who’s going to cuddle him when he’s sad? He likes to be little spoon so he can’t do that
alone. I joked about getting him a pregnancy pillow but I never did so he’s—”

“Jungkook,” Seokjin interrupted, louder now. He was basically rambling. Seokjin wasn’t even sure
he was aware he was crying. He wasn’t wiping the tears away or even acknowledging them. He
was just talking, his eyes glued to the beer canister in his hand. “Take a breath.”


“Don’t apologize,” Seokjin said with a sigh, his hand threading through his hair as he stared at
Jungkook. He hated every single part of this. He didn’t want Jungkook to be hurt, of course, but he
also didn’t want him with Yoongi. He wanted this break to be the end. He wanted Jungkook to find
someone else and start something healthy and stable and new. Something that had absolutely
nothing to do with Yoongi. Something that hadn’t started with infidelity and lying.

“Sorry,” Jungkook murmured again, making Seokjin want to scream.

“Jungkook,” Seokjin started slowly, taking his time to gather his thoughts so he could express them
before giving up and tossing all his own thoughts away. “What do you want?”
“Me?” Jungkook asked, finally looking over at Seokjin.

“Yes, you. What do you want?”

Jungkook smiled sadly. “I want Yoongi-hyung.”

Seokjin sighed again. He’d known Jungkook would say that of course. It was obvious in
everything Jungkook said or did. The time spent apart had only confirmed Jungkook’s feelings for
Yoongi. The opposite of what Seokjin had wanted. But it also wasn’t about what he wanted.

“Okay?” Jungkook repeated.

“I support your choices, Jungkook. Whatever they may be,” Seokjin said softly. He didn’t like
them, not at all. But he’d support them. He loved Jungkook too much not to.

Jungkook sniffed and rubbed his nose. “Thanks, hyung.”

“Just be careful, okay? I just— I worry.”

“I know, hyung,” Jungkook replied.

“I love you, you know that right?” Seokjin prodded, his eyes darting away from the computer as he
saw his assistant appear in the corner and tap his watch.

Jungkook nodded. “I know. I love you too.”

Seokjin smiled weakly. “I have to go, but text me, okay?”

“Okay. Bye hyung.”

“Bye, Jungkookie.”

Closing his laptop slowly, Jungkook left his room, dragging the box of beer with him, and put
them in the fridge. Once he was done, he dropped down on his couch, his leg propped up on the
end and his head resting on a pillow Yoongi had bought him.

“It matches your couch!”


“And it’s soft. Try it,” Yoongi ordered, shoving the pillow into Jungkook's face, who sputtered and
pulled it away. “See?”

“It is soft,” Jungkook agreed, tucking the pillow under his arm. “Why are we here anyway? Did
you need something?”

Yoongi shook his head. “No. I just like this place. I come here a lot.”

“A home decor store,” Jungkook said slowly, his lips tilting up in a smile.

“Yes, shush!”

Jungkook laughed. “Well, I guess I have to buy this pillow to make this trip worth it.”

Snatching the pillow away, Yoongi hugged it to his chest. “Hyung will buy it.”

Jungkook rolled to the side, curling into the back of the couch and pulling the pillow down so he
could hug it just as Yoongi had done. It was stupid to associate so many things with a pillow, but
Jungkook could help but do so. It had been there for pretty much everything.

Yoongi looked up from his book, a slight smile on his lips as he met Jungkook’s large eyes. “Yes?”

“Cuddle me.”

“Did you expect me to say no?” Yoongi wondered, lifting the book and his arms up so Jungkook
could crawl on top of him and rest his head on Yoongi’s chest. When he was comfortable, Yoongi
brought the book down and wrapped an arm around Jungkook’s back, his fingers playing with the
ends of Jungkook’s hair and his attention returned to his book. Jungkook sighed and snuggled
closer, burning his nose deep into Yoongi’s sweater. “Comfy?”

“Uh-huh,” Jungkook replied. “Class sucked today.”

Putting his book down and slipping off his glasses, Yoongi refocused on Jungkook. “Did it?”

“Yea. Someone asked what the point of part of my warmup was and told me it was a waste of time.
So embarrassing.”

Yoongi hummed and shifted lower, his head now resting on the pillow. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Just one of those days,” Jungkook shrugged before turning so his chin was resting on
Yoongi’s chest. Yoongi leaned down and kissed his nose, making him giggle. “But it's better now.”

“It is?” Yoongi asked.

“Yea,” Jungkook confirmed, “it is.”

How was it possible that he’d been so happy? It had only been two months, but he’d never been
that happy. Even with all the lying and guilt, those moments with Yoongi had made him truly
happy. When it was just them in their little bubble, it had been perfect.
But your bubble was a lie.

Jungkook curled forward, bringing his knees up. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to Seokjin about
that, nor was he sure he would have brought it up if he did get the chance, but being apart from
Yoongi had allowed some of the… grey to fade away from their relationship. All that happiness, all
those good times, had been moments he’d stolen from Hoseok. He’d told Seokjin that when he’d
asked if Jungkook felt guilt, but now it was a constant thought that beat him down. Every time he
remembered how happy he was, another reminder that Hoseok was in pain appeared. His
happiness equalled Hoseok’s unhappiness. His arrival in Seoul had essentially destroyed Hoseok’s
life. If he’d never come, Hoseok would be happy still. Or content. At the very least, he wouldn’t be
as sad as Jungkook knew he had to be.

But doesn’t everyone deserve to be really happy?

Jungkook clutched the pillow tighter. That was the crux of the situation, wasn’t it? He’d decided
Hoseok’s happiness didn’t matter as long as it meant he and Yoongi were happy. He still didn’t
regret that but he was having a hard time moving past it. He knew Seokjin thought he was holding
back for him, that he was listening to his hyung’s suggestion, but that was only part of it. He’d
been the reason for the break, sure, but now Jungkook was holding himself back. If Jungkook’s
happiness came at the expense of Hoseok’s, was it time for the reverse to be true?

The longer Jungkook stayed away, the more he thought it was. The more that guilt he’d stubbornly
told Seokjin wasn’t relevant ate at him. All he wanted was Yoongi. But he was starting to think he
didn’t deserve that.

By the time Yoongi had started to consider revamping their scheduler in its entirety rather than just
the PTO part, he’d known he needed to take a break, to go home. He’d been burying himself in
work, mostly because he didn’t want to be at home, but there was only so long he could delay, only
so many things he could find to do so that when he did go home he simply fell into bed. So, he
went home, trying desperately to keep his mind blank. It didn’t work but he tried.

As he walked up to the building entrance, he saw Hoseok leaning on his car, waiting for him so
they could go on their date. In front of his door, he saw Jungkook trying to give him dinner in
secret. As closed the door behind him, he saw Jungkook crying, asking him for a break. As he
stepped into his living room, he saw Hoseok yelling at him, asking him why he couldn’t have just
talked to him. In the kitchen, he saw Hoseok making him dinner while pointedly ignoring his
attempts to tell him about Jungkook. Then, by the counter, he saw Jungkook holding him close, his
hand reaching for olive oil.
And that didn’t even include his bedroom.

There wasn’t a single part of his apartment that was free from images of two very different lives
overlapped, both causing him pain for totally different reasons. That’s why he couldn’t be here. It
was like being drowned in his own regret. Which, during particularly bad nights, he welcomed. He
knew that wasn’t healthy but he didn’t really know what to do otherwise.

With a brief glance at his fridge, Yoongi decided against dinner and relocated to his couch,
automatically pulling the throw blanket he kept there over him and snuggling down. His new
laptop was on the coffee table but he hadn’t managed to write anything of value in the past few
weeks. Pretty much all he did now was watch TV surrounded by complete and utter silence.
Sometimes Taehyung stopped by but he didn’t know what to say so it didn't really help. He tried
though, which Yoongi appreciated, but it didn’t change anything.

Yoongi was in the middle of some random true crime documentary when something large hit his
door. It was so loud he jumped up and whipped around, eyes wide with fear. When the sound came
again, this time closer to a fist banging on the door, Yoongi stood up and tentatively moved closer
to the door, the blanket still wrapped around his shoulders.

Peeking out the peephole, Yoongi saw nothing but the banging continued. Yoongi frowned, unsure
what to do. Someone was clearly hiding from his view and banging on the door. Should he answer?
He didn’t want to think someone was here to hurt him but after all that he’d done, he couldn’t help
but assume that was what was happening. But the banging continued despite his inner conflict and
eventually he decided he needed to open it before his neighbours complained.

So, fully expecting to get punched, Yoongi unlocked the door and pulled it open. Instead of getting
hit, a very drunk Jungkook tumbled to the ground, his back having been resting on the door.

“Jungkook?” Yoongi said, his heart seizing as he looked down at him. He looked bad. His eyes
were red and puffy with dark circles underneath. His lips were chapped and peeling, and his hair
was dishevelled, like he’d been pulling on it. And he was very, very drunk. Drunker than Yoongi
had ever seen him.

“Hyung,” Jungkook whispered, his speech slurred. “I needed to see you, hyung.”

Yoongi closed his eyes, trying to pull himself together, to be strong, before kneeling down. “How
did you get here?”
“Cab,” Jungkook mumbled.

Thankful at the very least that Jungkook hadn’t been behind the wheel of a vehicle, Yoongi sighed.
“Why are you here?”

“Needed to see you,” Jungkook repeated. “Yoonkook came and I needed to see you.”

“Oh,” Yoongi whispered, his heart breaking all over again. He’d forgotten about that. They’d had
it delivered to Jungkook’s house for obvious reasons but they hadn’t known exactly when it would
come. Yoongi supposed that was now. Or rather, today. “Did you drink it? Is that why you’re

Jungkook shot up, the movement making him sway and clutch his head. “Nooo. No. Not without
hyung. I couldn’t.”

