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Top 20 Microsoft Azure Cloud Services Introduction of top 20 Microsoft Azure

Cloud Services

Book · March 2023


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Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

Contour Software


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Top 20 Microsoft
Azure Cloud Services
Introduction of top 20 Microsoft Azure
Cloud Services

Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
Senior Software Engineer
Scientific Researcher
Blogger at C# Corner
I welcome you all to the Top 20 Microsoft Azure Cloud Services Book we will discuss 20
Azure Cloud Services in this book.

This book is the Author's property and copying any kind of Content is a criminal offense.
If you see any mistake in this book, contact us at the official email address or the official email address of the Author
Every step taken toward the completion of this book is based on an expert review of
industry experts.


Blogger at C# Corner
Senior Software Engineer
Scientific Researcher
Every single step that was taken towards the completion of the book was because of the strong
background provided by my parents they supported me morally. Moreover, the community of
C# Corner helped me a lot in getting knowledge and solution where I was stuck. They motivate
me in every situation and always ask to us never give up everything possible in the world. They
held our hands firmly never letting us get down and made it possible for us to get through. This
book is also dedicated to my seniors who motivated us to guide us in this regard.
The pure dedication of my book is to my parents our soul parents- the teacher and friends.
Teachers always motivated and boosted us with full support whenever required.
I Sardar Mudassar Ali hereby declare that this book contains original work and that not any
part of it has been copied from any other sources. It is further declaring that I have completed
my book under the project of Quality Education for Humanity and with the guidance of my
teachers and my senior colleagues and this is entirely possible based on my efforts and, my


It would be my pleasure and I am feeling ecstatically rapturous to pay the heartiest thanks.
First, To Allah (SWT) who is most beneficent and most merciful that he enabled me and
blessed me to take the pebble out of his multitude of bounties. To my dear parents, their prayers
become true toward the completion of my book. I am greatly beholden to my esteemed
honorable motivator and kind-hearted, teachers, friends, and colleagues who supported my idea
all the way and never let me down and corporate with me in this way completely sincerely and
Also, special thanks to those who helped me a lot in my way, but I have forgotten them to
mention here.

Kindle Publications
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Chapter No 1 .......................................................................................................................... 19
Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services ................................................................ 19
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 20
Top 10 Azure Services and Products ................................................................................... 20
Azure Free Services ............................................................................................................. 20
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 20
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................ 21
Microsoft Azure DevOps Service ......................................................................................... 21
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 22
Services Offered by DevOps ................................................................................................ 22
What is DevOps ................................................................................................................... 22
What makes Azure DevOps unique? ................................................................................... 22
Developing and Deploying Software Applications .............................................................. 23
DevOps for Organizations .................................................................................................... 23
Why We Prefer Azure DevOps ............................................................................................ 23
Start Your DevOps Journey ................................................................................................. 23
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 23
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................ 24
Microsoft Azure Cloud Storage Service .............................................................................. 24
Overview of Azure Storage .................................................................................................. 25
The advantages of Azure Storage......................................................................................... 25
Azure Storage data services ................................................................................................. 25
Azure NetApp Files .............................................................................................................. 26
Review options for storing data in Azure............................................................................. 26
What is Azure Blob storage? ................................................................................................ 26
Feature Of Microsoft Azure Blob Storage ........................................................................... 26
Scalable storage and access to unstructured data ................................................................. 26
Create robust cloud-native applications. .............................................................................. 26
Effectively store petabytes of data ....................................................................................... 26
Create robust data lakes........................................................................................................ 26
Scale up for HPC or out for billions of IoT devices............................................................. 27
Azure Files ........................................................................................................................... 27
Queue Storage ...................................................................................................................... 27
Table Storage........................................................................................................................ 27
Disk Storage ......................................................................................................................... 28
Azure NetApp Files .............................................................................................................. 28
Secure access to storage accounts ........................................................................................ 28
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................ 30
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine ........................................................................................ 30
What is a Virtual Machine? .................................................................................................. 31
What is Azure Virtual Machine? .......................................................................................... 31
Workloads for an Azure virtual machine ............................................................................. 32
Suitable Workloads .............................................................................................................. 32
Unsuitable workloads ........................................................................................................... 32
How to create an Azure Virtual Machine? ........................................................................... 32
A virtual network: what is it? ............................................................................................... 33
DHCP in Azure Virtual Network (Dynamic Host Configuration) ....................................... 34
Microsoft Azure Virtual Network: Subnet ........................................................................... 34
Routing in the Azure Virtual Network ................................................................................. 34
Groups for Network Security ............................................................................................... 34
Select the appropriate VM for your workload to save money. ............................................ 34
Improve your system and save money. ................................................................................ 35
Discover the newest features of Azure Compute. ................................................................ 35
Manage, monitor, and back up the environments of your virtual machines. ....................... 35
Adopt reliable hybrid cloud technologies ............................................................................ 35
Scale your system without introducing more complexity .................................................... 35
Boost compliance and security ............................................................................................. 35
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................ 37
Microsoft Azure Data Backup Service ................................................................................. 37
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 38
A centralized backup solution and service that aids in ransomware defense....................... 38
Features Of Azure Backup service ....................................................................................... 38
What can I back up? ............................................................................................................. 38
How can I utilize Azure Backup? ........................................................................................ 39
How does Azure Backup defend against ransomware? ....................................................... 40
Manage backup data at scale ................................................................................................ 41
Protect your backups. ........................................................................................................... 41
Cut expenses ......................................................................................................................... 42
Protect a diverse set of workloads ........................................................................................ 43
Chapter 6 Microsoft Azure Logic Service ........................................................................... 44
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 45
How do Azure Logic Apps work?........................................................................................ 45
Important Elements of Azure Logic Apps ........................................................................... 45
Workflows ............................................................................................................................ 46
Connectors ............................................................................................................................ 46
Actions ................................................................................................................................. 46
Triggers ................................................................................................................................ 46
Initiating Triggers in Azure Logic Apps .............................................................................. 47
Working on Azure Logic Apps? .......................................................................................... 47
Creating a Logic App ........................................................................................................... 47
Authenticating a Logic App ................................................................................................. 47
Making a Logic App Authentic ............................................................................................ 47
The use of Azure Logic Apps .............................................................................................. 48
Azure Logic App: Establishing an API Connection ............................................................ 48
Useful aspects of Azure Logic Apps .................................................................................... 48
Build powerful integration solutions for key enterprise scenarios ....................................... 49
Develop, deploy, and run anywhere ..................................................................................... 49
Boost productivity with seamless, automated, business-critical workflows—without writing
code ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Leverage hundreds of out-of-the-box connectors or create your own ................................. 49
Support complex mapping, B2B, and enterprise messaging scenarios ................................ 49
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 49
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................ 50
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Service ........................................................................... 50
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 51
Azure AD is used by who? ................................................................................................... 51
IT admins: ............................................................................................................................ 51
App developers:.................................................................................................................... 51
Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM Online subscribers: ........................ 51
What are the licenses for Azure AD? ................................................................................... 51
Azure Active Directory Free ................................................................................................ 52
Azure Active Directory Premium P1 ................................................................................... 52
Azure Active Directory Premium P2 ................................................................................... 52
Pay-as-you-go feature licenses. ............................................................................................ 52
Which features work in Azure AD? ..................................................................................... 52
Application management...................................................................................................... 52
Authentication ...................................................................................................................... 52
Azure Active Directory for developers ................................................................................ 52
Business-to-Business (B2B)................................................................................................. 52
Business-to-Customer (B2C) ............................................................................................... 53
Conditional Access ............................................................................................................... 53
Device Management ............................................................................................................. 53
Domain services ................................................................................................................... 53
Enterprise users .................................................................................................................... 53
Hybrid identity ..................................................................................................................... 53
Identity governance .............................................................................................................. 53
Identity protection ................................................................................................................ 53
Managed identities for Azure resources ............................................................................... 53
Privileged identity management (PIM) ................................................................................ 53
Reports and monitoring ........................................................................................................ 53
Important Points About Azure Active Directory ................................................................. 54
Get secured, adaptive access ................................................................................................ 54
Offer seamless user experiences .......................................................................................... 54
Unify identity management .................................................................................................. 54
Simplify identity governance ............................................................................................... 54
Unify your identity infrastructure management ................................................................... 54
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 54
Chapter 9 Microsoft Azure API Management .................................................................... 55
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 56
Customers can overcome these difficulties with Azure API Management .......................... 56
Typical situations include..................................................................................................... 57
Unlocking legacy assets ....................................................................................................... 57
API-centric app integration .................................................................................................. 57
Multi-channel user experiences ............................................................................................ 57
B2B integration .................................................................................................................... 57
API Management components ............................................................................................. 57
API gateway ......................................................................................................................... 58
An independent gateway ...................................................................................................... 58
Management aircraft ............................................................................................................ 58
Integration with Azure services............................................................................................ 59
Core Concepts About API Management .............................................................................. 59
APIs ...................................................................................................................................... 59
Products ................................................................................................................................ 59
Groups .................................................................................................................................. 59
Administrators .................................................................................................................. 59
Developers ........................................................................................................................ 59
Guests ................................................................................................................................... 60
Developers ............................................................................................................................ 60
Policies ................................................................................................................................. 60
Some Key Features in API Management ............................................................................. 60
With unified API administration, move more quickly. ........................................................ 60
In-house and cloud API management .................................................................................. 60
Contribute to resource protection ......................................................................................... 60
Accelerate your business ...................................................................................................... 60
Increasing API discovery ..................................................................................................... 61
Improve your current services .............................................................................................. 61
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 61
Chapter 10 .............................................................................................................................. 62
Azure Content Delivery Network Service?.......................................................................... 62
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 63
Benefits of Using Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network .......................................... 63
The following features are provided by Azure CDN ........................................................... 63
Azure CDN has several advantages, including .................................................................... 63
Workings of Azure Content Delivery Network ................................................................... 64
Azure CDN cache Behaviour ............................................................................................... 65
Compressing files ................................................................................................................. 66
Geo-filtering ......................................................................................................................... 66
Use cases for Azure Content Delivery Network .................................................................. 66
Why you shouldn't use Azure CDN ..................................................................................... 67
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 67
Chapter 11 .............................................................................................................................. 68
Microsoft Azure Recovery Service ....................................................................................... 68
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 69
Your BCDR approach benefits from Azure Recovery Services because ............................ 69
Replication can be managed via Site Recovery for.............................................................. 69
What services does Site Recovery offer? ............................................................................. 69
Simple BCDR remedy.......................................................................................................... 69
Azure VM replication........................................................................................................... 69
VMware VM replication ...................................................................................................... 69
On-premises VM replication ................................................................................................ 69
Workload replication ............................................................................................................ 69
Data resilience ...................................................................................................................... 70
RTO and RPO target ............................................................................................................ 70
Keep apps consistent over failover....................................................................................... 70
Testing without disruption ................................................................................................... 70
Flexible failovers .................................................................................................................. 70
Customized recovery plans .................................................................................................. 70
BCDR integration................................................................................................................. 70
Azure automation integration ............................................................................................... 70
Network Integration ............................................................................................................. 70
How Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Helps Businesses ...................................................... 71
Simple to deploy and manage .............................................................................................. 71
Reduce infrastructure costs .................................................................................................. 71
Minimize downtime with dependable recovery ................................................................... 72
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 72
Chapter 12 Microsoft Azure Bot Service ............................................................................. 73
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 74
What do bots do? .................................................................................................................. 74
Azure Bot Service and the Bot Framework include:............................................................ 75
How to construct a bot ......................................................................................................... 76
Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Build ..................................................................................................................................... 76
Test ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Publish .................................................................................................................................. 77
Connect................................................................................................................................. 77
Evaluate ................................................................................................................................ 77
Build conversational experiences with Power Virtual Agents and Azure Bot Service .... 77
Collaboratively build bots with fusion teams ....................................................................... 77
Extend your reach with multiple channels and languages ................................................... 77
PwC simplifies data retrieval ............................................................................................... 77
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 77
Chapter 13 .............................................................................................................................. 78
Microsoft Azure Key Vault ................................................................................................... 78
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 79
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Pricing ..................................................................................... 79
How can I utilize Azure Key Vault? .................................................................................... 79
Put application secrets in one place...................................................................................... 79
Keep secrets and keys safe. .................................................................................................. 79
Watch over usage and access ............................................................................................... 80
Administration of application secrets made easier ............................................................... 80
Integrate with other Azure services ...................................................................................... 80
Key Feature of Microsoft Azure Key Vault ......................................................................... 81
Boost compliance and data protection ................................................................................. 81
None of the labor, all the control.......................................................................................... 81
Boost output and expand to a global level ........................................................................... 81
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 81
Chapter 14 .............................................................................................................................. 82
Microsoft Azure Key Management Service ......................................................................... 82
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 83
Services for managing keys in Azure:.................................................................................. 83
Azure Key Vault (Standard Tier): ........................................................................................ 83
Azure Key Vault (Premium Tier): ....................................................................................... 83
Azure Managed HSM: ......................................................................................................... 83
Azure Dedicated HSM: ........................................................................................................ 84
Azure Payments HSM: ......................................................................................................... 84
Pricing .................................................................................................................................. 84
Key Vault pricing ................................................................................................................. 84
Azure Dedicated HSM pricing ............................................................................................. 84
Azure Payment HSM pricing ............................................................................................... 85
Service Limits ...................................................................................................................... 85
Encryption-At-Rest .............................................................................................................. 85
APIs ...................................................................................................................................... 85
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 85
Chapter 16 .............................................................................................................................. 86
Microsoft Azure Bus Service................................................................................................. 86
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 87
Overview of Microsoft's Azure Bus Service:....................................................................... 87
Messaging............................................................................................................................. 87
Decouple applications. ......................................................................................................... 87
Load balancing. .................................................................................................................... 87
Topics and subscriptions. ..................................................................................................... 87
Message sessions. ................................................................................................................. 88
Queues .................................................................................................................................. 88
Topics ................................................................................................................................... 88
Namespaces .......................................................................................................................... 89
Advanced features ................................................................................................................ 89
Message sessions .................................................................................................................. 89
Auto-forwarding ................................................................................................................... 90
Dead-lettering ....................................................................................................................... 90
Scheduled delivery ............................................................................................................... 90
Message deferral .................................................................................................................. 90
Transactions ......................................................................................................................... 90
Filtering and actions ............................................................................................................. 90
Auto-delete on idle ............................................................................................................... 90
Duplicate detection ............................................................................................................... 90
Shared access signature (SAS), Role-based access control, and managed identities .......... 90
Geo-disaster recovery ........................................................................................................... 91
Security................................................................................................................................. 91
Compliance with standards and protocols ............................................................................ 91
Client libraries ...................................................................................................................... 91
Integration ............................................................................................................................ 91
Feature Of Azure Bus Service .............................................................................................. 92
Simplify business messaging on the cloud ........................................................................... 92
Construction of scalable cloud solutions .............................................................................. 92
Implement complex messaging workflows .......................................................................... 92
Enable your existing Java Message Service (JMS 2.0) applications to talk to Service Bus
over AMQP .......................................................................................................................... 92
Service Bus pricing .............................................................................................................. 92
Connect across private and public cloud environments ....................................................... 92
Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 92
Chapter 16 .............................................................................................................................. 93
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage .................................................................................... 93
Introduction: ......................................................................................................................... 94
Developed for enterprise huge data analytics ...................................................................... 94
Performance ......................................................................................................................... 94
Management ......................................................................................................................... 94
Security................................................................................................................................. 94
Important characteristics of Data Lake Storage Gen2 ......................................................... 95
Scalability ............................................................................................................................. 95
Cost-effectiveness ................................................................................................................ 95
A single service, many ideas ................................................................................................ 95
Blob storage-supporting features ......................................................................................... 96
Supported integrations of Azure services............................................................................. 96
Open-source platforms that are supported ...................................................................... by 96
Utilizing Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 best practices ...................................................... 96
Review feature compatibility and known problems ............................................................. 96
Recognize the terminology used in the documentation ....................................................... 97
Think about premium ........................................................................................................... 97
Improve data ingestion ......................................................................................................... 97
Source hardware ................................................................................................................... 98
Connection to the storage account's network ....................................................................... 98
Set up data ingestion mechanisms for the most parallel processing possible. ..................... 98
Sets of structured data .......................................................................................................... 98
File formats .......................................................................................................................... 98
File size ................................................................................................................................ 99
Directory structure.............................................................................................................. 100
Chapter 17 ............................................................................................................................ 101
Microsoft Azure Static Apps ............................................................................................... 101
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 102
Characteristics of Static Apps ............................................................................................ 102
What you can do with Static Web Apps ............................................................................ 103
Create serverless web applications quickly and on a global scale. .................................... 103
Global hosting .................................................................................................................... 103
API Functions ..................................................................................................................... 103
Streamlined build and deployment..................................................................................... 103
Seamless staging environments.......................................................................................... 103
Some Exciting Features of Azure Static Apps ................................................................... 103
CI/CD and a seamless development experience ................................................................ 103
Global distribution and dynamic scale ............................................................................... 103
Your structure and language .............................................................................................. 104
Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 104
Chapter 18 ............................................................................................................................ 105
Microsoft Azure App Configuration Service .................................................................... 105
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 106
Why should I utilize App Configuration? .......................................................................... 106
The advantages of app configuration are as follows: ......................................................... 106
App configuration is used. ................................................................................................. 107
Configure, save, and retrieve settings and parameters. ...................................................... 107
React instantly to shifting demands ................................................................................... 107
lessen the complexity of configuration across various environments ................................ 107
By separating settings from code, security is improved..................................................... 107
Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 108
Chapter 19 ............................................................................................................................ 109
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric .......................................................................................... 109
Introduction: ....................................................................................................................... 110
Orchestration of containers ................................................................................................ 110
Microservices with and without states ............................................................................... 110
Management of the application’s lifetime .......................................................................... 111
Any cloud, any OS ............................................................................................................. 111
Compliance......................................................................................................................... 111
Trust a tested platform for mission-critical applications. ................................................... 111
Azure Service Fabric's Features and Advantages .............................................................. 112
A quick time to market ....................................................................................................... 112
Orchestration of services and containers in the same environment: .................................. 112
Pick your architectural style: .............................................................................................. 112
Agile microservices: ........................................................................................................... 112
IDE integration: .................................................................................................................. 112
Run anywhere:.................................................................................................................... 112
Deliver at scale with reduced latency and increased effectiveness .................................... 112
Chapter 20 ............................................................................................................................ 113
Microsoft Azure Event Hub ................................................................................................ 113
Introduction: ....................................................................................................................... 114
Why use Event Hubs? ........................................................................................................ 114
The following sections describe key features of the Azure Event Hubs service: .............. 114
Fully managed PaaS ........................................................................................................... 114
Support for real-time and batch processing........................................................................ 115
Capture event data .............................................................................................................. 115
Scalable .............................................................................................................................. 115
Rich ecosystem ................................................................................................................... 115
Event Hubs for Apache Kafka ........................................................................................... 115
Event Hubs premium and dedicated................................................................................... 115
Event Hubs on Azure Stack Hub ....................................................................................... 116
Key architecture components ............................................................................................. 116
Why choose Event Hubs? .................................................................................................. 117
Simple................................................................................................................................. 117
Secure ................................................................................................................................. 117
Scalable .............................................................................................................................. 117
Open ................................................................................................................................... 117
Feature Of Microsoft Azure Event Hubs ........................................................................... 117
Ingest millions of events per second .................................................................................. 117
Enable real-time and micro-batch processing concurrently ............................................... 117
Get a managed service with an elastic scale ................................................................. of 117
Easily connect with the Apache Kafka ecosystem ............................................................. 117
Build a serverless streaming solution ................................................................................. 117
Ingest events on Azure Stack Hub and realize hybrid cloud solutions .............................. 117
Serverless streaming with Event Hubs ............................................................................... 118
Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 118
References ............................................................................................................................. 119
Chapter No 1
Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services
✓ Introduction
✓ Top 10 Azure Services and Products
✓ Azure Free Services
✓ Conclusion
Microsoft is offering a cloud computing service. It was made available in the fall of 2008. In
2014, it was given the moniker Windows Azure. It was formerly known as Project Red Dog.
It serves 42 regions better than any other cloud provider and easily connects data centers to the
cloud. Cloud-native applications are created using well-known tools like Visual Studio,
ASP.NET, and programming languages like Visual Basic, C++, C#, etc. Blockchain as a
Service (BaaS), machine learning, bots, and cognitive APIs are exclusively available on the
Azure cloud platform.

