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31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Página Principal / Mis cursos / PMISep-202320 / 4. Marco teórico del Análisis Empresarial / PMI Módulo 4

Comenzado el miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024, 19:19

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Finalizado en miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024, 19:32
Tiempo 13 minutos 13 segundos
Calificación 16,33 de 20,00 (81,67%)

Pregunta 1
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three questions should the business analyst ask themselves before compiling the requirements?
(Choose 3.)

a. What information do I need to collect?

b. How will I obtain the information I need?

c. Who will implement and develop the requirements?

d. Where can I find the information on the requirements I need?

e. What commission will I earn if I get the project?

Your answer is correct.

What information to collect refers to identifying the important information and knowing what the main requirements are. In a project, there is
usually a lot of information, but only 20 percent of it is really relevant. The analyst must be able to understand the client's needs and, from there
identify the necessary and important requirements that must be specified and developed.

Where can I find the information on the requirements I need refers to where the information that indicates the requirements to be met is
available. For example, the requirement might indicate that the product must comply with a technical regulation, so it would be necessary to
look for that regulation and read it to know exactly what the requirement in question is. On other occasions, it will be necessary to identify and
communicate with the stakeholder who can give you specific information about the requirement.

How will I get the information I need refers to the fact that you may know what requirements you must meet and where to obtain the necessary
information, but perhaps, it is not easily accessible. So, you will have to think about how to obtain it. For example, if you need a normative
document, you will have to do a search on the internet, and it may even be that you have to pay for it. If the requirements must be indicated to
you by a person, you will have to think about how to communicate with them based on their availability, attitude, location, etc.

Who will implement and develop the requirements? At this stage, the requirements have not yet been specified, so it is not necessary to know
who on the team will develop them. In addition, this is the job of the project manager and his management team, not the business analyst.

What commission will I earn if I get the project is not a question that the business analyst should ask to do their job. The analyst must think about
the overall objective of the company, if the project is interesting for his company, rather than just for themselves.


Practical Guide for Business Analysts, 2015, PMI. Chapter 4.3.

Las respuestas correctas son:

What information do I need to collect?,

Where can I find the information on the requirements I need?,

How will I obtain the information I need? 1/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 2
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Once the deliverable is finalized by the project team, who is responsible for validating the finished product?

a. The project manager

b. The sponsor

c. The team

d. The client and key stakeholders

Your answer is correct.

In project management, to validate means to get the acceptance of the people who launch the project and whose needs must be met.
Once the deliverable is finalized by the project team, the customer and key stakeholders are responsible for validating the finished product. The
meeting where the finished product must be approved is often called a review or valiation meeting.

The person responsible for validating the finished product is not the project manager. The project manager is in charge of guiding the team to
carry out the necessary work to achieve the deliverable. The project manager must help the team understand the requirements that must be
met and facilitate the work as much as possible. However, the project manager is not the person who defines the valid requirements and does
not approve the product.
The person responsible for validating the finished product is not the sponsor. The sponsor is the person in the company who appoints the
project manager. The sponsor also helps the project manager find the necessary resources to develop the project, including the team.
However, the sponsor does not participate in the day-to-day running of the project and is therefore not responsible for validating the finished

The person responsible for validating the finished product is not the team itself. The team cannot validate its own work.


PMBOK Guide, sv6, PMI. Chapter 5.5

Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.5.

La respuesta correcta es:

The client and key stakeholders 2/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 3
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Who should define the launch plan for the products created during a project?

a. Project team

b. The project manager

c. The product sponsor

d. The business analyst

Your answer is correct.

The launch plan for the products created during a project must be defined by the business analyst. The product launch plan indicates how the
product will be delivered to the customer, or how it will be launched on the market. For example, if your project is to develop new project
management software, you must specify when it will be launched on the market, with what functionalities, at what price, how and when it will
be updated, etc. The business analyst collaborates with customers, potential users, and stakeholders to develop the launch plan. In the same
way, the business analyst must know the strategic objectives of the company and ensure that the launch plan is in line with those objectives.

The project manager does not define the launch plan. The project manager is responsible for carrying out and being able to deliver the plan and
is responsible for organizing and managing the work necessary to comply with the product's indicated launch date.

The sponsor manager does not define the launch plan. The sponsor can help the business analyst or can indicate certain deadlines that need to
be met, but it is the business analyst who has all the information. The sponsor appoints the project manager and provides the resources
necessary to carry out the work during the project.