“Okay, I’m sorry for asking,” Yoongi placated quickly, seeing Jungkook’s lips tremble. There
were a million things Yoongi wanted to say, to ask. Why did he want to see him if he’d wanted to
break up? Why was he here, hurting them both? But he didn’t. Instead, Yoongi stood up and
touched Jungkook’s shoulder. “Do you want to come in?”

“Can I?” Jungkook asked, looking up at Yoongi pleadingly.

“Of course you can,” Yoongi assured him, moving his hand down to grasp Jungkook’s bicep and
help him stand. “Come to the couch.”

“Okay,” Jungkook agreed easily, his steps faltering and staggered as he moved alongside Yoongi to
the couch. Yoongi guided him to sit down but Jungkook fell to his side instead, curling up into a
little ball with his cheek pushed against the pillow Yoongi had been using a few minutes prior.
“Missed you.”

Yoongi’s breath stuttered. “I miss you too.”

“It does,” Yoongi agreed softly, taking a seat on the floor in front of Jungkook’s chest.

“Deserve it?” Jungkook asked, his voice lilting up enough to tell Yoongi he was asking rather than

“I don’t know,” Yoongi admitted, leaning back. “Sometimes I think so.”

“Me too,” Jungkook whispered even as his arm snaked out and wrapped around Yoongi, nearly
choking him given the awkward positioning. “Still miss you though.”

Gently moving Jungkook’s arm away from his throat, Yoongi stared at the blank TV. “Yea, me

This time, Jungkook didn’t respond. His arm, which Yoongi had only managed to move to his
chest, fell limp and hung down off the couch and his breathing levelled out. Yoongi looked back
and, seeing Jungkook’s eyes closed, stood up and put the blanket he’d had wrapped around himself
over Jungkook. After tucking him in the best he could, Yoongi tried to leave but Jungkook’s arm
darted out and grabbed his wrist. Yoongi hesitated, looking down in confusion, only to see
Jungkook’s eyes wide and tear-filled. “Please don’t leave.”

Immediately, Yoongi sank down again, his hand automatically going to Jungkook’s face to wipe
away the tears that had escaped before threading through his hair in a comforting gesture. “Okay. I

“You’ll stay?” Jungkook asked, his head leaning into Yoongi’s hand.

“Yea, I’ll stay,” Yoongi promised.

“Okay,” Jungkook sighed out, his eyes falling closed again.

Watching his face, Yoongi saw the moment Jungkook actually fell asleep. The moment his face
went lax and the tears finally stopped flowing. But Yoongi didn’t move. He stayed where he’d
promised Jungkook he would, his fingers working mindlessly through Jungkook’s hair, letting
himself indulge in something he’d never thought he’d have again.
He’d never expected Jungkook to show up. Especially not drunk. It had been Jungkook’s idea to
call things off, so, as upset as Yoongi knew he was, he’d assumed Jungkook was confident in his
choice. It didn’t seem that way now. At least if the old adage drunk words are sober thoughts was
anything to go by.

But did that matter? He’d told Namjoon it didn’t but faced with sad and drunk Jungkook, he
couldn’t bring himself to say that again. Everything was just so wrong. It had always been that way
but now he was seeing to more clearly. He was sure Jungkook was too. They’d lost themselves in
their feelings, in how right they were for each other, that they hadn’t considered the bigger picture.
Now that was all Yoongi could see and no matter where he looked, Hoseok was lingering on the
periphery, asking him why.

Even now, it felt wrong. Just comforting Jungkook while he slept off whatever alcohol he’d
consumed was making him happy. He could feel it. There was this warmth low in his chest as he
looked at Jungkook’s sleeping face. But that was wrong, wasn’t it? He shouldn’t be happy right
now. Not after all the pain he’d caused in pursuit of that happiness.

You’re a coward. You never fight for what you want. You just settle and accept what falls to you
because you’re too fucking afraid of losing anything. You hurt me, destroyed our friend group, and
for what? For someone who won’t even fight for? You’re pathetic.

Yoongi sighed and leaned into the couch further, his eyes still on Jungkook’s face. He didn’t
understand why Hoseok had said that to him. It was like he was mad that Jungkook had ended
things, which didn’t make sense. If anything, Yoongi figured Hoseok would be happy, since it’d
make Yoongi sad.

Since when is Hoseok a vindictive person?

Frowning slightly, Yoongi’s fingers paused in Jungkook’s hair, only moving again when he
complained quietly in his sleep. Hoseok wasn’t a vindictive person but he was angry, so Yoongi
wouldn’t judge him for being happy at Yoongi’s unhappiness.

You never fight for what you want.

That wasn’t something Yoongi hadn’t heard before. People had been telling him that his whole
life. He’d let his parents choose his extracurriculars and eventually his future career, even while
people told him not to. He’d only moved to Seoul because he’d gotten a job at a company his father
had suggested, which he still worked at. Even when Taehyung had moved with him, he’d let
Taehyung dictate a lot of things, who they talked to, where they went.

Hoseok had been one of the first people Yoongi had met on his own. Look how that turned out.
He’d tried at first, planning birthday things and a trip, Busan had been his idea, but nothing after
that. He’d just… let Hoseok dictate the terms of their relationship after that, which meant that
nothing happened. Yoongi didn’t say and Hoseok didn’t ask. About anything. No communication,
no forward movement, nothing. Because Yoongi couldn’t make a choice or assert his wants or
needs. Because he’d never been able to before.

Jungkook was the first choice Yoongi had ever really made. Again, look how that turned out. He’d
tried to return to his previous habits but once he’d seen how good it could be, he hadn’t been able
to leave. He’d latched on.

Only after he came to you.

Yoongi blinked, thinking back to when they’d officially gotten together. Yoongi had been upset
after the date with Hoseok. He’d been missing Jungkook and— and Jungkook had come to him.
He’d shown up, demanding to know Yoongi’s decision one way or another. Yoongi had chosen but
only because Jungkook had come to him.

Just like now.

You never fight for what you want.

The worst part of it all was that Yoongi didn't even know if he knew how to fight. What would he
say? What could he say? They’d already caused so much pain to everyone around them and
themselves. Jungkook was clearly hurting too. What could Yoongi say that trumped that?

Does it matter?

Yoongi hesitated, scanning Jungkook’s sleeping face. He wasn’t sure if it mattered. He’d never
know unless he talked to Jungkook about it. Unless he did the thing he’d never done with Hoseok:
tell him what he wanted. Yoongi licked his lips, unsure. Could he do that? Tell Jungkook how he
felt? What if it made Jungkook feel guilty?
Telling someone how you feel isn’t influencing them, hyung. It’s telling them all the relevant
information for when they make their choice.

Rubbing his forehead, Yoongi winced. It was like fifteen different voices were screaming at him,
telling him different things. Most of them were him, his own subconscious arguing with itself as he
tried to figure out what to do. If that wasn’t the definition of conflicted, Yoongi didn't know what

What he did know was that he’d made a monumental mistake with Hoseok. Not just the cheating,
but everything before that. They’d fallen apart long before Jungkook had moved to Seoul and that
had been largely Yoongi’s fault. He couldn’t fix what he’d done, but he could change how he
handled similar things in the future. He could tell Jungkook how he felt. He could be honest. If
Jungkook rejected him, if he still wanted to stay broken up, at least, for once, Yoongi would know
he tried, actually tried, rather than just accepting it.

For once, he could do that.

Hangovers were something Jungkook didn’t like to experience. He avoided them at all costs and
often didn't drink enough for them to be a possibility. This time, however, was the exception. The
arrival of the yoonkook beer had sent him on a downward spiral he hadn’t been able to pull himself
out of. Before he’d even really been aware of it, he’d fled his house and drowned himself in liquor
at a nearby pub. He didn’t even remember coming home.

Stretching, Jungkook froze when he felt a hand in his hair and a head near his chest. Oh, god,
please tell me I didn’t pick someone up. Slowly, Jungkook opened his eyes only to see a ceiling that
wasn’t his own. For a moment, he worried he’d gone home with someone but then he saw a mark
on the ceiling and knew he was at Yoongi’s. He’d lifted Yoongi up while he was holding a
hardcover book, which had left a dent in the ceiling. He’d never forget it.

Turning his head slowly, mostly to avoid agitating his headache and partially to not jostle the hand
in his hair, Jungkook saw Yoongi, who’d clearly slept on the floor. His head was resting on one
arm as he leaned on the couch while his other was still tangled in Jungkook’s hair. Seeing him like
that, Jungkook had a vague flashback of himself asking Yoongi not to leave.

With a low groan, Jungkook rubbed his face, the movement startling Yoongi who jumped up and
wrenched himself away, his back hitting the coffee table with a loud thwack. “You’re up.”
“Unfortunately,” Jungkook muttered, the pounding in his temples only getting worse with every
passing second.

“Hold on,” Yoongi said, scrambling up and running away.

Jungkook watched him disappear towards the kitchen and pushed himself up. He couldn’t believe
he’d come here. He was the one who’d told Yoongi they needed a break and here he was, showing
up, drunk, on his doorstep and asking him to stay with him. Talk about conflicting messages.

“Here, take this,” Yoongi insisted, holding out a glass of water and two pills.

Taking them gratefully, he finished off the water in one go, his eyes never meeting Yoongi’s. It
hurt to look at him. If he’d thought he missed him before, it was nothing compared to sitting within
arm’s length of him and not being able to hold him close. It was like torture. If Jungkook didn’t
know Yoongi as well as he did, he’d have thought Yoongi wasn’t upset. But he saw it. Saw it in
the set of his shoulders and tightness around his mouth. In the way his eyes were extra wide, like
he was trying to focus on keeping them clear. “I’m sorry for showing up like this.”