Top 10 Azure Services and Products

An overview of some of the most well-known Microsoft Azure services, specifically the top
10 azure services and how to use them throughout the complete architecture, can be found
1. Azure DevOps
2. Azure Blob Storage
3. Azure Virtual Machines
4. Azure Backup
5. Azure Cosmos DB
6. Azure Logic Apps
7. Azure Active Directory
8. API management
9. Azure Content Delivery Network
10. Azure Site Recovery
11. Azure Bots

Azure Free Services

More than 200 Microsoft Azure products exist, though.
You can explore the free azure services by following the given below link.
I will discuss All the Services with practical labs in my upcoming Articles.

The needs of your business should guide your choice of cloud service provider. Considering
this, search for the greatest supplier and you'll come across Azure.
This is because it is dependable and offers excellent value for the money invested in it. You
don't need anything more than its dependable environment security and wide range of services
to grow your organization. We advise you to obtain certification as soon as possible because
the cloud is a highly sought-after product.
Chapter 2
Microsoft Azure DevOps Service
✓ Introduction
✓ Services Offered by DevOps
✓ Azure Repos
✓ Azure Pipelines
✓ Azure Boards
✓ Azure Test Plans
✓ Azure Artifacts
✓ What is DevOps
✓ What makes Azure DevOps unique?
✓ Developing and Deploying Software Applications
✓ DevOps for Organizations
✓ Why We Prefer Azure DevOps
✓ Start Your DevOps Journey
✓ Conclusion
One of the earliest Azure cloud services to hit the market is this one. The Azure DevOps
services are perfect for more intelligent planning and improved teamwork to achieve quicker
delivery. Azure DevOps services may be the best option for those looking to build, test, and
deploy using CI/CD. Any DevOps service can be chosen based on your business needs.

Services Offered by DevOps

• Azure Repos
This offers Team Foundation Version Control or Git repositories (TFVC).
• Azure Pipelines
To assist in continuous integration and delivery of the application, this offers to build
and release services.
• Azure Boards
Using Kanban and Scrum methodologies, Azure Boards offers a set of tools to enable
planning and tracking work, code bugs, and issues.
• Azure Test Plans
This offers both manual testing and continuous testing resources for the apps.
• Azure Artifacts
This enables package sharing and the integration of packages from both public and
private sources.

What is DevOps
To overcome these difficulties, DevOps (Development and Operations) creates cross-
functional teams that are responsible for the upkeep, support, and enhanced feedback and
automation mechanisms for these systems.

What makes Azure DevOps unique?

Azure is a constantly growing collection of cloud services that can assist your company in
overcoming its operational issues. Microsoft has released Microsoft Azure DevOps, which is
a rebranded version of Visual Studio Team Services. The company is making this strategic step
to establish itself as the industry leader in the DevOps field, not just a general rebranding. By
transferring the source code from GitHub repositories up to the deployment target delivered
through virtual machines and containers, it is making every effort to guarantee that developers,
operators, and testers have the greatest experience possible.
They go beyond Windows and Visual Studio and have already made a statement by allowing
anyone to use their public cloud, which has made them very popular with modern open-source
developers. It doesn't end there; it has the resources necessary to go up against some of the
industry heavyweights like Cloud Bees and Atlassian.

Developing and Deploying Software Applications

A complete DevOps toolchain is offered by Azure DevOps for creating and deploying
software. As a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, it adopts a new collaborative culture
and numerous combined practices for continuous software development. Collaboration,
feedback loops, improved development frequency, the decreased failure rate of new releases,
the shortened lead time between fixes, and continuous improvement are given significant

DevOps for Organizations

DevOps accomplishes more than merely integrating teams and slimming down. We now have
a lot more natural and user-friendly experience as a result. Any team that chooses to use
DevOps methodology, tools, and culture is choosing to operate more effectively by creating
better products for increased customer satisfaction. This increased productivity can be
attributed to reaching important business objectives like:
1. shortened time to market for items.
2. Flexibility in response to market conditions and competition.
3. Maintaining the system's dependability and stability.
4. Enhancing recovery in the interim.

Why We Prefer Azure DevOps

DevOps is simple to install, and configure and can run many apps, paving the door for a
seamless multitasking experience. It also runs in a matter of minutes. It may operate on a broad
variety of platforms and frameworks. For programmers already proficient in Java, Node, PHP,
.NET, and Python, the switch is natural. You have the freedom to start your app or even import
a new one from Git thanks to DevOps projects. Instant application analysis is possible by
utilizing built-in apps and cloud functionalities through Visual Studio Team Services.

Start Your DevOps Journey

Start your Microsoft Azure DevOps Journey by following the given below link.

The Azure DevOps services are ideal for better teamwork and more thoughtful planning to
achieve faster delivery. Azure DevOps services may be the ideal choice for those wishing to
build, test, and deploy using CI/CD. You can select any DevOps service based on the
requirements of your company.
Chapter 3
Microsoft Azure Cloud Storage Service
✓ Introduction:
✓ Services Offered by DevOps
✓ Azure Repos
✓ Azure Pipelines
✓ Azure Boards
✓ Azure Test Plans
✓ Azure Artifacts
✓ What is DevOps
✓ What makes Azure DevOps unique?
✓ Developing and Deploying Software Applications
✓ DevOps for Organizations
✓ Why We Prefer Azure DevOps
✓ Start Your DevOps Journey
✓ Conclusion
Overview of Azure Storage
Microsoft's cloud storage option for contemporary data storage scenarios is the Azure Storage
platform. For a range of data objects, Azure Storage provides highly available, massively
scalable, reliable, and secure cloud storage. Data items in Azure Storage are reachable via a
REST API over HTTP or HTTPS from anywhere in the world. For programmers using.NET,
Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, and Go to create apps or services, Azure Storage also provides
client libraries. Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI are scripting languages that developers and
IT specialists can use to create data management or configuration jobs. Users can interact with
Azure Storage using the Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer.

The advantages of Azure Storage

The following advantages are provided by Azure Storage services for programmers and IT
strong and widely accessible. Your data will be safe if there are brief hardware failures thanks
to redundancy. For further security against local disasters or natural disasters, you might choose
to replicate data across data centers or geographical areas. When data is duplicated in this
fashion, it is still very accessible even if there is an unplanned interruption.
Secure. The service encrypts each piece of information that is written to an Azure storage
account. You have precise control over who has access to your data thanks to Azure Storage.
Scalable. To accommodate the data storage and performance requirements of current
applications, Azure Storage is built to be enormously scalable.
Managed. Azure takes care of essential issues, upgrades, and maintenance for you.
Accessible. Anywhere in the globe can access data stored in Azure Storage using HTTP or
HTTPS. In addition to an established REST API, Microsoft offers client libraries for Azure
Storage in several languages, including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, and
others. Scripting in Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI is supported by Azure Storage.
Additionally, you may work with your data easily visually with the Azure site and Azure
Storage Explorer.

Azure Storage data services

These data services are available through the Azure Storage platform:
• A massively scalable object store for text and binary data in Azure Blobs.
furthermore, offers assistance for large data analytics using Data Lake Storage Gen2.
• Azure Files: Managed file shares for cloud or on-premises deployments.
• Azure Elastic SAN (preview): A fully integrated solution that simplifies deploying,
scaling, managing, and configuring a SAN in Azure.
• Azure Queues: A messaging store for reliable messaging between application
• Azure Tables: A NoSQL store for schemeless storage of structured data.
• Azure Disks: Block-level storage volumes for Azure VMs.
Azure NetApp Files
Enterprise line-of-business (LOB) and storage experts may operate complicated file-based
applications with no code change thanks to NetApp's enterprise file storage.

Review options for storing data in Azure

Azure NetApp Files are managed via NetApp accounts and can be accessed via NFS, SMB,
and dual-protocol volumes. To get started, see Create a NetApp account.
Microsoft's cloud object storage service is called Azure Blob Storage. Large volumes of
unstructured data that don't fit into a certain data model or specification can be stored using it
because it is optimized for doing so.
Azure Blob Storage is designed for:
• Adding images or documents to the browser directly
• Writing log files
• Streaming media such as audio or video files
• Storing data for backup and restore disaster recovery, and archiving

What is Azure Blob storage?

Azure Microsoft's cloud-based object storage solution is called Blob Storage. Large-scale
unstructured data storage is where blob storage excels. Unstructured data, such as text or binary
data, is data that doesn't follow a certain data model or specification.

Feature Of Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Scalable storage and access to unstructured data

You can create data lakes with Azure Blob Storage to support your analytics needs, and it also
offers storage so you can design robust mobile and cloud-native applications. Utilize tiered
storage to reduce expenses for long-term data and flexibly scale up workloads requiring high-
performance computation and machine learning.
Create robust cloud-native applications.
Blob storage is designed from the ground up to meet the scalability, security, and availability
requirements of developers of cloud-native, online, and mobile applications. For serverless
systems like Azure Functions, use it as the foundation. Blob storage is the only cloud storage
solution that offers a premium, SSD-based object storage tier for low-latency and interactive
applications. Blob storage supports the most well-liked development frameworks, including
Java, .NET, Python, and Node.js.
Effectively store petabytes of data
Using several storage layers and automated lifecycle management, you may cost-effectively
store enormous amounts of rarely or occasionally accessed data. Use Blob storage instead of
tape archives to avoid worrying about hardware generation migration.
Create robust data lakes
A highly scalable and economical data lake solution for big data analytics is Azure Data Lake
Storage. It helps you accelerate your time to insight by fusing the strength of a high-
performance file system with enormous size and economy. Azure Blob Storage's capabilities
are expanded by Data Lake Storage, which is designed for analytics applications.
Scale up for HPC or out for billions of IoT devices
Blob storage has the size required to enable storage for the billions of data points coming in
from IoT endpoints while also meeting the demanding, high-throughput requirements of HPC

Azure Files
Using the industry-standard Server Message Block (SMB), Network File System (NFS), and
Azure Files REST APIs, you can create highly available network file sharing with Azure Files.
As a result, numerous VMs can access the same files both read-only and with write access.
Using the storage client libraries or the REST interface, you can read the files as well.
You can access the files from anywhere in the globe using a URL that points to the file and
includes a shared access signature (SAS) token, which is one way that Azure Files differ from
files on a corporate file share. You can create SAS tokens, which grant certain access to a
private asset for a particular period.
Several typical circumstances can be handled via file shares:
File shares are used by many on-premises applications. The migration of applications that share
data to Azure is made simpler by this capability. The portion of your program that accesses the
file share should continue to function with little if any, modification if you mount the file share
to the same drive letter that the on-premises application uses.
Multiple VMs can access configuration files that are stored on a file share. A file share can be
used to keep the tools and utilities that a group of developers uses, making sure that everyone
has access to the same version and can find them.
Three examples of data that can be written to a file share and later processed or analyzed are
resource logs, metrics, and crash dumps.

Queue Storage
Messages are stored and retrieved using the Azure Queue service. A queue can hold millions
of messages, and queue messages can be up to 64 KB in size. Asynchronously processed
message lists are often stored in queues.
Consider the scenario where you want to make thumbnails for each image your customers
upload, and you want them to be able to do so. You might ask your client to wait while you
upload the images and make the thumbnails. Using a line would be an alternative. Write a
message to the queue once the customer has completed their upload. After that, have an Azure
Function produce the thumbnails and fetch the message from the queue. You have more control
when tailoring this procedure for your needs because each component may be scaled

Table Storage
Azure Cosmos DB now includes Azure Table Storage. Visit the Azure Table Storage overview
to access the documentation for Azure Table Storage. There is a new Azure Cosmos DB for
Table offering that offers throughput-optimized tables, worldwide distribution, and automatic
secondary indexes in addition to the current Azure Table Storage service. See Azure Cosmos
DB for Table for more information and to test out the new premium experience.

Disk Storage
A virtual hard disc maintained by Azure (VHD). It can be compared to a virtualized version of
a real disc found in an on-premises system. Page blobs, a type of random IO storage item in
Azure, are used to store discs that are maintained by Azure. Because it is an abstraction over
page blobs, blob containers, and Azure storage accounts, we refer to a managed disc as being
"managed." All you need to do with managed discs is provision the disc; Azure will take care
of the rest.

Azure NetApp Files

An enterprise-class, high-performance, metered file storage service is Azure NetApp Files.
Any workload type is supported by Azure NetApp Files, which is by default highly available.
You may control data security, create NetApp accounts, capacity pools, and volumes, and
choose service and performance levels.

Secure access to storage accounts

Each request made to Azure Storage needs to be approved. There are several authorization
techniques that Azure Storage offers.
• Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration for blob, queue, and table data.
Through Azure role-based access control, Azure Storage enables authentication and
permission for the Blob and Queue services (Azure RBAC). The Table service in the
preview also supports authorization with Azure AD. For greater security and usability,
it is advised to authorize requests using Azure AD. See Authorize access to data in
Azure Storage for further details.
• Azure AD authorization over SMB for Azure Files.
Through either Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS) or on-
premises Active Directory Domain Services, Azure Files enables identity-based
authorization through SMB (Server Message Block) (preview). Using Azure AD
credentials, your domain-joined Windows VMs can access Azure file shares. For
further details, read Planning for an Azure Files deployment and Overview of
identity-based authentication support for SMB access in Azure Files.
• Authorization with Shared Key.
Shared Key authorization is supported by the Azure Storage Blob, Files, Queue, and
Table services. Every time a request is made by a client utilizing shared key
authorization, a header signed with the storage account access key is sent. See
Authorize with Shared Key for further details.
• Authorization using shared access signatures (SAS).
A string with a security token called a shared access signature (SAS) can be added to
the URI of a storage resource. Constraints like access intervals and permissions are
encapsulated in the security token. See Using Shared Access Signatures for further
details (SAS).
• Active Directory Domain Services with Azure NetApp Files.
Azure NetApp Files features such as SMB volumes, dual-protocol volumes, and
NFSv4.1 Kerberos volumes are designed to be used with AD DS. For more
information, see Understand Guidelines for Active Directory Domain Services site
design and planning for Azure NetApp Files or learn how to Configure ADDS LDAP
over TLS for Azure NetApp Files.
Chapter 4
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine
✓ What is a Virtual Machine?
✓ What is Azure Virtual Machine?
✓ Workloads for an Azure virtual machine
✓ Suitable Workloads
✓ unsuitable workloads
✓ How to create an Azure Virtual Machine?
✓ A virtual network: what is it?
✓ DHCP in Azure Virtual Network (Dynamic Host Configuration)
✓ Microsoft Azure Virtual Network: Subnet
✓ Routing in the Azure Virtual Network
✓ Groups for Network Security
✓ Select the appropriate VM for your workload to save money.
✓ Improve your system and save money.
✓ Discover the newest features of Azure Compute.
✓ Manage, monitor, and back up the environments of your virtual machines.
✓ Adopt reliable hybrid cloud technologies
✓ Scale your system without introducing more complexity
✓ Boost compliance and security
What is a Virtual Machine?
It is a computer file known as an image that functions much like a real computer. One of the
folders that contain everything is that one. Windows, Linux, and other operating systems can
all run it. As a result, you have the flexibility to run several machines on a single physical
computer. Different operating systems are possible for various systems.
Each virtual machine’s virtual hardware includes CPUs, RAM, hard drives, network
connections, and other similar components.

What is Azure Virtual Machine?

Making your instances is one of the services offered by Azure.
It has a variety of applications.
• Development and test
• Applications in the Cloud
• Extended Datacenter
It is important to keep in mind that you must pay for computation time when using Azure on a
per-minute basis.
Their size, operating system, and any installed licensed applications all factor into the price of
It is recommended that you set its state to Stopped when not in use to prevent corresponding
charges (Deallocated)
With Microsoft Azure, you may receive general-purpose, general-purpose, compute-
optimized, memory-optimized, and burstable virtual machines. This service is much more
appealing to companies because of the per-second charge. These are some uses for Azure
Virtual Machines:
Development and test
Creating machines with the fundamental and specialized configurations needed to code and
test the applications is quick and simple.
Applications in the cloud
When necessary, one can purchase more virtual machines and turn them off when not.
Extended datacenter
The network of the company can be quickly connected to VMs in the Azure Virtual Network.
Workloads for an Azure virtual machine
There are two methods you can go about moving to an Azure virtual machine. You will
discover these two crucial approaches to transitioning to an Azure VM in this tutorial on
building Azure Virtual Machines.
• Suitable workloads
• unsuitable workloads

Suitable Workloads
It is nothing, but highly available service workloads, such as internet shops for sale
It may also be used for recurring tasks like:
• Marketing campaigns which are seasonal on a website of an organization.
• Annual Sales during festive holidays.
For unpredictable workloads, such as those at startups where they are oblivious to their
Organizations that merely want to offload their infrastructure to the cloud can also use it.

Unsuitable workloads
It is not appropriate for you to shift your applications to the cloud if you cannot notice a cost
Various laws or ordinances from the authorities or the local government forbid moving to the
cloud because of their laws.

How to create an Azure Virtual Machine?

To create an Azure virtual machine, use one of the following methods:
When building an Azure VM, it all depends on the environment you are working in:
Azure Portal
A virtual machine is created through Azure Portal. Windows is used as the portal.
A Windows Virtual Machine can be established with the Resource Manager Template.
Client Disks
Azure Resources can be deployed using C#.
Create a virtual machine or update one.
A virtual network: what is it?
This Azure virtual network tutorial will assist you in thoroughly understanding Azure
Customers can construct and administer virtual private networks in Azure thanks to virtual
networks. Virtual networks' primary function is to allow instances to communicate with one
another. It is possible to link various virtual networks together. You can connect to your on-
premises networks using the Azure virtual network. As a result, Azure serves as a virtual
extension of your on-site data center. ICMP and UDP are supported by Azure Virtual
1) Isolation
When building a virtual network, you can separate each of these networks so that they each
function independently.
The virtual network can be set up to use your personal DNA servers.
2) Internet Communication
By default, any instances you start in an Azure virtual machine can connect to the Internet. As
required, you can enable inbound access to resources.
3) Azure Resource Communication
Regardless of whether the resources are from the same subnet or separate subnets, they can
communicate with each other using private IP addresses if they are part of the Azure virtual
They offer pre-configured routing between subnets so that users of on-premises networks OS
don't have to manage and configure routes.
4) Virtual Network connectivity
Resources from any virtual network can communicate with resources from any other virtual
network thanks to its connectivity.
Do you intend to attend an Azure interview? The most recent Azure interview questions are
5) On-premises connectivity
It is possible to connect a virtual network to an on-premises network so that resources can
communicate with one another.
6) Traffic filtering
By source, IP address, and port, network traffic from resources in a virtual network can be
7) Routing
By default, Azure's routing can be overridden with your own routes or by propagating BGP
routes over the network gateway.
DHCP in Azure Virtual Network (Dynamic Host
Ip addresses are assigned by Azure using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol services from
the ranges you specify for the virtual network. The length of each IP address lease is limitless.
You will have a thorough understanding of Dynamic Host Configuration in Azure Virtual
Network after completing this building Azure VM lesson.
You can configure a static private IP address from the range of Ipv4 addresses connected to the
virtual network to prevent IP address changes regardless of the condition of the Azure virtual

Microsoft Azure Virtual Network: Subnet

There are one or more Subnets in the Azure virtual network.
Subnets break your virtual network into smaller IP ranges to allow logical separation of the
resources arranged within each subnet.
A portion of the virtual network space is represented by the IP address range that each subnet
Check out our Microsoft Azure Training course if you want to learn more about cloud

Routing in the Azure Virtual Network

It is nothing more than the default routing of your traffic.
Each subnet in the Azure virtual network had a routing table automatically constructed for it,
and system default routes were also included. A few System routes can be replaced with custom
routes, and you can also add more custom routes to the route database.