The project team does not define the launch plan. The team can provide input and help in its development to make the plan viable, but defining
the plan is not the team's responsibility. The team will be responsible for getting the products ready by the indicated launch dates.

PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 9.4

La respuesta correcta es:

The business analyst 3/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 4
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which two documents are essential for a project manager to understand a project's objectives before the
project begins? (Choose 2.)

a. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

b. Benefits Management Plans

c. Schedule

d. Business Case

Your answer is correct.

In order to understand a project's objectives, a project manager must be familiar with the Benefits Management Plan and the Business Case
before the project begins.
The Benefits Management Plan is the documented explanation that defines the processes for creating, maximizing, and maintaining the
benefits provided by a project. It contains the needs to be solved, the person in charge of ensuring that the objectives are met, the quantitative
indicators that will be measured to verify that the objectives are being met, the risks that must be managed, and the premises and

The Business Case provides an economic feasibility study that is used to establish the validity of the benefits of the project. This is used as the
basis for authorization of other project management activities. It also includes, for example, the strategic objectives of the company that are to
be achieved with the completion of the project.

The project manager does not need to know the work breakdown structure (WBS) at the beginning of a project to understand its objectives. At
this very early stage of the project, you cannot know the deliverables to be carried out, and therefore the WBS cannot be created yet.
The project manager does not need to know the project schedule to understand the objectives. At the initial stage of the project, you may not
even know if the project will use an agile or predictive approach, and the deliverables are not clearly established. It is not yet possible to know
the activities that will make up the schedule.

PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapter 1.2.6

Las respuestas correctas son:

Benefits Management Plans,

Business Case 4/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 5
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three of the following are enterprise environmental factors (EEF) that the business analyst should
consider when developing the business case? (Choose 3.)

a. Stakeholders expectations

b. Risk tolerance of the organization

c. Geographical distribution of the necessary resources

d. Lessons learned from previous projects

e. Company procedures

Your answer is correct.

The three enterprise environmental factors (EEF) that the business analyst must consider when preparing the business case are:

Stakeholder expectations

Geographical distribution of the necessary resources

Risk tolerance of the organization

EEFs are everything that is intangible (not written down), but their omission or ignorance about them can lead to a project being poorly
implemented. Therefore, both the business analyst and the project manager must be aware of them.

Stakeholder expectations are an example of EEFs. The business analyst must be aware of them in order to satisfy the stakeholders with the
deliverable. The problem arises when those expectations are unclear, if they change often, or if they are poorly defined. The business analyst
should try to specify the expectations and understand them as much as possible before the start of the project. An example of this would be
when a client wants to sell products on a website, but does not know what the website should look like, or what pages it should have.
The geographical distribution of the resources necessary for the development of the project are an EEF and must be known by the business
analyst. The geographical distribution of resources influences different aspects, especially the organization of tasks and communication
between the stakeholders and the team. When teams are together in the same physical space, direct communication between team member
is favored, avoiding problems and delays in communication.

The organization's risk tolerance is an EEF and must be known to the business analyst. Risk tolerance defines how much risk the company is
willing to assume when undertaking the project. If the risk tolerance of the company is low and the risks involved with a project are higher than
the maximum allowed, the business analyst may propose not to undertake the project. Risk tolerance is measured by multiplying the likelihood
of that risk occurring by the cost it would generate if it occurred. An example of tolerance would be if the company says that risks with a
probability of negative impact
greater than $50,000 are not allowed, and there is a threat with a 70 percent probability of it happening, and a negative impact of $100,000 if
it does happen. Since the risk's likelihood x impact = $70,000, the risk is too high, and other options will have to be sought to avoid it.

The lessons learned from previous projects are not an EEF. Since they are written down, they are considered organizational process assets
(OPAs) that help the business analyst and project manager develop the work. The main difference between OPAs and EEFs is that the first are
established in writing and the second are not.

Company procedures are not an EEF. Company procedures are the standards and processes that must be followed in the company for the
development of projects.


PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 2.2

Las respuestas correctas son:

Risk tolerance of the organization,

Stakeholders expectations,
Geographical distribution of the necessary resources 5/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 6
Finalizado Puntúa 0,33 sobre 1,00

Which three stakeholders should the business analyst interact with? (Choose 3.)

a. Client

b. Project manager

c. Accountant

d. Project sponsor

e. Provider

Your answer is partially correct.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 1.

The business analyst must interact with the client, the project manager, and the sponsor.