“No, it’s… it’s okay,” Yoongi told him, biting his lip. “I actually— I wanted to talk to you. To tell
you something. If that’s okay?”

“Of course, hyung. You can tell me anything,” Jungkook said automatically.

“Thank you,” Yoongi said softly as he folded his hands, his index finger picking at his thumb. “Me
and Hoseok broke up.”

Jungkook blinked, unsure what to say. “Are you okay?”

“No,” Yoongi admitted. “But not because we broke up. The conversation was hard and there wasn't
anything I could do or say to make it better. He was so… broken and I did that, you know? I knew I
was doing that and I didn’t stop because I— because of what we had.”

“I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t apologize. That’s not what I—” Yoongi stopped, making a frustrated sound. “I’ve
never been good at this but I want to explain, okay?”


“Hoseok and I were not good for each other. We’re the worst type of people to be together. Hoseok
never asks questions because he doesn’t want to push people into telling him things and I never tell
people things because I don’t want to influence them or make myself a burden. Together, it’s a
recipe for disaster. If either one of us had tried, we wouldn’t be where we are now. But we didn’t.
We didn’t. I know you think— I know you think Hoseok wasn’t a good boyfriend—”

“He wasn’t.”

“—but I’m not either. I wasn’t. I didn’t tell him anything ever and when he was asking me why I
didn't have a reason. I just… don’t do that. I don’t communicate.”

“Not everyone is good at that.”

“No,” Yoongi conceded, “but I didn’t try. Taehyung told me constantly I needed to but I didn’t.
Then you came along and I didn't need to. You just understood and I let— I let myself fall into
that. Fall into you. But the truth is you shouldn’t have to read me. I should be able to tell you what
I want and what I feel. Like I should have been able to tell Hoseok.”

“Hyung, that’s not—”

Yoongi’s eyes snapped to Jungkook then away. “Can you just… not say anything while I get this
all out?”

“I can,” Jungkook agreed, growing concerned.

Licking his lips, Yoongi straightened his shoulders even as his hands squeezed together tightly, the
skin on the side of the thumb he’d been picking at already starting the bleed. “I never told Hoseok
what I was feeling and I want to change that with you. I want to tell you everything and then— and
then you can decide what-what to do.
“Hoseok asked me why I kept going back to you. Before that day, I wouldn’t have had an answer,
not really. When I’d talked to Taehyung I’d thought about how I felt then but it didn't occur to me
until you were asking to break up why,” Yoongi hesitated, his eyes once again finding Jungkook,
who was looking at him openly and patiently. “When you ended things, I realized the reason I kept
going back, the reason Hoseok trying to fix things didn’t work, was because I love you. I’d already
fallen, so it didn't matter what Hoseok did.”

Jungkook’s eyes widened and his stomach dropped. Yoongi loved him? Loved him, loved him?

“Please,” Yoongi interrupted, reminding Jungkook of his promise to keep quiet. When he pressed
his lips closed, Yoongi continued. “I love you, Jungkook. It’s all messed up and this started so
badly. We caused so much pain and honestly, I don’t think we even really deserve to be happy
most of the time, but I— I wanted to tell you how I felt. I love you and miss you. Every day, I think
about you and want to talk to you. I want to make this work. I want to fix the things I always do
wrong with you. I want to prove I can be a good boyfriend to you. If you’ll let me.”

When Yoongi didn’t continue, Jungkook took a breath. That was… a lot. He’d hoped Yoongi loved
him, suspected he did based on his actions, but he hadn’t known for sure. It caused a mass of
conflicting emotions to rise: happiness, sadness, guilt.

Yoongi loved him.

Reaching forward, Jungkook cupped Yoongi’s cheek in his hand, watching as Yoongi turned into
the motion, his eyes slipping closed just as they always did. “Hyung, I love you so much. I have
from the moment I met you, I think. You pull me in and make me happy in a way no one ever has.”

Yoongi’s smile flashed, but it was sad. Hollow even. “But…”

Jungkook dropped his head, that constant pressure on his heart increasing with every word. “But I
think you might be right. About us not deserving it.”

“I thought so,” Yoongi agreed, his voice thin even as he smiled, just like he had when Jungkook
asked for a break before. “I don’t want to pressure you or anything. I just wanted to tell you how I
felt. I never do that so— um, call it turning over a new leaf.”

“It’s a good leaf,” Jungkook said softly.

Yoongi nodded, his head tilted downward and away. Jungkook knew that meant Yoongi was trying
not to cry, so he stood up and cleared his throat. “I should go. I have class.”

“Have a good day,” Yoongi told him quickly.

Jungkook leaned forward and kissed the top of Yoongi’s head, feeling the slight tremor going
through Yoongi’s body, before walking away, his hands shoved in his pockets. He told himself he
didn't hear Yoongi start to cry behind him, that he wasn’t crying too. That the weight on his chest
wasn’t his heart breaking. He was just tired and hungover, that’s why his eyes kept watering and
he felt like he wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there.

Not that it mattered anyway. This is how it should be. Maybe this way, he’d stopped seeing
Seokjin’s disgusted expression, Taehyung’s exasperation, Jimin’s anger. Maybe he’d finally get the
look of shock and sadness on Hoseok’s face out of his mind.


Pulling up his hood, Jungkook hailed a cab and went to work. He really did have a class, so he
hadn’t been lying, even if it felt like he was. He just hoped that by the time he got to the studio,
he’d feel better, that’d have settled back into his perpetual state of pseudo-numbness that he’d been
adopting the past few weeks just to get through classes.

He didn’t.

He didn’t know why he was surprised. Of course Yoongi confessing would destroy that. It was
much easier to pretend when he’d only known how he felt. But he still had class so Jungkook
ducked into the building, moving quickly on his way to class so he wouldn’t run into Hoseok. He
didn’t know if the man wanted to talk but Jungkook did his best not to be in Hoseok's face in case
he didn’t and dedicated his time to his students.

But as he stepped into his studio, he realized he was alone. Glancing around in confusion,
Jungkook checked his watch. His class was set to start in seven minutes. Usually the entire class
was here by now. Where was—

“I cancelled your class.”

Startled, Jungkook whipped around, finding Hoseok leaning against the wall where the water
cooler was. Where Yoongi had sat to watch him dance all those weeks ago. “What?”

Hoseok pushed off the wall and shoved his hands in his sweatpant pockets, his eyes boring into
Jungkook’s. “I said, I cancelled your class.”
Chapter 20
Chapter Notes

Are we ready for the end? I'm certainly not. I'm sure you've noticed (or haven't and
are now) that this is now included in a series tag! I've hinted (and straight-up said)
there would be a sequel to this, and I wasn't lying. I decided to post the end and the
new story start at the same time just so everyone can see Hoseok will get his chance at
a happy ending! I'll explain a little more about it at the end where the links are, until
then, enjoy the finale!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

On a normal day, back before all this ruined everything, Hoseok didn’t usually see Yoongi.
Sometimes they’d text, but a lot of the time, he’d go an entire day without seeing or hearing from
him. It’d been like that for most of their relationship. One or both of them too busy with work to
maintain a conversation. On days that they did talk, there were often large blocks of time in
between replies. At the beginning of their time together, they’d joked that both of them were bad at
texting, often seeing a message and putting down the phone without replying only to think they had
actually done so.

It had been funny.

Now it was just a reminder of how little they’d actually done as a couple.

Hoseok didn’t notice that at first, of course. After leaving Yoongi’s house he’d been livid, a nasty,
swirling combination between sad and angry that felt like it was eating his insides. He hadn’t
known what to do so he’d just done nothing. He’d gone home, had a few drinks, then continued on
as if nothing had happened. He couldn’t exactly treat his students differently because of his own
emotional turmoil, so he’d worked hard to maintain the illusion.

By Tuesday, he'd realized how easy it was. Not the emotional part, never that. Often he found
himself smiling or laughing loud just so he wouldn’t cry. But the physical part. The actual act of
pretending everything was okay. He never felt the need to text Yoongi, never had to make an
excuse as to why he wasn’t talking to him or going to see him. No one asked. Not his students, not
his co-workers, not even his other friends, the few he had outside his immediate friend group. No
one asked.

The only time it had even come up was when someone commented about how they’d missed his
late-night classes because they’d wanted to see ‘his cute businessman boyfriend.’ Which just
reminded Hoseok that before, during the last section of courses, Yoongi had always come by on his
late nights to watch his class so they could spend some time together. The last time he’d done that
had ended with them fucking in his studio for the first time. Now, he couldn’t help but wonder if
there had been some other reason for that.

But none of that really mattered at the moment.

As he watched his class move through his choreo, his eyes fixed on each movement and
expression, he realized just how bad things had been. How could he have dated someone for over
half a year and not texted them daily? How had he not even noticed Yoongi spending several nights
a week with someone else? Looking back, he saw the signs, but only the ones Yoongi exhibited
when they were together. He’d never wondered once where Yoongi was spending his nights, nor
had he asked. How was that possible?

That knowledge was tearing him apart. He wanted to hate Yoongi, to punch him so he felt a
fraction of the pain he was currently feeling, to demand retribution for everything that had been
done to him. He knew that was his right. That it was totally understandable to feel that way. But
that pesky, nagging knowledge that he hadn’t even noticed how fucked up his relationship was
kept him awake at night. Jimin had tried to tell him. He could hear him asking Hoseok why he
wasn’t doing something, why he wasn’t saying something. Why hadn’t he listened to that advice?
Why had he just let things go the way they were when it hadn’t been making him happy?

Why hadn’t he asked why they weren’t moving forward?

Why hadn’t Yoongi told him he was unhappy?

Why why why why. That was all he could think: why?

