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Data Driven Applications: Customer Insight

Elevator Pitch / Value Proposition Engage With

Companies are rethinking and reinventing their customer experience and the innovation to
achieve it, but it requires a better understanding of customers by unlocking the data they Chief Marketing Officer, VP Innovation
already have and creating a holistic view. Oracle provides the capabilities to aggregate, manage,
Business Benefits
VP Customer Experience, Chief Data Officer
experiment with, analyze, and act on customer data to drive innovation.
Key Features
and aggregation of data supports the operations enables the use of customer
The solution is a platform, from any source that consume the data. data and customer insights
• Inability to understand customer comprising Oracle products to: • The DATA LAB - where • DATA QUALITY - reconcile with other applications
interactions across multiple channels • AGGREGATE customer data data science experiments and cleanse customer • BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE -
• Inability to use customer data spread • MANAGE the combined customer and advanced analytics data from multiple visualizing and sharing
data as customer profiles are developed that sources that overlaps and information with the
across different silos conflicts.
• EXPERIMENT with the data to produce valuable insights business people that need it
• No enterprise version of a customer
profile produce new customer
• Inability to understand and predict
• ANALYZE and ACT on the insight
customer preferences and to improve the customer
propensities experience
• No clear ownership of customer data
in the enterprise Benefits
Gain new insights about your customers
Impact of Doing Nothing Anticipate your customers’ needs
89 percent of consumers began doing business with a competitor following a poor
customer experience. Failure to understand customers will limit the ability to compete.
Use the new insights to create a differentiated customer
Target Customers
• Typically B2C companies (some B2B exceptions depending on industry)
• Multiple LOBs
• Customer info is siloed in different LOBs
Updated: 16 May 2017

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