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Amino Acids Prelims 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page i

Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition

Second Edition
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Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition

Second Edition

Edited by

J.P.F. D’Mello

Formerly of the Scottish Agricultural College

Edinburgh, UK

CABI Publishing
Amino Acids Prelims 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page iv

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Amino acids in animal nutrition / edited by J.P.F. D’Mello.-- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-85199-654-X (alk. paper)
1. Amino acids in animal nutrition. I. D’Mello, J.P. Felix.
SF98.A4 A44 2003

ISBN 0 85199 654 X

Typeset in 9/11 Souvenir Light by Columns Design Ltd, Reading

Printed and bound in the UK by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn
Amino Acids Prelims 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page v


Contributors vii

Preface ix

Abbreviations xi


1 Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules 1
J.P.F. D’Mello
2 Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 15
J. Fontaine
3 Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 41
C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews
4 An Outline of Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 71
J.P.F. D’Mello
5 Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals: an Overview 87
B.J. Bequette
6 Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 103
J. Heger
7 Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 125
J.P.F. D’Mello


8 Methionine–Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition 143
A.J. Lewis
9 Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs 157
S. Boisen
10 Digestible Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 169
R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher
11 Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism and the Estimation of Amino 187
Acid Requirements
P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller
12 Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 203
S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

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vi Contents


13 Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 223
D.H. Baker
14 Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 237
J.P.F. D’Mello
15 Metabolism and De Novo Synthesis of Amino Acids by Rumen Microbes 265
C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace
16 Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 291
R.L. Baldwin, C.C. Calvert, P.H. Robinson and H.A. Johnson
17 Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 309
S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters
18 Amino Acid Utilization by Growing and Finishing Ruminants 329
E.C. Titgemeyer
19 Mammary Uptake and Metabolism of Amino Acids by Lactating 347
B.J. Bequette, M.D. Hanigan and H. Lapierre
20 Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 367
D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo
21 Predicting Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 389
D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi
22 Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements for Different Physiological 411
W.H. Hendriks
23 Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 427
R.P. Wilson
24 Crystalline Amino Acids and Nitrogen Emission 449
M.W.A. Verstegen and A.W. Jongbloed
25 Economic Assessment of Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 459
M. Pack, D. Hoehler and A. Lemme
26 Conclusions 485
J.P.F. D’Mello
Index 503
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Atasoglu, C. Rowett Research Institute, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21

9SB, UK. Present address: Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17100 Canakkale, Turkey
Baker, D.H. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois, 132 Animal Sciences
Laboratory, 1207 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Baldwin, R.L. Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, CA
95616–8521, USA
Bequette, B.J. Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742, USA
Boisen, S. Department of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Research Centre Foulum, PO
Box 50, DK-8830, Tjele, Denmark
Calvert, C.C. Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, CA
95616–8521, USA
Chamberlain, D.G. Hannah Research Institute, Hannah Research Park, Ayr KA6 5HL,
D’Mello, J.P.F. Formerly of The Scottish Agricultural College, West Mains Road,
Edinburgh, EH9 3JG, UK
Easter, R.A. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University
of Illinois, 122 Mumford Hall, 1301 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Fontaine, J. Feed Additives Division, Degussa AG, Applied Technology 913-205, PO Box
1345, D-63403 Hanau, Germany
Fox, D.G. Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Fuller, M.F. Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Hanigan, M.D. Dairy Research Group, Purina Mills Inc., St Louis, MO 63144, USA
Heger, J. Biofaktory Praha s.r.o., Generala Piky 3, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Johnson, H.A. Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, CA
95616–8521, USA
Hendriks, W.H. Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Hoehler, D. Degussa AG, Applied Technology Feed Additives, PO Box 1345, D-63457
Hanau, Germany

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viii Contributors

Jongbloed, A.W. ID-TNO Animal Nutrition, Lelystad, The Netherlands

Kim, S.W. Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 2141,
123 Animal Science Building, Lubbock, TX 79209, USA
Krehbiel, C.R. Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
74078, USA
Lapierre, H. Dairy and Swine R & D Research Centre, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada J1M
Lemme, A. Degussa AG, Applied Technology Feed Additives, PO Box 1345, D-63457
Hanau, Germany
Lewis, A.J. Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583,
Liu, S.M. CSIRO Livestock Industries, Private Bag 5, PO Wembley, WA 6913, Australia
Masters, D.G. CSIRO Livestock Industries, Private Bag 5, PO Wembley, WA 6913,
Matthews, J.C. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
40546, USA
Mosenthin, R. Institute of Animal Nutrition, Hohenheim University, D-70593 Stuttgart,
Moughan, P.J. Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Pack, M. Degussa AG, Applied Technology Feed Additives, PO Box 1345, D-63457
Hanau, Germany
Rademacher, M. Feed Additives Division, Degussa AG, Applied Technology, Rodenbacher
Chaussee 4, PO Box 1345, D-63457 Hanau, Germany
Robinson, P.H. Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, CA
95616–8521, USA
Tedeschi, L.O. Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853,
Titgemeyer, E.C. Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, 132 Call Hall, Kansas
State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
Verstegen, M.W.A. Department of Animal Sciences, Animal Nutrition Group,
Wageningen University and Research Centre, PO Box 338, 6700 AA Wageningen, The
Wallace, R.J. Rowett Research Institute, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21
Wilson, R.P. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mississippi State
University, Box 9650, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA
Yeo, J.-M. Hannah Research Institute, Hannah Research Park, Ayr KA6 5HL, UK
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The previous edition of this book (published in 1994 with the title Amino Acids in Farm
Animal Nutrition) was well received by academic and commercial users and by critics undertak-
ing reviews on behalf of international journals. Citation of individual chapters in various
research publications has also been a source of considerable satisfaction.
Amino acid metabolism and nutrition of farm animals continues to be an active area of
research, with new data now widely published in proceedings of international conferences and
in journals. A new edition would, therefore, be justified for this reason alone. However, in addi-
tion, there is a need to take into account advances in the amino acid nutrition of a wider range
of animals, including companion animals. There is also a need to address changes in focus and
to recognize the efforts of new scientists in the field and the role of our commercial colleagues. I
am now able to offer an enlarged version with the not too dissimilar title of Amino Acids in
Animal Nutrition.
In this new edition of Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition, I have attempted to retain chap-
ters imparting strength to the first version, while introducing authors with new ideas and vision.
I have also addressed comments I received from external reviewers, chiefly to do with overlap.
The book is thematically structured. Part I includes chapters of an introductory and general
nature with applications to a wide range of animal species. The next four parts are species-
related sections, including pigs (Part II), poultry (Part III), ruminants (Part IV) and other animals
(Part V). The chapters in the final section (Part VI) cover applications and perspectives. A unify-
ing theme emerging from these sections is the improved outlook for pure amino acids, against
a backdrop of restrictions in the use of protein feeds from animal sources. Another noticeable
feature of recent work is a significant shift from empirical supplementation studies to fundamen-
tals such as signalling and molecular aspects. As ever, methodological innovations are the key
to improved understanding of the amino acid nutrition of animals; examples of recent advances
will be found throughout all sections of this book. Comparative issues are given greater promi-
nence in the new edition compared to the earlier version. The aim continues to be to improve
exchange and integration of information across the species barrier. Many excellent reviews on
different aspects of protein and amino acid nutrition have appeared since the publication of the
first edition. For example, two reviews on the measurement and significance of protein turnover
and inter-organ amino acid flux recently appeared in the book entitled Farm Animal
Metabolism and Nutrition published in 2000 by CABI Publishing.

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x Preface

It is hoped that Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition will appeal to final year undergraduates
and students on Masters courses as a coherent synthesis of existing literature. Authors were
once again asked to provide comprehensive reviews with a critical appraisal of current informa-
tion and concepts and suggestions for further research. Since virtually all my authors are
actively publishing refereed papers in their respective fields of research, readers can look for-
ward to chapters with up-to-date information and thought-provoking ideas.
I am indebted to my team of authors who have made production of this book possible,
despite their busy schedules. It is clear to me that they have invested considerable time in gath-
ering and integrating data into lucid and comprehensive reviews. Their help with proof-reading
and preparation of the index is also much appreciated.
The information set out within the individual chapters of Amino Acids in Animal
Nutrition is presented in good faith. Although every effort has been made to verify the facts
and figures, neither the editor nor CABI Publishing can assume responsibility for data pre-
sented in individual chapters or for any consequences of their use. This book necessarily con-
tains references to commercial products. No endorsement of these products is implied or
should be attributed to the editor or to CABI Publishing.
J.P.F. D’Mello
Amino Acids Prelims 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page xi


AA(s) amino acid(s) DCAM decarboxylated 5-adenosyl-

ADG average daily gain methionine
AFRC Agricultural and Food Research DE digestible energy
Council DM dry matter
AID apparent ileal digestibility DMI dry matter intake
AOAC Association of Official Analytical DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
Chemists Dopa 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
ASCT alanine, serine, cysteine (and EAA essential amino acids
other neutral -amino acids) EAAT excitatory amino acid transport
transport ECP endogenous crude protein
Asn asparagine EU European Union
Asp aspartate EUN endogenous urinary nitrogen
ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate EUUN endogenous urinary urea nitro-
BBMV brush border membrane vesicles gen
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological FRS fractional synthetic rate
Sciences Research Council GABA -aminobutyrate
BCAA branched-chain amino acids GDH glutamate dehydrogenase
BCKA branched-chain keto acids GH growth hormone
BLMV basolateral membrane vesicles GIT gastrointestinal tract
BV biological value Gln glutamine
CAT cationic amino acid transport Glu glutamate
Cit citrulline Gly glycine
CNCPS Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Gly-Sar glycylsarcosine
Protein System GS-GOGAT glutamine synthetase-glutamate
cNOS constitutive nitric oxide synthase
synthase h hour
CCK cholecystokinin HCl hydrochloric acid
cDNA complementary DNA HI heat increment
CoA coenzyme A His histidine
CP crude protein HMB 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthiol)butyric
Cys cysteine acid
d day(s) HPLC high performance liquid chro-
DC digestibility coefficient matography

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xii Abbreviations

IAAP ideal amino acid pattern NRC National Research Council

IEC ion-exchange chromatography NSC non-structural carbohydrates
IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor-1 ODC ornithine decarboxylase
Ile isoleucine PDV portal-drained viscera
IMP inosine monophosphate (inosi- PepT1 peptide transporter 1
nate) Phe phenylalanine
iNOS inducible nitric oxide synthase Pro proline
Leu leucine PRPP 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophos-
Lys lysine phate
MCP microbial crude protein RDP rumen degraded protein
MDV mesenteric-drained viscera RNA ribonucleic acid
ME metabolizable energy RPAA ruminally protected amino
Met methionine acids
min minutes RUP rumen undegraded protein
MP metabolizable protein SAA sulphur amino acids
N nitrogen SD standard deviation
NAD+ nicotinamide adenine dinu- Ser serine
cleotide (oxidized) SMCO S-methylcysteine sulphoxide
NADP+ nicotinamide adenine dinu- SPI soy protein isolate
cleotide phosphate (oxidized) TDN total digestible nutrients
NADPH nicotinamide adenine dinu- tRNA transfer RNA
cleotide phosphate (reduced) Thr threonine
NDF neutral detergent fibre TID true ileal digestibility
NE net energy Trp tryptophan
NEAA non-essential amino acids Tyr tyrosine
NIRS near-infrared spectroscopy UDP undegraded dietary protein
NO nitric oxide UMP uridine monophosphate (uridy-
NOS nitric oxide synthase late)
NP net protein Val valine
NPN non-protein nitrogen VFA volatile fatty acids
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 1

1 Amino Acids as Multifunctional


J.P.F. D’Mello*
Formerly of The Scottish Agricultural College,
Edinburgh, UK

Introduction sulphur amino acids (SAA) are invariably

based on a summation of methionine and
Reviews in animal nutrition conventionally cyst(e)ine needs, but it will be recalled that
and necessarily focus on the involvement of homocysteine is another member of this
amino acids in protein synthesis and their group. Another subset, the excitatory amino
impact on the production of meat, milk, wool acids, includes glutamate and aspartate.
and eggs. The nutritional classification is
another traditional feature due to dietary
requirements for specific amino acids. Transport groups
However, the unique physiological and bio-
chemical functions of particular amino acids In the context of transport systems, three
are equally critical. In this chapter, emphasis is main groups of amino acids may be
placed on amino acids as multifunctional recognized: anionic, cationic and neutral.
bioactive molecules. Their involvement in the Cellular protein synthesis and other metabolic
processes of protein synthesis has been processes demand uninterrupted delivery of all
reviewed repeatedly elsewhere and will not be amino acids at appropriate sites. The study of
considered here. amino acid transport and associated systems
is thus of critical importance, for example, to
those interested in the processes of intestinal
Classification absorption and brain function. Animals have a
wide array of cells and this diversity is
Amino acids may be grouped according to matched by a complex system of transporters
their transport affinities or essential role in of amino acids which operates on the basis of
animal nutrition or on the basis of catabolic substrate specificity and ion requirements
fate of the carbon skeleton. Additional subsets (Matthews, 2000). Thus, glutamate movement
are also recognized, based on common struc- in the central nervous system is mediated via
tural features. Thus, leucine, isoleucine and distinct Na-dependent proteins of the
valine are referred to as the branched-chain excitatory amino acid transport (EAAT) class.
amino acids (BCAA), whereas phenylalanine Five such transporters (EAAT1–5) have been
and tyrosine are categorized as the aromatic cloned from mammalian tissue and their
amino acids. Assessments of requirements for modulation by other proteins is the subject of

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 1
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 2

2 J.P.F. D’Mello

continuing studies (Jackson et al., 2001). It is during the neonatal and immediate post-
important to recognize, however, that amino weaning phases (Wu et al., 1997). However,
acids in different classes may share the same it has been estimated that 40% of the arginine
transport system. Thus, three transport requirements of the rapidly growing pig must
systems recognize both lysine and leucine. be supplied by the diet. This need arises partly
Details of the biochemical and molecular because the vast majority of arginine synthe-
characterization of the various transport sized in the urea cycle is catabolized in the
systems for the major classes of amino acids liver by an active arginase within this path-
are presented in Chapter 3. way. Consequently, insufficient arginine is
exported for the rapid growth of extra-hepatic
tissues. It is relevant to recall in this context
Essential amino acids that sow colostrum and milk are markedly
deficient in arginine (Wu and Knabe, 1994).
Higher animals require a core of nine amino The cat is unique among mammals in its
acids for maintenance and productive pur- requirement for arginine as an essential com-
poses (Table 1.1). The need for these amino ponent of the diet. Indeed, Morris and Rogers
acids arises from the inability of all animals to (1978) observed that one meal without argi-
synthesize the corresponding carbon skeleton nine was sufficient to precipitate mortality in
or keto acid. These amino acids are classified cats. Other effects included emesis, tetanic
as ‘indispensable’ or ‘essential’ and provision spasms and hyperammonaemia. It was con-
of these nutrients is mandatory. Non-rumi- cluded that the inability of the cat to synthesize
nants will receive the essential amino acids via ornithine is the basis of the dietary need for
the diet, but ruminants may also acquire sub- arginine. The cat also has a specific require-
stantial amounts of these amino acids through ment for taurine which is directly related to its
the digestion of microbial protein synthesized role in the prevention of retinal degeneration.
in the rumen. Those amino acids which ani- Poultry have an absolute requirement for
mals are able to synthesize are termed ‘dis- arginine arising from a non-functional urea
pensable’ or ‘non-essential’. cycle. This dependence translates into acute
All mammals require the core of nine sensitivity to natural structural analogues of
essential amino acids, but may also respond arginine (Chapter 14).
to dietary arginine and possibly proline as Of the two aromatic amino acids required
well, during the early phases of rapid growth. for protein synthesis and other functions, only
Endogenous synthesis of arginine from gluta- phenylalanine is considered to be essential.
mate/glutamine and proline plays an impor- Tyrosine is regarded as dispensable as it is read-
tant role in the provision of arginine in the pig ily synthesized from phenylalanine. Although

Table 1.1. Nutritional classification of amino acids.

species-related Conditionally
Common core requirements non-essential Non-essential

Lysine Arginine (cats, poultry, fish) Cyst(e)ine Glutamate

Histidine Taurine (cats) Tyrosine Glutamine
Leucine Arginine Glycine
Isoleucine Proline Serine
Valine Alanine
Methionine Aspartate
Threonine Asparagine
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 3

Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules 3

this conversion is irreversible, the presence of to yield glucose via phosphoenolpyruvate.

tyrosine in the diet may reduce the requirement These amino acids are referred to as gluco-
for phenylalanine. However, this sparing effect genic. Those amino acids that yield acetyl
of tyrosine is limited and, consequently, a mini- CoA or acetoacetyl CoA are classified as keto-
mum quantity of dietary phenylalanine should genic since the latter two compounds are the
always be ensured. With regard to growing precursors of ketone bodies. Some amino
poultry, for example, at least 58% of the total acids are both ketogenic and glucogenic
aromatic amino acid requirement should be sup- (Table 1.2). Only leucine and lysine are exclu-
plied in the form of phenylalanine. An analo- sively ketogenic. In dogs, hepatic gluconeoge-
gous situation exists between methionine and nesis may be reduced by administration of
cyst(e)ine (see Chapter 8). The unique relation- amino acids with glucose prior to and during
ship between tryptophan and the B-complex exercise (Hamada et al., 1998, 1999).
vitamin, nicotinamide, represents another facet
of the multifunctional roles of amino acids.
It is now widely acknowledged that high- Structural analogues
yielding animals will not achieve their geneti-
cally determined potential if the dietary N is A wide range of non-protein amino acids
supplied exclusively in the form of the essen- occur naturally in plants, particularly in the
tial amino acids. Additional N is required and seeds and foliage of leguminous species.
highly effective sources of this non-specific N
include glutamate, alanine and diammonium
citrate. However, the most effective source is Table 1.2. Glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids.
a mixture of the non-essential amino acids.
Consequently, although animals have specific Glucogenic
dietary requirements for the essential amino Glucogenic Ketogenic and ketogenic
acids, some combination of the dispensable
Threonine Leucine Isoleucine
amino acids should also be provided in order
Arginine Lysine Phenylalanine
to maximize performance. The issue of essen- Methionine Tyrosine
tial to non-essential amino acid ratios is Valine Tryptophan
reviewed in Chapter 6. Histidine
Glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids Glutamine
In the degradation of amino acids, the carbon Asparagine
skeletons follow distinct pathways (see
Chapter 4). Those amino acids that are bro-
ken down to pyruvate or key intermediates of Alanine
the tricarboxylic acid cycle have the potential

Table 1.3. Plant non-protein amino acidsa with the potential to cause adverse effects in animals.

Aromatic amino acid Sulphur amino acid

Arginine analogues analogues analogues Neurolathyrogens

Canavanine Mimosine Selenomethionine -(N-oxalylamino)alanine

Indospicine 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine Selenocyst(e)ine -Cyanoalanine
Homoarginine S-Methylcysteine ,-Diaminobutyric acid
sulphoxide (SMCO)
Djenkolic acid
aSee Chapter 4 and D’Mello (1991) for structures and intermediary metabolism.
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 4

4 J.P.F. D’Mello

The non-protein group (Table 1.3) includes D-isomer must undergo oxidative deamina-
several structural analogues of the essential tion to the corresponding -keto acid ana-
amino acids. The aromatic amino acid, logue; secondly, this analogue must then
mimosine, occurs in the tropical legume, undergo L-specific reamination by means of
Leucaena leucocephala, a ubiquitous an appropriate aminotransferase reaction.
species yielding palatable forage for rumi- There are no aminotransferases for lysine
nants. A structural analogue of arginine, and threonine in animal tissues, hence the
canavanine, is widely distributed in various D-isomers of these amino acids are not
tropical legumes including Canavalia ensi- nutritionally active (Table 1.4). Of all the D-
formis, Gliricidia sepium and Indigofera amino acids that are convertible by animals,
spicata. In temperate regions, the factor D-methionine is the most effective in replac-
causing haemolytic anaemia in cattle and ing its L isomer. However, marginally better
sheep consuming forage brassicas has been efficacy may still be observed with L-methio-
identified as a ruminal derivative of S- nine in comparison with D-methionine or
methylcysteine sulphoxide, an analogue of DL-methionine when levels below the
methionine, distributed throughout the requirement are employed (see D’Mello and
plant. It has been conventional to consider Lewis, 1978). In addition, when racemic
selenocysteine as a member of the non- mixtures of other amino acids are used, D-
protein group; however, selenocysteine is methionine becomes less effective than the
now recognized to be the 21st amino acid L-isomer. Species differences in D-amino
that may be incorporated into specific pro- acid utilization should be recognized. The
teins (Atkins and Gesteland, 2000). A subset mouse utilizes D- and DL-methionine less
of the non-protein group contains the lathy- effectively than other animals, whereas both
rogenic amino acids which are accorded the rat and the pig use D-tryptophan more
with profound neurotoxic properties. efficiently than the chick. It is apparent that
Although these neurolathyrogens have not the mouse is an unsuitable model for validat-
been associated structurally with the essen- ing the efficacy of D-amino acids for other
tial or non-essential amino acids, at least species of animals (Table 1.4).
two lathyrogenic amino acids exert marked
effects on the brain metabolism of gluta-
mine. Consequently, some biochemical Deficiency
association with the amino acid neurotrans-
mitter system embracing glutamate and - The unique sequence of amino acids in pro-
aminobutyrate (GABA) cannot be excluded. teins demands that all amino acids, whether
Whereas some non-protein amino acids essential or non-essential, be present at the
are profoundly neurotoxic, others exert their sites of protein synthesis. In the event of
effects by reducing utilization of specific any deficit, the utilization of the remaining
essential amino acids. Details of the adverse amino acids will be prejudiced and protein
effects and underlying mechanisms will be synthesis and other physiological processes
found in Chapter 7. will be impaired. Thus, it might be assumed
that dietary deficiencies of individual essen-
tial amino acids would lack distinctive fea-
Isomers tures. However, the published evidence
indicates unique effects of particular amino
All amino acids used in protein synthesis acids. This evidence has been derived pri-
must be in the L-configuration. Nevertheless, marily from studies in which the amino acid
animals are capable of utilizing some D in question has been omitted altogether. In
enantiomorphs. Indeed the widespread com- addition, recent investigations on determina-
mercial supplementation of diets with tion of maintenance requirements have
methionine has been accomplished with the yielded valuable data on the effects of gradu-
racemic mixture. Two steps are essential in ated degrees of deficiency of particular
the utilization of D-amino acids: firstly, the essential amino acids.
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 5

Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules 5

Table 1.4. Efficacy of isomers and analogues of amino acids. Values represent growth efficacy
as a percentage of that of the L-isomer. (Adapted from Baker, 1994.)

Amino acid Chick Rat Mouse Dog Pig

D-lysine 0 0 0 – –
D-threonine 0 0 0 – –
D-tryptophan 20 100 30 35 80
D-methionine 90 90 75 100 100
DL-methionine 95 95 88 100 100
DL-OH-methionine 80 – 70 – 100
Keto-methionine 90 – – – –
N-acetyl-L-methionine 100 100 90 100 –
D-arginine 0 0 – – –
D-histidine 10 0 10 – –
D-leucine 100 50 15 – –
D-valine 70 15 5 – –
D-isoleucine 0 – – – –
D-phenylalanine 75 70 – – –
L-OH-phenylalanine 70 50 – – –
Keto-phenylalanine 85 65 – – –
D-tyrosine 100 100 – – –

Deletion studies of a single essential amino acid might be

expected to induce effects similar to depriva-
It is logical to expect that dietary deletion of tion of all amino acids. The experimental evi-
one particular essential amino acid should dence indicates that, for example, chicks
impair growth to the same extent as the omis- deprived of lysine survived for longer and lost
sion of another essential amino acid. less weight than those fed a protein-free diet.
However, the results of many studies show Similarly in rats fed a diet devoid of lysine,
distinct differences between individual amino body water losses were less than in those fed
acids. Thus, lysine deprivation in fish, chick- a protein-free diet. However, rats fed diets
ens and rats (see D’Mello and Lewis, 1978) is devoid of threonine, isoleucine or methionine
accompanied by relatively modest weight plus cystine lost body water to the same
losses, whereas isoleucine or threonine defi- extent as those in the protein-free group (see
ciencies inhibit growth more severely. Median D’Mello and Lewis, 1978).
survival times for chicks fed diets devoid of Extensive morphological changes have
lysine or histidine were 53 and 60 days. been recorded following the imposition of
Isoleucine or valine deprivation reduced severe amino acid deficiencies. It has been
median survival times to 18 and 19 days consistently recorded that during acute amino
respectively (Ousterhout, 1960). Chicks fed acid deprivation or deficiency in ad libitum-
diets lacking in lysine or histidine were also fed animals, there is a severe inhibition of
stronger and more active than those deprived food intake. Diet selection may also be
of isoleucine or valine. It has been postulated altered under certain conditions (Hrupka et
that certain peptides such as carnosine and al., 1997, 1999). The resulting morphologi-
proteins such as haemoglobin may serve as cal responses (Table 1.5) have been attributed
sources of histidine and lysine in times of to the combined effects of amino acid defi-
restricted supply. Appreciable reserves of ciency and energy restriction. Attempts have,
carnosine occur in muscle (Maynard et al., therefore, been directed at overcoming the
2001). Nevertheless, mortality will occur if marked differences in food intake between
animals are deprived of histidine or lysine for deficient and control groups by pair-feeding
prolonged periods of time. Dietary omission or by force-feeding. However, D’Mello and
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 6

6 J.P.F. D’Mello

Table 1.5. Morphological effects of amino acid deficienciesa. (Adapted from D’Mello and Lewis, 1978.)

Ad libitum feeding conditions Force-feeding conditions

Organ affected (long-term studiesb) (short-term studiesc)

Liver Enhanced glycogen levels; Excess glycogen levels; lipid

hepatocytes in periportal region accumulation in hepatic cells in
distended by lipid droplets periportal areas; nucleolar
Pancreas Reduced zymogen granules; lipid Decreased cytoplasm and zymogen
droplets in acinar cells; mitochondria granules in acinar cells; nucleolar
swollen and deformed enlargement; oedema
Thymus Thymic involution; formation of giant Decrease of lymphocytes in cortex;
cells; loss of normal architecture; loss of distinction between cortex
depletion of thymocytes and medulla
Muscle Degenerative changes; lack of cross- No changes
striations in fibres; damaged fibres
swollen, hyalinized and fragmented
Testes Atrophy of seminiferous tubules and No data
testicular interstitial cells; inhibition of
aAs observed in rats deprived of isoleucine, threonine, lysine or histidine.
bDuration:30 days or more.
cFeeding period: 3–8 days.

Lewis (1978) concluded that feeding method et al., 1996), and amino acids including the
was less important than duration of exposure one missing from the diet are released into
to the deficient diet. Thus, similar morpho- the systemic circulation. These amino acids,
logical effects were observed in long-term together with those derived from intestinal
deprivation of an amino acid under ad libi- absorption, cause an increase in hepatic pro-
tum conditions as in short-term force-feeding tein synthesis. The partition of amino acids,
conditions (Table 1.5). Exposure time however, depends on the dietary level and
appears to be a significant factor in the intake of carbohydrate. Low carbohydrate
induction of morphological changes during intake diminishes or eliminates the changes in
amino acid deprivation. Although ad libitum hepatic protein synthesis. Thus, the biochemi-
feeding over a period of about 8 days of a cal effects of acute amino acid deficiencies
diet devoid of an essential amino acid elicits represent the consequence of a complex
no adverse histological changes in animals nutritional imbalance rather than that of a
(D’Mello and Lewis, 1978), extensive aberra- simple deficiency (D’Mello and Lewis, 1978).
tions do emerge in long-term investigations
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) exerts
lasting 30 days or more. In many instances,
an important effect on whole-body protein
these abnormalities reflect those observed in
synthesis. This factor is complexed with up to
animals force-fed incomplete amino acid diets
over a shorter duration (typically 3–8 days). It six specific binding proteins, which are
was noted that morphological abnormalities believed to modulate the biological activity of
occur even in animals deprived of lysine or IGF-1. The results of Takenaka et al. (2000)
histidine (Table 1.5). indicate that a single essential amino acid defi-
Predictably, extensive biochemical ciency may reduce IGF-1 production in rats
changes also occur during acute amino acid without affecting plasma IGF-1 binding pro-
deficiency, irrespective of feeding method tein-1. The molecular action of specific amino
(Table 1.6). Under these conditions, muscle acids is likely to be an important area for fur-
protein synthesis is rapidly reduced (Tesseraud ther research.
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 7

Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules 7

Table 1.6. Effects of acute amino acid deficiency on protein metabolism. (Adapted from D’Mello and
Lewis, 1978.)

Aspect of protein metabolism Force-feeding studies Ad libitum-feeding studies

Protein content of:

Liver No change Decrease
Muscle Decrease Decrease
Pancreas Decrease Decrease
Free amino acid levels in:
Liver Decrease –
Muscle Increase –
Blood plasma Increase Increase
Protein synthesis in:
Liver Increase Increase
Heart Increase –
Blood Increase Increase
Muscle Decrease Decrease
Kidney No change Marginal decrease

Maintenance studies ideal requirements lost weight commensurate

with the degree of deficiency. Threonine
Induction of deficiency states is an integral retention was also negative for these groups,
component of the process to determine in proportion to the extent of threonine defi-
maintenance requirements of individual ciency. Over the entire range tested, whole-
amino acids (Table 1.7). The approach body accretion of threonine occurred with an
involves the formulation of diets with varying efficiency of 82%, considerably higher than
degrees of deficiency. For example in their that reported for pigs (60%; Adeola, 1995).
studies on threonine requirements for mainte- Chicks fed lysine-deficient diets retained
nance in the chick, Edwards et al. (1997) lysine in carcass with an efficiency of 79%
used diets varying in threonine concentra- (Edwards et al., 1999). In contrast, chicks fed
tions from 5 to 95% of assumed require- graded levels of total SAA (methionine + cys-
ments for maximal growth. Chicks fed diets tine) from 5 to 95% of ideal requirements
containing threonine at 5, 10 and 15% of gained weight, and retained SAA in carcass

Table 1.7. Whole-body accretion of amino acids in chicks.

Dietary amino Whole-body accretion (mg day−1)

acid level
(% of ideal)a Thr Val Lys SAAb

5 −11.9 −8.7 −20.9 2.8

10 −6.4 −2.4 – 6.3
15 −2.3 – – –
40 40.0 53.1 15.1 50.4
55 83.2 100.0 50.5 67.9
70 116.9 139.6 100.9 93.4
95 158.4 190.1 167.2 109.8
Reference Edwards et al. Baker et al. Edwards et al. Edwards and
(1997) (1996) (1999) Baker (1999)
aDiets deficient in the single amino acids indicated in the next four columns.
bSAA, sulphur amino acids.
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 8

8 J.P.F. D’Mello

in a positive and dose-related manner over Molecular Action

the entire range of dietary concentrations
(Edwards and Baker, 1999). Furthermore, The biochemical and molecular actions of
efficiency of whole-body SAA accretion was amino acids are areas of increasing research
only 52%, presumably reflecting the diverse interest. It is obvious that dietary amino
functions of methionine in addition to its role acids will stimulate muscle protein synthesis
as a component of tissue proteins. Although in the postabsorptive period. This anabolic
chicks fed the lysine-deficient diet maintained effect is partly due to increased substrate
a stable body-weight (Edwards et al., 1999) supply at the sites of protein synthesis.
those fed the valine-deficient diet lost weight However, it has been proposed that individ-
(Baker et al., 1996) when each amino acid ual amino acids may act as signalling mole-
was set at 5% of ideal. However, carcass cules that serve to regulate mRNA
retention of lysine was −20.9 mg day−1 and translation. The binding of initiator
of valine was −8.7 mg day−1 (Table 1.7). methionyl-tRNA to the 40S ribosomal sub-
Thus equivalent degrees of deficiency induced unit is an important step subject to regula-
different responses, with lysine again emerg- tion in vivo (Table 1.8). However, Anthony
ing as an amino acid with unique effects (Velu et al. (2000a) suggest that leucine may also
et al., 1972). act in a signalling role in the stimulation of

Table 1.8. Diverse functions of amino acids.

Amino acids Products Significance/functions

21 amino acidsa Polypeptides and proteins Hormones, enzymes and other bioactive
Methionine Formylmethionine (fMet) Initiator of protein synthesis
S-Adenosylmethionine Donor of methyl groups
Homocysteine Donor of S; indicator of vitamin B12 status
Tryptophan Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) Neurotransmitter
Nicotinamide B-complex vitamin
Tyrosine Dopamine Neurotransmitter
Noradrenaline Neurotransmitter
Adrenaline Hormone
Thyroxine Hormone
Arginine Nitric oxide Involved in vasorelaxation;
neurotransmission; male reproductive
performance; gut motility
Polyamines Regulation of RNA synthesis;
maintenance of membrane stability
Histidine Histamine Potent vasodilator
Glutamate Glutamine Purine and pyrimidine synthesis;
excretion of N in avian species
Glutathione Reduced form involved in maintenance
of cysteine residues of blood proteins in
a reduced state
-Aminobutyrate (GABA) Neurotransmitter
Energy Energy source in some tissues (mucosa)
Glycine Porphyrins Part of haemoglobin structure
Purines Components of nucleic acids
Serine Sphingosine Membrane structure
Cysteine Important for activity of proteins
Aspartate Urea, purines and pyrimidines Donor of N
3-Methylhistidine Component of actin and myosin Index of muscle protein breakdown
aIncludes selenocysteine.
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 9

Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules 9

muscle protein synthesis by enhancing avail- Arginine

ability of specific eukaryotic initiation fac-
tors. Further studies demonstrated that As indicated above, the primary direction of
leucine is unique among the BCAA in its arginine metabolism in mammals occurs via
ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis the urea cycle, enabling the disposal of
(Anthony et al., 2000b). It is thought that excess N from amino acids. However, the
these effects are independent of the action peripheral metabolism of arginine is also of
of insulin. Clearly, additional work is considerable biochemical and physiological
required to elucidate the role of leucine and significance. Thus, the action of arginine
other amino acids as signalling molecules. decarboxylase permits many organisms to
synthesize putrescine and other polyamines.
In animals, putrescine is produced solely by
Amino Acids as Precursors of the action of ornithine decarboxylase
Bioactive Molecules (ODC). Although the specific functions of
polyamines await elucidation, recent studies
Irrespective of their position in the biochem- suggest that these compounds are essential
ical and nutritional classification, amino for normal growth and development in all
acids are involved in diverse pathways lead- living organisms, and may regulate RNA
ing to the synthesis of important bioactive synthesis and stabilize membrane structures.
molecules (Table 1.8). Indeed, glutamate has Polyamine production appears to be an
been referred to as an amino acid of ‘partic- indispensable feature of all tissues actively
ular distinction’ (Young and Ajami, 2000) engaged in protein synthesis. Arginine
and selenocysteine is now recognized as the uptake by the mammary gland from the
21st amino acid that may be incorporated blood supply substantially exceeds the quan-
into proteins (Atkins and Gesteland, 2000). tities of this amino acid secreted in milk.
Some amino acids are important precursors This is generally attributed to the need to
of neurotransmitters and certain hormones, synthesize non-essential amino acids, partic-
while others are involved in N transport and ularly proline, within the gland itself.
in the maintenance of integrity of cell mem- However, the excess uptake of arginine may
branes. also reflect the need for polyamine synthesis
by tissues actively synthesizing proteins in
the mammary gland. Polyamine synthesis is
Neurotransmitters an important focal point for the action of
antinutritional factors. Thus in lectin-induced
Key neurotransmitters synthesized from hyperplastic growth of the small intestine,
amino acids include GABA, serotonin, levels of putrescine, spermidine, spermine
dopamine, noradrenaline and nitric oxide and cadaverine are markedly enhanced
(Table 1.8). The pathways for the production (Pusztai et al., 1993). On the other hand,
and metabolic disposition of the three bio- the growth-retarding effect in chicks fed
genic amines are now well established C. ensiformis has been attributed to inhibi-
(Bradford, 1986); the synthesis of NO is dis- tion of polyamine synthesis (Chapter 7).
cussed below. It is logical to expect that The non-protein amino acid, canavanine,
brain concentrations of neurotransmitters present in this legume is metabolized to
may be subject to dietary control of the canaline, a potent inhibitor of ODC
amino acid precursors. One form of dietary (D’Mello, 1993).
manipulation involves the imposition of an A striking feature of arginine relates to
amino acid imbalance (Harrison and the synthesis of NO. The biosynthesis of NO
D’Mello, 1986, 1987). However, results involves the oxidation of arginine by NADPH
from various sources are inconclusive and and O2 via the action of NO-synthases. It is
may have been confounded by methodologi- now established that NO plays a key role in
cal differences among individual studies vasorelaxation, neurotransmission, immuno-
(Chapter 7). competence, male reproductive performance
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 10

10 J.P.F. D’Mello

and gut motility (Moncada et al., 1991). It is observed that cysteine infusion into the aboma-
suggested in Chapter 7 that dietary canava- sum of sheep appeared to influence certain
nine may inhibit NO synthesis through its facets of immune response, including antibody
structural antagonism with arginine. Enneking responses to non-parasitic antigens. However,
et al. (1993) arrived at a similar conclusion the exact role of cysteine in ovine immune
from their studies on canavanine-induced feed function remains elusive. Swain and Johri
intake inhibition in pigs. (2000) indicated that the methionine require-
ment for optimum antibody production in
broiler chickens was greater than that for opti-
Homocysteine mum growth. Other reports suggest that
dietary cysteine and the BCAA in particular
Homocysteine is a key intermediate in SAA may exert specific effects in the modulation of
metabolism, positioned at the juncture immune responses in broiler chickens
between remethylation to methionine and (Takahashi et al., 1997; Konashi et al., 2000).
transsulphuration to cystathionine, yielding Clearly, there is a need to undertake further
cysteine and taurine. The importance of studies to elucidate the exact role of SAA and
homocysteine in human health was highlighted BCAA as regulators of the immune system.
at the first conference on this amino acid
(Rosenberg, 1996). It is now well recognized
that plasma homocysteine levels are higher 3-Methylhistidine
than normal in patients with coronary, cere-
brovascular or peripheral arterial occlusive dis- This unique amino acid occurs in the muscle
ease (Malinow, 1996). Other investigators proteins actin and myosin, deriving its methyl
suggested a link between homocysteine and group in a post-translational event (Rathmacher,
neural tube defects (Mills et al., 1996; 2000). It is used as an index of muscle protein
Rosenquist and Finnell, 2001). Furthermore, breakdown since it does not charge tRNA and
circulating concentrations of this amino acid is thus not re-utilized in protein synthesis. It is
may be of diagnostic value in assessing vitamin excreted quantitatively in the urine of certain
B12 status in humans (Stabler et al., 1996; animals and the major source is skeletal
Cikot et al., 2001). In pigs, prolonged vitamin muscle. Thus changes in 3-methylhistidine dis-
B12 deficiency is associated with hyperhomo- position is predominantly a reflection of muscle
cysteinaemia (Stangl et al., 2000a) whereas in protein metabolism. However, species differ-
cattle a similar effect has been reported in ences are apparent. Cattle, for example, quan-
long-term moderate deficiency of Co (Stangl et titatively excrete 3-methylhistidine in urine,
al., 2000b). Co is required for ruminal synthe- whereas in sheep and pigs excretion is not
sis of vitamin B12. It is clear that much more quantitative. Rathmacher (2000) presented
effort is required to elucidate the role of homo- three-compartment models of 3-methylhistidine
cysteine in farm animals, particularly pregnant kinetics (Fig. 1.1), based on the knowledge that
ruminants and sows. there are pools of this amino acid in plasma, in
other extracellular fluids, within muscle and in
other tissues. In sheep and pigs there is a bale-
Immune modulators nine pool in muscle. Balenine is a dipeptide
composed of -alanine and 3-methylhistidine in
A number of essential amino acids have been equimolar quantities.
implicated in immune function. Cysteine may
function as an immunoregulatory signal
between macrophages and lymphocytes. It has Conclusions
been proposed that release of this amino acid
by macrophages enhances intracellular concen- In this chapter an attempt has been made to
trations of the cysteine-containing tripeptide, set the scene in terms of identifying and
glutathione (GSH) in lymphocytes. The latter is defining basic principles such as classification
important for T-cell activity. Miller et al. (2000) of amino acids, unique effects of deficiency
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 11

Amino Acids as Multifunctional Molecules 11

Fig. 1.1. Three-compartment models for 3-methylhistidine (3-MH) kinetics in selected animal species
(Rathmacher, 2000). Tracer doses of labelled 3-methylhistidine are used in investigations with these models.

and utilization of isomers and precursors of been highlighted in this chapter and pursued
neurotransmitters. Since the previous edition in greater depth in other parts of this book.
(D’Mello, 1994), significant advances have Emerging issues include the role of specific
been made in our understanding of the multi- amino acids, such as leucine, in molecular
functional roles of amino acids. These have signalling and cysteine in modulation of
Amino Acids - Chap 01 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 12

12 J.P.F. D’Mello

immune function. In addition, a number of histidine is a case in point, whereas the role
issues have reached a stage enabling a more of homocysteine emerges as an issue worthy
mature assessment of their metabolic or of future research, particularly with respect to
nutritional significance. The use of 3-methyl- breeding animals.


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Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 15

2 Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds

Johannes Fontaine*
Feed Additives Division, Degussa AG, Applied Technology, Hanau, Germany

Introduction One of the most important developments

of recent years was undoubtedly the long
Never before has the economic success of overdue international standardization of
feed manufacturers been so heavily depen- amino acid analysis in feedingstuffs. Analytical
dent on optimal and accurate amino acid scientists at national European supervisory
composition as today. The effects on growth authorities, who in the 1980s had adopted
and feed conversion of animals are so different methods of analysis for the determi-
impressive that the annual amount of syn- nation of total amino acids as standards in
thetic methionine and lysine supplemented their respective countries, eventually joined
in feeds worldwide now exceeds 400,000 forces in an international collaborative effort
tonnes each. This generates growing demand to establish a common EU methodology.
for amino acid analysis of feed raw materials Recently, after extensive groundwork, official
to improve the amino acid matrix for linear EU methods for the determination of total
feed programming, but also as a quality and free amino acids in animal feedingstuffs
assurance tool for compound feeds and pre- and corresponding methods for tryptophan
mixtures. were passed (Commission Directives
In the first edition of this book A.P. 98/64/EC and 2000/45/EC). International
Williams reported on the state of amino acid collaboration was also the basis for the analyt-
analysis by reviewing the literature up to ical method adopted by AOAC International
1992. In this second edition the focus shall for the determination of total amino acids
be mainly on the developments of the last with the exception of tryptophan (AOAC,
10 years. There are numerous publications 1994). The official methods of analysis of the
on amino acid analysis, but only a small pro- AOAC enjoy worldwide recognition as an
portion are concerned with test matrices that authorative collection of analytical methods
are relevant to animal nutrition, such as far beyond the NAFTA region. The reference
feedingstuffs, food products, plants, silages, method adopted for feed analysis was the
by-products of plant and animal origin, ani- chromatographic separation of amino acids
mal blood plasma, intestinal and ruminal with a cation exchanger resin followed by nin-
contents; these are the topics which will be hydrin derivatization. Sample preparation is
discussed here. virtually identical for the various methods. The

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 15
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 16

16 J. Fontaine

EU standard procedure for the determination they are adjacent in the protein, are more
of tryptophan in feedingstuffs utilizes alkaline slowly released by steric hindrance of the
hydrolysis with barium hydroxide and HPLC hydrolysis. Albin et al. (2000a,b) recently
analysis with specific fluorescence detection. studied this topic and the effect of the acid
A second important innovation was the concentration for soybean products, Rowan
development of robust, internationally usable et al. (1992) tested the effect of the hydrolysis
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations time (8–72 h) for diets, ileal digesta and faeces
for amino acids for the major feed raw samples. The optimal recovery relative to the
materials, based on reliable wet chemical standard conditions is frequently 5–10%, in
reference analysis. These allow the rapid, some cases 20% or even higher. The authors
simple analysis of the amino acid recommend the use of correction factors.
composition of raw materials today and up- Hydrolysis in a microwave oven at about
to-date feed optimization. This development 150°C can reduce the time needed for split-
will also be described in detail. ting the protein to a few minutes (Carisano,
A review article by Kivi (2000) which 1992; Joergensen and Thestrup, 1995;
focuses on chromatographic and detection Marconi et al., 1996; Shang and Wang,
methods deserves special mention because it 1997; Kroll et al., 1998). If only minute
is an excellent addition to this review. amounts of protein are available hydrolysis
with gaseous hydrochloric acid (Schrijver et
al., 1991; Molnar-Perl and Khalifa, 1994) is
Wet Chemical Analysis of benefit. Fountoulakis and Lahm (1998)
produced a survey of protein hydrolysis tech-
Sample preparation niques, which also includes alternative acids
such as methan- or p-toluene-sulphonic acid
Acid hydrolysis and oxidation or the use of enzymes (Hauck, 1990; Chen
et al., 1996). Weiss et al. (1998) compared
The determination of amino acids requires the
different hydrolysis techniques by means of
hydrolytic splitting of protein into its individual
chromatographically purified proteins. In
building blocks, which behave very differently
the method of standardization of the EU
during hydrolysis due to the functionality of
(Commission Directive 98/64/EC) the use of
the R side group. Asparagine and glutamine
correction factors for the hydrolysis, as previ-
lose the amide residue in the side group and
ously practised in the Netherlands, was delib-
form aspartate and glutamate, respectively.
erately ruled out, however. The side reactions
The resulting ammonia can be determined
of hydrolysis are matrix-dependent and can
chromatographically, but amino acid analysis
be considerable, especially in microwave
always determines the sum Asx or Glx of
hydrolysis. Correction factors would therefore
these amino acid pairs. Tryptophan is largely
have to be defined individually for all feed raw
destroyed by acid hydrolysis whereas methion-
materials, which would pose problems, espe-
ine, and especially cystine, are converted by
cially in the case of compound feeds.
partial oxidation into several derivatives.
Moreover, differences in the use of correction
Standard hydrolysis conditions in the EU and
factors would probably increase the analytical
USA are 24 h with 6 M hydrochloric acid at
error when compiling tables of raw material
110°C, the boiling point of this acid. This can
composition. The uniform application of
be done either under reflux or in a closed ves-
standard hydrolysis conditions worldwide on
sel in a thermostatized oven. These conditions
the other hand produces highly consistent
are a compromise for optimal recovery of all
amino acid analyses.
amino acids. Serine and threonine, which
The sulphur-containing amino acids are
carry one hydroxyl group, are slowly degraded
oxidized prior to hydrolysis in the protein with
with increasing length of hydrolysis or increas-
performic acid to methionine sulphone and
ing acid strength by the splitting off of water
cysteic acid, which survive acid hydrolysis
and the branched-chain amino acids
without losses. In the official methods of the
isoleucine, leucine and valine, especially if
EU and the AOAC this is done by leaving a
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 17

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 17

sample corresponding to 10 mg nitrogen to Slump and Bos (1985) describe an inter-

react overnight with 5 ml performic acid (16 h) ference of the oxidation of methionine, if
at 0°C. The latter was previously generated in chloride levels from salts far in excess of 1%
situ at room temperature from 4.5 ml of 88% occur in for example supplementary feeds or
formic acid and 0.5 ml of 30% hydrogen per- concentrates. This causes the performic acid
oxide with the addition of a little phenol and to be partially degraded, while forming chlo-
cannot be concentrated or stored. These reac- rine, so that only cysteic acid but not methion-
tion conditions have been standardized for ine sulphone is formed completely. If this
decades and are based on the work of Schram happens the authors suggest oxidation with
et al. (1954). Excess performic acid can later diluted performic acid for methionine determi-
be destroyed by the addition of hydrogen nation, which is not suitable for cystine. The
bromide or hydrogen chloride, forming German VDLUFA (1997) has nominated this
bromine or chlorine, which have to be drawn procedure as the official method of analysis
off with a rotary evaporator. Spindler et al. for methionine determination in chloride-rich
(1984), Elkin and Griffith (1985) and Gehrke diets. We should also mention the work of
et al. (1987) studied the recovery of all amino Tuan and Phillips (1997) who studied cystine
acids under these conditions and showed that recovery in diets based on casein and
all acid-stable amino acids, with the exception sorghum and in digesta samples as mixed
of phenylalanine, histidine and tyrosine, are disulphide with the addition of 3,3-
completely recovered from the hydrolysate dithiodipropionic acid during hydrolysis with
after previous oxidation. Mason et al. hydrochloric acid in evacuated ampoules at
(1980a,b) and Bech-Andersen et al. (1990) 145°C and different times. At a 100-fold
tried to streamline this procedure and intro- molar excess of the reagent they recovered
duced the addition of sodium metabisulphite pure cystine at the rate of 99%. Very inconsis-
salt to destroy performic acid. The advantage tent results were however obtained in feed
is that it eliminates the need for rotary and digesta, which makes a final assessment
removal of the halogen prior to hydrolysis and of the method impossible.
that phenylalanine and histidine can also be
determined from the oxidized hydrolysate.
Tryptophan analysis
This method is capable of determining all
amino acids except tryptophan and tyrosine. The analysis of tryptophan, an essential
However, it is important to remember that amino acid which can become limiting, espe-
these hydrolysates now contain sulphuric acid cially in swine diets, has been extensively stud-
or hydrogen sulphate formed from sulphite ied. The focus in recent years has been on
which, when concentrated for the complete alkaline hydrolysis in the total absence of oxy-
removal of the hydrochloric acid, can form gen. Simat and Steinhart (1998) recently pub-
sulphate esters with serine and threonine lished detailed studies on the oxidation of free
which interfere with cysteic acid in the amino and protein-bound tryptophan and described
acid analyser. The EU method based on this follow-up products. Nielsen and Hurrell
variant therefore suggests neutralization of (1984), having conducted comparative tests,
the hydrolysates, which can be readily suggested hydrolysis with sodium hydroxide in
automated, or the partial removal of the an evacuated vessel (110°C, 20 h) with the
hydrochloric acid by distillation. Llames and addition of 5-methyltryptophan as internal
Fontaine (1994) compared both variants of standard and hydrolysed starch. Werner
oxidation and acid hydrolysis in a worldwide (1986) and Rogers and Pesti (1990) on the
collaborative trial, with 28 participants, using other hand preferred to work with lithium
broiler starter and finisher feed, maize, fish- hydroxide after flushing with nitrogen, without
meal and poultry meal, and obtained equiva- using an internal standard, because sodium
lent results (Table 2.1). Toran et al. (1996) hydroxide readily attacks glass, and they
also suggest oxidation for the determina- reported a 97–99% tryptophan recovery.
tion of cystine and methionine in infant for- Slump et al. (1991) compared lithium hydrox-
mulas. ide and barium hydroxide for hydrolysis in a
Amino Acid - Chap 02
Table 2.1. Comparison of three oxidation and hydrolysis procedures in an international collaborative study with 28 participating labs and five samples in blind
duplicates. The mean amino acid contents obtained were equivalent, if the respective method is applicable.

Mean contents(g kg-1)
Broiler finisher Broiler starter Maize Fishmeal Poultry meal

12:54 pm
Oxa Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox
(SO2) (HBr) Hyd (SO2) (HBr) Hyd (SO2) (HBr) Hyd (SO2) (HBr) Hyd (SO2) (HBr) Hyd

Alanine 11.7 12.0 11.8 12.8 13.1 12.9 6.1 6.1 6.2 35.0 35.6 34.9 42.6 42.8 42.6
Arginine 12.8 12.2 12.5 15.7 15.1 15.7 4.0 3.9 3.7 34.0 32.4 33.6 43.5 42.4 44.0

Page 18
Aspartate 16.8 17.5 16.7 22.9 23.6 23.0 5.4 5.6 5.4 52.2 52.6 53.1 49.2 50.4 51.3
Cystine 3.2 3.5 – 3.5 3.6 – 1.8 1.9 – 4.8 4.9 – 8.1 8.2 –

J. Fontaine
Glutamate 32.5 32.3 32.4 40.4 40.4 40.4 15.1 14.9 15.4 73.7 74.9 74.5 79.7 80.5 81.8
Glycine 12.7 13.0 13.0 12.7 12.9 12.9 3.3 3.3 3.3 38.4 39.1 38.8 69.0 68.6 69.8
Histidine 5.0 – 5.0 6.5 – 6.1 2.7 – 2.4 13.7 – 13.9 13.1 – 13.8
Isoleucine 7.6 7.6 7.4 9.5 9.8 9.6 2.8 2.9 2.8 23.2 24.0 23.5 22.4 23.1 23.0
Leucine 16.6 16.9 16.6 19.7 20.3 19.8 9.9 10.0 9.9 40.7 41.5 40.7 40.9 41.8 41.0
Lysine 10.7 11.0 10.6 13.5 13.9 13.5 2.6 2.6 2.5 42.2 44.6 42.5 36.3 37.2 36.7
Methionine 5.3 5.4 – 6.2 6.3 – 1.8 1.9 – 16.1 16.3 – 11.7 12.0 –
Phenylalanine 8.7 – 8.7 11.2 – 11.1 3.8 – 4.0 22.9 – 22.4 23.3 – 23.3
Proline 13.9 14.1 14.2 14.7 14.3 15.0 7.3 7.1 7.6 26.2 25.4 26.5 45.3 44.9 47.8
Serine 9.4 9.4 9.7 11.2 11.4 11.7 3.9 3.9 4.1 22.1 22.3 22.5 27.6 27.1 28.6
Threonine 7.3 7.4 7.4 11.2 9.1 9.0 2.9 3.0 3.0 22.8 23.8 23.7 23.2 23.8 23.8
Tyrosine – – 6.3 – – 8.4 – – 3.0 – – 18.5 – – 17.8
Valine 9.2 9.3 9.3 11.1 11.2 11.1 3.8 3.9 3.9 27.8 28.9 28.2 28.2 28.5 29.0
aOx (SO ), oxidation, where performic acid is destroyed by addition of sodium metabisulphite and followed by standard hydrolysis (6 mol l-1 HCl, 110°C, 24 h);
Ox (HBr), oxidation, where performic acid is destroyed by addition of hydrogen bromide and followed by standard hydrolysis; Hyd, only standard hydrolysis.
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 19

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 19

sterilizing autoclave (130°C, 8 h), added the of the HPLC method is emphasized. The gen-
internal standard only after the hydrolysis and eral acceptance of HPLC has therefore led to
obtained the same recovery each time, which the virtual disappearance of the previously
they estimated at about 92% for defined pro- widespread spectrophotometric tryptophan
teins and pure tryptophan. Bech-Andersen methods. Molnár-Perl (1997) has compiled a
(1991) suggested hydrolysis in an autoclave review of methods of tryptophan analysis in
with sodium hydroxide solution, adding lac- peptides and proteins, including descriptions
tose to enhance recovery and -methyltrypto- of techniques not normally used in feed-
phan as internal standard. Ranfft and Faure ingstuffs, such as acid or enzymatic hydrolysis,
(1993), who conducted an intercomparison measurement by gas chromatography or
with compound feed and four raw materials derivative spectroscopy whithout chemical
using different in-house methods of 14 derivatization. Carisano (1993), who
European laboratories, found coefficients of employed microwave hydrolysis with lithium
variation ranging from 4 (soy) to 10% (maize) hydroxide under temperature control, was
and observed no significant differences in rela- able to hydrolyse meat and fish completely in
tion to the hydroxide used, temperature, time less then 60 min, obtaining results similar to
or the hydrolysis technique. Landry and those with barium hydroxide (110°C, 12 h).
Delhaye (1992a,b, 1994a) and Delhaye and He derivatized tryptophan with o-phthal-
Landry (1992, 1993) conducted intensive dialdehyde (OPA) prior to HPLC, whereas
studies on tryptophan determination. Three Algeria et al. (1996) converted with phenyl-
hydroxides, different times and temperatures isothiocyanate (PITC).
for hydrolysis and several assay procedures An expert group of the EU Commission,
were varied and compared. They favoured as DG XII, has been working for 4 years on
a result the hydrolysis with barium hydroxide comparative studies with a view to establish-
in an autoclave with added 5-methyltrypto- ing a harmonized system of feedstuff analysis
phan as internal standard to compensate for in the EU. Fontaine et al. (1998) reported
losses. They also suggested HPLC conditions that three collaborative trials with 12–16 par-
on reversed phase (RP)-silica gel with a sepa- ticipants tested lithium hydroxide versus
rating time of only 10 min and fluorescence sodium hydroxide and barium hydroxide, the
detection. Landry and Delhaye (1994b) evalu- use of an internal standard during or after
ated the results of two collaborative studies by hydrolysis, the suitability of 5-methyl- or -
normalizing the tryptophan values of all other methyltryptophan as internal standard and the
participants relative to their own assays. They use of evacuated or nitrogen-purged hydroly-
were convinced that the above conditions sis vessels versus autoclaving. Landry and
bring 15–20% higher tryptophan recovery. Delhaye (1994b), who also participated, pre-
Most other authors also suggested HPLC sented the view, as mentioned above, that 5-
with UV or fluorescence detection, the latter methyltryptophan must be present during
being preferred because of its specificity for hydrolysis with barium hydroxide and that by
tryptophan. using their special autoclaving conditions
Landry and Delhaye (1992a) also com- about 15% higher tryptophan concentrations
pared separation by gel filtration on are obtained than with other techniques. The
Sephadex, analysis of the hydrolysates with a second collaborative trial showed, however,
cation exchanger or colorimetric analysis after that irrespective of the hydrolysis technique
staining with p-dimethylamino-cinnamalde- the use of this internal standard generated
hyde. Other authors also determined trypto- analytical values in all laboratories that were a
phan colorimetrically by the acid ninhydrin significant 13–20% higher than with -
method (Pintér-Szakács and Molnar-Perl, methyltryptophan. A comparison of the
1990), after conversion with p-dimethyl- hydrolytic stability of the two internal stan-
amino-benzaldehyde (Lee et al., 1996) or dards revealed that the 5-methyl derivative is
nitrous acid (Shah et al., 1996). However, on less stable than tryptophan, whereas -
comparing this procedure with HPLC analy- methyltryptophan is considerably more stable.
sis, the simple operation and greater precision This leads to a marked overcorrection of the
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 20

20 J. Fontaine

small hydrolysis losses in the case of protein- ence. Extractions of various compound feeds
bound tryptophan, so that the addition of an with the addition of norleucine as internal
internal standard during hydrolysis was standard gave a very good intralaboratory
rejected. The best results were obtained with repeatability CVr of 1–1.5% in our laboratory
4 M barium hydroxide (110°C, 20 h) in an (Fontaine, 2002). Foulon et al. (1990), who
autoclave. Moreover, the addition of the stable compared extraction of methionine and lysine
-methyltryptophan after hydrolysis greatly with water, 85% ethanol and buffer solution
improved the comparability of the results with the acid extraction described above,
between laboratories. The determination of achieved the highest recovery with 0.1 M
supplemented tryptophan was also optimized, hydrochloric acid. Saurina and Hernandez-
the best technique being extraction with 0.1 Cassou (1993) described a flow-injection spec-
M hydrochloric acid with an internal standard. trophotometric determination specialized for
Publication of the Commission Directive supplemented lysine in commercial feeds.
(2000) made the adopted method compulsory Bech-Andersen (1997) developed special alka-
across the EU. The accuracy achieved was line/acid extraction conditions for mineral
excellent, with a reproducibility CVR of premixes with high contents of heavy metals
between 2.2 and 6.3%, and 1.5–4.7% in a in order to obtain extracts without heavy
second test. metal ions as the latter cause considerable
interference in the cation exchanger. Fontaine
and Eudaimon (2000) gave a detailed descrip-
Supplemented or free amino acids and tion of an acid extraction method with subse-
taurine quent determination in an amino acid
analyser, specially designed for assays of com-
Virtually all compound feeds are now supple- mercial amino acid products and concentrated
mented with amino acids and determination premixes, which they tested in an interna-
of this additive is an important quality assur- tional collaborative trial with 17 laboratories.
ance tool in the feed industry. Fahnenstich They achieved a between-laboratory repro-
and Tanner (1973) developed a method for ducibility CVR of only 1.5–2.6% and a recov-
extracting free amino acids from a few grams ery of the amino acids in the accurately
of finely ground feed using diluted cold 0.1 M produced premixes of 97.5–102.8%. This
hydrochloric acid. Mason et al. (1980a) method has been adopted as the Official First
described similar extraction conditions but Action by AOAC International.
with the addition of thiodiglycol as stabilizer The effect of amino acids in the diet on
for methionine and protein precipitation in free amino acid concentrations in blood
the extract prior to chromatography. Virtually plasma, muscles or liver, etc., has also been
identical extraction conditions were incorpo- the subject of many animal experiments.
rated in the official EU method for the deter- These matrices require deproteinization by
mination of supplemented amino acids as a precipitation (addition of acids or solvents) or
result of the Commission Directive (1998). In by means of physical techniques (ultrafiltration
the EU collaborative trial, where this extrac- etc.). Walker and Mills (1995) wrote in a
tion method was tested on a premix, excellent review article that in human clinical diagnostic
repeatability within laboratory CVr and repro- work precipitation is performed predomi-
ducibility between laboratories CVR are nantly with 4–5% final concentration of 5-
achieved (Table 2.2). Protein hydrolysis does sulphosalicylic acid, as also described by De
not occur with diluted hydrochloric acid. It is Jonge and Breuer (1994) for porcine plasma
not possible, however, to distinguish supple- and Hagen et al. (1993) for bovine plasma.
mented from natural, non-protein-bound Sedgwick et al. (1991) compared protein pre-
amino acids out of the feed raw materials. All cipitation by means of acetone or acetonitrile
that needs to be done prior to performing with that performed using perchloric acid or
cation exchange chromatography is to adjust trichloroacetic acid in ovine plasma and
the pH to 2.20 and no special cleaning of the bovine serum albumin solutions. Acid precipi-
extracts is necessary according to our experi- tation achieved good amino acid recoveries
Amino Acid - Chap 02
Table 2.2. Precision of amino acid analysis. Published results of collaborative trials on the analysis of total amino acid contents in mixed feed and ingredients
and of supplemented amino acids in premixes and pure amino acid trade products.

Llames and Fontaine (1994) Commission Directive (1998) Bütikofer et al. (1992)

Whey protein
Broiler finisher Poultry meal Fish meal Mixed pig feed Broiler compound concentrate Feed


12:54 pm
Methionine (total) 1.1 7.6 2.1 12.0 1.9 9.7 3.4 7.0 3.1 10.9 3.1 13.4 5.9 16.0
Cystine (total) 3.1 11.3 4.6 17.7 4.0 19.0 3.3 9.9 2.8 8.8 5.5 44.8 13.1 77.2
Lysine (total) 3.5 9.0 3.1 9.9 2.8 7.9 2.8 3.2 2.1 5.4 2.3 5.5 5.3 13.2

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds

Threonine (total) 2.7 8.2 3.2 9.1 3.6 10.7 1.9 4.1 2.1 5.3 1.5 5.2 3.1 8.4
Arginine (total) 2.3 8.6 3.3 9.7 2.3 7.2 3.0 8.8 4.2 7.8

Page 21
Isoleucine (total) 3.2 6.8 2.7 11.7 2.1 10.3 4.2 9.4 3.1 18.7
Leucine (total) 2.7 6.3 2.5 7.6 1.9 6.8 2.5 6.4 2.3 7.8
Valine (total) 3.8 12.7 3.2 12.8 2.3 11.2 2.9 10.2 6.1 16.4
Phenylalanine (total) 4.4 14.6 3.5 9.2 1.6 7.7 4.2 11.5 4.7 12.3

Commission Directive (2000) Dir. (1998) Fontaine and Eudaimon (2000)

Feed concentrate
for pigs Soybean meal Premixture No. 3 Premix No. 5 Premix BiolysTM DL-Methionine


Tryptophan (total) 1.9 2.2 1.3 4.1

Methionine (suppl.) 2.4 6.9 1.2 1.8 0.5 2.6 0.9 1.5
Lysine (suppl.) 2.1 6.7 1.3 2.5 0.7 1.9 0.8 2.3
Threonine (suppl.) 2.2 4.3 0.7 1.9 0.8 1.9

CVr, coefficient of variation (%) for within laboratory standard deviation Sr, repeatability CVr; CVR, coefficient of variation (%) for between laboratory standard
deviation SR, reproducibility CVR.

Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 22

22 J. Fontaine

over a wide concentration range of the dis- Porter et al. (1988), Amiss et al. (1990),
solved protein (4–16%). The solvents, how- Sakai and Nagasawa (1992) and Messing and
ever, included free amino acids in the Sturmann (1993) described the determination
precipitate so that the recovery fell to only of taurine in feline and other blood and
50% with increasing protein content. Aristoy plasma by HPLC separation following pre-
and Toldra (1991) on the other hand obtained column derivatization with different reagents.
equally satisfactory results in the determina-
tion of free amino acids in fresh pork muscle
and dry-cured ham either by protein precipita- Chromatographic separation and
tion with perchloric acid, trichloroacetic acid, detection
picric acid and acetonitrile or by ultrafiltration
with a 10 kDa exclusion limit, whereas Several recent review articles on amino acid
sulphosalicylic acid or ultrafiltration with 1 analysis should first be mentioned here. Morr
kDa gave a poorer recovery. Peter et al. and Ha (1995) reported in general terms on
(1999) also used trichloroacetic acid for pro- analysis of protein and amino acids in food
tein precipitation in cell extracts of algae and products, whereas Rutherfurd and Moughan
Bugueno et al. (1999) used acetonitrile for (2000) focused on analysis of animal feeds.
deproteinization of raw salmon muscle. Molnar-Perl (2000) described chromato-
Antoine et al. (1999) used 75% methanol in graphic techniques for the determination of
the analysis of free amino acids in fish sam- sugar, carboxylic acids and amino acids in
ples. Urine sample preparation on the other foodstuffs and included references to tech-
hand was done by Hara et al. (1999) with niques such as gas chromatography and capil-
30% sulphosalicylic acid. Van de Merbel et al. lary electrophoresis. Fekkes (1996) and
(1995) described online amino acid monitor- Walker and Mills (1995) reported on advances
ing in fermentation processes employing in amino acid determination in physiological
ultrafiltration for protein separation and ion samples or biological fluids, respectively.
exchange chromatography. There are thus Detailed descriptions of different chromato-
many suitable variants for the removal of graphic techniques were given, with examples
unwanted protein and the recovery of supple- of the degree of separation obtained.
mented amino acids should always be tested
in preliminary experiments.
Ion-exchange chromatography (IEC)
Taurine, a metabolic derivative of cys-
teine, is essential for cats but it also plays a The chromatographic separation of all
role in infant nutrition. It occurs in the non- amino acids by means of a cation exchange
protein-bound form and can, in principle, be column (polystyrene sulphonic acid as Na+
analysed in the same way as free amino acids. or Li+ salt) eluted with three to five citrate or
Balschukat and Kunesch (1989) described its sometimes acetate buffers of different ionic
determination in fish meal, pet food and ani- strength, pH and with different modifiers,
mal raw materials following extraction with was developed way back in 1948 and auto-
0.1 M hydrochloric acid in an amino acid mated by Spackman et al. as an amino acid
analyser. Nicolas et al. (1990) measured tau- analyser in 1958. More than 50 years later
rine concentrations in infant formulas and this method had become the standard in
human milk following ultrafiltration also by amino acid analysis owing to the outstand-
ion-exchange chromatography. McCarthy et ing and stable separation, which allows the
al. (2001) tested a taurine assay in pet food analysis of more than 45 amino acids in
after acid hydrolysis (6 M HCl, 110°C, 16 h) blood plasma (lithium buffer), the high
and precolumn derivatization with dansyl chlo- reproducibility of retention time and peak
ride in a collaborative trial. In six samples of area and the extended stability of the cali-
wet and dry cat and dog food interlaboratory bration. The resin is highly resistant to
reproducibility CVRs of 6.1–13.3% were matrix effects, which is of major importance
achieved, and the procedure was adopted as given the complex composition of com-
the official method by AOAC International. pound feeds. Any increase in pressure due
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 23

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 23

to soiling or a reduction in the separation Other separation and detection techniques of

performance can in many cases be cor- underivatized amino acids
rected by simply reversing the flow direc-
tion; in the author’s laboratory ion The separation of amino acids by means of
exchange columns are often operated con- anion exchange chromatography was also
tinuously for more than a year; they are tested, often combined with pulsed ampero-
then cleaned, the resin regenerated and the metric detection (PAD). This separation prin-
columns repacked. The running costs of an ciple is interesting because the elution
amino acid analyser are therefore far lower sequence is reversed compared with the
than using RP-HPLC columns, which do not cation exchanger, i.e. arginine and lysine elute
allow regeneration and are susceptible to after a short time. PAD with a gold electrode
attack by fats and non-polar components in covers oxidizable organic groups, e.g. com-
feedingstuffs and therefore need to be pounds containing hydroxyl, amino and sul-
changed frequently. Postcolumn derivatiza- phide groups, but not inorganic salts or
tion is carried out either with ninhydrin in a carbonic acids. Martens and Frankenberger
heated coil or with OPA, the latter reagent (1992) successfully applied this new method
being about 20 times more sensitive. The to different proteins and wheat varieties, with
key advantage of postcolumn derivatization adequate separation and reproducibility,
is that each amino acid, be it from sample although the detection sensitivities for argi-
or standard, is always derivatized under nine (high) and glutamic acid differed by a fac-
identical conditions in the respective elution tor of 30 and the baseline of the
buffer, which explains the high reproducibil- chromatogram is very unstable. Simonson
ity. Moreover, amino acids in the underiva- and Pietrzyk (1993) systematically tested the
tized state are chromatographically more effect of the anion in the separation buffer
strongly differentiated than the derivatives of used for separating efficiency and sensitivity in
conventional HPLC precolumn derivatiza- the alternative indirect photometric detection
tions, where a very large non-polar mole- (IPD) method. Jensen and Hofler (1999) of
cule is bound to the amino group. Also, this the equipment manufacturer Dionex success-
reaction inevitably takes place in the respec- fully employed anion exchange chromatogra-
tive matrix, which can influence the reaction phy in a recently developed device with PAD
yield and stability of the derivative. Bütikofer for analysing meat products, fermentation
et al. (1992) conducted a collaborative trial solutions and fruit juices. Casella et al. (2000)
comparing HPLC analysis after precolumn tested cheese samples and found detection
derivatization with a mixture of OPA and 9- limits of 5–30 pmol absolute and sufficient lin-
fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC) as earity of detection. Jandik et al. (2000) man-
an alternative to the classic ion exchanger in aged to improve the resin-related short
dairy products and feedingstuffs; although retention time of arginine and tested soy
the means obtained with both methods were hydrolysates, and De Bruijn and Bout (2000)
similar, IEC delivered greater reproducibility tested sugar beet, but had to remove a large
and precision and was recommended for proportion of the sugar as it interfered with
cases requiring high precision. As IEC the detection. Jandik et al. (2001) used a
equipment technology is mature few articles cation exchange column in hydrogen form for
with details have been published. Grunau this purpose, which retains amino acids while
and Swiader (1992) and Moeller (1993) allowing sugars to pass. After a development
used IEC columns in HPLC machines with time of over 8 years, anion exchange chro-
two- or three-buffer gradient elution; Le matography has still not gained widespread
Boucher et al. (1997) subjected the Hitachi acceptance in feed analysis.
L-8500A, a new amino acid analyser, to Few authors achieved the separation of
intensive tests with biological fluids for per- underivatized amino acids by means of RP-
formance in peak reproducibility, retention HPLC. Saurina and Hernandez-Cassou
time stability and linear concentration, with (1994) described in great detail an eluent sys-
good results. tem by ion pair chromatography and detected
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 24

24 J. Fontaine

amino acids at 309 nm after postcolumn reac- fer mainly with regard to derivatization condi-
tion with 1,2-naphthochinone-4-sulphonate at tions (temperature, time, separation of the
65°C. This method was employed for animal reagent), stability of the derivatives and detec-
feed and powdered milks. Arlorio et al. tion methodology (cf. Table 2.3). The ideal
(1998) also used ion pair chromatography to reagent has not yet been identified and recent
analyse aromatic amino acids and the associ- developments have so far not superseded
ated biogenic amines in food products and established older methods.
sometimes found high concentrations in The long-established, slightly cumbersome
cheese. UV detection is sufficiently sensitive (long reaction time, distillation for removal of
for these amino acids. The recently developed excess reagent in a vacuum) derivatization with
chemiluminescent nitrogen detector allows the PITC was made commercially accessible by
specific and sensitive measurement of amino Waters as the Pico-Tag method using a dedi-
acids without derivatization (Fujinari et al., cated apparatus. The PITC amino acids being
1993; Bizanek et al., 1996; Petritis et al., formed, which are fairly stable in an acid envi-
2001). Pei and Li (2000) even described an ronment, can cyclize to phenylthiohydantoin
amperometric sensor specifically for amino (PTH) amino acids in an alkaline environment
acids, which employs immobilized amino acid (secondary reaction). The first-named deriva-
oxidase and was used for HPLC. tives are usually chromatographed and
The recently developed method of capil- detected under UV light. The follow-up prod-
lary electrophoresis (CE) in different separat- ucts of cysteic acid and methionine sulphone
ing media (CE, capillary zone electrophonesis can also be separated chromatographically
(CZE), micellar electrokinetic capillary chro- after oxidation of the sample with performic
matography (MECC)) for the determination of acid.
amino acids has also been extensively studied. Cohen and Strydom (1988) and Molnar-
Here the amino acid ions or derivatives Perl (1994) have written reviews on this sub-
migrate in the electric field through a separat- ject, Khalifa and Molnar-Perl (1996) studied
ing capillary, for which a wide range of tech- the effect of salt from the neutralization of the
niques have been described. Of these, only hydrolysates on the derivatization and
the review article by Smith (1997) on this sep- observed no interference, so that the widely
aration technique will be mentioned and some practised removal of the hydrochloric acid by
recent papers which apply CE to the analysis distillation would be superfluous. Vasantis and
of the amino acid composition of feedstuffs Molnar-Perl (1999) systematically studied and
and skin (Michaelsen et al., 1994), or soy optimized the separation conditions for 27
protein (Oguri et al., 1997), free amino acids amino acids. Elkin and Wasynczuk (1987) suc-
in beer (Klampfl et al., 1998), or soy sauce cessfully applied the technique to feed raw
and beverages (Soga and Ross, 1999), and of materials and compound feeds and compared
methionine and homocysteine in human it with IEC. The extensively described PITC
plasma (Vecchione et al., 1999). methology was considered equivalent to IEC.
Zhao et al. (1992) also tested animal feed and
cereal and reported interference with derivati-
HPLC after precolumn derivatization
zation in materials with a high starch content.
After precolumn derivatization with non-polar, Suzuki and Early (1993), Shang and Wang
UV-vis- or fluorescence-active reagents on the (1996) and Gonzalez-Castro et al. (1997)
amino group, all amino acids can be sepa- reported on PITC amino acid analysis in plant
rated by RP-HPLC. This is of benefit espe- products. Toran et al. (1996) studied infant
cially in laboratories where amino acids are formulas and chromatographically optimized
tested only occasionally as the HPLC equip- the determination of sulphur-containing
ment, unlike the amino acid analyser, is very amino acids, whereas Alonso et al. (1994)
versatile. New derivatization reagents are analysed the free amino acids in these prod-
being developed all the time and can be pro- ucts, which they were able to quantify in just
tected by patents, which is a major advantage 20 min with an intralaboratory CVr of less
for HPLC manufacturers. The techniques dif- than 10%. Other authors used this technique
Amino Acid - Chap 02
Table 2.3. Comparison of chromatographic methods of amino acid analysis.

Methoda IEC HPLC after precolumn derivatization

12:54 pm
Derivatization reagentb Ninhydrin or OPA post column PITC OPA FMOC AQC DABS-CI

Derivatization time (min) 2 (online reactor) 20 1 2 1 10 min / 70°C

Removal of reagent No Evaporation No Extraction No Yes

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds

Stable derivatives Color is formed (Yes) No Yes Yes Yes

Page 25
Detects imino acids Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Matrix sensitivity No Yes Yes Yes Low High
Detector Visible UV Fluorescence Fluorescence Fluorescence Visible
Sensitivity (pmol) 50 50 1–5 1 1–5 50
Advantages Long column life, stable and HPLC can be used for other determinations, high sensitivity allows analysis of very small
excellent separation and sample size, shorter separation times
calibration, no matrix sensitivity
Disadvantages Expensive instrumentation and Some multiple or unstable derivates, complex purification and extraction, interference from
columns, complex buffer and salts and lipids, short column life, poor resolution for some amino acids
column temperature programme
Applications Standard procedure for feed, Individual amino acids; peptide research, hydrolysates, physiological fluids
digesta and blood
ion exchange chromatography; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography with reversed phase columns.
bPITC,phenylisothiocyanate; OPA, orthophthaldialdehyde; FMOC, 9-fluorenylmethylchloroformate; AQC, 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidylcarbamate;
DABS-Cl, dabsylchloride.

Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 26

26 J. Fontaine

for the analysis of free amino acids in plasma wines. Other authors tested seafood for free
and other biological samples (Hagen et al., amino acid concentrations (Vazquesz-Ortiz et
1993; Hariharan et al., 1993; Bugueno et al., 1995; Antoine et al., 1999, 2001). The
al., 1999; Campanella et al., 1999). method was also used for the analysis of free
Precolumn derivatization with OPA in amino acids in blood plasma and urine (Van
combination with a thiol compound combines Eijk et al., 1993; Begley et al., 1994; Fekkes
the advantage of a very rapid reaction time et al., 1995, 2000; Czauderna and
(1 minute at room temperature) with the Kowalczyk, 1998; Tcherkas et al., 2001).
specificity and sensitivity of fluorescence Another fluorescence-active reagent for
detection. Although secondary amino acids do precolumn derivatization is FMOC. It reacts
not react, this can be avoided by the subse- quickly with all amino acids at room tempera-
quent addition of FMOC after a complete ture, but more slowly than OPA. The deriva-
reaction with OPA with the formation of tives are stable and analytical solutions can be
FMOC-proline for example. The stability of stored for several days in a refrigerator. In the
the OPA derivatives is very limited, which is presence of water 9-fluorenylmethanol devel-
particularly relevant for the important amino ops from the reagent, which is highly fluores-
acid lysine. This is why OPA derivatization cence-active and elutes in the centre of the
should preferably be fully automated in the amino acid chromatogram. For this reason an
autosampler. May and Brown (1989), Molnar- extraction step with non-polar solvents is
Perl and Bozor (1998), Molnar-Perl and required, a disadvantage if this cannot be
Vasantis (1999) and Molnar-Perl (2001) sys- done automatically in a special autosampler.
tematically tested different thiols, reagent mix- Cottingham and Smallidge (1988) have used
tures and derivatization conditions for yield this technique with good results for the deter-
and stability of the amino acid derivatives. In a mination of total lysine in complete feeds
collaborative trial, Bütikofer et al. (1991, and supplemented lysine in premixes.
1992) compared the accuracy and repro- Fernandez-Trapiella (1990) tested methionine,
ducibility of OPA/FMOC precolumn derivati- cystine and lysine following oxidation with
zation in feedstuffs, milk/cereal mixtures and performic acid in soybean meal, meat meal,
cheese with that of classic ion-exchange chro- fishmeal and other feedstuffs and obtained
matography. According to their studies, the equivalent results when compared with con-
within-laboratory repeatability is comparable ventional IEC. Yet no further papers on feed
for hydrolysate analyses, but the sensitivity of analysis with FMOC have been published.
fluorescence detection is 5–20 times greater Kirschbaum et al. (1994a,b,c) determined
depending on the amino acid, except for amino acids and biogenic amines using this
lysine. Although the mean concentrations methodology, Arnold et al. (1994) analysed
found in the ring test were approximately green coffee beans and Or-Rashid et al.
equal, the reproducibility was distinctly poorer (2000) and Sultana et al. (2001) tested free
for almost all amino acids, especially the limit- amino acids in rumen fluid. Assays in biologi-
ing methionine, lysine and threonine, and cal samples were also described (Ndibualonji
across all samples. The feedstuff sample fared et al., 1992; Ou et al., 1996; Or-Rashid et
worst, which the authors attributed to matrix al., 1999).
interference during the derivatization. Puchala In 1993 the company Millipore intro-
et al. (1994) tested methionine sulphoxide duced a new derivatization reagent, 6-amino-
and other amino acids in the rumen of cattle, quinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate
Li et al. (1998) used the method for feed (AQC), which they tested against IEC for
samples, Heems et al. (1998) for soybean analysis of feed samples (Cohen and Michaud,
cattle cake and beverages, Zunin and 1993; Cohen and De Antonis, 1994).
Evangelisti (1999) for infant formulas, Baek et According to these studies, the highly fluores-
al. (1999) for amino acids and biogenic cence-active reagent reacts quickly with amino
amines in soy sauces and Herbert et al. acids, derivatization is very simple to perform
(2000), and Pripis-Nicolau et al. (2001) for and the derivatives formed are stable for sev-
analysis of free amino acids in musts and eral weeks at room temperature. The authors
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 27

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 27

described HPLC conditions which also sepa- two projects concerned with the analysis of
rate cysteic acid and methionine sulphone amino acids in feed or plant raw materials
from oxidized hydrolysates, and the reagent after derivatization to volatile compounds by
peak causes no interference. Liu (1994) means of gas chromatography (GC-MS) (Oh
tested the recovery of 14 amino acid stan- et al., 1995; Muranszky, 1996).
dards added to a feed hydrolysate and found
between 92 and 112% with a mean recovery
of 98%, compared with IEC the recovery was Specific detection of single amino acids
93–110%, except for threonine (85%) and
arginine (117%). Indeed, he and some other If the intention is to determine the concentra-
authors heated the derivatization mixtures for tion of a single amino acid in the hydrolysate
10 min at 50–55°C in sealed autosampler or in its free form in fermentation solutions,
vials in a reaction block in order to finish the juices or extracts, chromatographic separation
derivatization procedure. Liu et al. (1995) can be omitted altogether if a reagent or enzy-
tested the methodology thoroughly in food matic reaction is used that is specific for this
and feed samples, ruling out interference from particular amino acid. Marko-Varga et al.
salt in neutralized hydrolysates. The depicted (1993) reported on enzymatic detection sys-
chromatograms of broiler feed and maize tems specific for amino acids. Pohlmann et
show good separation of all amino acids in al. (1990) have developed an enzymatic flow-
the oxidized hydrolysate. Good agreement injection method which is specific for lysine
with IEC is achieved in several samples, and allows up to 30 assays per hour. Using a
including for arginine and threonine. Van similar flow-injection analysis, Lavagnini et al.
Wendelen and Cohen (1997) studied the sep- (1993) determined lysine concentrations in
aration conditions in collagen hydrolysates feed hydrolysates and Chen et al. (1996)
and cell culture media samples and designed analysed supplemented lysine in fish food.
an optimal quaternary eluent system. Reverter Vrbova et al. (1992) described an enzyme
et al. (1997) used this technique to analyse electrode specific for L-lysine which enabled
blood plasma of swine, but were unable to its determination in wheat extracts. A fluori-
achieve complete separation of all plasma metric assay of lysine in feed hydrolysate fol-
amino acids with the dual gradient system lowing reaction with L-lysine oxidase was
employed. Miao et al. (2000) reported on described by Hikuma et al. (1991) which
analyses of various foodstuffs with 88–110% showed a high degree of concordance with
recovery of all amino acids. IEC for compound feeds, fish meal and soy.
Another derivatization reagent, which has Ninhydrin-ferric reagent was used by Hsieh et
been around for some time, is dabsyl chloride, al. (1995) for the determination of lysine in
which is typically kept for 12 min at 70°C for culture broth. Colorimetric assays of trypto-
conversion with amino acids and yields stable, phan have been mentioned above.
coloured derivatives which can be detected
with a photometer at 436 nm. Schneider
(1989) of the company Beckman gave an Available/reactive lysine
overview of separating conditions and repro-
ducibility of the technique, Drnevich and Vary Lysine in protein is highly susceptible to dam-
(1993) used it to analyse blood plasma sam- age through heat treatment as it possesses a
ples, Ikeda et al. (1993) employed this reactive -amino group, especially if reducing
reagent for the determination of hydroxypro- sugars are present. The follow-up products of
line and proline in collagen and Krause et al. lysine created during Maillard reactions for
(1995) tested amino acids and biogenic example (Eichner et al., 1994) are no longer
amines in biological samples and food. available for animal or human protein synthe-
Also worth mentioning is the fluores- sis. In 1960 Carpenter introduced an in vitro
cence-active, long-established reagent dansyl test for available, better reactive lysine, in
chloride which was used by Sanz et al. (1996) which the protein was reacted with fluoro-2,4-
for the analysis of milk and egg protein, and dinitrobenzene (FDNB) and the resulting
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 28

28 J. Fontaine

coloured dinitrophenyl (DNP)-lysine was deter- declined by 17–40% after the treatments by
mined photometrically following hydrolysis. reacting with glucose, available lysine fell by as
Only converted lysine that was still reactive at much as 78–85%. Damage caused by heat
the -amino group is in theory available for treatment with alkali was also identified far
the protein metabolism of animals. Other more efficiently with guanidination, which was
reagents and test conditions such as conver- explained by a re-cleaving of some of the dam-
sion with OPA or guanidination to homoargi- aged lysine (e.g. fructose-lysine of the initial
nine have also been described (see below). But Maillard reaction) in acid hydrolysis. Imbeah et
such tests are beset by numerous problems, al. (1996) optimized the reaction conditions of
from the chemical accessiblity of the -amino guanidination in casein and soybean meal.
group for derivatization in the sample protein They achieved 100% lysine conversion for the
suspended in the solution to interferences and soluble milk protein and just under 80% for
secondary reactions caused by the matrix. A soy. These authors, like Ravindran et al.
more sophisticated FDNB method was there- (1996), were interested in the preparative
fore often used, where the total lysine from guanidination of feedstuff to determine endoge-
the underivatized sample and unconverted nous amino acid secretions in digestibility trials.
lysine were determined chromatographically The latter studies focused mainly on optimal
after reaction with FDNB and hydrolysis, the conversion in cottonseed protein, where up to
difference being the available lysine. 64% of the lysine was converted into
Carpenter et al. (1989) compared these and homoarginine, and conversion rates of other
two further in vitro tests on lysine availability feed raw materials are also given. Moughan
in fish, meat and plant-derived food products and Rutherford (1996) also devised optimal
with the in vivo rat growth assay; all in vitro derivatization conditions and compared the
tests, except those in the pure protein sam- reactive lysine of guanidination with that deter-
ples casein and soy protein, failed. Faldet et mined in the FDNB test for heat-treated
al. (1991, 1992) applied the aforementioned casein/lactose mixtures, with a good degree of
differential method and the rat growth assay concordance. This and subsequent studies
to soybeans subjected to heat treatment under (Rutherfurd and Moughan, 1997; Rutherfurd
different conditions in order to optimize pro- et al., 1997) focused primarily on the develop-
tein utilization by ruminants and obtained a ment of a new bioassay ‘digestible reactive
reasonable match for lysine utilization. More lysine’, which would allow a more accurate
recent research went further in determining determination of lysine digestibility in digestibil-
DNP-lysine by HPLC in cereal-based baby ity trials because the re-cleaving of previously
food, infant formulas and other food, but damaged lysine which can occur during protein
without drawing comparisons with biological hydrolysis in lysine assays of raw material and
tests (Castillo et al., 1997; Albala-Hurtado et digesta is eliminated. Research concerned with
al., 1997; Fernandez-Artigas et al., 1999; the determination of the available lysine con-
Hermandez et al., 2001). tent in proteins, dairy products or milk by reac-
Mauron and Bujard (1964) developed an tion with OPA should also be mentioned (Vigo
assay of available lysine which is based on the et al., 1992; Medina-Hernandez and Alvarez-
guanidination of the -amino group with Coque, 1992; Morales et al., 1996). A great
o-methyl-isourea in an alkaline environment to advantage of this method is the rapidity and
homoarginine, which can then be chromato- simplicity of fluorescence measurement as no
graphically determined by IEC following hydrol- prior protein hydrolysis is necessary.
ysis. Although this derivatization in protein is In vitro methods are appropriate and
only possible at room temperature and requires helpful for comparing different treatments of
a reaction time of several days, it is still in com- a feed raw material or foodstuff. Relative
mon use today. Mao et al. (1993) employed effects are meaningful in such tests, but
the method for the determination of available absolute results concerning lysine availability
lysine in soy proteins treated with glucose or are heavily influenced by matrix effects on the
alkali and compared it with the total lysine test system and often diverge considerably
assay. They showed that whereas total lysine from animal experiments.
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 29

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 29

Data on precision and accuracy cal method which only requires grinding of
the samples and scanning of the feedstuff in
Regular collaborative trials on amino acid analy- an NIRS apparatus. The measurement, which
sis have been conducted for many years by dif- is non-destructive, requires no chemicals and
ferent organizations, and quality assurance of results are ready within a few minutes. Since
this kind is indeed obligatory today if a labora- the early 1970s sample spectra of feed raw
tory wishes to become accredited, however materials or compound feeds have been cor-
these results are not published. Organizations related with the respective concentrations of
that are accessible to all laboratories are crude ingredients, analysed by wet chemistry,
AAFCO (USA) with monthly ring tests, Bipea and multivariate calibrations were established
(France) and KDLL (Netherlands) with four to from a sample set with chemometric correla-
eight samples per year. The results of these and tions (Kramer, 1998 and monographs cited
other organizations, which are unfortunately not there). At that time only universities and
accessible, provide a more accurate indication research institutes had mainframe computers
of the state of the art in amino acid analysis powerful enough to do this work. This kind of
than published collaborative trials, which are calibration, which should contain at least 50
mostly concerned with method design and stan- or so samples to cover most of the variation
dardization. Table 2.2 gives an overview of of the sample type, can then be used for esti-
some published results from literature sources mating the calibrated parameters in new sam-
described above, mostly relating to the adoption ples. Rubenthaler and Bruinsma (1978) and
of official methods by AOAC International or Gill et al. (1979) were the first to develop cali-
the EU Commission. One of the reasons for the brations of amino acid contents in wheat and
somewhat lower precision of the assay of total barley, followed a few years later by the pub-
concentrations of sulphur-containing amino lished papers on calibrations in cereal and
acids is the prior oxidation in the protein, which peas (Williams et al., 1984,1985). But it was
introduces additional variation in sample prepa- not until the 1990s before this attractive esti-
ration; another reason is due to their almost uni- mation technique found more widespread
versally low concentrations of only 0.6–3% in acceptance, including use in feed mills, with
the protein, causing small peaks and greater the advent of low-cost, powerful personal
peak integration errors. Moreover, in IEC cys- computers and the development of software
teic acid elutes almost in the dead volume of the allowing the transfer of calibrations to other,
column, confining matrix interferences to this adapted NIR-spectrometers. Workman
area. Due to the simplicity of the extraction, (1991), Michalski and Mroczyk (1992), Shenk
analysis of supplemented amino acids gives (1994), Dyer and Feng (1996, 1997) and
lower CV than determination of total concentra- Pazdernik et al. (1997) also developed suffi-
tions. Within-laboratory repeatability CVr are ciently accurate amino acid calibrations for
always better by a factor of about 2–5 than the soybean meal and seed, grains and rapeseed,
reproducibility CVR between laboratories generally with the intention of replacing
because the random error is inevitably greater in expensive wet chemical amino acid analysis in
the latter due to different equipment, handling their extensive raw material studies partially
and calibration. The accuracy and precision of by NIRS estimations. In all of these cases the
standard methods of amino acid analysis are use of these amino acid calibrations was lim-
adequate for the requirements of the feed indus- ited both geographically and seasonally. The
try provided that the laboratories are continu- amino acid manufacturer Rhône-Poulenc,
ously monitored by ring tests and comparisons. now Aventis, was the first company to use
existing raw material samples from digestibil-
ity studies to design calibrations for estimation
NIRS Amino Acid Estimation in of poultry digestible and total amino acid con-
Feedstuffs centrations as a service to customers world-
wide. Papers by Van Kempen and Jackson
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in (1996), Van Kempen and Simmins (1997),
reflectance technique is an easy to do analyti- Van Kempen and Bodin (1998) and Bodin et
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 30

30 J. Fontaine

al. (1999) describe the results obtained for Applications of Amino Acid Analysis
essential amino acids in all major feed raw in Feed
materials. The objective of the work was to
promote the use of digestible amino acid con- Optimization of feed formulation
tents in ration formulation, which allows qual-
ity fluctuations of the raw material to be All diets for poultry and swine are today formu-
estimated by NIRS without having to rely lated to match the amino acid requirement of
solely on tabular digestibility data. Because of the species to achieve optimal growth and feed
the very high costs of digestibility trials, conversion. To do this the nutritionist needs
researchers were forced by a lack of enough reliable data on the amino acid composition of
characterized raw material batches to establish his feed raw materials. If NIR amino acid cali-
a combined animal meal calibration from a brations are available any quality fluctuations
total of 66 samples of fishmeal, poultry meal, can be corrected by supplementation of amino
and meat and bone meal and calibrations for
acids. Due to the complexity and high cost of
soy meal, wheat and maize based on only
the technique, chromatographic amino acid
20–30 samples per raw material. The result-
analysis is usually not available to the feed man-
ing insufficient coverage of the raw material
ufacturer, but he will seek to improve his matrix
variation together with unknown analytical
data in the medium term by having his own
errors, never quantified in collaborative trials,
raw materials analysed in an external labora-
of the digestibility coefficients determined in
animal experiments, cast some doubt on the tory. Up-to-date tabular data by national orga-
reliability of the predictions. The service labo- nizations (CVB, 2001; NRC, 1998, 2001)
ratory of Degussa, which specializes in amino summarizing the amino acid concentrations of
acid analysis, concentrated on the develop- raw materials across many samples are also
ment of calibrations of total amino acid con- helpful. Fickler et al. (2001) have compiled
tents in individual raw materials. Fontaine et more than 15,000 amino acid profiles of 120
al. (2001, 2002) describe the development raw materials which provide information on
of 14 raw material calibrations, most contain- variations in the concentrations, together with
ing 100–330 samples, which are regularly breakdowns by country of origin. The authors
updated. In most cases fractions of explained have even established linear regression equa-
variance for cross validation r2 far in excess tions for most raw materials, allowing an esti-
of 0.8 were achieved for the correlation mation of the amino acid content of a sample
between NIRS and wet chemical data and the from the analysed crude protein.
standard errors of cross validation (SECV) are
typically only 2–5% relative to the mean of
essential amino acid contents for protein-rich Determination of digestible amino acids
feedstuffs calibrations. Additionally validations
with about 100 independent samples for Experts have for many years recommended
each of the soy, meat and bone meal and compound feed formulation on the basis of
wheat calibrations corroborate the accuracy digestible amino acids in raw materials, espe-
of NIRS amino acid estimations. The calibra- cially in the case of protein-rich raw materials
tions can be transferred to equipment in feed that have been subjected to thermal treatment
mills and are used in Degussa laboratories to such as soy and rapeseed meals, meat and bone
analyse more than 5000 raw material sam- meal, poultry by-product meal and feather meal.
ples per year. The central development of The assay has to be performed separately for
NIRS calibrations by experienced specialists each species in complex animal experiments,
is an efficient way of encouraging the wide- often requiring removal of digesta from the gut.
spread use of NIRS in feed analysis by Because the calculation of the digestibility coeffi-
enabling for the first time the time-critical cients of the tested raw material batch correlates
quality estimation of each individual raw dietary amino acid concentrations with unab-
material batch. sorbed amino acids in the digesta or faeces,
extremely high demands are placed on accuracy
Amino Acid - Chap 02 12/3/03 12:54 pm Page 31

Amino Acid Analysis of Feeds 31

and precision of the analysis. As the work is Conclusions

done in different matrices, analysis by IEC and
postcolumn ninhydrin derivatization is prefer- 1. Amino acid analysis of feedingstuffs is
able to HPLC after precolumn derivatization. more important than ever today as virtually all
compound feeds are formulated with supple-
mental amino acids and a sound knowledge of
Check for compound feed quality amino acid content in current raw materials
delivers considerable cost savings.
Declarations of amino acid concentrations in 2. Because of its high precision and resis-
commercial animal feedingstuffs are compul- tance to matrix effects, amino acid analysis
sory in many countries and are monitored by by IEC and postcolumn ninhydrin derivatiza-
means of official amino acid analysis. But regu- tion has become the official standard in
lar analyses of the amino acid composition of recent years. Hydrolysis conditions have also
compound feeds and premixes are also neces- been standardized. None of the various
sary as a quality assurance tool, i.e. to check methods of HPLC analysis after precolumn
ration formulation and production. Of particu- derivatization have prevailed over this classic
lar concern is the accurate and homogeneous technique.
incorporation of the supplemented amino acids 3. Tryptophan in feed is determined
as they account for a considerable proportion underivatized after alkaline hydrolysis,
of the total content and have therefore a major separated by HPLC on RP-silica gel and
impact on animal performance. The given measured specifically by fluorescence
good repeatability of extraction and analysis of detection. Hydrolysis with barium hydroxide
these supplemented amino acids has led to the in an autoclave gives optimal recovery.
elaboration of a mixer test which determines 4. The development of robust NIRS calibra-
concentrations and variation (CV) in typically tions for amino acid analysis in feed raw
ten samples from a mixer batch (Poole, 1991; materials from global origin by service labo-
Fontaine, 2002). A summary evaluation over ratories of amino acid manufacturers and
several years revealed that in about one-fifth of their transfer to spectrometers in feed mills
feeds with an analysed CV of more than 10% for the first time allows a continuous adapta-
the distribution of the amino acids in the feed is tion of diet formulation to current raw mate-
not sufficiently homogeneous. rial batches.


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3 Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides

C.R. Krehbiel1* and J.C. Matthews2

1Departmentof Animal Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma,
USA; 2Department of Animal Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,

Introduction variety of iron-dependent and -independent

transporters. The fate of absorbed peptides is
Assimilation of dietary or microbial (rumi- principally further hydrolysis to free amino
nants) protein involves the interaction of a acids by a variety of cytosolic peptidases,
series of steps beginning in the stomach whether absorbed as free or peptide-bound
(non-ruminants), abomasum (ruminants), or amino acids, cytosolic amino acids are avail-
proventriculus (poultry) and ending with the able as energy substrates, incorporation into
transport of amino acids and peptides from constitutive protein, or transport across the
the basolateral membrane of the small intes- basolateral membrane into blood. Ultimately,
tine. In the glandular stomach, hydrochloric digested protein enters the hepatic portal cir-
acid (HCl) denatures dietary protein and culation in the form of free amino acid and
promotes proteolysis protein to large peptides.
polypeptides via the action of pepsin. On The working hypothesis for assimilation
entering the small intestine, pancreatic pro- of luminal proteins by enterocytes is illus-
teases principally hydrolyse large poly- trated in Fig. 3.1. The model identifies gas-
peptides and proteins into oligopeptides of tric, luminal, glycocalyx/apical membrane,
six or less amino acid residues as well as and intracellular hydrolytic digestion events,
free amino acids. Degradation of dietary in addition to apical and basolateral mem-
protein continues by hydrolytic enzymes of brane-mediated absorption events of peptide-
the small intestine epithelia that are present bound and free amino acids by specific
in the luminal surface (apical membrane or transport proteins. Each component of the
brush border) of absorptive epithelial cells model is discussed in this chapter. Although
(enterocytes). Brush border peptidases split poorly understood, and in contrast to the
oligopeptides of six or less amino acids in specificity of digestion and transport events,
length. Many of the resulting di- and tripep- it is also important to note that the potential
tides are transported into the enterocyte contribution to the absorption of amino acids
intact by a single H+-coupled transporter by relatively non-specific transmembrane sim-
and then hydrolysed to free amino acids by ple diffusion and paracellular flow events may
cytosolic peptidases (primary) or transported be of nutritional significance.
across the basolateral membrane. In con- Despite anatomical differences in the
trast, free amino acids are absorbed by a digestive tracts among farm animal species,

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 41
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42 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

Gastric and luminal hydrolysis

Di-, tri
Na H
5 Apical
2 7

Hydrolysis H H
AA Peptides
4 Na

6 3 8 Basolateral

Protein AA Peptides K

Fig. 3.1. The current model for the role of peptide uptake in protein assimilation, as adapted from
Ganapathy et al. (1994). The relative contribution of peptide (di-, tri-) versus free amino acid (AA) to total
protein assimilation through hydrolytic and transport events is indicated by the relative thickness of the
lines. After hydrolysis by gastric proteases and luminal peptidases, oligopeptides are hydrolysed to small
peptides and free amino acids by apical membrane-bound (1) peptidases. Peptides are absorbed across
brush border membrane by PepT1 (2). Whereas a small proportion of absorbed peptides are then
absorbed intact across the basolateral membrane by a H+-independent transport activity (3), the majority
are hydrolysed by intracellular peptidases (4). The resulting free AA, plus those absorbed across the
apical membrane by a complement of Na+-dependent and -independent amino acid transporters (5) are
then transported across the basolateral membrane by a complement of Na+-independent and amino acid
exchanger transport proteins (6). The extracellular–intracellular H+ gradient that drives PepT1 activity, is
re-established by the combined function of the apical Na+/H+ exchanger (7) and the basolateral Na+/K+
ATPase (8), which re-establishes the extracellular–intracellular Na+ gradients diminished by both Na+/H+
exchanger and Na+-coupled free amino acid transport. The contribution to total protein assimilation by
free AA uptake from the lumen is represented by a composite transporter model (7), representing AA
transport by Na+-coupled, AA counterexchange, and/or facilitated transport proteins. The transepithelial
passage of intact proteins is also indicated (dashed line). The mechanisms responsible for this relatively
minor, but immunologically important process, have been reviewed by Gardner (1994).

enzyme and transporter expression and peptide and amino acid net flux and trans-
activity of the associated tissues is funda- port processes. We begin with a brief review
mentally similar. Although differences do of processes involved in protein digestion in
exist, enzymes and transport proteins the glandular stomach. Pregastric digestion
responsible for digestion and absorption processes of ruminants and birds are topics
have probably adapted to the nature of the of the other reviews.
food more than the type of animal (Lassiter
and Edwards, 1982). Therefore, processes
involved in mammalian protein digestion Digestive Processes
and peptide and amino acid absorption are
generally common to all species. We will Gastric digestion
attempt to point out differences where
known. Our goal in this chapter is to review Mammalian and avian protein digestion is ini-
some of the more recent findings regarding tiated in the stomach (non-ruminants), abo-
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 43

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 43

masum (ruminants) or proventriculus (poultry) species to species (Crevieu-Gabriel et al.,

in the presence of HCl and pepsin. As dis- 1999).
cussed by Atasoglu and Wallace in Chapter Pepsins are most active at peptide
15, ruminant animals derive their amino acid bonds that include phenylalanine, tyrosine,
supply from a mixture of feed protein that leucine, valine and glutamic acid (Ulshen,
escapes ruminal degradation and microbial 1987). Its most pronounced effect is
protein that is formed as a result of microbial between leucine and valine, tyrosine and
fermentation in the reticulorumen. Microbial leucine, or between the aromatic amino
protein is readily digested by the host animal acids such as phenylalanine–phenylalanine
and constitutes a well-balanced array of or phenylalanine–tyrosine. The principal
essential amino acids for ruminants in many function of digestion in the stomach is the
production systems. Gastric digestion transformation of protein into large polypep-
involves the secretion of HCl by gastric pari- tides, although peptic digestion in acid pH
etal cells. Hydrochloric acid is required to ini- can produce free or peptide-bound amino
tiate the conversion of pepsinogens into acids. As suggested above, both amino acids
pepsins, and also to maintain pepsin activity. and peptides are good stimuli for release of
Pepsins are secreted as inactive precursors hormones that stimulate pancreatic enzyme
(i.e. pepsinogens) by chief cells in the stom- secretion, e.g. CCK. Ultimately, the object
ach. In chickens, both gastric acid and of stomach proteolysis is to make peptide
pepsinogen are secreted by oxynticopeptic molecules available that are susceptible to
cells of the proventriculus (true stomach). further hydrolysis by proteolytic enzymes in
Although HCI production is relatively high, the small intestine.
little digestion occurs in the proventriculus as
there is little storage capacity, and digesta
transit rate is rapid. The synthesis and secre- Digestion in the small intestinal lumen
tion of inactive precursors, known as zymo-
gens or proenzymes, allow vertebrates to The products of HCl and pepsin digestion
digest exogenous protein without destroying enter the duodenum of the small intestine
constituent protein in the stomach and pan- through the pyloric sphincter. In the duode-
creas. Once secreted and activated (pH<5.0), num, proteins and polypeptides serve as sub-
pepsin increases the susceptibility of native strate for enzymes secreted from the pancreas
proteins to attack by pancreatic proteases by and small intestine. Initially, protein and
opening the tertiary and quaternary structure polypeptides entering the duodenum are bro-
of the protein and exposing amino acid ken down further in the intestine by pancre-
residues to the pancreatic endopeptidases atic exopeptidases trypsin, chymotrypsin,
(Guan and Green, 1996). For some dietary elastase, and pancreatic endopeptidases car-
proteins, gastric predigestion is also impor- boxypeptidase A and B. The pancreas
tant for stimulation of pancreatic exocrine secretes proenzymes into the duodenum,
secretion and cholecystokinin (CCK) release which when activated hydrolyse peptide
in the intestinal phase of digestion in the rat bonds. The conversion of inactive trypsinogen
(Guan and Green, 1996) and dog (Meyer and into active trypsin requires removal of an N-
Kelly, 1976). As mentioned, there are a terminal peptide and is catalysed by the brush
number of pepsinogens secreted and these border enzyme enteropeptidase (formerly
are converted into the analogous pepsins known as enterokinase). Enteropeptidase
when the pH is less than 5.0. Once pepsin is selectively cleaves a hexapeptide (H2N-Val-
present in the lumen of the stomach, the Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys) from the amino termi-
reaction becomes autocatalytic, which nus of trypsinogen resulting in trypsin
involves the splitting off of a peptide chain (Kitamoto et al., 1994). Enteropeptidase
and peptide fragments. The pepsins are most activity may be regulated by pancreatic secre-
active at pH less than 4.0 and become inac- tion (Kwong et al., 1978) and thus possibly
tive at pH greater than 6.0, although the by dietary protein content. Following its con-
optimum pH for pepsin activity varies from version from trypsinogen, trypsin activates the
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 44

44 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

other zymogens and to a lesser degree or less amino acids). These enzymes are pre-
trypsinogen. sent in the enterocyte in two groups that are
Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase cata- associated with different cell fractions, the api-
lyse the breakdown of proteins, polypeptides, cal membrane and the cytosol (Kim et al.,
and peptides into smaller peptides and amino 1972, 1974). The apical-membrane enzymes
acids in the duodenum. Each pancreatic pro- are attached to the outer surface of the
tease has a unique and complementary microvillus and extend out from the luminal
action. Trypsin catalyses the breakdown of surface of the enterocyte. In contrast, the
bonds that involve lysine and/or arginine, cytosolic enzymes are found within the cell
whereas linkages involving aromatic amino and do not make direct contact with the lumi-
acid residues are susceptible to chymotrypsin nal contents. As such, these two groups of
catalysis (Alpers, 1994). Elastases are less enzymes are distinct from one another, differ-
specific with regard to the type of peptide ing in location and physicochemical and
bonds, but in general catalyse the breakdown immunochemical properties (Kim et al.,
of peptide bonds containing aliphatic residues. 1972; Nóren et al., 1977; Tobey et al.,
The action of trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elas- 1985). In addition, the apical enzymes seem
tase releases numerous terminal peptide to be unique to the small intestine, whereas
bonds, which in turn are further digested by similar cytosolic peptidases have been found
aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases, and in a number of tissues.
other specific peptidases present in the lumen Many di- and tripeptides are absorbed
or mucosa of the small intestine. Pancreatic intact and cleaved within the enterocyte by
carboxypeptidase A and B are exopeptidases cytosolic peptidases. In mammals, as much as
that catalyse the hydrolysis of the carboxy-ter- 90% of the total mucosal peptidase activity for
minal bonds in polypeptide chains, removing dipeptides, 40% of activity for tripeptides, and
the amino acids in sequence. Proteolysis of an 10% of the tetrapeptidase activity is associated
approximately 100-residue segment from the with the cytosolic fraction (Sterchi and
amino-terminal region results in the activation Woodley, 1980); therefore, the capability of
of procarboxypeptidases (Aviles et al., 1985). cytosolic enzymes to hydrolyse oligopeptides
Carboxy-terminal aromatic or non-polar with more than three amino acids appears to
amino acids exposed by the action of chy- be limited. It should be noted, however, that
motrypsin and elastase are available to be the distribution of peptidase activity between
cleaved by carboxypeptidase A, while car- the apical membrane and cytoplasm varies
boxy-terminal basic amino acids exposed by considerably with species and has been depen-
trypsin can be cleaved by carboxypeptidase B. dent on substrates used for the assay (Sterchi
Both carboxypeptidase A and B are inhibited and Woodley, 1980). Oligopeptides of four to
by proline. The products of pancreatic diges- six amino acids in length are split to shorter
tion are oligopeptides of up to six amino acid peptides and free amino acids by apical
residues (approximately 60%) as well as free microvillus membrane peptidases, whereas
amino acids (approximately 40%; Alpers, many di- and tripeptides are potential sub-
1994). strates for either apical membrane or cytosolic
peptidases (Alpers, 1986). Therefore, mem-
brane hydrolysis of peptides with subsequent
Mucosal phase of digestion absorption of amino acids, and transport of
peptides followed by intracellular hydrolysis
The final stages of non-fermentative protein can occur. However, little is known about the
digestion are carried out by a wide array of importance of control of apical and cytosolic
brush border and cytosolic peptidases. A enzyme activity in relation to amino acid and
review of the brush border and cytosolic pep- peptide transport, or if location of specific
tidases of the small intestine has been con- peptidases along the longitudinal axis of the
ducted by Alpers (1994). The small intestinal small intestine corresponds to specific amino
peptidases are capable of splitting products of acid and peptide transport proteins (Ugolev et
pancreatic digestion (i.e. oligopeptides of six al., 1990).
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 45

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 45

Absorption of End Products of interest) can then be calculated as blood flow

Protein Digestion multiplied by venous–arterial concentration
difference (Huntington et al., 1989). Net
Theories about protein digestion and absorp- portal appearance of peptide-bound or free
tion, have evolved in the last 50 years. Initially amino acids is defined as the total amount of
it was thought that the vast majority of lumi- amino acids reaching portal blood minus the
nal proteins were completely hydrolysed to daily amounts entering the PDV via arterial
free amino acids before absorption from blood. Peptides and amino acids liberated at
digesta (Cohnheim, 1901; Van Slyke and the apical membrane or in the cytoplasm
Meyer, 1912; Wiggans and Johnston, 1959). can be incorporated into proteins in the
However, this classic hypothesis was chal- enterocyte, metabolized within the epithe-
lenged by an early report that at least dogs lium of the small intestine, or transported
were capable of absorbing appreciable across the basolateral membrane, ultimately
amounts of glycylglycine across the intestinal reaching the hepatic portal circulation. In
wall (Newey and Smyth, 1959), and subse- addition, peptides and amino acids are
quent reports that measured higher rates of mixed in the lumen and/or enterocyte with
absorption for amino acids when presented in amino acids and peptides of endogenous ori-
the form of peptides than as free amino acids gin during the digestion and absorption
(Adibi and Morse, 1971; Matthews, 1983). process. For these reasons the amino acids
From these and other studies (Matthews, present in the hepatic portal vein do not
1991), it was understood that the absorption completely reflect the amino acid pattern of
of protein in the form of small peptides was the diet (Reynolds, 2001).
of tremendous nutritional importance. More As discussed, it is now accepted that pep-
specifically, most nutritional physiologists now tide absorption is an important physiological
accept the concept that about 70–85% of all process in farm and other animals, and con-
luminal amino acids are absorbed from the stitutes the primary source of absorbed amino
digesta into enterocytes in the form of small acids. Peptide absorption across the PDV of
peptides from the digesta, with the balance ruminants has been reported by several
being absorbed as unbound (free) amino acids. researchers (McCormick and Webb, 1982;
After absorption into enterocytes, however, it Seal and Parker, 1991; Koeln et al., 1993;
is thought that about 85% of all absorbed Han et al., 2001), and has been shown to
amino acids appear in hepatic portal blood as account for 63–92% of total amino acid flux
free amino acids, as a result of intracellular by sheep and cattle. With net flux procedures,
hydrolysis (Matthews, 1991; Ganapathy et the origin of the peptides cannot be deter-
al., 1994). mined, but may be from absorption from the
lumen, synthesis by tissues of the PDV, break-
down of endogenous protein by intracellular
Net Portal-drained Visceral Flux of peptidases, or a combination of factors. At
Peptides any rate, net flux of free amino acids appears
to be low compared with peptide-bound
Measurements of peptide and amino acid amino acids in ruminants (Koeln et al., 1993;
(and other nutrients) absorption and metabo- Webb et al., 1993; Han et al., 2001). Based
lism by tissues of the portal-drained viscera on evidence that chemical deproteinization
(PDV; gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, spleen overestimates the peptide amino acid concen-
and omental fat) can be obtained using tration in plasma (Bernard and Rémond,
chronic indwelling catheters in animals 1996; Backwell et al., 1997), it has been sug-
which allows for simultaneous sampling of gested that the high flux of peptides might be
arterial and venous blood draining the PDV, due to the procedure of sample deproteiniza-
or sections of the PDV, and measuring blood tion (Neutze et al., 1996; Backwell et al.,
flow through the same tissues (Reynolds, 1997). Methods for measuring peptides have
2001). Net rates of peptide or amino acid generally relied on the difference method,
release or removal by the PDV (or tissue of where amino acid analysis of deproteinized
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 46

46 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

samples before and after acid hydrolysis has nal enterocyte (Matthews, 1991; Ganapathy
occurred, with the difference being attributed et al., 1994).
to peptides. A modification of this procedure Han et al. (2001) found that the domi-
has included gel filtration after acid depro- nant amino acids appearing in the hepatic
teinization of samples to ensure removal of portal vein in the form of peptide were gluta-
residual protein before acid hydrolysis (Seal mate, aspartate, leucine, glycine, lysine, pro-
and Parker, 1996; Backwell et al., 1997). line and serine. These peptide-bound amino
However, Seal and Parker (1996) reported acids accounted for 60% of the total peptide-
that, even after the treatment with both chem- bound amino acids appearing in hepatic por-
ical deproteinization and physical filtration, tal blood. Han (1998) found similar results in
peptide-bound amino acid flux still accounted Holstein steers and growing yaks, and similar
for 63% of the net PDV appearance of total results have been reported in calves
amino acids. The large appearance (438 g (McCormick and Webb, 1982; Koeln et al.,
day−1) of peptide-bound and free amino acids 1993). Wallace et al. (1993) reported degra-
when calves were deprived of feed for 72 h dation-resistant peptides in rumen fluid of
(Koeln et al., 1993) suggests that a large por- sheep 6 h after feeding. Interestingly, these
tion of small peptides might be the degrada- peptides contained a significant proportion of
tion products resulting from tissue protein in aspartate, glycine and proline. In addition,
the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), spleen, pan- several studies (Gardner and Wood, 1989;
creas or a combination of these organs, but Daniel et al., 1992; Pan et al., 1996) have
also supports an increase in PepT1 mRNA suggested that hydrophobic peptides and pep-
and protein expression observed during tides resistant to mucosal hydrolysis are
dietary deprivation in rats (Thamotharan et absorbed faster than hydrophilic and hydroly-
al., 1999a). sis-susceptible peptides. As suggested by Han
Interestingly, work of Webb et al. (1993) et al. (2001), resistance to mucosal hydrolysis
indicated that 86–90% of peptide-bound might explain the larger fluxes of some pep-
amino acids in the PDV of sheep and calves tide-bound amino acids. Also, the higher net
comes from the stomach tissues (rumen, retic- absorption of glutamate, leucine, lysine, and
ulum, omasum, cranial abomasum, spleen serine in the form of peptides may imply that
and pancreas). Similar data from Seal and these amino acids exist more often in the
Parker (1996) suggested that 40% of portal form of peptides that are relatively hydropho-
peptide-bound amino acids were from the bic and resistant to hydrolysis either by micro-
mesenteric-drained viscera (MDV; small intes- bial peptidases in the rumen, or by
tine, caecum, colon, mesenteric fat and pan- apical-membrane and/or cytosolic peptidases
creas) suggesting that the remaining 60% of enterocytes.
were from the stomach tissues. Therefore, tis-
sues of the stomach appear to account for the
majority of peptide-bound amino acid release. Net Portal-drained Visceral Flux of
Similarly, Han et al. (2001) found in yaks that Amino Acids
78% of the absorbed peptide-bound amino
acids were from the stomach, whereas net Early research in dogs (Elwyn et al., 1968)
flux of peptide-bound amino acids across the showed an increase in free amino acids
MDV accounted for 22% of the total peptide appearing in hepatic portal blood during pro-
amino acids. In ruminants, the ability of the tein digestion following a meal. During the
forestomach to absorb small peptides has absorptive period, amino acids appearing in
been demonstrated in vitro (Matthews and portal blood were similar in composition to
Webb, 1995) and in vivo (Bernard and those ingested with the meal, except that glu-
Rémond, 1999; see below). The lower tamic and aspartic acids, which were
absorption (10–40%) of peptide amino acids removed by the PDV, and lysine and histidine
across tissues of the MDV supports the appar- appeared in greater amounts. Interestingly,
ent high intracellular peptide hydrolysis net portal absorption of total amino acids
observed in the cytoplasm of the small intesti- was greater than the amount ingested, sug-
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Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 47

gesting complete hydrolysis of protein in the teric venous drainage from luminal amino acid
gut, and/or a contribution of amino acids transport and/or endogenous protein degra-
from endogenous protein. In contrast, early dation (Reynolds, 2001). Interestingly, the
comparisons of net PDV release of amino ratio of PDV:MDV averaged 61% (range =
acids with amounts disappearing from the 55–69%) in sheep and 62% (range =
small intestine of ruminants showed that the 38–76%) in cattle, indicating a substantial use
amount of amino acids disappearing across of arterial amino acids by the stomach
the small intestine was 1.5–2 times greater (reticulorumen, omasum, abomasum) and
than the amount appearing in hepatic portal other tissues of the PDV (see Bequette,
plasma (Tagari and Bergman, 1978). These Chapter 5). MacRae et al. (1997b) hypothe-
authors suggested that the gastrointestinal sized that low recovery of essential amino
tract tissues selectively and preferentially used acids in PDV compared with MDV suggests
essential amino acids during absorption that other tissues of the GIT not drained by
resulting in an imbalance in the profile of the MDV (i.e. stomach and hindgut) do not
essential amino acids delivered to the liver. exhibit a net balance between arterial seques-
More recent attempts in both sheep tration and venous drainage from transport
(MacRae et al., 1997b) and cattle and/or protein turnover. In a study with the
(Berthiaume et al., 2001) have measured net same sheep (MacRae et al., 1997a), seques-
flux of amino acids from the small intestine by tration of arterial essential amino acids across
placing a catheter at a point where the venous the entire PDV accounted for 35–50% of the
drainage from the small intestine first enters whole-body flux of essential amino acids.
the mesenteric arcade, prior to the junction Therefore, the authors suggested the stomach
with the ileocaecal vein (Seal and Reynolds, and hindgut might sequester essential amino
1993; MacRae et al., 1997b). This approach acids for tissue proteins from arterial sources
has allowed researchers to measure net flux of at a greater rate than their degradation prod-
amino acids across the small intestine, either ucts are released into venous drainage as free
from duodenum to ileum or from proximal amino acids. Alternatively, a greater portion
jejunum to ileum (MacRae et al., 1997b). of the products of stomach and hindgut pro-
Interestingly, in both sheep (MacRae et al., tein degradation could be released as peptides
1997b) and cattle (Berthiaume et al., 2001), as previously discussed.
net flux of essential amino acids across the The stomach (reticulorumen, omasum,
PDV, when compared with the rates of disap- abomasum) of the ruminant has the ability to
pearance of essential amino acids from the absorb free amino acids. Calculations from
small intestine, confirmed the apparent loss of Webb et al. (1993) indicated that 22 and
essential amino acids between the lumen of 11% of total free amino acids appearing in
the small intestine and the hepatic portal vein. portal blood of calves and sheep, respectively,
However, mean MDV net flux of essential were from stomach viscera. The potential
amino acids averaged 106 and 103% of the for amino acid absorption across epithelial
small intestinal disappearance of essential tissues of rumen and omasum have also been
amino acids in sheep and cattle, respectively. shown in vitro with radiolabelled and non-
Berthiaume et al. (2001) reported that recov- radiolabelled methionine (Matthews and
ery of essential amino acids across the MDV Webb, 1995). Similarly, Rémond et al.
of cattle was 102.8, 126.7, 102.2, 92.1, (2000) demonstrated that free amino acids
76.5, 101.1, 100.0, 114.7 and 110.9% of (glycine, serine, valine, methionine and lysine)
intestinal disappearance for arginine, histi- can be absorbed across ruminal epithelium.
dine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, However, the authors noted that absorption
phenylalanine, threonine and valine, respec- was low considering the small changes in net
tively. This indicates that across the MDV, a flux across the rumen wall relative to the large
net balance of essential amino acids occurs increases in ruminal concentrations.
such that inputs of essential amino acids for In non-ruminants, experiments using
protein synthesis from both luminal and arter- radioisotopes have shown that digestion of
ial sources are equivalent to outputs in mesen- most proteins in the small intestine is virtually
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 48

48 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

100% complete (Gaudichon et al., 1996; (Rerat et al., 1992; Prior and Gross, 1995),
Lien et al., 1997). However, other studies alanine is typically the amino acid released
suggest that less than 100% of ingested across the PDV in the largest amount of a net
amino acids appear in hepatic portal blood basis, transferring nitrogen and carbon to the
following a meal (Rerat et al., 1992; Stoll et liver for urea and glucose synthesis (Jungas et
al., 1998; Wu, 1998; van Goudoever et al., al., 1992). The large release of alanine into
2000). Results of portal recovery of essential the portal vein also reflects glutamate transam-
amino acids ingested are similar to ruminants ination and glutamine catabolism by the PDV,
(56%); as a percentage of amino acid intake, providing energy for gastrointestinal metabo-
38, 57, 54, 60, 61, 48 and 69% of threo- lism (Britton and Krehbiel, 1993; Reynolds et
nine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, al., 1994).
methionine and isoleucine were recovered in
portal blood of young pigs (Stoll et al., 1998).
Similar results were reported by Rerat et al. Peptide-bound and Free Amino Acid
(1992). Therefore, similar to the ruminant, Transport Activities and Proteins
there appears to be substantial utilization of
dietary amino acids by tissues of the PDV dur- Paralleling tissue flux studies, which have
ing the absorptive process in the non-rumi- described the relative flux and absorption
nant (Stoll et al., 1998; Wu, 1998; van potential of peptides and amino acids, has
Goudoever et al., 2000; and Bequette, been research conducted to characterize spe-
Chapter 5). To our knowledge, rates of cific biochemical activities (ion coupling, rela-
absorption across the MDV (i.e. small intes- tive substrate affinities) and the molecular
tine) compared with the PDV have not been identity of specific gene products (proteins)
measured in pigs. capable of absorbing peptide-bound and free
In dairy cattle (Berthiaume et al., 2001), amino acids (transporters). The biochemical
disappearance of total amino acids in the small characterization of mammalian peptide-bound
intestine was 65.2%, which is in close agree- (peptide) or free (amino acid) amino acid
ment with values (57–76%) summarized by transport systems has revealed the presence
Reynolds et al. (1994) for ruminants in gen- of at least two H+-dependent and one H+-
eral. Essential amino acids disappearing in the independent peptide transport activities, one
small intestine were numerically higher than H+-dependent amino acid transporter, and at
for non-essential amino acids (66.5 vs. least eight free amino acid systems in intesti-
63.9%). Mesenteric-drained visceral flux nal tissue (Fig. 3.2). The recent cloning and
accounted for 131% of intestinal disappear- biochemical characterization of the cloned
ance of non-essential amino acids, and PDV proteins responsible for these specific activi-
flux represented 50% of MDV flux. In the case ties has revealed that, typically, several differ-
of non-essential amino acids, mean disappear- ent proteins are capable of a biochemical
ance in the small intestine of aspartic acid, glu- ‘system’ activity, and that several Na+-inde-
tamic acid, cystine, proline and glycine was pendent activities result from the function of
considerably higher than their respective MDV two separate proteins. Although the data are
fluxes, while 116% of Ala and 123% of Ser limited compared with that for humans and
that disappeared from the small intestine was laboratory animals, the intestinal epithelia of
recovered in the MDV. With the exception of pigs, cattle and sheep appear to express a
serine, similar results were reported in piglets similar complement of transport activities and
as a percentage of amino acid ingested (Stoll specific transport proteins as observed for
et al., 1998). Reynolds (2001) suggested that other species. For all species, however, rela-
the net loss of glutamate–glutamine and aspar- tively little is known regarding how expression
tate–asparagine pairs and other non-essential and function of individual transporters are
amino acids provide nitrogen for the synthesis coordinated with that of other transporters to
of alanine using pyruvate arising from glycoly- account for the quantity and relative ratio of
sis (in part). In ruminants (Reynolds et al., amino acids that are absorbed across the
1994; Reynolds, 2001) and non-ruminants intestinal epithelium. Ultimately, to design
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 49

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 49

truly ‘efficient’ diets to support a desired level the transport of dipeptides is dependent on an
of animal production, knowledge regarding extracellular–intracellular H+ gradient and not a
the intestinal luminal amino acid load must be Na+ gradient (Ganapathy et al., 1984).
matched with digestive and absorptive capaci- Subsequent research showed that the pH
ties for peptide-bound and free amino acids. dependence was specifically a H+/peptide
The goal of this section is to identify and/or cotransport process (Daniel et al., 1991,
describe current information about peptide- 1992). After coabsorption of the H+ and pep-
bound and free amino acid transport. tide, the pH gradient is re-established by the
Na+/H+ exchanger, which also resides in the
brush border membrane. This counter trans-
Transport of Peptide-bound Amino port is dependent on an extracellular–intracellu-
Acids lar Na+ gradient. The increased Na+
concentration of the cell is re-established by the
Biochemical characterization of H+- function of the basolateral membrane bound
coupled peptide transport by enterocytes Na+/K+ ATPase. Because ATP is expended for
two processes after absorption of the peptide,
As identified above, more moles of amino acids H+/peptide-coupled transport is considered to
are absorbed as small di- and tripeptides (pep- be a ‘tertiary’ transport process. Research
tides) than as free amino acids. The importance establishing the existence of an H+ gradient
of this process, along with the subsequent across the ‘microenvironment’ (pH 5.5–6.3) of
understanding that most -lactam antibiotics the apical membrane, and that H+-coupled
appeared to compete for absorption with pep- peptide transport is concentrative, has been
tides, generated a tremendous amount of inter- well reviewed (Ganapathy et al., 1994; Webb
est in identifying the process by which peptides and Matthews, 1994). How these ion trans-
were absorbed. Research using either hydroly- porters function to support H+-coupled peptide
sis-resistant peptides or poorly metabolized - transport is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. The known
lactam antibiotics in whole-tissue, cell line and biochemical parameters of endogenously and
membrane vesicle experimental models exogenously expressed PepT1 activities of
demonstrated that many species are capable of farm animal species are summarized in Table
mediated absorption of intact di- or tripeptides. 3.1. When compared to the functional activi-
An important understanding from early studies ties of humans and laboratory animals (Table
was that peptide transport activity is unique 3.2), it is clear that PepT1-like activity is well
from free amino acid transport. Additionally, conserved among animals.

Table 3.1. Michaelis–Menten constants for low-affinity, H+-dependent peptide transport activity of farm
animal species.

Source Experimental
Animal tissue model Substrate Km (mM) Source

Chicken Intestine PepT1 cDNAa Gly-Sarb 0.47 Pan et al. (2001a)

expressed in oocytes
Pig Jejunum Ussing-chamber Gly-Gln 9.23  0.14
Gly-Sar 11.62  3.32 Winckler et al. (1999)
Sheep Omasum Poly(A)+ mRNA Gly-Sar 0.4 Matthews et al. (1996)
expressed in oocytes
PepT1 cDNA Gly-Sar 1.0  0.01 Chen et al. (2002)
expressed in oocytes
Cattle Jejunum BBMVc Gly-Sar 1.28 Wolffram et al. (1998)
Ileum BBMV Gly-Sar 0.93
aComplementary DNA.
cBBMV, brush border membrane vesicles.
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 50

50 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

Table 3.2. Michaelis–Menten constants for low-affinity, H+-dependent peptide transport activity of
gastrointestinal tissues and cell lines.

Source Experimental Km (mM)

Animal tissue model Substrate Ki (mM)a Source

Rat Small intestine BBMVb Gly-Sar 2.2  0.2 Tanaka et al. (1998)
Mouse Intestine Everted sleeves Carnosine 12.6  1.6 Ferraris et al. (1988)
Human Small intestine BBMV Penicillin-G 13.9 Poschet et al. (1999)
BBMV Gly-Pro 4.1 Adibi (1997a)
Gly-Gly-Pro 3.42
Jejunum BBMV Gly-Gln 0.64
Colon: Apical membrane Bestatin 0.34 Saito and Inui (1993)
Caco-2 cells Basolateral
membrane Bestatin 0.71
Apical membrane Gly-Sar 1.1  0.1 Brandsch et al. (1994)
Apical membrane Gly-Sar 3.9  0.2 Walker et al. (1998)
Apical membrane Cefadroxil 0.98 Terada et al. (1999)
membrane Cefadroxil 3.29
Apical membrane Gly-Sar 0.65
membrane Gly-Sar 2.1
Rabbit Jejunum Villus tip cells Cephradine 3.6 Tomita et al. (1995)
BLMVc Gly-Pro 2  0.2 Dyer et al. (1990)
Small intestine BBMV Gly-Sar 17.3  1.4 Ganapathy et al. (1984)
Gly-Sar 19.5  2
BBMV Penicillin-G 21.7 Poschet et al. (1996)
Hamster Jejunum Everted rings Val-Val 9.6 Matthews (1983)
Gly-Sar 6.1
Leu-Leu 5.6
Gly-Gly 5.2
Ala-Ala 3.2
Tilapia (fish) Intestine BBMV Gly-Phe 9.8  3.5 Reshkin and Ahearn (1991)
Eel Intestine BBMV Gly-Gly 1.81  0.49 Verri et al. (2000)
Gly-Sar 1.75  0.47
aK for cefadroxil inhibition of Gly-Sar transport.
bBBMV, brush border membrane vesicles.
cBLMV, basolateral membrane vesicles.

In contrast to apical transport of pep- cells and peptide and -lactam antibiotic sub-
tides, convincing biochemical evidence for the strates (Table 3.2), demonstrated that the
mediated transfer of intact peptides across the affinities of apical and basolateral membrane-
basolateral membrane of these epithelia was localized peptide transport activities differ
not provided until recently. The transport of (Saito and Inui, 1993). Most recently, trans-
Gly-Pro across jejunal basolateral membranes port of Gly-Sar across the basolateral mem-
isolated from rabbits was reported to be sat- brane of Caco-2 cells was shown to be less
urable, stimulated by an H+ gradient, and sensitive to changes in external pH, as com-
competitively inhibited by other glycyl-contain- pared to the apically located system (Terada et
ing peptides (Dyer et al., 1996). These results al., 1999). In addition, the relative ability of
led researchers to believe that the peptide cefadroxil to competitively inhibit Gly-Sar
transport systems expressed in the brush bor- uptake was less for basolateral than apical
der membrane and in the basolateral mem- transport, and basolateral transport was
brane are very similar or identical. However, unable to concentrate intracellular Gly-Sar, in
subsequent research using polarized Caco-2 contrast to the apical transport. Therefore, it
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 51

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 51

is likely that basolateral peptide transport is ach epithelia of ruminants are also capable of
mediated by a single low-affinity, H+-indepen- H+-mediated peptide absorption (Matthews,
dent, facilitated transport system. That pep- 2000a). With the seminal cloning of PepT1
tide transport systems possess functional protein (Fei et al., 1994), the mechanism
differences, depending on which membrane responsible for H+-coupled absorption of
they are localized in (apical vs. basolateral) is intact small peptides (predominantly di- and
analogous to differences in the location and tripeptides) from the digesta of the intestinal
function of many mammalian amino acid lumen by enterocytes was identified. In mam-
transport systems (Kilberg and Haussinger, mals, PepT1 mRNA encodes an integral
1992; see below). How the differential mem- membrane protein that is predicted to possess
brane localization of these transporters con- 12 membrane-spanning domains, with a rela-
tributes to peptide-bound (and free) amino tively large extracellular loop between trans-
acid absorption across enterocytes is illus- membrane domains 9 and 10 (Leibach and
trated in Fig. 3.1. Ganapathy, 1996). Chicken PepT1 mRNA,
In terms of the energetic cost associated however, is significantly smaller than the
with H+-coupled peptide uptake, data from mammalian PepT1 mRNA (1.9 kb versus
initial biochemical studies were mixed, indicat- about 3 kb; Chen et al., 1999) and is pre-
ing that either 1 or 2 H+ were co-transported dicted to encode a protein that lacks the large
per peptide molecule (Ganapathy and extracellular loop present in mammalian
Leibach, 1985; Hoshi, 1985). Initial studies PepT1 (Pan et al., 2001a).
that characterized the biochemical activity of a The distribution of PepT1 mRNA along
protein capable of H+-coupled peptide uptake the small intestine also differs among species.
(PepT1; see below) after overexpression by The expression of PepT1 for a rabbit is most
Xenopus laevis oocytes (Fei et al., 1994) abundant in the duodenum and jejunum,
determined that the H+:peptide ratio for the lower in ileum, and very low in the colon
neutral peptide Gly-Sar is 1:1. More extensive (Freeman et al., 1995). In contrast, PepT1
research with additional PepT1 substrates, expression in rats is most abundant in the
however, has revealed that the number of H+ ileum as compared to the duodenum and
required for peptide transport across the api- jejunum (Miyamoto et al., 1996). In rumi-
cal membrane of enterocytes depends on the nants, PepT1 is expressed by small intestinal
charge of the peptide. For example, rabbit epithelia, and by omasal and ruminal epithe-
PepT1 displays H+:peptide ratios of 1:1, 2:1 lium (Chen et al., 1999; Pan et al., 2001b).
and 1:1 for neutral, acidic and basic dipep- These differences in expression of PepT1
tides, respectively (Steel et al., 1997). reflect the site of protein digestion and the
Whether acidic peptides are relatively less well availability of substrates for a given species
recognized in the presence of a lower pH and confirm previously identified biochemical
than are neutral or basic dipeptides, has not activities. The molecular characteristics of
been definitively established, as evidenced by known farm animal PepT1 mRNA ortho-
the contradictory data from whole tissue logues, and their tissue-specific expression,
(Lister et al., 1997) versus in vitro (Brandsch are summarized in Table 3.3.
et al., 1997) studies.

Regulation of PepT1 expression and

Molecular characteristics and tissue activity
distribution of PepT1
How PepT1 activity is regulated is of
As shown in Tables 3.1 and 3.2, expression immense interest to nutritionists and pharma-
of H+/peptide co-transport activity by the cologists, as this single protein activity
gastrointestinal epithelia of a variety of animal accounts for much of total amino acid and -
species has been demonstrated, including that lactam antibiotic absorption. Consequently, a
by the chicken, pig, sheep and cow. In addi- variety of experimental regimens have been
tion, there is strong evidence that forestom- used to investigate how the expression of
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52 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

Table 3.3. Molecular characteristics and tissue distribution of PepT1 mRNA expressed by farm animal

Genbank Tissues Transcript

Animal accession no. screeneda size (kb) Source

Chicken AY029615 + du 1.9 Chen et al. (1999)

− cr, pr, gi, ce, li, sm
Pig + je 2.9 Winckler et al. (1999)
Sheep AY027496 + om, ru, du, je, il 2.8 Pan et al. (2001b)
− li, ki, stm, lm, ce, co
Cattle + om, ru, du, je, il 2.8 Chen et al. (1999)
− ab, ce, co, li, sm, lm
aab, abomasum; br, brain; ce, caecum; co, colon; cr, crop; du, duodenum; gi, gizzard; il, ileum; je,
jejunum; li, liver; lm, longissimus muscle; om, omasum; pr, proventriculus; ru, rumen; sm, skeletal
muscle; stm, semitendinous muscle.

various species orthologues of PepT1 is regu- lium of rats results in the preservation and
lated. As selectively collated in Table 3.4, the production of PepT1 mRNA, relative to
sensitivity of PepT1 mRNA and protein depressed mRNA levels observed for sugar
expression and/or functional activity to nutri- (SGLT1) and amino acid (NBAT) transporters
tional, ontogenic, disease and various meta- (Tanaka et al., 1998). In keeping, PepT1
bolic affectors has been evaluated. In terms protein levels were unaffected, whereas
of dietary regulation of PepT1, increasing sucrase and Na+-dependent glucose SGLT1
protein and casein content of the diet stimu- activities were decreased. Collectively, the
lates PepT1 expression and/or activity nutritional and disease status data suggest
(Ferraris et al., 1988; Erickson et al. 1995; that the collective effect of nutritional chal-
Shiraga et al., 1999). In terms of specific lenge is to increase PepT1 uptake capacity.
substrate regulation, either specific or mix- With regard to identifying specific mecha-
tures of peptides appear capable of stimulat- nism(s) responsible for PepT1 regulation, the
ing PepT1 activity (Ferraris et al., 1988; culture of Caco-2 cells in the presence of pen-
Brandsch et al., 1995; Adibi, 1997b) and tazocine (a selective 1 receptor ligand)
expression (Shiraga et al., 1999; Ogihara et resulted in an increase in PepT1 mRNA and
al., 1999), but not, generally, amino acids. maximum velocity of Gly-Sar transport (Fujita
In an apparent paradox, dietary depriva- et al., 1999). In contrast, insulin seems to
tion also stimulates PepT1 expression and stimulate PepT1 activity in an acute, post-
activity. Specifically, the effect of a one day translational manner (Thamotharan et al.,
fast on the uptake of Gly-Gln by rat jejunal 1999b). Specifically, culture of Caco-2 cells in
brush border membrane vesicles was to physiological levels of insulin (5 nM) for more
double H+-dependent Gly-Gln uptake than 1 h apparently results from the insertion
(Thamotharan et al., 1999a). Concomitant of pre-existing PepT1 from a cytoplasmic
with this increased activity was a threefold pool, and not from de novo synthesis. In
increase in the amount of PepT1 mRNA and keeping with these reports, PepT1 uptake
protein content of the cells. The finding that capacity may be regulated by protein kinase
starvation appears to stimulate was sup- C, as the blocking of calmodulin-regulated
ported by the observation that starvation of enzyme cascade depresses endogenously
rats for 4 days also results in increased levels expressed canine (Brandsch et al., 1995) and
of PepT1 mRNA by intestinal epithelia exogenously expressed ovine (Chen et al.,
(Ogihara et al., 1999; Ihara et al., 2000). 2002) PepT1 activity. Whether this regulation
Consistent with the robust stimulation of occurs from a direct phosphorylation-depen-
PepT1 activity by nutritional surfeit or dent activation of PepT1, or through stimula-
deficit, 5-fluorouracil-induced (a chemothera- tion of trafficking pathways of cytoplasmic
peutic agent) injury to the intestinal epithe- pools of PepT1 remains to be determined.
Amino Acids - Chap 03
Table 3.4. Regulation of peptide transport activity in animal tissues and cell lines.

Tissue Experimental
Animal source Modela treatment Substrate Kt (mM) Vmax mRNA Protein Source

100 29b

Rat Jejunum NS Control Ihara et al. (2000)
Starved (4 days) 161 32
Semistarved (10 days) 164 32
Parenteral nutrition (10 days) 179 35
Small NS Low protein (7 days) 1

12:24 pm
Intestine High protein (14 days) 1.5–2× ↑c Erickson et al. (1995)

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides

Jejunum, NS Control Gly-Gln 19.9 1.6 1 1 Thamotharan et al. (1999a)
BBMV Fasting (1 day) Gly-Gln 41.4 2.7 3× ↑d 3× ↑e

Small NS Fasting (4 days) 2× ↑ Ogihara et al. (1999)

1.6× ↓

Page 53
Intestine Oral AA mixture (4 days)
Jejunum ON 4 days old 1 Miyamoto et al. (1996)
28 days old 3.6× ↑
Ileum, SR Gly-Sar 2.1 0.4 2.8 0.3 Shiraga et al. (1999)
BBMV Protein free (4 days) 1 1
5% casein (4 days) Gly-Sa 2.0 0.2 2.7 0.2 0.9 0.1 1.2 0.3
20% casein (4 days) Gly-Sar 3.6 0.3* 2.7 0.2 1.8 0.3* 2.0 0.3*
50% casein (4 days) Gly-Sar 4.6 0.2* 2.5 0.2 2.0 0.3* 2.2 0.4*
10% Gly (4 days) Gly-Sar 2.2 0.3 2.6 0.3 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.1
10% Phe (4 days) Gly-Sar 4.7 0.3* 2.6 0.2 2.3 0.2* 2.4 0.5*
20% Gly-Phe (4 days) Gly-Sar 5.5 0.4* 2.4 0.5 2.4 0.3* 2.6 0.3*
Jejunum, DS Control Gly-Sar 3.6 0.2 2.2 0.2 2.3× ↑ Tanaka et al. (1998)
BBMV 5-Fluorouracilf (3 days) Gly-Sar 3.2 0.2 3.4 0.3
Colon: SR Control Cefadroxil 0.19 Adibi et al. (1997b)
Caco-2 GlySar 10 mM (1 day) Cefadroxil 0.35
Colon: HS Control Gly-Sar 10.3 0.7 0.51 0.1 Fujita et al. (1999)
Caco-2 (+) Pentazocineg 1 M (1 day) Gly-Sar 20.9 1.1 0.69 0.1
Colon: HS Control Gly-Gln 3.53 0.61 Thamotharan et al. (1999b)
Caco-2 Insulin 5 nM (1 h) Gly-Gln 6.31 0.5
Colon: PM Control Gly-Sar 13.8 0.6 0.83 0.1 Brandsch et al. (1997)
Caco-2 DEP 0.4 mM (10 min) Gly-Sar 6.4 0.3 0.76 0.1

Amino Acids - Chap 03
Table 3.4. Continued.

Tissue Experimental
Animal source Modela treatment Substrate Kt (mM) Vmax mRNA Protein Source

Canine Kidney: SM Control Gly-Sar 132.9 17.5 Brandsch et al. (1995)

MDCK W-7i 50 M (16 h) Gly-Sar 67.6 4.2
CGS-9343Bj 30 M (16 h) Gly-Sar 79.8 8
Calmidazoliumk 10 M (16 h) Gly-Sar 88.5 8
SR DMEMl (4 days) Gly-Sar 29.5 2.98
LHMm (4 days) Gly-Sar 114.5 8.37

12:24 pm
Mouse Small SR Low protein (18% casein) Carnosine 5.5 0.5 Ferraris et al. (1988)
Intestine High protein (72% casein) Carnosine 7.9 0.6

C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

54% casein Carnosine 5.0 0.6
54% casein hydrolysateh Carnosine 6.6 0.9
50% amino acids Carnosine 4.9 0.4

Page 54
Swine Kidney: SM Control D-Phe-L-Ala 92.8 8.1 Wenzel et al. (1999)
LLC-PK1 EGTA-AM°/Straurospine (3 h) D-Phe-L-Ala 157.7 6.3
Control D-Phe-L-Ala 90.3 1.4
↑, ↓ denotes increase or decrease, respectively; × denotes multiples (or ‘times’); *Differs (P  0.05) from protein-free treatment.
aDS, disease status; HS, hormonal status; NS, nutritional status; ON, ontogenic effect; PM, protein modification; SM, second messenger effect; SR, substrate
bPercentages relative to control value.
cMiddle and distal intestine.
dIntestinal mucosa.
eBrush border membrane.
fDiethylpyrocarbonate which modifies histidyl residues and blocks function (Brandsch et al.,1997).
gAnticancer drug that is toxic to cell growth.
hA selective  receptor ligand (Fujita et al., 1999).
iW-7, N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulphonamide; a calmodulin inhibitor.
jCGS-9343B, zaldaride maleate; a calmodulin inhibitor with no effect on protein kinase C.
kInhibitor of calmodulin-regulated enzymes.
lDMEM, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium.
mLHM, lactalbumin hydrolysate medium.
nCasein hydrolysate, consists of 50% free amino acids and 50% peptides.
oEGTA-AM, ethylene-glycol-bis-(-aminoethyl)-N, N, N, N-tetraacetoxymethyl ester.
pdbcAMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP.
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 55

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 55

Overall, despite the above-described proteins (4F2hc, rBAT). These glycoprotein-

understandings, it is still not known whether associated amino acid transporter family
PepT1 expression is regulated by specific members (Verrey et al., 2000) account for all
nutrient–gene interactions, intracellular sig- known Na+-independent exchange transport
nalling in response to cellular metabolic status, activities, and system y+L, which functions
mechanical functioning of the transporter, dually as a Na+-independent exchanger of
and/or by hormones. What is clear, however, cationic amino acids and Na+-dependent
is that the need to maintain PepT1 functional exchanger of neutral amino acids. A third
capacity must be strong and of especial concept is that about half of the cloned free
importance to absorptive epithelial function amino acid transporters are not capable of
given that most metabolic challenges result in net molar flux of amino acids across mem-
an increase in PepT1 activity. This conclusion branes. Instead, these ‘exchangers’ selectively
is consistent with the understanding that the import certain amino acids in exchange for
predominant form of intestinal protein assimi- export of selected other amino acids.
lation is that of absorption as small peptides.