He never got an answer, of course he didn’t. Yoongi hadn’t had one for him, not really, and the
more he thought about it the less he knew. Jimin would know, but Hoseok wasn’t sure he was
ready for that conversation so he’d avoided it. Just like he’d avoided talking to Jungkook. He
needed to figure out what he felt first before that. But it was hard. Harder than anything he would
have thought possible.

He hated Yoongi for making him feel like this.

Hated Jungkook for taking Yoongi from him and causing this.
Fuck, he even hated Jimin for knowing their relationship was a mess and not saying anything
straight out.

He hated many things at the moment and he didn’t want to talk to anyone when he felt like that.

So he waited. Or rather stewed. Either way, he just sat alone with his spiralling thoughts, trying to
understand and never really getting there. Before he was even aware of it, over two weeks had
passed. It didn’t feel that long and yet his phone told him that was the case. Two weeks since
everything had fallen apart. Two weeks closer to when Jimin was leaving. So much happening in
such little time. Hoseok didn’t know if he could handle it.


Hoseok’s head snapped up and he smiled bashfully. “Sorry guys. I’m a little scatterbrained today.”

“It’s okay…” one of his students said, though he saw her eyes dart around his face, clearly

“Right, I noticed a few people off-beat. Let’s run through it again,” Hoseok said, forcefully making
himself focus. He wasn’t going to let Yoongi and his bullshit ruin his job too. He was stronger than
that. He’d get through this.


Or so he told himself through the morning, trying desperately to focus as his thoughts swirled. He
figured, if a single student hadn’t spoken, he’d have finished the day without confrontation.

But that’s not how the world works.

“I’m taking Jungkook’s class in a few hours. I can’t wait. My friend said it’s super fun.”

Hoseok’s head snapped up, a flash of anger coursing through his system. Jungkook was stealing his
students now too? “It’s cancelled.”

“What?” The student asked, turning towards Hoseok with a confused expression. “What is?”

“Jungkook’s class. Today. It’s… cancelled,” Hoseok lied, unsure where that had even come from.
Before he’d been aware of it, he’d spoken and now he needed to stick to it. “I haven’t gotten a
chance to contact the students yet but he’s out sick.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I hope he feels better,” she said, seemingly genuinely concerned.

“He’ll be fine,” Hoseok told her before practically running out of the room. He had to make the
calls now, talk to the students. Jungkook had two classes today and he was going to have to cancel
both of them.

Locking himself in the office, Hoseok pulled up the class roster for Jungkook’s classes and began
working through them. Most people didn't mind, but expressed sympathy and hoped he got better
before hanging up. One woman, in particular, was very upset, which made Hoseok blood boil.
Everyone seemed to care about Jungkook. What was it about him that made all these people care?

By the time he’d called every one, there was only an hour before Jungkook’s class. He didn’t have
another one for a few hours yet, so, making another split-second decision, Hoseok went to
Jungkook’s studio and planted himself by the wall.

The studios, aesthetically, were exactly the same. Basically mirror images of each other since
Jungkook’s was on the opposite side of the hallway. His eyes travelled around the room blankly, as
if he’d see evidence of their infidelity right in front of him. Had they hooked up in this room like he
and Yoongi used to do? Had they snuck in, making sure Hoseok didn't see?

Hoseok rubbed his face and leaned his head back against the wall, letting his eyes fall closed. He
honestly didn’t even know what he was going to say to Jungkook. He hadn’t planned this. He’d
wanted more time to figure out how to handle it. Mostly because, though he knew it didn’t make
sense, he was more angry at Jungkook than Yoongi. He didn’t know why but he was. That desire
he’d hated in himself to hit Yoongi was even stronger when he thought of Jungkook and he would
not be that person. He wouldn’t let himself. But it was there and he needed to deal with it.

And yet, here he was with no plan.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the door open and a figure step in. At first, he thought it was a
student. He’d had to leave a few messages so there was a chance someone hadn’t heard and had
come anyway. But looking closer, he saw that it was Jungkook. He was just hunched smaller than
he usually was. He was dressed in his staple hoodie and sweats, but they were wrinkled, clearly
slept in, and his whole body was curled forward, like he was trying to defend himself from
something. He looked like Hoseok felt and that gave him a little bit of pleasure.

“I cancelled your class.”

Jungkook jumped and spun around, clearly having missed Hoseok when he came in. “What?”

Pushing himself up, Hoseok put his hands in his pockets, hoping to hide the way they flexed when
Jungkook looked at him with those big, soft eyes. “I said, I cancelled your class.”

“F-forever?” Jungkook whispered, his shoulders hunching even more, if that was even possible.

Hoseok shook his head and walked further into the room. “No. Just for today.”


Not bothering to address that, Hoseok looked in the mirror, seeing himself and Jungkook. Between
the two of them, Jungkook looked much worse but Hoseok chalked that up to Jungkook not
knowing how to put up a front. Hoseok was good at that. Jungkook, apparently, was not.

He hid the fact he was fucking your boyfriend just fine.

“One of your students was quite upset,” Hoseok told him, his eyes still on the mirror. “Jiwoo, I
believe. She was very worried about you when I said you were sick.”

Jungkook blinked. “She’s a nice girl.”

Hoseok hummed. “You have that effect on people, I guess.”

“I don’t know what that means,” Jungkook said slowly, his eyes glued to Hoseok. He didn't know
what was happening, but he was a little scared. He wasn’t sure why, but something about this
unsettled him.

“You don’t?” Hoseok asked, tilting his head. “Jiwoo seems to care for you a lot. One of my
students is even considering jumping from my class to yours. Oh, and let’s not forget Yoongi.”

Jungkook flinched. There it was. The conversation he’d been dreading for the past two weeks. He
wished it could have happened on a day when he wasn’t hungover and he hadn’t broken Yoongi’s
heart. Literally any other day would have been better than this. But he supposed he didn’t get to
make that choice.

“Nothing to say?” Hoseok wondered, still not facing Jungkook.

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Jungkook admitted. He knew there was nothing he could
really do or say to make up for what he’d done. Nothing would make it better. He could apologize,
and he wanted to, but something about the way Hoseok was talking to him made him hold off. It
was like he could see a tenuous string holding Hoseok in place, just waiting to snap. He did not
want to be the person that cut it.

“The truth,” Hoseok said simply.

Licking his lips, Jungkook watched Hoseok move around the room slowly. Prowling almost. Like
he couldn’t stand still. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

Hoseok snorted, the sound so full of disdain it was almost palpable. “Are you?”

“Yes,” Jungkook said firmly.

“Then why?” Hoseok asked, finally turning so he could see Jungkook’s face for real, not just the
reflection. “Why do that to me?”

“I—” Jungkook hesitated, unsure how to explain. “I didn’t think of you.”

Hoseok blinked. “You what?”

“I didn’t think of you,” Jungkook repeated, his eyes dropping. “I just— I wanted Yoongi-hyung
and it hurt so much to be close and not have him and he seemed so unhappy so I just…”

“You just fucked him,” Hoseok finished for him.

“Not exactly, but yes.”

Spinning away, Hoseok shook his head. “You didn’t think of me. Of me. The first person in this
city who talked to you. Your first friend. I got you a job here, for fuck sakes. I’m the one who
picked and pushed your application through. I’m the one who introduced you to the staff. I’m the
one who took you out to make friends. I did everything in my power to help you. And you just…
didn’t think of me.”

“Not all the time. Just not… I didn’t think of you and Yoongi-hyung as together,” Jungkook tried to

“We were dating, Jungkook!” Hoseok snapped, pushing down the ugly part of himself that tried to
remind him of his own revelation on that matter. Because yes, they talked so little it would be easy
to pretend they weren’t dating but that wasn’t the point. Jungkook had known, regardless of the
quality of their relationship, that he and Yoongi were dating.

“I know,” Jungkook whispered.

“And you took him!”

Jungkook shook his head, his hair flying as his hood slipped down. “You can’t take people.”

Hoseok laughed bitterly. “Oh don’t get all moral on me. You know what I mean!”

“Then yes, I took him,” Jungkook agreed. “I pursued him when he said no.”
Whipping around, Hoseok took a step closer. “What do you mean ‘when he said no’?”

“After the first time we… kissed. He said that it was a mistake and he had you,” Jungkook
explained quietly. “He said we should just forget. But I didn't— I didn’t want to so I pushed.”

Hoseok moved away, his hand coming up to his lips. Yoongi hadn’t told him that. It didn’t change
anything, not really, but it did paint a fuller picture. Yoongi had said something about it not being
an instant thing, and Hoseok hadn’t really listened. He guessed this was what Yoongi had meant. It
didn’t matter, it didn't change how he felt, but it still shook him, knowing there had been this whole
push and pull behind his back he’d totally missed. “When did you push?”


“You said you pushed. When did you do that?” Hoseok asked, watching as Jungkook abruptly
looked away. “When!?”

“I don’t think that—”

“I don’t care what you think, just answer the question!”

Jungkook bit his lip. “When you invited me to hyung’s for dinner. We hadn’t been talking before
that but when you left early I… forced the issue.”

“You mean when I suggested you get a home-cooked meal because you hadn’t had one since
moving,” Hoseok said slowly. “You’re telling me I invited you over and you responded by fucking
my boyfriend that night.”

“We didn’t fuck,” Jungkook clarified, though he really didn’t want to explain what they did do.

“I’m not interested in semantics,” Hoseok snapped out, making Jungkook wince and nod.

This was useless. It just felt like a rehash of past events. A more detailed description of what
Jungkook and Yoongi had been up to than Yoongi had given. Hoseok wanted to know more, he
really did have things to say, but he’d decided to come here so abruptly he was having a hard time
centring his thoughts. He felt on edge. Just seeing Jungkook made his blood boil. It was so obvious
now. The way he looked at Yoongi from the very beginning had been more than friendly. He’d
assumed it was something closer to hero-worship than love. Yoongi, as Hoseok himself had
pointed out, was very similar to Jungkook. He’d just thought Jungkook was happy to meet someone
like him. But that wasn’t it and Hoseok felt so stupid for missing it. Or ignoring it. He still wasn’t

“I really am sorry, hyung,” Jungkook whispered after a moment, unable to watch Hoseok stare
blankly at the wall any longer.

