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Additional Omni Notes and Recommendations

Hi Omni Family! We’ve printed quite a few Omnis now and have some additional tips and
recommendations that we strongly recommend reading before you build your Omni!

1. Start with a small Omni! We recommend making one of the smaller square or
rectangular sizes to begin with!
2. Do not overtighten fasteners! Overtightening fasteners can cause prints to warp and can
affect the shape of your Omni.
3. When gluing in the magnets inside the front cover, make sure to cover the acrylic so that
you don't get glue on the acrylic!!
4. Use the custom Omni tool provided to hold the nuts in place, it makes the assembly
process much faster.
5. Use ¼ inch acrylic shelves! They work really well. The 3D printed shelves also work well
for small and medium sized Omnis. ⅛ inch acrylic is generally too thin and the shelves
will bend.
6. Add glue for extra strength. Once you have a FULL section of the Omni built, adding
some super glue between pieces helps keep the omni strong and makes up for any
alignment issues from print errors. Do not glue until you have a full section built though!
It is important to keep the sections of your Omni perfectly square.
7. Use a drill if you have one handy (just be extra cautious of not overtightening!)

Large Omnis

For those interested in printing large/custom size omnis, please review the following!

1. We highly recommend using glue (or silicone) in addition to fasteners. Please only apply
adhesives after a full section of the Omni is build to ensure it is perfectly square.
2. Print quality is really important - if you have poor quality prints it can cause a crooked
3. When you install the large acrylic window, we recommend connecting the front cover to
the acrylic via super glue or silicone to keep pieces squared and secure.
4. Infill should be minimum 15% - 20%
Recommended Print Settings!

Please note - these are just recommendations and are not required. Most stock
profiles and settings will work absolutely fine.

1. Use a 0.6 nozzle if you have one, if you plan on printing a few Omnis a 0.6 nozzle
is worth getting as it will reduce print times quite a bit.
2. Layer Height - We recommend 0.28 - 0.32 for a 0.4 nozzle. If you are using a 0.6
nozzle you can do 0.4 layer height.
3. Infill - 15%-18% minimum. 20%-30% for the 3D printed shelves.
4. Print Speed - 70mm/s, you can push it to 90 depending on your printer.
5. Infill Pattern - We like Cubic
6. Supports - There is another document on supports. Please see that one.

We will add notes to here as they come up!

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