Free amino acid transporters expressed

Mediated Absorption of Free Amino by intestinal epithelia
To facilitate an abbreviated discussion of which
Molecular and functional properties of and how these transporters function to support
proteins capable of biochemically defined absorption of amino acids across the gastro-
free amino acid transport ‘system’ intestinal epithelium, the site of expression for
activities the functional activities, mRNA, and protein
(when reported) of free amino acid transporters
As indicated in Fig. 3.1, the mediated expressed by gastrointestinal epithelia are col-
absorption of free amino acids across both lated in Table 3.6. Although few of the trans-
apical and basolateral membranes is critical porter proteins have actually been detected in
to the assimilation of luminal proteins. apical or basolateral membranes, the matching
Remarkably, within the last 12 years, cDNA of membrane-defined transport activity with
have been generated that encode proteins for detection of mRNA expression (Table 3.5) sug-
six anionic, four cationic, 11 neutral, and five gests that at least one molecularly defined trans-
neutral and cationic free amino acid trans- porter has been identified for all biochemically
porters. Except for exclusive proline and defined transport activities reported for apical
hydroxyproline transport by the IMINO sys- and basolateral membranes. In terms of compar-
tem, at least one of these 26 proteins ing specific substrates with the reported function
account for each of the major amino acid of cloned transporters (Table 3.5) specific trans-
transport activities expressed by non-embry- porters are identified for apical membrane
onic tissues, which have been biochemically absorption of anionic L-glutamate, L-aspar-
defined over the previous 35 years. To facili- tate, D-aspartate by EAAT2 and/or EAAT3;
tate a working knowledge base for under- cationic L-lysine, L-arginine, L-histidine and L-
standing which proteins perform which ornithine by CAT1 and L-arginine, L-lysine and
transport activities, the biochemical and mol- L-histidine by b0,+AT; and neutral amino acids by
ecular properties of free amino acid transport ASCT2 and b0,+AT. Interestingly, 4F2-lc6 also
systems and proteins have been collated in encodes a protein capable of b0,+ activity, but
Table 3.5. An important understanding from which associates with 4F2-hc, not RBAT. As
this research is that the activities of seven with b0,+AT, however, 4F2-lc6 transports cystine
biochemically defined transport systems are and neutral and cationic amino acids in a Na+-
actually performed by more than one amino independent manner. In terms of both cationic
acid transporter. In addition, a subset of and neutral amino acid transport, system B0,+
transporters actually function as heterodimer activity has long been identified with the apical
units, in conjunction with one of two glyco- membrane of intestinal epithelia. However, the
Amino Acids - Chap 03
Table 3.5. Molecular and biochemical properties of free -amino acid transport proteinsa.

Alternate Genbank Transport Substrate Substrate Co-substrate

CLONE names Acc. no. Length system specificitybc affinityd coupling Source


EAAT1 GluT, GLAST X63744 543 D-,L-Asp, M Na+in, K+out, Storck et al. (1992)
L-Glu OH−/HCO−3out
EAAT2 GLT, GLAST2, X67857 573 X−AG D-,L-Asp, M Na+in, K+out, Pines et al. (1992)
GLTR L-Glu OH−/HCO3−out
EAAT3 EAAC1 L12411 523–525 X−AG D-,L-Asp, M Na+in, K+out, Kanai and Hediger (1992)

12:24 pm
L-Glu OH−/HCO3−out
EAAT4 —— U18244 564 X−AG D-,L-Asp, M Na+in, K+out, Fairman et al. (1995)

C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

L-Glu OH−/HCO3−out
EAAT5 —— U76362 561 X−AG D-,L-Asp, M Na+in, K+out, Arriza et al. (1997)
L-Glu OH−/HCO3−out

Page 56
xCTef 4F2-lc4 AB022345 502 Xc− CssC, L-Glu; M AA1CssC;AA2Glu Sato et al. (1999)
AB026891 L-Asp
AF252872 501 Bridges et al. (2001)
CAT1 ecoR M26687 622–629 y+ Lys, Arg; Orn, M none Kim et al. (1991)
His (when charged) Wang et al. (1991)
CAT2 CAT2 NM003046 657–658 y+ Lys, Arg; M none Closs et al. (1993a)
CAT2a CAT2 L03290 657–659 y+ Lys, Arg; Orn mM none Closs et al. (1993b)
CAT3 —— U70859 619 y+ Arg M none Hosokawa et al. (1997)
GlnT ATA1 AF075704 485 A Gln, Asn, His, M Na+in Varoqui et al. (2000)
(neuronal A) Ala, Met, Ser,
Gly; MeAIB, Pro
ATA2 AF249673 504 A MeAIB, Ala, Gly, M Na+in Sugawara et al. (2000a)
(classic A) SA1 AF273024 Ser, Pro, Met, His, Reimer et al. (2000)
SAT2 AF173682 Asn, Gln Yao et al. (2000)
ATA3 AF295535 547 A Ala, Gly, Ser, Cys, mM Na+in Hatanaka et al. (2000)
(hepatic A) Asn, Thr; Pro, Met,
Gln, His; MeAIB, Lys
Lys, Arg M none Sugawara et al. (2000b)
Amino Acids - Chap 03
ASCT1 SATT L14595 532 ASC neutral, except for M Na+inAAin, Arriza et al. (1993)
Gln at pH 7.5; plus Na+inAAout Zerangue and
anionic at pH 5.5 Kavanaugh (1996)
ASCT2 ATB° D-85044 553 B° L-AA: M Na+in Utsunomiya-Tate
U53347 Ala, Gln, Ser, Cys, Thr, et al. (1996)

Trp, Gln, Asn, Leu; Kekuda et al. (1996)
Met, Val, Ile, Phe;
Trp, Gly
Ser, Thr, Cys

12:24 pm
Asc-1ef AB026688 530 asc L-AA: M AA1in;AA2out Fukasawa et al. (2000)

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides

Ala, Gly, Ser, Thr, Cys;
Val, Met, Ile, Leu, His
Ala, Ser, -Ala, AIB,

Page 57
Ala-methyl;Cys, Asn, Leu,
Ile, Val, His; Gln, Met, Phe
LAT1ef 4F2-lc1 AB015432 512 L L-AA: low M AA1in;AA2out Kanai et al. (1998)
AF104032 507 Leu, Ile, Phe, Met, Tyr Prasad et al. (1999)
His, Trp; Val
Leu, Phe, Met; Ile
LAT2ef 4F2-lc5 AF171668 531 L Phe; Leu; Ala; M AA1in;AA2out Rossier et al. (1999)
Gln, His
AF171669 535
AF170106 535 Thr, Phe, Trp; M Rajan et al. (2000)
Ser, Gln, Leu, Ala,
Cys, BCH
SN1 NM006841 504 N Gln, His mM Na+inAAout,, Chaudhry et al. (1999)
NAT AF159856 505 Gln, His; Ala mM Gu et al. (2000)
AF244548 504 Gln, His; Asn, Ala mM 2Na+inAAout,, Fei et al. (2000)
Li+ or Na+in
SN2 AF276870 472 N His; Asn, Ser, Gln; mM Li+ or Na+in, H+out, Nakanishi et al. (2001)
Ala, Gly

Amino Acids - Chap 03
Table 3.5. Continued.

Alternate Genbank Transport Substrate Substrate Co-substrate

CLONE names Acc. no. Length system specificitybc affinityd coupling Source

TAT1 AB047324 514 T L-AA: mM none Kim et al. (2001)

Tyr, Trp, Phe, L-Dopa,

Trp, Phe
Neutral and cationic
ATB0+ AF151978 642 B0,+ Ile, Leu, Trp, Met, Val, NR 2Na+in, 2Cl−in Sloan and Mager (1999)

12:24 pm
Ser; His, Tyr, Ala, Lys,

C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

Arg, Cys, Gly; Asn, Thr,
Gln; Pro
y+LAT1ef AmAT-L-lc AF092032 511 y+L Leu; Arg, Lys, Gln, His M AA1in;AA2out Torrents et al. (1998)
AJ130718 Na+in or H+ Pfeiffer et al. (1999a)

Page 58
4F2-lc2 R82979 Lys, Arg, Orn; (for neutral) Kanai et al. (2000)
Met, Leu, His
y+LAT2ef 4F2-lc3 515 y+L Arg, Leu M AA1in;Argout Torrents et al. (1998)
D87432 Arg, Lys, Gln, His, Met; Na+in (for neutral) Broer et al. (2000)
BAT1eg bo,+AT AB029559 487 bo,+ Arg, Leu, Lys, Phe, Tyr; M neutral AA, Chairoungdua et al. (1999)
AJ249198 CssC, Ile, Val, Trp, His, dibasic AA
Aj249199 Ala; Met, Gln, Asn, Thr, exchange Pfeiffer et al. (1999b)
Cys, Ser
4F2-lc6ef AF155119 487 bo,+ Leu, Trp, Phe, Met, M neutral AA, Rajan et al. (1999)
Ala, Ser, Cys, dibasic AA
Thr, Gln, Asn; exchange
Gly, CssC, BCH
aDoes not include members of the BGT, GAT, GLYT, TAUT or PRO neurotransmitter transporter families.
denotes physiologically significant differences in degree of substrate affinity.
cCssC, L-cystine; Orn, ornithine; MeAIB, 2-methylaminoisobutyrate; AIB, -aminoisobutyric acid; BCH, 2-aminobiyclo(2,2,1)heptane-2-carboxylic acid; Dopa, L-

dWhen possible, values are data from overexpression of cDNA by mammalian cells, rather than by Xenopus oocytes.
eMember of the glycoprotein-associated amino acid transporter family.
fAssociates with 4F2hc glycoprotein.
gAssociates with rBAT glycoprotein.
Amino Acids - Chap 03
Table 3.6. Expression of free -amino acid transporter activities, mRNA and/or protein by mammalian gastrointestinal epithelia.

Transport Location of Specific Epitheliabc

system activitya transporter evaluated mRNA Proteind Source

X−AG Ap EAAT2 R, O, D, J, I, Ce, Co X CMV Howell et al. (2001)
EAAT3 R, O, D, J, I, Ce, Co X CMV Howell et al. (2001)
xc− NR xCT intestine X Bassi et al. (2001)

12:24 pm
Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides
y+ Ap, Bl CAT1 Small intestine X Kim et al. (1991); Wang et al. (1991)
A Bl ATA2 Small intestine X Sugawara et al. (2000a)

Page 59
B° Ap ASCT2 Intestine X Kekuda et al. (1996, 1997)
asc Bl Asc-1 Small intestine X Fukasawa et al. (2000)
L Bl LAT2 Small intestine X Bl Rossier et al. (1999)
N Ap or Bl SN2 Small intestine X Nakanishi et al. (2001)
T Bl TAT1 J, I, Co X Bl Kim et al. (2001)
IMINO Ap Unknown
Neutral and cationic
Bo,+ Ap ATBo,+ Distal I, Ce, Co X Hatanaka et al. (2001)
y+L Bl y+LAT1 Small intestine X Torrents et al. (1998); Pfeiffer et al. (1999a)
Bl y+LAT2 Small intestine X Broer et al. (2000)
bo,+ Ap BAT1 J, I X Chairoungdua et al. (1999)
Ap bo,+AT Intestine X Pfeiffer et al. (1999b)
Ap 4F2-lc6 Small intestine X Rajan et al. (1999)
aAs reviewed by Ganapathy et al. (1994), Mailliard et al. (1995), Palacin et al. (1998), Wagner et al. (2001), Bode (2001) and/or Matthews
and Anderson (2002). Ap, apical; Bl, basolateral membrane; NR, not reported.
bR, rumen; O, omasum; D, duodenum; J, jejunum; I, ileum; Co, colon; Ce, caecum.
cWhen known, expression is reported for farm animal species.
dCMV, crude membrane vesicles isolated from homogenates of scraped epithelial tissues.

Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 60

60 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

limited mRNA tissue distribution profiles for cationic and neutral amino acids initially
ATB0,+, which encodes a protein capable of B0,+ absorbed from the lumen by concentrative
activity, shows no expression by the duodenum transporters can be modulated by ATB0,+ activ-
or jejunum and only weak expression by the dis- ity. Of the basolateral transporters, only ATA2
tal ileum. In contrast, caecal and colonic expres- and TAT1 are uniporters. ATA2 (system A
sion is high. Therefore, it remains to be activity) activity is Na+-dependent, capable of
determined whether ATB0,+ function contributes concentrative transport, and functions to trans-
significantly to small intestinal absorption of port amino acids into the cell, not into the
amino acids, or whether another, as yet unidenti- blood. Conversely, TAT1 is a Na+-independent
fied, ATB0,+ isoform is responsible for system system that selectively transports aromatic
B0,+ activity. amino acids, down their concentration gradi-
In terms of basolateral transport capacity, ents. In contrast the other basolateral trans-
cationic amino acids are unilaterally trans- porters are all exchangers. As a consequence
ported by CAT1 uniport in counterexchange of this differential expression of apical and
for neutral amino acids by y+LAT1. In addi- basolateral transporters, it is likely that the bulk
tion, given its intracellular binding preference of amino acids that enter the blood through
for L-arginine and the high blood concentra- enterocytes is dependent on the concentration
tions of L-glutamine, the predominant func- of amino acids in the cytosol of enterocytes.
tion of y+LAT2 is to absorb L-glutamine into A pertinent question that arises from the
enterocytes in exchange for L-arginine. combined understandings gained from localiza-
Accordingly, the function of y+LAT2 may well tion and functional studies with intestinal
be the mechanical coupling of the high intesti- amino acid transporters is the degree to which
nal L-glutamine uptake from, and L-arginine the functions of apical (including PepT1) and
export into, splanchnic blood (Wu, 1998). In basolateral amino acid transporters functions
contrast, the presence of a basolateral anionic are coordinated. A working model that reflects
amino acid transporter has yet to be described current understanding of differential localiza-
(although xCT mRNA has been detected by tion and identity of specific transporters
RT-PCR, Bassi et al., 2001), and may help responsible for mediated flux of amino acids
explain the low arterial uptake of L-glutamate across apical and basolateral membranes of
and L-aspartate by small intestinal epithelia. enterocytes is presented in Fig. 3.2. How dif-
Neutral amino acid transport across the baso- ferential localization of transporters results in
lateral membrane of enterocytes appears to ion-dependent and substrate exchange-depen-
be achieved by a combination of activities by dent vectoral transport of amino acids through
Na+-dependent (ATA2) and Na+-independent enterocytes likely is similar to that proposed
(TAT1) uniporters and ion-independent amino for renal epithelia presented by Palacin et al.
acid exchangers (Asc-1, LAT2, y+LAT1, (1998) and Verrey et al. (2000). As discussed
y+LAT2). In addition, SN2 may contribute sig- above, it is generally accepted that the major-
nificantly to L-histidine, L-serine, L-asparagine ity of amino acids are absorbed as small pep-
and L-glutamine absorption by coupled tides, by PepT1 activity. After absorption, the
Na+/H+ counter-exchange (Bode, 2001). peptide-bound amino acids are readily hydrol-
ysed to free amino acids by intracellular pepti-
dases (Fig. 3.1). As a consequence of these
Asymmetrical expression, yet PepT1-dependent activities, and the activity of
coordinated function, of amino acid the Na+-dependent X−AG and B0 (and, per-
transporters by polarized intestinal haps, SN2 and B0,+), an elevated supply of
epithelia free amino acids exists to drive counterex-
change across the apical membrane by BAT1
In terms of how amino acid flux is mediated (and 4F2-lc6) and the counterexchange trans-
across enterocytes, all of the apical transporters port by basolateral transporters (Asc-1, LAT2)
are ion-dependent and capable of concentrative into the blood. Whereas the putative coordi-
transport, except for the two system b0,+ trans- nated function of these differentially expressed
porters. Consequently, the molar ratio of transporters on transepithelial amino acid flux
Amino Acids - Chap 03 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 61

Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides 61

AA Na AA Na AA Na Na H Peptide AA AA AA

r 4
EA AC1 SN2 PepT1 B CAT1 ATB0, 4F2hc 2
ASCT2 A B 0,AT -lc6 h
T c

H AA 4 Arg AA 4 Aromatic

Glu AA F
F 2
2  yLAT1 h
xCT Asc-1 CAT1 h y LAT2 c
Peptide SN2 c
? ?

AA Gln AA,Na

Na AA Na
Fig. 3.2. Working model for the membrane-specific expression of peptide and free amino acid
transporters by intestinal epithelial cells. The locations and predominant direction of substrate flow is
derived from functional properties listed in Tables 3.4 and 3.5, and/or described in the text.

has not been evaluated, the influence of api- animals that have a large pregastric fermenta-
cally expressed PepT1 function on apical neu- tion capacity, and hence, a relatively greater
tral and cationic amino acid uptake capacity by production of bacterially derived D-amino
polarized Caco-2 cells has been (Wenzel et al., acids, it is reasonable to suggest that the
2001). PepT1 uptake of several neutral amino intestinal epithelia of ruminants may possess a
acid-containing dipeptides resulted in a 2.5- to larger capacity to absorb D-amino acids than
3.5-fold increased uptake of L-arginine by api- postgastric fermenters. In this regard, several
cal b0,+AT activity. As this stimulation was amino acid transport systems and proteins
dependent on intracellular hydrolysis of trans- capable of D-amino acid absorption have been
ported amino acids, it appears that PepT1 identified. Of particular importance is those
activity stimulated L-arginine by supplying req- systems capable of absorbing D-amino acids
uisite amino acids to drive b0,+AT antiport which are especially abundant in bacterial cell
uptake of arginine. walls (D-glutamate, D-alanine and D-serine).
Biochemically characterized system x−c activity
has been defined as the Na+-independent
Emerging Concepts for the Role of obligate exchange of L-glutamate and L-cys-
Amino Acid Transporters teine, which may be inhibited by D-glutamate
(Dantzig et al., 1978). Recently a cRNA has
Potential for absorption of D-amino acids been generated (xCT) that apparently encodes
by intestinal epithelia for system x−c–like activity, when co-expressed
with 4F2hc (Sato et al., 1999). However,
Given the fundamental differences in the expression of x−c activity by enterocytes is
amount of D-amino acids likely to be seen by unknown to these authors and investigation of
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62 C.R. Krehbiel and J.C. Matthews

the ability of xCT to recognize and transport et al., 1995) and N (SN1, Chaudhry et al.,
D-glutamate was not reported. 1999) ‘amino acid’ transporters may be more
Although asc-like activity has been reported accurately considered to function as amino
in the basolateral membranes of enterocytes acid-gated ion channels. Respectively, these
(Mailliard et al., 1995), the localization of Asc-1 understandings suggest that the ability to
has not been confirmed. In contrast, ASCT2 is transport amino acids is associated with a
localized to the apical membrane of intestinal health ‘risk/cost’ and indicate that amino
epithelia. With regard to aromatic D-amino acids can serve as ‘signalling’ molecules.
acids, both LAT1 and TAT1 are localized to the
basolateral membrane and transport D-pheny-
lalanine. In addition, the absorption of at least
D-phenylalanine-containing peptides by PepT1
has been documented (Meredith and Boyd,
As reviewed previously in detail (Matthews,
2000). The differential expression of ASCT2
2000a,b), and augmented with the current dis-
and Asc-1 activity on both membranes of
cussion, the evidence is strong that the gas-
enterocytes indicates the capacity to absorb sig-
trointestinal epithelia of pigs, chickens, sheep
nificant amounts of bacterial-derived D-amino
and cattle possess a large capacity to digest
acids from the intestinal lumen into the blood.
proteins and absorb their constituent amino
These understandings, and that the flux of spe-
acids by the same mechanisms as other ani-
cific amino acids into the blood depends on
mals, albeit with some important distinctions.
their ability to compete for transport, suggest
Unanswered questions regarding the applica-
that the indiscriminant use of D-, L-isomer com-
tion of flux and transport data to the design of
binations as a supplemental source for one L-
all animal diets include the following:
amino acid may perturb the flux of others into
blood. 1. What is the capacity for peptide-bound
Other emerging concepts not explicitly versus free amino acid uptake by the gastroin-
covered in this review regarding the physio- testinal epithelia?
logical consequences of transporter expres- 2. Can this capacity be regulated in vivo by
sion and function, include the potential diet and(or) feeding regimens?
pathological consequences that system y+ 3. Will increasing the amount of peptide-
(CAT1; Kim et al., 1991; Wang et al., 1991), bound amino acids achieve greater amino acid
ASC (ASCT1; Marin et al., 2000), and B0 absorption efficiencies?
(ASCT2; Rasko et al., 1999; Tailor et al., 4. Is the development and use of model sub-
2001) transporters serve as recognition mole- strates and(or) protein hydrolysates to potenti-
cules for various retroviruses and, in terms of ate peptide absorption capacity economically
ion fluxes, that system X−AG (EAAT5; Fairman feasible?


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4 An Outline of Pathways in
Amino Acid Metabolism

J.P.F. D’Mello*
Formerly of Biotechnology Department, The Scottish Agricultural College,
Edinburgh, UK

Introduction apply in common to all species covered in

this book. Furthermore, rumen microbes dis-
Since the first edition of this book, consider- play these key reactions as well as the innate
able advances have been made in elucidating capacity to synthesize all of the essential
the processes involved in the metabolism of amino acids (Chapter 15).
amino acids in animals. These developments
as reviewed in several chapters in the pre-
sent updated edition, rely on some basic
Key Reactions
appreciation of intermediary metabolism of
important amino acids. To avoid unnecessary
All animals have the capacity to use or sal-
repetition, outline pathways are collated in
this chapter, commencing with key reactions vage metabolic ammonia in key assimilation
and following up with more advanced fea- reactions involving glutamate dehydrogenase
tures of metabolism of particular relevance and glutamine synthase. In mammals, assimi-
to chapters in this edition. lation of ammonia also occurs via the action
Inter-organ flux of amino acids is impor- of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, enabling
tant in determining the profile that reaches delivery of carbamoyl phosphate to the urea
the ultimate sites of utilization (Seal and cycle. The amino group formed by the
Parker, 2000). Amino acids cannot be stored action of glutamate dehydrogenase may then
as free molecules and must follow anabolic be transferred to -keto acids to form a
routes to peptides, proteins, hormones and number of important amino acids. This syn-
other bioactive molecules (Fig. 4.1) or cata- thesis is catalysed by the aminotransferases
bolic pathways to ammonia (fish), urea or transaminases. Amino acids may also
(mammals) or uric acid (birds and reptiles). undergo reactions brought about by oxidases
The terms ‘ammoniotelic’, ‘ureotelic’ and and decarboxylases with significant physio-
‘uricotelic’ are used to indicate the forms of logical and nutritional consequences. The
N excretion in the respective groups of ani- major sites of amino acid metabolism are
mals. Despite the disparate end products of gut, muscle, liver, and brain. A summary of
amino acid catabolism in these animals, the some important enzymes involved in amino
basic features outlined in the next section acid metabolism is presented in Table 4.1.

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 71
Amino Acids - Chap 04

12:24 pm
Amino acids

Synthetic Catabolic

Page 72
J.P.F. D’Mello
Tissue proteins Hormones Neurotransmitters Other bioactive molecules Amino group Carbon skeleton

Urea/uric Gluconeogenesis/
acid ketogenesis

Fig. 4.1. Overview of pathways in amino acid metabolism in animals.

Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 73

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 73

Table 4.1. Some key enzymes in amino acid metabolism of animals.

Class Specific examples Function

Transferases Aspartate aminotransferase Synthesis/breakdown of aspartate

Dehydrogenases Glutamate dehydrogenase Synthesis/breakdown of glutamate
Oxidases D-amino acid oxidases Conversion of certain D-amino acids to
the L-form when linked to an appropriate
Hydroxylases Tyrosine hydroxylase Formation of Dopa from tyrosine
Decarboxylases Ornithine decarboxylase Initiation of polyamine synthesis
Orotidylate decarboxylase Pyrimidine biosynthesis
Aromatic decarboxylase Decarboxylation of Dopa
5-Hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase Synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine
Urea cycle enzymes Ornithine transcarbamoylase Synthesis of citrulline
Argininosuccinate synthetase Synthesis of argininosuccinate
Argininosuccinase Breakdown of argininosuccinate to
arginine and fumarate
Arginase Breakdown of arginine to urea and
Uric acid enzymes Glutamine phosphoribosyl Incorporation of glutamine in synthesis
pyrophosphate amidotransferase of purine ring
Phosphoribosyl glycinamide Incorporation of glycine in purine
synthetase synthesis
Xanthine oxidase Synthesis of uric acid
Nitric oxide cNOS and iNOS Synthesis of nitric oxide
synthases (NOS)

Glutamate dehydrogenase pyridoxal phosphate as cofactor to maximize

activity. In general terms the aminotransferase
Glutamate dehydrogenase is a key enzyme in reaction may be represented by:
amino acid metabolism due to its involvement
Donor AA  Acceptor α-keto acid↔
in both the synthesis of glutamate and its
Product AA  Product α-keto acid [4.2]
breakdown by the reversible reaction shown
below: Two specific examples are shown below:
α-Ketoglutarate  Ammonia  NAD(P)H Aspartate  α-Ketoglutarate
Glutamate  NAD(P) [4.1] Glutamate  Oxaloacetate [4.3]
When linked with aminotransferase reactions, Glutamate  Pyruvate Alanine
the above pathway enables the synthesis of the  α-Ketoglutarate [4.4]
non-essential amino acids and the degradation
of all amino acids. The breakdown of glutamate In theory all aminotransferase reactions
by this reaction represents an oxidative deami- should be reversible and this certainly is the
nation requiring either NAD+ or NADP+. case in microbial metabolism, for example in
the rumen. However, within animal tissues
only a limited number of α-keto acids are
Aminotransferases (transaminases) readily transaminated to their respective
amino acids (Table 4.2).
Aminotransferases or transaminases catalyse Using alanine and pyruvate, the two
the transfer of an amino group from one key reactions shown above (Reactions [4.1]
amino acid (AA) to a keto acid to form and [4.2]) may be rearranged into the fol-
another amino acid. These enzymes require lowing sequence:
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 74

74 J.P.F. D’Mello

Alanine α-Ketoglutarate Ammonia Urea (mammals)

Uric acid (birds)

Pyruvate Glutamate [4.5]

Table 4.2. -Keto acids readily transaminated in Glutamine synthase

animal tissues.

-Keto acid Amino acid The assimilation of ammonia may occur by a

second pathway catalysed by glutamine syn-
-Ketoglutarate Glutamate thase as follows:
Oxaloacetate Aspartate
Pyruvate Alanine
-Ketoisocaproate Leucine
-Keto--methylvalerate Isoleucine Glutamate Glutamine [4.6]
-Ketoisovalerate Valine
Phenylpyruvate Phenylalanine
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase

A third mechanism for the assimilation of

The initial step in the degradation of most ammonia involves carbamoyl phosphate syn-
amino acids involves a transamination reaction thetase:
which when coupled with the action of gluta-
mate dehydrogenase results in the production of Ammonia  CO2  ATP↔
ammonia. The liver is the primary site for cou- Carbamoyl phosphate [4.7]
pled reactions of this type, enabling degradation Carbamoyl phosphate then enters the urea
of all amino acids. The ammonia may be re-uti- cycle by combining with ornithine, thus
lized or, because of its toxicity, converted into enabling the excretion of waste N in mam-
urea or uric acid in the liver prior to excretion mals. The enzyme, however, is absent in uri-
via the kidneys. Skeletal muscle, however, is the cotelic animals which consequently lack a
major site for the transamination of the three functional urea cycle.
branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), leucine,
isoleucine and valine (Harper et al., 1984).
BCAA transaminase accepts all three amino
acids as substrates, yielding the respective Oxidases
branched-chain keto acids (BCKA). These keto
acids are then transported to the liver for further In animals only amino acids of the L-configu-
metabolism. The amino groups of BCAA are ration are encoded for incorporation into tis-
eventually used in the synthesis of glutamine sue proteins. However, D-isomers of certain
which essentially acts as a carrier of ammonia. amino acids may be utilized by animals, fol-
Species differences have been noted with lowing conversion of these isomers to the cor-
respect to the initial and ultimate fate of leucine responding L-forms. The enzymes catalysing
(Seal and Parker, 2000). In non-ruminants, such reactions are termed D-amino acid oxi-
skeletal muscle oxidizes the bulk of leucine dases requiring FAD as cofactor. The reaction
derived from muscle protein degradation and is shown below:
the corresponding α-keto acid is re-aminated in
the liver. In contrast, in the fasted ruminant, NH3
leucine produced from muscle turnover is used
in protein synthesis in the liver and gut. D-Amino acid α-Keto acid [4.8]
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 75

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 75

The -keto acid then undergoes reaction pathways would be complete without refer-
with an L-specific transaminase to yield the ence to phenylalanine hydroxylase, which
appropriate L-amino acid. This coupled set of catalyses the formation of tyrosine from
reactions enables animals to use D-methionine phenylalanine. Animals can thus synthesize
with up to 90% efficacy (Baker, 1994). tyrosine for important reactions as long as
sufficient quantities of phenylalanine are
present in the diet. Tyrosine is a compo-
Decarboxylases nent of proteins, and provides the aromatic
ring for the synthesis of thyroxine, adrena-
The conversion of glutamate into -amino- line (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (nor-
butyrate (GABA) typifies the physiologically epinephrine).
important decarboxylation reactions that lead
to the formation of bioactive molecules such
as neurotransmitters. The reaction below is Arginine Metabolism
catalysed by glutamate decarboxylase, a pyri-
doxal phosphate-dependent enzyme: Arginine has only comparatively recently
CO2 emerged as an intriguing amino acid in ani-
mal metabolism. Following the establish-
Glutamate γ-Aminobutyrate [4.9] ment of its pivotal role in the urea cycle in
the 1930s, arginine remained in the back-
GABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter ground for many decades. It was not until
in the central nervous system of higher ani- the 1990s that important developments
mals. The inactivation of GABA is brought were made with respect to its function as a
about by the action of GABA-glutamate precursor of polyamines and nitric oxide
transaminase resulting in the formation of (NO). Many authors have yet to record these
succinate semialdehyde which is then oxidized developments in their biochemistry text-
to succinate by a specific dehydrogenase books.
(Bradford, 1986).
The synthesis of histamine is also brought
about by a decarboxylase. Specifically, histi- Urea cycle
dine decarboxylase catalyses the reaction
shown below to yield histamine: In the urea cycle (Fig. 4.2), the metabolism
of arginine, ornithine, citrulline and argini-
nosuccinate is linked in a pathway that
CO2 enables mammals to dispose of excess N
Histidine Histamine [4.10] from amino acids that cannot be used for
anabolic purposes. The liver is the primary
Release of histamine by mast cells is a bio- site for this activity. Waste N enters the
chemical manifestation associated with aller- urea cycle as carbamoyl phosphate, synthe-
gic enteropathy and other gut disorders (Piva sized from ammonia, CO2 and ATP as indi-
et al., 2002). cated in Reaction [4.7]. However, waste N
Another key decarboxylase initiates the also enters the cycle directly, via aspartic
synthesis of polyamines, molecules that are acid. Long after the elucidation of the urea
essential in the regulation of cell growth and cycle, it emerged that arginase exists in two
differentiation. The enzyme concerned is forms depending on localization within
ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). cells. Arginase I is a cytosolic enzyme
whereas arginase II occurs in the mitochon-
dria. Many extrahepatic tissues contain
Phenylalanine hydroxylase both forms of arginase, including the mam-
mary gland (O’Quinn et al., 2002). The
Hydroxylases play a key role in animal absence of other enzymes of the urea cycle
metabolism and no account of amino acid in the mammary gland is consistent with
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 76

76 J.P.F. D’Mello


Urea Carbamoylphosphate


Fumarate 3

Fig. 4.2. The urea cycle. Key to enzymes: 1, arginase; 2, ornithine transcarbamoylase;
3, argininosuccinate synthetase; 4, argininosuccinase.

the concept that a pivotal role for arginine The reaction is catalysed by various isoforms
is the generation of proline (Basch et al., of NO synthase localized in specific compart-
1997), polyamines (Wu et al., 1998) and ments (Onoda and Inano, 1998). Thus,
NO (Lacasse et al., 1996) for optimal lacta- inducible (iNOS) and constitutive (cNOS)
tional performance. Remnants of the urea forms have been identified in the cytosol of
cycle may also be found in birds and rep- porcine mammary gland (O’Quinn et al.,
tiles, despite their reliance on uric acid as 2002). The cNOS isoforms are always pre-
the major route of disposal of waste N. sent and generate intermittent low levels of
Thus arginase is found in the liver and kid- NO. On the other hand, iNOS is activated by
ney of birds, with higher activity in the lat- cytokines and endotoxins, and following
ter organ. Avian kidney arginase is sensitive induction, produces large and sustained quan-
to dietary arginine status and antagonisms tities of NO. Barouch et al. (2002) referred
caused by lysine and certain other ana- to spatial confinement of neuronal and
logues (Chapter 7). endothelial isoforms allowing NO signals to
exert independent and even opposite effects
on organ function.
Nitric oxide

The synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) from argi-

nine is depicted as follows:
Arginine NO Reference has already been made to ODC,
a key enzyme in polyamine synthesis. ODC
Citrulline [4.11] acts on ornithine to yield the initial product,
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 77

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 77

putrescine. Inputs from methionine then Analogues

allow for the synthesis of spermidine and
spermine (Fig. 4.3). Polyamine production A number of amino acid analogues occur nat-
appears to be an essential adjunct in all tis- urally in plants used as sources of animal feed.
sues that are actively synthesizing proteins. These are structural analogues of certain
For example, polyamines act as mediators nutritionally important amino acids.
in the histological development of entero- Canavanine contributes significantly to the
cytes (Piva et al., 2002). Polyamine synthe- toxicity of the seeds of the tropical legume,
sis is also an important focal point for the Canavalia ensiformis (jack bean). Poultry are
action of certain antinutritional factors in particularly sensitive to the effects of canava-
legume seeds. In addition, the involvement nine since it is a structural analogue of argi-
of methionine in polyamine synthesis nine, an essential amino acid for avian species
imposes competing metabolic demands, (see Table 1.1). In mammals, canavanine may
particularly when the tissue supply of cys- be processed via a pathway that is analogous
teine is critical. to the urea cycle (Fig. 4.4).
The aromatic amino acid, mimosine, is
an important toxic component of the tropi-
cal forage legume, Leucaena leucocephala.
Although mimosine may be regarded as an
analogue of tyrosine, the adverse effects
Ornithine appear not to be mediated via any antago-
nism between the two amino acids. The
pathways of mimosine metabolism have
1 been extensively studied in the ruminant (Fig.
4.5) due to the widespread use of Leucaena
as fodder.
The toxic effects of a number of amino acid
analogues including canavanine and mimosine
are considered in detail in Chapter 7.

Uric Acid Pathway

DCAM The uric acid pathway is a major route for

the disposal of waste N in avian species. In
these animals, the purine biosynthetic path-
way has been adapted for the purpose of N
excretion in the form of uric acid (Fig. 4.6).
Spermidine Methionine The committed reaction in the synthesis of
uric acid is the production of 5-phosphori-
bosylamine from glutamine and 5-phospho-
ribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. Glycine, another
DCAM mole of glutamine, and aspartate act as fur-
ther sources of N in the sequence shown in
Fig. 4.6.

Spermine Pyrimidines
Fig. 4.3. Action of ornithine decarboxylase in the
initiation of polyamine synthesis. Key: 1, ornithine The synthesis of pyrimidines also involves
decarboxylase; DCAM, decarboxylated 5- glutamine and aspartate (Fig. 4.7). However,
adenosylmethionine. in contrast to the synthesis of purines, the
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78 J.P.F. D’Mello


Urea Carbamoylphosphate



O -Ureidohomoserine

Fumarate Aspartate


Guanidinosuccinate  Homoserine
Fig. 4.4. Mammalian metabolism of canavanine. Enzymes: analogous to those involved in the urea
cycle; thus 1, arginase. (Adapted from D’Mello, 1991.)

pyrimidine ring is assembled first and subse- proteins, 2 mol of cysteine may undergo oxi-
quently linked to ribose phosphate. It will be dation to form a disulphide bridge, yielding
noted that pyrimidine synthesis begins with another sulphur amino acid, cystine.
the production of carbamoyl phosphate. The Methionine plays a key role in metabolism as
enzyme, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase is a donor of active methyl groups. It does so
distinct from that involved in the formation of after conversion into S-adenosylmethionine.
urea, thus enabling all species, including uri- Following release of the active methyl group,
cotelic animals to generate the pyrimidines S-adenosylhomocysteine is formed which
necessary for nucleotide production. The may then undergo hydrolysis to produce
committed reaction in the pyrimidine path- homocysteine. The importance of homocys-
way is formation of N-carbamoylaspartate. teine in human health has recently been rec-
ognized following demonstrations of elevated
plasma levels of the amino acid in patients
Sulphur Amino Acids with coronary, cerebrovascular and periph-
eral arterial occlusive disease. In addition,
The sulphur amino acids of particular rele- the role of homocysteine in embryonic devel-
vance here are methionine and cysteine. In opment may have implications in animal
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 79

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 79





O 3-Hydroxy-4(1H)-pyridone
Excretion OH
in faeces
and/or urine
N ring

Conjugated cleavage


Fig. 4.5. Mimosine metabolism in the ruminant (D’Mello, 1991).

reproduction. The ‘homocysteine as a terato- The biosynthesis of cysteine from

gen’ hypothesis has been tested partly by methionine relies on the initial formation of
employing a chicken embryo model homocysteine which then donates its sul-
(Rosenquist and Finnell, 2001). phur atom to serine to yield cystathionine.
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80 J.P.F. D’Mello

Ribose-5-phosphate Glutamine
5-Phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP)
2 Glutamine

5-Phosphoribosylamine Carbamoyl phosphate

Glycine 2 Aspartate

Glycinamide ribonucleotide

4 Glutamine

Formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide

5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxylic acid ribonucleotide

5-Aminoimidazole-4-N-succinocarboxamide ribonucleotide

Inosinate (IMP)

6 Orotidylate

Uric acid
Fig. 4.6. Uric acid synthesis (an abbreviated
pathway to show key reactions involving inputs of
Uridylate (UMP)
amino acid N). Enzymes: 1, ribose 5-phosphate
pyrophosphokinase; 2, glutamine phosphoribosyl Fig. 4.7. Biosynthesis of pyrimidines. Enzymes:
pyrophosphate amidotransferase; 3, phosphoribosyl 1, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase; 2, aspartate
glycinamide synthetase; 4, amido-ligase; 5, specific transcarbamoylase; 3, dihydroorotase; 4,
synthetase; 6, xanthine oxidase. dihydroorotate dehydrogenase; 5, orotate
phosphoribosyltransferase; 6, orotidylate
Following deamination and molecular cleav-
age, cysteine and -ketobutyrate are pro-
duced. This pathway underpins an requires pyridoxal phosphate as cofactor
important nutritional relationship and is (Stabler et al., 1996).
depicted in Chapter 8. The competing
metabolic demands for methionine are con-
sidered in some depth in Chapter 17. Non-essential Amino Acids
Particular note should be made of the
roles of the B-complex vitamins that service Examination of Reactions [4.1], [4.5], [4.6]
methionine and homocysteine metabolism. and [4.9] shows the pivotal role of gluta-
Thus, methionine synthesis from homocys- mate in animal metabolism and function,
teine requires the tissue presence of FAD, enabling the synthesis and breakdown of
tetrahydrofolate and cobalamin, wheres the amino acids and the production of GABA.
synthesis of cystathionine from homocysteine However, it is important to recognize that
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 81

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 81

glutamate itself is part of the amino acid Creatine supplements may exert beneficial
neurotransmitter system (Bradford, 1986). effects on pork quality (James et al., 2002).
The critical roles of this non-essential amino Together with aspartate, glycine is a compo-
acid should, therefore, not be underesti- nent of the amino acidergic system of
mated. Indeed, it has been suggested that neurotransmitters.
several of the non-essential amino acids may
become conditionally essential because
endogenous synthesis cannot satisfy imme-
diate requirements under certain conditions.
Thus, stress caused by disorders of preg- Glycine
nancy and lactation and microbial
pathogens may induce the need for these Succinyl CoA
amino acids. In this respect, the case for
glutamine is particularly convincing. It 1
serves as a precursor of purines (Fig. 4.6),
pyrimidines (Fig. 4.7) and amino sugars. It is
also the preferred fuel for the cellular
metabolism of intestinal mucosa and an
obligate nutrient for the immune system δ-Aminolaevulinate
(Nieto et al., 2002). Other functions include
involvement in the maintenance of 2
acid–base balance, prevention of peripheral
hyperammonaemia and regulation of cellu-
lar macronutrient metabolism. Porphobilinogen
Glycine is another amino acid associ-
ated with multifunctional roles, being
involved in the synthesis of purines (Fig.
4.6), creatine (Fig. 4.8) and haem (Fig. 4.9). Linear tetrapyrrole


Glycine Uroporphyrinogen





Creatine Haem
Fig. 4.8. Biosynthesis of creatine from arginine Fig. 4.9. Biosynthesis of haem from glycine.
and glycine. Enzymes: 1, transamidinase; 2, Enzymes: 1, -aminolaevulinate synthetase; 2, -
guanidinoacetate methyltransferase. aminolaevulinate dehydrase.
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82 J.P.F. D’Mello

The critical functions displayed by the Amino acids directly involved in this func-
non-essential amino acids means that they tion are classified within the amino acidergic
must be synthesized from essential amino system, whereas those derived from the aro-
acids and/or derived from dietary sources. matic amino acids and tryptophan are cate-
Optimum ratios of the essential to non-essen- gorized within the monoaminergic system
tial amino acids exist for particular functions (Bradford, 1986).
and species of animals (Chapter 6). The synthesis of GABA from glutamate
has already been shown [Reaction 4.9]. The
formation of dopamine and noradrenaline
from tyrosine and of serotonin from trypto-
A wide range of amino acids and their deriv- phan respectively are depicted in Figs 4.10
atives act as neurotransmitters (Table 4.3). and 4.11.

Table 4.3. Amino acids and their derivatives as neurotransmitters: definitive and proposed

Group/precursor Specific compound Action

Amino acids -Aminobutyrate (GABA) Inhibitory

Glutamate Excitatory
Aspartate Excitatory
Glycine Inhibitory
Histamine Classical neurotransmitter;
Taurine Modulator of neuronal activity
Arginine Nitric oxide (NO) Multifunctional
Biogenic amines Dopamine Excitatory and inhibitory
Noradrenaline Excitatory and inhibitory
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) Vasoconstrictor and stimulator of
smooth muscle contraction

Tyrosine Tryptophan


3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (Dopa)



5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
Fig. 4.10. Synthesis of noradrenaline and Fig. 4.11. Synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine from
adrenaline from tyrosine. Enzymes: 1, tyrosine tryptophan. Enzymes: 1, tryptophan 5-
hydroxylase; 2, aromatic decarboxylase; 3, monooxygenase; 2, 5-hydroxytryptophan
dopamine--hydroxylase; 4, transmethylase. decarboxylase.
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 83

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 83

Other Bioactive Molecules Path of Carbon in Amino Acid

In addition to being a source of serotonin, tryp-
tophan uniquely serves as a precursor of a B- In the catabolism of amino acids, the carbon
complex vitamin, nicotinamide or niacin (Fig. skeletons follow pathways leading to the for-
4.12). However, the relatively low efficiency of mation of glucose and/or ketones. Amino
this pathway means that for all practical pur- acids may be glucogenic, ketogenic or both
poses an exogenous supply of the vitamin is (Chapter 1). The process of ketogenesis from
necessary to satisfy metabolic demands. leucine is shown in Fig. 4.13. It will be noted
The hormone thyroxine is synthesized from that leucine is exclusively ketogenic. Lysine is
tyrosine. It is, effectively, a dimer composed of also ketogenic (Fig. 4.14); however, it should
two iodinated residues of tyrosine. Adrenaline is be noted that lysine itself does not participate
formed by methylation of noradrenaline (Fig. in transamination. On the other hand, two
4.10) by a reaction that is dependent on the separate transamination reactions are
participation of S-adenosylmethionine. involved in the catabolism of cysteine leading
to the glucogenic precursor, pyruvate (Fig.
4.15). The pathways of gluconeogenesis and
ketogenesis from amino acids have been eluci-
dated and are presented in Fig. 4.16. The key
intermediate in the synthesis of glucose is

1 Summary

The pathways described in this chapter high-

3-Hydroxykynurenine light the roles of several amino acids in ani-
mal metabolism. Arginine is a key



Quinolinate Isovaleryl CoA

3 3

β-Methylcrotonyl CoA


Acetyl CoA Acetoacetate
Fig 4.12. Biosynthesis of nicotinamide from
tryptophan. Enzymes: 1, kynurenine 3-oxygenase; Fig. 4.13. Degradation of leucine. Enzymes: 1,
2, kynureninase; 3, quinolinate branched-chain aminotransferase; 2,
transphosphoribosylase. decarboxylase; 3, dehydrogenase.
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84 J.P.F. D’Mello

Lysine Saccharopine

α-Keto-ε-aminocaproate α-Aminoadipate-δ-semialdehyde

Pipecolate α-Aminoadipate


Acetyl CoA
Fig. 4.14. Degradation of lysine. Enzymes: 1, L-amino acid oxidase; 2, specific aminotransferase.

Cysteine 3-Mercaptopyruvate

Cysteine sulphinate

β-Sulphinylpyruvate Pyruvate
Fig. 4.15. Catabolism of cysteine. Enzymes: 1, cysteine dioxygenase; 2, transaminase; 3, transaminase.

intermediate in the urea cycle, enabling of as uric acid, a purine synthesized from
mammals to dispose of waste nitrogen. glycine, glutamine and aspartate. The latter
However, interest in arginine has recently two amino acids are involved again in the
been revived following demonstration of its biosynthesis of the pyrimidine ring, whereas
involvement in the production of polyamines glycine is the starting molecule in the produc-
and nitric oxide. Together with glycine, argi- tion of haem. In addition, both glycine and
nine also contributes to the formation of cre- aspartate act as inhibitory neurotransmitters.
atine. In poultry, waste nitrogen is disposed Tyrosine and tryptophan are precursors in
Amino Acids - Chap 04 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 85

Pathways in Amino Acid Metabolism 85




Pyruvate Phe, Tyr,

Acetyl CoA Acetoacetyl CoA

1 2

Malate Citrate


Fumarate Isocitrate

Glu, Gln,
Tyr, 7 His, Pro,
Phe, Arg

Succinate α-Ketoglutarate

Ile, 5
Thr, 6
Succinyl CoA

Fig. 4.16. Gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis from amino acids. Asn, asparagine; Asp, aspartate; Cys,
cysteine; Gln, glutamine; Glu, glutamate; Gly, glycine; His, histidine; Ile, isoleucine; Leu, leucine; Lys,
lysine; Met, methionine; Phe, phenylalanine; Pro, proline; Ser, serine; Thr, threonine; Trp, tryptophan; Tyr,
tyrosine; Val, valine. Enzymes: 1, malate dehydrogenase; 2, citrate synthase; 3, aconitase; 4, isocitrate
dehydrogenase; 5, -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex; 6, succinyl CoA synthetase; 7, succinate
dehydrogenase; 8, fumarase.

the production of neuroactive biogenic thesis and in the activated methyl cycle
amines. Tryptophan is also a source of the B- imposes competing metabolic demands, par-
complex vitamin, nicotinamide. Finally, the ticularly when the tissue supply of cysteine is
involvement of methionine in polyamine syn- critical.
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86 J.P.F. D’Mello


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Amino Acids - Chap 05 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 87

5 Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals:

an Overview

B.J. Bequette*
Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maryland, USA

Introduction and is not limiting (glycine). Since that time,

similar experimental approaches have been
It is well recognized by nutritionists that the used to establish amino acid essentiality, and
quantity and quality (amino acid profile) of non-essentiality, most notably those of W.C.
dietary proteins are important for optimum Rose and colleagues beginning in 1930.
productivity and health of animals. The roots The work of Rudolph Schoenheimer and
of protein–amino acid metabolism and nutri- colleagues (1939–1942) provided another
tion can be traced back nearly 250 years ago major paradigm shift in the history of protein
to the work of several groundbreaking nutrition. Earlier, Folin (1903) had argued that
researchers. In the mid-1700s, von Haller rec- nitrogen metabolism could be distinctly divided
ognized the essentiality of a substance in the into endogenous (tissue) and exogenous (dietary)
diet for the renewal of blood and tissues. phases and that exchange between diet and tis-
Many years later the true essentiality of this sues only occurred to replace damaged tissue.
nitrogenous substance was confirmed by Employing the stable isotope (15N, 2H) labelled
Magendie (1816) in feeding trials in dogs. compounds that his colleague Harold Urey had
Subsequently, upon the suggestion of recently isolated, Schoenheimer and colleagues
Berzelius, the substance was officially intro- demonstrated that not only were body proteins
duced as ‘proteine’ by Mulder (1838). Nearly dynamic (continually synthesized and degraded),
a century later, Mendel and Osborne but also that the rates of turnover and partition
(1914–1916), noting that vegetable proteins of amino acid nitrogen varied between tissues
differed significantly from animal proteins in and organs. Schoenheimer’s dynamic concept
amino acid composition, questioned whether had dispelled Folin’s views, and today we can
plant proteins were nutritionally inferior. see extensions of Schoenheimer’s concept in
Using some of the first-ever purified diets, many aspects of metabolism, including the
they demonstrated the importance of amino genome. Their studies also demonstrated the
acid composition as a determinant of protein extensive exchange of nitrogen between amino
quality, and examples of three types of amino acids (transamination), in particular those occur-
acids: one that could not be synthesized and is ring in the liver, confirming the central location
needed almost entirely for growth (lysine), one of the hepatic ornithine–urea cycle (Fig. 4.2),
needed for maintenance and for growth (tryp- discovered earlier by Krebs and Henseleit in
tophan), and one that could be synthesized 1932.

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 87
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88 B.J. Bequette

These landmark studies clearly demon- ciency and environmental pollution. Lastly,
strated that protein and amino acid require- in view of the current situation, I will offer
ments are a function of the metabolic perspectives on the challenges ahead and
demand of the animal’s tissues and the the lead role that amino acid nutrition and
processes within the tissues. Moreover, they metabolism will be expected to take in this,
showed how these processes contribute to the postgenomic era.
how efficiently (or inefficiently) the diet can
be used to satisfy the metabolic demand.
Current nutrient requirement schemes reflect Biosynthesis of Amino Acids and
this concept. For example, amino acid Nutritional Classifications
requirements are subdivided into net require-
ments for maintenance services, which are The title of this book now reflects the fact
the first priority, and for growth, lactation that, in addition to traditional farm animal
and reproduction. In growing animals, the species, additional chapters have been
nutrient requirement schemes reflect the fact included to address the amino acid nutrition of
that the main role of amino acids, in particu- cats and fishes. In light of this, it is necessary
lar the classical essentials, is as precursors for to revisit the classification of amino acids in
synthesis of proteins. Thus, a major compo- the context of the physiological state of each
nent of the dietary requirement for amino species in question, the productive and health
acids is largely determined by the composi- management goals and how this influences
tion of the proteins accreted (e.g. muscle, our nutritional decisions (see Chapter 1).
fetal tissues) or secreted (caseins). In recent There are 20 amino acids commonly found in
years, we have also come to realize the sig- animal proteins, and all of these are incorpo-
nificance of amino acids, not only in terms of rated into proteins as the L-isomer. As nutri-
their nutritional availability for growth, but tionists, we use the terms essential and
also their metabolic and functional roles in indispensable, and non-essential and dispens-
growth, protein and energy deposition, and able, interchangeably. An important qualifier
in health maintenance functions. here is that these categories were initially
This chapter will not attempt to present established for growth, indeed rapid growth.
a comprehensive review of amino acid and For growing mammals, birds and fishes, the
protein metabolism in animals as this would essential amino acids ‘required’ in the diet will
require a book itself. However, there are be dominated by the composition of the pro-
basic pathways of amino acid metabolism teins accreted (e.g. skeletal proteins in grow-
common to all species (see Chapter 4), ing animals and fishes) or secreted (e.g. milk
either because of their phylogenicity or proteins in lactating animals, eggs in birds).
because of the similar types of foods they The original definition by W.C. Rose and col-
consume, which provide a common link to leagues (Borman et al., 1946) had this in
amino acid nutrition. From this basis it is mind when they defined an essential amino
possible to explain the subtle differences acid as, ‘One which cannot be synthesized by
that often become amplified in terms of the animal organism out of materials ordinar-
nutritional requirements of animals through- ily available to the cells at a speed commensu-
out their life cycles. In an attempt to bring rate with the demands for normal growth’.
the reader up to date with some of the more Table 1.1 shows the nutritional classifications
recent and interesting research findings, it is of the 20 amino acids commonly found in
necessary to start with first principles in the animal tissue proteins plus non-protein amino
nutritional classification of amino acids. acids that fall into conditional classifications.
What follows is a discussion of amino acids Nutritional essentiality has sometimes
in terms of comparative requirements of been misinterpreted to mean that the animal
animals, synthesis and catabolism, roles in is incapable of synthesizing it. In order to
intermediary nitrogen and energy metabo- clarify, it must be pointed out that in mono-
lism, roles in health and disease, regulators gastric species the context of nutritional
of protein metabolism, and protein effi- essentiality relates directly to the diet
Amino Acids - Chap 05 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 89

Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals 89

whereas in ruminants essentiality relates to tions to tissue methionine occurring in the kid-
the supply of amino acid leaving the rumen, neys (22%) where there is abundant transami-
which is composed mostly of microbial pro- nase activity, followed by liver (14%) and the
teins with variable contributions from undi- gastrointestinal tract (5–12%). The mammary
gested feed proteins. In the core essential gland is also a site of conversion with 20% of
group, the branched-chain amino acids, milk protein methionine derived from the ana-
methionine and phenylalanine can be syn- logue (Lobley and Lapierre, 2001). The ability
thesized by animals from their corresponding of specific tissues to convert the analogue into
keto-acids. However, the keto-acids can only methionine will depend on the relative activi-
be derived de novo from the original parent ties of the transaminases and dehydrogenases
amino acid via transamination (see Chapter (oxidation) within the tissues and, presumably,
4), and so there is no new or net synthesis, the adequacy of amino donors.
unless the corresponding keto-acid is pro- A recent finding that may influence
vided in the diet. Racemic mixtures of D- and requirements is that threonine and lysine, and
L-isomers of amino acids can provide a to a lesser degree other amino acids, can be
cheap source of supplemental amino acid to synthesized by microbes in the lumen of the
balance diets because the keto-acid that is small intestines and large bowel. On a gross
produced following D-oxidase degradation basis this contribution may account for
has no racemic centre and so it can be ream- 1–20% of maintenance intake needs
inated to yield the L-isomer. Similarly, keto- (Torrallardona et al., 1996). At intakes well
acids can be supplemented in the diet to above maintenance, as in growing animals,
yield the corresponding L-isomer. The effec- this contribution is probably 5%. The intesti-
tiveness of these supplementation strategies nal microbial synthesis of amino acids is influ-
probably depends on the relative rates and enced by diet composition where the
affinities of the aminotransaminases and availability of precursors (ammonia, urea,
competing oxidative pathways. The same amino acids, non-starch carbohydrates) in the
holds true for the original L-isomer. In light small intestines determines the extent of
of this potential competition, it has been microbial growth.
suggested that if the balance could be tilted Rose (Borman et al., 1946) defined non-
in favour of transamination (i.e. reamination essential amino acids as those that can be syn-
of the keto-acid), amino acids (their keto- thesized by the animal from materials
acids) could be ‘protected’ from irrevocable normally available, and at a rate commensu-
catabolism (Lobley et al., 2001). The main rate with normal growth. Reeds (2000) points
source of amino donors would be from gluta- out that, from a metabolic standpoint, the
mate or glutamine, both of which are found only truly non-essential amino acids are gluta-
in millimolar concentrations within tissues. mate and serine. These can be synthesized
Transamination occurs with most amino from non-amino nitrogen (ammonium ions)
acids except for lysine (Fig. 4.14) and threo- and appropriate carbon skeletons derived
nine, whereas histidine transamination from intermediates of glycolysis (3-phospho-
occurs to a limited extent. glycerate) and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (-
Methionine can also be synthesized via ketoglutarate). This should not be taken to
remethylation of homocysteine but this also infer that glutamate is not required in the diet.
does not represent new synthesis since homo- Indeed, diets devoid of glutamate have been
cysteine itself originates from methionine. The shown to depress growth (Rose et al., 1948),
methionine analogue 4-thiomethyl-2-hydroxy- suggesting that under growing conditions the
butanoic acid has been used effectively in material normally available or its rate of syn-
pigs, poultry, and dairy cows. The advantage thesis may be limiting. All other non-essentials
here is that the analogue is not toxic, as is derive their amino group or carbon skeleton
methionine, and it readily diffuses across and from other amino acids. In this connection,
into tissues. In sheep (Wester et al., 2000), glutamate and serine play a central role
the analogue is converted into methionine via because they are the primary precursors for
transamination, with the greatest contribu- non-essential amino acid synthesis.
Amino Acids - Chap 05 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 90

90 B.J. Bequette

Comparative Amino Acid mucosa against peroxidative damage. Because

Requirements glutamate, glycine and cysteine for glutathione
synthesis are derived mainly from the gut
In general, the animal nutritionist’s goal is to lumen (Reeds et al., 1997), glutathione syn-
maximize productivity in growing, lactating thesis may be penalized at the time of wean-
and egg-laying animals. In consequence, pre- ing when food intake is less than optimal.
dictions of essential amino acid requirements There are metabolic differences between
are dominated by the composition of the pro- species that necessitate higher requirements
teins accreted or secreted. There is a remark- for certain amino acids to support maximal
able consistency across species in the amino growth, thus their designation as conditionally
acid composition of mixed body proteins from essential. One species difference relates to the
fetal, growing and mature animals, suggesting expression of enzymes of the ornithine–urea
that the minimal qualitative requirement for cycle. This cycle serves to dispose of excess
essential amino acids for growth will be simi- ammonia, and it also plays a critical role in
lar. There are a few exceptions, however. In the synthesis of the glutamate family of amino
fish, the composition of tissues is also rela- acids (proline, arginine, citrulline, ornithine),
tively constant across fish species, with the in particular arginine, which can be degraded
exceptions that lysine and arginine contents to form urea and ornithine. The high activity
of arginase in the liver of rapidly growing ani-
are higher in transgenic carp (Fu et al.,
mals coupled with the low rate of intestinal
2000), which may suggest that the require-
arginine synthesis, limits arginine for protein
ments for these are higher. In sheep, as
synthesis (Wu et al., 1997). Arginine is
expected, wool is higher in the sulphur amino
required in cat diets because they lack the
acids than average tissue proteins, but lower
enzymes to synthesize arginine and ornithine,
in lysine and histidine, supporting recommen-
plus they have a limited ability to convert glu-
dations that the sulphur amino acid require-
tamate into ornithine (Chapter 22). In the
ment for wool-producing sheep is higher
absence of these precursors, cats become
(Chapter 17). Egg proteins appear to be simi-
comatose due to the build up of toxic ammo-
lar in composition to body tissues except for
nia. Symptoms can be reversed by supple-
lower levels of lysine in eggs. There appears menting the diet with arginine or its precursor
to be a consistent composition of mature milk ornithine. Chickens also need dietary arginine
across several species (human, sows, horses, because they do not have a functional urea
cows, goats) despite the fact that the whey cycle and the situation is amplified because of
and casein contents vary across species (Davis the high content of arginine in feathers. Fish
et al., 1994). Compared to tissue, the com- require higher amounts of arginine in the diet,
position of cow and sow milk protein is ade- not because they do not have a urea cycle,
quate in most amino acids to support growth but because the main route of elimination of
of the suckling young, except that arginine excess nitrogen is via ammoniagenesis (trans-
and cysteine are lower in milk. In suckling deamination and deamination routes). As a
pigs and preruminant calves, arginine supple- result, transfer of nitrogen into the ornithine
mentation has sometimes improved growth cycle is low with limited synthesis of arginine.
rate (Leibholz, 1982; Fligger et al., 1997). In marine cartilaginous fish, the arginine
Reduced feed intake during the early weaning requirement is higher and this probably
period may exacerbate these deficiencies lead- reflects the need to synthesize urea to help
ing to bacterial translocation, gut atrophy, maintain buoyancy when salinity is low
mucosal shedding and weight loss. (Withers, 1998).
Supplemental glutamate and glutamate plus Another example of species-related
arginine appear to reverse these affects by requirements is taurine and phenylalanine/
enhancing total gut weight and preventing tyrosine in cats. Due to a limited ability to
villus atrophy (Ewtushik et al., 2000). convert cysteine into taurine and the limited
Glutathione plays an important role in main- conservation of taurine via conjugation with
taining the defence mechanisms of the gut cholic acid, young cats require dietary taurine
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Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals 91

to prevent retinal degeneration (Chapter 22). use amino acids as the main substrates for
Cats also require higher dietary levels of gluconeogenesis and as the main oxidative
phenylalanine/tyrosine for melanin synthesis; fuel, especially in migratory fish, which may
otherwise, hair coat colour turns from black to go for long periods without eating. Apart
reddish brown. Other species can convert from dietary glucose and its immediate pre-
phenylalanine into tyrosine via phenylalanine cursors (e.g. propionate in ruminants), all new
hydroxylase, but this has not proven to be a glucose carbon derives from amino acid.
limitation. Wool growth in sheep is limited by The intestines and the liver are the major
the supply of cysteine. Although there is syn- sites of amino acid catabolic and synthesis
thesis of cysteine locally within the wool folli- (Fig. 5.1, see Wu, 1998). In all species exam-
cle or skin via methionine transulphuration ined to date, almost 100% of dietary gluta-
with serine, the supply of methionine from mate, glutamine and aspartate are removed
rumen microbial proteins is generally limited. by the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) during
Moreover, the transulphuration pathway in absorptive metabolism, and further quantities
the skin may have to compete with polyamine are recycled from the blood supply to the GIT.
synthesis and transmethylation reactions for Surprisingly, glucose contributes only 35% to
methionine (Chapter 17). oxidative metabolism of the GIT, with most of
the remainder derived from amino acids
(Reeds et al., 1998). In consequence, gluta-
Intermediary Metabolism of Amino mate, glutamine and alanine must be synthe-
Acids: Links to Energy Metabolism sized almost entirely by the animal to support
protein synthesis and other metabolic func-
Enzymes for the catabolism and synthesis of tions (e.g. synthesis of purines, pyrimidines
amino acids are present in every tissue, but and glutathione). The fluxes of alanine, gluta-
their levels of expression and activities vary in mine and glutamate are considerable. To sup-
some species to suit the metabolic needs or port these fluxes, plus other metabolic
functions of the tissue. Catabolism involves functions, requires equivalent synthesis of glu-
deamination/deamidation reactions with the tamate, which consumes 4 mol of ATP per
resulting carbon skeleton reaminated to form mole of glutamate. Reeds et al. (1998) esti-
non-essential amino acids or the carbon skele- mated that synthesis of glutamate could
ton can be channelled into the tricarboxylic account for 10% of maintenance energy
acid cycle where it is either oxidized, chan- expenditures.
nelled towards gluconeogenesis via pyruvate Most often, dietary shortfalls in proline,
carboxylase, or from pyruvate converted into arginine, glutamine and alanine can be made
acetate for fatty acid synthesis (see Chapter up through intestinal synthesis. High arginase
4). The excess nitrogen (amino groups) is ulti- activity in the liver plus the lack of a full com-
mately transaminated to form alanine, aspar- plement of enzymes in the liver and kidney to
tate, glutamine or glutamate for entry into the synthesize citrulline (from glutamine, gluta-
ornithine cycle for urea or arginine synthesis. mate and proline) means that the intestine is
Metabolism in ruminants is orchestrated to the major site of net arginine and citrulline
conserve glucose, and so it is no surprise that synthesis. Wu et al. (1997) estimated in post-
amino acid carbon contributes 12–35% to weaning pigs that 50% of the arginine
gluconeogenesis (see Annison and Bryden, requirement for protein deposition must
1999). In early lactation when glucose derive from intestinal synthesis. Sucking pigs
demands for lactose synthesis are high, and have a limited ability to synthesize arginine
where glucose-precursor (propionate) supply from glutamate and proline, however, and on
is low, the channelling of amino acid carbon this basis arginine may become limiting. The
towards gluconeogenesis is probably vital. gastrointestinal tract of the ruminant, in par-
Fish species are unique in this respect because ticular the rumen tissues, is also capable of
their diets are generally high in protein and synthesizing arginine. However, very little
fatty acids, but low in carbohydrates, particu- arginine synthesized in the gut reaches the
larly in carnivorous fish. Fish have adapted to peripheral tissues due to the high activity of
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92 B.J. Bequette


Proteins (neonate)

Free AA
Peptides ??

Gln PS
EAA EAA 45–70%
Thr Thr ~40%

Mucins, PS
Glu, Gln, Asp Glu, Gln, Asp

Pro Pro


Orn, Cit


Fig. 5.1. A general schematic of amino acid metabolism by the gastrointestinal tract and regulation of
peripheral tissue metabolism. Abbreviations: AA, amino acid; Arg, arginine; Asp, aspartate; BCAA,
branched-chain amino acids; Cit, citrulline; EAA, essential AA; Gln, glutamine; Glu, glutamate; GSH,
glutathione; NO, nitric oxide; NTP, nucleotides; Orn, ornithine; PA, polyamines; PD, protein degradation;
Pro, proline; PS, protein synthesis; Thr, threonine; ??, mechanism not directly proven.

arginase in the hepatic urea cycle. The mam- Net contributions of arginine to nitric oxide
mary gland is a site of extensive amino acid and polyamine synthesis are negligible in most
catabolism and biosynthesis (Bequette et al., tissues, but no doubt important in the regula-
1998). Arginine is extracted by the mammary tion of vasodilatation and for cell differentia-
gland in two- to threefold greater quantities tion and proliferation. Arginase activity is
than are required for milk protein synthesis. abundant in the mammary gland, and so most
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Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals 93

of the extra arginine is probably degraded to Amino Acids in Health and Disease
ornithine and, via ornithine aminotransferase, States
converted into proline or glutamate. Proline
and glutamate uptake by the mammary gland For many years, feed antibiotics and
is always less than required for milk protein anthelmintics have been used extensively to
synthesis and so the conversion of arginine improve animal health and productivity.
into proline and glutamate would appear to Recent links between antibiotic resistance in
provide a mechanism to supply these. farm animals and in humans, and the gradual
Nutritionally significant quantities of essen- development of anthelmintic resistance, have
tial amino acids are removed by the gastroin- pressured the agricultural industry to find alter-
testinal tract during absorptive metabolism. In native ways of achieving high levels of produc-
pigs, the net appearance of essential amino tion and safe products from healthy animals.
acid in the portal vein (i.e. the main blood sup- Nutritional supplements, so-called nutriceuti-
ply to the liver) represents only 40–80% of cals, are being considered as a means to bol-
dietary supply (Stoll et al., 1998). In ruminants, ster the immune system, prevent muscle and
net appearance in the portal vein represents lactational losses, and improve gastrointestinal
55–77% of that disappearing from the small defence mechanisms against invasive bacteria.
intestines (MacRae et al., 1997). Threonine Glutamine, glutamate, arginine, threo-
removal by the intestines is the highest, and it nine, and cysteine are involved in many main-
is likely that most of the threonine removed is tenance functions; in particular, those of the
directed at mucin synthesis since oxidation of immune surveillance system and in gut
threonine by the pig gut appears to be negligi- mucosal repair processes. The intestines rep-
ble (Burrin et al., 2001). Lysine, leucine, and resent the first barrier to food-borne antigens
phenylalanine are oxidized to some extent by and bacteria. The high rate of protein
the pig gut (Stoll et al., 1999), which appears turnover in the gut ensures that damaged tis-
to be in contrast with observations in sheep sues are rapidly shed. Large quantities of glu-
where only leucine is oxidized to a significant tathione are synthesized by the gut for
extent (Yu et al., 2000; Lobley, 2001, per- protection against oxidative damage (Jahoor
sonal communication). Studies in pigs indicate et al., 1995) and copious amounts of mucin
that oxidation of essential amino acids occurs are secreted to create a barrier to bacterial
only from the lumenal side of the intestines, translocation. Mucosal cells and intraepithelial
representing 2–5% of that available for absorp- lymphocytes have an obligate requirement for
tion (van Goudoever et al., 2000). Although glutamine as an energy source, and for the
2–5% may seem insignificant, gut oxidation synthesis of other non-essential amino acids
represents one-third of whole body oxidation, and nucleotide bases. The nutritional supply
and thus gut metabolism has a major influence of glutamine may become limited at weaning
on whole body amino acid requirements or during intestinal stress due to the rapid
(Burrin et al., 2001). Endogenous secretions turnover and replacement of mucosal cells. In
and abraded mucosal cells also account for a weanling pigs, glutamine supplementation
significant proportion of essential amino acid reduces jejunal villus atrophy and improves
losses by the gut. Recent advances in stable iso- weight gain (Wu et al., 1996), presumably by
tope labelling techniques have allowed estima- ‘feeding’ the gut and eliminating the need to
tion of endogenous losses in pigs, sheep and breakdown muscle to supply the extra gluta-
cattle. Based on tracer estimates, there is a mine. In calves exposed to the K99+ virus,
close relationship between endogenous losses glutamine administration has proved an effec-
and dry matter intake with losses in pigs and tive therapy (Brooks et al., 1997). Equally,
sheep very similar when adjusted for intake dif- however, there have been null effects of gluta-
ferences (25–39 g protein kg−1 intake). Dietary mine supplementation in similar pig disease
factors, intestinal microbes and parasites will models and in sheep exposed to intestinal
have a major impact on gastrointestinal metab- parasites. The effectiveness of glutamine may
olism, and, therefore, the nutritional require- depend on whether the digestive insult chal-
ment for amino acids. lenges the immune system
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94 B.J. Bequette

Mucins act as a barrier to infection and Kimball, 2001). The branched-chain amino
antigen materials presented to the gut. In fish, acids sensitize tissues to the presence of
mucins are secreted by the skin for external insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).
protection. Mucins are rich in threonine, pro- The role of the branched-chain amino acids as
line, serine and cysteine. Mucins are relatively signals of nutritional adequacy or availability
resistant to digestion and so endogenous appears to be uniquely suited to these amino
losses of these amino acids can be high. acids because in most animals species, except
Dietary derived tannins, lectins, bacteria, and for fish, branched chain removal by the liver is
indigestible fibres and intestinal diseases low (Fig. 5.1). Catabolism of the branched
(intestinal parasitism, diarrhoea, scours, chains occurs in two steps (Fig. 4.13).
dysentery) induce gut atrophy and increase Removal of the amino group via branched
mucin secretion. In preruminant calves fed chain aminotransferase occurs mainly in the
increasing levels of protein, intestinal mucin muscle whereas irreversible oxidation of the
secretion is also increased proportionately keto-acid via branched chain keto-acid dehy-
(Montagne et al., 2000). drogenase occurs mainly in the liver. The sup-
ply of branched-chain amino acids to
peripheral tissues, therefore, largely reflects
Amino Acids as Metabolic Regulators that of the diet and provides the signal to
peripheral tissues that additional nutrients are
Millward and Rivers (1988) proposed the available for protein synthesis.
‘anabolic drive’ theory to account for the tran- Non-essential amino acids also act as reg-
sient effect of protein intake on protein ulators of protein metabolism. Alanine,
anabolism. They suggested that it would be an glycine, aspartate and glutamate, and gluta-
advantage to consume indispensable amino mine, all of which are transported by Na+-
acids in excess of requirements to match iden- dependent transporters, regulate cell swelling.
tifiable needs. An overwhelming amount of This mechanism has been associated with reg-
research in the last 10 years appears to sup- ulation of protein, carbohydrate and fat
port that view. Exciting evidence has emerged metabolism (Haussinger et al., 1994).
demonstrating that amino acids are potent Glutamine is the most potent, and increased
signals that either directly or indirectly regu- influx of this amino acid into the cell causes
late protein metabolism (Jefferson and the cell to swell, stimulating protein synthesis
Kimball, 2001). Amino acids therefore serve via similar mechanisms as the branched-chain
primary roles as precursors for protein syn- amino acids (Fig. 5.1). By contrast, during cell
thesis, and they modulate the protein syn- shrinkage, as occurs when intracellular levels
thetic machinery within target cells. Further, of the amino acid become depleted (e.g.
amino acids are secretagogues of anabolic immune challenge), protein degradation is
hormones and they also sensitize target tis- enhanced. Increased cell swelling also leads to
sues to hormonal actions. an increase in amino acid oxidation and
Following consumption of a meal, amino hepatic ureagenesis. Positive correlations
acid availability and adequacy is detected at between protein synthesis and amino acid
the cellular level where changes in expression catabolism have been established at the whole
of key genes involved in the initiation and animal level (Benevenga et al., 1993). Taken
elongation of polypeptide chains are regulated together, there appears to be an obligatory
by a series of phosphorylation events to pro- loss of amino acids associated with protein
mote protein synthesis (Kimball et al., 2000). anabolism. This does not always appear to be
This ‘nutrient sensing’ mechanism involves the case, however, because in pigs adminis-
specific amino acids. The branched-chain tered growth hormone (GH), there is an
amino acids alone are capable of increasing inverse relationship between muscle protein
net anabolism (net protein gain) in muscle, synthesis and lysine oxidation (Gahl et al.,
adipose tissue and in the liver, with leucine 1998). This issue will need to be resolved
being the most potent (Garlick and Grant, since it has important implications for current
1988; Patti et al., 1998; Jefferson and attempts to balance the amino acid supply
Amino Acids - Chap 05 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 95

Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals 95

from diets to attain optimal rates of protein compartment, resulting in low birth weight
gain and improved nitrogen efficiency. lambs that grow poorly. Piglets born to sows
Several amino acids are capable of stimu- fed a protein-restricted diet are 10% smaller,
lating hormone synthesis and secretion have a reduced muscle mass and plasma levels
(Kuhara et al., 1991). In general, leucine and of IGF-1 are 30% lower (Schoknecht et al.,
arginine are the most potent stimulators of 1997), suggesting that maternal protein
insulin (anabolic) secretion whereas alanine, restriction reprogrammes IGF-1 activity.
glycine and serine are the most effective stim- Remarkably, these pigs eventually recover the
ulators of both glucagon (catabolic) and lost growth after weaning, but this may come
insulin. Aspartate and arginine are most effec- too late since the most challenging periods in
tive in stimulating GH secretion. In pigs, tryp- normal production units are the suckling and
tophan stimulates insulin secretion and weaning phases. Reduced placental–fetal
protein synthesis in the liver, muscle and skin transport and metabolism of glucose, threo-
(Ponter et al., 1994). The stimulation of IGF-1 nine, glycine, and methionine/cysteine
secretion by GH is dependent on level of pro- appear to be hallmark metabolic features of
tein intake. Specific amino acids appear to be gestational protein restriction.
important in the GH–IGF-1 axis, with single
deletions of arginine, proline, threonine, tryp-
tophan and valine each blocking GH stimu- Improving Protein Efficiency
lated IGF-1 mRNA expression (Brameld et
al., 1999). The GH–IGF-1 axis is re-estab- Reducing the contamination of soils, water
lished, however, at low physiological concen- and air caused by excessive build-up of ani-
trations of valine or lysine, suggesting that mal wastes is now the priority of many nutri-
under normal growing conditions, where tionists, land managers and lawmakers! A
intake is near maximal, the GH-IGF-1 axis is recent evaluation of dairy farms in the east-
probably not limited by amino acid availability. ern US states indicated that dairy farmers
At maintenance, low intakes and diseased over feed protein by 7%, resulting in a 16%
states, however, these signals may become increase in urinary N excretion (Jonker et al.,
very important. 2002). The transfer of current nutritional
During gestation there is a window of information from research scientist to nutri-
time when the embryo and fetus are suscepti- tionist to farmer may be the problem, but
ble to maternal protein intake. Low protein more than likely it results from farmers
intake by rat dams during the pre-implanta- including a ‘safety margin’ to ensure that
tion period reprogrammes the physiology and higher producers in the herd are not under-
metabolism of the fetus resulting in reduced fed protein. The goal is to determine the
postnatal growth rate, compromised immune level of protein required to achieve optimal
function and the development of impaired glu- production, yet also improve protein effi-
cose tolerance and insulin resistance in later ciency. Feeding lower protein diets supple-
life (Metges, 2001). Dietary lysine sufficiency mented with limiting amino acids has been
during gestation–lactation of first-litter sows successful in the pig and poultry (mostly
affects maternal weight loss, sow lactation and lysine and methionine) industry where growth
piglet growth, and interestingly, the added rate can be maintained with 15–20% less
lysine results in an additional (10.7 vs. 9.6) protein and a 30–40% reduction in nitrogen
piglet born alive in the subsequent mating excretion (Pieterse et al., 2000). In rumi-
(Tritton et al., 1996). By contrast, in adoles- nants, this is also possible but a major road-
cent pregnant sheep, where the drive towards block in ruminant nutrition is in the
maternal tissue growth is still considerable, prediction of limiting amino acids. The suc-
higher intakes favour partition of nutrients cess of whole-animal feeding models, espe-
towards maternal tissues, rather than towards cially for ruminants, will require model
the fetal–placental compartment (Wallace, development based on knowledge of the pat-
2000). In adult ewes, maternal protein restric- tern of amino acid delivered to and metabo-
tion of 30% compromises the fetal–placental lized by tissues and organs.
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96 B.J. Bequette

The need to reduce animal wastes in the intake increases. In part, the diminishing
environment continues to stimulate interest in returns on protein gain may reflect the point
defining the ideal pattern and quantity of of energy limitation (use of amino acid carbon
amino acids required to optimize animal pro- as energy) and/or the limits to genetic poten-
ductivity at all stages of the life cycle. The tial. Most research has focused on providing
gross efficiency for converting dietary protein the ideal balance of amino acid, which may
into protein gain, milk secretion and egg pro- become more important at higher levels of
duction is less than optimal and varies among production. The ‘ideal protein’ concept now
animal species. Beef cattle are the lowest at used in formulating pig and poultry diets is
8%, followed by pigs (19%), dairy cows (21%), based on balancing dietary essential amino
laying hens (24%), growing birds (31%) and acids to meet requirements for maintenance
fishes (up to 40%) (CAST, 1999). The low and growth. The requirement for dispensable
value for ruminants reflects the significant amino acids, which make up over half of the N
(25–40%) losses of dietary N as ammonia. in proteins, is now being considered. Earlier,
Based on comparisons of the disappearance the vital roles of some of the non-essential
of amino acids from the small intestines with amino acid were emphasized, and indeed it is
their accretion in carcass, the estimates are has been demonstrated that at maintenance
much higher; for pigs, 60–85% (Batterham et the requirement is dominated by non-essential
al., 1990) and for ruminants 50–59% amino acids (Fuller et al., 1989). The require-
(MacRae et al., 1993). ment for non-essentials could be met by sup-
A significant source of ‘inefficiency’ is the plying extra essential amino acids, but this
apparent obligatory loss associated with high would be wasteful and most studies indicate
rates of tissue turnover. Protein turnover is par- that essentials (e.g. arginine, lysine, methion-
ticularly high in the visceral tissues ine/cysteine) are poor precursors for the non-
(20–100%/day), and even in muscle where essentials. Chapter 6 discusses the implications
turnover is 40-fold lower (fractionally of balancing the essential to non-essential ratio
1–4%/day), only 32–46% of the protein syn- in pig diets when the goal is to achieve maxi-
thesized in young (suckling) animals is retained. mum rates of nitrogen retention versus maxi-
In older animals, this value drops to 24%. mum nitrogen efficiency.
Protein efficiency declines with maturity, mainly Imbalances or excesses of dietary amino
as a result of reductions in protein translational acids are often inevitable when protein
efficiency (Davis et al., 2000) and in the sensi- sources are expensive or limited in availability
tivity of target tissues to hormone and amino (see Chapter 7). Most imbalances are mani-
acid signals (O’Connor et al., 2000). At intakes fested at the level of transport through com-
above maintenance, protein synthesis and petitive mechanisms. An example is the
degradation are both stimulated by energy inhibitory effect of arginine on lysine trans-
intake. However, the response in protein degra- port and utilization. Imbalances or excesses of
dation is 24%–33% less than for protein synthe- branched-chain amino acids affects the trans-
sis, and so net anabolism results. The energetic port of their cohorts (Langer and Fuller,
cost of protein turnover is high, requiring 4.5–7 2000). In addition, an excess of one
mol of ATP per mole of peptide bond formed branched-chain amino acid stimulates oxida-
and 1–2 mol of ATP per mole of peptide bond tion of the others because the branched-chain
breakage. In addition, although most tissues keto-acid dehydrogenase has a high affinity
recycle 80% of the amino acid derived from for all of them. Methionine is also recognized
protein breakdown, the remainder appears to by the branched-chain dehydrogenase. Under
be oxidized. Strategies that target protein degra- methionine-limiting conditions, however,
dation would appear to be more beneficial in excesses of the branched-chain amino acids
terms of improving overall energy and protein reduce methionine oxidation due to competi-
efficiency. tive inhibition of the branched-chain keto-
Achieving optimal rates of protein deposi- acids with the methionine keto-acid. The net
tion or secretion is a trade-off with lower par- effect is an improvement in nitrogen retention
tial efficiencies of utilization as dietary protein (Langer and Fuller, 2000; Langer et al.,
Amino Acids - Chap 05 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 97

Amino Acid Metabolism in Animals 97

2000). Similarly, addition of glutamate to a tions. We already know of the importance of

threonine-limiting diet improves pig growth amino acid balance in optimizing productivity,
rate (Le Floch et al., 1994), but here the but given the recent discoveries of the regula-
effect appears to be at the level of the tory role of amino acids in the control of pro-
intestines where threonine catabolism is tein metabolism, health and in fetal
spared (Le Floch et al., 1999). programming, we may need to redefine that
balance. Will the amino acid requirements for
transgenic animals be different? Early indica-
Future Considerations tions are that animals selected for rapid
growth and muscle gain are more susceptible
As we enter into the postgenomic era, nutri- to disease and are less capable of mounting
tion and metabolism will play increasingly an immune response. Will transgenic animals
important roles. Genomics may tell us the require greater quantities of glutamine, gluta-
potential for productivity but it does not tell us mate, cysteine, arginine and threonine in their
about the capacity. Genes make proteins and diets to preserve growth performance by
proteins function in metabolic pathways but it ‘feeding’ the immune system? Which amino
is the nutrients that regulate the network of acids and other nutrients are the ones impor-
signalling pathways that regulate the genes tant in facilitating the expression of regulatory
and so on and so forth. Identifying the func- genes in early fetal and postnatal life that
tion of the targeted genes, therefore, requires entrain the changes in growth pattern, egg
an understanding of the metabolism and roles and milk production and health in later life?
that nutrients play, in our case amino acids. Recent findings in human nutrition of the
Traditional selection practices have benefits of supplementing specific amino acids
focused on identifying genetic lines capable of has stimulated interest and research to test
rapid growth, and wool and milk production, whether these lead to production or health
and although feed conversion efficiency has advantages in farm animals. Responses to
improved only marginally, the tools of some of these supplements have been incon-
biotechnology should allow us to identify and sistent and not always are the desired
manipulate those genes linked to efficiency. responses observed. Examples were given
Transgenic technologies have already led to above of glutamine and arginine supplementa-
the development of transgenic mice overex- tion in young rapidly growing animals, espe-
pressing myostatin. These mice have 22–44% cially during the weaning period. The
larger carcasses and lower epididymal fat inconsistency of the responses to glutamine,
(Yang et al., 2001). Although attempts to for example, is evidence that our understand-
overexpress the GH gene in pigs have been ing of amino acid metabolism and its links to
limited, there has been success in fish where physiology is still limited. Caution will need to
dramatic (tenfold) improvements in growth be exercised and further evaluations con-
rate have been reported for salmon contain- ducted before these ‘theories’ become nutri-
ing the piscine GH gene constructs (Dunham tional practice. Studies on intermediary amino
and Devlin, 1999). acid metabolism and physiology of farm ani-
The next major advances in nutrition will mals at the tissue and whole animal levels will
rely on the functional characteristics of such need to be funded and conducted to evaluate
genes and a better understanding of the the production situations where the additives
underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms do and do not work. The powerful modula-
involved once their expression has been tory effect of amino acids on the proteins
enhanced or downregulated. The interactions involved in regulation of mRNA translation
of nutrition with regulation of the target genes has opened up a new and exciting area of
controlling growth, development, health and protein nutrition. This area is still in its
other agronomic attributes will probably prove infancy, and it is still not known which amino
to be more important than the effect of nutri- acids regulate the pathways that effect global
tion on product composition. As nutritionists, protein synthesis and which ones target the
we will need to begin to ask important ques- translation of mRNAs for synthesis of specific
Amino Acids - Chap 05 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 98

98 B.J. Bequette

proteins. Further, the amino acid sensing et al., 1996). Better success has been
mechanism remains poorly defined. achieved by altering protein gene expression
Improvements in diet digestibility and of seeds by overexpression, transfection or
nutritional adequacy have greatly contributed transformation of existing or foreign genes
to improvements in farm animal productivity. (Mandal and Mandal, 2000) or by anti-sense
Transgenic plants are already available with approaches to downregulate expression of
modified seed or leaf proteins that contain lower quality proteins (Kohnomurase et al.,
amino acid compositions that better match 1995). Feeding transgenic lupin seeds con-
the animal’s requirements. Most of the major taining sunflower albumin (1.3- to 2.3-fold
plant sources (soybeans, grain legumes, bar- higher methionine and cysteine) increases
ley, maize) are deficient in methionine, cys- wool growth and efficiency (8%) and live
teine, and lysine, and this has been the target weight gain (7%) of sheep (White et al.,
of most of the gene targeting research. Genes 2001). Realization of the power of transgenic
encoding sunflower seed albumin (rich in cys- plant and animal technologies is just on the
teine/methionine) have been transferred to horizon, and this will raise further questions to
clover but technical constraints have resulted fuel research on the role and suitability of
in low expression in the leafy material (Khan amino acid nutrition of animals.


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6 Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid


Jaroslav Heger*
Biofaktory Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic

Introduction provided reliable estimates of the optimum for

various physiological functions are available
The ideal protein concept is generally and factors affecting the optimum are taken
accepted as an efficient tool for estimating into account.
amino acid requirements. Although the The ideal protein balance providing
importance of a proper balance of essential essential amino acids at levels corresponding
amino acids for maximum growth and protein to the requirement together with sufficient
utilization is widely recognized, less attention amounts of non-essential amino acids repre-
has been paid to the role of non-essential sents a theoretical minimum requirement for a
amino acids even though they supply more given type and level of performance.
than half the total nitrogen ingested. The opti- Minimization of surplus amino acids in the
mum proportion of non-essential nitrogen of diet is one of the ways of reducing, by nutri-
the ideal protein is defined rather vaguely. tional means, excessive nitrogen excretion,
Thus Stranks et al. (1988) defined the ideal which is becoming a serious problem in coun-
protein as that having a ‘correct balance tries with intensive livestock production.
between the essential and non-essential amino Concerns for environmental protection stimu-
acids’. Similarly, Batterham (1994) stated that late the search for nutritional strategies aimed
the essential and non-essential amino acids at increasing dietary N utilization as a prere-
should be included in the ideal protein ‘in a quisite for reducing environmental nitrogen
correct ratio’. Cole and Van Lunen (1994) pollution. Availability of industrially produced
suggested that, to provide the ideal protein, it feed-grade amino acids greatly assists this
would be necessary to supply an optimally bal- approach. Supplementation of practical diets
anced mixture of essential amino acids ‘with with essential amino acids to optimize amino
sufficient nitrogen for the synthesis of non- acid balance allows a decrease in dietary crude
essential amino acids’. These statements, protein level and gives an increase in its uti-
however, are not very helpful when consider- lization. At the same time, metabolic load
ing the optimal distribution of total dietary N resulting from the degradation of surplus
between both amino acid classes in quantita- amino acids is reduced and energy expendi-
tive terms. Defining the optimum essential to ture for the elimination of surplus nitrogen is
non-essential amino acid ratio could thus be decreased. It is expected that efforts to reduce
useful as part of the ideal protein concept the crude protein content of practical diets will

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 103
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104 J. Heger

continue and that non-essential N may Since the main function of non-essential
become a limiting factor in such diets. Thus amino acids is to provide non-specific nitro-
defining the optimum proportion of non- gen, the proportions of amino acid groups
essential N in low-protein, amino acid-supple- should be expressed on a nitrogen basis,
mented diets will be important for attaining either as essential to non-essential N ratio
maximum performance and overall efficiency (Young and Zamora, 1968; Lenis et al.,
of protein utilization. 1999) or essential to total N ratio (Taylor et
The aim of this chapter is to provide a al., 1996; Heger et al., 1998). The latter
quantitative overview of the relationships value appears to be more acceptable as the
between essential and non-essential amino acids ratio of essential to non-essential N equals
in the diet with respect to their effect on animal infinity at zero concentration of non-essential
performance. The biochemical basis of the amino acids.
response to changes in essential to non-essen- When crystalline amino acids are a main
tial amino acid ratio will also be examined. or sole source of dietary nitrogen, both of the
above ways of N expression are essentially
equivalent since the content of non-amino
Difficulties in Defining Essential to acid N is low or close to zero; the essential to
Non-essential Amino Acid Ratio total N ratio can be easily converted into
essential to non-essential N ratio and vice
Most of the disparity between published esti- versa. Crude protein of natural feedstuffs,
mates of the optimum essential to non-essential however, contains a considerable amount of
amino acid ratios is attributable to the different non-amino acid nitrogen such as nucleic acids
ways of expressing the relations between the and their derivatives, amino sugars, nitrates
two amino acid groups, different classifications and nitrites, creatine, porphyrins, etc., only
of amino acids with regard to their essentiality, part of which may be used for the synthesis of
and different methodological approaches. non-essential amino acids (ARC, 1981;
These issues are briefly discussed below. AFRC, 1987). Hence the essential to total N
ratio may differ depending upon the type of
diet. To avoid uncertainties associated with
Expressing the relations between the utilization of sources of non-specific nitro-
essential and non-essential amino acids gen other than amino acids, it seems reason-
able to take into account amino acid nitrogen
There are various ways of expressing the rela- only. Therefore, the ratio between the amino
tionships between dietary essential and non- acid groups is defined in this chapter as the
essential amino acids. Essential amino acids ratio of essential amino acid N to total amino
have been related to total amino acids acid N (E:T). Wherever possible, the literature
(Ikemoto et al., 1989), non-essential amino data expressed in another way have been
acids (Mitchel et al., 1968; Wang and Fuller, recalculated.
1989; Markert et al., 1993), total nitrogen
(Young and Zamora, 1968) or total protein
(Dove et al., 1977a; Bedford and Summers, Classification of amino acids
1985). However, the validity of expressing the
amino acid content on a weight basis is ques- Another factor that may influence the E:T
tionable. Non-essential amino acids differ con- value is the classification of amino acids (Table
siderably in their N concentrations which 1.1). Difficulties arise particularly with semi-
range from 108 g kg1 in glutamate to 245 g essential amino acids that have been classified
kg1 in asparagine. Variation in the contents alternatively as essential or non-essential by
of individual non-essential amino acids in both different authors. In rats, Stucki and Harper
practical and experimental diets, can result in (1962) classified arginine as essential but cys-
their sum expressed on weight basis changing tine and tyrosine as non-essential amino acids.
even though the total concentration of non- On the other hand, Ikemoto et al. (1989)
essential N remains the same (Boisen, 1997). considered cystine and tyrosine to be essential,
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 105

Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 105

with arginine and histidine grouped among of the severe deficiency of lysine, a great part
the non-essential amino acids. Other authors of essential amino acids in wheat gluten was
who studied the optimum E:T ratio in rats degraded and used for the synthesis of non-
classified arginine, cystine and tyrosine as essential amino acids.
essential amino acids (Adkins et al., 1967; In order to be able to compare E:T ratios
Heger et al. 1987). Similarly in pigs, arginine reported in the literature as well as those
was considered essential in some studies found in rats, pigs and poultry, the same
(Heger et al., 1998; Lenis et al., 1999), yet method of amino acid classification was used
other authors classified arginine as non-essen- in this chapter for all species, being slightly
tial (Markert et al., 1993; Gotterbarm et al., different from that presented in Table 1.1.
1998). In studies with poultry, glycine was Arginine, cystine and tyrosine were classified
included into the essential group by Stucki as essential whereas proline and taurine were
and Harper (1961) whereas Deschepper and considered non-essential. If the proportions of
de Groote (1995) and Alleman et al. (2000) sulphur or aromatic amino acids were higher
classified this amino acid as non-essential. In than those in the ideal protein, the excessive
their studies on the optimum E:T ratio in parts of cystine or tyrosine were taken as
turkeys, Bedford and Summers (1988) sources of non-essential N. In those cases
included glycine into both essential and non- where the amino acid classification was based
essential groups. Proline was considered on a different principle and data on amino
essential for chicks in experiments by acid composition of diets were available, E:T
Sugahara and Ariyoshi (1968). ratios were recalculated by the above method.
It is evident that any change in amino
acid classification brings about a change in N
content of both amino acid groups and, con- Methodology
sequently, a change in E:T ratio. Arginine,
due to its high N concentration, exerts the There are two main approaches to estimating
most significant effect. Thus Roth et al. optimum E:T ratio: measuring the response to
(1994b) who classified arginine as non-essen- alterations in essental and non-essential N at
tial estimated the optimum E:T ratio for grow- constant concentration of total dietary N or
ing pigs to be 0.45. However, when the data studying the effects of altering the E:T ratio at
by Roth et al. (1994b) were recalculated with constant concentration of essential N by alter-
arginine as essential, the optimum E:T ratio ing the concentration of total N. Both meth-
increased to 0.59. It is also evident that any ods have their limitations. In isonitrogenous
estimates of optimum E:T ratio are only justi- diets, a low E:T ratio is inevitably associated
fied when the essential amino acid pattern is with a low response due to the deficiency of
ideal relative to the requirement. Any depar- essential amino acids, the degree of which
ture from the ideal pattern results in the par- being dependent on the level of total nitrogen
tial degradation of essential amino acids, with selected. At low E:T ratios, a sufficient intake
the released nitrogen being used for the syn- of essential N relative to the requirement can
thesis of non-essential amino acids or be attained only with high-protein diets. Total
excreted. It follows that the essential amino dietary N may thus considerably affect both
acids present in excess relative to the require- the shape of the response curve and its maxi-
ment should be regarded as sources of non- mum (or the breakpoint in a rectilinear model)
essential N (Moran et al., 1967; Bedford and and consequently the estimated optimum. It is
Summers, 1986). This is illustrated by the evident that at higher concentrations of total
results of Ikemoto et al. (1989) who estimated dietary N the requirement for essential N will
the optimum essential to total amino acid be met at lower E:T values and therefore
ratio in rats fed on amino acid diets simulating lower estimates of the optimum can be
egg protein or wheat gluten. Although the expected than for diets with low concentra-
optimum ratio for well-balanced egg protein tions of total N. On the other hand, the use of
was found to be 0.4, the optimum value for isonitrogenous diets allows the response to
wheat gluten was 0.9 indicating that, because E:T ratios to be studied within the whole
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106 J. Heger

range from 0 to 1, and if the study is carried the surplus protein, thereby decreasing the
out at several levels of total dietary N, it pro- amount of metabolizable energy which may
vides a more comprehensive view than one thus become a limiting factor. Thirdly, in bal-
based on a constant level of essential N. ance experiments with constant levels of
Estimating the optimum E:T value at a essential nitrogen in which the total N con-
constant level of essential N seems to be more centration varies within a wide range, the
suitable for practical applications. This adaptation period must be long enough to
approach gives an assessment of the mini- allow for the short-time changes in N deposi-
mum amounts of total dietary N , at a given tion in internal organs resulting from adaptive
level of essential amino acids, needed for vari- responses to the changes in non-essential
ous types of response such as growth rate, amino acid intake.
protein deposition, amino acid utilization,
nitrogen excretion, etc. When essential amino
acids are maintained constant at levels near Optimum E:T Ratio for Growth and
the optimum requirement, it is difficult to Protein Deposition
achieve low E:T ratios since the total dietary
N content increases exponentially as the E:T Soon after experiments with purified diets had
value decreases; however, this disadvantage is been started in the early 1940s, it became
not of much importance from a practical apparent that use of essential amino acids as
point of view. It is worth mentioning that, in a sole source of dietary N did not promote
spite of its merit, the method based on con- normal growth of rats (Kinsey and Grant,
stant concentration of essential N has been 1944) or chicks (Hegsted, 1944; Luckey et
used in only a few experiments (Dove et al., al., 1947) and that, to attain maximum
1977b; Roth et al., 1994b, 1999; Heger et growth rate, it was necessary to supplement
al., 1998), and the majority of reported opti- the mixture of essential amino acids with one
mum E:T ratios have been estimated using or several non-essential amino acids or
isonitrogenous diets. another source of non-specific nitrogen (Rose
As with any empirical method of deter- et al., 1948; Frost and Sandy, 1951;
mining the dose–response relationship, sev- Rechcigl et al., 1957; Greenstein et al.,
eral criteria must be fulfilled to obtain a 1957; Klain et al., 1959). Favourable effects
reliable estimate of the optimum value. Firstly, of the inclusion of non-essential amino acid
a wide range of E:T values must be selected supplements were observed even in diets con-
and a sufficient number of treatments must be taining an excess of essential amino acids suf-
used to fit a suitable function to experimental ficient for the synthesis of non-essential amino
data. This precondition is particularly impor- acids (Adkins et al., 1966). This observation
tant when fitting polynomial models to data led to the proposal that the rate of synthesis
giving a flat response curve, as is usually the of one or more non-essential amino acids is
case when studying the response to changing not sufficient to support maximum growth
E:T ratios. As shown by Morris (1989), the rate (Adkins et al., 1966). In the following
most often used quadratic curve is sensitive to years the importance of a correct balance
the range of input values and tends to esti- between the essential and non-essential amino
mate the maximum (or minimum) in the mid- acids was established in other species such as
dle of the interval tested. When the range of pigs (Mitchell et al., 1968), turkeys (Bedford
the independent variable is small or incor- and Summers, 1988), preruminating lambs
rectly chosen, the estimated optimum can be (Dove et al., 1977a,b), kittens (Anderson et
biased with a significant error. Secondly, the al., 1980), fish (Mambrini and Kaushik, 1994;
response to E:T ratio must not be influenced Schuhmacher et al., 1995) and humans (Kies
by any other dietary or environmental factor. and Linkswiler, 1965; Daniel et al., 1970).
This precondition poses a problem when Stucki and Harper (1961, 1962) were
using diets with a low E:T ratio and a high among the first researchers to make quantita-
total N content where a part of energy is tive estimates of the optimum E:T ratio within
required for deamination and elimination of a broad range of the ratios and at several levels
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:24 pm Page 107

Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 107

of dietary N. In their experiments with wean- indicating that both too low and too high E:T
ling rats (Stucki and Harper, 1962), they used ratios are inhibitory to growth regardless of
purified diets containing 75–150 g CP kg1 in nitrogen intake and that the dietary crude pro-
which the E:T ratios ranged from 0.33 to 1.0. tein level affects both the shape of the
Lower performance was observed in diets response curve and the optimum E:T ratio
with extreme E:T ratios whereas E:T values (Fig. 6.1). The adverse effects of high E:T
ranging from 0.53 to 0.81 had no significant ratios were exaggerated by high dietary crude
effect on growth rate, feed conversion or pro- protein level whereas the lowest weight gains
tein efficiency ratio. A marked decrease in at low E:T ratios were associated with low
growth rate and protein utilization was found crude protein (CP) level. The optimum E:T
in the diet with the highest N concentration ratio decreased as the CP level of the diet
containing only essential amino acids (E:T = increased. At 139 g CP kg1, maximum
1.0); this might be attributable to an adverse growth was attained with E:T ratio of 0.61
effect of the excess of one or more essential whereas the E:T value required for maximum
amino acids. In contrast, the negative effect of growth rate at 181 g CP kg1 was 0.58. In
low E:T ratios on growth rate was more pro- another experiment with growing rats, the
nounced in diets with the lower total N con- optimum E:T ratio required for maximum N
centration, suggesting a lack of essential retention at dietary CP concentration of 100
amino acids. g kg1 was estimated to be 0.68 (Heger et
A further extensive series of experiments al., 1987).
on growing rats was carried out by Young and There is relatively little information avail-
Zamora (1968) who evaluated the effect of 12 able on optimum E:T ratios in pigs and poul-
essential to non-essential amino acid ratios on try estimated within a sufficiently broad range
weight gain and protein efficiency ratio at two of values. Mitchell et al. (1968) studied the
dietary crude protein levels. Their findings effect of adding four levels of glutamate to a
support those of Stucki and Harper (1962) semipurified diet with a constant concentration


Weight gain (g 14day–1)





0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
E:T ratio
Fig. 6.1. Relationship between E:T ratio and weight gains of rats fed on diets containing 22.3 (●) or 29
() g N kg1 . (From Young and Zamora, 1968. Reproduced with permission of the American Society for
Nutritional Sciences.)
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 108

108 J. Heger

of essential amino acids on N retention in 10- (24.5 g kg1), the response of N retention to
kg piglets. They found that the young pigs uti- varying E:T ratios was curvilinear with a maxi-
lized dietary N most efficiently when the E:T mum corresponding to an E:T value of 0.61.
ratio was 0.40. In their experiment, however, A similar relationship was found for N utiliza-
only three animals per treatment were used. tion (Fig. 6.2). In the region around the opti-
Wang and Fuller (1989) estimated the opti- mum, however, the dose–response curves
mum E:T ratio in growing pigs fed isonitroge- were flat and within the E:T range of
nous diets at four E:T values ranging from 0.49–0.74 no significant difference between
0.34 to 0.58, using a rectilinear model to fit treatments was found. There are other experi-
the data. Based on their results it can be con- ments with pigs in which the optimum E:T
cluded that the minimum E:T ratio required ratio required for maximum N retention was
for maximum protein deposition is approxi- estimated to be near 0.6 (Roth et al., 1993;
mately 0.46. Lenis et al. (1999) measured N 1994b; Gotterbarm et al., 1998).
retention in pigs at three E:T ratios within Estimates of optimum E:T ratios for poul-
three dietary N concentrations and concluded try were comparable to those found in rats
that, to attain maximum N retention and N and pigs. Stucki and Harper (1961) studied
utilization, the E:T ratio should be about 0.5. the effect of altering the E:T ratio on growth
In their experiments, optimum E:T ratio of chicks fed on purified diets containing
tended to decrease with increasing dietary N 153–302 g CP kg1. They concluded that the
concentration. growth rate was maximized when the E:T
A more detailed study with pigs compris- ratio was about 0.66. Dietary CP level had no
ing six E:T ratios ranging from 0.25 to 0.86 significant effect on the response measured.
was conducted by Heger et al. (1998). At a However, the results of this experiment were
constant concentration of total dietary N confounded by using racemic forms of some

1.2 0.70

N retention (g kg–0.75 day–1)

N utilization




0.6 0.35
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
E:T ratio
Fig. 6.2. Relationship between E:T ratio and N retention (●) or N utilization () in growing pigs at
constant concentration of total dietary N. (From Heger et al., 1998. Reproduced with permission of The
Nutrition Society.)
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 109

Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 109

essential and non-essential amino acids, D-iso- cated that a proportion of the essential amino
mers of essential amino acids being consid- acids was converted into non-essential amino
ered fully available for the chick. Later, acids under these conditions. In turkeys,
Sugahara and Ariyoshi (1968) reassessed the Bedford and Summers (1988) observed maxi-
results of Stucki and Harper (1961) taking mum growth rate and carcass protein deposi-
into account the nutritional value of D-amino tion at an E:T ratio of about 0.6. Part of the
acids and concluded that the optimum E:T glycine, however, was included into the essen-
ratio was 0.57. In their own experiments, tial amino acid group in this study.
Sugahara and Ariyoshi (1968) studied growth A number of other experiments with
rate, N retention and the concentration of poultry have been carried out to study the
amino acids in serum of chicks fed on isoni- effect of adding non-essential amino acids to
trogenous purified diets with E:T ratios rang- low-protein diets. Unlike rats and pigs, birds
ing from 0.38 to 0.71. Weight gain and N responded to a higher non-essential N supply
retention responses to changing E:T values (mostly as glutamate and/or glycine) by
were similar (Fig. 6.3) and both reached their decreased feed intake and a moderate reduc-
maximum at an E:T ratio of 0.56. The con- tion in growth rate. Feed conversion, how-
centration of free amino acids in serum was ever, was improved and was comparable to
considerably influenced by the diet composi- that of a positive control (Parr and Summers,
tion. The sum of non-essential amino acids 1991; Han et al., 1992; Huyghebaert and
gradually decreased with the increasing E:T Pack, 1996; Aletor et al., 2000). In most
ratio, and the ratio of essential to non-essen- experiments, the addition of glutamate or a
tial amino acids broadly reflected their con- mixture of non-essential amino acids to low-
centrations in the diet. At the highest E:T protein diets decreased body fat content
values, however, there was a decrease of the (Fancher and Jensen, 1989; Han et al.,
serum essential amino acid level, which indi- 1992; Kerr and Kidd, 1999). However, no

8 0.28

N retention (g day–1)

Weight gain (g day–1)





3 0.14
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
E:T ratio
Fig. 6.3. Relationship between E:T ratio and weight gains (●) or N retention () in chicks. (Plotted from
data by Sugahara and Ariyoshi, 1968.)
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 110

110 J. Heger

such effect was observed in the study by experimental evidence supporting this
Aletor et al. (2000). It seems that the premise. Another possibility is that the effi-
response of chicks to the supplements of non- ciency of conversion of some essential amino
esssential amino acids may depend on geno- acids into non-essential amino acids is low,
type (Leclercq et al., 1994; Alleman et al., and limits the amount of non-essential N
2000) or diet composition (Deschepper and available at a given concentration of total
de Groote, 1995). dietary N. Even though there is compelling
Several conclusions can be drawn from evidence that all essential amino acids can be
studies aimed at estimating optimum E:T converted into non-essential amino acids
ratios in rats, pigs and poultry. (Aqvist, 1951), experiments evaluating the
process from the quantitative point of view
● Optimum E:T ratios for growth or protein
suggest that the conversion efficiency of
deposition estimated at a constant level of
some essential amino acids is lower than that
total dietary N and using the same amino
of non-essential amino acids. Comparing the
acid classification do not differ substantially
efficacy of various sources of non-essential N
between species, the mean value being
in chicks using the slope–ratio assay, Allen
and Baker (1974) found that arginine and
● Optimum E:T ratio depends on dietary N
lysine were poorly converted into non-essen-
concentration, being lower at higher
tial N and none of the essential amino acids
dietary N and vice versa.
tested was as efficient as glutamate as a
● There is a substantial range near the opti-
source of non-specific N (Table 6.1). Heger
mum within which the response to varying
(1990) studied the effects of excessive
E:T ratio does not change appreciably.
amounts of essential amino acids on N reten-
● Both too low and too high E:T ratios have
tion and the biological value of protein in
an adverse effect on performance.
rats. The basal diet containing essential
Although the poor growth or N retention amino acids in proportions corresponding to
at low E:T ratios is clearly due to the defi- an ideal protein pattern and supplemented
ciency of essential amino acids, the effect of with a small amount of non-essential N (E:T
high E:T ratios is not fully understood. It has ratio 0.96) was inferior to a diet with E:T
been suggested that the synthesis of one or ratio of 0.65. However, when the levels of
more amino acids commonly classified as arginine, lysine or sulphur amino acids were
non-essential might not be sufficient to main- reduced while maintaining total N concentra-
tain maximum growth rate (Adkins et al., tion constant by supplements of a non-
1966), thus causing a reduction in protein esssential amino acid mixture, there was a
deposition. However, there is no direct significant increase in N retention and biological

Table 6.1. Utilization of various amino acids as sources of non-specific

nitrogen for growing chicks relative to L-glutamate. (From Allen and Baker,
1974. Reproduced with permission of the Poultry Science Association.)

Amino acid Gain per g N consumed (g)a Ratio

L-Glutamate 38.16 1.00

L-Proline 37.69 0.99
Glycine 36.62 0.96
L-Valine 27.87 0.73
L-Isoleucine 26.11 0.68
L-Leucine 23.72 0.62
L-Lysine.HCl 19.07 0.50
L-Arginine.HCl 13.89 0.36
aRegression coefficient relating weight gain to N intake of amino acid
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 111

Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 111

value. This suggests that arginine, lysine and range of E:T values and dietary crude protein
sulphur amino acids are either a poor source concentrations within which a high growth
of non-essential N or that their excess has an rate of kittens can be attained as long as an
adverse effect on protein deposition. excess of amino acids causing growth depres-
To elucidate this problem in a greater sion is prevented.
detail, Taylor and his associates (Taylor et al., To date, it is not clear whether these find-
1996, 1997, 1998; Rogers et al., 1998) ings can be generalized or if there are some
conducted a series of experiments with kittens interspecific differences. It has been demon-
in which they studied the effect of E:T ratios strated that the negative effect of amino acid
ranging from 0.11 to 1.0 on weight gains and excess on growth rate is almost entirely due to
plasma amino acid pattern. In plasma of kit- the reduction of voluntary feed intake (Fisher
tens fed on diets containing essential amino et al., 1960; Cieslak and Benevenga, 1984)
acids as a sole source of N, a much higher as was also the case in experiments by Taylor
concentration of methionine and an increased et al. (1996). On the other hand, an
concentration of arginine was found as com- increased intake of arginine, lysine or sulphur
pared to a control. This led Taylor et al. amino acids had no adverse effect on feed
(1996) to conclude that the poor growth asso- intake in rats or chicks (Allen and Baker,
ciated with diets having high E:T ratios was 1974; Heger, 1990). It seems therefore that
the result of an adverse effect of excess poor growth and N retentions observed when
methionine and arginine and not an inability feeding diets with high E:T ratios result at
to synthesize non-essential amino acids. The least partly from the low availabilities of these
subsequent experiments demonstrated that amino acids as sources of non-essential N.
‘near maximal’ weight gain could be achieved The low utilization of arginine as a source
without any non-essential amino acids in the of non-essential N is not surprising since this
diet if excesses of methionine and arginine amino acid is closely associated with the syn-
were avoided (Taylor et al., 1996, 1998). As thesis of urea. Only about half the arginine
shown in Fig. 6.4 which is a compilation of supplied in the diet is available for the synthe-
data from six experiments by Taylor et al. sis of non-essential amino acids, the rest being
(1997, 1998) adjusted relative to the perfor- obligatorily converted into urea (Stein et al.,
mance of control groups, there is a broad 1986). Urea itself is known to be a poor

25 10 Weight gain
20 5 (g day–1)
15 0
10 –5
Weight gain (g day–1) 5
0 500
–5 400
0.8 300
Crude protein (g kg–1 diet)
0.4 200
E:T ratio 0.2
0 100
Fig. 6.4. Effect of E:T ratio and dietary crude protein on weight gains of kittens. (From Rogers et al.,
1998. Reproduced with permission of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences.)
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 112

112 J. Heger

source of N for the synthesis of non-essential tion than for optimum N utilization. Thus in
amino acids (Allen and Baker, 1974). The rats fed on diets meeting the requirements for
nitrogen of sulphur amino acids is either essential amino acids, maximum N retention
incorporated into urea after it is released as was attained at an E:T ratio of 0.38, whereas
ammonia or is used for the synthesis of an E:T ratio of 0.51 was needed for maxi-
polyamines and taurine. None of the catabolic mum biological value of protein (Heger et al.,
pathways of methionine or cystine appears to 1987). In a similarly designed experiment
be quantitatively important for amino acid with pigs (Heger et al., 1998) the highest N
synthesis in mammals (Stipanuk, 1986). retentions were observed at E:T ratios not
exceeding 0.48 whereas maximum total N uti-
lization, measured as N retention relative to N
Effect of E:T Ratio on Protein and ingested was found at an E:T ratio of 0.66
Amino Acid Utilization (Fig. 6.5). A similar response was observed by
Roth et al. (1993) who estimated the mini-
In studies with isonitrogenous diets, the esti- mum amount of total N required for maxi-
mates of optimum E:T ratios required for pro- mum N retention in growing pigs. They used
tein deposition did not differ from those for practical-type diets with constant concentra-
protein utilization (Sugahara and Ariyoshi, tions of essential amino acids in which crude
1968; Wang and Fuller, 1989; Heger et al., protein level was gradually reduced in seven
1987, 1998; Gotterbarm et al., 1998; Lenis steps from 170 g kg1 to 100 g kg1.
et al., 1999). However, when essential N was Maximum N retention was attained at an E:T
held constant and E:T ratio was altered by ratio of 0.59 whereas an E:T ratio of 0.71
changing total dietary N, a considerably lower was needed for maximum biological value of
E:T ratio was needed for maximum N reten- protein. N excretion at maximum N retention

1.2 0.8


N retention (g kg–0.75 day–1)

N utilization





0.3 0.3
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
E:T ratio
Fig. 6.5. Relationship between E:T ratio and N retention (●) or N utilization () in growing pigs at
constant concentration of essential dietary N. (From Heger et al., 1998. Reproduced with permission of
The Nutrition Society.)
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 113

Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 113

was significantly higher than that at maximum cantly lower E:T value corresponding to the
N utilization. Further studies by Roth and his breakpoint in N retention as compared to E:T
associates (Roth et al., 1994b, 1999) as well value required for maximum N utilization sug-
as those of other authors (Mitchell et al., gests that non-essential N has a ‘sparing effect’
1968; Lenis et al., 1999) also demonstrated on the utilization of essential amino acids.
that, at essential amino acid intakes corre- To clarify this phenomenon, it is useful to
sponding to the requirement, a lower E:T explore the relationships between the utiliza-
ratio and therefore higher total N intake was tions of essential, non-essential and total N.
needed for maximum N retention than for As shown in Fig. 6.6, the utilization of essen-
maximum protein utilization. tial N gradually decreases as the E:T ratio
The response of N retention to changes increases whereas the utilization of non-essen-
in E:T ratio at constant concentration of essen- tial N exhibits a sharp increase. At an E:T
tial N (Fig. 6.5) indicates that protein deposi- ratio of 0.66 corresponding to maximum total
tion is maintained at the maximum level until N utilization, less than 0.5 of essential amino
either non-essential or total N becomes limit- acid N is utilized, whereas the non-essential N
ing. Then there is a linear decrease, appar- utilization exceeds 1.0. This implies that a
ently arising from the conversion of a proportion of the essential amino acids is used
proportion of essential amino acids into non- for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids
essential amino acids required for the synthesis under these conditions. Similar conclusions
of body protein. The low utilization of total N were drawn by Lenis et al. (1999) who stud-
at low E:T ratios is presumably due to the sur- ied the effects of three E:T ratios on total,
plus of non-essential amino acids, which are essential and non-essential N utilization in
partly degraded under these conditions. On growing pigs at three levels of total dietary N.
the other hand, when the optimum E:T ratio is This procedure allowed a comparison of the
exceeded, N utilization decreases as a result of changes in N utilization at constant concentra-
non-essential amino acid deficiency. A signifi- tions of both total and essential N. They




N utlization




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
E:T ratio
Fig. 6.6. Relationship between E:T ratio and the utilization of essential (●) or non-essential () N in
growing pigs at constant concentration of essential dietary N. (From Heger et al., 1998. Reproduced with
permission of The Nutrition Society.)
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 114

114 J. Heger

found that the efficiency of essential N utiliza- and Frydrych, 1989; Roth et al., 1993).
tion decreased with increasing E:T ratio in Differences between optimum E:T ratios in
both cases, but was compensated by an diets and those calculated from amino acid
increased utilization of non-essential N, so composition of body protein may serve as an
that the total N utilization remained indirect evidence of this hypothesis. The E:T
unchanged. A similar relationship between the ratios of body protein (Table 6.2) tend to be
essential and non-essential N utilization at lower than those required for maximum
constant concentrations of total or essential growth or protein deposition. This supports
dietary N was found in experiments with rats an assumption that a proportion of ingested
(Heger and Frydrych, 1989) but the informa- essential amino acids is converted into the
tion regarding other species is lacking. non-essential amino acids that are incorpo-
The low utilization of essential amino rated into body protein.
acids at the optimum E:T ratio for the utiliza- Another factor that may be related to the
tion of total dietary N is rather surprising. It is ‘sparing effect’ of non-essential amino acids is
generally accepted that the efficiency of uti- endogenous protein loss. The major part of
lization of essential amino acids is higher than endogenous protein originates from deconju-
that of non-essential amino acids (McFarlane gated bile salts and mucin glycoproteins that
and von Holt, 1969; Aguilar et al., 1972). It are resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis. While
has been shown, however, that a proportion glycine accounts for more than 90% of the
of the essential amino acids is inevitably total amino acid content of bile (Souffrant,
degraded even at suboptimal levels of intake 1991), the mucin proteins contain high pro-
(Kang-Lee and Harper, 1978; Harper and portions of proline and serine (Roberton et al.,
Benjamin, 1984; Tanaka et al., 1995). These 1991). The E:T ratio calculated from the
losses are supposed to be an inevitable conse- amino acid composition of endogenous pro-
quence of the presence in tissues of amino tein is therefore lower than that of body pro-
acid-degrading enzymes that are part of the tein and ranges from 0.43 to 0.52 (Leterme
mechanisms regulating protein metabolism in et al., 1996; Hess and Sève, 1999; Stein et
response to quantitative and qualitative al., 1999). It is possible that non-essential N is
changes in protein supply (Heger and one of the factors limiting the utilization of
Frydrych, 1989). It seems that these inevitable amino acids released by protein breakdown.
losses can be partly or fully counterbalanced Thus an increased supply of non-essential N
by the synthesis of non-essential amino acids may increase N retention by optimizing the
from nitrogen released during essential amino amino acid balance of the precursor pool avail-
acid catabolism. Thus the organism is able to able for the resynthesis of body protein. Even
conserve nitrogen that would otherwise be though this mechanism is more likely to oper-
lost, thereby maximizing the overall efficiency ate at near-maintenance conditions, its effect
of utilization of the ingested protein (Heger at higher protein intakes cannot be excluded.

Table 6.2. E:T ratios of body and endogenous proteins.

E:T ratio Reference

Rat carcass 0.55 Pellet and Kaba (1972)

Pig whole body 0.54 Kyriazakis and Emmans (1993)
Pig empty body gain 0.54 Bikker et al. (1994)
Chick whole body 0.56 Moran (1995)
Turkey whole body 0.56 Moran (1995)
Pig endogenous proteina 0.44 Stein et al. (1999)
Pig endogenous proteinb 0.47 Hodgkinson et al. (2000)
aFed on protein-free diet.
bFed on enzyme-hydrolysed casein 100 g kg1.
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 115

Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 115

The higher N retention at low E:T ratios Optimum E:T Ratio for Maintenance
and constant concentration of essential N
might also result from the adaptive response of There is convincing evidence to show that the
the organism to the excessive intake of non- essential amino acid pattern required for
essential amino acids. It has been demon- maintenance differs considerably from that for
strated that the size and protein content of protein deposition. Even though there are no
internal organs increase with increasing supply quantitative estimates of optimum E:T ratio
of dietary protein (Noblet et al., 1987; Kerr et for maintenance available, indirect evidence
al., 1995). An increased N retention was suggests that, at near-maintenance conditions,
observed in chicks (Shapiro and Fisher, 1962) a greater proportion of non-essential amino
and pigs (Kerr and Easter, 1995) when non- acids is needed than under conditions of rapid
essential amino acids were added to the diet. growth. As shown in Table 6.3 which summa-
The accumulation of ‘labile protein reserves’ rizes amino acid requirement data for humans
occurs over several days after a change in diet (FAO/ WHO/ UNU, 1985), the relative
(Munro, 1964), and could affect N retention, essential amino acid requirements gradually
particularly in short-term balance experiments. decrease with advancing age and with the
However, a 14-day adaptation period followed increasing contribution of maintenance to
by a 7-day collection period, as used in the total amino acid needs. In adults, requiring
experiment of Lenis et al. (1999) seems to be amino acids predominantly for maintenance
long enough to counter the effect of ‘labile purposes, the essential N to total dietary N
protein’ accumulation. ratio is only 0.11. Although the ratios pre-
The current ideal protein concept is sup- sented in Table 6.3 are based on a ‘safe level’
posed to be equally applicable both to maximum of protein intake that exceeds the minimum
N retention (or growth rate) and maximum N required for attaining N equilibrium, they
utilization (or minimum N excretion). This is clearly show that the E:T ratio for mainte-
undoubtedly the case of essential amino acid nance is considerably lower than that for com-
pattern. However, the optimum proportions of bined processes of maintenance and growth.
essential and non-essential amino acids for Estimates of essential N to total N ratios
these functions are apparently different and for maintenance in rats, pigs, and chicks
the definition of ideal protein including the derived from the minimal metabolic needs for
non-essential N requirement should reflect this essential amino acids and for total N are given
fact. This could be of help in formulating prac- in Table 6.4. The data are in general agree-
tical diets aimed at achieving maximum growth ment with those calculated for humans, sug-
rate or minimum N excretion. gesting the importance of non-essential amino

Table 6.3. Estimates of essential amino acid requirements for humans (mg g1
protein) and calculated essential N to total N ratios. (From FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985.)

Infant Preschool School

Amino acid (3–4 months) (2–5 years) (10–12 years) Adult

Histidine 26 19 19 16
Isoleucine 46 28 28 13
Leucine 93 66 44 19
Lysine 66 58 44 16
Methionine + cystine 42 25 22 17
Phenylalanine + tyrosine 72 63 22 19
Threonine 43 34 28 9
Tryptophan 17 11 9 5
Valine 55 35 25 13
Essential N : total N 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.11
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 116

116 J. Heger

Table 6.4. Essential N to total N ratios for maintenance of various

species calculated from maintenance requirements for essential amino
acids and for total N.

Essential N : total N Source of data

Rat 0.23 NRC (1995)

Pig 0.13 Fuller et al. (1989)
Chick 0.26 McDonald and Morris (1985)a
Leveille and Fisher (1958)b
aEssential amino acids.
bTotal N.

acids for processes associated with mainte- essential amino acids to a nitrogen-free diet
nance. However, it should be pointed out that supplemented with small amounts of methio-
these estimates may be subject to considerable nime, threonine and tryptophan resulted in a
error. So far, only a few data on the mainte- marked increase in N retention in pigs
nance requirement of essential amino acids (Kr̆íz̆ová et al., 2001). The importance of
are available and the experiments conducted non-essential amino acids for maintenance
gave rather variable results. The same is true was also indicated in studies with chicks by
for the maintenance requirement for total N. Baker et al. (1996) and Edwards et al. (1997,
Thus in pigs, the estimates of obligatory N 1999) in which zero N retention was associ-
losses range from 150 mg N kg0.75 (ARC, ated with negative retention of essential
1981; Stranks et al., 1988) to 268 mg N amino acids and positive retention of non-
kg0.75 (Fuller et al., 1989). Further studies essential amino acids.
are needed to establish the optimum E:T ratio There is also increasing evidence that
for maintenance more precisely. amino acids are involved in processes that are
The differences in E:T ratios for growth not directly related to protein metabolism
and for maintenance presumably result from itself. Since the free amino acid pool is
differences in protein metabolism under these derived from proteolysis of peripheral tissues
physiological conditions. At nitrogen equilib- under conditions close to protein equilibrium,
rium, skeletal muscle proteins are degraded to all amino acids are equally limiting.
provide amino acids for the synthesis of Withdrawal of any single amino acid outside
endogenous protein (De Lange et al., 1989). the protein metabolism limits the ability of the
Losses of endogenous N are the single most organism to reutilize all others (Reeds, 2000).
important factor contributing to the N require- In this respect, both essential and non-essen-
ment for maintenance (Nyachoti et al., tial amino acids are equally important. The
1997). However, amino acid patterns and E:T participation of amino acids in specific physio-
ratios of muscle and endogenous proteins are logical functions not related to protein metab-
different. Endogenous protein contains more olism has not been sufficiently documented.
sulphur amino acids and threonine but the Reeds and Hutchens (1994) and Reeds
sum of essential amino acids and conse- (2000) defined several systems critical for
quently the E:T ratio is lower (Table 6.2). As a maintaining health and functional integrity of
result of endogenous N losses, sulphur amino the organism such as the intestine, skeletal
acids, threonine and non-essential N nitrogen muscle, immune system and central nervous
may become a limiting factor for reutilization system and identified specific amino acids nec-
of other amino acids released during protein essary for the functioning of these systems. It
breakdown. Indeed, it has been shown that is noteworthy that the intermediates involved
the addition of methionine and threonine to a in the operation of these systems (e.g. ATP,
nitrogen-free diet improved N retention in rats creatine, nucleic acids, glutathione, nitric
(Yoshida and Moritoki, 1974; Yokogoshi and oxide, taurine, mucin) are almost exclusively
Yoshida, 1976) and that the addition of non- the end products of the non-essential or semi-
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Essential to Non-essential Amino Acid Ratios 117

essential amino acid metabolism. Although (Bhargava et al., 1971), arginine or ornithine
the production of some intermediates may be (Austic, 1976). Glutamate plays an important
negligible from the quantitative point of view, role in protein metabolism since it serves as the
the non-protein role of non-essential amino main medium in amino-N exchange and is
acids seems to be an important factor con- readily converted into other non-essential
tributing to the increased needs for non-essen- amino acids. There are some studies indicating
tial N under maintenance conditions. the need for glutamate in rats (Hepburn and
Bradley, 1964), chicks (Graber and Baker,
1973; Maruyama et al., 1976) and piglets
The Importance of Individual Non- (Roth et al., 1994a). It seems, however, that its
essential Amino Acids presence in the diet is not necessary if the diet
contains sufficient amounts of proline and argi-
It is not quite clear so far to what extent the nine (Rogers et al., 1970; Heger et al., 1987).
requirement for total non-essential N can be The asparagine requirement has been
influenced by the presence or absence of dif- demonstrated in growing rats by Breuer et al.
ferent non-essential amino acids. There are a (1966), Rogers and Harper (1965), Frankel et
number of studies indicating that some amino al. (1973) and Newburg et al. (1975),
acids, commonly classified as non-essential, although Salmon (1964) and Ranhotra and
may have essential character (Breuer et al., Johnson (1965) failed to observe any require-
1964; Newburg et al., 1975; Ball et al., ment. In the study by Rogers et al. (1970)
1986; Roth et al., 1994a) whereas some oth- asparagine clearly stimulated growth in one
ers are inferior as sources of non-specific N experiment, yet was without any effect in
(Sugahara and Ariyoshi, 1967b; Allen and another experiment. Newburg et al. (1975)
Baker, 1974). Therefore, both the specific investigated the effects of asparagine, aspartic
requirements for non-essential amino acids acid, glutamine and glutamate in all possible
and the value of these amino acids in supply- combinations on growth of weanling rats, and
ing the organism with non-specific nitrogen concluded that only asparagine is essential
should be taken into account when studying regardless of the presence or absence of any
the optimum E:T ratio and formulating amino combination of other related amino acids. No
acid diets. asparagine requirement has been reported for
Results of studies aimed at identification of adult rats or other species.
non-essential amino acids needed for normal Glycine is regarded as a good source of
performance have been controversial. The non-specific nitrogen (Allen and Baker, 1974)
requirement for proline has been demonstrated but there are no indications of its require-
in rats (Breuer et al., 1964; Heger et al., ments for mammalian species (Heger et al.,
1987), chicks (Sugahara and Ariyoshi, 1967a; 1987; Roth et al., 1994a). A positive effect
Graber and Baker, 1973) and piglets (Ball et of glycine addition to diets with a high con-
al., 1986; Kirchgessner et al., 1995), but in centration of essential amino acids observed
other experiments no effect of proline was in kittens (Taylor et al., 1996) probably
found (Samuels et al., 1989; Chung and resulted from the ability of glycine to alleviate
Baker, 1993). This discrepancy might be due the toxic effects associated with excessive
to the differences in dietary levels of metaboli- intake of sulphur amino acids (Benevenga
cally related amino acids. Rogers et al. (1970) and Steele, 1984). In poultry, glycine has
found in rats that if two amino acids of the pro- been classified as a semi-essential amino acid
line–arginine–glutamate group were omitted by some authors (Graber and Baker, 1973;
from the diet, growth was markedly reduced. NRC, 1994). An increased demand for
However, if the diet contained sufficient glycine supply in poultry is associated with
amounts of arginine and glutamate, the lack of the synthesis of uric acid as the primary end
proline had no effect on growth. Contrary to product of protein catabolism in avian
this finding, the adverse effects of proline defi- species that may consume a considerable
ciency in chicks were not eliminated even when amount of glycine, particularly when fed
the diet was supplemented with glutamate high-protein diets.
Amino Acids - Chap 06 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 118

118 J. Heger

To date, it is not known whether there is amino acid pattern which is independent of
a specific requirement for non-essential and dietary factors and the type of response mea-
semi-essential amino acids for maintenance. It sured, the optimum E:T ratio is not universally
is generally believed that, owing to the low valid. At a constant concentration of total
needs for total N under maintenance condi- dietary N, approximately the same E:T ratio is
tions, both non-essential and semi-essential required for maximum growth rate, protein
amino acids can be readily synthesized from deposition or total protein utilization.
their precursors. However, as discussed ear- However, at a constant concentration of
lier, the maintenance requirement for non- essential N allowing rapid growth, higher non-
essential N is relatively high and the synthesis essential N intake and consequently lower E:T
of some non-essential or semi-essential amino ratio is needed for maximum N retention than
acid(s) may not be sufficient to meet endoge- for optimum protein utilization. Nutritional
nous losses and specific requirements not strategies aimed at achieving maximum
related to protein metabolism. Indeed, prelim- growth rate or minimum N excretion should
inary studies with pigs (J. Heger, L. Kr̆íz̆ová take these facts into consideration.
and K. S̆imec̆ek, unpublished observations) at Most experiments investigating the rela-
near-maintenance conditions have shown that tionships between essential and non-essential
the deletion of arginine, proline or glutamate amino acids have been conducted with grow-
from a purified diet resulted in a significant ing animals. Very little is known about opti-
decrease in N retention even though the con- mum E:T ratios for other physiological
centration of total non-essential N was main- functions such as maintenance or reproduc-
tained at a sufficiently high level. tion or about the role of non-essential and
semi-essential amino acids in processes not
directly related to protein metabolism. There
Conclusions is indirect evidence suggesting that the relative
requirement for non-essential N for mainte-
The intake of non-essential amino acids is a nance is considerably higher than that for
quantitatively important part of total protein growth. However, experimentally based esti-
intake and the proportion of non-essential N mates of optimum E:T ratio for maintenance
in total dietary N can significantly affect ani- are not available. It seems also that some non-
mal performance. The contradictory data on essential amino acids may have essential char-
the optimum ratio between essential and non- acter under certain conditions including
essential amino acids for growth and protein maintenance but their physiological role has
deposition published in the literature arise not been fully elucidated. Nevertheless, there
mostly from different ways of expressing their is increasing evidence that the assumption of
relationships and defining their essentiality. mutual interconversion of non-essential amino
When expressing the relations between both acids as sources of non-specific N may not be
amino acid groups as a ratio of essential N to entirely valid and that a certain amount of
total amino acid N (E:T), the estimates of opti- non-essential amino acids must be supplied
mum E:T values are similar both within and preformed in the diet to achieve maximum
among species. Unlike the ideal essential utilization of dietary protein.


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7 Adverse Effects of Amino Acids

J.P.F. D’Mello*
Formerly of The Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK

Introduction In this chapter the effects of imbalances,

antagonisms and toxicities are reviewed with
Since amino acids are extensively metabo- respect to their significance in the nutrition
lized (see Chapters 4 and 5), it is widely of farm livestock. In addressing these issues,
assumed that any surplus ingested by animals importance has been attached to differences
is disposed of without adverse effects. It has between various classes of animals in their
also been suggested that the ruminant is responses to disproportionate intakes of
endowed with protective detoxification mech- amino acids. Attention has also been given
anisms by virtue of considerable microbial to biochemical features underlying the
metabolism of amino acids within the rumen. adverse effects of amino acids, strategies for
However, there is now unequivocal evidence mitigation and innate detoxification mecha-
demonstrating that amino acids may precipi- nisms in animals.
tate profound deleterious effects in diverse
classes of farm animals. Furthermore, these
manifestations conform with the three cate- Amino Acid Imbalance
gories of imbalances, antagonisms and toxici-
ties embodied in the classification established Definition
with the rat (Harper, 1959; Harper et al.,
1970). This system has long existed as a con- This term was defined by Harper (1964) as a
ceptual model, largely confined to the acade- change in the pattern of amino acids in the
mic domain by virtue of its origin in contrived diet precipitating depressions in food intake
experiments with laboratory animals. and growth, which are completely alleviated
However, there is now enhanced perception by supplementation with the first-limiting
of the wider and practical significance of amino acid. The prerequisite for a limiting
adverse effects of amino acids in the nutrition amino acid may be satisfied by the use of a
of farm animals. Thus, concerted efforts are suitably deficient protein such as gelatin, but
currently being directed at defining ideal more generally this condition may be fulfilled
dietary amino acid patterns for all classes of by the use of low-protein diets. The defini-
livestock (see for example Chapters 9 and tion of imbalance was devised as a result of
13) in order to pre-empt the deleterious investigations with the rat but is now being
effects of imbalances. widely applied to the nutrition of farm animals.

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 125
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126 J.P.F. D’Mello

It is, therefore, instructive to recall some of Practical implications

the fundamental tenets embodied in this
class of adverse effects. Two types of imbal- The issue of amino acid imbalance assumed
ance may be recognized (Table 7.1): that practical significance in poultry nutrition with
caused by the addition of a relatively small the studies by Wethli et al. (1975) who
quantity of an indispensable amino acid to a invoked this phenomenon to explain the infe-
low-protein diet, and that precipitated by an rior utilization, by broiler chicks, of the first-
incomplete mixture of amino acids. In the limiting amino acid in low-quality protein
former case, there is a specific requirement sources. Wethli et al. (1975) designed a series
that the agent precipitating the imbalance of cereal-based diets containing increasing
should be the second-limiting amino acid quantities of groundnut meal to provide crude
(Winje et al., 1954). A more reliable proce- protein (CP) levels ranging from 120 to 420 g
dure involves the addition of an amino acid kg1 diet. These diets were formulated with
mixture devoid of one indispensable amino or without supplementary methionine plus
acid to a low-protein diet limiting in the lysine. Growth responses were compared with
same amino acid (Pant et al., 1972). Other those of chicks fed on a series of control diets
studies show that imbalances may also be containing graded quantities of herring meal
created by employing mixtures of the dis- such that final dietary CP concentrations
pensable amino acids (Tews et al., 1980). In ranged from 120 to 240 g kg1. Thus the
such instances, the most reliable technique assumed minimal amino acid needs of the
involves the use of amino acids, individually young chick were considered to be satisfied at
or in mixtures, which compete with the the high inclusion rates of either protein
dietary limiting amino acid for transport into source. As expected, with the unsupple-
the brain. mented groundnut meal diets, growth rates
From experiments employing incom- improved as CP concentrations increased up
plete amino acid mixtures, Fisher et al. to 360 g kg–1 diet, but failed to match those
(1960) concluded that the chick is as sensi- of chicks fed lower levels of CP derived from
tive to an imbalance as the growing rat herring meal. However, supplementation of
(Table 7.1). The primary manifestation of the groundnut meal diets with methionine plus
adverse effects was a depression in food lysine induced progressive and more efficient
intake which consequently also decreased gains at all CP levels up to 270 g kg1 diet.
intake of the limiting amino acid, leading to At this concentration of CP, the supple-
reduced growth. mented groundnut meal diet supported

Table 7.1. Effects of dietary amino acid imbalance on growth of rats and chicks fed low-protein diets.

Protein source; Growth

dietary protein Method of response
level; and amino First-limiting precipitating (proportion
acid supplements amino acid imbalance Diets of control) Reference

Egg albumen; 80 g His Addition of second- Control 1.00 Winje et al.
kg1 diet; Thr + Val limiting amino acid Imbalanced 0.65 (1954)
(Lys) Corrected 0.95
Casein; 80 g kg1 Trp Addition of amino Control 1.00 Pant et al.
diet; Met acid mixture devoid Imbalanced 0.71 (1972)
of Trp Corrected 1.10
Sesame protein; Lys Addition of Lys-free Control 1.00 Fisher et al.
110 g kg1 diet; amino acid mixture Imbalanced 0.87 (1960)
Lys (suboptimal) Corrected 1.69
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 127

growth approaching that observed with the (Morris et al., 1987) and to tryptophan
best herring meal control diet containing 210 (Abebe and Morris, 1990b). As will be dis-
g CP kg1. In a further experiment, Wethli cussed at length later (Chapter 14), substantial
et al. (1975) observed that diets based on disparity emerged between the growth
soybean meal and maize were somewhat infe- responses obtained with the serial dilution of
rior to similar diets fortified with methionine the summit diet and those observed with the
even though the unsupplemented diets, at the addition of pure amino acid supplements
higher CP concentrations, satisfied the calcu- (D’Mello, 1988). This incompatibility of
lated requirements for the first-limiting amino responses was attributed to the effects of
acid. Of several hypotheses examined, Wethli amino acid imbalance in the summit and
et al. (1975) concluded that the amino acids diluted diets (Abebe and Morris, 1990a), but
supplied by low-quality oilseed protein sources data by D’Mello (1990) question the validity of
were in such disproportion to the needs of the this interpretation. Since these issues relate to
chick as to impair utilization of the first-limit- amino acid utilization by growing poultry, fur-
ing amino acid. It was suggested that amino ther discussion is reserved until Chapter 14.
acid imbalances can occur in diets based on Several studies with pigs indicate that
conventional ingredients and that pure supple- amino acid imbalances may occur at the tissue
ments of limiting amino acids may be used to level even though the diet may appear to be in
rectify these imbalances. ideal balance. Such imbalances are readily
Further impetus to the study of imbal- demonstrated on supplementation of cereal-
ances emerged with the introduction of the based diets with crystalline amino acids. It has
diet-dilution technique to determine amino long been recognized that free amino acid sup-
acid requirements of poultry. This method, plements are absorbed more rapidly than pro-
originally devised to determine the methionine tein-bound amino acids resulting in an
requirement of laying pullets, was adapted to imbalanced supply at sites of protein synthesis
investigate the growth responses of broiler (Leibholz et al., 1986; Leibholz, 1989). For
chicks to different concentrations of an indis- example, Leibholz et al. (1986) observed that
pensable amino acid (Morris et al., 1987; the concentration of free lysine in plasma of
Abebe and Morris, 1990a,b). The procedure pigs increased 1–2 h after feeding a diet con-
involved the sequential dilution of a high-pro- taining pure lysine, declining thereafter,
tein ‘summit’ diet with an isoenergetic, pro- whereas the circulating concentrations of other
tein-free mixture. The summit diet was amino acids originating from the protein-
formulated to contain a large excess, typically bound fraction of the diet peaked at 2–6 h
185% of assumed requirements, of all indis- postprandial. In pigs fed once daily, this lack of
pensable amino acids except the one under synchrony in absorption would precipitate an
test, which was set at around 145% of amino acid imbalance at the cellular level.
assumed requirements. On blending the sum- Under these circumstances growth and effi-
mit diet with the protein-free mixture, the ciency of dietary nitrogen (N) would be
amino acid under test would be expected to impaired, but the deleterious effects could be
be first-limiting at all levels of dilution. offset by more frequent feeding. This expecta-
Although successive dilutions resulted in pro- tion was confirmed by Batterham (1974) who
gressively lower CP concentrations, the observed that the efficiency of utilization of
dietary amino acid pattern remained constant free lysine supplements for growth of pigs fed
throughout the diluted series. Interpretation of once daily was only 0.43–0.67 of values
responses to the different dilutions were recorded with pigs fed the same ration in six
attributed specifically to intakes of the first-lim- equal portions at 3-hourly intervals. In con-
iting amino acid. Thus, the diet-dilution tech- trast, no such benefit occurred on feeding the
nique involved the deliberate creation of an unsupplemented control diet more frequently.
amino acid imbalance in the classical manner Subsequent investigations by Partridge et al.
established by Harper (1964). Nevertheless, (1985) extended the benefits of increased feed-
the diet-dilution technique was used to deter- ing frequency and lysine supplementation to
mine the responses of broiler chicks to lysine improvements in N utilization.
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128 J.P.F. D’Mello

With the commercial development of by force-feeding, by insulin injections, by

rumen protected amino acids (Chapter 16), adjusting dietary protein to energy ratios or by
the question of imbalances in cattle nutrition exposing animals to cold environmental tem-
is relevant, particularly in view of the uncer- peratures, then commensurate improvements
tainty associated with the duodenal delivery of in growth also occur (see D’Mello, 1994).
feed and microbial amino acids. In studies The biochemical mechanisms underlying
with lactating dairy cows, Robinson et al. the anorectic effects of imbalanced diets have
(2000) fed a basal diet co-limiting in intesti- been described by Harper and Rogers (1965)
nally absorbable supplies of methionine and following extensive studies with the rat. It was
lysine. On abomasal infusion with excess suggested that surplus amino acids arriving in
methionine, cows fed this diet ate less dry the portal circulation after consumption of an
matter and produced less milk and lactose imbalanced diet stimulate synthesis or sup-
than unsupplemented controls. Evaluation of press breakdown of protein in the liver lead-
results with two metabolic models suggested ing to greater retention of the limiting amino
that the basal diet may have been limiting in acid relative to that in control groups (Table
intestinally absorbable lysine, isoleucine or his- 7.2). The supply of the limiting amino acid for
tidine. Thus the addition of methionine would peripheral tissues such as muscle is thereby
have created an imbalance in the classical reduced, although protein synthesis in these
manner. tissues proceeds unimpeded. Eventually, how-
ever, the free amino acid patterns of both
muscle and blood plasma become so
Effects on food intake deranged as to invoke the intervention of the
appetite-regulating system to reduce food
Accounts of amino acid imbalances conven- intake. Growth is reduced as a consequence
tionally focus on the growth-depressing effects of the depressed appetite and intake of nutri-
in animals (Harper, 1964; Tews et al., 1979). ents. This hypothesis is still accepted as a sat-
However, it has been consistently recorded isfactory explanation for the effects of amino
that a predisposing factor is a rapid and acid imbalance in the rat and is thought to
marked reduction in food intake. Thus Harper have wider application to other animals
and Rogers (1965) reported that rats fed an including poultry (D’Mello, 1994).
imbalanced diet reduced their food intake Alterations in dietary preferences are
within 3–6 h. These results implied that the another feature of amino acid imbalance, at
depression in food intake was the primary least in the rat. Thus, when offered a choice,
event responsible for the ensuing retardation rats consume a balanced diet in preference to
of growth. A considerable body of evidence an imbalanced one, but more remarkably,
supports this premise. If food intake in ani- select a protein-free diet incapable of support-
mals consuming imbalanced diets is increased ing growth instead of an imbalanced diet

Table 7.2. Sequence of events during amino acid imbalance leading to depressed food intake. (Based
on the hypothesis of Harper and Rogers, 1965.)