“Don’t— you don’t get to call me that,” Hoseok ordered, his hand reaching out in a ‘stop’ motion.

“I’m sorry, Hoseok-ssi,” Jungkook repeated, falling back on formality. “I know it doesn’t matter
but I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t mean…” Hoseok trailed off, shock blanketing his features. “You fucked my
boyfriend, Jungkook. There was never any outcome where I wouldn’t be hurt!”

“I know.”

“Do you regret it? If you’re so sorry, do you regret what you did?” Hoseok asked, knowing the
answer even before Jungkook spoke.

Or so he thought.

“I do.”

Hoseok jolted, the surprise making him take a step back. Yoongi hadn’t been sorry, that much had
been clear, but Jungkook was saying he was. He hadn’t expected that. He also didn’t believe it. At
least he didn’t want to. But looking at Jungkook’s face he couldn’t see the lie.

You never see the lie, that’s why you’re in this situation.

“I don’t believe you.”

Jungkook’s head bobbed, his eyes dropping to the ground. “Okay.”

“I don’t—” Hoseok hesitated again, completely thrown off. His anger was warring with confusion
now. Yoongi had said that he loved Jungkook. That he wanted to be with him so he made terrible
choices. That had just angered him more than anything else but now Jungkook was saying he
didn’t feel the same? Why else would he regret it? “I don’t understand.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Jungkook said honestly, a bitter smile stretched across his lips before
disappearing. He’d told Seokjin and Yoongi he hadn’t regretted it. And he hadn’t at the time. He’d
caused so much pain and confusion, but during all that he’d had Yoongi with him. Yoongi smiling
at him and teasing him, Yoongi venting about his day or snuggling close. Just… Yoongi. But he
didn’t have that now. The last Yoongi he’d seen was broken and sad. Jungkook had done that. He’d
thought, naively, that they could work it out. That making one person unhappy would be okay if he
had Yoongi and they were happy together. But that wasn’t the case.

“Then explain it,” Hoseok ordered, his eyes narrowed.

Jungkook grabbed the string of his hoodie and pulled, causing one end to scrunch up his hood so
he could wrap the string around his fingers freely. Hoseok watched the motion blankly, recognizing
it as a nervous twitch but not caring enough to comment on it. Jungkook should be nervous. “I
thought… I thought we’d be happy once it was over and that’d make it worth it. But we’re not so
all this… pain is for nothing. I hurt two people, not just one. So, yes, I regret it.”

“He said you broke up with him,” Hoseok said after a moment.

“Yes,” Jungkook answered, though Hoseok hadn’t phrased it as a question.


Jungkook’s eyes flicked up then away. He really didn’t want to talk to Hoseok about this. He didn’t
want to talk to anyone about this. “I’d rather not—”

“Don’t you think I deserve to know?” Hoseok interrupted, his voice angry. “You destroyed my
relationship for something that you ended immediately. I deserve an explanation.”
“Jin-hyung made me do it at first,” Jungkook began weakly, “but after some time I realized maybe
we don’t deserve that happiness I was waiting for.”

Hoseok blinked. Then blinked again before dissolving into laughter. It was hollow, like he couldn't
believe what he was hearing. “You’re kidding.”


“You destroyed everything,” Hoseok hissed, taking a step closer. “You made it so I hate coming to
work because you might be here. You took away someone that I cared about because you wanted
him for yourself and didn’t bother to think of anyone but yourself. You broke the friend group I so
nicely invited you into. And worst of all, you made me this angry, bitter person who wants you
two to be hurt so that you understand what I feel and you just… suddenly get a fucking conscience
when it gets hard? What? The thrill of fucking around behind my back gone now? Suddenly you
see Yoongi as the bored, sad man he is and aren’t interested?”

Jungkook immediately shot up, his spine and shoulders straightening for the first time since he’d
left Yoongi’s earlier that morning. “No! Never. Hyung is not like that! I’m not like that!”

Hoseok scoffed, moving forward until he could jab Jungkook in the chest with a finger. “No? Then
explain to me why the second I found out, you ended things. That sounds like someone who lost
the thrill of getting his dick wet in secret to me.”

“No,” Jungkook protested again, his eyebrows snapping together and lip trembling. He hadn’t even
thought of it looking like that. Is that what Yoongi thought? When he confessed this morning and
Jungkook walked away, did he think it was because Jungkook was only interested in the thrill of
infidelity? “It was never about that.”

“Sure it wasn’t. Yoongi is good in bed, so I guess I can understand,” Hoseok said, something in
him wanting to hurt Jungkook. Even if what he was saying wasn’t true, he was going to say it.
After everything they’d done to him, they were just ending it, not willing to deal with the
consequences of their actions. It was pathetic and it made him angry. At least Yoongi had admitted
he’d done what he wanted. Even if that had hurt, it was truthful. Jungkook was just… backing
down and that pissed Hoseok off even more. “He felt good on my dick on a normal day, so I can
only imagine when the thrill of your little relationship did for you.”

“Hyu— Hoseok-ssi, why are you— what— stop talking about him like that,” Jungkook finally
managed to get out, his confusion making him stutter. Hoseok had taken a rapid shift, his tone and
demeanour shifting quickly. Jungkook had already noticed that something was off about the way
Hoseok was talking to him, the way he was moving around the studio, but this… he’d never
imagined Hoseok talking to him like this, talking about Yoongi like this. It was so out of character
that all Jungkook could do was stare at him in shock.

“Why does it matter? You left him, right?” Hoseok reminded him as he moved away again, his feet
moving before he’d even really been conscious of his desire to get away from Jungkook’s
immediate vicinity.

Jungkook grabbed his hoodie string again. “Yes, but that wasn’t what our-our relationship was

“No?” Hoseok asked, his head tilting mockingly. “Then why not tell me? Why not break it off
sooner? Seems to me you’re telling yourself all this bullshit just to make yourself better.”

“We were going to tell you!” Jungkook corrected loudly. “We were going to talk to you in private
and explain but then Jin—”

“We?” Hoseok cut in, his voice dropping low and so quiet Jungkook had almost missed it.

Jungkook hesitated but nodded. “Yes. I thought— I thought it would be better if we both told you
at the same time.”

“Both of you,” Hoseok repeated, staring fixedly at himself in the mirror. He saw his own face shift,
like he wasn’t even controlling his expressions or emotions. His face went blank, then flushed red,
his eyes practically blazing. “Both of you?”

“Yes?” Jungkook confirmed, talking an involuntary step back.

“What gives you the right to think that I’d want to see you and Yoongi together while hearing
you’ve been fucking around behind my back?”

Biting his lip, Jungkook winced. He could admit he hadn’t thought about it like that. He’d just
wanted to be there so Hoseok wouldn’t put the blame solely on Yoongi. He was at fault too, so
he’d thought he should be there. Which he tried to explain. “I just— it was my fault. I wanted to
“So fucking explain another time!” Hoseok snapped, already back in front of Jungkook and
pushing him until he hit the wall. “We were dating, you had no fucking place in any conversation
we did or didn’t have. What fucking bullshit made you think I’d want to see your fucking face?”

“I-I don’t know,” Jungkook admitted quietly, his eyes never leaving Hoseok’s face. Jungkook had
never even seen Hoseok irritated before, but now he was seeing him show full, unrestrained anger
and honestly it scared him. He didn’t know what was going to happen so all he could do was watch
Hoseok closely for any sign of what was coming.

Hoseok smacked his hand on the wall beside Jungkook loudly then pushed away, spinning on his
heel as he threaded his fingers through his hair and pulled. He let out a choked, half-laugh, then
dropped his hands and looked at Jungkook blankly. It was like all emotion had suddenly drained
out of him as he stared at Jungkook, who was still pressed against the wall like he was afraid to
move. “You two are fucking pathetic. He was too much of a coward to leave and you’re too much
of a coward to stay. I hate that the knowledge that you’ll both be sad and alone because of your
own actions makes me so happy but it does.”


“Get the fuck out of here. You don’t have any classes today. I cancelled both, not just the one that’s
supposed to be running now.”


“I don’t want to hear it,” Hoseok interrupted as he pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed. “Go
wallow in self-pity or whatever the fuck it is cowards do.”

Jungkook lingered a moment longer, his posture relaxing so he was no longer against the wall, but
still near it. He wanted to say something more, but he didn’t know what. So he just nodded and
moved away slowly, only turning back once he’d opened the door. “I really am sorry.”

Not bothering to look at him, Hoseok shook his head. “Not as sorry as you’ll be later. Get out.”

Running away from the ominous finality of those words, Jungkook left the studio and hailed a cab.
But it didn’t change anything. No matter how far he got, he could hear those words ringing in his
head and he didn’t know what they meant. It sounded like a threat but didn’t feel like one, which
didn’t make sense.

What had that meant?

“Sparkling water for me, thank you,” Jimin ordered simply while handing back the drink menu
and glancing across the table at Taehyung.

“Same, thank you,” Taehyung tacked on.

The waiter nodded before disappearing around the corner to get their drinks. They had regular
menus in front of them too but neither reached for it. Since Taehyung had arrived, the table had
been quiet, neither speaking nor addressing the elephant in the room.

It wasn’t until the waiter returned and placed their glass on the table that Taehyung sighed,
crossing his arms and directing his attention out the window. “I guess this answers my question.”

“And what was that?” Jimin asked, finally opening the menu and glancing inside.

“If we were still friends.”

Jimin’s head snapped up, shock clear on his face. “Of course we are.”