Groups for Network Security

The only thing limiting network traffic at the level of virtual machines is the firewall. Based
on the source or destination IP addresses, ports, and protocol, it provides a list of security rules
that permit or prohibit inbound or outbound network communication.
Security rules are applied to all resources in the subnet if they are applied to the subnet.

Select the appropriate VM for your workload to save

Improve operational efficiency by moving your mission- and business-critical workloads to
Azure infrastructure. Use Azure Virtual Machines to run SQL Server, SAP, Oracle, and high-
performance computing applications. Windows Server or your preferred Linux distribution.
Deploy virtual machines with 12 TB of memory and up to 416 vCPUs. Get each VM up to 3.7
million IOPS of local storage. Benefit from the first cloud deployment of 200 Gbps InfiniBand
and up to 30 Gbps Ethernet. Choose the underlying processors AMD, Ampere (based on Arm),
or Intel that best satisfy your needs.
Improve your system and save money.
Using Azure Reserved Virtual Machine Instances' term pricing, you can save up to 72% above
pay-as-you-go charges. Utilize Azure Hybrid Benefit and reserved instances to run Windows
Server VMs on Azure using your on-premises licenses while saving up to 80%. Use Azure
VMs and scale sets at spot prices to run interruptible applications at significant savings over
pay-as-you-go costs. Utilize Azure Cost Management to maximize your cloud expenses. When
you switch to Azure, you'll receive three additional years of extended security updates for
Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2.

Discover the newest features of Azure Compute.

Scalable applications can be created by using virtual machine scale sets. With Azure Spot
Virtual Machines and reserved instances, you can cut your cloud spending. Utilizing Azure
Dedicated Host, create your own private cloud. To improve resilience, run mission-critical
programs in Azure.

Manage, monitor, and backup the environments of your

virtual machines.
With Azure Blueprints, you can quickly move apps from development to production across
your whole company. With Azure Advisor, you may receive suggestions for all your VMs
around high availability, security, performance, and cost. Using Azure Backup, secure your
data against ransomware. Utilize Azure Monitor to proactively discover problems and receive
insightful knowledge. With on-demand capacity reservations, reserve computing resources
prior to VM deployments.

Adopt reliable hybrid cloud technologies

Utilize Azure virtual machines to increase the capacity of your data center and gain access to
cloud-based, on-demand high-performance computing resources. Consistently create, test,
deploy, and manage hybrid cloud applications across Azure and you’re on-premises
environment to prevent company interruptions, use easy-to-use, affordable cloud backup and
disaster recovery options. By creating in Azure and deploying on-premises with Azure Stack,
you can meet the regulatory and policy requirements for your virtual machines.

Scale your system without introducing more complexity

With Virtual Machine Scale Sets, you can set up highly available, centralized-managed, and
scalable services for computationally demanding, big data, and container applications. With
Ephemeral OS discs, you may reimage your virtual machines for less money and faster for
stateless applications. Shared picture galleries allow you to control the massive worldwide
replication and sharing of photographs. To reduce boot and installation times, use generation 2
virtual machines. With GPU-enabled VMs, you can get tremendous computational power for
your artificial intelligence (AI) and remote visualization tasks.

Boost compliance and security

With a trustworthy launch, you can guard your virtual machines (VMs) against malware at the
kernel and user mode. Utilize Azure secret computing to protect your VM data while it is
running. With Azure Security Center, you can keep an eye on your workloads and detect and
repair issues. satisfy a wide range of global and sector-specific compliance requirements, such
as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, and SOC
2. Install your Azure virtual machines on an exclusive to your company physical server called
an Azure Dedicated Host. Benefit from a variety of VM service-level agreements (SLAs),
ranging from single-instance VMs at 99.9% to VMs deployed across two or more Azure
Availability Zones at 99.99 percent.
Chapter 5
Microsoft Azure Data Backup Service
✓ Introduction
✓ A centralized backup solution and service that aids in ransomware defence
✓ Features Of Azure Backup service
✓ What can I back up?
✓ How can I utilize Azure Backup?
✓ How does Azure Backup defend against ransomware?
✓ Manage backup data at scale
✓ Protect your backups.
✓ Cut expenses
✓ Protect a diverse set of workloads
Data backup and recovery from the Microsoft Azure cloud are made easy, secure, and
affordable with the help of the Azure Backup service.
Azure Backup is a one-click backup solution that is affordable, secure, and scalable based on
your backup storage requirements. It is simple to set backup policies and safeguard a variety
of enterprise workloads using the unified administration interface, including Azure Virtual
Machines, SQL and SAP databases, and Azure file shares.

A centralized backup solution and service that aids in

ransomware defense
Azure Backup is a one-click backup solution that is affordable, secure, and scalable based on
your backup storage requirements. It is simple to set backup policies and safeguard a variety
of enterprise workloads using the unified administration interface, including Azure Virtual
Machines, SQL and SAP databases, and Azure file shares.

Features Of Azure Backup service

Centralized management
Using Backup Center, you can monitor, manage, regulate, and optimize data protection at
scale in a single and consistent way.
Application consistency
In Linux, pre-and post-processing scripts are used to back up and restore virtual machine data
with application consistency using Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) on Windows.
Multiple-workload support
SQL Server, SAP HANA, on-premises servers, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Files, and
Azure Database for PostgreSQL are all backed up.
Durable storage options
Back up files locally, geographically, and in zone-redundant storage (LRS, GRS, etc.).

What can I back up?

• On-site: Take a backup of your files, directories, and system state using the Microsoft
Azure Recovery Services (MARS) agent. You can also utilize the DPM or Azure
Backup Server (MABS) agent to protect on-premises VMs (Hyper-V and VMware)
and other on-premises workloads.
• Azure VMs - Use the MARS agent to backup files, folders, and system state, or
backup complete Windows/Linux VMs (using backup extensions).
• Azure Managed Disks: Backup your Azure Managed Disks
• Shares of Azure Files can be backed up to a storage account.
• Back up SQL Server databases that are installed on Azure VMs.
• Back up any SAP HANA databases that are currently running on Azure VMs.
• Back up Azure PostgreSQL databases and keep the backups for up to ten years using
Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers.
• Azure Blobs - Overview of operational backup for Azure Blobs

How can I utilize Azure Backup?

Azure Backup delivers these key benefits:
Offload on-premises backup:
• You can easily back up you’re on-premises resources to the cloud with Azure
Backup. Avoid deploying complicated on-premises backup systems by
getting short- and long-term backups instead.
Back up Azure IaaS VMs:
• To protect against inadvertent data loss, Azure Backup offers independent and
segregated backups. Backups are kept in a Recovery Services vault with
integrated recovery point management. Backups are streamlined,
configuration and scalability are straightforward, and you can easily restore
when necessary.
Scale easily
• Azure Backup provides high availability with minimal maintenance or
monitoring requirements by utilizing the Azure cloud's inherent power and
limitless scale.
Get unlimited data transfer:
• The quantity of data that may be sent in or out of Azure Backup is
unrestricted, and there are no fees associated with data transfers.
i. Data transported from a Recovery Services vault during a restore
procedure is referred to as outbound data.
ii. There is a fee for inbound data if you take an offline initial backup
and use the Azure Import/Export service to import big amounts of
data. Study more.
Keep data secure:
• Solutions for safeguarding data both in transit and at rest are offered by Azure
Centralized monitoring and management:
• In a Recovery Services vault, Azure Backup offers built-in monitoring and
alerting features. There is no need for additional management infrastructure to
use these functionalities. Azure Monitor can be used to expand the scope of
your reporting and monitoring.
Get app-consistent backups:
• A recovery point that is application-consistent has all the data necessary to
restore the backup copy. Application-consistent backups are offered by Azure
Backup, ensuring that no extra fixes are necessary in order to restore the data.
You can restore to a running state more quickly by restoring application-
consistent data, which shortens the restoration time.
Retain short and long-term data:
• For both short- and long-term data retention, Recovery Services vaults are an
Automatic storage management
• Heterogeneous storage is frequently needed in hybrid systems, both on-
premises and in the cloud. There are no fees associated with using on-premises
storage with Azure Backup. Azure Backup is a pay-per-use business model and
uses automatic allocation and management of backup storage. You only pay for
the storage that you really use. Study up on pricing.

Multiple storage options

• Azure Backup offers three types of replications to keep your storage/data
highly available.
• In a storage scale unit in a data center, locally redundant storage (LRS)
duplicates your data three times (it makes three copies of it). The data are
present in the same region in all of its copies. A cheap method for safeguarding
your data against local hardware failures is LRS.
• Replication using GRS, or geo-redundant storage, is the default and suggested
configuration. Your data is replicated by GRS to a different region (hundreds
of miles away from the primary location of the source data). GRS is more
expensive than LRS, but it offers greater data durability, even in the event of a
regional outage.
• Zone-redundant storage (ZRS), which replicates your data in availability zones,
ensures data residency and resilience in the same region. ZRS never goes
offline. Therefore, you can back up your key workloads in ZRS that require
data residency and cannot experience any downtime.

How does Azure Backup defend against ransomware?

By putting preventive steps in place and offering solutions that shield your business from all
the step attackers take to access your systems, Azure Backup helps you safeguard your vital
business systems and backup data from a ransomware assault. When your data is in transit or
at rest, it secures your backup environment.
Manage backup data at scale
• With h Backup center, you can manage and keep an eye on your entire backup estate
from a single console.
• Utilize Azure Policy to enforce backups at scale and maintain compliance.
• Using the historical information and trends displayed in Backup reports, audit and
evaluate backup data.
• Automation of backup policies and security setups can be achieved via APIs,
PowerShell, and Azure CLI.
• Data from cloud backups can be efficiently and securely exported to your own
monitoring systems.

Protect your backups.

• Role-based access control can be used to provide users with fine-grained access for
particular backup activities (RBAC).
• By keeping backups for 14 days after a deletion with soft delete, you can avoid
unintentional data loss.
• Enable multiple-user authentication as an additional layer of authorization for crucial
processes to safeguard data from ransomware assaults.
• Utilizing 256-bit AES encryption with customer-managed keys, you have total control
over how to safeguard and access your data.
• Enable the safe transfer of backups from private endpoints to Azure Backup storage.
• With zone- and geo-redundant storage and the flexibility to restore backups from a
matched region at any time, availability is ensured.
Cut expenses
• Get rid of the unnecessary expenses for additional backup infrastructure and
management and scalability costs for storage.
• Right-size your backup storage by optimizing backup costs with trends and insights
from backup reports.
• For significant cost savings in storage and compliance with your long-term retention
requirements, send recovery points to the archive tier.
• To personalize your backup solution and cut storage expenses, selectively back up the
discs inside an Azure virtual machine.
• Utilize the Backup pricing estimator to calculate specific expenses.
Protect a diverse set of workloads
• From one spot, you can easily back up all your infrastructure, databases, and storage
• Obtain application-consistent snapshots of Windows and Linux-based Azure Virtual
• Protect essential platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
databases, including Azure Database for PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SAP HANA, in
Azure Virtual Machines.
• Create snapshots of Azure Disks that are crash-consistent but agentless.
• Using Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage, prevent data loss.
Chapter 6 Microsoft Azure Logic Service
✓ Introduction
✓ How do Azure Logic Apps work?
✓ Important Elements of Azure Logic Apps
✓ Workflows
✓ Connectors
✓ Actions
✓ Triggers
✓ Initiating Triggers in Azure Logic Apps
✓ Working on Azure Logic Apps?
✓ Creating a Logic App
✓ Authenticating a Logic App
✓ Making a Logic App Authentic
✓ The use of Azure Logic Apps
✓ Azure Logic App: Establishing an API Connection
✓ Useful aspects of Azure Logic Apps
✓ Build powerful integration solutions for key enterprise scenarios
✓ Develop, deploy, and run anywhere
✓ Boost productivity with seamless, automated, business-critical workflows
without writing code
✓ Leverage hundreds of out-of-the-box connectors or create your own
✓ Support complex mapping, B2B, and enterprise messaging scenarios
✓ Conclusion
To automate processes, workflows, etc., Platform as a Service (PaaS) Microsoft Azure's Azure
Logic Apps is used. It facilitates the creation of automated processes that can connect
applications, systems, and services. Most businesses utilize Azure Logic Apps to create highly
scalable integration solutions in B2B scenarios.

How do Azure Logic Apps work?

Platform as a Service (PaaS) Microsoft Azure's Azure Logic Apps is used to automate
processes, workflows, etc. It supports the design and construction of automated processes that
can link services, systems, and applications. Azure Logic Apps are used by most companies in
B2B situations to build highly scalable integration solutions.
Azure Logic Apps allow for the automation of numerous processes. Here are some
noteworthy and typical examples:
1. With Azure Logic Apps, many processes may be automated. Here are a few prominent
and frequent instances:
2. You may organize and carry out emails and notifications send using Office 365. As an
example, Azure Logic Apps will schedule and send email notifications whenever a new
file is uploaded.
3. Directing the transport of files from FTP or SFTP hosts to Azure Storage.
4. The management of file uploads to Azure Storage from FTP or SFTP servers.

Important Elements of Azure Logic Apps

Now that we have a clearer idea of what the Azure Logic Apps platform involves, let's move
on to understanding the various components of Azure Logic Apps.
Workflow is one of the key components of Azure Logic Apps. A workflow is just a series of
steps-organized procedures and tasks. Once an input is introduced into the system using logical
connectors, a process is initiated (described later in this blog). As a result, by setting up
workflows, business operations can be automated using Azure Logic Apps.

Workflow is one of Azure Logic Apps' key components. Essentially, a workflow is a list of
steps-based procedures and actions. A process begins when input is introduced into the system
using logical connectors (described later in this blog). As a result, workflows may be
established in Azure Logic Apps to automate business processes.
An essential component of Azure Logic Apps is workflows. A workflow is essentially a
group of actions and procedures that are arranged into steps. Once input is added to the
system via logical connectors, workflows begin (covered in this blog post later). Therefore,
business tasks can be automated with Azure Logic Apps by designing workflows for them.
Follow these simple steps below to add and use connectors in Azure Logic Apps:
• On the Azure interface, choose "Create a resource."
• On the Azure interface, click the "Create a resource" button. Custom Connector in the
box and select it from the drop-down menu.
• After inputting the Logic applications custom connector, choose "Create" now.
• Enter the information to register the selected connector.
• Pick Review + Create now.
• Click "Create" after verifying that the information has been entered accurately.
In Azure Logic Apps, the procedures that are carried out when a trigger is started are known
as actions. As stated earlier, if a trigger is set up, several processes and activities are initiated.
Actions will start to run one after the other once a trigger has been begun. These activities will
be carried out in line with the user-supplied data and the predetermined business tasks. The
connection repository contains a wide range of options from which the Azure Logic Apps user
can choose a particular set of actions.
Basically, triggers are where the Azure Logic App workflow starts. Triggers are connected to
processes, workflow, and actions. These Azure Logic Apps components are dependent on
triggers to function. In Logic Apps, connectors can start a variety of triggers on their own by
way of bespoke connectors, which start the triggers.
Initiating Triggers in Azure Logic Apps
The following are the steps to initiate triggers in Azure Logic Apps:
1. Create a new blank Logic App on the Azure Portal as the first and most important
2. The first and most important step is to create a new blank Logic App in the Azure
3. By using the "Run Trigger" option provided in the overview section, you may now
successfully run a trigger in a stored Logic App.

Working on Azure Logic Apps?

The activities and procedures specified in the workflow are what drive how Azure Logic Apps
operate. Anytime an event is triggered, the workflow is started. If we examine a hotel booking
logic app as an example, the workflow begins to execute anytime a user initiates a booking by
picking a hotel, taking the user through the booking process till the conclusion of the same. To
ensure a seamless workflow, the values are noted at each stage and carried over to the following

Creating a Logic App

It is crucial to comprehend how a Logic App is constructed before beginning any other
activities on it. The following are the many steps needed to create a Logic App:
1. Visit the Azure interface and select the option to create a resource.
2. Choose "Logic Apps" from the marketplace section now.
3. Enter the requested information, such as credentials, and then click Create to continue
with the Logic App's final creation.
4. Now click on Review + Create.
5. The built Logic App can be found by going to "resource" in the final step.

Authenticating a Logic App

Now that we have learned how to create a Logic App, let's examine how to authenticate one.
Both a user-assigned managed identity and a system-assigned managed identity are utilised by
Azure Logic Apps for authentication, and each of them can only be used with a single logic
app resource. This system-issued controlled identity may be shared by a number of additional
resources. Now let's examine how to verify a logic app:
1. Navigate to the logic app resource in the Azure portal that you own or have developed.
2. Navigate to the logic app resource that you own or have established in the Azure portal.
3. Select On under the system-assigned section.
4. The identification has now been saved in the Identity window.
5. In the Identity window, save the identity right away.

Making a Logic App Authentic

Now that we have learned how to create a Logic App, let's examine how to authenticate one.
Both a user-assigned managed identity and a system-assigned managed identity are utilised by
Azure Logic Apps for authentication, and each of them can only be used with a single logic
app resource. This system-issued controlled identity may be shared by a number of additional
resources. Now let's examine how to verify a logic app:
1. Navigate to the logic app resource in the Azure portal that you own or have developed.
2. Enter the Azure portal and find the logic app resource that you own or have developed.
3. Select On under the system-assigned section.
4. The identification has now been saved in the Identity window.
5. There will be a dialogue box for confirmation. Choose YES.

The use of Azure Logic Apps

The procedures described below can be used to call a Logic App from an already-existing
Logic App:
Create an action in the step where the other Logic App has to be called after selecting the new
1. The Choose an action menu will be followed by a drop-down menu.
2. Pick the Built-in option from the drop-down menu.
3. The Built-in option can be chosen from the drop-down menu.
4. Select a Logic Apps process from the Activities list after entering the Logic Apps.
5. Once inside the Logic Apps, select a Logic Apps workflow from the Activities list.
6. Go to the Activities list after entering Logic Apps and selecting a workflow from there.
7. Select a Logic App to call from the list of active Logic Apps.

Azure Logic App: Establishing an API Connection

The following are the steps to connect an API in an Azure Logic App:
1. Select Web under All Services.
2. From the Azure portal menu, choose API Connections.
3. Choose the Azure portal's API Connections option from the menu.
4. Finally, select API Connection as the Type filter.

