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UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/ 2022 MAY 2021 TRIMESTER FINAL ASSESSMENT UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY SATURDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER 2021 TIME:9.00 AM- 12.00 PM (3.0 HOURS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Instructions to Candidates: REMINDER: You are reminded to read and adhere to the Final Assessment Instructions to ‘Candidates that has been made available through the UTAR Portal before the commencement of Final Assessment (FA). The detailed instructions for this FA are as follows: General 1. This Final Assessment (FA) is an Individual, time restricted assessment which consists of FOUR (4) questions. Each question carries 25 marks. 2. Youare required to answer ALL Four (4) questions, and submit the ANSWER SCRIPT by 12.00 PM, 18TH SEPTEMBER, 2021. 3. During the period of [ 3 hours] of this FA, the examiner(s) can be reached at (a). Microsoft Teams with Code: 4qtogel or (b)-Email: [looisy;] ‘You may use the above e-platform(s) to check with the examiner(s) if you need any clarification on this FA question paper. 4. You may referto any books, lecture notes, published materials, online resources, etc. when answering the questions, Proper referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism. The preferred referencing style is Harvard. However, Copy-and-paste, Consultation, Discussion, and Sharing of Answers are STRICTLY PROHIBITED during the FA Answer Script File 5. The answer script MUST be a Microsoft Words File [compulsory for questions that require short essays to enable Turnitin Plagiarism Check] or opt for PDF and IMAGE file [for handwritten solutions], in Ad Size format. Note: Please keep the file size NOT exceeding 30MB per file. 6. Please check your Index Number generated by the Division of Examinations, Awards, and Scholarships (DEAS). You MUST name your answer script file using the following file name for submission: [Course Code]_FA_[Programme Abbreviation] _[Your Index Number] This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 7 printed pages. 2 UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY For example, if you are from the degree programme is BM , and your Index Number is A99999BMISF then your answer script should be named as: UDDD1244_FA_BM_A99999BMISF.doc Auswer Script File Submission 7. Your answer seript file has to be submitted to the following platform(s) before the due time/date, @ ‘Attach your answer script at WBLE, ‘You can edit your submission before the form is closed. 0) Send you answer script to the course code email Note: For Subject / Title of your email, use the file name of your answer script, ie., uppp1244 _FA_[Programme Abbreviation] [Your Index Number] 8. Please make sure you submit the correct, complete and final version of your answer script and the same copy of answer script file is to be submitted to the above platform(s). When multiple answer script files are received, the examiner will randomly choose one for ‘marking. Contents of Answer Script 9. The first page of your submission is the Final Assessment Cover Page. You MUST use the template given and fill in the following information © Your Programme (Abbreviation) © Your Index Number © Your Name © Your Student ID 10. The second page of your submission is the Final Assessment Declaration Statement. You MUST use the template given, and digitally sign on the form to indicate the authenticity of your submitted work is without plagiarism. 11, Each question should be answered starting on a new page. It is recommended that the answer to each question is limited to 2 pages. 12. For answer scripts that have text-based answers only, all texts MUST be typed and recommended using Times New Roman characters with font size 12, with proper spacing and alignment, except for the drawing and equations/ calculations. 13. For answer scripts that require / contain drawing, equations and calculations with short text descriptions, you can hand-write your answers on a blank paper, and then use the scanner apps in your smartphone (Scanner Document, CamScanner, Adobe Scanner etc.) to take scanned copy or you can type if necessary and include the scanned copy taken in the Words document, as a part of your submitted answer, This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 8 printed pages. 3 UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY 14. Please include a page number on each and every page of your answer script, Ensure that each page of answer scripts is in sequence prior to online submission. WARNING OF PLAGIARISM 15. Answer scripts shall be uploaded to Turnitin to check for the originality of submitted answers. In the case of suspected plagiarism, the evidence will be submitted to the Examination Disciplinary Committee of the University. Disciplinary action shall be taken against any candidate who is found to have plagiarised in the answer submitted. Hence, candidates are reminded to abide by all University Rules and Regulations and any instructions/guidelines relating to examinations/assessments. This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 8 printed pages. 4 UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY Answer ALL questions by showing clear steps. Ql. (@ A grocery retailer is interested in the total money spent, on average, by their customers for each visit in their grocery store. Their data analysts draw a sample of 1,000 transactional records from their store system. The transactional records are shown as follows: ‘No | Order | Customer | Customer | Number of | Total money 1D Age | Gender | Items brought | spent (in RM) 1 | 1035892 [34 Male 4 [23.70 2 1035895 | _56 Female 5 | 63.20. a z _a . | 1000 | 1038361 | 21 Male 6 70.50 | (Identify the population, sample, parameter and statistic in this context. (4 marks) (ii) Identify and group the variables in the following table. (S marks) Qualitative Nominal Variable Ordinal Quantitative | Discrete Variable Continuous ii) ‘The data analyst would like to study the total money spent by age group, Suggest an approximate chart and briefly explain the chart preparation procedure to serve the above-mentioned purpose. (6 marks) (iv) Steven suggests drawing a histogram to show the total money spent by age group. Explain whether you agree with his suggestion. (3 marks) (6) The boxplots shown the age of Academy Award winners for best acting from year 1929 to year 2020. Actors | Actress | | | (Interpret the boxplots. (S marks) This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 8 printed pages. 