The business analyst must interact with the client to understand their expectations and find the best solution to meet them. The relationship
between the client and the business analyst must be as fluid as possible, so their communication must be continuous and efficient.

The business analyst can ask the project manager questions about how to develop the proposal to the client or what solutions would be the
best to suggest. Once the contract with the client has been accepted and signed, the business analyst hands over the business case to the
project manager. The business analyst continues to collaborate with the project manager throughout the life of the project to ensure the
objectives are achieved

The business analyst must interact with the sponsor, especially at the beginning of the feasibility study. The sponsor is the person in the
organization who will appoint the business analyst to develop the business case. The sponsor will take the final decision on whether or not to
undertake the project. The sponsor also appoints the project manager.

The accountant does not participate in the process of preparing the business case or developing the project, so coordination between the
business analyst and the accountant is not necessary.

The business analyst does not need to interact with suppliers. Suppliers do not participate in the business case development process. They can
collaborate on specific tasks, but their work will begin when the project is launched.

PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 3.3

Las respuestas correctas son:

Project sponsor,


Project manager 6/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 7
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

When should a project business case be developed?

a. During project planning

b. At the beginning of the Project

c. At the end of the project

d. Before the start of the Project

Your answer is correct.

The business case for a project must be developed before the start of the project by the business analyst. The business case consists of two
main documents: Project Business Documents and the Benefits Management Plan.

The business case is useful because it allows the company to see if the project is interesting and worth undertaking. If the company decides to
go ahead with the project, the business case also shows the benefits that will be obtained and how they will be achieved.
The business case should not be done at the beginning of the project, during the project, or at the end of the project. If the project has a
significant risk or is not aligned with the strategic objectives of the company, it should not be started so as not to waste resources.


PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapter 1.2.6

La respuesta correcta es:

Before the start of the Project 7/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 8
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

From a business analysis point of view, which statement defines the transition plan?

a. It indicates how requirements will be be gathered, how they will be develop, and how their results will be tested

b. It indicates how time will be managed in the project, how actions will be defined, how their duration will be estimated, how the timeline
will be created, and how deadlines will be checked

c. It indicates whether the organization is ready for a transition and how the organization will change from its current state to integrate the
solution in future operations

d. It indicates how teams are organized and the rules of conduct between team members

Your answer is incorrect.

From a business analysis perspective, a transition plan is a document that indicates whether the organization is ready for a transition and also
how the organization will change from its current state to a future one in which the new solution will be integrated into the operations of this
organization. It is a document that guides the company to achieve its objectives in the mid to long term. It should be aligned with the
organization's strategic plan. The strategic plan is a document that indicates the long-term objectives for a company. For example, doubling
income or being leaders in a determined sector or market within seven years would be an objective for a strategic plan.
From a business analysis perspective, a transition plan is not a document used to indicate how teams are organized. This describes the team's
project charter, which is created during project planning in order to regulate the relationships between team members. An example of this
would be to determine whether or not there will be a daily team meeting at 8:00 AM.
From a business analysis perspective, a transition plan not does not indicate how requirements will be gathered, how they will be developed,
and how their results will be tested. This escribes the requirements management plan, which is created during the project planning stage by
the project manager and the team. In the requirements management plan, all the steps to be taken are described. The requirements
management plan is used to manage the requirements for each step, from gathering requirements to checking and validating their completion

From a business analysis perspective, a transition plan not does not indicate how time will be managed in the project, how actions will be
defined, how their duration will be estimated, how the timeline will be created, and how deadlines will be checked. This describes the timeline
management plan, which is created in the project planning stage by the project manager and the team. The objective of this document is to
help create a realistic timeline and to ensure that the established deadlines are met.

The PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.5

PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapters 6.1, 5.1, and 9.1

La respuesta correcta es:

It indicates whether the organization is ready for a transition and how the organization will change from its current state to integrate the solution
in future operations 8/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 9
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which document contains information on the stakeholders whose communication needs must be defined?

a. Lessons learned report

b. Stakeholder report

c. Risk report

d. Responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix

Your answer is correct.

The stakeholder report contains information on the stakeholders whose communication needs must be defined. The stakeholder report
documents everyone that the project manager must deal and communicate with. The report also orders the stakeholders in terms of
importance or relevance. Once you know who to communicate with, you define the method and technology that you will use with each person
For example, if a stakeholder is important because they have a lot of power and can significantly influence the project, it is better to speak with
them directly. However, if this stakeholder's power or influence is less, then you can communicate by email or letter.

Responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix does not need to include all the stakeholders that you need to communicate with.
The RACI matrix indicates which team member is responsible for each of the tasks being carried out in the project. It may also include details on
the person responsible for communication, but it will not mention the person they communicate with.

The stakeholders to be contacted do not appear in the lessons learned record. The lessons learned record collects tips and historical
information from other projects, which may or may not be useful for the current project. This report can help to identify the stakeholders and be
used to create the stakeholder report, from which the definitive list of people to be communicated with is drawn.

The risk report does not show the stakeholders to be contacted. The risk report lists the threats and opportunities that may affect the project.
The risk report is partly created from the stakeholder report, since if an important stakeholder opposes the project, this becomes a threat that
must be monitored. You must also define how you are going to communicate with this stakeholder. References

PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapter 10.1

La respuesta correcta es:

Stakeholder report 9/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 10
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three skills are the most desirable for a business analyst? (Choose 3.)

a. Physical skills

b. Knowledge of tools

c. Technical expertise

d. Communication skills

e. Leadership skills

Your answer is correct.

The three skills that are most desirable for a business analyst are the following:

Communication skills
Leadership skills
Knowledge of tools

Communication skills are used to provide, receive, or obtain information from various sources. Due to the number of relationships and
interactions that analysts must manage and the amount of information that must be exchanged, these are some of the most critical skills for
this job. Communication skills includes active listening, adapting the communication style, facilitation, verbal and non-verbal communication,
professional writing, and relationship building.

Leadership implies focusing the efforts of a group of people towards a common goal and allowing them to work as a team. Business analysts
use these skills to lead stakeholders, to resolve their differences, and to help their company make decisions about requirements and priorities.

Business analysts use various software and hardware tools to interact with different stakeholders and to do their job. This includes
communication and collaboration tools, writing tools, analysis and reporting tools, resource management tools, and modeling tools.

Physical skills, like strength, resistance, etc. are not necessary to carry out the work of a business analyst.

Being a technical expert is not a fundamental skill for a business analyst because they can surround themselves with a team that can help
assess any technical aspects.


PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 3.3

Las respuestas correctas son:

Knowledge of tools

Communication skills

Leadership skills 10/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 11
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three elements are essential in a requirements traceability matrix? (Choose 3.)

a. Requirement description

b. Requirement implementation date

c. Requirement acceptance criteria

d. Requirement owner

e. Provider

Your answer is correct.

The three elements that should be part of the requirements traceability matrix are:

Requirement owner
Requirement description
Requirement acceptance criteria

The requirements traceability matrix is a document where the project manager and the client agree on the requirements that the deliverables
must meet. It is important for the document to be signed by the client in order to ensure that they do not change their mind in the middle of the
project or, if they do, then they assume the costs of the requested changes.
The requirement owner is the member of the project team who will be responsible for the requirement being completed. The requirement
owner can assign themselves or someone else. If the requirement is not met, the team member assigned by the requirement owner must give
the appropriate explanations and analyze the causes of the error.
The requirement description is the defined specifications of the requirement: technical, functional, design characteristics, etc. They must be
clear so that the team can implement and develop them without there being any doubt.

The requirement acceptance criteria describe the tests or trials that the final product must pass to verify that the requirement is met. For
example, in a construction project, laboratory tests will be provided to ensure that the materials used are correct.

The provider does not need to be indicated. At this point in the project, the provider may not be known yet or there may be several that will be
selected later. It may also be that the requirements are carried out by the team itself.

It is not essential for the date of implementation of the requirement to be indicated. It is possible that when the traceability matrix is made, the
date is not known.


PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapter 5.2

Las respuestas correctas son:

Requirement description,

Requirement acceptance criteria,

Requirement owner 11/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 12
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Into which three categories can organizational process assets (OPAs) be grouped during business analysis?
(Choose three.)

a. Corporate knowledge databases

b. Evaluation criteria of the deliverable

c. Coporate culture

d. Processes, polices, and procedures

e. Expert knowledge of the team

Your answer is correct.

The three categories into which Organization Process Assets (OPAs) can be grouped during business analysis are:

Business analysis processes, policies, and procedures

Corporate knowledge databases
Expert knowledge of the team

An OPA is something that adds value to the project, helping to save time and facilitate work. There is usually written documentation about it so
that it can be made available to anyone in the organization who needs it. The categories describe the different types of OPAs.