Useful aspects of Azure Logic Apps

The following are the top advantages provided by Azure Logic Apps for resolving a range of
challenging business issues:
1. Workflow definition is made simple with Azure Logic Apps thanks to a user-friendly
graphical user interface that includes actions, processes, and triggers (GUI).
2. Robust Applications: Azure Logic Apps are crucial for supporting integration with
high-end business programmes like Office 365, Dropbox, etc.
3. Robust Applications: Azure Logic Apps are crucial for integrating support for
enterprise-level programmes like Office 365, Dropbox, etc.
4. Automation simplicity: The Logic App is automatically activated when the workflows
are defined with triggers and the trigger is successfully initiated.
5. Automation simplicity: When triggers are used to construct workflows and a trigger is
successfully activated, the logic app is automatically fired.
Build powerful integration solutions for key enterprise
Azure Logic Apps, a top integration platform as a service (iPaaS), is built on a containerized
runtime. By deploying and using Logic Apps, you can automate crucial workflows anywhere
and increase scale and mobility.

Develop, deploy, and run anywhere

1. Install and operate logic apps locally, on-premises, and in Azure.
2. Enable deployment slots, streamlined virtual network access, and private endpoints.
3. On Windows, macOS, and Linux, Visual Studio Code is used for testing, development,
and debugging.
4. For testing, development, and bug-fixing on Windows, macOS, and Linux, utilise
Visual Studio Code.

Boost productivity with seamless, automated, business-

critical workflows—without writing code
1. Create extensive, intricate workflows and observe more steps simultaneously without
2. Create lengthy, intricate workflows and scroll less to observe more steps at once.
3. With integrated support for Application Insights, you may get close to real-time

Leverage hundreds of out-of-the-box connectors or create

your own
1. Use a wide range of cloud-based and software as a service (SaaS) connector, such as
Salesforce, Office 365, SQL, and others.
2. Codify natively operating connections.

Support complex mapping, B2B, and enterprise messaging

To interact with business partners, use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards like
EDIFACT, X12, AS2, and others.
1. Your logic apps can host maps and schemas locally and refer to them using new built-
in actions.
2. Utilize the BizTalk migration tool to migrate to Logic Apps and modernize current
BizTalk Server investments.
3. Use Azure Monitor and Application Insights to troubleshoot.

It goes without saying that processes and procedures are necessary for all firms to operate
profitably. Azure Logic Apps is a vital technology that helps companies create and manage
workflows efficiently.
Chapter 7
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Service
✓ Introduction
✓ Azure AD is used by who?
✓ IT admins
✓ App developers
✓ Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM Online subscribers
✓ What are the licenses for Azure AD?
✓ Azure Active Directory Free
✓ Azure Active Directory Premium P1
✓ Azure Active Directory Premium P2
✓ Pay-as-you-go feature licenses
✓ Which features work in Azure AD?
✓ Application management
✓ Authentication
✓ Azure Active Directory for developers
✓ Business-to-Business (B2B)
✓ Business-to-Customer (B2C)
✓ Conditional Access
✓ Device Management
✓ Domain services
✓ Enterprise users
✓ Hybrid identity
✓ Identity governance
✓ Identity protection
✓ Managed identities for Azure resources
✓ Privileged identity management (PIM)
✓ Reports and monitoring
✓ Important Points About Azure Active Directory
✓ Get secured, adaptive access
✓ Offer seamless user experiences
✓ Unify identity management
✓ Simplify identity governance
✓ Unify your identity infrastructure management
✓ Conclusion
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud service for managing identities and access. This
solution facilitates access to thousands of additional SaaS applications, the Azure portal, and
external resources like Microsoft 365 for your staff members. They can also access internal
resources like apps on your business intranet network and any cloud apps created by your
company, thanks to Azure Active Directory. See QuickStart: Create a new tenant in Azure
Active Directory for more details on building a tenancy for your business.

Azure AD is used by who?

Azure AD can be used for:
IT admins:
Based on your company's needs, utilize Azure AD to limit access to your apps and app
resources as an IT administrator. For instance, you may utilize Azure AD to make it mandatory
for users to provide two-factor authentication before accessing crucial corporate resources.
Additionally, you may automate user provisioning across your current Windows Server AD
and your cloud apps, such as Microsoft 365, using Azure AD. Finally, Azure AD provides you
with strong features to automatically assist in protecting user identities and credentials as well
as to satisfy your access governance requirements. Sign up for a free 30-day Azure Active
Directory Premium trial to get going.
App developers:
As an app developer, you can add single sign-on (SSO) to your app using Azure AD as a
standards-based method, enabling it to function using a user's pre-existing credentials. Azure
AD offers APIs that may be used to create personalized app experiences using organizational
data that already exists. Sign up for a free 30-day Azure Active Directory Premium trial to get
going. You may also view Azure Active Directory for developers for additional details.
Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM Online subscribers:
You are already using Azure AD as a subscriber. Each tenant of Microsoft 365, Office 365,
Azure, and Dynamics CRM Online is also an Azure AD tenant by default. You can start
controlling access to your connected cloud apps right away.

What are the licenses for Azure AD?

Azure AD is necessary for sign-in processes and to aid in identity protection for Microsoft
Online Business Services like Microsoft 365 or Azure. All the free features of Azure AD are
included when you sign up for any Microsoft Online business subscription.
By upgrading to Azure Active Directory Premium P1 or Premium P2 licenses, you can
additionally add paid features to improve your Azure AD deployment. The commercial licenses
for Azure AD are constructed on top of your currently free directory. For your mobile users,
the licenses offer self-service, improved monitoring, security reporting, and safe access.
Azure Active Directory Free
Enables single sign-on across Azure, Microsoft 365, and a wide range of well-liked SaaS apps.
It also offers user and group administration, on-premises directory synchronization, basic
reports, self-service password reset for cloud users, and user and group management.
Azure Active Directory Premium P1
P1 now enables access to both on-premises and cloud resources for your hybrid users in
addition to the Free features. Additionally, it enables more sophisticated administrative features
including cloud write-back capabilities, dynamic groups, self-service group management,
Microsoft Identity Manager, and self-service password reset for your on-premises users.
Azure Active Directory Premium P2.
Along with the Free and P1 features, P2 also includes Privileged Identity Management and
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, which together help to provide risk-based
Conditional Access to your apps and important corporate data as well as discover, limit, and
monitor administrators' access to resources and just-in-time access when necessary.
Pay-as-you-go feature licenses.
Additional feature licenses are also available, such as those for Azure Active Directory
Business-to-Customer (B2C). For your customer-facing apps, B2C can assist you in providing
identity and access control solutions. Consult the Azure Active Directory B2C documentation
for further details.

Which features work in Azure AD?

Following your selection of an Azure AD license, your company will have access to some or
all the following features:
Application management
Utilize Application Proxy, single sign-on, the My Apps interface, and Software as a Service
(SaaS) programmed to manage your cloud and on-premises apps. See the documentation for
Application Management and How to enable secure remote access to on-premises applications
for further details.
Manage self-service password reset for Azure Active Directory, MFA, a custom list of
forbidden passwords, and smart lockout. Consult the Azure AD Authentication documentation
for further details.
Azure Active Directory for developers
Create applications that sign in with all Microsoft identities and obtain tokens to use the
Microsoft Graph, other Microsoft APIs, and custom APIs. Visit the Microsoft identity platform
for further details (Azure Active Directory for developers).
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Manage your external partners and guest users while keeping your own corporate data under
your control. Consult the Azure Active Directory B2B documentation for further details.
Business-to-Customer (B2C)
Customize and manage how users register with your apps, log in, and manage their profiles.
Consult the Azure Active Directory B2C documentation for further details.
Conditional Access
Access control for your cloud-based apps. Consult the documentation for Azure AD
Conditional Access for additional details.
Device Management
Control how you’re on-premises or cloud-based devices access your company's data. Consult
the documentation for Azure AD Device Management for additional details.
Domain services
Azure virtual machines can be added without the need for domain controllers to a domain.
Consult the documentation for Azure AD Domain Services for further details.
Enterprise users
Using groups and administrator roles, you may set up delegates, control app access, and assign
licenses. Consult the Azure Active Directory user administration documentation for further
Hybrid identity
To give a single user identity for authentication and authorization to all resources, independent
of location, use Azure Active Directory Connect and Connect Health (cloud or on-premises).
See Hybrid identity documents for further details.
Identity governance
Manage your organization's identity through employee, business partner, vendor, service, and
app access controls. You can also perform access reviews. For more information, see Azure
AD identity governance documentation and Azure AD access reviews.
Identity protection
Establish protocols to react to suspicious actions, identify any vulnerabilities affecting the
identity of your organization, and then resolve them. See Azure AD Identity Protection for
further details.
Managed identities for Azure resources
Your Azure services can authenticate with any authentication service that Azure AD supports,
including Key Vault, by creating an automatically managed identity in Azure AD. For further
information, see What are managed identities for Azure resources.
Privileged identity management (PIM)
Manage, restrict, and keep an eye on access within your company. Access to resources in Azure
AD, Azure, and other Microsoft Online Services, such as Microsoft 365 or Intune, are all
included in this functionality. See Azure AD Privileged Identity Management for further
Reports and monitoring
Learn more about the usage and security trends in your environment. See Azure Active
Directory reporting and monitoring for further details.
Important Points About Azure Active Directory
• Single sign-on simplifies access to your apps from anywhere
• Conditional access and multifactor authentication help secure data
• A single identity control plane grants full visibility and control of your environment
• Governance ensures the right people have access to the right resources, and only when
they need it

Get secured, adaptive access

Strong authentication and risk-based adaptive access restrictions can help preserve user
experience without compromising access to resources and data.

Offer seamless user experiences

To keep users engaged, cut down on time spent managing passwords, and eliminate friction,
offer a quick and simple sign-in process.

Unify identity management

To increase visibility and control, centrally manage all your identities and users' access to your
applications, whether they are hosted online or locally.

Simplify identity governance

With effective automated identity governance, you can guarantee that only authorized
individuals have access to apps and data for users and admins.

Unify your identity infrastructure management

With the Microsoft Entra admin center, you can manage and secure your whole identity
infrastructure, including Azure AD, more easily.

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud service for managing identities and access.
This solution facilitates access to thousands of additional SaaS applications, the Azure portal,
and external resources like Microsoft 365 for your staff members
Chapter 9 Microsoft Azure API Management
✓ Introduction
✓ Customers can overcome these difficulties with Azure API Management
✓ Typical situations include
✓ Unlocking legacy assets
✓ API-centric app integration
✓ Multi-channel user experiences
✓ B2B integration
✓ API Management components
✓ API gateway
✓ An independent gateway
✓ Management aircraft
✓ Integration with Azure services
✓ Core Concepts About API Management
✓ APIs
✓ Products
✓ Groups
✓ Administrators
✓ Developers
✓ Guests
✓ Developers
✓ Policies
✓ Some Key Features in API Management
✓ With unified API administration, move more quickly.
✓ In-house and cloud API management
✓ Contribute to resource protection
✓ Accelerate your business
✓ Increasing API discovery
✓ Improve your current services
✓ Conclusion
An overview of frequent scenarios and important Azure API Management components is given
in this post. Azure API Management is a hybrid, multi-cloud management tool for APIs in all
settings. API Management, a platform-as-a-service, provides the entire API lifecycle.
APIs make data and services reusable and widely accessible, simplify application integration,
support new digital goods, and enable digital experiences. Due to API growth and reliance,
businesses must manage them as first-class assets throughout their lifecycles.

Customers can overcome these difficulties with Azure API

1. Abstract backend architecture diversity and complexity from API consumers
2. Securely expose services hosted on and outside of Azure as APIs
3. Protect, accelerate, and observe APIs
4. Enable API discovery and consumption by internal and external users
Typical situations include
Unlocking legacy assets
To make legacy backends accessible from new cloud services and cutting-edge apps, APIs are
employed to abstract and modernize them. APIs enable innovation without the dangers,
expenses, and delays of migration.
API-centric app integration
To expose and access data, applications, and processes, APIs are simple, standards-based, and
self-descriptive techniques. They streamline and lower the price of app integration.
Multi-channel user experiences
User experiences like web, mobile, wearable, or Internet of Things applications are commonly
made possible using APIs. Use API repurposing to hasten development and ROI.
B2B integration
APIs that are made available to partners and clients minimize the barrier to integrating
corporate operations and transferring data between commercial entities. APIs get rid of the
complexity that comes with point-to-point integration. The main instruments for scalability in
B2B integration are APIs, particularly when self-service discovery and onboarding are enabled.

API Management components

A developer portal, a management plane, and an API gateway make up Azure API
Management. These elements are by default fully managed and hosted by Azure. Different
degrees of API management are available, with capacities and capabilities varying.
API gateway
The API gateway receives all requests from client apps and routes them to the appropriate
backend services. As a front for the backend services, the API gateway enables API providers
to abstract API implementations and modify the backend architecture without affecting API
users. Through the gateway, routing, security, throttle, caching, and observability can all be
configured consistently.
more particularly, the gateway
• accepts API calls and routes them to the proper backends to serve as a front for backend
• checks API keys and other credentials, like certificates and JWT tokens, that are
presented during requests.
• enforces rate caps and usage limitations
• requests and responses can be optionally transformed in accordance with policy
• Caches responses if specified, reducing the burden on backend services, and improving
response latency.
• emits data for monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting, including logs, metrics, and

An independent gateway
To maximize API traffic and guarantee adherence to regional laws and regulations, customers
can use the self-hosted gateway to deploy the API gateway in the same settings where they host
their APIs. Customers with hybrid IT infrastructure can manage on-premises and cloud-hosted
APIs using the self-hosted gateway from a single API Management service in Azure.
The self-hosted gateway is packaged as a Docker container that runs on Linux and is frequently
deployed to Kubernetes, including Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Arc-enabled

Management aircraft
API providers interact with the service through the management plane, which provides full
access to the API Management service capabilities.
Customers interact with the management plane through Azure tools including the Azure portal,
Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, a Visual Studio Code extension, or client SDKs in several
popular programming languages.
Utilize the managerial approach to
1. Provision and configure API Management service settings
2. Define or import API schemas from a wide range of sources, including OpenAPI
specifications, Azure compute services, or WebSocket or GraphQL backends
3. Package APIs into products
4. Set up policies like quotas or transformations on the APIs
5. Get insights from analytics
6. Manage users
Integration with Azure services
To build enterprise solutions, API Management interfaces with other complementing Azure
services, such as
1. Azure Key Vault to manage and store client certificates and secrets securely
2. Logging, reporting, and alerting on management operations, system events, and API
calls using Azure Monitor
3. Application Insights for end-to-end tracing, live analytics, and troubleshooting
4. Application Gateway, virtual networks, and private endpoints for network security
5. For developer identification and request authorization, use Azure Active Directory
6. Hubs for events that stream
7. Building and hosting APIs on Azure typically make use of several Azure compute
products, such as Functions, Logic Apps, Web Apps, Service Fabric, and others.

Core Concepts About API Management

An API Management service instance is built on APIs. For app developers, each API represents
a set of operations. Each API has a map of its operations to backend operations and a reference
to the backend service that implements the API.
With control over URL mapping, query and path parameters, request and response content, and
operation response caching, API Management operations are highly adjustable.
APIs are revealed to developers through products. Products in API management can be open
or secured and have one or more APIs. Open products can be consumed without a subscription
key, whereas protected products do.
A product may be published after it is prepared for use by developers. Developers may view
or subscribe to it after it has been published. At the product level, subscription approval can be
set to either automatically approve subscriptions or require administrator permission.
Groups are employed to control a product's developer visibility. There are the following built-
in groups for API Management

Create the APIs, activities, and products that developers utilize, and manage API
Management service instances.
Administrators of Azure subscriptions are included in this group.

Authenticated users of your developer portal who create applications with your APIs.
Developers are given access to the developer portal where they can create applications
that use API functions.
visitors to the developer portal who are not signed in, such as potential clients. Certain
read-only access can be given to them, allowing them to examine APIs but not use
The user accounts in an API Management service instance are represented by developers.
Administrators can create new developers, invite them to join, or allow them to register through
the developer portal. Each developer belongs to one or more groups and has the option to
subscribe to the goods that provide those groups visibility.
For usage when calling a product's APIs, developers who subscribe to a product are given
access to both the primary and secondary keys.
With policies, an API publisher can configure an API to change its behavior. Policies are a set
of instructions that are applied sequentially to an API's request or response. XML to JSON
format conversion and call-rate limitation, which limits the number of incoming calls from a
developer, are common statements. See API Management policies for a comprehensive list.
Unless otherwise specified by the policy, policy expressions can be used as text values or
attribute values in any API Management policy. Some policies, including the set variable and
control flow policies, are built using policy expressions.
Depending on your needs, policies can be implemented at several scopes, including global (all
APIs), a product, a particular API, and an API action.

Some Key Features in API Management

With unified API administration, move more quickly.
API designs are being used by forward-thinking companies today to speed up growth. You may
streamline your work in hybrid and multi-cloud environments by managing all your APIs in
one place.
In-house and cloud API management
Optimize API traffic flow by deploying API gateways alongside APIs hosted in Azure,
alternative clouds, and on-premises. Enjoy a uniform administration interface and full
observability across all internal and external APIs while meeting security and regulatory
Contribute to resource protection
Applying authentication, authorization, and use restrictions will allow you to limit the access
that workers, partners, and customers have to data and services.
Accelerate your business
By using API-first strategies, you can create apps more quickly and offer your clients
immediate value. By using API mocking, API revisions and versioning, and automated API
documentation, you can separate the front-end and back-end teams. Discover how Wegmans,
a grocery store company, developed a new mobile application in under eight weeks.
Increasing API discovery
For each of your APIs, create a personalized developer portal. APIs may be easily managed
and shared with internal employees, outside partners, and clients.
Improve your current services
Create facades for your back-end services to automatically convert outdated web services into
contemporary REST-based APIs. Discover how developers are changing development using
Azure API Management from pioneers like Vipps, a prominent payment provider in Norway.

Keep all your APIs hidden behind a single static IP address or domain and for added security,
use IP filtering, keys, and tokens. Apply flexible and precise rate limitations and quotas. Use
policies to change the appearance and behavior of your APIs. With response caching, you can
scale your APIs and reduce latency. By building a façade that enables secure integration of on-
premises and cloud environments, you can connect on-premises APIs to cloud services.
Chapter 10
Azure Content Delivery Network Service?
✓ Introduction
✓ Benefits of Using Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network
✓ The following features are provided by Azure CDN
✓ Azure CDN has several advantages, including
✓ Workings of Azure Content Delivery Network
✓ Azure CDN cache Behaviour
✓ Compressing files
✓ Geo-filtering
✓ Use cases for Azure Content Delivery Network
✓ Why you shouldn't use Azure CDN
✓ Conclusion
A distributed network of servers known as the Azure CDN is used to cache and store material
so that it may be viewed by computers all over the world. Geographical separation between a
website visitor and the server that hosts the site can significantly increase latency. With the
goal of reducing latency, Azure CDN servers are situated close to end users. Azure CDN allows
a client seeking that content to obtain it from the location to which they have the lowest latency
and maximum bandwidth connection, rather than retrieving it from a single site that may be on
another continent or in another hemisphere. Point-of-presence (POP) locations are the server
locations that house content repositories.
By utilizing various network optimizations with CDN POPs, such as route optimization to
avoid Border Gateway Protocol, Azure CDN may also speed up dynamic material that cannot
be cached (BGP).

Benefits of Using Microsoft Azure Content Delivery

1. End users will experience better performance and a better user interface, especially
when utilizing apps where loading material requires many round trips.
2. Large scaling to better handle sudden high loads, such as the beginning of an event for
a product launch.
3. Distributing user requests and directly serving content from edge servers to reduce the
amount of bandwidth going to the origin server

The following features are provided by Azure CDN

1. Accelerate the distribution of dynamic files using a website.
2. Support for HTTPS custom domains: Enable secure connections to unique domains
3. View the essential analytical data in the Azure diagnostics logs and transfer the
information to a Log Analytics Workspace, an Azure Storage account, or an Azure
Event Hub.
4. File compression: Improve performance by lowering the amount of data traveling via
the network.
5. Geo-filtering: On your CDN endpoint, create rules that leverage pathways to allow or
deny content from nations or regions.

