Online Midterm Test (January 2022 Trimester)

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3/16/22, 8:00 PM Online Midterm Test (January 2022 Trimester)

4. Programme (e.g. BA, BF, DT, EE, IA, etc.) *


5. Lecture Class Number (e.g. L1, L2, L3 or L4) *


6. A victorious army engage in a battle first and wait for opportunities to gain
(1 Point)



7. The sales revenue of Nokia smartphones dropped gradually year by year, then
it was acquired by the Microsoft in year 2014. The following statement reflects
the situation of Nokia since year 2010:
(1 Point)

Nokia had done nothing wrong.

There were many new players entered into the smartphone industry.

Nokia were not aware of the change of consumer needs and taste.

Nokia was behind competitors in technology development.

8. The superiority of offensive war strategies were stated by Sun Zi in the

following priorities:

i. Attack the plans and strategies of the enemy.

ii. Attack wall cities
iii. Attack his army
iv. Attack his relationships and alliances with other nations
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i, iii, iv, ii

iv, i, iii, ii

i, ii, iii, iv

i, iv, iii, ii

9. Choose the statement(s) that reflect the impact of Sun Zi’s Art of War towards
other countries.

i. First translation of Sun Zi’s Art of War into Western Language was published
by Father Amiot (French Jesuit Missionary) in 18th Century.
ii. The first annotated English Language translation of Sun Zi’s Art of War was
completed by Lionel Giles in 1910.
iii. Sun Zi’s Art of War was adopted as a textbook in many universities in various
(1 Point)

i. & ii.

i. ii. & iii.

iii. only

i. only.

10. “Those who arrive first at the battleground will have sufficient time to rest and
prepare against the enemy…..”. According to the above statement, the
following are the benefits for being ‘arrive first’, except:
(1 Point)

establish their product as the industry standard.

easier for followers to gain suppliers acceptance.

dominate the market.

broaden their product lines.… 3/18
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11. The collaboration with BMW epitomizes LV’s shared values and creativity,
technological innovation and style. This collaboration is best represented by
the following statement:
(1 Point)

Technology has allowed for collaboration beyond geographical borders, it also reduced
the barriers to entering markets around the world.

If you can’t attract your enemies to come and cooperate or fight with you, means that
you are no value to them or in simple words, you are nothing to them.

In battle, use the Direct Force to engage the enemy, and the Indirect Force to win.

Smaller organizations and businesses benefit when individual team members cooperate
with each other, setting and reaching unit and individual goals.

12. The following are the business strategies related to “movement and
deployment of troops”, except:
(1 Point)

To know the intention of the competitors.

Must obtain the detail information of the competitors and design the plan/ strategies

Firm should compete in the same market with many of its own products and brands.

Observe closely to the current situation/ environment and act according to the

13. A capable general must possess important qualities or attributes. These

attributes are wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage and discipline. In
business, if a CEO is quick and decisive but not reckless, and knows how to
capitalize on various business opportunities, the CEO has the quality or
attribute of ___________.
(1 Point)



Benevolence… 4/18
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14. “A nation which involved in a military campaign may be poor because it tries to
transport all its provisions over long distances.” This statement reminds
business firms on the following:
(1 Point)

If top management made a wrong decision when entering the market, the products or
services will not get good response from the consumers

Taobao won because Ebay did not have the local insight needed to create features,
which made the service easier and safer for the Chinese users

Companies need to cut down non-value-added activities.

Companies need to understand customers’ opinion/ perceive value on the product.

15. Sun Zi used the changing times of the day, the varying seasons of the year and
the five primary colours to illustrate________.
(1 Point)

that everything has only five basic types.

the environment and things during Spring and Autumn Period.

the strategies used in deception.

the incredible permutations and combinations possible in creating winning strategies.

16. A general has to obey all military orders from his ruler during a war.
(1 Point)



17. Sun Zi said, "By observing how ____________ is done, I can predict the victory
and defeat of an army."
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18. The person who gains victories by ________________________ of the enemy can be
considered a legend in warfare.
(1 Point)

conquering the wall cities

adapting to the changing conditions

fighting the soldiers

capturing the food and grains

19. Successful companies frequently under influence of a great leader. Which one
of the following statements reflects the contribution of a great leader?
(1 Point)

Conquering the enemy and becoming stronger in the process.

The person adept in warfare seeks to control and manipulate his enemy instead of being
controlled and manipulated.

When punishments are carried out excessively, the general is in great distress.

The general who is knowledgeable in military matters is the controller of the fate of the
people and the guardian of peace for the nation.