Business analysis processes, policies, and procedures facilitate the path that the business analyst needs to take in their work. For example,
procedures indicate what elements the business case should have and how they should be carried out, including the feasibility study of the
project, alignment with the company's strategy, etc.

Knowledge databases collect all the lessons learned from previous projects, as well as information about all the tasks and projects previously
carried out by the organization. In the same way, this knowledge base collects all the advice and recommendations that employees have
provided over time to save time and make work and processes easier for their colleagues.

The expert knowledge of the team includes all the team's knowledge, which is a valuable asset that will facilitate the development of the

The evaluation criteria of the deliverable is not an OPA.The evaluation criteria are the requirements that the deliverables must meet. These
criteria are different and specific to each project and each deliverable.

Corporate culture is not an OPA. Corporate culture is the knowledge of unwritten rules about ways of acting and tendencies. Corporate culture
is an Enterprise Environmental Factor (EEF).


PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 2.3

Las respuestas correctas son:

Expert knowledge of the team,

Processes, polices, and procedures,

Corporate knowledge databases 12/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 13
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What needs to occur before you can close a predictive project

a. The development requirements have been approved.

b. All of the other options must have occurred.

c. The client has validated the deliverables

d. The team has finished the work

Your answer is correct.

To be able to close a predictive project, all of the described steps must have been completed, and the the project should not be closed if any of
them has not been finished or correctly carried out. The steps should be carried out in the following order:

The development requirements must have been approved before you close a predictive project. This means that the requirements that will be
met in the final deliverables have been agreed upon with the client, as well as the tests that will be carried out to prove that the deliverables
meet the requirements.

The team must have finished the work before you close a predictive project. This means that all the work done to finish the deliverables
according to the previously agreed upon requirements has been done. All the work must be finished before meeting with the client to get their

The client must have validated the deliverables before you close a predictive project. Once the work is done, the client must agree that the
deliverable aligns with what was agreed upon. Therefore, if during the validation meeting the client discovers that part of the work is unfinished,
they will not give their approval and the project cannot be closed. References

PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapters 4.3, 4.7, 5.2, and 5.5.

La respuesta correcta es:

All of the other options must have occurred. 13/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 14
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

In a project with an agile approach, at what point are the requirements that a deliverable must meet

a. At the end of the Project

b. At the start of the Project

c. At the start of each iteration

d. At the end of each iteration

Your answer is correct.

In a project with an agile approach, the requirements that deliverables must meet are approved at the beginning of each iteration. An iteration i
a work cycle that lasts between two weeks and two months, in which the team works on a product or a deliverable. Before beginning work, the
client must approve the requirements that the deliverables developed in each cycle must meet. The requirements of other deliverables that wil
be carried out later should be specified later, because they will not be worked on immediately.

At the start of each iteration may not know what is necessary to complete the project. The requirements and deliverables will be approved
progressively, at the beginning of each iteration.

In a project with an agile approach, the requirements that deliverables must meet are not approved at the end of the project. In an agile project
the obtained deliverable should be validated at the end of each iteration, checking that it complies with all the requirements agreed upon at the
beginning of the iteration.

In a project with an agile approach, the requirements that deliverables must meet are not approved at the end of each iteration. At the end of
each iteration, the obtained deliverable is approved, validating that the requirements have been completed.

Agile Practice Guide, 2017, PMI. Chapter 5.2

La respuesta correcta es:

At the start of each iteration 14/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 15
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three tools or techniques are used in the development of the product roadmap? (Choose 3.)

a. Cost-benefit analysis

b. Work breackdown structure (WBS)

c. Product vision

d. Facilitated workshops

e. Story mapping

Your answer is correct.

The three tools or techniques used in the development of the product roadmap are:

Facilitated workshops
Product vision
Story mapping

Facilitated workshops are structured meetings led by a neutral, qualified facilitator and a carefully selected group of stakeholders that
collaborate and work towards a set goal. Facilitated workshops can be used to obtain the information required to develop the product roadmap
Because facilitated workshops support interactivity, collaboration, and improved communication among participants, they are a very useful
tool for this work.