Azure CDN has several advantages, including

1. With big or streamed files, performance is better, and the user experience is smoother.
2. improved performance when using programs that send material across several round
3. Greater scaling, especially when dealing with loads that spike quickly, like during
worldwide launch events
4. Decreased origin server traffic
Workings of Azure Content Delivery Network
A dispersed network of computers known as a CDN is capable of effectively distributing
online content to users. The way that Azure CDN functions is as follows.

1. A URL with a unique domain name, such as endpoint name>, is used by a user (Alice)
to request a file (also known as an asset). This name may be a custom
domain or an endpoint hostname. The DNS directs the request to the POP that offers
the best performance, which is typically the POP that is nearest to the user
2. If none of the POP's edge servers have the file in their cache, the POP asks the origin
server for it. An Azure web app, Azure Cloud Service, Azure Storage account, Azure
IaaS virtual machine, or any other publicly accessible web server can act as the origin
3. An edge server in the POP receives the file back from the origin server.
4. The file is cached by an edge server in the POP, which then sends it back to the requester
(Alice). Until the time-to-live (TTL) indicated by its HTTP headers expires, the file is
still cached on the edge server in the POP. The default TTL is seven days if the origin
server didn't specify a different one.
5. The same file can then be requested by additional users by using the same URL that
Alice used and by directing them to the same POP.
6. The POP edge server returns the file immediately from the cache if the file's TTL
hasn't run out. A quicker, more responsive user experience is the result of this

Azure CDN cache Behaviour

The files on a website that is published through Azure CDN are cached until their TTL has
passed. The HTTP response from the origin server's Cache-Control header, which is included,
establishes the TTL duration.
Azure CDN establishes a default TTL if you don't provide one for a file. However, if you
have configured caching rules in Azure, you can override this default. The standard TTL
values are as follows:
1. Optimised general web delivery: seven days
2. One day for large file optimization
3. Media streaming improvements: a year
An Azure CDN edge node will typically serve an asset until its TTL expires. When the TTL
expires and a client requests the same asset, the edge node re-connects to the origin server. The
TTL will be reset as the node fetches a new copy of the object.
Any caching system must be able to manage when the material is refreshed because a cached
resource may be ineffective or outdated (in comparison to a similar resource on the origin
server). A cached resource isn't constantly compared to the one on the origin server to conserve
time and traffic. Instead, the most recent version of a cached resource is deemed to be fresh
and given immediately to the client.
There are two methods for caching files offered by Azure CDNs. These setup options, however,
rely on the tier you've chosen. Caching rules in Azure CDN Standard for Microsoft are
configured in three different ways at the endpoint level. More configuration choices are
available in other tiers, including:
1. Caching rules: Caching rules can be either global (apply to all content from a
specified endpoint) or custom. Custom rules apply to specific paths and file
2. Query string caching: Query string caching allows you to configure how Azure CDN
responds to a query string. Query string caching has no effect on files that can't be
Caching rules for the Azure CDN Standard for Microsoft tier is as straightforward as the
following three possibilities:
1. Neglect query strings: This setting serves as the default setting. On the initial request,
a CDN POP simply forwards the request and any query strings to the origin server and
caches the material. Until the TTL has passed, new requests for the same asset will
disregard any query strings.
2. Queries using query strings are sent straight from the client to the origin server without
being cached.
3. Every unique URL that is generated by a requesting client is cached. Each time this
happens, the origin server receives the URL, and the response is cached with a unique
TTL. Where each request is a distinct URL, this last strategy is ineffective since the
percentage of cache hits decreases.

Compressing files
Before delivering the files, Azure CDN can increase performance by compressing the files.
Upon receipt, the receiving browser decompresses the files. If you activate compression on
files stored on your origin server, Azure CDN transmits the compressed files without
Uncompressed files on the origin server are dynamically compressed by Azure CDN (if the
files are of a type that can be compressed). The compressed files are then kept on the POP. The
client experience and site performance are enhanced by this method.

Based on the country code, geo-filtering enables you to allow or ban information in particular
nations or regions. Only the complete site can be allowed or blocked in the Azure CDN
Standard for the Microsoft tier. Restrictions on directory paths can also be set up with the
Verizon and Akamai tiers. See the list of recommended readings in the Summary unit for more
Select Geo-filtering from the endpoint's attributes to configure geo-filtering. Choose Allow or
Block from the Geo-filtering box. Choose which nations or areas you want to allow or restrict
from the list of country codes.
The Block setting is less lenient than allowed. Access is only given to the chosen nations and
regions. The rationale behind Block is to permit access from all nations and locations except
those that are restricted.

Use cases for Azure Content Delivery Network

1. Adatum can grow its services globally to meet the demand for emergency services
during observable natural disasters thanks to several features that Azure CDN
provides. The following ways that Azure CDN helps Adatum satisfy their needs
2. Azure CDN helps with massive scaling so that it can better handle huge loads that occur
suddenly. Adatum will benefit from this functionality since it will make sure that
emergency services may access imagery as a disaster develops and reduce the
possibility that Adatum's services will become unavailable at a critical time.
3. As new clients sign up for the service, you can set up Azure CDN resources close to
those clients. Adatum can set up a new POP in a location near the new customers rather
than building new IaaS VMs to host catastrophic imagery all over the world.
4. Content can be sent to POPs that are proximate to the locations where customers need
to access that data thanks to Azure CDN. Adatum may make sure that a POP in
Australia is filled with images relevant to a disaster that is developing there, while
another POP in South America can be filled with images linked to situations that are
developing there. To prevent customers from outside the region from accessing the data
at the Australian POP, the traffic associated with each region's POP can also be geo-
filtered. This lowers the possibility that the service will become unavailable due to high

Why you shouldn't use Azure CDN

In general, CDNs work best with technologies that use a lot of huge static data, such as
photographic pictures. Since natural disasters don't follow a set pattern, CDNs are most helpful
in situations where you need to be able to provide content to numerous simultaneous users all
around the world. Azure CDN wouldn't offer many benefits if Adatum's material was more
dynamic, such as if it offered a service where satellite TV was streamed directly from Adatum
servers. This is because unlike static data, such as pre-recorded video files, real-time live
streaming does not significantly benefit from being cached in many locations around the world.

A distributed network of servers known as the Azure CDN is used to cache and store material
so that it may be viewed by computers all over the world. Geographical separation between a
website visitor and the server that hosts the site can significantly increase latency. With the
goal of reducing latency, Azure CDN servers are situated close to end users.
Chapter 11
Microsoft Azure Recovery Service
✓ Introduction
✓ Your BCDR approach benefits from Azure Recovery Services because
✓ Replication can be managed via Site Recovery for
✓ What services does Site Recovery offer?
✓ Simple BCDR remedy
✓ Azure VM replication
✓ VMware VM replication
✓ On-premises VM replication
✓ Workload replication
✓ Data resilience
✓ RTO and RPO targets W
✓ Keep apps consistent over failover
✓ Testing without disruption
✓ Flexible failovers
✓ Customized recovery plans
✓ BCDR integration
✓ Azure automation integration
✓ Network Integration
✓ How Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Helps Businesses
✓ Simple to deploy and manage
✓ Reduce infrastructure costs
✓ Minimize downtime with dependable recovery
✓ Conclusion
You must implement a business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy as a
company to ensure that your data is secure and that your apps and workloads are available
during both scheduled and unforeseen outages.

Your BCDR approach benefits from Azure Recovery

Services because:
1. Service for site recovery: By keeping business applications and workloads operational
during disruptions, Site Recovery contributes to business continuity. Workloads
running on physical and virtual machines (VMs) are replicated by site recovery to a
backup site. You fail over to a backup site and use the apps there if your original site
has an outage. You can fail back to the primary location once it has resumed operation.
2. Azure Backup is a service that protects and makes recoverable your data.

Replication can be managed via Site Recovery for:

1. Replicating Azure VMs between Azure regions.
2. Replication to the region from Azure Public Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC)
3. between two Azure Public MEC replication
4. Physical servers, on-premises VMs, and Azure Stack VMs

What services does Site Recovery offer?

Simple BCDR remedy
You can configure and manage replication, failover, and failback using Site Recovery from a
single location in the Azure portal.
Azure VM replication
Azure VM disaster recovery can be configured from a primary region to a secondary region,
from an Azure Public MEC to an Azure region, or from an Azure Public MEC linked to one
Azure region to another Azure Public MEC.
VMware VM replication
The upgraded Azure Site Recovery replication appliance, which provides superior security and
resilience to the configuration server, can be used to duplicate VMware virtual machines to
Azure. Disaster recovery of VMware VMs has further details.
On-premises VM replication
On-premises VMs and physical servers can be replicated to Azure or a different on-premises
data center. Maintaining a secondary data center is expensive and complicated, which is
eliminated by replication to Azure.
Workload replication
Replicate any workload that is operating on physical Windows and Linux servers, on-premises
Hyper-V, and VMware VMs, or supported Azure VMs.
Data resilience
Without stealing application data, Site Recovery coordinates replication. Data is saved in Azure
storage with the resilience it offers when you replicate to Azure. Azure VMs are built
depending on the replicated data when failover happens. This also applies to the Azure Site
Recovery scenario for Public MEC to Azure region. Data is stored in the Public MEC in the
event of an Azure Public MEC to Azure Public MEC Azure Site Recovery scenario (the ASR
feature for Public MEC is in preview mode).
RTO and RPO targets
Maintain recovery point objectives (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RTO) within the
bounds of the organization. For VMware and Azure virtual machines, Site Recovery offers
continuous replication, while for Hyper-V it offers replication frequency as low as 30 seconds.
Through integration with Azure Traffic Manager, RTO can be further decreased.
Keep apps consistent over failover
Using recovery points and application-consistent snapshots, you can replicate. These snapshots
record all data on the disc, all data in memory, and all active transactions.
Testing without disruption
Drills for disaster recovery can be easily conducted without interfering with ongoing
Flexible failovers
With no data loss, planned failovers can be implemented for anticipated failures. Or, depending
on the frequency of replication, unplanned failovers with little data loss for unforeseen
catastrophes. If your primary site becomes unavailable again, you can easily fail back to it.
Customized recovery plans
You may tailor and organize the failover and recovery of multi-tier applications operating on
various VMs using recovery plans. In a recovery plan, you may optionally include scripts and
manual operations while grouping machines together. Runbooks for Azure Automation can
relate to recovery plans.
BCDR integration
Other BCDR technologies are integrated with Site Recovery. With native support for SQL
Server Always On and the ability to control the failover of availability groups, Site Recovery,
for instance, can be used to safeguard the SQL Server backend of corporate operations.
Azure automation integration
Production-ready, application-specific scripts are available in a robust Azure Automation
library and may be downloaded to use with Site Recovery.
Network Integration
Azure and Site Recovery provide integrations for managing application networks. For instance,
to set up load balancers, reserve IP addresses, and use Azure Traffic Manager for smooth
network transitions.
How Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Helps Businesses
Assist your company's ability to continue operating even during significant IT failures. Azure
Site Recovery provides simplicity in setup, efficiency in cost, and dependability. Use Site
Recovery to deploy replication, failover, and recovery mechanisms to keep your applications
up and running during scheduled and unplanned outages.
In the 2019 Magic Quadrant for Disaster Recovery as a Service, Gartner named Microsoft as
a leader in DRaaS based on its ability to execute and completeness of vision. Site Recovery is
native disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS).

Simple to deploy and manage

Simply replicate an Azure VM to a different Azure region via the Azure portal to set up Azure
Site Recovery. Site Recovery is automatically updated with new Azure capabilities as they are
introduced because it is a fully integrated product. Sequencing the execution of multi-tier
applications across various virtual machines will reduce recovery concerns. Test your disaster
recovery plan without affecting end users or production workloads to ensure compliance.
Additionally, maintain application availability in the event of an outage with automatic
recovery from on-premises to Azure or Azure to a different Azure region.

Reduce infrastructure costs

By not needing to construct or operate an expensive backup data center, the cost of
implementing, monitoring, patching, and maintaining on-premises disaster recovery
technology can be reduced. Additionally, you only pay for the Azure compute resources
required to support your applications.
Minimize downtime with dependable recovery
By allowing Site Recovery between different Azure regions, you can quickly adhere to industry
standards like ISO 27001 Coverage can be expanded to include as many mission-critical
applications as you require, supported by the service availability and support of Azure. Use
Site Recovery to swiftly restore your most current data.

As a business, you must develop a business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy
to guarantee the security of your data and the availability of your apps and workloads during
both planned and unplanned outages. The cost of adopting, monitoring, patching, and
maintaining on-premises disaster recovery systems can be decreased by not having to build or
run an expensive backup data center. Additionally, only the Azure compute resources needed
to support your applications are charged for.
Chapter 12 Microsoft Azure Bot Service
✓ Introduction
✓ What do bots do?
✓ Azure Bot Service and the Bot Framework include
✓ How to construct a bot
✓ Plan
✓ Build
✓ Test
✓ Publish
✓ Connect
✓ Evaluate
✓ Build conversational experiences with Power Virtual Agents and Azure Bot
✓ Collaboratively build bots with fusion teams
✓ Extend your reach with multiple channels and languages
✓ PwC simplifies data retrieval
✓ Conclusion
An integrated development environment for constructing bots is offered by Azure Bot Service.
Developers of various technical levels may create conversational AI bots without writing a line
of code thanks to its connection with Power Virtual Agents, a fully hosted low-code platform.
You can create, test, deploy, and manage intelligent bots using the Microsoft Bot Framework
and Azure Bot Service, a set of libraries, tools, and services. A modular and expandable SDK
for creating bots and establishing connections to AI services is included in the Bot Framework.
With the help of this framework, programmers may build chatbots that can speak, comprehend
natural language, respond to questions, and more.

What do bots do?

Bots offer a user experience that more closely resembles interacting with a person or intelligent
robot than using a computer. With the use of bots, you can automate routine, easy tasks that
once required direct human contact, like making a dinner reservation or collecting profile
information. With a bot, users can communicate via text, interactive cards, and speech. A bot
interaction might be as simple as a short response to a query or as complex as a lengthy chat
that judiciously offers access to services.
A web application with a conversational user interface is comparable to a chatbot. Your
customers communicate with your bot over a channel like Facebook, Slack, Microsoft Teams,
or a custom app.
1. Interactions can be in text or speech and involve graphics and video, depending on how
the bot is set up and registered with the channel.
2. The user's input is processed by the bot to determine what the user has requested or
3. The bot analyses input and carries out actions that are pertinent, such as asking the user
for more details or using services on their behalf.
4. To inform the user of what it is doing or has done, the bot answers to them.
Bots are frequently developed as web applications that are hosted in Azure and communicate
via APIs. The contents of a bot vary greatly depending on the type and use of the bot. With
minimal coding, a bot may receive messages and relay them to the user. To deliver richer
experiences across a wider range of platforms, a more complicated but can rely on a variety of
tools and services.
Bots can read from and write to files, use databases and APIs, and perform standard
computational activities, much like other types of software. Bots use human-to-human
communication processes, which is what makes them special.

Azure Bot Service and the Bot Framework include:

1. Bot Framework SDKs for creating Java, C#, Python, or Java-based bots. (The final
long-term support for the Python and Java SDKs will terminate in November 2023.)
2. CLI tools to aid in the creation of an entire bot.
3. Bot Connector Service, which transfers communications and activities across channels
and bots.
4. Azure resources for configuration and management.
Additionally, bots may use other Azure services, such as:
1. To create intelligent applications, use Azure Cognitive Services
2. Cloud storage with Azure Storage
How to construct a bot
You can design and build bots using an integrated set of tools and services from Azure Bot
Service and Microsoft Bot Framework at every level of the bot life cycle. There are SDKs
available for Python, C#, Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript. To construct your bot, select your
preferred command-line tools or development environment.

The process of developing a successful bot depends on having a full understanding of the
objectives, procedures, and user requirements, just like with any sort of software. You can build
a basic bot or give it more complex features like speech recognition, natural language
processing, and question-answering.
Review the bot design guidelines for best practices before creating any code and decide what
your bot needs.
A bot is often a web service hosted in Azure. Your bot can be set up on Azure to send and
receive messages and events from different channels. Bots can be developed in a wide range
of settings and languages. For local development, you can build a bot.
You can increase the capability of your bot by utilizing different libraries and services with the
Azure Bot Service and the Bot Framework. Some of the features offered by the SDK are listed
in the following table.
Bots are sophisticated applications with numerous interconnected components. This can result
in some intriguing issues or make your bot behave differently than you would expect, just as
with any other complicated app. Test your bot before publishing. Before bots are made
available for usage, we offer several options to test them:
• With the help of the Bot Framework Emulator, test your bot locally. A standalone
program called The Bot Framework Emulator offers a chat interface in addition to
debugging and interrogation capabilities to help you understand how and why your bot
behaves the way it does. Along with your bot program that is still under development,
the emulator can be launched locally.
• With the help of the Bot Framework Emulator, test your bot locally. A standalone
program called The Bot Framework Emulator offers a chat interface in addition to
debugging and interrogation capabilities to help you understand how and why your bot
behaves the way it does. Along with your bot program that is still under development,
the emulator can be launched locally.
• Unit Using the most recent Bot Framework SDK, test your bot.
Deploy your bot to Azure or to your own web service or data Centre when you're ready for it
to be accessible online. Having a public internet address is the first requirement for your bot to
function on your website or in chat channels.
Use Twilio to connect your bot to channels like SMS, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Messenger,
Slack, Telegram, and more. Most of the work required to send and receive messages from all
these various platforms is handled by Bot Framework. No matter how many or what kind of
channels your bot program is connected to, it always receives a consistent, standardized stream
of messages. Check out the subject on channels for details on adding channels.
To find ways to enhance the capabilities and efficiency of your bot, use the data gathered on
the Azure portal. You can obtain instrumentation and service-level statistics such as traffic,
latency, and integrations. Analytics additionally offers user, message, and channel data
reporting at the conversational level. See the section on how to gather analytics for additional

Build conversational experiences with Power Virtual Agents and Azure Bot Service
For both structures, Azure Bot Service offers an integrated development environment.
Developers of all technical levels can create conversational AI bots without writing any code
thanks to its connection with Power Virtual Agents, a fully hosted low-code platform.

Collaboratively build bots with fusion teams

An interdisciplinary team with a variety of skills and talents can create bots inside a single
software as a service (SaaS) solution thanks to the integration of Azure Bot Service and Power
Virtual Agents. With the help of Bot Framework Composer, Fusion teams can simply modify
bots for challenging situations.

Extend your reach with multiple channels and languages

Set up chatbots to communicate with clients and staff in a variety of languages and platforms,
such as Facebook, mobile apps, and Microsoft Teams.

PwC simplifies data retrieval

PwC selected Power Virtual Agents to facilitate the rapid deployment of bots throughout the
organization's repositories by non-technical teams, automate content search, and enhance
learning and development.