5 UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY Ql. (b) (Continued) @. (@) ©) (ii) Describe the distribution of the age of best actress. (2 marks) [Total: 25 marks] An assistant manager of a company wanted to study her employees smoking behaviour. The two-way table is shown as follow: ‘Smoking Non-smoking | Male 350 250 Female 50 350 (i) Find the probability of a randomly selected employee is a smoker. (2 marks) (ii) Jacquelyn is a female employee. How likely is she not a smoker? (marks) (ii) ‘The assistant manager commented that gender and smoking behaviour are independent. Prove whether this statement is correct. (5 marks) (iv) The assistant manager randomly selected ten employees to attend a workshop. From the ten selected employees, find the probability that the number of selected smokers is X. (4 marks) Notes: X is the last digit of your exam index number. For example, for a student with the exam index number U12345, X is equal to 5. (v) A manager commented that the solving procedure of part(a)(iv) can be applied to another company with 20 employees. Explain whether you agree with his statement. G marks) ‘The score of the professional qualifying examination is normally distributed with a mean of 62 and a standard deviation of 12.5 (® Find the probability that a candidate will pass if the passing mark is 70. (2 marks) (ii) Find the probability that a candidate score is falling between 50 and 60, (3 marks) iii) Calculate the passing score if the professional body would like to propose that 30% of the total candidates should pass this examination, G marks) [Total: 25 marks] This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 8 printed pages. 6 UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY Q@. uw. (a) (b) © @ A survey was conducted to study the mean time working adults spend on social media daily. The participants for the study were 35 years and above and were employed full time in government or corporate sector. The findings are as follows: [Women [Men Mean (minutes) [4s 8 Standard deviation (minutes) 5 6 Sample size, n 3 40 * Replace with the last number in your student ID. For example, if the last number is 5, the sample size is 35. (Estimate the 95% confidence interval of difference in time spent on social media by men and women. (4 marks) (ii) State whether the difference in statistically significant by referring to the value estimated in part (i). (2 marks) (ii) Test whether the time spent by the two groups differ at 1% significance level (5 marks) (iv) Compare the results obtained in part (ii) and (iii) on the differences in time spent on social media by men and women. Explain the reason for the similarity of difference among the findings. (2 marks) Compare the ease-control and cohort study designs. Your comparison should contain information on the design, outcome measures and situations under which the design is suitable to be employed. (8 marks) Explain the impact of iee-berg phenomena on the management of COVID 19 pandemic by the health authorities in Malaysia. (4 marks) [Total : 25 marks] Increased creatinine concentration in blood elevates the blood sugar level. A diabetologist conducted a study to determine if controlling ct ttinine level among diabetic patients helps to maintain good glycemic control (blood sugar control). He recruited 30 men with the following criteria: © Age range: 45-55 years, ‘© Duration of Type II diabetes mellitus: 5-10 years. © Latest Blood glucose level: 10-15 mg/dL The 30 participants were randomly divided into three groups of 10 each. One group was given standard medication for creatinine control, one group was given medication and exercise re e and the third group was not given any additional treatment to lower creatinine. The blood glucose level of the participants were measured after a month. This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 8 printed pages. UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY 4. (Continued) (b) The results from the experiments are as follow: Group 1 Group 2 [Group 3 Mean 9.88 8.62 (13.61 Standard Deviation | 1.06 0.94 0.97 Source of Variation Sum of Square Treatment 134.088 Error 26.352 - (@® Determine if blood glucose level differed across the groups at 5% significance level. (6 marks) (i) Explain the steps that were taken by the diabetologist to produce comparable groups. (3 marks) (iii) ‘The data used to perform the analyses above is given in APPENDIX 1. State if necessary assumption for the test in part (i) are met. (6 marks) Association between stress score time taken to complete a maze for six adults are shown below: [ 2 3 |4 5 6 | 22 30. Bs 18 2 | un 17 2 8 12 (minute) | * Replace with the last number in your student ID. For example, if the Tast number is 5, the time is 25. (i) __ If stress increases the time a person takes to complete the puzzle, obtain the equation 9 = a + bx. (i) Determine if the analysis in part (i) is suitable for this data. [Total : (6 marks) (4 marks) 25 marks] This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on & printed pages. 8 UDDD1244 BIOSTATISTICS AND BASIC EPIDEMIOLOGY APPENDIX 1 The profile of patients selected by the diabetologist for the study. 1D A Bloc 1 10 9 15 2 a 95 B (3 13 | 86 2B 4 9 79 4 5 88 10 3B 6 94 94 | 12 7 89 88 4 8 94 85 4 9 yor | 75 | 13 | 20 115 7 15 This final assessment paper consists of 4 questions on 8 printed pages,

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