Product vision is a technique used to establish high-level direction for a product or product launch. It involves having conversations with team
members to visualize and agree on what the team envisions for the product. Typically, it results in the development of a written or visual delivery
to ensure a shared understanding of the product and its direction, for example a vision statement or product box. A vision statement is a high-
level summary description of the expectations of a product, such as the target market, the users, the main benefits, and what differentiates the
product from other products in the market. Vision statements provide enough guidance to the development team to ensure that its members
collectively share a common understanding about the product without including a fully researched list of features.
Story mapping is a technique used to sequence user stories, based on their business value and the order in which their users typically perform
them so that teams can come to a shared understanding of what will be built. Story maps help communicate the product features and
components that the product team will be responsible for delivering. The stories written during the development of the product roadmap are
generally written to a high standard.

Cost-benefit analysis is not a tool used to develop product roadmaps. A cost-benefit analysis is an economic tool used to analyze the benefits
obtained against the cost of achieving them. It can be used during business analysis to analyze the economic viability of the project.
The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a technique for breaking down project deliverables into simpler elements, down to a level of detail that
is sufficiently understandable to team members.


PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 4.5

Las respuestas correctas son:

Story mapping,
Facilitated workshops,

Product vision 15/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 16
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three areas are critical in business analysis and should be known to the business analyst? (Choose 3)

a. Accounting standards

b. Finance

c. Culture

d. People

e. Processes

Your answer is correct.

The three critical areas in business analysis that must be known by the business analyst are people, culture, and processes.

The business analyst must know what knowledge and skills the people in their company have in order to develop the projects that can be
undertaken. They must also consider whether training would be appropriate for the team to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to
complete the project successfully.

The business analyst also must understand the company culture. To carry out a good analysis of the feasibility of a project and know whether it
is in the company's interest to undertake it, the business analyst needs to understand the values and goals of the company. It is also essential to
have the support of the management team.

The business analyst must know the company's processes. Processes define a company's working methods and how business analysis is
carried out in the company. Processes that flow in an agile andProcesses uninterrupted way must be defined, involving all the necessary
stakeholders. Employing good work processes is also a way of establishing best practices that the entire organization should follow on a daily
basis. The business analyst plays a key role in defining and encouraging the implementation of these processes.
Finance is not an area that is developed to create a culture of business analysis, it is a condition or restriction that must be taken into account
when analyzing the viability of a project. The financial situation of the company may affect the viability of a project, but it should not affect how
the analysis process is carried out. For example, if you are commissioned to analyze whether to undertake a new project, you can study and
analyze it following the defined processes, with the support of management, studying if you have the adequate human resources. All this
should be done in a fluid and agile way. However, if when you do the analysis, you realize that the project is not economically viable, you should
reject its implementation. In this case, the business analysis has been done well, although the final conclusion was not to carry out the project.

Accounting standards is not an area that needs to be known to the business analyst. Accounting standards are standards for financial reporting
in a business.

PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 1.1

Las respuestas correctas son:



Processes 16/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 17
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

In which scenario is it advisable to use questionnaire and survey tools?

a. With many non-key stakeholders whose opinion maybe important

b. For team members to be able to express their opinión

c. When collecting requirements from the project sponsor

d. When collecting requirements from an important client

Your answer is incorrect.

Questionnaires and surveys are a requirements gathering tool. They are advisable to use when you want to address many non-key
stakeholders, whose opinion about the deliverables you would like to hear anyway. Because there are many of them, you cannot spend a lot of
time talking to them, so a better option would be to prepare a questionnaire with clear and direct questions. For example, if a client asks you to
build a new hotel and already has several hotels in operation, you could ask current clients what they value more and what they value less about
the current hotels. From the results of the surveys, you would obtain ideas and requirements that could be included in the design of the new
Questionnaires and surveys are not the best option for gathering requirements from important clients (key stakeholders). Here, the best option
is to use interviews or face-to-face conversations. The client is a key stakeholder, and therefore, the best communication is verbal and direct in
order to obtain effective feedback. If questionnaires and surveys are not well written and do not use clear language, they can lead to loss of
information or result in certain requirements not being specified.

Questionnaires and surveys should not be used with team members. Team members are not usually the stakeholders who must provide the
requirements. Even if this were the case, the best option would be for them to speak with each other directly. In this way, they would achieve a
greater level of fluency and agility.

Questionnaires and surveys should not be used to collect requirements from the project sponsor. The project sponsor is the person in an
organization who appoints the project manager and the business analyst. It is the project sponsor who must provide the project manager with
the necessary resources to take the project forward. He can provide financial or economic requirements, such as details on the maximum
budget for the project, but this would be indicated through a more direct and formal communication.

The PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017. Chapter 6.3.

La respuesta correcta es:

With many non-key stakeholders whose opinion maybe important 17/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 18
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three elements are part of the benefits management plan? (Choose 3)

a. Quality management plan

b. Product owner

c. Strategic alignment

d. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

e. Target Benefit

Your answer is correct.

The three elements that are part of the benefits management plan are: target benefit, strategic alignment, and the benefit owner.

The target benefit indicates the tangible or intangible value that is expected to be achieved. The criteria to be used must be measurable. An
example of a target benefit would be to retain a client by achieving a 15 percent profit or getting the client to sign a new contract before the

Strategic alignment indicates whether what is going to be achieved with the project is aligned with the objectives of the company. For example
if the company is dedicated to carrying out construction projects and the new project is Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with
a small profit margin, it would not make sense to carry out the project. However, if the new project is to construct a new building in a different
country, it may be an opportunity to expand to other regions.
The product owner is responsible for monitoring, recording, and reporting on the benefits obtained during the timeline established in the plan.
There should always be someone in charge of monitoring that the expected objectives and benefits are being achieved. This person can be the
business analyst who prepared the business case and who continues to be linked to the project until its completion, or another person who
assumes that role once the project begins.

The quality management plan is not part of the project's benefits management plan. The quality management plan is prepared when the
project starts and once the deliverables are specified. This document indicates how the quality of the project and the product obtained will be
achieved, and that it is what the stakeholders expect.

The work breakdown structure (WBS) is not part of the project's benefits management plan. At that time in the project, the complete
breakdown of the project is not known.

PMBOK Guide, v6, PMI. Chapter 1.2.6

Las respuestas correctas son:

Target Benefit,

Strategic alignment,

Product owner 18/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 19
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which three tools help a business analyst to identify problems and opportunities that may appear during a
project? (Choose 3.)

a. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

b. Interviews

c. Responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix

d. Prototypes

e. Comparative studies

Your answer is correct.

The three tools that help the business analyst to identify the problems and opportunities that may appear during a project are:

Comparative studies

Interviews are conducted with the most important stakeholders and allow you to get clearer, more direct, and quicker feedback. During the
interviews, discrepancies with stakeholders can be analyzed and resolved in a more efficient way than if done, for example, by email.

Prototypes are preliminary product tests that are used to test functionality and obtain requirements. The results of the tests are used to draw
conclusions that help to avoid possible problems in the future and to identify how to maximize a possible opportunity for improvement.

Comparative studies (benchmarking) consist of comparing the organization's processes and way of working with the results obtained from
competitors' processes and way of working. After the comparison, conclusions can be drawn about what aspects can be copied to improve
opportunities and avoid future problems. Also, from the comparison, you can learn from the mistakes that other companies make.

The responsible, accountable, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix is a tool that is used to assign roles and responsibilities to the team members,
distributing the activities so that all work is assigned to someone. It is a tool widely used in resource management.

The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool used to break down all the work and deliverables that need to be done in the project. It is very
useful when the project is in the planning phase, but during business analysis, there may not be enough information to create it correctly.


PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 4.1

Las respuestas correctas son:



Comparative studies 19/20
31/1/24, 19:32 PMI Módulo 4: revisión de intentos | Distancia

Pregunta 20
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Which of the following competencies and skills is not necessary for a business analyst?

a. Leadership skills

b. Knowledge of programming software

c. Analysis capacity

d. Communication skills

Your answer is incorrect.

The competence or skill that is not necessary for a business analyst is knowledge of programming software. If programming software is
required as part of the project, it will be carried out by an expert in the field.

Communication skills are necessary for a business analyst. The analyst will have to communicate efficiently with all stakeholders, so they must
know how to express themselves correctly and also be a good active listener to be able analyze feedback.

Leadership skills are necessary for a business analyst. Leadership involves focusing the efforts of a group of people towards a common goal and
allowing them to work as a team. Business analysts use these skills to manage stakeholder groups with different, sometimes even conflicting,
priorities to help the business make the best decisions.

The ability to analyze is a necessary skill for a business analyst because analysts must handle a lot of information during business analysis. The
analyst will have to manage and operate tools that allow them to analyze, understand, prioritize, and draw conclusions. The business analyst
must be able to tell what is more and less important to the project.


PMI Guide to Business Analysis, 2017, PMI. Chapter 3.4

La respuesta correcta es:

Knowledge of programming software

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