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Name:Dario Manobanda

The Gruffalo's Child

The Gruffalo's Child" is a charming children's story that follows the steps
of the Gruffalo's daughter in her intrepid quest to find the mysterious
mouse that her father tells her so much about. Despite her father's warnings
about the cunning mouse, the Gruffalo decides to venture into the dark
forest, where she encounters various characters, such as the snake, the owl,
and the fox, who try to dissuade her from her quest. However, the Crane
persists, and eventually encounters the mouse. Instead of scaring her, the
mouse cleverly convinces her that the Gruffalo is the most feared being in
the forest. With this new perspective, the Crane returns home convinced of
the mouse's cunning, while he remains satisfied with his ingenious plan.

A reflection that can be extracted from the story "The Gruffalo's Child" is
the importance of courage and self-confidence to face challenges and
overcome fears. Throughout the story, the Crane shows determination and
courage by venturing into the forest to find the mouse, despite warnings
and doubts from other characters. However, in the end, he discovers that
true strength does not always lie in physical intimidation, but in cunning
and intelligence.

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