“Are we?” Taehyung wondered, his head tilting as he looked back. “Doesn’t feel like it.”

“You’re not talking either!” Jimin snapped defensively. He knew Taehyung wasn’t responsible for
Yoongi’s actions so he didn’t hold it against him but this was also the first time they’d seen each
other since the reveal so it was a bit awkward. They’d both, understandably, picked to stay close to
their respective hyungs and that put them on the opposite sides.

Taehyung nodded. “No, I guess not.”

“Look,” Jimin sighed, closing the menu again. “I’m not mad at you and I’d like us to still be
friends. Just… no Yoongi.”

“I get that,” Taehyung agreed with a small smile. “As long as we’re good.”

“We are. I promise,” Jimin said sincerely, reaching across the table to squeeze Taehyung’s hand.
“Now, we should actually order before our waiter loses it.”

“Yea,” Taehyung laughed, opening his own menus and quickly scanning the items inside. He felt
infinitely better knowing he and Jimin were good regardless of what Yoongi and Hoseok had gone
through. But it wasn’t like they could avoid talking about it. It was inevitable. They managed to
make it through most of the lunch but eventually, it came up, as they both knew it would. “How’s

Jimin shrugged. “As well as can be, I suppose. He blames himself, then blames Yoongi, then
Jungkook. He’s been going to work though, which I guess is good. Don’t know how healthy
bottling up all that emotion is but it gives him something to do.”

“That’s good,” Taehyung said softly, sipping his water. “I wanted to reach out but I didn’t think
he’d want to see me.”

“Maybe wait a bit,” Jimin said after a moment. “He knows it’s not you but you and Yoongi are so

“Yea, I get it, don’t worry,” Taehyung agreed quickly. There was a reason he never called Hoseok
and it was that exactly. He and Yoongi were close, incredibly close. Hoseok knew that, just like he
knew that Taehyung had known about the affair when it was revealed. The last thing Hoseok
needed was to see Taehyung right now. He’d reach out eventually, but for now, he’d let him heal.
“I can wait.”

“How are Yoongi and Jungkook? Sailing off into the sunset?” Jimin asked bitterly.

But Taehyung shook his head. “No, Jungkook broke things off. Hyung… hyung is not handling it

“He what?” Jimin asked, confusion furrowing his brows.

“Yea, threw me for a loop too. Hyung said it was because they were too much? Whatever that

Jimin rubbed his face. “So all this was for nothing.”

“It appears so, yea.”

“What a fucking mess,” Jimin sighed, his head turning toward the window. “So much pain for
nothing. Thank god I’m still here.”

Taehyung narrowed his eyes on Jimin’s face, watching him stare blankly out the window at the
early winter scene. “That’s right, weren’t you supposed to be leaving?”

Jimin nodded, his eyes still fixed outside. “Yea. I was going to go in mid-December to settle in but
they don’t need me for language classes until January so I pushed it back.”

“You’re still going right?” Taehyung asked, leaning forward in his chair.

“I don’t know if now is a good time,” Jimin murmured. He couldn’t leave Hoseok right now. He
was going through so much and though he had other friends, Jimin was by far his closest one. He
needed support right now.

Taehyung bit his lip, conflicted. There was something unspoken about Jimin. Something he never
wanted anyone to know. Taehyung had seen it right away. The way Jimin smiled at Hoseok, the
way he talked to him, the way he touched him. It was subtle, he’d clearly gotten good at hiding it
over the years, but it was there. Jimin, without a doubt, loved Hoseok. Taehyung couldn’t imagine
how painful that was, especially now given how Hoseok was leaning on him. “Hey, Jimin, can I
suggest something?”

“Hmmm? Sure,” Jimin allowed, turning back.

Scanning his face one last time, Taehyung crossed his arms and leaned forward, resting his elbows
on the table. “I heard California is beautiful this time of year.”
Jimin blinked. “And?”

“And maybe being there… without Hoseok-hyung... would be good for you,” Taehyung said
slowly, making sure to maintain eye contact with Jimin the entire time.

“I don’t know what you— I— I don’t understand,” Jimin said quickly, looking away.

Taehyung pursed his lips. “We both know you do.”

Unable to stop himself, Jimin’s eyes snapped to Taehyung, panic making them wild. The mere idea
anyone knew how he felt making him shaky. No one had noticed. Not in years. He’d made sure of
it. He had. “I don’t—”

“Jimin,” Taehyung interrupted, grabbing Jimin’s hand and holding on even when he tried to shake
him off. Only when Jimin settled, a faint tremor in his hand, did Taehyung continue. “No one
knows but me. I promise. But I think… I think, maybe, you should think of you.”

“I can’t go. Not right now. He needs me,” Jimin insisted, ignoring the implication of what
Taehyung knew.

“He’s always going to need you, Jimin. There will always be a reason to stay. I know now… now
isn’t a good time, I know that. But this is your chance and I think you should take it.”

“I can’t.”

“Can you just—”

“Hold on,” Jimin interrupted, feeling his phone vibrate. He pulled it out quickly, thankful for the
interruption, only to see a text message from Hoseok saying he was coming by. “I have to go.”

“Hoseok needs me,” Jimin insisted. “I’ll pay you back for the food.”

“Jimin!” Taehyung tried again, but Jimin was already gone.

Sighing, Taehyung raised a hand for the bill. He hadn’t intended to pressure Jimin about his
feelings but it had just kinda happened. Going to the States was an amazing opportunity for Jimin,
he needed to go. But Taehyung could already see Jimin using Hoseok’s sadness as an excuse not to
leave. Just like he’d used Hoseok as one before when they’d initially asked him to go in the fall.
There would always be another excuse.

Taehyung left the restaurant, feeling like he’d accomplished even less than he’d set out to do, and
began walking towards his car. Once he’d settled in the driver’s seat, he checked his phone, and,
seeing a message from Yoongi, paused. It was incredibly formal, way more so than Yoongi would
ever use with him. When he got to the end, he realized it was intended for Yoongi’s boss, not him,
and sighed again, this time louder. If Hoseok had reached out to Jimin and Yoongi was calling into
work, that meant something had happened.

Without much thought, Taehyung started the car and activated his Bluetooth so he could drive and
handle this situation at the same time.

“Call Yoongi-hyung’s work.”

After Jungkook had rejected him, Yoongi had tried not to let himself cry. He’d suspected Jungkook
felt that way, just like he’d known his suggestion of a ‘break’ was really a breakup, but he’d
wanted to try for once, to be honest. It hurt more than he’d thought it would. There was something
so much worse about telling someone how you felt only to have them turn you away. He’d
managed to hold it back until he heard the door open. He’d been so close, but that sound had made
him realize that this moment was the end. Jungkook was leaving and when he closed that door, it
would end what they had. As fucked up and wrong as it had been, it’d officially be over.

He needed to go to work, in fact, he was already late, but all he could do was sink to the ground
and curl into himself, the pain of everything rushing over him like a wave. He’d never hurt like this
when he settled for contentment. No one and nothing had ever hurt him like this.

Yoongi hiccupped as he tried to restrain his tears, the effort making his lungs burn like he was
holding his breath. The way he hurt now made him wish he’d never been that happy. When
Jungkook had first broken up with him, he’d been satisfied with the knowledge that at least he’d
been able to experience genuine happiness with Jungkook but now he didn't feel that. It made him
realize that though he’d told himself it was the end, he hadn’t believed it. Not really. If he had, he
wouldn’t feel as crushed as he did now. He’d told Namjoon he was preparing for the inevitable but
he hadn’t prepared enough.

It was over now. He was alone, like Hoseok said, and there was nothing he could do. He’d
confessed, he’d put himself out there, he’d taken a risk, and yet he was still where he’d been
before, just more sad.

Wiping his tears away with the heel of his palm, Yoongi sniffled and pushed himself up,
mindlessly going through his morning routine, purposefully avoiding looking in mirrors. He’d
convinced himself that going to work and keeping busy was the best method of coping, but by the
time he’d gotten to the door, his hand on the knob, a sob wracked him, weakening his knees and
sending him forward until his forehead rested on the door.

“Fuck,” Yoongi cursed himself, hating that he couldn’t control himself and push forward. That’s
what everyone else was doing. Why couldn't he do it too?

Dropping his coat and bag in a pile that blocked the door, Yoongi practically ran to the couch and
buried himself in the blanket Jungkook had left behind. It smelled like booze and sweat, but just
enough like Jungkook to make him cry harder and curl into a ball. He knew he needed to get over
this, but maybe it was okay to let himself be sad for a while. So, quickly texting his boss that he
wasn’t going to be in today, Yoongi tossed his phone aside and buried his face in a pillow. He’d let
himself be sad for today and then he’d pull himself together and move on.

Jungkook was doing it, he could too.

“Hyung! Hyung! You’re not watching me,” Jungkook whined, laughing at Yoongi through the

“Oh, trust me,” Yoongi said dryly, “I’m watching you.”

Jungkook’s brows shot up. “Not like that you perv.”

“I’m watching you dance too,” Yoongi replied easily, his gums flashing. “I’m just not a good

“I’ve taught worse than you!” Jungkook insisted, moving closer so he could move Yoongi’s arms
and legs into the right position. “There! Now do it again.”

Yoongi pouted. “Only if you kiss me first.”

“You drive a hard bargain,” Jungkook said teasingly before cupping Yoongi’s chin and kissing
him softly, their lips falling into an easy rhythm. But Jungkook pulled away all too soon, his smile
cheeky. “Now, let’s do this again. I know you can do it, hyung.”




Yoongi jolted, his body shooting up and head whipping around in a desperate search. That had been
Jungkook calling him, right? It wasn’t just a dream?

“Are you okay, hyung?” Taehyung asked, his expression worried.