Site Effects

Liver Surplus amino acids stimulate synthesis or suppress breakdown of proteins;

efficient utilization of limiting amino acid
Muscle Protein synthesis continues normally; greater retention of limiting amino acid;
deranged free amino acid pattern
Plasma Deranged free amino acid pattern
Brain Abnormal pattern in blood monitored by appetite-regulating regions
Whole animal Depressed food intake
Reduced nutrient intake
Reduced growth
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 129

which would allow growth, albeit at a low level 1991a). Thus the selection of a protein-free
(Sanahuja and Harper, 1962; Leung and diet in preference to an imbalanced one was
Rogers, 1987). reversed if the limiting amino acid was
A central tenet in the hypothesis injected directly into the prepyriform cortex.
advanced by Harper and Rogers (1965) is the Beverly et al. (1991b) showed that injected
association between food intake depression dose levels were important, exerting separate
and changes in tissue patterns of amino acids. effects on dietary selection and on intake of
In both blood plasma and muscle, concentra- imbalanced diets. Gietzen et al. (1998) devel-
tions of the limiting amino acid decline, oped this concept further by demonstrating
whereas there is an accumulation of those that different neural circuits mediated the ini-
amino acids added to precipitate the imbal- tial recognition and secondary conditioned
ance. Since these events occur within a few responses to imbalanced diets.
hours of ingestion of such diets, it has been Amino acid imbalance may affect food
suggested that changes in plasma amino acid intake and dietary selection by modulating the
pattern may provide the metabolic signal that synthesis and metabolism of neurotransmitters
ultimately results in anorexia and abnormal in the brain (Figs 4.10 and 4.11). In one
feeding behaviour. In subsequent attempts to study, feeding imbalanced diets reduced pro-
validate this hypothesis, the role of the first- duction of noradrenaline in the anterior
limiting amino acid has featured prominently. prepyriform cortex of rats (Leung et al.,
For example initial studies (Leung and Rogers, 1985). However, Harrison and D’Mello
1969) indicated that the depression in (1987) showed that an imbalance caused by
appetite may be prevented by the infusion of the addition of mixture devoid of tyrosine and
a small quantity of the first-limiting amino acid phenylalanine to a diet deficient in these
via the carotid artery whereas administration amino acids reduced food intake in chicks
through the jugular vein was ineffective. Tobin without affecting noradrenaline or dopamine
and Boorman (1979) confirmed that the levels in brain homogenates. This discrepancy
cockerel fed an imbalanced diet responded in may have more to do with neurotransmitter
a similar manner to the rat following infusion synthesis and disposition at specific sites in
of the limiting amino acid. the brain than with any genuine differences
The studies by Leung and Rogers (1969) between species or type of imbalance used in
provided the basis of the proposition that the two studies.
food intake and feeding behaviour may be
associated with changes in brain uptake and
metabolism of critical amino acids. It was Effects on nutrient utilization
soon established that the concentration of the
first-limiting amino acid declined more rapidly The effect of amino acid imbalance on nutrient
in cerebral tissues than in plasma (Peng et al., utilization has been the subject of some
1972). This observation led to the proposal debate. An imbalance would be expected to
that the fall in brain concentrations of the lim- impair overall efficiency of utilization of dietary
iting amino acid initiates the signal which protein. Experiments with rats (Kumta et al.,
causes the changes in food intake and dietary 1958) confirm this expectation, with N reten-
choice, although the precise mechanisms tion efficiency declining from 0.60 to 0.44 on
remain obscure (Leung and Rogers, 1987). addition of an imbalancing amino acid mixture
However, the regions of the central nervous to a control diet. However, in rats pair-fed the
system sensitive to amino acid imbalance have control diet to match intakes of the imbalanced
been delineated in the rat. These include the group, efficiency of N retention decreased to
anterior prepyriform cortex, the medial amyg- 0.33, indicating that the effects of imbalance
dala and certain sites of the hippocampus and are mediated via reductions in appetite.
septum. In particular, the sensitivity of the Despite these observations, the accepted con-
prepyriform cortex to amino acid imbalance sensus is that amino acid imbalances reduce
has been extensively investigated by Gietzen the efficiency of protein utilization in farm ani-
et al. (1986) and Beverly et al. (1990a,b, mals. Thus, Moughan (1991) attributed the
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130 J.P.F. D’Mello

low efficiency of protein utilization in pigs leucine in the rat. Demonstrations of antago-
partly to dietary amino acid imbalance. In addi- nisms have been extended to farm animals
tion, Partridge et al. (1985) demonstrated that (D’Mello and Lewis, 1970a,b,c; Papet et al.,
imbalances at the tissue level, induced by dif- 1988a). In addition, it is now recognized that
ferential absorption of amino acids from crys- antagonisms may be precipitated by a wide
talline and protein-bound sources, can reduce range of analogues occurring naturally in crop
overall efficiency of protein utilization in pigs plants as non-protein amino acids. In most
fed once daily. Furthermore, Wang and Fuller cases, the action of these analogues is tar-
(1989) showed that manipulation of the com- geted at the metabolism and utilization of spe-
position of a mixture of amino acids to simu- cific structurally related essential amino acids.
late the pattern in casein enhanced N
retention in pigs by reducing imbalances.
However, Langer and Fuller (1994) demon- Branched-chain amino acid antagonisms
strated that the addition of an imbalancing
mixture containing leucine, isoleucine and Interest in the antagonisms involving the
valine to a diet limiting in methionine branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) has been
increased N efficiency in growing pigs. This sustained by the knowledge that maize by-
somewhat unusual effect was attributed to a products, sorghum, and blood meal contain
reduction in degradation of methionine by disproportionate quantities of these amino
competitive inhibition of enzymes involved, acids. In addition, maintenance requirements
leading to increased availability of methionine of animals for BCAA may be influenced by
for body protein synthesis (Langer et al., these antagonisms.
2000). The concept of enhanced utilization of
the limiting amino acid is not new; thus
Harper and Rogers (1965) reported that rats
fed a threonine-imbalanced diet reduced oxida- Following initial demonstrations of leucine-
tion of 14C-labelled threonine. In subsequent induced antagonisms in the rat, much evi-
studies, Yoshida et al. (1966) and Benevenga dence has emerged to confirm the specificity
et al. (1968) demonstrated increased incorpo- and complexity of interactions among BCAA
ration of the first-limiting amino acid into in the chick and turkey poult. In one study,
hepatic proteins of rats fed imbalanced diets. D’Mello and Lewis (1970b) showed that
Thus, both whole-animal and biochemical excess dietary leucine permitted the growth
studies with rats have demonstrated enhanced response of chicks to the first-limiting amino
utilization and retention of the limiting amino acid, methionine, only in the presence of sup-
acid following feeding of amino acid imbal- plementary isoleucine. The specificity of the
anced diets. Despite this evidence, other inves- leucine–isoleucine antagonism was thus estab-
tigators continue to invoke such imbalances to lished for the first time. However, other results
explain differences in utilization of limiting led D’Mello and Lewis (1970b) to conclude
amino acids in chicks fed excess protein that the leucine–valine interaction was rela-
(Abebe and Morris, 1990a,b) or imbalanced tively more potent. This conclusion was based
diets (Yuan et al., 2000). This issue is of suffi- on growth and plasma amino acid data (Table
cient practical significance to merit detailed 7.3). The addition of excess leucine to a diet
attention (Chapter 14). equally but marginally limiting in isoleucine
and valine precipitated a severe growth
depression in young chicks. Valine supple-
Amino Acid Antagonisms mentation reversed this effect but isoleucine
addition failed to elicit a response. Indeed, a
An amino acid antagonism may be defined as combination of excess leucine and supple-
a deleterious interaction between structurally mentary isoleucine impaired growth even fur-
similar amino acids. This category of adverse ther and precipitated a marked fall in plasma
effects was devised to accommodate the valine concentrations. In contrast, circulating
unique and separate effects of lysine and levels of isoleucine remained undisturbed
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 131

Table 7.3. Branched-chain amino acid antagonisms in the young chick: effects of excess dietary leucine
and supplements of valine and isoleucine on growth and plasma amino acid concentrations. (Adapted
from D’Mello and Lewis, 1970b.)

weight Plasma amino acid concentrations (mol 100 ml1)
gain (g
Diet chick1) Val Ile Leu Gly Lys Arg

Basala 16 15.7 5.1 12.2 43.2 66.9 16.9

Basal + Val 16 17.8 7.5 12.8 30.9 48.2 18.8
Basal + Ile 15 11.7 11.3 20.2 72.8 73.8 33.0
Basal + Val + Ile 17 – – – – – –
Basal + Leu 13 10.7 7.9 37.7 63.0 91.3 23.6
Basal + Leu + Val 15 14.5 7.4 15.2 46.6 61.4 17.8
Basal + Leu + Ile 11 9.3 10.6 40.5 73.5 75.8 27.5
Basal + Leu + Val + Ile 17 – – – – – –
aBasal diet marginally deficient in Val and Ile.

following individual or combined additions of tially alleviated with valine additions.

leucine and valine. The efficacy of valine was Examination of the plasma amino acid data
further confirmed by its ability to reduce high indicated that circulating levels of isoleucine
plasma levels of leucine, whereas isoleucine had declined most severely on combined
addition was ineffective in this respect. The addition of leucine with valine. The complex-
sensitivity of valine to leucine antagonism and ity of BCAA interactions is further illustrated
its exacerbation by isoleucine was confirmed by the response of laying pullets to excess
in a later study with chicks (D’Mello and dietary leucine (Bray, 1970). Egg production
Lewis, 1970c). Excess dietary leucine and egg yield were reduced by this excess
depressed plasma valine concentrations to the but were restored to satisfactory levels only
greatest extent when added with isoleucine. after isoleucine and valine were added in
This reduction is of particular significance combination. Failure to recognize the com-
since dietary valine was set at adequate levels. plexity of these interactions may account for
The specificity of the leucine–valine the lack of effect of isoleucine alone in allevi-
antagonism was further exemplified in studies ating a leucine-induced antagonism in pigs
with turkey poults fed diets supplemented with (Oestemer et al., 1973). Inspection of the
graded combinations of leucine and valine plasma data, however, indicated moderate
(D’Mello, 1975). Both amino acids accumu- decreases in the circulating levels of both
lated in plasma following supplementation, isoleucine and valine, thus implying that
but the extent of valine accretion was reduced combined supplements of these amino acids
as dietary levels of leucine increased. might have been more effective. However, in
However, valine supplementation failed to lactating sows, independent increases in lit-
suppress accumulation of leucine in plasma. ter weaning weights and changes in milk
composition from valine and isoleucine sup-
plements were assumed to imply separate
modes of action for these amino acids in
Despite the primacy of the leucine–valine milk synthesis (Richert et al., 1997).
antagonism, it is possible to devise dietary
conditions demonstrating enhanced sensitiv-
ity of isoleucine in BCAA interactions.
D’Mello (1974) showed that a diet supple- From studies principally with the rat, Harper
mented with a small excess of leucine et al. (1984) attributed the leucine-induced
depressed chick growth, which was only par- changes in plasma levels of isoleucine and
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132 J.P.F. D’Mello

valine to increased oxidation of these two Papet et al., 1988a) which subjugates effects
amino acids, having discounted any effects emanating from oxidative catabolism of
emanating from competition for intestinal or isoleucine and valine.
renal transport. Limited studies with the chick
support this view. Thus, Calvert et al. (1982)
demonstrated that excess leucine failed to The lysine–arginine antagonism
influence excretion of 14C-labelled isoleucine
or valine, but markedly increased oxidation of The considerable variation in the arginine
these amino acids as indicated by enhanced in requirements of the chick has provided the
vivo output of 14CO2. The catabolism of impetus for extensive and sustained investiga-
BCAA is initiated by a reversible aminotrans- tions on the lysine–arginine antagonism. In
ferase reaction (Fig. 4.13). The branched- addition, a number of feedstuffs contain
chain keto acids (BCKA) so formed then adverse ratios of lysine relative to arginine.
undergo irreversible oxidative decarboxylation Indications of a potent antagonism between
to yield acyl-CoA compounds which are lysine and arginine in the chick dates back to
degraded further in a series of reactions anal- the studies by Jones (1961) on the toxicity of
ogous to those involved in fatty acid oxida- lysine. Since then considerable evidence has
tion. Harper et al. (1984) suggested that emerged to identify features such as speci-
enhanced BCKA oxidation might account for ficity, reciprocity and mechanisms of action in
the depletion of plasma isoleucine and valine this antagonism.
pools in animals fed excess leucine. Studies
with preruminant lambs support this view in
that marked reductions in plasma concentra-
tions of keto acids derived from isoleucine and The unique specificity of this antagonism was
valine were recorded in response to excess tested in several experiments by D’Mello and
intake of leucine (Papet et al., 1988a). Lewis (1970a) who designed basal diets which
Subsequently, Papet et al. (1988b) observed were first-limiting in methionine, tryptophan,
that excess leucine increased activities of histidine or threonine, with arginine margin-
aminotransferases in the liver and jejunum ally deficient. Addition of excess lysine to each
and also activated BCKA dehydrogenase in of these diets precipitated a severe growth
the jejunum of lambs. depression in chicks which, in every case, was
Excess BCAA may, additionally, induce reversed by arginine supplementation and not
depletion of brain pools of other amino acids, by the amino acid originally deficient in the
particularly those which are the precursors of basal diet. A selection of the results relating to
the neurotransmitters. In this regard, Harrison the threonine-deficient diet is shown in Table
and D’Mello (1986) showed that excesses of 7.4, which further illustrates the specific effect
the three BCAA reduced brain concentrations of lysine in reducing plasma levels of arginine.
of noradrenaline, dopamine and 5-hydroxy- In contrast, circulating levels of threonine
tryptamine in the chick and that levels of were unaffected by the precipitation of this
these neurotransmitters were restored by antagonism. Evidence of specificity was also
dietary supplementation with their precursors, provided by Nesheim (1968) in studies with
phenyalalanine and tryptophan. The signifi- two strains of chicks differing substantially in
cance of these results awaits elucidation. their requirements for arginine. Chicks with a
Nevertheless, it is generally conceded that high arginine requirement were less able to
changes in brain metabolism of amino acids tolerate dietary excesses of lysine than chicks
and neurotransmitters may be associated with with a low requirement for arginine. However,
alterations in food intake and feeding behav- a number of factors can affect the severity of
iour (Leung and Rogers, 1987). Consistent the lysine–arginine antagonism. Excess chlo-
with this concept has been the observation ride augments the adverse effects, whereas
that a substantial element of the adverse alkaline salts of monovalent mineral cations
effects of excess leucine arises from the reduc- reduce or eliminate the potency of this
tion in food intake (Calvert et al., 1982; antagonism.
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 133

Table 7.4. Specificity of the lysine–arginine antagonism in the young chick: effects of excess dietary
lysine on growth and plasma amino acid concentrations. (Adapted from D’Mello and Lewis, 1970a.)

weight Plasma amino acid concentrations (mol 100 ml1)
gain (g
Diet chick1) Arg Thr Lys Ile Leu Tyr

Basala 13 16.6 26.6 83.8 15.8 22.4 27.8

Basal + Arg 13 20.0 23.4 91.4 12.0 22.0 27.6
Basal + Thr 20 13.6 81.6 58.8 12.0 18.6 24.6
Basal + Arg + Thr 21 28.8 94.8 80.0 15.4 23.6 24.8
Basal + Lys 8 7.4 33.6 119.8 11.8 19.0 24.2
Basal + Lys + Arg 13 10.8 40.4 169.6 12.8 23.8 23.4
Basal + Lys + Thr 10 6.8 133.6 115.0 10.8 18.8 25.0
Basal + Lys + Arg + Thr 17 7.6 80.0 120.0 9.0 18.2 21.0
aBasal diet first-limiting in Thr and second-limiting in Arg.

Effects in mammals Mechanisms

Although the lysine–arginine antagonism has By virtue of their uricotelism, avian species
been demonstrated in rats fed casein diets are unable to synthesize arginine and are par-
(Jones et al., 1966), its existence in the pig ticularly sensitive to the lysine–arginine antag-
has been refuted (Edmonds and Baker, onism. The most significant factor in the avian
1987). Relatively large excesses (35 g kg1 manifestation of this antagonism is the
diet) of lysine were required to reduce food enhanced activity of kidney arginase which
intake and efficiency of food utilization. This results in increased catabolism of arginine (see
level of lysine failed to influence arginase Fig. 4.2). If arginase activity is suppressed by
activity in any of the tissues examined. Excess the use of a specific inhibitor, then the sever-
lysine depressed plasma arginine but did not ity of the antagonism is also attenuated. A
affect its concentration in liver, kidney or second factor is the depression in food intake,
muscle. On the basis of this evidence, presumably arising from lysine-induced disrup-
Edmonds and Baker (1987) attributed the tion of brain uptake and metabolism of other
adverse effects of excess lysine in the pig to amino acids and their biogenic amines. It
an amino acid imbalance rather than to a should be noted, however, that in this antago-
specific antagonism. nism, the depression in growth precedes the
reduction in food intake (D’Mello and Lewis,
1971). Secondary mechanisms include
enhanced urinary excretion of arginine and
D’Mello and Lewis (1970c) showed that inhibition of hepatic transamidinase activity
excess arginine depressed growth of chicks (Fig. 4.8) with consequent reduction in endoge-
fed a lysine-deficient diet, an effect which nous synthesis of creatine (D’Mello, 1994).
was reversed by supplementary lysine.
However, the specificity and metabolic basis
of this effect remain unresolved. There is Antagonisms induced by non-protein
some evidence that alterations in amino acids
arginine:lysine ratios may be beneficial in
heat stress in broilers (Brake et al., 1998; A wide array of amino acids occurring natu-
Balnave and Brake, 1999). In the pig, excess rally in unconjugated forms in plants are
arginine is considered to precipitate its capable of precipitating adverse effects in ani-
adverse effects through an imbalancing mals. The presence of these non-protein
action rather than through a genuine antago- amino acids in economically important
nism (Anderson et al., 1984). species of legumes and brassicae has
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134 J.P.F. D’Mello

thwarted attempts to maximize utilization of to be confirmed, and evidence that tyrosine

these plants as sources of food for farm live- may reverse the deleterious effects of mimo-
stock. Non-protein amino acids may occur in sine is equivocal (D’Mello, 1994). The adverse
all parts of the plant, but the seed is normally properties of mimosine are extensive and
the most concentrated source (D’Mello, include disruption of reproductive function,
1991). In many instances these compounds teratogenic effects, loss of hair and wool and
bear structural analogy with the nutritionally even death. Similar effects may be induced by
important amino acids or their neurotransmit- feeding Leucaena to cattle and sheep. Thus
ter derivatives active in the central nervous the defleecing effects in sheep may be precipi-
system of animals. Consequently, manifesta- tated by administration of pure mimosine or
tions of deleterious effects range from reduc- by feeding Leucaena forage.
tions in food intake and nutrient utilization to Manifestations of Leucaena toxicity are
profound neurological disorders and even determined by geographical differences in
death (Table 7.5). rumen microbial ecology and are critically
dependent on the rate and extent of bacter-
ial breakdown of mimosine (see Fig. 4.5).
Following degradation, 3-hydroxy-4(1H)-
The aromatic amino acid mimosine con- pyridone (3,4-DHP) is synthesized; this itself
tributes significantly to the toxicity of the ubiq- is capable of causing loss of appetite, goitre
uitous tropical forage legume, Leucaena and reductions of blood thyroxine concentra-
leucocephala. Mimosine may be regarded as tions (Jones, 1985). Another goitrogen and
a structural analogue of tyrosine and its neuro- isomer, 2,3-DHP may also be synthesized in
transmitter derivatives, dopamine and nor- the rumen. Thus the association of mimosine
adrenaline. However, the effects on brain with tyrosine metabolism appears to be
metabolism of these biogenic amines have yet mediated indirectly via the two forms of

Table 7.5. Distribution and adverse effects of some non-protein amino acids. (Adapted from D’Mello, 1991.)

Plant (g kg1 dry
Amino acid species weight) Adverse effects

Mimosine Leucaena 145 (seed) Loss of wool; teratogenic
leucocephala 25 (leaf) effects; organ damage; death
Analogues of sulphur amino

Se-methylselenocysteine 
Selenocystathionine  Astragalus ? ‘Blind staggers’; death
S-methylcysteine sulphoxide Brassica 40–60 (leaf) Haemolytic anaemia; loss of
appetite; reduced milk yield;
organ damage; death
Arginine analogues

Canavanine Canavalia ensiformis 25–51 (seed) 
Gliricidia sepium 40 (seed)  Reduced growth and
Robinia pseudoacacia 98 (seed)  nitrogen retention

Indigofera spicata 9 (seed)
Indospicine Indigofera spicata 20 (seed) Teratogenic effects; liver
Homoarginine Lathyrus cicera 12 (seed) Reduced growth and food
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 135

DHP. Some rumen bacteria are capable of Another analogue, S-methylcysteine

detoxifying both forms of DHP. Despite sulphoxide (SMCO) occurs in forage and root
these reactions, considerable quantities of brassica crops. The presence of this amino
mimosine and 3,4-DHP may escape rumen acid constitutes a significant deterrent to the
degradation and other derivatives may also exploitation of these crops as fodder for rumi-
be excreted. Ruminants in Australia, the nant animals. The adverse effects of SMCO
USA and Kenya lack the requisite bacteria occur after its metabolism by rumen bacteria
involved in the detoxification of the two to dimethyl disulphide (Smith, 1980). A
DHP isomers and, consequently, succumb to severe haemolytic anaemia appears within
their goitrogenic effects if high intakes of 1–3 weeks in animals fed mainly or exclu-
Leucaena are maintained over a protracted sively on brassica forage. Initial overt indica-
period of time. On the other hand, in certain tions of the disorder include loss of appetite
other regions where Leucaena is indigenous and reduced milk production, whereas inter-
(Central America) or is naturalized (Hawaii nal changes include the appearance of refrac-
and Indonesia), ruminants possess the full tile, stainable granules (Heinz–Ehrlich bodies)
complement of bacteria that are required for within the erythrocytes and reduced blood
DHP degradation, which accounts for the haemoglobin concentrations. Extensive organ
absence of Leucaena toxicity in these coun- damage is an accompanying feature of this
tries (Jones, 1985). However, the transfer of condition, with the liver becoming swollen,
DHP-degrading bacteria to cattle in Australia pale and necrotic. Critical daily intakes of
has been achieved with complete success. SMCO range from 15 to 19 g kg1 body
Inoculated animals grazing Leucaena show weight irrespective of the source of the amino
markedly higher live-weight gains and serum acid. Surviving animals continuing to graze the
thyroxine concentrations than untreated crop may make spontaneous but incomplete
Leucaena-fed controls (Quirk et al., 1988). recovery with further fluctuations in blood
Dosed cattle rapidly reduce urinary DHP haemoglobin concentrations. Withdrawal of
excretion despite a doubling of Leucaena the forage usually results in the restoration of
intake. The isolation of active DHP-degrad- normal blood composition within 3–4 weeks.
ing bacteria from the faeces of dosed ani-
mals implies that treatment of just a few
Analogues of arginine
animals may provide sufficient inoculum for
the entire herd. This technique thus offers Of the three analogues of arginine (Table
a viable strategy for maximizing utilization 7.5), canavanine is more widely distributed
of Leucaena with the added benefit of and present in higher concentrations in legu-
improved cattle performance. minous seeds. Canavanine contributes signifi-
Despite its toxicity, mimosine may have a cantly to the toxicity of Canavalia ensiformis
role to play in the removal of fibre from (jack bean, JB) for young chicks. Adverse
Angora goats (Reis et al., 1999). However, effects may also arise through the synthesis
further research is necessary to develop a of canaline, a structural analogue of
convenient means of mimosine delivery to the ornithine, by the action of arginase on cana-
goats in a manner that maximizes fibre yield vanine. The mammalian metabolism of cana-
and avoids toxicity. vanine corresponds with that of arginine in
the urea cycle (see Fig. 4.4). Since this cycle
is non-functional in avian species, they are
Analogues of sulphur-containing amino acids
unable to synthesize arginine and, conse-
Striking analogues of the sulphur-containing quently, readily succumb to the adverse
amino acids exist naturally in plants (D’Mello, effects of canavanine in jack beans (D’Mello
1991), particularly in those species where the et al., 1989). As shown in Table 7.6, chicks
sulphur atom is replaced by selenium. The fed JB, autoclaved to denature potent lectins,
debilitating disorders associated with these grew at reduced rates and utilized food and
selenoamino acids are manifestations of acute dietary N less efficiently than control animals.
selenium poisoning. Canavanine appeared in the serum of JB-fed
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136 J.P.F. D’Mello

Table 7.6. Whole-animal and metabolic responses of chicks fed a control diet or autoclaved jack bean
(JB) diets containing canavanine.a (Adapted from D’Mello et al., 1989.)

Efficiency Efficiency
of food of nitrogen
Daily conversion retention
weight (g gain g1 (g N retained Serum Serum
gain dry matter g1 N canavanine urea
Diet (g chick1) intake) consumed) (mg l1) (mg l1)

Control 35 0.761 0.609 0.0 10.6

JB basal 22 0.681 0.547 14.2 20.9
JB basal + Lys 18 0.637 0.508 10.3 27.7
JB basal + Arg 25 0.698 0.532 12.0 45.8
JB basal + Lys + Arg 27 0.702 0.540 11.1 42.5
aCanavanine content of JB basal diet: 3.7 g kg1 diet dry matter.

chicks and, in addition, serum urea concen- Neurotoxic amino acids

trations exceeded control values. Lysine sup-
Neurotoxic non-protein amino acids occur in
plementation aggravated the effects on
the form of the structurally related lathyro-
growth and on food intake and utilization. In
gens, β-(N)-oxalyl amino alanine and α,-
contrast, arginine supplementation enhanced
diaminobutyric acid. Their occurrence in
weight gain and food intake. These results
certain legume seeds has been associated with
support the existence of a canavanine–
the condition of neurolathyrism in humans,
arginine antagonism analogous to that
between lysine and arginine. Similarities exist but well-defined neurotoxic effects have also
in several respects. Thus in both antago- been observed on administration of the pure
nisms, arginine requirements and urea excre- forms of these amino acids to animals
tion are enhanced, although the relative (D’Mello, 1991). There is currently some
proportions of this additional urea arising interest in the use of Lathyrus sativus and
from canavanine and arginine remain to be Vicia sativa grains for poultry, but the occur-
established. The failure of supplementary rence of neurolathyrogenic amino acids in
arginine to substantially reduce circulating these seeds may represent a primary limiting
levels of the respective antagonists is a fea- factor. Ruminants may be able to degrade
ture common to both interactions. Creatine neurolathyrogens as shown by the absence of
supplementation markedly improved the effi- toxicity in wether lambs on feeding Lathyrus
ciencies of dry matter and N utilization in sylvestris hay with a relatively high
chicks fed JB (D’Mello et al., 1990). It is diaminobutyric acid concentration of 12 g
noteworthy that Austic and Nesheim (1972) kg1 dry weight (Forster et al., 1991).
also reported improvements in food utiliza-
tion efficiency with creatine supplementation
in the lysine–arginine antagonism. However,
differences between the two interactions are There is overwhelming evidence to indicate
also apparent in that arginine enhanced effi- that the adverse effects of the non-protein
ciencies of utilization of food and N in chicks amino acids are mediated via diverse mecha-
fed excess lysine but not in those fed diets nisms. These are summarized in Table 7.7
containing canavanine. Homoarginine (Table and discussed at length by D’Mello (1991).
7.5) exacerbated the effects of canavanine- The multimodal action of these amino acids is
induced toxicity in chicks fed JB diets, serving exemplified by the mechanisms proposed for
to illustrate the diversity of interactions canavanine. The increased urea output in
among the analogues and antagonists of argi- chicks fed JB diets containing canavanine
nine (D’Mello, unpublished). may reflect enhanced arginase activity in the
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 137

Table 7.7. Diverse mechanisms underlying the adverse effects of selected non-protein amino acids.

Amino acid Biochemical changes Effects

Canavanine Enhanced arginase activity Increased arginine catabolism

Decreased activity of ornithine Reduced polyamine synthesis
decarboxylase following synthesis
of canaline
Competition with lysine and Reduced intestinal absorption of
arginine for transport lysine and arginine
Inhibition of transamidinase Reduced creatine synthesis
Synthesis of aberrant proteins Enhanced protein turnovera
Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis Impaired immunocompetencea; reduced
food intakea
Mimosine Reduced synthesis of high- Reduced wool strengtha
tyrosine proteins
Reduced DNA synthesis Inhibition of wool biosynthesis
Complex formation with pyridoxal Cystathioninuria
phosphate-dependent enzymes
S-methylcysteine Blockage of sulphydryl groups Inactivation of key proteins

kidney. Such an increase might lead to an degraded as rapidly as they are formed lead-
inadvertent loss of arginine in a manner anal- ing to enhanced overall protein turnover
ogous to that observed in the lysine–arginine rates, a feature which might contribute to the
antagonism. Canavanine administration to poor N retention efficiencies of chicks fed JB
rats induces substantial increases in serum and diets (Table 7.6). Canavanine may also inhibit
urinary concentrations of ornithine. Hepatic nitric oxide synthesis which would impair
activity of ornithine decarboxylase is reduced immunocompetence and reduce food intake.
by a factor of five in chicks fed JB diets con- Canavanine is now recognized to be a potent
taining canavanine (D’Mello, 1993). These inhibitor of food intake in pigs (Enneking et
effects may be attributed to the synthesis of al., 1993).
canaline, which forms a covalent complex Despite the economic importance of
with pyridoxal phosphate, thereby inhibiting Leucaena, information concerning the mech-
activities of enzymes such as ornithine decar- anism of action of mimosine remains frag-
boxylase which require the vitamin as a cofac- mentary (Table 7.7). Consistent with the
tor. Ornithine decarboxylase is a key enzyme action of several structural analogues, synthe-
in the synthesis of the polyamines (see Fig. sis of high-tyrosine protein components of
4.3) involved in the regulation of cell growth wool is reduced in sheep given intravenous
and differentiation. Canavanine may also act infusions of mimosine (Frenkel et al., 1975).
by competing with arginine and lysine for The activities of several pyridoxal phosphate-
transport across membranes. Another focal dependent enzymes may be inhibited through
point for toxic action may reside in the ability the ability of mimosine to form complexes
of canavanine to act, like lysine, by inhibiting with the vitamin moiety. In addition, both
transamidinase activity, resulting in reduced mimosine and 3,4-DHP are known to cause
creatine synthesis. In addition, canavanine inhibition of wool follicle DNA synthesis in
may replace arginine during protein synthesis vitro (Ward and Harris, 1976).
leading to the formation of aberrant proteins The mode of action of SMCO requires
with modified functional properties. However, elucidation, although it is acknowledged that
the evidence is equivocal and D’Mello (1991) its derivative, dimethyl disulphide, inactivates
proposed that canavanyl proteins may be key proteins through blockage of sulphydryl
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138 J.P.F. D’Mello

groups. The reaction with reduced glu- tryptophan. Oral or intraruminal administra-
tathione, a key factor in the protection of red tion of tryptophan or the indole to cattle can
blood cells from oxidative injury, represents cause respiratory distress and pulmonary
one mechanism for SMCO toxicity. Brassica- lesions similar to those seen in the natural dis-
fed ruminants appear to compensate for inac- order (Carlson et al., 1968). Toxicity is medi-
tivation of proteins by increasing synthesis of ated after the indole is metabolically activated
growth hormone and thyroxine which, in by a mixed function oxidase to a reactive free
turn, stimulate production of replacement radical product capable of initiating tissue
proteins (Barry et al., 1985). damage in the lung. The severity of the syn-
drome may be reduced by dietary treatments
which increase tissue glutathione. Tryptophan
Amino Acid Toxicity toxicity depends on the balance between
metabolic activation of 3-methylindole and its
Unique toxic effects may be precipitated on conjugation with glutathione.
feeding excess quantities of individual amino The unusual amino acid, lysinoalanine,
acids by virtue of their particular structural or may arise during alkali treatment of protein
functional properties. Benevenga and Steele feedstuffs (Finot, 1983). The feeding of pro-
(1984) reviewed the evidence derived princi- teins containing lysinoalanine causes a reduc-
pally from observations with laboratory ani- tion in biological values of diets for rats and in
mals. The acute growth depressions caused by the induction of renal lesions. The significance
excesses of some individual amino acids may of these observations in farm animal nutrition
be accompanied by profound and specific requires elucidation since alkali treatment may
lesions in organs and tissues. Toxicities may be used for denaturing antigenically active
also be demonstrated in farm livestock, and globular proteins in soybean meal.
Baker (1989) indicated that, at 40 g kg1
diet, methionine is the most growth-depress-
ing amino acid. At this inclusion level, leucine, Conclusions
isoleucine, and valine do not impair growth
when added to practical diets for pigs and The categories of imbalances, antagonisms
poultry. Excess threonine depresses growth in and toxicities elucidated in studies with the rat
chicks but not in pigs, whereas arginine is constitute a satisfactory basis for classifying
more toxic to the pig than the fowl. Scherer the adverse effects of amino acids in farm live-
and Baker (2000) suggest that excess methio- stock. Amino acid imbalances are ubiquitous
nine may increase vitamin B6 requirements of in conventional diets fed to non-ruminants,
young chicks. In calves, manifestations of causing reductions in growth and N utilization.
methionine toxicity include reduced food In pigs fed once daily, imbalances may also
intake, depressed N retention and body occur at the tissue level due to differential
weight loss (Abe et al., 1999). Such instances rates of absorption of amino acids from crys-
of toxicity are, in the main, confined to experi- talline and intact protein sources. With poul-
mental situations. However, Adeola and Ball try, high-protein diets based on poor-quality
(1992) reported that dietary excesses of tryp- ingredients may depress utilization of the first-
tophan or tyrosine administered for 5 days limiting amino acid, an effect attributed to
prior to slaughter reduced stress in pigs, a amino acid imbalance. Antagonisms occur
response attributed to increased hypothalamic widely in livestock nutrition due to adverse
concentrations of several neurotransmitters. ratios of lysine and arginine and of the
Of some practical significance is the branched-chain amino acids in some common
occasional incidence, under natural condi- feedstuffs. Adverse effects may also arise from
tions, of interstitial pulmonary emphysema the presence of non-protein amino acid ana-
and oedema in ruminants subjected to sudden logues such as mimosine in Leucaena and
changes in diet. This syndrome is associated SMCO in brassica forages. Although rumi-
with the ruminal production of abnormal nants are normally less susceptible to dietary
quantities of 3-methylindole (skatole) from amino acid imbalances and toxicities, there
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Adverse Effects of Amino Acids 139

are notable instances when ruminal metabo- enzyme activities and competition with spe-
lism serves to precipitate deleterious effects cific indispensable amino acids for transport
through the production of reactive metabolites and protein synthesis.
from mimosine, SMCO, and tryptophan. Animals are able to adapt to dispropor-
The adverse effects of amino acid imbal- tionate intakes of certain amino acids by
ances are precipitated via reductions in food enhancing disposition. However, the most
intake and alterations in the brain uptake and striking example of degradation is that
metabolism of amino acids, but the precise achieved by some rumen bacteria enabling
mechanisms await elucidation. In contrast, Leucaena-fed cattle and goats in many
antagonisms are mediated via a diverse array regions of the tropics to metabolize mimosine
of mechanisms including modulation of to innocuous residues.


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8 Methionine–Cystine Relationships in
Pig Nutrition

A.J. Lewis*
Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Introduction Analytical Difficulties

Among the 20 amino acids that constitute the One of the challenges in reviewing the nutri-
primary structure of proteins, two, methionine tion of methionine and cystine for pigs is the
and cysteine, contain a sulphur atom. Because difficulty in analysis for these two amino acids.
of their interconversions, these two amino As discussed by Williams (1994), methionine
acids are usually classified together as sulphur- and cyst(e)ine undergo oxidation during the
containing amino acids or sulphur amino acids. ‘standard method’ of hydrolysis. Substantial
Methionine, whose name is derived from amounts of methionine and cyst(e)ine are lost.
its chemical name, 2-amino-4-(methyl- To circumvent this, the sulphur amino acids
thiol)butyric acid, is nutritionally essential for all must be protected before hydrolysis. The usual
animal species. Cysteine, like methionine, is method is a controlled oxidation of methionine
incorporated into proteins based on the genetic to methionine sulphone and cyst(e)ine to cys-
code, however, from a nutritional point of view teic acid (Schram et al., 1954). Performic acid
cysteine is classified as conditionally dispensable is used to oxidize the amino acids and hydro-
in most animal species, including pigs (Table gen bromide is added as the reducing agent to
1.1). Cysteine is unstable in solution and is read- destroy the excess performic acid when the
ily oxidized to the dimer form, cystine. Thus oxidation is complete (Moore, 1963).
when proteins are hydrolysed cystine is pro- In addition, the complete removal of
duced, with the number of moles of cystine HCl from the sample is critical when lithium-
being equal to half the number of moles of cys- based, ion-exchange chromatography is
teine within the protein structure. For this rea- used. The resolution of the early eluted
son, it is cystine that is normally considered in a peaks, which include cysteic acid, aspartic
nutritional context, and the term sulphur amino acid, methionine sulphone, and threonine, is
acids usually means methionine + cystine. very sensitive to the pH of the injected sam-
Cystine was first isolated from urinary bladder ple (Mondino et al., 1972). A small change
calculi and named from the Greek word (kystis), in sample pH can change the shape and size
meaning bladder. The structures of methionine of the aspartic acid peak and can also
and cysteine are illustrated in Fig. 8.1, and the change the retention times of both the
conversion of cysteine into cystine is shown in methionine sulphone and threonine peaks
Fig. 8.2. The term ‘cyst(e)ine’ is used to refer to affecting their resolution (Pickering, 1989;
cysteine and/or cystine. Grunau and Swiader, 1992).

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 143
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144 A.J. Lewis

H H 8.3). Methionine can be activated by ATP to

S-adenosylmethionine. This compound read-
ily donates its methyl group to a wide variety
CH 2 CH 2 of acceptors. The resulting compound, S-
CH 2 SH adenosylhomocysteine, is then hydrolysed to
homocysteine and adenosine. Homocysteine
is a key intermediate because it can be
CH 3 remethylated to methionine or can condense
with serine to form cystathionine and then
cysteine. An important feature of these con-
Methionine Cysteine
versions is that the conversion of homocys-
Fig. 8.1. Structures of methionine and cysteine.
teine into cysteine is not reversible. The net
effect of these metabolic pathways is that
H methionine can be converted into cysteine,
but cysteine cannot be converted into methio-
H2 N C C O OH H2 N C C O OH nine. Several of the steps in the activated
CH 2 CH 2 methyl cycle (in which methionine is
demethylated to homocysteine and homocys-
SH S teine is then remethylated to methionine)
S require B-vitamin coenzymes. Thus, there are
SH important relationships between the sulphur
CH2 amino acids and other nutrients.
H Nutritional Essentiality

The first study in which one of the sulphur

Cysteine Cystine
amino acids was added to the diet of pigs was
Fig. 8.2. Conversion of two molecules of cysteine
described by Bell et al. (1950). These authors
into one molecule of cystine.
reported that the addition of methionine at
2.0 g kg1 to a semipurified diet in which soy-
Analysis of methionine and cysteine in bean meal provided the sole source of protein
plasma and serum is also sensitive to the meth- improved biological value. The basal soybean
ods used before the chromatographic analysis. meal diet contained 100 g kg1 protein and
Plasma and serum should be deproteinized as 0.7 g kg1 methionine, but the cystine con-
soon as possible after collection because tent of this diet was not given. The biological
deproteinizing before freezing helps to prevent value of the methionine-supplemented diet
loss of methionine and cysteine (Stein and and the weight gain of the pigs fed this diet
Moore, 1954; DeWolfe et al., 1967). were equal to those of pigs fed a whole egg
Difficulties in analysis for the sulphur amino protein diet with 100 g kg1 protein and
acids make it crucial that analytical methods are 2.7 g kg1 methionine. This study was the
described in research papers. Unfortunately, first to show that methionine was an essential
much of the older research, and some more amino acid for pigs. Previous research had
current research, failed to use adequate analysis shown that methionine was essential for rats,
methods and therefore the results of experi- mice, chicks and humans.
ments can be difficult to interpret. One year later, Shelton et al. (1951) fed
a semipurified diet containing 210 g kg1
protein, 1.0 g kg1 methionine, and 0.1 g
Metabolic Conversions kg1 cysteine to growing pigs. They supple-
mented the diet with either methionine, cys-
The metabolic relationships between methio- tine, or a mixture of the two amino acids.
nine and cysteine are well established (Fig. Supplementation with 6.0 g kg1 cystine
Amino Acids - Chap 08 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 145

Methionine-Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition 145

Methionine S -Adenosylmethionine

Homocysteine S -Adenosylhomocysteine

Cystathionine Cysteine

Fig. 8.3. Metabolic pathways of sulphur amino acids.

increased weight gain from 43 to 163 g yields only the natural L-isomer, chemical syn-
day1, whereas supplementation with 5.0 g thesis yields a racemic (50:50) mixture of D-
kg1 methionine increased weigh gain to 572 and L-isomers (DL-methionine). D-Amino acids
g day1. Furthermore, supplementation with are not used by animals for protein synthesis
2.0 g kg1 methionine and 3.0 g kg1 cystine or for other metabolic purposes. Therefore,
was as effective as supplementation with 5.0 g any ingested D-methionine must be converted
kg1 methionine or 5.0 g kg1 methionine into L-methionine before it can be utilized.
plus 6.0 g kg1 cysteine. These results con- The conversion (or inversion) consists of two
firmed the essentiality of methionine and steps: (1) oxidative deamination to the -keto
placed cystine in the ‘conditionally dispens- acid (2-keto-4-(methylthiol)butyric acid) and (2)
able’ category. These early results indicated transamination of an amino group from gluta-
that the total sulphur amino acid requirement mate. Most animals except primates readily
of pigs weighing approximately 20 kg was convert D-methionine into L-methionine, and
6.0 g kg1 of the diet and that all of this could this is true for pigs. Although an early study
be provided by methionine or half could be indicated that the D-form was used less effec-
provided by methionine and half by cystine. tively than the L-form by very young pigs (Kim
Although these conclusions were based on and Bayley, 1983), later studies indicated that
very limited numbers of animals, and there DL-methionine and L-methionine were nutri-
was no evidence of statistical analysis, current tionally equivalent (Reifsnyder et al., 1984;
estimates of sulphur amino acid requirements Chung and Baker, 1992a). The results of
are remarkably similar to these early values. Chung and Baker (1992a) show equal uti-
lization of D-, L- and DL-methionine by 10-kg
pigs (Fig. 8.4). Commercial feed-grade
Bioavailability of D-Methionine and methionine is in the DL-form.
D-Cysteine In contrast to methionine, the D-isomer
of cysteine does not have bioactivity.
Unlike most other amino acids, which are Apparently, there is no metabolic pathway
produced commercially by fermentation, crys- from D-cysteine to the -keto analogue of cys-
talline methionine is produced by chemical teine and therefore neither D-cysteine nor D-
synthesis. This has an important biological cystine has biological activity (Baker, 1994;
implication because whereas fermentation Lewis and Baker, 1995).
Amino Acids - Chap 08 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 146

146 A.J. Lewis

c c c
Average daily gain (g)

300 a



Basal 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.57
g kg–1 g kg–1 g kg–1 g kg–1 g kg–1
L-Met L-Met D-Met DL-Met DL-HMB

Fig. 8.4. Average daily gain of 10-kg pigs fed a basal diet (containing 1.9 g kg1 methionine and 10 g
kg1 cystine) supplemented with various sources of methionine (Chung and Baker, 1992a). The amount
of 0.57 g kg1 HMB (2-hydroxy-4-(methylthiol)butyric acid, also known as methionine hydroxy analogue)
is equimolar to 0.5 g kg1 methionine. Bars without a common letter (a, b or c) differ (P < 0.05).

Bioavailability of Methionine activity on a molar basis (Becker et al., 1955;

Analogues Urbańczyk et al., 1981; Reifsnyder et al.,
1984; Steinhart and Kirchgessner, 1985;
In addition to DL-methionine, which is mar- Roth and Kirchgessner, 1986; Chung and
keted in a 99% pure feed-grade form Baker, 1992a; Stockland et al., 1992; Knight
(Degussa, 2001), other sources of supplemen- et al., 1998; Römer and Abel, 1999).
tal methionine activity are available to the ani- Although, this conclusion continues to be
mal feed industry. In particular, challenged (Pack and Höhler, 2000), data of
2-hydroxy-4-(methylthiol)butyric acid (HMB), Chung and Baker (1992a; Fig. 8.4) and
commonly known as methionine hydroxy ana- Knight et al. (1998; Fig. 8.5) provide clear
logue, has been manufactured in both solid illustrations of equal efficacy of DL-methionine
and liquid forms. The solid consists of two and the liquid form of HMB.
moles of HMB bound to calcium by the two Because HMB does not contain nitrogen,
carboxyl carbons and generally contains 86% supplementation with HMB results in less
HMB. The liquid contains 88% HMB, which excretion of urinary nitrogen than supplemen-
exists in monomer (77%), dimer (17.2%), tation with an equivalent amount of DL-
trimer (4%), and oligomer (1.8%) forms methionine (Römer and Abel, 1999). This
(Novus International, 2001). All HMB prod- would obviously be advantageous when mini-
ucts are 50% D-HMB and 50% L-HMB. mization of nitrogen excretion is important.
There has been considerable controversy
about the biological value of HMB relative to
DL-methionine. The controversy has been Sulphur Amino Acid Requirements
fuelled by the commercial importance of
methionine supplements, especially in poultry. In pig diets based on cereal grains and oilseed
Although there has been a wide range of esti- meals, sulphur amino acids are usually the sec-
mates, poultry seem to utilize HMB with ond, third or fourth limiting amino acids
lower molar efficiency than DL-methionine (Lewis, 2001). The other limiting amino acids
(see review by Lewis and Baker, 1995). In are lysine, threonine and tryptophan. Because
pigs, however, most, but not all, research sup- of this importance, numerous experiments
ports the conclusion that HMB and DL- have investigated the sulphur amino acid
methionine are equal sources of methionine requirements of pigs. A comprehensive review
Amino Acids - Chap 08 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 147

Methionine-Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition 147


Average daily gain (g)





Basal 0.50 0.57 1.00 1.14
g kg–1 g kg–1 g kg–1 g kg–1

Fig. 8.5. Average daily gain of 4-kg pigs fed a basal diet (containing 2.3 g kg1 methionine and 4.8 g
kg1 cystine) supplemented with DL-methionine or 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthiol)butyric acid (HMB) (Knight et
al., 1998). The amounts of HMB (0.57 and 1.14 g kg1) are equimolar to 0.5 and 1.0 g kg1 DL-
methionine. The contrasts basal vs. (0.50 g kg1 methionine + 0.57 g kg1 HMB) and (0.50 g kg1
methionine + 0.57 g kg1 HMB) vs. (1.0 g kg1 methionine + 1.14 g kg1 HMB) were significant (P <
0.05); there was no difference between DL-methionine and HMB.

of sulphur amino acid requirements was pub- ine + cystine:lysine depended on the dietary
lished by NRC (1998). A computer model is lysine concentration and thus the growth rates
included that enables requirements to be calcu- of the pigs. At the highest lysine concentra-
lated for growing pigs with specific weights tions fed (11 g kg1) the optimal methionine
and lean growth rates or for sows with speci- + cystine:lysine ratio was 56–57%. This is
fied levels of reproductive performance. identical to the NRC ratio for this weight
To adjust for differences in bioavailability range. In another experiment, Kirchgessner et
in amino acids among different feedstuffs, the al. (1994b) found that weight gain and feed
NRC computer model uses true (or standard- efficiency of pigs weighing 20–60 kg were
ized) ileal digestible amino acids. However, out- maximized when the total methionine content
put is also provided in terms of apparent ileal was 3.1 g kg1 (3.4 g kg1 of dry matter). For
digestible amino acids and also as total amino pigs weighing 60–95 kg, weight gains were
acids. The NRC requirements (on a true ileal maximized with 2.4 g kg1 total methionine
digestible basis) for methionine + cystine (2.6 g kg1 of dry matter). These values are
decrease from 7.6 to 3.1 g kg1 of the diet, as higher than the corresponding NRC values of
pigs increase in weight from the 3- to 5-kg 2.5 and 2.0 g kg1, respectively. However
range up to the 80- to 120-kg range. This is the estimates of methionine + cystine require-
an increased requirement from 1.9 to 9.5 g ments (4.9 and 4.1 g kg1) were somewhat
day1 over the same weight ranges. For sows, lower than the NRC requirements (5.4 and
methionine + cystine requirements range from 4.4 g kg1). Obviously, this implies a discrep-
3.1 to 3.3 g kg1 (5.7–6.4 g day1) during ancy in the proportion of methionine + cys-
gestation and from 3.5 to 4.3 g kg1 tine requirement that can be provided by
(13.9–26.0 g day1) during lactation, depend- cystine. This issue will be discussed more in a
ing on the level of production. later section.
Some additional research on sulphur Knowles et al. (1998) reported that for
amino acid requirements of pigs is available pigs from approximately 75 to 110 kg the
that was not included in the NRC review. ratio of total sulphur amino acids:lysine
Kirchgessner et al. (1994a) reported that in required was no greater than 47% to maxi-
7- to 30-kg pigs the optimal ratio of methion- mize growth performance and carcass
Amino Acids - Chap 08 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 148

148 A.J. Lewis

muscling, although the ratio to minimize fat sion of cystine into methionine, it has been
deposition was 65%. In comparison, the NRC assumed that methionine can fulfil the need
value for 80–120 kg is 58%. Loughmiller et for both methionine and cystine but that cys-
al. (1998) found that the apparent ileal tine can only fulfil the cystine need and, there-
digestible methionine requirement of gilts in fore, only a portion of the methionine +
the late finishing stages was 1.25 g kg1 cystine requirement. This issue has important
(≈3.0 g of apparent ileal digestible methionine practical implications because most feedstuffs
day1) or 25% of the ileal digestible lysine included in swine diets are higher in cystine
requirement. These values are all lower than than methionine (NRC, 1998). Thus, diets
the NRC requirements of 1.3 g kg1, 4.1 g can be relatively high in total sulphur amino
day1, and 28% of lysine for apparent ileal acids but low in methionine. In addition, it has
digestible methionine. been suggested that a high cystine content
Recently, Matthews et al. (2001c) deter- may increase the methionine requirement
mined that the sulphur amino acid require- (Kirchgessner et al., 1994b). Although the
ment of pigs from 5 to 10 kg was 6.4 g kg1 question about the maximum proportion of
on an apparent ileal digestible basis. This is total sulphur amino acids that can be provided
almost identical to the NRC requirement of by cystine seems simple at first sight, many
6.3 g kg1. issues have confounded estimates during the
Thus, some of these additional results 50 years that this has been investigated.
suggest requirements higher than those of the Some of the issues are methodological such
NRC and some suggest lower requirements. as inappropriate response criteria, underesti-
Overall, it seems that the NRC requirements mation of sulphur amino acid content of diets
are satisfactory, although there is some indica- because of improper analysis, and differences
tion that the requirements during late finishing in bioavailability of sulphur amino acids in dif-
stages may be lower than indicated by NRC. ferent feedstuffs (Chung and Baker, 1992b).
In addition, however, there are two fundamen-
tal issues that can confound interpretation of
Ileal Digestibility vs. Bioavailability results. First it is important to clarify whether
the replacement of methionine with cystine is
Batterham et al. (1993) found that ileal on a weight or molar basis. Because the mole-
digestibility may not always provide a good cular weight of methionine (149) is greater
estimate of methionine bioavailability, espe- than that of cysteine (121), equal weights of
cially for protein supplements that have been these two amino acids provide only 81% as
heat processed. The proportion of apparent many moles of methionine as cysteine
ileal digestible methionine retained by pigs dif- (121/149 = 0.81). Thus, on a weight basis,
fered among different protein sources. The increasing the methionine:cysteine ratio pro-
proportions were 39% for cottonseed meal, vides a decreasing number of moles of sulphur
45% for meat and bone meal, and 47% for amino acids. Almost all estimates of the maxi-
soybean meal. The authors concluded that in mum portion of the methionine + cystine
‘heat-processed meals a considerable propor- requirement that can be provided by cystine
tion of the methionine is absorbed in a form(s) have been expressed on a weight basis and
that is (are) inefficiently utilized’. have ignored this issue. The second issue is
that the proportion of methionine + cystine
that can be provided by cystine is much
Proportion of Sulphur Amino Acids greater for maintenance than for new tissue
That Can Be Provided by Cystine accretion. Consequently, the cystine replace-
ment value increases as a pig matures and
An important question in the sulphur amino maintenance becomes a larger proportion of
acid nutrition of animals is the extent to which total amino acid need.
cystine can meet the methionine + cystine An initial estimate of the proportion of
requirements. Because methionine can be methionine + cystine that could be provided
converted into cystine but there is no conver- by cystine was proposed by Shelton et al.
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Methionine-Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition 149

(1951). Based on their experiment, they con- Nitrogen balance tended to increase as the
cluded that the methionine requirement of 20- proportion of sulphur amino acids provided
kg growing pigs was 6.0 g kg1 in the by cystine increased from 26 to 66%,
absence of cystine and 3.0 g kg1 in the pres- although none of the differences were signifi-
ence of adequate or excess cystine (6.0 g cant. In two growth assays, however, weight
kg1 added cystine in their experiment). On gain was reduced when the proportion of cys-
the basis of these results, they concluded that tine was increased from 56 to 66%, leading
‘approximately 50% of the methionine can be the authors to conclude that ‘regardless of
replaced with cystine in the diet of the wean- assay procedure, cystine can provide at least
ling pig’. Although this study made an impor- 56% of the requirement for total dietary sul-
tant initial contribution, both the number of phur amino acids’. Differences between the
animals and the number of treatments was two types of assays were attributed to the fact
very limited. There was no titration of either that feed intake was equalized in the nitrogen
the methionine + cystine requirement or vari- balance study, whereas ad libitum access to
ous methionine:cystine ratios. feed was allowed in the growth experiments.
In later work, Curtin et al. (1952a,b) In a comprehensive series of experi-
found that the methionine + cystine require- ments, German researchers have also investi-
ment of 15-kg pigs was approximately 7 g gated methionine–cystine relationships. Based
kg1 of the diet and that 3.8 g kg1 cystine on growth experiments with pigs in weight
could replace a corresponding amount of ranges 30–60 kg and 60–90 kg, Roth and
methionine, suggesting that cystine could sup- Kirchgessner (1987) concluded that the maxi-
ply ≥ 50% of the methionine + cystine mum proportion of sulphur amino acids that
requirement. Becker et al. (1955) reported could be provided by cystine was 55%. The
that the methionine requirement of 10-kg pigs authors cautioned, however, that at higher
was 2.5 g kg1 in the presence of 1.7 g kg1 performance levels the maximum permissible
cystine. From this, they concluded that cystine proportion of cystine may be lower than this.
could provide 40% of the methionine + cys- In a subsequent paper, Roth and Kirchgessner
tine requirement. Again, however, in both of (1989) tested methionine:cystine ratios from
these experiments there was no titration of 36:64 to 64:36. Pig performance improved
various methionine:cystine ratios and there- as the methionine:cystine ratio increased from
fore no direct determination of the maximum 36:64 to 40:60 to 45:55. There were no fur-
proportion of cystine that could be utilized. ther significant increases in performance as
During the 1960s, two additional papers ratios were increased to 50:50, 55:45,
were published by the research group at the 60:40, and 64:36. These data support their
University of Illinois. Mitchell et al. (1968) earlier research, indicating that cystine can
measured the nitrogen balance of 10-kg pigs. provide up to 55% of the methionine + cys-
They studied methionine:cystine ratios from tine requirement. However, using quadratic
96:4 to 30:70. Although there were no signifi- regression analysis, the authors found that
cant differences, there was a tendency for peak performance was obtained when the
nitrogen balance to increase as cystine methionine:cystine ratio was 55:45, implying
replaced methionine. This would be expected that not more than 45% of the methionine +
because of the increase in the moles of sul- cystine requirement should be furnished by
phur amino acids added. Based on these cystine.
results, the authors concluded that ‘cystine Chung and Baker (1992b) used a purified
can replace at least 70% of the methionine diet (to avoid issues of different bioavailability
need without decreasing nitrogen retention’. of amino acids among different feedstuffs) to
Despite this conclusion, there was a 6.5% study methionine:cystine ratios in 10-kg pigs.
reduction in nitrogen balance when the pro- In two experiments, methionine:cystine ratios
portion of cystine was increased from 57 to from 100:0 to 40:60 were examined. The
70%. In the following year, the same research authors concluded that no more than 50% of
group (Baker et al., 1969) reported similar the methionine + cystine requirement could
results for the nitrogen balance of 11-kg pigs. be supplied by cystine.
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150 A.J. Lewis

Thus, estimates of the maximum propor- Can Methionine Satisfy the Total
tion of methionine + cystine that can be pro- Need for Sulphur Amino Acids?
vided by cystine range from 40 to 70%,
although the majority of estimates are from 45 Because methionine is readily converted
to 55%. Some of the difference in estimates into cystine, it is usually assumed that all of
may relate to the differences in protein accre- the sulphur amino acid needs can be pro-
tion and maintenance needs. The whole-body vided by methionine and there is no need
protein content of pigs contains approximately for inclusion of cystine in diets. Although
1.9 g methionine per 100 g protein and 1.2 g this issue is not important in practical diets
cystine per 100 g protein (see review by because of the relative abundance of cys-
Mahan and Shields (1998) of nine different tine, when purified diets are formulated it is
studies). This represents a methionine:cystine an important question. As pointed out by
ratio of 61:39. Fuller et al. (1989) calculated Creek (1968), it takes 1.24 times as much
that the requirements for accretion of 100 g of methionine as cystine to contribute the
body protein by 30- to 50-kg pigs were: same number of moles of sulphur amino
methionine 1.9 g and cystine 1.7 g, or a acids because of the difference in molecular
methionine:cystine ratio of 53:47. Thus, both weights. Thus, when sulphur amino acids
of these estimates suggest that less than 50% are limiting and cystine replaces methionine
of the methionine + cystine requirement on a weight basis, performance would be
should be provided by cystine. On the other expected to increase up to the point at
hand, the optimal proportions for mainte- which cystine needs are fully met by dietary
nance are quite different. Fuller et al. (1989) cystine. Several experiments (Mitchell et al.,
estimated that the maintenance requirements 1968; Baker et al., 1969; Chung and
in terms of mg kg1 body weight0.75 per day Baker, 1992b) have provided data that illus-
were 9 for methionine and 40 for cystine. This trate this effect, although in most cases dif-
is a methionine:cystine ratio of 18:82. Part of ferences were not statistically significant.
the reason for the large cystine requirement The same effects have been reported in
for maintenance is the high cystine content of studies with chicks. Graber and Baker
hair and other keratin tissues (Baker et al., (1971) found that methionine and cystine
1966). These differences between protein were equivalent on a molar basis, but that
accretion and maintenance are recognized in on a weight basis methionine was only 78–
the NRC (1998) publication, which estimates 79% as efficacious as cystine. To address
methionine:cystine ratios of 49:51 for protein the issue of differences in molecular weight,
accretion and 23:77 for maintenance. Chung and Baker (1992b) fed 10-kg pigs a
Because of these differences, the overall ratio series of diets in which cystine replaced
will shift as a growing pig matures and the methionine on a molar basis rather than a
maintenance needs become an increasing pro- weight basis. Although there were no statis-
portion of the overall nutrient needs. tically significant differences in the perfor-
Therefore, based on the results of several mance of pigs fed the different diets, pigs
experiments and on more theoretical grounds, fed a 50:50 proportion of methionine and
it seems that in most situations cystine can cystine on a molar basis gained weight 8.5%
supply at least 50% of the methionine + cys- faster than pigs fed a diet in which methion-
tine requirements. Although in some cases an ine provided the sole source of sulphur
even greater proportion could probably be amino acids. Thus, although the data are
provided by cystine, a good practical ‘rule of limited, and cystine is not considered ‘essen-
thumb’ remains that when formulating diets tial’ in a classical sense, there may be some
for growing pigs, one should ensure that no improvements in pig performance when at
more than 50% of the sulphur amino acid least a portion of the sulphur amino acid
requirement is furnished by cystine. requirement is provided by cystine.
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Methionine-Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition 151

Effects of Excess Methionine and Whether similar effects occur in swine is

Cystine unknown. It has been suggested (Kirchgessner
et al., 1994b) that a high cystine intake
The negative effects of excess intakes of increases the total sulphur amino acid require-
amino acids have been recognized for many ment in pigs. However, this may simply be to
years (see Chapter 7), and methionine is ensure that the methionine intake is adequate.
well known as one of the amino acids that There is no evidence that excess cystine inter-
causes the greatest growth depressions feres with methionine in pigs.
(Harper et al., 1970). Work with pigs has
confirmed observations in other species.
Edmonds and Baker (1987) fed 8-kg pigs Relationship of Methionine with Other
maize–soybean meal diets with 0, 5, 10, 20 Methyl Donors
or 40 g kg1 excesses of methionine.
Additions of 5 or 10 g kg1 excess methion- In addition to its primary function as a con-
ine did not affect weight gain, feed intake, stituent of proteins, methionine can be con-
or gain:feed ratios. However, additions of verted into S-adenosylmethionine and
20 or 40 g kg1 excess methionine resulted S-adenosylhomocysteine, as illustrated in
in reductions in feed intake and weight gain Fig. 8.3. These reactions release a methyl
but not gain:feed. These results were con- group that is used in several metabolic
sidered typical of amino acid imbalances. In processes, primarily DNA methylation and
a comparative toxicity study, Edmonds et al. synthesis of carnitine from lysine, adrenaline
(1987) found that 40 g kg1 excess methio- from noradrenaline, and creatine from
nine reduced weight gain by 52%. This guanidine acetate (Simon, 1999). Thus,
reduction was much greater than reductions methionine is sometimes referred to as a
elicited by 40 g kg1 excesses of arginine ‘methyl donor’. To regenerate methionine
(31%), tryptophan (28%), lysine (16%) and from homocysteine, a methyl group must be
threonine (5%). transferred back via either the tetrahydrofo-
In rats, excess cystine causes alterations late pathway (involving folates and vitamin
of lipid metabolism and reductions in feed B12) or the betaine pathway (Fig. 8.6).
intake and weight gain (Aoyama et al., 1992). Betaine can be produced from choline by an
Some of these changes can be prevented by irreversible two-step oxidation reaction that
supplementation with methionine or choline. occurs in liver and kidney.


5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Betaine

Vitamin B12 Betaine aldehyde Choline

Tetrahydrofolate Dimethylglycine

Fig. 8.6. Two metabolic pathways for the conversion of homocysteine into methionine.
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152 A.J. Lewis

The notion that some of the methionine therefore sulphur amino acid intake. The
requirement could be spared or reduced by authors concluded that betaine did not spare
increasing the intake of choline or betaine methionine in their experiment. Thus,
has attracted attention for several years. The although supplementation of pig diets with
idea is appealing because replacement of DL- betaine has been shown to be beneficial in
methionine or protein sources with betaine, some situations, the effects are probably not
which is commercially available to the feed due to methionine sparing, but are more
industry (Danisco, 2001), could reduce diet likely due to other factors such as effects on
costs. Unfortunately, experiments with pigs osmoregulation or energy metabolism.
have not been encouraging. Simon (1999) Normal pig diets that are adequately supple-
reviewed ten papers and abstracts, published mented with choline should contain adequate
between 1990 and 1998, in which betaine amounts of methyl donors.
was supplemented in pig diets. The conclu-
sions reached in this review were that ‘in
none of these studies did supplementation Conclusions
with betaine (1.0–1.25 g kg1) exert any con-
sistent and significant effect on growth or car- Sulphur amino acids are important in pig
cass traits’ and ‘under normal conditions, nutrition because they can be the limiting
carcass traits cannot be improved in pigs by nutrient, especially when crystalline amino
adding extra betaine or choline to the diets acids such as lysine, tryptophan, and threo-
during the finishing period’. Since the review nine are supplemented. Methionine supple-
by Simon (1999) several additional papers ments for the feed industry are available as
(Emmert et al., 1998; Matthews et al., DL-methionine and 2-hydroxy-4-(methyl-
1998, 2001a,b,c; Øverland et al., 1999) and thiol)butyric acid, commonly known as
abstracts (Casarin et al., 1997; Hall et al., methionine hydroxy analogue, and both are
1997; Cromwell et al., 1999, 2000; Kitt et nutritionally equivalent to L-methionine.
al., 1999, 2000; Pettey et al., 2001; Requirements for sulphur amino acids are
Schrama et al., 2001) have reported experi- difficult to determine because of analytical
ments in which the effects of betaine have difficulties and differences in bioavailability
been evaluated in terms of growth, carcass among feedstuffs. However, the require-
traits, and pork quality measures. Although ments listed by the NRC (1998) are satisfac-
positive effects have been observed in some tory for most purposes. A portion of the
experiments, results have been variable and sulphur amino acid requirement can be pro-
inconsistent. Furthermore, few of the experi- vided by cystine. Although the actual
ments have been designed to measure amount will depend on a number of factors,
directly whether betaine can substitute for a the recommendation that not more than
portion of the methionine requirement. Kitt 50% (on a weight basis) of the methionine +
et al. (2000) attempted to do this, but were cystine requirement should be provided by
unable to demonstrate a response to added cystine is a good guideline for practical diet
methionine and therefore unable to evaluate formulation. In theory, all of the sulphur
the effect of betaine. The paper by Matthews amino acid needs can be provided by
et al. (2001c) seems to be the only report in methionine, but it seems that there may be
which a direct comparison of the replace- some advantage to including at least some
ment value of betaine for methionine is possi- cystine in diets. All diets based on cereal
ble. In a diet that was shown to be limiting in grains will normally contain plenty of cys-
methionine, supplemental betaine did tine. Attempts to replace part of the methio-
increase weight gain. However, the response nine requirement with other methyl donors
was due to an increase in feed intake and have not proved promising.
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Methionine-Cystine Relationships in Pig Nutrition 153


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9 Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles

for Pigs

S. Boisen*
Department of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Research Centre Foulum,
Tjele, Denmark

Introduction Among these factors, the dietary supply

of the other amino acids, in particular all the
The optimal dietary supply of amino acids to essential amino acids, is of significant impor-
farm animals has been intensively studied for tance. In fact, the requirement for one specific
many years. Most studies have focused on the amino acid can only be established if the
establishment of the requirement for one sin- dietary supply of all other essential amino
gle amino acid, in particular, for one of those acids, as well as crude protein, is adequate, i.e.
essential amino acids that are most commonly is not limiting responses of variable supply of
limiting in practical diets (for references see the investigated amino acid in the actual study.
NRC, 1988, 1998). It follows that when the requirement for
Lysine is generally the first-limiting amino one single amino acid is determined all other
acid in practical cereal-based pig diets and has essential amino acids need to be considered.
also been the most investigated. Thus, in a sur- Consequently, some knowledge of the ideal
vey of studies on lysine requirements published profile of all essential amino acids other than
in international journals from 1985 to 1995, the one investigated is necessary in order to
NRC (1998) refer to estimations of lysine secure proper experimental diets.
requirement for piglets up to about 20 kg live The concept of ideal protein and propos-
weight from 18 publications, for growing pigs in als for its composition were introduced more
the live-weight range 20–50 kg from 23 publi- than 20 years ago (ARC, 1981). The continu-
cations, and for finishing pigs in live-weight ous research on amino acid requirements has
range 50–100 kg from 26 publications. led to several proposals for modified ideal pro-
Nevertheless, a general agreement on the teins for growing pigs as reviewed by, for
amino acid requirements for pigs has not yet example, Cole and Van Lunen (1994) and
been established. The major reason for this is Boisen (1997). Furthermore, the officially rec-
probably a number of different factors that ommended dietary amino acid profile used in
may influence the actual requirement of each different countries is still relatively variable.
individual amino acid and, consequently, the The aims of this chapter are: (i) to discuss
results obtained in the specific study. the expression and establishment of the ideal
Obviously, if these factors are not understood dietary amino acid profile for pigs; (ii) to
or properly considered the obtained results demonstrate how this profile can be utilized
will not have general validity. for characterizing the protein quality in feeds,

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 157
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158 S. Boisen

and finally (iii) to discuss how experimental and probably also of proline that include several
conditions may be optimized and standardized synthetic steps, may not be sufficiently high to
for obtaining a generally agreed ideal dietary fully satisfy the requirements for these amino
amino acid profile for pigs. Because the ideal acids during the first rapid growth phase (Fuller,
protein for sows is discussed in Chapter 12, 1994). On the other hand, the dietary supply of
the present chapter will focus on growing pigs these two amino acids appear always to be in
from weaning to slaughter. surplus in relevant practical diets for piglets.
Therefore, this possible insufficiency will not be
considered as a matter of practical relevance.
Expression of the Ideal Dietary Amino Figure 9.1 also illustrates that the two
Acid Profile amino acids, cysteine and tyrosine can be syn-
thesized from the essential amino acids, methio-
Essential and non-essential amino acids nine and phenylalanine, respectively. Thus, an
undersupply of cysteine and tyrosine can be
The twenty amino acids commonly occurring compensated by an oversupply of methionine
in proteins are given in Fig. 9.1. Together with and phenylalanine, respectively. On the other
the different properties (chemically reactive hand, cysteine and tyrosine cannot compensate
groups), by which the different amino acids for undersupply of methionine and phenylala-
can be characterized, Fig. 9.1 also illustrates nine, respectively. Consequently, a complete
the non-essential amino acids that can be syn- composition of ideal protein for pigs includes
thesized by simple transamination, or in some also the sum of sulphur amino acids (methion-
cases more complex reactions, of metabolites ine + cysteine) and aromatic amino acids
from the oxidation products of glucose or, as (phenylalanine + tyrosine) together with methio-
for arginine, from the urea cycle in mammals. nine and phenylalanine, respectively.
In piglets, the synthesis rate of arginine, In the ideal amino acid profile suggested by


Non-essential: Semi-essential: Essential:

NH4 +
Serine Hydroxy
3-P-Glycerate Threonine amino acids

Pyruvate Glycine Sulphur

NH4+ Cysteine Methionine amino acids
Acetyl-CoA Isoleucine
+ Asparagine Branched-
OAA NH4 + Leucine chain
amino acids
CO2 TCA CO2 Aspartate Valine
cycle Acidic
NH4+ Amino acids
Glutamate Tryptophan
α-KGA Aromatic
NH4+ Phenylalanine amino acids
Arginine Histidine
Proline Basic
amino acids
Urea Arginine Lysine
cycle Urea
Citrulline Ornithine

Fig. 9.1. Essential amino acids and synthesis routes of semi-essential and non-essential amino acids.
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Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs 159

the ARC (1981) lysine was used as reference tophan. These amino acids are generally used
for the other amino acids. Tryptophan has also for improving the protein quality in the diets
been suggested as a reference for the other in practical pig feed production.
essential amino acids (NRC, 1988). However, it 2. A secondary limiting group which
is now generally accepted that lysine is most includes: (i) isoleucine, leucine and valine (all
suitable (ARC, 1991; NRC, 1998). Some very branched-chain amino acids); (ii) histidine, and
good reasons for using lysine as reference are: (iii) phenylalanine (and aromatic amino acids).
(i) lysine is commonly the first limiting amino Each of these amino acids can become limit-
acid in practical diets, (ii) lysine is the most ing when the diets are supplemented with
investigated amino acid with respect to require- amino acids from the primary limiting group.
ment; (iii) the requirement for lysine is, together However, at present the amino acids from the
with leucine, higher than the other amino acids; secondary limiting group are not commercially
and (iv) lysine does not contribute quantitatively available at reasonable prices. Furthermore,
to other specific functions than protein synthe- due to the present insufficient knowledge on
sis. their precise requirements the benefit for a
further reduction in the dietary protein level
by their supplementation is difficult to assess.
Order of essential amino acids according
to their degree of limitation
Definition of the ideal dietary amino acid
The order of essential amino acids describing profile
the ideal amino acid profile in relation to their
The first proposals for ideal amino acid pro-
general order of limitation in common cereal-
files referred directly to the concentration of
based diets is given together with their specific
amino acids in the diet. However, due to vari-
properties in Table 9.1. Furthermore, the
ations in the availability of the individual
essential amino acids can be separated into
amino acids in dietary proteins the profile
two groups according to their general degree
should rather be related to the available amino
of limitation.
acids in the diet. Generally, the ileal digestibil-
1. A primary limiting group which includes ity is considered to be the most correct mea-
lysine, threonine, methionine (and sulphur sure for availability, although the availability of
amino acids) and tryptophan. The require- some amino acids, e.g. lysine, may be over-
ments for these amino acids can generally be estimated by this method, in particular in
met after supplementation of industrial prod- heat treated feedstuffs (Batterham, 1994,
ucts of lysine, threonine, methionine and tryp- Moughan and Rutherfurd, 1996).

Table 9.1. Essential amino acids according to their general order of limitation
in common practical diets for growing pigs.

Essential amino acid Chemical property Order of limitation

Lysine Basic amino acid Primary

Threonine Hydroxy amino acid
Methionine Sulphur amino acid
Methionine + cystine Sulphur amino acid
Tryptophan Indole amino acid
Isoleucine Branched-chain amino acid Secondary
Leucine Branched-chain amino acid
Valine Branched-chain amino acid
Histidine Imidazole amino acid
Phenylalanine Aromatic amino acid
Phenylalanine + tyrosine Aromatic amino acid
Amino Acids - Chap 09 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 160

160 S. Boisen

Several tables of apparent ileal digestibil- In conclusion, the ideal dietary amino acid
ity of amino acids were published about 10 profile refers to the optimal composition of the
years ago and ideal amino acid profiles have available amounts, i.e. ileal standardized
been suggested on this basis. However, as dis- digestible, of all the essential amino acids and
cussed by, for example, Boisen and Moughan N in the diet. Then, the dietary supply of all
(1996a,b) and Mosenthin et al. (2000) values individual essential amino acids, as well as of
of apparent digestibility are influenced by the N, should be equally limiting for covering the
total, i.e. basal plus extra feed specific, actual requirements for a certain production.
endogenous protein losses during the diges-
tion processes and, therefore, are influenced
by the protein level in the experimental diets Establishment of the Ideal Dietary
used for their determination. On the other Amino Acid Profile for Pigs
hand, values of standardized (or true)
digestibility only include the feed-specific Basically, it would be expected that sow’s milk,
losses which are correctly debited on the feed- which can be considered to be optimized for
stuff itself. Therefore, for obtaining maximal suckling piglets during evolution, would also
accuracy (and general validity) in the ideal provide the weaned piglets with an ideal amino
dietary amino acid profile, it should be related acid profile. This assumption is supported by
to values of standardized digestibility of the the fact that the profile is very constant in
individual amino acids. sow’s milk and apparently not influenced by
It is now generally accepted that values of the dietary composition (Boisen, 1997).
standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids Furthermore, this composition is very
are those to be used in practical feed evalua- close to the amino acid composition in the
tion. Recently, several tables on true or stan- body as well as in the deposited protein during
dardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in growth (Table 9.2). Because the composition of
common feedstuffs for pigs have been pub- deposited protein, during growth up to 100 kg
lished (NRC, 1998; Rademacher et al., live weight is relatively constant and, further-
1999; CVB, 1999; AmiPig, 2000; Pedersen more, the requirements for protein deposition
and Boisen, 2002). account for a dominating portion of the total
Furthermore, in order to optimize effi- amino acid requirements, it would also be
ciency, and also to reduce surplus-N, the opti- expected that the ideal dietary amino acid pro-
mal ratio between essential amino acids (EAA) file is relatively constant during this period. The
and non-essential amino acids (NEAA) has residual amino acid requirements are related to
been defined (Wang and Fuller, 1989; see also maintenance requirement, which appear to be
Chapter 6). On the other hand, experimen- dominated by the ileal endogenous protein loss
tally determined EAA/NEAA ratios are influ- during the digestion processes (Fuller, 1991,
enced by the composition of the NEAA in the 1994; Boisen and Moughan, 1996a).
experimental diets, as well as of other avail- Compared with sow’s milk ileal endogenous
able N-compounds, e.g. nucleic acids. protein losses are low in most essential amino
Therefore, a more precise characterization acids except threonine, cystine and tryptophan
would be the ratio obtained from the amounts (Table 9.2). The concentration of cystine is fur-
of standardized digestible EAA-N and total-N, thermore very high in hair (Table 9.2) which is
respectively. lost continuously during growth. Tryptophan
Alternatively, the ideal profile of essential and tyrosine are precursors for important hor-
amino acids can be directly expressed in rela- mones, i.e. serotonin, tyroxine and adrenaline.
tion to crude protein (g kg1 CP or g 160 g1 After weaning, the requirements for these
N). This results in a simple and more informa- amino acids may increase due to extra losses of
tive definition of the dietary ideal amino acid endogenous protein when dietary fibre and
profile. Furthermore, from these values the antinutritional factors in the feed are increased
theoretical biological value (BV) of the diet, as and a generally increased hormone production.
well as the single protein sources, can be On the other hand, the higher concentration of
directly calculated as discussed later. histidine in deposited protein than in sow’s milk
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Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs 161

Table 9.2. Amino acid composition (g 160 g1 N) of sow’s milk compared with the composition in whole
body and deposited protein during growth, ileal endogenous protein loss and hair, respectively.

Essential and semi- Endogenous

essential amino acids Sow’s milka Whole bodyb Depositedc proteind Hairc

Lysine 71 66 69 30 33
Threonine 39 39 38 45 59
Methionine 18 19 19 10 4
Cystine 13 11 10 16 134
Tryptophan 12 8 n.d.e 12 n.d.
Isoleucine 41 35 40 25 35
Leucine 81 72 77 40 77
Valine 54 48 51 35 60
Histidine 25 29 32 15 11
Phenylalanine 39 39 37 30 23
Tyrosine 42 27 28 20 9
aMean of 32 samples (Boisen, 1997).
bDetermined at 20 kg live weight (Fuller, 1994).
cFrom 20 to 90 kg live weight (Jørgensen et al., 1988).
dMean of 36 determinations (Boisen and Moughan, 1996a).
en.d., not determined.

may be explained by its ability to be stored in high in threonine, sulphur amino acids and
carnosine when there is a dietary surplus (Fuller tryptophan, the ideal dietary amino acid pro-
et al., 1989). file changes during growth (e.g. Rademacher
The amino acid profile (relative to et al., 1999). However, for fast-growing pigs
lysine) of sow’s milk is compared with pro- this may be of little practical importance
posals for ideal protein from the literature in before 100 kg live weight (Boisen, 1997). A
Table 9.3. Characteristically, amino acids in major portion of the extra maintenance
the primary limiting group are generally rep- amino acid requirements may derive from
resented at a higher ratio, whereas those in the feed-specific extra endogenous ileal pro-
the secondary limiting group are often rep- tein losses which is compensated for when
resented at a lower ratio in the proposals using values of standardized ileal digestible
than found in sow’s milk. As described in amino acids as discussed above. Thus, the
the introduction, all amino acids in the first optimal threonine:lysine ratio was not found
limiting group have been intensively studied. to increase significantly up to 100 kg live
Nevertheless, there is still some disagree- weight in a recent study (Pedersen et al.,
ment about the relative requirements for 2003). On the other hand, the requirements
these amino acids, in particular for the sul- of amino acids relative to energy appear to
phur amino acids, which vary by up to 30% be generally reduced with almost 50% from
between the different proposals. the extrapolated value at zero to 100 kg live
The amino acids in the secondary limiting weight (for lysine and threonine from 10.5
group are much less investigated. However, and 6.8, respectively to 5.25 and 3.4,
there is no obvious reason for a lower ratio of respectively) as shown in Fig. 9.2.
these amino acids in the ideal profile than In conclusion, sow’s milk can be consid-
found in sow’s milk. ered as a valuable guide for establishment of
It is generally believed that, due to the ideal dietary amino acid profile for growing
increasing contribution of maintenance pigs after weaning and until slaughter at 100
requirements of protein, which is relatively kg live weight in fast growing pigs.
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162 S. Boisen

Table 9.3. Proposals for ideal dietary amino acid profile (relative to lysine) for growing pigs compared
with the profile of sow’s milk.

Aa B C D E F G

Primary limiting amino acids

Lysine 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Threonine 55 60 75 65 66 60 64
Methionine 25 26 27 31 – – 26
Met + Cys 44 50 59 60 50 55 52
Tryptophan 17 15 19 18 18 18 17
Secondary limiting amino acids
Isoleucine 58 55 61 60 50 54 57
Leucine 114 100 110 100 100 102 114
Valine 76 70 75 68 70 68 74
Histidine 35 33 32 32 33 32 35
Phenylalanine 55 49 59 51 – – 57
Phe + Tyr 114 96 122 95 100 93 114
Arginine 62 – – 42 – 48 –
aA:Sow’s milk (Table 9.2); B: ARC (1981); C: Fuller et al. (1989); D: Chung and Baker (1992); E: Cole
and van Lunen (1994); F: NRC (1998); G: Boisen et al. (2000).




Requirement (g FUp–1)

4 Threonine

0 10 20 30
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Live weight (kg)
Fig. 9.2. Requirements for lysine and threonine (g per FUp (feed units for pigs)) relative to dietary
energy of fast growing pigs until 100 kg live weight.

Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profile and balance studies in which N-intake and N-
Biological Value of Dietary Protein excretion with faeces and urine, respec-
Sources tively, are determined. This information is
often relevant for complete diets, whereas
The biological value (BV) of dietary protein for single protein sources traditional BV is
is only related to the first limiting amino acid of less use for feed evaluation and diet for-
and can be determined experimentally in N- mulation.
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Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs 163

Table 9.4 shows different proposals for in single protein sources a detailed charac-
the ideal profile of dietary amino acids in terization of protein quality is obtained.
relation to crude protein. When using this Table 9.5 describes the protein quality of
profile (from column G in Table 9.4) relative two single feedstuffs and a simple diet,
to the composition of available amino acids based only on those two protein sources.

Table 9.4. Proposals for amino acid composition (g 160 g1 N) of ideal protein for growing pigs.

Aa B C D E F G

Primary limiting amino acids

Lysine 70 65 59 81 (70)b (70)b 70
Threonine 42 47 44 53 46 42 45
Methionine 18 – 16 25 – – 18
Met + Cys 35 41 35 49 35 39 36
Tryptophan 10 12 11 15 13 13 12
Secondary limiting amino acids
Isoleucine 38 39 36 49 35 38 40
Leucine 70 72 65 81 70 71 80
Valine 49 49 44 55 49 48 52
Histidine 23 – – 26 23 22 25
Phenylalanine 34 – 35 41 – – 40
Phe + Tyr 67 78 72 77 70 65 80
aA:ARC (1981); B: Wang and Fuller (1989); C: Fuller et al. (1989); D: calculated from Chung and Baker
(1992); E: Cole and van Lunen (1994); F: NRC (1998); G: Boisen et al. (2000).
bCalculated from Table 9.2 assuming lysine is 70 g 160 g1 N.

Table 9.5. Protein quality of protein sources and diets in relation to the ideal dietary amino acid pattern.

Barley Soybean meal Digestible (g kg1) AA patternd

Totala (%)b Total1 (%)b Barley SBM Dietc Barley SBM Diet

Primary limiting amino acids

Lysine 3.8 75 28.6 92 2.9 26.3 5.1 48 92 64
Threonine 3.6 75 18.2 88 2.7 16.0 3.9 71 88 78
Methionine 1.8 84 6.6 93 1.5 6.1 1.9 99 83 94
Cystine 2.4 84 6.9 89 2.0 6.1 2.3 – – –
Met + Cys – – – – 3.5 12.2 4.2 116 83 105
Tryptophan 1.2 79 5.9 92 1.0 5.4 1.4 94 111 100
Secondary limiting amino acids
Isoleucine 3.7 81 20.8 91 3.0 18.9 4.4 89 116 99
Leucine 7.3 83 35.7 90 6.1 32.1 8.4 90 99 93
Valine 5.2 80 21.6 90 4.2 19.4 5.5 95 92 94
Histidine 2.4 81 12.5 92 1.9 11.5 2.8 92 113 100
Phenylalanine 5.5 84 23.7 91 4.6 21.6 6.1 137 133 136
Tyrosine 3.3 83 17.4 92 2.7 16.0 3.9 – – –
Phe + Tyr – – – – 7.3 37.6 10.0 109 116 112
Crude protein (N 6.25) 105.5 80 456.4 89 84.4 406.2 112.3 – – –
aDegussa (1996).
bStandardized digestibility (Amipig, 2000).
c85% barley + 10% soybean meal + 5% non-protein ingredients.
dRelative to proposal for ideal protein (Table 9.4, column G).
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164 S. Boisen

According to the amino acid profile of the Generally, supplementation of industrial

diet only supplementation with lysine and amino acids is needed, in particular of the
threonine is needed to assure high dietary investigated amino acid because of the neces-
protein quality. Furthermore, these calcula- sity of a series of experimental diets only
tions indicate that leucine and valine from varying in the composition of the investigated
the secondary limiting group are equally lim- amino acid. These amino acids are generally
iting with methionine from the first limiting expected to be 100% utilized. However, free
group. Thus, a much more informative amino acids may be more susceptible to reac-
characterization of protein sources and diets tions with other compounds in the feed than
is obtained by this simple method than the protein-bound ones. In particular, free
traditional BV. methionine and tryptophan are known to be
sensitive to destruction from free radicals pro-
duced from oxidation of unsaturated fatty
Optimization and Standardization of acids during storage.
Experimental Conditions The content of supplemented free amino
acids should, therefore, generally be con-
The accumulating knowledge from experi- trolled throughout the experiment.
mental determinations of requirements for
amino acids has not yet led to a generally
agreed standard ideal dietary amino acid Utilization of free amino acids
profile. One reason for this is that a large supplemented directly into the actual diet
number of factors influence amino acid
requirements in practical pig production. Possible destruction of free amino acids can be
Obviously, many of these factors also influ- avoided by direct supplementation to the diet
ence experimental results when estimating immediately before feeding. However, because
requirements. Furthermore, the specific free amino acids may be quickly fermented in
experimental basis may influence the results liquid feed, they would also be expected to be
obtained and, consequently, the conclusions susceptible to the possible fermentation which
drawn. Therefore, all influencing factors may occur in the stomach before the digesta
should always be considered appropriately enter the small intestine. Furthermore, free
when estimating amino acid requirements. amino acids may not be absorbed as efficiently
Below, some generally influencing factors as peptides actually generated after normal
are discussed and possible ways of standard- protein digestion. Thus, studies by van der
ization of future studies on amino acid Meulen et al. (1998) indicate that the effi-
requirements are suggested. ciency in the recovery of free dietary amino
acids in the portal vein may vary considerably,
from 100% for isoleucine, to about 80% for
Verification and control of available lysine, threonine, methionine and tryptophan
amino acids in the experimental diets and only 60% for cystine.
The different possible influencing factors
Firstly, the amounts of available amino acids, question the general expectation that indus-
i.e. standardized digestible amino acids, in the trial amino acids are 100% utilized and free
actual batches of ingredients for the experi- amino acids may in some cases be utilized
mental diets should be known by using: (i) even less efficiently than protein-bound amino
100% digestible protein sources; (ii) table val- acids. Obviously, this possible overestimation
ues of protein sources which are known to of the actual concentration and utilization of
vary only little; (iii) direct in vivo digestibility supplemented industrial amino acids may
measurements of the actual batches; or (iv) result in overestimation of the amino acid
analyses for in vitro digestibility of protein requirements which are commonly based on
from which the digestibility of the amino acids experimental diets with increasing levels of
may be calculated with sufficient accuracy the investigated amino acid supplemented in
(Boisen, 2000). its free form.
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Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs 165

Other factors influencing experimental in the actual experimental diets. Furthermore,

determinations of amino acid it is necessary to consider that the amino acid
requirements requirements relative to the energy supply
rapidly decrease during growth (Fig. 9.2).
Many natural compounds in common feed- Therefore, in order to simplify the pre-
stuffs may influence amino acid requirements. sumptions on which the experiments are
Thus, antinutritional factors like trypsin based, experimental determinations of individ-
inhibitors increase the requirements for sulphur ual amino acid requirements relative to a ref-
amino acids due to increased losses of cystine- erence amino acid, i.e. lysine, using the
rich proteolytic enzymes (Liener, 1979). On the concept of an ideal dietary amino acid profile,
contrary, feedstuffs containing choline or may generally improve validity of the obtained
betaine may reduce the requirements of sul- results on amino acid requirements.
phur amino acids due to their function as For a proper experimental determination
methyl-donors, which may replace this function of the optimal ratio between a specific amino
of methionine. acid, e.g. threonine, and lysine, five diets, only
Animal factors can also influence the varying in the composition of threonine, are
determination of amino acid requirements. needed. Figure 9.3 illustrates the principle in
Thus, the health status of the experimental the prediction of the optimal Thr:Lys ratio in a
animals, e.g. inflammatory processes, theoretically perfect experiment with five levels
increases the requirement for methionine for of threonine and each series is performed at
extra production of antibodies (Williams and two different levels of lysine. In both series
Stahly, 1996). This may also affect responses lysine is limiting in relation to energy supply.
obtained with newly operated cannulated pigs However, threonine is only limiting at the two
(Pedersen and Boisen, 2001). lowest levels, which describe the slope of the
response curves, whereas the two sets with the
highest levels of threonine describe the plateau
Basic principles for experimental when lysine is limiting, and threonine is in a
diets relative surplus. The intercept between the two
linear curves corresponds exactly to the ratio
In growing pigs, protein deposition is closely at which threonine and lysine are equally limit-
associated with deposition of water and bone ing and, consequently, the optimal ratio
development, resulting in a weight increase of between the two amino acids. This ratio is not
4.4 kg for each kg deposited protein (Boisen considered to be influenced by the concentra-
and Verstegen, 2000). Growth and feed uti- tion of the amino acids when they are only
lization are therefore often used as response slightly below their requirements relative to the
parameters in studies on amino acid require- energy requirement.
ments. However, many different factors influ- For establishing the optimal ratio
ence these responses, in particular the growth between a specific amino acid, e.g. threonine
of the pig and, consequently, its actual amino and lysine, the latter needs to be undersup-
acid requirements. plied throughout the experimental period.
The most fundamental factor is the Furthermore, all other essential amino acids
dietary energy supply which usually limits pro- need to be slightly oversupplied. Otherwise,
tein deposition up to at least 40 kg live weight the determined ratio between the investigated
(Black, 2000). Consequently, amino acid amino acid and lysine will be underestimated.
requirements should basically be related to the According to Fig. 9.2 this is a particular prob-
optimal composition of available amino acids lem in younger pigs where the amino acid
relative to available energy in the diet. On the requirements relative to the energy require-
other hand, feed evaluations throughout the ment are rapidly decreasing. The practical
world are based on many different energy solution for this can be a 10% deficit of lysine
evaluation systems (Boisen and Verstegen, and a 10% surplus of each of the other essen-
1998) and a number of factors may influence tial amino acids. This may be performed by
the correct determination of available energy using a multiphase feeding system in which
Amino Acids - Chap 09 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 166

166 S. Boisen


0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75

Thr : Lys ratio
Fig. 9.3. Theoretically perfect experimental data for determining the optimal Thr:Lys ratio in diets for
growing pigs at two different limiting levels of lysine (for further details see text).

the protein concentration is gradually useful reference for most amino acid require-
decreased (Boisen, 1993). ments for growing pigs, with the exception of
threonine, sulphur amino acids and trypto-
phan. These have relatively high requirements
Conclusions after weaning due to increased maintenance
requirements, which also increase relatively
The ideal amino acid profile is a valuable tool when the relative protein deposition decreases
for characterizing the amino acid require- in the finishing period of slaughter pigs.
ments for pigs as well as the protein quality of However, for practical feed production the
feedstuffs and diets. In practical feed evalua- ideal dietary amino acid profile for fast grow-
tion systems there appears to be a tendency ing pigs may be considered to be constant.
to higher recommendations for amino acids Because experimental determinations of
from the primarily limiting group than for amino acid requirements are influenced by a
those in the secondary limiting group, which large number of factors, more standardization
are also generally much less studied. This may and improved optimization of the experimen-
be related to a tendency to experimental over- tal conditions is generally needed before dif-
estimations of the requirement for the investi- ferences in the ideal dietary amino acid profile
gated amino acid. for growing pigs from weaning to 100 kg live
Sow’s milk appears to be a relevant and weight can be identified and documented.


AmiPig (2000) Ileal standardized digestibility of amino acids in feedstuffs for pigs. AFZ, Ajinomoto
Eurolysine, Aventis Animal Nutrition, INRA; ITCF, France.
ARC (1981) The Nutrient Requirements of Pigs. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, Farnham Royal, UK.
Amino Acids - Chap 09 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 167

Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profiles for Pigs 167

Batterham, E.S. (1994) Ileal digestibilities of amino acids in feedstuffs for pigs. In: D’Mello, J.P.F. (ed.)
Amino Acids in Farm Animal Nutrition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 113–131.
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Boisen, S. (1993) New strategy for optimizing amino acid supply to growing pigs. In: Verstegen, M.W.A.,
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Boisen, S. and Moughan, P.J. (1996a) Dietary influences on endogenous ileal protein and amino acid loss
in the pig – a review. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A, Animal Science 46, 154–164.
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in pig feeds and their application in protein evaluation: a theoretical approach. Acta Agriculturae
Scandinavica A, Animal Science 46, 165–172.
Boisen, S. and Verstegen, M.W.A. (1998) Evaluation of feedstuffs and pig diets. Energy or nutrient based
evaluation systems? 1. Limitations of present energy evaluation systems. Acta Agriculturae
Scandinavica A, Animal Science 48, 86–94.
Boisen, S. and Verstegen, M.W.A. (2000). Developments in the measurement of the energy content of
feeds and energy utilisation in animals. In: Moughan, P.J., Verstegen, M.W.A. and Visser, M. (eds)
New Developments in Feed Evaluation. Wageningen Pers, The Netherlands, pp. 57–76.
Boisen, S., Hvelplund, T. and Weisbjerg, M.R. (2000) Ideal amino acid profiles as a basis for feed protein
evaluation. Livestock Production Science 64, 239–251.
Chung, T.K and Baker, D.H. (1992) Ideal amino acid pattern for 10-kilogram pigs. Journal of Animal
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Cole, D.J.A. and Van Lunen, T.A. (1994) Ideal amino acid patterns. In: D’Mello, J.P.F. (ed.) Amino Acids
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Degussa (1996) The Amino Acid Composition of Feedstuffs, 4th revised edn. Degussa Feed Additives,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Fuller, M.F. (1991) Present knowledge of amino acid requirements for maintenance and production: non-
ruminants. In: Eggum, B.O., Boisen, S., Børsting, C., Danfær, A. and Hvelplund, T. (eds) Protein
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Fuller, M.F. (1994) Amino acid requirements for maintenance, body protein accretion and reproduction in
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Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 169

10 Digestible Amino Acids in Diet

Formulation for Pigs

R. Mosenthin1* and M. Rademacher2

1Institute of Animal Nutrition, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany; 2 Feed
Additives Division, Degussa AG, Applied Technology, Hanau, Germany

Introduction the cost of protein is to reduce the concentra-

tion of protein in the diets or to reduce the
It is generally accepted that the protein quantity of amino acids possibly provided in
requirement of the pig is primarily a require- excess of the actual requirement, i.e. to
ment for indispensable amino acids (Table reduce the margin of safety. However, this
1.1). The amount of these amino acids in the cannot be done efficiently without affecting
diet and their relative proportions determine optimum performance unless the quantity of
the deposition of protein in the pig. available amino acids in the diet and the quan-
However, feedstuffs used in diets for pigs vary tity required by the pig are known.
not only in their amino acid composition but Animal growth and digestibility assays are
also in their digestibility. Depending on the the two major evaluation systems for assess-
type and source of feedstuff variable amounts ing the bioavailability of amino acids in feed
of amino acids disappear from the gastroin- ingredients for pigs. At this point it is impor-
testinal tract to be utilized by the pig for tant to distinguish between the concepts of
maintenance and tissue accretion. As a result, digestible and available amino acids. By defini-
digestibility of amino acids between feed tion, apparent amino acid digestibility is calcu-
components varies considerably. For exam- lated as the percentage of amino acid intake
ple, amino acids originating from casein are that does not appear in digesta or faeces.
almost completely released during digestion Using the term ‘apparent’ implies that no cor-
whereas for certain cereal by-products more rection for endogenous amino acid losses has
than half of the amino acids may remain been made. On the other hand, bioavailability
undigested and unabsorbed from the animal’s of amino acids is defined as the proportion of
gastrointestinal tract. Consequently, accurate amino acids in the diet not associated with
data on the digestibility of amino acids in compounds which may interfere with diges-
feedstuffs are needed to meet the pig’s daily tion, absorption or utilization for maintenance
requirement for indispensable amino acids or tissue accretion (ARC, 1981). For exam-
more precisely from both a physiological and ple, certain amino acids such as lysine, threo-
an economic point of view. nine, methionine and tryptophan are
Protein supplements usually represent susceptible to the effect of heat treatment.
20% of the diet but make up approximately As a result, they may be partly damaged
35% of the cost of the diet. One way to lower and absorbed in a form which renders these

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 169
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 170

170 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

complexes unavailable for protein metabolism part of the digestive tract would not be neces-
by the pig. In this case, ileal amino acid sarily a problem if disappearance represented
digestibility values usually overestimate amino absorption of amino acids. However, several
acid availability values (Wiseman et al., 1991; studies have clearly demonstrated that pro-
Batterham, 1992). Batterham et al. (1979) tein digestion through microbial activity does
introduced the animal growth assay, also not contribute to maintenance or tissue
referred to as the slope-ratio technique, for accretion since the absorbed end products of
measuring the availability of amino acids for microbial fermentation are ultimately
maintenance and tissue accretion. This excreted in the urine (Zebrowska, 1973;
growth assay provides a combined estimate of Wünsche et al., 1982; Mosenthin et al.,
digestibility and postabsorptive utilization of 1992). In conclusion, due to microbial metab-
amino acids at the tissue level. olism of nitrogenous material both from
However, many other factors including exogenous (dietary) and endogenous sources,
amino acid balance, dietary protein level, only a relatively small proportion of the
energy level, chronology of appearance of amino acid excretion in faeces is directly
absorbed amino acids at the tissue level as well related to the amino acids recovered at the
as genotype and physiological stage of the ani- distal ileum. According to Low (1982), amino
mal may have an impact on protein metabo- acids of dietary origin appear to account for
lism and therefore may affect the results (e.g. less than 10% of the total amino acids at the
Adeola, 1996). Furthermore, the animal faecal level, the main part consisting of
growth assay is rather expensive, time con- microbial and endogenous sources.
suming and provides an estimate of the avail- Depending on diet composition, between 50
ability of only one amino acid per assay (e.g. and 90% of total nitrogen in faeces can be
Austic, 1983; Sibbald, 1987). On the other attributed to bacterial nitrogen assimilation
hand, Batterham (1992) concluded that partic- (Poppe et al., 1983; Kreuzer et al., 1989;
ularly for cereals ileal digestibility values were Sauer et al., 1991).
the most appropriate as these account for There is general agreement that in most
losses in digestibility. Moreover, Laplace et al. cases apparent ileal digestibility values of most
(1989) have shown that apparent ileal indispensable amino acids are lower than cor-
digestibility coefficients accurately describe the responding digestibilities determined at the
extent of amino acid absorption, at least for a faecal level. For example, cystine, threonine
range of commonly used feed ingredients and tryptophan usually disappear to a consid-
which have not been subjected to high temper- erable extent in the large intestine (Zebrowska
ature treatment during feed manufacturing. et al., 1978; Sauer et al., 1982; Mosenthin
Finally, according to Williams (1995) the use et al., 1994). On the other hand, microbial
of ileal digestibility values represents a compro- net synthesis for methionine and sometimes
mise between total amino acid values in feed for lysine has been reported in some studies
ingredients and amino acid availability that will resulting in lower faecal than ileal digestibility
improve the accuracy of diet formulation. values (Sauer et al., 1982; Tanksley and
The main focus of this review is Knabe, 1982; Sauer et al., 1991). Thus,
directed to the development of different depending on the amino acid and on the feed-
concepts of amino acid digestibilities and stuff, digestibility values obtained by the faecal
the use of true digestible amino acids in diet analysis method overestimate (which is usually
formulation for pigs. the case) or underestimate those obtained by
the ileal analysis method. Therefore, it is now
recognized that the ileal analysis method
Expression of Apparent Ileal and should be considered as an improvement over
Faecal Amino Acid Digestibilities the faecal analysis method which was origi-
nally developed by Kuiken and Lyman (1948)
The digestion of amino acids in the large for rats and which thereafter has been used
intestine is the result of microbial activity. extensively in studies with pigs (Dammers,
The disappearance of amino acids from this 1964; Eggum, 1973).
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 171

Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 171

A comparison of apparent faecal and were found to accurately indicate the amount
ileal amino acid digestibilities in raw and of dietary lysine available for growth
heated soy flakes illustrates the inadequacy of (Moughan and Smith, 1985; Schulz and
the faecal analysis method for measuring Böhme, 1994; Rademacher et al., 1995).
amino acid digestibility values (Table 10.1). These results provide sufficient evidence that
The difference between faecal and ileal nitrogen absorbed in the large intestine does
digestibility values of amino acids in raw soy not contribute significantly to protein synthe-
flakes averaged 30% whereas the correspond- sis in growing pigs.
ing difference in heated soy flakes was There is, however, a need to focus on
approximately 7%. Although faecal digestibili- some potential drawbacks in the interpreta-
ties indicated that heated soy flakes were a tion and the use of apparent ileal amino acid
better nutrient source than raw soy flakes, the digestibilities in diet formulation for pigs. It
magnitude of this difference was substantially has to be emphasized that the impact of
underestimated (Vandergrift et al., 1983). microbial fermentation in the small intestine
It is obvious that apparent ileal amino on protein digestion and amino acid absorp-
acid digestibilities are a more sensitive tion is probably underestimated (Bergner et
approach to describe the nutritive value of al., 1986; Torrallardona et al., 1994; De
feedstuffs than faecal digestibilities. The Lange and Fuller, 2000). It can be assumed
poorer the protein quality of feed, the more that in particular threonine that accounts for
important ileal digestibility values are com- approximately 25% of mucus protein (Lien et
pared to faecal digestibility values. Convincing al., 1997) is the preferential source of
evidence that ileal rather than faecal digestibil- endogenous nitrogen for microbes attached to
ity values should be used in practical diet for- the intestinal surface. Furthermore, it has to
mulation for growing pigs was provided by be stressed that apparent ileal digestibility esti-
Dierick et al. (1988). In this study the perfor- mates are not corrected for endogenous nitro-
mance of pigs was related to digestibility mea- gen and amino acid losses that contribute at
surements. There was a higher correlation different levels to the total flow of nitrogen
between average daily gain and ileal rather and amino acids at the distal ileum. As a
than faecal protein digestibility (r = 0.76 vs. r result, apparent ileal protein and amino acid
= 0.34). In the same order, for feed efficiency digestibility values may vary considerably,
(kg feed kg1 carcass gain) the correlation depending on the relative contribution of
coefficients were 0.87 and 0.65, respec- endogenous nitrogen and amino acids to non-
tively. In agreement with these findings, digested dietary (exogenous) sources of nitro-
apparent ileal lysine digestibility coefficients gen and amino acids. Approaches for adjust-

Table 10.1. Apparent ileal and faecal amino acid digestibility values of the indispensable amino acids in
raw and heated soy flakes. (From Vandergrift et al., 1983.)

Digestibility (%)

Faecal Ileal Difference (%)a

Amino acid Raw Heated Raw Heated Raw Heated

His 80 90 48 82 32 8
Ile 68 84 43 78 25 6
Leu 68 87 37 80 31 7
Lys 72 87 44 85 28 2
Met 61 83 47 82 14 1
Thr 65 83 32 72 33 11
Trp 75 87 25 72 50 15
Val 64 85 35 78 29 7
aDifference between faecal and ileal digestibility values.
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 172

172 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

ments of endogenous nitrogen and amino In conclusion, the rather larger within
acid recoveries that allow for the determina- than between variation in different feedstuffs
tion of true ileal protein and amino acid indicates that methodological rather than
digestibilities are discussed here. other factors such as inherent factors (e.g.
fibre level, antinutritional compounds, fertilizer
application) may be responsible for a large
Expression of True Ileal Amino Acid proportion of this variation (Sauer and
Digestibilities Ozimek, 1986; Gatel, 1992; Sauer et al.,
2000). Therefore, a major part of the varia-
Sources of variation in apparent ileal tion in apparent ileal digestibility values of
digestibility values protein and amino acids within the same feed-
stuff may be simply a reflection of experimen-
Several studies have shown that apparent ileal tal error, and this variation may misrepresent
protein and amino acid digestibilities the real variation among samples of the same
increased curvilinearly with the level of protein feedstuff. In fact, Fan et al. (1994) identified
and/or amino acids in the assay diet (e.g. differences in the protein and amino acid con-
Furuya and Kaji, 1989; Li et al., 1993; Fan tent of the assay diets as the largest single
et al., 1994). This observation gave rise to contributor to the variation of apparent ileal
some concern about possible underestimation protein and amino acid digestibility values
of amino acid digestibility values from low- within the same feedstuff. Feeding maize-
protein feedstuffs such as cereal grains starch-based diets with graded levels of crude
through measurement and expression of protein from soybean meal (4, 8, 12, 16, 20
apparent digestibility. and 24%) to growing pigs resulted in curvilin-
However, it comes somewhat as a surprise ear effects of protein and individual amino
to note considerable variation in apparent ileal acids on apparent ileal digestibility values. The
amino acid digestibility values among different analysis of the digestibility values according to
samples of the same feedstuff rather than a segmented quadratic with plateau model
between feedstuffs (Sauer et al., 1990). For resulted in quadratic relationships between the
example, as summarized by Mosenthin et al. apparent ileal amino acid digestibility values
(1997) for protein and the indispensable amino and the amino acid content in the assay diet
acids, the differences were relatively large for as illustrated in Fig. 10.1 for lysine. Initially,
protein, lysine, methionine and threonine within the apparent ileal digestibility values increased
wheat and barley, ranging from 71 to 86%, 62 sharply; thereafter the increases became
to 84%, 79 to 92%, and 51 to 78%, respec- smaller and reached their individual plateau
tively, in wheat, and from 45 to 80%, 38 to values after which there were no further
79%, 67 to 88% and 44 to 76%, respectively, increases which means that the digestibility
in barley (Table 10.2). However, as shown in coefficients became independent of the
Table 10.2, there were relatively small differ- dietary amino acid levels. In this model lower
ences in the average apparent ileal protein and endpoints of 95% confidence intervals of the
amino acid digestibility values between different plateau digestibility values were defined to be
cereal grains compared to differences within the the initial plateau digestibility values. By defini-
same cereal grain. For instance, the digestibility tion, the dietary protein and amino acid con-
values ranged from 70 to 81%, 66 to 73%, 78 tents, corresponding to the initial plateau
to 85%, and 64 to 72% for protein, lysine, digestibility values, were referred to as the
methionine and threonine, respectively, dietary threshold levels.
between wheat and barley. Similar to cereal Sauer et al. (2000) concluded from a
grains there were in most cases relatively small comprehensive literature review that the total
differences in the average apparent ileal protein contents of crude protein and amino acids in
and amino acid digestibility values between dif- assay diets containing cereal grains were usu-
ferent protein supplements and legume seeds in ally far below these threshold levels. As a
comparison to differences in digestibility coeffi- result, small differences in dietary contents of
cients within the same feedstuff (Table 10.2). crude protein and amino acids below the cor-
Amino Acids - Chap 10
Table 10.2. Apparent ileal digestibilities (%) of crude protein and indispensable amino acids in cereal grains, protein supplements and legume seeds. (Adapted
from Mosenthin et al., 1997.)

12:25 pm
N  6.25 Lys Met Thr

Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs

Ingredients na DCb Range SDc DC Range SD DC Range SD DC Range SD

Cereal grains
Wheat 22 81 71–86 4.2 73 62–84 6.5 85 79–92 3.5 72 51–78 6.7

Page 173
Barley 20 70 45–80 8.2 [19]d 66 38–79 10.1 78 67–88 6.0 [18] 64 44–76 8.6
Maize 8 70 49–82 11.7 [7] 68 50–82 5.9 85 79–92 4.3 65 53–79 9.6
Triticale 6 78 76–82 3.0 [4] 72 62–81 6.7 82 77–85 3.1 62 46–74 11.1
Protein supplements
Soybean meal 30 80 72–89 3.7 84 76–91 3.4 86 77–97 4.3 [27] 75 68–83 3.9
Canola meal 14 69 64–73 2.5 73 69–81 3.1 82 76–93 4.7 [11] 67 60–74 3.7
Cottonseed meal 12 75 67–86 5.7 66 42–87 11.5 77 65–87 8.6 [11] 66 55–79 7.7
Meat and bone meal 16 67 57–82 6.8 70 56–85 8.5 77 66–85 6.6 [7] 64 50–81 9.2
Fishmeal 7 76 72–82 3.9 83 77–89 5.0 88 82–94 5.2 [4] 78 73–84 3.6

Legume seeds
Peas 9 73 69–76 2.7 81 73–84 3.6 73 68–76 2.5 65 60–74 4.1
Faba beans 6 74 69–77 2.8 80 77–87 3.6 67 61–77 7.1 [4] 73 57–84 11.5
aNumber of observations.
bDigestibilitycoefficient, mean values and range of values.
cStandard deviation.
dValues in parentheses following protein and methionine digestibility values indicate the number of samples in which the protein and methionine digestibility was


Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 174

174 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

Initial plateau value (86.0)

Lysine digestibility (%)



Threshold level (8.5)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Dietary lysine level (g kg–1)
Fig. 10.1. The quadratic with plateau relationship between the apparent ileal lysine digestibility and the
level of lysine in the diet. (Fan et al., 1994.)

responding threshold levels will result in rela- with two main specifications. First, they must
tively large variations in the digestibility coeffi- allow feed ingredients to be accurately com-
cients of amino acids, as dietary amino acid pared, thus being independent of experimen-
levels quadratically affect ileal amino acid tal and dietary conditions. Secondly, they
digestibilities. Those amino acids present at must include any variation of the endogenous
low levels in cereal grains (lysine, threonine fraction related to the feedstuff itself, which is
and tryptophan) and/or amino acids of which one of its attributes and must be considered
the ileal endogenous recovery is relatively high in diet formulation. These specifications hold
(e.g. threonine) will be especially affected. true for estimates of true ileal protein and
In conclusion this variation of apparent amino acid digestibility.
digestibility in relation to the level of dietary At this point it is important to distinguish
protein and amino acids is consistent with the between specific and non-specific endogenous
hypothesis of a non-specific endogenous loss protein and amino acid losses that originate
proportional to dry matter intake rather than from various sources such as saliva, pancre-
proportional to the level of protein and/or atic and bile secretions, sloughed off epithelial
amino acid intake. cells and from mucus (Souffrant, 1991). As
illustrated in Fig. 10.2, the non-specific recov-
ery – also referred to as basal recovery or
Transformation of apparent into true minimum gut loss – is related to the dry mat-
digestibility values ter intake only but independent of dietary and
experimental conditions. The level of non-
If one accepts that the determination of specific endogenous amino acid losses,
amino acid digestibility values should be expressed as g kg1 dry matter is constant at
based on the ileal analysis method, these different dietary amino acid levels. The trans-
digestibility coefficients should be consistent formation of apparent ileal amino acid
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 175

Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 175

AA losses

Dietary loss

Specific endogenous loss

Non-specific endogenous loss

Dietary AA content
Fig. 10.2. Sources of amino acid (AA) losses in ileal digesta.

digestibility values into values of true digestibil- variable and related to the presence of inher-
ity by correction for non-specific amino acid ent factors in the feedstuff such as fibre,
losses is described by the equation: lectins, tannins and protease inhibitors.
AA intake  (AA excretion
Corrections of apparent ileal digestibility val-
 non-specific AA) ues for both specific and non-specific protein
TID (%) =  100
AA intake and amino acid losses would allow for the cal-
culation of the so-called ‘real’ ileal protein and
where TID = true ileal digestibility and amino acid digestibility coefficients (Low,
AA = amino acid. 1982). The data presented in Table 10.3
Apparent digestibility values that have been clearly indicate that the specific rather than
transformed into true digestibility values the non-specific nitrogen and amino acid
according to this equation were originally losses compensate for the differences in
referred to as ‘standardized ileal digestibility apparent digestibility between field peas and
values’ (Mariscal-Landin, 1992). soy protein isolate. The difference in specific
In contrast to the non-specific protein endogenous losses between these feedstuffs
and amino acid recoveries the specific recov- can be attributed to variable amounts of inher-
ery – also referred to as extrarecovery – is ent factors such as protease inhibitors. There

Table 10.3. Comparison of apparent, true and real nitrogen and amino acid digestibilities in
field peas and soy protein isolate. (Adapted from Huisman et al., 1992; Sève et al., 1994.)

Huisman et al. (1992) Sève et al. (1994)

Field peas Soy protein isolate
Item (g 100 g1 nitrogen) (g 100 g1 amino acids)

Apparent digestibility 74.1 89.3

Non-specific endogenous loss 7.8 3.5
True digestibility 81.9 92.8
Specific endogenous loss 11.0 4.5
Real digestibility 92.9 97.3
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 176

176 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

is great interest in the evaluation of real of additivity in apparent ileal amino acid
digestibilities from a scientific point of view digestibilities when low-protein feedstuffs
(e.g. De Lange et al., 1990; Mosenthin et al., such as barley are combined with high-pro-
1993). However, the use of these values in tein feed ingredients such as canola meal
practical diet formulation for pigs is limited (Table 10.4). The correction of apparent ileal
since any variation of the endogenous fraction amino acid digestibilities for non-specific
related to the feedstuff itself as one of its spe- amino acid losses that are assumed not to be
cific attributes is completely eliminated from affected by differences in diet composition,
the digestibility values. will eliminate these effects. The resulting true
True ileal protein and amino acid amino acid digestibilities are more likely to be
digestibility has the advantage over both additive than the corresponding apparent
apparent and real digestibility in that it repre- digestibility values (Mariscal-Landin, 1992;
sents a fundamental property of the individual Jondreville et al., 1995; Boisen and
feedstuff. In other words, true digestibility val- Moughan, 1996; NRC, 1998; Rademacher
ues include any variation of the endogenous et al., 1999). Additivity of amino acid
fraction related to the feedstuff itself. Figure digestibility values in the diet formulation for
10.3 shows that true digestibility values are pigs by least-cost formulation programmes is
not affected by the level of amino acid intake essential since these programmes use individ-
or amino acid content of the assay diet, ual digestibility coefficients for each feedstuff
whereas the corresponding apparent to fulfil the amino acid specifications. True
digestibility values increase exponentially with digestibility values allow feed ingredients to
higher levels of intake because the non-spe- be accurately compared and contribute to the
cific amino acid recoveries, as percentage of precision of diet formulation.
total recovery, decrease proportionally. The key issue for the quantification of
There is growing evidence that non-spe- true ileal protein and amino acid digestibilities
cific endogenous amino acid losses are likely is the quantification of the non-specific pro-
to interfere with additivity of apparent amino tein and amino acid recoveries in ileal digesta.
acid digestibilities in mixtures of feed ingredi- The data presented in Table 10.5 reveal con-
ents (Imbeah et al., 1988; Fan et al., 1995; siderable variation between estimates of non-
Nyachoti et al., 1997a,b). For example, specific protein and amino acid recoveries in
Nyachoti et al. (1997b) concluded from the the literature. Surprisingly, even when the
results of their study that there may be a lack same methodological approach was used for

Digestibility (%)
True ileal digestibility [TID]

TID 1 = TID 2

AID 2 Apparent ileal digestibility [AID]


[AA intake] 1 [AA intake] 2 Dietary AA content

Fig. 10.3. Expression of apparent and true ileal amino acid digestibilities as a function of amino acid
(AA) intake.
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Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 177

Table 10.4. Observed and calculated apparent and true ileal digestibilities for selected amino acids in
barley, canola meal and a mixture of barley and canola meal. (Adapted from Nyachoti et al., 1997b.)

Mixture of barley and canola meal

Item Barley meal Observed Calculateda Differenceb

Apparent ileal digestibility (%)

Lys 53.5 62.6 63.6 59.0 4.6
Thr 63.7 62.4 67.7 62.9 4.8
Ile 65.3 73.2 78.6 70.6 8.0
Val 67.6 69.5 72.1 65.7 6.4
True ileal digestibilityc (%)
Lys 87.1 84.6 85.8 85.8 0.0
Thr 97.0 97.8 96.6 97.5 -0.9
Ile 95.1 99.7 100.2 97.4 2.8
Val 89.1 97.4 96.4 93.1 3.3
aCalculated from observed digestibilities in the pure ingredients and their contents in the mixture of barley
and canola meal.
bCalculated as observed minus calculated values.
cDetermined with the homoarginine method.

Table 10.5. Comparison of non-specific endogenous protein and amino

acid recoveries in ileal digesta of growing pigs (g kg1 dry matter

AmiPig (2000)
Item Laba A Lab B Lab C et al. (1999)

N  6.25 8.66 7.22 9.67 11.82

Lys 0.29 0.24 0.41 0.40
Met 0.08 0.05 0.13 0.11
Met + Cys 0.22 0.22 0.30 0.32
Thr 0.33 0.27 0.39 0.61
Trp 0.09 0.09 0.17 0.14

estimating non-specific protein and amino ileal protein digestibility. Other methods
acid recoveries, these estimates exhibited a include the peptide alimentation ultrafiltra-
large variation between laboratories tion method, also referred to as the enzy-
(AmiPig, 2000). Boisen and Moughan matically hydrolysed casein (EHC) method,
(1996) concluded from a literature review the homoarginine method and calculation
that differences in methods, including ana- methods based on the difference between
lytical procedures to estimate these losses, the in vitro and in vivo digestibility of pro-
and between animal variation are major fac- tein and amino acids. Comprehensive
tors contributing to the considerable varia- descriptions and evaluations of these meth-
tion between estimates for non-specific ods were provided by Tamminga et al.
protein and amino acid recoveries. For (1995), Boisen and Moughan (1996) and
example, more conventional approaches are Nyachoti et al. (1997a). According to
based on the feeding of protein-free diets, Nyachoti et al. (1997a) estimates of
the use of the regression analysis method or endogenous protein and amino acid recov-
the feeding of diets containing protein eries in ileal digesta are not only affected by
sources (e.g. casein) with an assumed 100% animal and dietary factors but also differ for
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178 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

various methods. For example, Boisen and et al., 1993). It was claimed that the diets in
Moughan (1996) reported that the non-spe- the experiments selected by Rademacher et
cific endogenous protein recoveries varied al. (1999) contained no specific anti-nutri-
between 10 and 15 g kg1 dry matter intake tional factors and not more than 8% cellulose
when protein-free diets were fed. However, or purified neutral detergent fibre (NDF). The
under more physiologically normal conditions data from these experiments were pooled
(i.e. when protein-containing diets were given), and mean values for non-specific losses of
the non-specific recoveries accounted for protein and amino acid recoveries were cal-
about 20 g kg1 dry matter intake. Nyachoti culated. As discussed by De Lange and Fuller
et al. (1997a) concluded that estimates of (2000), extreme care should be taken in com-
endogenous protein and amino acid recoveries bining true digestibility values from different
obtained with the regression method as well as feed tables since differences in the methods
by feeding protein-free diets should be referred used to estimate the non-specific endogenous
to as the minimum values that are not related protein and amino acid losses may affect the
to the protein and amino acid content of the relationship between dietary amino acid lev-
diet. els and corrected amino acid digestibilities
Different estimates for the correction of across studies and within ingredient.
non-specific protein and amino acid losses The feeding of protein-free diets as pro-
are currently used in feed tables in which true posed by AmiPig (2000) gives generally
ileal protein and amino acid digestibilities are lower estimates of non-specific endogenous
summarized (Jondreville et al., 1995; CVB, protein and amino acid recoveries as com-
1998; NRC, 1998; Rademacher et al., pared to estimates by Rademacher et al.
1999; AmiPig, 2000). For example, in (1999) which were based on different exper-
AmiPig (2000), promoted by AFZ, imental approaches. The data presented in
Ajinomoto Eurolysine, Aventis Animal Table 10.5 reveal that these differences
Nutrition, Institut National de la Recherche were considerably higher for threonine
Agronomique (INRA) and Institut Technique which is present in relatively large concen-
des Céréales et des Fourrages (ITCF), the cal- trations in endogenous protein (Holmes et
culations for the correction of non-specific al., 1974; De Lange et al., 1989a;
endogenous ileal protein and amino acid Mosenthin et al., 1994).
recoveries are based on data that were As can be expected, the method used for
obtained by feeding protein-free diets to correction of apparent digestibility values has
growing pigs. On the other hand, little effect on true digestibility estimates in
Rademacher et al. (1999) transformed values high-protein feedstuffs with a relatively high
of apparent ileal protein and amino acid apparent digestibility of amino acids and pro-
digestibility into values of true digestibility by tein such as soybean meal (Table 10.6).
using existing literature data on endogenous Differences in true digestibility values in rela-
recoveries of protein and amino acids in ileal tion to the method used for estimating non-
digesta. These authors selected 33 experi- specific protein and amino acid recoveries are
ments from the literature that were based on more pronounced in feed ingredients with
different experimental approaches. These lower apparent protein and amino acid
included conventional methods such as feed- digestibilities, in particular with respect to
ing protein-free diets without (n=16) or with threonine and tryptophan.
parenteral infusion of amino acids (n=1) (e.g.
De Lange et al., 1989a,b), the regression
method (n=3) (e.g. Fan et al., 1995) and the The Use of True Digestible Amino
feeding of highly digestible protein sources Acids in Diet Formulation
such as wheat gluten or casein (n=11) (e.g.
Chung and Baker, 1992). In addition, the In practical terms, the digestibility concept
corrections for non-specific protein and chosen for the evaluation of the individual
amino acid recoveries in ileal digesta were feed ingredients will have a major impact on
based on the EHC method (n=2) (e.g. Butts the ranking of these feedstuffs. For example,
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Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 179

Table 10.6. Comparison of true ileal protein and amino acid digestibility values (%) in selected feedstuffs.

Rapeseed Soybean Sugarbeet

Ingredients Barley Wheat Peas meal meal pulp

Crude protein
NRC (1998) – – – – – –
et al. (1999) 80 89 79 73 87 46
AmiPig (2000) 80 88 80 76 87 53
NRC (1998) 79 81 88 78 89 51
et al. (1999) 76 84 81 74 89 55
AmiPig (2000) 75 81 83 75 89 50
NRC (1998) 86 90 84 86 91 64
et al. (1999) 82 90 74 81 90 59
AmiPig (2000) 84 89 80 87 88 61
Met + Cys
NRC (1998) 86 90 83 84 87 44
et al. (1999) 81 89 70 75 86 53
AmiPig (2000) 84 90 75 84 87 43
NRC (1998) 81 84 83 76 85 30
et al. (1999) 80 86 76 71 86 28
AmiPig (2000) 75 83 76 75 86 31
NRC (1998) 80 90 81 75 87 41
et al. (1999) 77 88 70 71 87 50
AmiPig (2000) 79 88 73 80 86 41

apparent and true ileal lysine and threonine It is claimed that the application of true
digestibilities in some low- and high-protein protein and amino acid digestibility values in
feedstuffs, are ranked in Tables 10.7 and diet formulation for growing pigs will promote
10.8, respectively, in relation to soybean the use of alternative low-protein feedstuffs
meal as a reference. In comparison to true and various by-products of the food process-
ileal digestibility values the corresponding ing industry. In the following two examples,
apparent digestibility coefficients systemati- two commercially available diets, referred to
cally underestimate the digestibility of both, as reference diets, are formulated to contain
lysine and threonine (and other amino acids), as main ingredients maize and soybean meal
in low protein grain cereals such as wheat, (Table 10.9) or barley, wheat and soybean
barley, maize and triticale. On the other meal (Table 10.10). These diets contained
hand, the consequences of different digestibil- equal levels of ME (13.5 MJ kg1), N  6.25
ity estimates on the ranking of high-protein (183 g kg1) and total lysine (10.5 g kg1).
feedstuffs such as oilseed meals and legume Through complete or partial replacement of
seeds are much less pronounced. maize, barley, wheat and soybean meal in the
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180 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

Table 10.7. Ranking of feed ingredients based on apparent and true ileal lysine digestibility values.
(Adapted from Rademacher et al., 1999.)

Apparent digestibility True digestibility

Ingredients Absolute (%) Relativea (%) Absolute (%) Relativea (%)

Soybean meal 88 100 89 100

Wheat 75 85 84 94
Triticale 75 85 83 93
Barley 67 76 76 85
Maize 62 70 76 85
Sunflower meal 76 86 79 89
Rapeseed meal 71 81 74 83
Peas (field) 79 90 81 91
Beans (field) 80 91 82 92
aRelative to soybean meal.

Table 10.8. Ranking of feed ingredients based on apparent and true ileal threonine digestibility values.
(Adapted from Rademacher et al., 1999.)

Apparent digestibility True digestibility

Ingredients Absolute (%) Relativea (%) Absolute (%) Relativea (%)

Soybean meal 83 100 86 100

Wheat 72 87 86 100
Triticale 65 78 79 92
Barley 65 78 80 93
Maize 63 76 80 93
Sunflower meal 76 92 80 93
Rapeseed meal 67 81 71 83
Peas (field) 69 83 76 88
Beans (field) 71 86 77 90
aRelative to soybean meal.

reference diets by alternative protein sources The level of true ileal digestible lysine in the
such as cottonseed meal, canola meal and mixed diets type A declined from 9.2 to 8.8 g
peas and by-products such as wheat bran and kg1 (Table 10.9) and from 9.4 to 8.7 g kg1
rice bran, two types of diets were formulated, (Table 10.10) as compared to the reference
referred to as mixed diets type A and B diets based on maize and soybean meal and
(Tables 10.9 and 10.10). barley, wheat and soybean meal, respectively.
The mixed diets type A were formulated This decline in the content of true ileal
to contain the same level of ME (13.5 MJ digestible lysine would certainly have a nega-
kg1), N  6.25 (183 g kg1) and total lysine tive effect on the growth performance of pigs,
(10.5 kg1) as the corresponding reference provided that these figures are below the
diets in Tables 10.9 and 10.10. However, due actual lysine requirement of the pigs.
to the substitution of dietary components with As a further example, two mixed diets
a relatively high true ileal digestibility of lysine type B were formulated that contained the
by those with lower digestibility coefficients, same level of ME (13.5 MJ kg1) and N 
lower contents of true ileal digestible lysine in 6.25 (183 g kg1) as compared to the refer-
the mixed diets type A in comparison to the ence diets and the mixed diets type A (Tables
corresponding reference diets were obtained. 10.9 and 10.10). However, to compensate
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Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 181

Table 10.9. The use of true ileal digestible lysine in the formulation of a maize–soybean meal-based diet
and two types of mixed diets.

meal Mixed diet Aa Mixed diet Bb

Ingredient (g kg1)
Maize 543 380 356
Wheat middlings 200 170 210
Soybean meal (440 g CP kg1) 223 149 177
Rice bran – 200 190
Cottonseed meal – 63 30
Tallow – 7.4 06.8
DL-Methionine 0.8 0.7 01.0
L-Lysine•HCl 2.4 3.0 03.0
L-Threonine 0.6 0.8 00.8
Vitamins and minerals 30.2 26.1 25.4
Energy and nutrients
ME (MJ kg1) 13.5 13.5 13.5
N  6.25 (g kg1) 183 183 183
Lysine (g kg1) 10.5 10.5 108
Lysine, true ileal digestible (g kg1) 9.2 8.8 92
Feed cost (US$ per 100 kg)c 12.56 11.46 11.45
aFormulated to contain equal levels of crude protein and total lysine as maize–soybean meal diet.
bFormulated to contain equal levels of crude protein and true ileal digestible lysine as the maize–soybean
meal diet.
cBased on US ingredient prices, February 2002.

for the lower content of true ileal digestible lysine as in the reference diets decreased
lysine in the mixed diets type A, the total feed costs by approximately 9 and 3% as
dietary lysine level was elevated by supple- compared to the reference diets based on
mental lysine addition. As a result, there was maize and soybean meal (Table 10.9) and
no difference in the level of true ileal digestible barley, wheat and soybean meal, respec-
lysine between the reference diets and the tively (Table 10.10). In other words, savings
corresponding mixed diets type B. in feed costs varied between 3 and 9% com-
Consequently, no negative impact on growth pared with standard diets based on cereal
performance of pigs could be expected. grains and soybean meal while maintaining
Formulating more complex mixed diets the same content of true ileal digestible
according to type A, while maintaining the lysine in the diets. Therefore, the use of true
same level of total lysine as in the reference ileal amino acid digestibility values in diet
diets based on maize and soyabean meal or formulation for growing pigs offers the
barley, wheat and soybean meal, significantly potential not only to improve the precision
reduced feed costs by approximately 8–9% of diet formulation but also to improve the
(Tables 10.9 and 10.10). However, replace- productivity in pig production through lower
ments of grain cereals and soybean meal by feed costs.
increasing proportions of alternative protein
sources and by-products resulted in a pro-
nounced decline in the level of true ileal Conclusions
digestible lysine which, in turn, most likely will
result in a loss of growth performance. It has been recognized that differences in
On the other hand, formulating more dietary amino acids level are likely to be the
complex diets according to type B by main- largest single contributor to the variation in
taining the same levels of true ileal digestible apparent ileal amino acid digestibility values
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 182

182 R. Mosenthin and M. Rademacher

Table 10.10. The use of true ileal digestible lysine in the formulation of a wheat–barley–soybean meal-
based diet and two types of mixed diets.

soybean meal Mixed diet Aa Mixed diet Bb

Ingredient (g kg1)
Barley 288 – –
Wheat 450 153 300
Soybean meal (440 g CP kg1) 194 93 195
Rye – 300 250
Canola meal – 189
Triticale 200 117
Wheat bran – – 80
Tallow 31.6 35.0 23.5
DL-Methionine 1.0 0.5 1.0
L-Lysine•HCl 3.0 2.1 2.8
L-Threonine 1.0 0.3 1.1
Vitamins and minerals 31.4 27.1 29.6
Energy and nutrients
ME (MJ kg1) 13.5 13.5 13.5
N  6.25 (g kg1) 183 183 183
Lysine (g kg1) 10.5 10.5 10.6
Lysine, true ileal digestible (g kg1) 9.4 8.7 9.4
Feed cost (Euros per 100 kg)c 16.24 14.99 15.84
aFormulated to contain equal levels of crude protein and total lysine as wheat–barley–soybean meal diet.
bFormulated to contain equal levels of crude protein and true ileal digestible lysine as the
wheat–barley–soybean meal diet.
cBased on European ingredient prices, February 2002.

within the same feed ingredient. For a given The use of true ileal digestible amino
amino acid, the apparent digestibility acids in diet formulation will contribute to (i) a
increases curvilinearly with the ingested quan- more accurate evaluation of the cost/benefit
tity since the non-specific endogenous losses, value of ingredients; (ii) an improved additiv-
as a proportion of total endogenous losses, ity of digestibility values in least cost formula-
decreases proportionally. The transformation tion programmes; (iii) a more efficient use of
of apparent into true ileal amino acid alternative feedstuffs; (iv) an improved utiliza-
digestibility values is based on estimates for tion of protein (nitrogen) and amino acids for
the correction of non-specific amino acid maintenance and protein deposition; (v) a
losses. True ileal amino acid digestibility coef- better prediction of growth performance of
ficients are independent of the amino acid pigs; and finally (vi) a more cost-effective pig
level in the assay diet and reflect a fundamen- production.
tal property of the feedstuff itself, not being However, there is considerable variation
influenced by differences in dietary condi- between estimates of non-specific amino acid
tions. Consequently, true amino acid losses at the ileal level. Consequently, differ-
digestibility values can be used in diet formu- ent estimates are used in various tables in
lation for growing pigs to quantify the amino which true ileal amino acid digestibility values
acids available for maintenance and tissue are summarized. Since the results from dif-
accretion at least for a wide range of com- ferent feed tables are not compatible when
monly used feed ingredients which have not being used in diet formulation for growing
been subjected to high temperature treatment pigs, there is a need to standardize the esti-
during feed processing. mates used for correction of apparent
Amino Acids - Chap 10 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 183

Amino Acids in Diet Formulation for Pigs 183

digestibility values. Finally, the expression of non-specific endogenous amino acid losses
true ileal amino acid digestibility and their have to be taken into account when express-
use in diet formulation requires the assess- ing amino acid requirements according to
ment of the animal’s requirement on the concept of ideal protein which is dis-
digestible amino acids. In other words, the cussed elsewhere.


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11 Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism

and the Estimation of Amino Acid

P.J. Moughan* and M.F. Fuller

Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand

Introduction Determination of Amino Acid

The accurate determination of ‘requirement’
values for each of the dietary essential amino Requirement estimation from
acids and the dietary non-essential amino acid dose–response experiments – an
complement, is a fundamental aspect of ani- empirical approach
mal nutrition and feeding. Consequently,
much effort has been expended over the years The ‘requirement’ of an animal for a nutrient
in estimating amino acid requirement values may be thought of as a point on a dose–
for different classes of livestock. There has response curve relating the level of intake of that
been an evolution in thinking and in the nutrient and some measure of productivity of the
approaches used, for what has proven to be a animal or some indicator of metabolism. In the
relatively complex problem. Classical case of protein the ‘requirement’ is best consid-
dose–response studies, which provided useful ered as the requirement for individual amino
preliminary information, have now given way acids rather than for the protein as a whole.
to often quite sophisticated metabolic models, Although accurate estimates of the amino
which allow a more flexible and specific acid requirements for growth in the pig are
approach to amino acid requirement estima- necessary for efficient dietary formulation,
tion. The present contribution reviews the tra- considerable variation in the published experi-
ditional approaches to determining amino mentally determined recommendations is evi-
acid requirements in the pig, places these into dent. The comprehensive reviews by Rérat
an overall context and then introduces and and Lougnon (1968) and Rérat (1972)
discusses the simulation of amino acid metab- demonstrate the degree of this variation. The
olism and how mathematical models can be Agricultural Research Council (1981), in a
used to provide estimates of amino acid technical review, emphasized the inadequacies
requirements. The discussion is restricted to of information concerning amino acid require-
the growing pig, though the principles estab- ments of the growing pig. Estimates of
lished are general and may be applied to requirements for amino acids were presented
mature, reproducing and lactating animals. and some values are given in Table 11.1.

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 187
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188 P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller

Table 11.1. Determined requirements of the consequently the amino acid requirement
growing pig for some amino acids. (Agricultural determined will vary as to the type of
Research Council, 1981.) response measured. Thirdly, assumptions
Range of need to be made concerning the shape of the
requirement response function. A linear plateau response
(g kg1 air-dry may be appropriate for an individual animal,
Amino acid weight of diet) but will not be appropriate for the mean
response of a group of animals (Fuller, 1994;
Methionine + cystine 3.2–6.7
Fisher, 1994). Further, some workers equate
Tryptophan 1.2–2.2
Threonine 4.7–6.0
amino acid requirement with the input level
Isoleucine 2.7–6.7 corresponding to the point of maximum
response whereas others choose the mini-
mum input of the amino acid which produces
a response not statistically significantly less
Differences in factors such as the age, than the maximum, as the required level. The
gender, breed and genetic strain of pig, physi- latter approach is likely to lead to considerably
cal environment, feeding level, dietary compo- lower estimates of amino acid requirements in
sition and experimental methods used are cases whereby a large deviation of amino acid
undoubtedly responsible for a great deal of input from the input corresponding to maxi-
the variation shown in Table 11.1. The meth- mum response, produces only a small alter-
ods adopted and the relative importance of ation in response. Particularly where practical
experimental factors in the determination of diets are used, comprising commonly used
amino acid requirements have been discussed feedstuffs, there can be important differences
in detail by Rérat and Lougnon (1968) and between the available and gross amounts of a
Fuller (1978). Most estimates of amino acid dietary amino acid, and this is a further signifi-
requirements have been made from empiri- cant source of variation.
cally derived dose–response relationships. The
successful estimation of amino acid require-
ments using this approach is reliant on the Requirement estimation based on models
formulation of a basal diet deficient in the of amino acid utilization – a theoretical
amino acid being studied but adequate in all approach
other nutrients. Graded additions of the limit-
ing amino acid are made to the basal diet and Because of the inherent errors associated with
responses are measured. Several problems the empirical approach, and the difficulties in
are apparent. First, to ensure adequate levels extrapolating results, attention has been given
of all nutrients excepting the amino acid being to developing causally based models describing
examined, implies that the requirements for the absorption and subsequent utilization of
all other nutrients are previously known. amino acids and other dietary nutrients. Such
Unfortunately, this is not the case. To circum- models are more general in their application.
vent the problem, nutrients other than the The simplest of these models are the early sta-
one being examined may be supplied in gen- tic factorial models which summed the meta-
erous excess of the best estimates of require- bolic losses of absorbed amino acids (often
ments. This practice, however, may lead to bulked together into a crude estimate of a
imbalance effects. The feeding of imbalanced ‘maintenance’ requirement) and the amino
mixtures of amino acids is likely to affect the acids deposited in new proteinaceous tissue
growth rate of animals (Harper et al., 1970). and then corrected the sum to take into
Imbalance may affect the utilization of the lim- account the inefficiency of utilization of
iting amino acid (Chapter 7) and under condi- absorbed amino acids. Such models were par-
tions of ad libitum feeding a primary effect ticularly popular in poultry nutrition (Hurwitz
on growth due to decreased food intake may and Bornstein, 1973; Smith, 1978; Hurwitz et
be observed. Secondly, there is no generally al., 1983). An example in pig nutrition is the
accepted single measurement of response and early modelling work of Whittemore and
Amino Acids - Chap 11 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 189

Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements 189

Fawcett (1974). This pioneering work paved not guarantee that profit will be maximized for
the way for more sophisticated models that a given situation. The production of pigs is not
take into account not only the amino acids but simply a process aimed at maximizing or mini-
also the non-protein dietary energy and the mizing certain physical performance measures
interaction between amino acids and metaboliz- but is rather a complex interaction between
able energy (ME). These biological models physical and financial effects, ultimately con-
include parameters affected by the nutritional cerned with the maximization of profit.
history of the growing animal and incorporate What is required is the ability to derive
adaptive control processes and impose limits production functions (Heady and Dillon,
on physiological and biochemical processes. A 1961) to enable the prediction of pig perfor-
strength of the factorial approach, is that being mance (defined in various ways) over a range
causally based or deductive, the predictions of nutrient input levels. Ultimately, it is neces-
from the model are general and the extrapola- sary to be able to predict the monetary value
tion problems associated with empirical results of output for given levels of nutrient intake,
are not encountered. The approach allows then by considering the respective costs (lin-
amino acid requirements to be estimated for ear programming) of daily nutrient intakes,
animals differing in their productive state. For generate profit curves (Heady et al., 1966;
these reasons, the factorial approach, and the Dent, 1972). The levels of nutrient intake
development of mathematical models of nutri- which maximize profit may be determined for
ent utilization which build on the same princi- different types of animal and environment,
ples, have gained acceptance as a means of and the levels redetermined over time as situa-
estimating requirements for all amino acids tions change. This approach replaces the tra-
simultaneously, which does not require prior ditional concept of a static requirement with a
estimates of requirements and which can be spatially and temporally dynamic one.
applied to other populations with different per- For any class of pig, however, there is a
formance potentials. Of course, and although multitude of production curves for different
having the advantage of generality, the esti- situations. Moreover, it is impractical and
mates of requirement are only as accurate as undesirable to attempt to conduct production
the model is an accurate representation of the trials to encompass the entire response sur-
real biological system. Over the last two face. Fortunately, these curves can be readily
decades considerable progress has been made generated using computerized models which
in developing validated mathematical models simulate pig performance (Moughan and
describing pig growth at a physiological and Verstegen, 1988).
biochemical level. These models have consider-
able potential for providing a flexible and
dynamic approach to the estimation of amino The Modelling of Dietary Amino Acid
acid requirements. Importantly, biological mod- Utilization
els, in addition to generating estimates of
requirements also provide insight into the Mathematical models which simulate the
underlying biological mechanisms giving rise to uptake, metabolism and partitioning of dietary
these requirements. nutrients, can be used ultimately to derive
Quite apart from the technical shortcom- relationships between the monetary value of
ings of the empirical dose–response approach production and levels of nutrient intake for
to requirement estimation, there is a further different types of pigs growing under different
limitation in that the approach is usually con- physical and financial conditions. Several bio-
fined to the measurement of physical or meta- logical models simulating growth in the pig
bolic performance measures, that are often have been developed and applied in commer-
difficult to relate to financial outcomes. Thus, cial practice (Whittemore and Fawcett, 1976;
conventional feeding standards give estimates Stombaugh and Oko, 1980; Moughan, 1981;
of the amount of each of the nutrients, Phillips and MacHardy, 1982; Tess et al.
required to maintain health of the animal and 1983; Whittemore, 1983; Moughan and
provide for near-maximal performance but do Smith, 1984; Black et al., 1986; Emmans,
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190 P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller

1986; Moughan, et al., 1987; Watt et al., when constructing a model of metabolism, to
1987; Burlacu et al., 1988; Pettigrew et al., view amino acid metabolism as several dis-
1989; Pomar et al., 1991; Bridges et al., crete physiological processes (Table 11.2)
1992; Ferguson et al., 1994; de Lange, which underlie or are causative to amino acid
1995; Knap, 1996; van Milgen et al., 2000) utilization. These processes, and how they
As the field of pig growth modelling develops, can be modelled are discussed briefly below.
there is a tendency for models to become The reader is referred to the recent reviews by
more causal (less empirical) and to further dif- Moughan (1999), Black (2000b) and
ferentiate among the dietary nutrients and Whittemore et al. (2001) for a more compre-
their ultimate metabolic fates (Boisen and hensive treatment of the topics.
Verstegen, 2000; Black, 2000a; Birkett and In Table 11.2, a distinction is made
de Lange 2001). Models can provide predic- between the ‘maintenance’ or ‘basal’
tions of the net utilization of individual nutri- processes and those associated with growth.
ents, such as amino acids, glucose, fatty acids However, the maintenance and growth
and volatile fatty acids. It is critical, in any bio- processes are highly interrelated. For exam-
logical pig growth model, to accurately simu- ple, gut endogenous amino acid losses are
late amino acid flow and thus be able to often considered part of the maintenance
predict net body protein deposition and the cost, but increase substantially with food dry-
supply of net energy from degraded amino matter intake and are thus correlated with
acids. Implicit in this is the need to simulate growth. For the growing pig, ‘maintenance’
the ingestion, digestion, absorption and is a concept rather than a reality and by defi-
metabolism of amino acids. The absorption nition does not exist as a sole state for a
and metabolism of amino acids in mammals is growing animal. If an animal is forced to a
complex and highly integrated with continu- state of zero dietary nitrogen balance, it is no
ous flux within and between body cells and longer growing, and at least in the short term
compartments (see Chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5). It is in a highly catabolic state with respect to
is useful, however, and inherently necessary body lipid reserves.

Table 11.2. Biological processes underlying amino acid utilization in the growing pig.

