Uddd1244 September2016

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UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 SEPTEMBER EXAMINATION UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY WEDNESDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 ‘TIME : 2.00 PM ~ 4.00 PM (2 HOURS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Instruction to Candidates : Answer ALL questions in Section A, Answer ANY ONE question in Seetion B If more than ONE question from Section B is answered, then only the first question attempted in Section B will be marked. All questions carry equal marks. Marks allocated for each part of the questions are indicated in brackets. This question paper consists of 5 questions on 9 printed pages. UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTI SECTION A Answer ALL question a. @ (b) ©) this section, Identify the type of sampling used when a sample of the 1500 survey responses is obtained as described below, @ A complete list of all 241,472,385 adults in the United States is compiled and every 150000" name is selected until the sample size of 1500 is reached. (1 mark) (i) A complete list of all 241,472,385 adults in the United States is compiled and 1500 adults are randomly selected from that list. (1 mark) (ii) The United States is partitioned into regions with 100 adults in each region, Then 13 of those regions are randomly selected and all 100 people in each of those regions are surveyed. (1 mark) (iv) The United States is partitioned into 150 regions with approximately the same number of adults in each region. Then 10 people are randomly selected from each of the 150 regions. (1 mark) (v) A survey is mailed to 10,000 randomly selected adults and the 1500 responses are used. (1 mark) The following data give the time (in minutes) that each of 20 students waited in line at their bookstore to pay for their textbooks in the beginning of Spring 2015 semester. 15 Se 235 21 4 17 31 22 31 6 5 6 14 17 16 25 27 Jeo) 8 (@ Construct a stem-and-leaf display for these data, Arrange the leaves for each stem in increasing order. (4 marks) (i) Compute the sample mean, sample standard deviation and sample median for these data. (4 marks) Data from the cancer-tumor registries suggest that of all people with the type of lung cancer where surgery is the recommended therapy, 40% survive for 3 years from the time of diagnosis and 33% survive for 5 years, Suppose that a group of patients who would have received standard surgery are assigned to a new type of surgery. Of 100 such patients, $5 survive for 3 years and 45 survive for 5 years. Can we say that the new form of surgery is better in any sense than the standard form of surgery? (12 marks) [Total : 25 marks] This question paper consists of 5 questions on 9 printed pages. UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPID) @. @) () © [OLOGY A gambler has given you two jars and 20 marbles. Of these 20 marbles, 10 are red and 10 are green. You must put all 20 marbles in these two jars in such a way that each jar must have at least one marble in it, Then a friend of yours, who is blindfolded, will select one of the two jars at random and then will randomly select a marble from this jar. If the selected marble is red, you and your friend win RM100. i) If you put 5 red marbles and 5 green marbles in each jar, what is the Pl ij probability that your friend selects a red marble? @ marks) Gi) How should these 20 marbles be distributed among the two jars in order to give your friend the highest possible probability of selecting a red marble? (4 marks) Bowl I contains six red chips and four blue chips. Five of these 10 chips are selected at random and without replacement and put in bowl II, which was originally empty. One chip is then drawn at random from bow II, Given that this chip is blue, find the probability that two red chips and three blue chips are transferred from bow! I to bowl I. (6 marks) It is often mentioned anecdotally that very young children have a higher metabolism that gives them more energy than older children and adults. You decide to test this hypothesis by measuring the pulse rates on a selected group of children. The children are randomly chosen from a community census so that two male children are selected from each 2-year age group starting with age 0 and ending with age 21 (Le., 0-1/2-3/4-5/.../20-21). You are given the following basic statistics: 2 n=22 Dy, =1725 vy Py Et 345 x,y, = 16748 40933 (Suppose we hypothesize that there is a linear regression model relating pulse rate (») and age (x). What are the assumptions for such a model? (3 marks) (i) Fit the parameters for the model in Q2(c)(j). (4 marks) (iii) Test the model fitted in Problem Q2(c)ii) for statistical significance. (4 marks) Gv) What is the predicted pulse for an average 12 year-old child? (1 mark) {Total : 25 marks} This question paper consists of 5 questions on 9 printed pages. DDD 1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY Q3 fa) (b) ©. When she was 9 years of age, Emily Rosa did a science fair experiment in which she tested professional touch therapists to see if they could sense her energy field. She flipped a coin to select either her right hand or her left hand. Then she asked the therapists to identify the selected hand by placing theit hand just under Emily's hand without seeing it and without touching it Among 280 tries, the touch therapists were correct 123 times (based on data in “A Close Look at Therapeutic Touch,” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 279, No. 13). (@ Given that Emily used a coin toss to select either her right hand or her left hand, what proportion of correct responses would be expected if the touch therapists made random guesses? (1 mark) (ii) Using Emily's sample results, what is the best point estimate of the therapist's success rate? (1 mark) (ii) Using Emily's sample results, construct a 99% confidence interval estimate of the proportion of correct responses made by touch therapists. G marks) Gv) What do the results suggest about the ability of touch therapists to select the correct hand by sensing an energy field? (2 marks) Suppose you want to calculate P(a<¥<6), where a and b are two numbers and x has a distribution with mean jz and standard deviation o. If a

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