20. In business, the CEO faces a set of climatic conditions. To be successful, a firm
has to take into account the various changes in the business and economic
environment just outlined and adapt its strategies accordingly. This is referring
to __________.
(1 Point)

Weather… 6/18
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Generalship of commander

Moral influence

21. “A victorious army ensures that it will win before going into battle.” This
strategy is well implemented by the following company in recent years:
(1 Point)




General Motors

22. “The person adept in warfare seeks to control and manipulate his enemy
instead of being controlled and manipulated”. What are the items of enemy
that our side can control and manipulate?
(1 Point)





23. Introducing a superior product into the market earlier than other competitors
would upset any attempts on the competitors' part to erode the company’s
existing market share. This is applying the concept of ___________________.
(1 Point)

Attack the enemy's army.

Attack his relationships and alliances with other nations

Attack the plans and strategies of the enemy.… 7/18
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Attack wall cities.

24. "Lowering the buyer’s cost of using the product." is a benefit of differentiation
(1 Point)



25. Microsoft Corporation is the leading company in personal computer software.

Choose one of the most relevant "way to victory" of Microsoft Corporation.
(1 Point)

Know how to deploy large and small forces.

Know when to engage in battle.

Capable leader.

Proactive and well prepared.

26. Identify the correct principles for deployment troops:

i. When outnumbering the enemy five to one, surround him.
ii. When outnumbering the enemy two to one, divide him.
iii. When in comparable in numbers to those of the enemy, it is possible to
engage him.
iv. When greatly inferior in numbers to those of the enemy, be capable of
avoiding him.
(1 Point)

i, ii and iv

i, ii and iii

ii, iii and iv

i, iii and iv… 8/18
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27. According to Sun Zi, a great military strategist is distinguished by several

hallmarks, except:
(1 Point)

occupy key ground earlier than the enemies

very careful, does not make mistake

Identify enemies who are easily conquered

adopts measures and strategies that ensure victory

28. The following are the advantages of rewards and recognition offer by firms
towards employees, except:
(1 Point)

Enhance loyalty and satisfaction from customers.

Resignation of talented employees reduces.

Increased individual productivity of customers.

Greater employee satisfaction and enjoyment of work.

29. “The person adept at warfare wins without being known for his wisdom and
reputation nor for his courage and merit.” According to your opinion, what is
the winning factor during a warfare?
(1 Point)

Your country can provide a good reason when your troop want to declare a war and
attack your enemy.

Attack the walled city when forces and resources are abundant.

Defend when forces and resources are abundant.

The general can adopt measures, policies and strategies that are certain to lead to
victory.… 9/18
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30. Those who are not able to win must ___________. Those who able to win must
(1 Point)

surrender. attack.

attack. celebrate.

defend. attack.

defend. celebrate.

31. The most supreme strategy is to __________________________ .

(1 Point)

attack the army of the enemy.

attack the enemy’s relationships and alliances with other nations.

attack the plans and strategies of the enemy.

attack the walled cities.

32. The war strategy applied by Wu State during Bo Ju Battle between Wu State
and Chu State (506 BC) are reflected in the following statement:
(1 Point)

There are some armies and troops that must not be assaulted.

In war, it is better to go for swift victories rather than engage in prolonged military

For a commanding view and to ensure better chances of survival (against the enemy),
occupy the high grounds.

Worst strategy of all is to attack the walled cities.

33. Sun Zi’s Art of War consists of 13 chapters and around _________ words.
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34. One who attempts to mobilize a complete and fully equipped army so as to go
after advantages and gains will be _______ in seizing them.
(1 Point)


the first



35. ____________ was the first foreigner in adopting Sun Zi’s Art of War principles in
business and management of firms.
(1 Point)

The Russian

The American

The Japanese

The French people

36. The cost of the campaign will play an important role in determining whether
the military campaign should carry on. Sun Zi was very conscious of the
economic strains that an army can impose on the warring states and its effect
to the people. This is best describe in:
(1 Point)

When military weapons are blunt, the morale of the troops is low, the army very
exhausted and supplies of the state are depleted, the neighbouring warlords will
capitalize on such misfortunes and vulnerabilities by launching attacks (against you).… 11/18
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As a general rule, for a military campaign, one would need 1000 speedy-horse chariots,
1000 heavy wagons and 10,000 fully equipped and combat-ready soldiers.

Where the army is located, the prices (of food and supplies) in that area will rise. When
prices are high, the wealth of the ordinary people will be eroded and harsher tolls and
taxes will be imposed on the people.

There is a need to provide for expenses incurred at home and at the battlefront; for the
entertaining of guests, visitors, advisors and emissaries; for procuring of materials and
supplies such as glue and paint; and for maintain the armament, chariots and troops.