1. Ingestion of dietary amino acids

2. Amino acid absorption
3. Maintenancea
– Turnover of body protein
– Integumental amino acid loss
– Gut endogenous amino acid loss
– Synthesis of non-protein nitrogen-containing compounds
– Urinary amino acid losses
4. Growth
Body protein accretion
 Inevitable amino acid catabolism
 Gut endogenous amino acid loss
Support costs  Turnover of body protein
 Synthesis of non-protein nitrogen-containing compounds
 Preferential amino acid catabolism
aA distinction is made between basal or maintenance processes (i.e. those occurring in the hypothetical
state whereby body tissue is neither being gained, nor lost) and those processes associated with the
accretion of new body tissue. The rate of a process at ‘maintenance’ is defined as that rate
commensurate with a daily food intake under which body weight is neither being gained nor lost. Rates of
the processes during growth are variable. It should be noted that for most of the metabolic processes
there is actually a natural continuum between maintenance and growth and that the distinction between
states is arbitrary and reliant on definition.
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Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements 191

Nevertheless, it is considered helpful to empirically derived digestibility coefficients for

conceptualize and represent overall metabo- the amino acid in the respective dietary ingre-
lism in two parts: maintenance and growth. At dients (Chapter 10). Although this approach
zero nitrogen retention there are still costs does not afford a representation of the kinet-
associated with body protein metabolism and ics of amino acid absorption following a meal,
these are the classical ‘basal’ or ‘maintenance’ and thus the dynamics of metabolism, it does
costs. For positive nitrogen retention, there appear to give acceptably accurate predictions
are extra costs incurred associated with main- of amino acid uptake and subsequent tissue
taining the proteinaceous body tissues, but deposition (Moughan, 1995). Coefficients of
these may be better classified as ‘support costs amino acid digestibility determined at the ter-
for growth’ (Table 11.2), rather than ‘mainte- minal ileum of the pig (ileal coefficients)
nance’. The partitioning of overall amino acid should be used and depending on how a
metabolism into a relatively constant ‘basal’ or model represents gut endogenous amino acid
‘maintenance’ component and a separate, losses, either ‘true’ or ‘real’ digestibility coeffi-
more variable component associated with pro- cients should be applied (Boisen and
duction (protein deposition plus support costs) Moughan 1996a; Hodgkinson and Moughan
is consistent with the early arguments of Folin 2000a). In pursuit of a greater generality of
(1905) reiterated by Mitchell (1959). prediction of amino acid absorption, some
modellers have recently attempted to simulate
the mechanisms known to underlie the diges-
Predicting food intake and the ingestion tive and absorptive processes (Bastianelli and
of amino acids Sauvant, 1995; Rivest et al., 2000).
For feedstuffs that have been processed
The amount of an amino acid ingested, is a or stored for prolonged periods of time, and
function of the quantity of food ingested and at least for the highly reactive amino acid
the amino acid composition of that food. lysine, concentrations of lysine in the feed and
Under restricted feeding regimens the calcula- ileal digesta found using conventional amino
tion of the daily amino acid intake is straight- acid analysis will be misleading and the con-
forward. However, under modern conditions ventional true ileal digestibility assay will gen-
of pig production, animals are often fed diets erally overestimate lysine availability. For such
ad libitum. Here a prediction of the daily ad feedstuffs, alternative methods are needed to
libitum food intake is required. The approach describe the dietary lysine content and the
to predicting food intake is based on the uptake of ‘available’ lysine molecules
assumption that each animal has a potential (Moughan and Rutherfurd, 1996; Rutherfurd
voluntary intake that is determined by its et al., 1997a,b).
requirement for nutrients, and particularly
energy, to meet potential rates of tissue gain,
when reared under ideal, thermoneutral, dis- Maintenance
ease-free and stress-free conditions.
The predicted actual food intake of an ani- In the hypothetical state whereby a ‘growing’
mal may be different from the predicted poten- pig is neither gaining nor losing net body pro-
tial intake due to the effects of numerous dietary, tein, metabolic processes occur leading to the
climatic, social and disease factors which can be loss of proteinaceous material from the body.
modelled (Black, 1995, 2000b; Emmans, 1995; This gives rise to the ‘maintenance’ amino
Kyriazakis and Emmans, 1999). acid requirement.
The maintenance requirement for dietary
amino acids reflects the continuous loss of
Amino acid absorption amino acids via the skin and hair, a loss of
amino acid nitrogen in the urine due to ineffi-
The usual approach to modelling amino acid ciencies in the turnover of body protein, basal
uptake has been to apply a mean digestibility gut endogenous amino acid losses, the use of
coefficient, for the amino acid, based on amino acids by cells to synthesize essential
Amino Acids - Chap 11 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 192

192 P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller

non-amino acid and non-protein nitrogenous daily carcass protein deposition and daily vis-
metabolites or the irreversible alteration of an cera protein deposition is not constant, gains
amino acid (e.g. lysine to hydroxylysine), and in predictive accuracy can be made by model-
the loss of free amino acids in the urine. The ling these two components separately.
latter two processes are quantitatively minor The intrinsic upper limit to body protein
and are usually ignored for modelling pur- retention (Pdmax) is an important constraint on
poses. The other three processes are reason- growth. The cell has a finite capacity for pro-
ably well understood and can be described tein synthesis and is not able to store amino
quantitatively. Moughan (1999) has calculated acids as such, for later use. If, after a meal,
values for the dietary maintenance protein the uptake of balanced amino acids exceeds
requirement (PM) for the growing pig of: PM1 the animal’s capacity for protein synthesis,
= 105 mg kg0.75 day1 (integumental losses); the surplus amino acids will be deaminated
PM2 = 361 mg kg0.75 day1 (inefficiency in and the carbon skeletons eventually degraded.
protein turnover); PM3 = 637 mg kg0.75 Pdmax is influenced by genotype, gender, and
day1 (basal gut losses) and PM = 1731 mg age and mean values range from as low as 90
kg0.75 day1. It is evident that for a rapidly g day1 to values exceeding 200 g day1
growing animal, the maintenance amino acid (Whittemore, 1983; Campbell, 1985). The
requirement is only a small proportion (<10%) effect of age on Pdmax needs to be modelled
of the total daily amino acid requirement. and several different approaches have been
used (Moughan, 1999; Whittemore et al.,
2001). It is also apparent that under practical
Growth growing conditions, pigs may not achieve the
Pdmax value for their strain/breed as deter-
The growth processes account for most (>90%) mined under breeding station conditions,
of the daily amino acid requirement for the because of effects due to factors such as sub-
growing pig, and the amino acids required to clinical disease and social conditions. For this
meet the need for new tissue deposition have reason the term ‘operational Pdmax’ has been
a predominant role. However, the support coined (Moughan et al., 1995) and opera-
costs of new protein synthesis (inevitable tional Pdmax can be determined on-farm
amino acid catabolism, gut endogenous (Morel et al., 1993).
amino acid losses, the turnover of body pro- In addition to the amino acids required
tein associated with new protein synthesis, for the basal (maintenance) processes and for
the synthesis of non-amino and non-protein direct body protein deposition, the growing
nitrogen-containing compounds, and the pig needs amino acids to fuel metabolic
process of preferential amino acid catabolism) processes directly associated with protein
are certainly quantitatively important and deposition (the support costs). By way of
need to be considered in a model of amino example, as an animal eats more food and
acid utilization. can thus deposit more body protein, there is
To be able to predict the deposition of an associated increase in the loss of gut
new protein, either requires a description of endogenous amino acids. Also, as the rate of
the processes of protein synthesis and protein body protein deposition increases so too does
degradation, with protein retention being the turnover of body protein (Milligan and
found as a difference, or as is more com- Summers, 1986; Knap and Schrama, 1996)
monly adopted, specifying the daily rate of and presumably losses associated with
protein retention (as some proportion of a turnover. There is a greater demand for
genetically determined maximal rate of pro- metabolites, as the pig grows faster and thus
tein retention, Pdmax) as a model input. Such the use of amino acids for the synthesis of
a rate of retention combined with information other non-amino and non-protein com-
on the amino acid composition of whole body pounds also increases. Moreover, there is an
protein can be used to calculate rates of inevitable loss of absorbed amino acids to
amino acid deposition in newly synthesized catabolic pathways, regardless of the animal’s
tissues. Because the relationship between energy status (inevitable catabolism). These
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Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements 193

various costs are described here as being sup- The Application of Models of Amino
port costs. The endogenous gut losses can be Acid Utilization
described directly whereas the ‘other’ support
costs (excluding preferential amino acid Mathematical models simulating dietary amino
catabolism, Table 11.2) are normally included acid uptake and postabsorptive utilization can
together (as a measure of inefficiency of uti- be used to estimate amino acid requirements
lization of absorbed amino acids) for pur- for different types of pigs growing under differ-
poses of quantitation. Methods used for ent conditions and moreover provide the model
determining gut endogenous amino acid user with insight as to why a particular require-
losses have been recently reviewed ment value is found. The utility of models is
(Hodgkinson and Moughan, 2000b). The gut illustrated in the following three examples.
losses are related to food dry matter intake
and are influenced by dietary composition,
especially the type and amount of dietary The efficiency of utilization of dietary
fibre and antinutritional factors (e.g. tannins, protein
lectins, trypsin inhibitors; see de Lange et al.,
2000). There is a considerable amount of Model predictions (Moughan and Smith,
published quantitative data on endogenous 1984) for the utilization of dietary crude pro-
protein and amino acid loss in the growing tein and lysine (the first limiting amino acid)
pig (Boisen and Moughan, 1996b). The for a range of commercial pig grower diets,
‘other’ support costs (see above) reflect ineffi- given to 50 kg live weight gilts (Pdmax = 115 g
ciencies in the utilization of the absorbed first- day1) at two food intake levels (see
limiting amino acid. Published estimates of Moughan, 1984, for details) are given in
the postabsorptive efficiency of utilization of Table 11.3. The predictions show that the dif-
the first-limiting amino acid point to a value ferent diets, formulated for optimal growth,
of around 80%, but this value is not well actually support very different rates of daily
characterized. The efficiency of utilization body protein deposition and illustrate the low
may vary among the absorbed amino acids and variable efficiencies of utilization. At the
and may be affected by the absorbed amount higher feeding level only three of the formu-
of the amino acid relative to the amount lated diets supported maximal protein growth.
required for maximal body protein synthesis The efficiency of utilization of dietary crude
(Moughan, 1989; Seve and Henry, 1995). protein intake (Pe) ranged from 20 to 42% at
Inadequate information on the process of the lower level of meal intake and from 22 to
inevitable amino acid catabolism and the 34% at the higher level. On average the
other processes (including protein turnover) ingested dietary protein was utilized with an
contributing to inefficiency in utilization of efficiency close to 30%. The equivalent of
the absorbed first-limiting amino acid is around 70% of the ingested nitrogen was
viewed as a major weakness in current mod- excreted from the pig’s body. Part of this inef-
els of amino acid utilization (Fuller, 1994). ficiency can be explained by dietary amino
The term ‘preferential’ as opposed to acid imbalance, which may be purposeful and
‘inevitable’ catabolism is used to distinguish economically justifiable. Lysine was the first-
the catabolism of amino acids for the express limiting amino acid in each of the six diets, so
purpose of energy supply (ATP generation). it is pertinent to examine (Table 11.3) the effi-
Preferential catabolism will occur in metabolic ciency of utilization of ingested lysine (Le),
states whereby the supply of ATP from non- whereby the effect of amino acid imbalance is
amino acid compounds becomes limiting in removed. As expected, the values for Le are
relation to the animal’s needs. The preferen- higher than the comparable values for Pe. On
tial catabolism of amino acids can be quantita- average the ingested lysine was utilized with
tively significant and must be described in an efficiency close to 44%, but still over half
models of amino acid utilization. Both empiri- the dietary lysine was not used for the net
cal and deductive approaches have been used deposition of lean tissue. Modelled data, such
(Moughan, 1999). as these, highlight the importance of under-
Amino Acids - Chap 11 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 194

194 P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller

Table 11.3. Efficiency of utilizationa of dietary crude protein (CP) and lysine in six commercial pig
growers diets, given at two feeding levels to 50 kg live weight gilts.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Feeding level = 1710 g meal day1

Digestible CP intake (g day1) 175 281 235 232 182 215
Protein deposited (g day1) 48.9 110.0 73.5 106.9 74.3 115.0
Pe (%)b 20.4 30.0 23.1 33.8 32.3 42.1
Le (%)c 37.2 38.3 38.5 43.5 54.0 59.0
Feeding level = 2270 g meal day1
Digestible CP intake (g day1) 232 374 312 309 242 285
Protein deposited (g day1) 71.4 115.0 104.1 115.0 105.2 115.0
Pe (%)b 22.4 23.7 24.6 27.4 34.4 31.7
Le (%)c 40.9 30.2 41.1 35.3 59.0 45.0
aPredicted values (Moughan, 1984) from a pig growth simulation model. Assumes healthy animals
growing in a thermoneutral environment.
bPe = Body protein deposited  100
Diet crude protein intake 1
cLe = Body lysine deposited  100
Diet total lysine intake 1

standing the physiological processes which cation of total and chemically available dietary
lead to losses of amino acids from the body, amino acid intakes and predicts absorbed
thus allowing better estimation of amino acid amino acids based on true ileal digestibility
requirements and refined dietary formulation. coefficients. It describes cutaneous amino acid
loss as a function of metabolic body weight and
endogenous gut amino acid losses as a function
The relative quantitative importance of of dry matter intake. The model includes a
physiological processes underlying weighting factor for gut endogenous amino
dietary amino acid utilization acid flow to allow expression of the effect of
elevated amounts of antinutritional factors or
An important application of a model of amino dietary fibre. The fractional rate of whole body
acid metabolism is to provide a deeper quanti- protein synthesis is given as a function of the
tative understanding of the inherent metabolic mean daily protein deposition rate (Pd) over the
and physiological processes. A model can be 3 days of growth preceding the day of simula-
used to quantify the significance of different tion (assumed in this exercise to equal Pd on
aspects of the growth process. the day of simulation). The loss of protein
Having broadly described the processes in nitrogen in the urine at maintenance is a set
protein metabolism, a mechanistic model, proportion of whole body protein synthesis and
describing amino acid flow in the 50 kg live amino acids are assumed to be catabolized in
weight pig and embodying the concepts dis- proportion to their occurrence in body protein.
cussed in this chapter, is now applied to give an Some amino acids (e.g. lysine) are assumed to
overall appreciation of amino acid transactions. be retained in the cell following protein break-
The deterministic model was based around that down and their catabolisms are discounted.
described by Moughan (1989) except that in The rates of inevitable catabolism are described
the presently described model daily body pro- as curvilinear functions of the amounts of
tein deposition was predicted rather than given amino acids absorbed in relation to the poten-
as a model input and daily food intake was a tial amino acid depositions (based on the
model input, with dietary energy partitioning genetic upper limit to protein retention, Pdmax).
being simulated. The model allows for specifi- The model predicts the amount of each amino
Amino Acids - Chap 11 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 195

Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements 195

acid available for growth (after maintenance Table 11.5 as lysine was generally the first-lim-
and inevitable catabolism costs have been met) iting dietary amino acid.
and the pattern of amino acids available for The data in Table 11.5 demonstrate that,
growth is compared with body protein amino particularly at higher food intakes, the process
acid composition to identify the first-limiting of inevitable catabolism may have an important
amino acid and to determine the imbalanced effect on the utilization of the first-limiting
amino acids. In the model, if balanced protein amino acid. Absorption and endogenous gut
available for growth is greater than Pdmax then loss are also of importance, with body protein
excess amino acids are catabolized. turnover being of lesser significance and cuta-
Net energy yields from amino acid catab- neous loss of only minor significance.
olism are predicted, and with the non-protein Preferential catabolism may contribute rela-
digested energy, give metabolizable energy tively significantly to amino acid loss in situa-
(ME). The daily ME is partitioned, ultimately to tions where metabolizable energy limits protein
daily protein and lipid, facing a required mini- deposition. Similarly, excess amino acid supply
mal ratio of total lipid: protein in the body, to can make a major contribution to inefficiency.
model the process of preferential catabolism. The influence that the different processes
The simulated flow of lysine in the 50 kg have on overall protein metabolism will, of
live weight pig, given a commercial grower diet course, vary with the type of diet, age and
(Table 11.4), is given in Table 11.5. The simu- weight of the animal. Nevertheless, applica-
lation data allow consideration of the modelled tion of the above simplified model gives a
effects of level of food intake and Pdmax. In the general view of amino acid dynamics and
model, feed intake does not influence the uri- allows a ranking of the importance of the
nary loss of nitrogen at maintenance but Pdmax respective processes.
has a small effect. Inevitable catabolic nitrogen
loss in the urine increases with increasing food
intake and generally declines at a given food Application of a pig growth model to
intake with increasing Pdmax but remains con- determine economically optimal amino
stant at high food intakes. The loss of urine acid requirements
nitrogen from catabolism due to excess amino
acid supply is quantitatively significant at high The principles of the economic approach to
food intakes, with the opposite being true for estimating nutrient requirements will be
preferential catabolic loss. Cutaneous amino demonstrated here by reference to a biologi-
acid loss is unaffected by feeding level or Pdmax cal pig growth model. The model (a revised
and gut loss is influenced by feed intake but not version of that described by Moughan and
Pdmax. The loss of lysine due to imbalance was Smith, 1984, and Moughan et al., 1987) is a
zero or minimal for the examples shown in deterministic biological model which simulates
the performance of an average healthy pig,
growing from 20 to 100 kg live weight under
thermoneutral conditions.
Table 11.4. Ingredient composition of a commercial The programme requires information on:
barley-based dieta formulated for growing pigs. diet type (digestible nutrient content), diet cost
and the feeding level (proportion of ad libitum
digestible energy (DE) intake) and feed wastage;
(g kg1 air-dry
Ingredient weight)
the sex and genotype (i.e. upper-limit to whole
body protein retention, Pdmax) of the pig,
Barley 732.5 weaner cost and body condition; slaughter live
Peas 165.0 weight, slaughter policy and grading specifica-
Meat-and-bone meal 50.0 tions with current carcass prices. In turn, the
Fish meal 50.0 model generates estimates of nutrient utilization,
Vitamins, minerals 2.5
average daily live weight gain, mean feed con-
aCrude protein, 178 g kg1; apparent digestible version ratio, average carcass weight, P2 back-
energy, 13.26 MJ kg1; total lysine, 9.2 g kg1. fat thickness, distribution of carcass grades and
Amino Acids - Chap 11

Table 11.5. Predicted (simulation model) utilization of dietary lysine by the 50 kg live weight growing pig, at three feeding levelsa and three maximal rates of
body protein deposition (Pdmax).

12:25 pm
Losses (g day1)

P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller

Diet intake Deposition
(g day1) Urine (g day1)
Feeding Unabsorbed

Page 196
level Total Available available Protein Inevitable Excess Preferential Gut Total
(g day1) Pdmax lysine lysine lysine turnover catabolism Imbalance supply catabolism Total Cutaneous endogenous lysine Protein Lipid

1505 100 13.8 13.1 1.8 0.7 3.2 0 0 1.0 4.9 0.08 1.6 4.78 72 72
130 13.8 13.1 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.2 0 1.4 4.9 0.08 1.6 4.83 73 73
160 13.8 13.1 1.8 0.8 2.1 0 0 1.8 4.7 0.08 1.6 4.91 74 74
2069 100 18.9 17.9 2.3 0.7 4.7 0 1.6 0 7.0 0.08 1.9 6.63 100 162
130 18.9 17.9 2.3 0.8 4.7 0 0 0 5.5 0.08 1.9 8.20 124 145
160 18.9 17.9 2.3 0.8 3.9 0.1 0 0 4.8 0.08 1.9 8.84 133 138
2633 100 24.1 22.9 3.1 0.7 6.0 0 4.4 0 11.1 0.08 2.1 6.63 100 277
130 24.1 22.9 3.1 0.8 6.0 0 2.3 0 9.1 0.08 2.1 8.62 130 255
160 24.1 22.9 3.1 0.8 6.0 0 0.3 0 7.1 0.08 2.1 10.61 160 233
aCorrespond to 8, 11 and 14% metabolic live weight, kg0.75.
Amino Acids - Chap 11 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 197

Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements 197

financial return expressed as a gross margin. more profitable than gilts. Gross margin was
The gross margin is calculated as the average maximized by feeding a ration containing 9.7 g
return per pig (a function of carcass weight and kg1 lysine and 13.50 MJ DE kg1. It is inter-
pig meat price averaged over grades) less esting to examine the growth characteristics of
weaner and feed costs and is expressed in terms the gilts and entire-males fed the latter diet
of $ per pig and $ per pig place per year. (Table 11.7). Dietary protein available for body
The model allows determination of an protein deposition (Pg) exceeds potential pro-
economically optimal feeding regimen (i.e. daily tein deposition (Pdmax) at live weights greater
intakes of lysine as a proxy for balanced pro- than 50 kg for the entire-males and 40 kg for
tein, and digestible energy, DE) for pigs grow- the gilts. Above these live weights excess amino
ing under defined conditions. This application acids are deaminated and the surplus energy is
will be demonstrated by reference to the results stored as lipid. In this case, the growth model
of a case study. The case study described here was used to evaluate the effect on profit from
(see Moughan and Smith, 1987, for a detailed the entire-males and gilts, respectively, conse-
description) is for a farm growing pigs between quent upon introducing a lower-protein finisher
20 and 80 kg live weight (all in/all out policy) ration. The results of this analysis are presented
of a specified genotype (Pdmax = 140 g day1 in Table 11.8. Feeding strategies E and J
for entire males, 130 g day1 for gilts). It is allowed the entire-males and gilts, respectively,
assumed that the pigs were disease free and to make efficient use of the dietary protein avail-
were in a thermoneutral environment. The unit able for growth (Pg). These regimens are the
is designed for ad libitum feeding and there is most profitable of those analysed. For this par-
interest in maximizing pig throughput as well as ticular farm it would be advised that gilts and
the financial return per pig. entire-male pigs be penned separately; the
Least-cost diets were formulated to contain entires should be given a 9.7 g kg1 lysine,
a range of lysine/energy ratios and DE densi- 13.50 MJ DE kg1 diet from 20 to 60 kg live
ties. The predicted gross margin returns for the weight followed by a 7.6 g kg1 lysine,
entire-males and gilts fed ad libitum are shown 13.50 MJ DE kg1 diet to slaughter at 80 kg
in Table 11.6. Particularly for the high live weight, whereas the gilts should be fed a
lysine/DE ratio diets the entire-males were 9.7 g kg1 lysine, 13.50 MJ DE kg1 diet to

Table 11.6. The gross margins (NZ$/pig place/year) obtained by simulating

growth in entire-male pigs and gilts given diets of varying lysine:DE ratio and
DE density under ad libitum feeding.

Lysine:DEa 0.88 0.72 0.56 0.40

12.50 MJ DE kg1
GMb (entire) 150.21 168.04 127.43 32.16
GM (gilt) 134.74 151.21 126.38 32.17
13.00 MJ DE kg1
GM (entire) 153.36 175.18 144.31 40.90
GM (gilt) 137.84 158.28 138.30 40.90
13.50 MJ DE kg1
GM (entire) 153.51 178.08 151.46 47.49
GM (gilt) 136.78 160.66 144.70 47.49
14.00 MJ DE kg1
GM (entire) 148.09 174.37 154.08 51.26
GM (gilt) 128.06 156.28 144.20 51.26
14.50 MJ DE kg1
GM (entire) 139.92 166.06 146.10 49.06
GM (gilt) 122.70 148.83 138.96 49.06
aDE, digestible energy.
bGM, gross margin.
Amino Acids - Chap 11 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 198

198 P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller

Table 11.7. Simulated values of dietary protein available for body protein deposition (Pg; g day1),
protein deposited (Pd; g day1) and lipid deposited (Ld; g day1) for gilts and entire-male pigs fed a diet
containing 9.7 g kg1 lysine and 13.50 MJ DE kg1 ad libitum.

Entire-male (Pdmax = 140 g day1) Gilt (Pdmax = 130 g day1)

Live weight (kg) Pg Pd Ld Pg Pd Ld

20 101 101 132 101 101 132

30 117 117 139 117 117 139
40 138 138 154 138 130 161
50 156 140 178 156 130 186
60 172 140 199 172 130 209
70 187 140 217 187 130 227
80 200 140 232 200 130 244

Pdmax, upper genetic-limit to body protein retention.

50 kg live weight followed by a 7.6 g kg1 before their use in practice. Also and consider-
lysine, 13.50 MJ DE kg1 diet. Split-sex dual- ing the greater flexibility afforded by model use,
diet feeding gives an extra NZ$7.54 per pig it is likely that future nutritional research in
place per year for the gilts and NZ$1.08 for the monogastric species will move away from
entire-males, over the optimal feeding regimen empirical dose–response type trials towards
for the mixed-sex, single-diet situation. studies of the underlying causative factors of
The analysis highlights the use of models animal growth. As more sophisticated growth
to derive nutrient requirements, based on max- models are developed, the scope and accuracy
imizing economic return. It also demonstrates of the economic analysis will be heightened.
that the daily requirement for amino acids
changes throughout the growth period, under-
lining a further shortcoming of using static Conclusions
‘text book’ estimates of average requirements.
The above outlines a systematic approach To achieve the objectives of modern pig pro-
to devising optimal feeding programmes but duction, amino acid requirements are best
should be viewed strictly as an ‘example’ of the defined as the daily amounts of amino acids,
type of analysis that can be undertaken using a that, when fed as part of an optimal mixture of
computerized growth model. Management nutrients in a diet, maximize financial gross
strategies guided by results obtained from a log- margins. This concept introduces a spatial and
ical analysis of specific ‘on-farm’ situations are temporal dynamism to requirement estimation.
likely to yield real and worthwhile economic Amino acid requirements vary among farms
benefits. It should be realized that each farming and over time. The development and applica-
situation is unique and situations change with tion of mathematical models which describe
time, both physically and financially. It is rec- amino acid and nutrient utilization at the whole
ommended that analyses, such as the above, be animal level, are necessary to achieve the
undertaken for individual farms and the situa- degree of flexibility required to allow a dynamic
tion be re-analysed whenever the values of estimation of amino acid requirements. Such
model inputs change to an appreciable extent. models are driven by a mechanistic understand-
Optimal solutions will vary between farms and ing of amino acid utilization embodied into
over time thus suggesting the dynamic nature mathematical algorithms simulating the physio-
of the approach. It should be stressed that the logical and biochemical processes, which inter-
validity of this method for estimating nutrient act to drive the outcomes of nutrient
requirements is completely dependent on the metabolism. These deductive growth models
predictive accuracy of the model, thus suggest- offer a powerful approach to the estimation of
ing the need for thorough testing of models amino acid and nutrient requirements.
Amino Acids - Chap 11
Table 11.8. Simulated values of dietary protein available for growth (Pg; g day1), protein deposited (Pd; g day1), lipid deposited (Ld; g day1) and gross
margins (NZ$/pig place/year) for gilts and entire-male pigs fed grower/finisher diets ad libitum.

Diet combination

Entire male
Live weight (kg) Da Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld

12:25 pm
20 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132

Estimation of Amino Acid Requirements

30 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139
40 1 138 138 154 1 138 138 154 1 138 138 154 1 138 138 154 1 138 138 154
50 1 158 140 178 2 154 140 177 3 119 119 208 4 78 78 249 1 158 140 178

Page 199
60 1 172 140 199 2 170 140 198 3 131 131 221 4 87 87 273 1 172 140 199
70 1 187 140 217 2 184 140 216 3 142 140 235 4 93 93 293 3 141 140 230
80 1 200 140 232 2 197 140 232 3 151 140 252 4 100 100 311 3 151 140 249
Gross margin = 178.08 178.17 173.43 101.28 181.16
Live weight (kg) D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld D Pg Pd Ld

20 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132 1 101 101 132
30 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139 1 117 117 139
40 1 138 130 161 2 136 130 160 3 105 105 190 4 70 70 225 1 138 130 161
50 1 156 130 186 2 154 130 186 3 119 119 209 4 79 79 254 1 156 130 186
60 1 172 130 209 2 170 130 209 3 131 130 223 4 87 87 277 3 131 130 221
70 1 187 130 227 2 184 130 226 3 141 130 244 4 93 93 297 3 142 130 242
80 1 200 130 244 2 197 130 243 3 151 130 262 4 100 100 315 3 151 130 260
Gross margin = 160.66 160.75 160.88 87.23 167.54
aD, diet fed over the specified live-weight range, where diet 1 contains 9.7 g kg1 lysine, 13.50 MJ DE kg1; diet 2, 9.4 g kg1 lysine, 13.00 MJ DE kg1; diet 3,
7.6 g kg1 lysine, 13.50 MJ DE kg1, and diet 4, 5.6 g kg1 lysine 14.00 MJ DE kg1.

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200 P.J. Moughan and M.F. Fuller


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12 Amino Acid Utilization for

Reproduction in Sows

S.W. Kim1* and R.A. Easter2

1Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas,
USA; 2College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of
Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA

Introduction Amino Acids for Developing Gilts

Amino acids are essential nutrients which The major objective of feeding amino acids to
need to be supplied from dietary sources gilts during the prepubertal period is to sup-
because of continuous protein turnover and port and balance the growth of gilts with
catabolism in the body. Amino acids are reproductive maturity. Gilts in the prepubertal
needed not only for maintenance and growth stage gain lean tissue rapidly. However, as
but also for reproduction in pigs. Pigs gilts approach puberty, lean tissue gain starts
receive amino acids from different sources decelerating whereas fat tissue gain starts
such as numerous kinds of feed ingredients. accelerating. Due to the extensive genetic
Feed ingredients contain amino acids that selection of pigs for a high leanness over the
are all unique and different in contents and last decades, breeding pigs are also leaner
profiles. than those in 1979 (MLC, 1979, 1999). As
The required amount of dietary amino consequences of the selection for leanness,
acids to support reproduction in pigs has been growth rate, feed efficiency and mature size
widely investigated. The concept of focusing have been improved, whereas voluntary feed
on the quality of dietary amino acids is, how- intake has been reduced (Kanis, 1990; Smith
ever, relatively less characterized. Identifying et al., 1991). Genetically increased leanness
ideal profiles of amino acids for breeding pigs appears to be unfavourable to reproductive
has been investigated rather recently. Some of performance through an association with
the reasons are due to the complexity of nutri- delayed physiological maturity (Kirkwood and
ent metabolism and reproduction interaction Aherne, 1985).
in breeding pigs. It is too early to conclude Gilts from five different genetic lines
that we understand amino acid metabolism in were used in efforts to affect the overall
breeding pigs. Intensive research efforts need reproductive performance by changing the
to be continued in this area. body composition of gilts through manipula-
In this chapter, the currently available tion of dietary protein levels (Stalder et al.,
information in amino acid metabolism for 2000). Feeding diets with different protein
breeding pigs is reviewed, and a concept of levels produced females with different lean
feeding amino acids to breeding pigs is sug- and fat gains. The effects were inconsistent.
gested. For gilts from two genetic lines, dietary

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 203
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204 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

modification influenced reproductive perfor- Amino acids and ovulation rate

mance quantified as the number of pigs born
and litter birth weight. However, these Ovulation rate is the initial determinant of lit-
effects were not evident in gilts from three ter size (King and Williams, 1984a).
generic lines. This supports the conclusion Improving ovulation rate through nutritional
that nutrition interacts with genotype as it management has been widely investigated.
affects reproductive performance of lean- Providing additional nutrients for 2 weeks
type pigs. before breeding, i.e. flushing, has been shown
to increase ovulation rate (Anderson and
Melampy, 1972; Hughes and Pearce, 1989;
Amino acids and onset of puberty Beltranena et al., 1991) by increasing proges-
terone level (Prunier et al., 1993) and by
Gaughan et al. (1995, 1997) have increasing the number of large follicles (Dailey
described the effects on reproductive matu- et al., 1975). However, flushing to increase
ration of long-term genetic selection for ovulation rate is primarily due to energy, not
lean. But, the extent to which nutrition amino acid intake (Aherne and Kirkwood,
directly affects the onset of puberty remains 1985).
controversial. Some work appears to indi- Delaying breeding to the second or third
cate that there are minimum thresholds for postpubertal oestrus provides time to manipu-
body weight and body composition that late feeding to improve ovulation rate (Aherne
must be achieved prior to the onset of and Kirkwood, 1985). Whittemore (1996)
puberty (Dickerson et al., 1964; Kirkwood suggests that well-fed and heavy gilts do not
and Aherne, 1985), whereas other work need to delay breeding; it is useful only for
suggests that the gilt must reach a certain young and light-weight gilts.
age before the advent of puberty (Burnett et Whether increasing dietary amino acids
al., 1988; Rozeboom et al., 1995). affects ovulation rate is not clear. Changing
It is relatively simple to change the fat dietary protein levels from 12.5 and 16% did
content of breeding pigs through manipula- not affect ovulation rate (Zimmerman et al.,
tion of daily energy intake. More complex is 1967) and short-term protein deprivation (21
the relationship between energy and amino days) had no effect although long-term depriva-
acid intake and the consequent effects on tion decreased ovulation rate (McGillivray et
both lean and fat growth. Cia et al. (1998) al., 1964). Fowler and Robertson (1954) and
fed diets to the gilts with lysine/energy ratios Zimmerman et al. (1967) demonstrated that
of 0.9, 0.6 and 0.3 g lysine per MJ DE to test providing diets with various amino acid pat-
a hypothesis that modification of body com- terns from different protein sources, i.e. animal
position which favours fat deposition in lean- vs. plant sources, did not affect ovulation rate.
type gilts would encourage early puberty.
However, restricting dietary amino acids to
increase body fat content did not improve Concept of providing amino acids during
reproductive performance of lean-type gilts the prepubertal period
but delayed puberty. Jones and Maxwell
(1974) and den Hartog and Verstegen (1990) Balancing dietary amino acid patterns to meet
also found that amino acid restriction during the amino acid needs for gilts is essential for
the prepubertal period did not advance the optimizing prepubertal growth and early
appearance of puberty. Others have reported reproductive maturity. Pioneering work from
that providing a low-protein diet during the Fowler and Robertson (1954) found that gilts
rearing period depresses growth rate and fed a diet with animal-source proteins, such as
delays puberty (Wahlstrom and Libal, 1977; meat meal, reached puberty at an earlier age
Cunningham et al., 1974). Mild amino acid than gilts fed a diet with plant-source proteins,
restriction, however, does not appear to influ- such as soybean meal, indicating that dietary
ence the age at puberty (den Hartog and van amino acid pattern affects the reproductive
Kempen, 1980). performance of gilts. Later Friend (1973)
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Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 205

reevaluated the effect of adding crystalline Amino acids for fetal growth and birth
lysine and methionine to improve the amino weight
acid balance of gilts to reduce the age at
puberty. Supplementing crystalline amino Maternal intake is an important amino acid
acids to improve the performance was not source for fetal growth and litter birth weight.
successful mainly because the experimental Amino acids are needed for synthesizing nec-
diets were too deficient in protein (94–97g essary elements for fetal growth such as hor-
kg1) to support normal development and mones and nucleotides (Reeds and Hutchens,
because the experimental period was not long 1994) as well as for building fetal tissue pro-
enough to obtain the treatment effect. There teins and peptides. Amino acids are also an
have been no further investigations to deter- important energy source for fetal growth (Bell
mine if the dietary amino acid pattern during et al., 1989).
the prepubertal period affects reproductive Dwyer and Stickland (1994) investigated
performance. Recent nutrient requirements the effect of supplemental protein and energy
from the NRC (1998) do not indicate the ideal on fetal growth from severely underfed sows
amino acid pattern for developing gilts. One during gestation and found that protein sup-
is needed to test the hypothesis that the ideal plementation rehabilitated fetal growth more
pattern for maximal lean growth also supports than the effects obtained from energy supple-
optimum reproductive development. mentation. This result agrees with the previ-
ous finding from Atinmo et al. (1974) who
showed that protein restriction caused greater
Amino Acids for Gestating Sows impairment of fetus growth than energy
restriction. Pond et al. (1991) also demon-
Providing amino acids to the pigs during ges- strated that severe protein restriction reduced
tation should target balancing amino acid fetus weight at day 50 of gestation as well as
needs for various components such as the birth weight. Maternal body weight was also
growth of the fetus, reproductive tract and reduced whereas backfat thickness increased
mammary tissue and, at the same time, opti- for protein-restricted sows. This result indi-
mizing body condition of sows at farrowing as cates that the effect of maternal protein
body condition at farrowing is closely related restriction on fetal growth can be initiated by
to lactation performance (Baker et al., 1968; early- and mid-gestation that is even before
Mullan and Williams, 1989; O’Dowd et al., the period of most rapid fetal growth (late-ges-
1997). In the case of first parity sows, the tation). Protein deficiency during early- and
amino acid needs for adequate maternal lean mid-gestation affects the fetal growth more
growth should also be considered, whereas detrimentally than during the late-gestation
mature sows do not need additional amino (Pond et al., 1992). Effect of protein restric-
acids for the maternal gain during gestation. tion on reduced fetal growth can be explained
Extensive genetic selection for pigs has by decreased amino acid concentration in
resulted in breeding pigs that are leaner and fetal plasma whereas maternal plasma amino
produce larger litters than those in 1979 acid concentration was not affected (Wu et
(MLC, 1979, 1999). The consequences of al., 1998a). Atinmo et al. (1976) also demon-
genetic selection would affect protein metabo- strated that maternal protein restriction
lism during gestation, in turn, affecting dietary decreased plasma growth hormone level in
amino acid requirements for improving repro- the fetus.
ductive performance of sows. Placental development is an important
In this section, amino acid nutrition dur- factor in supporting fetal growth. The fetus
ing gestation is discussed in relation to the receives nutrients through placental blood ves-
reproductive performance. Recent research sels (Ford, 1995; Ott et al., 1997). Placental
data for feeding amino acids to the lean-type angiogenesis occurs rapidly during placental
sows during gestation are reviewed in an development (Reynolds et al., 1992). Knight
attempt to access amino acid requirements et al. (1977) demonstrated that placental
and ideal dietary amino acid patterns. growth was maximized by day 60 of gestation.
Amino Acids - Chap 12 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 206

206 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

Placental growth is affected by maternal pro- soybean meal-based diets normally contain
tein intake. Wu et al. (1998b) showed that arginine abundantly. Whether increasing
severe protein restriction to gilts during gesta- dietary arginine content raises placental argi-
tion decreased placental amino acid content. nine uptake is not known yet.
The number of fetal muscle fibres is one of
key determinants for postnatal growth (Handel
and Stickland, 1987; Rehfeldt et al., 1993). Amino acids for mammary gland
Development of fetal muscle fibre is well development
reviewed by Lefaucheur and Gerrard (1998)
and Wigmore and Dunglison (1998). Mammary glands undergo physiological and
Nutritional modification can alter the number morphological changes at the onset of preg-
of secondary muscle fibres whereas primary nancy and grow substantially during gestation.
fibre numbers are resistant to environmental The size of mammary glands increases almost
influences (Wigmore and Stickland, 1983). It fourfold during gestation as indicated by DNA
was shown that hyperplasia of muscle fibre was content (Kensinger et al., 1982), which
completed by day 90 of gestation. Secondary involves 148 g protein gain per gland. Based
fibre hyperplasia began at approximately day on the assumption that sows normally have
50 of gestation in the pig and continues until 14 functional glands, that is 2066 g mam-
day 85–90 (Wigmore and Stickland, 1983). mary protein gain during gestation which is
Dwyer et al. (1994) showed that increasing calculated as 18 g day1 protein. It is then
maternal nutrient intake from day 25 to 50 of easily calculated that 1.4 g of lysine day1 (or
gestation increased muscle fibre hyperplasia by 8.1 g of essential amino acids day1) accumu-
13% and suggested that increasing sow feed lated to mammary tissue during gestation
intake in early pregnancy may improve the based on the amino acid pattern in mammary
mean postnatal growth rate of the litter in the tissue from Kim et al. (1999a).
later growth phases to slaughter. Several other Hacker and Hill (1972) and Kensinger et
investigators also agree that providing sufficient al. (1982) indicate that mammary gland
amino acids before day 60 of gestation is criti- growth occurs mostly during days 75–90 of
cal for fetal and placental growth (Bazer, 1992; gestation. This suggests that additional amino
Pond et al., 1992; Scholknecht et al., 1994) acid provision during this period may help an
Arginine may be important for fetal optimal mammary gland growth. However,
growth. Sparks et al. (1985) and Wu et al. Weldon et al. (1990) showed that increased
(1999) demonstrated that the rate of argi- dietary amino acid level during days 75–90
nine deposition to fetal tissue proteins was did not affect mammary gland growth.
one of the greatest among amino acids. Kusina et al. (1999) fed gilts different lev-
Arginine was efficiently metabolized to nitric els of amino acids during gestation. Daily
oxide. The metabolic importance of nitric lysine intakes were 4, 8 or 16 g day1 during
oxide to the fetal growth as an endothelium- gestation. Additional amino acid provision
derived relaxing factor, a neurotransmitter, during gestation also failed to improve gesta-
and a modulator of the immune response tional mammary gland growth (Kusina et al.,
(Wu et al., 1996) makes the role of arginine 1999). Restricting amino acid intake, how-
significant. Reducing the maternal dietary ever, reduced the mammary gland of gilts dur-
protein level decreased placental free argi- ing gestation (Head and Williams, 1991).
nine concentration and, therefore, reduced
nitric oxide synthesis (Wu et al., 1998c) that
may impair placental and endometrial angio- Concept of providing amino acids during
genesis and growth. Wu et al. (1998c) sug- gestation
gested that reduced arginine concentration
in placenta leads to reduction in Characterizing an ideal amino acid pattern
placental–fetal blood flow, nutrient supply (IAAP) for gestating sows is one of the primary
from mother to fetus, and ultimately fetal factors for improving overall reproduction per-
growth retardation. Conventional maize and formance. It is well documented that gestation
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Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 207

nutrition is closely correlated to the perfor- uptakes are unique among amino acids (Eaton
mance during lactation. Obese pigs at farrow- et al., 1982; Yudilevich and Sweiry, 1985). It
ing possess a low voluntary feed intake during has been demonstrated that fetal tissue uses
lactation (Yang et al., 1989; Revell et al., amino acids as major energy sources (Schaefer
1998a; Sinclair et al., 2001). Low feed intake and Krishnamurti, 1984; Hatfield et al., 1984),
during lactation results in excessive body tissue which illustrates that increasing transplacental
loss at weaning which often causes delayed amino acids would be beneficial for fetal
days return to oestrus after weaning or even growth.
reproduction failure (King and Dunkin, 1986; Thus, applying an IAAP for establishing
Jones and Stahly, 1995). Restricting nutrient nutrient requirements of gestating sows will
intake during gestation to prevent excessive fat provide a maximal efficiency for fetal growth
deposition is the most popular practice. but minimize unnecessary maternal amino acid
However, severe feed restriction would not be oxidation and fat deposition. Accurate estima-
beneficial either. Obtaining accurate nutrient tion of amino acid requirements for gestation
requirements, therefore, is a key factor for the will allow nutritionists to set an advanced feed-
successful management of gestating sows. An ing strategy for gestating sows in relation to
unbalanced amino acid pattern in diets can improving lactation performance, such as litter
cause excessive oxidation of amino acids during weight gain and days return to oestrus.
metabolism by allowing redundant amino acids Measuring amino acid needs for gestation
to be oxidized or deaminated (Voet and Voet, should be based on the clear understanding of
1990). Thus, employing an IAAP helps to amino acid changes in metabolically active tis-
reduce overall amino acid oxidation. Oxidized sues during gestation. At conception, amino
amino acids are mainly utilized as energy acid metabolism is directed at supporting fetal
sources and may be used for the fat deposition growth and growth of other related tissues,
during gestation. Providing a diet with an IAAP such as uterus, mammary glands and placenta.
to gestating sows will reduce unnecessary loss Gastrointestinal tract and liver are also impor-
of essential amino acids and reduce unneces- tant tissues during gestation in that they are
sary fat deposition. Meanwhile, matching intimately involved in amino acid digestion,
dietary amino acid patterns to the actual needs absorption and metabolism. In the case of gilts
will also allow an increase of protein deposition or young sows, amino acid metabolism is also
in fetal tissue by increasing the efficiency of directed at supporting maternal growth.
amino acid uptake by the placenta when one The quantities of amino acids that are
considers that transplacental ratio and fetal needed for tissue accumulation or mainte-

Table 12.1. Amino acid patterns in various tissues of sows during gestationa.

Maternal Mammary
Tissue tissueb glandc Fetusd Uteruse Placentaf

Lysine 100 100 100 100 100

Threonine 44 58 54 58 53
Tryptophan 12 16 18 22 22
Methionine 38 26 31 14 14
Valine 53 75 72 76 49
Isoleucine 51 54 49 52 67
Leucine 84 111 110 109 38
aRelativeratio to lysine.
bAdapted from Zarkadas et al. (1992).
cAdapted from Kim et al. (1999a).
dAdapted from Wu et al. (1998a).
eAdapted from Kim and Easter (2001).
fAdapted from Wu et al. (1998b).
Amino Acids - Chap 12 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 208

208 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

(a) (b)

Protein in uterus (g)

Protein in fetus (g)

150 400
30 100
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Day of gestation Day of gestation

Protein in mammary glands (g)

(c) (d )
Protein in placenta (g)

14 180
12 160
10 140
8 100
6 80
4 40
2 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Day of gestation Day of gestation
Fig. 12.1. Protein content in (a) fetus, (b) uterus, (c) placenta, (d) individual mammary glands during
gestation in sows. Adapted from (a) Wu et al. (1998a), (b) Walker and Young (1993), (c) Wu et al.
(1998b), (d) Kensinger et al. (1982).

nance will differ among tissues and also the balance between IAAP and major feed
change as gestation progresses. Amino acid ingredients.
patterns in these tissues differ as well (Table Considering both amino acid patterns in
12.1). Dietary amino acid patterns should various tissues (Table 12.1) and changes of
consider all of these factors to match the amino acid quantities in various tissues during
actual amino acid needs during the specific gestation (Fig. 12.1), ideal dietary amino acid
stages of gestation (Fig. 12.1). Components patterns can be estimated. For convenience,
of the amino acid gain from uterus, fetus, pla- gestation was divided into two periods as
centa, and mammary glands should balance examples, i.e. 0–70 days and 71–115 days.
with dietary components together with car- The amounts of amino acids accumulated into
cass, gastrointestinal tract and liver. The order uterus, placenta, fetus, mammary gland and
of limiting amino acids can be obtained from maternal carcass during both periods were

Table 12.2. Estimates of ideal dietary amino acid pattern for gestating sowsa.

Estimation NRC (1998)

Maternal protein gain 2 kg 0 kg 2 kg 0 kg

day day day day day day day day

Gestational period 0–115 0–70 71–115 0–115 0–70 71–115 0–115 0–115

Lysine 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Threonine 50 48 51 55 56 55 75 83
Tryptophan 16 15 16 19 20 18 19 19
Methionine 32 32 32 27 21 28 25 26
Valine 63 59 65 72 69 72 67 66
Isoleucine 51 52 50 51 54 50 56 57
Leucine 96 88 100 106 96 109 87 82
aBased on a scenario that the sow has 11 fetuses.
Amino Acids - Chap 12 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 209

Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 209

calculated based on an assumption that amino in the uterus, placenta, fetus and mammary
acid patterns in those tissues do not change glands, as well as maternal carcass, gastroin-
during each period (Table 12.2). Estimated testinal tract, liver and other viscera during dif-
patterns suggest a concept that the ideal ferent stages of gestation will provide an
dietary amino acid pattern is changing important basis for estimating an accurate
depending on the stage of gestation and the ideal dietary amino acid pattern for gestating
amount of maternal protein gain. The most sows. At this time, however, it is a hypothesis
recent and comprehensive concept in ideal that the ideal dietary amino acid pattern is
amino acid patterns for gestating sows would dynamic as gestation progresses.
be estimates from NRC (1998). The ideal
dietary amino acid pattern suggested from
NRC (1998) stays the same during the whole Amino Acids for Lactating Sows
gestation period and does not respond sensi-
tively to the level of maternal protein gain. Lactation is physiologically and nutritionally
Based on a simple calculation in Table 12.2, it unique and distinct from other stages of a
is shown that the ideal dietary amino acid pat- pig’s life. During lactation, amino acid
tern from NRC (1998) does not represent the metabolism is directed favourably to milk
actual amino acid needs for gestating sows. production through mammary glands. When
The problem in the NRC ideal amino acid there are not enough amino acids available
pattern is that the suggested ideal pattern is a from dietary sources, a sow starts mobilizing
fixed and single profile and does not consider her body protein to provide amino acids for
changes of growth rates among individual tis- synthesizing milk protein. Excessive tissue
sues as gestation progresses. protein mobilization during lactation reduces
Wu et al. (1998b) measured the actual the sow’s body condition that impairs the
amounts of each amino acid taken up by the normal reproductive performance for the
uterus during gestation (Table 12.3). When subsequent parities, such as delayed return
the ratios for the actual amino acid accretion to oestrus, reduced litter size in subsequent
in the fetus, uterus and placenta are consid- litters, or even reproduction failure (Reese et
ered, lysine was used most efficiently for tissue al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984;
accretion followed by valine and isoleucine. Kirkwood et al., 1987). Focusing lactation
Factors for uterine amino acid uptake need to feeding strategies on minimizing weight loss
be further investigated and identifying those is, therefore, important.
factors will improve accuracy in estimating During lactation, a common problem in
amino acid requirements in gestating sows. sow management is low voluntary feed intake,
Assessing detailed information on especially for the primiparous sows. In addi-
changes of amino acid quantities and patterns tion, genetic selection for high milk production

Table 12.3. Amino acid uptake by uterus and the amount of amino acids used for tissue accretion.

Uterine amino acid uptakea Amino acid pattern %b of amino acid

from tissue accretion
mg day1 fetus1 %b accretionc (%b) (uptake/accretion)

Lysine 762 100 100 100

Threonine 482 63 55 115
Tryptophan 204 27 19 142
Methionine 245 32 27 119
Valine 585 77 71 108
Isoleucine 416 55 51 108
Leucine 1031 135 105 129
aAdapted from Wu et al. (1998b).
bRelativeratio to lysine.
cAdapted from Table 12.2 and Fig. 12.1. Tissues include fetus, uterus and placenta.
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210 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

and large litter size has burdened sows to teat order which is relatively strong (McBride,
deplete amino acids to support increased milk 1963; De Passille and Rushen, 1989). Some
protein synthesis. Low dietary amino acid mammary glands are used by nursing pigs
intake in relation to the increased milk protein whereas the other remaining glands are not
synthesis causes a massive tissue protein mobi- being used. The numbers of lactating and
lization during lactation. Lactating sows are, non-lactating mammary glands depends on lit-
therefore, often in a catabolic status until ter size and total number of mammary glands.
weaning. To prevent excessive and extensive Suckled mammary glands are functional and
amino acid catabolism during lactation, one continue to lactate, whereas non-suckled
strategy will be to increase amino acid intake. mammary glands undergo substantial regres-
Designing a nutritionally well-balanced ‘ideal’ sion during the first 7–10 days of lactation
diet for lactating sows would be another (Kim et al., 2001a). A lactating mammary
important strategy. The goals of these strate- gland clearly continues to grow as lactation
gies should not be limited to maximizing milk continues (Kim et al., 1999a).
production for nursing pigs but also should be It has been shown that 1.0 g day1 of
extended to maintaining optimum body condi- lysine (or 7.0 g day1 of essential amino acids)
tion for normal or improved reproductive per- is incorporated into mammary tissue protein
formance. In designing a diet with an ideal for sows with ten nursing pigs (Kim et al.,
amino acid pattern for lactating sows, clear 1999a). However, the actual amount of amino
understanding of amino acid requirements is a acids needed for the tissue growth would be
critical starting point. In this section, the role higher than that deposited in mammary tissue
of amino acids in the metabolism of lactating protein. Regressing non-suckled mammary
sows is discussed, especially focusing on repro- glands may provide a small amount of lysine
ductive performance. A concept in designing (0.4 g day1 or 2.1 g essential amino acids
an ideal lactation diet is also discussed. day1) to other suckled lactating mammary
glands (Kim et al., 2001a). Trottier et al.
(1997) measured the amount of essential
Amino acids for mammary gland growth amino acids taken up by mammary glands
(188.5 g day1), secreted as milk proteins
The mammary glands are the key tissue (139.5 g day1), and finally retained in mam-
organ that cannot be ignored in discussing mary gland (49.0 g day1). It is, then, calcu-
lactating sows because of their metabolic lated that only 14% of essential amino acids
importance in synthesizing and secreting milk were actually used for tissue growth (Kim et
that is directly related to litter weight gain and al., 1999a) and the remaining 76% of essen-
litter weaning weight. Mammary glands take tial amino acids was either transformed to
up amino acids from the bloodstream, syn- other non-essential amino acids or oxidized as
thesize milk proteins and secrete milk to nurs- energy sources (Richert et al., 1998). For indi-
ing pigs. Understanding the metabolism and vidual amino acids, oxidation rates were differ-
biology of mammary glands is, therefore, a ent among essential amino acids (Table 12.4).
crucial initial point for improving reproduc- It was shown that branched-chain amino acids
tive performance of lactating sows and over- are highly oxidizable relative to other essential
all swine production. amino acids in mammary glands. High oxida-
At the onset of parturition, the mammary tion rate in valine suggests that sows may need
gland undergoes major physiological changes. a higher valine requirement (11.5 g kg1) than
Mammary epithelial cells actively synthesize the requirement from NRC recommendation
and secrete milk into lumen that is then (Richert et al., 1996; NRC, 1998).
released to nursing pigs. During colostrum The amount of amino acids in lactating
secretion, lactation is continuous but it mammary glands increases during lactation as
becomes periodic within a couple of days mammary glands grow continuously (Kim et
after farrowing as colostrum secretion ends al., 1999a). However, mammary amino acids
and milk secretion begins. As sows milk peri- increase at different rates depending on the
odically, their nursing pigs establish a unique stage of lactation (Kim et al., 2000a). In a
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Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 211

Table 12.4. Amino acids retained or accumulated in mammary gland of

lactating sowsa.

Retained EAA Tissue EAA

(g day1) (g day1) Oxidation rate (%)

Lysine 3.2 1.01 68.2

Threonine 4.8 0.56 88.4
Tryptophan 0.8 0.15 80.0
Methionine 1.7 0.28 83.2
Valine 6.9 0.79 88.5
Leucine 12.9 1.16 91.0
Isoleucine 7.4 0.58 92.2
aAdapted from Trottier et al. (1997) and Kim et al. (1999a).

normal nutritional status, growth rate is maxi- suckled mammary glands were smaller than
mized during the first 2 weeks of lactation, sows with smaller litter size, i.e. down to 6,
and then slows down until weaning. whereas the total size of suckled mammary
The amount of dietary amino acids glands was definitely greater (Kim et al.,
affects mammary gland growth. It has been 1999c). There was a 0.13 g lysine (or 0.80 g
shown that amino acid and energy intakes essential amino acids) increase in mammary
during lactation affect the growth of mam- tissue for one pig increase to a litter during 21
mary glands (Kim et al., 1999b). Mammary day lactation. Amino acid needs for an
gland growth in lactating sows was maximized increased litter would be greater when amino
when a sow consumed 55 g total lysine and acid oxidation is considered. Nielsen et al.
70.7 MJ ME per day during lactation. (1997) measured the changes of amino acid
Suggested energy requirement is about the quantity taken up by mammary glands from
same level as suggested by NRC (1998), the sows with different litter sizes. Considering
whereas lysine (or essential amino acids) Nielsen’s data, amino acid needs for addi-
requirement for maximal mammary gland tional pigs in the litter would be higher than
growth was about 10% higher than the NRC actual tissue accumulation (Table 12.5).
recommendation. One explanation for this Lactational mammary gland growth was
difference is that the NRC recommendation also affected by the anatomical location of
did not consider amino acid needs for mam- each mammary gland in the sow. The first five
mary gland growth in establishing require- pairs of suckled mammary glands grew faster
ments that were shown to be between 3.2 than other posterior glands during lactation
and 7.14 g day1 (Trottier et al., 1997; Kim and pigs that suckled the first five pairs of
et al., 1999a). Jackson et al. (2000) and mammary glands also grew faster than other
Hurley et al. (2000) reported that the cellular pigs during lactation (Kim et al., 2000b).
transport systems for lysine and valine should There was a clear relationship between protein
not be limiting factors in lysine and valine content in suckled mammary gland and the
uptakes suggesting that increased dietary growth of pigs during lactation (Kim et al.,
amino acids would increase amino acid uptake 2000b; Nielsen et al., 2001) indicating bene-
by mammary cells that can be used for tissue fits of encouraging mammary gland growth
and milk protein synthesis. However, increas- during lactation for improving pig production.
ing intakes of specific amino acids should be
achieved with a consideration of the balance
with other essential amino acids. Amino acids for milk production and litter
Sows with different litter sizes had differ- growth
ent rates of mammary gland growth during
lactation. For the sows with the larger litter Milk production is relatively unaffected by
size, i.e. up to 12, the growth of individual dietary protein restriction because a sow has a
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212 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

Table 12.5. Amino acid use by mammary gland as litter size increased (g day1). (Adapted from Kim et
al., 1999c, and Nielsen et al., 1997.)

Lys Thr Trp Met Val Leu Ile

Tissue 0.13 0.18 0.05 0.08 0.24 0.35 0.17

Uptake 1.92 1.00 – 0.47 1.35 2.08 0.83

remarkable capacity to buffer by mobilizing Mammary glands take up amino acids from
her body protein to support amino acids the bloodstream for milk synthesis. Amino
needed for milk protein synthesis (Revell et acid patterns among different pools are
al., 1998b). However, severe protein restric- shown in Table 12.6. It can be easily seen
tion during lactation caused decreased milk that the amino acid pattern in the blood-
production (Brendemuhl et al., 1987; King et stream (Wu et al., 1999) and the amino acid
al., 1993; Knabe et al., 1996; Jones and pattern taken up by the mammary glands
Stahly, 1999). Milk production also (Trottier et al., 1997) are different (Table
responded to a high protein diet to a certain 12.6). The differences in amino acid patterns
degree (King et al., 1993). In attempting to among different pools indicate that amino
increase milk production through high protein acid transporters in mammary tissue may
diet, it will be important to consider the bal- have specific efficiencies for each amino acid.
ance of dietary amino acids especially among However, the amino acid pattern in milk (King
limiting essential amino acids (Knabe et al., et al., 1993) and those in mammary tissue
1996; Copper et al., 2001). Dietary protein (Kim et al., 1999a) are very similar. Unique
fortification through stomach cannula did not amino acid patterns in various amino acid
increase milk production but instead pools are important components in construct-
decreased maternal tissue loss during lactation ing a concept of feeding lactating sows that
(Pluske et al., 1998). will be discussed later in this chapter.
Amino acid content in the milk is rela-
tively consistent. Mature sow milk contains
5.2% protein (Tilton et al., 1999; Renaudeau Amino acids for optimal body condition
and Noblet, 2001) which is substantially
higher than in bovine milk. Milk protein con- As mentioned earlier, lactation is a unique
tains a unique amino acid pattern that is syn- period when metabolic flow is primarily
thesized in mammary epithelial cells. directed to milk production. In a situation

Table 12.6. Typical amino acid patterns in milk, mammary tissue and plasmaa.

Mammary Retained in
Milkb tissuec mammary glandd Plasmae

Lysine 100 100 100 100

Threonine 59 58 150 86
Tryptophan 77 78 25 69
Methionine 114 116 53 32
Valine 60 58 216 166
Leucine 56 58 403 164
Isoleucine 65 89 231 72
aValuesare relative to lysine.
bAdapted from King et al. (1993).
cAdapted from Kim et al. (1999a).
dAdapted from Trottier et al. (1997).
eAdapted from Wu et al. (1999); plasma samples obtained from uterine artery.
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Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 213

when sows do not receive enough dietary Amino acids for return to oestrus
amino acids, maternal tissue amino acids are
mobilized from the body tissues to support The number of days return-to-oestrus is
milk production. Excessive maternal protein closely related to a sow’s body condition at
mobilization often results in reproduction weaning. When sows lose significant tissue
failure for the next parity (Reese et al., proteins through mobilization during lactation,
1982; King and Dunkin, 1986; Jones and they often show delayed return-to-oestrus or,
Stahly, 1995). Establishing nutrient require- in extreme cases, shut down the reproduction
ments for lactating sows, therefore, is not cycle (Reese et al., 1982; Mullan and
limited to maximizing milk yield for nursing Williams, 1989; Jones and Stahly, 1995).
pigs, but extends also to maintaining opti- King and Dunkin (1986) demonstrated that
mum body condition for subsequent parities both low energy and low protein intakes
(Noblet et al., 1990; Pettigrew et al., 1992; lengthened the number of days return-to-
NRC, 1998). oestrus and, from an extensive review, King
Offering a low protein diet or restricting (1987) concluded that the primary nutritional
amino acid intake in sows during lactation, factor influencing days return-to-oestrus is
clearly increased weight loss during lactation maternal protein loss related to low amino
(Brendemuhl et al., 1989; Jones and Stahly, acid intake. Low amino acid intake during
1999; Kim and Easter, 2001). Decreasing lactation impaired follicular development and
lysine content in a lactation diet also increased maturation during the pro-oestrus period
protein mobilization during lactation (Yang et al., 2000). Increasing protein intake
(Touchette et al., 1998). Amino acid mobiliza- during lactation reduced the number of days
tion occurs from various tissues of the sows at return-to-oestrus and that improvement was
different rates (Brendumuhl et al., 1989; greater when intake was increased during
Escobar, 1998; Kim and Easter, 2001). mid-lactation rather than late-lactation
Muscle is the major amino acid donor during (Koketsu et al., 1997).
mobilization, whereas the reproductive tract Luteinizing hormone (LH) may be a more
contributes the largest portion of its amino fundamental driving factor related to the
acids (Kim and Easter, 2001). length of days return-to-oestrus by affecting
Dourmad et al. (1998) reported that progesterone release, ovulation and oestrus
high-producing sows need at least 55 g activity (Parvizi et al., 1976). Amino acid
day1 of dietary lysine for the minimal intake influences circulatory LH. Sows with a
weight loss and 45 g day1 of dietary lysine low protein intake had a low circulatory LH
is needed for the normal sows and these (Kirkwood et al., 1990; Baidoo et al.,
requirements are close to the lysine require- 1992a; Mullan et al., 1992) and the circula-
ment for the maximal mammary gland tory LH level was negatively related to the
growth (55 g day1) suggested by Kim et al. number of days return-to-oestrus (Shaw and
(1999b). However, keeping sows in an ana- Foxcroft, 1985; Tokach et al., 1992; Baidoo
bolic status during lactation did not show any et al., 1992b).
benefit to improve sow’s fertility (Zak et al.,
1998). Thus, the target should be minimiz-
ing excessive body weight loss rather than Concept of providing amino acids during
keeping sows in an anabolic status. It has lactation: ideal protein
been shown that the effect of increasing pro-
tein intake during mid- or late-lactation on As mentioned in Chapter 9, an ideal protein
decreased lactation weight loss was greater is the profile of amino acids that would be
than the effect of increasing protein intake perfectly in ‘harmony’ with the pig’s require-
during early lactation (Koketsu et al., 1997). ment that is a perfect balance. After Dr H.H.
This may reflect the fact that catabolism is Michell at the University of Illinois developed
more severe during late-lactation than during the concept of ideal protein in the 1930s,
early-lactation due to higher milk production there has been a large amount of research
during late-lactation. done to identify ideal protein in swine diets.
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214 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

The concept of ideal protein for lactating amino acids in milk protein is relatively
sows was understood and established more higher than those in amino acids from tissue
recently than those for pigs in other stages of mobilization and in a common maize–soy-
life. Nutritional and physiological complexity bean meal-based diet. Amino acids needed
may have contributed to the lack of research for mammary gland growth would also affect
data and delayed identifying an ideal protein the ideal dietary amino acid pattern.
for lactating sows. A more comprehensive Considering these factors, the ideal dietary
ideal amino acid pattern for lactating sows was amino acid patterns for lactating sows are
suggested in the recent publication by NRC ‘dynamic’ responding to the expected mater-
(1998). The NRC recommendation for ideal nal protein loss during lactation (Table
protein was established mainly based on four 12.8). The body condition and expected
sets of data (Monegue et al., 1993; Pettigrew, level of amino acid mobilization are impor-
1993; Boyd et al., 1995; Richert et al., tant factors that must be considered in
1996) considering amino acid needs for main- designing diets for lactating sows. The appli-
tenance, milk production and contributions cation of the Dynamic Ideal Protein concept
from the sow’s body. The ideal dietary amino would allow a more precise estimation of
acid pattern for lactating sows from the NRC amino acid needs for lactating sows. For
(1998) is a fixed, single amino acid profile. sows possessing a low voluntary feed intake
Recent research from the University of and substantial tissue mobilization during
Illinois introduces a new concept of ideal lactation, threonine is a critical amino acid,
protein, the so-called ‘Dynamic Ideal Protein’ whereas valine becomes increasingly impor-
for lactating sows that reflects changes in tant for sows having a high feed intake and
limiting order of essential amino acids. Kim limited tissue mobilization during lactation
et al. (2001b) identified an ideal dietary (Kim et al., 2001b). However, lysine is the
amino acid pattern for lactating sows with primary limiting amino acid in both cases.
the concept that different amino acid pat- To apply the dynamic ideal protein pattern
terns among tissue protein, milk protein and and the order of limiting amino acids, lacta-
dietary protein would affect the ideal amino tion diets can be designed for individual
acid pattern during lactation. As it is shown cases based on the expected mobilization
in Table 12.7, the content of some essential levels of sows during lactation.

Table 12.7. Amino acid patterns relative to lysine from tissue mobilization, milk protein, mammary tissue
gain, and maize–soybean meal-based lactation dieta. (Adapted from Kim et al., 2001a.)

Tissue Milk Mammary gland Dietary

mobilizationb productionc growthd sourcee

Lysine 100 100 100 100

Threonine 42 59 58 70
Valine 77 77 78 90
Leucine 101 114 116 176
Isoleucine 59 60 58 78
Phenylalanine 56 56 58 95
Arginine 124 65 89 125
Histidine 43 40 35 53
aNumbers are relative ratios to lysine.
bRelative ratio from the summation of each essential amino acid mobilized from carcass, gastrointestinal
tract, liver, reproductive tract and other viscera.
cAdapted and modified from King et al. (1993).
dAdapted from Kim et al. (1999a).
eAmino acid ratio relative to lysine that is provided in a conventional maize–soybean meal diet (711 g

kg1 maize and 228 g kg1 soybean meal containing 170 g kg1 CP and 8.7 g kg1 lysine) based on true
ileal amino acid digestibility values for lactating sows (Stein et al., 1999, 2001).
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Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 215

Table 12.8. Ideal dietary amino acid patterns and the order of limiting amino acids for lactating sows.

Level of tissue mobilization

Kim et al. (2001b) NRC (1998)a

100%b 80% 40% 10% 0% 100 to 0%

Ideal amino acid pattern relative to lysine

Lysine 100 100 100 100 100 100
Threonine 75 69 63 60 59 62
Valine 78 78 78 77 77 85
Leucine 128 123 118 115 115 114
Isoleucine 60 59 59 59 59 56
Phenylalanine 57 57 56 56 56 54
Arginine 22 38 59 69 72 56
Histidine 34 36 38 38 39 41
Order of limiting amino acidsc
First-limiting Thr Lys Lys Lys Lys Lys
Second-limiting Lys Thr Thr Val Val Val
Third-limiting Val Val Val Thr Thr Thr
aIdealamino acid pattern from NRC (1998) does not respond to the level of tissue mobilization.
b100% level means when about 50% of amino acids in milk were quantitatively equivalent to the amount
of amino acids from tissue protein mobilization.
c Based on assumption that sows were provided maize (710 g kg1) and soybean meal (230 g kg1)

based diet.

Amino Acids for Sows During the decrease the length in the case of primiparous
Postweaning Period sows (Tribble and Orr, 1982). It is possible that
one reason for this inconsistency can be from
After weaning, milk production shuts down as the different metabolic status of sows during
involution of mammary tissue occurs within 7 lactation. Sows with a moderate amino acid
days (Atwood and Hartmann, 1995; Ford et catabolism during lactation may respond to
al., 2000) and sows are ready for return to postweaning protein intake more sensitively
the oestrus cycle. During the postweaning than sows with a good lactation protein intake.
period, sows can have a chance to recover Primiparous sows, which normally have a
from tissue amino acid depletion during lacta- lower appetite than multiparous sows may
tion. If sows receive a sufficient amount of respond to postweaning dietary amino acid
amino acids through the diet, their metabo- level whereas multiparous sows do not. The
lism can be redirected toward tissue protein nutritional status of sows during lactation,
gain from catabolic status. therefore, should be considered in understand-
Whether increasing amino acid intake dur- ing the effect of the postweaning dietary amino
ing the postweaning period affects the number acid level on the number of days return-to-
of days return-to-oestrus is not well understood. oestrus. A comprehensive study by Baidoo et
Increasing protein intake shortened the days al. (1992a) showed that postweaning dietary
return-to-oestrus (Brooks and Cole, 1972) amino acid level did not affect the number of
whereas other reports showed no effect on the days return-to-oestrus of multiparous sows
length of days return-to-oestrus (Brooks et al., when lactation protein intake was the same but
1975; King and Williams, 1984b). Extensive lactation protein intake affected the days
studies from Texas Tech University showed no return-to-oestrus (Table 12.9).
improvement in shortening days return-to- It is clear that providing sufficient amino
oestrus by increasing protein intake in multi- acids during the postweaning period would
parous sows, however, there was a tendency to affect the ovulation rate in primiparous sows.
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216 S.W. Kim and R.A. Easter

Table 12.9. Lactation performance of sows as affected by the levels of protein intake. (Adapted from
Baidoo et al., 1992a.)

Lactation Full-fed (F; 5.5 kg day1) Restricted (R; 3.0 kg day1)

Postweaning F (4.7 kg day1) R (3.0 kg day1) F (5.2 kg day1) R (3.0 kg day1) SD

Lactation wt loss (kg) 16.3a 15.9a 38.9b 39.2b 2.3

Days return-to-oestrus 6.0a 5.9a 7.1b 7.5b 1.8
a,bP < 0.05.

Increasing dietary protein improved ovulation amino acids. Ideal dietary amino acid pat-
rate (Anderson and Melampy, 1972; King terns for gestating and lactating sows are
and Williams, 1984b) and increased litter size newly established concepts. However, those
(Brooks and Cole, 1972). However, others suggestions often include assumptions and
reported no improvement in ovulation rate omissions and do not clearly represent vari-
(Baidoo et al., 1992a) or litter size (Dyck, ous scenarios that breeding pigs face at prac-
1974) of multiparous sows. tical production settings. Ideal dietary amino
It seems that postweaning protein intake acids for gestating and lactating sows should
does not affect the reproductive performance be further defined.
of multiparous sows (Dyck, 1972; Brooks et Recent research data suggest that the
al., 1975). When it is considered that the ideal dietary amino acid pattern is not fixed
‘modern’ high-prolific sows are lean and have but rather changes as gestation or lactation
a low appetite especially during the first par- progresses and as maternal condition
ity, amino acid provision for primiparous sows changes. Factors affecting those ideal
during the postweaning period can be more dietary amino acid patterns during gestation
emphasized than that for multiparous sows. and lactation need to be determined.
However, there is not much information avail- Identification of those factors, such as age,
able for characterization of the effects of post- genetics, stages of gestation or lactation,
weaning feeding on the modern high-prolific will allow an accurate determination of ideal
multiparous sows. This will be one of the dietary amino acid patterns for breeding
areas to be investigated to improve swine pro- pigs. New feeding strategies for breeding
ductivity in general. pigs need to be designed to effectively apply
Sufficient tissue protein gain may be this defined ideal dietary amino acid pattern
closely related to improvement of the repro- to real swine production. For instance, sepa-
ductive performance in the long term. rating sows into different groups based on
Practically, full feeding is often applied to the their maturity or body condition at farrow-
sows during the postweaning period, but the ing can practically facilitate the application
research data do not consistently support the of dynamic ideal dietary amino acid patterns
benefits of this practice. to a group of lactating sows in a commercial
setting. Applying a phase feeding pro-
gramme during gestation, which provides
Conclusions diets with different amino acid profiles for
each stage of gestation, can also facilitate a
Amino acids are important essential nutrients practical application of dynamic ideal
that affect overall reproductive performance dietary amino acid patterns for gestating
of breeding pigs. Recent genetic selection sows. Feeding breeding pigs with a pro-
challenges nutritionists to update or reevalu- gramme including accurate nutrient require-
ate amino acid requirements for breeding ments and ideal dietary amino acid patterns
pigs. Establishing amino acid requirements based on the clear understanding of metabo-
should consider balancing the pattern among lism and biology of pigs will improve overall
amino acids as well as quantity of those efficiency of swine production.
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Amino Acid Utilization for Reproduction in Sows 217


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13 Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for

Broiler Chicks

David H. Baker*
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IIlinois, USA

Introduction the proper ratios of the other AA to lysine, it

would be possible to set a lysine requirement
Early workers in the protein–amino acid area based on empirical evidence and then calcu-
conceptualized the concept of an ideal protein late what the other requirements should be for
in which amino acid (AA) needs could be pro- a given set of environmental, dietary, gender,
portioned one to another (Almquist and Grau, age and body compositional circumstances.
1944; Mitchell, 1964; Dean and Scott, Hence, the ideal ratios, unlike the require-
1965). The concept was first popularized for ments, would not change based on whether
practical diet formulation of pigs by the diets contained high or low levels of energy or
British Agricultural Research Council (ARC, protein, and they also would not change
1981), after Cole (1980) proposed that ideal based on whether animals had greater or
AA ratios could be used to formulate pig lesser potential for lean growth. Moreover,
diets. Today, ideal AA ratios, with lysine as stress factors such as heat, cold, crowding and
the reference amino acid, are used throughout disease that likely would affect voluntary feed
the world for diet formulation of pigs (ARC, intake should not affect the ideal ratios,
1981; Chung and Baker, 1992; Fuller, 1994; though they might affect the lysine require-
NRC, 1998), and increasingly for poultry ment. Recent evidence, however, supports the
(Baker and Han, 1994; NRC, 1994; Baker, view that the lysine requirement expressed as
1997; Emmert and Baker, 1997; Mack et al., a percentage of the diet or calories probably
1999; Baker et al., 2002). changes very little due to heat stress (Han and
There are numerous reasons why ideal Baker, 1993) or disease stress (Webel et al.,
AA ratios are appealing for diet formulation. 1998), although sex of broilers represents a
The old system of attempting to list require- factor that must be considered in setting the
ments for all essential AA at various stages of lysine requirement, i.e. males have higher
growth, maintenance, and egg production requirements than females, particularly at
was, at best, open to wide interpretation. younger ages (Han and Baker, 1993, 1994).
Requirements for many AA were not known,
nor could those that were known be applied
to all animals fed diets with varying levels of Ratio Estimates for Broiler Chicks
energy and protein. If one could focus, how-
ever, on the requirement for just one AA, i.e. Data in Table 13.1 show, with the excep-
lysine, and if one had reliable information on tion of NRC (1994) estimates, empirical

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 223
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224 D.H. Baker

Table 13.1. Ideal ratios (%) of essential amino acids for broiler chicks as proposed by various

Amino acid Baker (1997)a NRC (1994)b Mack et al. (1999)c Baker et al. (2002)d

Lysine 100 100 100 100

Methionine 36 42 NDe ND
Cystine 36 33 ND ND
SAAf 72 75 70 ND
Threonine 67 67 59 56
Valine 77 75 76 78
Isoleucine 67 67 66 61
Leucine 109 100 ND ND
Tryptophan 16 17 17 17
Arginine 105 104 104 105
Histidine 35 29 ND ND
Phe + Tyr 105 112 ND ND
aCalculated on a true digestible basis based on numerous requirement studies using crystalline amino
acid diets fed to chicks during the second and third week of life (see also Baker and Han, 1994).
bRatio of requirements on a total amino acid basis for chicks fed a maize–soybean meal diet from 0 to 3

weeks of age, with the lysine requirement corrected to 12 g kg1 (instead of 10 g kg1).
cRecalculation of data from Mack et al. (1999) using the broken-line true digestible lysine requirement

estimate (9.2 g kg1) for maximal feed efficiency as a reference point. Data were obtained from chicks
fed low protein (172 g CP kg1) maize–soybean meal diets from 20 to 40 days of age.
dBased on true digestible requirement ratios presented herein. The broken-line requirement was taken to

be the higher of individual estimates for gain and gain/feed ratio.

eND, not determined.
fSAA, sulphur amino acids.

estimates of ideal AA ratios. Our original (Emmert and Baker, 1997), and also that
estimates (Baker and Han, 1994) were the threonine:lysine ratio may increase only
modified only slightly (Baker, 1997), and slightly with advancing age.
these estimates are compared to estimates Legitimate estimates of ideal AA ratios
of NRC (1994), many of which were based have several prerequisites: (i) the same basal
on the Han and Baker (1994) data, and to diet, same sex and strain of chicks, and same
recent estimates made by Mack et al. assay period should be used in all requirement
(1999), as recalculated, and to new informa- bioassays, (ii) true digestibility of AA in the
tion that is presented in this review. The basal diet must be known, (iii) clear-cut graded
fact that different stages of broiler growth responses should occur to the limiting AA
are represented would seem to present being studied, and (iv) objective and consistent
problems in comparing the ratio estimates curve-fitting procedures should be used to pre-
shown in Table 13.1. However, this is based dict the requirement for each AA being inves-
on the assumption that ideal ratios (relative tigated. For the most part, these criteria were
to lysine) for maintenance of certain amino met in the study by Mack et al. (1999).
acids (e.g. threonine, tryptophan, sulphur However, the low protein maize–soybean
amino acids (SAA)) may greatly exceed the meal diet (172 g kg1 CP) used in their study
ideal ratio of these same amino acids for did not allow good and clear-cut graded
protein accretion per se. Recent evidence, responses to some of the AA (e.g. tryptophan
however, showed that the maintenance and isoleucine) they investigated. Also, they
requirement for lysine was much higher observed as have we (Han and Baker, 1991,
than had been previously assumed (Edwards 1993, 1994; Baker et al., 2002) that lysine
and Baker, 1999). This, then, suggested requirement estimates for maximal feed effi-
that the ideal ratios for tryptophan and SAA ciency consistently exceed those for maximal
may not change at all during the 6-, 8- or weight gain. For most AA, the requirement
10-week growth period of a broiler chick for maximal weight gain is very similar to the
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 225

Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 225

requirement for maximal feed efficiency (Mack Table 13.2. Composition (as-fed basis) of complete
et al., 1999; Baker et al., 2002). However, (fortified) diet used to determine amino acid
SAA requirements may be similar to lysine in requirements of chicks fed a maize gluten meal
that gain/feed requirements often exceed semi-purified dieta,b.
weight gain requirements (Schutte and Pack, Ingredient g kg1
1995; Baker et al., 1996; Mack et al.,
1999). Because, Mack et al. (1999) provided Maize starch 275.35
broken-line requirement estimates for both Dextrose 282.00
Maize gluten meal (CGM)c 183.40
gain and feed efficiency for only lysine (only
Soybean oil 40.00
gain requirements were given for the other Mineral mixd 53.70
AA), the recalculated ratios for the Mack et NaHCO3 15.00
al. (1999) data are based on the broken-line Vitamin mixd 2.00
requirement estimates for maximal gain/feed Choline chloride 2.00
for lysine, but for maximal weight gain for the L-Glutamate 109.40
other AA. In their paper, broken-line require- L-Lysine·HCl (FG)e 11.93
ment estimates for maximal gain (for all AA) L-Tryptophan (FG)e 1.34
were used to estimate ratios, and this is likely L-Arginine 8.08
L-Cystine 1.87
to have overestimated the ideal ratios. Indeed,
L-Threonine (FG)e 3.91
using gain/feed requirements for lysine and
L-Isoleucine 2.77
gain requirements for the other AA, despite L-Valine 3.68
questionable responses to tryptophan and L-Histidine·HCl·H2O 1.38
isoleucine, resulted in ratio estimates (with the DL-Methionine 1.69
exception of threonine) that were in good Bacitracin MD premixf 0.50
agreement with our original estimates (Baker, DL-α-tocopheryl acetate (50 mg kg1) +
1997). The new empirical estimates from our Ethoxyquin (125 mg kg1) +
laboratory (Baker et al., 2002) shown in aThe diet contained 14.2 MJ kg1 ME and 120 g
Table 13.1 will form the basis for the discus- CP kg1 furnished by maize gluten meal (CGM)
sion that follows. and was fortified to 225 g CP kg1 using glutamic
acid and essential amino acids (Phe + Tyr, and Leu
from CGM exceeded NRC (1994) requirements).
New Ratio Estimates for Threonine, Individual amino acids whose requirements were
Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Valine and determined were adjusted downward to facilitate
Arginine graded dose levels.
bThe digestible AA profile met or exceeded the

A semipurified diet (Table 13.2) based on AA- Illinois Ideal ratios for poultry (Baker and Han,
fortified maize gluten meal (CGM) was devel- 1994; Baker, 1997) during 0–3 weeks of age (Lys,
100; Met, 36; Cys, 36; Arg, 105; Val, 77; Thr, 67;
oped in our laboratory (Peter et al., 2000) for
Trp, 16; Ile, 67; His, 35; Phe + Tyr, 105; Leu, 109).
use in studying the requirements for several cThe CGM was analysed to contain 653.1 g CP
AA. True digestibility of AA was determined kg1. It was obtained from ADM Corp., Decatur,
in the high-protein CGM sample used (Table Illinois.
13.3), and the same sample of CGM was dPeter et al. (2000).

used for all AA bioassays. Using 10.7 g kg1 eFG, feed grade.
fContributed 27.5 mg kg1 bacitracin methylene
digestible lysine as a requirement reference
point (Han and Baker, 1991, 1993), the disalicylate.
CGM basal diet was fortified with essential AA
so that all essential AA other than the one was then added as a source of non-specific
being studied would meet or slightly exceed amino nitrogen to achieve a final dietary
the ideal AA ratios of Baker (1997) shown in crude protein level (nitrogen  6.25) of 225 g
Table 13.1. Levels of leucine and aromatic kg1. Also, as the level of an essential AA was
AA (phenylalanine + tyrosine), however, varied within (and between) individual bioas-
exceeded their ideal levels because of the sur- says, L-glutamate was varied so that all diets
feit levels of these AA in CGM. L-Glutamate within and between bioassays would be isoni-
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 226

226 D.H. Baker

Table 13.3. Essential amino acid composition and true digestibility values of maize
gluten meal.

Composition True digestible

Amino acid (g kg1)a Digestibility (%)b level (g kg1)

Lysine 11.1 79.7 8.85

Arginine 20.8 94.9 19.74
Threonine 20.9 90.4 18.89
Valine 28.7 96.8 27.78
Isoleucine 24.9 98.6 24.55
Histidine 12.8 88.0 11.26
Cystine 11.4 73.4 8.37
Methionine 15.0 93.2 13.98
Phenylalanine 41.1 95.8 39.37
Tyrosine 28.0 95.5 26.74
Leucine 105.6 98.0 103.49
Tryptophan 3.40 97.0c 3.30
aAverage of duplicate determinations; data expressed as a percentage of as-fed maize
gluten meal (880 g kg1 dry matter).
bMeans of five caecectomized cockerels.
cNot determined; value obtained from RhodimetTM Nutrition Guide (Rhône-Poulenc, 1993).

trogenous. All bioassays were done using ciency pen means data were subjected to one-
male New Hampshire  Columbian chicks slope broken-line and quadratic curve-fitting
during a 12–14 day growth period represent- procedures, with dietary AA concentration
ing the second and third weeks of life. serving as the independent variable (Robbins
Previous work in our laboratory had estab- et al., 1979; Draper and Smith, 1981). We
lished that lysine requirements (g kg1 of diet) considered the breakpoint of fitted broken
as well as protein gain as a proportion of total lines the best basis for predicting ideal AA
weight gain were similar in this strain com- ratios, and Mack et al. (1999) came to the
pared with commercial broiler strains (Han same conclusion. The fits of our broken-line
and Baker, 1991, 1993). For each of the responses were excellent in all cases, and qua-
requirement bioassays, four pens of four male dratic fits were also very good (Baker et al.,
chicks were fed each of six AA dose levels, 2002). Inflection points of best-fit broken lines
and chicks were fed in battery pens located in predict minimal requirement values, and this
an environmentally controlled building with is viewed as desirable for calculating AA
constant lighting. Other details of the bioassay ratios. Another advantage of the fitted bro-
procedures have been described by Baker et ken-line approach is that the inflection point
al. (2002). is established objectively rather than subjec-
Data in Table 13.4 show that (i) the com- tively. Quadratic fits do not produce objective
pletely fortified CGM diet produced weight breakpoints, and therefore one must subjec-
gain and feed efficiency levels that were not tively select some percentage of the upper
different (P > 0.10) from those obtained with a asymptote (e.g. 90%) as an estimate of the
methionine-fortified maize–soybean meal posi- requirement.
tive-control diet, and (ii) the CGM diet could be It is possible, however, to take advan-
made markedly deficient in at least eight essen- tage of both broken-line and quadratic
tial AA. Thus, the CGM diet was deemed a response curves to arrive at realistic objective
very useful bioassay tool for dose–response estimates of AA requirements. If one super-
studies with several essential AA. imposes the best-fit quadratic response curve
Weight gain and gain/feed responded on the best-fit broken-line response curve,
quadratically (P<0.01) in all requirement the quadratic curve will intersect the broken
bioassays. Both weight gain and feed effi- line in at least three places: once (or twice)
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 227

Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 227

Table 13.4. Limiting amino acids in maize gluten meal for young chicks as
determined by amino acid deletiona,b.

12-day weight Gain/feed

Diet gain (g) (g kg1)

1. Maize gluten meal complete dietc 268r,s 687r

2. As 1 – Lys 6z 64z
3. As 1 – Trp 32y 238y
4. As 1 – Arg 49x 296x
5. As 1 – Thr 82w 408w
6. As 1 – Val 104v 468v
7. As 1 – Ile 156u 550u
8. As 1 – His 171u 601s,t
9. As 1 – Met – Cys 194t 574t,u
10. As 1 – Met 209t 620s
11. As 1 – Gly 256s 685r
12. Maize–soybean meal positive controld 284r 683r
Pooled SEM 6 14
aData represent means of triplicate groups of five New Hampshire  Columbian
male chicks during the period 8–20 days posthatching; average initial weight was
89 g (Peter et al., 2000).
bAll diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous by varying the L-Glu level.
cMaize gluten meal diet fortified with essential amino acids and L-Glu to 225 g CP

kg1 (see Table 13.2).

dMaize–soybean meal positive control diet, supplemented with 2 g kg1 DL-Met,

contained 230 g CP kg1 and 13.4 MJ kg1 ME.

r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,zWithin a column, means lacking common superscript letters differ (P <


on the ascending and twice on the plateau higher than the broken-line requirement esti-
(zero slope) portion of the broken line. The mates for weight gain of 8.46 and 8.49 g
first intercept x (AA level) value where the kg1 in Assays 1 and 2, respectively (Baker et
quadratic curve intersects the plateau of the al., 2002). The first intercept x value of the
broken line can be calculated, and we feel broken line (on the plateau) and the quadratic
that this value is a realistic and objective esti- fitted line for feed efficiency occurred at 10.1 g
mate of the requirement for a population of kg1 (Assay 1) and 10.4 g kg1 (Assay 2)
animals. This procedure is illustrated in the digestible lysine (Figs 13.1 and 13.2), and
discussion that follows. these requirement estimates closely approxi-
mated those obtained by taking 90% of the
upper asymptote x value from the quadratic
Lysine assays response curve. Regardless of the curve-fitting
procedure used to estimate lysine require-
Because lysine is used as a reference AA for ments, the requirements obtained herein using
calculating ideal ratios, it is critical to obtain a CGM semipurified diet containing about one-
clear and accurate information on the lysine half of the dietary nitrogen from CGM and the
requirement. Therefore, we completed two other half from free AA were lower than those
identical bioassays (at different times) in which estimated previously in our laboratory for male
graded levels of digestible lysine (6.77–12.78 chicks of the same age (Han and Baker, 1991,
g kg1) were fed (Figs 13.1 and 13.2). The 1993).
broken-line requirement estimates for gain/ The lysine requirement estimates of
feed ratio were 9.64 (Assay 1) and 9.56 g Mack et al. (1999) were done using a low
kg1 (Assay 2), both values being substantially protein maize–soybean meal diet. In two
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 228

228 D.H. Baker


Gain/feed (g kg–1)




6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
Dietary digestible lysine (g kg–1)

Fig. 13.1. Fitted broken-line and quadratic plots of gain/feed as a function of true digestible Lys in the
diet (Assay 1). Data points are means of four pens of four male chicks during the period 8–21 days
posthatching. The minimal digestible Lys requirement determined by broken-line analysis using least
squares methodology was 9.64 g kg1 (y = 694.4 + 54.90 (x < 9.64); r 2 = 0.885). The pen means data
also were fitted to a quadratic regression equation y = 300.2 + 174.68x – 7.60x2 (r 2 = 0.899). The level
of digestible Lys that maximized feed efficiency (i.e. upper asymptote) was calculated to be 11.49 g kg1,
with 90% of this value being 10.34 g kg1. The first intercept x value of the broken-line (on the plateau)
and the quadratic fitted line occurred at 10.40 g kg1.


Gain/feed (g kg–1)



6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0

Dietary digestible lysine (g kg–1)

Fig. 13.2. Fitted broken-line and quadratic plots of gain/feed ratio as a function of true digestible Lys in
the diet (Assay 2). Data points are means of four pens of four male chicks during the period 8–21 days
posthatching. The minimal digestible Lys requirement determined by broken-line analysis using least
squares methodology was 9.56 g kg1 (y = 665.83 + 59.90 (x < 9.56); r 2 = 0.870). The pen means data
also were fitted to a quadratic regression equation (y = 502.70 + 210.88x – 9.42x2; r 2 = 0.897). The
level of digestible Lys that maximized feed efficiency (upper asymptote) was calculated to be 11.20 g
kg1, with 90% of this value being 10.08 g kg1. The first intercept x value of the broken-line (on the
plateau) and the quadratic fitted line occurred at 10.10 g kg1.
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 229

Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 229

separate bioassays they found that the lysine in close agreement with our earlier estimate of
requirement for maximal feed efficiency was 16% (Baker, 1997).
substantially higher than that required for The digestible tryptophan requirement
not only maximal weight gain, but also for estimated by taking the first intercept x value
maximal breast-meat yield. In our previous of the broken line (on the plateau) and the
lysine work with 3–6-week-old broiler chicks quadratic fitted line was 1.83 g kg1 (Fig.
(Han and Baker, 1994), the lysine require- 13.3). This requirement estimate parallels the
ment for maximal feed efficiency was similar 1.91 g kg1 estimate obtained by taking 90%
to that required for maximal breast-meat of the upper asymptote x value from the qua-
yield. dratic response curve.
Using the 16.6% Trp:Lys ratio deter-
mined herein together with our best estimate
Tryptophan assay of the digestible lysine requirement (10.7 g
kg1) for broiler chicks during the first 3 weeks
Based on the broken-line inflection point (Fig. of life (mixed sex feeding) as determined previ-
13.3), the digestible tryptophan requirement ously in chicks fed diets with an metabolizable
for maximal weight gain was 1.59 g kg1, energy (ME) level of 13.4 MJ kg1 (Han and
which is in very close agreement with the bro- Baker, 1991, 1993), one arrives at a digestible
ken-line requirement estimate (1.57 g kg1) tryptophan requirement of 1.78 g kg1. This
using feed efficiency as the response criterion agrees well with the requirement estimates of
(Baker et al., 2002). The digestible trypto- 1.83 g kg1 obtained by determining the first
phan requirement (1.59 g kg1) ratioed to the intercept x value of the broken line (on the
average digestible lysine requirement of 9.60 plateau) and the quadratic fitted line (Fig.
g kg1 (i.e. from Assays 1 and 2) was 16.6%, 13.3). With a tryptophan digestibility of 86%


Weight gain (g)





0.8 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.6
Dietary digestible tryptophan (g kg–1)

Fig. 13.3. Fitted broken-line and quadratic plots of 13-day weight gain as a function of true digestible Trp
in the diet (Assay 3). Data points are means of four pens of four male chicks during the period 8–21 days
posthatching. The minimal true digestible Trp requirement determined by broken-line analysis using least
squares methodology was 1.59 g kg1 (y = 302.8 + 339.58 (x < 1.59); r 2 = 0.934). The pens means data
also were fitted to a quadratic regression equation y = 423.7 + 697.14x – 164.03x 2 (r 2 = 0.922). The
level of digestible Trp that maximized weight gain (i.e. upper asymptote) was calculated to be 2.12 g
kg1, with 90% of this value being 1.91 g kg1. The first intercept x value of the broken-line (on the
plateau) and the quadratic fitted line occured at 1.83 kg kg1.
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 230

230 D.H. Baker

in maize–soybean meal broiler diets (Rhone- of threonine:lysine is less than 60% for broiler
Poulenc, 1993), the total tryptophan require- chicks for growth periods ranging from hatch-
ment calculates to be 2.07 g kg1 for chicks ing to 40 days posthatching. That the ideal
consuming conventional maize–soybean meal ratio calculated from the Mack et al. (1999)
diets. This value is in good agreement with the data was somewhat higher than our estimate
NRC (1994) tryptophan requirement estimate of 55.7% was likely due to the fact that older
of 2.00 g kg1. broilers exhibit slightly higher threonine:lysine
ratios than younger broilers (Emmert and
Baker, 1997).
Threonine assay Our threonine ratio of 55.7% multiplied
by the digestible lysine requirement (10.7 g
The digestible threonine requirement for max- kg1) of 0–21-day-old chicks (mixed sex feed-
imal weight gain (Fig. 13.4) and feed effi- ing) predicts a digestible threonine requirement
ciency was 5.35 and 5.33 g kg1, of 5.96 g kg1, which closely approximates
respectively, based on the inflection points of the 5.90 g kg1 threonine requirement esti-
single-slope broken-line fits (Baker et al., mate obtained using the plateau intercept
2002). Using the higher of broken-line value of the broken line and the quadratic fit-
requirement estimates for weight gain and ted line (Fig. 13.4). If one assumes that the
feed efficiency, the ideal threonine:lysine ratio digestibility of threonine in a maize–soybean
was 55.7%, considerably lower than our origi- meal diet is 87% (NRC, 1994), the predicted
nal estimate of 67% (Baker, 1997). The recal- total threonine requirement would be 6.85 g
culated threonine:lysine ratio from the Mack kg1 for chicks during the first 3 weeks
et al. (1999) study was 59% (Table 13.1) for posthatching. This estimate is well below the
chicks between 20 and 40 days posthatching. NRC (1994) requirement estimate of 8.0 g
Thus, both our work herein and the data of kg1. Work from Kidd et al. (1997) and Smith
Mack et al. (1999) suggest that the ideal ratio and Waldroup (1988) suggests, also, that the



Weight gain (g)






3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.8 7.3 7.8
Dietary digestible threonine (g kg–1)

Fig. 13.4. Fitted broken-line and quadratic plots of 14-day weight gain as a function of true digestible Thr
in the diet (Assay 4). Data points are means of four pens of four male chicks during period 8–22 days
posthatching. The minimal digestible Thr requirement determined by broken-line analysis using least
squares methodology was 5.35 g kg1 (y = 328.8 + 108.44 (x < 5.35), r 2 = 0.867). The pens means gain
data also were fitted to a quadratic regression equation: y = 559.3 + 265.86x – 19.54x2 (r 2 = 0.855).
The level of true digestible Thr that maximized weight gain (i.e. upper asymptote) was calculated to be
6.80 g kg1, with 90% of this value being 6.12 g kg1. The first intercept x value of the broken-line (on the
plateau) and the quadratic fitted line occurred at 5.90 g kg1.
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 231

Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 231

NRC (1994) threonine requirement estimate is lower than our original estimate of 67%
for 0- to 3-week-old chicks is too high. (Baker, 1997).
The ideal threonine:lysine ratio for The predicted digestible isoleucine require-
young chicks of 55.7% is lower then the ment for chicks for 0–3 weeks posthatching is
ideal threonine:lysine ratio of 65% for 6.57 g kg1 (0.614  10.7) which is similar to
young pigs (Chung and Baker, 1992; Baker, the 6.79 g kg1 requirement predicted from
1997). Relative to pigs, avians have a very the first intercept value of the broken line
short gastrointestinal tract, and a large por- plateau with the quadratic fitted line (Fig. 13.5).
tion of the total threonine requirement is Extrapolation of this requirement estimate to
needed for gut protein synthesis (Bertollo et chicks fed a maize–soybean meal diet where
al., 1998). This could explain why avians isoleucine digestibility is 91% (NRC, 1994)
require lower levels of threonine (relative to results in a total predicted isoleucine require-
lysine) than pigs. ment of 7.22 g kg1, which is lower than the
8.0 g kg1 estimate of NRC (1994).

Isoleucine assay
Valine assay
Graded doses of digestible isoleucine
(4.5–9.5 g kg1) resulted in quadratic (P < Quadratic (P < 0.01) responses in weight gain
0.01) responses in both weight gain and (Fig. 13.6) and feed efficiency occurred when
feed efficiency (Fig. 13.5). The broken-line graded doses (5.1–10.6 g kg1) of digestible
requirement estimates were 5.89 g kg1 for valine were fed (Baker et al., 2002). The bro-
weight gain and 5.81 g kg1 for gain/feed ken-line digestible requirement estimates were
ratio (Baker et al., 2002). Thus, the ideal 7.44 and 7.43 g kg1 for weight gain and feed
ratio of isoleucine:lysine was determined to efficiency, respectively. The valine requirement
be 61.4% (5.89  9.60  100). This value (7.44 g kg1) ratioed to the lysine requirement



Weight gain (g)




4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Dietary digestible isoleucine (g kg–1)
Fig. 13.5. Fitted broken-line and quadratic plots of 13-day weight gain as a function of true digestible Ile
in the diet (Assay 5). Data points are means of four pens of four male chicks during the period 8–21 days
posthatching. The minimal digestible Ile requirement determined by broken-line analysis using least
squares methodology was 5.89 g kg1 (y = 292.0 + 72.25 (x < 5.89); r 2 = 0.876). The pen means data
also were fitted to a quadratic regression equation: y = 239.08 + 136.54x – 8.59x 2; r 2 = 0.810. The
level of digestible Ile that maximized weight gain (i.e. upper asymptote) was calculated to be 7.95 g kg1,
with 90% of this value being 7.15 g kg1. The first intercept x value of the broken-line (on the plateau)
and the quadratic fitted line occurred at 6.79 g kg1.
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 232

232 D.H. Baker


Weight gain (g)




5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
Dietary digestible valine (g kg–1)
Fig. 13.6. Fitted broken-line and quadratic plots of 13-day weight gain as a function of true digestible Val
in the diet (Assay 6). Data points are means of four pens of four male chicks during the period 8–21 days
posthatching. The minimal digestible Val requirement determined by broken-line analysis using least
squares methodology was 7.44 g kg1 (y = 290.83 + 73.18 (x < 7.44); r 2 = 0.963). The pen means data
also were fitted to a quadratic regression equation: y = 618.42 + 200.39x – 10.88x 2; r 2 = 0.950. The
level of digestible Val that maximized weight gain (i.e. upper asymptote) was calculated to be 9.21 g kg1
of the diet, with 90% of this value being 8.29 g kg1. The first intercept x value of the broken-line (on the
plateau) and the quadratic fitted line occurred at 8.11 g kg1.

(9.60 g kg1) was 77.5%, closely agreeing, reduced protein maize–soybean meal diets
therefore, with our original estimate of 77% (Han et al., 1992; Fernandez et al., 1994).
(Baker, 1997) and with the recalculated ratio
estimate (76%) of Mack et al. (1999), (see
Table 13.1). Why the ideal valine:lysine ratio of Arginine assay
broiler chicks is higher than that for pigs (68%)
is not known (Baker, 1997). To avoid complications of lysine–arginine
Using 77.5% as an ideal ratio for valine, antagonism (Chapter 7), we fed graded doses
the predicted digestible valine requirement of digestible arginine from 7.2 to 12.2 g
would be 8.29 g kg1 (0.775  10.7), and kg1, and at each level of arginine the
this estimate agrees well with those calculated digestible lysine level was set 1.0 g kg1
from the broken line/quadratic curve intercept higher. Thus, both arginine and lysine were
method (8.11 g kg1) as well as the value incremented, but arginine was always lower
obtained by taking 90% of the upper asymp- and first limiting. Although the weight gain
tote from the quadratic fitted line (8.2 g kg1). response range for the 13-day assay was large
Dividing the 8.29 g kg1 digestible valine (179–338 g), as was the gain/feed response
requirement estimate by a maize–soybean range (446–702 g kg1), the data were not
meal valine digestibility value of 90% (NRC, clear-cut in terms of predicting requirement
1994) yields a total valine requirement esti- values. Our best estimate of the digestible
mate of 9.21 g kg1 for 0–21-day-old chicks arginine requirement for maximal weight gain
fed a maize–soybean meal diet. The NRC (broken-line inflection point) was 10.14 g
(1994) total valine requirement estimate kg1. We view this, however, as a preliminary
(maize–soybean meal basis) is 9.0 g kg1. estimate, and a repeat bioassay is needed.
Thus, our 9.21 g kg1 estimate herein is Nonetheless, a preliminary estimate of the
slightly higher. Previous work from our labora- arginine:lysine ideal ratio was calculated at
tory established that valine is among the four 105.6% (Table 13.1), a value in good agree-
most limiting AA in soybean meal and in ment with earlier empirical estimates of 105%
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 233

Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 233

(Baker, 1997) and 104% (Mack et al., 1999, function of age are presented in Fig. 13.7.
as recalculated). Work from Labadan et al. Requirements are expressed as g kg1 for
(2001) showed that the arginine requirement diets containing 13.4 MJ kg1 metabolizable
was similar to the lysine requirement of broiler energy. Using the revised and updated ideal
chicks during the periods 0–2, 2–4, 3–6 and AA ratios shown in Tables 13.5 and 13.6
5–8 weeks posthatching. together with the regression equations pre-
sented in Fig. 13.7, one can calculate
digestible AA requirements for broiler chicks
Applications of Ideal Amino Acid at any age period. This was done for three
Ratios different age periods in Table 13.6 using aver-
age ages of 10.5 days (0–21 days), 31.5 days
Best estimates of digestible lysine require- (21–42 days) and 49 days (42–56 days) for
ments of male and female broiler chicks as a substitution into the regression equations for
Digestible Lys requirement (g kg–1 diet)


Male ( )
11 y = 12.11 – 0.0928x

Female ( )
8 y = 10.97 – 0.0740x

0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Age (days)
Fig. 13.7. Plot of the digestible Lys requirement (y) of male (●) and female (♦) broiler chicks as a
function of age (x) for diets containing 13.4 MJ kg1 metabolizable energy (ME). The requirement values
for 0–21 days of age (average = 10.5 days) came from Han and Baker (1991, 1993), for 21–42 days of
age (average = 31.5 days) from Han and Baker (1994), and for 42–56 days of age (average = 49 days)
from NRC (1994).

Table 13.5. Summary of true digestible requirements of male chicks fed a maize gluten meal
semipurified diet during the second and third week of life: extrapolation to ideal ratios relative to lysine.

Broken-line requirement estimate (g kg1)

Amino acid Assay Weight gain Gain/feed (%)a

Lysine 1 8.46 9.64 100

Lysine 2 8.49 9.56 100
Tryptophan 3 1.59 1.57 16.6
Threonine 4 5.35 5.33 55.7
Isoleucine 5 5.89 5.81 61.4
Valine 6 7.44 7.43 77.5
Arginine 7 10.14 – 105.6
aBased on Assays 1–6, using the higher of requirement estimates for gain and gain/feed ratio.
Requirement values were ratioed to the average Lys requirement for gain/feed of 9.60 g kg1.
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 234

234 D.H. Baker

Table 13.6. Predicted requirements (g kg1) for digestible amino acids in broiler chicks at three different
growth periodsa.

0–21 days 21–42 days 42–56 days

Amino acid Ideal ratio (%) Male Female Male Female Male Female

Lysine 100 11.1 10.2 9.2 8.6 7.6 7.3

Methionine 36 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.6
Cystine 36 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.6
SAAb 72 8.0 7.4 6.6 6.2 5.4 5.2
Threonine 56 (58)c 6.2 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.4 4.2
Tryptophan 17 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2
Valine 78 8.7 8.0 7.2 6.7 5.9 5.7
Isoleucine 61 6.8 6.2 5.6 5.2 4.6 4.5
Leucine 109 12.1 11.1 10.0 9.4 8.3 8.0
Arginine 105 11.7 10.7 9.7 9.0 8.0 7.7
Histidine 35 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.6
Phe + Tyr 105 11.7 10.7 9.7 9.0 8.0 7.7
aThe digestible Lys requirement for each age group was calculated based on the equations presented in
Fig. 13.7, after which the ideal AA ratios were used to calculate requirements for the other amino acids. A
dietary ME value of 13.4 MJ kg1 is assumed for all age periods.
bSAA, sulphur amino acids.
cBased on the report of Emmert and Baker (1997), the ideal Thr:Lys ratio is projected to be 2 percentage

units higher for the 21–42 day and 42–56 day age periods than for the 0–21-day age period.

purposes of calculating the digestible lysine 1999). Mack et al. (1999) evaluated breast
requirement. yield as well as weight gain and feed efficiency
It is noteworthy that among the AA eval- in their AA requirement studies. Among the
uated by Baker et al. (2002), only lysine AA studied (lysine, methionine, threonine,
resulted in a higher requirement for feed effi- tryptophan, arginine, isoleucine and valine),
ciency than for weight gain. However, the there was little evidence that the requirements
SAA requirement may be similar to the lysine for maximal breast yield were higher than the
requirement in this regard (Schutte and Pack, requirements predicted for either weight gain
1995; Baker et al., 1996; Mack et al., or feed efficiency.


Agricultural Research Council (1981) The Nutrient Requirements of Pigs. Commonwealth Agricultural
Bureaux, Farnham Royal, UK.
Almquist, H.J. and Grau, C.R. (1944) The amino acid requirements of the chick. Journal of Nutrition 28,
Baker, D.H. (1997) Ideal amino acid profiles for swine and poultry and their applications in feed formula-
tion. Biokyowa Technical Review 9, 1–24.
Baker, D.H. and Han, Y. (1994) Ideal amino acid profile for broiler chicks during the first three weeks
posthatching. Poultry Science 73, 1441–1447
Baker, D.H., Fernandez, S.R., Webel, D.M. and Parsons, C.M. (1996) Sulfur amino acid requirement and
cystine replacement value of broiler chicks during the period three to six weeks posthatching. Poultry
Science 75, 737–742.
Baker, D.H., Batal, A.B., Parr, T.M., Augspurger, N.R. and Parsons, C.M. (2002) Ideal ratio (relative to
lysine) of tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine and valine for chicks during the second and third week of
life. Poultry Science 81, 485–494.
Amino Acids - Chap 13 12/3/03 12:25 pm Page 235

Ideal Amino Acid Patterns for Broiler Chicks 235

Bertollo, R.F., Chen, C.Z., Law, G., Pencharz, P.B. and Ball, R.O. (1998) Threonine requirement of
neonatal piglets receiving total parenteral nutrition is considerably lower than that of piglets receiving
an identical diet intragastrically. Journal of Nutrition 128, 1752–1759.
Chung, T.K. and Baker, D.H. (1992) Ideal amino acid pattern for 10-kilogram pigs. Journal of Animal
Science 70, 3102–3111.
Cole, D.J.A. (1980) The amino acid requirements of pigs. The concept of an ideal protein. Pig News and
Information 1, 201–205.
Dean, W.F. and Scott, H.M. (1965) The development of an amino acid reference diet for the early growth
of chicks. Poultry Science 44, 803–808.
Draper, N.R. and Smith, H. (1981) Applied Regression Analysis, 2nd edn. John Wiley & Sons, New
Edwards, H.M., III and Baker, D.H. (1999) Maintenance lysine requirement and efficiency of using lysine
for accretion of whole-body lysine and protein in young chicks. Poultry Science 78, 1412–1417.
Emmert, J.L. and Baker, D.H. (1997) Use of the ideal protein concept for precision formulation of amino
acid levels in broiler diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 6, 462–470.
Fernandez, S.R., Aoyagi, S., Han, Y., Parsons, C.M. and Baker, D.H. (1994) Limiting order of amino acids
in maize and soybean meal for growth of the chick. Poultry Science 73, 1887–1896.
Fuller, M.F. (1994) Amino acid requirements for maintenance, body protein accretion and reproduction in
pigs. In: D’Mello, J.P.F. (ed.) Amino Acids in Farm Animal Nutrition. CAB International,
Wallingford, UK, pp. 155–184.
Han, Y. and Baker, D.H. (1991) Lysine requirement of fast and slow growing broiler chicks. Poultry
Science 70, 2108–2114.
Han, Y. and Baker, D.H. (1993) Effects of sex, heat stress, body weight and genetic strain on the lysine
requirement of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 72, 701–708.
Han, Y. and Baker, D.H. (1994) Lysine requirement of male and female broiler chicks during the period
three to six weeks posthatching. Poultry Science 73, 1739–1745.
Han, Y., Suzuki, H., Parsons, C.M. and Baker, D.H. (1992) Amino acid fortification of a low protein corn-
soybean meal diet for maximal weight gain and feed efficiency of the chick. Poultry Science 71,
1168, 1178.
Kidd, M.T., Kerr, B.J. and Anthony, N.B. (1997) Dietary interactions between lysine and threonine in broil-
ers. Poultry Science 76, 608–614.
Labadan, M.C., Hsu, K.-N. and Austic, R.E. (2001) Lysine and arginine requirements of broiler chickens at
two to three-week intervals to eight weeks of age. Poultry Science 80, 599–606.
Mack, S., Bercovici, D., DeGroote, G., Leclercq, B., Lippens, M., Pack, M., Schutte, J.B. and Van
Cauwenberghe, S. (1999) Ideal amino acid profile and dietary lysine specification for broiler chickens
of 20 to 40 days of age. British Poultry Science 40, 257–265.
Mitchell, H.H. (1964) Comparative Nutrition of Man and Domestic Animals. Academic Press, New
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National Research Council (1998) Nutrient Requirements of Swine, 10th edn. National Academy Press,
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Peter, C.M., Han, Y., Boling-Frankenbach, S.D., Parsons, C.M. and Baker, D.H. (2000) Limiting order of
amino acids and the effects of phytase on protein quality in maize gluten meal fed to young chicks.
Journal of Animal Science 78, 2150–2156.
Rhone-Poulenc (1993) RhodimetTM Nutrition Guide. Rhône-Poulenc Animal Nutrition, Antony Cedex,
Robbins, K.R., Norton, H.W. and Baker, D.H. (1979) Estimation of nutrient requirements from growth
data. Journal of Nutrition 109, 1710–1714.
Schutte, J.B. and Pack, M. (1995) Sulfur amino acid requirement of broiler chicks from fourteen to thirty-
eight days of age. 1. Performance and carcass yield. Poultry Science 74, 480–487.
Smith, N.K. and Waldroup, P. (1988) Investigations of threonine requirements of broiler chicks fed diets
based on grain sorghum and soybean meal. Poultry Science 67, 108–112.
Webel, D.M., Johnson, R.W. and Baker, D.H. (1998) Lipopolysaccharide-induced reductions in food intake
do not decrease the efficiency of lysine and threonine utilization for protein accretion in chickens.
Journal of Nutrition 128, 1760–1766.
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14 Responses of Growing Poultry to

Amino Acids

J.P.F. D’Mello*
Formerly of The Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK

Introduction mental inputs of a given nutrient. Armed with

this information, and a knowledge of his mar-
In common with other vertebrate animals, ginal costs and the value of the extra output,
poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese) he can calculate an optimum dose.’
require a core of ten amino acids for optimum
growth and food utilization (see Table 1.1).
These amino acids must be supplied in the Methodology
diet in balanced proportions if growth perfor-
mance is to be maximized. In addition, some As with other farm animals, the methods used
combination of the non-essential amino acids to determine the responses of growing poultry
should be provided to maximize growth to an essential amino acid fall into two major
potential. The issue of dietary essential to categories: empirical and factorial. The latter
non-essential amino acid ratios has been pre- is often projected as the method for the future
sented in Chapter 6. As regards broilers, the as research funds for dose–response studies
data of Bedford and Summers (1985) suggest decline. However, cognizance should be taken
an ideal ratio of 55:45 for optimal growth of the mass of empirically derived data which
performance, efficiency of food utilization and serve not only as a means of evaluating
carcass protein accretion. responses but also as a source of components
This chapter reviews the methods used to of factorial models (see Boorman and
determine the responses of growing poultry to Burgess, 1986). There is little doubt that fac-
essential amino acids and attempts to evaluate torial models will contribute significantly to
the wide range of factors that modify these future thinking since they provide a means of
responses. Estimation of ‘requirements’ for assessing requirements in flexible and eco-
individual amino acids will not be considered nomic terms. It is claimed that the model
here since such information is of limited inter- approach provides a mechanism for identify-
pretive value. As Morris (1983) aptly stated: ing important gaps in existing knowledge.
‘what the practical nutritionist needs to know However, empirical methods have contributed
is the rate at which an animal in a given class, significantly to current understanding of fac-
in a reasonably well-defined nutritional and tors which genuinely affect the responses of
environmental context, will respond to incre- growing poultry to amino acids.

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 237
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238 J.P.F. D’Mello

It is conventional to consider responses of response values are unsuitable for assessing

growing poultry in relation to dietary concen- optimal economic doses. In certain instances it
trations of amino acids (e.g. g kg1 diet). This may be necessary to use different combina-
appears to be a convenient and satisfactory tions of those amino acids involved in antago-
approach for a number of purposes, including nistic relationships. The measurement of food
the practical formulation of diets. Another way intake is essential for complete interpretation
is to express requirements as a proportion of of data. Providing these criteria are satisfied,
crude protein (CP) in the diet. However, the the response curve may be used to estimate
use of dietary concentrations may obscure optimal doses for given rates of growth or
important issues when attempts are made to food efficiency. In addition, the response curve
reconcile the effects of different factors on may be used to determine estimates of slope
growth responses to individual amino acids. and plateau values required as important com-
This is due to the well-known but neglected ponents for the Reading model (Fisher, 1994).
observation that responses depend not only on
dietary amino acid concentration but also on
Diet-dilution technique
food intake. Food intake, in turn, is affected by
a variety of factors including environmental Fisher and Morris (1970) proposed an alter-
temperature, dietary energy concentration and native empirical method based on the sequen-
breed and species of animal. The measure- tial dilution of a high-protein ‘summit’ diet
ment of food intake is thus crucial in any inves- with an isoenergetic protein-free mixture. This
tigation of amino acid responses in animals fed method has been described at length in
ad libitum. The expression of input in terms Chapter 7 since the technique relies on the
of daily intake of an amino acid overcomes the deliberate creation of an imbalance in the
constraints outlined above and provides a summit diet. The imbalance is accomplished
means of discriminating between those factors by maintaining large dietary excesses of all
which genuinely influence responses and those essential amino acids except the one under
which exert their effects through alterations in test, which is fixed at a markedly lower level.
voluntary food intake.

Empirical methods Neither method is without its limitations. In

particular, the graded supplementation tech-
Graded supplementation technique nique has been criticized on several counts
(Fisher and Morris, 1970; Gous, 1980).
The empirical method most commonly used to Firstly, it is claimed that that dietary amino
determine amino acid responses in growing acid balance changes with each successive
poultry involves the addition of graded supple- dose of the limiting amino acid and that the
ments of the amino acid under test to a basal response may be influenced by this factor.
diet deficient in that amino acid (D’Mello, The exact mechanism by which changing
1982). These graded additions are accom- amino acid balance might affect the response
plished with the crystalline form of the amino has never been amplified by the critics. Since
acid. A number of criteria must be fulfilled for any change in amino acid balance would
satisfactory results. It is imperative that the affect food intake rather than the efficiency of
basal diet is sufficiently deficient in the amino utilization of the limiting amino acid (see
acid under investigation and that graded doses Chapter 7), the first criticism may be dis-
of the pure amino acid are employed to gener- counted. It is also argued that at high levels of
ate a smooth and full response curve encom- supplementation, the amino acid under test
passing both growth-limiting doses and those may no longer be first-limiting and that further
that elicit a maximum response. It follows that responses to that amino acid might be pre-
data derived from supplementation experi- vented by the second-limiting amino acid(s).
ments involving just one or two additions or An additional criticism centres on the alleged
those from bioassays which lack maximum difficulty in devising a suitable basal diet which
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 239

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 239

is sufficiently deficient to allow the use of a have been ensured (Hewitt and Lewis, 1972;
wide range of input levels of the limiting Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973; D’Mello and
amino acid. The final criticism relates to the Emmans, 1975; D’Mello, 1990). Thus there
cost of certain synthetic amino acids which, appears to have been little difficulty in devis-
Gous (1980) maintains, might prevent supple- ing suitably deficient basal diets or in provid-
mentation studies with the more expensive ing a satisfactory range of intakes of the
amino acids. limiting amino acid. The most serious criti-
It is argued that none of the disadvan- cism levelled at the graded supplementation
tages just described apply to the diet-dilution technique relates to the systematic variation
technique. Indeed, Fisher and Morris (1970) in amino acid balance of successive diets
claimed that this technique satisfied ‘all the within a supplementation series. However, it
requirements for a successful assay’ and Gous will be apparent from the account in Chapter
(1980) described it as an ‘improved method’. 7 that the diet-dilution technique relies on the
These assertions imply that the diet-dilution deliberate imposition of an amino acid imbal-
technique is capable of yielding more valid ance in the summit diet by the provision of all
response data than the graded supplementa- amino acids, except that under test, in sub-
tion method but no evidence has yet emerged stantial excess. This is the precise method for
to substantiate this claim. the precipitation of deleterious effects in
It is instructive to recall that although the amino acid imbalance (Harper, 1964;
initial description of the diet-dilution tech- D’Mello and Lewis, 1971; D’Mello, 1990).
nique appeared over 30 years ago, the D’Mello (1982) stated that although it is
graded supplementation procedure still relatively straightforward to generate response
remains the method of choice in the vast curves to a single amino acid by the diet-dilution
majority of studies on the amino acid technique, considerable difficulties may emerge
responses of growing poultry (Hewitt and when responses to interacting pairs such as
Lewis, 1972; Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973; lysine and arginine or leucine and valine are to
D’Mello and Emmans, 1975; Edwards and be determined. It was suggested that the
Baker, 1999; Tesseraud et al., 1999). It is responses to arginine or valine would be unreli-
clear that the cost of amino acids has not able owing to the constraint to design the sum-
been a major deterrent to this research where mit diet with large excesses of other amino
the primary costs are likely to be capital acids including lysine and leucine. The adverse
expenditure and labour. The other criticisms effects of lysine and leucine are well docu-
levelled at the graded supplementation tech- mented and will be addressed later in this chap-
nique may also be rejected. In particular, it is ter. Gous (1980), however, argues that this issue
possible to discount the assertion that other is readily resolved by formulating a number of
limiting amino acids may inhibit the maxi- dilution series each containing different concen-
mum response to the first-limiting amino trations of the antagonizing amino acid. The
acid. It is now common practice to include degree of interaction would be indicated by the
generous levels of protein in the diet, and by resultant difference in slope of individual
judicious supplementation it should be possi- response curves across the series.
ble to ensure adequacy of all other amino
acids. In addition, the use of combined sup-
Comparison of techniques
plements of the first- and second-limiting
amino acids may be employed (D’Mello and In a direct comparison of the two methods,
Lewis, 1970; D’Mello and Emmans, 1975). D’Mello (1982) used data obtained by the
Such an approach has yielded satisfactory diet-dilution procedure (Gous, 1980) and by
responses to arginine and lysine in turkey the graded supplementation technique
poults (D’Mello and Emmans, 1975), with (Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973) with respect
maximum growth rates comparable to those to growth responses of broiler chicks to vary-
observed in groups fed a standard diet. ing lysine intakes (Fig. 14.1). The data of
Furthermore, in many studies a wide range of Stockland et al. (1970), obtained with rats
input levels of the first-limiting amino acid fed graded supplements of lysine, were also
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 240

240 J.P.F. D’Mello


Weight gain (g day–1)


0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Lysine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.1. Daily weight gain of growing rats and chicks in relation to daily lysine intake. (From D’Mello,
1982; source of data: rats (●), Stockland et al., 1970; chicks (), Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973; chicks
(), Gous, 1980. Reproduced with permission of The World’s Poultry Science Association.)

incorporated in this figure. It became clear be recognized here that these similarities
that when growth increments were consid- were obtained with the graded supplementa-
ered in relation to daily lysine intake both tion technique despite wide differences in
methods yielded similar results with all ‘limit- dietary amino acid balance and in the nature
ing points’ contributing to a single response of protein ingredients used. On the basis of
curve. In a subsequent examination of data the evidence presented in Fig. 14.1,
obtained with turkey poults, D’Mello (1983) D’Mello (1982) concluded that the lack of
confirmed the high degree of compatibility confidence in the graded supplementation
between the two methods. If the diet-dilution technique and the projection of the diet-dilu-
technique is a superior method, then the tion procedure as an improved method
responses generated by the supplementation could not be justified since both methods
procedure would be displaced positively with yielded concordant growth responses.
respect to the data of Gous (1980). The Boorman and Burgess (1986) arrived at a
agreement between the rat and chick data, similar conclusion after a detailed analysis of
irrespective of the method used to elicit 15 data sets derived by the supplementation
responses, is noteworthy. Such interspecies technique and 11 data sets obtained by the
compatibility in amino acid response data is diet-dilution method in studies on lysine
reviewed later in this chapter, but it should responses in broiler chicks.
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 241

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 241

Since the reviews of D’Mello (1982) and in the dilution series ‘corresponded almost
Boorman and Burgess (1986), a disquieting fea- exactly to the level of lysine in the diet, irrespec-
ture of the diet-dilution technique has emerged tive of protein content’. Indeed, multiple regres-
with far-reaching consequences which question sion analysis of the data indicated that CP
the authenticity of earlier attempts to validate intake did not contribute significantly to the
the technique (Gous, 1980; Gous and Morris, best-fit model. Gous and Morris (1985) pro-
1985). It is a condition of this procedure that ceeded to question the need to use isonitroge-
growth responses are not confounded by the nous diets when determining responses of
deliberate variation in dietary CP content which growing poultry to individual amino acids.
occurs on dilution of the summit diet. The However, in subsequent and more detailed
method relies on the interpretation of responses investigations with chicks, these authors (Morris
to different rates of dilution as responses to the et al., 1987; Abebe and Morris, 1990a,b)
first-limiting amino acid and not to changing demonstrated that CP level unequivocally influ-
dietary CP contents. In this particular respect, enced the growth response to an amino acid.
Gous and Morris (1985) confirmed that the The interaction between dietary CP level and
response in gain when lysine was added to diets lysine intake, shown in Fig. 14.2, represents a


Weight gain (g day–1)


Experiment 1
Experiment 2

100 200 300 400
Lysine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.2. Daily weight gain and lysine intake of chicks fed diets containing 140 (●), 160 (), 180 (),
200 (), 220 (), 240 (), 260 () and 280 () g crude protein kg1. (From D’Mello, 1988; source of data:
Morris et al., 1987. Reproduced with permission of The World’s Poultry Science Association.)
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 242

242 J.P.F. D’Mello

reassessment by D’Mello (1988) of the origi- (1960) obtained with the adult rooster.
nal data published by Morris et al. (1987). In Again, in the mathematical model used by
this study, the summit diet containing 280 g Gous and Morris (1985) an estimate of the
CP kg1, first-limiting in lysine, was diluted lysine requirement for maintenance was
with a basal diet containing 140 g CP kg1 derived from empirical studies.
of identical amino acid balance and metabo- In factorial calculations, it is common
lizable energy (ME) content to yield a series of practice to use single maintenance require-
diets varying in CP content and first-limiting ment values for each amino acid. Although
in lysine. Each diluted diet was supplemented such an approach may be justified for most
with graded levels of pure lysine which, in amino acids, in cases of those involved in
theory, should have produced responses deleterious interactions maintenance require-
compatible with those obtained merely by ments may not be constant. Ousterhout
diluting the summit diet. However, it is readily (1960) showed that young chicks fed a diet
seen (Fig. 14.2) that the growth response devoid of lysine survived longer and lost less
obtained on dilution is quite distinct from that weight than those fed a diet lacking in argi-
obtained on supplementation of each diluted nine. Chicks fed a diet devoid of the three
diet with pure lysine. The displacement of branched-chain amino acids survived longer
response curves at each CP level and the and lost less weight than those fed diets
appearance of discrete responses to lysine devoid of either isoleucine or valine. In other
supplementation question the rigour of the studies (Okumura et al., 1985) chicks were
initial procedures used to validate the diet- fed graded quantities of a standard diet or
dilution technique. The CP effect on growth diets containing only half the recommended
responses to amino acids also holds for tryp- concentrations of leucine, isoleucine or
tophan (Abebe and Morris, 1990b) and valine. Chicks fed the leucine-deficient diet
methionine (Morris et al., 1992). grew at a similar rate to those given similar
Discrepancies recorded between the two quantities of the standard diet. In contrast,
techniques are not just restricted to growth chicks fed either the valine- or isoleucine-defi-
responses. As will be seen later in this chap- cient diet grew at a markedly reduced rate
ter, marked differences also occur in carcass than control animals. Overall, these observa-
fat contents of chicks on diluted and amino tions imply that amino acid antagonisms may
acid supplemented regimes. operate in deficiency states and point to the
dominant role of leucine in its interactions
with its structural analogues. These observa-
Factorial methods tions also suggest that the maintenance
requirements for valine are unlikely to remain
In view of the doubts concerning the diet- constant and may be influenced to a consid-
dilution technique and the criticisms levelled erable degree by the relative proportions of
at the supplementation method, it may well the other two branched-chain amino acids
be argued that future prospects lie in the (BCAA). For similar reasons, the isoleucine
development of factorial models for the pre- requirement for maintenance may also vary.
diction of growth responses to amino acids. However, Burnham and Gous (1992) dis-
Such a view would imply a clear distinction counted any such effects of branched-chain
between empirical and factorial approaches antagonisms on maintenance isoleucine
which is not justified in practice since factor- requirements of adult chickens despite
ial calculations invariably rely on empirically observing an unexpectedly low value for the
derived values. Thus factorial models depend efficiency of utilization of isoleucine for main-
upon some estimate of maintenance require- tenance. It is not unreasonable to propose
ments for individual amino acids. For exam- that the maintenance requirement for argi-
ple, in the factorial method proposed by nine may depend upon the lysine content of
Hurwitz et al. (1978), estimates of mainte- the diet. Methodological factors can influence
nance requirements of chicks were derived the choice of maintenance requirement val-
from the empirical values of Leveille et al. ues for individual amino acids (Chapter 1).
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 243

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 243

Thus, Edwards and Baker (1999) showed that of utilization of the amino acid in question.
the daily total sulphur amino acid (SAA) The distinction between the two categories
requirement of chicks for zero protein accre- of factors only emerges if responses are
tion was 9.4 mg kg0.75, whereas the considered in relation to amino acid intake.
requirement for zero SAA accretion was 15.3 Food intake-mediated factors may elicit dif-
mg kg0.75. ferences in responses when these are plot-
Factorial models, in general, are con- ted against dietary amino acid
strained to ignore the effects of interactions concentrations. However, any disparity
between amino acids. Thus, Hurwitz et al. effectively disappears on considering
(1978) specifically excluded such considera- responses in terms of amino acid intake as
tions from their model. However, in the com- data points merge into a single response
puterized mathematical model based on a curve. On the other hand, factors reducing
four-parameter kinetic equation, Muramatsu the efficiency of utilization of an amino acid
et al. (1991) claim that full account is taken of induce differences that are sustained even
amino acid antagonisms. Assumptions were when responses are viewed in the context of
included on the basis of the experimental evi- amino acid intake. In particular, the appear-
dence of Austic and Scott (1975) for the ance of discrete response curves, within the
lysine–arginine antagonism and of Allen and range of limiting intakes, is clear evidence
Baker (1972) for the branched-chain amino that efficiency of utilization has been
acid interactions, further emphasizing the affected, whereas differences in asymptote
interdependence between factorial and empir- are not relevant in this respect.
ical methods.
Another problematic issue in factorial
methodology concerns the efficiency of utiliza- Food intake-mediated factors
tion of amino acids for protein gain and for
live-weight gain. Boorman and Burgess Environmental temperature
(1986) illustrate the dilemma for lysine, esti-
mating a net efficiency of utilization of lysine March and Biely (1972) and McNaughton et
for protein gain as 0.89 whereas a much al. (1978) investigated the effects of envi-
lower efficiency of 0.71 emerged for live- ronmental temperature on the growth
weight gain. In the cases of several other responses of cockerels fed graded levels of
amino acids, including threonine, leucine and lysine. The results of March and Biely
valine, efficiency could not be estimated from (1972), shown in Fig. 14.3, indicate that
existing data and an assumed value of 0.70 when growth is considered in relation to
was used in the factorial calculations. In actual dietary lysine content, two discrete curves
determinations (Chapter 1), efficiencies of uti- are obtained for 20°C and 31.1°C, implying
lization were found to be 0.82 for threonine a decrease in the efficiency of lysine utiliza-
(Edwards et al., 1997) and 0.73 for valine tion at the higher temperature. However, if
(Baker et al., 1996). the same responses are plotted against daily
lysine intake (Fig. 14.4) it becomes apparent
from the single response curve that lysine
Factors Affecting Responses to utilization has not changed. Chicks at
Amino Acids 31.1°C merely consumed less food and
higher dietary concentrations of lysine were
The responses of growing poultry to individ- therefore required to compensate for this
ual amino acids are influenced by a wide reduction in appetite. The daily intake of
range of factors. These include: environ- lysine required to support a given rate of
mental temperature, immunological stress, growth was similar at the two temperatures.
sex, age, species and several dietary factors. It is likely that the data of McNaughton et
Critical evaluation indicates that these fac- al. (1978) would conform with this pattern
tors readily resolve into those that influence when responses are considered as a func-
food intake and those that reduce efficiency tion of lysine intake.
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 244

244 J.P.F. D’Mello


Weight gain (g day–1)

5 7 9 11 13
Dietary lysine concentration (g kg–1)
Fig. 14.3. The effects of two environmental temperatures (20°C, , and 31.1°C, ) on daily weight gain
of chicks fed graded concentrations of lysine. (From D’Mello, 1979; source of data: March and Biely,
1972. Reproduced with permission from Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.)

Immunological stress plotted against lysine intake (Fig. 14.5) it

becomes apparent that the principal effect of
Klasing and Barnes (1988) suggested the immunogens is to reduce food intake.
reduced requirements of growing chicks for Lysine utilization remains largely unaffected
SAA and for lysine following immunological since much of the data, particularly those
challenge with injected bacterial antigens. relating to lysine deficiency, appear along a
The immunogens injected included single response curve. The data points for
Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, immunogen-treated chicks yield a lower
Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysacc- plateau than that for the control group, but
ahride and heat-treated Staphylococcus this is associated with factors other than
aureus singly or in rotation. On the basis of lysine intake. If lysine utilization had been
the growth results, it was suggested that the affected by immunogen challenge then any
lysine requirements of saline-injected control differences would have been reflected in dis-
chicks were in excess of 9.5 g kg1 diet, crete response curves over the entire range
whereas immunogen-injected chicks required of lysine intake. Notwithstanding the evi-
lysine concentrations of 7–9.5 g kg1 diet. dence presented in Fig. 14.5, it should be
However, when the growth responses are recognized that growth and food utilization
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 245

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 245


Weight gain (g day–1)

0 100 200 300 400
Lysine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.4. Daily weight gain and lysine intake of chicks maintained at two environmental temperatures
(20°C, , and 31.1°C, ) (From D’Mello, 1979; source of data: March and Biely, 1972. Reproduced with
permission from Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.)

may not represent the most appropriate cri- have been published by Thomas et al.
teria for quantifying the effects of immuno- (1977). Viewed in terms of dietary concen-
logical stress on amino acid requirements trations of total lysine, two growth response
(Swain and Johri, 2000). There are reports curves are apparent (Fig. 14.6) implying
that amino acid deficiency impairs immune genuine differences in lysine utilization
function in broiler chicks and that dietary between males and females. Indeed, having
cysteine and the branched-chain amino acids arrived at this conclusion, Thomas et al.
may exert particular effects in the modula- (1977) developed two regression equations
tion of immune responses (Konashi et al., for lysine requirements of male and female
2000; Takahashi et al., 1997). broilers. However, when the responses are
considered as a function of daily lysine intake
(Fig. 14.7) similarities in lysine utilization are
seen. Thus, an intake of 600 mg day1
The responses of male and female broilers to would support equivalent growth rates in
available lysine concentrations in the diet both males and females.
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 246

246 J.P.F. D’Mello



Weight gain (g day–1)




300 400 500 600 700 800
Lysine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.5. Daily weight gain and lysine intake of chicks injected with saline () or with immunogens in the
form of E. coli lipopolysaccharide (●), S. typhimurium lipopolysaccharide (), or heat-killed S. aureus ().
Additional groups of chicks () received the three immunogens in rotation. (Source of data: Klasing and
Barnes, 1988.)

Age responses in Fig. 14.8 and the estimates in

Table 14.1 appear irreconcilable. However,
It is consistently recorded that amino acid a different and more reassuring pattern
requirements, expressed as proportions of emerges when growth responses from
the diet, decrease with age (see National these experiments are considered in rela-
Research Council, 1994). D’Mello (1983) tion to daily intakes of SAA (Fig. 14.9).
summarized published estimates for the Considering the wide differences in dietary
SAA requirements of turkeys of different CP contents, ratios of methionine to cystine
ages and these are reproduced in Table and ages of turkeys used, there appears to
14.1. A selection of the response data of be a marked degree of homogeneity among
Murillo and Jensen (1976) and of Behrends the different data sets. This agreement is all
and Waibel (1980) are shown in Fig. 14.8. the more significant in view of the widely
Expressed in these terms, there is little held belief that empirical data obtained
doubt that dietary requirements do decline under one particular set of conditions are
with age. Of some concern, however, are unlikely to have universal application.
the wide discrepancies in recommendations Irrespective of data source, the responses in
offered by different authors. Viewed in Fig. 14.9 indicate that turkeys growing at
terms of dietary concentrations, the about 30 g day1 require 500 mg SAA
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 247

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 247

55 regular basis. When expressed as dietary

concentrations, differences in requirements
are evident, particularly for arginine. Thus,
the arginine requirement is estimated to be
50 12.5 g kg1 diet for broiler chicks and 16.0
g kg1 diet for turkey poults (National
Research Council, 1994). The question
arises as to whether these differences reflect
Weight gain (g day–1)

genuine variations in amino acid utilization.
D’Mello (1979) addressed this issue at some
length using evidence from studies specifi-
cally designed to compare amino acid utiliza-
tion in young turkeys and chicks. With
respect to arginine (Fig. 14.10) it was sug-
gested that turkey poults and chicks respond
similarly to different intakes of this amino
acid. Potential growth rates in the turkey,
35 however, are much greater and consequently
responses occur to higher intakes of argi-
nine. Food intake per unit of liveweight gain
is higher in the chick than in the poult and
30 these two factors together contribute to the
much lower arginine requirement of the
chick when this value is expressed in terms
of dietary concentrations (D’Mello and
25 Emmans, 1975). There is no evidence of
4 5 6 7 8 any differences in the efficiency of arginine
Dietary lysine concentration (g kg–1) utilization between the two species. Any
such difference would have been represented
Fig. 14.6. Daily weight gain of male () and
by two discrete response curves in Fig.
female (● ) broiler chicks in relation to total
14.10. Interspecies similarities were later
dietary lysine concentration. (From D’Mello,
1979; source of data: Thomas et al., 1977. extended to isoleucine and valine responses
Reproduced with permission from Butterworth- for turkey poults and chicks (D’Mello, 1975)
Heinemann Ltd.) whereas in the case of the SAA (D’Mello,
1976), it was observed that data obtained
with the laboratory rat also conformed with
the responses seen in poultry (Fig. 14.11).
day1, whereas older turkeys growing at 90 The plateaux for the various sets of data
g day 1 require approximately 1700 mg indicate the maximum growth possible in the
SAA day1. The improved agreement respective experiments with the animals and
between the data of Behrends and Waibel diets used (Stockland et al., 1973;
(1980) and Murillo and Jensen (1976) Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973; D’Mello,
when responses are considered in relation 1973a, 1976).
to SAA intake (Fig. 14.9) may be attributed The demonstration of strain differences
to variations in food intake caused by dif- in arginine utilization by chicks (Nesheim,
ferences in the environmental temperatures 1968) is less readily explained and may rep-
used in the two studies. resent an exception to the general rule. It
should be noted that the strains differing in
arginine requirements were selected on the
basis of their responses to high-casein diets
The amino acid requirements of different containing excess lysine. Under these condi-
species of growing poultry are reviewed on a tions there is a clear difference in responses
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 248

248 J.P.F. D’Mello



Weight gain (g day–1)




450 550 650 750 850 950 1050
Lysine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.7. Daily weight gain and lysine intakes of male () and female (●) broiler chicks. (From D’Mello,
1979; source of data: Thomas et al., 1977. Reproduced with permission from Butterworth-Heinemann

Table 14.1. Published estimates of the requirements of turkeys (g kg1 diet) for methionine + cystine.
(From D’Mello, 1983.)

Age of turkey (weeks)

Reference 1–3 1–4 0–4 0–7 4–8 8–12 16–20

D’Mello (1976) 8.3 – – – – – –

Murillo and Jensen (1976) – – – – – 8.1 –
Potter and Shelton (1976) – – – 10.3 – – –
Potter et al. (1977) – – – 11.0–12.0 – – –
Potter and Shelton (1978) – – – 9.5 – – –
Potter and Shelton (1979) – – 11.0 – 10.0 – –
Behrends and Waibel (1980) – 9.5–10.1 – – – 7.0 4.3–4.8

whether these are considered in relation to casein, the strain differences in responses to
dietary concentrations or daily intakes of this deficiency largely disappear. The
arginine. But when an arginine-deficient absence of breed differences in arginine
amino acid mixture is used in place of responses of commercial broiler stocks was
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 249

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 249




Weight gain (g day–1)






5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dietary methionine  cystine concentration (g kg–1)
Fig. 14.8. The effects of dietary methionine + cystine concentration and age on daily weight gain in
turkeys. (Source of data: Behrends and Waibel (1980), 1–4 (●) and 8–12 () weeks of age; Murillo and
Jensen (1976), 8–12 weeks of age ().)

demonstrated by Wilburn and Fuller (1975). distinguish between the two genotypes when
Their studies with Cobb and Hubbard growth was considered as a function of SAA
chicks, fed high-casein diets to accentuate intake, although lean chickens deposited
any potential breed effects, indicated only these amino acids more efficiently in feather
minor differences when growth responses and body proteins. Food intake was
were considered in relation to dietary con- depressed and feather synthesis enhanced in
centrations. Any discrepancies virtually dis- lean relative to fat chickens. In addition,
appeared when responses were plotted Alleman et al. (1999) concluded that threo-
against arginine intake (D’Mello, 1979), nine utilization was very similar in both lines.
suggesting that variations in food intake However, Tesseraud et al. (1999) claimed
were primarily responsible for the differ- that lysine utilization was more efficient in a
ences in dietary requirements. low-fat line of broiler chickens than in a con-
There is currently some interest in the trol line. Efficiency was assessed by plotting
amino acid requirements of genetically lean weight gain and muscle protein deposition
and fat chickens. In a study of SAA utiliza- against lysine intake. The reasons for this
tion, Leclercq et al. (1993) were unable to discrepancy await elucidation.
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 250

250 J.P.F. D’Mello





Weight gain (g day–1)






0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Methionine  cystine intake (mg day–1)

Fig. 14.9. Daily growth rates of turkeys in relation to daily intake of methionine + cystine. (From D’Mello,
1983; source of data: Behrends and Waibel, 1980 (●); D’Mello, 1976 (); Murillo and Jensen, 1976 ();
Potter and Shelton, 1978 (); Potter and Shelton, 1979 (); Potter et al., 1977 ().)

Dietary factors and Baker (1973) examined the effects of

dietary ME concentration on the response of
METABOLIZABLE ENERGY CONCENTRATION. Diet- chicks to graded doses of SAA. Cursory evalu-
ary ME content is widely acknowledged to ation of their results indicates three distinct
exert a dominant role in the regulation of growth response curves for the three ME con-
food intake in growing poultry. Boomgaardt centrations used (Fig. 14.12). However, the
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 251

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 251


Weight gain (g day–1)



200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Arginine intake (mg day–1)

Fig. 14.10. Daily weight gain responses of turkey poults (●) and young chicks () in relation to daily
arginine intake. (From D’Mello and Emmans, 1975; source of data: turkeys, D’Mello and Emmans, 1975;
chicks, D’Mello and Lewis, 1970. Reproduced with permission of British Poultry Science Ltd.)

Weight gain (g day–1)



0 100 200 300 400
Methionine  cystine intake (mg day–1)

Fig. 14.11. Weight gain responses of growing rats (), slow-growing chicks (●), fast-growing chicks ()
and turkey poults () in relation to methionine and cystine intake. (From D’Mello, 1976; source of data:
rats, Stockland et al., 1973; slow-growing chicks, Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973; fast-growing chicks,
D’Mello, 1973b; turkeys, D’Mello, 1976. Reproduced with permission of British Poultry Science Ltd.)
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 252

252 J.P.F. D’Mello


Weight gain (g day–1)

3 4 5 6 7 8
Dietary methionine  cystine concentration (g kg–1)
Fig. 14.12. Daily growth rates of young chicks in relation to dietary methionine + cystine and
metabolizable energy concentrations. Energy levels (MJ kg1): (●) 10.9; () 12.6; () 14.2. (From
D’Mello, 1979; source of data: Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973. Reproduced with permission from
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.)

efficiency of utilization of these amino acids is unimpaired (Harper and Rogers, 1965).
unaffected by energy content of the diet since However, the results of Morris et al. (1987)
a single response curve is obtained on plotting presented in Fig. 14.2 and those of Mendonca
weight gain against methionine + cystine and Jensen (1989) and Abebe and Morris
intake (Fig. 14.13). It is clear that dietary ME, (1990b) appear to challenge this universally
within the range tested, exerts its effects prin- accepted rule. The responses in Fig. 14.2 indi-
cipally through alterations in food intake and cate that as CP content increases from 140 to
without affecting amino acid utilization. 280 g kg1 diet there is a marked and pro-
gressive reduction in the efficiency of utiliza-
AMINO ACID IMBALANCE. As discussed in Chapter tion of the first-limiting amino acid, lysine.
7, dietary amino acid imbalance precipitates its Both the positive displacement of the response
adverse effects by reducing food intake while curves and the reduction in the slope of these
the efficiency of amino acid utilization remains curves, particularly at the higher CP concen-
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 253

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 253


Weight gain (g day–1)

20 60 100 140 180 220
Methionine  cystine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.13. Daily chick growth and methionine + cystine intake at three dietary concentrations of
metabolizable energy (MJ kg1): (●) 10.9; () 12.6; () 14.2. (From D’Mello, 1979; source of data:
Boomgaardt and Baker, 1973. Reproduced with permission from Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.)

trations (260 and 280 g kg1 diet) imply sub- been exhaustively tested in supplementation
stantial decreases in the efficiency of utilization trials with pure amino acids. Accordingly,
of lysine. It will be noted that the displacement D’Mello (1990) conducted an investigation
of the response curves occurs even at subopti- employing crystalline amino acids to bring
mal levels of dietary CP. Abebe and Morris about changes in CP concentrations and
(1990b) attributed these responses to an effect degree of imbalance in lysine-deficient diets fed
of ‘general imbalance caused by the excess of to young chicks. Three basal diets composed
amino acids absorbed following digestion of a mainly of maize gluten meal, wheat, glucose
high protein diet’. Such an explanation is and amino acids were each formulated to con-
inconsistent with the evidence and with the tain 5.1 g lysine kg1 dry matter (DM). The
hypothesis of Harper and Rogers (1965). This first, containing 225 g CP kg1 DM served as
hypothesis was originally developed on the the control diet. The second and third basal
basis of metabolic studies with rats and has not diets were similar to the control apart from the
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 254

254 J.P.F. D’Mello

inclusion of a moderately or severely imbal- 28

anced mixture of amino acids devoid of lysine.
These mixtures were added at the expense of
glucose thereby increasing CP concentrations
to 315 g kg1 DM. Each of the three basal
diets was supplemented with graded levels of 24
lysine. The relatively poor growth perfor-
mance of chicks fed the control diet was 22
depressed further by additions of the two
amino acid mixtures lacking lysine (Fig.
14.14). This follows the classic pattern estab- 20
lished with the rat (Harper and Rogers, 1965).
The severity of the adverse effects was directly 18
proportional to the degree of imbalance in the

Weight gain (g day–1)

mixtures. In all three dietary regimes graded
growth responses occurred to lysine supple- 16
mentation but chicks in the two imbalanced
series failed to attain growth rates comparable 14
to those in the control regimes at equivalent
levels of lysine addition. Consequently, growth
remained depressed, relative to control, in the
imbalanced groups at all levels of lysine addi-
tion, the retardation being particularly marked 10
in the severely imbalanced groups. However, a
highly significant linear relationship was
observed between lysine intake and weight
gain with all data points contributing to a sin-
gle response curve. The appearance on a sin- 6
gle response curve of all data points drawn
from three diverse dietary regimes suggests 4
that neither CP level nor severity of amino
acid imbalance exerts any effect on lysine uti-
lization. This finding is entirely consistent with 2
0 100 200 300 400
the observations by Harper and Rogers (1965)
and their hypothesis therefore remains intact. Lysine intake (mg day–1)
It thus appears unlikely that amino acid imbal- Fig. 14.14. Daily weight gain and lysine intake of
ance is a satisfactory explanation for the pro- chicks fed diets containing 225 g crude protein
tein effect on lysine utilization (Fig. 14.2) and kg1 dry matter (●) or similar diets supplemented
the issues raised by the data of Morris et al. with a moderately () or severely () imbalanced
mixture of amino acids lacking lysine which
(1987) and others (Mendonca and Jensen,
increased crude protein content to 315 g kg1 dry
1989; Abebe and Morris, 1990a,b) remain
matter. (Source of data: D’Mello, 1990.)
essentially unresolved.


ber of other nutritional factors affect the growth ing interaction between lasalocid (an ionophore
responses of poultry to amino acids by modulat- coccidiostat) and SAA in diets severely limiting
ing food intake. Thus differences in responses in these amino acids, inspection of Fig. 14.15
to methionine + cystine induced by feeding indicates that SAA utilization is unaffected by
chicks adequate or vitamin B12-deficient diets lasalocid supplementation. The coccidiostat
may be explained in terms of variations in food merely enhances food intake in chicks fed the
intake (D’Mello, 1979). Although Willis and deficient diets resulting in higher intakes of SAA
Baker (1980) suggested the existence of a strik- with consequent improvements in growth.
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 255

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 255



Weight gain (g 6 days–1)




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Methionine  cystine intake (mg 6 days–1)

Fig. 14.15. Weight gain and methionine + cystine intake of chicks fed purified diets without (●) or with
() lasalocid, 125 mg kg1. (From D’Mello, 1988; source of data: Willis and Baker, 1980. Reproduced
with permission of The World’s Poultry Science Association.)

Factors reducing amino acid utilization kg1, progressively reduced growth perfor-
mance and enhanced the quantity of arginine
Clear reductions in arginine and BCAA utiliza- required to reverse these adverse effects.
tion have been demonstrated with broiler chick- Thus, at lysine concentrations of 16.0
ens and turkey poults. These reductions are the and 18.5 g kg1 diet arginine requirements
result of specific antagonisms (Chapter 7). had increased from 10.0 to 14.5 and 16.0 g
kg1 diet, respectively. These increases in
Lysine–arginine antagonism arginine requirements remained prominent
even after responses were considered in rela-
The lysine–arginine antagonism provides a tion to arginine intake (Fig. 14.16). The dis-
distinctive, but not unique, example of how crete response curves and the changes in
one amino acid may reduce the efficiency of slope indicate that arginine utilization is
utilization of another. The results of one such markedly reduced by excess dietary lysine.
study (D’Mello and Lewis, 1970) are shown in The response of growing chicks to the
Table 14.2. A basal diet marginally deficient lysine–arginine interaction may be modified by
in arginine but adequate in lysine was used. at least two dietary factors. Supplementation
Addition of excess lysine to this basal diet to with electrolytes, particularly potassium acetate,
give concentrations of 13.5, 16.0 and 18.5 g reduces the severity of this antagonism (O’Dell
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 256

256 J.P.F. D’Mello

Table 14.2. Effects of dietary lysine and arginine on daily weight gain
(g) of chicks. (From D’Mello and Lewis, 1970.)

Dietary lysine (g kg1)

Dietary arginine
(g kg1) 11.0 13.5 16.0 18.5

8.5 17.7 16.1 13.0 7.2

10.0 19.6 19.5 17.1 14.0
11.5 19.8 20.3 18.4 15.6
13.0 19.8 19.3 19.1 17.2
14.5 19.9 19.4 20.3 19.0
16.0 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.8




Weight gain (g day–1)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Arginine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.16. Daily growth rates and arginine intake of chicks fed 11.0 (●), 13.5 (), 16.0 () and 18.5 ()
g lysine kg1 diet. (From D’Mello, 1973c. Reproduced with permission of British Poultry Science Ltd.)

and Savage, 1966). A second factor influenc- in the diet. Canavanine is one such analogue
ing the lysine–arginine antagonism is the pres- occurring naturally in the seed of the legume
ence of other structural analogues of arginine Canavalia ensiformis. The existence of a
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 257

Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 257

canavanine–arginine antagonism in chicks fed diet, respectively (D’Mello and Lewis, 1970).
this seed has been proposed, with lysine exac- It should be noted that the leucine–
erbating the deleterious effects of this interac- isoleucine antagonism is considerably less
tion (D’Mello et al., 1989; see also Chapter 7). potent than that between leucine and valine,
The practical significance of the lysine– a feature alluded to by D’Mello and Lewis
arginine antagonism emanates not only from (1970). Consequently, the observation by
its relevance to the assessment of arginine Burnham et al. (1992) that dietary leucine at
requirements of growing poultry but also from 1.76 times requirement depressed chick
its effects in determining the nutritive value of growth without enhancing isoleucine require-
certain feedingstuffs. Thus, Miller and Kifer ments is consistent with the weak antago-
(1970) noted that the nutritive value of an nism between these two amino acids. The
aged sample of fishmeal could be enhanced complexity of antagonistic effects among the
by arginine supplementation and impaired by BCAA is further illustrated by the impact of
addition of lysine or methionine. Leslie et al. dietary isoleucine on valine and leucine
(1976) reported the existence of an adverse requirements. Thus, an isoleucine concentra-
lysine:arginine ratio in rapeseed meal when it tion of 5.2 g kg1 diet permitted satisfactory
served as the sole source of dietary protein. chick growth and efficiency of food utiliza-
Under these conditions, arginine supplemen- tion with the concentrations of leucine and
tation improved the nutritive value of rape- valine set at 9.8 and 6.3 g kg1 diet, respec-
seed meal whereas lysine addition precipitated tively. However, an isoleucine concentration
severe arginine-responsive growth depres- of 7.6 g kg1 diet increased requirements for
sions. Arginine supplementation is also bene- leucine and valine to 11.0 and 7.5 g kg1
ficial when chicks are fed diets containing diet respectively (D’Mello, 1974). The extent
single-cell protein sources such as hydrocar- to which BCAA utilization is affected by
bon-grown yeast (D’Mello, 1973b) and mutual antagonisms may be gauged by the
methanol-grown bacteria (D’Mello, 1978). growth responses of turkey poults to excess
Another interesting feature of the bacterial leucine (Fig. 14.17). As the leucine content
source has been the observation that chicks is increased from 14.2 to 20.2 g kg1 diet,
also respond to supplementation with elec- there is a positive displacement in the
trolytes, which act by reducing mortality response curve to valine, indicating that
(Talbot, 1978). It remains to be established valine utilization is impaired by excess
whether this represents another dimension of leucine (D’Mello, 1988). The lower plateau
the lysine–arginine–electrolyte interactions dis- in the response curve to excess leucine sug-
cussed earlier. gests that isoleucine may now be the limit-
ing factor.
Branched-chain amino acid antagonisms
Several studies with the young chick and the Effects of Dietary Amino Acids on
turkey poult illustrate clear patterns of inter- Carcass Composition
dependence in the metabolism of and
requirements for BCAA. For example, The effects of varying dietary concentrations
dietary leucine exerts a profound effect on of amino acids on body composition of grow-
the valine requirements of the chick. Thus, ing poultry are imperfectly documented.
for leucine concentrations of 14, 24 and However, the results of three studies indicated
34 g kg1 diet, valine requirements are 7.7, striking effects of dietary isoleucine and lysine
8.9 and 10.1 g kg1 diet, respectively on fat content of 3-week-old broiler chicks.
(D’Mello and Lewis, 1970). The Contrasting effects were observed, depending
leucine–isoleucine antagonism has also been on the degree of deficiency of either amino
described in quantitative terms. Increasing acid (Figs 14.18 and 14.19). At very low lev-
leucine levels from 14 to 21.5 and 29.0 g els of isoleucine or lysine, fat content was rel-
kg1 diet enhances isoleucine requirements atively low but this increased progressively
of the chick from 5.8 to 6.2 and 6.5 g kg1 with graded additions of either amino acid.
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 258

258 J.P.F. D’Mello



Weight gain (g day–1)






300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Valine intake (mg day–1)
Fig. 14.17. Daily weight gain and valine intake of turkey poults fed 14.2 (●) and 20.2 () g leucine kg1
diet. (From D’Mello, 1988; source of data: D’Mello, 1975. Reproduced with permission of The World’s
Poultry Science Association.)