“Taehyung,” Yoongi whispered, his body deflating and falling back into the couch.

Taehyung blinked. “Don’t sound so happy.”

“Sorry,” Yoongi apologized immediately, feeling guilty. It wasn’t Taehyung’s fault Yoongi had
mixed up their voices in his dream state. “What are you doing here?”

Sighing, Taehyung took a seat in front of the couch, his position the exact same as Yoongi had
taken the night before with Jungkook. “You texted me you weren’t going into work. I could tell
from the formality you hadn’t meant to text me but you didn’t reply.”
“Shit,” Yoongi cursed, sitting up again.

But Taehyung eased him back down gently. “I took care of it. I didn’t know how to get in touch
with your boss but one of your staff got me Kim Namjoon’s number and he handled it. You’re
good. Relax.”

“I’m sorry,” Yoongi apologized again, his eyes slipping closed. “I didn’t mean to text you.”

“I know,” Taehyung agreed as he scanned Yoongi’s face. His eyes and face were swollen, clear
signs of lack of sleep and a lot of crying. His hair was messy and standing on end like he’d been
pulling at it. And, whether he was aware of it or not, he kept turning his face into the blanket and
pillow he was using, like it offered comfort. Taehyung didn’t have to be a genius to figure out that
something had happened with Jungkook. He’d suspected given how Jimin had run out, but now it
was even more obvious. “Wanna talk about it?”

Yoongi smiled briefly and shook his head. “Not really.”

The corner of Taehyung’s lips kicked up as he reached forward and combed the hair out of
Yoongi’s face, doing his best to detangle and tame the wild locks. Yoongi sighed into the motion
but didn’t say anything more. That was how he’d been ever since Hoseok found out and Jungkook
left. He pretended to be okay and didn't talk about it, which just left Taehyung floundering. How
do you comfort someone who won’t let you do so? And even if he did, what could Taehyung say
when all the things he’d warned him would happen had? He’d known this would end badly,
though, to be fair, he hadn’t expected Jungkook to run away. But he had known, so what could he
say? That uncertainty left him mostly silent when he was near Yoongi now. But he couldn’t
continue like that. It was time to push. “Too bad. You need to talk about it.”

“People keep telling me that,” Yoongi said softly, his eyes still closed. “To talk about it. To be
honest about my feelings. Hasn’t helped me yet.”

“Who were you honest with, hyung?” Taehyung prodded.

Yoongi sighed. “I answered all of Hoseok’s questions honestly. But all that did was hurt him more.
A kind lie would have been better.”

“That’s not true and you know it,” Taehyung chastised.

But Yoongi just ignored him and continued, “And I told Jungkook I love him and he just… left.”

“You did? When?”

“This morning. He showed up yesterday all drunk and sad so when he woke up this morning, I told
him everything. I thought, maybe because he’d come that he—” Yoongi stopped, his lips working.
“Doesn’t matter. He said we don’t deserve it and left.”

To put it lightly, Taehyung wanted to scream. A lot. He’d been pushing Yoongi to be more open
with his feelings and wants for years and he’d never listened, not once. But now, suddenly, he was
taking Taehyung’s advice in the worst possible way. Or rather, with the worst possible outcome.
Of course he’d chosen to be honest when talking about his infidelity with Hoseok and confession to
a man who’d already broken up with him. If that wasn’t the definition of self-sabotaging,
Taehyung didn’t know what was.

But he couldn’t tell Yoongi that.

So instead he smoothed Yoongi’s hair once more and smiled. “I’m happy you told him, hyung.”

Yoongi snorted. “It didn’t work.”

“No,” Taehyung agreed, “sometimes it doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean being honest wasn’t

“That’s what I told him too,” Yoongi admitted. “Still hurt though.”

“I know, hyung.”

Turning over slightly so he could see Taehyung straight on, Yoongi blinked up at him, taking in
Taehyung’s sympathetic expression. “Does happiness always hurt this much?”

Taehyung leaned forward, resting his cheek on the cushion just in front of Yoongi’s chest, and
grabbed his hand. “No. Not always.”

Yoongi hummed, squeezing Taehyung’s fingers tightly. “Maybe next time then.”


Practically running through the hallways that led to his apartment, Jimin tried to regulate his
breathing. Hoseok had sounded so upset, even through text messages. It had been so clear, Jimin
had been up and moving before he’d even really processed what he was doing. He just knew he
needed to get to Hoseok as soon as possible.

When he arrived at his apartment, Hoseok was leaning against the door, his eyes closed and face
pinched. Jimin could see the tear tracks on his face and stepped into him without a word,
immediately pulling him down into a hug. Hoseok sagged into it, his fingers clutching Jimin’s
shirt. “Sorry for just showing up.”

“It’s okay, hyung. Why didn’t you go inside?”

“Didn’t want to intrude,” Hoseok mumbled, making Jimin frown. They’d known each other for
years and that had never been a problem before. But he didn’t comment on it. He just opened the
door and guided Hoseok inside, setting him down on his couch gently before darting to the fridge
and grabbing a drink. He decided on Gatorade, figuring Hoseok could use the electrolytes after all
the crying he’d been doing recently.

“Here, drink this,” Jimin ordered, forcing the bottle into Hoseok’s hand as he took a seat on the
coffee table in front of Hoseok and scanned his face more closely. As he’d suspected, he looked
upset. It was mostly in his eyes, the telltale red rimming them, but it was enough for Jimin to

“Thanks,” Hoseok said after a moment, rolling the bottle between his palms.

“What happened?” Jimin asked point-blank.

Hoseok grimaced. “I got angry and cancelled all of Jungkook’s classes and we… talked.”

Jimin blinked. “You fired him?”

“No, no,” Hoseok clarified. “I just cancelled the day. One of my students… it doesn’t matter. I was
upset and I cancelled them so when he showed up there was no one there.”

“And you talked,” Jimin repeated for him, waiting for Hoseok to explain.

“If you could call it that,” Hoseok muttered

“What did he say?”

Hoseok looked up at Jimin then refocused on the bottle in his hands. “That he was sorry. That he
regretted it.”

“Wait, really?”

“Yea. I… said some mean things about that.”

Jimin sighed and patted Hoseok’s arm. “That’s okay.”

“It’s not,” Hoseok snapped, shrugging Jimin’s conforming hand away. “I hate being that person.
I’ve never been malicious in my life and now I— I don’t like it, Jiminie. I don’t want to feel this

Following Hoseok who’d left the couch and started to pace, Jimin pulled him to a stop. “That’s
good, hyung. It just means you aren’t that person. You’re hurt right now but you won’t be like this

“How do you know that!?”

“Because I know you,” Jimin said with a small smile. “You’re the nicest person I know. You
always have been. You’re upset about being mean to two people who hurt you, hyung. That just
shows how nice you are.”

Hoseok’s bottom lip trembled. “I’m so mad, Jiminie. I’m barely even sad anymore. Just mad.”

“That’s okay,” Jimin assured him, pulling him back down into another hug, which Hoseok fell into
easily, all the fight that had pushed him up from the couch draining out of him.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do without you,” Hoseok admitted, turning his head into Jimin’s

Jimin patted Hoseok’s head gently. “Don’t worry about that.”

“How can I not?”

“Because you don’t have to anymore,” Jimin said softly, his intent to comfort Hoseok. But all it did
was cause Hoseok to tense, his body jolting away. “Hyung?”

“What do you mean?” Hoseok asked. “You’re going to the States.”

Shaking his head, Jimin took a step forward. “I decided not to go.”

Immediately, Hoseok began looking around the apartment. Most of Jimin’s stuff had been packed
last time he was here. Some of it headed to storage and the rest set to be shipped ahead of him. But
now he saw that a lot of those boxes were open again, some even partially emptied. Just a few
weeks ago, Jimin had been all set to leave but now he— “No, no, you can’t do that.”

“Hyung, it’s oka—”

“Are you staying because of me?” Hoseok hissed, stepping back. Jimin’s face twitched, just
enough for Hoseok to know that he was right but Jimin didn't want him to know. “You can’t do
“There will be—”

“You can’t give up on your future because I’m sad! What the fuck, Jimin!” Hoseok snapped,
moving even further away. “This is your career! You can’t just— just abandon it because my
relationship imploded.”

Darting around the couch, Jimin cut Hoseok off so he couldn’t move away again. “That’s not it,
hyung. I want to stay here with you.”

Hoseok paused, scanning Jimin’s face. “If that’s true, fine. But be honest, is it because of what
happened with Yoongi? If we were still together would you have gone?”

Jimin didn’t get a chance to answer. Mostly because he couldn’t. All he’d managed to do was look
away, not wanting Hoseok to see the truth of his suspicions on Jimin’s face. Because yes, he
wanted to stay for Hoseok but Taehyung had been right. He’d intended to use the new job as a
clean break. But now Hoseok was alone and he couldn't bring himself to leave. “Hyung, I—”

“Don’t lie, Jiminie. I’ve dealt with enough of that.”

“Yes,” Jimin admitted softly. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“If you thought I’d thank you, you’re wrong,” Hoseok said sharply. “You’re my best friend. I want
you to succeed and be happy, even if that means leaving me behind. How could you expect me to
live with the guilt of you giving up your dreams for me?”

“That’s not what I—”

“Why does everyone think I can’t handle things? Yoongi couldn’t tell me he was unhappy, you
don’t think I can manage alone. I’m a grown-ass adult, Jimin. I’ll be fine.”

It was a bold statement, one that would have held more weight if Hoseok didn’t look like he was
about to cry. Or if he hadn’t spent most of his time with Jimin the last two weeks, trying to piece
together the broken shards of his relationship so he’d understand what went wrong better. Hoseok
was handling it okay, but that was partially because Jimin was there with him, offering support. No
one else knew Hoseok like he did. “I just want to help, hyung.”