37. In military command, if the general cannot master _______________, he will not be
able to deploy his troops to maximum advantage despite understanding the
five strategic considerations.
(1 Point)

the art of variations and adaptability

the Red Ocean and Blue Ocean

weapons and martial arts

the strengths and weaknesses

38. Complete the following sentence by filling in with the words as stated in the
Sun Zi Art of War.
Thus, the person adept at warfare is able to use indirect approaches, strategies
and troops in such infinite ways like the ever-changing forces and elements of
nature and the ……..........................
(1 Point)

ceaseless flowing water of rivers and streams.

overflowing of a lake.

ceaseless riding horses day and night.

overflowing of a river.

39. To fight a hundred battles and to win a hundred victories is a reflection of the
most supreme strategy.
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40. If your troops are eager to attack an invading army, engage the enemies
___________________ .
(1 Point)

at the point where they plan to cross a river

in the midst of the river

after the whole army force has crossed the river

after half of its army force has crossed the river

41. When enemy soldiers who are assigned to collect water start to drink first, the
authority of the general is not respected.
(1 Point)



42. All marketers need time to systematically gather and analyze information,
project a vision for their company or product line and then set sound objectives
and strategies, they must also move as quickly as the circumstances may allow.
All marketers are encourage to apply the following concept:
(1 Point)

Speed is the essence of war

Attributes of a good general

Principles of detailed planning

Know the other side, then know yourself… 13/18
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43. Sun Zi said, "Know yourself, know the other side; hundred battles, hundred
(1 Point)



44. The following information about Sun Wu is correct, except:

(1 Point)

Sun Wu was born in Qin State during Spring and Autumn Period.

Sun Zi’s Art of War consists of 13 chapters.

Sun Wu was appointed as the chief general of Wu state.

Sun Zi’s Art of War was written by Sun Wu about 2500 years ago.

45. _________________ refers to organisational structure, culture, rules and policies.

(1 Point)


Moral Influence

Generalship of Commander

Doctrine & Laws

46. Strength indicates your:

(1 Point)

ability, capability, skills, weapons

soldiers, ability, capability, skills.

ability, capability, skills, resources

alliances, ability, capability, skills… 14/18
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47. To direct and control a large force is similar to directing and controlling a small
force. It is a matter of ___________________ .
(1 Point)





48. Dunkin's Donuts produces mini donuts by applying ______________

differentiation strategy.
(1 Point)





49. The following statements about Blue Ocean Strategy are correct, except:
(1 Point)

It requires a shift of attention from supply to demand, from a focus on competing to a

focus on value innovation.

South-West Airlines provide experience that more than a flight by offering high
flexibilities to passengers.

Don’t Use the strategies that other firms have already been accustomed to or predicted

In Blue Oceans, competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are standardised… 15/18
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50. Apple is one of Samsung's biggest customers for processors and memory
chips. Which of the following statement best describe this business
(1 Point)

Samsung depends on business from Apple to sustain and growth.

Apple is an important ally of Samsung as it enhances the business growth of Samsung.

Samsung limits Apple's ability by constricting Apple's negotiating power and ability to
use different technologies.

Apple trusts Samsung’s will not compete with him in any market or product lines.

51. “The expenses incurred will amount to 1,000 pieces of gold daily”. This proves
that Sun Zi was
(1 Point)

a big spender

planning for high value rewards

a miser

cost cautious

52. "Those who do not use local guides will not be able to gain the advantages of
the terrain". The following companies use "local guides" substantially for doing
business in the host country, except:
(1 Point)


Southwest Airlines


Knorr… 16/18
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53. Sun Zi proposed a five-stage evaluation process to determine the chances for
victory. Chose the process with the correct sequence.
(1 Point)

Characteristic of the terrain > degree of difficulty > scope of operation > calculations of
own forces > comparison of forces from both sides > chances for victory be established

Characteristic of the terrain > calculations of own forces > comparison of forces from
both sides > degree of difficulty > scope of operation > chances for victory be

Characteristic of the terrain > scope of operation > degree of difficulty > calculations of
own forces > comparison of forces from both side > chances for victory be established.

Characteristic of the terrain > degree of difficulty > calculations of own forces > scope
of operation > comparison of forces from both side > chances for victory be established

54. "He has an ego way above his head. He is the type who wants to win at all
costs, but know little of the consequences."

Which of the following best describe the characteristic of the general in the
above description?
(1 Point)


Overly compassionate to the people

Sensitive to honour


55. According to Sun Wu, his name "Wu" reflects his strategy to stop the use of
weapons and avoid war.
(1 Point)


False… 17/18
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