This, presumably, is a reflection of extremely It should be noted that the responses relat-
low food intakes which are a characteristic ing to severe deficiency (Velu et al., 1972)
feature of severe amino acid deficiency were derived by the graded supplementation
(D’Mello and Lewis, 1978; Chapter 7). procedure with purified diets. Responses refer-
However, a point was reached for each amino ring to moderate deficiency were obtained by
acid when further dietary additions reduced the diet-dilution technique using diets based
carcass fat content. Thus the effect of an largely on conventional protein sources (Gous
amino acid on carcass fat concentrations and Morris, 1985; Burnham et al., 1992). The
depends upon the extent of deficiency, a carcass fat data shown in Fig. 14.19 obtained
severe inadequacy eliciting much lower fat by the diet-dilution method are markedly differ-
concentrations than moderate deficiency. It ent from those observed by Seaton et al.
may be argued that it would be more instruc- (1978) with the graded supplementation tech-
tive to consider lipid gain in relation to amino nique. Their data indicated no effect of lysine,
acid intake. However, the lack of requisite within the range 7.2–16.8 g kg1 diet, on car-
data in the paper by Velu et al. (1972) does cass fat content of 3-week-old chicks despite
not permit such an approach without employ- continuing growth increments up to 10.4 g
ing untenable assumptions. In any event, it is lysine kg1 diet. Thus methodological aspects
unlikely that any manipulation of data would should be considered in any interpretation of
substantially alter the pattern of contrasting carcass fat responses to dietary amino acid
responses shown in Figs 14.18 and 14.19. concentrations.
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Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 259




Lipid content (g kg–1)







0 2 4 6 8 10
Dietary isoleucine concentration (g kg–1)
Fig. 14.18. The effects of dietary isoleucine concentration on lipid content of broiler chicks at 3 weeks of
age. Experimental diets were fed from 8 days of age. (Source of data: Velu et al., 1972 (●); Burnham et
al., 1992 ().)

Conclusions are not confounded by the unavoidable varia-

tion in protein contents of diluted diets. It is
The responses of growing poultry to individ- now known that this condition is not fulfilled
ual amino acids may be determined empiri- since distinct and disparate responses occur
cally by the graded supplementation to graded supplements of the limiting amino
technique or by the diet-dilution method. acid at each protein level in the diluted series.
Although initial evaluation procedures indi- Indeed, it has now been concluded that the
cated considerable compatibility in growth amino acid requirements of the growing chick
responses derived by these methods, subse- are ‘a simple linear function of the dietary
quent research revived the debate concerning protein content’ (Morris et al., 1987). Their
the validity of the diet-dilution technique. It is results also implied reduced utilization of the
a condition of this procedure that responses first-limiting amino acid as dietary crude
Amino Acids - Chap 14 12/3/03 12:56 pm Page 260

260 J.P.F. D’Mello




Lipid content (g kg–1)







0 5 10 15

Dietary lysine concentration (g kg–1)

Fig. 14.19. The effects of dietary lysine concentration on lipid content of broiler chicks at 3 weeks of age.
Experimental diets were fed from 7 or 8 days of age. (Source of data: Velu et al., 1972 (●); Gous and
Morris 1985 ().)

protein increased. This protein effect on A critical review of factors affecting amino
amino acid utilization was attributed to acid responses in growing poultry indicates that
amino acid imbalance. However, a study by environmental temperature, immunological
D’Mello (1990) employing the supplementa- stress, sex, age, species, dietary energy content
tion technique indicated that moderate or and dietary amino acid imbalance all exert their
severe imbalance exerted no effect on the effects by altering food intake. However, in the
utilization of the first-limiting amino acid. case of deleterious antagonisms such as those
The biochemical basis of the protein effect involving BCAA or that between lysine and
on amino acid responses of growing chicks arginine, there are indications of genuine
remains elusive. A limited analysis of data changes in the efficiency of amino acid utiliza-
reveals that the diet-dilution and graded sup- tion. In addition, there is limited evidence of
plementation techniques may elicit contrast- genetic differences in amino acid utilization in
ing effects on carcass fat content of chicks growing chicks. The implications for other
fed varying dietary concentrations of individ- genetic models, including lean and fat lines and
ual amino acids. transgenic poultry are still unfolding.
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Responses of Growing Poultry to Amino Acids 261


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15 Metabolism and De Novo Synthesis

of Amino Acids by Rumen Microbes

Cengiz Atasoglu and R. John Wallace*

Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK

Introduction Virtanen (1966), who maintained lactating cows

on a protein-free diet for many months, the
Since the earliest microscopic description of microbial amino acids being synthesized from
15–20 species of ‘animalcules’ in the rumen urea-N. This result was to some degree pre-
(Gruby and Delafond, 1843), a few landmark dictable, however, based on the many in vitro
discoveries have changed scientists’ under- studies carried out by Bryant and his colleagues
standing of the rumen, its microbial ecosystem (Bryant, 1973). The review by Chalmers and
and the relations between rumen fermentation Synge (1954) was among the first to assemble
and ruminant nutrition. The demonstration all known information about nitrogen metabo-
that cellulose was digested by microbial activity lism in the rumen; it is worth returning occa-
in the rumen (von Tappeiner, 1884) was a sionally to this excellent review as a historical
seminal discovery, as was the importance of perspective to appreciate how our impressions
the microbial fermentation products, the of rumen N metabolism have changed.
volatile fatty acids, as nutrients for the host Amino acid metabolism in the rumen is
animal (Barcroft et al., 1944). By applying studied principally because of its nutritional
habitat-simulating principles to growth medium implications. The ruminant relies for its amino
formulations Hungate (1947) was able to grow acids on the mixture of microbial and surviving
the strictly anaerobic rumen bacteria in vitro, feed protein which result from rumen fermenta-
an accomplishment that had hitherto been tion (Fig. 15.1). Only a fraction of the protein
impossible and which enabled rumen bacteriol- consumed, and to a limited degree some pep-
ogy to begin in earnest. Orpin’s (1975) discov- tides arising from proteolysis, escape rumen fer-
ery that strictly anaerobic fungi were significant mentation. Once released, amino acids do not
commensal organisms also changed our per- survive in the free form for long. They are
ception of the rumen in a very significant way. either incorporated into microbial protein or
In terms of rumen protein and amino acid deaminated to ammonia; free amino acid con-
metabolism, there have been no comparable centrations are low. In order to maximize the
strides forward, rather a steady increase in efficiency of amino acid production from the
understanding. The most elegant demonstration rumen, we would wish to minimize degradation
of the biosynthetic power of rumen microbes, in of feed protein to the point where all the pro-
terms of amino acid biosynthesis, was made by tein which is degraded is incorporated by the

*E-mail addresss:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 265
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266 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

and excretion

amino acids

Amino acids Host


Peptides amino acids


Fig. 15.1. Protein metabolism in the rumen.

microbes. This might not achieve the goals of degree of secondary and tertiary structure and
animal production, however, if providing more the presence of disulphide bonds (Henderickx,
amino acids were to increase the rate of fer- 1976; Mahadevan et al., 1980; Wallace,
mentation of the energy source and thereby 1983) are important determinants of the sus-
increase feed intake. This chapter aims to ceptibility of proteins to digestion by ruminal
review amino acid metabolism by rumen microorganisms. Because some proteins are
microbes, both in pure and in mixed culture, in fermented faster than others in the rumen
a nutritional context. (Wallace, 1994), the rate and extent of pro-
tein breakdown to generate peptides and
amino acids which are then either incorpo-
Catabolic Sequence of Protein rated into microbial protein or broken down
Breakdown to Ammonia in the to ammonia by the ruminal microorganisms is
Rumen thought to affect ammonia incorporation pat-
terns significantly in the rumen (Hristov and
Protein breakdown Broderick, 1994). Hristov and Broderick
(1994) found that soluble proteins such as
Protein is the most abundant source of N in casein favoured greater amino acid and lower
most ruminant diets. Feed protein is usually NH3 incorporation in to microbial protein.
broken down rapidly by the microbial pro- A number of different types of proteolytic
teases secreted by ruminal bacteria, protozoa enzymes are produced and secreted by many
and fungi present in the rumen, giving rise to strains and species of ruminal ciliate protozoa,
peptides and amino acids, which are then bacteria and fungi which have been found to
taken up by the microbial cells (Fig. 15.1) be proteolytic (Wallace, 1994; Wallace et al.,
(Nolan, 1975; Wallace, 1996; Wallace et al., 1997). The type of diet is also known to have
1997; Cotta and Russell, 1997). A number of a major influence on proteolytic activity and
factors, which affect the precise rate and the microbial species responsible for that activ-
extent of breakdown, ultimately determine the ity (Nugent and Mangan, 1981; Siddons and
nutritive value of the protein (Wallace et al. Paradine, 1981; Hazlewood et al., 1983).
1997). Various chemical and physical charac- Fresh herbage was reported to promote higher
teristics of proteins, such as solubility, the proteolytic activity than dry rations, the higher
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 267

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 267

soluble-protein content of the herbage enrich- tained by Depardon et al. (1995), who indi-
ing proteolytic bacteria (Nugent and Mangan, cated that hydrophobicity is not a major factor
1981; Hazlewood et al., 1983; Nugent et al., in the rate of peptide degradation, based on
1983). Cereal diets were also reported to the study with a soy protein hydrolysate.
encourage higher proteolytic activities than dry Peptides which are more resistant than others
forage diets, probably because these diets are to degradation have a predominant amino acid
suitable for the proliferation of amylolytic rumi- sequence, typically appear to be Gly-Gly, Pro-
nal species which are known to be proteolytic X or X-Pro residues at the N-terminus or >1
rather than cellulolytic (Siddons and Paradine, acidic residue in the peptide (Wallace et al.,
1981). It is noteworthy that the pattern of pro- 1990a; Yang and Russell, 1992; Wallace,
teolytic enzymes has been quite variable in ani- 1996). Peptides which survive for a long
mals offered the same or similar diets and period of time in rumen fluid tend to be
housed together (Wallace et al., 1997; enriched in these amino acids (Wallace and
Falconer and Wallace, 1998). McKain, 1990).
Recently, a new suggestion has been put The great majority of peptidase activity is
forward that proteolysis is carried out not only aminopeptidase (Wallace et al., 1990a), a
by ruminal microorganisms, but also by property that confers a high degree of resis-
endogenous plant proteases, which may play tance to ruminal degradation on N-terminally
a significant role in the breakdown of fresh blocked peptides (Wallace et al., 1993).
herbage protein in the rumen (Zhu et al., Wallace and McKain (1990) found a low
1999). Plant proteinases play a significant response of some of the peptides present in
role in protein breakdown in the silo, and it is ruminal fluid several hours after feeding to the
logical that they may also have a role in the peptide reagent, fluorescamine, which
rumen of grazing ruminants. requires a free –NH2 group to react. Hence
some of these peptides may survive degrada-
tion because they are naturally N-formylated
Peptide breakdown or -acetylated. Other peptides are broken
down extremely rapidly (Wallace, 1996), and
Peptides are intermediates in the degradation it is the breakdown of these peptides that is of
of protein to ammonia. The mixed ruminal greatest concern.
population breaks down different peptides at Peptide hydrolysis in the rumen consists
different rates (Broderick et al., 1988; Wallace of two steps. The first is an aminopeptidase
et al., 1990a,b, 1993). Low concentrations of activity which cleaves dipeptides rather than
peptides are found in the rumen during the single amino acids from the peptide chain
degradation of proteins such as ovalbumin and (Wallace et al., 1990a; Depardon et al.,
fraction I protein (Mangan, 1972; Nugent and 1995; Wallace, 1996). Enzymes that carry out
Mangan, 1981; Broderick and Wallace, this process are classified as dipeptidyl pepti-
1988), but peptides accumulate when more dases (Webb, 1992). Studies using synthetic
rapidly degraded proteins are broken down, peptidase substrates demonstrated that dipep-
reaching a peak concentration 1–2 h after tidyl-X substrates are much more rapidly bro-
feeding and declining thereafter (Chen et al., ken down than amino acyl-X substrates
1987a,b; Broderick and Wallace, 1988). Chen (Wallace, 1996). The dipeptides are then
et al. (1987b) reported that hydrophilic pep- cleaved to amino acids by separate dipepti-
tides are more rapidly broken down by the dases (Fig. 15.2).
mixed ruminal bacteria than hydrophobic Ionophores such as monensin and
ones, and concluded that the hydrophobicity tetronasin cause an accumulation of peptides
of peptides determines their rate of degrada- in ruminal fluid or in vitro fermentations
tion. However, Wallace et al. (1990a) found (Whetstone et al., 1981; Newbold et al.,
that the structure of the N-terminal end of the 1990; Wallace, 1992a). However, the acute
peptide chain has the greatest influence on the addition of such ionophores did not effect the
rate of peptide hydrolysis. The conclusion of rate of peptide breakdown (Wallace et al.,
Chen et al. (1987b) has not been recently sus- 1990b), suggesting that time is needed for
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 268

268 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

Possible interventions Microbes responsible

Monensin HAP bacteria: Clostridium, Eubacterium,
LY29 Peptostreptococcus, Acidaminococcus spp.
Non-HAP bacteria: Prevotella, Butyrivibrio,
Essential oils Megasphaera, Selenomonas spp.
Diaryl iodonium Protozoa: Entodinium spp.
Bacteria: Prevotella, Fibrobacter, Butyrivibrio,
Chelators Lachnospira, Megasphaera, Selenomonas spp.
Protozoa: Entodinium, Isotricha, Dasytricha spp.
GlyPhe-diazomethylketone Bacteria: Prevotella spp., Ruminobacter amylophilus,
Acetylation of peptides Streptococcus bovis
Bacteria: Prevotella, Butyrivibrio, Clostridium,
Physical or chemical Eubacterium, Fusobacterium, Lachnospira,
protection Selenomonas spp., R. amylophilus, S. bovis
Decrease plant proteinases Fungi: Neocallimastix, Piromyces spp.
PROTEIN Protozoa: Entodinium, Ophryoscolex, Epidinium,
Isotricha, Polyplastron, Dasytricha spp.
Fig. 15.2. The catabolic sequence from protein to ammonia in the rumen: microbes and interventions.
HAP, hyper-ammonia producing.

adaptation. It is possible that the composition 1971; Chalupa, 1976). Low concentrations
of the microbial population in the rumen is of amino acids are found in ruminal fluid even
altered as a result of ionophore use, resulting just after feeding (Leibholz, 1969; Chalupa,
in a change in peptide metabolism. 1976; Wallace, 1979). This observation
Alternatively, the mode of action of might be misleading, because the extent to
ionophores may be on the membrane perme- which peptide-bound amino acids are taken
ability of Prevotella ruminicola, the only up into cells may be quite different from that
common bacterial species that possesses high of the corresponding free amino acids (Prins
dipeptidyl peptidase activity, which decreases et al., 1979). Glutamate, for example, is pre-
its membrane permeability upon prolonged sent almost totally as intracellular pools
exposure to ionophores, and slows its rate of (Wright and Hungate, 1967; Wallace, 1979).
peptide metabolism (Newbold et al., 1992). The extent to which peptides accumulate
varies with diet, with the highest concentra-
tions observed after feeding lucerne hay
Amino acid breakdown (Leibholz, 1969). Accumulation of amino
acids from rapidly degraded, but not slowly
Amino acid breakdown is the final step in the degraded, protein was demonstrated by
conversion of dietary protein into ammonia. Broderick and Wallace (1988). Hino and
The rate of amino acid degradation is usually Russell (1985) compared the deaminase activ-
greater than that of amino acid utilization by ity of intact microorganisms and cell extracts,
the ruminal microorganisms, excess amino and concluded that the high capacity for
acids being broken down, and amino acids are deamination implied that the rate of uptake of
therefore the most important source of peptides or amino acids into cells might limit
ammonia in the rumen (Al-Rabbat et al., the rate of ammonia production.
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 269

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 269

It has been demonstrated that specific bacteria did not ferment sugars but used amino
amino acids are broken down at different acids as their main source of carbon and
rates and interaction between certain amino energy as well as nitrogen source. Thus it can
acids exists. Chalupa (1976) provided infor- be concluded that amino acid deamination
mation on the degradation of physiological could be carried out predominantly by numeri-
quantities of amino acids under in vitro and cally abundant bacteria each having low activ-
in vivo conditions, and demonstrated that of ity, or by relatively few species with
the amino acids essential to the animal, argi- exceptionally high deaminative activity.
nine and threonine are broken down rapidly Subsequently, similar ‘ammonia-hyper-
(0.5–0.9 mmol h1), lysine, phenylalanine, producing’ (HAP) species – were isolated in
leucine and isoleucine are broken down at New Zealand (Attwood et al., 1998) and
0.2–0.3 mmol h1 and formed an intermedi- Australia (McSweeney et al., 1999). In the
ate group, whereas valine and methionine are former study, Attwood et al. (1998) isolated
least rapidly degraded (0.10–0.14 mmol h1). 14 morphologically different species from
Interaction in the degradation of amino acids pasture-grazed cows, sheep, and deer. The
was also demonstrated in the same study; isolates were similar in function to the HAP
although methionine had a minor influence on species isolated previously, but all were geno-
valine breakdown, its degradation significantly typically different. A greater diversity of HAP
decreased in the presence of valine. Similarly, species was also indicated in the isolates made
non-essential amino acids were also metabo- by McSweeney et al. (1999) from goats
lized at least as rapidly as essential amino receiving tannin-rich Calliandra calothyrsus.
acids (Broderick and Balthrop, 1979). Furthermore, some of the isolates were sac-
More recently, a major focus of research charolytic and/or proteolytic, suggesting that
has been directed to the nature of the micro- the HAP niche is not occupied only by asac-
bial population that is primarily responsible for charolytic organisms, but also by organisms
ammonia production in vivo (Table 15.1). with wider biochemical functions. As in other
There has been a long-held assumption for areas of microbial ecology, the population size
many years that a large group of bacteria iden- of the amino acid fermenters, and the effects
tified by Bladen et al. (1961) was responsible of diet, inhibitors, etc., will in future be deter-
for deamination in the rumen, but Russell and mined more easily by the use of molecular
his colleagues at Cornell University found that techniques (Krause and Russell, 1996).
these bacteria do not have sufficient activity for
observed rates of ammonia production, and
isolated a group of bacteria that were much Urea breakdown
less numerous than the others, but which pos-
sessed exceptionally high ammonia-producing Ammonia is formed extremely rapidly from
activity (Chen and Russell, 1988, 1989a; the breakdown of urea in the rumen and can
Russell et al., 1988, 1991). These new iso- then be used for amino acid synthesis. This
lates were asaccharolytic, relying on the fer- activity enables ruminants to utilize urea enter-
mentation of amino acids for growth. ing the rumen either with the feed (Virtanen,
Moreover, unlike the others, they were highly 1966; Salter et al., 1979; Roffler and Satter,
sensitive to monensin, and since ammonia 1975), or endogenous salivary secretion, or
concentrations are lower when this dietary by diffusion across the rumen wall (Kennedy
ionophore is received by ruminants, it was and Milligan, 1980). The enzyme mechanism
concluded that they must be significant ammo- is a simple hydrolysis by urease, which can be
nia producers in vivo. The species isolated, inhibited in vitro by acetohydroxamic acid
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Clostridium (Makkar et al., 1981). The ruminal enzyme is
sticklandii and Clostridium aminophilum probably similar to jackbean urease in its Ni
(Paster et al., 1993), were atypical of the main content, judging by the stimulation of ruminal
ruminal species, although a large number of urease activity by dietary Ni (Spears et al.,
clostridia have been isolated from the rumen 1977; Spears and Hatfield, 1978). Urease is
over the years (Stewart et al., 1997). These associated with the particulate microbial
Amino Acids - Chap 15

Table 15.1. ‘Hyper-ammonia producing’, amino acid-fermenting bacteria isolated from the rumen.

Study Location Source Isolates Properties

12:19 pm
Russell et al. (1988) Cornell, USA Cow consuming Peptostreptococcus Non-saccharolytic iso-acids producer
timothy hay/concentrate anaerobius

C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

Chen and Russell Cornell, USA Cow consuming timothy Clostridium aminophilum Non-saccharolytic acetate, butyrate producer
(1989a) hay/ concentrate mixture Clostridium sticklandii Non-saccharolytic acetate, iso-acids producer

Page 270
Attwood et al. (1998) New Zealand Grazing cow Eubacterium spp. Non-saccharolytic acetate, butyrate producer
Grazing deer Peptostreptococcus spp. Non-saccharolytic iso-acids producer
Fusobacterium spp. Non-saccharolytic acetate, butyrate producer
Grazing sheep Peptostreptococcus spp. Non-saccharolytic acetate, butyrate producer
McSweeney et al. Queensland, Sheep and goats Clostridium spp. Non-saccharolytic, proteolytic, lactate,
(1999) Australia receiving Calliandra propionate, butyrate, valerate producer
Eschenlauer et al. Aberdeen, UK Sheep consuming mixed Clostridium/Eubacterium spp. Non-saccharolytic butyrate, valerate, caproate
(2002) grass hay/concentrate Acidaminococcus spp. producer
diet Desulfomonas spp. Non-saccharolytic acetate, butyrate producer
Non-saccharolytic lactate producer
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 271

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 271

fraction of ruminal fluid, and is predominantly issues are involved, however – too numerous
of microbial origin (Gibbons and McCarthy, to describe here – and the reader is directed
1957; Jones et al., 1964; Mahadevan et al., to the extensive literature surrounding the
1976). No urease activity was found in either issue of defaunation (see Williams and
starved, antibiotic-treated ciliate protozoa Coleman, 1992; Ivan et al., 2000).
(Onodera et al., 1977) or in Piromyces or
Neocallimastix fungal isolates (Sakurada et
al., 1994). Urea is not hydrolysed in the Peptides
absence of the microbial population, when its
concentration in the rumen is the same as There is the possibility of protecting peptides
that in blood (Cheng and Wallace, 1979). physically as there is for the protection of pro-
Urease is one of the most variable tein and amino acids (see below). Chemical
enzyme activities in ruminal contents. Many protection, by N-terminal acylation, is also
factors influence urease activity, such as Ni in effective (Wallace, 1992b; Wallace et al.,
the diet. Ammonia may suppress activity 1998; Witt et al., 1998) because peptides are
(Cheng and Wallace, 1979), and urea is an broken down by rumen microbial aminopepti-
inducer (Czerkawski and Breckenridge, 1982). dases. In terms of enzyme inhibition, the two
It is of interest to understand urease regulation, steps of peptide hydrolysis can be considered
because the principal disadvantage of urea as a separately. The breakdown of oligopeptides,
source of non-protein nitrogen is that it is bro- catalysed mainly by dipeptidyl peptidases of
ken down too rapidly, resulting in ammonia Prevotella spp. (Wallace and McKain, 1991;
overflow and inefficient nitrogen retention. McKain et al., 1992) can be inhibited by a
variety of structural-analogue inhibitors,
including benserazide, GlyPhe-diazomethyl-
Manipulating the Catabolic Sequence ketone, Ala2-chloromethylketone and diprotin
A (H.R. Wang, N. McKain, N.D. Walker and
Protein R.J. Wallace, unpublished). Dipeptidase activ-
ity is strongly cation-dependent, and is sensi-
The diversity and variability of microbial tive to metal-ion chelators such as
species and their proteolytic enzymes, 1,10-phenanthroline (Wallace and McKain,
described above and elsewhere (Wallace et 1996; Wallace et al., 1996). Both of these
al., 1997) suggests that no means of rational groups of peptidase inhibitors inhibit the rate
manipulation of the microbial population will of ammonia production from peptides and
be possible that will influence the rate of protein in rumen fluid, but whether they
breakdown of dietary protein. Physical or would prove to be suitable feed additives
chemical protection methods which affect the remains to be established.
protein itself are required (Wallace, 1994). A
possible benefit in grazing animals would be a
grass with less proteolytic activity, as the pro- Amino acids
teinases of the plant may be significant in
early proteolytic digestion of plant protein in Monensin, an ionophore which is widely used
the rumen (Zhu et al., 1999). In contrast, the as a feed additive, manipulates carbohydrate
breakdown of bacterial protein, which leads to fermentation by shifting the products of car-
inefficient microbial protein yields in the bohydrate fermentation from acetate to propi-
mixed population, can be almost abolished if onate production. It has been also found to be
rumen ciliate protozoa are eliminated from effective in reducing ammonia concentrations
the rumen. The benefit in terms of microbial (Yang and Russell, 1993; Cotta and Russell,
protein flow from the rumen can be 20% or 1997; Wallace et al., 1997), partly by inhibit-
more (e.g. Hsu et al., 1991). This manipula- ing the growth of HAP bacteria, as described
tion, known as defaunation, therefore offers above. Other feed additives, including an
an extremely promising strategy for improving amino acid analogue LY29 (1-[(E)-2-(2-methyl-
amino acid nutrition in ruminants. Many other 4-nitrophenyl)diaz-1-enyl]pyrrolidine-2-car-
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 272

272 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

boxylic acid; Floret et al., 1999) and essential Reports on the preferential utilization of
oils (McIntosh et al., 2000) target HAP bacte- peptides and amino acids by the mixed micro-
ria more specifically. Diphenyliodonium chlo- bial population in the rumen are quite variable.
ride (DIC) does not inhibit HAP species (Floret Studies by Prins et al. (1979) and Cooper and
et al., 1999), but is an effective deaminase Ling (1985) indicated that peptides rather than
inhibitor (Chalupa et al., 1983). free amino acids are preferentially incorporated
by the mixed microbial population. In contrast,
an amino acid preference over peptides was
Transport of Peptides, Amino Acids reported by Armstead and Ling (1993) in
and Ammonia by Rumen Microbes rumen fluid from some sheep much more than
in others, and they suggested that it may be
Many rumen microorganisms are able to trans- due to a dependence on the composition of the
port either peptides or amino acids, but the rel- bacterial population. Streptococcus bovis was
ative importance of peptide and amino acid found to be more active in amino acid trans-
transport in vivo is not clear (Russell et al., port than peptide transport (Westlake and
1991). It is speculated that the energy cost of Mackie, 1990) and free amino acids were the
peptide transport could be less than that of preferred form of amino acids incorporated by
amino acids (Russell et al., 1991). Pittman et S. bovis, Selenomonas ruminantium,
al. (1967) studied the uptake of 14C-labelled Fibrobacter succinogenes and Anaerovibrio
peptides by P. ruminicola, a Gram-negative lipolytica, whereas peptides were preferred
ruminal bacterium, and suggested that peptides only by Prevotella ruminicola (Ling and
containing as many as 16 amino acids could be Armstead, 1995; Atasoglu et al., 1998). Ling
taken up. Larger peptides were preferred for and Armstead (1995) argued that conflicting
growth in pure culture studies with P. rumini- reports on the preferential utilization of pep-
cola (Pittman and Bryant, 1964) and peptides tides or amino acids may be due to the propor-
up to a molecular weight of 2000 Da were tions of the bacteria which have a preference
taken up much more rapidly than free amino for peptides or amino acids as the composition
acids (Pittman et al., 1967). Russell et al. of the rumen microflora changes under differ-
(1991) later argued that peptide size might be a ent dietary conditions. Prevotella spp. as a
crucial factor in peptide transport by the rumi- group form one of the most numerous groups
nal bacteria. They suggested that the majority of ruminal bacteria and is found in the rumen
of ruminal bacteria are Gram-negative, and the of animals offered different diets (Stewart et al.,
outer membrane of these species is a selective 1997). These species can comprise 60% of a
barrier to many substrates. They pointed out ruminal flora in silage-fed cattle (Van Gylswyk,
the possibility that long peptides are broken 1990) and utilize peptides more efficiently than
down to shorter ones before their transport. amino acids (Wright, 1967; Cooper and Ling,
Peptides containing more than five amino acids 1985; Ling and Armstead, 1995; Atasoglu et
are likely to be excluded by the cell membrane al., 1998). Selenomonas ruminantium is
structure and transport mechanisms in Gram- mainly found in high numbers in the rumen of
negative bacteria (Higgins and Gibson, 1986). the animals receiving cereal grains (Stewart et
Chen and Russell (1989b) found that al., 1997) and can account for up to 51% of a
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius took up Leu, rumen flora (Caldwell and Bryant, 1966). This
Val and Ile by a common carrier which was species has been reported to have a preference
dependent on Na+. Similarly, Chen and Russell for amino acids (Ling and Armstead, 1995).
(1990) reported that the amino acid-fermenting Little is known about the mechanisms of
ruminal bacterium strain F, subsequently named ammonia transport into rumen microbes. It is
Clostridium aminophilum (Paster et al., generally assumed that ammonia transport is
1993), had separate transport systems for glu- rapid and occurs mostly by diffusion across
tamate, glutamine, histidine and serine which cell membranes. However, Russell and Strobel
could be driven by a chemical gradient of Na+ (1987) calculated that intracellular accumula-
and was unable to grow or produce ammonia tion may occur, indicating that more specific,
in the presence of monensin. carrier-mediated transport may occur.
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Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 273

Microbial Protein Synthesis effective ammonia assimilation only at lower

concentrations, it is usually induced only at
Ammonia assimilation those lower concentrations (Brown, 1980).
Other enzyme systems, which do not utilize
A large but variable proportion (60–90%) of ATP, would be therefore expected to operate
dietary protein is fermented by the microor- in ruminal microorganisms.
ganisms to ammonia in the rumen (Russell et Lower-affinity systems present in rumen
al., 1992; Wallace et al., 1997). This ammo- microorganisms include NADP-glutamate
nia is then utilized through biosynthetic path- dehydrogenase (NADP-GDH), whose Km for
ways to form amino acids. ammonia is 1.8–3.1 mM, and NAD-GDH
More than 90% of the bacteria isolated (20–33 mM) and alanine dehydrogenase
from the rumen are able to utilize ammonia as (AlaDH) (70 mM) (Wallace, 1979). Significant
the main source of N, whereas it is essential levels of both NADP- and NAD-linked GDH
for the growth of 25% of the isolates tested activities were demonstrated in studies using
(Bryant and Robinson, 1962, 1963). There ruminal contents and in vitro mixed ruminal
are several different enzymatic mechanisms for bacterial cultures (Chalupa et al., 1970; Erfle
ammonia uptake into amino acids, each hav- et al., 1977). In general, NADP-linked GDH
ing a different affinity for its substrate. The is assumed to have a biosynthetic role and
mechanisms vary as ruminal NH3 concentra- functions efficiently at high ammonia concen-
tion changes. The highest-affinity enzyme sys- trations, whereas the NAD-linked GDH
tem for ammonia assimilation is the glutamine enzyme has a catabolic function when ammo-
synthetase–glutamate synthase (GS-GOGAT) nia is limiting and Glu is used for ammonia
couple when ammonia concentrations are lim-
generation (Brown, 1980).
iting (Wallace, 1979). Ammonia is first incor-
porated into the amide group of Gln, using
Glu as substrate, and ATP is hydrolysed. The
Influence of N source on ammonia
amide-NH2 is then transferred to a-ketoglu-
assimilation enzymes
tarate to form two molecules of Glu (Wallace
et al., 1997). Salter et al. (1979), who infused
Estimates of the contribution of ammonia ver-
[15N]urea into the rumen of steers receiving
sus preformed amino acids to protein synthe-
diets with the nitrogen supplied mainly as
sis by the mixed ruminal population have
decorticated groundnut meal, urea or a mix-
been highly variable. 15N studies using 15N-
ture of equal amounts of decorticated ground-
nut meal and urea, found that the labelling of ammonia or urea (which rapidly releases
bacterial amide-N from 15NH3 was greater (by ammonia) infused into the rumen or added as
about 2–20 times) than that of bacterial non- a single dose indicated values of microbial N
amide-N, implying that ammonia-N is first derived from ammonia that ranged from 18
incorporated into bacterial amide-N, which is to 100% (summarized by Salter et al., 1979).
used for subsequent amination of a-ketoglu- Dietary factors responsible for these differ-
tarate to form glutamate. Initial rates of 15N ences are the availability of readily fer-
incorporation into glutamate, aspartate and mentable energy source (Ben-Ghedalia et al.,
alanine were similar to each other and faster 1978) and the presence of amino acids and
than those into other non-amide-N compo- peptides (Argyle and Baldwin, 1989).
nents. Erfle et al. (1977) found GOGAT activ- However, little progress has been made on
ity in ruminal microorganisms under understanding the biochemical basis of this
ammonia-limited conditions, but it was not sig- variation in the proportion of microbial N
nificant at higher ammonia concentrations derived from ammonia in the rumen.
(Wallace, 1979; Lenartova et al., 1985). The influence of nitrogen source on activ-
Under conventional feeding conditions, rumen ities of ammonia assimilating enzyme systems
ammonia concentration in vivo would be has been studied in a number of ruminal bac-
higher than 1 mM. As the high affinity of the teria. The activity of GS has been reported to
GS-GOGAT couple mechanism is needed for depend on the N source and concentration in
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 274

274 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

the cells of Prevotella bryantii B14 (Kirk et in the microbial environment are involved in
al., 2000). It appeared that the bacteria the regulation of enzymes of ammonia assimi-
became N-limited when N concentration in lation in ruminal bacteria, thus are partly
the growth medium was 0.5 mM for ammo- responsible for the variation in the utilization
nia or peptides and 2.5 mM for casein. In the of ammonia for microbial protein synthesis.
N-limited treatments, the highest GS activity
was detected from the cells of the bacterium
grown on pepticase, followed by ammonia Amino acid biosynthesis
and casein. No activity was detectable in the
non-limited N treatments, however. The study The rumen microbes depend to a large extent
also indicated that P. bryantii proteinase on de novo synthesis of amino acids from
activity increased when N availability ammonia and carbon precursors derived from
decreased in the medium, indicating that GS products of carbohydrate fermentation (Sauer
activity could be an indicator of N availability et al., 1975). Amino acid families are based
and thus could be involved in the regulation of on the source of carbon used for their synthe-
protease activity in P. bryantii. sis (Wallace et al., 1997): the glutamate fam-
Wen and Morrison (1996) found that ily – glutamate, glutamine, proline, arginine;
addition of trypticase (peptides) to the cultures the serine family – serine, glycine, cysteine;
of P. bryantii, P. ruminicola and P. brevis the aspartate family – aspartate, lysine,
already growing on ammonia resulted in sub- methionine, threonine, isoleucine; the pyru-
stantial reductions in NADP-linked GDH activ- vate family – alanine, isoleucine, leucine,
ity, although they differed in the time required valine; the aromatic family – phenylalanine,
for the decrease in the activity. However, the tyrosine, tryptophan and histidine. Although
NAD-linked GDH specific activity in P. the pathways of amino acid synthesis in rumi-
ruminicola and P. brevis appeared to nal bacteria have not been studied to the
increase after the peptides had been added to same extent as in enteric bacteria, evidence is
the growth medium. The authors later con- available for a number of these pathways and
firmed that P. brevis produces a second, radioactive tracer studies on amino acid
NAD-linked GDH in response to growth on biosynthesis by mixed ruminal bacteria pro-
peptides (Wen and Morrison, 1997). vided amino acids with labelling patterns con-
Likewise, provision of peptides (15 g ll) to P. sistent with the pathways described by
bryantii decreased NADP-linked GDH activity Umbarger (1978) for the synthesis of amino
by tenfold as compared to the cells grown in acids by bacteria and fungi (Sauer et al.,
the presence of 1 mM ammonia (Wen and 1975; Wallace et al., 1997). As described
Morrison, 1996). Our studies with predomi- above, glutamate plays a central role in the
nant species of non-cellulolytic ruminal bacte- nitrogen metabolism of organisms, and thus
ria have demonstrated that provision of the generation of a-ketoglutarate is of great
peptides at differing concentrations decreased importance to nitrogen metabolism in ruminal
the activity of the NADP-linked GDH activity bacteria (Wallace et al., 1997). Since the
in P. bryantii, Selenomonas ruminantium rumen is an anaerobic environment, ruminal
and Streptococcus bovis, and NAD-linked microbes contain an incomplete Krebs cycle,
GDH activity in P. bryantii in a concentration- in which a-ketoglutarate is not generated as
dependent manner (Table 15.2). A similar an intermediate of energy metabolism as it is
pattern was found in 15NH3-uptake experi- in aerobic organisms (Patterson, 1992).
ments with the same species in that the pro- Milligan (1970) demonstrated the labelling of
portion of bacterial cell-N and amino acid-N glutamate in the C-1, C-2 and C-5 positions
derived from ammonia fell as the concentra- when ruminal contents were incubated with
tion of peptides and amino acids increased in NaH14CO3. This labelling pattern suggested
the growth medium (Atasoglu et al., 1998). that a-ketoglutarate is formed by both reduc-
Thus, in view of the published reports and the tive carboxylation of succinic acid for the
results of our studies, it is certain that the reverse Krebs cycle and condensation of
form and concentration of N sources present oxaloacetic acid and acetyl CoA to form
Amino Acids - Chap 15
Table 15.2. Effect of peptide concentration on the GDH activity of Prevotella bryantii, Selenomonas ruminantium and Streptococcus
bovisa. (Atasoglu and Wallace, unpublished data.)

12:19 pm
GDH activity (mol min1 mg1)b

P. bryantii S. ruminantium S. bovis

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism


Page 275
Basal 3.53 ± 0.42 0.11 ± 0.02 3.65 ± 0.91 NDc 3.16 ± 0.58 ND
Basal + 1 g l1 Tryd 2.72 ± 0.39 0.10 ± 0.02 2.74 ± 0.68 ND 2.55 ± 0.19 ND
Basal + 5 g l1 Try 1.80 ± 0.37 0.06 ± 0.01 1.06 ± 0.06 ND 1.19 ± 0.10 ND
Basal + 10 g l1 Try 1.28 ± 0.03 0.04 ± 0.01 1.43 ± 0.07 ND 0.92 ± 0.18 ND
Basal + 30 g l1 Try 1.20 ± 0.33 0.03 ± 0.01 1.04 ± 0.21 ND 0.84 ± 0.20 ND
Basal + 10 g l1 Trye 0.87 ± 0.17 0.02 ± 0.01 1.09 ± 0.19 ND 0.94 ± 0.03 ND
Medium M2 1.20 ± 0.22 0.03 ± 0.00 2.41 ± 0.32 ND 0.36 ± 0.01 ND
aResults are the means of triplicate cultures.
bNADP and NAD-linked specific activity is defined as mol of NAD(P)H oxidized min1 mg1 of protein.
cND, not detectable.
dTry, trypticase.
eBasal medium contained 10 g l1 trypticase without added ammonia.

Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 276

276 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

citrate and subsequent forward Krebs cycle which is consistent with glutamate dehydroge-
activities. In addition, the continuous culture nase being the main ammonia-
study with mixed ruminal microorganisms by assimilating enzyme in ruminal bacteria, as
Sauer et al. (1975) provided evidence for the described above. However, despite the low
synthesis of a-ketoglutarate by forward and activity of alanine dehydrogenase and gluta-
reverse Krebs cycle reactions. The presence mate–pyruvate aminotransferase (Wallace,
of reductive carboxylation of succinate to 1979), alanine was surprisingly observed to be
form a-ketoglutarate was demonstrated by prominent in these pools and often exceeded
Allison and Robinson (1970) in P. ruminicola glutamate, particularly when ammonia concen-
as well as in Veillonella, Selenomonas and trations were high. [15N]Ammonium chloride
Bacteroides spp. (Allison et al., 1979). enriched alanine more than glutamate or other
Likewise, when cells of F. succinogenes were amino acids in the microbial pool after only 2
incubated with [1-13C]glucose, 13C-labelled min (Blake et al., 1983), implying that alanine
Asp, Glu, Ala and Val were detected by dehydrogenase is extremely active under the
Matheron et al. (1999), who concluded that conditions of high ammonia concentrations,
the labelling of amino acids was consistent consistent with the findings of Wallace (1979).
with the proposed amino acid synthesis path- Other investigators, using 15N-labelled urea or
way and with the reversal of the succinate ammonium chloride also found alanine to be
synthesis pathway. one of the most labelled amino acids
Biosynthesis of alanine results from the (Shimbayashi et al., 1975; Blake et al., 1983;
amination of pyruvate and can be catalysed by Atasoglu et al., 1999). Blake et al. (1983)
alanine dehydrogenase and glutamate–pyru- postulated that alanine may be the primary
vate transaminase using glutamate as the product and high concentration of alanine may
nitrogen donor. Pyruvate is generated in the be important to the ruminal bacteria as a short
energy metabolism of the majority of ruminal term storage mechanism for ammonia, as a
bacteria and can be produced by the reductive control mechanism within the bacterium to
carboxylation of acetate (Allison, 1969). prevent excess levels of ammonia accumula-
Serine is produced from phosphoglyceric tion, and a route of removing excess pyruvate
acid, which is a glycolytic intermediate, by from the bacterium when available energy is in
conversion of this compound into phosphohy- excess and bacterial metabolism is rapid.
droxypyruvate and then phosphoserine and Phenylacetate, hydroxyphenylacetate,
serine (Sauer et al., 1975). Aspartate is and indoleacetate are substrates for reductive
formed from oxaloacetate and ammonia by carboxylation and can be used for the biosyn-
aspartate dehydrogenase or by the glutamate– thesis of phenylalanine, tyrosine and trypto-
oxaloacetate transaminase reaction using glu- phan, respectively (Allison, 1969). The
tamate as the nitrogen donor (Wallace et al., reductive carboxylation pathways present in
1997; Morrison and Mackie, 1997). some ruminal bacteria appear to be in addi-
Experiments in which bacterial amino tion to the biosynthesis of these aromatic
acids were labelled with 15N revealed that glu- amino acids from a common precursor, cho-
tamate and alanine, together in most experi- rismate (Morrison and Mackie, 1997). The
ments with aspartate, were the most rapidly biosynthesis of chorismate requires phospho-
labelled amino acids with 15N, confirming the enolpyruvate and erythrose-4-phosphate as
importance of these amino acids as the initial substrates and proceeds via the shikimate
recipients of amino groups for subsequent pathway. The presence of both pathways for
transfer to other amino acids in the ruminal the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids was
microorganisms (Salter et al., 1979; Atasoglu also demonstrated by Sauer et al. (1975).
et al., 1999). Glutamate was found to be the Interconversion of aromatic amino acids also
most abundant amino acid in the free amino occurs in the rumen, tyrosine being formed
acid pool into which ammonia would be assim- from phenylalanine (Khan et al., 1999)
ilated (Wallace, 1979; Blake et al., 1983). Ruminal bacteria are known to synthesize
High enrichment of glutamate with 15N was branched-chain amino acids from branched-
also observed in ruminal microorganisms, chain fatty acids (Allison, 1969). Isovalerate, 2-
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 277

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 277

methylbutyrate and isobutyrate are reductively vated, then reduced, to yield glutamic--semi-
carboxylated, then aminated to produce leucine, aldehyde (Morrison and Mackie, 1997).
isoleucine and valine, respectively. One or more Glutamic--semialdehyde gives rise to pyrro-
of these branched-chain fatty acids is required line-5-carboxylate, which is reduced to pro-
for the synthesis of branched-chain amino acids line. The semialdehyde also gives rise to
by the predominant cellulolytic ruminal bacteria, ornithine, which is converted into arginine.
Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus Other examples of amino acids being
albus and R. flavefaciens (Bryant and formed from C-skeleton precursors in the
Robinson, 1962; Allison et al., 1962). rumen include histidine from imidazole com-
Prevotella ruminicola and Megasphaera els- pounds (Wadud et al., 2001), threonine from
denii, which produce branched-chain fatty homoserine (Or-Rashid et al., 2001), lysine
acids, can also utilize these for the synthesis of from diaminopimelic acid by protozoa
amino acids (Allison, 1969). In rumen bacteria, (Onodera and Kandatsu, 1973; Onodera
the availability of branched-chain fatty acids has 1986), and tryptophan from indolepyruvic
also been demonstrated to modulate the flux of acid (Okuuchi et al., 1993).
glucose carbon into amino acids. Allison et al.
(1984) found that growing cultures of P.
ruminicola utilized carbon from [14C]glucose Amino Acid Composition of Microbial
for the synthesis of leucine and other cellular Protein
amino acids when the growth medium was not
supplied with isovalerate. When unlabelled iso- Formulation of non-ruminant diets for amino
valerate was available, however, utilization of acid requirements is easier than that of rumi-
[14C]glucose for leucine synthesis was markedly nant diets since amino acid requirements of
reduced. Similarly, provision of phenylacetate non-ruminant animals are provided only by
and 2-methylbutyrate reduced the utilization of dietary protein. In contrast, amino acid require-
glucose carbon for phenylalanine and ments of ruminants are met by a mixture of
isoleucine synthesis, respectively (Allison et al., dietary protein and microbial protein. Briefly,
1984). The authors concluded that this organ- the challenge is to predict: (i) what the require-
ism has the ability to regulate alternative path- ments of the animal are, and (ii) the amino
ways for the synthesis of certain amino acids, acids available for absorption in the small intes-
and will utilize preformed intermediates of tine. Therefore, the amino acid composition of
these amino acids in preference to de novo rumen microbes is a crucial element of rumi-
synthesis. Furthermore, because these interme- nant protein nutrition, as is the digestibility of
diates are often present in the rumen fluid, microbial protein. A recent review (Hvelplund
pathways that involve reductive carboxylations et al., 2001) describes these issues in detail.
are likely to be predominant for the synthesis The calculations of the nutritive value of
of these amino acids in the rumen (Allison et the amino acids in point (ii) focus mainly on
al., 1984; Wallace et al., 1997). 15N enrich- the essential amino acids, principally lysine,
ment in valine, leucine and isoleucine was methionine and histidine, which are first-limit-
lower than that of most of the other amino ing (Lobley, 1994). Microbial protein has a
acids in mixed ruminal microorganisms, when higher content of lysine and methionine than
peptides or amino acids were present in the plant protein sources (Wallace, 1994), hence
growth medium (Atasoglu et al., 1999), a find- knowing its composition is vital. The general
ing consistent with the conclusion of Allison et view for some time has been that rumen
al. (1984) for P. ruminicola. microbial protein has a fairly constant amino
The glutamate family of amino acids acid composition (Purser and Buechler, 1966;
includes proline and arginine. The biosynthe- Bergen et al., 1967). However, Hvelplund et
sis of these amino acids is likely to be similar al. (2001) provided new data based on 70
to the pathways described for the enteric bac- estimations (Table 15.3) suggesting that there
teria (Morrison and Mackie, 1997). The is a genuine variation in amino acid composi-
biosynthesis of proline and arginine requires tion of microbial protein. Unfortunately, the
that the -carboxyl group of glutamate be acti- variation was particularly acute for lysine, for
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 278

278 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

Table 15.3. Dependence on energy substrate of Protection of amino acids can be afforded
the response in microbial protein yield (g) to amino either by physical encapsulation, or by chemical
acids in sheep. (From Chikunya et al., 1996.) modification. The methods and effectiveness
have been reviewed elsewhere (Wallace, 1994).
Nitrogen source

Energy substrate Urea Casein

Toxicity from Amino Acid Metabolism
Grass hay 5.88 6.51 in the Rumen
Sugarbeet pulp 7.41 13.46
The metabolism of certain amino acids is
known, or has the possibility, to release
which the highest measured concentration amino acid derivatives that are toxic to the
was almost twice the lowest concentration. host animal. The formation of 3-hydroxy-
Significant variation occurred also in methion- 4(1H)-pyridone (DHP) from mimosine and of
ine composition, exacerbating problems in 3-methylindole from tryptophan are the prin-
diet formulation. Clearly an important cipal reactions that are known to exist and
research priority must be to explain, and then potentially be hazardous.
to predict, the reasons for this variation. The mimosine story is one of the most cel-
Ciliate protozoa have a greater content ebrated in rumen microbiology (see Chapters 4
of lysine and methionine than bacteria and 7). Mimosine is an amino acid not found in
(Czerkawski, 1976). However, protozoa protein but present in some plant materials,
are selectively retained in the rumen (Veira, notably Leucaena leucocephala, a tropical
1986), which may explain why defaunation leguminous shrub. It is hydrolysed in the rumen
has been reported to have a minor effect to form DHP, which is a potent goitrogen
on the composition of amino acids flowing (Hegarty et al., 1976). If bacteria which
to the small intestine (Merchen and degrade DHP further are not present in the
Titgemeyer, 1992). rumen, as was the case in Australia (Jones and
Megarrity, 1986), toxicity resulting from the
consumption of Leucaena is severe. The suc-
Protected Amino Acids cess for microbiology was to inoculate animals
with a flora containing the organisms able to
Ruminally protected amino acids (RPAA), metabolize DHP; toxicity was avoided in inocu-
mainly methionine and lysine, are potentially lated animals (Allison et al., 1990; Hammond,
1995). The bacterium responsible was named
highly important in improving animal perfor-
Synergistes jonesii (Allison et al., 1992).
mance, because, unlike in non-ruminants, it is
3-Methylindole formation from trypto-
not possible to correct imbalances in absorbed
phan is also the consequence of the action of
amino acids composition by adding free amino
a single organism, in this case a Lactobacillus
acids to the diet – they are metabolized in the
sp. (Yokoyama et al., 1977). A high trypto-
rumen. Reports on the effects of RPAA in
phan intake can lead to the accumulation of
ruminant diets are inconsistent in the literature 3-methylindole (skatole) in the rumen, which
(Merchen and Titgemeyer, 1992). In contrast, causes ‘fog fever’, pulmonary emphysema
dry-matter intake, yields of milk, milk fat, fat- and oedema (Hammond et al., 1978). The
corrected milk and energy-corrected milk of ionophore, monensin, kills the Lactobacillus
Jersey cows given cottonseed were not signifi- and thereby decreases the incidence of the
cantly different from those of the animals disease (Hammond et al., 1978).
receiving RPAA in addition to cottonseed in Another possible effect on the host animal,
their diet (Bertrand et al., 1998). Many other not yet confirmed, may arise from the break-
examples exist. In some cases, the protection down of lysine by rumen protozoa, to form
may have been ineffective (Chalupa, 1975); in pipecolic acid (Onodera and Kandatsu, 1974).
others, the animals may not have been in a Pipecolic acid has effects on animal behaviour
metabolic condition to respond. via its action in the brain (Takagi et al., 2001).
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 279

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 279

Amino Acid Requirements of Ruminal Three main approaches have been taken
Microorganisms so far in attempts to identify the key amino
acids which limit rumen fermentation. One
The mixed population involves adding amino acids to a fermentation
mixture in which ammonia is the only other
Rumen microorganisms, as a population, have source of N. Maeng et al. (1976) and Argyle
no absolute requirement for amino acids and Baldwin (1989) added single or groups of
(Virtanen, 1966; Salter et al., 1979). amino acids to ruminal fermentations in vitro.
Individual species within the population do They found that only complete mixtures of
have amino acid requirements, however, which amino acids gave maximum responses.
can be met by the breakdown of bacterial pro- Groups of amino acids, such as aromatic
tein in the rumen, and by synthesis from a amino acids, gave intermediate responses.
number of C-skeletons as described above. Another approach has involved attempting to
There is, however, plentiful evidence that pro- find, by isotopic labelling methods, which
viding amino acids, peptides or protein stimu- amino acid biosynthesis limits growth. Salter
lates growth rate and yield of both the mixed et al. (1979) found that different amino acids
population and individual species. Whether the are formed de novo to differing extents when
influence on growth rate results from relieving protein is available. Proline biosynthesis was
affected particularly strongly when preformed
an absolute amino acid requirement in a small
proline was present. Similar in vitro experi-
number of individual species in the population,
ments by Atasoglu et al. (1999) using 15NH3
or whether it reflects a rate-limiting biosyn-
confirmed the unusual sensitivity of proline
thetic step in general, is not clear.
biosynthesis to the provision of preformed
Many studies have demonstrated the ben-
amino acids, and identified glycine, valine and
efits of supplying preformed amino acids to
threonine as other amino acids whose biosyn-
ruminal microbes (reviewed in Chikunya et
thesis was most sensitive to repression by
al., 1996). Stimulation did not occur, how-
added amino acids. Supplementation with
ever, when the energy substrate was high in
these amino acids failed to replicate the stimu-
plant fibre (Cruz Soto et al., 1994; Chikunya
latory effects of a complete mixture of amino
et al., 1996), suggesting that the response to acids, however, indicating that the true nature
amino acids depends on the rate of degrada- of the amino acid limitation had not been
tion of the energy source. Such a difference is identified. The third method involves a dele-
part of the Cornell model (Russell et al., tion approach, which has proved to be useful
1992), which divides the bacterial population both in identifying and quantifying amino acid
into two populations, one which is fibrolytic requirements in animals. In theory, deletion of
and does not respond to amino acids, the only the first-limiting amino acid from a com-
other which is sugar- and starch-fermenting plete mixture should cause a decline in N
and does respond to amino acids (see below). retention, until the limitation imposed by the
The effect on growth yield is one that second-limiting amino acid is reached, and so
might be expected from bioenergetic consider- on. The deletion approach applied to rumen
ations of the energy requirements of amino fermentation (Atasoglu et al., 2002) con-
acid synthesis under anaerobic conditions firmed that no single amino acid limits ruminal
(Barker, 1981). An increased yield approaching fermentation, and identified phenylalanine,
20% was observed by Russell and Sniffen leucine and serine as key amino acids whose
(1984), who used glucose as the energy source. synthesis may be rate-limiting.
Maeng et al. (1976) observed an 18% increase
in growth yield on glucose when casein was
added, compared to a 53% increase when cel- Rumen bacteria
lobiose was the energy source. The Cornell
model (Russell et al., 1992) assumes a variable Early cultural studies by Bryant and
increase in yield, depending on the ratio of Robinson (1962) established that most of the
amino acids to total organic matter, up to 18%. species of rumen bacteria they tested
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 280

280 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

required amino acids for growth. Exactly very small amounts of amino acids into cell N.
which amino acid(s) are required has not Several recently published results are not con-
received systematic analysis. Some rumen sistent with the conclusion that cellulolytic
Prevotella spp. require methionine (Pittman bacteria do not use amino acids, however.
and Bryant, 1964), whereas Fibrobacter The amino acid transport experiments of Ling
succinogenes requires phenylalanine (Bryant and Armstead (1995) indicated that F. suc-
et al., 1959; Atasoglu et al., 2001), which cinogenes accumulated radioactivity from
can be supplied in the form of phenylacetic 14C-labelled peptides and amino acids.
acid (Allison, 1965). Stimulation of growth Furthermore, there is experimental evidence
of Ruminococcus spp. by phenylalanine or that preformed amino acids stimulate fibre
its precursors, phenylacetic acid and phenyl- digestion in the mixed population in vivo and
propionic acid, is also well established in vitro (Merry et al., 1990; Chikunya et al.,
(Allison, 1965; Morrison et al., 1990; Stack 1996; Griswold et al., 1996; Carro and
et al., 1983). The cellulolytic species are Miller, 1999), and pure cellulolytic species
stimulated by short-chain fatty acid precur- grow faster on cellobiose when peptides are
sors of aliphatic amino acids (Allison et al., added to the medium (Cruz Soto et al.,
1958). Otherwise, absolute auxotrophic 1994). In addition, bacteria most closely asso-
amino acid requirements are not known, to ciated with solids derived a substantial propor-
our knowledge. The question then moves on tion of their cell N from sources other than
to which amino acids stimulate growth ammonia (Komisarczuk et al., 1987; Carro
rate/yield, similar to the mixed population and Miller, 1999; Dixon and Chanchai,
above. 2001). The explanation may lie in the con-
Bacteria appear to fall into two categories centration of amino acids available to the bac-
with respect to their amino acid requirements teria under different conditions. The
for optimum growth, namely cellulolytic bacte- proportion of cell N formed from amino acids
ria and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) fer- and ammonia has been shown to vary accord-
menters (Russell et al., 1992). Generally ing to the concentrations of both. In the
speaking, the cellulolytic bacteria use ammonia mixed population, increasing the concentra-
for growth, whereas NSC fermenters use tion of ammonia increased the proportion of
many more amino acids when they are avail- microbial protein derived from ammonia; con-
able. Why amino acid requirements should be versely, as the peptide concentration
linked to cellulolytic activity has never been increased, the proportion of cell-N derived
explained. Perhaps the slow growth that is from ammonia declined (Fig. 15.3; Atasoglu
inevitable on cellulose because of its resistant et al., 1999). At amino acid concentrations
structure has meant, as the cellulolytic bacteria typical of the liquid phase of rumen fluid,
evolved, that the use of amino acids did not ammonia would account for 80% or more of
provide a selective advantage over ammonia amino acid-N in the cellulolytic bacteria
use. The short-chain fatty acid precursors of (Atasoglu et al., 2001). If the concentration in
various amino acids which stimulate cellulolytic a microenvironment increased tenfold above
species occur in rumen fluid as a result of the liquid phase, less than half the amino acid-
amino acid catabolism by other species, so the N would be derived from ammonia (Atasoglu
energetic advantage of preformed C skeletons et al., 2001). The high peptide concentration
is not necessarily lost by not taking up the in bacterial culture media may therefore pro-
intact amino acid. vide misleading information about N metabo-
It is sometimes assumed that rumen cellu- lism of rumen microbes in vivo.
lolytic bacteria, because they do not require The influence of growth conditions on de
amino acids, do not benefit from or incorpo- novo amino acid synthesis was determined in
rate amino acids. Early studies by Bryant and pure cultures of cellulolytic (Atasoglu et al.,
Robinson (1961, 1962, 1963) with pure cul- 2001) and non-cellulolytic bacteria (Atasoglu
tures of cellulolytic bacteria indicated that et al., 1998) by following the incorporation of
Ruminococcus albus and R. flavefaciens 15N from 15NH into individual amino acids.
incorporated large amounts of ammonia and Different patterns emerged with the two
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 281

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 281

Proportion of cell-N derived from ammonia (%)



60 Ammonia



1 100 10,000

Concentration of ammonia/trypticase (mg N l–1)

Fig.15. 3. Influence of peptide concentration on ammonia uptake by mixed rumen microbes. Based on
the data of Atasoglu et al. (1999).

categories of bacteria. Phenylalanine synthesis Rumen protozoa

was insignificant in F. succinogenes, and was
generally lower than that of the other amino Ciliate protozoa are important inhabitants of
acids in the ruminococci. In contrast, proline the microbial ecosystem in the rumen.
synthesis was most responsive to preformed Despite the common idea that protozoa rely
amino acids in non-cellulolytic bacteria. The on bacteria for their amino acid requirements
most enriched amino acids in both types of and do not use ammonia as a nitrogen source
bacteria were glutamate, aspartate and ala- for protein synthesis (Nolan, 1993), there is
nine, reflecting the predominant mechanisms some evidence for de novo synthesis of
of ammonia assimilation and transamination amino acids in protozoa (Williams and
in these bacteria. Coleman, 1992). 14C-labelled monosaccha-
The Cornell model (Russell et al., 1992) rides were incorporated into the protein of
assumes that bacteria which ferment NSC holotrichs (Williams and Harfoot, 1976);
derive 66% of their N from preformed Williams, 1979), as was 14C-labelled sodium
amino acids and the remaining 34% from carbonate, which was incorporated into ala-
ammonia when both are available. The situa- nine, histidine, threonine, glutamate and
tion may be more variable because of the aspartate (Harmeyer, 1965). Ciliates form
recently discovered concentration-depen- lysine from diaminopimelic acid which is pre-
dence, described above. The results of other sent in the cell wall peptidoglycan of the bac-
studies (Hristov and Broderick, 1994; teria which they ingest (Onodera and
Atasoglu et al. 1999) demonstrate the Kandatsu, 1974; Onodera et al., 1974;
dependence of bacterial N assimilation on Masson and Ling, 1986), and presumably
the type of protein and concentration of many of the other amino acids are incorpo-
amino acids present, also as described rated direct, after the digestion of bacteria, or
above, which in turn may be a concentra- are formed from pre-existing carbon skeletons
tion-dependence effect. derived from the bacteria.
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 282

282 C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace

Because the ciliate protozoa harbour bac- and amino acids increased, in a manner not
teria in their cytoplasm, which are impossible dissimilar to the non-cellulolytic bacteria.
to remove completely, it is difficult to distin- Glutamate was the most highly enriched
guish genuine do novo amino acid biosynthe- amino acid, implying that as in rumen bacte-
sis from a secondary uptake via the ria glutamate dehydrogenase is the main path-
biosynthetic activity of the cytoplasmic bacte- way for ammonia uptake. De novo synthesis
ria and the subsequent digestion of the bacte- of lysine was much less than that of the other
ria by protozoal enzymes. Recently, however, amino acids in both species, indicating prefer-
a biosynthetic NAD-linked GDH was cloned ential utilization of this amino acid.
from Entodinium caudatum, sequenced and Phenylalanine was the second amino acid
the kinetic properties of its gene product mea- whose synthesis was affected most by the
sured (Eschenlauer et al., 1999). The cloned presence of peptides.
gene appeared to be biosynthetic because it
had a low affinity for glutamate and a high
affinity for ammonia, indicating that ciliate Conclusions and Prospects
protozoa have the capability for ammonia
assimilation. The quantitative significance of The catabolic sequence from protein to amino
ammonia uptake by ciliate protozoa remains acids, and then the breakdown of amino acids
to be determined. to ammonia, has now been characterized
fairly well in terms of reactions and microbes.
To date, however, relatively few studies have
Rumen fungi probed the reactions at the molecular/regula-
tory level, certainly in comparison with the
The anaerobic fungi are an important compo- flood of molecular studies on fibrolytic diges-
nent of the cellulolytic flora of the rumen tion. Given the significance of Prevotella spp.
(Orpin and Joblin, 1997). Ruminal fungi, in rumen N metabolism, sequencing a
unlike ruminal cellulolytic bacteria, are known Prevotella genome now seems overdue.
to be proteolytic (Wallace and Joblin, 1985), Analysis of how the genetic information for
which probably favours the disruption of the catabolic N metabolism is organized at the
proteinaceous layer that prevents cellulolytic chromosomal level may lead to new ideas
bacteria from gaining access to the secondary about slowing the catabolic flux. ‘Natural’
cell wall (Engles and Brice, 1985). means, new plants or plant extracts for exam-
Rumen fungi are able to grow in media ple, of regulating the catabolic flux also
lacking preformed amino acids and therefore require more attention.
must be able to form the needed amino acids, The issue of selective supplementation of
but information on amino acid biosynthesis is ruminant diets with the amino acids that limit
lacking (Lowe et al., 1985). Amino acids, microbial growth and ruminal fermentation
particularly aromatic amino acids, were stimu- remains to be resolved, if indeed a solution is
latory to growth (Orpin and Greenwood, possible. That there is no single amino acid
1986), however little published information is which limits rumen fermentation is now very
available concerning the amino acid metabo- clear. This review has summarized the results of
lism of rumen fungi (Wallace et al., 1997). different studies which looked into the biosyn-
Recently, a nutritional study using 15N- thesis of individual amino acids in ruminal
NH3 was undertaken with two predominant microorganisms. Whether a subset of amino
species of rumen fungi, Piromyces communis acids will be found that can achieve the stimula-
and Neocallimastix frontalis, to determine tory capability of the complete mixture seems
the influence of nitrogen source and concen- improbable. The implications of the informa-
tration on de novo synthesis of amino acids tion that de novo amino acid synthesis has dif-
(C. Atasoglu and R.J. Wallace, unpublished ferent regulatory characteristics in microbes
data). The proportions of cell-N and amino with different functions – the de novo synthe-
acids formed de novo from ammonia ses most sensitive to the presence of pre-
decreased as the concentration of peptides formed amino acids were phenylalanine for
Amino Acids - Chap 15 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 283

Rumen Amino Acid Metabolism 283

cellulolytic bacteria, proline for non-cellulolytic tion and the outcome of the models. Molecular
bacteria, and lysine for the fungi – are not yet techniques based on 16S rDNA analysis of
clear and should be investigated further. microbial ecosystems offer a unique opportu-
Recent mechanistic models have taken nity to provide population analysis of the
many factors regarding the quantitative aspects microbial ecosystem under dietary conditions
of ruminal fermentation into account, but they (Teather et al., 1997). The new information
have not matched with the productivity of about the concentration-dependence of amino
ruminants (Sauvant, 1997). One of the prob- acid and ammonia assimilation also further
lems is that different species respond differ- complicates nutritional models. Whether
ently to various N sources, reflecting the mechanistic nutritional models need to
diversity of the microbial ecosystem in the embrace such detail is not a judgement the
metabolism of amino acids. This factor alone present authors feel qualified to make. The
could affect the efficiency of ruminal fermenta- challenge will be enormous.


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16 Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism

in Ruminants

R.L. Baldwin*, C.C. Calvert, P.H. Robinson and H.A. Johnson

Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, California, USA

Introduction We elected to start with models of rumi-

nant digestive processes varying in complexity
The development and documentation of mod- but all leading to estimates of protein availabil-
els are most often intellectually demanding, ity to the ruminant animal. We started with the
laborious and tedious processes. Consider a current US National Research Council model
model in which 30 transactions among ten for lactating dairy cows (NRC, 1989), which is
state variables are addressed (consider 20 simple, static and highly empirical. We then
amino acids with five transactions each). In considered the Cornell model, which is static
such a model, defensible equation forms for but incorporates a number of mechanistic ele-
each of the transactions (30) must be formu- ments (Search: Agriculture, 1990) followed by
lated based upon concepts and data relating a discussion of ruminally protected amino
to each transaction. Data sufficient to esti- acids. We then consider of the UC Davis model
mate, on average, two parameter values for (Baldwin et al., 1987a,b,c), which is dynamic
each equation and to set initial values for each and incorporates mechanistic elements similar
of the state variables must be collected; e.g. to those in the Cornell model. This includes
70 numerical values must be established. At a recent modifications in which the amino acid
minimum, 100 publications would have to be pool is now represented as four distinct pools
consulted in formulation of the first version of and provisions for computing the stoichiometry
the model. Then a test data set to challenge of amino acid degradation dynamically.
the model must be formulated based upon A major concern in the formulation of
another, preferably, 100 plus independent models of amino acid and protein metabolism
experimental studies. In this context, it is very over time is that accurate estimates of protein
daunting to attempt summarizations and eval- synthesis and degradation and of reutilization
uations of models of protein and amino acid of amino acids arising from degradation in
metabolism in ruminants. Only a few, more or protein resynthesis be available. The specific
less, representative models can be considered methods and analytical models used to inter-
and only then in part and possibly and unfairly pret the data obtained impact on estimates of
out of context. These considerations were protein synthesis. Therefore, a section of the
clearly in our minds when we selected models, chapter is dedicated to consideration of poten-
or rather parts thereof, for consideration in tial sources of error in estimates of protein
this chapter. synthesis and the complexity of data and

*E-mail address: RLBaldwin@UCDavis.Edu

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 291
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292 R.L. Baldwin et al.

analytical models required to overcome the bial growth. This simplification fails to capture
problems. This section is followed by a discus- interactions between protein and carbohydrate
sion of a rodent model of protein turnover. The availability, although NRC (2001) addresses this
rodent model serves as a basis for the develop- issue by the statement that ‘… when rumen fer-
ment of a ruminant model of protein turnover, mentation is normal, there is little additional
and also serves as the analytical tool for the benefit of altering carbohydrate or protein
interpretation of data generated to estimate degradation rates, or their level of synchrony,
protein turnover and identifies the appropriate on microbial protein synthesis’. The assumption
designs for further experimentation. that the required oversupply of RDP is a con-
stant proportion of RDP is probably inadequate
as well, since this flux is largely dependent upon
Digestive Elements rumen ammonia concentrations.
Difficulties with these calculations are that
NRC model fat in the diet contributes to discounted TDN,
whereas there is no experimental evidence
Rumen digestion of crude protein (CP), and that this occurs, and that there is no limit to
protein available at the intestinal absorptive site the proportion of RDP that can be provided
as metabolizable protein (MP), is predicted using from non-protein nitrogen (NPN) sources, such
static equations in the NRC model (NRC, as urea, to support microbial growth. Thus,
2001). There are a number of required feedstuff high fat diets will elicit a calculated RDP defi-
chemical analyses and feedstuff biological deter- ciency for microbial growth that can be cor-
minations, as well as some characteristics of the rected by dietary addition of urea.
animals to which the feedstuffs and ration are to Once the RDP requirement of the rumi-
be fed, that are required as model input. The nal microorganisms is calculated, the RDP
process proceeds stepwise to create numerous and rumen undegraded protein (RUP) propor-
empirical equations that are finally combined to tions of feed CP are calculated based on the
constitute an evaluative/predictive model. assumption that feed CP can be divided into
The first step is to predict microbial crude three fractions, referred to as A, B and C,
protein (MCP) from ‘discounted’ total with a first order rate of degradation constant
digestible nutrients (TDN) intake (g day1) as: for fraction B. The in situ approach is recom-
MCP = TDN  0.13 [16.1] mended to determine these fractions, with the
assumption that fraction A crude protein is
Calculation of discounted TDN is itself a rapidly and completely degraded in the
summative equation utilizing several feedstuff rumen, fraction B crude protein is potentially
chemical assays, as well as an estimate of degraded at a first order rate (kd) and fraction
ruminal digestion of neutral detergent fibre. C crude protein is indigestible. That the in
The ‘discount’ refers to the reduction in the situ procedure is highly variable among and
energy (TDN) content of the diet as its relative within labs, which has led to its widespread
intake increases. Microbial crude protein pro- abandonment in the scientific literature, and
duction is subsequently used to calculate the
that all accepted assumptions relative to frac-
rumen degraded protein (RDP) requirement
tions A, B and C have been found to be false,
using the assumption that 18% more RDP is
is little addressed. Nevertheless the feed pro-
required than appears as MCP. It is assumed
portions of RDP are undegraded dietary pro-
that the oversupply of RDP is lost from the
tein (UDP) are calculated as:
rumen as ammonia. However, if the supply of
RDP is less than 118% of TDN predicted RDP = A + B(kd/(kd+kp)) [16.3]
MCP, then MCP is calculated as:
UDP = B(kp/(kd+kp)) + C [16.4]
MCP = RDP  0.85 [16.2]
Where the rates of passage (kp) of various
These relationships are based on the feedstuffs are calculated from three equations
assumption that RDP composition and availabil- for wet forages (eqn 16.5), dry forages (eqn
ity in the rumen does not affect rates of micro- 16.6) and concentrate feeds (eqn 16.7) as:
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Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 293

kp = 3.054 + 0.614(X1) [16.5] The calculations depend exclusively on empiri-

cal equations derived from data sets, of vari-
kp = 3.362 + 0.479(X1)  0.007(X2)
able sizes and degrees of definition, derived
 0.017(X3) [16.6]
from published studies. Validation of these
kp = 3.904 + 1.375(X1)  empirical equations by use of independent
0.002(X2) [16.7] data sets is not attempted.
where X1 = DM intake, % of body weight; X2
= concentrate, % of diet DM; X3 = NDF %, % Cornell model
of DM.
Questions related to how to define feed- Bacterial yield in the Cornell model (Search:
stuffs into the three categories, the origin of Agriculture, 1990) is defined as a static func-
the data used to generate these calculations tion of feed inputs. Inputs required to predict
(except that they are based on unspecified bacterial yield include: (i) a complete fibre
experiments using rare earth elements), and analysis (Van Soest); (ii) total nitrogen and
any validation of the equations, are not NPN; (iii) acid-detergent-insoluble nitrogen; (iv)
addressed. neutral-detergent-insoluble nitrogen; (v) protein
Endogenous CP (ECP) is calculated solubility; (vi) solvent soluble fat; and (vii) ash.
directly from DM intake as: These inputs are used to predict the growth
rates of three separate pools of microbes as
ECP = DMI(kg day1)  11.88 [16.8]
defined by the following equations:
After all sources of CP flowing to the intestine
Bactj = NSCBactj + SCBactj [16.9]
(i.e. MCP, UDP, ECP) have been estimated,
their MP fractions are estimated as fixed con- where SCBactj = the yield of structural carbo-
stants of 0.64 for MCP and 0.40 for ECP. hydrate (SC)-fermenting bacteria from the jth
Intestinal digestibility of RUP is considered to feedstuff (g day1) and NSCBactj = the yield
be predictable based on the mobile bag tech- of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC)-ferment-
nique, or a two-stage in vitro digestion proce- ing bacteria from the jth feedstuff (g day1).
dure, but not as acid detergent insoluble CP The NSC bacterial pool is further divided into
which was judged unacceptable. The conver- starch-fermenting and sugar-fermenting pools.
sion of digestible UDP into MP is considered to The efficiency of bacterial yield is calculated
be 100%. That the mobile bag procedure is according to the following equation:
known to overestimate the MP content of RUP, 1 = Km + 1
as it measures CP disappearing from the bag in –– ––––a –––
Yaj Kdaj YGa [16.10]
the large intestine to be MP, is not addressed.
In the NRC (2001) system, microbial where Kma = the maintenance requirement of
growth is a function of discounted TDN and the ath pool of bacteria (a = SC-fermenting,
(or) RDP intake. Feed protein escape from the sugar-fermenting, or starch- and pectin-fer-
rumen depends on its division into soluble, menting; g carbohydrate g1 bacteria h1),
degradable and undegradable fractions, with a Kdaj = the rate of fermentation or growth of
first order rate of degradation of the degrad- the ath pool of bacteria on the jth feed (h1),
able fraction, as well as calculated rates of and YGa is the theoretical maximal yield of
rumen passage which are based on total DM the ath pool of bacteria (g bacteria g1 carbo-
intake of the target animal, its concentrate hydrate). This type of equation captures the
proportion and the neutral detergent fibre principle that slowly fermented feeds will have
(NDF) content of the feedstuff. Endogenous a greater proportion of fermentable substrate
protein is calculated as a function of DM utilized to maintain bacterial populations than
intake. Conversion of these three crude pro- feeds that are fermentable at higher rates.
tein flows into the intestine into MP assumes Similar equations are used for sugar- and
separate constants. Numerous assumptions starch-fermenting bacteria. Nitrogen availabil-
are inherent to all of these calculations and vir- ity affects the bacterial yield of NSCBact
tually all of them have been shown to be false. according to the following equations:
Amino Acids - Chap 16 12/3/03 12:26 pm Page 294

294 R.L. Baldwin et al.

Yaj = Yaj  (1 + IMPj  0.01) [16.11] RAN = (Y + RDPA + NPN)  (PEPUPNR

IMPj = exp(0.404  ln(Ratioj
 100) + 1. 942) [16.12]
where Y = recycled nitrogen (Y = 121.7 
Ratioj = ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 12.01X + 0.3235X2; X = IP and is
RDSugarj + RDStarchj + RDPepj expressed as per cent of DM), RDPA =
[16.13] rumen degraded protein, NPN = non-protein
nitrogen derived from the diet, PEPUPNR =
RDPepj = RDPBbj + RDPBbj +RDPBbj
peptide nitrogen retained by microbes,
NSCAMMNR = ammonia nitrogen retained
KDbj by NSCBact, and SCAMMNR = ammonia
RDPBbj = DietPBbj,  –––––––––– [16.15] nitrogen retained by SCBact.
Kdbj + Kpj
Bacterial nitrogen is algebraically divided
where RDPBbj = rumen degradable protein into true protein, cell wall-associated nitrogen,
(b = slow, intermediate, or fast rates of and nucleic acid nitrogen. These various
degradation) of protein in the jth feed, Kdj = nitrogenous fractions and fractions derived
factorial degradation of the bth protein com- directly from feed leave the rumen and are
partment of the jth, feed, and Kpj = the rate digested and absorbed as separate entities
of passage from the rumen of protein in the allowing specification of unique digestion
jth feed. The quantity of protein escaping coefficients for each pool of nitrogen.
rumen degradation or bypassing the rumen This approach overcomes a number of
is a function of rates of degradation in and deficiencies inherent in the NRC model.
passage from the rumen, which are specified These include linkage of microbial yields, rates
by input constants. NSCBact utilize peptides of particle and fluid passage, and chemical
generated by protein degradation in support composition of diets; division of microbial
of their growth whereas growth is dependent populations by substrate; allowance for vari-
on carbohydrate availability as described ance in ruminal and postruminal digestion of
above. Equations describing peptide uptake nitrogenous components due to changes in
are of the same form as those used for pro- rates of particle passage; and estimates of
tein degradation where uptake is a constant rumen ammonia concentration.
function of rumen available peptides.
Peptides generated in excess of require-
ments for NSCBact growth are subject to Prospects for ruminally protected amino
deamination on passage from the rumen. acids
Therefore, when NSCBact growth rates are
slow, rates of peptide use for microbial The concept of balancing rations for swine
growth are low and rates of deamination are and poultry with pure amino acids has been a
high. Nitrogen retained by microbes is cal- part of commercial feed formulation pro-
culated using the assumptions that microbes grammes for many years. This has led to
are 10% nitrogen and a maximum of 66% lower nitrogen levels of diets, improved effi-
of the nitrogen requirement of NSCBact can ciencies of nitrogen utilization and, in gen-
be provided by peptides. Peptides taken up eral, lower ration costs. However the use of
in excess of this requirement are deami- pure amino acids in ruminant rations has
nated and can be used to meet ammonia lagged far behind.
requirements of growing microbes. Effects There are a number of reasons that com-
of ionophores are accommodated by reduc- mercial application of amino acid nutritional
ing the rate of peptide uptake by the concepts to ruminant ration formulation has
NSCBact pool in a stepwise manner. SCBact not reached the level attained in the swine
utilize all of their nitrogen as ammonia. and poultry industries. The most obvious rea-
Rumen ammonia is calculated using the son is that the action of rumen microbes
following static, factorial, empirical equation: sharply changes the amino acid profile of the
Amino Acids - Chap 16 12/3/03 12:26 pm Page 295

Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 295

ration consumed to create a different one enhanced performance, and(or) improved

that reaches the intestinal absorptive site. nitrogen efficiency, with RP methionine sup-
This has made prediction of metabolizable plementation of dairy cattle rations (Robinson,
amino acid delivery to the intestine highly 1996), which tends to be primarily associated
inaccurate and, for practical purposes, values with modest increases in the milk protein pro-
cannot be validated due to procedural difficul- portion. The low market penetration of the
ties with the only in vivo systems available to available RP methionine products, developed
do so. In addition, there has been a lack of at very high expense by corporate groups, has
research on metabolizable amino acid not encouraged these, or other, corporate
requirements of dairy cattle, due equally to groups to invest in development of other RP
the high cost of the research and variability of amino acids, particularly in the absence of
the data generated. This led NRC (2001) to research results showing repeatable commer-
conclude that insufficient data exists to pre- cially substantive benefits to dietary addition of
dict metabolizable amino acid requirements these amino acids. Although a few studies
for any amino acids, save lysine and methion- have reported some benefits to dietary supple-
ine for which relatively large data sets exist mentation with isoleucine (Robinson et al.,
from which empirical relationships could be 1999) and histidine (Vanhatalo et al., 1999),
developed. There can be no reasonable this literature base is very limited in nature
expectation that this lack of information will and volume.
be addressed in the near future, at least partly However, the commercial situation is
due to worldwide degradation of the applica- changing in two key dairy areas, and this may
ble research infrastructure. force commercial dairies in many parts of the
Other reasons for a failure to balance developed world to change their nutrient
dairy rations for metabolizable amino acids management practices. The environmental
are more mundane. In most parts of the impact of dairies in many parts of Europe
developed world, where high producing dairy and America is being scrutinized as never
cattle are concentrated, the costs of proteins before. In America, the Environmental
have been near historical lows for many Protection Agency is under increasing pres-
years thereby removing the economic incen- sure from public interest groups to both
tive for dairy nutritionists to reduce nitrogen enforce current regulations, and introduce
levels of rations. In addition, only dairy pro- more restrictive regulations. The focus seems
ducers in a very few areas of the world (e.g. to be inexorably moving, albeit slowly, to site-
The Netherlands) have been forced through specific criteria that will evaluate dairies indi-
government action to pay, in some form, for vidually for nutrient, particularly nitrogen and
the environmental impact of nitrogen excre- phosphorus, efficiency and penalize those
tion from their dairies. Under these circum- that do not meet defined criteria/goals.
stances, it makes economic sense for the These penalties could take the form of fines
ruminant nutritionist to elevate the protein and(or) taxes, as well as limits on nutrient
concentration of the ration by 5–10% over excretion that could force individual dairies
calculated requirements with high UDP to reduce animal numbers. The other critical
sources, known to be rich in potentially limit- recent change has been the elimination of
ing amino acids, thereby virtually guarantee- the entire class of animal and marine source
ing that metabolizable amino acid supplies high UDP feedstuffs in Europe, and most
will not limit animal performance. animal feedstuffs in America, that have
Finally, even if a dairy nutritionist wished played a critical role in allowing dairies to
to balance dairy rations based on metaboliz- economically overfeed dietary protein, rela-
able amino acids, the tools available are lim- tive to predicted requirements, in order to
ited. Only one amino acid, methionine, is assure that metabolizable protein and amino
commercially available in a rumen protected acids do not limit animal performance. The
(RP) form and its cost is very high per gram of elimination of this class of feedstuffs has had
metabolizable amino acid. There is little evi- a major negative impact on the ability of
dence from published research to support dairy nutritionists to formulate rations
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296 R.L. Baldwin et al.

designed to deliver high calculated levels of increase. This results in concomitant increases
specific amino acids, most notably lysine, to in rates of entry of peptide and amino acid
the intestinal absorptive site. nitrogen into the soluble pool. Utilization of
In combination, the increasing severity of peptide N is handled somewhat differently
site specific environmental regulations, partic- compared with the Cornell model. Peptides
ularly in America, and the elimination of all and amino acids act to enhance theoretical
(Europe) or many (America) animal and maximal yields of microbes and are used for
marine source protein feedstuffs has increased SC-bacterial growth with a maximal yield of
commercial production, and use by commer- SC-bacteria from peptide and amino acid
cial dairies, of protein-rich feedstuffs treated nitrogen of 50%. The following equations
to resist rumen degradation. It is likely that the describe the microbial growth components of
future will see renewed interest in both pro- the model.
ducing cost-effective RP amino acids, quite
dMi/dt = UMiG – UMiP [16.17]
likely beyond methionine and lysine, as well as
completing research into better defining where dMi/dt represents the change in the
metabolizable protein and amino acid require- microbial pool (kg) with respect to time. The
ments of dairy cattle. Together these events, if size of the Mi pool is determined at any time
they occur, will allow more predictable forma- by integrating the equation. Mi partitioning
tion of rations designed to optimize both ani- between large particle small particle, and solu-
mal productivity and nitrogen efficiency. ble pools is based on the proportion of DM
present in each pool. UMiG represents the
input of microbes to the pool due to microbial
UC Davis model growth where:

The dynamic model of Baldwin et al. UMiG = YATP  ATPG  NH4Adj  FatAdj
(1987a,b,c) is more complex than the NRC [16.18]
and Cornell models, and, therefore, requires YATP represents the theoretical maximal yield
more inputs. These include soluble sugars, of bacteria per unit of ATP derived from avail-
organic acids, pectins, soluble and insoluble able nutrients:
starch, plant lipids, feed fats, soluble and
insoluble protein, non-protein nitrogen, hemi- RYATP
YATP = 0.012 + –––––––––––––– [16.19]
cellulose, cellulose, lignin, and soluble and 1 + kRAa/cRAa
insoluble ash. The various feed components
enter large particle, small particle or soluble where RYATP represents the maximal addi-
pools of the rumen depending on their chemi- tional yield of Mi that could be realized with
cal and physical characteristics. Rates of rumi- infinitely high concentrations of amino acids
nation influence rates of conversion of large and peptides (cRAa) and kRAa represents the
into small particles. Components of small par- apparent affinity constant for rumen amino
ticles are hydrolysed to chemical constituents acids and peptides.
by associated microbes or passed from the ATPG represents ATP available for
rumen. The inclusion of three pools for feed growth after maintenance needs have been
inputs and association and growth of met where:
microbes in association with small particles is
ATPM = Mi/FATPM [16.20]
required to explicitly accommodate digestion
lag times as observed in vivo. FATPM represents the moles of ATP used per
Cellulose and hemicellulose digestion are kilogram of Mi per day for maintenance
dependent on microbial attachment and are where FATPM is equal to 20 if pH  6.2, 40
influenced by rumen pH and peptide concen- if pH  5.4, and 20 + (20 (0.8  (RpH- 5.4)
trations. As concentrations of cellulolytic /0.8)) if 5.4 < pH > 6.2.
microbes increase, rates of attachment to NH4Adj and FatAdj represent the adjust-
small particle-structural carbohydrate increase ment factors associated with rumen ammonia
and rates of hydrolysis of feed particles concentrations and the additional fat added to
Amino Acids - Chap 16 12/3/03 12:26 pm Page 297

Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 297

the diet. The NH4Adj function is Michaelis– mechanistic model of digestion and metabo-
Menten in nature with a Vmax of 1 and rumi- lism (MOLLY) that was originally reported by
nal ammonia as a substrate. The FatAdj func- Baldwin et al. (1987a,b,c) was published
tion is a linear equation with an intercept of 1 (Baldwin, 1995); descriptions of underlying
and a slope of 0.3. Therefore, maximal yield detailed models of metabolism in adipose tis-
of microbes is reduced when ammonia con- sue, liver, and mammary glands were
centrations are low and enhanced when fat is included. A specific limitation of MOLLY was
added to the diet. that amino acids were represented as a single
UMiP represents the outflow of microbes aggregate pool. As a result, dietary limitations
from the pool due to passage from the of specific amino acids and responses to sup-
rumen. Microbial outflow is associated with plementation with specific amino acids could
passage of the soluble and small particle pools not be simulated. Recently, modifications
and is calculated from liquid and particulate were incorporated to form a new version,
passage rates, respectively. AAMOLLY. In this version, four amino acid
Rumen amino acid concentrations are pools are represented: sulphur amino acids
estimated using the following equation: (methionine + cystine), lysine, histidine and
the other amino acids as an aggregate pool.
dRAa U + UPi,Aa + USPs,Aa  UAa,VFA
––––– = Ps,Aa Any of these can limit the body, visceral or
dt  UAa,Mi  UAa,P milk protein synthesis. In addition, provisions
[16.21] for computing the stoichiometry of amino
acid degradation dynamically based on the
where UPs,Aa, UPi,Aa and USPs,Aa represent
current mix of amino acids in circulation was
fluxes into the rumen amino acid (RAa) pool
from soluble feed protein degradation, degra- added based on the balance data presented in
dation of insoluble feed protein in the small Table 16.1. An example of the behaviour of
particle pool, and salivary protein degrada- the revised model is presented in Fig. 16.1.
tion, respectively. UAa,VFA, UAa,Mi and UAa,P The primary advantage of the UC Davis
represent effluxes from the pool due to degra- model is the dynamic tracking of the rumen
dation of amino acids to volatile fatty acids environment, most particularly the microbial
and ammonia, use for microbial growth, and pool size. Dynamic solutions of rumen func-
passage from the rumen in the soluble phase. tions provide an explicit means of simulating
Insoluble protein degradation is a linear func- reductions in digestibility associated with
tion of protein concentration and microbial increased DMI, effects of particle size and
concentration in the small particle pool. solubility on protein and carbohydrate avail-
Added dietary fat inhibits protein degradation. ability in the rumen, and effects of diet form
Degradation of amino acids (Aa) to VFA is a and composition on microbial growth and
function of amino acid concentrations. This yield. Additionally, they allow utilization of
equation utilizes saturation kinetic arguments. measurements made in non-steady-state con-
The maximal rate of degradation is affected ditions and where amino acid supplementa-
by microbial concentration in the soluble pool. tion and the utilization of specific amino
Rumen ammonia concentrations are cal- acids are traced. This provides additional
culated directly from rates of protein hydroly- dimensions to previously utilized methods
sis, feed and salivary NPN entry, microbial and, thereby, more power in terms of model
utilization, and loss from the rumen. Urea parametization.
entry is calculated from circulating concentra-
tions of urea.
These equations capture the concepts Analytical Models of Protein Turnover
that low pH inhibits microbial growth by in Animals and Tissues
increasing the maintenance requirement of
the microbes, and high peptide concentra- Protein synthesis measurements
tions enhance rates of growth of SC-ferment-
ing microbes. Characterization of tissue protein turnover and
The updated version of the dynamic, metabolism must encompass both protein syn-
Amino Acids - Chap 16
Table 16.1. Stoichiometric balances for amino acid degradationa.

acid Glcb Ac-CoA NADH2 FADH2 O2UP ATAD CO2 Ureac Others + notes

Ala 0.5 5 0.5 0.5
Arg 0.5 4 1 5 1 2
Asp 0.5 4 0.5 0.5
Cys 0.5 1 1 4 0.5 0.5 +SO4

12:26 pm
Glu 0.5 2 1 3 1.5 0.5
Gly 0.25 3.5 0.5
His 0.5 2 1 7 0.5 1.5
Ile 0.5 1 3 2 4 0.5 0.5

R.L. Baldwin et al.

Leu 3 2 1 5 0.5 0.5

Page 298
Lys 2 5 1 4 1 1
Met 1 1 12 1 CH3d,Sere (1)
Pro 0.5 3 1 0.5 3 1.5 0.5
Phe 0.5 2 3 6 1.5 0.5
PTf 0.5 2 2.5 6 1.5 0.5
SAAg 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 8.0 0.25 0.75 0.5 Ser, +0.5 SO4
Ser 0.5 1 5 0.5 0.5
Thr 0.5 1 5 0.5 0.5 via propionyl CoA
Tyr 0.5 2 2 6 1.5 0.5
Val 0.5 4 2 4 0.5 0.5
aTrp was neglected because amounts are small and degradation is usually incomplete.
bGlc, glucose; CoA, coenzyme A; O2UP, oxygen uptake; ATAD, total ATP use in animal.
cNH + and NH considered identical.
4 3
dMethyl acceptor neglected.
eSerine input to path is considered, in program, as in average amino acid.
fPT, Phe and Tyr (50:50, wt/wt).
gSAA, sulphur amino acids.
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Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 299


LysGIV (mol day–1)



0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
absSAA (mol day–1)
Fig. 16.1. A model simulation of the effect of increasing sulphur amino acid availability (absSAA) on
blood lysine concentration (LysGIV). The simulation was conducted using MOLLY, a model of digestion
and metabolism in lactating dairy cattle. (Kindly provided by John Cant, University of Guelph, Canada.)

thesis and degradation. Classical techniques 1974). Thus, measurement of the specific
for studying protein metabolism use radioiso- radioactivity of an amino acid in this pool is
topes or other markers and various mathemat- both technically difficult and time consuming.
ical models to describe the rates of protein The vast majority of published rates of
synthesis and degradation. However, due to protein synthesis are based on the assumption
the difficulty in measuring rates of protein that specific radioactivities (SRA) of amino
degradation, most work has focused on pro- acids in the aminoacyl-tRNA (SAt), the EC
tein synthesis. In the live animal, protein (SAe) and the IC (SAi) pools are similar. Only
degradation rates are usually inferred from rarely have investigators measured SAt, or
measurements of protein synthesis and accre- attempted to quantitate the specific radioactiv-
tion. Protein synthesis rate can be defined and ity differences between amino acid pools used
expressed as the amount of protein synthe- for calculation of protein synthetic rates.
sized per unit time or as fractional synthesis However, when such measurements have
rate (FSR), the fraction of total protein synthe- been made, inconsistent results have been
sized per unit time. Both are measured using obtained. In some in vitro studies, SAt has
precursor–product analysis of the precursor been shown to be intermediate to SAi and
and protein pools of amino acids (Zak et al., SAe, (Airhart et al., 1974, 1981; McKee et
1979) and depend on accurate identification al., 1978; Hammer and Rannels, 1981),
of the precursor and product pool. It is well whereas in others SAt was lower than SAi and
recognized that neither extracellular (EC) nor SAe (Airhart et al., 1981; Hildebran et al.,
intracellular (IC) pools of amino acids are rep- 1981; Hall and Yee, 1989; Opsahl and
resentative of the direct precursor pool of Ehrhart, 1987; Schneible and Young, 1984).
amino acids used for protein synthesis. Rather, The interpretation of such data is difficult.
amino acids which have been esterified to Some data support the view that tRNAs are
aminoacyl-tRNA are used to synthesize pro- charged by intracellular (IC) amino acids,
tein. Unfortunately, this pool is very small rela- some that extracellular (EC) amino acids
tive to total free amino acids in the cytoplasm charge tRNAs, and other data that tRNA is
and has a half-life of 2 s or less (Airhart et al., acylated by amino acids from protein degrada-
Amino Acids - Chap 16 12/3/03 12:26 pm Page 300

300 R.L. Baldwin et al.

tion which do not mix with the IC pool. Hod acid from the protein pool back to the precur-
and Hershko (1976) used the time course of sor pool. This method also suffers from the
label incorporation into protein to describe a disadvantage that many measurements are
model where the precursor of protein synthe- required to accurately define the shape of the
sis, aminoacyl-tRNA, is charged from both the curve during the rise to plateau. However, if
IC and EC pools of amino acid. Similar mod- the infusion is long enough, the rise to plateau
els have been proposed by Khairallah and can be estimated by a single exponential
Mortimore (1976) and Khairallah et al. (Garlick, 1978). This method addresses the
(1977). However, there has been no attempt problem of reutilization by assuming that, at
to quantitatively evaluate these models and plateau, a steady state exists and SAi repre-
theories. Additionally, these models do not sents the contribution of proteolysis and extra-
account for observations when SAt, is less cellular amino acids.
than either SAi or SAe. The protein fractional synthetic rate
Measurements of protein synthetic rates (FSR) in a tissue is calculated as described by
in vivo are complicated by the fact that spe- Waterlow et al. (1978) using the model:
cific radioactivities of radiolabelled amino
SB/Sf = (f/f – ks) ((1 – e-kst)/ (1 – e-ft))
acids generally change during the course of
 (ks/f – ks) [16.22]
experiments. In the pulse dose method, a
tracer dose of radiolabelled amino acid where SB is the SRA of the protein-bound
injected intravenously causes a rapid rise in amino acid, Sf is the SRA of the free amino
SAe and SAi to a peak followed by a convex acid pool in the tissue, ks is the FSR per day,
decay with time whereas protein specific t is the period of infusion (days) and f is the
radioactivity is a function of the kinetics asso- rate constant describing the rise to plateau of
ciated with the change in radiolabel of the the SRA of free amino acid in the tissue.
amino acid in the precursor pool, the number Because f = Rks where R is the concen-
of proteins in the pool, and the rate of tration ratio, protein-bound amino acid:free
turnover of each of those individual proteins amino acid in the tissue and in some tissues, f
in the total pool of protein. This method has = p, where p is the rate constant in the for-
numerous disadvantages, which include the mula describing the rise to the plateau of amino
large number of time points and animals acid specific radioactivity in plasma (Sp):
required to derive the complex and rapidly
changing curves and the complexity of the Sp = Spmax (1 – e--pt) [16.23]
analytical models needed to interpret the data where Spmax is the plasma amino acid plateau
(Haider and Tarver, 1969; Garlick, 1980). specific radioactivity and t is the period of
To reduce the complexity of mathemati- infusion (d).
cal models necessary to calculate protein syn- Although this is the case in perfused liver
thesis, techniques were developed which and lung (Khairallah and Mortimore, 1976;
simplified specific radioactivity curves. One Watkins and Rannels, 1980; Kelley et al.,
such method was the constant infusion of 1984), the relationship between SAe, SAi and
radiolabelled amino acid, as developed by SAt in vivo have not been reported.
Stephen and Waterlow (1965; Waterlow and The flooding or loading dose method
Stephen, 1966), wherein the infusion of a seeks to circumvent the need to measure
tracer amino acid causes the amino acid spe- aminoacyl-tRNA by decreasing the differences
cific radioactivity in plasma and tissues to in specific radioactivities among amino acid
reach a plateau. However, the plateau pools. First used by Henshaw et al. (1971),
reached in tissues is lower than that in plasma this method combines a large dose of labelled
due to the intracellular contribution of amino and unlabelled amino acid (McNurlan et al.,
acids from protein degradation. The use of 1979; Garlick, 1980). The flooding dose is
the constant infusion method requires several used to expand the intracellular pool of tracer
assumptions including: (i) that either SAe or amino acid such that SAi becomes equivalent
SAi is quantitatively equal to SAt, and (ii) that to SAe (Garlick et al., 1980), supposedly forc-
there is no recycling of the labelled amino ing SAt to be equivalent to SAe and SAi.
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Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 301

Using the flooding dose method protein frac- washed and incubated in media with either
tional synthesis rate (ks) is calculated as: 0.23 mm or 2.3 mm cold leucine. SAe was
ks = SB/Sft [16.24] constant for the first 30 min and increased
58% and 32% for the 0.23 mm and 2.3 mm
where SB is the specific radioactivity of the levels of leucine, respectively, during the sec-
amino acid in protein, Sf is the specific ond 30 min. SAi did not change with time for
radioactivity of the amino acid in the precur- the tracer level of leucine; however, for the
sor of amino acids used for protein synthesis, flooding dose, SAi decreased 40% during the
and t is expressed as days (McNurlan et al., course of the experiment. SAt was not affected
1979). This assumes Sf does not change over by increasing extracellular leucine concentra-
time. If, however, Sf changes over time ks is tion and remained well above SAi or SAe.
calculated using Sf which represents the aver- However, when HD11 cells which had not
age Sf over time during which incorporation been prelabelled were incubated with either a
occurred (Bernier and Calvert, 1987). tracer or flooding dose of [3H]leucine, SAe and
However , SAt is not necessarily similar to SAi were higher compared to SAt. These data
SAe or SAi even when a flooding dose is given. strongly implicate tRNA charging with amino
Airhart et al. (1981) examined the effect of acids released from protein degradation.
extracellular amino acid concentration on SAi In light of the previous discussion, the
and SAt in chick skeletal muscle cells in vitro. limitations of protein synthesis measurements
They found that a flooding concentration obtained from SAe or SAi must be resolved if
(5.0 mm) of radiolabelled leucine forced SAe truly quantitative rates of protein synthesis are
and SAi to equality, while cells in a physiologi- to be obtained. It is documented from direct
cally normal extracellular concentration measurements that tracer amino acid specific
(0.2 mm) of leucine had a SAi that was 41.4% radioactivities in extracellular, intracellular and
of SAe. SAt was less than half SAe at both 0.2 tRNA pools can be very dissimilar. Previously
and 5.0 mm extracellular leucine. They con- discussed data strongly suggest that neither
cluded that expansion of cellular amino acid the IC nor EC pools are the sole source of
pools was not successful in flooding the aminoa- amino acids used to charge the tRNA pool.
cyl-tRNA pool with radioactive amino acid, and Thus, protein synthesis rates calculated from
proposed that this failure was due to direct either SAe or SAi will not provide an accurate
charging of tRNA with amino acids arising from estimate of synthesis rate.
protein degradation without mixing with a com-
mon intracellular pool. Similarly, Schneible and Cellular metabolism
Young (1984) found that they could not force
leucyl-tRNA specific radioactivities to a level Evidence strongly suggests that amino acids are
equal to either SAe or SAi in cultured chick mus- channelled either from extracellular sources or
cle cells. They concurred with Airhart et al. from protein degradation directly to protein
(1981) that accurate quantitation of protein syn- synthetic machinery without mixing with intra-
thesis required measurement of SAt. Barnes cellular amino acids and being exposed to
(1990) reached the same conclusion using the enzymes involved in amino acid oxidation.
flooding dose method with growing chicks. He Thus, the extent of amino acid channelling may
reported that failure to consider SAt resulted in be a critical determinant of the fate (oxidation
underestimation of FSR by 3.9-, 1.7-, 1.3- and versus protein synthesis) of amino acids arriving
2.25-fold in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pec- from the digestive tract and those arriving from
toralis muscle and thigh muscle, respectively. the turnover of existing proteins.
To examine the possibility that tRNA is
directly charged by amino acids resulting from
protein degradation prior to the mixing of Amino acid channelling
these amino acids with the general IC pool,
Barnes et al. (1992) prelabelled chicken The organization of multienzyme complexes
HD11 macrophage proteins with [3H]leucine. can result in compartmentalization or chan-
After removal of [3H]leucine, the cells were nelling of specific metabolites from one
Amino Acids - Chap 16 12/3/03 12:26 pm Page 302

302 R.L. Baldwin et al.

enzyme to another without equilibration with gentle homogenization of chick embryos,

other pools of that metabolite. Channelling of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases purify in the
metabolites is important for many metabolic microsomal fraction. Although it has not been
pathways, including fatty acid synthesis, gly- shown which membrane the complex is asso-
colysis and the urea cycle (Srere, 1987; ciated with, the linkage between tRNA charg-
Watford, 1989; Srere and Ovadi, 1990). ing enzymes and amino acid transport across
Channelling has the potential of increasing membranes is implicated. Quay et al. (1975)
the efficiency of a metabolic pathway by limit- have shown that the transport of leucine is
ing loss of substrate. Additionally, the trans- linked to and regulated by leucyl-tRNA syn-
port of substrates across cell membranes often thetase activity.
depends on the coupling of an enzyme of that Distinct substrate pools have also been
metabolite’s utilization to the transport pro- identified. Sivaram and Deutscher (1990) pro-
tein. Consequently, the channelling of sub- vided evidence for two pools of arginyl-tRNA,
strates through complex metabolic pathways one which is free in the cytosol and is involved
often begins at the cell membrane. One pre- in the post-translational modification of pro-
requisite for channelling is the existence of a teins, and a second which is a component of
structural organization for the components of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex.
the pathway that can lead to the catalysis of Further, neither free arginyl-tRNA nor free
sequential reactions without the dissociation phenylalanyl-tRNA are used for ribosomal pro-
of intermediates. A second prerequisite for tein synthesis, but the tRNAs formed in the
channelling is the demonstration of distinct multienzyme complex are efficiently used
pools of substrate and intermediates that do (Negrutskii and Deutscher, 1991). This suggests
not freely mix with the respective general that aminoacyl-tRNAs formed in the multi-
intracellular pools. Evidence supporting these enzyme complex are transferred directly from
two prerequisites implicates the channelling of the synthetase to the elongation factor and the
amino acids arising from proteolysis towards ribosome without mixing with the total fluid of
protein synthesis. the cell, representing the channelling of
The structural organization that impli- aminoacyl-tRNA for protein synthesis.
cates the channelling of aminoacyl-tRNA to As previously described, distinct substrate
protein synthesis is well documented. pools of free amino acids are apparently used
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are enzymes for the charging of tRNA. This pool is sepa-
that activate amino acids and esterify them to rate from the total intracellular pool of free
tRNAs. Many of the aminoacyl-tRNA syn- amino acids. The extent and time course of
thetases exist in a multienzyme complex. dilution of the specific activity of the radio-
Presently, ten of the 21 synthetase activities tracer by unlabelled free amino acids in the
have been isolated from the multienzyme cell or from proteolysis, as reflected in
complex (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methion- aminoacyl-tRNA, indicates the source of
ine, arginine, proline, phenylalanine, gluta- amino acids used for protein synthesis.
mine, glutamate, aspartate) and it is suspected Further work is needed to determine the
that additional enzymes are lost in the purifi- extent of this amino acid partitioning and the
cation procedure (Schimmel, 1987; Yang and method of its regulation.
Jacobo-Molina, 1990). The enzyme complex Putative charging of tRNA from amino
has been identified in many cell lines as well acids channelled directly from protein degrada-
as myoblasts (Shi et al., 1991). The syn- tion is understandable both energetically and
thetase complex is physically associated with nutritionally. By directly reutilizing a significant
elongation factor eEF1 (Sarisky and Yang, proportion of the amino acids released from
1991), one of the primary regulators of rate protein degradation, the cell can prevent the
of protein translation. Several of the enzymes efflux of essential amino acids from the cell and
in this multienzyme complex have amino ter- minimize their loss to catabolic pathways.
minal hydrophobic regions that associate with Efficient reutilization of amino acids could result
lipids, presumably in one of the cell mem- in decreased energy requirements associated
branes (Huang and Deutscher, 1991). With with their transport into the cell. Additionally,
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Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 303

efficient channelling of amino acids arising turnover rates since specific radioactivity of
from the diet or other tissues across the cell the amino acids in the fast turnover proteins
membrane directly to the aminoacyl-tRNA syn- comes into equality with the precursor pool
thetases would preclude the possibility of loss amino acid specific radioactivity such that no
of the amino acid to oxidation. measurable incorporation is now taking place.
Using the data of Bernier and Calvert (1987),
it can be demonstrated that the protein FSR
Amino acid recycling calculated at 30 min postinjection of a flood-
ing dose of [1-14C]leucine is 33.6% that calcu-
Since it appears likely that amino acids are lated at 2 min postinjection.
preferentially channelled from protein degra-
dation to the immediate precursor pool for
protein synthesis, the assumption that there is Conclusions
no recycling of the tracer amino acid, which is
required if one uses the precursor–product Obviously, if one is to obtain data which truly
relationship to quantitate protein synthesis reflect rate of protein synthesis in any given
from a radiolabelled amino acid, is not true. system, accurate and precise measures of pre-
The fact that, as a part of cellular metabolism, cursor specific radioactivities are essential.
amino acids are recycled through the precur- The relationships among the extracellular,
sor pool and back to protein impacts on the intracellular and tRNA pools must be
determined rate of protein synthesis. If one described in greater detail. The complexity of
considers rate of protein synthesis in a whole amino acid pools and relationships among
body, it must be recognized that the body them precludes the interpretation of tracer
pool of proteins consists of a multitude of pro- data using simple empirical and static models.
tein pools with half-lives ranging from minutes In order to adequately describe and analyse
to weeks or months. For proteins with rela- amino acid tracer data, dynamic (time-variant)
tively short half-lives, the issue of recycling is and mechanistic (causal, theoretical) models
very important and can impact on estimates must be developed. Such models must repre-
of protein synthesis rates. The more rapidly a sent the dynamic relationships among EC, IC,
protein turns over the more rapidly the spe- tRNA and protein-bound amino acids, as well
cific radioactivity of the amino acid in the pro- as the formation of catabolic intermediates.
tein approaches equality with the specific In order to accommodate the several con-
radioactivity of the precursor pool. Thus, spe- founding factors discussed above, a generally
cific radioactivity of the tracer amino acid applicable analytical model of protein synthesis
released from the fast turnover protein must incorporate each of the entities and trans-
approaches equality with that of the precursor actions depicted in Fig. 16.1. The number of
pool. As the specific radioactivity of the measurements required to solve such a com-
amino acid in the protein approaches the spe- plex model would include: extracellular amino
cific radioactivity of the precursor pool, it acid specific radioactivity; intracellular amino
becomes impossible to measure incorporation acid specific radioactivity; aminoacyl-tRNA
of label into that protein (as an increase in amino acid specific radioactivity; specific
protein radioactivity). Thus, over time, mea- radioactivity of the amino acid in the protein
sured rates of protein synthesis decrease. The pool; fluxes of amino acid from the intracellular
longer the time period allowed for incorpora- pool to the aminoacyl-tRNA pool to protein
tion of labelled amino acids into the protein and from protein to the intracellular aminoacyl-
pool, the lower the estimate of protein syn- tRNA pool; and size of protein pool, aminoa-
thesis rate. Short-time incorporation experi- cyl-tRNA pool and intracellular amino acid
ments bias the results towards fast turnover pool. Such measurements may be prohibitively
times with rapidly turning over proteins exert- expensive. However, until results from such an
ing a significant influence on the result. On experiment are available estimates of protein
the other hand, longer incorporation times synthesis and degradation based on simpler
bias the results toward proteins with slower data sets and analytical models must be inter-
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304 R.L. Baldwin et al.

preted with great care. Further, these measure- gent. Still, research has shown that, depend-
ments must be made at varying concentrations ing on the tissue and the physiological state of
of extracellular amino acids. the animal, the specific radioactivity of the
aminoacyl-tRNA may be in between that of
the extracellular pool and the intracellular
Models of Amino Acid Metabolism in pool, or may be lower relative to both of
Intact Animals those pools. Given that the specific radioactiv-
ity of the precursor pool is used to calculate
Three methods have commonly been used to FSR, it is necessary for improved accuracy to
estimate fractional synthetic rate (FSR) by ‘know’ the specific radioactivity of the true
measuring the incorporation of radiolabelled precursor pool for protein synthesis, at pre-
amino acids into protein relative to the spe- sent assumed to be aminoacyl-tRNA. This can
cific radioactivity in the precursor pool (flood- be accomplished in one of two ways. First,
ing dose, pulse dose, and continuous one can actually measure the specific radioac-
infusion). While numerous assumptions must tivity of the aminoacyl-tRNA. However, it may
be accepted to calculate FSR using any of the also be possible to develop a more mechanis-
three methods identified, three of the assump- tic understanding of the relationships between
tions are known to impact, and compromise, the various free amino acid pools and the
the accuracy of the estimated FSR. effects of physiological state upon charging
Specifically the assumptions that the free tRNA with amino acids. Although the former
amino acid pool is homogeneous, that the should provide the most accurate specific
protein pool is homogenous, and that there is radioactivity of the aminoacyl-tRNA, determi-
no recycling of amino acids from the precur- nation of specific radioactivity of tRNA is a
sor to protein back to precursor pool of free laborious procedure fraught with its own diffi-
amino acids are all well recognized as assump- culties and necessary assumptions. On the
tions that are not correct, but made to sim- other hand, it may be possible to develop a
plify the estimation of FSR from tracer data. more mechanistic understanding of the rela-
As previously discussed, in the intact ani- tionships that exist between the various amino
mal, free amino acid pools include plasma, acid pools and describe those relationships in
extracellular, intracellular and aminoacyl- quantitative terms so that it is possible to pre-
tRNAs. Clearly, there is not one homogenous dict more accurately the specific radioactivity
pool of amino acids in the animal. In addition, pool of the amino acylated-tRNA.
it is likely that the intracellular pool of amino It is also recognized that the body is not
acids is not a homogeneous pool. There is one homogenous pool of protein. Rather,
considerable evidence that the specific there are multiples of protein pools in the
radioactivities of an amino acid vary between body, each with their own FSR and turnover
the free amino acid pools and that the differ- rate. Thus, it must be recognized that, unless
ences between pools are impacted by physio- one is dealing with a specific identified pro-
logical state. Thus, no simple algorithm can tein, the estimated FSR is the result of the
be applied to convert the measured specific ‘average’ of FSR from multiple pools of pro-
radioactivity of, for example, the extracellular teins, each with their own characteristic
pool, into the estimated specific radioactivity FSR. Whereas the impact of the simplifying
of the aminoacyl-tRNA pool, the amino acid assumption of one homogenous protein pool
pool that more truly represents the pool of is fairly easy to understand at this level, there
amino acids used for protein synthesis com- is another more significant impact when the
pared to the other identified amino acid pools. assumption of a single homogenous protein
In attempting to correct for this deficiency, pool is considered in conjunction with the
the loading dose method has been used to assumption that there is no recycling of
‘force’ the specific radioactivities if the various amino acids from the protein pool back to
free amino acid pools are not to be as diver- the precursor pool. Recycling of amino acids
Amino Acids - Chap 16 12/3/03 12:26 pm Page 305

Modelling Amino Acid Metabolism in Ruminants 305

from protein to the precursor, or free amino used to estimate protein synthesis or FSR
acid pool(s) does occur as a consequence of are inadequate to the task.
protein turnover. Thus, with increasing time In an effort to improve the quantitative
of radiolabelled amino acid incorporation, methodology available to estimate FSR,
there is an increase in the amount of that Johnson et al. (1999a) developed a
amino acid that is recycled, through protein dynamic mechanistic model of protein
degradation, to the supposed precursor pool. turnover in the non-growing mouse. The
The consequence is that as one calculates model consisted of three amino acid pools
FSR during time allowed for incorporation, it (extracellular, intracellular and aminoacyl-
is noticed that FSR changes with time. The tRNA), three protein pools (fast, medium
only solution would be to calculate FSR at and slow turnover), and had three amino
time zero when the radiolabelled amino acid acid sources that could charge tRNA (extra-
is injected into the system. Of course, that is cellular amino acids, intracellular amino
an impossible measurement as there would acids, and amino acids resulting from pro-
be no specific radioactivity in the protein tein degradation). Three methods (flooding
pool. To overcome the problems associated dose, pulse dose and continuous infusion) of
with recycling, some have elected to allow introducing radiolabelled amino acid into the
incorporation of the radiolabelled amino acid model were used to estimate FSR.
for short periods. This tends to bias the Predications of specific radioactivities using
resulting estimated FSR towards the more flooding dose, continuous infusion or pulse
rapid turnover tissue, as it has relatively dose indicated that the model would be use-
rapid uptake of the radiolabelled amino acid ful in estimating rates of channelling and
compared to that of slower turnover tissue. recycling. Interestingly, the model indicated
Here again, it seems that the most reason- that the use of data obtained from flooding
able approach to improve accuracy is to dose injections might cause inaccurate pre-
account more adequately for the changes in dictions of some fluxes. In a companion
precursor and product specific radioactivities paper (Johnson et al., 1999b) the model
over time, as influenced by recycling of the predicted that time was critical to the esti-
radiolabelled amino acid. In that regard, mated FSR. For example, using the pulse-
there is the additional issue as to which dose method, FSR was underestimated by
amino acid pool the amino acids arising 40–50% at 5 min and underestimated by
from protein degradation are directed. There 9–10% at 60 min.
is evidence that amino acids arising from The value of a mechanistic model is that
protein degradation can be preferentially it can be a useful tool in experimental design.
channelled directly back to tRNA without Johnson et al. (2000) used the previously dis-
entering the general cellular pool of amino cussed rodent model of protein turnover to
acids (Barnes et al., 1994). Thus, both the design experiments to examine channelling,
issue of amino acid recycling and amino acid recycling and FSR. The model indicated that
channelling must be explicitly included in the the pulse dose is the experimental design that
estimation of FSR if accuracy is to improve. yields the best estimates of channelling, recy-
As with the problems associated with the cling and FSR. The model suggested that
precursor pools previously discussed, both changes in amino acid specific radioactivities
recycling and channelling must be quantita- in extracellular, aminoacyl tRNA and protein
tively described. Given that the changes in pools were greatest at 2, 6, 10, 40, 70 and
the system occur over time, not only must 100 min. The model has also been used to
the quantitative methods for estimating FSR perform simulations (Johnson et al., 2001).
include the mechanistic descriptions of how In that effort, it was clear that identification
protein synthesis occurs, but the estimation and separation of the source specific radioac-
methods must be dynamic as well. The con- tivity is required in order to estimate FSR
clusion is that the relatively empirical models accurately.
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306 R.L. Baldwin et al.


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Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 309

17 Amino Acid Utilization for Wool


Shimin M. Liu* and David G. Masters

CSIRO Livestock Industries, Wembley, Western Australia, Australia

Introduction Characteristics of the Wool Follicle

and Protein and Amino Acid
Wool is almost entirely composed of protein Concentrations in Wool Protein
with very high levels of cysteine (Cys) and ser-
ine (Ser) compared with other body tissues. Wool fibre is produced from follicles embedded
Growth of wool requires more protein relative 500–600 m below the skin surface. The fol-
to energy, and draws amino acids, in particu- licular tissue in the skin of Merino sheep
lar methionine (Met) and Cys, disproportion- amounts to about 50 g, or 0.1% of live weight
ately from the body pool. This creates a (Williams, 1995). The follicle has three regions:
relative imbalance of amino acids available for the bulb is the end most deeply embedded in
synthesis of other body tissues. On the other the dermis and is where cell proliferation
hand, the exogenous supply of amino acids occurs; cells migrate into the keratogenous
from the diet and microorganisms in the zone where protein synthesis occurs and cell
rumen do not usually provide sufficient Met volume increases 10- to 20-fold. Further up,
and Cys to support maximum wool growth the cell reaches the zone of hardening where
rates. A combination of these factors results the hard disulphide linkages of the keratin are
in a lower utilization efficiency of amino acids formed. Some cells from the bulb differentiate
for wool growth compared with the efficien- into the inner or outer root sheath (Black,
cies for body-mass growth and reproduction 1988). The turnover time of the bulb (total
(AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to number of bulb cells/new germinated cells per
Nutrients, 1993). This chapter reviews the uti- hour) ranges from 19 to 42 h (Wilson and
lization efficiency of dietary protein and amino Short, 1979). The inverse of turnover time (i.e.
acids for wool growth and describes the parti- 0.024–0.053 h1, or 0.57–1.26 day1) is the
tioning of amino acids to the skin and wool. turnover rate of the bulb (in terms of a propor-
Specific attention is given to Met catabolism, tion of new germinated cells to the total num-
its relations to wool growth, and the effects of ber of the bulb). This value indicates that the
supplementation on wool growth and protein follicle has one of the highest turnover rates of
metabolism in general. Some possibilities to all the tissues in the body.
improve the utilization efficiency of amino The wool fibre is primarily protein with
acids are also discussed. as little as 0.5% lipids and minerals (Williams,

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 309
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310 S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

1995). Wool protein is grouped into three a result, 0.13 is accepted as the average gross
main types: the low sulphur proteins making efficiency for wool growth (Standing
up about 60–70% of total protein, the high- Committee on Agriculture, 1990).
sulphur proteins that account for up to Considering clean wool contains about 11%
20–40% of total protein and contain very moisture (Adams et al., 2000), the efficiency
high levels of Cys but no Met, and the high- for the wool protein ranges from 0.09–0.13,
tyrosine (Tyr) proteins that make up about a value confirmed by an experimental esti-
1–12% of the total protein and are character- mate of 0.12 in mature Merinos (Mata and
ized by high levels of Tyr and no Met, lysine Masters, 1999).
(Lys), isoleucine (Ile), histidine (His) or gluta- The net efficiency of dietary protein for
mate (Glu) (Table 17.1; Reis, 1979). The ker- wool growth in Merino sheep has been esti-
atin wool protein is synthesized just above the mated to be 0.20–0.25 (Standing Committee
bulb, then assembled into mibrofibrils and on Agriculture, 1990), substantially lower
matrix, and finally hardened by formation of than the efficiencies of 0.59, 0.85 and 0.68
disulphide bonds within and between protein for weight gain, pregnancy and lactation
chains (Williams, 1995). (AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to
Cys accounts for about 10% (8.6–13.1%) Nutrients, 1993). Where the net efficiency
of the amino acids in wool protein (Reis, has been measured, an increase in wool
1979) compared with 1.3% in the whole body growth is usually coupled with a gain in body
(MacRae et al., 1993) (Table 17.1). The con- weight (Black et al., 1973; Masters et al.,
centration of Met in wool is low, about half 1998; Mata et al., 1999). During weight loss,
that in the whole body. Met is contained in body protein could be partially used for wool
the filament proteins, but not in the matrix growth, so both the net and gross efficiencies
protein. Ser concentrations are also high in will be high as wool growth continues at the
wool protein, approximately double that in expense of body protein.
the whole body. The function of Ser in the Protein efficiency for fibre production
fibre is not clear. Possibly, the hydroxyl group varies substantially between fibre producing
of Ser forms hydrogen bonds that help to species such as sheep, goats and rabbits (Table
consolidate the fibre structure. 17.2). There are major differences in fibre
yield relative to body weight. Merino sheep
grow 6–13 g day1 clean wool and the annual
Efficiency of Dietary Protein Use for wool production is 0.06–0.08 of live weight
Wool Growth (40–65 kg, Hogan et al., 1979). Fibre growth
rate in Angora goats is 15–18 g day1 and the
The efficiency of utilization of dietary protein annual yield is about 0.18 of live weight (about
for ruminant livestock can be quantified using 33 kg, Sahlu et al., 1999). The total wool pro-
factorial analysis (Agricultural Research duction of Angora rabbits per annum varies
Council, 1984). The net efficiency for wool between 1.2 and 1.4 kg or about 0.3–0.4 of
production is defined as the ratio of wool pro- live weight of 3.5–4 kg (Liu et al., 1992). The
tein increment to the absorbed amino acids metabolic and regulatory mechanisms which
partitioned to wool growth. Absorbed amino determine such significant differences in
acids for wool growth are calculated by sub- capacity of the skin to grow wool fibre
tracting the maintenance and weight gain between species have not been defined.
requirement from the total absorption in non-
reproductive animals (Standing Committee on
Agriculture, 1990). Alternatively, the gross Efficiency of Individual Amino Acids
efficiency, defined as wool protein over the for Wool Growth
total absorbed amino acids, may be used.
The gross efficiency of dietary protein for As with protein, utilization efficiency of indi-
wool growth is very low. Hogan et al. (1979) vidual amino acids for wool growth is defined
calculated an efficiency of 0.10–0.15 from a as amino acids incorporated into wool, with
few experiments with adult Merino sheep. As or without weight gain-related amino acid
Amino Acids - Chap 17
Table 17.1. Amino acid concentrations (g kg1 protein) of microbial protein in the rumen, the whole-body of sheep (excluding wool)
and wool protein.

Wool protein (c,d)

Microbial Whole-body Whole Low-sulphur High-sulphur High-tyrosine

protein (a,b) protein (c) wool proteins proteins proteins

1:03 pm
Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production
His 16–21 24 8–13 6 7–13 0
Ile 54–62 36 27–32 38 17–26 0
Leu 74–83 73 67–79 102 14–34 35–64
Lys 81–115 67 27–35 41 6–9 0

Page 311
Met 16–25 18 4.4–6.3 6 0 0
Phe 49–57 39 25–36 20 5–16 27–96
Thr 52–66 49 54–66 48 102–111 0–34
Val 53–65 43 46–57 64 43–53 0–47
Ala 34–62 80 32–52 77 20–29 0–31
Arg 46–53 73 62–91 78 62–69 35–47
Asp 112–129 86 55–66 96 6–23 19–22
Cys 20–26 13 86–131 60 221–229 64–102
Glu 127–141 132 111–142 169 79 0
Gly 49–65 96 46–86 52 42–62 265–388
Pro 34–40 63 53–75 33 126–128 17–67
Ser 41–47 42 83–108 81 127–132 124–126
Tyr 44–51 31 38–63 27 18–21 180–208
aStorm and Ørskov (1983).
bMartin et al. (1996).
cMacRae et al. (1993). Calculated from the amino acid profiles of the individual tissues and their protein contents by the authors.
dReis (1979).

Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 312

312 S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

Table 17.2. Estimated net efficiency of digested crude protein (DCP) for wool/fibre
protein growth.

Species Efficiency References

Merino sheep 0.20–0.25 Standing Committee on Agriculture, 1990

Angora goats 0.39 Sahlu et al. (1999)a
Angora rabbits 0.43 Liu et al. (1992)
aAngora goats: DCP (g day1) = 26.5 + 0.25 LWG (g day1) + 2.58 Clean fibre

growth (g day1).

deposition, relative to the absorption of amino lem is the interconversion of some amino
acids from the digestive tract. However, a sig- acids and synthesis de novo making quantifi-
nificant practical difference is that protein effi- cation of the efficiency very complex. For
ciency is a single term whereas efficiency of example, the high efficiency of Cys, was cal-
amino acids becomes 20, corresponding to culated from Cys retention and absorption.
20 different amino acids, or for wool growth The amount of Cys converted from Met was
18 efficiencies for 18 amino acids in wool not included in the efficiency calculation, so
protein (Reis, 1979). Zebrowska et al. (1987) the efficiency is overestimated.
measured the efficiencies in growing Merino Because of the problems described
lambs using comparative slaughtering tech- above, a new approach to the measurement
niques and the highest efficiency was obtained of amino acid requirements for human beings
when the animals were fed a diet containing has been proposed (Young and Borgonha,
140 g CP kg1 compared to another two 2000). In this system the oxidation of amino
diets containing 110 and 170 g CP kg1. The acids in response to varying levels of amino
values of the gross efficiency for weight gain acid intakes was measured directly using iso-
plus wool growth for nine indispensable tope-labelling techniques and the requirement
amino acids were: His 0.33, Ile 0.21, Leu was defined from the minimum intake to bal-
0.27, Lys 0.33, Met 0.21, Phe 0.23, Thr ance the daily rate of the irreversible oxidation
0.32, Trp 0.22 and Val 0.26. The arithmetic of the amino acid. The oxidation, from any of
mean was 0.26. The mean efficiency for nine the catabolic pathways, accounts for the net
dispensable amino acids (Ala, Arg, Asp, Cys, loss of amino acids from the metabolic pool.
Glu, Gly, Pro, Ser and Tyr) was 0.36 and the This net loss can be measured directly and has
efficiency for Cys was 0.55. Hogan et al. to be matched by dietary supply. Using this
(1979) estimated absorption of amino acids in system the requirements for humans of Leu,
mature Merinos and, by assuming that all Met Ile, Lys, Met, Cys, Phe, Tyr, Thr and Trp have
was converted into Cys in the body, calculated been measured (Young, 1998; Raguso et al.,
an efficiency for Cys 0.45–0.63 at the highest 1999; Young and Borgonha, 2000).
wool growth rate. The requirements of amino acids for ani-
There are two difficulties related to using mals must include amino acids used for main-
this efficiency system. The first is in defining tenance-related protein synthesis, the outputs
the ‘maintenance requirement’ for individual of products (increment of body protein mass,
amino acids, that is, the determination of the milk, or wool) and the oxidative (or catabolic)
amino acid composition for the maintenance loss. Liu and Masters (2000) proposed a con-
protein requirement. This is usually derived ceptual model to quantitate the requirements
from the endogenous loss of nitrogen in urine and utilization efficiencies of Met and Cys for
and in the digestive tract. The average amino wool growth in the growing Merino sheep. In
acid composition of the whole body may be this model the oxidation rate was defined as
used, as in a simulation of amino acid utiliza- the ratio of the total oxidation to the flux per
tion in pigs (Black et al., 1986), but the relia- kg live weight to account for variations in the
bility of this method has not been live weights from different experiments.
experimentally confirmed. The second prob- Oxidation rate was found to be closely associ-
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 313

Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 313

ated with the flux per unit of live weight. The in the wool accounted for 0.34–0.49 of the
total oxidative loss was then quantified, using total N accretion (including wool) in Merino
published data, from the whole-body flux mul- wethers in response to abomasal supplemen-
tiplied by the oxidation rate. Both the flux rate tation of various levels of casein (from 20 g
and oxidation were based on measurements day1 up to 100 g day1 for 32 kg lambs) at
using isotopic techniques for Met (Egan et al., an appropriate level of energy intake
1984) and for Cys (Lee et al., 1995; McNabb (0.37 MJ gross energy kg1 W0.75 day1).
et al., 1993; Sun et al., 1994). In the model The relationship between the wool N reten-
the factors used for the calculation of the tion and total N retention appeared to be lin-
requirement and the utilization efficiency ear, suggesting that dietary protein level does
included Met and Cys compositions in both not alter the partition of N between wool
the body and wool, rates of weight gain and growth and body gain (Black et al., 1973). A
wool growth, a fractional degradation rate of regression analysis on Black’s data demon-
the whole-body protein, oxidation rates and a strated that wool N : body N ratio was 0.31 :
conversion rate of Met into Cys. A sensitivity 0.69; MacRae et al. (1993) measured the
analysis of the model indicated that the oxida- total N in the body (including wool) and N in
tion rate was the major factor in the determi- the wool in Suffolk–Finn Dorset lambs weigh-
nation of the requirement and efficiency (Liu ing 25, 40 or 55 kg. Calculations on the
and Masters, 2000). This suggests that dif- ratio of increased wool N to increased total N
ferences in oxidation rates of individual from 25 kg to 40 kg was 0.34, and from 40
amino acids could indicate their relative kg to 55 kg was 0.36. In recent studies with
order of limitation to production. For this Cashmere-yielding and Angora goats (Souri
purpose published data on oxidation (catabo- et al., 1998a) N accretion in the fibre was
lism) of some amino acids, as measured 0.37 of the total N accretion (including fibre),
using isotope-labelling techniques in sheep, and did not change (0.38) when the growth
were collected, the oxidation rate was esti- rate of fibre was increased by 69% in
mated using a linear regression analysis and response to a supplementation of 2.5 g
is shown in Table 17.3. day1 rumen protected Met (Galbraith,
Among the indispensable amino acids, 1998). These figures from different animals
Met had the highest oxidation rate, followed are surprisingly close to each other, suggest-
by Lys. The size of the free Met pool in the ing that in weight-gaining wool-producing
body is much smaller than that of Lys (0.8 vs. animals the partition of N to wool or fibre
3.0 mmol kg1 day1 in Suffolk cross growth seems reasonably stable.
wethers; Lobley et al., 1996b). A small pool With both the wool and body N
coupled with a high oxidation rate for Met responses to various levels of protein intake
indicates that there is less Met available for measured (Black et al., 1973) the partition
protein synthesis in the body, and therefore of amino acids between wool growth and
Met supply could be more limiting, compared weight gain of growing animals can be cal-
with Lys, for protein utilization efficiency in culated using amino acid compositions of
sheep. A very high oxidation rate of Cys in wool (Reis, 1979) and the whole body
combination with high demand for wool pro- (MacRae et al., 1993). With a regression
tein synthesis would indicate that Cys supply analysis of the retention of an amino acid in
will be the limiting factor to wool production. the wool against total retention, the parti-
tion of Met, Lys, Leu, Cys, Ser or Arg to
wool was estimated, and is shown in Table
Partition of Amino Acids Between 17.4. Only small proportions, 0.13 and
Wool Growth and Body Weight Gain 0.15, of Met and Lys are retained in the
wool because of their low concentrations in
Partition of amino acids between wool wool protein. The majority of Cys retention
growth and weight gain of growing animals is occurs in the wool, indicating that the avail-
determined by their relative growth rates. ability of Cys to the wool follicle is critical to
Black et al. (1973) observed that N retained wool production.
Amino Acids - Chap 17

Table 17.3. Calculated oxidation rate of amino acids in sheep. The rate is expressed as the proportion of the flux that is oxidized, and calculated as the
regression coefficient of oxidation rate against the whole-body amino acids flux (mmol kg1 day1). The group means of oxidation rate and flux in the
original publications were used in the analysis. All the regression coefficients are statistically significant (P < 0.001) except for Lys which had only two
data points. The constant was excluded in the regression analysis because none of them were significantly different from zero (P > 0.05).

1:03 pm
Flux range Oxidation rate
Animals (mmol kg1 day1) (± SE) References

S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

Cys Romney wether 0.42–2.60 0.18 ± 0.03 Lee et al. (1995); McNabb et al. (1993); Sun et al. (1994);
29–48 kg Wang et al. (1994)

Page 314
Leu Suffolk cross 3.24–6.12 0.03 ± 0.002 Harris et al. (1992); Inkster et al. (1989); Krishnamurti and
26–46 kg Janssens (1988); Lobley et al. (1987)
Greyface 5.62–6.11 0.04 ± 0.001 MacRae et al. (1988)
42–45 kg
Lys Merino cross 1.01–1.55 0.15 ± 0.01 Cronje et al. (1992)
26 kg
Met Merino wether 0.44–1.68 0.16 ± 0.02 Egan et al. (1984)
26–35 kg
Phe Suffolk cross 1.13–1.99 0.09 ± 0.005 Harris et al. (1992)
26–35 kg
Merino cross 0.74–1.27 0.08 ± 0.007 Oddy et al. (1997)
23–52 kg
Thr Greyface 1.74–2.02 0.04 ± 0.002 MacRae and Egan (1983)
pregnant ewes
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 315

Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 315

Table 17.4. Estimated partition of some amino acids to wool protein in growing Merino
lambs. The values show the ratio of amino acid retention in wool to the total retention (wool
plus body weight gain), as estimated from N balance measurement. N balance data from
Black et al. (1973), amino acid compositions in wool from Reis (1979) and in the body from
MacRae et al. (1993).

N Met Cys Lys Leu Ser Arg

0.31 0.13 0.77 0.15 0.31 0.47 0.36

Estimating amino acid partition towards 7% of the energy required for basal metabo-
wool growth using wool growth against protein lism. However, 20 g of protein in the wool
accretion (or N retention) becomes difficult in together with the sloughed root sheath cells is
animals that are either not gaining weight or are equivalent to about 150% of the maintenance
losing weight because wool still grows but pro- requirement for protein (Black, 1988).
tein retention in the body is zero or negative. Therefore, the level of absorbed amino acids
An alternative technique is to estimate wool has a major influence on the substrates avail-
growth as a proportion of whole body protein able for protein synthesis and wool growth
synthesis rather than protein retention. This rate. Numerous experiments have demon-
may be possible because wool does not undergo strated the effectiveness of dietary protein
degradation after keratinization is complete supply on increasing wool growth rate and
(Harris and Lobley, 1991) so synthesis of the this has been well reviewed for sheep (Black,
protein is equal to deposition, whereas body 1988; Williams, 1995; Hynd, 2000) and for
protein accretion is determined by both synthe- goats (Galbraith, 1998, 2000).
sis and degradation. The technique requires the Feed proteins vary in their amino acid
conversion of protein retention to protein syn- compositions and are also characterized by dif-
thesis. In growing sheep 0.31 of whole-body ferent rates of degradation in the rumen. This
protein synthesis is retained as protein (Liu et leads to considerable variation in the profiles
al., 1995). Therefore, the partitioning of pro- of absorbed amino acids. Generally, feed pro-
tein synthesis to the non-wool component of tein containing a high level of sulphur-contain-
the whole body would be equal to 2.22 (0.69 ÷ ing amino acids that is less degradable in the
0.31), where 0.69 is the proportion of protein rumen would result in increased wool produc-
retained in the body relative to wool. This indi- tion. For example, canola (rapeseed) meal and
cates the wool protein synthesis : non wool lupin seed both contain similar and high levels
whole-body protein synthesis ratio is 0.31 : of crude protein, but canola meal is less
2.22, in other words wool protein accounts for degraded in the rumen (AFRC Technical
0.12 of the total protein synthesis in the body Committee on Responses to Nutrients, 1993)
(0.31 ÷ (0.31 + 2.22)). Use of this technique and contains more Met than lupin protein (20
still requires information on protein synthesis vs. 4–10 g kg1 protein; Hill, 1991). Merino
rates during weight loss and these data are not lambs fed a diet containing canola meal grew
currently available. 7–64% more wool than sheep fed a lupin seed
diet (Masters et al., 1998; White et al., 2000),
and the response depends on the level of
Improving Amino Acid Utilization for intake and the proportion of canola meal in
Wool Growth the diet. Similar positive responses to canola
meal diets were observed in pregnant or lactat-
Increasing dietary protein supply for wool ing Merino ewes (increased wool growth of
growth 50–63%; Masters et al., 1996) and in adult
dry ewes (12–20%; Masters and Mata, 1996).
Black (1988) estimated that the ATP required Reis and Colebrook (1972) compared casein,
by the follicles of a 40 kg sheep producing 20 wheat gluten, Promine-D and zein for wool
g day1 of clean wool represents only about production and ranked their relative values as
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 316

316 S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

100, 54, 40 and 11. However, fibre growth turnover, the profile of which is determined by
of cashmere goats fed a fishmeal diet was not the relative contributions of each tissue/organ.
improved compared to those fed a urea diet at For example, protein synthesis in the gut tis-
similar N intakes (about 15 g CP kg1; sue accounts for 0.26 of whole-body protein
Galbraith, 2000). The fibre growth rate in synthesis and skeletal muscle accounts for
cashmere goats was low, less than 40% of the 0.18 (Lobley, 1993). This compares to their
mohair yield from Angora goats (Galbraith, contributions of about 0.05 and 0.5 to total
2000). The lack of response of fibre growth to protein content of the wholebody (MacRae et
dietary protein level was probably due to the al., 1993). The relatively high concentrations
nutrient demand for the maximum fibre of sulphur-containing amino acids from the gut
growth already being met by the urea diet. tissue compared to the whole carcass (57 vs.
27 g kg1 protein; MacRae et al., 1993) cou-
pled with a much high turnover rate in the gut
Altering amino acid profile in favour of tissue (Adams et al., 2000) indicate a relative
wool growth increase in demand for the sulphur-containing
amino acids.
It is generally accepted that the profile of A further factor that influences the ‘ideal’
absorbed amino acids from the gut affects amino acid pattern is the differences in oxida-
the utilization efficiency and this has led to a tion of individual indispensable amino acids in
concept of an ‘ideal’ amino acid pattern the body. From an animal production point of
(Fuller, 1992). the view, oxidation represents a net loss of
To determine the ideal pattern of amino amino acids from the body. A low oxidation
acids is a complex challenge (see Chapters 9 rate means more amino acid would be avail-
and 13). The simplest approach depends on able for protein synthesis. As seen in Table
the amino acid profiles of the products, i.e. 17.3, relatively high rates of oxidation for
accretion of the body protein mass (weight Met, Lys and Cys would mean a higher
gain), milk output, or wool growth. In growing requirement in the diet relative to the other
animals protein deposition both in the body amino acids.
and in wool needs to be included. Since
amino acid composition of body protein does
not change significantly during growth from Methionine
25 kg to 55 kg live weight (MacRae et al.,
1993), the composition of the whole body Most feed proteins contain less than 20 g Met
could be used for estimating protein accretion. kg1 and 20–50 g Cys kg1 (MAFF Standing
However, a specific consideration has to be Committee on Tables of Feed Composition,
made for wool growth because the amino acid 1990). The microbial protein from the rumen
composition in wool is different from the tis- contains levels of Met and Cys slightly over
sue proteins (as shown in Table 17.1). In par- 2% (Storm and Ørskov, 1983; Martin et al.,
ticular, high concentrations of Cys, Ser and 1996). These proportions are slightly higher
Arg in wool suggest that amino acid profiles than 1.8% (range 1–3.2%) for Met and 1.3%
with high proportions of these amino acids (range 0.9–3.5%) for Cys in the whole body
could favour wool growth. Interestingly these (MacRae et al., 1993), but substantially lower
amino acids are not essential and their avail- than the 10% of Cys plus Met in the wool.
ability for both anabolism and catabolism is Consequently, deposition of a high proportion
influenced by biosynthesis de novo. of sulphur-containing amino acids into wool
More realistically, the ‘ideal’ amino acid results in an imbalance of amino acids for the
pattern should reflect the dynamic profile of other tissues, so the efficiency of protein uti-
protein turnover. The protein deposited in lization is reduced.
both the tissues and wool accounts for only a Supplementing Merino sheep with
fraction of total protein synthesis. The majority appropriate levels of Met (about 2–5 g day1)
of amino acids in the metabolic pool (in terms improves wool growth in most but not all
of quantity) is derived from basal protein classes of sheep (Reis et al., 1973, 1990;
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 317

Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 317

Mata et al., 1995; Rodehutscord et al., vision of extra 2.5 g day1 Met (Hynd, 1989).
1999; White et al., 2000, 2001). It also Similarly, the rate of protein synthesis in the
improves fibre production in Cashmere and skin and the expression of some genes in folli-
Angora goats (Souri et al., 1998a). In Merino cles encoding an intermediate filament keratin
sheep, wool growth responded linearly to the protein and keratin intermediate filament
levels of the rumen protected Met supple- associated proteins were increased by a jugu-
mented from 1 g day1 up to 5 g day1 (Mata lar infusion of 3 g day1 of Met for a period
and Masters, 1999). A regression analysis of 7 days (Liu et al., 2000). In addition, Met
of the wool growth (g day1) to the amount has a role in initiating synthesis of any protein
of Met supplement (g day1) gave a wool (Glick and Pasternak, 1998), and whole-body
protein : Met ratio of 0.72. In the same protein synthesis was increased with a supple-
experiment a 5 g day1 live-weight gain was mentation of rumen-protected methionine in
also obtained for each gram of Met supple- Japanese goats (Muramatsu et al., 1994).
mentation, which was equivalent to about 0.8 However, supplementing Met to ewes in
g day1 protein accretion (Agricultural late pregnancy or early lactation does not
Research Council, 1984). Therefore a total result in a significant increase in wool growth
retention of protein in both the body and rate (Williams et al., 1978, 1988; Stewart et
wool was 1.5 g g1 of Met supplemented, or al., 1993). In these experiments feed intakes
2.6 g N retention g1 Met N. The amount of were increased by more than 30% (Williams
Met in this 1.5 g protein can be estimated to et al., 1988) and 35% (Stewart et al., 1993)
be about 0.012 g, so the ratio of retained Met to satisfy the nutrient requirements for con-
in protein retention to the supplementation is ceptus growth, while maternal body weight
only 0.011. In Angora goats the responses to was maintained unchanged. Met plus Cys was
supplementation of 2.5 g day1 of rumen- supplemented at 0.5–1.76 g day1 (Williams
protected Met (containing 0.23 g N) were et al., 1978, 1988) or Met only at 2.9–5.2 g
0.67 g N increase in mohair plus 1.08 g N in day1 (Stewart et al., 1993). Although wool
the body (total N retention  mohair N) growth rate was not improved, sulphur con-
(Galbraith, 1998). So the ratio of the centration in the wool was increased by the
increased N retention to Met N was 7.6 : 1. supplementation, indicating an increased sup-
Again, the estimated ratio of Met retention to ply of Cys to the wool follicle. The lack of a
Met supplementation was low at only 0.06. It response in wool growth rate to Met and Cys
is clear that the production return, in terms of supplementation is probably due to a change
protein or N retention, from Met supplemen- in the relative requirements of the essential
tation was great, but the efficiency for Met amino acids resulting from changes in the
per se was still low. This is partially because types of proteins synthesized and retained. In
some Met is converted into Cys in the body, late pregnancy, the gravid uterus is accumulat-
which has not been included and is discussed ing approximately 20 g of protein per day
later in this chapter, and about 35% of the with a Met and Cys content similar to that in
rumen-protected Met was degraded in the the whole body (see Table 17.1). Under the
rumen (Muramatsu et al., 1994). circumstances, the proportions of Met and
The above results demonstrate that when Cys supplied from microbial protein are likely
wool growth increases in sheep or goats with to be sufficient for the combined retention of
Met supplementation this is coupled with protein in the gravid uterus and wool fibre.
increases in whole-body protein accretion and The suggestion that the requirement of Met
efficiency. Although supplementing with Met and Cys, relative to other amino acids, is
provides more substrate Met for protein syn- decreased at this time is further supported by
thesis, a more potentially important outcome a higher ratio of sulphur-containing amino
is the consequent increase in the de novo syn- acids to total essential amino acids in the
thesis of Cys from Met through the transsul- plasma in late pregnancy and early lactation
phuration pathway. Supplementation with (Masters et al., 1993) and an increase in the
Met also increases the rate of cell division in concentration of sulphur in wool grown dur-
wool follicles, for example by 37% with a pro- ing late pregnancy in sheep that were not
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 318

318 S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

provided with amino acid supplements (Oddy Cys used for wool is derived from transsulphu-
et al., 1985; Masters et al., 1993). Despite ration (Souri et al., 1996), 0.64 g day1 Ser
this lack of response to sulphur amino acids, would be required for the synthesis of the 1 g
wool growth in ewes in late pregnancy does Cys contained in 10 g wool protein. So the
respond to an increased supply of protein total Ser for 10 g of wool growth would be
supplied either via the abomasum (Williams et about 1.5 g day1. Ser concentrations in
al., 1978) or by protection from degradation plasma are consistently reduced by supple-
in the rumen (Masters et al., 1996). mentation with Met, possibly due to increased
demands for protein synthesis and for
transsulphuration. This has been reported in
Cysteine sheep (Reis et al., 1990), cattle (Campbell et
al., 1997) and humans (Frontiera et al.,
Although Cys is usually the first limiting amino 1994), indicating that a supplement of Met
acid for wool production, supplementing results in the depletion of Ser. However, infu-
Merino sheep with Cys is only 0.8 for wool sion of Ser at 10 g day1 into the jugular vein
growth as efficient as supplementation with in Merino lambs (about 35 kg) for 7 days did
Met (Reis, 1986; Reis et al., 1990). not promote the transsulphuration rate and
Experiments using in vitro culture of fibre folli- wool growth rate (Liu et al., 2000). Probably
cles from Cashmere goats show that providing the de novo synthesis is sufficient to support
Cys without Met resulted in a significant reduc- wool production, as indicated by the high con-
tion in follicle growth and viability, and Met centration in the skin compared to some
without Cys supported growth of follicles to other amino acids (e.g. 835, 38 and
about 0.75 of that recorded with both Met and 166 mmol kg1 wet tissue respectively for
Cys present (Souri et al., 1996). The results Ser, Met and Cys).
demonstrate that Met plays a major role in
addition to the provision of Cys, probably in
the initiation of protein synthesis and in cell Lysine and other amino acids
division. The major role of Cys for wool
growth is in the provision of substrate for wool Wool protein contains a low level of Lys
protein synthesis as evidenced by the increases (Table 17.1), mainly present in the low sul-
in expression of mRNA encoding a family of phur-proteins. The bulb cells of the wool folli-
Cys-rich proteins (Fratini et al., 1994) and the cle are more closely related to ‘normal’ body
synthesis of Cys-rich proteins (Harris et al., cells and require Lys to support a high rate of
1994). Cys supplementation may also result in cell division (Hynd, 1989). Provision of zein
a Met-sparing effect as indicated by enhanced protein, which is lacking in both Lys and Tyr,
activity of betaine–homocysteine methyltrans- markedly depresses bulb cell mitotic activity,
ferase (catalysing homocysteine back to Met), fibre diameter and wool growth rate but not
reduced activity of cystathionine synthase in fibre length in Merino sheep (Reis, 1989).
the liver of rats (Finkelstein et al., 1986), and Supplementation of Lys to zein protein can
reduced transsulphuration rate in cultured hair reverse such a detrimental effect (Reis and
follicles (Souri et al., 1998b) or in adult Tunks, 1978). Omission of Lys from a mix-
humans (Fukagawa et al., 1996). ture of 13 amino acids (including all indispens-
able amino acids) infused into the abomasum
of Merino sheep depressed fibre diameter and
Serine volume but not fibre length, and resulted in
weak fibres (Reis and Tunks, 1978). However,
Ser concentration in wool protein is as high there is a lack of knowledge of the effect of
as 83 g kg1, double the concentration in the Lys on wool production by sheep fed on ‘nor-
whole-body (Table 17.1). Wool growth of 10 mal’ diets. In Angora wether goats, an
g day1 needs 0.83 g day1 Ser. Ser is also a intraperitoneal infusion of Lys from 1.2 g
co-substrate with Met for Cys de novo synthe- day1 up to 5.9 g day1 with 1 g day1 Met
sis (Cooper, 1983). Assuming that 0.75 of the for 28 days caused a linear decrease in the
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 319

Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 319

percentage of fibres that were medullated and Methionine Catabolism and Its
greasy mohair production; fibre length and Relation to Wool Growth
total N balance were unchanged (Smuts-Ayers
and Sahlu, 1996). In contrast, provision of 2 In mammals Met is catabolized mainly
g day1 Lys by peritoneal infusion to Angora through the S-adenosylmethionine pathway,
goats increased fibre length and reduced fibre and then diverted either to the aminopropyla-
diameter with no effect on N balance (Sahlu tion pathway for synthesis of polyamines
and Fernandez, 1992). These results indicate (spermidine and spermine) or to the transsul-
that Lys may influence fibre growth under phuration pathway for synthesis of homocys-
severe Lys deficient conditions and is most teine (HomoCys). HomoCys is used either for
likely to exert an effect through changes in synthesis of Cys or is remethylated to re-form
cell division in the follicle bulb. Met. Some Met is catabolized through the
In other studies, an injection of a mixture transamination pathway (Cooper, 1983). A
of Lys, Arg, Val and Thr (7.1, 3.1, 5.2 and diagram for the simplified catabolic pathways
4.1 g day1, respectively) into the abomasum of Met is shown in Fig. 17.1. The control and
of Merino ewes in late pregnancy did not regulation of the metabolic pathways have
increase wool growth rate (Stewart et al., been reviewed (e.g. Stipanuk, 1986; and
1993). Infusion of a mixture of Lys, Leu, Ile Finkelstein, 1990).
and Gly (7, 7, 6 and 1.5 g day1) into the abo-
masum of mature Merinos also did not change
wool growth rate or fibre diameter (Reis et al., Transsulphuration
1990). The omission of Arg, His, Phe, Thr
and Val from a mixture of 13 amino acids Transsulphuration occurs in the liver and other
infused into the abomasum of Merino sheep visceral organs (Radcliffe and Egan, 1978), but
also had no appreciable effects on wool not in skeletal muscle (Radcliffe and Egan,
growth, whereas the omission of Leu or Ile 1974). Transsulphuration can be measured
from the mixture caused reductions in wool using isotope-labelled Met and Cys with con-
growth studied with two sheep (Reis and stant infusion techniques. Some measurements
Tunks, 1978). Based on these data, some of based on the plasma kinetics are listed in Table
which are generated from a small number of 17.5. These results from various sources show
animals, with the exception of Met, the supply a similar trend that about 0.04–0.22 Cys is
of indispensable amino acids is unlikely to limit derived from transsulphuration, which uses less
wool production in sheep fed normal diets. than 0.1 Met. Since these measurements refer


butyrate Met Ado-Met
TA Putrescine
3C compounds,
SO42–, CO2
TS Ser
Cystathionine Cys
Fig. 17.1. The catabolic pathways of methionine. Abbreviations: Ado-Met, adenosylmethionine; Cys,
cysteine; HomoCys, homocysteine; Met, methionine; RM, remethylation; Ser, serine; TA, transamination;
TS, transsulphuration.
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320 S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

Table 17.5. Met flux and the rate of transsulphuration (as proportions of Met or Cys flux) in sheep. Met
flux was recalculated from the original flux values and the corresponding liveweight of the animals.