Azure Bot Service provides an integrated development environment for building bots. Due to
its integration with Power Virtual Agents, a fully hosted low-code platform, developers of all
skill levels may construct conversational AI bots without writing a single line of code.
Chapter 13
Microsoft Azure Key Vault
✓ Introduction
✓ Microsoft Azure Key Vault Pricing
✓ How can I utilize Azure Key Vault?
✓ Put application secrets in one place
✓ Keep secrets and keys safe
✓ Watch over usage and access
✓ Administration of application secrets made easier
✓ Integrate with other Azure services
✓ Key Feature of Microsoft Azure Key Vault
✓ Boost compliance and data protection
✓ None of the labour, all the control
✓ Boost output and expand to a global level
✓ Conclusion:
One of Azure's key management options, Azure Key Vault, aids in the following issues'
Secrets Management: Tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets can be
securely stored and access to them can be tightly controlled using Azure Key Vault.
Azure Key Vault is a Key Management system that can be used. The encryption keys that are
used to encrypt your data are simple to create and manage using Azure Key Vault.
Certificate Management: For usage with Azure and your internal connected resources, Azure
Key Vault makes it simple to provision, manage, and deploy both public and private Transport
Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL) certificates.
There are two service tiers for Azure Key Vault: Standard, which encrypts with a software key,
and Premium, which also includes keys that are safeguarded by hardware security modules
(HSMs). The Standard and Premium tiers can be contrasted here.

Microsoft Azure Key Vault Pricing

For pricing details click, the below link.

How can I utilize Azure Key Vault?

Put application secrets in one place
Centralized application secret storing on Azure You have control over their dissemination with
Key Vault. Secrets being mistakenly revealed are considerably decreased with Key Vault.
Application developers no longer need to store security information in their applications when
they use Key Vault. The requirement to provide this information in the code is removed by not
having to store security data in applications. A program could need to connect to a database,
for instance. You can safely keep the connection string in Key Vault rather than in the app's
source code.
Using URIs, your apps can safely retrieve the data they require. Applications can retrieve
versions of a secret using these URIs. No sensitive data in the Key Vault must be protected by
special coding.
Keep secrets and keys safe.
Before a caller (user or programmed) can access a key vault, proper authentication and
authorization are required. The caller's identity is established by authentication, and the actions
they are permitted to take are decided by authorization.
Azure Active Directory is used for authentication. Key Vault access policies or Azure role-
based access control (Azure RBAC) can both be used for authorization. While the key vault
access policy can only be applied when seeking to access data stored in a vault, Azure RBAC
may be used to administer the vaults as well as access data contained in a vault.
The Azure Key Vault Premium tier offers physical security modules in addition to software
protection for Azure Key Vaults (HSMs). Using industry-standard methods and key lengths,
Azure secures software-protected keys, secrets, and certificates.
You can import or create keys in HSMs that never leave the HSM border if you need additional
assurance in certain circumstances. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2
Level 2-validated nCipher HSMs are used by Azure Key Vault. A key can be transferred from
your HSM to Azure Key Vault using nCipher tools.
Finally, Azure Key Vault is made to prevent Microsoft from accessing or stealing your data.
Watch over usage and access
You should keep track of how and when your keys and secrets are being accessed after you've
built a few Key Vaults. Enabling logging for your vaults will allow you to keep an eye on
activities. Azure Key Vault can be set up to:
1. To a storage account, archive.
2. To an event hub, stream.
3. Send the logs to the logs for Azure Monitor.
Your logs are under your control; you can secure them by limiting access and removing any
records you no longer require.

Administration of application secrets made easier

When storing valuable data, you must take several steps. Security information must be secured,
it must follow a life cycle, and it must be highly available. Azure Key Vault simplifies the
process of meeting these requirements by:
Removing the need for in-house knowledge of Hardware Security Modules.
Scaling up on short notice to meet your organization's usage spikes.
Replicating the contents of your Key Vault within a region and to a secondary region. Data
replication ensures high availability and takes away the need for any action from the
administrator to trigger the failover.
Providing standard Azure administration options via the portal, Azure CLI and PowerShell.
Automating certain tasks on certificates that you purchase from Public CAs, such as enrollment
and renewal.
You can also separate application secrets with Azure Key Vaults. Applications can be restricted
to only execute activities and can only access the vaults to which they have been granted access.
You can construct an Azure Key Vault for each application, limiting access to the secrets kept
within that application and its development team.
Integrate with other Azure services
Key Vault, an Azure secure storage, has been employed to streamline situations like:
1. Disk encryption using Azure
2. SQL Server and Azure SQL Database's always encrypted and transparent data
encryption feature
3. Microsoft App Service.
4. Log analytics, event hubs, and storage accounts can all be integrated with Key Vault.
Key Feature of Microsoft Azure Key Vault
Boost compliance and data protection
To protect data in the cloud, secure key management is crucial. Encrypt keys and tiny secrets
like passwords that are kept in hardware security modules using Azure Key Vault (HSMs). For
added security, import, or create keys in HSMs. Microsoft will process your keys in HSMs that
have passed the FIPS 140-2 Level 2 and Level 3 hardware and firmware validation tests.
Microsoft cannot access or see your keys if you use Key Vault. Utilize Azure logging to keep
track of and audit your key usage; send logs to Azure HDInsight or your security information
and event management (SIEM) programmed for additional analysis and threat detection.
None of the labor, all the control
You won't need to provision, set up, patch, or maintain HSMs or key management software if
you use Key Vault. With central management of keys, secrets, and policies, you may quickly
provision additional vaults and keys (or import keys from your own HSMs). Simply give
permission for your own and partner applications to utilize them as necessary to maintain
control over your keys. Keys are never directly accessible to applications. Keys used for
Dev/Test are maintained by developers, while those keys that are managed by security
operations are smoothly moved to production. Simplify and automate SSL/TLS certificate-
related activities by enrolling and renewing certificates from supported public Certificate
Authorities using Key Vault.
Boost output and expand to a global level
If you store cryptographic keys in the cloud rather than on-premises, your cloud apps will run
faster and have lower latency. Without the expense of building specialized HSMs, Key Vault
instantly grows to meet the cryptographic requirements of your cloud apps and match peak
demand. By provisioning vaults in Azure global data centers, you may achieve global
redundancy. Keep a copy in your personal HSMs for a longer-lasting backup.

Azure A cloud service called Key Vault is used to store and access secrets safely. Anything
you want to strictly regulate who has access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, or
cryptographic keys, is considered a secret. Vaults and controlled Hardware Security Module
(HSM) pools are the two types of containers that the Key Vault service supports.
Chapter 14
Microsoft Azure Key Management Service
✓ Introduction:
✓ Services for managing keys in Azure
✓ Azure Key Vault (Standard Tier)
✓ Azure Key Vault (Premium Tier)
✓ Azure Managed HSM
✓ Azure Dedicated HSM
✓ Azure Payments HSM
✓ Pricing
✓ Key Vault pricing
✓ Azure Dedicated HSM pricing
✓ Azure Payment HSM pricing
✓ Service Limits
✓ Encryption-At-Rest
✓ APIs
✓ Conclusion
Encryption keys in Azure can be controlled by the platform or the customer.
Encryption keys known as platform-managed keys (PMKs) are created, kept, and controlled
exclusively by Azure. PMKs are not used in customer interactions. For instance, PMKs are the
default type of keys used for Azure Data Encryption-at-Rest.
On the other hand, customer-managed keys (CMK) are those that one or more customers can
read, create, delete, update, and/or administer. CMKs are keys that are kept in a hardware
security module (HSM) or customer-owned key vault. A customer imports (brings) keys from
an external storage location into an Azure key management service in a scenario known as
"Bring Your Own Key" (BYOK) (see the Azure Key Vault: Bring your own key specification).
The "key encryption key" is a specific customer-managed key (KEK) type. One or more
encryption keys that are themselves encrypted are controlled by a KEK, or master encryption
Keys maintained by the customer may be kept on-site or, more frequently, in the cloud.

Services for managing keys in Azure:

Azure offers several choices, including Azure Key Vault, Azure Managed HSM, Dedicated
HSM, and Payments HSM, for storing and managing your keys in the cloud. The degree of
FIPS compliance, administrative burden, and intended applications of these options vary.
Azure Key Vault (Standard Tier):
A multi-tenant cloud key management service with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validation that may
also be used to store secrets and certificates. The keys kept in the Azure Key Vault are protected
by software and can be used for both custom apps and encryption-at-rest. Key Vault offers the
most regional deployments, Azure Service connections, and a contemporary API.
Azure Key Vault (Premium Tier):
A multi-tenant HSM with FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validation that may be used to store keys in a
secure hardware boundary. The underlying HSM is managed and run by Microsoft, and keys
kept in Azure Key Vault Premium can be utilized for both custom apps and encryption-at-rest.
Additionally, Key Vault Premium offers the most regional deployments, Azure Service
connectors, and a contemporary API.
Azure Managed HSM:
A single-tenant HSM option that is FIPS 140-2 Level 3 approved and allows users complete
control over an HSM for encryption-at-rest, Keyless SSL, and custom applications. Customers
are given access to a pool of three HSM partitions, which together serve as a single logical,
highly available HSM appliance. This pool is fronted by a service that makes crypto capability
available via the Key Vault API. Because the service runs within Azure's Confidential Compute
Infrastructure, Microsoft manages the provisioning, patching, maintenance, and hardware
failover of the HSMs, but does not have access to the keys themselves. Keyless TLS with F5
and Nginx is supported by Managed HSM, which relates to the Azure SQL, Azure Storage,
and Azure Information Protection PaaS services.
Azure Dedicated HSM:
A bare metal HSM product that is FIPS 140-2 Level 3 approved allows users to rent a general-
purpose HSM device that is housed in Microsoft data centers. The HSM device is fully owned
by the customer, who is also in charge of patching and updating the firmware as needed.
Dedicated HSM is not connected with any Azure PaaS services, and Microsoft has no access
to the device or the key material. With the use of PKCS#11, JCE/JCA, and KSP/CNG APIs,
users can communicate with the HSM. This product is best suited for traditional lift-and-shift
workloads, PKI, SSL Offloading, Keyless TLS, OpenSSL apps, Oracle TDE, and Azure SQL
TDE IaaS. Supported integrations include F5, Nginx, Apache, Palo Alto, and more.
Azure Payments HSM:
Customers can lease a payment HSM appliance in Microsoft data centers for payment
activities, such as payment processing, issuing payment credentials, securing keys and
authentication data, and protecting sensitive data using a FIPS 140-2 Level 3, PCI HSM v3
verified bare metal solution. The service complies with PCI DSS and PCI 3DS standards. For
clients to have total administrative control and exclusive access to the HSM, Azure Payment
HSM offers single-tenant HSMs. Microsoft has no access to client information once the HSM
has been assigned to a customer. Like how client data is zeroized and deleted when the HSM
is no longer needed to retain complete privacy and security.

With a monthly per-key fee for premium hardware-backed keys, the Azure Key Vault Standard
and Premium tiers are billed on a transactional basis. Managed HSM, Dedicated HSM, and
Payments HSM do not charge on a transactional basis; instead, they are always-in-use devices
that are billed at a fixed hourly cost. See the Key Vault pricing, Dedicated HSM pricing, and
Payment HSM pricing for all pricing details.
Key Vault pricing
Keys and other secrets should be kept safe and under your control.
Azure customers may protect and manage cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud
apps and services with the help of Azure Key Vault. Azure Key Vault offers two different
kinds of containers:
1. Vaults for managing and storing certificates, secrets, cryptographic keys, and account
keys for storage.
2. HSM-backed cryptographic keys can be stored and managed in a managed HSM pool.
For More Details, please click the below link
Azure Dedicated HSM pricing
Control the hardware security components you utilize in the cloud.
Key management on a hardware security module that you manage in the cloud is possible with
Azure Dedicated HSM. By employing a cloud-hosted HSM, you may comply with regulations
like FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and contribute to the security of your keys. By running applications in
your own hardware security module on Azure, you may significantly lower application latency
and boost performance.

For More Details, please click the below link
Azure Payment HSM pricing
Using a payment Hardware Security Module (HSM) service, you can make secure digital
payments in the cloud.
Paying with Azure Customers can manage cryptographic key operations for urgent real-time
payment transactions on Azure using the HSM. Customers who purchase Payment HSM
service are billed according to variables including the quantity of HSM resources, performance
speed, and timeframe. The customer will receive a monthly bill from the hourly-based billing
system. Customers can change their performance level as needed to accommodate business
For More Details, please click the below link
Service Limits
Dedicated capacity is available from Managed HSM, Dedicated HSM, and Payments HSM.
Throttling restrictions apply to Key Vault Standard and Premium, which are multi-tenant
services. See Key Vault service limits for information on service caps.

Customers can utilize their own keys in Azure Key Vault and Azure Key Managed HSM for
encryption-at-rest of data stored in these services because these services include connectors
with Azure Services and Microsoft 365 for Customer Managed Keys. Dedicated HSM and
Payments HSM does not offer interfaces with Azure Services because they are Infrastructure-
as-a-Service solutions. See Azure Data Encryption-at-Rest for a summary of encryption-at-rest
with Azure Key Vault and Managed HSM.

Payments and Dedicated HSM The PKCS#11, JCE/JCA, and KSP/CNG APIs are supported
by HSM but not by Azure Key Vault or Managed HSM. Managed HSM and Azure Key Vault
leveraging the Azure Key Vault REST API and providing SDK support.

Platform-managed keys (PMKs), a type of encryption key, are only generated, stored, and
managed by Azure. PMKs are not used in customer interactions. For Azure Data Encryption-
at-Rest, PMKs are the standard type of keys utilized.
Chapter 16
Microsoft Azure Bus Service
✓ Introduction
✓ Overview of Microsoft's Azure Bus Service
✓ Messaging
✓ Decouple applications
✓ Load balancing
✓ Topics and subscriptions
✓ Message sessions
✓ Queues
✓ Topics
✓ Namespaces
✓ Advanced features
✓ Message sessions
✓ Auto forwarding
✓ Dead-lettering
✓ Scheduled delivery
✓ Message deferral
✓ Transactions
✓ Filtering and actions
✓ Auto-delete on idle
✓ Duplicate detection
✓ Shared access signature (SAS), Role-based access control, and managed identities
✓ Geo-disaster recovery
✓ Security
✓ Compliance with standards and protocols
✓ Client libraries
✓ Integration
✓ Feature Of Azure Bus Service
✓ Simplify business messaging on the cloud
✓ Construction of scalable cloud solutions
✓ Implement complex messaging workflows
✓ Enable your existing Java Message Service (JMS 2.0) applications to talk to Service
Bus over AMQP
✓ Service Bus pricing
✓ Connect across private and public cloud environments
✓ Conclusion
Message queues and publish-subscribe topics are features of the fully managed enterprise
message broker Azure Service Bus (in a namespace). The following advantages are available
when using Service Bus to decouple applications and services from one another:
1. Distributing tasks among rival employees.
2. Exchanging data and control across service and application boundaries in a secure
3. Coordinating transactional work that requires a high degree of reliability.

Overview of Microsoft's Azure Bus Service:

Messages are used to move data between various apps and services. A message is a data-filled
container that has metadata on it. Any type of information can be used as the data, including
structured data stored in popular formats like JSON, XML, Apache Avro, and plain text.
Typical message situations include:
Transfer company information, such as journals, inventory movements, or sales or purchase
Decouple applications.
Applications and services should be more scalable and reliable. It is not necessary for both
producers and consumers to be online or available at the same time. The load is leveled such
that traffic surges don't overtax a service.
Load balancing.
Permit many concurrent consumers to safely claim exclusive ownership of individual messages
while reading from a queue.
Topics and subscriptions.
Enabling 1: n relationships between publishers and subscribers will allow subscribers to select
messages from a published message stream.
Transactions. enables you to perform many operations inside the context of a single atomic
transaction. The following operations, for instance, can be carried out inside the parameters of
a transaction.
• Messages from one queue should be obtained.
• Processing results should be posted to one or more queues.
• The input message should be moved from the original queue.
Only upon success, including the successful settlement of the input message, do the results
become apparent to downstream consumers, enabling once-only processing semantics. The
compensatory transactions pattern in the larger solution context has a solid foundation in this
transaction model.
Message sessions.
Implement high-level process coordination and multiplexed transfers that call for message
deferral or stringent message ordering.
The ideas of the Service Bus are comparable to those of other message brokers, such as Apache
ActiveMQ. One significant distinction is that because Service Bus is a platform-as-a-service
(PaaS) solution, you don't have to worry about performing the following tasks. Azure handles
those errands for you.
1. Concerned about hardware malfunctions
2. Keeping the products or operating systems patched
3. Managing disc space and adding logs
4. managing a backup
5. Switching to a backup machine

Queues are used for both sending and receiving messages. Messages are held in queues until
the receiving application is ready to accept and handle them.

On arrival, messages in queues are sorted and timestamped. If the namespace is zone-enabled,
the message is always held durably in triple-redundant storage after being accepted by the
broker. Until a client reports a message as accepted, Service Bus retains it in memory or other
volatile storage.
Pull mode message delivery only sends messages in response to requests. Contrary to some
other cloud queues' busy-polling models, the pull operation can last a long time and is only
finished when a message is ready.

Topics can be used to send and receive messages as well. For point-to-point communication, a
queue is frequently utilized, however, topics are helpful in publish/subscribe applications.
Multiple, independent subscriptions are possible for topics. These subscriptions attach to the
topic and otherwise function precisely like queues from the receiver side. Each message sent
to a subject can be copied and sent to a subscriber of that topic. Named entities are
subscriptions. Although subscriptions are designed to last indefinitely, they can be set to expire
and then be deleted automatically. You can also build volatile subscriptions with Service Bus
Premium using the Java Message Service (JMS) API, which is active only while the connection
is active.
On a subscription, rules can be set. A filter to specify the prerequisites for a message to be
copied into the subscription and an optional action to change message information are both
included in a subscription rule. See Topic filters and actions for additional details. The
following situations call for the use of this feature:
1. A subscription shouldn't be set up to receive every message published on a topic.
2. When messages go through a subscription, you want to mark them up with additional

All messaging components are contained in namespaces (queues and topics). A namespace can
contain many queues and topics; thus, namespaces frequently act as containers for applications.
A namespace can be compared to a server in the terminology of other brokers, but the concepts
aren't directly equivalent. A Service Bus namespace is your own capacity slice of a large cluster
made up of dozens of all-active virtual machines. It may optionally span three Azure
availability zones. So, you get all the availability and robustness benefits of running the
message broker at an enormous scale. And you don't need to worry about underlying
complexities. Service Bus is serverless messaging.

Advanced features
Additionally, Service Bus includes sophisticated features that let you handle trickier messaging
issues. These major characteristics are explained in the sections below:

Message sessions
Use sessions to implement a first-in, first-out (FIFO) guarantee in Service Bus. The combined
and organized handling of unlimited sequences of linked messages is made possible by
message sessions.
You can chain a queue or subscription to another queue or topic that is a part of the same
namespace using the auto-forwarding capability. When auto-forwarding is activated, Service
Bus automatically moves messages from the first subscription (source) or queue (topic) to the
second queue (topic) (destination).

Dead-letter queues (DLQs) are supported by Service Bus and are used to store messages that
cannot be processed or delivered to any receiver. After that, you can examine and remove
messages from the DLQ.

Scheduled delivery
For further processing, you can add messages to a queue or topic. To plan a job, for instance,
so that it becomes accessible for processing by a system at a specific time.

Message deferral
When a queue or subscription client receives a message that it wants to process but it can't right
now due to unique conditions in the application, the entity might postpone retrieving the
message until a later time. The message is placed aside but is still in the queue or subscription.

A transaction creates an execution scope by combining two or more operations. Within the
context of a transaction, Service Bus supports grouping operations against a single messaging
entity (queue, topic, or subscription).