“So help while you can and then follow your own path,” Hoseok told him firmly.

Jimin knew, intellectually, this wasn’t a rejection, but it felt like one. It felt like Hoseok was telling
him he didn’t need him, even as a friend. That was all he’d had these past years. Hoseok may not
love him, but he needed him. Needed him as a friend.

Maybe being there without Hoseok-hyung would be good for you.

“I told them I’d be there in January,” Jimin finally said, his voice small.

“Then January it is.”

As a person who’d been physically active to the extreme his entire life, Jungkook was not a man
unfamiliar with exhaustion. This type of exhaustion, however, was completely new to him. He was
used to his body being tired, not his mind. He hated it, but there was nothing he could do. It was
like his mind was constantly running, playing through scene after scene, conversation after
conversation. Every moment since he’d come to Seoul was playing like a movie marathon in his
brain with no commercials. It had been bad before, but it was even worse after talking to Hoseok.
Mostly because he’d said he regretted it.

Regretted Yoongi.

Thinking that way made him feel small and pathetic, just like Hoseok had accused him of being.
He’d pushed forward with little regard for anyone but himself and his feelings, only pausing when
Yoongi’s feelings were in question. How could he look at that now and say he regretted it when it
had given him some of the happiest moments of his life. When he’d gotten Yoongi out of it.

I love you and miss you... I want to make this work.

Hyung, I love you so much... but I think you might be right. About us not deserving it.
Do you regret it? If you’re so sorry, do you regret what you did?

I do.

Jungkook moved mindlessly around his kitchen, making coffee for himself. He hadn’t slept much
since leaving Yoongi’s and his conversation with Hoseok, however many days ago that was, nor
had he gone to work, using the excuse Hoseok had already created as a means to avoid going until
he felt more like himself again and could sleep. Coffee wouldn’t help with that but he didn’t know
what else to do so he poured a full mug before sitting at the kitchen table, his eyes settling on the
chair in front of him. He could see Yoongi there, glasses perched on his nose as he drew out
something on a piece of paper. It took Jungkook a moment to recognize what he was seeing. It was
when Yoongi had designed him the window seat. He’d been so excited, drawing it out and
explaining each part to Jungkook in almost excruciating detail.

You two are fucking pathetic. He was too much of a coward to leave and you’re too much of a
coward to stay.

Pushing himself up abruptly, Jungkook fled the room, but it didn’t matter. Like before, he was
faced with images of Yoongi everywhere. Jungkook’s apartment had been their sanctuary, a place
they never had to worry about being interrupted at. Where Yoongi could relax and Jungkook could
love him the way he wanted.

I love you and miss you... I want to make this work.

Jungkook flinched back from Yoongi’s voice in his mind, accidentally dropping his mug on the
ground. He watched it spill everywhere with a small sigh before getting some paper towel to clean
it up. Crouching down, Jungkook mopped up the liquid silently, pausing when he saw a glint of
glass under his couch. The mug hadn’t shattered, so Jungkook reached for it in confusion, grabbing
whatever had made its way under his couch.

The second he touched it, he knew. His hand froze, hesitating to pull it out. After a moment,
Jungkook relented and picked it up, flipping the frame over and seeing the picture Jimin had taken
of him and Yoongi on their first night out, before everything had gone so wrong. Back when it was
just Jungkook feeling so many things at once. His fingers traced over Yoongi’s figure, taking his
waving hands, the club clothes that he could remember nearly drooling over, and his smile. That’s
what really held his attention. Yoongi looked so happy, smiling and leaning into Jungkook, clearly
unaware of the camera and everything else surrounding him as he talked. Jungkook looked the
same. Even if he couldn’t see his expression, he knew his eyes were fixed on Yoongi as they
spoke. He could remember being shocked Jimin didn't see his feelings when he’d seen this picture
the first time.

Now he saw something else.

He saw Yoongi’s feelings, not just his own.

Yoongi looked just as interested, just happy to be near Jungkook. He remembered how
uncomfortable Yoongi had seemed, just a little tense, until he and Jungkook had started talking.
Then his whole body had relaxed and the words had just flown. A comfortable Yoongi was a
talkative Yoongi and it was one of the things Jungkook loved the most about him. He could sit and
listen to him rant for hours on end about things he liked.

But this had been before they’d messed up the first time. Before Yoongi had admitted to feeling
something similar for Jungkook. Long before Yoongi’s recent confession. So why did he look the
same as Jungkook had when he’d already fallen by then?

I’d already fallen, so it didn't matter what Hoseok did.

Jungkook hesitated again, his eyes still on Yoongi’s face. Ever since he’d asked Yoongi for a
break, he’d been overwhelmed with the feeling that he’d stolen moments from Hoseok. That every
time he’d been with Yoongi, seen him smile, laugh, moan his name, it had all been things that had
belonged to Hoseok. Even if he’d told him that people couldn’t be taken when they’d talked,
Jungkook had still let that feeling hold him down.

Jungkook, what do you want?

I want Yoongi-hyung.

I just want you to be happy, Kook.

Isn’t that what he’d told Yoongi? That he wanted him to be happy? That he deserved to be happy?
Jungkook rubbed his face hard, trying to centre his thoughts. Of course he wanted Yoongi, that
hadn’t changed. The love he felt wasn’t just going to disappear because of the fucked up situation
they were in. But when Yoongi had confessed to him, his own happiness had been crushed beneath
the ever-present weight of guilt.
He’d told Yoongi that everyone deserved to be happy when they started this, but at the end, he’d
told him they didn’t. Which was true? Jungkook licked his lips, his eyes once again falling to the
picture of them together.

Not as sorry as you’ll be later. Get out.

Jungkook’s hands tightened on the frame, Hoseok’s voice once again ringing in his ears. He hadn’t
understood that comment before and honestly he didn’t get it now. It still didn’t feel like a threat,
the tone hadn’t been right. It was too sad to be a threat. Too… forlorn. Like someone who’d
realized something too late and couldn’t change it. By why would that be the last thing— oh.

It was a threat, but not in the truest sense. A threat of the inevitable variety. Since Jungkook had
left Yoongi, he’d be sorry. Simple as that. Hoseok had told him he was too afraid to stay. That
would make him sorry. He’d regret that. Was that what he’d meant? It didn’t make sense for
Hoseok to be… encouraging them, but that was the only explanation Jungkook could come up
with. Maybe it was just his desperate mind trying to come up with an excuse to see Yoongi again,
to try like he’d asked, but for the first time in he didn’t know how long, Jungkook felt a little flash
of hope, something bright in the swirling darkness.

Scrambling up, Jungkook ran from his house, not bothering to change from his old sweats or fix his
hair. He probably smelled terrible. At the very least, he smelled like the coffee he’d dropped, but it
didn’t matter. He just needed to see Yoongi.

By the time he’d reached his car, he realized it was in the middle of the day, his curtains had
blocked out the sun so he hadn’t been sure, which meant Yoongi was at work.

Fuck it.

He’d visited Yoongi at work before, it’d be fine.


Pushing down any doubt that would hold him back, Jungkook drove to Yoongi’s work, parking
very illegally in front of his building, and ran up the stairs to his floor, too impatient to wait for the
elevator. When he reached it, he was sweaty and tired, but he didn't stop. He just ran through the
cubicles to Yoongi’s office, flinging the door open while a frantic-looking intern tried to stop him.

Yoongi, who’d been in the middle of a call, jumped visibly at the sound of Jungkook’s voice, his
face confused and eyes wide, like he didn’t believe what he was seeing. “Jungkook?”

“Please, sir, you can’t go in there. Please don’t make me call sec—”

“It’s okay,” Yoongi interrupted, his voice more level than he’d expected as he quickly hung up.
“He’s… a friend.”

The intern looked between them, then nodded and backed away. Jungkook watched him go before
closing the door behind him and moving toward Yoongi’s desk. The older man watched him,
barely concealed pain on his face. Without a word, Jungkook slammed the photo he’d brought with
him down on Yoongi’s desk, placing it right beside the computer like he’d suggested the last time
he was here. Yoongi made a small sound, something between a laugh and a sob before reaching
out and touching the frame delicately, remembering Jungkook suggesting he have a picture of them
in his office to make it feel more like home. “I don't understand.”

“We’re over right?” Jungkook asked, making Yoongi’s breath hiccup and eyes well even as he
managed a nod. “Good, because I have a question.”

“Okay,” Yoongi whispered, unable to look away from the photo. They looked so happy.

“Will you go on a date with me?”

Yoongi’s head snapped around, his eyes finding Jungkook’s earnest ones. “What?”

“Will you, newly single Min Yoongi, go on a date with me, also single Jeon Jungkook?” Jungkook
repeated earnestly.

“I— I thought— you said— you said no. You said that we don’t— we don’t deserve it.”
“We don’t,” Jungkook admitted, “but I want you anyway. I love you, Yoongi-hyung. I want to try
too. But from the beginning.”

“Like a new start?” Yoongi sniffed, wiping away the tears that had managed to escape despite his
best efforts.

“Yes, like a new start,” Jungkook confirmed. “So, what do you say? Will you go on a date with
me, hyung?”

Yoongi bit his lip and nodded. “I’d love to.”

Chapter End Notes

And that's the end. Or rather, the beginning. I specifically broke the story here so that
the next one would have less to do with the cheating itself and more to do with the
aftermath. How does Hoseok move on? What about Jimin? Can Yoongi and Jungkook
figure out how to date for real? Is Seokjin willing to give his approval? Will Taehyung
ever meet Namjoon in person?

Whether you read the sequel or not, I hope you enjoyed this story! I know the ending
won't satisfy everyone--there are more than a few of you who don't want yoonkook to
end up together--but this was always the end game for me and this story.

If you're interested, the sequel is One Last Chance

End Notes

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