Transsulphuration rate
Met flux
Breeds (mmol kg1 day1) % Met % Cys References

Suffolk cross 0.70–1.73 0.02–0.12 0.05–0.19 Pisulewski and Buttery

30 kg (1985)
Merino wether 0.50–1.96 0.03–0.09 0.10–0.24 Egan et al. (1984)
30 kg
Pregnant Merino ewes 0.85–1.63 0.03–0.05 0.06–0.22 Williams et al. (1988)
37 kg
Romney wether 0.69–1.99 0.08–0.10 0.06–0.14 Lee et al. (1995)
29–33 kg

to the whole-body metabolism, the actual dis- using arterio-venous techniques and estimated
tribution of synthesized Cys to the skin needs that the uptake of Cys accounted for only
to be calculated using the skin : whole-body 0.11–0.28 of the Cys that was retained in
blood flow ratio. Blood flow to the whole skin wool, with the rest coming from local synthe-
of Romney sheep accounted for about 0.06 of sis of Cys or other sources such as the tripep-
the cardiac output (Harris et al., 1989), there- tide glutathione. Although the estimates are
fore, Cys synthesis de novo from the systemic semiquantitative, the indications are that local
distribution is unlikely to make a significant synthesis in the skin and follicle provide a sub-
contribution to wool growth. stantial source of Cys for wool growth.
There is, however, evidence that transsul-
phuration occurs within the skin (including
wool follicles). Downes et al. (1964) gave Polyamines from the aminopropylation
Merino sheep an intradermal injection of pathway
[35S]Met and found 0.9 of the 35S incorpo-
rated into the wool was present as Cys. With Met is also catabolized through the amino-
an infusion of [35S]Met, a significant appear- propylation pathway, and provides the amino-
ance of 35S label in the skin cystathionine (an propyl group for synthesis of spermidine and
intermediate in transsulphuration) pool and spermine (see Fig. 4.3). The synthesis costs
Cys pool was observed in Romney sheep equimolar amounts of Met for spermidine or
(Harris et al., 1997). The direct evidence is 2 mol of Met for each mole of spermine. The
from experiments in vitro where inclusion of sulphur and methyl group may be reincorpo-
Met but not Cys in the medium enabled fibre rated into Met through the 5-methyl-
elongation and follicle viability in follicles thioadenosine salvage pathway (Stipanuk,
obtained from Merinos (Hynd and Nancarrow, 1986). Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine
1996) or Angora goats (Souri et al., 1996). and spermine) are required for optimal growth
The issue is how important for wool in all cells and their physiological functions are
growth is the quantity of Cys synthesized from related to DNA, RNA and protein biosynthe-
transsulphuration in the skin or the follicles. sis (Tabor and Tabor, 1984). Putrescine and
Souri et al. (1996) found Met alone could spermidine are essential for cell proliferation
produce a growth response approximately and growth of the cultured wool follicles, with
0.8 that of Met plus Cys combined in cultured an optimal concentration of spermidine
follicles. This probably represents the maxi- required for the greatest rate of fibre elonga-
mum rate of transsulphuration in the follicles tion (Hynd and Nancarrow, 1996). In addi-
since an inclusion of Cys will feedback on the tion, suppression of putrescine or spermidine
activities of the enzymes involved in the path- de novo synthesis in vivo using the inhibitors
ways. Harris et al. (1997) measured the net of ornithine decarboxylase or of S-adenosyl-
uptake of Cys by the skin of Romney sheep methionine decarboxylase reduces fibre length
Amino Acids - Chap 17 12/3/03 1:03 pm Page 321

Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 321

growth rate by 10–22%, and increases fibre mer reaction uses methyl-tetrahydrofolate as a
diameter by 1–3 m and sulphur content in methyl donor and the latter requires betaine
wool by 9% (Reis and Hynd, 1989; Hynd and and its analogues (Stipanuk, 1986). About
Nancarrow, 1996). In contrast, intradermal half of the HomoCys is consumed in remethy-
injections of spermidine at doses of 1.38, lation and the rest diverted to transsulphura-
2.75 or 4.58 mol per injection at 8 h inter- tion in humans, intact rats, perfused rat liver
vals for 7 days increased fibre length growth and the incubated liver homogenate from rats
rate but not fibre diameter in Merino wethers (reviewed by Stipanuk, 1986). Remethylation
(Liu et al., 2002). These results indicate that conserves Met, so a change in remethylation
polyamines play a vital role in maintaining may result in a change in Met availability for
wool follicle function. protein synthesis or for Cys synthesis. For
The use of Met for polyamine synthesis example, remethylation was depressed by
has not been quantified in sheep. In intact 23% when Suffolk cross wethers were infused
rats, 0.3 S-adenosylmethionine was catabo- with choline bitartate (0.5 g day1 choline
lized through the aminopropylation pathway equivalent) plus 1 g day1 creatine for 8 days,
and the remaining 0.7 through the transsul- whereas Met flux (based on infused [U-
phuration pathway. A similar partition ratio 13C]Met kinetics in whole blood) was reduced

was obtained from in vitro experiments with by 15% and wool growth rate (fibre length
human cell lines (as reviewed by Stipanuk, and volume) tended to be reduced (Lobley et
1986). Expressed as a proportion of al., 1996a). The amount of recycling of Met
polyamines, about 0.45 spermidine plus sper- from HomoCys accounted for 0.33–0.38 of
mine was derived from de novo synthesis in the Met flux (5.72 g day1), compared with
rats (White and Bardócz, 1999). The contribu- the estimated Met absorption of 2 g day1
tion of dietary polyamines to the body pool is (Lobley et al., 1996b) which also accounted
low because of the low concentrations of for about 0.35 of the Met flux. It seems that
polyamines in feeds, being about 0.0035%, the provision of methyl donors reduces trans-
0.003% and 0.001% for putrescine, spermi- methylation of S-adenosylmethionine or
dine and spermine (Eliassen, 1982) and rapid diverts Met to the other catabolic pathways
degradation of polyamines in the rumen (Os rather than the transsulphuration pathway.
et al., 1995). This conclusion is supported by The reduced availabilities of Met and possibly
a low abomasal recovery of most amines, for Cys in the body and probably also in the skin
example 0.05–0.20 in cattle (Phuntsok et al., would have a major influence on wool growth.
1998). These data from various sources sug-
gest that exogenous contributions to the large
pool of polyamines in the whole body in rumi- Transamination
nants would be limited. The de novo synthesis
therefore, must be quantitatively important. The catabolism of Met through the transamina-
The polyamine pool in the body appears to tion reaction was proposed by Benevenga et
be much larger than that of Met, as their con- al. (1983), and is supported by detectable levels
centrations are substantially greater than Met, of a-keto--methylthiobutyrate, 3-methylthio-
for example, 144–157 mol kg1 wet tissue propionate and methanethiol in urine of
for spermidine vs. 31–38 mol kg1 for Met human subjects and rats (Blom et al., 1988;
(Liu et al., 2002). This suggests that consider- 1989a,b). An overdose of Met (30 g kg1 diet)
able amounts of Met could be consumed for to rats resulted in an increased excretion of
polyamine synthesis. a-keto--methylthiobutyrate in the urine (Kasai
et al., 1991). In patients with Met adenosyl-
transferase deficiency, 0.2 Met was degraded
Remethylation via transamination. However, in normal sub-
jects transamination did exist and was quantita-
HomoCys can be remethylated to Met in the tively not important in Met catabolism, even
reaction catalysed by either Met synthase or after Met loading (Blom et al., 1989b). No
betaine HomoCys methyltransferase. The for- quantitative data have been reported for sheep.
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322 S.M. Liu and D.G. Masters

Recycling of the methylthiol group, which Genetic Selection for High Wool
is derived from the aminopropylation path- Growth
way, back to Met via the transamination is
also possible (Stipanuk, 1986). Aromatic Meeting amino acid requirements through
amino acids are the preferred amino donors dietary manipulation is usually not cost effec-
for the transamination of a-keto--methyl- tive because of the high prices of protein
thiobutyrate to Met in trypanosomatids and feeds and of supplements of Met or Cys.
mammalian liver preferentially uses glutamine Genetic selection of sheep or goats for a high
for this reaction (Berger et al., 1996). wool growth rate appears to be the most
However, the physiological importance of the effective way to improve feed efficiency and
recycling of the methylthiol group to wool amino acid utilization.
production remains unclear. It may compen- Williams et al. (1972b) compared the
sate for some loss of Met via the transamina- wool growth rate and Cys metabolism in two
tion, but quantitatively, it seems unlikely to be Merino lines selected for high or low fleece
important. weight (F+ vs. F) and showed that the F+
sheep grew 16% more wool with relatively
lower sulphur concentration (2.99% vs.
Manipulating methionine metabolism for 3.48%) than the F sheep. At the same
wool growth intake, the entry rate of Cys in the F+ sheep
was lower, but the recovery rate of [35S]Cys
In summary, transsulphuration appears to be in wool was higher (0.45 vs. 0.38) than in
the most important pathway for the provi- the F sheep, indicating a relatively high effi-
sion of Cys, particularly in situ in the skin. ciency of utilization of Cys for wool growth.
Therefore, factors affecting the uptake of In addition, when supplemented with Cys or
Met by the skin and transsulphuration in the Met, the increase in wool growth rate was
skin or in the wool follicles will play an markedly higher in the F+ sheep than the F
important role in wool production. Synthesis sheep (57% vs. 8%; Williams, 1976; Williams
of spermidine and spermine competes for et al., 1972a,b). In another experiment,
Met with Cys synthesis, but polyamines are sheep selected for high clean fleece weights
essential for cell division of the bulb. The grew more wool than the low fleece weight
quantitative relationship between wool sheep (0.069 vs. 0.045 g 100 cm2 day1)
growth and polyamines requires definition. at the same plane of nutrition, and the wool
In particular, there may be opportunities in growth rates were closely related to their skin
genetic manipulation to increase spermidine fractional protein synthesis rate (18.2 vs.
concentration in the skin to change the rate 14.4% day1) and total protein synthesis in
of wool growth and fibre characteristics the skin (0.36 vs. 0.29 g 100 cm2 day1;
(Janne et al., 1999). Remethylation has little Masters et al., 2000). The difference in wool
effect on overall Met catabolism in the skin. growth was due to a higher proportion of
Little Met is lost through transamination. active follicles and/or a higher efficiency of
Therefore, the ‘loss’ of Met via its major follicles (wool growth rate / follicle density).
catabolic pathways is actually essential for Similar trends were found in fibre-producing
wool growth. goats, where Angora goats grew 2.25 times
Although wool protein contains little more fibre than Cashmere goats over a
Met, wool protein also accounts for less than period of 112 days, and also had a substan-
0.2 of the total protein synthesis in the skin tially greater response in fibre growth to a
(Adams et al., 2000). The rest, occurring in supplementation of rumen protected Met
the root sheath, bulb cells and other non-fol- (62% vs. 30%; Souri et al., 1998a). Angora
licle tissues in the skin requires a ‘normal’ rabbits produce 1.2–1.4 kg clean wool per
level of Met. Wool growth could be maxi- annum at their mature weight of 3.5–4 kg at
mized when Met is partitioned at appropriate a net efficiency of 0.43 (Liu et al., 1992),
proportions to protein, Cys and polyamine double that in Merino sheep. There is no
synthesis. doubt that genetic differences and genetic
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Amino Acid Utilization for Wool Production 323

merit at a given level of nutrition and Maximum wool growth demands a high level
responses to varying nutrition are the major of dietary protein, and, the requirements for
factors that determine utilization efficiency of the amino acids Met and Cys are usually
amino acids for wool. above exogenous supply. Supplementation
with Met enhances efficiency of protein for
wool growth by promoting protein metabo-
Influences of Nutrient Partitioning lism in the follicles, skin and whole body.
Hormones Supplementing with Cys is less effective but
increases wool growth rate and sulphur con-
The influence of hormones on amino acid tent in wool. Supplying other amino acids
partition to the skin and wool growth appears appears to have little effects on wool produc-
to be indirect. This could be attributed to pas- tion. Cys synthesized in the skin is quantita-
sive changes in the skin that result from hor- tively important to support wool growth.
mone-induced alteration of amino acid However, its synthesis competes for Met
metabolism in the body. Adams et al. (2000) against the synthesis of polyamines.
reviewed the effects of hormones, including Polyamines are essential to maintain high pro-
IGF-1, insulin, growth hormone, androgens, liferation rate of bulb cells and their concen-
-adrenergic agonist, thyroxine and cortisol trations are associated with growth rate of
on wool growth and follicle activities, and fibre length under experimental conditions.
pointed out: ‘there are no hormones with a Remethylation and transamination play little
homeorrhoetic function to direct nutrients to role in Met catabolism in the skin. Wool
the skin. However, hormones do affect wool growth could be maximized when Met is parti-
growth through their effects on whole body tioned at appropriate proportions to protein,
protein synthesis, or by affecting protein Cys and polyamine syntheses, particularly in
metabolism in other organs’. the skin. Skin and wool follicles do not show a
direct response to nutrient-partitioning hor-
mones and respond passively to hormone-
Conclusions induced nutritional changes. Dietary
manipulation of amino acid supply for a better
The net efficiency of dietary protein for wool utilization for wool growth is effective, but
production is 0.2–0.25 in sheep, 0.39 in genetic selection for a high efficiency appears
Angora goats and 0.43 in Angora rabbits. to be a more economical strategy.


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18 Amino Acid Utilization by Growing

and Finishing Ruminants

Evan C. Titgemeyer*
Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan,
Kansas, USA

Introduction Relationship Between Energy Supply

and Amino Acid Requirements
Ruminants do not have specific requirements
for dietary amino acids, but their physiologi- The requirement of a ruminant animal for an
cal needs must be considered to optimize per- amino acid must be viewed in light of the per-
formance. The ruminal fermentation that formance level expected from that animal. In
intervenes between the diet and the small general, this will be dictated by the energy
intestine makes study of ruminant animals’ supply, the supply of other nutrients and
physiological requirements for amino acids other amino acids, as well as other factors
difficult because the amino acids absorbed that might impact protein deposition, such as
from the intestine do not match either the the intrinsic capacity of the animal for lean
quantity or the profile of amino acids sup- growth, application of anabolic agents, and
plied by the diet. This is a result of both rumi- any growth-inhibiting conditions (e.g. disease).
nal degradation of dietary proteins and The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and
ruminal synthesis of microbial protein, which Protein System (Cornell model; O’Connor et
is subsequently available to the animal for al., 1993) provides a simple framework that
intestinal digestion. Moreover, synthesis of can be used to consider amino acid needs of
microbial protein in the rumen is an energy- growing cattle. Amino acid requirements are
dependent process that typically supplies a estimated separately for maintenance and
large portion of the amino acids reaching the growth. Maintenance protein requirements are
intestine. Therefore, it is difficult to disjoint based on published estimates of requirements
the physiological supply of energy and amino for scurf, endogenous urinary and endogenous
acids in ruminants. This linkage of energy faecal losses. Net maintenance needs for amino
and protein supply ensures that neither of acids are then generated from protein require-
these nutrients is grossly deficient in relation ments using amino acid profiles of tissues (ker-
to the other. The synthesis of microbial pro- atin for scurf and whole body for urinary and
tein in the rumen benefits the animal because faecal losses). The efficiencies of amino acid
the amino acid supply is rarely greatly defi- use for scurf and endogenous urinary losses are
cient, but this works to the detriment of assumed to be 85% for all absorbed essential
researchers interested in quantifying amino amino acids, except branched-chain amino
acid utilization by ruminants. acids, which are assumed to be used with an

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 329
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330 E.C. Titgemeyer

efficiency of 66% for these functions. Version weight (kg). This equation, which was devel-
4.0 of the Cornell model computer program oped using data from INRA (1989), suggests
calculates maintenance amino acid needs that the efficiency of amino acid utilization
somewhat differently and leads to lower esti- for growth rarely exceeds 70% for ruminating
mates than calculations based on the equations cattle and decreases as animal weight
of O’Connor et al. (1993). The conversion of increases. For gain, the Cornell model uses
maintenance protein needs into amino acid the same estimate of efficiency for all individ-
needs must be considered somewhat tenuous. ual amino acids, and it also assumes that the
This is particularly true for urinary losses where efficiency of amino acid use is the same as
the amino acid profile of the whole body is that of protein. These assumptions are
unlikely to be reflective of those amino acids unlikely to be correct.
contributing to the excreted N. The mainte- Within the framework of the Cornell
nance faecal losses also need to be carefully model, amino acid needs of the animal are
evaluated because often the supply of an amino dependent upon the amount of protein
acid may be calculated on an apparent deposited by the animal, which is defined as
digestibility basis and, as such, will account for an energy-driven process. Thus, greater
the endogenous losses into the gut. energy intakes lead to increases in amino acid
In the Cornell model, protein require- requirements, which correspond directly to
ments for growth are based on net protein the predicted increases in protein deposition.
deposition and an efficiency of utilization; At the same time, the Cornell model predicts
protein needs are then converted into amino that the efficiency of amino use is not affected
acid requirements using the amino acid pro- by energy supply. This assumption is one that
file of whole body tissue. The efficiencies of deserves close attention because energy
amino acid utilization for growth were deter- intake impacts a number of factors that regu-
mined using a protein efficiency equation late metabolism and growth.
developed by Ainslie et al. (1993). Efficiency In monogastric animals, it is relatively clear
of absorbed protein utilization for growth = that energy- and protein-dependent phases of
0.834  0.00114  equivalent shrunk growth exist (Campbell et al., 1985; Fig. 18.1).

High energy intake

Protein deposition (g day–1)

Intermediate energy intake

Low energy intake

Digestible protein intake (g day–1)

Fig. 18.1. A stylistic model of energy- and protein-dependent phases of growth such as observed by
Campbell et al. (1985) for pigs. Protein deposition of animals on the inclined lines would be limited by
protein intake whereas that of animals on the plateau surfaces would be limited by energy intake.
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Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 331

For animals in the protein-dependent phase, In ruminants, the study of protein and
protein (amino acid) supply is most limiting energy interrelationships is difficult because
to growth, and increases in the intake of increases in dietary energy usually increase
protein lead to linear increases in protein microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and,
deposition. However, when the protein sup- subsequently, protein supply to the animal.
ply exceeds the requirement, energy One experimental model that has been used to
becomes limiting for growth, and the animal avoid this issue is the preruminant calf in which
no longer responds to additional intakes of the microbial population in the rumen has not
protein. Under conditions of adequate or yet developed and dietary proteins are reflec-
excess protein intake, the supply of addi- tive of the protein reaching the small intestine.
tional energy leads to increases in protein Gerrits et al. (1996) used preruminant calves,
deposition to the point where the protein altered the dietary protein and energy supplies
supply again becomes limiting. With this independently, and measured protein deposi-
model (as in the Cornell model), the energy tion. They did not observe responses indicative
supply is directly related to the amino acid of protein- and energy-dependent phases of
requirement of the animal. growth. Rather, they observed increases in pro-
Because the protein-dependent phase of tein deposition when either protein or energy
growth in monogastrics demonstrates a linear was supplied to the calves (Fig. 18.2). It is
response between protein intake and protein unknown if the preruminant calf is an adequate
deposition across various levels of energy model of fully functional ruminant animals.
intake (Fig. 18.1), the efficiency of amino Increased protein deposition in response to
acid utilization is not affected by energy sup- increased energy supply, under conditions
ply. If this is the case, the use of a single effi- where the calves also were capable of respond-
ciency in modelling exercise is appropriate. ing to increased protein supply, suggests that
However, it is questionable whether or not the additional energy led to increases in the
this is appropriate for ruminants. efficiency of amino acid utilization.

High energy intake
Protein deposition (g day–1)



Low energy intake




150 250 350 450 550 650 750

Digestible protein intake (g day–1)

Fig. 18.2. Protein deposition of preruminant calves (160–240 kg body weight) in response to changes in
protein intake at two levels of energy intake (Gerrits et al., 1996). Increases in either protein supply or
energy supply led to increases in protein deposition, which contrasts with clearly delineated energy- and
protein-dependent phases of growth depicted in Fig. 18.1.
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332 E.C. Titgemeyer

Another experimental approach for study- are capable of mobilizing body fat that can
ing protein and energy interrelationships is serve as an energy source in support of protein
intragastrically maintained animals (Ørskov et deposition (Hovell et al., 1983). This has been
al., 1979; MacLeod et al., 1982). In this termed the lipotropic effect by Asplund (1994).
approach, the ruminal microbial population has In essence, mobilization of body fat increases
been removed, and nutrients are supplied by the energy available to the animal and can lead
postruminal infusions of protein (and in some to a protein-dependent phase of growth, even
cases carbohydrates) and by ruminal infusions when dietary energy input would be considered
of volatile fatty acids (VFA), neither of which deficient. Work with intragastrically maintained
lead to microbial growth in the rumen. The dis- cattle (Ørskov et al., 1999) suggests that body
advantages of using intragastrically maintained lipid mobilization for the support of protein
animals are that only low levels of production deposition would only be important for animals
are typically achieved and some physiological near maintenance; energy supply only
differences from normally fed animals, such as impacted protein deposition when glucose (i.e.
an atrophied intestinal tracts, may exist. gluconeogenic precursors) was deficient. Fatter
Using intragastrically maintained yearling animals should have a greater ability to mobi-
sheep, Lindberg and Jacobsson (1990) lize body fat than thinner ones, so the physio-
observed the presence of protein- and energy- logical status of the animal may be an
dependent phases of growth. Energy was sup- important consideration relative to energy- and
plied as three levels of VFA infused into the protein-dependent phases of growth.
rumen, and protein was altered by increasing Researchers also have evaluated interac-
the amount of casein infused abomasally. tions between protein use and energy supply
When protein levels were low, N retention was by changing amounts of feed intake. Although
not affected by the amount of VFA infused, energy supply can be altered conveniently in
demonstrating a protein-dependent phase of this fashion, protein supply will also change
lean growth. However, at the higher levels of correspondingly. MacRae et al. (1995) fed
protein, sheep had greater N balance when growing lambs graded levels (maintenance to
they were given more VFA; this demonstrated 2.5  maintenance) of grass pellets or
the energy-dependent phase of growth. In grass/barley pellets and measured the amount
contrast, using intragastrically maintained of amino acids deposited in the body in rela-
lambs aged 4–6 months, Hovell et al. (1983) tion to metabolizable amino acid supply. The
were unable to demonstrate separate protein- efficiencies of use (deposited/absorbed) of
and energy-dependent phases of growth. total essential amino acids were 50% for the
Lambs had higher N balances when either grass pellet diet and 59% for the grass/barley
energy or protein supply was increased. pellets. This suggests that energy source (or
In work with intragastrically maintained other factors associated with these diets)
steers, Ørskov et al. (1999) observed that N impacted efficiency of amino acid use. The
retention increased linearly with protein efficiencies with which individual amino acids
intake and that the level and profile of VFA were used for growth are valid only for those
supplied to the rumen had little effect on pro- amino acids that were limiting. For amino
tein deposition. The response to protein acids that were not limiting, efficiencies would
intake demonstrates a protein-dependent be underestimated because the supply, which
phase of growth, and this would appear to be would be the denominator for calculating effi-
supported by a lack of response to changes in ciency, was greater than the required amount.
energy supply across the protein input levels
tested. However, an energy-dependent phase
was not demonstrated because protein inputs Effect of Nitrogen (Ammonia/Amino
never exceeded the steers’ requirements. Acids) Supply on Amino Acid
When considering energy supplies, mobi- Utilization
lization of body tissues (adipose) needs to be
considered in addition to dietary energy. Ammonia contributes a large proportion of
Ruminants, at least those near maintenance, the dietary nitrogen absorbed by ruminants
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Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 333

under some dietary conditions, and it is It should be noted that the studies dis-
detoxified primarily to urea in the liver cussed above focused on the metabolism of
(Reynolds, 1992). Huntington (1989) and nutrients by the liver and did not account for
Reynolds et al. (1991) reported that the whole body metabolism of nutrients. Also,
removal of ammonia by the liver did not conclusions based on measures of nutrient
account for all of the urea nitrogen released, flux across hepatic and gastrointestinal tissues
suggesting that non-ammonia nitrogen was must be carefully evaluated due to the innately
also used for the synthesis of urea. These large variation among animals that makes
authors also reported that increases in the treatment differences difficult to detect. For
removal of ammonia by the liver were asso- example, Milano et al. (2000) observed that
ciated with increases in amino acid extrac- increases in hepatic urea output exceeded
tion. Reynolds (1992) suggested that amino ammonia extraction by 16%, implying that
acid nitrogen is needed for the synthesis of ammonia required use of other nitrogen
aspartate, which contributes one of the two sources for its detoxification, but due to large
nitrogen atoms in urea. Lobley et al. (1995) variation were forced to conclude that this
postulated that the requirement for aspar- was not a significant response.
tate to synthesize urea and detoxify Studies in vitro have also yielded a mixed
absorbed ammonia may lead to penalties for evaluation of the impact of ammonia supply
the use of amino acids for protein synthesis. on amino acid catabolism. Luo et al. (1995),
As a result, an increase in the amount of working with isolated sheep hepatocytes that
nitrogen absorbed (nitrogen loading) may were incubated with varying levels of 15NH4Cl
decrease the efficiency with which amino and amino acids, reported that ammonia was
acids are used for growth (Lobley et al., preferentially used by the urea cycle to supply
1998). both of the nitrogen sources for the synthesis
Lobley et al. (1995) evaluated the effect of urea, and that ammonia detoxification did
of ammonia level on the fate of absorbed not necessarily require amino acid nitrogen.
amino acids in sheep. Increasing the ammo- However, Mutsvangwa et al. (1999) reported,
nia load with NH4Cl infusion into the mesen- in isolated sheep hepatocytes, that ammonia-
teric vein resulted in hepatic urea output that stimulated ureagenesis increased the deamina-
was greater than the ammonia extracted by tion of methionine and tended to increase the
the liver, as well as an increase in the oxida- deamination of leucine and phenylalanine,
tion of amino acids ([13C]-leucine), suggesting suggesting that ammonia-stimulated ureagene-
that amino acids were needed to support sis may require amino acid nitrogen for the
ureagenesis. However, the NH4Cl lowered synthesis of aspartate.
blood pH, and the observed increases in The effects of amino acid load (via
amino acid oxidation could have been due to mesenteric vein infusion) on the metabolism
mild metabolic acidosis. In another study, of ammonia and amino acids by the liver were
Lobley et al. (1996) infused NH4HCO3 into examined in cows by Wray-Cahen et al.
the mesenteric vein of sheep (no metabolic (1997) and in sheep by Lobley et al. (1998).
acidosis resulted) and reported no change in In both studies, increases in amino acid load
leucine oxidation, suggesting that large resulted in increases in amino acid extraction
amounts of amino acid nitrogen were not and urea production by the liver. However,
used for ureagenesis. Additionally, Milano the proportion of non-essential amino acids
and Lobley (2001) observed reduced hepatic (Wray-Cahen et al., 1997) and total amino
uptake of amino acids in support of urea acids (Lobley at al., 1998) removed by the
production when lambs received short-term liver, relative to those appearing in the portal
mesenteric infusions of NH4HCO3. drained blood, decreased with increasing
However, in that study there was also a amino acid load. These findings relate to liver
reduction in release of amino acids by portal metabolism, so the expected, but unmea-
drained viscera such that total splanchnic sured, corollary in these studies would be an
release of amino acids was reduced by the increase in the efficiency of amino acid use
ammonia treatment. for anabolic processes.
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334 E.C. Titgemeyer

Efficiency of Amino Acid Utilization ranged from 13% for methionine to 22% for
by Growing Ruminants threonine in 80- to 160-kg calves and from
16% for tryptophan, isoleucine and phenyl-
Growing animals use amino acids absorbed alanine to 23% for threonine in calves weigh-
from the small intestine (metabolizable amino ing 160–240 kg. Efficiencies of arginine use
acids) primarily for protein deposition in tis- were greater (45 and 51% for calves weighing
sues, but not all of the absorbed amino acids 80–160 and 160–240 kg, respectively) than
are transferred into product proteins. The for the other essential amino acids, reflecting
the semi-essential nature of this amino acid.
inefficient use of absorbed amino acids for
These efficiencies represent minimum values
protein deposition is predominantly due to
for all except the most limiting amino acid
oxidative losses, although the role of amino
because the denominator in the efficiency cal-
acids in other metabolic processes also may
culations is overestimated for non-limiting
have a metabolic cost. Examples include the
amino acids. However, all essential amino
synthesis of urea from arginine, carnitine
acids were used with similarly low efficiencies,
from lysine, and polyamines from methionine;
which suggests that the dietary proteins did
the synthesis of non-essential amino acids
not have a greatly imbalanced amino acid pro-
(e.g. methionine conversion to cysteine); and
file. Interestingly, efficiencies were not greatly
irreversible post-translational modifications of
affected by body weight of the calves in this
amino acids (e.g. methylation of histidine experiment, which is in contrast to predictions
residues). Details of these processes are pre- by the Cornell Model.
sented in Chapter 4. Although the Cornell Model (O’Connor
Research to evaluate the efficiency with et al., 1993) recognizes that the efficiency
which metabolizable amino acids are used for with which an individual absorbed amino acid
gain in ruminants has been rather limited. is used for growth is not constant across body
Oldham and Alderman (1982) calculated that weight, a limitation of the model is that it uses
the efficiencies for absorbed protein use the same efficiency factor for growth for all
ranged from 27 to 75% for growth. Using amino acids. Essentially, this is because there
lambs sustained by intragastric infusion of are no data available to predict different effi-
volatile fatty acids, Storm et al. (1983) ciencies for each of the amino acids.
reported that the efficiency with which truly Certainly, there may be inherent differences
digested rumen microbial protein was used for in the efficiency of use of individual amino
nitrogen retention was 66%. Rohr and acids because of differences in oxidation rates
Lebzien (1991) in a review concluded that an of individual amino acids (Heger and
average efficiency value of 65% can be Frydrych, 1989) and differences in the roles
assumed for the use of amino acid nitrogen of specific amino acids in processes other
for growth. However, Lobley (1986, 1992) than protein synthesis (Owens and Pettigrew,
pointed out that the efficiency of absorbed 1989). For monogastrics, differences in the
amino acid utilization for gain may vary con- efficiency of amino acid use have been
siderably (40–80%). The NRC (1985) protein observed. Fuller (1994) provides tabular val-
model proposed a constant efficiency value of ues for the efficiency of use of each of the
50% for growth. essential amino acids (excluding histidine and
In a study with preruminant Holstein bull arginine); efficiencies range from 96% for
calves, Gerrits et al. (1998) evaluated the effi- lysine to 64% for tryptophan.
ciency of deposition of all of the essential If protein- and energy-dependent growth
amino acids from milk proteins. They fully described lean deposition, amino acid
observed increases in protein deposition in requirements for gain would be dependent
response to increases in protein intake, but solely on protein deposition because energy
the efficiencies of amino acid use for protein status would not alter the efficiency of amino
deposition were relatively low. Marginal effi- acid use. Under those conditions, the supply
ciencies (increases in amino acid of energy would determine protein deposition
deposition/increases in amino acid intake) and thus amino acid requirements. However,
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Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 335

if energy and protein supplies interact to performance. Thus, research where only a
impact animal performance, assessment of single amino acid is supplemented is usually
amino acid requirements becomes very diffi- less than fruitful in identifying the magnitude
cult because energy supply would alter the of limitation.
efficiency of amino acid use. The latter situa- Richardson and Hatfield (1978) evaluated
tion would be suggested by the work of the limiting amino acids in ruminal microbial
Gerrits et al. (1996, 1998), which has protein for growing Holstein steers. They fed
addressed this issue more clearly, at least with a semipurified diet that was low in true pro-
cattle growing at reasonably high rates, than tein and supplemented the cattle with single
any other study. amino acids. Methionine was determined to
be the most limiting amino acid, and, in the
presence of supplemental methionine, lysine
Assessment of Amino Acid Needs of also was found to be limiting. Although fur-
Growing Cattle ther additions indicated that threonine was
third limiting, this conclusion was less than
Several factors make straightforward convincing.
approaches to the study of amino acid utiliza- Similar approaches have been used by a
tion by growing ruminants unsatisfactory. For number of researchers to identify limiting
responses to a single amino acid to be mea- amino acids for growing cattle. Steinacker et
sured, that amino acid must be the sole limit- al. (1970) identified methionine as the first
ing factor. Thus, the amino acid of interest limiting amino acid for steers fed a timothy
must be deficient, but other nutrients, includ- hay-based diet. For growing steers fed maize-
ing other amino acids, must be supplied in based diets, lysine has been identified as the
adequate or excess amounts. Due to the syn- first limiting amino acid (Hill et al., 1980;
thesis of microbial protein in the rumen, it is Burris et al., 1976). It is perhaps not surpris-
difficult to supply adequate amounts of energy ing that maize-based diets were most limiting
to the animal without nearly meeting or in lysine, because the maize protein should
exceeding the animal’s amino acid needs. supply enough methionine to complement
Also, because the amino acid profile of the this deficiency in microbial protein, but the
ruminal microbial protein is relatively well bal- maize provides little lysine, which also is defi-
anced, no one amino acid is usually much cient in microbial protein. This is supported
more limiting than the others. Thus, a careful by the work of Hill et al. (1980) where steers
experimental approach is necessary to create fed the maize-based diet did not respond to
a model with a single limiting amino acid. methionine supplementation, even in the
Furthermore, due to ruminal degradation presence of adequate supplemental lysine.
of proteins and amino acids, the supply of In the preruminant calf, ruminal fermen-
amino acids to a ruminant cannot be changed tation and the difficulties that it imparts do
in a controlled manner simply by adding the not exist, so amino acids can be supplied by
amino acid to the diet. Amino acid supple- the diet in studies to assess amino acid
mentation must occur through feeding of requirements. van Weerden and Huisman
rumen-protected amino acids or through (1985) conducted the most thorough evalua-
postruminal (abomasal or duodenal) infusion tion of amino acid needs of calves (55–70 kg
of the amino acid. Currently, rumen-protected body weight) fed liquid diets. They fed diets
forms of amino acids are only commercially containing 230 g kg1 fat with 160 g kg1
available for methionine and lysine. protein from skim milk powder plus addi-
When a single amino acid is supple- tional essential amino acids in amounts equiv-
mented, it is possible to determine that it is alent to what would be provided by 90 g
first-limiting for growth if the animal responds kg1 protein from skim milk powder. The
with an increase in protein deposition. amino acid supplements supported N reten-
However, animal performance will respond tions as great as skim milk powder that sup-
only be to the point where another amino plied the same amounts of the essential
acid (or other nutrient, such as energy) limits amino acids. Performance of calves was
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 336

336 E.C. Titgemeyer

generally good with gains of Another approach for studying amino

0.85–1.0 kg day1. Each essential amino acid utilization by ruminants is the use of
acid was singly removed and changes in N intragastric nutrition, where the ruminal
balance measured; decreases in N balance microbial population is removed and animals
indicated that the 160 g kg1 protein diet are maintained through ruminal infusions of
was deficient in that amino acid. The greatest VFA and abomasal infusions of protein and,
deficiencies were observed for total sulphur in some cases, carbohydrates (Ørskov et al.,
amino acids (methionine + cysteine) followed 1979; MacLeod et al., 1982). Because the
by lysine, isoleucine, threonine and leucine. microbial population has been removed, the
Subsequently, they quantified the requirement issues surrounding the microbial contribution
for sulphur amino acids and lysine by feeding to metabolizable protein are eliminated.
graded levels of those amino acids. Gains Similarly, the linkage between energy supply
were optimized when 9.2 g day1 total sul- and protein supply has been removed.
phur amino acids (6.8 g day1 methionine) Because the protein (amino acid) supply is
and 23 g day1 lysine were fed, which corre- directly regulated by the abomasal infusions,
sponded to 7.4 and 18.1 g kg1 of the diet, it is possible to supply the animal with essen-
respectively. These estimates probably exceed tially any profile of amino acids and create a
the true values slightly because they corre- model where any essential amino acid is lim-
spond to maximal possible N balance from a iting. Another advantage of this system is
quadratic model; breakpoint analysis would that animals adapt very rapidly to postab-
yield estimates 5–10% lower. Rough estimates sorptive changes in nutrient supply, so very
of requirements for the other essential amino short experimental periods can be used.
acids were also provided by the authors, Nitrogen balance typically is used as a mea-
although the published values for leucine are sure of protein deposition and can provide
lower than would be supported by their data. valid estimates over the short periods. The
The efficiency of methionine utilization for disadvantages of this system are that animal
gain between intakes of 6.9 and 8.0 g day1 performance is usually less than industry
of total sulphur amino acids was near 30%, standards due to difficulties in infusing large
and that for lysine utilization between intakes amounts of nutrients while maintaining the
of 16.4 and 19.0 g day1 was near 35%. health of the animal and its gastrointestinal
In a series of studies, Abe et al. (1997, tract. Also, animals maintained by intragas-
1998, 1999) evaluated amino acid deficien- tric nutrition may be physiologically different
cies in young Holstein calves that were con- from normally fed animals. In particular, the
suming solid feed. The calves were trained to intestine of intragastrically maintained ani-
suckle such that amino acid treatments could mals appears somewhat atrophied, and this
be fed as liquids and pass, via the reticular could impact amino acid metabolism. The
groove, directly to the abomasum. These economic costs associated with this tech-
workers did not attempt to quantify the ani- nique (labour and infusates) also limit its
mals’ requirements for amino acids, but rather widespread application, particularly to cattle.
determined which amino acids were limiting. However, the approach has been used quite
For smaller calves (75 kg body weight) fed successfully to assess amino acid use in
maize–soybean meal diets (156 g kg1 crude growing sheep (see below) and lactating
protein), methionine, lysine and tryptophan dairy cows (Fraser et al., 1991).
were marginally deficient (Abe et al., 1998). One huge advantage of using intragastri-
However, for similar calves fed maize–maize cally maintained animals for amino acid
gluten meal diets, lysine was observed to be research is that the deletion approach can be
deficient (Abe et al., 1997). In contrast, larger utilized. This approach is discussed in some
calves (>150 kg body weight) did not appear detail by Storm and Ørskov (1984). In
to be limited by essential amino acid supply essence, all amino acids (as well as other
when fed either maize–soybean meal (Abe et nutrients) are supplied in adequate or excess
al., 1999) or maize–maize gluten meal diets amounts and then the supply of a single
(Abe et al., 1997). amino acid is reduced. This allows the
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 337

Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 337

researcher to completely characterize the the deletion approach. The left-most point of
response to the single amino acid under con- each line in Fig. 18.3 represents the unsup-
ditions where the animal’s response is not dic- plemented steers and the right-most point a
tated by the supply of other limiting nutrients. value for steers receiving an amount of
The deletion approach to evaluating methionine less than or equal to that capable
amino acid utilization also has been applied to of yielding maximal N retention. Thus, each
growing ruminants fed normal diets. Herein, line represents a portion of the linear
cattle are fed a limited amount of a diet such response surface for cattle demonstrating a
that ruminal fermentation results in a less than methionine-dependent phase of growth. The
optimal amount of amino acids reaching the slopes of the lines can be used to calculate
small intestine. The cattle are then supple- efficiency of methionine use for gain.
mented with energy (VFA infused ruminally A number of points should be made
and glucose infused abomasally) to ensure that regarding Fig. 18.3. In all cases where more
the animal is limited by protein. Mixtures of than two methionine levels were tested, N bal-
amino acids are then supplied postruminally ance responses to methionine were linear.
to exceed the animals’ requirements for all of Retained methionine was calculated from
the amino acids except the one of interest. nitrogen retention as: Met retained = N reten-
Graded amounts of the test amino acid are tion  6.25  0.02, which accounts for the
supplied, and N balance is used as an estima- conversion of N into protein (6.25) and the
tor of protein deposition. With this model, methionine content of whole body protein
stark methionine deficiencies have been gen- (0.02). The line for y = x would correspond to
erated, and increases in N balance are easily 100% efficiency of methionine use. Points to
measured when methionine is supplemented the left of this line would indicate that the ani-
(Titgemeyer and Merchen, 1990; Campbell et mal deposited more methionine than was
al., 1996, 1997; Froidmont et al., 2000). absorbed, clearly an impossibility for an essen-
Data can be used to calculate the efficiency of tial amino acid. This is probably accounted for
methionine utilization or to calculate the by slight overestimation of protein deposition
requirement for methionine at the point by N retention. Also, if the efficiency of
where animal performance is maximized. methionine use is constant across all levels of
Similar models have been developed for the gain, then these lines could be extrapolated to
study of lysine and histidine (Greenwood and a methionine retention of zero, and the
Titgemeyer, 2000) and of leucine and valine methionine intake at the point of zero methio-
(Löest et al., 2001), but have not yet been nine retention would correspond to the main-
used in the study of those amino acids. tenance requirement. For most of the studies
Methionine has been the most studied of presented in Fig. 18.3, this would yield a neg-
the amino acids because it is first-limiting in ative maintenance requirement, which again
microbial protein for growing cattle is impossible. This may be a result of either
(Richardson and Hatfield, 1978) and because the overestimation of protein deposition by N
total sulphur amino acids also tend to be low in balance and(or) a higher efficiency of methio-
a number of protein sources fed to cattle nine use at intakes of methionine below those
(Titgemeyer et al., 1989). The efficiency of evaluated in these experiments.
protein utilization by animals is limited by the These studies on methionine utilization
supply of the first-limiting amino acid as well as based on the deletion technique (Fig. 18.3)
the efficiency of use of amino acids as a whole. represent a set with relatively standardized
Using the deletion technique, the effi- methods. With the exception of two studies
ciency of methionine utilization in growing (Titgemeyer and Merchen, 1990; Froidmont
cattle (incremental increases in methionine et al., 2000), these experiments were con-
deposition, based on N retention, divided by ducted with lightweight (132–205 kg) Holstein
the incremental increase in methionine sup- steers. Froidmont et al. (2000) used larger
ply) has ranged from 14% to 66%. Figure (315 kg) double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls,
18.3 shows N balance in unsupplemented and this accounts for the higher overall level
and methionine-supplemented steers using of methionine retention. However, it is clear
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 338

338 E.C. Titgemeyer


Methionine retention (g day–1)

0 5 10 15

Methionine supply (g day–1)

Fig. 18.3. Responses of growing cattle to incremental increases in methionine supply. Methionine
retention was calculated as N retention  6.25  0.02, which accounts for the conversion of N into
protein (6.25) and the methionine content of whole body protein (0.02). The y = x line corresponds to
100% efficiency in the utilization of methionine for protein deposition. The slopes of each individual line
are the efficiencies of use of the supplemental methionine. References for the studies and the observed
efficiencies are: , Titgemeyer and Merchen (1990), 41%; ●, Campbell et al. (1996), 23%; , Campbell et
al. (1997), 27% for both lines; , Löest (1999), 43% and 58%; , Froidmont et al. (2000), 15%; ,
Lambert (2001), 14%, 27% and 66%.

from Fig. 18.4 that factors beyond body about half of the total sulphur amino acid
weight are influencing the efficiency of requirement, and cysteine supplied in
methionine use for gain. Although the largest amounts less than the cysteine requirement
cattle (Froidmont et al., 2000) had relatively can spare the animal’s need for methionine.
low efficiencies (Fig. 18.4), there was not a Thus, the total sulphur amino acid require-
strong relationship between body weight and ment is often considered as a sum of the
efficiency. Taken as a whole, these studies needs for methionine plus cysteine where the
would suggest that methionine is used less cysteine supply is less than half of this total.
efficiently for gain than predicted by the However, in cattle, supplemental cysteine has
Cornell Model (68–47% for cattle weighing not been found to effectively spare methion-
132–315 kg; Ainslie et al., 1993) and that ine (Campbell et al., 1997). Initial suggestions
maintenance requirements for methionine are were that methionine’s use in metabolic path-
lower than predicted by the Cornell Model. ways other than protein synthesis (e.g. methyl
Whether these relationships would be true for donation) may be important in explaining this
other amino acids is unclear; there simply are discrepancy, although studies with a similar
not enough empirical measures available to model (Löest, 1999) did not observe any spar-
make that determination. ing of methionine by betaine or choline,
Another factor to consider regarding the methyl group sources. Regardless of the rea-
utilization of methionine is the transsulphura- son, the lack of sparing of methionine by cys-
tion pathway and the use of methionine as a teine in cattle suggests that the methionine
source of cysteine (see Chapter 8). In mono- requirement should be considered indepen-
gastric animals, cysteine can be used to meet dent of the cysteine supply.
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 339

Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 339

Cornell model
Efficiency of methionine use (%) 60






100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Body weight (kg)

Fig. 18.4. Plot of observed efficiencies of utilization of supplemental methionine as related to body
weight. Key to symbols is as for Fig. 18.3. The line for the Cornell model provides estimates from Ainslie
et al. (1993).

Growth assays with cattle fed diets supply- ciency of use of metabolizable protein for gain
ing various amounts of metabolizable protein was 49%. These authors also provided esti-
also have been used to assess amino acid uti- mates of requirements for individual amino
lization. As a general rule, growth is reflective acids, which were calculated as the lowest sup-
of protein deposition because lean represents ply of the amino acid, across diets containing
a large portion of the total weight gain by the different protein sources, that yielded maxi-
animal. Fat deposition accounts for a large mum gains. However, these can be considered
portion of energy deposited, but because it is as only maximal estimates because the sup-
energy dense and has little water associated plies of all amino acids were altered by the
with it, it does not alter weight gain as dramati- supplementation of intact protein sources and
cally as protein. Wilkerson et al. (1993) sum- it is impossible to know which amino acid(s)
marized a number of growth assays in which were supplied in excess and which ones were
cattle responded to supplementation with actually limiting. Additionally, in these experi-
metabolizable protein by increasing their ments there was a strong correlation between
growth rate. The individual studies used basal energy supply and metabolizable protein sup-
diets containing little true protein, and the ply because protein supply was heavily depen-
microbial protein supply was insufficient to dent on ruminal microbial protein synthesis.
meet the animal’s needs (i.e. cattle fed only the Thus, the relationship between metabolizable
basal diets were deficient in metabolizable pro- protein supply and gain may have been influ-
tein). Across studies, weight gain was enced by energy intake.
regressed on metabolizable protein supply. Using growth assays similar to those
Maintenance requirements of 253 kg steers described above, Klemesrud et al. (2000a)
for metabolizable protein were estimated as evaluated the methionine and lysine require-
242 g day1, and for each kg of gain the cat- ments of growing steers. To evaluate methion-
tle required 305 g of additional metabolizable ine requirements, all steers were supplemented
protein. Assuming that gain for cattle in these with meat and bone meal, which contains low
trials contained 150 g kg1 protein, the effi- amounts of methionine, to ensure that only
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 340

340 E.C. Titgemeyer

methionine limited performance. Graded levels Concentrations of plasma amino acids in

of rumen-protected methionine were then sup- response to supplementation of graded levels
plemented. Growth of 251 kg steers was maxi- of a supplemental amino acid also have been
mal (0.39 kg day1) when 2.9 g day1 used to determine animal requirements. The
methionine was supplemented (total supply = concentration of an amino acid in blood should
11.6 g day1). Similarly, to evaluate lysine remain low and relatively constant when its
requirements, all steers were supplemented supply is less than its requirement and then
with maize gluten meal, which contains low increase in concentration when the supply is
amounts of lysine, to ensure that only lysine above the animal’s need (Bergen, 1979). Thus,
limited performance. Graded levels of rumen- the breakpoint can be used as an estimate of
protected lysine were then supplemented. the animal’s requirement. There are several dis-
Growth of 210 kg steers was maximal (0.56 kg advantages to this technique. It provides an
day1) when 0.9 g day1 lysine was supple- estimate of the animal’s requirement, but there
mented (total supply = 22.5 g day1). The is no clear measure of the performance level
impact of growth rate on amino acid needs can that corresponds to that requirement. More
be demonstrated by comparing the study by importantly, the procedure does not always
Klemesrud et al. (2000a) to that by Klemesrud yield estimates that match those based on mea-
et al. (2000b). In the latter study, steers (237 sures of lean deposition (N balance, Campbell
kg) were fed maize-based diets which allowed et al., 1997, Fig. 18.5; growth rate,
for much greater gains. During the initial 56 Klemesrud et al., 2000b, Fig. 18.6).
days of the growth assay, daily gains increased Several additional points should be made
in response to supplemental rumen-protected with reference to the use of plasma amino
lysine, with the maximal gain of 2.10 kg day1 acids for assessing animal requirements. The
occurring when supplemental lysine supply was use of plasma amino acid profiles in response
2.6 g day1 and total lysine supply was 40.5 g to supplementation of mixtures of amino acids
day1. The much greater requirement for the is unwise, because many factors are altered
more rapidly growing steers (40.5 vs. 22.5 g simultaneously and it is never clear if the
day1) demonstrates the energetic limitation on plasma responses relate to the supply of the
gain in the study by Klemesrud et al. (2000a) amino acid being investigated or to changes in
such that maximal protein deposition and, sub- the supply of other amino acids (either due to
sequently, amino acid requirements were lower. changes in protein deposition or amino acid

40 40
Nitrogen retention (g day–1)

Nitrogen balance 35
Plasma methionine (mM)


30 25

Plasma methionine 15

20 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Supplemental methionine (g day–1)

Fig. 18.5. Nitrogen retention and plasma methionine as functions of supplemental methionine in calves
(Campbell et al., 1997). The requirement was estimated to be 5.8 g day1 supplemental methionine
based on nitrogen balance, but only 2.0 g day1 based on plasma methionine responses.
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 341

Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 341

Gain 14


Plasma lysine (mg l–1)

Daily gain (kg day–1)


Plasma lysine 6

1.9 4

1.8 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Supplemental lysine (g day–1)
Fig. 18.6. Daily gain and plasma lysine as functions of supplemental lysine in calves (Klemesrud et al.,
2000b). Growth data are from the first 56 days of the trial, and blood samples were collected at the midpoint
of this period. The requirement was estimated to be 2.6 g day1 supplemental lysine based on gain, but
plasma lysine concentrations did not demonstrate a pattern that could be used for prediction of animal

metabolism). Also, the isomeric form of the microbial protein and an amino acid mixture
supplemental amino acid is important. supplying an additional 25% of all of the essen-
Although the unnatural D-isomer of methion- tial amino acids in the same profile as in micro-
ine can be used efficiently by growing calves bial protein. Individual amino acids were
for protein deposition (Campbell et al., 1996), subsequently removed from the supplement.
it leads to higher concentrations of plasma The primary advantage of this deletion
methionine than does the natural L-methionine approach is that responses could be measured
(Titgemeyer and Merchen, 1990; Campbell et to individual amino acids under conditions
al., 1996). Presumably, similar relationships where other essential amino acids were not lim-
would exist for isomers of other amino acids. iting. The most limiting amino acid in microbial
protein for growing lambs was clearly methion-
ine, and lysine, histidine and arginine were also
Amino Acid Utilization by Sheep found to be among the limiting amino acids.
Using a similar approach, Storm et al. (1983)
Amino acid utilization by growing sheep is reported that the efficiency with which truly
somewhat more difficult to assess than that by digested rumen microbial protein was used for
cattle because the impact of wool growth nitrogen retention was 66%. Clearly, this effi-
must be considered. Wool production repre- ciency of use of microbial N for growth would
sents an irreversible loss of amino acids which have been increased by supplementation with
might otherwise be used for tissue deposition. those amino acids found to be limiting.
Additionally, wool contains a high concentra- However, there are concerns that amino acid
tion of cysteine, and, as such, its production use is greater for intragastrically maintained
requires a large amount of sulphur amino lambs than normally fed sheep due to changes
acids, either as cysteine directly or as methio- in the gut as a result of the intragastric nutri-
nine for the production of cysteine. tion. In contrast to the efficiency of 66%
In a classic experiment, Storm and Ørskov observed by Storm et al. (1983) for intragastri-
(1984) determined which amino acids were cally maintained lambs, MacRae et al. (1995)
most limiting in ruminal microbial protein for observed efficiencies of use of total essential
growing lambs. The intragastrically maintained amino acids of 50–59% in lambs fed forage or
sheep were supplied with isolated ruminal a forage and barley diet.
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 342

342 E.C. Titgemeyer

A number of earlier studies considered sulphur amino acids generally are most limiting
which amino acids were most limiting for for wool growth by mature sheep fed forage-
growing lambs. Schelling and Hatfield (1968) based diets (Bird and Moir, 1972; Reis et al.,
observed that lambs fed a purified diet contain- 1973; Doyle, 1981; Liu et al., 2000). Wool
ing no true protein (580 g kg1 maize-starch, contains much higher concentrations of cys-
300 g kg1 cellulose, 43 g kg1 urea) were teine (98 g kg1 amino acids) than of methion-
most limited by the supply of lysine. In con- ine (6 g kg1 amino acids) (MacRae et al.,
trast, subsequent work with lambs fed a similar 1993), which suggests that cysteine would be
diet indicated that methionine was the most physiologically more important than methion-
limiting amino acid (Nimrick et al., 1970a). ine for improving wool growth. However,
The conclusion that methionine was more lim- methionine is capable of supplying cysteine via
iting than lysine was supported by additional transsulphuration, which in sheep can occur in
studies to quantify the methionine requirement various tissues including the skin (Chapter 17;
(Nimrick et al., 1970b). Similarly, for lambs Liu et al., 2000).
fed diets containing maize and hay, methion- Recently, Liu and Masters (2000) devel-
ine was observed to be the most limiting oped a model to predict the methionine and
amino acid (Schelling et al., 1973). Several cysteine requirements of sheep. Although the
points should be noted with regard to these model focuses on wool growth, several impor-
studies. First, the lambs had relatively low tant aspects relevant to growth are delineated.
growth rates; based on N retention, lambs For methionine, requirements were set as the
probably had body weight gains of less than amount deposited in wool and in body proteins
100 g day1. Second, the efficiency of utiliza- plus the amount oxidized. Methionine oxidation
tion of the supplemental methionine (increase was predicted as a function of whole-body
in methionine deposition/amount of methion- methionine flux, which was set as a function of
ine supplemented) by the lambs was low, being metabolizable protein intake. Cysteine require-
less than 20% based on the improvements in ments were similarly estimated except produc-
N retention and expected methionine content tion of cysteine from methionine via
of the gain. Third, in some of these studies, transsulphuration was subtracted from the
improvements in N retention were observed amount of absorbed cysteine required.
when glutamate was supplemented, which Transsulphuration of methionine to cysteine
suggests that non-specific N was limiting; was estimated as a function of methionine flux.
therefore, glutamate was supplemented to This model provides an excellent initial step in
lambs in some of the studies to ensure that its predicting animal requirements and does an
deficiency did not limit performance. excellent job of delineating some of the factors
More recent work with growing lambs that will impact amino acid utilization. The
(Matras et al., 2000) determined if methion- model appeared to be quite sensitive to the
ine and(or) lysine was limiting when lambs estimation of oxidation, which reflects either
were fed barley-based diets or diets based on the sensitivity of the model to this estimate or
maize and maize gluten meal. Nitrogen the inability of the model to predict oxidation
retention was improved about equally by with precision. The sensitivity of the model to
supplementation with lysine or methionine, estimates of oxidation would be expected
with responses being greater for lambs fed because absorbed methionine would either be
the maize-based diets. However, responses oxidized or deposited in either wool or the
to methionine and lysine in combination body. The partitioning of protein deposition
were not greater than those to either of the between wool and fleece-free body also
amino acids alone. Thus, it is not clear which appeared to be an important consideration in
amino acid was most limiting or why additive the prediction of allowable wool growth. With
or synergistic responses were not observed if regard to amino acid availability for growth, the
they were essentially co-limiting. As in the model points out the issue of prioritization of
earlier studies, growth rates of lambs were use. The model calculates that for sheep expe-
low in this study. riencing no change in body protein, 0.42 g
Numerous studies have demonstrated that day1 of wool will be produced, and that
Amino Acids - Chap 18 12/3/03 1:05 pm Page 343

Amino Acid Utilization by Ruminants 343

additional gains in protein deposition will be ruminal fermentation intervenes between the
divided with 31% occurring in the fleece and diet and the small intestine such that research
69% in the fleece-free body. If this partitioning on the topic is difficult and expensive. From
truly occurs, it would set definite limits on the one perspective, our lack of understanding
efficiency of amino acid use for tissue growth. has few practical consequences because the
The impact of this partitioning on efficiency of ruminal fermentation ensures that amino acid
use of different amino acids would depend on supply is rarely limiting under most current
the relative concentrations of the amino acid in agricultural practices.
wool and body proteins, but clearly would be Methionine is the most limiting amino
important for methionine utilization due to the acid in microbial protein for both growing cat-
high cysteine concentrations in wool. tle and sheep and, consequently, it has been
The model of Liu and Masters (2000) also studied more than the other amino acids.
addresses issues relevant to amino acid oxida- Methionine appears to be used relatively inef-
tion, which is the primary feature that impacts ficiently for growth by cattle and sheep. In cat-
the efficiency of amino acid use. Oxidation is a tle, this has been attributed to its importance
function of the amino acid flux, which in turn as a methyl group donor, whereas in sheep its
is dependent on dietary protein intake. Thus, role as a precursor for cysteine synthesis may
high producing animals (i.e. those absorbing be more important. Future work is needed to
large amounts of amino acids) will have a large validate these conclusions.
portion of the amino acids oxidized and, con- The study of amino acid utilization by
sequently, low efficiencies of amino acid use. ruminants may yield future rewards as pro-
Thus, efficiency of amino acid use is not a con- duction systems change. Leaner animals with
stant value. One apparent flaw in the model is greater capacity for protein deposition may
that all cysteine produced from transsulphura- have amino acid requirements that exceed
tion is assumed to contribute to whole-body the supply from typical diets. Certainly, the
cysteine flux, and, consequently, increases in responsiveness of cattle fed grass silages to
transsulphuration lead to increases in cysteine supplementation with sources of ruminally
oxidation. In sheep, a large portion of transsul- undegradable protein (Veira et al., 1988;
phuration appears to occur in the skin with uti- Nelson, 1997) would suggest that amino acid
lization of the resultant cysteine prior to its deficiencies are probable when diets contain
entry into the whole-body cysteine pool. The little true protein. Identification of factors
authors suggest that future modifications to the that influence amino acid utilization should
model will address this issue. improve models to predict amino acid use by

At the present time, knowledge about amino
acid utilization by ruminants is lacking. Our Contribution No. 02–225-B, Kansas Agric.
lack of knowledge arises primarily because Exp. Stn., Manhattan, KS 66506, USA.


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19 Mammary Uptake and Metabolism of

Amino Acids by Lactating Ruminants

B.J. Bequette1*, M.D. Hanigan2 and H. Lapierre3

1Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maryland, USA; 2Dairy Research Group, Purina Mills Inc., St Louis, Missouri, USA;
3Dairy and Swine R&D Research Centre, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada

Introduction nant nutrition. The large variety of feedstuffs

used, combined with the complex remodelling
Maximizing milk production has been the pri- by the rumen microflora of nutrients ingested,
mary goal of the dairy industry for many has made it a challenge to adequately predict
years. In recent years, the shift in the milk- availability of nutrient flows to the duodenum
marketing sector towards a milk component of ruminants, precluding a precise definition
pricing structure and the health concerns of of AA requirements.
the public, have placed greater emphasis on Each AA is an individual entity that is
producing milk with a high protein:fat ratio, required as such to synthesize proteins, yet
i.e. designer milk. At the same time, increased requirements are still expressed as ‘metaboliz-
environmental concerns over possible conta- able’ protein (MP), i.e. an aggregate of AA.
mination of the soil, waterways and air with Requirements take into account the nitrogen
nitrogen from manure has pressured the demands of the lactating animal for main-
industry to devise ways of reducing nitrogen tenance, including urinary endogenous, scurf
wastes. The lactating dairy cow is not particu- and metabolic faecal losses. The term also
larly efficient at converting dietary nitrogen considers nitrogen for productive processes
into milk nitrogen using current management such as for conceptus and tissue growth and
schemes (Table 19.1). Balancing the goals of lactation. In the NRC (2001) guidelines, the
environmental stewardship and maximum digestible essential AA component of MP
milk production with desirable composition derives from a rumen sub model. Although the
has proved to be a challenge. Most in the utilization of MP rather than crude protein
industry feel that these goals can be accom- (CP) is an improvement to prediction schemes,
plished through diet manipulation by assuring the lack of consistent observations of
that there is sufficient energy, and a proper responses to AA supplementation may reflect
pattern and supply of amino acids (AA). the inaccuracies in these schemes (Kohn et al.,
Although balancing diets for individual AA has 1998). One feature of present schemes that
been in place for decades in poultry and pig may account for some of the inaccuracy is the
production, the information needed for such use of a fixed efficiency (0.65–0.85 depending
an achievement is not yet available in rumi- on the feeding scheme) for converting

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 347
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348 B.J. Bequette et al.

Table 19.1. Efficiency of conversion of dietary crude protein to product crude protein by commercial
animal species under typical US management conditions.

Production Protein intake Protein produced Conversion

Production animal (yield, gain) (g day-1) (g day-1) %

Lactating dairy cowa 35 kg day-1 4230 1085 26

Growing beefb 1.36 kg day-1 1033 270 26
Growing pigc 325 g day-1 387 127 33
Growing broilerd 47.8 g day-1 19.3 8.59 45
Egg productione 300 eggs year-1 17.5 6.03 34
a31 g kg-1 milk protein, 23.5 kg dry matter intake day-1, 180 g dietary crude protein (CP) kg-1.
b300 kg body weight, liveweight gain comprised of 180 g CP kg-1, 8.2 kg dry matter intake day-1, 126.1 g
dietary crude protein kg-1 (NRC, 2000).
c50 kg body weight, 2.5 kg dry matter intake day-1, 155 g dietary CP kg-1 (NRC, 1998).
d0–7 weeks of age, mixed sex, 92 g feed intake day-1, 210 g dietary CP kg-1 (North and Bell, 1990),

liveweight gain comprising 180 g CP kg-1.

e300 eggs year-1, 7.25 g crude protein egg-1 (Fisher, 1994), 103 g feed intake day-1, 170 g dietary CP

kg-1 (North and Bell, 1990).

absorbed protein into milk protein. In the last 20 years, there has been con-
Postabsorptive metabolism of AA is essentially siderable research aimed at developing mecha-
considered an inflexible ‘black box’. Based on nistic models of postabsorptive metabolism
recent research, the NRC (2001) proposed a (Waghorn and Baldwin, 1984; Baldwin et al.,
refinement to the MP model and, based upon 1987; Danfaer, 1994; Hanigan and Baldwin,
empirically derived dose–response relation- 1994; Maas et al., 1997; Cherepanov et al.,
ships, the amounts of lysine and methionine 2000; Hanigan et al., 2001b). In theory,
required in MP to optimize milk protein pro- these efforts should complement rumen-based
duction are estimated. The ratio of 3:1 is modelling efforts such that resulting models
regarded as the optimal ratio of lysine to are better able to predict the pattern and sup-
methionine in MP. This adjustment is an ply of AA and energy substrates required to
improvement over previous schemes; how- optimize milk protein synthesis by the mam-
ever, it inherently limits the usefulness of the mary gland. This chapter will examine the cur-
scheme to diets where lysine and methionine rent state of knowledge of AA metabolism in
are limiting (e.g. maize-based diets). For exam- lactating ruminants (dairy cows and goats), the
ple, the scheme would be less accurate when metabolic adaptations in tissue protein and AA
grass silage diets are fed and where histidine metabolism that affect the quality and quantity
appears to be first-limiting (Vanhatalo et al., of AA reaching the mammary gland, and cur-
1999). Additionally, there appears to be some rent attempts to model these events, particu-
flexibility in mammary transport systems with larly at the level of the mammary gland.
respect to AA use (Hanigan et al., 2001a,
2002). Ideally, models of AA requirements
should represent this flexibility and more The Lactational Drive
essential AA. Current models generally require
the user to specify the desired level of produc- From 2 weeks precalving to 3 weeks postcalv-
tion (INRA, 1989; AFRC, 1993; NRC, 2001). ing, dry matter intake increases from 12 to 21
This constraint limits the models’ ability to pre- kg day-1. During this period, daily milk produc-
dict maximal levels of production from unlim- tion can increase to over 50 kg in well-man-
ited inputs. Increasing model complexity must aged herds. The drive to synthesize milk is
be carefully considered, however, to ensure tremendous, placing enormous metabolic and
that the desired level of accuracy is achieved physiological demands on the cow. For
with the minimal amount of added complexity. example, protein mass of the mammary gland
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 349

Uptake and Metabolism by Lactating Ruminants 349

increases 100-fold and the tissues of the a greater amount (35 vs. 25%) from reserves,
splanchnic bed (rumen, small and large and for a longer period of lactation, than low
intestines, liver) increase 11–28% in mass genetic merit cows (Wilson et al., 1988). In
prior to and soon after parturition. This later lactation, however, tissue sensitivity and
remodelling process can only be achieved substrate supply are altered such that the lac-
through major shifts in the metabolic priorities tating animal begins to repartition dietary AA
of the parturient cow. To maintain systemic to replete the protein stores, essentially the
balance, metabolic activity in other tissues equivalent amount of protein mobilized in early
must be reduced (downregulated) to allow pref- lactation. As the extent of protein mobilization
erential partition of absorbed nutrients to the changes throughout lactation and is influenced
mammary glands. Bauman and Currie (1980) by genetic make-up, the quality and quantity of
coined the term homeorhesis to describe coor- the AA required for milk protein synthesis will
dination of these metabolic processes. From a also vary. Future feeding schemes will need to
few days prior to parturition to the first 4–6 consider these metabolic adaptations and
weeks of lactation, the new metabolic demand genetic differences when setting guidelines for
imposes a new partition of AA from dietary the balance of AA required from MP.
and tissue protein stores. Thus, while activity
of the mammary gland increases, protein syn-
thesis in carcass, head, and feet decrease by Amino Acid Availability
18–21% (Champredon et al., 1990). In high-
producing cows, the situation is exacerbated, Absorptive metabolism
as protein intake is less than the demands for
milk protein output. The shortfall is made up In ruminants, the pattern of AA in the pro-
through mobilization of tissue protein stores. teins arriving at the duodenum differ substan-
On a daily basis, these stores can contribute tially from the dietary proteins ingested due to
from 90 to 430 g of AA in dairy cows (Gibb et extensive degradation and synthesis in the
al., 1992; Komaragiri and Erdman, 1997) and rumen by bacteria and protozoa (Table 19.2).
from 2 to 66 g of AA in dairy goats (Barnes One might predict that the ability to increase
and Brown, 1990). This is equivalent to an milk protein yield would be a simple function
extra 13 and 2 kg milk day-1 (maximally, of matching duodenal supply of individual AA
assuming 100% conversion to milk protein), with that required for milk synthesis. This can
respectively. Low versus high genetic merit be achieved either by increasing the microbial
cows differ in the proportion of endogenous protein synthesis and rumen outflow or by
reserves contributing to the pool of carbon for feeding rumen undegradable proteins that
casein synthesis with high merit cows deriving have a balanced AA composition with respect

Table 19.2. Profile (%) of essential amino acids in milk, rumen bacteria and protozoa, and plant and
animal feed proteins. (Adapted from NRC, 2001.)

Rumen Rumen Maize gluten Soybean

Amino acid Milk bacteria protozoa meal meal Fishmeal

Arginine 7.2 10.4 9.3 7.1 16.2 13.1

Histidine 5.5 4.2 3.6 4.7 6.1 6.4
Isoleucine 11.4 11.6 12.7 9.1 10.1 9.2
Leucine 19.5 15.9 15.8 37.2 17.2 16.2
Lysine 16.0 16.6 20.6 3.7 13.9 17.2
Methionine 5.5 5.1 4.2 5.2 3.2 6.3
Phenylalanine 10.0 10.1 10.7 14.1 11.6 9.0
Threonine 8.9 11.4 10.5 7.5 8.7 9.4
Tryptophan 3.0 2.7 2.8 1.2 2.8 2.4
Valine 13.0 12.4 9.7 10.3 10.2 10.8
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 350

350 B.J. Bequette et al.

to milk protein. Although simple, this concept Is there any indication that the gut oxi-
implies two major assumptions. First, that the dizes essential AA? Direct measurements of
duodenal flow of AA is adequately predicted. AA catabolism across the ruminant gut are
The flow of AA to the duodenum is a com- scarce. In ruminants, catabolism of most of
plex mixture of microbial protein, rumen the essential AA is believed to be restricted
undegradable feed proteins and endogenous mainly to the liver and kidney, except for the
proteins (NRC, 2001). Recent schemes have branched-chain AA (isoleucine, leucine and
been refined to provide duodenal flow of valine) for which the catabolic enzymes are
essential AA (CNCPS, 2000; NRC, 2001). widely distributed in ruminant tissues
However, the accuracy of such predictions is (Goodwin et al., 1987). Measurement of AA
critically dependent on knowledge of the oxidation by the gut of dairy cows has been
chemical composition of dietary ingredients, limited to leucine, and here 16–24% of
which is usually not available on a regular absorbed leucine was oxidized (Lapierre et al.,
basis. The second assumption is that the AA 1999). Preliminary data in growing sheep
profile at the site of absorption reflects the indicate that gut oxidation of lysine, methion-
profile delivered to the mammary gland. As ine, and phenylalanine accounted for 29%,
we will demonstrate below, this is almost 7% and 5%, respectively, of whole body oxi-
never the case. dation of these AA (Lobley and Lapierre,
In the first instance, the AA profile of 2001). Those estimates were based on mea-
intestinal outflow is altered, even before surement of arterial-derived AA and did not
reaching the blood circulation. During passage include an estimate of oxidation of AA derived
across the intestinal wall, AA can be incorpo- from the gut lumen (i.e. during absorption). In
rated into intestinal proteins (constitutive or the pig, oxidation of systemic (arterial) lysine
secretions) or catabolized by the tissues. In and threonine are negligible, although there
addition, bacteria in the small intestine can was catabolism of luminal-derived lysine that
degrade them. Although the gastrointestinal accounted for 30% of whole-body lysine oxi-
tract comprises only 4–8% of whole body pro- dation (van Goudoever et al., 2000).
tein mass, protein synthesis by these tissues In addition to these direct measurements,
accounts for 20–35% of whole body protein some clues to AA metabolism across the gut
synthesis in ruminants (Lobley et al., 1980; can be gleaned by interpretation of the ratio of
Lapierre et al., 1999). In growing sheep, AA disappearing from the small intestine (differ-
small intestinal use of luminal-derived essential ence between ileal and duodenal flows) to that
AA for protein synthesis and catabolism appearing from the mesenteric-drained viscera
ranges from 17% for valine to 39% for histi- (MDV: blood draining only the small intestine)
dine (MacRae et al., 1997a). Total use of AA and from the portal-drained viscera (PDV: drain-
by the whole gut is even greater with more ing the whole gut). The gastrointestinal vascular
than 80% of essential AA (except phenylala- drainage system in ruminants is complex, how-
nine and histidine) derived from the blood cir- ever, and this may give rise to a confused pic-
culation (MacRae et al., 1997a). Does this ture of AA catabolism when the disappearance
high activity lead to catabolism of AA across across the small intestine and mesenteric or
the gut wall and reduce net supply of AA to portal fluxes are measured in isolation. Only a
other tissues? For non-essential AA, there are few studies are available where these have been
clear indications that catabolism occurs across measured simultaneously (e.g. sheep, MacRae
the gut wall. Stoll et al. (1999) calculated that et al., 1997b; dairy cows, Berthiaume et al.,
70% of the CO2 produced by the pig gut was 2001). In both species, recoveries in the MDV
derived from oxidation of AA, primarily from of most essential AA (EAA) disappearing from
glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. Negative the small intestines are close to 100% or even
net fluxes across the mesenteric-drained vis- greater (Table 19.3). Those data seemed to sug-
cera would also indicate substantial catabolism gest that catabolism of AA across the intestine
of glutamine in sheep (Gate et al., 1999), and wall did not occur. However, substantial secre-
of aspartate and glutamate in dairy cows tions from the pancreas and gall bladder (bile)
(Berthiaume et al., 2001). are secreted into the small intestines beyond
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 351

Uptake and Metabolism by Lactating Ruminants 351

Table 19.3. Relative net fluxes of amino acids across the mesenteric-drained
viscera (MDV), the portal-drained viscera (PDV) and small intestinal disappearance
(SID) in sheep and dairy cows.

Sheepa Dairy cowb


Histidine – – 1.27 0.75

Isoleucine 1.11 0.55 1.02 0.61
Leucine 1.02 0.64 0.92 0.68
Lysine 1.03 0.56 0.76 0.72
Methionine – – 1.01 0.66
Phenylalanine 1.12 0.68 1.00 0.76
Threonine 0.85 0.69 1.15 0.38
Valine 0.76 0.57 1.11 0.46
aFrom MacRae et al. (1997b).
bFrom Berthiaume et al. (2001).

cannula placement and are reabsorbed before nitrogen flow (Larsen et al., 2000; Ouellet et
reaching the ileum. This will not affect net al., 2002). These secretions, therefore, could
apparent disappearance in the small intestine, account for a large fraction of the ‘apparent
but as the AA necessary for this purpose are loss’ of AA (25–45%) between the PDV and
partly extracted from the non-MDV blood sup- MDV net fluxes.
ply, these endogenous secretions will add ‘extra’ Does this flow of endogenous protein
AA to the MDV net flux. Therefore, the high into the gut lumen result in preferential net
recovery of AA into the MDV relative to small use (loss) of specific AA? When the relative
intestinal disappearance does not suggest, but disappearance of essential AA across the
would not preclude, any catabolism of AA small intestines was compared with PDV
across the small intestine. appearance in dairy cows, there were propor-
Further information can be gained from tionally greater losses of valine and threonine
the ratio of AA flows at the PDV (a mix of (Berthiaume et al., 2001). Similarly, numeri-
MDV flow and those from the forestomachs cal decreases have been observed for threo-
and hind gut) compared to the MDV (only the nine and valine in sheep (Remond et al.,
small intestines). The net flows of AA from 2000). In cattle fed grass pellets, threonine
the PDV average only 55–75% of MDV flows represented a lower proportion (relative to
(Table 19.3; Seal and Parker, 1996; MacRae leucine) in both the MDV and the PDV net
et al., 1997b; Berthiaume et al., 2001). appearances when compared to rumen micro-
There are two possible explanations for this bial protein (Seal and Parker, 1996). Intestinal
apparent loss of EAA from the MDV to the secretions are dominated by mucopolysaccha-
PDV. The first involves catabolism of EAA by rides, which are rich in threonine and valine
the digestive tissues, excluding the small (Mukkur et al., 1985). Mucins tend to be
intestines, and the second involves a complex poorly reabsorbed (Tamminga et al., 1995),
loop of endogenous protein secretion and thus further distorting the pattern of essential
reabsorption. The limited data seem to sug- AA available to the animal.
gest that most EAA, with the exception of the It is clear that gut metabolism has a sig-
branched-chained AA and perhaps lysine nificant impact on the availability of non-
(Lobley and Lapierre, 2001), are not oxidized essential AA to the animal. The situation is
across the ruminant gut. On the other hand, less clear for essential AA, although catabo-
endogenous secretions measured at the duo- lism of certain AA (including branched-chain
denum, originating from saliva, gastric juices AA) cannot be ignored nor the impact of
and sloughed off epithelial cells (Tamminga et endogenous secretions on the pattern of AA
al., 1995), represent 15–25% of duodenal supplied into blood circulation.
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 352

352 B.J. Bequette et al.

Hepatic metabolism gen potentially lost as urea. These three meta-

bolic functions must be coordinated in such a
Having traversed the complexity of the gut, way that the supply of AA to peripheral tis-
AA absorbed into the portal vein flow to the sues is adequate, yet AA concentrations in
liver where they may be subjected to further plasma do not rise to toxic levels. The com-
metabolism. The liver is equally metabolically plexity of this process, so vital for maintaining
active as the gut, accounting for 25% of metabolic plasticity, may come at a price that
whole body oxygen consumption, even might involve obligatory losses through
though the liver represents only 2% of body hepatic oxidation.
weight (Huntington and Reynolds, 1987). In There have been a limited number of
dairy cows, up to 2000 l h-1 of blood passes studies on hepatic AA removal in dairy cows.
through the liver (Reynolds et al., 1988). The In dairy cows, and in ruminants in general,
liver serves a critical role in maintaining AA the amounts removed, in both absolute and
homeostasis and in the detoxification of large proportional terms, vary widely across studies.
quantities of ammonia absorbed from the gut. In one of the first studies in dairy cows (32 kg
There are three options when AA are pre- milk day-1), Reynolds et al. (1988) estimated
sented to the liver (Fig. 19.1). First, AA may that the liver removed 42% of total AA
passage directly through and become available absorbed from the PDV (measured as -
to peripheral tissues. Second, AA may be amino-N). Based on measurement of individ-
extracted for synthesis of proteins, constitutive ual AA, Berthiaume (2000) estimated in cows
of liver matrix or exported as plasma proteins. producing 33 kg milk day-1 that the liver
Or, third, AA may be oxidized with the nitro- removed 23% of the absorbed AA and in

Small intestines
Leu 0–16%
Phe 7–31% (to Tyr) tissues

amino acids Liver

Export proteins
9–21% of liver Uptake
protein synthesis metabolized
Leu 3–34%
Endogenous losses Casein from Phe 3–5%
Leu 4–8% peptides Met 0–10%
Phe 4–7% Phe 3–25% Lys 16–34%
Lys 4–18%
Met 0–17%
Leu 0–10%
Milk protein
Tyr 13–25%
50–90% of
absorbed AA
Fig. 19.1. Summary of studies in lactating dairy cows and goats where the metabolic fates and partition
of amino acids were monitored by tracer kinetics in vivo. Data taken from studies in lactating goats (Oddy
et al., 1988; Bequette et al., 1994, 1996a, 1999, 2002; Backwell et al., 1996; Lee et al., 1996; Mabjeesh
et al., 2000) and cows (Bequette et al., 1996b; France et al., 1999; Larsen et al., 2000; Reynolds et al.,
2000, 2001). Abbreviations: AA, amino acids; Leu, leucine; Lys, lysine; Met, methionine; Phe,
phenylalanine; Tyr, tyrosine.
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 353

Uptake and Metabolism by Lactating Ruminants 353

cows producing 16.8 kg milk day-1 Blouin et vehicles to specific tissues has yet to be deter-
al. (2002) observed that the liver removed mined. It is very likely that they are significant
34%. For essential AA, although rates of sources of AA for protein synthesis. For
removal vary from study to study, there are example, uptake of plasma proteins by the
some common features. For example, only a mammary gland may account for the short-
small proportion (0–30%) of absorbed falls in blood free AA uptake by the gland of
branched-chain AA (leucine, valine and histidine and phenylalanine (see below).
isoleucine) is removed across the liver in non- On average, liver extraction of non-
lactating cows whereas in lactating cows there essential AA is higher than for essential AA,
is a net liver release of these (Table 19.4). and this higher extraction is related to the
Catabolism of the branched-chain AA occurs metabolic functions of some non-essential
in two steps with, in ruminants, transamina- AA. For example, glutamine and alanine are
tion occurring mainly in non-hepatic tissues used by the liver for gluconeogenesis and they
and oxidation of the corresponding keto-acid act as shuttles of NH3 and amino groups
occurring mainly in the liver (Fig. 19.1). between peripheral tissues and the liver
Lobley (1992) suggested that this division of (Bergman and Pell, 1985).
branched-chain AA (particularly leucine) Although regulation of hepatic removal
catabolism might allow them to act as signals and oxidation of AA is still not understood,
of nutrient intake and adequacy through coor- there must be coordination between the
dination of nutrient- and hormone-mediated demand by peripheral tissues and hepatic
peripheral tissue protein turnover. In contrast removal of AA. For example, abomasal infu-
to the branched-chain AA, the liver removes sion of casein in steers increased the hepatic
substantial amounts of absorbed histidine, removal of AA whereas concomitant adminis-
methionine and phenylalanine, both in lactat- tration of somatotropin increased N retention
ing and non-lactating dairy cows (Table 19.4). in peripheral tissues by decreasing hepatic
Removal of AA by the liver, however, does removal of AA (Bruckental et al., 1997). A
not equate to oxidation. Synthesis of plasma similar relationship exists when comparing the
proteins may reach 155 g day-1 in the dairy non-lactating versus the lactating dairy cow.
cow, representing 10–20% of hepatic Hepatic removal of AA is much lower in lac-
removal of phenylalanine (Raggio et al., tating cows (Berthiaume, 2000; Blouin et al.,
2002). Unfortunately, due to technical con- 2002) whereas in non-lactating cows (Wray-
straints, the metabolic fate of the liver export Cahen et al., 1997; Table 19.4) removal is
proteins and whether these serve as nutrient much higher. The control of hepatic removal

Table 19.4. Proportion of net portal absorption of amino

acids removed by the liver in non-lactating and lactating
dairy cows.

Amino acid Non-lactating cowsa Lactating cowb

Histidine 0.57 0.28

Isoleucine 0.41 n.r.c
Leucine 0.01 n.r.c
Lysine 0.16 0.06d
Methionine 0.70 0.43
Phenylalanine 0.67 0.50
Threonine 0.72 0.11
Valine 0.12 n.r.c
aFrom Wray-Cahen et al. (1997), basal periods.
bFrom Blouin et al. (2002) and Berthiaume (2000).
cNet removal by the liver zero.
dData only from Blouin et al. (2002).
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354 B.J. Bequette et al.

of essential AA seems to be under tight con- efficiency of converting the extracted essential
trol because the postliver supply of histidine, AA into milk protein was also reduced consid-
methionine, and phenylalanine is nearly equal erably (from 0.88 to 0.49) with nearly all AA
to their net mammary uptake and secretion extracted far in excess of net requirements for
into milk protein (Lobley and Lapierre, 2001). milk protein synthesis. These observations
Catabolism of these AA is believed to occur underscore the importance of understanding
mainly in the liver (see Fig. 19.1 for phenyl- the mechanisms regulating AA metabolism by
alanine), but the question still remains: Does mammary secretory cells.
the liver extract AA in excess of peripheral
needs or does the mammary gland use what is
left-over by the liver, i.e. is it a ‘push’ or a Mammary amino acid transport systems
‘pull’ mechanism?
Many questions still need to be answered The AA transporters expressed by mammary
with regards to AA metabolism across the tissue do not appear to be unique to the
liver, but one thing is certain, hepatic metabo- organ (Baumrucker, 1984, 1985). Although
lism differs greatly among AA and it alters mammary transporters have not all been com-
both the quantity and the profile of AA deliv- pletely characterized in bovine mammary tis-
ered to the peripheral tissues, including the sue, they have been characterized in other
mammary gland. species (see Shennan, 1998) or in other cell
types (see Christensen, 1990). These trans-
porters exhibit saturation kinetics; however
Amino Acid Supply and Mammary there is a non-saturable component that is
Uptake thought to represent diffusion. Maximal veloc-
ity of the saturable element is achieved at con-
If one accepts the view that non-mammary use centrations that greatly exceed the in vivo
of AA is a function of mammary use, then it range such that within the normal in vivo
becomes critical to understand what regulates concentration range uptake kinetics are gen-
mammary removal and use. Net removal of AA erally linear. Transport of AA under normal
by the udder has often been correlated with physiological conditions, therefore, would
arterial concentrations of AA (e.g. Hanigan et appear to be limited by substrate concentra-
al., 1992; Guinard and Rulquin, 1994). tion and transporter capacity. That is, a
However, this relation has not always been change in either the number of transporters
observed. For example, when dairy cows were (or the activity of expressed transporters) or in
fed three levels of crude protein and where the concentration of AA at the cell surface
milk protein yield increased by 50 g day-1 should result in a corresponding change in
(Metcalf et al., 1996), mammary uptakes of unidirectional removal of the AA.
only lysine and valine increased, despite the Transport of AA across the cell membrane
fact that concentrations of most essential AA, is bi-directional (Baumrucker, 1984, 1985).
except for methionine, phenylalanine and thre- Efflux from mammary tissue (cells) appears to
onine, were increased by infusion. be driven by intracellular concentrations
The intragastric infusion studies of (Bequette et al., 2000) although this has not
Rulquin and colleagues are among the few been well examined in vivo. If influx and efflux
studies that have allowed a comparison of the rates are concentration dependent, then fluctua-
partition and utilization by the mammary tions in intracellular and extracellular concentra-
gland of controlled known rates of AA supply. tions modulate net transport. It has also been
Total removal of essential AA by the mam- observed that transport activity is regulated by
mary gland increased in response to incre- intracellular concentration of AA (Christensen,
mental duodenal infusions of casein, although 1990), possibly through regulation of protein
marginal removals of the essential AA translation by uncharged tRNA (Iiboshi et al.,
declined from 0.81 of the casein infused at 1999). This mechanism potentially provides a
the lowest rate to 0.50 at the highest level of link between the rate of intracellular milk pro-
infusion (Guinard and Rulquin, 1994). The tein synthesis and regulation of AA uptake.
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Uptake and Metabolism by Lactating Ruminants 355

In mammary tissues, AA are concen- essential AA synthesis (Hanigan and Baldwin,

trated within the intracellular pool relative to 1994; Hanigan et al., 2001b). By contrast,
the plasma compartment (Clark et al., 1980). phenylalanine, methionine, threonine and his-
An energy source is required to establish and tidine have been consistently observed to be
maintain this concentration gradient. Several extracted in amounts less than milk protein
transporters use Na+ as an exchange mole- outputs (Mepham, 1982; Guinard and
cule, taking advantage of the concentration Rulquin, 1994; Metcalf et al., 1996; Bequette
gradient of Na+ maintained by Na+/K+- et al., 1999). Early observations by Mepham
ATPase activity (Baumrucker, 1985). The L- and Linzell (1966) and Bickerstaffe et al.
system, in turn, takes advantage of the AA (1974) suggested that circulating blood free
concentration gradient maintained by the AA were the principal sources of AA for
Na+-transporters by counterexchanging intra- casein synthesis. More recently, however,
cellular AA for extracellular AA (for review see studies in vivo and in vitro seem to support
Baumrucker, 1985). As each transporter gen- the view that the deficiency of free AA uptake
erally has affinity for more than one AA, is made-up from extraction of non-free AA
there is potential for antagonism among AA sources (i.e. peptides or proteins: Backwell et
wherein elevated concentrations of one AA al., 1994; Bequette et al., 1994, 1999).
inhibit transport of other AA. However, most Despite the simplicity of the net uptake
AA can be transported by more than one to milk output measurement, there are com-
transporter (Baumrucker, 1985; Shennan, pounding errors associated with measurement
1998), and so this potential antagonism is of mammary blood flow, arteriovenous con-
probably partially negated. Additionally, it centration differences and milk protein output
would seem that the ability to regulate trans- (for reviews see Mepham, 1982; Bequette et
porter activity and the presence of multiple al., 1998) that add variability to the mammary
transporter types would tend to mitigate not balance data. In order to reduce these errors
only antagonisms but also deficiencies in a and acquire more reliable estimates of free
single AA (Bequette et al., 2000). AA removal by the mammary gland, the arte-
riovenous difference methodology has been
improved (Bequette et al., 1999; Mabjeesh et
al., 2000). These authors surgically ligated
Mammary metabolism of amino acids
venous and arterial vessels that may con-
tribute non-mammary derived AA, and blood
Precursors for milk protein synthesis
was withdrawn as integrated samples over 1-
The arteriovenous net balance technique has hour periods to coincide with the integrated
been used to monitor mammary uptake of milk protein yield and blood flow measure-
AA. The ratio of AA removal to milk protein ments. Even when these measures were
secretion has been used to indicate limiting applied, net uptake of methionine and pheny-
AA. Based on this comparison, it would lalanine were less then required.
appear that valine, leucine, isoleucine, argi- Direct quantification of peptides in the
nine, lysine and threonine are not limiting circulation has proved difficult to assess.
since their extractions generally exceed milk Crude methodologies have been employed
protein outputs. In vivo data have demon- based on deproteinization of plasma, molecu-
strated that leucine and lysine, which are lar-weight exclusion followed by acid hydroly-
extracted in excess, can be oxidized by the sis of the resulting peptide fractions, and
udder (Fig. 19.1; Oddy et al., 1988; Bequette comparison of the plasma free and liberated
et al., 1996a,b; Mabjeesh et al., 2000). AA contents. These techniques are limited in
Thus, a portion of the carbon arising from accuracy and reproducibly, and require very
these AA is unavailable for synthesis of non- sensitive quantification of AA by ion-exchange
essential AA, which for the most part are not or other AA analysis instrumentation (i.e. 1–3
extracted in adequate quantities. The amino- M arteriovenous difference). By using this
group is largely available and appears to be technique, the arteriovenous difference across
adequate or nearly adequate to cover non- the mammary gland of AA in the plasma pep-
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 356

356 B.J. Bequette et al.

tide fraction (1500 Da) was found to be Metabolism and roles of amino acids
positive and small for histidine, alanine,
leucine, proline and phenylalanine (Backwell It has long-been recognized that the mam-
et al., 1996). More compelling evidence mary gland is a site of extensive synthesis and
derives from studies in vitro where replace- degradation of AA. Tracer studies with the
ment of free lysine or methionine with pep- perfused mammary gland (Verbeke et al.,
tides containing these AA either maintained 1968, 1972; Roets et al., 1974), tissue
or increased milk protein synthesis by cultured explants and cell culture systems (Jorgensen
mouse mammary tissue explants (Wang et al., and Larson, 1968) have been instrumental in
1994, 1996; Pan et al., 1996). identifying many of the metabolic transforma-
Stable isotope-labelling techniques have tions of AA. These pathways are the same,
also been used to indirectly demonstrate that or very similar, to pathways that occur in
the mammary gland in vivo can use synthetic other tissues. However, these may be more
dipeptides for casein synthesis (Backwell et al., prominent for the mammary gland with net
1994) and that the contribution of peptides to uptake of non-essential AA by the udder far
casein synthesis is probably significant less than required for milk protein synthesis,
(Bequette et al., 1994, 1999; Backwell et al., compared to muscle tissue where a stoichio-
1996; Mabjeesh et al., 2000). By infusing 13C- metric relationship mostly exists. In recent
labelled glycylphenylalanine and glycyl-leucine years, a wider range of radio- and stable-iso-
close-arterial to the mammary gland of goats, tope labelled AA has become available at an
Backwell et al. (1994) found greater (10–20%) affordable price, which has led to a number
incorporation of phenylalanine and leucine of metabolic studies on the lactating cow and
derived from the dipeptides than from the goat mammary gland in vivo (see Fig. 19.1).
peripherally infused free form of the AA. By Traditionally, AA and their metabolism have
employing the precursor–product labelling been categorized according to the balance
methodology in lactating goats (days 45–253), between net arteriovenous uptake and milk
peptides were found to contribute 0–20% of casein-AA output. Excess uptake is assumed
phenylalanine, 13–25% of tyrosine, and to represent catabolism, and, for this reason,
0–18% of methionine in casein (Fig. 19.1, those AA taken up in excess are usually not
Bequette et al., 1994, 1999; Backwell et al., considered to be limiting for milk protein syn-
1996). Peptides were also found to contribute thesis. This point has also been argued on
to the uptakes of lysine (4–16%) and variable the basis that the Km values for activation of
(0–15%) amounts to leucine (Mabjeesh et al., acyl-tRNA synthetases are 100-fold lower
2000), which seems surprising since these AA than those for catabolic enzymes (1 ¥ 10-6
are almost always extracted in excess. Chen et vs. 1 ¥ 10-4; Rogers, 1976) and, therefore,
al. (1999) measured the mRNA abundance of catabolism should only proceed once the
the peptide transporter PepT1 in tissues from acyl-tRNA have become fully charged
lactating cows and, although the sheep probe (DePeters and Cant, 1992). This argument
hybridized to mRNA in the gastrointestinal tis- assumes that none of the products of AA
sues, no hybridization occurred in the mam- catabolism serve as rate-limiting substrates or
mary gland. However, close inspection of the regulators for protein synthesis. It also
data from Backwell et al. (1994) suggests that assumes homogeneity of intracellular concen-
the peptides may have also been hydrolysed at trations, particularly at the sites of tRNA
the cell surface to free AA prior to uptake. This loading and AA degradation, which may not
mechanism appears to be compatible with be the case.
amino-peptidase N expression in mammary tis- Leucine, valine, and isoleucine are catab-
sue of lactating goats (Mabjeesh et al., 2001). olized by mammary cells along pathways
Future research will need to examine peptide found in other tissues to yield organic acids
use by the udder in more detail to determine (keto and iso acids, propionate, acetate and
whether peptide use is a significant physiologi- citrate), carbon skeletons for non-essential AA
cal phenomenon, and one that can be manipu- synthesis, and CO2 (Chapter 4). The first
lated to increase milk protein synthesis. reaction of the branched-chain AA catabolic
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Uptake and Metabolism by Lactating Ruminants 357

pathway involves transamination (Fig. 4.13). by the udder. From 16 to 34% of lysine is oxi-
Substantial transamination of branched-chain dized by the mammary gland of lactating
AA occurs in the mammary gland of the goat goats (Mabjeeshet et al., 2000), and further-
where reamination of the keto acid represents more, levels of oxidation are higher in late
20–50% of leucine (Bequette et al., 2002) than in early lactating animals, similar to
and 10% of valine (Roets et al., 1974) flux. In observations for leucine (Oddy et al., 1988).
theory, the supply of these AA to the udder Lysine is ketogenic (Fig. 4.14), but it is not
can be supplemented by removal of the known whether its oxidation by the udder
branched-chain keto acids from blood; how- serves to provide ketogenic substrate.
ever, net fluxes of the keto acid of leucine rep- Along with lysine, methionine is often
resent 3% of leucine net flux (Bequette et considered to be one of the limiting AA of
al., 1996b). The second, rate-limiting step is maize-based rations, particularly when heated
decarboxylation of the respective keto acid, soybeans make up most of the protein source.
catalysed by the branched-chain keto acid In addition to incorporation into protein,
dehydrogenase (EC This dehydroge- methionine is involved in multiple pathways
nase is shared by all branched-chain AA and leading to synthesis of phospholipids, carni-
methionine (Harper et al., 1984). Regulation tine, creatine (Fig. 4.8) and polyamines (Fig.
of branched-chain keto acid dehydrogenase is 4.3). At the same time, methionine provides
dependent on phosphorylation status. When methyl groups for a number of transmethyla-
insulin levels or tissue sensitivity are high or tion reactions involved in regulation of DNA
when branched-chain AA concentrations are activity and oncogene status, and it provides
low (Randle et al., 1984), the enzyme is inac- sulphur for cysteine synthesis. In goats, 28%
tive (phosphorylated) and catabolism is inhib- of the methionine methyl group contributes to
ited. In lactating goats, insulin depresses the plasma choline pool, and 10% is irre-
mammary leucine oxidation and transamina- versibly lost through oxidation (Emmanuel and
tion, but this appears to be overridden by Kelly, 1984). One consequence of this catab-
arterial leucine supply (Bequette et al., 2002). olism is the synthesis of cysteine. In the goat
Net catabolism of the branched-chain AA udder, 10% of methionine-sulphur contributes
results in a contribution of amino-groups to to cysteine synthesis (Lee et al., 1996).
non-essential AA synthesis. Attempts to increase milk protein yield by
Oxidation of leucine by the udder is lower increasing the supply of methionine by addi-
(0.08 vs. 0.34 of leucine uptake) in early lacta- tion of rumen-protected methionine have
tion goats yielding 4.3 kg milk day-1 than in given mixed results. One side effect of provid-
late lactation goats yielding 1.5 kg milk day-1 ing excess methionine is that it is one of the
(Oddy et al., 1988). In the dairy cow, both the most toxic AA. As an alternative, 4-
fractional (0.047 vs. 0.136) and absolute (5 thiomethyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid (HMB), the
vs.18 g leucine day-1) rates of leucine oxida- hydroxy analogue of methionine, has been
tion are increased by dietary protein supple- considered. The HMB does not appear to be
mentation (Bequette et al., 1996b). These toxic and since it has no known mammalian
studies suggest an inverse relationship between transporter it readily diffuses into tissues. The
milk protein output and leucine catabolism. analogue does not appear to be removed by
This association was dismissed by Bequette et the gut and liver tissues to the same extent as
al. (1996a) when they showed that leucine methionine, and several tissues in growing
oxidation could be reduced (20% vs. 3%) sub- sheep are able to convert HMB into methion-
stantially without affecting milk protein synthe- ine via transamination (Wester et al., 2000).
sis. A more tenable relationship may be one In dairy cows, 20% of methionine in casein
where AA oxidation is a function of the differ- was derived from HMB when infused (Lobley
ential between supply and demand. and Lapierre, 2001).
Although lysine is often thought to be Arginine is extracted in the greatest
first- or second-limiting on most maize-based quantities relative to milk protein outputs
dairy rations, lysine presents an anomaly (150–200% in excess). Arginine has other
because it is almost always taken up in excess metabolic functions in addition to being a
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 358

358 B.J. Bequette et al.

precursor for protein synthesis. Recently, its size casein suggested that sufficient tyrosine
role as a precursor of nitric oxide (Reaction could be generated from phenylalanine via the
[4.11]) has received attention because of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (EC
potential role of nitric oxide in regulating pathway (Chapter 4) (Jorgensen and Larson,
mammary tissue nutrient perfusion (Lacasse 1968). Studies with perfused sheep udder
et al., 1996). Mammary vascular endothelial estimated that 10% of casein-tyrosine could
cells and the epithelium lining alveoli and be derived via phenylalanine hydroxylation
ducts exhibit nitric oxide synthase III (Verbeke et al., 1972). Recent tracer studies
(EC activity. Thus, secretory cells in lactating goats (Bequette et al., 1999) have
may be capable of regulating their own local estimated that 5–9% of phenylalanine is con-
nutrient environment by altering arginine verted into tyrosine. On a whole body basis,
catabolism. The mammary gland possesses a however, 10–18% of phenylalanine is con-
partial urea cycle where an intermediary role verted into tyrosine, most of this probably
for arginine and other intermediates occurring in the liver. In the whole body and
(ornithine, citrulline) of the cycle may be the mammary gland, this conversion was
important in mammary function. In rat mam- increased by phenylalanine supply.
mary tissue, arginase (EC, which
hydrolyses arginine to form ornithine and
urea (Fig. 4.2), increases threefold in activity The Limiting Amino Acid Concept
in lactation (Jenkinson and Grigor, 1996). and Modelling
The activity of this pathway may be important
for the synthesis of proline. In the sheep and It is not clear whether the relationship
goat udder, citrulline, arginine and ornithine between AA supply and protein synthesis is
contribute ~20% to casein-proline synthesis simply a substrate effect or a reflection of
(Verbeke et al., 1968; Roets et al., 1974). regulatory events. Although acyl-tRNA are
This pathway may serve to provide an alter- normally saturated in other tissues at prevail-
native and perhaps critical supply of proline, ing intracellular AA concentrations (Shenoy
an AA that is typically not extracted in ade- and Rogers, 1978), the same does not
quate quantities for casein synthesis. The syn- appear to be the case for the udder (Elska et
thesis of proline from arginine may be al., 1971). If the tRNA-acylating enzymes
inherently limited, however. In bovine mam- are not saturated with AA under normal con-
mary tissue, the key enzyme in this pathway, ditions, then provision of additional AA
ornithine--transferase (EC, has a should result in an increase in acylated-tRNA
high Km (8.4 mM), which would require high concentrations and more efficient rates of
intracellular concentrations of ornithine to mRNA translation. Given that all 20 AA are
maintain maximal rates of conversion through required to synthesize milk protein, limita-
this pathway (Basch et al., 1995). tions may occur simultaneously for any of a
Alternatively, the requirement for de novo number of amino acylated-tRNA, e.g. when
synthesis of proline may restrict the availabil- an AA is at less than saturating concentra-
ity of arginine for other functions (e.g. tions the ribosome may ‘hesitate’ slightly at
polyamine synthesis). None the less, evidence each codon specifying the AA.
in vitro (Harduf et al., 1985) and in vivo Consequently, the relative deficiency and the
(dairy cows; Bruckental et al., 1991) seem to number of moles of that particular AA
suggest that there may be constraints either in required to synthesize a mole of milk protein
mammary intracellular arginine supply or in would determine the substrate response
the conversion of arginine into proline. when the deficiency is alleviated. The impli-
Unfortunately, since the report by Bruckental cations are that multiple AA may be rate lim-
et al. (1991), there have been no follow-up iting for milk protein synthesis at any one
studies to confirm their observed responses in time. This is at odds with the traditional defi-
milk production to supplemental proline. nition and use of the term ‘nutritionally limit-
Observations that cultured bovine mam- ing AA’ where only one AA can be limiting.
mary tissues do not require tyrosine to synthe- The multiple AA concept is consistent with
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 359

Uptake and Metabolism by Lactating Ruminants 359

the observations by Clark et al. (1978), Maas et al., 1997) or of AA supply in aggre-
wherein responses to three different AAs gate (Baldwin et al., 1987; Danfaer, 1990) as
were observed under identical culture condi- has been adopted for monogastric growth
tions. If milk protein synthesis is sensitive to models (D’Mello, 1994). However, the obser-
multiple AA at the same time, then changes vations by Clark et al. (1978) suggest that
in arterial concentrations of each AA could such a simple representation may not be ade-
be very important when predictions of milk quate for mammary tissue. Hanigan et al.
protein production are attempted. (2002a) devised an equation that may be
There are other points of regulation of more representative, given the previous dis-
protein synthesis that may need to be consid- cussion:
ered in refining existing models. The initiation VAA, Pm
step of protein synthesis is regulated by a vari- U AA, Pm = Expni, Pm
ety of factors, including leucine, alanine, gluta- Ê kni, Pm ˆ [19.1]
mine and histidine (Yokogoshi and Yoshida, 1+ Â Á ˜
Ë Cni ¯
1980; Perez-Sala et al., 1991) and their
unacylated-tRNAs (Iiboshi et al., 1999). where UAA,Pm represents the conversion of
Leucine exerts control of translation via intra- AA into milk protein, VAA,Pm represents the
cellular signalling mechanisms that facilitate maximal velocity of the reaction, Cni repre-
more efficient translation of mRNA. These sents the intracellular concentration of individ-
pathways are common to those regulated by ual AA (1 to n), kni,Pm represents the apparent
insulin. In some cell models and in vivo, the affinity constants for the respective AA consid-
branched-chain AA, leucine specifically, ered in the representation, and Expni,Pm repre-
enhances tissue sensitivity to insulin (see sents an exponent that can be used to adjust
Jefferson and Kimball, 2001). This role for sensitivity to concentrations of individual AA, if
leucine appears to be permissive, however, needed. Adjustment of the various exponents
because infusion of the branched-chain AA in to values other than 1 should reflect the varied
dairy cows either alone or in combina- molar proportions of each AA in milk protein
tion with infusion of insulin (hyperinsuli- and the relative importance of the respective
naemic–euglycaemic clamp) does not result in AA in the regulatory process. Equation [19.1]
a further enhancement of milk protein yield was found to provide slightly more accurate
(Annen et al., 1998; Mackle et al., 1999). predictions of milk protein yield when used to
Volume regulated control of cellular protein simulate 21 datasets from the literature, com-
synthesis (the cell swelling hypothesis) by glu- pared to an equation based on the single-limit-
tamate may also be an important mechanism ing AA theory. However, many of the
in global and milk protein synthesis as demon- experiments used in the analysis involved treat-
strated by Millar et al. (1997) in rat mammary ments where all AA were manipulated simulta-
acini. Peptide chain elongation and termina- neously, i.e. casein infusions. Consequently,
tion, and expression and turnover of milk pro- the hypothesis that individual AA indepen-
tein mRNA, are also potential points of dently affect milk protein synthesis was not
regulation. These points of control have yet to well tested, other than for lysine and methion-
be examined in mammary epithelial cells. If ine. Visual appraisal of the methionine and
these systems operate in mammary tissue, lysine infusion work indicated that the model
then AA may also act as direct regulators of fitted those observations significantly better.
casein synthesis. Given the complexity of the Use of this multisubstrate representation and a
system, it is not surprising that progress has representation of the transporter system that
been slow using empirical (feeding or infusion included intracellular feedback control of trans-
studies) approaches to define requirements for porter activity (Hanigan et al., 2001a,b,
individual AA. 2002), helped to explain data where the udder
Despite the apparent complexity, milk was able to minimize a 20% drop in milk pro-
protein synthesis has typically been repre- tein production when arterial histidine concen-
sented as a simple linear function of the most trations declined ninefold (Bequette et al.,
limiting AA (Hanigan and Baldwin, 1994; 2000).
Amino Acids - Chap 19 26/3/03 12:20 pm Page 360

360 B.J. Bequette et al.

The above prediction scheme is driven by many dietary situations and physiological
an innate drive to produce milk, e.g. VAA,Pm. states, and in part this may be due to limita-
This drive is tempered by endocrine control tions in the supply of AA. Catabolism of AA
and the ability to maintain intracellular con- by the gut tissues and the liver, and the parti-
centrations of AA. As such, accurate predic- tion of AA towards anabolism in muscle,
tions of intracellular AA concentrations are appears to place the greatest limits on AA
important. Assuming milk protein synthesis availability to the udder. Recent evidence sup-
and AA removal can be accurately repre- porting a role for peptides or proteins in inter-
sented by a combination of equations, one organ AA exchange and as transport vehicles
need only define the relationship describing of AA to the mammary gland provides further
AA catabolism in order to predict concentra- evidence of the many aspects of mammary
tions. This assumes that the udder is not metabolism we have yet to explore. Mammary
growing and that non-free sources of AA are intracellular metabolism is very active, with
insignificant contributors to AA supply, which many synthetic and catabolic mechanisms to
for the latter may not be true (see above). The be considered, and yet we have probably only
various mammary models that have attempted now begun to uncover these interrelated
to describe intracellular AA concentrations mechanisms and determine how important,
(Waghorn and Baldwin, 1984; Hanigan and necessary or rate-limiting they can be. The
Baldwin, 1994; Maas et al., 1997; Hanigan interactions of AA and energy–substrate
et al., 2001b) have made the general assump- metabolism in the mammary gland and in the
tion that AA catabolism is a mass action func- whole body were not considered to any great
tion of AA concentration. So far, this extent, and this is due to the limited informa-
assumption appears to be correct for leucine, tion currently available.
phenylalanine and lysine (Bequette et al., The AA transport processes and metabo-
1996a,b, 1999, 2002; Mabjeesh et al., lism of the mammary gland are very complex.
2000). However, if the regulation of mam- As more information accumulates, greater
mary AA oxidative enzymes is more compli- emphasis will be placed on mathematical mod-
cated than simple substrate interactions (i.e. elling to collate and clarify the numerous inter-
physiological changes in gene expression; related mechanisms of metabolism and
DeSantiago et al., 1998), then a more com- regulation (see Chapter 16). The ability to rep-
plex representation may be required. resent mammary biochemistry and physiology
in mathematical terms is close to becoming a
reality, but there is still the challenge of inte-
Future Considerations grating these terms within the whole-animal
system. Obviously, knowledge and representa-
The mammary gland is obviously the major tion of the endocrine systems and their compo-
controller of its own metabolic fate. Despite nents will be required as well as ways in which
this drive, the synthetic capacity of the mam- these integrate or are integrated by absorbed
mary gland does not appear to be met under dietary nutrients (Bauman and Currie, 1980).


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20 Effects of Amino Acids on Milk


D.G. Chamberlain* and J.-M. Yeo

Hannah Research Institute, Hannah Research Park, Ayr, UK

Introduction amino acids are given direct into the small

intestine, or amino acids are given direct into
Numerous feeding trials over many years the blood. Controlled experiments in which
show that feeding extra protein can increase rumen-protected amino acids are added to the
the production of milk. Milk production diet also merit attention. However, the
responds to changes in both the amount of increase in amino acids reaching the small
dietary protein and its amino acid make-up intestine is not always easy to quantify
(see Rulquin and Vérité, 1993). However, because the degree of protection of the amino
these findings can be difficult to interpret acids is uncertain and varies with the method
because we cannot accurately predict the of protection (Blum et al., 1998).
effects of dietary changes on the amounts of Often when the protein level in the diet is
amino acids absorbed from the gut and sup- raised, the cow eats more food and digests it
plied to the udder. In particular, predicting the more efficiently (Oldham 1984). This
degradability of dietary proteins and the syn- increases the amounts of amino acids and
thesis of microbial protein in the rumen is other nutrients available to the animal from
problematic (Oldham, 1994; Beever, 1996). the basal diet and, again, makes it difficult to
Moreover, disproportionate losses of certain ascribe changes in milk production solely to
amino acids in passage through the rumen the extra amino acids supplied in the diet.
mean that the relationship between the con- These ‘indirect’ effects of changes in amino
centration of these amino acids in the diet and acid supply, on intake and digestibility, are an
in digesta reaching the small intestine is poor important part of the animal’s metabolic
(Rulquin and Vérité, 1993). It can, therefore, response and they cannot be excluded from
be difficult to separate effects of rumen- any true understanding of the effects of amino
degradability from those of amino acid com- acids on animal production. However, the
position (see Chamberlain et al., 1989). mechanisms underlying them are poorly
Because of the difficulties in interpreting understood and so their occurrence and mag-
results of feeding experiments, we shall focus nitude are unpredictable.
on responses of milk production to well- Even when changes in amino acid supply
defined changes in amino acid supply. These are clearly defined, milk secretion can respond
are most likely to occur when protein or in various ways. Yield of milk protein can

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 367
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368 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

increase, with or without increases in the yield consistent positive responses to casein infu-
of lactose, and the secretion of milk fat can go sion, irrespective of the level of protein in the
up or down. These variations in the pattern of diet, might indicate endocrine mechanisms,
response are not understood but, presumably, involving especially growth hormone and
arise from differences in nutrient status and insulin (see Oldham, 1994). However, more
their effects on the use of amino acids for pur- recent work shows that an enhanced supply
poses other than the synthesis of milk protein. of amino acids can increase milk production
They add a layer of complexity to the mecha- without affecting arterial concentrations of
nisms underlying the effects of amino acids on growth hormone, insulin or prolactin (Guinard
milk production which, to date, has prevented et al., 1994; Metcalf et al., 1996a). It there-
a satisfactory level of understanding. fore seems that the responses are to nutrient
supply in itself rather than to changes in hor-
mone secretion but this is not to say that hor-
Responses to Postruminal Infusions mones may not play a secondary role in some
of Proteins and Mixtures of Amino circumstances. We should not be surprised
Acids that dairy cows respond to additional protein
given postruminally when the basal diet itself
In most of the reported experiments, casein is high in protein; results of feeding trials
or mixtures of amino acids simulating casein show milk protein yield responded even to a
were used (Clark, 1975; Thomas and change of dietary CP content from 190 to
Chamberlain, 1984; Oldham, 1994). Overall, 220 g kg−1 of DM, when supplements were
infusion of casein or corresponding mixtures high in rumen-undegradable protein (UDP)
of amino acids increased the yield of protein (see Chamberlain et al., 1989). Responses
and lactose substantially but the apparent such as these fit more comfortably within the
recovery of infused amino acids in milk pro- framework of nutrient responses (BBSRC,
tein varied widely, between 10 and 50% 1998) rather than the more rigid framework
(Clark, 1975; Choung and Chamberlain, of nutrient requirements (AFRC, 1992). An
1993a; Ørskov et al., 1977; Whitelaw et al., unwelcome by-product of requirement-based
1986; Bequette et al., 1998). The increases systems is that they lead to a tendency to rule
in protein yield were often accompanied by out positive responses to provision of nutri-
increases in the concentration of protein in ents in excess of ‘requirement’.
the milk but effects on the yield and concen- Regrettably, proteins other than casein
tration of milk fat were variable. Furthermore, have received comparatively little attention,
clear responses of milk production were seen presumably because of the practical difficulties
with basal diets varying in crude protein con- of infusing them. However, some compar-
tent from 110 to 200 g kg−1 (Chamberlain isons of soy protein isolate (SPI) and casein
and Thomas, 1982; Oldham, 1994). The have been published and Table 20.1 shows

Table 20.1. Responses in the yields of protein, lactose and fat to postruminal infusions of soy protein
isolate (SPI) expressed relative to the responses to corresponding isonitrogenous infusions of caseinate.

Caseinate Response to SPI relative to caseinate

Reference infused (g day−1) Protein Lactose Fat

Rulquin (1986) 550 0.44 0.85a 0.95

Choung and Chamberlain (1992a) 230 0.52 0.51 0.84
Choung and Chamberlain (1992b) 230 0.47 0.64 1.13
Choung and Chamberlain (1992c) 200 0.64 0.67 0.34
Choung and Chamberlain (1993a) 200 0.46 0.26 0.16
Mean 0.51 0.59 0.68
(SE) (0.04) (0.10) (0.19)
aCalculated from milk yield assuming 47 g lactose kg−1 milk.
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 369

Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 369

the relative responses of milk protein yield to 160

isonitrogenous infusions of the two proteins.
On average, SPI was about 50% as effective
as casein in stimulating the yield of milk pro-
tein; corresponding figures for lactose and fat Casein

Increase in protein yield (g day–1)

were more variable but, again, generally the 120
values were below those obtained with casein.
SPI and casein have very similar intestinal
digestibilities (Beynen et al., 1990), and so it
is likely that these differences between the two
proteins stem from their different amino acid
compositions. Indeed, it is worth noting that
the proteins differ most in their content of
methionine, for which SPI contains only 45% SPI
of the level in casein (Choung and 40
Chamberlain, 1993a). The effect of the lower
quality of SPI relative to casein is illustrated in
the results of an experiment in which three
levels of infusion of the two proteins were
compared (Fig. 20.1). Although the response 0
to casein was virtually linear, there was no fur-
ther response in the yield of milk protein 100 200 300
beyond the first level of SPI. Taken at face Protein infused (g day–1)
value, these results indicate that the consistent
Fig. 20.1. Responses in the yield of milk protein
positive responses in postruminal infusion to the abomasal infusion of casein or soy-protein
experiments with casein and corresponding isolate (SPI). (Data of Choung and Chamberlain,
amino acid mixtures (see above) might overes- 1993a.)
timate responses obtainable with proteins
more typical of ruminant feeds. Moreover, it is
uncertain whether amino acid composition hydrolysate was less effective than whole
explains all of the difference in protein quality. casein in stimulating the yield of milk protein
Even when amino acids were added so as to (Fig. 20.2), a finding confirmed in a second
make the two proteins equivalent in the sup- experiment that compared whole casein to a
ply of all the amino acids, the response to corresponding mixture of free amino acids
casein remained superior to that of SPI (Choung and Chamberlain, 1995a). Further
(Choung and Chamberlain, 1992a). The pos- investigation (Choung and Chamberlain,
sible role of factors such as the pattern of 1995b) showed that, in comparisons of infu-
release of peptides, some of which can be sions of hydrolysates of casein containing dif-
biologically active, has yet to be defined. It is ferent proportions of free amino acids and
known that some of the -casomorphins, peptides, the ability of the infusate to stimulate
released during digestion of -casein, can the yield of milk protein was directly related to
influence insulin secretion in the cow (Kim, T.- its content of peptide-bound amino acids. It is
G. et al., 2000) and could, therefore, affect not known why free amino acids entering the
the supply of nutrients to the udder (Vernon, small intestine should be less effective than
1988). These effects of bioactive peptides protein-bound amino acids in stimulating the
serve as a further warning against regarding secretion of milk protein. Greater nitrogen
casein as merely a high-quality feed protein. retention in rats fed whole casein compared
Aside from bioactive peptides, the form with a corresponding mixture of free amino
(peptide-bound vs. free) in which amino acids acids was put down to a slower gastric empty-
enter the postruminal gut can influence the ing, slower rate of entry of amino acids into
nature of the response of milk production. the blood and more efficient utilization for tis-
When given postruminally to cows, a casein sue protein synthesis (Daenzer et al., 2001).
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 370

370 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo



Increase in protein yield (g day–1)


Casein hydrolysate

0 100 200 300 400

CAS or CAS hydrolysate infused (g day–1)

Fig. 20.2. Responses in the yield of milk protein to the abomasal infusion of casein or a hydrolysate of
casein containing 85% free amino acids. (Data of Choung and Chamberlain, 1995a.)

However, that explanation would not fit the was associated with increased secretion of
results in dairy cows because the amino acids glucagon (Rérat et al., 1988). A similar effect
and protein were given direct into the small on plasma concentrations of glucagon was
intestine. Whether the mammary gland takes seen in the experiments in dairy cows referred
up peptides as a source of amino acids for to above (see Choung and Chamberlain,
protein synthesis remains controversial, 1998). Although insulin levels were little
although it looks increasingly likely that at least affected, the increased secretion of glucagon
a small proportion of milk protein might be lowered the insulin/glucagon ratio, which
derived from peptides rather than from free could stimulate nutrient use by the mammary
amino acids (see Bequette and Backwell, gland at the expense of other tissues (Bassett,
1997). Even so, absorption from the intestinal 1975). Again, absorption of peptide-bound
tract is unlikely to supply quantitatively signifi- amino acids is more homogeneous than that
cant amounts of peptides to blood reaching of corresponding amino acid mixtures, such
the gland, the most likely sources being liver that the amino acid profile in portal blood bet-
export proteins and peptides released during ter represents that of the infusate (Hara et al.,
tissue protein turnover (see Bequette et al., 1984; Rérat et al., 1988). It may be that infu-
1998). However, amino acids in peptide form sion of free amino acids leads to an unbal-
are absorbed faster from the gut (Rérat et al., anced profile of amino acids reaching the liver.
1988). In pigs, the faster appearance of amino How this might affect metabolism in the liver,
acids in portal blood from peptides, as against and the supply of nutrients to other tissues is
corresponding mixtures of free amino acids, uncertain. Earlier claims (see Rook, 1983) that
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 371

Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 371

slight amino acid imbalances increase the use intestine. These proportions are then esti-
of the first-limiting amino acid for protein syn- mated for the diet in question and compared
thesis in the liver, so reducing its availability for with the requirement, to judge whether
protein synthesis in other tissues, have since responses to the protected amino acids would
been questioned (see Davis and Austic, 1994). be expected (Rulquin et al., 1993). The suc-
Indeed, it has recently been shown that amino cess of this approach must rest on the preci-
acids from dietary casein, as opposed to corre- sion of the various estimates included in the
sponding free amino acids, are more readily calculation but it is to be welcomed as a step in
incorporated into liver and plasma proteins the right direction.
(Daenzer et al., 2001). Recent findings emphasize the need for
careful targeting of amino acid supplements. In
dairy cows eating diets of grass silage and low-
Responses to Specific Amino Acids protein cereal supplements, histidine is the
first-limiting amino acid for the secretion of
Essential amino acids (EAAs) milk protein (Vanhatalo et al., 1999;
Korhonen et al., 2000; Kim et al., 2001a).
The search for the EAA(s) that limit milk pro- However, the response to histidine was lost
duction has continued for the last 30 years or when sufficient soybean meal was included in
so, with methionine and lysine receiving by far the cereal supplement to lift the crude protein
the most attention. It has long been recognized level of the diet from 160 to 180 g kg−1 (Kim
that the identity of the first-limiting amino acid et al., 2001a). Either histidine was no longer
would vary with the make-up of the diet (see first-limiting or, a second amino acid was now
Rook and Thomas, 1983) but this has not close to being co-limiting with histidine.
dampened the enthusiasm for adding methion- Calculations support the latter view by indicat-
ine and lysine to a wide range of diets for dairy ing that a shortage of leucine would block any
cows. The last 5 years have seen the publica- response to histidine (Kim et al., 2001a).
tion of 33 full research papers on effects on These results show that a small change in diet
milk production of supplements of methionine, can markedly alter the response to an amino
with or without lysine. These two amino acids acid supplement. Indeed, recent results show
are always likely to be among the group of that the ranking of the limiting amino acids
most-limiting acids, particularly with diets can be fickle. Despite attempts to keep the
based largely on maize and soy (see Rulquin composition of the diet constant, in experi-
and Vérité, 1993) but with other diets, their ments using cows in mid-lactation eating a
position is less clear. Indeed, it is noteworthy silage–barley diet, the ranking of the three
that, of the papers referred to above, only most-limiting amino acids changed between
45% showed evidence of positive responses in experiments. The first-limiting amino acid was
the yield or concentration of milk protein. If sometimes histidine and sometimes methion-
we allow for publication bias and for the fact ine (Kim et al., 2000a). It is not known why
that, in some experiments, deficiencies of the this happened. Amino acids in the small intes-
amino acids were contrived, this figure proba- tine were not measured but the most likely
bly overestimates the success rate for supple- answer would be that the composition of the
ments of methionine and lysine. We can only mixture of amino acids absorbed from the gut
assume that the large numbers of feeding trials had changed. It is tempting to point to the
dealing with effects of rumen-protected well-known variation of the yield (Chamberlain
methionine and lysine on milk production, and Choung, 1995) and composition
which continue to be reported, are driven (Hvelplund, 1986) of microbial protein flowing
more by commercial than by scientific inter- from the rumen, both of which can markedly
ests. Attempts have been made to put the use influence the amino acid profile of digesta in
of protected methionine and lysine on a the small intestine. Although some of the vari-
sounder scientific basis by specifying the ation reported in the literature is probably due
requirement for the two amino acids as a pro- to technical error, reported variation within a
portion of protein in digesta reaching the small laboratory remains large, which suggests real
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 372

372 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

fluctuations in the microbial population and denum in cows in early lactation and in mid-
accompanying changes in amino acid compo- lactation. In mid-lactation cows, but not in
sition (see Rulquin and Vérité, 1993). It is cows in early lactation, infusion of proline led
worth noting that these uncertainties surround- to an increased yield of milk protein. Further
ing the prediction of microbial amino acid flow investigation of the proline response is long
are likely to bedevil attempts, such as those of overdue; in the meantime, the basis of the
Rulquin et al. (1993, 1998), to predict effect remains unknown.
responses to protected methionine and lysine Indirect effects of NEAAs on the synthe-
from factorial calculations. Whatever the sis of milk protein, by way of their role in glu-
cause, the clear change in the ranking of the coneogenesis and subsequent sparing of
limiting amino acids with slight changes in diet EAAs for protein synthesis, have been investi-
may mean that reproducible responses to gated in experiments using mixtures of amino
amino acid supplements will be seen only acids infused intravenously. Metcalf et al.
when they contain the three or four most-limit- (1996b) infused cows with 400 g day−1 of an
ing acids. A wider range of commercially avail- amino acid mixture simulating the composi-
able ruminally protected amino acids would tion of milk protein. They found that the milk
speed up progress in this area. response to the infusion of the total amino
acid mixture could be obtained with the infu-
sion of the EAA component alone (208 g
Non-essential amino acids (NEAAs) day−1), suggesting that the NEAAs made no
contribution to the milk response. Kim et al.
That some of the EAAs (methionine, phenyl- (2000b) examined the question in more detail
alanine, tryptophan, histidine and tyrosine) in two experiments in which dairy cows were
appear to be transferred stoichiometrically given intravenous infusions of mixtures of
from blood to milk, has been taken as circum- amino acids simulating casein. In the first
stantial evidence that these acids are likely to experiment, the treatments were: 182 g day−1
limit the synthesis and secretion of milk pro- of the total amino acid mixture (TAA); the
tein (Mepham, 1982; Rook and Thomas, EAA component only (101 g day−1); and EAA
1983). However, we might equally well argue plus 50 g day−1 of glucose, the glucose equiv-
that limiting amino acids could be taken up in alent of the NEAA component. Only the TAA
amounts well below their output in milk or, infusion led to a statistically significant
indeed, taken up in great excess relative to increase in the yield of milk protein; increases
their output in milk. This alternative view has with the EAA and EAA plus glucose failed to
focused on glutamate (Rook and Thomas, reach significance (Fig. 20.3). In the second
1983), glutamine (Meijer et al., 1993) and experiment, equal amounts (182 g day−1) of
proline (Bruckental et al., 1991). Intravascular TAA and NEAA were infused and compared
infusion of glutamate did not affect the yield with 100 g day−1 of glucose as the equivalent
of milk protein in goats (Mepham and Linzell, of the NEAA treatment. Again, only the TAA
1974) or cows (Oldham and Bines, 1983) so increased the output of protein in milk; nei-
lending no support to the suggestion that glu- ther NEAA nor glucose affected milk protein
tamate might be limiting. Although abomasal yield (Fig. 20.3). All three experiments offer
infusion of glutamine increased the output of no support for the suggestion that increasing
milk protein in one of two experiments the supply of NEAAs, or their glucose equiva-
(Meijer et al., 1996), the effect was put down lent, can affect the yield of milk protein. This
to stimulated gluconeogenesis because abo- conclusion is in keeping with results from
masal infusion of propionate had a similar experiments in which glucose was infused into
result. The idea of proline as limiting comes the postruminal gut, and in which metaboliz-
from the low mammary uptake of proline able energy (ME) intake was kept constant (an
itself coupled with the high uptake of argi- essential requirement if interpretation is not to
nine, a precursor of proline. This prompted be confounded) (Hurtaud et al., 1998a).
Bruckental et al. (1991) to examine the effect Although it has been claimed that cows eating
of infusing 80 g day−1 of proline into the duo- a basal diet of grass silage increase the yield
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 373

Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 373

900 Efficiency of Use of Amino Acids for

Secretion of Milk Protein
Experiment 2

Experiment 1 Current protein rationing schemes use a facto-
rial approach, whether they aim to define
850 amino acid requirements for a given level of

milk production (AFRC, 1992) or to predict

Milk protein yield (g day–1)

the response of milk production to a change of

nutrition (BBSRC, 1998). Hence they must

incorporate an estimate of the efficiency with

which amino acids are put into milk protein.
The overall efficiency of use of amino acids for

synthesis of milk protein may be pictured as

consisting of two components: the partition of
amino acids between the udder and other body
tissues, and their efficiency of use within the
750 udder itself. As for their use within the udder, it
is of interest that rates of total protein synthe-

sis in the gland have been estimated at

1.3–2.5 times greater than the rate of milk
protein secretion (see Bequette and Backwell,
1997). However, what this means for the
700 overall efficiency of incorporation of amino
Fig. 20.3. Effects on the yield of milk protein of acids into milk protein within the gland is not
intravenous infusion of mixtures of amino acids. In clear. Although a high turnover of protein
Experiment 1, the infusions were: 182 g day−1 of would be expected to increase the energy cost
total amino acids (TAA); the essential amino acid of secretion of milk protein, it need not have
component of TAA, 101 g day−1 (EAA); and EAA any significant effect on the incorporation of
plus 50 g day−1 of glucose, the glucose equivalent amino acids into milk protein. For present
of the non-essential amino acid component of rationing schemes, the most appropriate mea-
TAA. In Experiment 2, the infusions were: 182 g
sure of efficiency would be a coefficient of
day−1 of TAA; 182 g day−1 of non-essential
apparent transfer of amino acids into milk
component of TAA (NEAA); and 100 g day−1 of
glucose (G), the glucose equivalent of NEAA. from small intestinal contents, or from blood.
(Data of Kim et al., 2000b.) But reliable estimates are scarce and the adop-
tion of a fixed value, based on inadequate
data, is a recognized weakness of all but one
of milk protein in response to duodenal infu- of the current schemes. Even where it is recog-
sion of glucose (Hurtaud et al., 2000), the nized that the efficiency of use will vary among
effect was not evident until 500 g day−1 were the EAAs (O’Connor et al., 1993), the esti-
infused (250 g day−1 were without effect). mates available are few and probably unreli-
And, even then, the response was very small: able. Of course, the efficiency will vary with
an increase of 40 g day−1 of milk protein in nutritional circumstances, depending on which
return for 500 g day−1 of glucose. If the use amino acid is first-limiting and on the compet-
of amino acids for milk protein synthesis were ing demands on amino acid use for purposes
severely limited by the competing demands of other than the synthesis of milk protein
gluconeogenesis, we should expect clear (Oldham, 1994). However, a useful starting
responses of milk protein yield to small point would be to define the maximum effi-
amounts of glucose because even 50 g of glu- ciency of transfer for individual amino acids.
cose would release around 90 g amino acid We can get this value from the efficiency of
for synthesis of milk protein (Krebs, 1964). transfer of each of the EAAs into milk when it
is first-limiting. This can only be measured
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 374

374 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

reliably from a dose–response line, the effi- 4

ciency being the slope of the linear response.

Increase in histidine output in milk protein (g day–1)

Such measurements are scarce because it is
difficult to achieve a linear response with prac-
tical diets, for which the small margin between
first-, second-, and even third-limiting amino 3
acids (Schwab et al., 1976) allows only a small
response to the first-limiting amino acid. In the
absence of tracer techniques, dose–response
relationships can be obtained only if the poten-
tial response of milk protein yield to addition
of the first-limiting amino acid is sizeable.
Kim et al. (2001b) formulated a histidine-
deficient diet based on grass silage and a
cereal-based supplement containing feather 1
meal. They then measured the response of
milk production to three levels of addition of
L-histidine given intravenously, in a total of y = 0.41x + 0.05
three experiments (Kim et al., 2001b,c). The
response to histidine was linear, such that the 0
increase in the output of histidine in milk pro-
0 3 6 9
tein (y, g day−1) was related to histidine
infused (x, g day−1) by y = 0.41x + 0.05 (n = L-Histidine infused (g day–1)
8; r2 = 0.940; Fig. 20.4). This indicates an Fig. 20.4. The transfer of intravenously infused
efficiency of transfer of L-histidine from blood histidine into milk protein in dairy cows eating a
to milk of 0.41, which is well below the value diet of grass silage and a cereal-based
of 0.68 adopted provisionally in AFRC supplement containing feather meal. (Data of Kim
et al., 2001b,c.)
(1992). Furthermore, results of experiments
in which lysine (Schwab et al., 1992) and his-
tidine (Korhonen et al., 2000) were infused
abomasally in increasing amounts when they
were first-limiting offer support for a low effi- be consistent with the increment of protein
ciency of transfer of histidine (Fig. 20.5). having to provide glucose for lactose synthesis,
These results show a lower efficiency of trans- by gluconeogenesis from amino acids, as well
fer (0.27) for histidine than for lysine (0.45), as amino acids for synthesis of milk protein.
which convert to 0.53 and 0.32, respectively, Presumably, a similar argument would apply to
for the efficiency of transfer from blood to responses to amino acids infused into the
milk, assuming an absorption coefficient of postruminal gut or into the blood. The effi-
0.85 (AFRC, 1992). In keeping with these ciency of transfer of the amino acid to milk
reports, results of tracer studies in lactating protein would then depend on the glucose sta-
goats also suggest that the efficiency of use of tus of the cow. To what extent this might
histidine for milk protein synthesis is likely to explain low efficiencies for lysine (Schwab et
be low. The partition of the plasma flux of his- al., 1992) and methionine (Pisulewski et al.,
tidine to the mammary gland was 0.2 com- 1996) is not known. However, we can rule it
pared with values of 0.3–0.4 for most of the out for histidine because Kim et al. (2001c)
other EAAs (Bequette et al., 1997). infused cows intravenously with L-histidine,
Oldham (1994) discussed responses to with or without glucose, and found that the
protein supplements in some detail. He drew efficiency of transfer was 0.42 for both treat-
attention to the low efficiency of use of amino ments. Moreover, although Korhonen et al.
acids for secretion of milk protein (around 0.2) (2000) included 350 g day−1 of glucose in all
seen in many feeding experiments. He sug- their histidine infusion treatments, the effi-
gested that an efficiency of around 0.2 would ciency of transfer of histidine remained low.
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 375

Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 375

1.5 techniques based on infusion of amino acids

postruminally, especially infusion of amino
acids intravascularly, are, of necessity, short
Increase in histidine or lysine output in milk

term. If the interpretation of protein-feeding

Lysine: y = 0.45x + 0.05 experiments can be complicated by the need
to consider the cow‘s labile reserves of protein
1.0 (see Botts et al., 1979), then that is especially
true for short-term infusion experiments.
Protein depletion–repletion experiments show
labile protein reserves of around 20 kg in
cows of 600 kg (Paquay et al., 1972; Botts et
al., 1979). It is estimated that, in severe
0.5 undernutrition, cows could mobilize up to
300 g of protein a day to support milk pro-
duction and this might be maintained for 6
weeks or more, depending on the condition
of the cow (Botts et al., 1979). It is easy to
Histidine: y = 0.27x − 0.01 see how the mobilization of body protein
0 might mask the effects of dietary deficiencies
0 1 2 3 of amino acids in the short term.
L-Histidine or lysine infused The histidine-deficient diet used by Kim et
al. (2001b,c) was also used in a longer-term
Fig. 20.5. The transfer of abomasally infused
hstidine (❍) or lysine (●) into milk protein. The feeding experiment (J.-M. Yeo, C.H. Knight
amino acids were infused as graded doses, and D.G. Chamberlain, unpublished results).
represented here as arbitrary units, 1, 2, 3. (Data Cows were given a control diet containing fish-
of Schwab et al., 1992, for lysine and Korhonen et meal as the sole protein supplement before
al., 2000, for histidine.) being split into two groups. The control group
continued on the fishmeal diet for the whole
experiment whereas for the treatment group,
The status of the animal’s body reserves the fishmeal was replaced by an equivalent
of protein also needs to be taken into amount of rumen-undegradable protein (UDP)
account. After a period of underfeeding, pro- as feather meal for a period of 6 weeks, before
tein infused postruminally was partitioned returning to the fishmeal control diet for a fur-
between milk protein synthesis and the syn- ther 4 weeks. This first part of the experiment
thesis of tissue protein, with the overall effi- was carried out between weeks 6 and 16 of
ciency of use for the combined processes lactation and the second part of the experiment
remaining roughly constant, as judged from repeated the procedure between lactation
nitrogen balance measurements (Whitelaw et weeks 22 and 32 in the same cows. The
al., 1986). However, when cows were in pos- results for the yield of milk protein are shown
itive nitrogen balance, postruminal infusion of in Fig. 20.6. Although, over a 6-week period,
proteins increased secretion of milk protein the yield of milk protein fell by more than 25%
but did not affect nitrogen retention (Choung with the change to feather meal, the fall was
and Chamberlain, 1992b). It would follow completely reversed by a return to the fishmeal
that, in experiments in which cows were given diet for 4 weeks and this was true at both
basal diets deficient in amino acids and which stages of lactation. Histidine is first-limiting for
induced mobilization of body reserves, supple- secretion of milk protein on the feather meal
mentary amino acids, given during the experi- diet, closely followed by methionine with lysine
mental periods, might be used to replenish as third-limiting (Kim et al., 1999). The differ-
body protein and, in the case of histidine, ence in histidine provided by the UDP of fish-
body stores of carnosine and possibly haemo- meal and feather meal was around 11 g day−1
globin. At this point, it is worth remembering (Chamberlain et al., 1992) which amounts to
that the more sophisticated experimental around 9 g day−1 of absorbable histidine
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 376

376 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

Part A Part B
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

Milk protein yield (g day–1)




6 8 10 12 14 16 22 24 26 28 30 32

Week of lactation
Fig. 20.6. The effects on the yield of milk protein of replacing fishmeal in the supplement by an
equivalent amount of UDP as feather meal. The control group (●) received fishmeal throughout; the
experimental group (❍) received fishmeal until week 6 of lactation when they were changed to feather
meal for 6 weeks before returning again to fishmeal for 4 weeks (Part A). After a break of 6 weeks during
which the cows were at pasture, the experimental procedure was repeated (Part B). For both parts of the
experiment, cows were given a diet of grass silage and a cereal-based supplement. (Unpublished data of
J.-M. Yeo, C.H. Knight and D.G. Chamberlain.)

(AFRC, 1992), which is roughly equivalent to and 4 weeks after changing to the amino acid-
the highest dose of histidine given intravenously deficient diet (Fig. 20.6), it is reasonable to
by Kim et al. (2001b,c). We may, therefore, infer that the cows mobilized reserves of amino
compare the responses of milk protein yield to acids to lessen the effect of the deficiency on
an enhanced histidine supply, given either milk production. This in turn means that when
intravenously or as a supplement of UDP. the animals were returned to the fishmeal con-
When the cows returned to the fishmeal diet, trol, their protein reserves were in a depleted
milk protein yield increased by 154 and 164 g state. It might be expected, therefore, that the
day−1 in first and second parts of the experi- extra amino acids provided by the fishmeal
ment, respectively. These increases in protein would be partitioned between milk secretion
yield correspond to efficiencies of transfer of and tissue synthesis (Whitelaw et al., 1986).
histidine of 0.44 and 0.47, respectively, values No measurements of nitrogen balance were
that agree well with the estimate (0.41) made but it is worth noting that haemoglobin
obtained in the experiments in which histidine concentrations increased on the return to the
was given intravenously. Since the yield of milk fishmeal diet by, on average, 14 g l−1 of blood
protein declined progressively for between 2 over the 4-week period. This would amount to
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 377

Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 377

about 1.3 g day−1 of histidine going into Response of Milk Protein

haemoglobin, assuming a blood volume of Concentration
38.5 litres (Frandson, 1981). Reducing the his-
tidine available for milk protein synthesis by Although increases in the yield of milk protein
1.3 g day−1 would increase the calculated trans- sometimes go hand in hand with increases in
fer efficiency into milk to around 0.54. In histi- the concentration in the milk, this is by no
dine deficiency, haemoglobin levels are reduced means always the case. Protein yield and pro-
after prolonged periods of deficiency and tein concentration can vary independently.
carnosine stores in muscle are reduced almost Whether milk protein concentration increases
to zero (Cianciaruso et al., 1981). Since the depends on the response of lactose secretion,
decrease in haemoglobin occurs only after which determines milk yield. Since higher
depletion of carnosine is well under way concentrations of milk protein are beneficial
(Cianciaruso et al., 1981), it is reasonable to to milk processing, particularly cheese mak-
assume that a fall in haemoglobin signals that ing, farmers are paid on the basis of protein
substantial depletion of carnosine stores has content. However, despite its obvious impor-
already occurred. Again, since methionine is tance, we know little of what regulates milk
close behind histidine as the second-limiting protein concentration.
amino acid, body protein would also need to be It is widely recognized that increasing the
mobilized to supply methionine to maintain intake of ME from carbohydrate, but not from
milk production. It would seem likely then that fat, generally lifts the concentration of milk
the low transfer efficiency for histidine into milk protein (Rook and Line, 1961; Gordon,
was caused by its use in replenishing carnosine 1979). However, the mechanism underlying
stores and possibly also in restoring levels of these effects is unknown. Relationships with
haemoglobin and body protein. ME intake can be misleading because
The overall implication of the experiments increases in ME intake are often achieved by
with histidine-deficient diets is that estimates of increasing the starch content of the diet (see
the efficiency of transfer of amino acids into milk Thomas and Rook, 1983) and starch has a
will very likely depend on the status of the cow‘s greater effect on milk protein content than
body reserves. This information is not normally either soluble sugars (as molasses) or digestible
available and is difficult to deduce, especially in fibre (Castillo et al., 2001). Indeed, there is
short-term infusion experiments. The findings good evidence that graded increases in the
further imply that assigning values for the effi- intake of starch, at constant ME intake, leads
ciency of transfer in protein rationing schemes is to a progressive increase in milk protein con-
likely to be more difficult than expected. In addi- tent (Keady et al., 1998, 1999; Table 20.2).
tion to stage of lactation and nutrient status, in Some authors (e.g. Keady et al., 1998, 1999)
particular the supply of glucose precursors (see have been unable to resist the temptation to
Oldham, 1994), we may also need to consider attribute these effects of starch intake to an
the cow‘s nutritional history. increased supply of amino acids from an

Table 20.2. Effects of starch intake on the yield and concentration of milk

Starch content in supplement (g kg−1 DM)

50 131 209 310 384

Milk yield (kg day−1) 26.1 26.0 25.7 25.9 25.9

Protein (kg day−1) 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.86
Protein (g kg−1) 32.0 32.2 32.5 33.0 33.6
Starch intake (g day−1) 435 1127 1777 2666 3302
ME intake (MJ day−1) 215 212 211 215 211
Energy balance (MJ day−1) 19 17 17 21 17
aValues are taken either direct, or calculated from, the data of Keady et al. (1998).
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378 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

increased synthesis of microbial protein in the as protein yield (Schwab et al., 1976; Rulquin
rumen. Moreover, this explanation has been and Vérité, 1993; Choung and Chamberlain,
favoured despite their own measurements 1995c). And the increase in protein concen-
showing no effects on microbial protein pro- tration may even be enhanced by a fall in milk
duction (Keady et al., 1998) or only very yield associated with a fall in lactose secretion
small increases (Keady et al., 1999). This (Rulquin and Delaby, 1997). Any suggestion
interpretation is even more puzzling because, that these increases in protein content are
although a small increase in microbial output linked to shortages of glucose for lactose syn-
was measured in response to an increase in thesis is likely to be countered by the view that
starch inclusion, an even greater increment in the supplementary amino acids themselves
amino acid supply from extra dietary UDP could act as glucose precursors. But we do
actually led to a small decrease in milk protein not know whether EAAs that are limiting for
content (Keady et al., 1999). It seems, there- milk protein synthesis are readily available for
fore, that effects of increasing starch intake gluconeogenesis. In the experiment of Kim et
are not due simply to an increased supply of al. (2001c), even though glucose supply
microbial amino acids. It is important to note clearly affected milk protein content, the pro-
that increases in milk protein content occur vision of glucose did not affect the efficiency
with little or no increase in the yield of milk of transfer of histidine into milk protein,
protein because milk yield is unaffected or which suggests that the contribution of histi-
even reduced (Table 20.2). A more fruitful dine to glucose synthesis was unaffected by
approach to uncovering mechanisms regulat- the availability of glucose. Estimates of the
ing milk protein content might be to focus contribution of amino acids to gluconeogene-
more on the secretion of lactose. sis in lactating ruminants vary from as little as
Older studies showed protein undernutri- 2% to as much as 40%, with little understand-
tion to have little effect on the concentration ing of the causes of the variability (Danfaer et
of protein in milk, unless the undernutrition al., 1995). Note also that these estimates
was severe (providing only around 60% of refer to the use of amino acids in general; we
requirement) when protein concentration was have no reliable quantitative data on either the
reduced (see Thomas and Rook, 1983). use of specific EAAs in gluconeogenesis or its
However, it is now known that deficiencies of regulation. Attempts to show empirically that
specific amino acids can reduce milk protein increasing tissue supplies of glucose might
concentration even though the supply of total increase the yield of milk protein by sparing
amino acids is well in excess of requirement the use of EAAs in gluconeogenesis, so mak-
(Table 20.3). Moreover, it is noticeable that ing them available for milk protein synthesis,
supplements of limiting amino acids very provide no clear support for the idea (Hurtaud
often increase protein concentration as well et al., 1998a,b, 2000). It is noteworthy that

Table 20.3. The effects of the intravenous infusion of a mixture of L-histidine, L-

methionine, L-tryptophan and L-lysine on the yield and concentration of milk protein in
cows eating a diet of grass silage and a cereal-based supplement containing feather
meal. (From Choung and Chamberlain, 1995c.)