Filtering and actions

Subscribers can specify which messages from a subject they want to receive. In the form of
one or more named subscription rules, these messages are described. The subscription
generates a copy of the message under each matching rule condition, which may be annotated
differently for each matching rule.

Auto-delete on idle
You can define an idle interval with auto-delete on idle, after which the queue will be
automatically erased. When there is an activity in the queue, the interval is reset. Five minutes
is the bare minimum.

Duplicate detection
Multiple detections eliminate uncertainty in these cases by allowing the sender to transmit the
same message again, and the queue or topic discards any duplicate copies if an error occurs
that leaves the client uncertain about the outcome of a send operation.

Shared access signature (SAS), Role-based access control,

and managed identities
For Azure resources, Service Bus provides security protocols like Managed identities, Role
Based Access Control, and Shared Access Signatures (SAS).
Geo-disaster recovery
Geo-disaster recovery enables data processing to carry on in another Azure region or data
center when those regions or data centers go down.

Standard HTTP/REST and Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0 protocols are
supported by Service Bus.

Compliance with standards and protocols

Advanced Messaging Queueing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0, an open ISO/IEC standard, is the main
wire protocol for Service Bus. Customers can use it to create programmed that interact with
Service Bus and locally installed brokers like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. If you desire to
construct such an abstraction, the AMQP protocol guide offers comprehensive guidance.
The Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 API for Java/Jakarta EE is completely compliant with
Service Bus Premium. Also supported by Service Bus Standard is the queue-focused subset of
JMS 1.1. JMS is a typical message broker abstraction that works with a wide range of programs
and frameworks, including the well-known Spring framework. You simply need to reconfigure
the queue and topic structure, update the client provider dependencies, and configure Azure
Service Bus to replace other brokers. See the ActiveMQ migration guide for an illustration.

Client libraries
The Azure SDK offers fully supported Service Bus client libraries.
1. .NET Azure Service Bus
2. Libraries for Azure Service Bus in Java
3. Java JMS 2.0 provider for Azure Service Bus
4. Modules for JavaScript and TypeScript in Azure Service Bus
5. Microsoft Azure Service Bus libraries
Any AMQP 1.0 compatible protocol client can use Azure Service Bus’s main protocol, AMQP
1.0. There are samples available for several open-source AMQP clients that specifically show
Service Bus compatibility. To learn how to directly use Service Bus capabilities with AMQP
1.0 clients, consult the AMQP 1.0 protocol guide.

Service Bus seamlessly connects with a variety of Azure and Microsoft services, including:
1. Event Grid
2. Logic Apps
3. Azure Functions
4. Power Platform
5. Dynamics 365
6. Azure Stream Analytics
Feature Of Azure Bus Service
Simplify business messaging on the cloud
Count on Service Bus if you require extremely dependable cloud messaging between apps and
services, even when those services aren't running. This completely managed solution, which is
accessible in all Azure regions, removes the responsibilities of server management and
licensing. Asynchronous operations, structured first-in, first-out (FIFO) messaging, and
publish/subscribe capabilities provide you more freedom when brokering messaging between
client and server.
Construction of scalable cloud solutions
Use the strength of asynchronous messaging patterns to scalable your enterprise systems with
dependability. Integrate Service Bus communications with cloud resources like Azure SQL
Database, Azure Storage, and Web Apps to get the stable operation under variable loads and
the resilience to withstand intermittent failures.
Implement complex messaging workflows
Build messaging structures with complicated routing to increase availability. Utilize Service
Bus to fan out message delivery at scale to downstream systems and deliver messages to a
variety of subscribers.
Enable your existing Java Message Service (JMS 2.0) applications to talk to Service Bus
over AMQP
Without worrying about license prices or operating expenses associated with running your
messaging broker in an on-premises or infrastructure as a service (IaaS) environment, get a
fully managed corporate messaging solution with native JMS support.

Service Bus pricing

Connect across private and public cloud environments
A messaging architecture called Azure Service Bus stands in between applications, enabling
message exchange for increased scalability and resilience.
For More Details, Please Check the Link Below.

Message queues and publish-subscribe topics are features of the fully managed enterprise
message broker Azure Service Bus (in a namespace). The following advantages are available
when using Service Bus to decouple applications and services from one another:
• Distributing tasks among rival employees.
• Exchanging data and control across service and application boundaries in a secure
• Coordinating transactional work that requires a high degree of reliability.
Messages are used to move data between various apps and services. A message is a data-filled
container that has metadata on it. Any type of information can be used as the data, including
structured data stored in popular formats like JSON, XML, Apache Avro, and plain text.
Chapter 16
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage
✓ Introduction
✓ Developed for enterprise huge data analytics
✓ Performance
✓ Management
✓ Security
✓ Important characteristics of Data Lake Storage Gen2
✓ Scalability
✓ Cost-effectiveness
✓ A single service, many ideas
✓ Blob storage-supporting features
✓ Supported integrations of Azure services
✓ Open-source platforms that are supported
✓ Utilizing Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 best practices
✓ Review feature compatibility and known problems
✓ Recognize the terminology used in the documentation
✓ Think about premium
✓ Improve data ingestion
✓ Source hardware
✓ connection to the storage account's network
✓ Set up data ingestion mechanisms for the most parallel processing
✓ Sets of structured data
✓ File formats
✓ File size
✓ Directory structure
✓ Arrangement of a batch work
✓ The structure of a batch task
✓ Data structure for time series
✓ Set up security
✓ Ingest, carry out, and assess
✓ Monitor telemetry
✓ Conclusion
Built on Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 is a suite of features for big data
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 and Azure Blob Storage's capabilities are combined in Data
Lake Storage Gen2. For instance, Data Lake Storage Gen2 offers scale, file-level security, and
file system semantics. You will also receive low-cost, tiered storage with high
availability/disaster recovery capabilities because these capabilities are built on Blob storage.

Developed for enterprise huge data analytics

Azure Storage is now the starting point for creating enterprise data lakes on Azure thanks to
Data Lake Storage Gen2. Data Lake Storage Gen2, created from the ground up to support many
petabytes of data while supporting hundreds of gigabits of throughput, enables you to easily
manage enormous volumes of data.
The expansion of Blob storage to include a hierarchical namespace is a key component of Data
Lake Storage Gen2. For effective data access, the hierarchical namespace groups object and
files into a hierarchy of folders. Slashes are frequently used in object storage names to simulate
a hierarchical directory structure. The advent of Data Lake Storage Gen2 makes this
arrangement a reality. Operations on a directory, including renaming or removing it, become
single atomic metadata operations. There is no requirement to enumerate and handle every
object that shares the directory's name prefix.
Blob storage is a foundation for Data Lake Storage Gen2, which improves administration,
security, and performance in the following ways:
As a result of not needing to replicate or change data before analysis, performance is optimized.
The hierarchical namespace on Blob storage performs directory management activities far
better than the flat namespace does, which enhances job performance.
Because you can arrange and manage files using directories and subdirectories, management
is simpler.
Because POSIX permissions can be set on folders or specific files, security is enforceable.
Additionally, Data Lake Storage Gen2 is relatively affordable because it is based on the
inexpensive Azure Blob Storage. The additional functionalities reduce the overall cost of
ownership for using Azure to execute big data analytics.
Important characteristics of Data Lake Storage Gen2
• Data Lake Storage Gen2 enables you to organize and access data in a manner that is
comparable to that of a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). All Apache Hadoop
settings support the new ABFS driver, which is used to access data. Azure HDInsight,
Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse Analytics are some examples of these
• ACLs and POSIX permissions are supported by the security model for Data Lake Gen2,
as well as additional granularity unique to Data Lake Storage Gen2. Frameworks like
Hive and Spark as well as Storage Explorer allow for the configuration of settings.
• Cost-effective: Low-cost storage space and transactions are available with Data Lake
Storage Gen2. Costs are reduced as data moves through its lifecycle thanks to features
like Azure Blob Storage lifecycle.
• Driver optimization: The ABFS driver has been tailored for big data analytics. The
endpoint exposes the corresponding REST APIs.

Whether you access via Data Lake Storage Gen2 or Blob storage interfaces, Azure Storage is
scalable by design. Many exabytes of data can be stored and served by it. The throughput for
this quantity of storage is measured in gigabits per second (Gbps), at high input/output
operation rates per second (IOPS). Latencies for processing are monitored at the service,
account, and file levels and are nearly constant per request. Whether you access via Data Lake
Storage Gen2 or Blob storage interfaces, Azure Storage is scalable by design. Many exabytes
of data can be stored and served by it. The throughput for this quantity of storage is measured
in gigabits per second (Gbps), at high input/output operation rates per second (IOPS). Latencies
for processing are monitored at the service, account, and file levels and are nearly constant per

Storage capacity and transaction costs are lower since Data Lake Storage Gen2 is built on top
of Azure Blob Storage. You don't need to relocate or change your data before you can study it,
unlike other cloud storage providers. Visit Azure Storage pricing for additional details on
The overall performance of many analytics activities is also greatly enhanced by features like
the hierarchical namespace. Because of the increase in performance, processing the same
amount of data now requires less computing power, which lowers the total cost of ownership
(TCO) for the entire analytics project.

A single service, many ideas

Since Data Lake Storage Gen2 is based on Azure Blob Storage, the same shared objects can be
described by several concepts.
The following are identical objects that are described by various concepts. Unless otherwise
stated, the following terms are directly synonymous:
Concept Top Level Lower-Level Data Container
Organization Organization
Blobs - General purpose object Container Virtual directory Blob
storage (SDK only -
doesn't provide
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 - Container Directory File
Analytics Storage

Blob storage-supporting features

Your account has access to Blob Storage capabilities like diagnostic logging, access tiers, and
Blob Storage lifecycle management policies. Most Blob Storage features are fully supported,
although some are only supported in preview mode or not at all.
See Blob Storage feature support in Azure Storage accounts for further information on how
each Blob Storage feature is supported with Data Lake Storage Gen2.

Supported integrations of Azure services

Several Azure services are supported by Data Lake Storage gen2. They can be used to perform
analytics, produce visual representations, and absorb data. See Azure services that support
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 for a list of supported Azure services.

Open-source platforms that are supported

Data Lake Storage Gen2 is supported by several open-source platforms. See Open-source
platforms that support Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 for a comprehensive list.

Utilizing Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 best practices

The Gen2 version of Azure Data Lake Storage is not a specific service or account type. It is a
collection of tools for high-throughput analytical tasks. Best practices and instructions for
exploiting these capabilities are provided in the Data Lake Storage Gen2 reference. See the
Blob storage documentation content for information on all other facets of account
administration, including setting up network security, designing for high availability, and
disaster recovery.

Review feature compatibility and known problems

When setting up your account to leverage Blob storage services, apply the approach below.
1. To find out if a feature is fully supported in your account, read the page on Azure
Storage accounts' Blob Storage feature support. In accounts with Data Lake Storage
Gen2 enabled, several features are either not supported at all or only partially supported.
As feature support continues to grow, be sure to frequently check this page for changes.
2. Check the Known issues with the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 article to check if the
functionality you want to use has any restrictions or needs any specific instructions.
3. Look through feature articles for any advice that applies specifically to accounts with
Data Lake Storage Gen2 enabled.

Recognize the terminology used in the documentation

You'll notice some minor vocabulary variations as you switch between content sets. For
instance, the term "blob" will be used instead of "file" in the content featured in the Blob storage
description. Technically, the data you upload to your storage account turn into blobs there.
Consequently, the phrase is accurate. However, if you're used to the term file, the term "blob"
could be confusing. A file system will also be referred to as a container. Think of these phrases
as interchangeable.

Think about premium

Consider adopting a premium block blob storage account if your workloads demand low
constant latency and/or a high volume of input-output operations per second (IOP). High-
performance hardware is used in this sort of account to make data accessible. Solid-state drives
(SSDs), which are designed for minimal latency, are used to store data. Compared to
conventional hard drives, SSDs offer a greater throughput. Premium performance has greater
storage costs, but reduced transaction costs. Therefore, a premium performance block blob
account may be cost-effective if your applications conduct a lot of transactions.
We strongly advise using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 together with a premium block blob
storage account if your storage account will be used for analytics. The premium tier for Azure
Data Lake Storage is the usage of premium block blob storage accounts in conjunction with a
Data Lake Storage-enabled account.

Improve data ingestion

The source hardware, source network hardware, or network connectivity to your storage
account may be a bottleneck while ingesting data from a source system.
Source hardware
Make sure to carefully choose the right hardware whether you're using virtual machines (VMs)
on Azure or on-premises equipment. Pick disc hardware with quicker spindles and think about
employing Solid State Drives (SSD). Use the quickest Network Interface Controllers (NIC)
you can find for network hardware. We advise using Azure D14 VMs because they have
adequate networking and disc hardware power.

Connection to the storage account's network

There may occasionally be a bottleneck in the network connectivity between your source data
and your storage account. When your source data is on-premises, you might want to use an
Azure ExpressRoute dedicated link. The performance is optimum when your source data if it's
in Azure, is in the same Azure region as your Data Lake Storage Gen2-enabled account.

Set up data ingestion mechanisms for the most parallel

processing possible.
Use all available throughput by running as many reads and writes in parallel as you can to get
the optimum performance.

Sets of structured data

Consider organizing your data's structure beforehand. Performance and expense can be affected
by file format, file size, and directory organization.
File formats
Different formats can be used to absorb data. Data can be presented in compressed binary
formats like tar. go or in human-readable formats like JSON, CSV, or XML. Data can also
arrive in a variety of sizes. Large files (a few terabytes) can make up data, such as information
from the export of a SQL table from your on-premises systems. The data from real-time events
from an Internet of things (IoT) solution, for example, can also come in the form of numerous
little files (a few kilobytes in size). By selecting an appropriate file format and file size, you
may maximize efficiency and cut costs.
A selection of file formats supported by Hadoop is designed specifically for storing and
analyzing structured data. Avro, Parquet, and the Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format are
a few popular formats. These are all binary file formats that can be read by machines. They are
compressed to assist you in controlling file size. They are self-describing because each file
contains an embedded schema. The method used to store data varies between different formats.
The Parquet and ORC formats store data in a columnar fashion, whereas Avro stores data in a
row-based format.
If your I/O patterns are more write-heavy or your query patterns favor fetching numerous rows
of information in their entirety, you might want to use the Avro file format. The Avro format,
for instance, works well with message buses that write a sequence of events or messages, like
Event Hubs or Kafka.
When the I/O patterns are more read-intensive or the query patterns are concentrated on a
specific subset of columns in the records, consider the Parquet and ORC file formats. Instead
of reading the full record, read transactions might be streamlined to get only certain columns.
Open-source Apache Parquet is a file format that is designed for read-intensive analytics
pipelines. You can skip over irrelevant data because of Parquet's columnar storage format.
Because your queries may specifically target which data to send from storage to the analytics
engine, they are significantly more efficient. Additionally, Parquet provides effective data
encoding and compression techniques that can reduce the cost of data storage because similar
data types (for a column) are stored together. There is native Parquet file format support in
services like Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure Data Factory.

File size
Larger files result in improved performance and lower expenses.
Analytics engines like HDInsight typically include a per-file overhead that includes activities
like listing, determining access, and carrying out different metadata operations. Data storage in
the form of several little files might have a negative impact on performance. For improved
performance, organize your data into larger files (256 MB to 100 GB in size). Files more than
100 GB in size may not be processed efficiently by some engines and programs.
Reducing transaction costs is another benefit of enlarging files. You will be charged for read
and write activities in 4-megabyte increments whether the file contains 4 megabytes or merely
a few kilobytes. See Azure Data Lake Storage pricing for more on pricing.
The raw data, which consists of numerous little files, can occasionally be under the limited
control of data pipelines. We advise that your system have a procedure to combine small files
into bigger ones for use by downstream applications. If you're processing data in real-time, you
can use a real-time streaming engine (like Spark Streaming or Azure Stream Analytics) in
conjunction with a message broker (like Event Hubs or Apache Kafka) to save your data as
larger files. As you combine small files into bigger ones, consider saving them in a read-
optimized format, like Apache Parquet, for later processing.
Directory structure
These are some typical layouts to consider when working with the Internet of Things (IoT),
batch scenarios, or when optimizing for time-series data. Every workload has various
requirements on how the data is consumed.
Chapter 17
Microsoft Azure Static Apps
✓ Introduction
✓ Characteristics of Static Apps
✓ What you can do with Static Web Apps
✓ Create serverless web applications quickly and on a global scale
✓ Global hosting
✓ API Functions
✓ Streamlined build and deployment
✓ Seamless staging environments
✓ Some Exciting Features of Azure Static Apps
✓ CI/CD and a seamless development experience
✓ Global distribution and dynamic scale
✓ Your structure and language
✓ Conclusion:
A service called Azure Static Web Apps uses a code repository to automatically develop and
deploy full-stack web apps to Azure.

Azure Static Web Apps' workflow is designed to fit a developer's typical daily routine. Based
on code modifications, apps are created and released.
Azure works directly with GitHub or Azure DevOps to monitor a branch of your choice when
you establish an Azure Static Web Apps resource. Every time you accept pull requests or push
commits to the watched branch, a build is launched automatically, and your app and API are
then deployed to Azure.
Server-side rendering is not necessary for creating static web apps when using libraries and
web frameworks like Angular, React, Svelte, Vue, or Blazer. These applications are made up
of picture assets, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These files and any necessary API endpoints
are provided from a single server using a conventional web server.
Static assets are supplied from locations that are spread out globally rather than from a standard
web server when using static web apps. Due to the physical proximity of the files to end users,
this distribution greatly speeds up file serving. A full backend server is unnecessary because
API endpoints are hosted using a serverless architecture.

Characteristics of Static Apps

• Hosting for static content on the internet, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
• Azure Functions offers integrated API support with the possibility to connect an
already-existing Azure Functions app with a normal account.
• Exceptional integration between GitHub and Azure DevOps that enables repository
changes to launch builds and deploy
• Global static content distribution that brings material closer to your users.
• Free SSL certificates that are renewed automatically.
• Custom domains to give your app branded customizations.
• When calling APIs, a seamless security reverse proxy is used that doesn't need CORS
• Integrations between authentication providers with Twitter, GitHub, and Azure Active
• Customizable authorization role definition and assignments.
• You have complete control over the content and routes you offer thanks to back-end
routing rules.
• Pull requests-powered generated staging versions allow you to preview your site
before releasing.
• Support for CLIs is provided by both the Azure Static Web Apps CLI for local
development and the Azure CLI for creating cloud resources.

What you can do with Static Web Apps

• Construct cutting-edge online applications with an Azure Functions back-end using
JavaScript frameworks and libraries like Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue, or utilize
Blazer to create Web Assembly applications.
• Use frameworks like Gatsby, Hugo, and Vue Press to publish static websites.
• Utilize frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js to deploy web apps.

Create serverless web applications quickly and on a global

Integrated serverless APIs and controlled global availability for hosting static content will
speed up the development of your apps. With a customized local development environment,
CI/CD workflows to build and deploy your app, and unified hosting and management in the
cloud, you can achieve high productivity.
Global hosting
Automated content geo-distribution will bring your material closer to your target audience.
API Functions
By integrating serverless APIs run on Azure Functions, you may enhance your app.
Streamlined build and deployment
With features like first-class GitHub integration, where repository updates drive builds and
deploys, you can swiftly get from code to the cloud.
Seamless staging environments
To preview changes before releasing, create staging copies of your app based on pull requests.

