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Personal I,YOU, WE, THEY, SHE,HE, IT

Verb to be Present: IS, AM, ARE
Possessive My, your, his, her, their, our, its
Possessive Mine, yours, theirs, hers, his, ours
Reflexive Myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves
Object Me, you, him, her, them, us
Articles The, an, a
Common Caracol – Snail Paseo tranquilo – Saunter
Ambulancia – Ambulance Sirena/Alarma- Siren

Folleto – Booklet Sirena-Mermaid

Derechos – Rights Advertencia – Warning

Fuente – Source Águila – Eagle

Voltaje – Voltage Oruga – Caterpillar

Electricidad – Electricity Salto – Leap

Grito – Scream Humanidad – Mankind

Bajar en picada – Swoop Costa – Coast

Ladrón – Thief Habitante – Dweller

Ritmo – Rhythm Retrato – Portrait

Azor (ave)- Goshawk Caras – Faces

Paseo – Stroll Fotos – Pictures

Tissue: pañuelo Búsqueda – Pursuit

Cabaña – Cottage Liebre – Hare

Granero – Barn Cojera – Microwave: Microondas

Spelling: Ortografía /Deletreo
Horn: Bocina/ corneta

Phrasal Light up (English): Cut across (English): Atravesar,

Verbs Encender, Iluminar Cruzar de un lado a otro

Ask for (English): Pedir, Fill out (English): Rellenar,

Solicitar Completar

Blow away (English): Fly away (English): Volar lejos,

Deslumbrar, Sorprender Irse volando
Break down (English): Bring back (English): Traer de
Descomponerse, Fallar vuelta, Devolver

Bring forth (English): Break up (English): Romper,

Producir, Generar Terminar una relación

Burn up (English): Quemar, Come between (English):

Consumirse Interponerse, Meterse entre

Carry out (English): Llevar a Dig out (English): Desenterrar,

cabo, Realizar Sacar a la luz

Cave in (English): Look forward (English):

Derrumbarse, Colapsar Esperar con anticipación,
Emocionarse por algo
Cut off (English): Cortar,
Desconectar Lie down (English): Acostarse,
Cool down (English):
Enfriarse, Calmarse

Calm down (English):

Calmarse, Tranquilizarse

Present (third
Present Past Past participle Gerund Translation
Scream Screams Screamed Screamed Screaming Gritar
Rush Apresurarse
Change Cambiar
Decide Decidir
Clang Repicar/ sonar
Crawl Arrastrarse
Honk Tocar la bocina
Swoop Zambullirse
Happen Suceder/ Ocurrir/Pasar
Obtain Obtener
Pollute Contaminar
Boil Hervir
Advocate Abogar/apoyar
Travel Viajar
Undertake Emprender
Spell Deletrear
Speak Hablar

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