Control Infusiona SED

DM intake (kg day−1)

Silage 10.3 10.6 0.26
Supplement 3.5 3.5 –
Milk yield (kg day−1) 17.4 20.0 0.43***
Milk protein (g kg−1) 30.6 33.4 0.40***
Milk protein (g day−1) 524 661 25.4**
aThe infusion contained (g day−1): histidine, 9.7; methionine, 9.1; tryptophan, 2.6; lysine,
***P 0.001; **P0.01.
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Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 379

although additional glucose was without –25

effect, an isocaloric addition of propionate did
increase the yield of milk protein (Hurtaud et
al., 1998b). This effect of propionate resur-

Change in energy balance (MJ day–1)

rects earlier ideas (see Thomas and Rook, –20
1983) on a role for propionate in the mecha-
nism whereby an increase in the starch con-
tent of the diet leads to an increase in milk
protein content (see above). Further compar-
isons of the effects of propionate and glucose
itself on the use of amino acids in gluconeoge-
nesis are needed. –10
A positive relationship between energy
status of the cow and milk protein content
emerges from an analysis of a large number of
feeding trials (Coulon and Rémond, 1991). –5
Increases in energy intake and energy balance
would be expected to be associated with
increased secretion of insulin (Vernon, 1988;
Lalman et al., 2000). In this connexion, the
reported effect of insulin on milk protein con- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
centration in experiments using the hyperinsuli- Casein infused (g day–1)
naemic–euglycaemic clamp (Griinari et al.,
Fig. 20.7. The effect of infusion of casein into the
1997) is interesting. However, the results are abomasum on energy balance in lactating dairy
difficult to interpret. Apart from the unphysio- cows. The range in energy balance over all
logical levels of insulin and glucose infused, the experiments was +20 to −41 MJ day−1. (Data of
effects of insulin are hopelessly compounded Ørskov et al., 1977; Whitelaw et al., 1986; Choung
with the effects of an increased ME intake and Chamberlain, 1993a.)
(Griinari et al., 1997) or, in the case of Mackle
et al. (1999), with the known additive effects of secretion of insulin (Vernon, 1988). The appar-
ME intake and amino acid supply (Gordon, ent relation between energy status and milk
1979). Moreover, there is other evidence that protein concentration (Coulon and Rémond,
argues against a general relationship between 1991) seen across a wide range of feeding
milk protein content and insulin or energy sta- experiments may again reflect the increased
tus. Infusing casein postruminally in increasing starch intake that usually follows an increase in
doses progressively increases the concentration concentrate allocation.
of milk protein (Ørskov et al., 1977; Whitelaw But insulin can affect milk protein con-
et al., 1986; Choung and Chamberlain, centration indirectly by regulating the avail-
1993a). However, in all these experiments, the ability of glucose for synthesis of lactose.
increases in milk protein content went hand in When insulin was infused intravenously into
hand with a decrease, rather than an increase, dairy cows and no attempt was made to con-
in energy balance, regardless of whether the trol blood glucose, the concentration of milk
energy balance was substantially positive protein increased as the secretion of lactose,
(Choung and Chamberlain, 1993a) or and hence milk yield, decreased (Thomas et
markedly negative (Ørskov et al., 1977; Fig. al., 1987; Table 20.4). Conversely, arterial
20.7). Hence the postruminal supplements of infusion of glucose in the goat increased milk
casein redirected nutrient use towards the yield and reduced the concentration of milk
udder at the expense of tissue deposition when protein (Mepham and Linzell, 1974). These
the cow was in positive energy balance and two experiments confirm what would be
stimulated mobilization of body tissue when the expected from simple theory: variations in the
cow was already in negative energy balance. relative availability of glucose and amino acids
Neither action is compatible with an increased might lead to changes in milk protein concen-
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 380

380 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

Table 20.4. Effects of intravenous infusion of insulin in dairy cows

on the yield and composition of milk. (From Thomas et al., 1987.)

Control Infusion Control

Milk yield (kgday−1) 20.7 17.3 21.0

Protein (g day−1) 669 668 680
Lactose (g day−1) 972 762 969
Protein (g kg−1) 32.3 38.6 32.4
Blood glucose (mM) 4.0 2.2 4.1

tration. Kim et al. (2001c) further tested this acids or intravenous infusion of amino acids,
hypothesis by infusing dairy cows intra- has variable effects on the secretion of milk
venously with the first-limiting amino acid for fat. However, it is well known that supple-
the secretion of milk protein, given with or ments of methionine often increase the yield
without glucose. They showed that, without and concentration of milk fat and this occurs
glucose, the infusion led to an increased yield when the methionine is added to the diet, in
and concentration of milk protein whereas, rumen-protected form (Overton et al., 1996)
when glucose was included in the infusion, the or as methionine hydroxy analogue (MHA)
same increase in the yield of milk protein was (Huber et al., 1984), or infused postrumi-
accompanied by an increase in lactose secre- nally (Varvikko et al., 1999) or intravenously
tion and milk volume, with the result that the (Chamberlain and Thomas, 1982). It has
concentration of protein was unchanged. It is been suggested that the effects of methion-
worth noting that, in the experiment of Kim ine on the secretion of milk fat might be
et al. (2001c), the effects of glucose on the linked to a stimulation of the synthesis of
secretion of lactose occurred when blood glu- lipoproteins and hence increased transport
cose was within the normal physiological of triglycerides to the udder (Pullen et al.,
range (hence the supply of glucose would be 1989).
judged to be adequate). Moreover, circulating However, the effects of amino acid sup-
levels of insulin were unaffected by infusion of ply on the secretion of milk fat are not lim-
glucose, showing that milk protein content ited to methionine. Diets deficient in
varied independently of insulin. histidine led to increased concentrations of
This is not to imply that glucose status is milk fat (Chamberlain et al., 1992).
the key to understanding all the nutritional Moreover, intravascular infusion of amino
effects on milk protein content. Although sim- acid mixtures deficient in histidine markedly
ple relationships emerge in some experiments increased the yield and concentration of milk
(e.g. Kim et al., 2001c), results of other fat (Kim et al., 1999, 2001b; Cant et al.,
experiments discussed above show the mecha- 2001) and reintroduction of histidine
nisms, or at least their interactions, to be more returned the fat concentration to the starting
complex. Progress in unravelling the causes of level (Kim et al., 1999, 2001b; Fig. 20.8). It
the effects is hampered by the difficulty in is difficult to know whether the effects of
defining nutrient status in enough detail; in the amino acid supply are due to specific actions
absence of this information, any suggested of particular amino acids, such as methion-
mechanisms must remain speculative. ine and histidine, or whether they relate to
amino acid balance more generally. It is
known that, in the experiments of Kim et al.
Effects of Amino Acid Supply on the (1999, 2001b), histidine was the first-limit-
Secretion of Milk Fat ing amino acid for secretion of milk protein
and the infusion of amino acid mixtures lack-
Overall, increasing amino acid supply, ing histidine would therefore fit the classical
whether by changes in protein feeding or by definition of an amino acid imbalance
postruminal infusion of protein or amino (Harper et al., 1970). In many of the experi-
Amino Acids - Chap 20 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 381

Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 381

1250 that the mammary uptake of fat precursors

seems to be regulated primarily by their arte-
rial concentrations (Nielsen and Jakobsen,
1994). Whether the increased mammary
1200 blood flow is a response specifically to defi-
ciency of histidine is not known but it is per-
tinent to note that a similar tendency was
observed during an experimentally imposed
Milk-fat yield (g day–1)

1150 deficiency of leucine (see Bequette et al.,

2000), raising the possibility that the effect
might be more general.
Other circumstances in which an
enhanced supply of amino acids stimulates
secretion of milk fat may also be related to
effects on amino acid balance. As already
mentioned (see above), abomasally infused
hydrolysates of casein or corresponding mix-
1050 tures of free amino acids were less effective
than whole casein in stimulating the secre-
tion of milk protein. It was suggested (see
above) that the inferior response to the
1000 hydrolysates and free amino acids might
Basal AA −His AA +His relate to effects on the balance of amino
Fig. 20.8. The effect on the secretion of milk fat of acids in portal blood. It is noteworthy that
the intravenous infusion of a mixture of amino the lower response of milk protein was
acids with or without histidine. The infusions accompanied by very marked increases of
consisted of (g day−1): methionine, 8; lysine, 28; milk fat concentration and yield (Choung and
tryptophan, 2.5 (AA−His); and histidine, 6 Chamberlain, 1993b, 1995a), again suggest-
(AA+His). (Data of Kim et al., 2001b.) ing a link between amino acid balance and
the secretion of milk fat. More information is
needed before reaching firm conclusions but
ments in which adding methionine to the it is tempting to speculate that changes in
diet has increased the yield or content of milk fat might be a useful indicator of the
milk fat, it was not the first-limiting amino optimum balance of amino acids in infused
acid for protein secretion, as judged by the mixtures. Extending this idea to the evalua-
absence of any effect on the yield of milk tion of practical diets might be more difficult
protein (e.g. Varvikko et al., 1999). In these because of the intervention of the other
circumstances, addition of methionine might dietary factors known to affect milk fat. But,
be expected to induce an amino acid imbal- at the very least, we should add amino acid
ance. A mechanism whereby increases in fat balance to the list of dietary factors that
secretion might arise from supplying the affect the concentration of milk fat and
mammary gland with an unbalanced mixture attention should be given to defining how the
has been suggested by Cant et al. (1999). various factors interact. When added to the
From the observation by Bequette et al. results of the infusion studies described here,
(1998) that a deficiency of histidine led to a the finding that intraperitoneal injection of a
marked increase in mammary blood flow, mixture of branched-chain amino acids
Cant et al. (1999) suggest that the increased (BCAA) and arginine offset milk-fat depres-
blood flow might lead inevitably to an sion in cows given a low-fibre diet in early
increased uptake of fat precursors by the lactation (Hopkins et al., 1994) suggests that
gland. That an increased fat secretion would amino acid supply might have a more pro-
follow automatically from an increased mam- nounced influence on milk fat secretion than
mary blood flow is supported by the finding hitherto suspected.
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382 D.G. Chamberlain and J.-M. Yeo

Conclusions because it clearly does not behave as a typical

feed protein. Attention should be given to eas-
This chapter has dealt mostly with what are ing the practical problems of infusing feed pro-
nowadays termed ‘empirical’ observations. One teins. That would allow us to assess the value of
could be forgiven for thinking that the term is protein sources in ways that go beyond present
used in a derogatory sense by some measurements, which effectively consist of little
researchers, almost as a euphemism for ‘super- more than estimated rumen-degradability. Such
ficial and hence of little explanatory power’. To assessments would then need to be confirmed
some extent, this is understandable, given the in feeding trials. Our understanding of factors
prevailing drive to uncover mechanistic expla- that regulate the concentration of protein in
nations at the lowest, ultimately molecular, milk remains poor, despite some established
level. Moreover, as our ability to move to lower empirical relationships. This is an area in need
and lower levels of investigation increases, so of help from more fundamental studies of the
the previous level becomes labelled as empirical partition of amino acid use, including its regula-
as opposed to mechanistic and hence the tion by the availability of specific glucose precur-
terms are relative. Infusion studies and feeding sors but it is difficult to see how this can be
trials of the type considered here are valuable achieved without detailed knowledge of nutrient
in two respects. First, their results can identify status. It is also important that experiments to
relationships and thereby direct the search for examine possible roles of hormones, such as
underlying mechanisms. The effects of amino insulin, be carried out using physiological
acid balance on the secretion of milk fat amounts of hormones and of any infused sub-
emerged from feeding trials and relatively sim- strates. A response to supraphysiological
ple infusion experiments; they would probably amounts of a hormone does not signify a role
have taken much longer to appear in experi- for that hormone in the mechanisms operating
ments on amino acid uptake by the mammary in normal physiology; to assume the contrary is
gland, especially if such experiments were done of little help to our understanding and might
in vitro. Secondly, results from experiments of well hinder it.
this type can act as a ‘reality check’ for putative Any investigation of the effects of amino
mechanisms arising from observations made at acids on milk production is likely to have impli-
more fundamental levels; in other words, they cations for protein-rationing schemes, all of
are closer to the ‘real world’. which remain at an immature stage. Of key
To understand the mechanisms underlying importance is the efficiency of amino acid use
the effects of amino acids on milk production, for secretion of milk protein. Although much
we need a balanced, integrated approach to more information is needed, we should take
experimentation. It is difficult to deny that con- note of what present results show. More
siderable effort is going into feeding trials that experiments are needed to test the suggestion
have limited value in this regard. The use of that short-term experiments may yield mislead-
experimental resources in what appears to be a ing results because they take insufficient
haphazard testing of rumen-protected sources account of body stores. Long-term experiments
of methionine and lysine is of concern. pose their own difficulties, especially when
Although it might have commercial value, it will postruminal or intravascular infusion or sophis-
probably yield little of scientific worth. Progress ticated labelling techniques are to be used. This
at this level would be greatly helped by the avail- is clearly an area needing to be approached
ability of rumen-protected forms of all the EAAs from different levels, with metabolic investiga-
since it looks as though reproducible responses, tions properly integrated with feeding experi-
across a range of diet types, will depend on ments, such that the two levels are genuinely
adding a group of several amino acids rather complementary. If the partition of amino acid
than one or two. On the other hand, postrumi- use between udder and body varies in ways that
nal infusion of proteins is a technique that could can be predicted only with detailed information
provide much-needed information of direct rele- on the status of body tissue stores, we may
vance to diet formulation. However, it is essen- need some fresh thinking about our approach
tial that we move away from the use of casein to protein feeding standards for lactation.
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Effects of Amino Acids on Milk Production 383


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21 Predicting Dietary Amino Acid

Adequacy for Ruminants

D.G. Fox* and L.O. Tedeschi

Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Introduction tion situation depends on the ability of a model

used to predict requirements and supply of
We use ruminants around the world to convert ruminally degraded carbohydrates, protein,
forages, feed grains and food by-products into microbial growth, total digestible nutrients
human food under production conditions that (TDN), metabolizable energy (ME), net energy
vary in soil, climate, feed composition and (NE), heat increment (HI), metabolizable pro-
genotype of cattle. It is well accepted that ani- tein (MP), net protein (NP) and essential amino
mals perform to the level allowed by the first acids (EAA). Formulating rations for varying
limiting nutrient. Thus, accurate prediction of amino acid requirements thus requires an
dietary adequacy for nutrients, including amino accounting system for the variables known to
acids, depends on the interaction of these vari- influence requirements and dietary supply of
ables in each unique production situation. energy and absorbed amino acids.
Because of the complexities of accounting for There are few published models available
these interactions, computer models are for evaluating dietary amino acid adequacy that
needed to accurately evaluate diet adequacy have been designed for field application inter-
for amino acids on each farm. In case studies nationally. Rulquin et al. (1998) and NRC
and field experiences, we have found that the (2001) developed empirical models to predict
efficiency of ruminant production can be the content of amino acids in the duodenal pro-
improved by using models to account for per- tein for lactating dairy cows, with determina-
formance variation by accurately predicting tion of diet amino adequacy being based on
requirements and feed utilization in individual percentages of methionine and lysine in the
production settings (Fox et al., 2000a). absorbed protein. The Cornell Net Carbo-
The dietary supply of amino acids and hydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) contains
animal requirements for them are dependent a factorial system that predicts essential amino
on a number of variables (i.e. fermentable acid requirements based on tissue and milk
energy allowable microbial amino acid produc- composition, mechanistically predicts flow of
tion, undegraded feed protein escaping rumi- amino acids to the small intestine, from diet
nal fermentation, energy allowable animal intake, and evaluates diet amino acid adequacy
production). Therefore, accurate prediction of based on the difference between metabolizable
diet adequacy for amino acids in each produc- requirements for each EAA compared to the

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 389
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390 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

supply of metabolizable requirements for all beyond the capability of existing science (Gill
classes of cattle and sheep. This model has et al., 1989). Furthermore, ration formulation
been published and evaluated by Russell et al. models are limited by the quality and availabi-
(1992), Sniffen et al. (1992), Fox et al. (1992, lity of information about all of the model com-
1995, 1999, 2000b), O’Connor et al. (1993), partments, and by the amount of data and
Ainslie et al. (1993), Tylutki et al. (1994), Pitt work needed to test and validate the functions
et al. (1996), Fox and Tylutki (1998), NRC of such a model. The knowledge of metabo-
(2000), Tedeschi et al. (2000c), Cannas (2000) lism of nutrients is not as advanced as the pre-
and Ruiz et al. (2002). Because of its use inter- diction of ruminal fermentation, because of
nationally for all classes of cattle and sheep, the almost infinite metabolic routes connec-
this chapter will describe the prediction of ting various tissue and metabolic compart-
dietary amino acid adequacy for ruminants ments, the multiple nutrient interactions, and
within the structure of the CNCPS, and its the sophisticated metabolic regulations that
application in predicting requirements of rumi- determine the partitioning of absorbed nutri-
nants in diverse production situations. For a ents (homeorhesis and homeostasis) (Sauvant,
complete listing of the equations in the CNCPS 1991). Therefore, the CNCPS model uses a
model and the software for using it, the reader combination of mechanistic and empirical
is referred to Fox et al. (2000b). The CD con- approaches, assumes steady-state conditions,
taining the model and the publications used in and uses statistical representations of data
model development and evaluation are avail- that describe the aggregated response of
able from the authors ( or whole compartments (Fox et al., 2000b). A key challenge in modelling ruminant
nutrition is in determining the most appropri-
ate level of aggregation of knowledge (whole
Prediction of Diet Amino Acid animal, physiological function, cellular, subcellu-
Balances Within the Structure of the lar, etc.). The most critical step is to describe
CNCPS the objective of the model, and then to deter-
mine the appropriate mix of empirical and
The definition of a model by Gill et al. (1989) mechanistic representations of physiological
describes the CNCPS; an integrated set of functions needed to meet the objective. These
equations and transfer coefficients that repre- decisions are made based on the availability of
sent the various physiological functions in cat- development and validation data, whether the
tle and sheep. Included are predictions of needed inputs are typically available, and a
tissue requirements (maintenance, growth, risk–benefit analysis of the increased sensitivity
pregnancy, lactation and tissue reserves), and (Fox et al., 1995, 2000b). Because the
supply of nutrients to meet requirements (feed CNCPS model is used on farms, it must be able
carbohydrate and protein fractions, their char- to accurately predict animal requirements and
acteristic digestion and passage rates, micro- supply of nutrients from inputs that are rou-
bial growth, intestinal digestion and tinely available on most farms, it must provide
metabolism of absorbed nutrients). The pur- output that will help producers improve their
pose of a model is to describe mathematically feeding programmes, and the risk of use must
the response of each compartment or several be small. To continue to be a tool to apply cur-
connected compartments to a variable or rent scientific knowledge, it must have a struc-
combination of variables. A model is consid- ture that can be readily updated and refined as
ered to be mechanistic when it simulates new knowledge becomes available.
behaviour of a function through processes The CNCPS model contains a biologi-
operating at a lower level (Gill et al., 1989). cally based structure to evaluate diets for all
Most biological responses are integrated, non- classes of cattle (i.e. beef, dairy and dual pur-
linear and dynamic (Sauvant, 1991). A model pose) and sheep based on consideration of
that is totally mechanistic will accurately simu- the existing animals, feeds, management, and
late whole-animal metabolism under all condi- environmental conditions. The approach
tions with little risk of use but such a model is taken and level of aggregation of variables are
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 391

Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 391

based on our experience in working with with adjustments reflecting breed type, physi-
farmers and consultants to diagnose animal ological state, previous nutritional treatment,
performance problems, and to develop more activity, environment (temperature, wind
accurate feeding programmes. Over 20 years, velocity, and animal surface area and insula-
separate submodels that can be classified by tion) and heat gain or loss required to main-
physiological function have been developed tain normal body temperature. The
and refined: (i) feed intake and composition, proportion of the energy and protein intake
(ii) rumen fermentation, (iii) intestinal diges- needed for productive functions cannot be
tion, (iv) metabolism, (v) maintenance, (vi) accurately determined until the proportion
growth, (vii) pregnancy, (viii) lactation, (ix) needed for maintenance is determined. The
reserves, and (x) nutrient excretion. New combined animal and diet heat production
information has been periodically incorpo- must thus be determined to assess energy
rated into these submodels. The user must balance in a particular environment, requir-
have some nutritional knowledge to use the ing the prediction of both ME and NE. The
CNCPS because of the risks associated with amino acid requirements for maintenance
not knowing how to choose inputs and inter- are then computed from the prediction of
pret results. However, with training and expe- sloughed protein and net tissue turnover
rience, the CNCPS can be used to evaluate losses, as predicted from metabolic feacal
the interactions between animal type, produc- nitrogen, urinary nitrogen loss, and scurf
tion level, environment, feed composition and protein, as shown in Equation [21.1].
management to predict amino acid balances.
MPAAi = (AATISSi  0.01 
The following sections summarize how
(MPm  0.65))/EAAMi [21.1]
requirements and supply of amino acids are
computed in the CNCPS model. Where MPAAi is metabolizable requirement
for the ith absorbed amino acid (g day−1);
AATISSi is amino acid composition of tissue
Maintenance requirement for amino acids (%) (Table 21.1); MPm is metabolizable protein
required for maintenance (g day−1); and
The maintenance energy requirement is pre- EAAMi is efficiency of use of the ith amino
dicted from metabolic body size and rate acid for maintenance (g g−1) (Table 21.2).

Table 21.1. Amino acid composition of tissue and milk proteina.

Tissueb Milkc Ratios for milk production

Amino acid (AATISS) (AALACT) CNCPSd Schwabe Rulquinf NRCf

Methionine 1.97 2.71 5.3 5.5 2.5 2.4

Lysine 6.37 7.62 16.9 16.0 7.3 7.2
Histidine 2.47 2.74 6.2 5.5 – –
Phenylalanine 3.53 4.75 9.4 10.0 – –
Tryptophan 0.49 1.51 2.5 3.0 – –
Threonine 3.90 3.72 9.4 8.9 – –
Leucine 6.70 9.18 18.1 19.5 – –
Isoleucine 2.84 5.79 11.5 11.4 – –
Valine 4.03 5.89 12.5 13.0 – –
Arginine 3.30 3.40 8.2 7.2 – –
aAmino acid composition as g of amino acid 100 g−1 of protein.
bAverage of three studies summarized by whole empty body values of Ainslie et al. (1993).
cWaghorn and Baldwin (1984).
dPer cent of essential amino acids.
ePer cent of essential amino acids in the duodenum (Schwab, 1996).
fPer cent of metabolizable protein (Rulquin and Vérité, 1993; NRC, 2001).
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392 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

Table 21.2. Utilization of individual absorbed amino acids for

physiological functionsa,b.

Maintenance Pregnancy Lactation

Amino acid (EAAM) (EAAP) (EAAL)

Methionine 0.85 0.35 1.00

Lysine 0.85 0.53 0.82
Histidine 0.85 0.32 0.96
Phenylalanine 0.85 0.48 0.98
Tryptophan 0.85 0.85 0.85
Threonine 0.85 0.57 0.78
Leucine 0.66 0.42 0.72
Isoleucine 0.66 0.32 0.66
Valine 0.66 0.32 0.62
Arginine 0.85 0.38 0.35
aRequirement for growth varies with stage of growth as determined

by Ainslie et al. (1993). If EQSBW  478 kg then EAAG = 0.834 −

(0.00114 × EQSBW), where EAAG is the efficiency of amino acid
for growth factor and EQSBW is equivalent shrunk body weight as
described by Fox et al. (1992). Other values have been updated
from O’Conner et al. (1993) by T. R. Overton (personal
communication). Values are expressed as g g−1.
bThese efficiencies are assumed to be valid at the point where

supply matches requirements. Amino acids absorbed in excess of

requirements will be used less efficiently, and those absorbed at
levels below requirements will be used with a higher efficiency
(Ruiz et al., 2002).

Predicting amino acid requirements for EQSBW = SBW  (SRW/MSBW) [21.2]

tissue deposition
where SRW is mature weight of the standard
Expected mature weight, actual body weight, reference animal, and MSBW is expected
and rate of growth are used to predict energy mature shrunk body weight if replacement
and protein content of growth, as described by heifers and is expected finished weight at the
Fox et al. (2000b) for cattle and by Cannas target body fat if growing and finishing
(2000) for sheep. Requirements for cattle steers, heifers or bulls. For herd replacement
growth are calculated using body weight, heifers, SRW is 478 kg. For growing and fin-
shrunk weight gain, body composition and rel- ishing steers, heifers or bulls, SRW is 400,
ative body size. Accurate prediction of daily 435, 462 or 478 kg if the target is to mar-
gain that can be expected for the metaboliz- ket at 22, 25, 27 or 28% body fat, respec-
able energy and protein consumed depends on tively.
accurate prediction of energy required for The body fat endpoints (22, 25, 27 or
maintenance and composition of gain, which 28% body fat) are associated with devoid,
is related to the proportion of mature weight traces, slight, and small degrees of marbling,
at a particular weight (Fox et al., 1992; respectively. This system requires accurate
Tylutki et al., 1994). A size-scaling system is estimation of mature weight if breeding herd
used to adjust shrunk body weight (SBW) to a replacements or target finished weight if
weight equivalent to a standard reference ani- growing and finishing for beef.
mal at the same stage of growth (Tylutki et al., Representative weights of mature cull cows
1994; NRC, 2000). This equivalent shrunk sold in average body condition score can be
body weight (EQSBW) is calculated as: used as a starting point for estimating mature
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 393

Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 393

weight for breeding herd replacements. Most Prediction of pregnancy requirements for
cattle feeders are experienced with finished amino acids
weights expected with feedlot finishing on a
high grain diet with backgrounded calves or Pregnancy requirements are predicted from
yearlings that have received an oestrogenic uterine and conceptus demand based on
implant. Guidelines for other conditions are: expected birth weights and day of gestation
(i) reduce finished weight 25–45 kg for non- [Equation 21.4]. These become critical in the
use of an oestrogenic implant; (ii) increase accuracy of ration formulation during the last
finished weight for an aggressive implant pro- 90 days of pregnancy because that is the
gramme, which usually involves use of an period of highest conceptus weight accumula-
implant containing trenbolone acetate (TBA) tion and demand.
plus oestrogen; (iii) increase finished weight
YPAAi = (AATISSi  0.01 
25–45 kg for extended periods at slow rates
(MPp MPEfficiency))/EAAPi [21.4]
of gain; and (iv) decrease finished weight
25–45 kg for continuous use of a high- where YPAAi is metabolizable requirement for
energy diet from weaning. gestation for the ith absorbed amino acid (g
Equivalent empty body weight (EQEBW) day−1); AATISSi is amino acid composition of
is 0.891×EQSBW and empty body gain tissue (%) (Table 21.1); MPp is metabolizable
(EBG) is 0.956×SBG (shrunk body gain). protein required for pregnancy (g day−1);
These variables are used to predict required MPEfficiency is the efficiency of metabolizable to
net energy for gain (NEg) to formulate least net protein, if dairy cows then MPEfficiency is
cost diets to support a target daily gain; NEg 0.33 otherwise it is 0.50; and EAAPi is effi-
(Mcal day−1) = 0.0635×EQEBW0.75× ciency of use of the ith amino acid for gesta-
EBG1.097. Across all cattle types, these equa- tion (g g−1) (Table 21.2).
tions accounted for 94% of the variation in
energy and 91% of the protein retained mea-
sured in body composition studies, with only a Prediction of lactation requirements for
2% bias. Similar results were obtained with amino acids
Holstein heifers only (Fox et al., 1999).
In evaluating if the current ration meets Lactation requirements are computed for
or exceeds the target daily gain, daily net varying day of lactation, levels and composi-
energy available for gain (NEFG) from the diet tion of milk. Using actual (dairy cows or
after maintenance requirements are met is sheep) or predicted (beef cows or meat sheep)
used along with the body weight adjusted to milk production, metabolizable energy
the weight of the standard reference animal to required for lactation is computed, assuming a
predict daily gain the diet will allow with the 64.4% efficiency (NRC, 1989). Metabolizable
following equation: SWG (kg day−1) = protein requirements are computed from milk
13.91×NEFG0.9116×EQSBW−0.6837. Net pro- yield, milk protein content, and an efficiency
tein required for gain (NPg, g day−1) = of 65% (NRC, 1985) [Equation 21.5]:
SWG×(268 −(29.4×(NEg/SWG))).
Amino acid requirements for growth are LPAAi = (AALACTi  0.01 
then computed as follows: (LP0.65))/EAALi [21.5]

RPAAi = (AATISSi  0.01  where LPAAi is metabolizable requirement for

NPg)/EAAGi [21.3] lactation for the ith absorbed amino acid (g
day−1); AALACTi is the ith amino acid content
where RPAAi is growth requirement for the of milk true protein (%) (Table 21.1); LP is
ith absorbed amino acid (g day−1); AATISSi is metabolizable protein required for lactation (g
the ith amino acid composition of tissue (%) day−1); and EAALi is efficiency of use of the ith
(Table 21.1); NPg is net protein required for amino acid for milk protein formation (g g−1)
gain (g day−1); and EAAGi is efficiency of use (Table 21.2).
of the ith amino acid for growth (g g−1) (Table The CNCPS model then computes
21.2). amino acid balance as the difference between
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 394

394 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

total requirements for each essential amino growth rate of each microbial pool that
acid and the essential amino acids supplied by digests respective available carbohydrate frac-
the diet, including those from microbial pro- tions, and thus the absorbable microbial
tein resulting from fermentation of dietary amino acids produced, will depend on the
carbohydrates and those contained in rumi- special characteristics and intake of the feeds
nally undegraded feed protein. More empirical being fed, which in turn determines the
models express dietary amino acid require- demand for the nitrogen source required by
ments as the ratio of methionine to lysine each pool (Russell et al., 1992; Sniffen et al.,
(Rulquin and Vérité, 1993; Schwab, 1996; 1992; Tedeschi et al., 2000c). Secondly, the
NRC, 2001). Table 21.1 summarizes these percentage of cell wall carbohydrate and pro-
ratios. The optimization of these two amino tein that escapes digestion will change,
acids 2 weeks prepartum and 4 weeks post- depending on level of intake, particle size,
partum resulted in a response in milk produc- specific gravity, rumination and degree of lig-
tion of 4–5 kg (Sniffen et al., 2001). nification (Sniffen et al., 1992). Thirdly, the
However, these authors concluded that the site of digestion and, depending on the rate of
use of these ratios alone could result in fail- whole tract passage, the extent of digestion
ures if the ration did not meet the MP require- will be altered (Sniffen et al., 1992; Fox et
ment or if the balances of other essential al., 1992). Variable rates of digestion and
amino acids computed with the factorial passage have similar implications for protein
method was negative. Sniffen et al. (2001) fractions in feeds (Sniffen et al., 1992). Those
concluded that for lactating dairy cows, the readily available will be degraded in the
factorial system should be used to meet MP rumen, whereas those more slowly degraded
and essential amino acid requirements, fol- will be partially degraded in the rumen and
lowed by balancing for the optimum ratios
partially degraded postruminally, the propor-
and profile of amino acids.
tion depending on rates of digestion and pas-
sage of the protein fractions in the feeds
(Sniffen et al., 1992).
Prediction of supply of amino acids to
Predicting the energy content of the
meet requirements
ration is accomplished by estimating apparent
TDN of each feed and for the total ration as
The amino acids supplied in the CNCPS
described by Russell et al. (1992), Sniffen et
model depend on accurate determination of
dry matter intake (DMI), ingredient content of al. (1992) and NRC (2000), and utilizing
carbohydrate and protein fractions and their equations and conversion factors to estimate
content of essential amino acids in the rumi- ME, NEm, NEg and NEl values, as described by
nally undegraded protein, microbial growth on Fox et al. (1992), NRC (2000) and Fox et al.
the fibre and non-fibre carbohydrates con- (2000b). To calculate apparent TDN, appar-
sumed and the amino acid content of rumen ent digestibilities for carbohydrates, proteins
microbes and their intestinal digestibilities, and and fats are estimated. These apparent
the unique rates of digestion and passage of digestibilities are determined by simulating the
the individual feed carbohydrate and protein degradation, passage and digestion of feed-
fractions that are being fed. First limiting in stuffs in the rumen and small intestine. Also,
the CNCPS is accurate determination of DMI, microbial yields and faecal composition are
and whenever it is possible the actual DMI estimated. Feed composition values needed
should be used instead of the predicted one include: neutral detergent fibre (NDF), lignin,
for the group of animals being evaluated. crude protein (CP), fat, ash and neutral deter-
Then, the predicted DMI may be used as a gent insoluble protein (NDIP) as a percentage
benchmark for diagnostic purposes, or when of the diet DM, and starch and sugar
actual DMI is not available, including grazing expressed as a percentage of non-fibre carbo-
ruminants. hydrates.
The interactions of DMI, digestion and Rumen microorganisms are categorized
passage have several implications. First, the into those that ferment fibre carbohydrates
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 395

Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 395

(FC) and non-fibre carbohydrate (NFC), as a diet, one must be able to determine how
described by Russell et al. (1992) and the well all four requirements are being met.
NRC (2000). Generally, FC microorganisms One of the critical factors affecting micro-
ferment cellulose and hemicellulose and grow bial growth is rumen pH. The CNCPS
more slowly, and utilize ammonia as their pri- describes physical characteristics of feeds as
mary nitrogen source for microbial protein related to their effectiveness in stimulating
synthesis. In contrast, the NFC microorgan- chewing, rumination and increased rumen
isms ferment starch, pectin and sugars, grow motility based on their total cell wall content
more rapidly and can utilize ammonia and and particle size within classes of feeds
amino acids as nitrogen sources. The FC and (peNDF). The peNDF value in the CNCPS is
NFC microorganisms have different mainte- defined as the percentage of the NDF retained
nance requirements (the CNCPS uses 0.05 on a 1.18 mm screen as described by Mertens
and 0.15 g of carbohydrate per g of microor- (1997). Factors other than particle size that
ganism per hour, respectively). Although the influence the peNDF value are degree of ligni-
CNCPS does not compute specific amino acid fication of the NDF, degree of hydration, and
requirements for microbial growth, the effi- bulk density. Pitt et al. (1996) described the
ciency of growth of NFC digesting bacteria is relationship between CNCPS peNDF values,
optimized at 14% peptides as a percentage of rumen pH and FC digestion. Total microbial
NFC (Russell et al., 1992). Thus the degrad- yield and FC growth rate rapidly decline
able protein requirement is for supporting below a pH of 6.2, which relates to a diet
optimal utilization of NFC and FC to meet peNDF content of 20%. The CNCPS reduces
respective microbial growth requirements, and microbial yield 2.5 percentage units for each
microbial growth is reduced when they are percentage drop in diet peNDF below 20%.
deficient (Tedeschi et al., 2000c). The rate of Thus the diet peNDF must be accurately pre-
microbial growth of each category is directly dicted to accurately predict microbial amino
proportional to the rate of carbohydrate acid production and cell wall digestion.
digestion, so long as a suitable nitrogen Feed composition in the CNCPS is
source is available. The extent of digestion in described by carbohydrate and protein frac-
the rumen depends on digestion of FC and tions and their digestion rates, which are used
NFC feed fractions and how rapidly the feed to compute the amount of FC and NFC avail-
passes out of the rumen. The extent of diges- able for each of the two microbial pools
tion thus depends on factors such as level of (Sniffen et al., 1992). Digestion and passage
intake, particle size, rate of hydration, lignifi- rates have been developed for common feeds,
cation, and characteristics of each carbohy- based on data in the literature, as described by
drate and protein fraction. Sniffen et al. (1992). All of the carbohydrate
The ME, MP and amino acids derived in and protein fractions needed to predict the
each situation will primarily depend on the amounts of degradable carbohydrate and pro-
unique rates of digestion and passage of the tein fractions available to support rumen fer-
individual feed carbohydrate and protein frac- mentation can be determined in feed testing
tions that are being fed. Digestion rates are laboratories, using the Van Soest et al. (1991)
feed specific, and depend primarily on type of system of feed analysis and proximate analysis.
starch and protein, degree of lignification, and Included are NDF, CP, soluble protein, neutral
degree of processing. Extent of ruminal diges- and acid detergent insoluble protein, fat and
tion is a function of competition between ash. The CNCPS feed library contains over
digestion and passage, and varies with feed 150 feeds that are described by these analyses,
type (forage vs. grain) and particle size. There as described by Sniffen et al. (1992). Included
are four nitrogen fraction requirements that are digestion rates for sugars (CHO A), starch
must be met in evaluating a diet with the and pectin (CHO B1), available NDF (CHO
CNCPS; two microbial categories (ammonia B2) and fast (ProtB1), intermediate (ProtB2)
for the FC and peptides and ammonia for the and slow (ProtB3) protein. Total carbohydrates
NFC microbial pools), and two animal pools are computed as 100 − (protein + fat + ash),
(MP and essential amino acids). In evaluating using tabular or analytical values. Then carbo-
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 396

396 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

hydrates are partitioned into FC and NFC by n  AABNCW × 0.01

subtracting NDF from total carbohydrates, DIGBAAi = ∑  × REBTP i 
j=1  j  [21.7]
with the available fibre being NDF − NDFProtein
− (lignin×2.4). Data from the literature are where REBAAi is the amount of the ith bacter-
used to establish the distribution of sugars and ial amino acid appearing at the duodenum (g
starch in the NFC fraction. day−1); REBCWj is the bacterial cell wall protein
The growth of two microbial pools (FC appearing at the duodenum as a result of fer-
and NFC) is then predicted, based on the inte- mentation of the jth feedstuff (g day−1);
gration of rates of digestion and passage, AABCWi is the ith amino acid content of
which in turn determines the nitrogen require- rumen bacteria cell wall protein (g 100g−1)
ments of each pool, microbial protein pro- (Table 21.3); AABNCWi is the ith amino acid
duced and MP available from this source, content of rumen bacteria non-cell wall protein
carbohydrates escaping digestion and digested (g 100g−1) (Table 21.3); REBTPj is the bacterial
postruminally and ME derived from the diet. non-cell wall protein appearing at the duode-
Passage rates are a function of level of intake, num as a result of fermentation of the jth feed-
percentage forage and peNDF value. stuff (g day−1); and DIGBAAi is the amount of
Simultaneously, the degraded and undegraded the ith absorbed bacterial amino acid (g day−1).
protein pools are predicted, which are used to Essential amino acid composition of the
determine nitrogen balance for each of the undegradable protein of each feedstuff is used to
microbial pools, feed protein escaping unde- calculate supply of amino acids from the feeds:
graded and digested postruminally, and MP n  AAINSP × 0.01 × ( REPB1 
and amino acids derived from undegraded feed REFAAi = ∑  ij j

j=1  j j j 
protein. The protein fractions are expressed as [21.8]
a percentage of the CP. The ‘A’ protein frac-
tion is NPN (non-protein nitrogen) and the where AAINSPij is the ith amino acid content
‘B1’ fraction is true protein that is nearly all of the insoluble protein for the jth feedstuff (g
degraded in the rumen; these pools are mea- 100g−1); REFAAi is the amount of ith dietary
sured as soluble protein. The ‘C’ protein frac- amino acid appearing at the duodenum (g
tion is measured as acid detergent-insoluble day−1); REPB1j is the rumen escaped B1 pro-
protein (ADIP) and is assumed to be unavail- tein from the jth feedstuff (g day−1); REPB2j is
able. The ‘B3’ or slowly degraded protein frac- the rumen escaped B2 protein from the jth
tion can be determined by subtracting the feedstuff (g day−1); REPB3j is the rumen
value determined for ADIP from the value escaped B3 protein from the jth feedstuff (g
determined for NDIP. The ‘B2’ fraction, which day−1); and REPCj is the rumen escaped C
is partly degraded in the rumen, depending on protein from the jth feedstuff (g day−1).
digestion and passage rates, can then be esti- Total metabolizable amino acid supply
mated as the difference between CP and the from microbial and feed protein is computed
sum of soluble + B3 + C. Amino acids in feed- as shown in Equations [21.9]–[21.11].
stuffs are described by their concentration in REAAi = REBAAi  REFAAi [21.9]
the undegraded protein, as described by
 AAINSPij × 0.01 × ( REPB1j 
O’Connor et al. (1993). Intestinal digestibility DIGFAAi = ∑ 
+REPB2 j + 0.8 × REPB3 j ) 
of the amino acids is assumed to be 100% in j=1 
the B1 and B2 and 80% in the B3 protein [21.10]
escaping ruminal degradation. AAASi = DIGBAAi + DIGFAAi [21.11]
Microbial composition of essential amino
acids is used to calculate the supply of amino where REAAi is the total amount of the ith amino
acids from bacteria, as shown in Equations acid appearing at the duodenum (g day−1);
[21.6] and [21.7]. DIGFAAi is the amount of the ith absorbed
amino acid from dietary protein escaping
REBAAi = (AABCWi  0.01  REBCWj ) rumen degradation (g day−1); AAASi is the total
+ (AABNCWi  0.01  REBTPj ) amount of the ith absorbed amino acid supplied
[21.6] by dietary and bacterial sources (g day−1).
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Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 397

Table 21.3. Amino acid composition of rumen microbial cell wall and
non-cell wall proteina.

Ruminal bacteriab
Amino acids Cell wall Non-cell wall Mean SD

Methionine 2.40 2.68 2.60 0.7

Lysine 5.60 8.20 7.90 0.9
Histidine 1.74 2.69 2.00 0.4
Phenylalanine 4.20 5.16 5.10 0.3
Tryptophan 1.63c 1.63 – –
Threonine 3.30 5.59 5.80 0.5
Leucine 5.90 7.51 8.10 0.8
Isoleucine 4.00 5.88 5.70 0.4
Valine 4.70 6.16 6.20 0.6
Arginine 3.82 6.96 5.10 0.7
aAmino acid composition as % of protein.
bAverage composition and SD (standard deviation) of 441 bacterial
samples from animals fed 61 dietary treatments in 35 experiments
(Clark et al., 1992). Included for comparison to the cell wall and non-cell
wall values used in this model.
cData were not available, therefore, content of cell wall protein was

assumed to be same as non-cell wall protein (O’Connor et al., 1993).

Prediction of intestinal digestion and (Sniffen et al., 1992): whole maize,

excretion 30–50%; cracked maize, 50–70%; dry
rolled maize, 70–80%; maize meal,
Experimentally measured digestibility coeffi- 80–90%; whole high moisture maize,
cients are used to predict intestinal digestibil- 80–90%; high moisture ground maize,
ities and faecal losses based on summaries of 85–95%; steam flaked maize, 92–97%; dry
data in the literature (Sniffen et al., 1992; rolled sorghum, 60–70%; dry ground
Knowlton et al., 1998). The total NDF sorghum, 70–80%; and steam flaked
escaping the rumen is assumed to have an sorghum, 90–95%. Based on recent studies
intestinal digestibility of only 20% because and a review of the literature (Knowlton et
the small intestine lacks the enzymes to al., 1998), modifications of the above for
digest cellulose and hemicellulose. Intestinal high-producing dairy cows (above 45 kg
digestibilities for protein fractions and amino milk) fed maize are: whole maize, 30–40%;
acids that escape the rumen are 100% for cracked maize, 40–60%; maize meal,
protein fractions A, B1 and B2; 80% for 70–90%; and rolled high moisture maize,
protein fraction B3; and 0% for protein frac- 75–85%. Although little escapes digestion
tion C. Intestinal starch digestibility depends in the rumen, starch from processed small
on type of grain, degree of processing, and grains (wheat, barley, oats) has a high
level of intake above maintenance (Sniffen et intestinal digestibility (over 90%).
al., 1992; Knowlton et al., 1998). Ranges A more mechanistic approach is needed
are provided for the user to adjust intestinal that incorporates the integration of digestion
starch digestion for specific situations, based and passage to predict intestinal digestion.
on observation of the faeces, and in adjust- However, the accuracy of prediction of intesti-
ing inputs to account for differences between nal pool sizes digested depends on the accu-
actual and predicted performance. For most racy of prediction of ruminal flows, and
conditions, the ranges suggested are based therefore has second priority to prediction of
on studies with growing beef steers and lac- ruminal fermentation, particularly since, with
tating dairy cows consuming feed at two to most feeds, over 75% of total tract digestion
three times maintenance level of intake occurs in the rumen.
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 398

398 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

Prediction of metabolism of absorbed until the first limiting factors can be accu-
amino acids rately predicted. This was demonstrated
when measured duodenal flows from 80 diets
We currently use empirically derived equations were not predicted as accurately with the
and transfer coefficients for metabolism of dynamic, low level aggregation rumen model
amino acids in this application level model of Baldwin et al. (1987a,b,c) as with the
(Table 21.2) because of the limitations in pre- CNCPS (Sauvant, 1991).
dicting end-products of ruminal fermentation, Fox et al. (1995) conducted a sensitivity
absorbed carbohydrate and amino acids, and analysis to assess the relative importance of
the large number of metabolic routes connect- refining prediction of factors influencing rumi-
ing the numerous tissue and metabolic com- nal fermentation (feed carbohydrate and pro-
partments, the multiple nutrient interactions, tein fractions and their digestion rates, and
and the sophisticated metabolic regulations microbial amino acid composition) and those
which drive the partitioning of absorbed nutri- influencing animal requirements (maintenance
ents in various productive states. The equa- protein requirement, tissue amino acid com-
tions used to predict ME from DE reflect the position, and metabolic transfer coefficients)
variation in methane produced across a wide in improving accuracy of predicting diet
range in diets. The equations used for lactat- amino acid adequacy. Using variations in pub-
ing dairy cows to predict NE for lactation lished values, a sensitivity analysis with the
from ME reflects the energetic efficiency asso- CNCPS was conducted to evaluate the
ciated with the typical mix of metabolites in change from the validation of Ainslie et al.
the ME, based on respiration chamber data (1993) in variation accounted for (r2) and bias
(Moe, 1981), and validated on independent (slope when the regression of predicted on
data (Roseler, 1994). The equations used for observed average daily gain (ADG) was forced
growing cattle to predict NE for maintenance through the origin) in predicting ME, MP and
and NE for growth reflect the wide variation essential amino acids (EAA) allowable ADG.
in metabolites used in growing cattle and dry
cows, and validated with little bias across a
Sensitivity to feed factors
wide range of ME contents (NRC, 2000). To
predict the impact of diet on composition of A lower feed NDF increased the bias with all
tissue and milk, our metabolism submodel three (ME, MP and EAA allowable ADG)
needs to be able to predict absorbed carbohy- because of an increase in NFC and therefore
drates, volatile fatty acids, lipids and amino a greater ruminally degradable carbohydrate
acids available for various physiological func- pool and increased microbial yield. The
tions and their metabolism with changes in inverse was true with an increase in NDF. A
productive states. Pitt et al. (1996) described lower CP decreased the MP allowable ADG,
the prediction of ruminal fermentation end- but did not decrease the EAA allowable gain
products within the CNCPS structure as a first because of little change in the first limiting
step; we are in the process of incorporating EAA. The model was much more sensitive to
this dynamic approach into the CNCPS a lower protein solubility, which increased
model. the proportion of intake protein escaping
ruminal degradation. Decreasing the ruminal
starch and NDF rates of digestion decreased
Sensitivity of the CNCPS to various both the MP and EAA allowable ADG,
inputs because of a decreased microbial yield. A
change in the values used for microbial
Priorities for research and routine feed analy- amino acid composition had a dramatic
sis procedures that need to be implemented effect on EAA allowable ADG. The values
depend on cost to benefit ratios and the pro- used in the CNCPS for absorbed microbial
cedures available to measure sensitive vari- EAA are based on bacterial true protein
ables. There is little value in developing more (O’Connor et al., 1993), which are different
complex models for amino acid balancing from those reported by Clark et al. (1992)
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 399

Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 399

for whole bacteria. It is clear that those fac- use of absorbed protein, and that efficiency of
tors influencing the prediction of microbial use of absorbed protein changes with stage of
yield were the most critical in predicting growth. Lobley (1992) indicated that protein
EAA supply. A portion of the variation in metabolism in ruminants is very dynamic, and
reported values for bacterial composition can a kinetic approach is needed to accurately
be attributed to differences in techniques predict amino acid requirements. Small
used to isolate and measure their composi- changes in either the rate of synthesis or
tion (Clark et al., 1992). Other data indicate degradation can cause great alterations in the
that there are actual differences in bacterial rate of gain and the relative maintenance
composition, and large errors can result by requirement changes with level of production.
assuming a constant composition (Clark et Lobley (1992) indicated that a 500 kg steer
al., 1992). Thus a high research priority is with a net daily protein accretion of 150 g
to increase our ability to accurately predict actually degrades and re-synthesizes at least
both the extent and composition of microbial another 2550 g. Thus balancing for daily net
growth on a particular diet. accretion accounts for only about 5.5% of the
The prediction of microbial yield and cell total daily protein synthesis. He concluded
wall digestion is very sensitive to diet peNDF. that the precision of kinetic methods is criti-
However, at present the determination of this cal; a 2% change in synthesis rate would alter
value is an inexact science at best. More net protein accretion 20–40% and many of
research is needed to provide ways of quanti- the procedures are not accurate within 4–5%.
fying in each situation peNDF values for feeds The CNCPS growth requirement validation of
or develop an alternative way of relating feed Tylutki et al. (1994) indicated the CNCPS
chemical and physical characteristics to the more aggregated approach based on mea-
prediction of rumen pH. sured whole-body composition accounted for
more of the variation with less bias in predict-
ing energy and protein retained across a wide
Sensitivity to animal factors
range in cattle types than did a lower level
The Rohr and Lebzien (1991) metabolic fae- kinetic model. When combined with a system
cal nitrogen requirements gave similar results that has limitations in predicting absorbed
but the CSIRO value increased the bias due to amino acids from microbial and feed sources,
a lower requirement. More work is needed to errors could be greatly magnified with an
clearly define this requirement. Decreasing the inadequate mechanistic metabolism model. In
body size decreased ME allowable ADG all cases, the ME allowable ADG exceeded the
because of an increase in the predicted MP or EAA allowable ADG, suggesting that
energy content of gain. Decreasing the body the efficiency of use of absorbed energy was
condition score increased the ME allowable influenced by EAA sufficiency.
ADG due to a decrease in the model pre-
dicted maintenance energy requirement and
an increased efficiency of use of ME for Adjusting animal and dietary factors to
growth. The EAA allowable ADG was predict actual performance
reduced when the Rohr and Lebzien (1991)
or Evans and Patterson (1985) tissue EAA The previous discussion indicates accurate
composition values were used, because of prediction of energy and amino acid supply
their higher values. The use of the NRC depended on prediction of NDF, starch, CP
(1985), INRA (1989) or Rohr and Lebzien and protein solubility pool sizes and their
(1991) fixed transfer coefficients for efficiency digestion and passage rates, and microbial
of use of absorbed protein all decreased the r2 amino acid composition. Prediction of
and increased the bias in predicting MP and absorbed energy and amino acid requirements
EAA allowable ADG compared to the CNCPS depended on accurate prediction of protein
model regression equation. These results indi- retained, amino acid tissue composition, and
cate that the most sensitive animal factors are efficiency of use of absorbed energy and pro-
the EAA content of tissue and efficiency of tein. We believe that with adequate feed com-
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 400

400 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

position values and knowledge of how to use or daily gain. The daily gain or milk produc-
input values, mechanistic models such as the tion being obtained should agree with those
CNCPS that have an appropriate structure for predicted from the diet considering animal
accounting for these variables can be used as type, environmental conditions, feed intake
a beginning point to predict ME, NE, and and diet feedstuff carbohydrate composition.
amino acid requirements and supply. First, the If not, the user should evaluate the following.
animal, environmental and feed compositional a. Predicted change in body condition score,
factors must be described as accurately and based on diet energy excess or deficiency. In
completely as possible. However, because the case of lactating and dry cows, the pre-
many of the factors (body size, environmental dicted energy balance compared to observed
conditions, feed digestion rates, particle size, days over which animal condition will change
etc.) depend on field observation, the input one score are excellent indicators of the diet
factors must be adjusted in a logical way until energy balance being achieved. However,
the model predicts the performance that is predicted and observed body condition
being observed before alternatives can accu- scores should agree.
rately be evaluated. This approach allows b. Mistakes or incorrect judgements about
requirements to be computed for the specific inputs such as body size, milk production
animal, environmental, DMI and feed compo- and its composition, environmental condi-
sitional conditions. tions or feed additives are often made.
The following sequence of steps in using c. Feed factors that may be influencing
the CNCPS have been developed to deter- energy derived from the diet as the result of
mine the first limiting nutrient (energy, feed compositional changes, and possible
absorbed protein, amino acids) for specific effects on digestion and passage rates. The
conditions, based on our use of the CNCPS in ME derived from forages are most sensitive
designing experiments and in conducting field to NDF amount and percentage of the NDF
case studies (Roseler, 1991; Fox et al., 1992, that is lignin, available NDF digestion rate,
1995, 2000a; Stone et al., 1992). This hier- and peNDF value. After making sure the
archy is necessary, because of the ‘ripple feed composition values are appropriate,
effect’ of all of the interactions in the model. the digestion rate is considered.
When one factor is altered, several others are Adjustments are made, using the ranges
likely to be affected. The hierarchy inherent in and descriptions in Table 6 of Sniffen et al.
the CNCPS assumes energy is first limiting, (1992). If the rumen pH is below 6.2, the
and amino acid requirements are supplied to digestion rate of the cell wall is reduced,
meet the energy requirement for mainte- based on pH predicted from peNDF. We
nance, pregnancy, or daily gain or milk pro- next check the assignment of peNDF; it is
duction from the energy intake over that used in computing passage rate. If too low,
needed for maintenance and pregnancy. passage rate may be too high, reducing
predicted ME value. The major factors influ-
1. Dry matter intake comparison. encing energy derived from feeds high in
Accurately determine DMI, and compare it to NFC are ruminal and intestinal starch diges-
that expected. The actual dry matter intake tion rate. This is mainly a concern when
must be accurately determined, taking into feeding maize and/or maize silage. We
account feed wastage, moisture content of adjust this value based on appearance of
feeds and scale accuracy. The accuracy of any maize in the manure, using the values in
model prediction is highly dependent on the Table 7 of Sniffen et al. (1992) as a guide.
DMI used. Intake of each feed must be as uni- 3. Effective fibre adjustments. Make adjust-
form as possible over the day, because as far ments to insure effective fibre requirements are
as we know all field application models being met. In high-producing cows or high
assume a total mixed ration with steady state energy fed feedlot cattle, it is difficult to bal-
conditions. ance fibre requirements because of the
2. Energy allowable evaluation. Compare increase in energy density needed to meet
energy allowable to observed milk production energy requirements for maximum production.
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Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 401

Based on Pitt et al. (1996), we make adjust- feeds high in slowly degraded or rumen
ments to insure that diet peNDF is a minimum escape (bypass) protein (low Protein B2 diges-
of 20% in lactating cows, or growing cattle tion rates).
where forage utilization is important. As much 6. Compare essential amino acids supplied
as 25% peNDF may be required to maintain to meet requirements. This is the last step to
an adequate pH, depending on feeding man- be adjusted because the amino acid balance is
agement. In beef cattle fed high concentrate affected by changes made in all of the above.
diets, a minimum of 8% is required to keep Essential amino acid balances can be esti-
cattle on feed under typical feedlot conditions; mated within the structure of the CNCPS
under these low pH conditions (pH  6) because the effects of the interactions of
microbial yield will be reduced at least a third intake, digestion and passage rates on micro-
by the CNCPS model and very little energy bial yield, available undegraded feed protein
will be derived from the fibre in forages fed. and estimates of their amino acid composition
The peNDF is that required to keep rumen pH can be predicted along with microbial, body
averaging above 5.6–5.7, the threshold below tissue and milk amino acid composition.
which cattle stop eating (R. Britton, University However, the development of more accurate
of Nebraska, personal communication). feed composition and digestion rates and
4. Rumen nitrogen balance. Feeds such as more mechanistic approaches to predict uti-
soybean meal that are high in degradable true lization of absorbed amino acids will result in
protein are added until ruminal peptide needs improved predictability of diet amino acid ade-
are met if amino acids are expected to be defi- quacy for cattle. Sources of first-limiting
cient; they are required for optimal fermenta- essential amino acids are adjusted where prac-
tion of non-structural carbohydrates. Then tical to improve the amino acid profile. In pre-
adjust remaining ruminal nitrogen require- liminary studies, energetic efficiency appeared
ments with feeds high in NPN or soluble pro- to improve as essential amino acid profiles
tein until ammonia needs are met. In addition approached that of requirements (Fox et al.,
to maximizing microbial amino acids supplied, 1995).
the total tract digestion of both fibre (Sniffen
et al., 1992) and starch (Sniffen et al., 1992;
Theurer et al., 1996) are dependent on the Applications of the CNCPS model
extent of ruminal fermentation.
5. Metabolizable protein balance. This One of the current concerns about academic
component represents an aggregate of non- research is that often it is not used by those
essential amino acids and essential amino who might benefit most from it. In part, this is
acids. The MP requirement is determined by because our usual products, journal articles,
the animal type and the energy allowable gain are not usually read by practitioners. When
or milk production. The adequacy of the diet research data are incorporated into the
to meet these requirements will depend on CNCPS model, the information reaches the
microbial protein produced from structural end-user, producers and nutrition consultants,
and non-structural carbohydrate fermentation quickly and in a form that is immediately use-
and feed protein escaping fermentation. If MP ful. When the CNCPS model predictions do
balance appears to be unreasonable, we not agree with field observations, we usually
check first the starch digestion rates, using the get immediate and direct feedback. Thus, the
ranges and descriptions in Sniffen et al. product and the process of model develop-
(1992). Altering the amount of degradable ment create a beneficial linkage between sci-
starch will also alter the peptide and total entists and those in the field. The CNCPS is
rumen N balance, because of altered microbial being used as a teaching tool for students and
growth. Often the most economical way to consultants to design and interpret experi-
increase MP supply is to increase microbial ments, to apply experimental results, to
protein production by adding highly degrad- develop tables of nutrient requirements for
able sources of starch, such as processed any cattle type and production level, and to
grains. Further adjustments are made with evaluate and improve feeding programmes.
Amino Acids - Chap 21 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 402

402 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

Many feed consultants have been trained to energy and protein ruminally available. Thus
use the CNCPS, and they now use the model when inputs for the cows, environment and
to improve feeding programmes on farms. feeds were accurately described, the CNCPS
The CNCPS model is used for all classes model predicted the observed response (43.4
of beef and dairy cattle. Data from an actual kg of milk). However, the excess of ammonia
dairy herd in central New York where the (bacterial balance) and MP in the diet
CNCPS has been used for 10 years and from resulted in predicted plasma urea nitrogen of
evaluations in a feedlot near Calgary, Alberta, 16.4 mg%.
will be used as an example because they The CNCPS balanced ration is for a
demonstrate the principles and procedures period after the ration adjustments had stabi-
described previously. lized and milk production had increased
steadily to 46.5 kg. The diet protein had been
decreased by two percentage units, with an
The dairy case study
improved overall balance of all four nitrogen
This case study has been described in detail by pools (rumen ammonia and peptides, MP, and
Stone et al. (1992) and Klausner et al. essential amino acids). Primary ration changes
(1998). When the CNCPS model was first were to increase microbial yield with more fer-
used in this herd in June 1992, the average mentable carbohydrates and to replace some
annual per cow milk production was about of the soybean meal with less-degradable soy-
11,000 kg of milk. The changes made by bean meal (treated SBM). With the new
using the CNCPS were estimated to save ration, less energy was being used to excrete
$42,600 in the first year. The herd average is excess N (urea cost). Actual milk production
now over 13,000 kg of milk, and manure now exceeded predicted ME allowable milk.
analysis indicate that nitrogen excretion has Based on our data, we assume this to be due
been reduced by about a third (Klausner et to improved EAA balance.
al., 1998). In a study in progress to evaluate A number of changes in the environment
plasma urea nitrogen levels relative to concep- and feed composition occurred over subsequent
tion rates in 20 New York herds, PUN levels years that show how they affect performance
are about 20% lower in this herd than in and these balances. When intake dropped 2 kg
nearly all of the other herds. during hot weather, ME allowable milk produc-
Initial data from the high-producing tion declined 7.5 kg. When input temperature
mature cows will be used to demonstrate was changed to actual, the decline in intake was
how the model was used to predict animal accurately predicted. One of the results of insti-
requirements and feed utilization initially to tuting the CNCPS was setting up a DMI moni-
formulate more efficient and cost-effective toring programme, and plotting predicted vs.
rations, and to adjust for various conditions actual. This provided a tool for diagnosing prob-
encountered on the farm during the past 10 lems, avoiding the usual trial and error approach
years. The base evaluations are summarized to solving the decline in milk production. In a
in Table 21.4. The base ration and evalua- crop year when forage NDF declined, ME bal-
tion is the diet that was being fed to this ance was increased 12.6 MJ and energy allow-
group before applying the CNCPS model. able milk 2.7 kg and increased MP and
Predicted and measured DMI were within methionine balance because of increased micro-
good agreement, and the CNCPS model bial growth. When diet peNDF declined, the MP
predicted that the cows were in positive from bacteria declined 186 g day−1 because
energy balance. The MP balance was within peNDF requirement was not met and rumen pH
a reasonable range, considering our recom- dropped to 6.04 and methionine became defi-
mendation of 5% safety factor, and the cient. When soluble CP declined, MP from feed
requirement for the first limiting amino acid increased by 93 g day−1. When the maize silage
(methionine) was just being met. The effec- had a high percentage of small, hard, whole ker-
tive NDF requirement was being met, giving nels and a lot of maize kernels were observed in
a predicted rumen pH of 6.25, which would the manure, ruminal starch digestion rate was
allow maximum microbial growth for the lowered to 5% h−1 and intestinal starch
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Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 403

Table 21.4. Results of the use of the CNCPS model in a field


Diet ingredients Base Reformulated

Maize silage (kg DM day−1) 5.76 5.22

Lucerne silage (kg DM day−1) 2.40 4.54
HMEM (kg DM day−1) 4.94 5.76
Treated SBM (kg DM day−1) 1.13
SBM (kg DM day−1) 4.72 1.13
WCS (kg DM day−1) 2.54 2.68
Protein mix (kg DM day−1) 0.45 0.95
Maize grain (kg DM day−1) 2.09 2.40
Tallow (kg DM day−1) 0.23
Minerals (kg DM day−1) 0.32 0.86
Total DMI (kg) 23.4 24.7
Predicted DMI (kg) 23.4 24.8
Diet CP (% DM) 20.2 18.3
Plasma urea N (mg%) 16.4 13.0
Actual milk (kg day−1) 43.4 46.5
ME allowable milk (kg day−1) 43.4 45.2
ME balance (MJ) 4.2 −6.3
MP balance (g) 95 95
MP from bacteria (g) 1256 1355
MP from feed (g) 1551 1614
Bacteria N balance (g N) 209 136
Peptide balance (g N) 122 45
Urea cost (MJ) 9.53 5.33
Days to BCS change 380 272
peNDF supplied (kg) 4.85 4.90
peNDF required (kg) 4.67 4.94
Predicted ruminal pH 6.25 6.44
Limiting AA Met Met
Limiting AA (% required) 94 96
aDietsand animal parameters specified as described by
Klausner et al. (1998).
BCS, body condition score; HMEM, high moisture ear maize;
SBM, soybean meal; WCS, whole cotton seed.

digestibility was lowered to 50% to adjust for data were provided by Dr P.T. Guichon,
this condition. The lower ruminal starch Feedlot Health Management Services,
digestibility reduced microbial CP (MCP) yield Okotoks, Alberta. The cattle were fed in open
448 g day−1, resulting in a deficiency of MP and dirt lots with mounds surrounded by wind-
methionine. The effect of the combination of breaks. The objective was to use the proce-
escaping more starch and a lowered intestinal dures described earlier to accurately predict
digestibility resulted in 8.4 MJ less ME day−1, observed performance, then to use the CNCPS
and lowered energy allowable milk 1.8 kg. to evaluate the effect of different animal, feed
and environmental factors on nutrient require-
ments, feed utilization and performance in this
The feedlot case study
feedlot. The average initial body weight was
The data from a 4000 head study with steers 380 kg, the final body weight was 584 kg, DMI
fed approximately 80% rolled barley and 20% was 11.05 kg day−1, ADG was 1.58 kg day−1,
coarse chopped barley silage based diets in a and feed conversion was 7.00 kg DMI kg−1
20,000 head feedlot near Calgary, Alberta, ADG. The cattle were fed in the autumn so
were evaluated with the CNCPS model. These environmental stress was minimal.
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404 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

The results of this evaluation are shown the observed performance. Subsequently, a
in Tables 21.5, 21.6 and 21.7. Table 21.5 10% decrease in DMI below actual, which
shows that the CNCPS model predicted the was 4% more than predicted, will reduce
same ADG and feed conversion compared to ADG by 15% and feed conversion by 3.6%.

Table 21.5. Effect of animal and environmental factors on performance.

Scenario ADG (kg day−1) Feed conversion

Observed performance 1.58 7.00

CNCPS model predicted
No adjustmentsa 1.58 7.00
Effect of DMI changeb 1.35 7.25
Effect of mature size changec 1.75 6.23
Effect of body CS
Very thin 1.76 6.19
Very fleshy 1.39 7.84
Effect of environment
Winter, same DMI 1.45 7.52
Winter, increased DMI 1.54 7.40
Winter, wind at 24 km h−1 1.42 7.67
Matted hair 1.27 8.57
Thin hide 1.16 9.41
Short hair 0.85 12.80
Thin flesh −0.45 –
aMature weight of 582 kg at 28% empty body fat.
bDecrease of 10% than observed.
cCurrent weight of 482 kg and mature weight of 682 kg at 28% empty

body fat.

Table 21.6. Effect of effectiveness of the feed fibre in controlling rumen pH.

ADG Rumen Silagea Graina MCPb

(kg day−1) pH NEg NEg (g day−1)

Current predicted 1.58 5.9 4.22 5.36 820

Silage processed fine 1.51 5.8 3.60 5.23 710
Silage and grain both processed fine 1.13 5.7 1.09 0.96 578
aMJ kg−1 DM.
bMCP is microbial crude protein produced (g day−1).

Table 21.7. Effect of body weight on protein requirementsa.

ME allowed Rumen MP allowed AA allowed

ADG (kg day−1) balance (%) ADG (kg day−1) ADG (kg day−1)

at 482 kg 1.58 −2.5 2.37 2.37

at 364 kg 1.58 −2.5 1.96 1.96
at 273 kg 1.57 −2.5 1.57 1.57
at 273 kgb 1.75 −2.5 1.57 1.57
at 182 kg 1.45 −2.5 1.10 1.12
aThe base ration is 125 g kg−1 crude protein, which is 77% degraded.
bThe large size evaluation reaches finished weight at 100 kg heavier (682 kg).
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Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 405

An increase in the finished weight by 100 kg Research Needed to Improve

would result in a predicted gain 11% faster Predictions of Amino Acid Balances
at the same weight. However, since they
must be fed to a heavier weight to be fin- Modelling intestinal amino acid
ished, their overall feed efficiency would be availability
similar (data not shown). Thin cattle would
be expected to make compensatory growth The CNCPS model uses the amino acid profile
whereas fleshy cattle would be expected to (% of protein) of the protein insoluble in borate-
gain more slowly, due to differences in main- phosphate buffer to compute the postrumen
tenance requirements and feed intake. The amino acid available (O’Connor et al., 1993)
effects of winter feeding conditions on per- and multiplies them by the amount of feed pro-
formance at an average winter temperature tein escaping the rumen to compute the intesti-
of −32°C indicated that ADG decreases in nal amino acid availability (DIGFAAi). It has
the winter at the same DMI, due to an been reported that the amino acid profile of the
increase in metabolic rate. This can largely feed protein escaping the rumen remains the
be offset by the higher predicted DMI same as that of the original feed protein after
expected in the winter conditions, although correction for microbial contamination (Ganev
feed requirements are higher because of et al., 1979; Varvikko et al., 1983; Boila and
increased maintenance requirement. If the Ingalls, 1995; Maiga et al., 1996). Tedeschi et
cattle were exposed to wind of 24 km h−1 al. (2001) have shown that the amino acid pro-
instead of the current 8 km h−1, ADG will be file of the insoluble protein, determined with
reduced slightly. However, if the insulation is borate-phosphate buffer (Krishnamoorthy et al.,
reduced by matted hair, thin hide, short hair 1982), did not differ from that of the original
or thin flesh, performance will be dramati- forage protein. The model of Rulquin et al.
cally reduced. (1998) considers that the amino acid profile is
Table 21.6 shows the effect of fine pro- identical between escaping protein and intake
cessing the silage or grain, or both. The feed protein. This approach relies on some
rumen pH is predicted to drop, reducing cell assumptions (Tedeschi et al., 2001) that may
wall digestion and therefore net energy not be true, such as similar degradation rates of
derived from the fibre. Also microbial protein amino acids (Von Keyserlingk et al., 1996).
production will decline at lower pH. Other factors that may affect the amount of
Table 21.7 shows the weight at which amino acids escaping the rumen are: (i) position
the dietary undegraded and microbial protein of the amino acid in the feed cellular structure,
will not meet the energy allowable ADG (ii) uptake competition of the amino acids by the
requirement for protein or essential amino ruminal bacteria, and (iii) individual amino acid
acids. The ruminal requirement for degrad- concentration in the rumen. Therefore, another
able protein is essentially met (−2.5%), and mathematical approach, as shown below, to
does not change with cattle weight because accurately compute intestinal amino acid avail-
ability could use different degradation rates for
the requirement for degradable protein is
amino acids or group of amino acids (i.e.
proportional to the fermentable carbohy-
hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic) for each feed. This
drates in the diet. The breakpoint for the
could minimize the under- or overestimation of
cattle size in this study is 273 kg, below
duodenal amino acid concentration, which may
which supplemental amino acids will be
result in a variation of up to 1 g of protein kg−1
needed. However, the absorbed protein and of milk (Rulquin et al., 1998).
first-limiting amino acid requirements of cat-
tle with a 100 kg larger finished weight  kd  
would not be met because their energy n  AAi
 
allowable ADG is higher. The last line shows AAS = ∑  kdAAi + kp j  
that the cattle being evaluated would have a j =1  
× FeedAA j + DIGBAA j 
protein allowable ADG 0.35 kg day−1 below
+ Endogenous AA i
the energy allowable ADG. [21.12]
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406 D.G. Fox and L.O. Tedeschi

In Equation [21.2] AAS is total amino acid Modelling branched-chain amino acid
supply in the small intestine (g); kdAA,j is the requirement
degradation rate of an amino acid or a group
of amino acids of the jth feed (% h−1); kpj is the Branched-chain volatile fatty acids (BCVFA:
passage rate of the jth feed (% h−1); FeedAAj is isobutyric, isovaleric and 2-methylbutyric)
the amount of amino acid from the jth feed (g); are derived from dietary sources or recycling
and EndogenousAA is the amount of endoge- of bacterial protein by ruminal oxidative
nous contribution of each amino acid (g). deamination and decarboxylation of
branched-chain amino acids (BCAA: valine,
leucine and isoleucine), respectively (Bryant
Modelling limiting amino acids and Doestch, 1955; Allison and Bryant,
1963; Miura et al., 1980). The BCVFA are
In practice, it has been shown that postrumi- essential nutrients and increase growth of
nal supplementation of Met and Lys increases rumen cellulolytic as well as some non-cellu-
milk yield and protein synthesis (Rulquin et lolytic bacteria (Allison et al., 1962; Bryant
al., 1995; Schwab, 1996); therefore diets are and Robinson, 1962; Dehority et al.,
formulated to meet animal requirements of 1967). Previous studies have shown that
Met and Lys. However, some earlier studies BCVFA can improve feed intake (Hungate
demonstrated that infusion of extra His and Dyer, 1956; Hemsley and Moir, 1963),
tended to increase the amount of milk protein cellulose digestion (Van Gylswyk, 1970;
(Schwab et al., 1976) and in grass silage- Gorosito et al., 1985), microbial growth
based diets, His may be the first-limiting (Van Gylswyk, 1970; Russell and Sniffen,
amino acid when urea is the only protein sup- 1984), and weight gain (Lassiter et al.,
plement and Leu may become the first-limit- 1958a; Felix et al., 1980a) of growing ani-
ing amino acid in diets with low content of mals fed high-fibre diets. For lactating dairy
maize grain (Sloan, 1997). Therefore, it is cows, enhancement of N retention (Lassiter
necessary to incorporate other amino acids et al., 1958b; Cline et al., 1966; Miron et
that may be first-limiting when modelling for al., 1968; Oltjen et al., 1971; Umunna et
diet adequacy. al., 1975; Felix et al., 1980a), milk produc-
tion (Felix et al., 1980b; Papas et al.,
1984; Peirce-Sandner et al., 1985), and
Modelling amino acid efficiency milk persistency (Felix et al., 1980a,b,) has
also been observed. If most of the feed pro-
The absorption of amino acids is dictated by tein consumed is ruminally degraded, and
several factors that affect the transport system the ruminally degraded protein is mostly
such as operational characteristics, kinetics true protein, the CNCPS ruminal nitrogen
behaviours, mode of energization and sub- balance is a reasonable indicator of the
strate recognition (Guidotti and Gazzola, potential for a BCVFA deficiency. However,
1992). Because the transport mechanism is when diets are high in non-protein nitrogen
specific to amino acids or group of amino (e.g. urea) and much of the dietary true pro-
acids (Stevens, 1992), one amino acid that is tein escapes the rumen, there can be
in excess may compete with the absorption of enough ammonia to meet microbial growth
another amino acid that uses the same trans- requirements, but BCVFA can be limiting
port system. Therefore, a model to compute (Tedeschi et al., 2000b). Therefore, a
the likelihood of an amino acid being absorbed model to account for BCVFA/BCAA
given the concentration of amino acids and requirement is important to ensure adequate
transport system specificity could be used to ruminal bacteria functionality. A
generate dynamic absorption coefficients that BCVFA/BCAA model has been presented
are sensitive to amino acid imbalances. elsewhere (Tedeschi, 2001).
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Dietary Amino Acid Adequacy for Ruminants 407

Conclusions predicted and observed performance (daily

gain, milk amount and composition, and body
This chapter indicates that it is possible to condition score changes) agree, improved
evaluate ruminant diets for amino acid ade- feeding programmes can be accurately formu-
quacy and to use this information to make lated for that unique situation where nutritional
dietary changes that will improve perfor- safety factor and nutrient excretion are mini-
mance. The production of meat and milk from mized. The challenge will be to develop sys-
ruminants is becoming more efficient in the tems that are aggregated at a level that can
use of nutrients by using models to predict accurately reflect our understanding of the
accurately requirements and feed utilization in underlying biology, yet be usable on farm con-
each unique production setting. These models sidering information available, ability to moni-
must allow inputs from each situation to be tor and quantify key input variables and animal
adjusted in a logical way until the cattle and responses, and knowledge and time available
feeds are accurately described. Then when of the consultant using the models.


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Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 411

Canine and Feline Amino Acid
Requirements for Different Physiological

W.H. Hendriks*
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand

Introduction of the dog to hyperammonaemia from an

arginine deficiency. The dog seems to be
Amino acids have been an important compo- more susceptible than omnivores (rats and
nent in the diet of animals throughout evolu- pigs) but reported toxicity signs are not as
tion. The carnivorous behaviour of animals severe as those seen in the domestic cat
such as the cat, ferret and to a lesser extent (Morris, 2001). Unlike the situation for cats,
the dog is the likely reason for the specialized taurine is a non-essential dietary nutrient for
metabolism of these species we see today. It is dogs and niacin deficiency does not occur
well recognized that the cat’s metabolism has when sufficient tryptophan is present in the
adapted to the ingestion of animal tissues diet. In addition, the protein requirement, of
which is, unlike food from plants, devoid of growing and adult dogs do not appear to be
carbohydrates and contains an excess of pro- higher than those of omnivorous animals. A
tein relative to energy (Morris, 2001). number of other metabolic adaptations (e.g.
Adaptations relating to the protein compo- metabolism of arachidonic acid, vitamins A
nent of the diet can be found in the cat’s and D) by cats and dogs are further evidence
metabolism of arginine, taurine, non-essential of their respective classification.
amino acids and tryptophan. In addition, cats Research into the protein metabolism of
synthesize several unique amino acids (felin- domestic cats and dogs has focused on esti-
ine, isovalthine and isobuteine) and excrete mating protein requirements, elucidating
these, some in large quantities, in their urine. metabolic adaptations involving amino acids,
These and other well-known metabolic spe- and determining the essentiality and mini-
cializations contribute to the classification of mum dietary requirement for individual amino
the domestic cats as true carnivores. The dog, acids. Currently the National Research
although showing some metabolic specializa- Council (NRC, 1985, 1986) presents mini-
tions like the cat, can be classified as an mum dietary amino acid requirement esti-
omnivorous carnivore. With regards to adap- mates for growing cats and dogs, and adult
tations in protein metabolism, a remnant of a dogs. In addition, amino acids have been
semicarnivorous evolution is the susceptibility shown to play an important role in the

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 411
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412 W.H. Hendriks

palatability of foods for cats and dogs response to stimuli such as feeding level, dis-
(Boudreau and White, 1978) and recently Yu ease or exercise. When an animal does not
et al. (2001) showed that high levels of absorb sufficient nutrients, it cannot maintain
dietary tyrosine are required for the expres- the physiological processes required for opti-
sion of the black coat colour in kittens. mal health and vitality although its metabo-
There is a growing need for amino acid lism is adapting. In the case of amino acids,
requirement estimates for cats and dogs to be the rate of amino acid oxidation will
based on criteria such as optimal health, decrease and a reduction in urinary urea out-
longevity, optimum expression of coat colour put is observed when the inclusion of protein
instead of criteria such as maximum growth, in the diet is reduced. Lowering the dietary
zero nitrogen balance or minimum amino acid protein level below the point where the ani-
oxidation. There is, furthermore, a growing mal has reached its lowest amino acid oxida-
realization that there are differences in nutri- tion rate will result in loss of labile body
ent requirements between breeds of cats and protein stores. Depending on the extent of
dogs (Blaza et al., 1982; Rainbird and the dietary ‘shortage’, body protein break-
Kienzle, 1990) and differences in metabolism down will exceed body protein synthesis, as
between breeds (Stevenson and Markwell, the first-limiting dietary amino acid will be
2001). The currently available minimum used for vital physiological functions within
amino acid requirement estimates for cats and the body. As body protein synthesis is
dogs, as presented by the National Research impaired due to the shortage of one amino
Council (NRC, 1985, 1986), are of limited acid, the non-limiting amino acids from
value in describing the requirements for opti- dietary and endogenous origin (through body
mal health of individual animals of a particular protein breakdown) will be oxidized
breed during a particular life stage. They are (Millward, 1998). Maintaining this state for a
furthermore of limited value as requirement short period will not be detrimental and on
estimates have been shown to depend on the adequate dietary intake the animal will
function studied (Quam et al., 1987; Yu et quickly regain its lost labile body protein
al., 2001). Also, these estimates do not pro- stores. Prolonged dietary shortage of one or
vide insight into the relative contributions of more essential amino acids or amino acid
the various biological processes that give rise nitrogen will lead to more severe reductions
to the overall amino acid requirements of the in muscle mass and eventually death.
animal. The aim of the present chapter is to An animal’s amino acid requirements
summarize quantitative information on amino cannot be seen as separate from the diet as its
acid losses from the bodies of adult cats and metabolism will adapt and change depending
dogs which can be used for the development on dietary intake level and composition to
of a factorial model to estimate maintenance cope with the supply of amino acids. As such
amino acid requirements. its requirement for amino acids will vary.
Reeds (1988) argued that because of meta-
bolic adaptations, basal protein loss is an
Maintenance Amino Acid inappropriate measure of maintenance pro-
Requirements tein requirements. By definition, minimum
amino acid requirement estimates represent
Maintenance amino acid requirements origi- only those values where the maximum level of
nate from the continual loss of amino acids adaptation has occurred under the defined set
from the body and the modification of amino of stimuli used during the experiment.
acids into other compounds required by the Maintenance amino acid requirements
body. The processes, which collectively give arise from a number of physiological functions
rise to the maintenance requirements, are within the body which use amino acids.
part of an integrated metabolism of com- Maintenance amino acid requirements in adult
pounds in vivo. To maintain the body and cats and dogs include the need to replace
remove excess nutrients absorbed, an ani- amino acids lost from the gastrointestinal
mal’s metabolism changes continuously in tract, integument and epidermis, those lost
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 413

Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements 413

through the urinary tract, amino acids irre- be made by feeding the animal a protein-free
versibly modified, and those used to synthe- diet and determining the nitrogen content in
size physiologically important non-protein the faeces. By definition any nitrogen in the
compounds such as hormones, neurotrans- faeces has originated from the animal. Using
mitters and other metabolically important this approach, Kendall et al. (1982) reported
products (Fuller, 1994). In addition, irreducible endogenous faecal nitrogen excretions in
oxidation of body amino acids associated with adult dogs of 63 mg kg−0.75 day−1 whereas
the turnover of body protein is an important Meyer et al. (1987) reported a value of 54
component making up the maintenance mg N kg−0.75 day−1. More recently, Sritharan
amino acid requirements of cats and dogs. (1998) reported a slightly higher value of 73
The following will provide quantitative infor- mg N kg−0.75 day−1 in adult dogs fed a pro-
mation on the losses of amino acids through a tein-free diet. Kendall et al. (1982) showed
number of the above-mentioned routes in that there was no effect of breed on endoge-
adult cats and dogs. nous faecal nitrogen excretions in adult dogs.
There are few estimates of endogenous fae-
cal nitrogen excretion in adult cats. Greaves
Amino Acid Losses from the and Scott (1960) estimated the gut endoge-
Gastrointestinal Tract of Cats and nous faecal nitrogen loss of adult cats by
Dogs feeding diets containing different levels of
protein (12.7–46.2%) and extrapolating fae-
During the digestion of food, large quantities cal nitrogen loss to zero dietary protein
of protein-containing endogenous material are intake. Using this regression method, a value
actively and passively secreted into the lumen of 6.3 g N kg−1 diet dry matter consumed
of the digestive tract. Among these are diges- was obtained for the endogenous faecal
tive enzymes, mucus, bile acids, desquamated nitrogen loss of adult cats. Hendriks et al.
cells, serum albumin, urea and amines (1996) fed adult cats a protein-free diet and
(Fauconneau and Michel, 1970; Snook, recorded a slightly lower value of 4.1 mg kg−1
1973). Much of the endogenous material dry matter intake.
excreted into the gastrointestinal tract is Hendriks et al. (1996) and Sritharan
digested and re-absorbed, although some (1998) determined the endogenous faecal
remains unabsorbed and is lost from the body amino acid losses by feeding adult cats and
via excretion in the faeces. These losses are dogs a protein-free diet, respectively (Table
not constant but depend on the diet con- 22.1). Both species have a similar pattern of
sumed by the animal. A well-researched amino acid loss from the gastrointestinal tract
example of this is the dietary taurine require- with the most abundant amino acids being
ment in growing cats. Hickman et al. (1992) aspartate, glutamate, threonine, serine,
showed that heat-processing of a canned cat leucine, alanine and lysine. Endogenous
food will result in a greater loss of taurine methionine losses were low in both species.
from the small intestine than the same food These estimates can be criticized however, as
but unprocessed. The difference is caused by the flora of the large intestine catabolizes
the re-absorption of taurine in bile acids by dietary and endogenous amino acids and syn-
the enterohepatic circulation being dependent thesizes new amino acids. In addition, these
on dietary components in particular the pro- endogenous faecal amino acid loss estimates
tein component. Higher levels of undigestible can be further criticized due to the unphysio-
protein increases cholecystokinin secretion logical nature of the protein-free approach.
and as a result increase degradation of bile Based on work in other species (e.g. pigs,
acids by microorganisms in the terminal ileum rats and humans) it is now well established
(Morris et al., 1994) thereby causing differ- that the protein-free technique leads to an
ences in the amount of endogenous taurine underestimation of gut endogenous amino
lost. acid losses and that the inclusion of
Quantitative estimates of endogenous protein/peptides in the diet significantly
protein lost through the digestive tract can increases these losses.
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 414

414 W.H. Hendriks

Table 22.1. Endogenous faecal amino acid excretions in adult

cats and dogs fed a protein-free diet.

Endogenous faecal excretion

(g g−1 dry matter intake)
Amino acid Cata Dogb

Taurine 75 –
Cysteine 734 –
Aspartate 1858 1538
Threonine 1084 1258
Serine 1204 1086
Glutamate 2333 1859
Proline – 679
Glycine 1059 846
Alanine 1181 961
Valine 1209 854
Methionine 365 260
Isoleucine 807 661
Leucine 1555 961
Tyrosine 944 604
Phenylalanine 927 660
Histidine 808 382
Lysine 1132 972
Arginine 900 643
aFrom Hendriks et al. (1996).
bFrom Sritharan (1998).

Estimates of endogenous losses made at alimentation, is similar in adult cats and dogs
the end of the small intestine are generally compared to those of other animals (e.g. rats
regarded as more accurate although the con- and pigs) with the most predominant amino
tribution of the large intestine is not included acids in the endogenous protein being aspar-
in these estimates and must be added to tate, threonine, serine and glutamate.
derive estimates of endogenous gut losses However, the actual losses are much higher in
from the digestive tract. Table 22.2 presents the cat and dog compared to other species.
the ileal endogenous amino acid losses in The main sources of endogenous amino
adult cats and dogs determined using the pro- acids at the terminal ileum are mucus and
tein-free and peptide alimentation method. desquamated cells (Snook, 1973) and it can
Furthermore, the endogenous amino acid be expected that mucus and sloughed epithe-
losses at the terminal ileum are higher for all lial cells also constitute the main source of the
species including cats and dogs when the diet endogenous excretions by the large intestine.
contains peptides/protein compared to a pro- An estimate of the amount of endogenous
tein-free or free amino acid diet. This latter amino acids excreted by the large intestine
finding demonstrates the inadequacy of both can, therefore, be obtained by subtracting the
canine and feline amino acid requirement esti- ileal nitrogen excretion of cats fed a protein-
mates for growth and maintenance that have free diet from the faecal nitrogen excretion of
been determined using purified free amino cats fed a protein-free diet. This approach can
acid diets. When diets are used containing be expected to give a relatively accurate esti-
protein, these requirement estimates are no mate of endogenous amino acid excretions by
longer accurate as gut endogenous amino acid the large intestine when the difference in the
losses will be increased due to the inclusion of amount of nitrogen-containing material enter-
protein in the diet. The pattern of amino acid ing and leaving the large intestine through the
losses whether under protein-free or peptide intestinal wall, is small in proportion to the
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 415

Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements 415

Table 22.2. Endogenous amino acid excretions at the terminal ileum of adult
cats and dogs fed a protein-free (PF) diet or an enzymatically hydrolysed casein
(EHC) diet.

Endogenous ileal excretion (g g−1 dry matter intake)

Cata Dogb
Amino acid PF EHC PF EHC

Taurine 2091 299 – –

Cysteine 452 853 – –
Aspartate 1283 2725 960 2428
Threonine 1235 2127 1168 2015
Serine 1013 2734 925 3386
Glutamate 1427 4240 1089 5993
Proline 820 1913 643 1814
Glycine 665 1298 600 1001
Alanine 666 1380 515 951
Valine 696 1687 536 1448
Methionine 164 411 119 323
Isoleucine 398 1205 362 1192
Leucine 884 1823 650 1180
Tyrosine 599 1046 444 648
Phenylalanine 632 1015 465 624
Histidine 397 897 268 700
Lysine 570 1101 441 866
Arginine 540 948 370 728
aFrom Hendriks et al. (1996).
bFrom Sritharan (1998).

total amount of nitrogen excreted by the large The latter value is similar to the estimate of
intestine. Another approach is to estimate 70% which is obtained by subtracting the ileal
endogenous excretions in the large intestine nitrogen excretion (2.4 mg g−1 dry matter)
based on the excretion estimates made in the from the faecal nitrogen excretion (4.1 mg g−1
upper digestive tract. This may be a reason- dry matter intake) of adult cats fed a protein-
able approach as mucus and sloughed cells free diet (Hendriks et al., 1996). Using the
can be expected to constitute the main latter approach, it can be calculated from data
sources of the endogenous excretions in the by Sritharan (1998) that the large intestine of
small and large intestine. Transit times of adult dogs excretes approximately 30% of the
digesta need to be taken into account in a the- amount of endogenous nitrogen containing
oretical estimation along with the surface area material excreted by the small intestine. These
of the small and large intestines. It can be cal- data show that the large intestine in adult cats
culated from data published by Wood (1944) and dogs contributes significantly to the over-
and Marshell and Johnson (1993) that the all excretion of gut endogenous material.
surface area of the large intestine in the adult
cat is approximately 3.1% that of the surface
area of the small intestine. Assuming transit Amino Acid Losses from the Urinary
times of food/digesta in the small and large Tract of Cats and Dogs
intestine of adult cats are approximately 2.5 h
(Humphreys and Scott, 1962), and 40 h The amounts of endogenous protein and
(Fucci et al., 1995), respectively, it can be cal- amino acids lost through the urinary tract are
culated that the large intestine would excrete considered to be small in comparison with the
approximately 50% of the amount of endoge- losses of endogenous nitrogen material from
nous material excreted by the small intestine. other routes (Linder, 1991). Reabsorption of
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 416

416 W.H. Hendriks

free plasma amino acids by the kidney is a rel- cats. Hendriks et al. (1997a) determined the
atively efficient process and only small endogenous content of several urinary nitro-
amounts of free amino acids can be found in gen fractions in adult cats fed a protein-free
the urine. The exceptions are those amino diet and by regression to zero dietary nitrogen
acids being excreted as a waste product (e.g. intake, and found undetermined nitrogen
3-methylhistidine) or amino acids excreted (total N–urea N–creatinine N–ammonia N)
which have a biological role outside the body fractions of 57.6 and 38.0 mg kg−1 day−1,
(e.g. felinine). In addition to these losses, small respectively. The undetermined nitrogen frac-
amounts of endogenous protein can be found tion would have contained free amino acids,
in the urine originating from sloughed cells, mucus, sloughed cells, enzymes, creatine,
mucus, enzymes, plasma proteins, etc. metabolites of purine metabolism (uric acid,
Quantitative data on the losses of protein allantoin, xanthine, hypoxanthine), etc.
and amino acids through the urinary tract in
adult cats and dogs are limited. In healthy
adult dogs, 24 h urinary protein excretions of Amino Acid Composition of Hair and
4.8, 8.2 and 13.9 mg kg−1 body weight have Quantitative Hair Loss in Adult Cats
been reported (DiBartola et al., 1980; and Dogs
Biewenga et al., 1982; White et al., 1984).
Similar values have been reported by Monroe Amino acids are constantly lost from the body
et al. (1989) who found that entire male cats in the form of hair. As cat and dog hair is
excreted on average 8.7 mg protein kg−1 mainly composed of amino acids (Table 22.3),
body weight day−1 whereas entire female cats the contribution of hair loss to the overall
excrete significantly more (16.6 mg kg−1 amino acid requirements may be significant.
day−1). Lower values of 4.9 mg kg−1 day−1 Hair proteins contain high levels of cysteine
were found by Adams et al. (1992) in adult and the amount of cysteine required for hair
cats White Russo et al. (1986) reported a growth may constitute a significant proportion
value of 17.4 mg−1 day−1 and found no signifi- of the total sulphur amino acid requirements
cant differences between male and female of adult cats and dogs, especially for those

Table 22.3. Amino acid composition of cat, dog, horse, sheep and human hair
protein. (From Hendriks et al., 1998b.)

Content (mol 100 mol−1 of residue)

Amino acid Cat Dog Horse Sheep Human

Cysteine 15.8 16.7 14.4 13.1 17.8

Methionine 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.5 0.6
Aspartate 5.6 5.3 6.0 5.9 4.9
Threonine 6.4 6.2 5.5 6.5 6.8
Serine 10.6 10.5 9.6 10.8 11.7
Glutamate 11.4 11.1 11.3 11.1 11.4
Glycine 9.5 7.8 6.4 8.6 6.4
Alanine 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.2 4.6
Valine 4.9 4.9 5.9 5.7 5.8
Isoleucine 2.5 2.5 3.6 3.0 2.6
Leucine 6.7 6.1 7.5 7.2 5.8
Tyrosine 3.0 2.7 1.9 3.8 2.0
Phenylalanine 2.3 1.7 2.5 2.5 1.6
Histidine 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.9
Lysine 2.9 3.9 2.9 2.7 2.7
Arginine 6.1 6.3 7.9 6.2 5.8
Proline 4.9 7.3 7.8 6.6 8.4
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 417

Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements 417

breeds with a relatively dense and long hair that two of the dogs were short-haired and
coat (e.g. Persian, Longhaired Scottish Fold, three dogs were long-haired breeds. This may
Pekinese and Collie). The effect of hair colour indicate that the anagen phase is similar
will most likely not effect requirements as the between breeds but the telogen phase differs.
amino acid composition of different coloured Estimates of yearly hair growth in the dogs
(black, white, grey and ginger) hair from cats ranged from 5.5 to 6.7 g cm−2 body surface
has been found to be not significantly different area (Stafforst, 1982). Hendriks et al.
(Hendriks et al., 1998b). However, coat (1997b, 1998a) provided mathematical func-
colour and in particular the colour black was tions describing hair growth and hair loss,
recently shown to be dependent on the level respectively, in adult domestic short-haired
of aromatic amino acid intake in kittens (Yu et cats throughout the year. Total yearly hair
al., 2001). growth and hair loss were found to be similar
The replacement of hair in cats and dogs (32.7 vs. 28.1 g kg−1 body weight) but out of
is a cyclic phenomenon resulting from the phase by approximately 75 days. The quanti-
cyclic events which occur in individual hair fol- tative hair replacement pattern described by
licles. Three stages are identified including an Hendriks et al. (1998a) in cats showed that
active growth phase (anagen), transition phase the density of the coat closely follows the tem-
(catagen) and a resting phase (telogen). perature pattern throughout the year (Fig.
Variation in the length of the anagen phase or 22.1). The densest and sparest coats were
rate of hair production will affect the amount obtained at day 168 and 351 of the study
of hair produced whereas the length of the which coincided with the average minimum
telogen phase will determine the timing of the and maximum daily temperatures, recorded at
next moult. Hair density is affected by the tim- day 167 and 350, respectively.
ing of the shedding of the old hair when the Estimates of the amount of amino acids
new hair has grown (Johnson, 1972). Baker required for hair growth at any point in time
(1974) and Ryder (1976) determined the inac- throughout the year can be calculated by multi-
tivity of hair follicles of cats throughout the plying the concentration of each amino acid in
year and showed that hair growth follows a hair by the total body hair growth rate at a spe-
sinusoidal pattern throughout the year with cific point in time or during a specified period.
one moult occurring around spring. This hair Table 22.4 presents the monthly levels of hair
replacement pattern differs from that of dogs protein required for the synthesis of hair in
where two moulting seasons are observed adult cats and dogs per unit surface area. The
(Rougeot, 1981; Mundt and Stafforst, 1987). estimates for dogs are approximately 10–15
Quantitative estimates of amino acid losses times higher compared to the estimates in cats.
from hair are difficult to determine as it In comparing these estimates it has to be taken
involves estimation of the amount of hair pro- into account that the estimates for cats are
duced at various phases of the hair growth based on growth rates over the entire body
cycle. As there are over 150 breeds of dogs, whereas those for dogs relate to the growth
representing a large range of body weights (1 rate of hair on the side of the thorax. The latter
kg for a Chihuahua to over 70 kg for a site may not be representative of the hair
Newfoundland) and over 100 breeds of cats, it growth rate over the entire body. Equations to
may be difficult to provide one overall esti- calculate the surface area from body weight
mate to describe hair growth for all cats and measurements of adult cats are provided by
dogs. Stafforst (1982) provided information Greaves (1957) and Bartorelli and Gerola
on the monthly hair growth of five dogs of (1963). Price and Frazier (1998) present many
varying breeds throughout the year. Average of the published results for adult dogs. Further
monthly hair growth rates varied from 14.3 to research is required to determine whether there
94.5 mg cm−2 body surface area depending is a difference in the anagen phase between
on the month of the year. Interestingly the long-haired and short-haired canine and feline
total amount of hair grown per year was breeds or, as the data suggest in dogs, the dif-
remarkably similar for the dogs and showed ference lies in the length of the telogen phase
similar seasonal growth rates despite the fact of the follicle cycle.
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 418

418 W.H. Hendriks

Autumn Winter Spring Summer

Hair (mg kg–1 day–1)




0 100 200 300

Day of study
Fig. 22.1. Sine-functionsa describing daily hair growthb (…) and hair lossb (- - - -) rate and the daily
change in body hairc (——) throughout the year in adult domestic short-haired cats (longitude 174°38E,
latitude 40°22S). af(x) = a + b × sin(0.0172 × (x – d)) where a = horizontal shift, b = half amplitude and d
= phase shift of the sine. bAverage value of 83.2 and 50.0 for parameter a and b, respectively taken from
Hendriks et al. (1997b, 1998a). Values for parameter d for hair growth and loss from Hendriks et al.
(1997b) and Hendriks et al. (1998a), respectively. cy = 58.6 × sin(0.0172 × x) + 14.9 × cos(0.0172 × x).

Table 22.4. Monthly hair protein required for hair growth in adult cats
and dogs.

Hemisphere Hair protein (mg cm−2 surface area)

Southern Northern Catsa Dogsb

January July 4.08 57.8

February August 4.33 86.9
March September 4.98 64.9
April October 4.54 45.4
May November 3.97 31.7
June December 2.90 30.4
July January 2.02 38.0
August February 1.33 67.4
September March 1.07 27.0
October April 1.41 13.2
November May 2.07 24.4
December June 3.12 34.0
aFrom Hendriks et al. (1997b) measured over the entire body.
bFrom Stafforst (1982) measured at a 10 cm2 area at the side of the thorax.

Amino Acids Required for the ing compounds (e.g. 3-methylhistidine, carnitine,
Synthesis of Other Compounds purines, creatine, felinine, etc.) (see Chapters 1
and 4). Although the losses of amino acids
Amino acids are lost from the body of the cat from the body through these routes are often
and dog through the synthesis of non-amino considered to be small (Reeds, 1988; Moughan,
nitrogen containing compounds (e.g. histamine, 1995) in some cases the amount of amino acids
serotonin, etc.) and amino acid nitrogen contain- lost via these compounds can be significant.
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 419

Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements 419

N-Methylhistidine (3-methylhistidine) Felinine

3-Methylhistidine is a normal constituent of Felinine (2-amino-7-hydroxy-5,5-dimethyl-4-

chains of actin and myosin and is formed by thiaheptanoic acid) is a sulphur-containing
post-translational donation of a methionine amino acid present in the urine of certain
methyl group to actin and myosin histidine. members of the Felidae family including the
After degradation of these proteins, the lib- domestic cat. Discovered by Datta and Harris
erated methylated histidine (3-methylhisti- (1951), 24 h felinine excretion levels of entire
dine) is not reused but quantitatively male cats have been reported to be 25 mg kg−1
excreted in the urine of animals. As such, body weight whereas castrated male, entire
3-methylhistidine has been used as a female and spayed female cats excrete 8.5, 7.5
method to continuously monitor the break- and 4.1 mg kg−1 body weight (Hendriks et al.,
down of myofibrillar proteins in muscle 1995). Precursors of felinine synthesis were
(Young and Munro, 1978; Ward and recently shown to include cysteine and methio-
Buttery, 1980; McCarthy et al., 1983). The nine with cysteine being a more immediate pre-
amount of 3-methylhistidine excreted by an cursor for felinine synthesis than methionine
animal is dependent on the myofibrillar pro- (Hendriks et al., 2001). It has been hypothe-
tein catabolic rate. Few quantitative data are sized since the discovery of felinine that this
available on 3-methylhistidine excretion and amino acid is present in the blood of cats at
extremely low levels or synthesized in the kid-
factors affecting myofibrillar protein catabo-
ney and directly excreted in the urine. Recently
lism in adult cats and dogs. Marks et al.
however, Rutherfurd et al. (2001) identified a
(1996) showed that 3-methylhistine can be
felinine containing tripeptide (-glutamylfelinyl-
used to measure skeletal muscle protein
glycine) in the blood of domestic cats, opening
losses or gains based on the quantitative
the possibility that felinine synthesis occurs in
recovery of intravenously administered
other tissues (most likely the liver) within the
3-[14C]methylhistidine. The latter authors
body and is transported to the kidney in a
reported an average 3-methylhistidine
tripeptide form. Synthesis of -glutamylfelinyl-
excretion by two adult cats of 5.8 mg
glycine has been hypothesized to occur in the
24 h−1. In growing dogs, Hill et al. (2001)
liver through a condensation reaction of an
found that radioactivity of 3-[14C]methylhis-
allylic carbonium ion and the amino acid cys-
tidine was lost in CO2 and/or re-circulated teine in glutathionine (Hendriks et al., 2001).
in the body, as reported for sheep and pigs. -Glutamylfelinylglycine once transported to
The latter indicates that 3-methylhistidine the kidney can yield free felinine which can be
cannot be used as a method to measure excreted in the urine through the action of the
canine skeletal muscle (myofibrillar) protein common glutathione degradation enzymes,
breakdown. Rathmacher and Nissen (1998) -glutamyltransferase and aminopeptidase M.
however described 3-methylhistidine metab- The latter ‘liberation’ of felinine, however,
olism in dogs with a simple three-compart- remains to be proven. To allow normal levels
ment model with one urinary exit. The latter of felinine synthesis in domestic cats, the sul-
authors measured a de novo synthesis of phur containing amino acid cysteine or methio-
3-methylhistidine in adult dogs of 12.1 nine is required with the amounts required
mol kg−1 day−1. A lower value of 5.0 mol being dependent on the gender of the animal.
kg−1 day−1 was reported by Hoppe et al.
(1993) in adult beagles. Further studies are
required to determine the effects of nutri- Creatine
tion, hormones, and gender on 3-methylhis-
tidine production and the suitability of Creatine is involved in the energy delivery
3-methylhistidine as a quantitative index of process in tissues and in the phosphorylated
in vivo muscle catabolism in dogs. form (phosphocreatine) is directly involved in
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 420

420 W.H. Hendriks

maintaining low adenosine diphosphate con- Irreducible Oxidation of Body Amino

centrations at locations where energy is uti- Acids Associated with Body Protein
lized. Creatine is synthesized from the amino Turnover
acids arginine and glycine in the kidney and the
liver (see Fig. 4.8). Creatine degrades in vivo to
Measurements of the loss of body amino acids
creatinine which is not used by the animal and
originating from amino acid catabolism in vivo
is rapidly excreted in the urine. The irreversible
have been made by measuring endogenous
conversion of creatine into creatinine occurs
spontaneously and at a relatively constant rate. urinary nitrogen excretion in animals fed a
As such, creatinine is often used to validate protein-free diet (Calloway and Margen, 1971;
quantitative urine collection in animals and Yokogoshi et al., 1977; Kendall et al., 1982;
humans although the suitability of creatinine for Meyer et al., 1989). Estimates of endogenous
the validation of quantitative urine collection in urinary nitrogen (EUN) excretion in adult dogs
humans has been questioned (Knuiman et al., using a protein-free diet have been determined
1986). Quantitative data on endogenous crea- in a number of studies (Table 22.5). The
tine and creatinine excretion in the urine of estimates shown in Table 22.5 are remark-
adult cats and dogs are scarce as many studies ably consistent between studies and show that
used creatinine-containing diets. Sagawa et al. EUN excretion in adult dogs fed a protein-
(1995) showed that creatinine is absorbed by free diet is approximately 208 mg kg−0.75
the intestine and excreted in the urine of adult day−1. Kendall et al. (1982) also measured
cats. In adult dogs, Hoppe et al. (1993) endogenous urinary urea nitrogen (EUUN)
reported a daily endogenous creatinine excre- excretion in adult dogs fed a protein-free diet.
tions of 33.9 mg kg−1 body weight. In adult These authors reported an EUN and EUUN
cats, Worden et al. (1960) reported 24 h uri- excretion of 210 and 108 mg kg−0.75 day−1,
nary creatine and creatinine values of 10.0 and respectively. Meyer et al. (1989) found similar
52.5 mg kg−1 body weight, respectively. The values of 186 and 113 mg kg−0.75
accuracy of these values, however, should be day−1. Using the regression to zero protein
questioned as problems with the analysis of cre- intake approach, the latter authors found
atine and creatinine were reported and the cats higher EUN excretions in adult dogs of 250
were fed diets which most likely would have mg kg−0.75 day−1. Few estimates of EUN and
contained creatine and creatinine. Hendriks et EUUN exist in adult cats, because cats do not
al. (1997a) reported 24 h endogenous creati- as readily accept a protein-free diet as dogs.
nine excretion levels in adult cats fed a protein- Hendriks et al. (1997a) determined the
free diet of 30.9 mg kg−1, and a slightly higher endogenous urinary excretion of various nitro-
but not significantly different value was found gen metabolites in adult domestic cats using a
using the regression to zero protein intake protein-free diet and the regression to zero
approach (31.7 mg kg−1). Hendriks et al. protein intake technique. EUN, EUUN and
(1999) reported a similar value of 30.5 mg kg−1 endogenous urinary ammonia nitrogen of
day−1 in adult cats fasted for 2 days. 360, 243 and 27.6 mg kg−0.75 day−1, respec-

Table 22.5. Literature estimates of endogenous urinary nitrogen (EUN) excretion in adult dogs
fed a protein-free diet.

Daily EUN Body weight

Source (mg kg−1) (mg kg−0.75) (mg kg−0.67) n (kg)

Allison et al. (1949) – – 260 12 8.3–15.1

Dawson et al. (1961) 110 220 227 20 16.5
Bressani et al. (1965) 114 214 216 4 10.6–16.7
Kendall et al. (1982) 117 210 256 20 2.8–51.0
Meyer et al. (1989) 109 186 – 4 8.8
Average 113 208 240 – –
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 421

Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements 421

tively, were found using the protein-free Endogenous urinary nitrogen excretions
approach whereas lower values, except for are often used in the factorial calculation of
ammonia, were found using the regression protein requirements of animals (Calloway
approach (316, 232 and 33.7 mg kg−0.75 and Margen, 1971; Kendall et al., 1982;
day−1, respectively for EUN, EUUN and Meyer et al., 1989). However, do estimates
endogenous urinary ammonia nitrogen). The of EUUN in cats and dogs, determined by
higher values obtained using the protein-free feeding the animal a protein-free diet or
approach were likely the result of the preferen- determined by the regression to zero protein
tial catabolism of endogenous amino acids to intake approach, represent those losses asso-
supply energy, as the intake of the cats on the ciated with the irreducible oxidation of body
protein-free diet was 53% of energy require- amino acids due to body protein turnover?
ments. Biourge et al. (1994) reported an EUN Feeding a protein-free diet to an animal
excretion in food deprived adult cats of 297 results in the labile body protein stores meet-
mg kg−0.67 day−1. Estimates of EUN excretion ing the metabolic demand for amino acids.
in the case of adult cats are much higher than Amino acids supplied through the breakdown
estimates in other animals whereas the esti- of body protein stores will be used to synthe-
mates for dogs are slightly higher compared to size those compounds most essential to main-
omnivorous animals (Table 22.6). The main tain the animal’s vital functions, e.g. synthesis
reason for the higher excretion of EUN in cats of neurotransmitters, hormones, digestive
is due to the high excretion of EUUN. This is enzymes, etc. In addition amino acids will be
not unexpected, as the cat is an obligatory car- oxidized through existing metabolic pathways
nivore which has been shown to have a limited as a result of the inevitable consequence of
ability to conserve nitrogen because of non- the operation of mechanisms controlling the
adaptive hepatic enzymes involved in the degradation of amino acids in the body
catabolism of non-essential amino acids (Heger and Frydrych, 1989). As a result, the
(Rogers et al., 1977). These enzymes are set first-limiting amino acid will determine the
to handle a high protein diet and the cat, rate of whole body protein synthesis and the
therefore, loses a large amount of amino acid rate of catabolism of the ‘excess’ amino acids
nitrogen even when fed a low protein or pro- (Reeds, 1988; Millward, 1998). This catabo-
tein-free diet (Rogers and Morris, 1980). The lism of excess amino acids will determine the
enzymes involved in the degradation of essen- rate of EUN excretion. The latter explains
tial amino acids are controlled as growing cats the observation that the provision of the first-
have been shown to have similar requirements limiting amino acid to an animal receiving a
for essential amino acids. protein-free diet will significantly reduce the

Table 22.6. Endogenous urinary nitrogen (EUN) and

endogenous urinary urea nitrogen (EUUN) excretion in
various animal species fed a protein-free diet.

Species (mg kg−0.75 day −1) (mg kg−0.75 day −1)

Catsa 360 243

Dogsb 198 111
Humansc 62 –
Ratsd 128 60
Pigse 163 70
aFrom Hendriks et al. (1997a).
bFrom Kendall et al. (1982) and Meyer et al. (1989).
cFrom Calloway and Margen (1971).
dFrom Yokogoshi et al. (1977).
eFrom Moughan et al. (1987).
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 422

422 W.H. Hendriks

catabolism of endogenous amino acids amino acid pattern of whole body protein can
(Yoshida and Moritoki, 1974; Maramatsu et be used. With this approach it is assumed that
al., 1986). the rate of oxidation of body amino acids
Isotopic dilution techniques using labelled occurs in the pattern which amino acids are
essential amino acids have been used to obtain present in whole body protein. The latter may
in vivo estimates of the rate of whole body pro- not be entirely correct as some proteins with
tein turnover in adult dogs. Recently Humbert an amino acid pattern different from that of
et al. (2001) determined the rates of protein whole body protein may have a faster turnover
breakdown, oxidation and synthesis from rate compared to other body proteins. Liver
leucine appearance into plasma, oxidation and proteins have a half-life ranging from minutes
non-oxidative disposal, respectively, in adult to hours whereas the half-life of some collagen
dogs fasted for 24 h using L-[1-13C]leucine. proteins, with its unique amino acid pattern,
These authors reported a leucine oxidation rate can be 50–300 days (Waterlow et al., 1978).
in dogs fed a normal protein diet (63 g crude Only if the amino acid pattern of oxidized body
protein per Mcal ME) of 50.6 mol kg−1 h−1. amino acids differs significantly from the amino
Schwenk et al. (1987) using [13C]-leucine acid pattern of whole body protein will this
found a leucine oxidation rate in adult dogs approach generate inaccurate estimates.
fasted overnight of 36.0 mol kg−1 h−1. A However, as a first approximation this
slightly higher value of 66.4 mol kg−1 h−1 was approach will yield estimates of irreducible oxi-
reported by Yu et al. (1990) using [1- dation of body amino acids associated with the
13C,15N]leucine in adult dogs fasted overnight. protein turnover from leucine oxidation rates.
To convert these estimates of body leucine oxi- Table 22.7 presents the amino acid pattern
dation into body protein oxidation and individ- and content of whole body protein in adult
ual body amino acid oxidation estimates, the dogs and cats. It can be calculated from the

Table 22.7. Amino acid composition of body protein of

adult cats and dogs.

Catsa Dogsb
(mol g−1 crude protein (N × 6.25))

Lysine 473 431

Arginine 385 356
Histidine 194 134
Isoleucine 254 290
Leucine 535 503
Methionine 151 137
Phenylalanine 220 212
Threonine 335 353
Valine 368 393
Cysteine 95 n.d.c
Taurine 18 n.d.
Tyrosine 154 n.d.
Alanine 742 n.d.
Aspartate 615 781
Glutamate 902 863
Glycine 1303 1305
Hydroxylysine 21 n.d.
Proline 569 n.d.
Serine 396 n.d.
aFrom Hendriks et al. (1997c).
bFrom Dunn et al. (1949).
cn.d., not determined.
Amino Acids - Chap 22 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 423

Canine and Feline Amino Acid Requirements 423

value presented in Table 22.7 that 1 g of whole tion, it remains to be established whether there
body protein in adult dogs contains approxi- is a difference in the anagen phase between
mately 583 mol of protein-bound leucine. long-haired and short-haired canine and feline
Using this value and the average leucine oxida- breeds or, as the data suggest in dogs, the dif-
tion rates of the above-mentioned studies (51.0 ference lies in the length of the telogen phase
mol kg−1 day−1), body protein oxidation in of the follicle cycle. There is a general lack of
adult fasted dogs is approximately 2.10 g kg−1 information on the endogenous amino acids
day−1. Humbert et al. (2001) using slightly dif- lost via the urinary tract of cats and dogs.
ferent assumptions reported a value of 0.63 g Although these may comprise only a small frac-
N kg−0.75 day−1 or (assuming body protein con- tion of the total endogenous amino acid losses
tains 16% nitrogen) 3.93 g kg−0.75 day−1 (or of the animal, endogenous urinary amino acids
2.06 g kg−1 day−1). To the author’s knowledge, losses will increase with increased dietary intake
there are no estimates of leucine oxidation of protein. Amino acids required for the syn-
rates in adult cats available in the literature. thesis of a number of compounds in the body
(e.g. creatine, felinine, 3-methylhistidine) have
been quantified in both species although quan-
Conclusions titative data on amino acids required for the
synthesis of other compounds would further
This contribution presents quantitative informa- strengthen the model. Data on the irreducible
tion on amino acids required for key physiolog- oxidation of body amino acids associated with
ical processes in the body of adult cats and body protein turnover in adult dogs are avail-
dogs which collectively give rise to the mainte- able whereas there are no data available in
nance requirements in these species. Much of adult cats. Although endogenous urinary nitro-
the information required to construct a factorial gen excretions in both species are well
model to generate specific maintenance amino researched, these losses cannot be used in a
acid requirements for these two species is avail- factorial model to determine maintenance
able in the literature. Gut endogenous amino amino acid requirements of the two species.
acid losses in adult cats and dogs are well char- Constructing a factorial model to determine
acterized although the influence of dietary fac- amino acid requirements of adult cats and dogs
tors on these losses needs further investigation. will provide, beside a flexible and additive
Amino acids lost through the continual shed- approach, a descriptive tool which provides
ding of hair have been characterized in both insight into the relative importance of the vari-
species although further quantitative informa- ous physiological processes that give rise to the
tion is required especially in adult dogs. In addi- overall amino acid requirements.


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424 W.H. Hendriks

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23 Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish

and Crustaceans

R.P. Wilson*
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mississippi State University,
Mississippi State, USA

Introduction median values for 18 studies for fish and

eight studies of other vertebrates, i.e. calf,
Certain aspects of amino acid nutrition and chicken, lamb, pig and white rat. The only
metabolism in fish appear to differ from parameters that differed significantly were
those observed in other vertebrates. Fish are the level of protein in the diet required for
normally fed diets containing 2–4 times as maximum growth and feed efficiency. When
much protein as other vertebrates. This is the protein requirement data were recalcu-
due to the fact that the optimal dietary pro- lated to correct for differences in relative
tein level required for maximum growth of protein intake and growth rates, as sug-
various cultured fish ranges from about 300 gested by Tacon and Cowey (1985), the
to 550 g crude protein kg-1 diet (Tacon and resulting data were very similar for fish and
Cowey, 1985; Bowen, 1987; Wilson, 1989). other vertebrates, thus indicating that the
This observation has led certain investigators, efficiency of protein utilization is very similar
including myself, to suggest that the effi- among the species compared.
ciency of protein utilization is lower in fish The first definitive studies on amino acid
than other animals. nutrition of fish were conducted in the late
Tacon and Cowey (1985) first noted 1950s and early 1960s with chinook
that the dietary protein requirements of fish salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. The
are not that dissimilar from those of other initial amino acid test diets were formulated
vertebrates when expressed relative to feed to simulate the amino acid content of
intake (g protein kg-1 body weight day-1) and chicken egg protein, chinook salmon egg
live weight gain (g protein kg-1 live weight protein and chinook yolk-sac fry protein
gain). Bowen (1987) has compared several (Halver, 1957). The diet with an amino acid
parameters relating protein intake to growth profile based on chicken egg protein gave
of fish and other vertebrates and found very the best growth rate and feed efficiency. This
little difference in protein utilization among diet was then used to determine the qualita-
the species compared (Table 23.1). The data tive amino acid requirements of chinook
used in making this comparison included salmon (Halver et al., 1957).

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 427
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 428

428 R.P. Wilson

Table 23.1. Comparison of various parameters relating protein intake to

growth of fish and other vertebrates. (Data from Bowen, 1987.)

Parameter Fishes Other vertebrates

Specific growth rate 2.765 2.445

Protein in diet (g kg-1) 403 200
Protein intake at maximum growth 16.5 12.0
(mg protein ingested g-1 body wt day-1)
Protein retention efficiency 31.0 29.0
(100 ¥ g protein retained g-1 protein
Protein growth efficiency 1.945 1.965
(g growth g-1 protein ingested)
Feed conversion efficiency 0.78 0.26
(g growth g-1 diet ingested)

Qualitative Amino Acid Requirements involves feeding graded levels of one amino
acid at a time in a test diet containing either
Halver et al. (1957) determined the essential- all crystalline amino acids or a mixture of
ity of the 18 common protein amino acids by casein, gelatin and amino acids formulated so
comparing the relative growth rates of chi- that the amino acid profile is identical to
nook salmon fed the basal and specific amino whole chicken egg protein except for the
acid-deficient diet over a 10-week period. For amino acid being tested. This procedure has
each of the ten indispensable amino acids, been used successfully with several species;
groups of the deficient fish were split at 6 however, the amino acid test diets must be
weeks, with one subgroup being continued on neutralized with sodium hydroxide for utiliza-
the deficient diet and the other subgroup fed tion by common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Nose
the basal diet. In each of the subgroups et al., 1974) and channel catfish, Ictalurus
shifted to the basal diet, the fish showed an punctatus (Wilson et al., 1977).
immediate and substantial growth response to Other investigators have used semipuri-
the complete diet. The results indicated that fied and practical diets supplemented with
the following ten amino acids were indispens- crystalline amino acids to estimate the amino
able for chinook salmon: arginine, histidine, acid requirements of certain fish. The semi-
isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, purified diets have usually included an imbal-
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and anced protein as the major source of the
valine. All other species that have been stud- dietary amino acids, e.g. zein (Kaushik,
ied to date have been shown to require the 1979) or maize gluten (Halver et al., 1958;
same ten amino acids. Ketola, 1983), which are deficient in certain
amino acids. Practical type diets utilize nor-
mal feed ingredients to furnish the bulk of
Determination of Amino Acid the amino acids. These may be formulated
Requirements with a fixed amount of intact protein and the
remaining protein equivalent is made up of
Amino acid test diets crystalline amino acids (Luquet and Sabaut,
1974; Jackson and Capper, 1982; Walton
Most investigators have used the method et al., 1984a). The various problems inher-
developed by Halver and co-workers (Mertz, ent in using these types of diets to assess the
1972) to determine the quantitative amino amino acid requirements of fish have been
acid requirements of fish. This procedure discussed elsewhere (Wilson, 1985).
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Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 429

Growth studies amino acid test diets have generally been

lower than those observed with intact pro-
Most of the amino acid requirement values tein diets; and (iii) the possibility exists that
have been estimated based on the conventional some of the crystalline amino acids in the
growth response curve or Almquist plot. test diets may be leached during the feeding
Replicate groups of fish are fed diets containing studies.
graded levels of the test amino acid until mea-
surable differences appear in the weight gain of
the test fish. A linear increase in weight gain is Serum or tissue amino acid studies
normally observed with increasing amino acid
intake up to a break-point corresponding to the Some investigators have found a high corre-
requirement of the specific amino acid, at lation of either serum or blood and muscle
which weight gain levels off or plateaus. free amino acid levels to dietary amino acid
Various methods have been used to esti- intake in fish. The hypothesis is that serum
mate or calculate the break-point correspond- or tissue concentrations of the amino acid
ing to the requirement value based on the should remain low until the requirement for
weight gain data. The requirement values for the amino acid is met and then increase to
chinook salmon (reviewed by Mertz, 1972), high levels when excessive amounts of the
common carp and Japanese eel, Anguilla amino acid are fed. This technique has
japonica (Nose, 1979) were estimated using proven useful in confirming the amino acid
an Almquist plot without the aid of any statis- requirements in only a few cases. For exam-
tical analysis, whereas others have used ple, of the ten indispensable amino acid
regression analysis to generate the Almquist requirement studies in the channel catfish,
plot (Harding et al., 1977; Akiyama et al., only the serum lysine (Wilson et al., 1977),
1985a). Wilson et al. (1980) used the contin- threonine (Wilson et al., 1978), histidine
uous broken-line model developed by (Wilson et al., 1980) and methionine
Robbins et al. (1979) to estimate the require- (Harding et al., 1977) data were useful in
ment values. Santiago and Lovell (1988) used confirming the requirement values estimated
both the broken-line model and quadratic based on weight gain data. Serum methion-
regression analysis to estimate the require- ine data of European sea bass,
ment values for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Dicentrarchus labrax (Thebault et al.,
niloticus) based on weight gain data. 1985) and serum lysine of hybrid striped
Quadratic regression analysis resulted in the bass (Morone chrysops ¥ M. saxatilis)
lowest error term for estimating the require- (Griffin et al., 1992) have been used to con-
ment values, whereas the broken-line model firm the requirement values for these
yielded the lowest error term for only three species. Blood and muscle arginine concen-
requirement values. Most of the requirement trations were found to increase gradually in
values that have been reported within the last rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, fed
10 years have been estimated based on the increasing levels of arginine and were not
broken-line model. useful for assessing the arginine requirement
The various problems involved in the of this species (Kaushik, 1979). Walton et
accurate determination of the amino acid al. (1984b) were unable to use blood trypto-
requirements of fish based on growth studies phan levels to confirm the tryptophan
have been reviewed by Cowey and Luquet requirement of rainbow trout. Of the ten
(1983) and Cowey and Tacon (1983). These amino acids required by Nile tilapia,
problems include: (i) a lack of precision in Santiago and Lovell (1988) were only able to
the interpretation of the growth-response use muscle free lysine, threonine and
curves, i.e. determining the break-point of isoleucine concentrations to confirm the
the curve has often been subjective; (ii) the requirement values of these amino acids
growth rates commonly observed with based on growth studies.
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 430

430 R.P. Wilson

Amino acid oxidation studies L-[1-14C]phenylalanine for 10–20 days. The

expired 14CO2 increased gradually with
This technique is based on the general increasing levels of phenylalanine in the diet
hypothesis that when an amino acid is limit- without any apparent break-point. These
ing or deficient in the diet, the major por- workers concluded that this technique is prob-
tion will be utilized for protein synthesis, ably not appropriate for determining amino
and little will be oxidized to carbon dioxide, acid requirements in fish.
whereas when an amino acid is supplied in
excess, and is thus not a limiting factor for
protein synthesis, more of the amino acid
will be oxidized. The intake level which pro- Quantitative Amino Acid
duces a marked increase in amino acid oxi- Requirements of Finfish
dation should then be a direct indicator of
the requirement value for that specific The complete quantitative amino acid require-
amino acid. ments have been established for only nine of
This technique has been evaluated in the estimated 300 different fish species being
rainbow trout with only limited success. cultured worldwide, namely the catla (Catla
Walton et al. (1984a) were successful in catla, an Indian major carp), channel catfish,
using this technique to confirm the lysine chinook salmon, chum salmon (Oncorhynchus
requirement of rainbow trout based on keta), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch),
weight gain data. Following the growth common carp, Japanese eel, milkfish (Chanos
study, three fish from each dietary treatment chanos) and Nile tilapia. A limited number of
were injected intraperitoneally with a tracer requirement values have also been reported for
dose of [U-14C]lysine and the respired car- the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Arctic
bon dioxide was collected over a 20-h charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Asian sea bass
period. The level of 14CO2 produced was (Lates calcarifer), Atlantic salmon (Salmo
used as a direct measurement of the rate of salar), blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus),
oxidation of lysine in the fish. The level of Clarias hybrid (Clarias macrocephalus ¥ C.
oxidation observed was very low in those gariepinus), European sea bass, gilthead sea
fish fed low dietary levels of lysine, some- bream (Chrysophrys aurata), hybrid striped
what higher for the intermediate dietary lev- bass, Japanese flounder (Paralichthys oli-
els, and much higher for the higher levels of vaceus), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush),
dietary lysine. The break-point of the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambi-
dose–response curve indicated a dietary cus), rainbow trout, red drum (Sciaenops ocel-
requirement of 20 g lysine kg-1 diet, which latus), red sea bream (Pagrus major), rohu
was in close agreement with a value of 19 g (Labeo rohita, an Indian major carp), sliver
lysine kg-1 diet obtained from growth data. perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), wels (Silurus gla-
In a similar study involving tryptophan, nis), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and yel-
Walton et al. (1984b) found that the lowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata).
requirement value based on oxidation data
was lower, 2.0 vs. 2.5 g kg-1 diet, than the
value based on weight gain data. These Arginine
workers concluded that the oxidation tech-
nique is not suitable for use in the absence The arginine requirement values for fish are
of growth data because of its lack of preci- summarized in Table 23.2. Salmon have the
sion in determining requirement values from highest requirement of about 60 g kg-1 of
graphical plots. dietary protein, whereas the other species
Kim et al. (1992c) were unsuccessful in require about 40–50 g kg-1 of dietary protein.
using phenylalanine oxidation rates to evalu- The requirement value of about 40 g kg-1 of
ate the phenylalanine requirement of rainbow dietary protein for rainbow trout appears to be
trout. In this study, the fish were fed diets con- the most reasonable; however, values ranging
taining various levels of phenylalanine plus from 33 to 59 g kg-1 have been reported.
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 431

Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 431

Table 23.2. Arginine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) for various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

African catfish 45 Purified Fagbenro et al. (1999)

Atlantic salmon 41 Semipurified Lall et al. (1994)
50–51 Semipurified Berge et al. (1997)
Catla 48 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)
Channel catfish 43 Purified Robinson et al. (1981)
Chinook salmon 60 Purified Klein and Halver (1970)
Chum salmon 65 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Coho salmon 58 Purified Klein and Halver (1970)
32 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
49–55 Semipurified Luzzana et al. (1998)
Common carp 43 Purified Nose (1979)
Gilthead bream 50 Semipurified Luquet and Sabaut (1974)
Hybrid striped bass 44 Purified Griffin et al. (1994a)
Japanese eel 45 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Japanese flounder 41 Purified Alam et al. (2002)
Milkfish 53 Purified Borlongan (1991)
Mozambique tilapia 40 Practical Jackson and Capper (1982)
Nile tilapia 42 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
Rainbow trout 33 Semipurified Kaushik (1979)
35 Semipurified Rodehutscord et al. (1995)
35–42 Purified Chiu et al. (1988)
38 Semipurified Forster (1993)
36–40 Semipurified Walton et al. (1986)
40 Purified Kim et al. (1992b)
41 Semipurified Pack et al. (1995)
47 Purified Cho et al. (1992)
54–59 Semipurified Ketola (1983)
Rohu 29 Purified Khan and Jafri (1993)
Silver perch 68 Purified Ngamsnae et al. (1999)
Wels 34 Purified Toth (1986)
Yellow perch 43 Purified Twibell and Brown (1997)

Some confusion exists with respect to the between lysine and arginine in rainbow trout.
effect of salinity on the arginine requirement of These workers found that increasing dietary
rainbow trout. Kaushik (1979) found that the lysine intake affected plasma arginine and
requirement for arginine decreased as salinity urea levels and ammonia excretion. These
increased. However, Zeitoun et al. (1973) changes were found to be due to a decrease
found that the protein requirement of rainbow in the relative rate of arginine degradation as
trout was higher at 20 ‰ than at 10 ‰. the level of dietary lysine increased. Similar
A dietary lysine–arginine antagonism has findings have also been reported for Atlantic
been well documented in certain animals (see salmon (Berge et al., 1997, 1998).
Chapters 7 and 14). Based on growth studies,
this antagonism has not been demonstrated in
channel catfish (Robinson et al., 1981), blue Histidine
tilapia (Liou, 1989), rainbow trout (Kim et al.,
1992b), hybrid striped bass (Griffin et al., The histidine requirements of fish are pre-
1994a) or yellow perch (Twibell and Brown, sented in Table 23.3. Excellent agreement has
1997). Kaushik and Fauconneau (1984) have been found among the species studied with a
presented biochemical evidence which indi- range of 15–25 g kg-1 of dietary protein for
cates some metabolic antagonism may exist the requirement values. Wilson et al. (1980)
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 432

432 R.P. Wilson

Table 23.3. Histidine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) for various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

Catla 25 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)

Channel catfish 15 Purified Wilson et al. (1980)
Chinook salmon 18 Purified Klein and Halver (1970)
Chum salmon 16 Purified Akiyama et al. (1985a)
16 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Coho salmon 18 purified Klein and Halver (1970)
9 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 21 Purified Nose (1979)
Japanese eel 21 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Milkfish 20 Purified Borlongan and Coloso (1993)
Nile tilapia 17 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)

were able to confirm the requirement value by Isoleucine

the serum free histidine pattern in channel
catfish. There was a significant increase in The isoleucine requirements of fish are pre-
serum free histidine concentration up to the sented in Table 23.4. The requirement
dietary requirement determined based on appears to be about 22–30 g kg-1 of dietary
growth data and then the serum histidine protein for those species studied except for
remained constant at a higher dietary intake. the Japanese eel and milkfish, which have a
Muscle carnosine concentration has much higher requirement value.
been shown to be altered by dietary histidine Wilson et al. (1980) determined the
in chicks (Robbins et al., 1977) and chinook effects of dietary isoleucine on serum-free
salmon (Lukton, 1958). In both cases, the isoleucine, leucine, and valine in channel cat-
muscle carnosine was depleted when a histi- fish. Even though the serum isoleucine
dine-deficient diet was fed. In the chick, as increased somewhat with increasing isoleucine
the dietary histidine was increased above the intake, these data did not confirm the require-
requirement, the muscle carnosine level ment as determined from growth data. The
returned to that of the control. Counter to serum-free leucine and valine concentrations
the above, carnosine could not be detected appeared to parallel the serum-free isoleucine
in muscle tissue of the channel catfish concentrations. A relatively high mortality rate
regardless of the dietary level of histidine was observed in the fish fed the isoleucine-
(Wilson et al., 1980). deficient diet.

Table 23.4. Isoleucine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) of various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

Catla 24 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)

Channel catfish 26 Purified Wilson et al. (1980)
Chinook salmon 22 Purified Chance et al. (1964)
Chum salmon 24 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Coho salmon 12 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 25 Purified Nose (1979)
Japanese eel 40 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Lake trout 20–26a Practical Hughes et al. (1983)
Milkfish 40 Purified Borlongan and Coloso (1993)
Nile tilapia 31 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
aThese values were recalculated based on the calculated nitrogen content of the test diets.
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Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 433

Leucine isoleucine and valine did not return to the

baseline levels until a dietary level of 12 g kg-1
The leucine requirement values are presented or above was fed. This observation was inter-
in Table 23.5. The requirement values agree preted to indicate that leucine may facilitate
quite well, ranging from 33 to 39 g kg-1 of the tissue uptake of branched-chain amino
dietary protein, except for the higher values acids and/or their intracellular metabolism.
of a little more that 50 g kg-1 of dietary pro-
tein reported for the Japanese eel and milk-
fish. Valine
Wilson et al. (1980) reported that the
serum-free leucine level in channel catfish The valine requirement values of fish are pre-
remained constant regardless of dietary sented in Table 23.6. There is reasonable
leucine intake. There was, however, a marked agreement between the values reported for
effect of dietary leucine on the serum-free the species studied, indicating that the require-
isoleucine and valine levels. There was about ment ranges from about 30 to 40 g kg-1 of
a sixfold increase in serum-free isoleucine and dietary protein. Studies showed that serum
valine concentrations at the 7 g kg-1 dietary valine levels in the channel catfish responded
leucine level, compared to the 6 g kg-1 to valine intake in a manner similar to that
leucine level. These elevated levels of described for isoleucine (Wilson et al., 1980).

Table 23.5. Leucine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) of various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

Catla 37 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)

Channel catfish 35 Purified Wilson et al. (1980)
Chinook salmon 39 Purified Chance et al. (1964)
Chum salmon 38 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Clarias hybrid 35 Purified Unprasert (1994)
Coho salmon 34 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 33 Purified Nose (1979)
Japanese eel 53 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Lake trout 35–46a Practical Hughes et al. (1983)
Milkfish 51 Purified Borlongan and Coloso (1993)
Nile tilapia 28–36 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
aThese values were recalculated based on the calculated nitrogen content of the test diets.

Table 23.6. Valine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) of various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

Catla 36 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)

Channel catfish 30 Purified Wilson et al. (1980)
Chinook salmon 32 Purified Chance et al. (1964)
Chum salmon 30 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Coho salmon 22 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 36 Purified Nose (1979)
Japanese eel 40 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Lake trout 26–33a Practical Hughes et al. (1983)
Milkfish 36 Purified Borlongan and Coloso (1993)
Nile tilapia 28 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
aThese values were recalculated based on the calculated nitrogen content of the test diets.
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 434

434 R.P. Wilson

Isoleucine–leucine–valine interactions tional interrelationship does exist among the

branched-chain amino acids in the channel
There appear to be some differences in the catfish but the interaction does not appear to
apparent isoleucine–leucine–valine interac- be as severe as has been observed in certain
tions in different fishes. Chance et al. (1964) other animals (see Chapters 7 and 14).
found that the isoleucine requirement in chi-
nook salmon was increased slightly with
increasing levels of dietary leucine. This effect Lysine
was not observed in either the common carp
(Nose, 1979) or channel catfish (Robinson et The lysine requirement values for fish are
al., 1984). Nose (1979) did, however, observe summarized in Table 23.7. In general, lysine
reduced growth rates in carp fed high dietary appears to be the first-limiting amino acid in
isoleucine levels during his leucine require- feedstuffs commonly used in formulating feeds
ment study. This reduced growth rate was not for warmwater fish (Robinson et al., 1980b)
observed when the leucine requirement study and perhaps other fish as well. Therefore,
was repeated at lower isoleucine levels. more requirement values have been reported
Robinson et al. (1984) concluded that a nutri- for this amino acid. The requirement appears

Table 23.7. Lysine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) of various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

African catfish 57 Purified Fagbenro et al. (1998b)

Atlantic salmon 40 Semipurified Anderson et al. (1993)
32–36 Semipurified Berge et al. (1998)
Blue tilapia 43 Purified Liou (1989)
Catla 62 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)
Channel catfish 51 Purified Wilson et al. (1977)
50 Purified Robinson et al. (1980b)
Chinook salmon 50 Semipurified Halver et al. (1958)
Chum salmon 48 Purified Akiyama et al. (1985a)
50 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Clarias hybrid 48 Purified Unprasert (1994)
Coho salmon 38 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 57 Purified Nose (1979)
European sea bass 48 Semipurified Tibaldi and Lanari (1991)
Gilthead sea bream 50 Semipurified Luquet and Sabaut (1974)
Hybrid striped bass 4.0 Purified Griffin et al. (1992)
4.0 Semipurified Keembiyehetty and Gatlin (1992)
Japanese eel 53 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Japanese flounder 46 Semipurified Forster and Ogata (1998)
Milkfish 40 Semipurified Borlongan and Benitez (1990)
Mozambique tilapia 41 Practical Jackson and Capper (1982)
Nile tilapia 51 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
Rainbow trout 37 Purified Kim et al. (1992b)
42 Purified Walton et al. (1984a)
42 Semipurified Pfeffer et al. (1992)
61 Semipurified Ketola (1983)
Red drum 44 Semipurified Craig and Gatlin (1992)
57 Semipurified Brown et al. (1988)
Red sea bream 44 Semipurified Forster and Ogata (1998)
Rohu 59 Purified Khan and Jafri (1993)
57 Purified Murthy and Varghese (1997)
Yellowtail 41 Practical Ruchimat et al. (1997b)
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Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 435

to range from 40 to 50 g kg-1 of dietary pro- Rainbow trout appear to be unique in

tein for most fishes. The values of 57 for that methionine deficiency results in bilateral
common carp and 57–59 and 62 g kg-1 for cataracts (Poston et al., 1977). These work-
rohu and catla, respectively, both Indian ers observed cataracts in rainbow trout fed
major carps, may indicate that carp have a diets containing isolated soybean protein. The
higher lysine requirement than other fishes. cataracts were prevented by supplementing
The value of 61 g kg-1 of dietary protein for the diet with methionine. Cataracts have also
rainbow trout appears to be out of line since been observed in methionine-deficient rain-
two other investigators have reported much bow trout by Walton et al. (1982), Rumsey et
lower values. al. (1983) and Cowey et al. (1992). This defi-
Serum-free lysine levels were useful in ciency sign has also been reported in Arctic
confirming the lysine requirement in channel charr and actually used as the basis for estab-
catfish originally determined at 240 g crude lishing the methionine requirement for this
protein kg-1 diet (Wilson et al., 1977); how- species (Simmons et al., 1999). Cataracts
ever, serum-free lysine levels provided little were also observed in hybrid striped bass fed a
indication of the lysine requirement when re- diet containing their total sulphur amino acid
evaluated at a 300 g crude protein kg-1 diet requirement in a methionine to cystine ratio
(Robinson et al., 1980b). Walton et al. of 40:60. These fish developed bilateral
(1984a) observed good agreement between cataracts within 3 weeks and experienced
the lysine requirement values determined by mass mortality after 4 weeks (Keembiyehetty
either growth studies or amino acid oxidation and Gatlin, 1993).
studies in rainbow trout. As indicated above, dietary cystine can
reduce the amount of dietary methionine
required for maximum growth. The cystine
Methionine replacement value for methionine on a sul-
phur basis has been determined to be about
Methionine and cystine are classified as sul- 60% for channel catfish (Harding et al.,
phur-containing amino acids. Adequate 1977), 44% for blue tilapia (Liou, 1989),
amounts of both methionine and cystine are 42% for rainbow trout (Kim et al., 1992a)
needed for proper protein synthesis and other and 40% for red drum (Moon and Gatlin,
physiological functions of the fish. Cystine is 1991) and hybrid striped bass (Griffin et al.,
considered dispensable because it can be syn- 1994b).
thesized by the fish from the indispensable Robinson et al. (1978) evaluated the
amino acid methionine. When methionine is utilization of several sulphur compounds for
fed without cystine, a portion of the methion- their potential replacement value for
ine is used for protein synthesis, and a portion methionine in channel catfish. Growth and
is converted into the cystine monomer for feed efficiency data indicated that DL-
incorporation into protein. If cystine is methionine was utilized as effectively as L-
included in the diet, it reduces the amount of methionine. Methionine hydroxy analogue
dietary methionine needed. Thus, to deter- was only about 26% as effective as L-
mine the total sulphur amino acid requirement methionine in promoting growth. No signifi-
(methionine plus cystine), the dietary require- cant growth response was observed when
ment for methionine is determined either in taurine or inorganic sulphate was added to
the absence of cystine or with test diets con- the basal diet. Page et al. (1978) were also
taining very low levels of cystine. unable to detect the utilization of taurine
The methionine or total sulphur amino and inorganic sulphate as sulphur sources in
acid requirement values are presented in Table rainbow trout. D-Methionine has been
23.8. It appears that most fish have a require- shown to replace L-methionine on an equal
ment value of about 20–30 g kg-1 of dietary basis in rainbow trout (Kim et al., 1992a).
protein, whereas catla, chinook salmon and L-Methionine, DL-methionine and N-acetyl-
gilthead sea bream appear to require higher DL-methionine were equally utilized by
levels of methionine. hybrid striped bass, whereas glutathione and
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436 R.P. Wilson

Table 23.8. Methionine or total sulphur amino acid requirements (g kg-1 of protein) of various fish

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

African catfish 32 Purified Fagbenro et al. (1998a)

Atlantic salmon 24 Purified Rollin et al. (1994)
Arctic charr 27 Practical Simmons et al.(1999)
Asian sea bass 29 Semipurified Coloso et al. (1999)
Blue tilapia 28 Purified Liou (1989)
Catla 36 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)
Channel catfish 23 Purified Harding et al. (1977)
Chinook salmon 40 Purified Halver et al. (1959)
Chum salmon 30 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Clarias hybrid 24 Purified Unprasert (1994)
Coho salmon 27 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 31 Purified Nose (1979)
21 Practical Schwarz et al. (1998)
European sea bass 20 Practical Thebault et al. (1985)
Gilthead sea bream 40 Semipurified Luquet and Sabaut (1974)
Hybrid striped bass 29 Semipurified Keembiyehetty and Gatlin (1993)
21 Purified Griffin et al. (1994b)
Japanese eel 32 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Japanese flounder 30 Purified Alam et al. (2000)
Milkfish 25 Semipurified Borlongan and Coloso (1993)
Mozambique tilapia 32 Practical Jackson and Capper (1982)
Nile tilapia 32 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
Rainbow trout 22 Purified Walton et al. (1982)
23 Purified Kim et al. (1992a)
19–24 Semipurified Cowey et al. (1992)
30 Purified Rumsey et al. (1983)
Red drum 30 Semipurified Moon and Gatlin (1991)
Rohu 26 Purified Khan and Jafri (1993)
Yellowtail 26 Practical Ruchimat et al. (1997a)

DL-methionine hydroxy analogue were only The phenylalanine or total aromatic

75% as effective as L-methionine, and tau- amino acid requirement values for fish are pre-
rine was totally ineffective (Keembiyehetty sented in Table 23.9. Most requirement values
and Gatlin, 1995). fall within the range of 50–60 g kg-1 of dietary
protein except for the lower value for rainbow
trout and the higher value for common carp.
Phenylalanine Since the fish has a metabolic need for
both phenylalanine and tyrosine, and only a
A relationship similar to that presented for certain portion of the phenylalanine can be
methionine and cystine exists for phenylala- converted into tyrosine and still meet the ani-
nine and tyrosine, two important aromatic mal’s need for phenylalanine, it is important
amino acids. Tyrosine is considered dispens- to determine how much of the total aromatic
able because it can be synthesized by the fish amino acid requirement can be provided by
from the indispensable amino acid phenylala- dietary tyrosine. Growth studies indicate that
nine. If tyrosine is included in the diet, it tyrosine can replace or spare about 60% of
reduces the amount of phenylalanine needed the phenylalanine requirement in common
in the diet. Thus, fish have a total aromatic carp (Nose, 1979), 50% in channel catfish
amino acid requirement. (Robinson et al., 1980a), 48% in rainbow
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 437

Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 437

Table 23.9. Phenylalanine or total aromatic amino acid requirements (g kg-1 of protein) for
various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

Catla 62 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)

Channel catfish 50 Purified Robinson et al. (1980a)
Chinook salmon 51 Purified Chance et al. (1964)
Chum salmon 63 Purified Akiyama and Arai (1993)
Coho salmon 45 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 65 Purified Nose (1979)
Japanese eel 58 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Milkfish 52 Purified Borlongan (1992)
Nile tilapia 55 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
Rainbow trout 43 Purified Kim (1993)
Silver perch 57 Purified Ngamsnae et al. (1999)

trout (Kim, 1993) and 46% for milkfish DeLong et al. (1962) found the threonine
(Borlongan and Coloso, 1993). requirement of chinook salmon to be the same
when determined at rearing temperatures of 8
and 15°C. These findings were not expected
Threonine since these workers had previously reported
the protein requirement of chinook salmon to
The threonine requirement values for fish are increase from 40 g kg-1 diet at 8°C to 55 g
summarized in Table 23.10. The reported val- kg-1 diet at 15°C (DeLong et al., 1958).
ues range from 20 to 50 g kg-1 of dietary
protein. It is difficult to offer any explanation
for the lack of agreement in these require- Tryptophan
ment values. Additional research is needed to
determine if this wide range of values repre- The tryptophan requirement values for fish
sents true differences in the threonine require- are presented in Table 23.11. The require-
ments or just a difference in the techniques ment appears to be about 5–10 g kg-1 of
used to determine the requirement values. dietary protein for the various species studied.

Table 23.10. Threonine requirements (g kg-1 of protein) for various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

Catla 50 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)

Channel catfish 20 Purified Wilson et al. (1978)
Chinook salmon 22 Purified DeLong et al. (1962)
Chum salmon 30 Purified Akiyama et al. (1985a)
Coho salmon 20 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 39 Purified Nose (1979)
European sea bass 26–30 Semipurified Tibaldi and Tulli (1999)
Hybrid striped bass 26 Semipurified Keembiyehetty and Gatlin (1997)
Japanese eel 40 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Milkfish 45 Purified Borlongan (1991)
Nile tilapia 38 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
Rainbow trout 32–37 Semipurified Rodehutscord et al. (1995)
Red drum 23 Semipurified Boren and Gatlin (1995)
Rohu 43 Murthy and Varghese (1996)
Striped bass 25 Practical Small and Soares (1999)
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 438

438 R.P. Wilson

Table 23.11. Tryptophan requirements (g kg-1 of protein) for various fish species.