Some Exciting Features of Azure Static Apps

CI/CD and a seamless development experience
Increase productivity with a personalized developer experience that features native GitHub
workflows for CI/CD, comprehensive repository analysis, and a Visual Studio Code extension
for local development.
Global distribution and dynamic scale
Scale more quickly using a global static content distribution that is fully managed. With edge
load balancing, SSL offloading, and application acceleration, managed Azure Front Door can
be added to your static web apps to substantially lower latency and enhance throughput for
your international users. Create incredibly scalable serverless APIs in your chosen language
JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, or C# using Azure Functions.
Your structure and language
Numerous front-end frameworks are automatically built and deployed by static web apps.

The workflow for Azure Static Web Apps is created to accommodate a developer's usual
workday. Apps are made and published based on changes to the code. If you create an Azure
Static Web Apps resource, Azure works directly with GitHub or Azure DevOps to monitor a
branch of your choice. Your app and API are then automatically deployed to Azure each time
you accept pull requests or push commits to the watched branch.
Chapter 18
Microsoft Azure App Configuration Service
✓ Introduction
✓ Why should I utilize App Configuration?
✓ The advantages of app configuration are as follows
✓ App configuration is used.
✓ Configure, save, and retrieve settings and parameters.
✓ React instantly to shifting demands
✓ lessen the complexity of configuration across various environments
✓ By separating settings from code, security is improved.
✓ Conclusion
A solution to manage application settings and feature flags centrally are offered by Azure App
Configuration. Modern applications, especially those that operate in the cloud, frequently have
many dispersed components. Spreading configuration options among various components can
result in difficult-to-diagnose issues when deploying applications. Use App Configuration to
centrally store and protect all your application's settings.

Why should I utilize App Configuration?

Cloud-based apps frequently leverage various external services and run on numerous virtual
machines or containers across numerous geographic locations. A big problem is constructing a
reliable and expandable application in a distributed environment.
Developers are assisted by a variety of programming approaches in managing the growing
complexity of creating apps. For instance, several tried-and-true architectural patterns and best
practices for use with cloud applications are described in the Twelve-Factor App. Separating
setup from code is one of this guide's main recommendations. The configuration options for a
program should be kept separate from its executable and loaded from the runtime environment
or another external source.
Any program can use App Configuration, however, the types of apps that profit from its use is
the ones listed below:
1. Microservices deployed in one or more locations that use Azure Service Fabric, Azure
Kubernetes Service, or other containerized apps
2. Azure Functions and other event-driven stateless compute apps fall under the category
of serverless applications.
3. Pipeline for continuous deployment

The advantages of app configuration are as follows:

1. A completely managed service that is quick to set up
2. Key representations and mappings that are adaptable
3. labeling and tagging
4. Setting playback at a specific moment
5. Specialized UI for managing feature flags
6. Comparison of two sets of settings using parameters that you define
7. Enhanced security using IDs handled by Azure
8. Sensitive data encryption both in transit and at rest
9. Native compatibility with well-known frameworks
Azure Key Vault, which is used to store application secrets, is complemented by App
Configuration. Implementing the following scenarios is made simpler by app configuration:
1. Centralize the distribution and administration of hierarchical configuration data for
various settings and regions.
2. Change application settings dynamically without having to restart or reinstall the
3. Real-time feature availability management
App configuration is used.
The client library offered by Microsoft is the simplest approach to incorporating an App
Configuration store into your application. Depending on the language and framework you
choose, the following options are available for connecting to your application.
Programming language and How to connect QuickStart
.NET Core App Configuration .NET Core QuickStart
provider for .NET Core
ASP.NET Core App Configuration ASP.NET Core QuickStart
provider for .NET Core
.NET Framework and App Configuration builder .NET Framework
ASP.NET for .NET QuickStart
Java Spring App Configuration Java Spring QuickStart
provider for Spring Cloud
JavaScript/Node.js App Configuration client JavaScript/Node.js
for JavaScript QuickStart
Python App Configuration client Python QuickStart
for Python
Other App Configuration REST None

Configure, save, and retrieve settings and parameters.

Keep all your Azure apps' configurations in one central, hosted location. By avoiding time-
consuming redeployments, you can manage configurations effectively and reliably in real-time
without disrupting consumers. The three main goals of Azure App Configuration are
performance, scalability, and security.
React instantly to shifting demands
Toggle particular features behind feature flags and immediately address serious issues. The
adaptability you get from avoiding expensive redeployments provides you more power when
it counts.
lessen the complexity of configuration across various environments
Modern programs feature several distributed components, particularly those that run in the
cloud. When configuration parameters are dispersed among several components, application
deployment issues occur that are difficult to debug. These mistakes can be avoided by using a
single configuration store for all your settings.
By separating settings from code, security is improved.
Data separation from code will aid in-app security. Data security is aided by storing
configuration settings in a hosted environment for as long as necessary.
Azure App Configuration provides a way to manage feature flags and application settings
centrally. Modern programs usually have many scattered components, especially those that run
in the cloud. When deploying programs, dispersing configuration settings among numerous
components may cause problems that are challenging to diagnose. To centrally store and secure
all the settings for your application, use App Configuration.
Chapter 19
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric
✓ Introduction
✓ orchestration of containers
✓ Microservices with and without states
✓ Management of the application’s lifetime
✓ Any cloud, any OS
✓ Compliance
✓ Trust a tested platform for applications that are mission critical.
✓ Azure Service Fabric's Features and Advantages
✓ A quick time to market
✓ Orchestration of services and containers in the same environment
✓ Pick your architectural style
✓ Agile microservices
✓ IDE integration
✓ Run anywhere
✓ Deliver at scale with reduced latency and increased effectiveness
A distributed systems platform called Azure Service Fabric makes it simple to bundle, launch,
and manage scalable and dependable microservices and containers. The considerable
difficulties in creating and maintaining cloud-native apps are also addressed by Service Fabric.
The high emphasis placed on developing stateful services by Service Fabric is one of its
primary differentiators. You can run containerized stateful services created in any language or
code using the Service Fabric programming architecture. In addition to Azure, you may create
Service Fabric clusters anywhere, including on-premises Windows Server and Linux systems
as well as other public clouds.

Many Microsoft services are currently powered by Service Fabric, including Dynamics 365,
Skype for Business, Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Cortana, Microsoft Power BI,
Microsoft Intune, Azure Event Hubs, and Azure IoT Hub.

Orchestration of containers
With the knowledge gained from administering Microsoft services at a large scale, Service
Fabric is Microsoft's container orchestrator for deploying and managing microservices across
a cluster of servers. With hundreds or thousands of applications or containers per machine,
Service Fabric can deploy applications quickly and densely. You can combine services in
processes and services in containers in the same application using Service Fabric.

Microservices with and without states

Stateless and stateful microservices are supported by the powerful, lightweight runtime that
Service Fabric offers. The comprehensive support that Service Fabric offers for developing
stateful services, whether using the built-in programming models of Service Fabric or
containerized stateful services, is one of its primary differentiators.
Management of the application’s lifetime
The whole application lifecycle and CI/CD of cloud apps, including containers, is supported
by Service Fabric, from development to deployment, daily monitoring, management, and
maintenance, and finally decommissioning. Service Fabric may be used with any other well-
known CI/CD tool and is coupled with technologies like Azure Pipelines, Jenkins, and Octopus

Any cloud, any OS

In a variety of settings, including Azure or on-premises, using Windows Server or Linux, you
can build Service Fabric clusters. Even on other public clouds, you can build clusters. Without
the use of emulators, the Service Fabric SDK's development environment is the same as the
production environment. In other words, what you deploy to your clusters in other
environments is what runs on your local development cluster.
The Service Fabric.NET SDK is integrated with Visual Studio and PowerShell for Windows
programming. The Service Fabric Java SDK relates to Eclipse for Linux development, and
Yeoman is utilized to provide templates for Java, .NET Core, and container apps.

The Azure Service Fabric Resource Provider is accessible in all regions of Azure and complies
with all SOC, ISO, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR compliance certifications. Visit Microsoft
Compliance Offerings for a complete list.

Trust a tested platform for applications that are mission

Concentrate on developing apps and business logic, and let Azure handle challenging
distributed systems issues like scalability, administration, dependability, and latency. The
open-source project Service Fabric underpins the basic Azure infrastructure as well as other
Microsoft services like Dynamics 365, Cortana, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Data Factory, Azure
Cosmos DB, and Azure SQL Database. Azure Service Fabric, which was created to enable
highly reliable and enduring services at a cloud-scale, naturally comprehends the infrastructure
and resource requirements of applications, enabling autonomous scaling, rolling upgrades, and
self-healing from faults as they arise.
Build your microservice and container-based apps using a range of effective programming
paradigms and languages, such as.NET Core 2.0, C#, and Java. Use Azure Service Fabric
Mesh, a fully managed microservices platform that is presently in preview or deploy the
Service Fabric cluster there. You can create Service Fabric clusters on-premises or in other
clouds using the free Azure Service Fabric download for Windows Server.
Azure Service Fabric's Features and Advantages
simplify the creation and administration of microservices
A quick time to market
Instead of spending time designing and writing extra code to address issues with reliability,
scalability, maintenance, or latency in the underlying infrastructure, concentrate on developing
features that provide business value to your application.
Orchestration of services and containers in the same environment:
Bring your Docker containers and run them stably at scale with other workloads and services
on Linux or Windows. Utilize the workload orchestration, cluster resource management, and
container hosting features of Azure Service Fabric.
Pick your architectural style:
To enable the most sophisticated, low-latency, data-intensive situations, create stateless or
stateful microservices, an architectural approach where complex systems are made of small,
independently versioned services, and extend them into or across the cloud using Azure Service
Fabric. Combine and contrast the programming languages and paradigms that are most
effective for you, from guest executables and containers to microservices and actors.
Agile microservices:
By designing fine-grained microservice applications, you can enable continuous integration
and development methods and speed up the release of new features.
IDE integration:
Build, test, debug, deploy, and upgrade Service Fabric applications quickly and easily in test,
single-box, and production settings. Use a tool from your preferred IDE, such as Visual Studio,
Eclipse, or command-line assistance, to do this.
Run anywhere:
With a choice of Windows Server or Linux (Ubuntu or RHEL as the host operating system), it
is flexible to deploy the same application code on public, hosted, or private clouds utilizing the
same platform services and application programming models.

Deliver at scale with reduced latency and increased

Automate scaling operations, integrate health monitoring, give automatic recovery from
failures, and deliver quick yet safe upgrades with zero downtime. Develop low-latency, robust
services that scale by orchestrating microservices and container-based programs, gaining
insight into the health and performance of the applications, and doing so.
Provide application lifecycle management capabilities so developers don't have to re-architect
applications as usage increases and address challenging distributed systems issues like reliable
failure detection and failover, leader election, state management, service discovery, rolling
upgrades, application portability, environment abstraction, resource management and
governance, and configuration management. Develop and deliver a wide range of workloads
and applications, such as multi-tenant SaaS apps, mission-critical line-of-business applications,
workloads for IoT data processing and collection, and gaming.
Chapter 20
Microsoft Azure Event Hub
✓ Introduction
✓ Why use Event Hubs?
✓ The following sections describe key features of the Azure Event Hubs
✓ Fully managed PaaS
✓ Support for real-time and batch processing
✓ Capture event data
✓ Scalable
✓ Rich ecosystem
✓ Event Hubs for Apache Kafka
✓ Event Hubs premium and dedicated
✓ Event Hubs on Azure Stack Hub
✓ Key architecture components
✓ Why choose Event Hubs?
✓ Simple
✓ Secure
✓ Scalable
✓ Open
✓ Feature Of Microsoft Azure Event Hubs
✓ Ingest millions of events per second
✓ Enable real-time and micro-batch processing concurrently
✓ Get a managed service with an elastic scale
✓ Easily connect with the Apache Kafka ecosystem
✓ Build a serverless streaming solution
✓ Ingest events on Azure Stack Hub and realize hybrid cloud solutions
✓ Serverless streaming with Event Hubs
✓ Conclusion
Big data streaming platform and event ingestion service Azure Event Hubs. Millions of events
can be received and processed in a single second. Any real-time analytics provider or
batching/storage adaptor can transform, and store data supplied to an event hub. Event Hubs is
a simple, dependable, and scalable real-time data intake solution. Build dynamic data pipelines
that stream millions of events per second from any source to quickly address business concerns.
During emergencies, continue processing data by utilizing the geo-disaster recovery and geo-
replication functionalities.
Effortlessly integrate with other Azure services to gain insightful information. You get a
managed Kafka experience without having to maintain your own clusters when you enable
existing Apache Kafka clients and applications to communicate with Event Hubs without any
code changes. Experience both micro-batching and real-time data intake in the same stream.
Some of the instances in which you can use Event Hubs are the ones listed below:
1. Anomaly detection (fraud/outliers)
2. Application logging
3. Analytics pipelines, such as clickstreams
4. Live dashboards
5. Archiving data
6. Transaction processing
7. User telemetry processing
8. Device telemetry streaming

Why use Event Hubs?

Only when processing data is simple and timely insights can be drawn from data sources is it
considered worthwhile. To create your full big data pipeline, Event Hubs offers a distributed
stream processing platform with low latency and seamless connectivity with data and analytics
services both inside and outside of Azure.
The "front door" for an event pipeline, also known as an event investor in solution designs, is
represented by event hubs. To separate the creation of an event stream from its consumption,
an event investor is a component or service that lies between event publishers and event
consumers. By separating the interests of event producers and event consumers, Event Hubs
offers a unified streaming platform with a time retention buffer.

The following sections describe key features of the Azure

Event Hubs service:
Fully managed PaaS
You can concentrate on your business solutions since Event Hubs is a fully managed Platform-
as-a-Service (PaaS) with minimum configuration or administrative overhead. You can enjoy
PaaS Kafka with Event Hubs for Apache Kafka ecosystems without having to manage, setup,
or run your clusters.
Support for real-time and batch processing
Real-time streams ingest, buffering, archive, and process to produce insights that can be put to
use. With Event Hubs' partitioned consumer paradigm, you can regulate the processing speed
while allowing multiple applications to process the stream simultaneously. Azure Functions
and Azure Event Hubs are also integrated for a serverless architecture.

Capture event data

Capture your data in near-real time and save it in an Azure Data Lake or Blob storage for micro-
batch processing or long-term archiving. On the same stream that you use to get real-time
statistics, you can achieve this Behaviour. It takes little time to set up event data collecting. It
scales automatically with Event Hubs throughput units or processing units and has no
administrative overhead. With the aid of event hubs, you may concentrate on data processing
rather than data acquisition.

With Event Hubs, you can start with megabyte-sized data streams and scale them up to
gigabyte- or terabyte-sized ones. One of the various options available to scale the amount of
throughput units or processing units to suit your usage requirements is the Auto-inflate feature.

Rich ecosystem
based on the widely used AMQP 1.0 protocol, which is available in many languages, and has
a sizable ecosystem. You may quickly begin processing your streams from Event Hubs
using.NET, Java, Python, and JavaScript. Low-level integration is offered by all client
languages that are supported. You may create serverless architectures using the ecosystem's
seamless connectivity with Azure services like Azure Stream Analytics and Azure Functions.

Event Hubs for Apache Kafka

Additionally, Apache Kafka (1.0 and later) clients and applications can communicate with
Event Hubs using Event Hubs for Apache Kafka ecosystems. It is not necessary for you to use
a Kafka-as-a-Service solution that is not built into Azure or to build up, configure, and manage
your own Zookeeper and Kafka clusters.

Event Hubs premium and dedicated

High-end streaming demands that call for better isolation, predictable latency, and low
interference in a managed multitenant PaaS environment are catered to by Event Hubs
premium. The premium tier offers various extra features, such as dynamic partition scale-up,
extended retention, and customer-managed keys, in addition to all the benefits of the basic
offering. Visit Event Hubs Premium for additional details.
For clients with the most demanding streaming requirements, Event Hub's dedicated tier offers
single-tenant deployments. This single tenant service is only available on our dedicated pricing
tier and has a guaranteed SLA of 99.99 percent. Millions of events per second can be ingested
by an Event Hubs cluster with guaranteed capacity and sub-second latency. The dedicated
cluster's namespaces and event hubs have all the functionality of the premium version and
more. Visit Event Hubs Dedicated for additional details.
Event Hubs on Azure Stack Hub
The Azure Stack Hub's Event Hubs let you implement hybrid cloud scenarios. Both on-
premises and Azure cloud processing are supported, as are streaming and event-based
solutions. Your solution can enable the processing of events/streams at a high scale regardless
of whether your scenario is hybrid (connected) or unconnected. The only restriction on your
scenario is the size of the Event Hubs cluster, which you can provision as needed.
There is substantial feature parity between the Azure Stack Hub and Azure editions of Event
Hubs. This parity means that there are few changes in the experiences offered by SDKs,
samples, PowerShell, CLI, and portals.

Key architecture components

Event Hubs contains the following key components:
1. Event producers: Any organization that transmits information to an event hub. Event
publishers can use HTTPS, AMQP 1.0, or Apache Kafka to post events (1.0 and above)
2. Each consumer only reads a particular portion, or partition, of the message stream.
3. A perspective (state, position, or offset) of a complete event hub for the consumer
group. Each consuming application can have a unique perspective of the event stream
thanks to consumer groups. They each independently read the stream at their own rate
and using their own offsets.
4. Event Hubs' throughput capacity is governed by pre-purchased capacity units known as
throughput units (standard tier), processing units (premium tier), or capacity units
5. Any entity that reads event data from an event hub is an event receiver. Each user of
Event Hub connects using an AMQP 1.0 session. As events become available, the Event
Hubs service presents them through a session. All Kafka consumers connect using
version 1.0 or later of the Kafka protocol.
The architecture for Event Hubs' stream processing is depicted in the following figure:
Why choose Event Hubs?
Instead of managing infrastructure, concentrate on getting insights from your data. Create
real-time big data pipelines to address immediate business concerns.
Construct real-time data pipelines with a few clicks. Integrate seamlessly with Azure data
services to find insights more quickly.
Safeguard your current info. Event Hubs has earned certification from the CSA STAR, ISO,
SOC, GxP, HIPAA, HITRUST, and PCI bodies.
Pay only for what you use by dynamically adjusting throughput based on your consumption
With support for common protocols like AMQP, HTTPS, and Apache Kafka, you can ingest
data from anywhere and develop across platforms.

Feature Of Microsoft Azure Event Hubs

Ingest millions of events per second
Data is continuously ingested from millions of sources with minimal latency and
programmable time retention.
Enable real-time and micro-batch processing concurrently
Utilize Event Hubs Capture to easily transmit data to Blob storage or Data Lake storage for
long-term archival or micro-batch processing.
Get a managed service with an elastic scale
Maintain control over when and how much to scale while easily scaling from streaming
megabytes of data to terabytes.
Easily connect with the Apache Kafka ecosystem
With Azure Event Hubs for Apache Kafka, you can easily link Event Hubs with your Kafka
apps and clients.
Build a serverless streaming solution
Create a serverless streaming solution from beginning to end by natively integrating with
Stream Analytics.
Ingest events on Azure Stack Hub and realize hybrid cloud solutions
Utilize Azure services to further analyses, visualize, or store your data while implementing
hybrid cloud architectures by locally ingesting and processing data at a massive scale on your
Azure Stack Hub.
Serverless streaming with Event Hubs
With Event Hubs and Stream Analytics, create a complete serverless streaming infrastructure.

Azure Event Hubs is a big data streaming platform and event ingestion service. It can receive
and process millions of events per second. Data sent to an event hub can be transformed and
stored by using any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters. Event Hubs is a
fully managed, real-time data ingestion service that’s simple, trusted, and scalable. Stream
millions of events per second from any source to build dynamic data pipelines and immediately
respond to business challenges. Keep processing data during emergencies using the geo-
disaster recovery and geo-replication features.

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