Fish Requirement Type of diet Reference

African catfish 11 Purified Fagbenro and Nwanna (1999)

Catla 10 Purified Ravi and Devaraj (1991)
Channel catfish 5 Purified Wilson et al. (1978)
Chinook salmon 5 Purified Halver (1965)
Chum salmon 7 Purified Akiyama et al. (1985b)
Coho salmon 5 Purified Halver (1965)
5 Purified Arai and Ogata (1993)
Common carp 8 Purified Nose (1979)
Gilthead sea bream 6 Semipurified Luquet and Sabaut (1974)
Japanese eel 11 Purified Arai (in Nose, 1979)
Milkfish 6 Semipurfied Coloso et al. (1992)
Nile tilapia 10 Purified Santiago and Lovell (1988)
Rainbow trout 5 Semipurified Walton et al. (1984b)
6 Purified Kim et al. (1987)
14 Purified Poston and Rumsey (1983)
Rohu 6 Purified Khan and Jafri (1993)
Sockeye salmon 5 Purified Halver (1965)

The high value of 14 g kg-1 of dietary protein Quantitative Amino Acid

for rainbow trout may have been overesti- Requirements of Penaeid Shrimp
mated because no dietary levels between 2.5
and 5.0 g kg-1 of diet were fed (Poston and Successful studies have recently been completed
Rumsey, 1983). on determining the amino acid requirements of
Tryptophan deficiency results in several penaeid shrimp (Table 23.12). Previous att-
deficiency signs in salmonids that have not empts to quantify the requirements had resulted
been observed in other fish species. Halver in only limited success (Deshimaru and Kuroki,
and Shanks (1960) observed scoliosis and 1974; Akiyama, 1986). This was due primarily
lordosis in sockeye salmon but not in chi- to the lack of a water stable diet that would
nook salmon fed tryptophan-deficient diets. resist leaching while being slowly consumed by
Scoliosis and lordosis have also been the shrimp. Chen et al. (1992) were able to
observed in tryptophan-deficient rainbow determine the arginine requirement by using a
trout (Shanks et al., 1962; Kloppel and microencapsulated diet. Fox et al. (1995) cova-
Post, 1975; Poston and Rumsey, 1983; lently bound increasing levels of supplemental
Walton et al., 1984b) and chum salmon lysine to wheat gluten in order to determine the
(Akiyama et al., 1985b). These deformities lysine requirement in Penaeus vannamei.
were found to be reversible in rainbow trout Millamena et al. (1996a,b, 1997, 1998, 1999)
when the fish were fed adequate dietary tryp- were able to utilize amino acid test diets contain-
tophan (Shanks et al., 1962; Kloppel and ing casein, gelatin and crystalline amino acids.
Post, 1975) and appear to be related to a The crystalline amino acid mixture was initially
depletion of 5-hydroxytryptophan in the coated with gelatinized carboxymethyl cellulose
body or brain (Akiyama et al., 1986). Other and then -carrageenan was gelatinized to form
tryptophan deficiency signs in rainbow trout a homogeneous gel and added to the completed
include renal calcinosis (Kloppel and Post, diet mixture. Feeding of these diets resulted in
1975), caudal fin erosion, cataracts and the typical dose–response curve for each of the
short gill opercula (Poston and Rumsey, indispensable amino acids; however, in most
1983), and increased liver and kidney levels cases, feeding levels above the estimated
of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potas- requirement level resulted in a marked reduction
sium (Walton et al., 1984b). in growth.
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Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 439

Table 23.12. Amino acid requirements (g kg-1 of protein) of penaeid shrimp based on growth studies.

Amino acid Requirement Species Reference

Arginine 53 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1998)

55 Penaeus monodon Chen et al. (1992)
Histidine 22 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1999)
Isoleucine 27 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1999)
Leucine 43 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1999)
Lysine 52 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1998)
31 Penaeus vannamei Akiyama (1986)
45–52 Penaeus vannamei Fox et al. (1995)
Methionine 35 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1996a)
Phenylalanine plus tyrosine 77 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1999)
Threonine 35 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1997)
Tryptophan 5 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1999)
Valine 34 Penaeus monodon Millamena et al. (1996b)

Other Methods of Estimating Amino feeding rate or fish size. Kaushik (1998) has
Acid Needs also reported the whole body amino acid com-
position of two size classes each of European
Various investigators have observed improved sea bass, gilthead sea bream and turbot (Psetta
growth and feed efficiency when experimental maxima) and found no significant difference in
diets for salmonids were supplemented with the amino acid composition regardless of size
indispensable amino acids to simulate levels or species. Kim and Lall (2000) have also
found in isolated fish protein or the respective reported the amino acid composition of the
eggs and whole body tissue of the species Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus),
being studied (Rumsey and Ketola, 1975; Arai, yellowtail flounder (Pleuronectes ferruginea)
1981; Ketola, 1982; Ogata et al., 1983). The and Japanese flounder and found the composi-
indispensable amino acid requirements of cer- tion to be very similar to that of rainbow trout
tain fish have also been shown to correlate well and Atlantic salmon.
with the indispensable amino acid pattern of The amino acid composition of eggs of
the whole-body tissue of that fish (Cowey and various fishes has been summarized by Ketola
Tacon, 1983; Wilson and Poe, 1985). (1982). In general, the amino acid composition
Therefore, it seems reasonable to suggest that appears to vary more than the whole body
these types of information may be useful in composition data presented in Table 23.13.
designing test diets for fish when their amino Ketola (1982) also points out that although the
acid requirements have not been established. amino acid content of the fish eggs appears to
The amino acid composition of whole- differ from the reported dietary requirements of
body tissue of certain fishes is presented in the fish, the composition of the eggs has pro-
Table 23.13. The amino acid compositions of vided useful data in formulating test diets for
these five species of fish are surprisingly similar. Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout.
Similar conclusions have been found by others On the basis of observations in other ani-
(Mambrini and Kaushik, 1995), who used fac- mals, Cowey and Tacon (1983) suggested that
torial correspondence analysis to compare the the indispensable amino acid requirements of
indispensable amino acid composition data in a fish should be related, or even governed, by
the literature. They also found that whereas the pattern of amino acids present in muscle
proteins of different tissues may have different tissue. They showed a high correlation
indispensable amino acid patterns, the indis- between the requirement pattern found by
pensable amino acid profile of a given tissue feeding experiments for the ten indispensable
seemed to be conserved among species and amino acids as determined for carp by Nose
was unaffected by such factors as temperature, (1979) using amino acid test diets and the
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 440

440 R.P. Wilson

Table 23.13. Amino acid composition (g 100 g-1 amino acids) of whole body tissue of
certain fishes.

Amino Rainbow Atlantic Coho Cherry Channel

acid trouta salmona salmonb salmonc catfishd

Ala 6.57 6.52 6.08 6.35 6.31

Arg 6.41 6.61 5.99 6.23 6.67
Asp 9.94 9.92 9.96 9.93 9.74
Cys 0.80 0.95 1.23 1.34 0.86
Glu 14.22 14.31 15.25 15.39 14.39
Gly 7.76 7.41 7.31 7.62 8.14
His 2.96 3.02 2.99 2.39 2.17
Ile 4.34 4.41 3.70 3.96 4.29
Leu 7.59 7.72 7.49 7.54 7.40
Lys 8.49 9.28 8.64 8.81 8.51
Met 2.88 1.83 3.53 3.14 2.92
Phe 4.38 4.36 4.14 4.63 4.14
Pro 4.89 4.64 4.76 4.33 6.02
Ser 4.66 4.61 4.67 4.48 4.89
Thr 4.76 4.95 5.11 4.63 4.41
Trp 0.93 0.93 1.40 0.83 0.78
Tyr 3.38 3.50 3.44 3.58 3.28
Val 5.09 5.09 4.32 4.85 5.15
aFrom Wilson and Cowey (1985).
bFrom Arai (1981).
cFrom Ogata et al. (1983).
dFrom Wilson and Poe (1985).

pattern of the same amino acids in the whole Protein Accretion

body tissue of growing carp.
Wilson and Poe (1985) have tested this Ogino (1980) estimated the indispensable
hypothesis in channel catfish. These workers amino acid requirements of common carp
obtained a regression coefficient of 0.96 and rainbow trout based on amounts of
when the indispensable amino acid require- each amino acid retained in the carcass of
ment pattern for the channel catfish was the animal fed a high quality protein diet.
regressed against the whole body indispens- This method has been used to estimate the
able amino acid pattern found in a 30 g chan- amino acid requirements of the mossam-
nel catfish. A lower regression coefficient of bique tilapia (Jauncey et al., 1983), Siberian
0.68 was found when the requirement pat- sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) (Kaushik et al.,
tern was regressed against the channel catfish 1991), white sturgeon (Acipenser trans-
egg amino acid pattern. Nose and Murai montanus) (Ng and Hung, 1995) and
(1990) also compared regression coefficients striped bass (Morone saxatilis) (Small and
of the indispensable amino acid patterns for Soares, 1998). Even though it is generally
requirement values and whole body and egg accepted that this technique does provide an
amino acid composition data for common ideal pattern of indispensable amino acids
carp and coho salmon. The agreement was for protein accretion, it is questionable
much better for these species than indicated whether the net amino acid retention values
above for channel catfish. Thus, these work- can actually be used to establish amino acid
ers concluded that the amino acid patterns of requirements for maximum growth. In gen-
either whole body or eggs could be used in eral, requirement values estimated by this
formulating fish feeds until reliable require- method are usually lower than those deter-
ment data are available for that species. mined by growth studies. This may be due
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 441

Amino Acid Requirements of Finfish and Crustaceans 441

to the fact that normally only about used by Forster and Ogata (1998) to estimate
30–40% of the dietary nitrogen is retained the amino acid requirements of Japanese
by growing fish. flounder and red sea bream. This method has
also been used successfully in silver perch
(Ngamsnae et al., 1999).
A/E ratios and the ideal protein concept The relationships between whole body
amino acid patterns and amino acid require-
Arai (1981) used A/E ratios ((essential amino ment patterns discussed above are very similar
acid content/total essential amino acid con- to the ideal protein concept that has been
tent including cystine and tyrosine) ¥ 1000) of advocated for use in expressing the amino
whole body coho salmon fry to formulate test acid requirements of pigs (Agricultural
diets for this fish. Fish fed casein diets supple- Research Council, 1981). The ideal protein
mented with amino acids to simulate the A/E concept is based on the idea that there should
ratios of whole body tissue showed much be a direct correlation between the whole
improved growth and feed efficiency. Ogata body amino acid pattern of the animal and
et al. (1983) used A/E ratios based on amino the dietary amino acid requirements of the
acid composition data from cherry salmon animal. In addition, since lysine is normally
(Oncorhynchus masou) to design test diets the first-limiting amino acid in most feedstuffs,
for cherry salmon and amago salmon the requirements for the other indispensable
(Oncorhynchus rhodurus) fry. A casein diet amino acids are expressed relative to the
supplemented with amino acids to simulate lysine requirement. Thus, if one knows the
the A/E ratios of cherry salmon resulted in dietary lysine requirement and the whole body
better growth in both species than diets con- amino acid composition of an animal, then
taining casein alone, casein plus amino acids one should be able to estimate the dietary
to simulate the A/E ratio of eyed cherry requirement for the remaining indispensable
salmon eggs, or white fishmeal. amino acids relative to the lysine requirement.
A/E ratios have been used as a means of A comparison of the amino acid requirement
estimating the requirements of all indispens- values as determined by conventional means
able amino acids when only one is known by in our laboratory and as estimated based on
relating the A/E ratio of each indispensable the ideal protein concept for channel catfish is
amino acid to that of the A/E ratio of the presented in Table 23.14. These data show
known amino acid times the requirement excellent agreement. This procedure is essen-
value for the unknown amino acid (Moon and tially the same as the one discussed above for
Gatlin, 1991). This technique has also been the use of A/E ratios.

Table 23.14. A comparison of amino acid requirement values

(g kg-1 of protein) as determined by conventional means and as
estimated based on the ideal protein concept for channel catfish.

Amino Amino acid Determined Estimated

acid ratio requirement requirement

Lysine 100 51 –
Arginine 78 43 40
Histidine 25 15 13
Isoleucine 50 26 26
Leucine 87 44 44
Met + Cys 44 23 22
Phe + Tyr 87 50 44
Threonine 52 20 27
Tryptophan 9 5 5
Valine 61 30 31
Amino Acids - Chap 23 12/3/03 2:12 pm Page 442

442 R.P. Wilson

The ideal protein concept has been used attributed to difficulty in obtaining competent
as a means of estimating the amino acid amino acid analysis of the whole body sample
requirements of a Clarias hybrid from of the test fish.
Thailand (Unprasert, 1994). Requirement val- To use this procedure, all that is needed to
ues were determined for lysine, methionine, formulate diets based on the amino acid needs
threonine, tryptophan and leucine by growth of a certain fish species is to determine the
studies. Requirement values for the remaining whole body amino acid composition and the
indispensable amino acids were then esti- lysine requirement of that species. This new
mated relative to each of the amino acids procedure should be much less time consuming
determined by growth studies. Some variation and less costly than determining amino acid
was observed in these results which were requirements of the fish by conventional means.


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24 Crystalline Amino Acids and

Nitrogen Emission

Martin W.A. Verstegen1* and Age W. Jongbloed2

1Department of Animal Sciences, Animal Nutrition Group, Wageningen University
and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 2ID-TNO Animal Nutrition,
Lelystad, The Netherlands

Introduction non-essential AAs can be provided by the diet

but the animals are also able to synthesize
At least quantitatively a great deal is known them. Ruminants can satisfy their additional
about the digestion of food, the uptake of AA requirements by digestion of microbial
amino acids over time, their subsequent proteins which are synthesized in the rumen
metabolism and the rate of accumulation of and subsequently pass into the small intes-
protein in body tissues (Moughan, 1999). tine.
However, it is difficult to measure the varia- In all species the efficiency of utilization
tion in the processes involved in protein of absorbed AAs for protein synthesis is
digestion and protein metabolism. These mainly determined by the availability of the
processes are difficult to measure, e.g. pro- most limiting amino acid at the site of pro-
tein synthesis and protein breakdown tein anabolism. Any excess of AAs over
(Baldwin et al., 1994). Knowledge of varia- what is needed is degraded and the surplus
tion would give possibilities to influence these N is excreted as urea or ammonia depend-
processes and thus give the possibility to ing on the species. In animal production the
influence them. Some approaches have given larger portion of ingested N is excreted as
enormous possibilities to reduce the losses in waste in faeces and urine; this surplus is
various processes. One of these approaches then dispersed into the environmental water,
is to distinguish between processes of mainte- soil and air.
nance and those associated with the accre- Figure 24.1 represents the nitrogen flow
tion of new body tissue (Moughan, 1999). So for growing finishing pigs in partially slatted
feed protein will be involved both in the floors, and with surface application of slurry.
processes of maintenance and growth. At The N intake is assumed to be 55 g pig−1 day−1
zero nitrogen growth there are still processes (Aarnink, 1997). The branches represent par-
associated with protein metabolism. Animals titioning. Losses of N between species are not
use dietary protein as sources of individual equal and the proportion of N that is not
amino acids (AAs). The essential AAs espe- retained in the body increases from poultry to
cially need to be supplied by the diet, the pigs to cattle (see Table 24.1).

*E-mail address: Martin.Verstegen@WUR.NL

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 449
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450 M.W.A. Verstegen and A.W. Jongbloed

Feed The differences between N taken in and

55 g N / 100% maintenance N excreted are the source of N-
emission into the environment. At low (lim-
ited) levels of protein intake the relation
between utilization of ideally balanced protein
and protein ratio is constant, this means that
maintenance probably does not vary much. In
Retention Faeces Urine
27 g N / 50%
addition to the amount of N which is excreted
17 g N / 30% 11 g N / 20%
any change in the ratio of N in urine to N in
faecal matter can influence the rate at which
Emission NH3 is emitted into the air (Canh et al.,
7 g N / 13% 1997).
Slurry after storage The following sections will discuss a few
31 g N / 57% aspects of the use of crystalline amino acids in
Emission the feed to influence N-excretion and N-emis-
10 g N / 18%
sion. Two approaches are followed to make
use of AAs in addition to feed protein: (i) con-
Slurry after application
sidering the animals; (ii) considering the feed
21 g N / 39% and adjusting feeding strategy to the animal.
Fig. 24.1. Nitrogen flow for growing–finishing pigs.

Table 24.1. Ratio of retained nitrogen
in animals to N content in diet. (From Animals retain protein in their body N in rela-
Booms-Prins et al., 1996.)
tion to their potential growth and feed avail-
Nitrogen ability (Black et al., 1995). There is
considerable variation in growth characteris-
Cattle 0.15
tics of animals particularly the retention of
Pigs 0.29
protein deposition in relation to energy depo-
Poultry 0.31
sition. This varies with genotype but also with
physiological age, body weight and with the
diet. Black et al. (1986) concluded that the
There is abundant evidence that the figures relationship between potential protein deposi-
of efficiency can increase considerably from those tion and body weight varies considerably
mentioned in Table 24.1 provided that: (i) a cor- between strain and sex of pigs. For example,
rect level of essential AAs, (ii) a proper level of it is known that young female pigs will deposit
total AAs, and (iii) a proper amino acid /energy less energy and more protein than castrates
ratio are given. If the balanced AAs level is the and they consume less feed on an ad libitum
limiting factor, e.g. at low protein and high basis (Cromwell, 1994). By keeping the sexes
energy level, about 15–20% of absorbed protein separately, diets can be more precisely formu-
is catabolized (Kyriazakis and Emmans, 1992). lated for specific sexes, and thus overfortifica-
In a normal diet, such as maize–soybean tion in the diets and excessive excretion of
about 25% of protein consists of unbalanced nutrients can be avoided. Furthermore,
amino acids. These will appear in excreta. It increased fat deposition and decreased rate of
has been estimated further that about 50% of lean deposition occurs at an earlier growth
N in excreta of, for example pigs, can be stage in barrows than in gilts. Therefore,
attributed to non-optimal amino acid balance dietary protein and amino acid levels can be
(De Lange et al., 1999). A simple means of more precisely changed at different growth
correcting this is to replace some of the pro- stages for the two sexes. Under such precise
tein by adding crystalline AAs (e.g. L-lysine, L- feeding conditions, the total quantity of nitro-
threonine, DL-methionine and L-tryptophan) gen and other minerals fed and excreted can
to the diets of animals. be reduced (Jongbloed, 2001).
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Crystalline Amino Acids and Nitrogen Emission 451

In poultry too, different strategies with Reduction in amount of N consumed

regard to energy/protein are applied to differ-
The most obvious way is to reduce surplus of N-
ent strains of chickens for efficiency reasons
intake; this entails removal of the safety margin.
and for health reasons. For example, Scheele
It means that there can only be minor errors in
et al. (1999) suggested that in broiler lines
feed preparation and in estimation of actual N
which are sensitive to ascites it may be prefer-
content in the batch from which the feed is cho-
able to limit AA over a short period during
sen. It also means that reliable and accurate
early growth to facilitate maintenance energy
data on AA composition or preferably AA avail-
supply rather than amino acid for gain. In that
ability should be known. The knowledge of and
way less ascites occurred.
the use of data on ileal digestible or rather avail-
able amino acid in the diet is a possibility to
increase the accuracy of diet composition. De
Feed and Feeding Strategy
Lange and Fuller (2000) argued that by using
standardized true digestible amino acid of each
Until recently, nutrition has been solely
feedstuff one can add these to obtain the total
focused on the amounts of nutrients, which
amount in the diet. A portion of the nitrogen
can be derived from ingested feed. So nearly
all new feeding tables present the amounts of excreted by the pig is a direct result of feeding
nutrients in feedstuffs. They also increasingly excessive levels of nitrogen, the greater the
provide estimates of nutrients apparently excess, the greater the portion of N excreted.
absorbed from a diet or even availability. Results of surveys of the nutrient composition of
Availability in this context is defined as the diets indicate that diets commonly include
degree to which an ingested nutrient in a par- excess amounts of certain AAs. If these are
ticular source is absorbed in a form that can essential AAs these excesses are called a ‘safety
be utilized in metabolism by the animal (De factor’, which are included in the diet to allow
Lange and Fuller, 2000). for the variability of nutrient composition of
The excreta are not considered in the feed ingredients, or to compensate for uncer-
feeding tables. Nowadays in many countries or tainty about the availability and requirements of
areas, farmers have to focus on ways to avoid the nutrients. The typical range of university
adding nitrogen to the environment, and in recommendations was 110–120% of the
addition to avoid emission of NH3. So the National Research Council (1998) recommen-
excreted surplus of N can become a burden to dations, whereas the typical range of industry
the environment Most research has focused on recommendations was 120–130% of these
the amounts of nitrogen (N), which are recommendations (Kornegay and Verstegen,
excreted in addition to other minerals. 2001). The excess for the sows was a little
lower than for finishing pigs. Other surveys
have reported similar findings and that some
N surpluses safety is also included for poultry.

It is generally accepted that the ways to Use of highly digestible feedstuffs in diets
reduce N excretion in animals by ways of
nutrition include : This is an effective means of reducing excre-
tion of nitrogen and other nutrients. As cited
• The amount of nitrogen that is consumed by Van Heugten and Van Kempen (1999) and
by the animal; FEFANA (1992) it is estimated that nutrient
• The digestibility of N that is consumed. excretion in waste could be reduced by about
This also includes the endogenous losses in 5% (Kerr, 1996).
the gastrointestinal (GI) tract;
• The amino acid pattern of absorbed or
available N. Enhancing biological value of dietary protein
Together these determine the efficiency This is a common practice in feed formula-
by which dietary N is converted into animal tion. It is done by accounting for differences
products. in available AA contents in different feedstuffs
Amino Acids - Chap 24 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 452

452 M.W.A. Verstegen and A.W. Jongbloed

and also by adding crystalline AAs (Table were supplemented with three or four of the
24.2). This means lowering the dietary pro- following amino acids: lysine, threonine, tryp-
tein level and supplementing with certain crys- tophan or methionine (Kephart and Sherritt,
talline amino acids. This is a well-established 1990; Bridges et al., 1995; Kerr and Easter,
method of formulating diets to achieve a more 1995; Carter et al., 1996).
ideal amino acid pattern. In addition a diet Nonn and Jeroch (2000) reduced the pro-
with a well-balanced AA pattern is also very tein content of a cereal based diet by about 4%
effective in reducing nitrogen excretion. This and they added eight amino acids, lysine,
can also be obtained by using a protein source methionine, threonine, tryptophan, leucine,
with superior amino acid balance. If diets are isoleucine, histidine and valine and found
formulated in this way one obtains a dietary 38.5% reduction in N excretion at a similar rate
protein closer to ideal protein. These diets will of gain in control and amino acid-supplemented
generally have a lower protein content and animals. Reductions in total nitrogen excretion
they form a basis to reduce the excretion of ranged from 28% to 40%, and most of the
nitrogen and other nutrients. Both procedures decrease was in urinary nitrogen excretion
(highly digestible protein and an AA acid pat- (Table 24.3). This was similar to results of stud-
tern close to ideal) reduces excesses of not ies obtained by Bridges (1995) (see Table 24.2).
needed amino acids. These will otherwise be
degraded and excreted as urea nitrogen.
Use of Crystalline Amino Acids and
High Quality Protein
Considering amino acid supplementation
Lowering the dietary protein level and supple-
Lysine supplementation of cereal grain–plant menting with certain crystalline amino acids is
protein based diets has been widely used in a well-established method of formulating diets
pigs and in poultry. It has generally led to to achieve a more ideal amino acid pattern,
about a two percentage point decrease in and it is very effective in reducing nitrogen
dietary crude protein, which results in a excretion. Also, using highly ‘digestible’ feed-
17–22% reduction in nitrogen excretion stuffs, a high quality protein source with supe-
(Gatel and Grosjean, 1992; Henry and rior amino acid balance, and formulating diets
Dourmad, 1992; Van der Honing et al., to achieve an ideal protein basis reduces the
1993; Cromwell, 1994; Gatel, 1994). A fur- excretion of nitrogen and other nutrients.
ther reduction in nitrogen excretion was Both procedures reduce excesses of unneeded
obtained when the crude protein level was amino acids, which otherwise are degraded
reduced four percentage points and the diets and excreted as urea nitrogen.

Table 24.2. Effect of reducing dietary crude protein and supplementing with amino acids on nitrogen
excretion. (Average of experiments reported by Bridges et al., 1995.)


100 g CP kg−1 + 3.0 g

120 g CP kg−1 Lys kg−1 + 0.8 g Thr kg−1
140 g CP kg−1 + 1.59 Lys kg−1 + 0.39 Trp kg−1

N intake (g day−1) 46.9 40.2 35.2

N digested (g day−1) 42.3 36.0 30.3
N excreted in faeces (g day−1) 4.5 4.3 4.9
N excreted in urine (g day−1) 17.7 13.7 10.9
Total N excreted (g day−1) 22.2 18.0 15.8
N retained (g day−1) 24.6 22.3 19.5
Reduction in N excretion % — 18.9 28.8
Amino Acids - Chap 24 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 453

Crystalline Amino Acids and Nitrogen Emission 453

Table 24.3. Impact of added amino acids on N excretion in pigs.

(From Nonn and Jeroch, 2000.)

N excretion (g N day−1)
Controls Added amino acids
Weight range Females Castrates Females Castrates

25–60 kg 40.1 33.7 25.0 19.9

60–85 kg 44.5 59.2 29.5 37.3
85–110 kg 36.2 43.9 22.6 28.2
25–110 kg 39.8 43.3 25.4 26.6

Based on a review of several papers, Aletor et al., 2000) found nearly similar per-
Kerr and Easter (1995) suggested that for formance with added amino acids and less
each percentage unit reduction in dietary protein. If changes occurred these pointed
crude protein combined with amino acid sup- mostly to more abdominal fat in the body. In
plementation, total nitrogen losses (faecal and addition, Aletor et al. (2000) found increased
urinary) in pigs could be reduced by approxi- efficiency when protein in broiler diets was
mately 8%. Although the application of such reduced to 153 g kg−1 with extra AAs. About
crystalline amino acids in practical situations is 41% less N was excreted. By reducing the
generally straightforward, it is recognized that ratio of non-essential to essential AA content
there will be limits to their use compared with Ten Doeschate (1995) found a further reduc-
intact protein. For example, nitrogen retained tion. If diets reduce amounts of endogenous
is often less when amino acids are supple- AA this will give another possibility to reduce
mented and the crude protein level is reduced N surpluses. Gahl et al. (1995) demonstrated
to a large extent. This is especially so when the diminishing returns in response to increas-
three or more amino acids replace four per- ing nutrient input, but the responses in terms
centage units of crude protein. of reduction were not linear.
Conversely, the use of low-quality protein Feeding strategy also includes reducing
sources markedly increases nitrogen excretion. feed waste and phase feeding. Estimated from
Also, the inclusion of high levels of crude fibre various studies Van Heugten and Van
in the diet reduces the efficiency of nitrogen Kempen (1999) quoted values of 2–12% in
utilization (Kornegay and Verstegen, 2001). the United States, 1.5–20% in Great Britain,
In most of the above-mentioned studies and 3–5% in Denmark.
there were only small changes in faecal nitro- Phase feeding can be applied to adjust
gen losses because the added amino acids are the available AA content to the specific
very highly digestible. Several nutritional weight of the animal. The requirement of ani-
means are available to improve the nitrogen mals for most available amino acids
balance considerably. The use of added amino expressed as part of the total diet decreases
acids often crystaline AA, at present lysine, as animals grow heavier if the diet is not
methionine, threonine and tryptophan, can changed. Thus changes in diet formulation if
reduce N excretion with manure in, for exam- properly adjusted can meet the nutrient
ple, pigs by about 35%. needs of pigs more efficiently. Adjustments in
In poultry there is also an abundance of diets with increase in weight can result in
literature on reduction of protein levels with reduced intake of AAs and thus, reduced
simultaneous addition of amino acids. Studies excretion of nitrogen. Phase feeding, as
by Summers et al. (1992), Fancher and some have described it, is a way to meet
Jensen (1989) and Holsheimer and Janssen more precisely the nutrient needs of growing
(1991) reported impaired weight gain and in and finishing pigs. This concept applied to
broilers with low protein and extra amino dietary crude protein is illustrated in Table
acids. Other studies of (Moran et al., 1992; 24.4 and Fig. 24.2.
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454 M.W.A. Verstegen and A.W. Jongbloed

Table 24.4. Effect of feeding strategy during the growing-finishing period (25–105 kg) on N output.
(Adapted from Henry and Dourmad, 1993.)

Single-feed Two-feedsa Three-feedsb

170 g CP kg−1 170–150 g CP kg−1 170–150–130 g CP kg−1

N output (g day−1) 31.9 29.0 26.7

Percentage of two-feed strategy 110 100 92
aCrude protein changed at 55 kg body weight.
bCrude protein changed at 50 and 75 kg body weight.

(a) (b)

170 170
CP in diet (g kg–1)

160 CP in diet (g kg–1) 160 Excess

150 150
140 140 Shortage
130 130
20 110 20 110
Weight of pigs (kg) Weight of pigs (kg)
Fig. 24.2. Example of a one-phase (a) and a nine-phase (b) feeding programme for the growing and
finishing phase. (Kornegay and Harper, 1997, cf. Kornegay and Verstegen, 2001.)

Protein requirements may change (per- from 24 to 107 kg in the multiphase sys-
haps weekly) as pigs grow. Therefore, the for- tem versus a two-phase system in which a
mulation of the diet can also change as the 181 g CP kg−1 (0.85 g lysine MJ−1 net
nutrient requirements change. The nutrient energy) diet was fed until 66 kg and a
needs of the animal can be met more pre- 161 g CP kg−1 (7.4 g lysine MJ−1 net
cisely and in this way the total quantity of energy) diet was fed from 66 kg to 107 kg.
nitrogen excreted can be reduced. According to Henry and Dourmad (1993)
These changes, however, have a danger this change should be made gradually by
that the animals will have to adapt their changing the ratio in which a ‘high’ protein
digestive processes to these diets often with, grower diet is mixed with a ‘low’ protein
as a result, reduced availability of nitrogen. finishing diet. In a recent Dutch study a
The study by Henry and Dourmad (1993) 14.7% reduction in urinary nitrogen excre-
showed that nitrogen excretion could be tion was reported when a multiphase feed-
reduced approximately 15% when feeding a ing programme was compared with a
140 g CP kg−1 diet was initiated at 60 kg two-phase feeding programme (Van der
body weight, rather than continuous feeding Peet-Schwering et al., 1996). They also
of a 160 g CP kg−1 grower diet to final found that ammonia emission was reduced
weight. Another French study (Chauvel and 16.8%. Their multiphase feeding pro-
Granier, 1996) reported a 9% reduction in gramme was achieved by mixing, on a
nitrogen excretion when a two-phase was weekly basis, a high protein diet with a low
changed into a multiphase system. The pro- protein diet in decreasing proportions as
portions of 189 and 149 g CP kg−1 diet pigs grew. Under such precise feeding con-
(4.1 and 2.6 g digestible lysine MJ−1 net ditions, the total quantity of nitrogen fed
energy, respectively) were changed weekly can be reduced as well as excreted N.
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Crystalline Amino Acids and Nitrogen Emission 455

Quality of Manure will become important for the future. Some

developments already show this. It is well
Manure is a mixture of excreta (urine and faecal known that by allowing proper microbial fer-
matter). It is composed of undigested dietary mentation in the large intestine, more microbial
components, endogenous components and biomass will be present in the excreta (Canh et
products from indigenous microorganisms and al. 1998; Fig. 24.3). This results in apparently
the biomass of those microorganisms. Some lower amounts of digestible N. However, ileal
odorous volatile components (OVC), short- digestible N may be the same. The other con-
chain volatile fatty acids (VFA), and other sequence is that there is less N in the urine.
volatile carbon–nitrogen and sulphur-containing This only occurs if fermentation continues in
compounds from microbial fermentation in the the large intestine of pigs (Houdijk, 1998).
GI tract can be emitted immediately. Others are As a consequence the C/N ratio in the
emitted at various times after excretion. manure is much higher. This is considered
Around 200 or more odour-causing com- beneficial for soil life. Moreover loss of ammo-
pounds have been identified. The sensitivity of nia from the excreta is less.
the individual compounds by olfactometry Until now most emphasis has been on
threshold detection varies widely (Aarnink, reducing total N in manure. It can be expected
1997; Sutton et al., 1999). Tables of threshold that by combining both a reduced excretion and
values are given in these papers. Similarly, a shift from urinary excretion to faecal excre-
Aarnink (1997) showed in model calculations tion, reducing N in feed will result in an increase
that a 9% reduction of N in ammonium in in fermentation. Jongbloed and Henkens (1996)
slurry could be reached with each 1% reduction reported that nitrogen excretion was reduced by
in dietary crude protein content, and this was 12% from growing pigs. The data were collected
confirmed by Sutton et al. (1999). They in The Netherlands from 1973 to 1995.
reduced crude protein from 13 to 10% or from The successful implementation of most of
18 to 10% and added synthetic amino acids. the strategies that follow for reducing nutrient
The reduction in ammonia emission with each excretion is dependent on: (i) the accuracy of
1% reduction in CP is less than indicated the estimates of the available nutrient require-
above, if housing systems are such that high ments of the class of pig in question, (ii) the
emission floors are used. The quality of manure accuracy of the compositional information,

Ammonia emission (g 16 days–1)




Control Coconut Soybean Sugarbeet Fitted line

100 200 300 400 500 600 700
NSP intake (g day–1)
Fig. 24.3. Ammonia emission from slurry by pigs with different intakes of non-starch polysaccharides
(NSP). (Canh et al., 1998.)
Amino Acids - Chap 24 26/3/03 12:19 pm Page 456

456 M.W.A. Verstegen and A.W. Jongbloed

and (iii) the bioavailability of nutrients in the lating diets to achieve a more ideal amino
feed ingredients to be used. acid pattern and to reduce nitrogen excre-
tion. Up to 35% reduction in nitrogen
excretion may be achieved by supplement-
Conclusions ing pig diets with lysine, methionine, threo-
nine, and tryptophan. In broiler nutrition,
Reductions in dietary protein level and sup- 41% less N was excreted on feeding diets
plementation with certain crystalline amino with 153 g CP kg−1 supplemented with
acids is a well-established method of formu- amino acids.


Aarnink, A.J.A. (1997). Ammonia emission from houses for growing pigs as affected by pen design, indoor
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25 Economic Assessment of Amino Acid

Responses in Growing Poultry

Michael Pack*, Dirk Hoehler and Andreas Lemme

Degussa AG, Applied Technology Feed Additives, Hanau, Germany

Introduction: Conflicting Economic leads to the best overall profit for the opera-
Objectives tion. For example, lowest feed cost per ton
does not necessarily lead to the best live pro-
The foremost business objective of modern duction performance or carcass quality. To
poultry enterprises is profitability. Typically, overcome this problem, company manage-
profitability is defined by criteria such as net ment has to define the appropriate criteria on
income or return on capital employed. The which to focus, and, secondly, to balance
difficulty is that these criteria are complex them in such a way that the overall objective
and involve a large number of variables. of maximizing the financial bottom-line will
Therefore, they are not suitable for everyday be met.
management decisions in a business, which Indicators for overall profitability of live-
typically consists of different segments: feed stock production are only meaningful if they
mill, hatchery, live production and process- comprise the whole production chain, com-
ing. This conflict often leads company man- bining key input (feed and supplement cost)
agement to focus on performance indicators and output variables (marketed product).
such as feed cost per ton, feed to gain ratio, Moreover, they should be easy to calculate,
liveability, uniformity, carcass yield, etc. based on current price and animal perfor-
These criteria can be directly and numerically mance data. The indicators ‘feed cost per kg
measured and attributed to the different seg- live weight gain’ or ‘feed cost per kg breast
ments of the operation thereby facilitating meat’ meet these prerequisites while focusing
the decision-making process (Fig. 25.1). on different production goals. In this review,
Additionally, industry-benchmarking systems the most important essential amino acids
implemented in each segment for factors lysine (Lys), methionine + cystine (Met+Cys)
such as ‘lowest feed cost’ or ‘highest liveabil- and threonine (Thr) will be used as variable
ity’, combined with a salary bonus help to factors. First, these amino acids represent a
transfer single business decisions into action. major cost factor in the feed formulation.
Many of these benchmarks, however, may Secondly, they are usually first-limiting in
de-link the enterprise into discrete and iso- commercial poultry diets, and therefore their
lated business units. The question is, whether concentration in the feed has a significant
this disintegrative way of management really effect on a number of efficiency measures in

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 459
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460 M. Pack et al.

Operational units in poultry meat production

Different key performance indicators

Feed formulation / Milling

– Feed production h–1
– Cost t–1 of feed

Live production /
Purchasing Operation management
– Cost / unit of energy – Feed conversion – Feed
– Cost / unit of protein or cost – Bird uniformity kg –1
supplemented amino acid of bird – Mortality

– Carcass yield
– Breast yield
– Uniformity

Fig. 25.1. Integrated poultry production: operational units and their key performance indicators.

the various segments of an integrated poultry acids have to be set up carefully because ‘the
operation (feed cost, live performance, car- requirement’ is not a single, accurately
cass quality). Hence, they serve as good defined point and never describes totally what
examples for demonstrating the effect of sta- the animal needs (from a nutritional point of
tistical data evaluation and different decision- view). Moreover, it needs to be defined what
making strategies on overall profitability. criterion will be used and at which level we
Case scenarios will be drafted for the two expect the animal to perform. Usually, this
different production goals ‘minimum feed cost definition is related to criteria of economic
per kg live weight gain’ and ‘minimum feed significance, e.g. weight gain, gain/feed ratio
cost per kg breast meat’ based on an exten- or protein accretion. For example, Gahl et
sive database of dose–response experiments al. (1991) found in rats that the quantity of
and variable prices for feed and supplemented essential amino acids required for weight gain
amino acids. This will allow determination of were on average 71% of those required for
the most profitable dietary amino acid con- protein accretion. In dose–response studies
centration under a given set of conditions. with Met+Cys broiler chickens required a
The above-mentioned statistical and concentration for weight gain that was only
financial approach will be discussed in detail 83% (Jeroch and Pack, 1995) and 92%
based on broiler data. Subsequently, this (Huyghebaert and Pack, 1996) of that
approach will also be applied to Peking ducks required for optimal gain/feed ratio. Hence,
and turkeys based on recent, but more lim- it may be more appropriate when discussing
ited, scientific dose–response studies. response curves to ‘derive recommendations’
rather than to quantify ‘the requirement’.
This is important for the general understand-
Statistical Models to Interpret ing of the present approach.
Responses in Growing Animals In requirement studies, fitting response
curves to the experimental data has been sug-
In order to evaluate biological trial results for gested as the preferred way of evaluation. In
their economic relevance, their statistical order to do so, the number of dietary levels
interpretation needs to be discussed first. has to be sufficient and there has to be a suffi-
Studies designed to quantify the requirement ciently wide range in dietary supply; from
for any essential nutrient including amino highly deficient to a level definitely not
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 461

promoting further increment (Baker, 1986). ear response models versus the Broken Line
Any kind of a paired-comparison test of model, that each of the non-linear curves
response data often leads to misinterpretation was a better fit than the Broken Line.
of the results because of the lack of sensitivity Among the non-linear models, the saturation
of the statistical model, which typically is not kinetics and the four-parameter logistic func-
good enough to pick up small differences tions gave the best fit, if the range in dietary
(Baker, 1986; Berndtson, 1991; Pack, 1997). amino acid concentration was very wide, i.e.
However, with regard to the model chosen, from very deficient to adequate. For cases
fitting response curves has been handled quite with a more narrow set of data closer to ade-
differently and several non-linear models as quate supply, the exponential function gave
well as the linear Broken Line approach have a similar fit and has the advantage of a
been suggested. somewhat simpler equation, which facilitates
The paper by Robbins et al. (1979) has handling and evaluation of data sets. Also, it
prompted the widespread use of the Broken has frequently been shown to give a good
Line approach. This model of a linear and realistic prediction of amino acid
increase up to a presumed performance responses in monogastric animals.
plateau represented by a horizontal line has Therefore, exponential response curves as
been widely used to describe the response to described by Rodehutscord and Pack (1999)
variation in amino acid supply, although or Gahl et al. (1994) will be used in the pre-
even Robbins et al. (1979) stated that ‘the sent survey to evaluate responses.
Broken Line, with its discontinuous first
derivative, cannot be more than a rough
approximation’. The popularity of the Responses in Broilers
Broken Line approach may be the conse-
quence of the fact that one single point can The basis of this calculation are data from
be objectively defined as ‘the requirement’. dose–response experiments which show how
This simplifies the interpretation of response broilers respond in growth rate, feed conver-
curves; however, it assumes that the sion and breast meat yield to increasing lev-
response of an animal to supplementation of els of dietary methionine, lysine or
a limiting nutrient is linear until the require- threonine. Drawing conclusions on economi-
ment is met and that no further response cally optimum amino acid levels in feed
can be expected above this point. The model requires a solid base of performance data
of choice fitted to response data should sat- from dose–response experiments carried out
isfy both mathematical and biological consid- over a sensitive and practically relevant
erations (Mercer, 1992). The assumption of range of amino acid concentrations in the
constant utilization of a limiting nutrient up diet. The database of the present review
to the level of requirement does not appear meets these criteria and consists of nine
realistic from the biological context although dose–response studies with Met+Cys, six
sections of a response curve, indeed, can be experiments with Lys, three studies on Thr
nearly linear (Robbins et al., 1979). It there- for the grower and another two studies for
fore needs a basic decision, which model is the late finisher phase. Within each amino
most appropriate to describe the response acid, all experiments were conducted within
from a biological background and it has been a similar range of dietary levels. Four to six
repeatedly suggested that this approach graded levels of synthetic DL-methionine, L-
should be non-linear. lysine or L-threonine were added to a defi-
This was confirmed by Rodehutscord cient basal diet. Data comprised mostly the
and Pack (1999), who undertook an exten- grower, in some cases the finisher or late fin-
sive review of different non-linear isher period of male or mixed-sex broiler
dose–response functions on the basis of 37 chickens of commercial strains or crosses
amino acid experiments conducted in either within the overall range of 15–42 or 42–56
growing broilers or rainbow trout. It was very days of age. Table 25.1 gives details of the
clear from their comparison of three non-lin- experimental designs.
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 462

462 M. Pack et al.

Table 25.1. Design of amino acid dose–response experiments in broilers.

Trial period Diet Energy Crude protein

(days of compositionc content content
Reference Sexa Strainb age) (MJ ME kg-1) (g kg-1)

Methionine + cystine
Huyghebaert et al. M Ross 15–35 Sr, Soy 12.6 205
Huyghebaert et al. M Ross 15–35 Sr, Soy 12.6 242
Schutte and Pack 50% M, Ross 14–38 C, Soy 13.4 227
(1995a) 50% F
Schutte and Pack M Cobb 15–33 W, C, Soy 13.2 218
Huyghebaert and M Ross 14–35 Sr, C, P, Soy 12.4 233
Pack (1996)
Schutte and de Jong M Ross 10–35 Sr, C, P, Soy 13.6 217
Esteve-Garcia and M Ross 7–35 C, Soy 13.2 Grower, 209 Grower,
Llaurado (1997) 13.6 Finisher 202 Finisher
Mack et al. (1999) M Ross 20–40 C, Soy 13.2 190
Pack et al. (1999) 50% M, Ross 21–42 C, Soy 13.0 209
50% F
Mack et al. (1999) M Ross 20–40 C, Soy 13.2 190
Mack et al. (1999) M ISA 20–40 C, Soy 13.2 190
Rostagno and Pack M Ross, 15–40 C, Sr, Soy 13.4 196
(1995) M Hu x Pe 15–40 C, Sr, Soy 13.4 196
Hoehler et al. (1999) M Ross 22–42 C, Sr, Soy 13.4 195
Hoehler et al. (1999) M Ross 22–42 C, Sr, Soy 13.4 195
Mack et al. (1999) M Ross 20–40 C, Soy 13.2 172
M ISA 20–40 C, Soy 13.2 172
Kidd and Kerr (1997) M Ross 30–42 C, Peanut 13.4 191
Kidd et al. (1999) M Ross x 42–56 C, Peanut 13.4 171
Dozier and Moran M Ross 42–56 C, Peanut, 13.4 177
(2000) CGM
aM, male; F, female.
bHu, Hubbard; Pe, Peterson.
cW, wheat; Sr, sorghum; C, maize (maize); Soy, soybean meal; P, peas; CGM, maize gluten meal.

Ideally, if the general level of perfor- level of Lys, Met+Cys or Thr was similar. This
mance were similar across several experi- offered the opportunity to pool all
ments due to uniform dietary, environmental dose–response data after transforming them
and genetic conditions, dose–response data to a relative scale. This step of data transfor-
could be combined directly for regression mation may also be necessary for commercial
analysis. More realistically, the general level of operations when performance data originate
performance was different between individual from different production sites or when in-
trials due to different dietary, environmental house trials were conducted under variable
and genetic conditions across the experi- experimental conditions.
ments. However, the relative response in per- Pooled data were then subjected to expo-
formance between the lowest and highest nential regression analysis. The best perfor-
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 463

Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 463

mance as described by the maximum of the experiments based on regression curves for
regression curve was set at 100%. The per- performance and the aforementioned price
formance at each other tested amino acid assumptions. The following equations were
level was expressed as a percentage of this used:
maximum value. Each of the data points rep-
• Cost kg-1 feed = basal feed cost +
resents four to eight replicate pens of about
((cost/unit supplemented test amino acid -
20–50 birds. Subsequently, the pooled data
cost/unit basal feed) ¥ supplemented
were subjected to exponential regression
amino acid units)
analysis. This gave one dose–response curve
• Feed cost kg-1 live weight gain = (kg feed
for each performance criterion describing the
kg-1 live weight gain) ¥ cost kg-1 feed
effect of graded dietary amino acid levels on
• Feed cost kg-1 breast meat = (Feed cost
relative performance.
kg-1 live weight gain) / (kg breast meat
Relative performance data were then
kg-1 live weight gain).
transformed back to absolute values by setting
the desired optimum performance at 100%.
For economic calculations, maximum perfor-
mance was set at 2000 g live weight gain, 1.8 Methionine+cystine in broilers
kg feed kg-1 of live weight gain and 160 g
breast meat yield kg-1 live weight except for Data from the present studies, which were
the finisher studies in threonine, where per- transformed to a relative scale, show a fairly
formance settings were 1260 g gain (42–56 consistent response in bird performance to
days) and 2.4 kg feed kg-1 gain. Performance increasing dietary levels of the respective
at all other points on the regression curve was amino acid. Exponential regression analysis
calculated from the relative values at the spe- describes the pooled dose–response relations
cific amino acid content in the feed. well (Fig. 25.2). Given the very diverse nature
The feed cost per unit marketed product of the experiments, the consistency of the
will decrease to the point where the relative responses especially in feed conversion and
increase in cost from adding one unit syn- breast meat yield is striking. Over the dietary
thetic Met, Lys or Thr to the feed equals the range of Met+Cys from about 6.5 to 9.5 g
relative improvement in animal performance, kg-1 the relative responses in all three para-
i.e. feed conversion and breast meat yield. In meters were in the range of 15–20%. The
order to determine this point, performance steepness of the response curve, however,
data have to be combined with actual cost of was higher for weight gain, which means that
both feed and supplemented Met, Lys or Thr. the asymptotic maximum was approached at
In case of cost of extra dietary amino acids in a lower dietary Met+Cys content.
the diet, the assumption is made that these Under the given set of performance and
extra units enter the diet as a pure amino acid price conditions, feed cost kg-1 live weight
supplement. This would, of course, not be gain reached a minimum at a dietary concen-
correct for the full range of dietary amino acid tration of 9.0 g kg-1 Met+Cys (Fig. 25.3).
contents, but can be justified for about 10% of The shape of the economic response curve is
the level of tested amino acids in a commer- determined, first, by the decreasing feed to
cial situation. gain ratio which approached its asymptotic
For the present examples, cost of basal minimum (i.e. maximum in the relative curve
feed without amino acid supplementation was of Fig. 25.2) with rising dietary amino acid
set at US$140 per metric tonne; DL-methion- concentration, and secondly, by the linearly
ine, L-lysine-HCl and L-threonine were set at increasing feed cost with higher dietary
US$2.50, 2.00 and 3.30 kg-1, respectively. Met+Cys content due to the cost of the sup-
The cost per kilogramme of feed and the plemental amino acid. The response in feed
economically relevant performance indicators cost per kg breast meat to rising amino acid
‘feed cost per kg live weight gain’ and ‘feed levels was not only affected by the feed to
cost per kg breast meat’ were calculated for gain ratio, but also by the increasing yield of
the dietary amino acid levels covered in the breast meat as percentage of live weight. This
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 464

464 M. Pack et al.

(% of max. response)

Weight gain


85 y =82.34 +18.44 ¥(1-e –0.915¥ (x – 6.0))

R 2 =0.68
6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0

Met + Cys in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) Met + Cys in the diet (g kg–1)

6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0


y =84.03 +17.65 ¥(1-e–0.661¥ (x – 6.0))

(% of max. response)

85 R 2 =0.84
Feed : gain ratio




(% of max. response)

Breast meat


85 y =86.67 +14.34 ¥(1-e–0.766¥ (x – 6.0))

R 2 =0.70

6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
Met + Cys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.2. Relative responses to graded dietary Met+Cys levels (nine broiler experiments, approx. 15–40
days of age). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio; (c) breast meat yield (% of live weight).

extra benefit included in the economic calcula- Lysine in broilers

tion shifted the optimum dietary Met+Cys
concentration to 9.8 g kg-1; i.e. 0.8 g kg-1 Lysine responses, although with less single
higher than with only feed cost per kg live data points, give a similar picture in that the
weight gain responses considered. responses in all three parameters are clearly
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 465

Feed cost kg–1 live weight gain


Minimum @ 9.0 g kg–1 Met + Cys


6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0

Met + Cys in the diet (g kg–1)

Feed cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)



Minimum @ 9.8 g kg–1 Met + Cys


6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
Met + Cys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.3. Effect of dietary Met+Cys content on economics. (a) Feed cost kg-1 live weight gain; (b) feed
cost kg-1 breast meat yield.

non-linear and the curves for feed conversion cost levels per ton of feed. Compared to the
and breast meat are flatter than the growth level of US$140 per ton which was used so far,
response (Fig. 25.4). a lower or a higher level of US$120 or 160 per
Interestingly, the economic optima for ton have a certain effect. With a higher feed
the two situations are even more apart than in cost, higher dietary lysine levels are more eco-
Met+Cys (Fig. 25.5). Feed cost per kg live nomical, because less of the expensive feed is
weight gain is minimized at 10.3 g kg-1 consumed per unit of gain or breast meat yield.
lysine, whereas the minimum cost kg-1 breast However, the differences are fairly moderate,
meat occurs at 11.6 g kg-1, which is a differ- being in the range of +0.1 g kg-1 dietary lysine
ence of more than 10%, thus quite substantial per US$10 increase in feed cost per ton.
from an industrial point of view. This demon- Likewise, the economic optimum levels
strates the relevance of a proper definition of are only slightly altered by price changes of
the overall production goal. supplemented amino acids. For example, a
The economic calculations above are only significantly varying price for L-lysine-HCl of
valid for the present input prices. For demon- US$2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 kg-1 results in economic
stration, Fig. 25.6 shows the corresponding optimum levels for the production goal breast
economic responses for a set of three different meat of 11.9, 11.6 and 11.4 g kg-1 of Lys in
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 466

466 M. Pack et al.

(% of max. response)

Weight gain


85 y =81.20 +18.91 ¥(1-e–0.965¥ (x – 7.9))

R 2 =0.87
7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5
(% of max. response)

Feed : gain ratio

y = 86.41 +13.37 ¥(1-e–0.791¥ (x – 7.9))

R 2 =0.90



(% of max. response)

Breast meat


y =79.60 +20.86 ¥(1-e–0.717¥ (x – 7.9))
80 R 2 = 0.82

7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5

Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

Fig. 25.4. Relative response to graded dietary lysine levels (six broiler experiments, approx. 20–40 days
of age). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio; (c) breast meat yield (% of live weight).

the diet, respectively. This means that the for DL-Met of US$2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 kg-1 results
resulting change in the dietary optimum is far in economic optimum levels for cost of breast
less than the change of nutrient cost as an meat of 9.7, 9.5 and 9.3 g kg-1 of Met+Cys
input variable. Similarly, a greatly varying price in the diet, respectively (data not shown).
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 467

Feed cost kg–1 live weight gain 0.30


Minimum @ 10.3 g kg–1 Lys


7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5

Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

Feed cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)



Minimum @ 11.6 g kg–1 Lys



7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5

Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

Fig. 25.5. Effect of dietary lysine content on economics. (a) Feed cost kg-1 live weight gain; (b) feed cost
kg-1 breast meat yield.

Threonine in broilers For comparison, Fig. 25.9 reports a com-

bination of two late finisher experiments from
For the essential amino acid threonine, there are 42 to 56 days of age. With good agreements
not as much data available for response model- across trials, the fairly large biological responses
ling. On the other hand, the commercial interest are evaluated financially (Fig. 25.10), which is
has increased considerably due to the availability displayed for feed cost kg-1 breast meat only.
of larger quantities of industrial L-threonine. The effect of feed cost on the most profitable
Therefore, Fig. 25.7 displays another set of dietary Thr content is again rather small, with
three experiments combined on a relative scale. optima around 6.9 g kg-1. Surprisingly, the
Again, responses are non-linear and exponential dietary optimum is virtually identical with the
functions fit the data well. Economic evaluations optimum derived from the grower data (see Fig.
of these responses show a minimum feed cost 25.8). This, although concluded from different
per kg live weight gain at about 6.6 g kg-1 Thr trials, would indicate the increasing importance
with small variation due to absolute feed cost of Thr for heavier birds, which is also underlined
level (Fig. 25.8). With breast meat being set as by the strong response in breast meat yield.
the production goal, there is a shift to a higher Figure 25.10b looks into the effect of changing
optimum of about 7.0 g kg-1 dietary Thr. prices of L-Thr, covering a large range from
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 468

468 M. Pack et al.

Feed cost US$160 t–1 Minimum @ 10.4 g kg–1
Feed cost kg–1 live weight gain


Feed cost US$140 t–1 Minimum @ 10.3 g kg–1


Feed cost US$120 t–1 Minimum @ 10.1 g kg–1

7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Feed cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)

1.05 Feed cost US$160 t–1 Minimum @ 11.8 g kg–1

Feed cost US$140 t–1 Minimum @ 11.6 g kg–1
Feed cost US$120 t–1 Minimum @ 11.4 g kg–1
7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.6. Effects of varying feed costs on economic optimum dietary lysine content. (a) Cost kg-1 live
weight gain; (b) cost kg-1 breast meat yield.

US$2.80 to US$3.80 kg-1. The most prof- give examples of how different Met+Cys and
itable dietary Thr level, however, is almost Lys levels each affect costs per kg of feed,
unchanged (7.0 g kg-1 down to 6.8 g kg-1 total costs per kg of bird and costs per kg of breast
Thr) over such a broad range of input prices, meat produced. For comparison, the present
indicating the favourable economics of even NRC (1994) recommendations for growing
small incremental changes in bird performance. broilers state 7.2 g kg-1 Met+Cys and 10.0 g
kg-1 Lys. Despite the fact that feed costs
increase due to higher supplementation of
Implications for company management amino acids when exceeding the NRC levels
and broiler feed formulation considerably, feed costs per kg bird, and even
more feed costs per kg breast meat, decrease
Feed represents over 60% of the overall pro- significantly, hence increasing the overall
duction costs in the broiler industry. However, profit of the broiler operation. These exam-
one has to keep in mind that lowering feed ples indicate that focusing solely on low feed
cost per ton does not automatically mean cost can substantially reduce the overall profit
higher profitability. Figures 25.11 and 25.12 of a poultry integration.
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 469

(a) 105

(% of max. response)

Weight gain


y =85.09 +14.93 ¥(1–e–2.763¥(x – 5.5))
R 2 =0.86

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) 85
y =89.10 +10.85 ¥(1–e–2.277¥(x – 5.5))
(% of max. response)

R 2 =0.94
Feed : gain

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

(c) 105

(% of max. response)

Breast meat


y =81.92 +17.20 ¥(1–e–1.956 ¥(x – 5.5))
R 2 =0.80

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.7. Relative responses to graded dietary Thr levels (three broiler grower experiments, approx.
20–40 days of age). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio; (c) breast meat yield (% of live weight).
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470 M. Pack et al.

Feed cost kg–1 live weight gain (US$)

Minimum @ 6.7 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$160 t–1



Minimum @ 6.6 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$140 t–1


Feed cost US$120 t–1
Minimum @ 6.5 g kg–1 Thr

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)


Feed cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)

Minimum @ 7.1 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$160 t–1


Minimum @ 7.0 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$140 t–1
Minimum @ 6.9 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$120 t–1

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.8. Effect of dietary Thr content in growing broilers 20–40 days of age at different feed cost. (a)
Feed cost kg-1 live weight gain; (b) feed cost kg-1 breast meat yield.

Responses in Peking Ducks formulation, particularly in adjusted amino

acid supply. Published information on this
Over the last decade, the market for poultry topic is scarce, therefore a set of experiments
meat has grown considerably, particularly for conducted at the University of Halle,
duck meat. Weight gain and feed conversion Germany (Bons, 2000), is reported here in
potential of the Peking duck has improved order to put them into perspective with the
substantially. In 1998, ducks produced in concept developed for the broiler data.
Germany achieved a body weight of 3650 g The biological data obtained from this pro-
and a feed conversion ratio of 2.10 kg kg-1 ject were recalculated, including important eco-
within only 7 weeks (Bons, 2000). Breast nomic parameters such as cost of feed and
meat yield as a percentage of carcass amino acids to predict how amino acid supply
increased from 9.0% to 16.6%. This enor- might affect overall profitability. In each experi-
mous genetic progress, especially in meat or ment, a total of 240 male 21-day-old ducklings
protein deposition, should be reflected in feed were distributed to six dietary treatments includ-
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 471

(a) 105

(% of max. response)

Weight gain


y =75.38 +24.71¥(1-e-14.88 ¥ (x-0.45))
80 R 2 =0.96


4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) 75

y =78.85 +21.32 ¥(1 -e-1.458 ¥ (x -4.5))

R 2 =0.96
(% of max. response)

Feed : gain




4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

(c) 105

(% of max. response)
Breast meat



85 y =85.80 +14.00 ¥(1 -e-1.40 ¥ (Thr-4.5))

R 2 =0.96
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

Fig. 25.9. Relative responses to graded dietary Thr levels (two broiler late finisher experiments, approx.
42–56 days of age). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio; (c) breast meat yield (% of live weight).
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 472

472 M. Pack et al.

Feed cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)

Minimum @ 7.0 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$160 t–1

Minimum @ 6.9 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$140 t–1


Minimum @ 6.7 g kg–1 Thr Feed cost US$120 t–1

4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)


Feed cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)


Minimum = 6.8 g kg–1 Thr Thr cost US$ 3.80 kg–1
Minimum = 7.0 g kg–1 Thr
2.10 Thr cost US$ 2.80 kg–1


Minimum = 6.9 g kg–1 Thr Thr cost US$ 3.30 kg–1
4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.10. Effect of increasing Thr levels on feed cost kg-1 breast meat in late finishing broilers 42–56
days of age at changing prices for feed or L-Thr. (a) Feed cost kg-1 breast meat, feed cost set at
US$120/140/160 ton-1. (b) Feed cost per kg-1 breast meat, cost of supplemental L-Thr set at
US$2.80/3.30/3.80 kg-1.

ing one basal diet and five diets with graded ing supplementation level. The magnitude of
inclusion levels of the respective amino acid. the responses was different between the trials,
The diets were generally maize–wheat–soybean indicating a varying degree of deficiency of the
meal-based. Crude protein and energy content basal diets. The strongest increase in weight
of the grower diets were about 205g kg-1 and gain due to supplementation was found in the
12.6 MJ ME kg-1, respectively. Lys trials, whereas growth rate in the Met trial
As shown in Figs 25.13–25.18, birds con- showed only a slight effect. However, whereas
sistently responded to increasing dietary amino the basal diet was only slightly deficient in
acid content, confirming the deficiency of the ducks aged 21–42 days with respect to weight
basal diets for the respective amino acid. gain, the asymptote for feed conversion ratio
Following the ‘law of diminishing returns’, per- was not even achieved at the highest Met+Cys
formance improved non-linearly with increas- level (Fig. 25.13).
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 473

1.00 –1.8%
0.90 0.8498 0.8346
US$ kg–1

0.2674 +1.6% 0.2665
0.20 0.1452 0.1476
8.2 g kg–1 Met+Cys 9.2 g kg–1 Met+Cys

cost kg–1 feed cost kg–1 live bird cost kg–1 breast meat
Fig. 25.11. Effect of different dietary Met+Cys levels on overall profitability in an integrated broiler operation.

1.00 –3.9%
US$ kg–1

0.50 –0.4%
0.2697 + 1.3% 0.2685
0.20 0.1439 0.1459
9.5 g kg–1 Lys 10.5 g kg–1 Lys

cost kg–1 feed cost kg–1 live bird cost kg–1 breast meat

Fig. 25.12. Effect of different dietary lysine levels on overall profitability in an integrated broiler operation.

The results of the carcass evaluation per- ratio. Breast meat responses appear closely
formed with birds in the Met+Cys experiment correlated to growth rate as judged from the
are presented in Fig. 25.14. There was a rele- shapes of the corresponding curves.
vant response to dietary Met+Cys, however, Thr in the diet had only a small effect on
with some variation resulting in the weakest growth rate, but a substantial effect on feed
R2 of 0.56 within this data set. conversion (Fig. 25.17) and breast meat yield
Responses to Lys were very consistent (Fig. 25.18).
with the exponential response functions (Figs The economics were determined by a cal-
25.15 and 25.16). It is important to note that, culation similar to the analysis of the broiler
as opposed to the responses in broilers, the data. To calculate feed cost per kg weight gain
feed conversion response in ducks was steeper or per kg breast meat, feed conversion ratio
than the growth response. In other words, fur- was multiplied with the feed cost assuming a
ther increases in growth at intermediate Lys grower feed price of US$170.00 t-1. Prices of
levels (7.0–9.0 g kg-1) were triggered by extra supplemental Lys-HCl, Met and Thr were kept
feed intake without changing the feed : gain at 2.50, 2.00 and US$3.30 kg-1, respectively.
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 474

474 M. Pack et al.

100 3.00
y =91.84+2.60 ¥(1–e–2.253¥(x–6.0))
R 2 = 0.88
Weight gain (g day–1 bird–1)


Feed : gain ratio

90 2.70

y =2.818-2.473¥(1–e–0.034¥(x–6.0)) 2.60
85 R 2 = 0.95

80 2.40
5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Met+Cys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.13. The effect of graded levels of dietary Met+Cys on weight gain () and feed conversion ratio
() in Peking ducks 21–49 days of age. (Bons, 2000.)

Breast meat yield (% of carcass)



16.0 y =16.17 +0.74 ¥(1–e–1.838¥(x–6.0))

R 2 = 0.56

5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Met+Cys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.14. The effect of graded levels of dietary Met+Cys on breast meat yield (% of carcass) in Peking
ducks 21–49 days of age. (Bons, 2000.)

The results shown in Fig. 25.19 give an The economics of Lys vary significantly
impression of how different the economic with the response parameters (Fig. 25.19b).
optima can be depending on the limiting amino Given the steep response in feed conversion,
acid and the parameters included in the calcula- the minimum feed cost per kg live weight
tion. For Met+Cys, the continuous improve- gain would occur at only 7.8 g kg-1, while
ment in feed conversion even beyond the the extra responses in breast meat yield will
dietary levels in the test diets prevents the minimize feed cost kg-1 breast meat at 9.5 g
determination of a definite optimum, disregard- kg-1 dietary Lys. This is a very substantial
ing whether cost per kg gain or cost per kg difference when specifying dietary target val-
breast meat is used. A dietary content of ues, and both values are much higher than
Met+Cys higher than 8.5 g kg-1 is considerably the NRC (1994) figure of 6.5 g kg-1. Even
higher than the NRC (1994) recommended more, the extra growth rate at dietary levels
level of 5.5 g kg-1 for 2–7 weeks of age. beyond those that minimize feed cost per kg
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 475

Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 475

90 3.00

Weight gain (g day–1 bird–1)

y=60.56 +24.75 ¥(1–e–1.191¥(x–6.2))

Feed : gain ratio

75 R 2 = 0.99

70 2.70

y =2.930-0.355 ¥(1–e–1.905¥(x–6.2)) 2.50
R 2 = 0.99
50 2.40
5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.15. The effect of graded levels of dietary Lys on weight gain () and feed conversion ratio () in
Peking ducks 21–49 days of age. (Bons, 2000.)

Breast meat yield (% of carcass)



y =11.69 +4.59 ¥(1–e–0.94¥(x–6.2))
14.0 R 2 = 0.97



5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.16. The effect of graded levels of dietary Lys on breast meat yield (% of carcass) in Peking
ducks 21–49 days of age. (Bons, 2000.)

live weight gain would be expected to give kg-1), but the difference is less than with Lys.
additional profit due to higher weight at a For Thr, NRC (1994) does not state a rec-
given age at kill. ommendation.
Finally, Thr economics are less conflict- Overall, the response data in Peking
ing to interpret. Curves reported in Fig. ducks show many similarities to the far more
25.19c show again that the optimum dietary extensive data available for broilers. It appears
content to minimize feed cost per kg breast that the exponential functions give an accept-
meat (7.2 g kg-1 Thr) is higher than to mini- able fit and allow further processing of pre-
mize feed cost per kg live weight gain (6.8 g dicted results towards economics.
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 476

476 M. Pack et al.

Weight gain (g day–1 bird–1) 90 2.70

85 y =76.50+4.42 ¥(1–e–2.671¥(x– 5.2))

Feed : gain ratio

R 2 = 0.99 2.50

80 2.40

y =2.633-0.374¥(1–e–1.508¥(x– 5.2)) 2.20
R 2 = 0.91
70 2.10
5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

Fig. 25.17. The effect of graded levels of dietary Thr on weight gain () and feed conversion ratio () in
Peking ducks 21–49 days of age. (Bons, 2000.)

Breast meat yield (% of carcass)


y =14.81 +1.65 ¥(1–e–2.113 ¥(x– 5.2))
15.5 R 2 = 0.98



5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.18. The effect of graded levels of dietary Thr on breast meat yield (% of carcass) in Peking
ducks 21–49 days of age. (Bons, 2000.)

Responses in Turkeys Lehmann et al. (1996) worked on the periods

of 9–12 and 17–20 weeks of age. In each
Weight gain and feed conversion potential of trial period, six levels of dietary Lys were
turkeys has also developed enormously during tested. Weight gain and feed conversion rate
the last 20 years and as a result, questions improved in every treatment, and the
about changes in the turkey’s demand for responses to Lys could be fitted very well by
dietary amino acids arose. With a focus on the exponential regression functions as previously
response to dietary Lys level, a series of trials shown for broilers. For space reasons, only
has been conducted at the University of Halle, the results for grower and finisher diets are
Germany, with male BUT Big 6 turkeys over reported. Unfortunately, there is a lack of
various age periods. The studies reported by acceptable data on amino acids other than
Lemme et al. (2002a) deal with the periods of Lys; therefore only this amino acid will be
5–8 and 13–16 weeks of age, whereas covered in this review.
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 477

(a) 0.52 3.00

Cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)

0.50 Feed cost kg–1 breast meat 2.90
Cost kg–1 gain (US$)

0.46 Feed cost kg–1 gain

0.44 2.50

0.42 2.40
5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Met+Cys in the diet (g kg–1)


0.52 3.40

Cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)

0.50 Feed cost kg–1 breast meat 3.20
Cost kg–1 gain (US$)

0.48 3.00
Minimum @ 9.5 g kg–1 Lys 2.90
0.46 Feed cost kg–1 gain 2.80
0.44 Minimum @ 7.8 g kg–1 Lys 2.60
0.42 2.40
5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

(c) 3.00
Feed cost kg–1 breast meat
Cost kg–1 breast meat (US$)

Cost kg–1 gain (US$)

0.45 2.80

0.43 Feed cost kg–1 gain

0.41 Minimum @ 6.8 kg–1 Thr

Minimum @ 7.2 kg–1 Thr 2.50


0.35 2.40
5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Thr in the diet (g kg–1)

Fig. 25.19. The impact of graded levels of dietary amino acids on feed cost per kg weight gain and feed
cost per kg breast meat in Peking ducks 21–49 days of age. (a) Met+Cys; (b) Lys; (c) Thr.
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 478

478 M. Pack et al.

The grower results are summarized in For the economic assessment, the dif-
Fig. 25.20, and finisher data for the 13–16 ferent response pattern of growth versus
and 17–20 week periods are given in Figs feed conversion and the lack of good car-
25.21 and 25.22. All three experimental cass composition data require some recon-
data sets agree in the strong and very consis- sideration of the economic parameters
tent response in growth rate, that always optimized for use with broilers. The calcula-
gave a better fit of the experimental func- tion of feed cost per kg live weight gain
tions (R2  0.98) than the more variable would not be expected to give a meaningful
feed conversion data. Variability in the latter result as such. In case there are further
parameter indicates less sensitivity in this cri- growth responses at higher dietary amino
terion, which may be due to two factors: acid levels, these are also likely to trigger
first, feed losses may be harder to avoid in corresponding increases in breast meat pro-
larger poults, or, secondly, responses were portion (see limited data reported by
flat beyond an intermediate Lys level. This Lehmann et al., 1996, 1997).
would mean in return that extra growth Another parameter was introduced by
responses at higher Lys levels were a func- Petri et al. (2001): the calculation of a ‘gross
tion of higher feed intake at largely margin’, i.e. the margin over feed cost, cal-
unchanged feed conversion. culated as the difference between income

(a) 5.00

Weight gain (kg)


y =3.758+1.121 ¥(1–e–(0.60¥(x– 8.7)))
R 2 = 0.98

8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) 2.35

y =2.31 -0.231 ¥(1–e–(0.959¥(x – 8.7)))
Feed : gain ratio

2.25 R 2 = 0.92





8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.20. Responses of growing turkeys to dietary Lys (male turkeys, 9–12 weeks of age, Lehmann et
al., 1996). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio.
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Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 479

(a) 4.50
Weight gain (kg) 4.40


y =3.914 +0.541 ¥(1–e–(0.689 ¥(x– 8.0)))
4.00 R 2 = 0.99

7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) 3.00

y =2.944 -0.087 ¥(1–e–(2.158 ¥(x– 8.0)))

2.95 R 2 = 0.68
Feed : gain ratio



7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

Fig. 25.21. Responses of growing turkeys to dietary Lys (male turkeys, 13–16 weeks of age, Lemme et
al., 2000a). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio.

from live body weight minus the cost of the feed. The calculations for gross margin indi-
feed consumed. Using feed cost figures of cate a stronger economic sensitivity and
approximately US$215/190/198 ton-1, a points to substantially higher values for the
reduced price of US$1.73 kg-1 of L-lysine- recommended lysine level in all periods eval-
HCl, and a return of US$1.05 kg-1 of live uated. In fact, in two cases the predicted
turkey (Petri et al., 2001, reflecting a con- maximum gross margin is close to the high-
temporary Western European scenario), one est dietary concentration tested, and in the
can conduct this exercise with the results finisher period (17–20 weeks of age) even
reported in Fig. 25.23. beyond that level, i.e. 10.4 g kg-1 Lys being
It has to be noticed that the feed cost predicted versus 9.6 g kg-1 having been the
kg-1 gain remained rather unaffected by highest level fed in the trial. This conclusion
dietary Lys level over all periods calculated. has to be handled with some care and
The mathematical minimum shown in the requires more data.
figures is only slightly different from the val- Compared to NRC (1994) recommenda-
ues obtained with higher or lower lysine lev- tions for growing turkeys, all figures derived
els. This confirms that feed cost per kg gain from gross margin calculations are signifi-
alone may not be a meaningful tool to deter- cantly higher, probably reflecting the contin-
mine the optimum Lys content of a turkey uous genetic progress in this species.
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 480

480 M. Pack et al.

(a) 5.75

Weight gain (kg)



4.75 y =4.528 +1.176 ¥(1–e–(0.406¥(x – 6.1)))

R 2 = 0.99

5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) 3.35
y =3.328 -0.242 ¥(1–e–(0.664 ¥(x– 6.1)))
3.30 R 2 = 0.89
Feed : gain ratio






5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.22. Responses of finishing turkeys to dietary Lys (male turkeys, 17–20 weeks of age, Lehmann
et al., 1996). (a) Weight gain; (b) feed to gain ratio.

Conclusions results (being a mean of many birds), thus

being a physiological reflection of the law of
The present review focuses on the link diminishing returns.
between empirical response data obtained in With biologically meaningful response
university or even field studies and a conscious functions for the key production parameters
decision-making process with best economics in hand, it is then only a small step to set up
as the ultimate objective. This largely empiri- calculations that factor in the major inputs and
cal approach has the advantage of being truly outputs. For simplicity, only growth rate, feed
based on biological results in the target conversion and, as far as available, breast
species, and suffers at the same time from the meat yield as the key indicators have been
disadvantage of being fully applicable only to included. This neglects other traits potentially
the genetics, feed and environment present at sensitive to nutrient supply such as immune
the time. However, over the multitude of stud- status and health, feathering or uniformity of
ies reported here even across different poultry the flock. Nevertheless, the calculations and
species, the excellent usefulness of a non-lin- underlying conceptual thoughts may well be
ear (in this case exponential) response model used for commercial purposes in poultry pro-
to analyse the results has been demonstrated. duction. To overcome the limitations that sin-
It is a good and robust means to fit flock gle experiments and calculations with a single
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 481

Amino Acid Responses in Growing Poultry 481

(a) 3.00 1.40

Maximum @ 13.4 g kg–1
2.80 1.20

Cost kg–1 gain (US$)

Gross margin (US$)

Gross margin
2.60 1.00

2.40 0.80

2.20 Minimum @ 11.0 g kg–1 0.60

2.00 0.40
Feed cost kg–1 gain
1.80 0.20
8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0

Lys in the diet (g kg–1)

(b) 2.15 0.80

Maximum @ 10.5 g kg–1
2.10 0.75

Cost kg–1 gain (US$)

Gross margin (US$)

Gross margin
2.05 0.70

2.00 0.65

1.95 0.60
Minimum @ 8.7 g kg–1
1.90 0.55
Feed cost kg–1 gain
1.85 0.50
7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
(c) 2.30 1.10
Maximum @ 10.4 g kg–1
2.20 1.00
Cost kg–1 gain (US$)
Gross margin (US$)

Gross margin
2.10 0.90

2.00 0.80

1.90 Minimum @ 8.2 g kg–1 0.70

1.80 Feed cost kg–1 gain 0.60

1.70 0.50
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
Lys in the diet (g kg–1)
Fig. 25.23. Effect of dietary Lys on economics in growing/finishing turkeys. (Petri et al., 2001.) (a) 9–12
weeks of age; (b) 13–16 weeks of age; (c) 17–20 weeks of age.

set of prices will always have, it is important cessful in pig nutrition, it appears that there is
to develop models that help to simulate and still some way to go in growing poultry before
predict responses and their economics under models arrive at the level of widespread indus-
variable conditions. Although being very suc- try use. It seems desirable to design non-
Amino Acid - Chap 25 12/3/03 1:06 pm Page 482

482 M. Pack et al.

linearity into equations and avoid over-compli- Non-linear response functions such as
cation in economic calculations and practical the exponential model give a good fit to the
handling of such tools. responses in growth rate, feed to gain ratio
Overall, the critical importance of dietary and breast meat proportion as affected by
essential amino acids for production econom- variable amino acid contents of the diet. In all
ics in poultry is obvious. Given the small mar- studies reported, substantially enhanced per-
gins available to producers in this agricultural formance resulted from increases in the first-
business, much attention has to be placed on limiting amino acid. With common prices of
an economically optimized feed formulation. feedstuffs and supplemental amino acids,
This, of course, does not stop with setting feed cost per kg live weight or per kg breast
dietary specifications depending on produc- meat can be established as relevant economic
tion goal, but must include proper assessment indicators for most profitable dietary amino
of ingredient variability and amino acid acid specifications. If carcass quality as deter-
digestibility in natural feedstuffs to name only mined by breast meat yield is important,
two important elements in the overall equa- which is usually the case for integrated pro-
tion. Continuous research updates addressing ducers operating their own processing facili-
developments in genetics and management ties, then it will virtually always be profitable
will be needed to ensure best economics in a to exploit the performance potential of the
very competitive sector. bird to a greater extent.
In general, the process of deciding on
raw material quality and nutrient specifica-
Summary tions in feed should start with defining the
properties of the desired product. This
This chapter highlights the economic signifi- chapter demonstrates large differences in
cance of statistical assessment of amino acid economically optimum dietary amino acid
dose–response data with regard to different levels depending on the product to be mar-
production goals. Based on empirical results keted. These optimum levels are rather
obtained in a total of 25 dose–response studies robust concerning differences in feed cost or
done in growing broilers, ducks and turkeys, cost of supplemented amino acids. This
the most important essential amino acids approach may well be extended to other
methionine, lysine and threonine are discussed nutrients and is meant to serve as a general
with a view to deriving most profitable dietary tool to decide about diet specifications in a
specifications for a poultry integration. meaningful way.


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26 Conclusions

J.P.F. D’Mello*
Formerly of The Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK

General Considerations Metabolism

Much has transpired in the animal feed indus- As described in Chapters 1, 4, 5, 7 and 19,
try since the publication of the first edition of significant developments in amino acid metab-
this book. In the European Union, meat and olism have occurred since publication of the
bone meal can no longer be used as animal first edition of this book. It is heartening to
feed and the controversy over the use of fish- observe that recent results will underpin future
meal for ruminant feeding continues advances in animal nutrition. Numerous stud-
unabated. In addition, the restrictions imposed ies have been conducted to explore the bio-
by the ban on feed antibiotics have yet to be chemical basis of practical problems.
addressed in terms of viable commercial
options. All of these issues have helped to
raise further the profile of amino acids as feed Branched-chain amino acids
Meanwhile, research on amino acids in The branched-chain amino acids continue to
farm animal nutrition has shifted from empiri- attract much attention as regards oxidation,
cal supplementation studies for determining molecular roles and dynamics.
requirements to fundamentals such as sig-
nalling and molecular action. The
dose–response feeding studies have served
their purpose, particularly in establishing The catabolism of branched-chain amino
requirements (Chapters 14, 18 and 20) and acids (BCAA) is initiated by a reversible
ideal amino acid patterns (Chapters 9 and aminotransferase reaction (Chapter 4) leading
13). Modelling has also now become an to the formation of branched-chain keto acids
established tool (Chapters 11, 16 and 21). (BCKA). These intermediates may then
This revised edition thus provides a timely undergo irreversible oxidative decarboxylation
opportunity to explore novel and wider appli- to yield acyl-CoA compounds, with further
cations of amino acids in animal nutrition. catabolism occurring via reactions analogous
Some of the major developments are co-ordi- to those in oxidation of fatty acids. Harper et
nated in this chapter. al. (1984) suggested that enhanced BCKA

*E-mail address:

© CAB International 2003. Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition,
2nd edition (ed. J.P.F. D’Mello) 485
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 486

486 J.P.F. D’Mello

oxidation might account for the depletion of Molecular action

plasma isoleucine and valine concentrations in
antagonisms induced by feeding excess Reference has already been made to the work
leucine. Such a mechanism would also of Anthony et al. (2000a,b) suggesting that
account for the increased requirements for leucine may act as a signalling molecule in the
valine and isoleucine in poultry fed excess stimulation of muscle protein synthesis by
leucine (Chapter 14). enhancing availability of specific eukaryotic
Oxidation of BCKA may be influenced by initiation factors (Chapter 1). Their studies
dietary carnitine. Owen et al. (2001) con- demonstrated that leucine is possibly unique
ducted a trial to elucidate the biochemical among the BCAA in its ability to stimulate
basis of reduced lipid and enhanced protein muscle protein synthesis.
accretion in pigs fed L-carnitine. They pro- The role of leucine as a nutritional signal
posed that dietary carnitine might decrease has been reviewed in a recent symposium
BCKA activity and thus conserve tissue pools (Table 26.2). Hutson and Harris (2001)
of BCAA. Their results, summarized in Table explained the rationale for the selection of
26.1, supported the hypothesis in that carni- leucine as the theme for this symposium. The
tine reduces BCKA dehydrogenase activity. justification is based on recent findings of a
They also observed enhanced rates of palmi- new non-protein role for amino acids. There
tate oxidation, more rapid flux through pyru- is evidence that amino acids may act in signal
vate carboxylase and higher rates of transduction pathways activating in particular
incorporation of amino acids into proteins in cells some of the same signalling cascades as
isolated hepatocytes following dietary supple- the anabolic hormone insulin. Leucine is
mentation with carnitine. Owen et al. (2001) unique in that it can exert the same effects as
interpreted the results to signify that carnitine complete amino acid mixtures. Anthony et al.
availability enabled greater use of fat for (2001) reported that leucine stimulated pro-
energy, and diverted carbon along synthetic tein synthesis in skeletal muscle by enhancing
pathways, at the same time channelling both the activity and synthesis of proteins
BCAA away from oxidation and towards pro- involved in mRNA translation. This stimula-
tein synthesis. The role of carnitine in the tion is thought to be mediated partly via the
amelioration of BCAA antagonisms in poultry mammalian target of a rapamycin (mTOR)
(Chapters 7 and 14) is now worthy of investi- signalling pathway where both insulin and
gation and might help to substantiate and leucine act in concert to maximize protein
increase the scope of the conclusions of synthesis. Dardevet et al. (2002) have shown
Owen et al. (2001). that leucine supplementation stimulates mus-

Table 26.1. Effect of dietary L-carnitine on performance, carcass

characteristics and branched-chain keto acid (BCKA) dehydrogenase activity
in pigsa.

Added L-carnitine (mg kg−1)

0 50 125

Weight gain (g day−1) 890 910 880

Feed intake (g day−1) 2840 2930 2800
Backfat thickness (cm) 3.05 2.97 2.92
Lean (%) 50.0 50.9 52.1
BCKA dehydrogenase flux in liver 82.2 60.4 54.1
mitochondria (nmol mg protein−1 h−1)
BCKA dehydrogenase flux in muscle 108.8 110.1 86.5
mitochondria (nmol mg protein−1 h−1)
aCompiled from Owen et al. (2001).
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 487

Conclusions 487

Table 26.2. Leucine as a nutritional signal: aspects reviewed in a recent symposium.

Topic Reference

Regulation of branched-chain -keto acid dehydrogenase kinase Harris et al. (2001)

expression in rat liver
Function of leucine in excitatory neurotransmitter metabolism in the Hutson et al. (2001)
central nervous system
Molecular mechanisms in the brain involved in the anorexia of Gietzen and Magrum (2001)
branched-chain amino acid deficiency
Signalling pathways involved in translational control of protein synthesis Anthony et al. (2001)
in skeletal muscle by leucine
Role of leucine in the regulation of mTORa by amino acids: revelations Lynch (2001)
from structure–activity studies
aMammalian target of rapamycin.

cle protein synthesis in old rats. They attri- the BCAA, studies continue to be conducted
buted this effect to enhanced efficiency of on the component amino acids in isolation.
protein translation. The overall implications of For example, the differences in placental trans-
these findings for high-performance farm ani- port characteristics between normal and
mals have yet to be explored. retarded pig fetuses have been reported for
leucine (Table 26.3). It would be instructive to
examine whether these characteristics also
Leucine flux
apply to isoleucine and valine. These results,
The dynamics of leucine metabolism are inex- nevertheless, support the notion that, in com-
tricably involved with that of isoleucine and parison with normal-sized siblings, retarded
valine impacting on dietary requirements for fetuses have lower circulating concentrations
the three amino acids (Chapter 14). In these of many essential amino acids emanating from
interactions leucine consistently emerges as a reduced placental transport of amino acids.
dominant antagonist, with particular effects on There is mounting evidence of a direct rela-
valine metabolism and utilization (Chapter 14). tionship between placental amino acid trans-
Nevertheless, under certain conditions, reci- port and fetal growth. The results in Table
procity may be demonstrated in these interac- 26.3 may reflect a general pattern for all
tions. It is thus always advisable to examine amino acids. On the other hand, there may be
BCAA dynamics as a whole rather than on an leucine-specific effects. The role of leucine as a
individual amino acid basis. Despite strength- signalling molecule in the regulation of gene
ening evidence of complex interactions among expression is gaining momentum. Indeed, the

Table 26.3. Leucine transport characteristics of placentae supplying normal and retarded pig
fetuses at three stages of gestationa.

Stage of gestation
Type of placenta 45 days 65 days 100 days

To normal fetus Na+ independent Na+ independent Na+ independent and Na+
dependent at approximately
equal capacity
To retarded fetus Na+ independent at Na+ independent at Na+ independent only
reduced capacity equivalent rates to
relative to normal normal
aBased on review by Ashworth et al. (2001).
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 488

488 J.P.F. D’Mello

putative existence of a leucine-recognition larly muscle. Since that proposition, many

molecule has been proposed (Jefferson and more data have become available on arginase
Kimball, 2001). Furthermore, recent studies itself and on urea cycle regulation as a whole.
show that other amino acids may exert specific It is now established that arginase exists
effects during fetal development (see below). in two distinct isoforms encoded by different
genes. The two forms are denoted as arginase
I and arginase II and differ from each other in
Arginine a variety of aspects including functional char-
acteristics, localization and regulation of
Arginine continues to be the focus of much expression. Arginase I is a cytosolic enzyme
research following the elucidation of specific expressed particularly in the liver; on the
pathways leading to the synthesis of physio- other hand, arginase II is a mitochondrial
logically important compounds (Table 26.4). enzyme, widely distributed, and the principal
Arginine is an indispensable amino acid for isoform in the small intestine of young pigs.
poultry and is readily and specifically antago- Ureagenesis, as might be expected, is
nized by excess lysine in the diet (Chapters 7 quantitatively greater in the liver than in the
and 14). As indicated in Chapter 1, the pri- small intestine of mammals. However, Bush et
mary direction of arginine metabolism in al. (2002) suggested that the regulation of urea
mammals occurs via the urea cycle, enabling cycle enzymes might be different in hepatic and
the disposal of excess N from amino acids. intestinal tissues. This concept emerged from
However, the production of polyamines and their work on somatotropin-treatment of pigs
nitric oxide (NO) from arginine is also recog- (Table 26.5). These results also provided a bio-
nized to be of critical importance (Chapter 4). chemical explanation for N conservation and re-
duced ureagenesis in somatotropin-treated pigs.
Urea cycle
Buttery and D’Mello (1994) advanced the view Polyamines
that rapidly growing mammals respond to Polyamines are considered to be essential for:
dietary arginine because the vast majority of
arginine synthesized via the urea cycle is catab- • normal growth and development;
olized by an active hepatic arginase within this • regulation of RNA synthesis;
pathway (Fig. 4.2). Consequently, insufficient • tissues actively synthesizing proteins;
quantities of arginine are exported for the • maintaining the stability of membrane
rapid growth of extra hepatic tissues, particu- structures.

Table 26.4. Diverse roles of arginine.

Pathway Effects

Direct Protein synthesis Growth, reproduction and lactation; arginine

essential for poultry, cats and fish
Hormone productiona Somatotropin release from hypophysis
Prolactin from hypophysis
Insulin from pancreas
Release of insulin-like-growth-factor
Glucagon release
Via ornithine Polyamine synthesis Synthesis of growth factors
Via citrulline Nitric oxide See text
Via ornithine cycle Urea productionb Major route of N excretion in mammals
aBased on review by Suchner et al. (2002).
bSee Chapter 4.
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 489

Conclusions 489

Table 26.5. Effect of somatotropin treatment of pigs on

activities of urea cyclea enzymes in the liver and jejunumb.

% Changec
Enzyme Liver Jejunum

Carbamoylphosphate synthase −45 5

Ornithine carbamoyltransferase −6 9
Argininosuccinate synthase −38 0
Argininosuccinate lyase −23 3
Arginase −27 1
aPathway illustrated in Fig. 4.2.
bCompiled from Bush et al. (2002).
cRelative to activities for control pigs.

Polyamine production (Fig. 4.3) appears to be Mammary tissue catabolism

an underlying phenomenon in all tissues
The role of the two forms of arginase (I and
actively engaged in protein synthesis. Thus
II; see above) in the degradation of arginine
the excess uptake of arginine by the mam-
by (porcine) mammary tissue has now been
mary gland may be a reflection of the need
confirmed by O’Quinn et al. (2002). The
for polyamine synthesis by tissues actively syn-
major products of arginine catabolism were
thesizing proteins in this organ. Polyamine
proline, ornithine and urea. The authors sug-
synthesis is an important focal point for the
gest that the synthesis of proline from argi-
action of antinutritional factors. nine facilitates the conservation of arginine
carbons in mammary tissue. Their results also
Nitric oxide provided a biochemical explanation for the
enrichment of proline in milk, relative to its
A unique feature of arginine relates to the
uptake from the circulation, by the mammary
production of NO (Chapter 4). New results
gland. The relatively high uptake to output
indicate that compartmentalization of NO syn- ratio for arginine can be explained in terms
thase isoforms allows NO signals to exert of its utilization for proline and polyamine
independent and perhaps even opposite biosynthesis within the mammary gland. Both
effects on organs and physiological processes forms of nitric oxide synthase (constitutive
(Barouch et al., 2002). It is now established and inducible) exist in mammary tissue, con-
that NO plays a key role in: fined exclusively to the cytosol.
• cardiac function;
• vasorelaxation;
• neurotransmission; Glutamine
• immunocompetence;
• male reproductive performance and behav- Since the first edition of this book consider-
iour; able advances have been made on the metab-
• gut motility. olism of glutamine, justifying an entire
symposium on the subject, with the proceed-
In addition, NO may play a key role in the ings appearing in 2001. A supplement on
responses of animals to particular antinutri- immunonutrition published in 2002 also
tional factors (D’Mello, 1995). However, it is addressed the role of glutamine. The compila-
not known whether NO production is affected tion in Table 26.6 gives an insight into the
by the lysine–arginine antagonism in poultry diverse functions and biochemical linkages of
(Chapters 7 and 14). glutamine. Although the bias is distinctly
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 490

490 J.P.F. D’Mello

Table 26.6. Glutamine metabolism: a summary of titles selected from the proceedings of two recent

Title Authors

Mechanisms governing the expression of the enzymes of glutamine Labow et al. (2001)
metabolism – glutaminase and glutamine synthetase
Molecular advances in mammalian glutamine transport Bode (2001)
Interaction between glutamine availability and metabolism of glycogen, Rennie et al. (2001)
tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and glutathione
Role of mitochondrial glutaminase in rat renal glutamine metabolism Curthoys (2001)
Glutamate–-aminobutyric acid–glutamine cycling in rodent and human Behar and Rothman (2001)
cortex: the central role of glutamine
Glutamine and the bowel Reeds and Burrin (2001)
Glutamine and cell signalling in liver Haussinger et al. (2001)
Why is L-glutamine metabolism important to cells of the immune system Newsholme (2001)
in health, postinjury, surgery or infection?
Glutamine in animal science and production Lobley et al. (2001)
Glutamine and cancer Medina (2001)
Assessment of safety of glutamine and other amino acids Garlick (2001)
Glutamine alimentation in catabolic state Boelens et al. (2001)
Glutamine in the fetus and low birth weight neonate Neu (2001)
Glutamine: essential for immune nutrition in the critically ill Andrews and Griffiths (2002)
Glutamine supplementation in bone marrow transplantation Ziegler (2002)
Glutamine depletion impairs cellular stress response in human Oehler et al. (2002)

towards clinical applications, there are impli- Homocysteine

cations for animal nutrition, health and wel-
fare (Chapter 5; see also Lobley et al., 2001). Homocysteine is a key intermediate in sulphur
It is widely acknowledged that gluta- amino acid (SAA) metabolism, yielding cys-
mine is an important substrate, serving as a teine (Chapter 8) and taurine. It is established
major respiratory fuel, glucogenic source that taurine is an essential amino acid for
and N carrier. Thus, in the synthesis of uric felines (Chapter 1). The importance of homo-
acid in poultry, glutamine is a key vehicle cysteine in human health is now well recog-
for the disposal and excretion of waste N. In nized in that plasma levels are higher than
addition, the glutamate–glutamine cycling in normal in patients with coronary, cerebrovas-
the central nervous system and the inter- cular or peripheral arterial occlusive disease. In
organ glucose–alanine–glutamine cycle are addition, evidence is accumulating of a rela-
well-known features of amino acid metabo- tionship between homocysteine and a number
lism. The role of glutamine in immune func- of B-complex vitamins (Table 26.7). In particu-
tion is reviewed in a separate section below. lar, vitamin B12 is required for methionine syn-
Wilmore and Rombeau (2001) suggest thase which methylates homocysteine to form
that several of the non-essential amino acids methionine. In the conversion of homocys-
may become conditionally essential because teine into cystathionine another B-complex vit-
endogenous synthesis cannot satisfy imme- amin, pyridoxal phosphate, serves as a vital
diate requirements under conditions of co-factor. The association of homocysteine
stress. It is conceivable that factors such as with folate and riboflavin has also been
disorders of pregnancy and lactation and described (Table 26.7). In pigs, prolonged vita-
bacterial and parasitic diseases may induce min B12 deficiency is associated with hyperho-
needs for amino acids such as glutamine, mocysteinaemia, and in cattle a similar effect
homocysteine and, in mammalian systems, has been reported in long-term moderate defi-
arginine. ciency of Co (see Chapter 1). In addition,
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 491

Conclusions 491

Table 26.7. Homocysteine metabolism: selected research titles illustrating relationships with vitamins
and nitric oxide.

Title Reference

Homocysteine, vitamins and arterial occlusive disease: an overview Rosenberg (1996)

Plasma homocyst(e)ine: a risk factor for arterial occlusive diseases Malinow (1996)
Relationship among homocyst(e)ine, vitamin B12 and cardiac disease Herzlich et al. (1996)
in the elderly
Relationship between plasma homocysteine, vitamin status and Selhub et al. (1996)
extracranial carotid-artery stenosis
The use of homocysteine and other metabolites in the specific diagnosis Stabler et al. (1996)
of vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamins as homocysteine-lowering agents Brattstrom (1996)
Homocysteine, EDRFa and endothelial function (physiological reaction Upchurch et al. (1996)
between homocysteine and NO to form the stable adduct
Plasma homocysteine levels in Taiwanese vegetarians (associated with Hung et al. (2002)
folate and vitamin B12 status)
Relationship between riboflavin and plasma homocysteine is influenced Jacques et al. (2002)
by folate status
aEndothelium-derived relaxing factor.

Upchurch et al. (1996) identified a pathway Methionine and cystine

for the physiological reaction between homo-
cysteine and NO to form the stable adduct S- The methionine-sparing effects of cystine are
nitrosohomocysteine. well documented (Chapter 8). The methion-
ine–cystine conversion is of practical impor-
tance since many feeds contain more cystine
Betaine (trimethyl glycine) than methionine. Consequently, diets may be
relatively high in total SAA but low in methio-
Betaine or trimethyl glycine is one of the nine. In assessing the extent to which cystine
methyl donors enabling the conversion of may spare dietary methionine requirements, it
homocysteine into methionine. Since the is important to ascertain whether values being
previous edition of this book, much interest considered are on a weight or molar basis. In
has been expressed in the potential of addition, it is necessary to recognize that cys-
betaine as a feed supplement (Chapter 8). tine efficacy is considerably greater for main-
The publications by Fernandez-Figares et al. tenance than for new tissue growth. The
(2002) and Lawrence et al. (2002) give an higher cystine requirements for maintenance
up-to-date account of the basis for this inter- have been attributed, in part, to the high cys-
est. Betaine addition is associated with tine content of hair and other keratin compo-
reduced lipid accretion in pigs and altered nents. Methionine:cystine ratios suggested for
nutrient partitioning, although the responses pigs are 49:51 for protein accretion and
may be affected by feeding regimes and may 23:77 for maintenance (Chapter 8). For prac-
be more pronounced in barrows rather than tical formulations, current recommendations
in gilts. The dietary conditions that predis- are that not more than 50% of the SAA
pose to more consistent responses need to requirement of animals should be provided by
be elucidated before commercial supple- cystine. Even in fish, the cystine replacement
mentation can be advocated. There is also value for methionine varies between 40 and
an implication that betaine may exert its 60% on a sulphur basis (Chapter 23).
effects via mechanisms that do not necessar- The SAA requirement for wool growth
ily involve methionine-sparing pathways is high and generally above that supplied by
(Chapter 8). exogenous sources (Chapter 17). Methionine
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 492

492 J.P.F. D’Mello

supplementation enhances efficiency of pro- The case for glutamine as an immune

tein utilization by promoting protein metabo- modulator (Tables 26.6 and 26.8) would
lism in the follicles and skin. Cysteine appear to be particularly strong, when clinical
synthesized in the skin is quantitatively evidence is considered (Andrews and Griffiths,
important in supporting wool growth; how- 2002). All the diverse cells of the immune sys-
ever, its supply is restricted by the methion- tem appear to be dependent on glutamine for
ine needs for polyamine synthesis. proper functioning. Glutamine not fully uti-
Methionine appears to be used relatively lized for energy may become available for the
inefficiently for growth by cattle and sheep. functioning of:
In cattle (Chapter 18), this effect has been
• monocytes and macrophages;
attributed to the role of methionine in pro-
• lymphocytes;
viding methyl groups, whereas in sheep its
• neutrophils.
utilization for cysteine synthesis may be
more important (Chapter 17). Phagocytosis in macrophages appears to be
glutamine-dependent and this amino acid also
significantly enhances phytohaemagglutinin-
Immune Functions stimulated lymphocyte proliferation, produc-
tion of intracellular reactive oxygen species
As indicated in Chapter 1, cysteine and and glutathione (see Andrews and Griffiths,
BCAA have been tentatively assigned with 2002). There also appears to be some poten-
immunological functions. However, more tial for glutamine supplementation in bone
recent evidence from clinical studies suggests marrow transplantation (Ziegler, 2002).
that other amino acids may function as
immune modulators (Table 26.8). There may
be health implications for farm and compan- Amino Acids in Reproduction and
ion animals. Lactation
Reference has already been made to the
role of NO in immunocompetence. Suchner Reproduction
et al. (2002) have reviewed the clinical evi-
dence suggesting that NO may help in the Certain amino acids have been accorded with
regulation of inflammation and in enhancing specific roles in placental and fetal metabo-
the depressed immune response of patients lism. Of these, glutamine and glutamate have
suffering from injury, surgical trauma, malnu- emerged as particularly important, firstly with
trition or sepsis. Exogenous source of arginine the observation that there is a net flux of glu-
also imparts beneficial responses in terms of tamate from the fetus into the placenta of
increased monocyte and lymphocyte prolifera- sheep. Secondly, it was reported that of all
tion and T-helper cell formation. Activation of the amino acids transported to the fetus from
macrophage cytotoxicity and increased maternal and placental sources, glutamine
cytokine production were also observed. export was highest. Subsequent studies sup-
However, the authors cautioned against the ported the existence of a glutamate–gluta-
routine clinical use of exogenous arginine. mine shuttle in exchanges between the fetal

Table 26.8. Amino acids as immune modulators.

Amino acid Role Reference

Cysteine Immunoregulatory signal between Miller et al. (2000)

macrophages and lymphocytes
Branched-chain amino Specific role in immune responses in Konashi et al. (2000)
acids chickens; mechanisms remain obscure
Arginine Via formation of nitric oxide. Suchner et al. (2002)
Glutamine Monocyte, macrophage and lymphocyte function Andrews and Griffiths (2002)
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 493

Conclusions 493

liver and the placenta. It appears that mater- Lactational responses in infusion and
nal supplies of glutamine arriving at the pla- feeding trials have been reviewed in Chapter
centa are further enhanced by placental 20. Concern has been expressed in regard to
glutamine synthesis prior to uptake by the trials with rumen-protected methionine and
fetal liver. Neu (2001) reported that in the lysine which have not significantly enhanced
prematurely born human infant, the maternal scientific understanding. However, postrumi-
provision of glutamine is suddenly interrupted nal infusion of proteins is a technique that
making the infant more reliant on endoge- offers greater potential for generating data of
nous synthesis which might not meet its direct relevance to ration formulation.
needs in a stressful environment. Under these
conditions, infants might benefit from exoge-
nous sources of glutamine. Although Balance and Imbalance
Ashworth et al. (2001) focused on placental
transport of leucine, it would be highly The development of the ‘ideal protein’ con-
instructive to examine the characteristics of cept more than 20 years ago has continued to
the glutamate–glutamine shuttle in normal stimulate interest in optimum dietary amino
and retarded pig fetuses. Other research indi- acid balance for all the major classes of ani-
cated a link between elevated maternal mals (Chapters 9, 13 and 23). The reasoning
homocysteine levels and embryonic defects is quite straightforward. If the requirement for
(Mills et al., 1996; Rosenquist and Finnell, one amino acid, e.g. lysine, is known with
2001). In addition, maternal status and sup- confidence, it should be possible to estimate
ply of arginine may be important in deter- the requirements for other amino acids from
mining NO and polyamine production in the information on the ideal ratios of these amino
placenta during early gestation (Wu et al., acids to lysine. Ideal ratios would remain unaf-
1998). Thus, much has still to be elucidated fected by factors such as genotype, or energy
on the relationships between maternal provi- and protein content of diets.
sion of specific amino acids and fetal devel- Inevitably, however, imbalances will
opment in farm and companion animals. occur in practical diets and, under certain cir-
cumstances, at the tissue level as well
(Chapter 7). Imbalances are undesirable
Lactation because they markedly reduce food intake in
ad libitum-fed animals. Furthermore, there
The lactating mammary gland is a major site are indications that imbalances induced by
of uptake and metabolism of amino acids and high-protein diets formulated from intact
other nutrients. As pointed out in Chapter ingredients may reduce the efficiency of uti-
19, the active mammary gland is a major lization of the first-limiting amino acid, at
controller of its own metabolic fate. However, least in poultry (Chapter 14). In Chapter 20,
metabolism in gut and hepatic tissue and the it is suggested that infusion of free amino
partition of amino acids in favour of muscle acids in ruminants may lead to an unbalanced
anabolism mean that the supply of certain profile reaching the liver, but it is not clear
amino acids to the udder may be restricted. what the consequences might be for hepatic
Consequently, amino acids delivered to the metabolism or nutrient supply to other tissues
udder are unlikely to reflect the pattern such as the mammary gland. The need to
absorbed from the gut. For example, up to develop models incorporating dynamic
24% of absorbed leucine may be oxidized by absorption coefficients that are sensitive to
the gut of dairy cows, whereas the liver amino acid imbalances has also been sug-
removes substantial quantities of absorbed gested as a means of improving prediction of
histidine, methionine and phenylalanine. amino acid adequacy for ruminants (Chapter
Evidence is now emerging for the role of 21). In Chapter 12 it is suggested that the
peptides in interorgan exchange and delivery ideal dietary amino acid pattern is not fixed
of amino acids to the mammary gland but instead dependent on physiological status
(Chapter 19). in breeding and lactating sows.
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 494

494 J.P.F. D’Mello

Bioavailability cereals. However, an additional criterion in the

future is likely to be efficacy for reduction of N
Bioavailability of amino acids has been defined pollution from animal wastes (Chapter 24).
as the fraction of total dietary amino acids that Any real progress on this issue will clearly
can be utilized for protein synthesis by the vari- depend on future regional and global environ-
ous tissues of an animal. Digestibility is the mental policies. As legislation becomes more
most important determinant of amino acid stringent, there are prospects for the regular
bioavailability. In Chapter 10, the use of true use of an additional range of amino acid sup-
ileal digestibility of amino acids in diet formula- plements, including threonine and tryptophan.
tions is recommended to facilitate calculation of
a more accurate cost/benefit value of ingredi-
ents and to improve prediction of growth per- Enduring Concepts and
formance. True ileal digestibility values would Methodologies
be particularly useful for a wide range of feed
ingredients that have not been subjected to Although this chapter is designed to look for-
high temperatures during processing. However, ward, one must nevertheless acknowledge
there is a need to express animal requirements earlier advances that have survived the test of
in terms of true ileal digestibility values. time. One of these is the ‘Reading model’
originally developed by Fisher et al. (1973)
and described in some detail in the first edi-
Changing Focus tion of this book (Fisher, 1994). Although the
original version was developed to provide a
There is no doubt that empirical methods formal description and prediction of
have attracted considerable criticism due to responses of laying hens to amino acid intake,
their perceived inflexibility, and recent efforts the model has now found wider applications
have become focused on modelling (Chapters in the nutrition not only of poultry but also of
11 and 16) as the way forward. It is unfortu- other species of farm animals. There is no
nate that two camps have emerged on issues doubt that the Reading model will remain an
relating to amino acid nutrition of animals, as important landmark for the foreseeable future.
future developments are most likely to be As pointed out in Chapter 2, ion-exchange
dependent on a combination of empirical and chromatography (IEC) with postcolumn ninhy-
modelling approaches. Thus, it is difficult to drin detection remains the method of choice for
see how maintenance requirements might be the analysis of animal feeds, despite the signifi-
established from first principles. For example, cant advances made with HPLC. Factors con-
it is yet not possible to collate aspects such as tributing to the durability of IEC are high
immune and signalling functions into models precision and resistance to matrix effects.
for the determination of maintenance require-
ments and we will, therefore, continue to rely
on empirical estimates of these requirements Unifying Concepts
for the foreseeable future. Advances relating
to NO, glutamine and signalling roles have all Consistent with the foregoing comments on
arisen from empirical investigations and not the roles of glutamine, glutamate and homo-
from model-driven pursuit. Clearly, there is cysteine, there are many demonstrations of
much scope for interdependent progress on the dietary importance of the non-essential
issues in amino acid metabolism and nutrition amino acids as an entity. In Chapter 6, the
and the extent of polarization in current diverse data relating to optimum essential to
approaches to problem-solving cannot be jus- non-essential amino acid ratios has been con-
tified, even in respect of the development of sidered for several species. It was found that
economic models (Chapter 25). optimum ratios of essential N to total amino
Hitherto, amino acids such as methionine acid N were similar both within and between
and lysine were viewed purely as performance species. Data obtained with rats, chicks, pigs
enhancers to supplement the deficiencies of and kittens were used in this evaluation.
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 495

Conclusions 495

Although widely criticized for their lack of Industrial Production of Amino Acids
flexibility, empirical studies have, nevertheless,
yielded valuable information. Thus in poultry, The significant advances made in our knowl-
growth responses to individual amino acids edge of amino acid nutrition of animals are
have been shown to conform to simple uni- undoubtedly due to the supply of amino acids
form patterns irrespective of species, age and at affordable prices. In the case of feed-grade
dietary energy concentrations, providing dif- lysine and methionine the economics are
ferences in food intake are taken into account largely in favour of their routine use in animal
(Chapter 14). Empirical dose–response data feeds. Kusomoto (2001) provides an outline
have been used to develop an economic of the processes used in the industrial manu-
assessment of dietary amino acid specifica- facture of amino acids. Four methods are
tions. Results from 25 dose–response studies used:
with growing broilers, ducks and turkeys have
• Extraction from hydrolysates of plant or
been presented for methionine, lysine and
animal proteins;
threonine. Non-linear functions such as an
• Chemical synthesis;
exponential model provided a good fit to the
• Fermentation;
responses for growth, feed:gain ratio and
• Enzymatic.
breast meat yield (Chapter 25).
The concept of imbalance, first devel- Fermentation technology is now so advanced
oped with laboratory animals, is now the that many amino acids destined for commer-
focus of considerable and widespread atten- cial feed applications are currently being pro-
tion in non-ruminant nutrition. The implica- duced by this method (Table 26.9).
tions for ruminants have yet to be explored in
ways that will enhance nutrient efficiency.
This is surely a challenge for the future. Safety

The safety of feed-grade amino acids is rarely

Taste Receptors questioned as it is assumed that commercial
application of methionine and lysine over
In earlier attempts to explain amino acid imbal- recent decades has been accomplished with-
ance and toxicity (Chapter 7), the effect on taste out undue problems. However, in the current
receptors has consistently been rejected as one regulatory setting it is important that safety
of the mechanisms. This dismissal persisted standards are unequivocally established along
even by authors demonstrating food intake prescribed protocols. In the EU, amino acids
reductions within 3–6 h of feeding an imbal- are regulated by Directive 82/471/EEC con-
anced diet to both laboratory animals and cerning ‘Certain Products in Animal Nutrition’
chicks. However, Forbes (2000) maintains that and amendments to this Directive. As the
animals do display specific appetites for lysine, related Directive 83/228/EEC on ‘Fixing
methionine and other nutrients. It is possible Guidelines for the Assessment of Certain
that selection might involve taste receptors. In Products’ only covers bioproteins, and not
this respect, the findings of Nelson et al. (2002) amino acids and analogues, usually
concerning an amino acid taste receptor might Commission Directive 2001/79/EC amend-
be relevant. They demonstrated the existence of ing Council Directive 87/153/EEC on ‘Fixing
specific receptors able to function as L-amino Guidelines for the Assessment of Additives in
acid sensors with the capacity to respond to Animal Nutrition’ will be applied. Future
most of the 20 standard amino acids but not to developments will take this into account and
their D-isomers or to other compounds. There is re-arrange feed additive legislation. For regis-
a need to re-evaluate current concepts of taste tration of an additive, there is a detailed and
sensation in animals to underpin work on feed long listing of tests, that have to be per-
intake enhancers. Amino acids play an impor- formed, e.g. identity, composition, physico-
tant role in the palatability of foods for cats and chemical and technological properties,
dogs (Chapter 22). methods of determination, stability, physiolog-
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 496

496 J.P.F. D’Mello

Table 26.9. Industrial production of amino acids.

Amino acid Raw material Process Commercial product

Methionine Propylene, methyl Chemical synthesis DL-Methionine; DL-methionine,

mercaptan, methane, sodium salt
Hydroxy analogue of Acrolein, methyl Chemical synthesis DL-2-Hydroxy-4-methyl
methionine mercaptan, hydrogen mercaptobutyric acid, liquid
Lysine Molasses, sugar, starch Fermentation L-Lysine monohydrochloride;
products and their L-lysine concentrate (liquid);
hydrolysates, N-source L-lysine monohydrochloride
(liquid); L-lysine sulphate
Threonine Molasses, sugar, starch Fermentation L-threonine
products and their
hydrolysates, N-source
Tryptophan Molasses, sugar, starch Fermentation L-Tryptophan
products and their
hydrolysates, N-source

ical and toxicological studies, safety for target Summary

species, workers, users and consumers,
residue studies and effect on the environment. It will be clear that this book has raised more
In the USA, under Section 201(s) of the questions than it has answered. This is indica-
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, sub- tive of a vibrant field of research and develop-
stances added to food, including substances ment. Focus has shifted from whole-animal
intended for use in animal food (such as dose–response experimentation to determine
amino acids), are ‘food additives’ regulated by requirements to a re-examination of the func-
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The tional roles of particular amino acids, both
general safety provisions of the Act requires essential and non-essential. A number of rec-
the FDA to determine whether each food ommendations appear in individual chapters;
additive proposed for use in food-producing salient features are presented below.
animals is safe for intended animals and
whether the edible products derived from
treated animals are safe. The manufacturer is Amino acid analysis
required to furnish to the FDA with the scien-
tific data necessary for demonstrating that the • The development of robust near-infrared
residues of the sponsored compound in the spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations for amino
edible products of treated animals are safe. In acid analysis should continue (Chapter 2).
addition to safety concerns, the FDA may The speed of analysis would facilitate continu-
require data on the stability of the additive and ous adjustment of dietary formulae to accom-
the origin of the strain, toxicity and residues, modate batch-to-batch variations in amino
if the additive is derived via fermentation tech- acid composition. The use of digestible rather
nologies. than total amino acid values in dietary formu-
Regarding amino acids destined for lations would also be enhanced through
human use, more stringent protocols and leg- greater use of NIRS in the future.
islative measures are enforced. However, in • International standarization in amino acid
the case of glutamine, Garlick (2001) reported analysis has now become a reality and
that only four studies have been conducted to should continue in the years ahead partic-
specifically assess its safety for intravenous ularly between EU member states and
and enteral administration in humans. North America.
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 497

Conclusions 497

• Difficulties and protracted procedures asso- • The roles of amino acids as immune modu-
ciated with the analysis of sulphur amino lators and signalling molecules (Chapters
acids make it imperative that detailed 1, 3 and 4) are topics that are likely to be
methodologies are reported in research given considerable attention in the future.
papers in order to facilitate interpretation Increased focus on the functions of gluta-
of response data (Chapter 8). mine is likely to produce dividends,
whereas relationships between homocys-
teine and B-complex vitamins in pregnant
Amino acid absorption and lactating animals as well as in compan-
ion animals have yet to be explored. It is
• Since the first edition, significant advances important that animal nutritionists and vet-
have been made in our understanding of erinarians are ready to monitor and exploit
the fate of dietary protein in the gut. There any advances emerging in these areas.
is now overwhelming evidence that the
intestinal absorption of peptides in differ-
ent species of farm animals is quantita- Utilization
tively important (Chapter 3). Nevertheless,
outstanding questions remain. The signifi- • Optimum utilization requires the presence
cance of peptide-bound uptake relative to of both essential and non-essential amino
free amino acid absorption by gut epithelia acids in defined proportions (Chapter 6).
needs to be quantified. Dietary manipula- Most of the relevant studies have been con-
tion of the two forms of absorption has yet ducted with growing animals. However,
to be addressed as well as the relative there is a need to identify the optimum
nutritional advantages of peptide-bound ratios for particular physiological functions
amino acids. such as maintenance and reproduction.
• There is also a need to explain why, in Indirect evidence suggests that the optimum
growing poultry at least, high-protein diets ratio might be higher for maintenance. The
depress utilization of the limiting amino assumption is that mutual interconversions
acid (Chapter 14). may not be sufficient to satisfy the needs of
non-essential amino acids. The roles of glu-
tamate, glutamine and homocysteine may
Metabolism be relevant in this respect.
• The use of true ileal digestibility values in
• Emerging issues in this area include the diet formulation should be encouraged as it
profound modulatory effects of amino will allow better prediction of animal per-
acids on the proteins associated with the formance and assessment of cost/benefit
regulation of mRNA translation (Chapters value (Chapter 10). However, corrections
1 and 5). However, it is still not known for endogenous losses need to be standard-
which specific amino acids are involved in ized to enable universal application.
this function. The particular role of leucine • It is important to establish whether the
in this context deserves further attention. high-protein effect on utilization of the
• Leucine kinetics should be studied not in iso- first-limiting amino acid is a genuine mani-
lation but in conjunction with its structural festation of imbalance or an artefact
analogues, namely isoleucine and valine. In (Chapters 7 and 14).
the first edition, considerable emphasis was • Although dietary manipulation of amino
placed on the nutritional and biochemical acid supply for improved efficiency of wool
interactions between the three branched- growth is possible, genetic selection may
chain amino acids. However, studies on cel- be a more cost-effective means for achiev-
lular transport are still conducted on ing the same result (Chapter 17).
individual amino acids in this group without • Progress on growth (Chapter 18) and lac-
due recognition to the complex interactions tational responses to amino acids in rumi-
described in Chapters 7 and 14. nants would be greatly advanced by the
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 498

498 J.P.F. D’Mello

availability in future of rumen-protected of the microbial ecosystem in the metabo-

forms of all essential amino acids. It is lism of amino acids and factors affecting
likely that reproducible responses will the catabolic flux are just two areas in need
depend on the addition of several of these of attention (Chapter 15).
amino acids (Chapter 20). • Amino acid transport processes and
• Postruminal infusion of proteins will con- metabolism in the mammary gland are
tinue to provide valuable information on highly complex, with many aspects still
amino acid utilization, but it is essential awaiting elucidation. As new data are gen-
that casein is not used for this purpose as erated, greater emphasis will be placed on
it does not behave like a typical feed pro- mathematical modelling to integrate fea-
tein (Chapter 20). tures of metabolism and regulation in this
• The superior quality of proteins from ani- organ for the prediction of milk production
mal sources compared with oilseed by- in lactating animals (Chapter 19).
products continues to defy elucidation. • The predictive efficacy of existing models
Evidence previously recorded with poultry such as the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and
(Chapter 14) has now been extended to Protein System will be enhanced as further
ruminants (Chapter 20). research is conducted on modelling of
• In certain types of fish, methionine defi- intestinal absorption and identification of
ciency uniquely results in the development limiting amino acids; information is also
of bilateral cataracts. The same effect may required on requirements for the branched-
occur if methionine:cystine ratios are inad- chain amino acids (Chapter 21).
equate (Chapter 23). The relatively large • Quantitative information concerning the
discrepancies in threonine requirements amino acid requirements for key physio-
noted in the previous edition have still not logical processes in adult cats and dogs
been resolved. should become available in the future.
Such developments will enable the con-
struction of flexible factorial models for
these species along lines similar to those
for farm animals (Chapter 22). The unique
role of taurine and production of felinine
Modelling has now become an established
needs to be addressed in assessing require-
tool, with potential applications in amino acid
ments for cats.
nutrition of animals (Chapters 11 and 16).
Models based on biochemical pathways
should enable a more dynamic approach to Outlook
the estimation of amino acid requirements.
• Models should continue to be developed The outlook for amino acids as supplements is
and used to identify gaps in current knowl- arguably better now than at any time in the
edge relating to the diverse features of past. In poultry nutrition, for example, supple-
amino acid utilization by animals. ments of limiting essential amino acids are uti-
• As ever, the development of good models lized more efficiently for growth than
will depend on the generation of funda- equivalent quantities supplied as intact pro-
mental data in the areas outlined in this teins. This feature may be more universally
chapter. Models will need to address not applicable to other species. The ban on mam-
only the nutritional roles of amino acids malian proteins in animal feed further rein-
but also their functions as immune and reg- forces the favourable prospects for amino
ulatory modulators – no easy task. acids, including not only lysine and methion-
• As regards ruminant nutrition, recent mod- ine but threonine and tryptophan as well.
els have accommodated many of the quan- However, the question of supplementation of
titative features of ruminal fermentation, ruminant diets with the amino acids that limit
but as yet accurate prediction of productiv- microbial growth and ruminal fermentation
ity has been an elusive entity. The diversity remains to be resolved. The safety of amino
Amino Acids - Chap 26 12/3/03 12:27 pm Page 499

Conclusions 499

acids as feed supplements has been accepted from animal wastes. All of these aspects will
for at least three decades. Amino acids may sustain interest in amino acids as nutrients
also serve in the amelioration of N pollution and supplements for many years to come.


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Absorption of sulphur amino acids 3–4, 135, 137–138

amino acids 41–62, 191 S-methylcysteine sulphoxide (SMCO)
emerging concepts 61–62 3–4, 135, 137–138
flux 46–48 utilization 4, 5
free 55–61 Analysis, amino acids 15–31
mediated 55–61 chromatographic separation 22–27
in modelling 191 collaborative trials 17, 18
D-isomers 61–62 detection 22–27
end products of protein digestion 44–46 free 20–22
free amino acids 55–61 precision and accuracy 20–21, 29
expression of transporters 60–61 sample preparation 16–20
transporters 55–60 taurine 20, 22
mediated 55–61 tryptophan 17, 19–20
free amino acids 55–61 Antagonisms
peptides 41–62 branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)
transport activities 48–55 130–132, 257, 258
H+-dependent 49–51 and brain metabolism 132
PepT1 51–55 complexity 131
peptide-bound amino acids 48–55 mechanisms 131–132
visceral flux 45–48 in poultry nutrition 130–132, 257, 258
amino acids 46–48 specificity 130–131
peptides 45–46 valine sensitivity 131
Accretion, amino acids 7–8 lysine–arginine 132–133, 255–257
Age, and amino acid requirements 246–247, in chickens 132–133, 255–257
248–250 in mammals 133
-Aminobutyrate (GABA) 75, 82 mechanisms 133
Ammonia 73, 74, 266–271, 273, 274, 281, and plasma amino acids 132–133
332–333 reciprocity 133
Analogues specificity 132–133
of arginine 3–4, 77, 78, 135–137, 256, 257 non-protein amino acids 3–4, 133–138
canavanine 3–4, 77, 78, 135–137, arginine analogues 135–137
256, 257 canavanine 135–137, 256, 257
of aromatic amino acids 3, 77, 79, 134–135, mechanisms 136–138
137 mimosine 134–135, 137
mimosine 3, 77, 79, 134–135, 137 S-methylcysteine sulphoxide (SMCO)
of methionine 146, 357 3–4, 135, 137–138
structural 3–4 neurotoxic amino acids 136
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504 Index

Arginine Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)

analogues 3–4, 77, 78, 135–137 antagonisms 130–132, 257–258, 434
antagonism by lysine 132–133, 255–257 and brain metabolism 132
in chickens 132–133, 255–257 complexity 131
in mammals 133 in fish nutrition 434
mechanisms 133 mechanisms 131–132
and plasma amino acids 132–133 and plasma amino acid concentrations
reciprocity 133 130–131
specificity 132–133 in poultry nutrition 130–132, 257, 258
digestible 232 specificity 130–131
and essential to non-essential amino acid ratios isoleucine 130–132, 231, 257–259, 432
105 antagonism with leucine 130–132
and fetal growth 206 and carcass composition 257–259
finfish requirements 430–431 digestible 231
intakes 247, 251, 255–256 finfish requirements 432
in lactation 357–358 ratio estimates for chickens 231
metabolism 9–10, 75–76, 81, 488–489 requirements 257, 432
in mammary tissue 489 leucine 83, 130–132, 257, 433, 434,
in nitric oxide (NO) synthesis 76, 358, 489 486–487, 488
in polyamine synthesis 76–77, 488, 489 antagonism of isoleucine and valine
ratio estimates for chickens 232–233 130–132, 257, 434
roles 488–489 degradation 83
in urea cycle 75–76, 488–489 fetal metabolism 487, 488
utilization 255–256 finfish requirements 433
Asparagine, requirements 117 flux 487, 488
molecular action 8, 486–487
transport 487
Basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) 50 metabolism 83, 485–488
Betaine (trimethyl glycine) 151–152, 338, 491 molecular action 9, 486–487
Bioavailability oxidation 485–486
amino acids 494 transamination 74
D-cysteine 145 valine 7, 8, 130–132, 231–232, 257–258,
and ileal digestibility 148 433
D-methionine 145 antagonism by leucine 130–132,
methionine analogues 146, 147 257–258
Biological value (BV) 162–164, 451–452 digestible 231–232
Biosynthesis finfish requirements 433
adrenaline 82 ratio estimates for chickens 231–232
amino acids 71–75, 76, 88–89, 145, 151, utilization 257–258
274, 276–277, 319 whole-body accretion 7, 8
cysteine 145, 319 Brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) 49–50,
key reactions 71–75 53
methionine 89, 145, 151
in mammalian metabolism of canavanine
77, 78 Canavanine 3–4, 77, 78, 135–137, 256, 257
in rumen 274, 276–277 Canola/rapeseed meal, amino acid digestibility
in urea cycle 75–76 values 173, 177, 179, 180
creatine 81 Carcass composition, amino acid effects 7,
haem 81 257–259
5-hydroxytryptamine 82 Casein 368, 369–371, 379
nicotinamide 83 postruminal infusion 368–371
nitric oxide (NO) 76 Cats, amino acid requirements 411–423
noradrenaline 82 creatine 419–420
polyamines 76–77 felinine 419
pyrimidines 77, 78, 80 gastrointestinal losses 413–415
urea 75–76 hair losses 416–418
uric acid 77, 80 maintenance 412–413
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Index 505

3-methylhistidine 419 intestinal digestion 397

protein turnover 420–423 lactation requirements 392, 393–394
urinary losses 415–416 maintenance requirements 391–392
Cattle metabolism 398
dairy cows 350–360, 367–382 pregnancy requirements 392, 393
amino acid uptake and metabolism research needed 405–406
350–360 supply issues 394–397
effects of amino acids on milk production tissue deposition 392–393
367–382 Cows see Cattle
milk production 350–360, Creatine 81, 419–420
367–382 Cyst(e)ine see Sulphur amino acids
flux of amino acids 47
growth 335–341
amino acid requirements 335–341 Deficiency, amino acids 4–8, 336
lactation requirements 392, 393–394, accretion 7–8
402–403 in calves 336
application of CNCPS model feeding methods 6, 7
402–403 and maintenance requirements 4, 7–8
PepT1 mRNA expression 51–52 morphological changes 5–6
peptide transport 49 Deletion studies 5–7, 227, 336–337
steers 403–405 Diet-dilution technique
application of CNCPS model and amino acid imbalance 127, 238,
403–405 252–254
utilization of amino acids 335–341 amino acid responses 238–242
Cereal grains/byproducts and carcass composition 258
amino acid digestibility values 173, 177, 179, Diets, formulation 178–182
180, 226 use of ileal digestible lysine 180–182
maize gluten meal 226–227 Digestibility, amino acids 169–183,
Chickens see Poultry 225–234
Choline 151–152, 338 for chickens 225–234
Chromatography faecal 170–172
comparison of methods 24–27 ileal 170–183
high performance (HPLC) 19, 23, 24–27, sources of variation 172–174
28 transformation of apparent into true values
ion-exchange (IEC) 22–23, 25 174–178
Citric acid cycle 85 Digestion
Classification gastric 42–43
adverse effects of amino acids 125–139 mucosal 44
antagonisms 130–138 prediction 397
imbalances 125–130 protein 42–44
toxicity 138 carboxypeptidases 43–44
enzymes 73 chymotrypsin 43–44
essential amino acids 2–3, 158–159 elastase 43
non-essential amino acids 158 pepsins 43
nutritional 1–4, 88–89, 104–105 peptidases 44
amino acids 1–4, 88–89, 104–105 trypsin 43–44
Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System in small intestine 43–44
(CNCPS), in prediction of amino acid Dogs
adequacy for ruminants 329–332, 334, amino acid requirements 411–423
389–406 creatine 419–420
adjusting animal and dietary factors gastrointestinal losses 413–415
399–401 hair losses 416–418
animal factors 399 maintenance 412–413
applications 401–405 3-methylhistidine 419
diet balances 390–406 protein turnover 420–423
energy supply effects 329–332 urinary losses 415–416
feed factors 398–399 gluconeogenesis 3
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506 Index

Economic assessment, amino acid responses glutamine 492–493

459–482 amino acid uptake 209
broiler chickens 461–473 protein content 208
lysine 464–467, 468, 473–475, 476, 477, requirement for amino acids 205–206, 207,
478–481 209
methionine + cystine 463–465, 472, 473, Finfish
474, 477 amino acid composition 439–440
Peking ducks 470, 472, 473, 474–477 amino acid requirements 427–442
statistical models 460–461 arginine 430–431
threonine 467, 468, 469–470, 471, 472, determination 428–430
475–476, 477 histidine 431–432
turkeys 476, 478–481 interactions 434
Empirical methods isoleucine 432
and amino acid requirements 187–188 leucine 433
amino acid responses 238–242 lysine 434–435
comparison of techniques 239–242 methionine 435–436
diet-dilution technique 238–242, 258 phenylalanine 436–437
graded supplementation technique qualitative aspects 428
238–242, 258 quantitative studies 430–438
limitations 238–239 threonine 437
ideal amino acid ratios 223–234 tryptophan 437–438
Energy, and amino acid utilization 250, 252–253, valine 433
329–332 Fish meal 173, 375, 376
Enzymes, in amino acid metabolism 73–78, 80–85 Flux
aminotransferases (transaminases) 73–74, 83 amino acids 46–48, 350–351, 487, 488
ammonia assimilation 73, 74, 273–274 leucine 487, 488
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 74 visceral 45–48
decarboxylases 75, 77 amino acids 46–48
digestive 43–44 peptides 45–46
glutamate dehydrogenase 73 Food intake-mediated factors, and amino acid
glutamine synthase 74 responses 243–255
oxidases 74–75 age 246–247, 248, 249, 250
phenylalanine hydroxylase 75 cocciodiostats 254–255
in urea cycle 75–76 environmental temperature 243–245
Essential amino acids, in nutritional classification imbalance 252–254
2–3, 158–159 immunological stress 244–246
metabolizable energy (ME) concentration 250,
Factorial methods, amino acid responses 242–243 sex 245, 247, 248
Feather meal 375–376, 378 species 247–251
Feeds, amino acids 15–31, 163, 173, 177, 179, vitamins 254
180, 181
applications 30–31
available/reactive lysine 27–28 Gestation
chromatographic separation and detection ruminants 392, 393
22–27 amino acid requirements 392, 393
digestibility values 173, 177, 179, 180, 181 sows 205–209
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) 29–30 amino acid needs 205–209
precision and accuracy 20–21, 29 fetal growth 205–206
protein quality 163 ideal amino acid pattern 206–209
sample preparation 16–20 Gluconeogenesis 3, 83, 84, 85, 378–379
Fermentation Glutamate
production of amino acids 495–496 non-essential N source 109–110
rumen 395–397 role 73–74, 75, 80, 81
and CNCPS model 395–397 supplementation 117
Fetus Glutamine
amino acid metabolism 492–493 in health and disease 93
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Index 507

as immune modulator 490, 492 biochemical mechanisms 128–129

as metabolic regulator 94 and brain metabolism 128–129
metabolism 74, 80, 489–490, 492–493 in cattle nutrition 128
in purine and pyrimidine synthesis 80 definition 125–126
synthesis 74 in diet-dilution technique 127, 238–239
Glycine and dietary preferences 128
requirements 117 and food intake 128–129
role 81 and growth 126–127
Goats and lysine utilization 252–254
fibre growth 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 322 and neurotransmitters 129
lactating 352, 356, 357 and nutrient utilization 129–130
amino acid uptake and metabolism 352, overview 493
356, 357 practical implications 126–128
Graded supplementation technique and tissue amino acids 128–129
amino acid responses 238–242 at tissue level in pigs 127, 130
and carcass composition 258 Immune modulators
Growth amino acids 10, 492
fetal 205–206, 207–209 glutamine 490, 492
fibre 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 322 Insulin 379, 380
optimum amino acid ratios 106–112 Ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) 22–23, 25,
chickens 108–109, 110 494
kittens 111 Isoleucine see Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)
pigs 107–108, 110 Isomers, amino acids 4, 5
rats 106–107, 110
pigs 190, 192–193
amino acid requirements 192–193 -Keto acids 74
amino acid utilization 190 Ketogenesis 3, 83–85
poultry 237–260 Kittens, optimum amino acid ratios 111
amino acid utilization 237–260
ruminants 329–343
amino acid utilization 329–343 Lactation
wool 310–323 in ruminants 347–360, 367–382, 392,
amino acid utilization 310–323 393–394, 402–403
application of CNCPS model 402–403
effects of amino acids on milk production
Haemolytic anaemia 4 367–382
Hair, amino acid content 161, 416–418 prediction of amino acid requirements
Health and disease states 392, 393–394
glutamine 93 uptake and metabolism of amino acids
role of amino acids 93–94 347–360
Histidine in sows 160–162, 209–216
finfish requirements 431–432 amino acid needs 209–215
growing cattle 337 body condition 212–213
in histamine production 75 ideal protein 213–215
infusion in dairy cows 374–375, 380, 381 mammary gland requirements 210–211
Homocysteine see Sulphur amino acids milk composition 160–162
Hormones, and nutrient partitioning 323 milk production 211–212
Hydrolysis postweaning requirements 215–216
acid 16–18 return to oestrus 213
alkaline 17–20 Legume seeds, amino acid digestibility values 173,
of peptides 42 175, 179, 180
Leucine see Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
Liver, and amino acid deficiency 6, 7
Ideal patterns, amino acids 157–166, 206–209, Lysine
213–215, 223–234 antagonism of arginine 132–133, 255–257
Ideal protein concept 213–215, 441–442, 493 in chickens 132–133, 255–257
Imbalances, amino acids 125–130, 252–254, 493 in mammals 133
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508 Index

Lysine continued availability 349–354

antagonism of arginine continued biosynthesis 71–75, 76, 88–89, 145,
mechanisms 133 151
and plasma amino acids 132–133 branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) 83,
reciprocity 133 356–357
specificity 132–133 canavanine 77, 78
available/reactive 27–28 channelling 301–303
and carcass composition 257–258, 260 cysteine 84
in dairy rations 357 enzymes 73–85
degradation 83, 84 future considerations 97–98, 497
digestible 227–229 in gluconeogenesis 83, 84, 85
ileal digestibility 172, 173, 174, 177, 179, glutamate 73–74, 75
180–182 glutamine 74, 80, 489–490,
pigs 172, 173, 174, 177, 179, 492–493
180–182 glycine 81
infusion in lactation 374–375, 378, 381 hepatic 352–354
intake 239–242, 243–248, 254 in intact animals 304–305
chickens 239–242, 243–248, 254 intestinal synthesis 91–92
rats 240 in ketogenesis 83–85
interaction with dietary crude protein (CP) key reactions 71–75
241–242, 252–254 in lactating ruminants 347–360
ratio estimates for chickens 227–229 lactational drive 348–349
requirements 339–341, 434–435 leucine 83, 497
cattle 339–341 links to energy metabolism 85, 91
finfish 434–435 lysine 84
responses of poultry 227–229, 239–242, by mammary gland 354–358
243–248, 254, 464–467, 468, methionine 78, 319–322
473–475, 476, 477, 478–481 in milk protein synthesis 355–356
economic assessment 464–467, 468, mimosine 77, 79
473–475, 476, 477, 478–481 modelling 291–305, 358–360
growth 227–229, 239–242, 243–248, ornithine 76–77
254 overview 71–85, 87–98, 485–492
utilization 194–196, 252–254 oxidation 420–423, 430
pigs 194–196 pathways 71–85, 92, 145, 151, 319
poultry 252–254 peripheral 92
whole-body accretion 7, 8 pigs 187–199
in wool production 318–319 prediction in ruminants 398
recommendations 497
recycling 303
Maintenance ruminants 291–305
amino acid requirements 7–8, 190, transport systems 354–355
191–192, 242, 391–392, 412–413 transsulphuration 319–320
cats and dogs 412–413 tryptophan 82, 83
pigs 190, 191–192 tyrosine 82
poultry 242 in rumen 265–283
ruminants 391–392 amino acids 265–283
optimum essential to non-essential amino acid ammonia 266–271, 273–274, 281
ratios 115–117 microbial protein synthesis 273–278
species comparison 116 peptides 267–268, 271
Metabolism protein 265–267, 271
of amino acids 71–85, 87–98, 145, 151, requirements of microbes 279–282
187–199, 291–305, 319–322, toxicity 278
347–360, 398, 420–423, 430, transport of products 272
485–492, 497 urea 269, 271
absorptive 93, 349–351 Metabolizable energy (ME), and amino acid
arginine 75–76, 81, 488–489 responses 250, 252–253
aspartate 80 Methionine see Sulphur amino acids
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Index 509

Methodology, for essential to non-essential amino Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), in amino acid
acid ratios 105–106 analysis 29–30
approaches 105–106 Neurolathyrogens 3, 4
criteria 106 Neurotransmitters
3-Methylhistidine 10–11, 419 action 82
Microbes 265–283 and amino acid imbalance 129
Milk in branched-chain amino acid (BCAA)
amino acid composition 160–162, 212, 349, antagonisms 132
391 synthesis 8, 9, 82
sow 160–162, 212 Nitric oxide
constituents 368–370, 373–378, 379, role 358
380–381 synthesis 9–10, 76
fat 368, 380–381 Nitrogen emission, and amino acids 449–456
lactose 368, 379, 380 animal factors 450–451
protein 368–370, 373–378 enhancing biological value (BV) of dietary
production 367–382, 391, 392, 393–394, protein 451–452
402–403 feed and feeding strategy 451–452,
application of CNCPS model 453–454
402–403 nitrogen consumption 451
effects of amino acids 367–382 nitrogen flow 450
effects of essential amino acids nitrogen surpluses 451–452
371–372 quality of manure 455–456
effects of non-essential amino acids supplements 452–454
372–373 Nitrogen retention/utilization/balance
effects of specific amino acids 371–375, effects of essential to total amino acid N ratios
378 112–115
efficiency of use of amino acids for endogenous protein 114
protein secretion 373–377 pigs 112–114
fat content responses 380–382 effects on transfer of amino acids into milk
protein content responses 377–380 375–377
requirements for amino acids 392, optimum amino acid ratios 106–112
393–394 chickens 109, 110
responses to infusions of protein and pigs 108, 110
amino acids 368–375 rats 110
protein synthesis 355–356 Non-protein amino acids
Mimosine 3, 77, 79, 134–135, 137 canavanine 3–4, 77, 78, 256, 257
Models S-methylcysteine sulphoxide (SMCO) 3–4,
pigs 187–199 135, 137–138
amino acid metabolism and requirements mimosine 3, 77, 79, 134–135, 137
187–199 Non-specific nitrogen, sources 110–112
ruminants 291–305, 329–332, 334, Nutrient utilization, and amino acid imbalance
358–360, 389–406 129–130
amino acid metabolism 291–305,
analytical 297–303 Ovulation 204
Cornell (CNCPS) 293–294, 329–332,
334, 389–406
digestive elements 292–294 Partition, amino acids 190, 313–315, 352–354
National Research Council (NRC) in growing pigs 190
292–293 in lactation 352–354
protected amino acids 294–296 in wool production 313–315
University of California (UC) Davis Pathways, amino acid metabolism 71–85, 92,
296–297 145, 151, 319
statistical 460–461 Penaeid shrimp 438–439
Molecular action of amino acids 8–9, Peptides
486–487 absorption 41–62
Muscle, and amino acid deficiency 6, 7 in amino acid transport 48–55
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510 Index

Peptides continued milk composition 160–162

digestion 44 in postweaning period 215–216
flux 45–46 Polyamines
metabolism 267–268, 271 and methionine utilization 319–321
transport by rumen microbes 272 synthesis 9, 76–77
uptake 42 Poultry
Pigs chickens 7–8, 108–109, 110, 126–127,
amino acid imbalance 127, 130 130–133, 135–137, 223–234,
digestible amino acids 169–183 237–260, 461–473
in diet formulation 169–183 accretion of amino acids 7–8
faecal 170–172 amino acid imbalance 126–127
ileal 170–183 branched-chain amino acid (BCAA)
practical use 178–182 antagonisms 130–132, 257,
sources of variation 172–174 258
transformation of apparent to true values canavanine antagonism 135–137, 256,
174–178 257
effects of essential to total amino acid N ratios carcass composition 257–260
112–115 economic assessment of amino acid
feeding strategy 454 responses 461–473
ideal amino acid profiles 157–166, 206–209, ideal amino acid patterns 223–234
213–215 lysine–arginine antagonism 132–133,
and biological value (BV) 162–164 255–257
definition 159–160 lysine intake 239–242, 243–248,
essential and non-essential amino acids 254
158–159 methionine + cystine intake 246–247,
establishment 160–162 249, 250, 251–253, 255
experimental conditions 164–166 optimum amino acid ratios 108–109,
expression 158–160 110, 223–234
protein sources 163 Peking ducks 470, 472, 473, 474–477
sows 206–209, 213–215 economic assessment of amino acid
utilization of free amino acids 164 responses 470, 472, 473,
flux of amino acids 47–48 474–477
maintenance amino acid requirements 190, turkeys 248–250, 251, 257–258, 476,
191–192 478–481
methionine and cystine 143–152 arginine intake 251
analogues 146, 147 economic assessment of amino acid
bioavailability 145–146, 148 responses 476, 478–481
conversion pathways 144, 145 methionine + cystine intake 250, 251
excess 151 valine intake 257–258
ileal digestibility 148 Pregnancy see Gestation
metabolic conversions 144 Profiles/patterns, ideal amino acids 157–166,
methyl donors 151–152 206–209, 213–215, 223–234
nutritional essentiality 144–145 chickens 223–234
replacement efficacy 148–150 gestating sows 206–209
requirements 146–148 lactating sows 213–215
and sulphur amino acid (SAA) pigs 157–166, 206–209, 213–215
requirements 146–148 ratios 206–209, 213–215, 223–234
optimum amino acid ratios 107–108, 110 Proline, requirements 117
PepT1 mRNA expression 51–52 Protein
peptide transport 49, 54 deposition 196, 198, 199, 440
requirements 187–199 dietary 241–242
amino acids 187–199 and amino acid responses 241–242
sows 160–162, 203–216 digestion 42–44
amino acid utilization 203–216 efficiency 95–97, 310
gestating 205–209 endogenous 114
gilts 203–205 energy relationships 329–332
lactating 209–216 ideal 103, 441–442
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Index 511

metabolism 6, 7 in hormone synthesis and secretion 95

metabolizable protein (MP) 292, 293, 339, leucine 95
391, 393, 395, 398, 399, 401, 404 Requirements
microbial crude protein (MCP) 292, 293 for amino acids 90–91, 146–150, 187–199,
and N excretion 95–96 279–282, 335–343, 391–394,
rumen degraded protein (RDP) 292, 294 411–423, 427–442
rumen undegraded protein (RUP) 292, 293 cats and dogs 411–423
synthesis 273–277, 297–301 cattle 335–341, 391–394
turnover 96, 297–303, 420–423 comparative 90–91
undegradable dietary protein (UDP) 292, empirical approach 187–188
293, 295, 368 finfish 427–438
metabolic differences 90
utilization 193–194
models 188–199
Puberty 204
penaeid shrimp 438–439
Pyrimidines 77–78, 80
pigs 187–199
preruminant calf 335–336
rumen microbes 279–282
Ratios ruminants 336–343, 391–394
essential to non-essential amino acids sheep 341–343
103–118 for sulphur amino acids (SAA) 146–150
classification 104–105 efficacy of cystine 148–150
definition issues 104–106 pigs 146–148
effects on protein and amino acid role of methionine 150
utilization 112–115 Rumen
expression of relationships 104 fermentation 395–397
importance of non-essential amino acids and CNCPS model 395–397
117–118 microbial metabolism 265–283
for maintenance 115–117 Ruminants see Cattle; Goats; Sheep
methodology 105–106
optimum values 106–112
ideal amino acids 157–166, 206–209, Safety, amino acids 495–496
213–215, 223–234 Sample preparation, amino acid analysis 16–20
application 233–234 acid hydrolysis and oxidation 16–17, 18
arginine assay 232–233 collaborative trials 17, 18
bioassays 225–233 tryptophan 17, 19–20
chickens 223–234 Serine, in wool production 318
fish 441–442 Sheep
isoleucine assay 231 amino acid utilization 309–323, 341–343
lysine assay 227–229 for growth 341–343
pigs 157–166 and wool production 309–323, 342
sows 206–209, 213–215 flux of amino acids 47, 350–351
threonine assay 230–231 PepT1 mRNA expression 51–52
tryptophan assay 229–230 peptide transport 49
Sows see Pigs
valine assay 231–232
flakes 171
lysine intake 240
amino acid digestibility values 171
methionine + cystine intake 251
meal 173, 179, 180
optimum amino acid ratios 106–107, 110 amino acid digestibility values 173, 179,
peptide transport 53 180
Reading model 494
protein isolate (SPI) 175, 368–369
amino acid digestibility values 175
absorption issues 497
and milk production 368–369
amino acid analysis 496, 497
metabolism 497 Species, amino acid requirements 247–251
modelling 498 Sulphur amino acids
utilization 497–498 analogues 3–4, 134–135, 137–138
Regulators, amino acids 94–95 cyst(e)ine
glutamine 94 biosynthesis 144, 145
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512 Index

Sulphur amino acids continued ratio estimates for chickens 230–231

cyst(e)ine continued responses of poultry 230–231, 467, 468,
in cattle nutrition 338 469–470, 471, 472, 475–476, 477
catabolism 83, 84 broiler requirement 230–231
D-isomer bioavailability 145 economic assessment 467, 468,
excess 151 469–470, 471, 472, 475–476,
in pig nutrition 143–152 477
and sulphur amino acid (SAA) Total digestible nutrients (TDN) 292, 293
requirements 146–150 Toxicity
in wool production 310–322 amino acids 138
economic assessment of responses 463–465, mimosine 134–135
472, 473, 474, 477 selenoamino acids 135
broiler chickens 463–465 Transamination
Peking ducks 472, 473, 474, 477 in amino acid biosynthesis 73–74, 89
homocysteine 10, 78, 79, 151–152, of methionine 319, 321–322
490–491 Transport
conversion to methionine 151–152 emerging concepts 61–62
metabolism 490–491 free amino acids 55–61
role 10, 78, 79 peptide-bound amino acids 48–55
methionine 78, 79, 80, 143–152, 173, 179, proteins 48–61
by rumen microbes 272
310–322, 337–341, 357, 435–436,
analysis 17, 19–20
analogues 146, 147
finfish requirements 437–438
bioavailability of D-isomer 145
metabolism 82, 83
as cysteine source 319–320, 338
ratio estimates for chickens 229–230
to cystine conversion 143–152,
Tyrosine, metabolism 82
excess 151
finfish requirements 435–436
Urea 75–76, 269, 271, 298
ileal digestibility values 173, 179
Uric acid 77, 80
in lactation 357 Utilization
and other methyl donors 151–152 of amino acids 112–115, 164, 188–191,
in pig nutrition 143–152, 173, 179 193–198, 203–216, 243–258,
role 78, 79, 80 309–323, 329–343, 497–498
utilization by cattle 337–341 cattle 335–341
in wool production 310, 311, 312, and energy supply 250, 252–253,
313, 314, 315, 316–318, 329–332
319–322 and essential to non-essential N ratios
methionine + cystine intake 246–247, 112–115
249–250, 251–253, 255 free 164
poultry 246–247, 249–250, 251–253, gestating sows 205–209
255 gilts 203–205
S-methylcysteine sulphoxide (SMCO) 3–4, in growing ruminants 329–343
135, 137–138 lactating sows 209–216
whole-body accretion 7, 8 and nitrogen supply 332–333
S-methylcysteine sulphoxide (SMCO) see Sulphur pigs 188–191, 193–198, 203–216
amino acids in postweaning period 215–216
Synthesis, chemical 495–496 poultry 243–258
recommendations 497–498
reproduction 203–216
Taste receptors 495 sheep 309–323, 341–343
Threonine sows 203–216
digestible 230 in wool production 309–323
finfish requirements 437 in branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) antago-
ileal digestibility 173, 177, 179, 180 nisms 257–258
pigs 173, 177, 179, 180 in lysine–arginine antagonism 255–257
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Index 513

Valine see branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) Wool continued

production continued
improving amino acid utilization
Wheat, amino acid digestibility values 173, 179, 315–319
180 and individual amino acids 310–313,
Wool 314, 315, 316–322
production 309–323, 342 methionine pathways 319–322
amino acid utilization 309–323 partition of amino acids 313–315, 342
efficiency of protein utilization 310 protein composition 309–311
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